1 00:00:01,240 --> 00:00:03,660 Lesson five is the measured drawing. 2 00:00:03,660 --> 00:00:08,780 Now, measurement is absolutely central to drawing. 3 00:00:08,780 --> 00:00:13,248 Somebody much smarter than me actually said that drawing was all about 4 00:00:13,248 --> 00:00:15,454 the collecting of measurements. 5 00:00:15,454 --> 00:00:20,174 And the business of drawing was recording those measurements on paper. 6 00:00:20,174 --> 00:00:22,104 To do it we use two strategies. 7 00:00:22,104 --> 00:00:25,435 One of them is to actually use a ruler and measure things. 8 00:00:25,435 --> 00:00:28,290 You say it's that wide or high. 9 00:00:28,290 --> 00:00:30,347 Another way is to estimate. 10 00:00:30,347 --> 00:00:34,553 And so I look at my hand, and I say, well, 11 00:00:34,553 --> 00:00:39,139 it's about nine inches from there to there. 12 00:00:39,139 --> 00:00:41,286 About an octave on a piano. 13 00:00:41,286 --> 00:00:42,948 And you measure octave on a piano and 14 00:00:42,948 --> 00:00:46,000 it probably comes out around about nine inches. 15 00:00:46,000 --> 00:00:48,841 So a lot of drawing is done by estimation. 16 00:00:48,841 --> 00:00:52,847 But today, we're going to look at more accurate measurement. 17 00:00:52,847 --> 00:00:57,257 In the drawing we're going to look at, Raskin was trying to draw a shield, 18 00:00:57,257 --> 00:00:58,447 a heraldic shield. 19 00:00:58,447 --> 00:01:02,438 A shield that might've been carried by a knight in shinning armor. 20 00:01:02,438 --> 00:01:08,390 Now, to arrive at his drawing of a shield, there are many different shapes of shield. 21 00:01:08,390 --> 00:01:13,500 He used a compass to get an accurate circle. 22 00:01:13,500 --> 00:01:18,564 He also used a compass to break down that circle into segments. 23 00:01:18,564 --> 00:01:24,020 And then a ruler to describe the straight edge across the top. 24 00:01:24,020 --> 00:01:27,444 Later on, we're going to actually make one of these shields on paper. 25 00:01:27,444 --> 00:01:29,670 And I'll show you a very simple construction. 26 00:01:29,670 --> 00:01:35,150 But at the moment, I think what is important to bear in mind is that so 27 00:01:35,150 --> 00:01:39,720 many good drawings are done as a result of measurement. 28 00:01:39,720 --> 00:01:44,540 It's not simply a question of learning to be good at estimating, 29 00:01:44,540 --> 00:01:47,680 learning to draw with wonderful gestures with a brush. 30 00:01:47,680 --> 00:01:53,508 But also, being able to measure something and record it quite precisely on paper. 31 00:01:53,508 --> 00:01:57,953 So now I'm going to show you how to make a precise drawing of 32 00:01:57,953 --> 00:02:03,804 a shield using a ruler and a compass. 33 00:02:03,804 --> 00:02:06,674 Using a pair of compasses I'm drawing a four inch 34 00:02:06,674 --> 00:02:10,510 across circle which means I need the compasses open two inches. 35 00:02:10,510 --> 00:02:12,387 I measure that on the ruler. 36 00:02:12,387 --> 00:02:13,407 Draw the circle. 37 00:02:13,407 --> 00:02:16,273 Then using that same two inch distance, 38 00:02:16,273 --> 00:02:21,985 I work my way around the edge of the circle, marking it off into segments. 39 00:02:21,985 --> 00:02:26,115 The top two segments form the top points of the shield. 40 00:02:26,115 --> 00:02:40,737 And the lowest point of the section of the circle forms the point of the shield. 41 00:02:40,737 --> 00:02:44,729 By joining the top two with a ruler. 42 00:02:44,729 --> 00:02:49,145 So by opening out my compass and placing on the two top points and 43 00:02:49,145 --> 00:02:53,577 connecting them to the lower point, I create the shield form. 44 00:02:53,577 --> 00:02:58,377 Now, this is the starting point of a drawing that could either have heraldic 45 00:02:58,377 --> 00:03:03,638 devices on it, patterns on it, colors on it, but it is a measured starting point. 46 00:03:03,638 --> 00:03:08,127 The important thing is that it could be repeated several times as a pattern. 47 00:03:08,127 --> 00:03:11,683 And that any drawing that is going to become part of the pattern needs to be 48 00:03:11,683 --> 00:03:13,920 measured.