1 00:00:09,690 --> 00:00:17,510 It's a great pleasure for me to be the first line to have a chance to talk to the British society and. 2 00:00:17,510 --> 00:00:28,780 And I hope this could be also part of a strengthening of the interface between the the type of dealing with each and the Americans. 3 00:00:28,780 --> 00:00:38,080 I would like to go with you through these eight points and hope that I could give some profile of what 4 00:00:38,080 --> 00:00:46,720 I think is an important aspect in each of which is a triangular relationship between consciousness, 5 00:00:46,720 --> 00:00:56,920 language and nature. First point consciousness, language and features are fundamental topics, 6 00:00:56,920 --> 00:01:04,720 and each has thought careful discussion that leads into the centre of his philosophy in 7 00:01:04,720 --> 00:01:11,990 contemporary diversity in these areas of research are also hard to know significance. 8 00:01:11,990 --> 00:01:18,160 After the linguistic turn of the dominance of the philosophy of language in recent decades, philosophy, 9 00:01:18,160 --> 00:01:24,680 especially analytically oriented philosophy, rediscovered the mind and rediscovered consciousness. 10 00:01:24,680 --> 00:01:31,680 The consciousness has arisen as a key topic in contemporary philosophy of mind today. 11 00:01:31,680 --> 00:01:37,510 But for young triangulation of consciousness, language and nature, more precisely, 12 00:01:37,510 --> 00:01:46,870 brain functions is the subject of intense and controversial discussions within philosophy that neuroscience is psychology, 13 00:01:46,870 --> 00:01:51,820 linguistics and the cognitive sciences throughout the world. 14 00:01:51,820 --> 00:01:58,870 People are working in that on research programmes in attempt to solve the riddle of consciousness. 15 00:01:58,870 --> 00:02:09,670 That is the riddle that arises from this striking that physical physical organisms possess consciousness at my 16 00:02:09,670 --> 00:02:17,430 physical or physiological and neuro biological evolutionary aspects thus play an especially important role. 17 00:02:17,430 --> 00:02:24,010 Today, where people speak, for example, of the neurobiology of consciousness. 18 00:02:24,010 --> 00:02:35,680 As for Churchlands does and others, or even of a new physics of consciousness, as Roger Penrose does, scattered throughout Nietzsche's writings, 19 00:02:35,680 --> 00:02:44,950 we find numerous reflections upon the areas of blind language and nature, as well as on their internal connexions. 20 00:02:44,950 --> 00:02:54,030 That's the crucial. Which it is past as numerous topics in connexion with consciousness regarding its genesis and scope, 21 00:02:54,030 --> 00:02:59,220 as well as the various epistemic achievements of the conscious subject, 22 00:02:59,220 --> 00:03:10,800 the ego in all of this nature appears as someone who also also wants to clearly demarcate the limits of consciousness and language, 23 00:03:10,800 --> 00:03:20,970 as well as the dangers associated with hypothesise, zation of consciousness and language model. 24 00:03:20,970 --> 00:03:27,810 But Nietzsche is not a reductive mission. Eliminate divination based. 25 00:03:27,810 --> 00:03:32,820 He's not a reductive illumination because he does not advocate the thesis that 26 00:03:32,820 --> 00:03:38,130 mental and conscious stays and processes are ultimately identical with neuro 27 00:03:38,130 --> 00:03:45,060 physical states and processes which we sit used by our everyday psychology merely 28 00:03:45,060 --> 00:03:51,270 erroneously interpret as independent mental states and conscious phenomena. 29 00:03:51,270 --> 00:04:01,630 According to the alarming nativist conception, mental states do not exist anymore than famous slogans than ghosts and demons. 30 00:04:01,630 --> 00:04:07,060 As Churchland puts it, and many other people do need year, by contrast, 31 00:04:07,060 --> 00:04:15,040 is a real list about consciousness that night to deny the excess existence of consciousness 32 00:04:15,040 --> 00:04:25,410 and mind and its role would indicate a failure to adequately take reality into account. 33 00:04:25,410 --> 00:04:33,810 It hardly needs to be emphasised that's together with consciousness and mind, the role of language and understanding of nature. 34 00:04:33,810 --> 00:04:40,260 Also occupy a place of special importance in each thought. 35 00:04:40,260 --> 00:04:46,730 At the centre of contemporary philosophy, you know, I say some words about contemporary Mary Ravelli philosophy, too. 36 00:04:46,730 --> 00:04:55,380 To mark the place where nature can come in with his reflections on philosophy of nature and the mind and consciousness at the centre of contemporary 37 00:04:55,380 --> 00:05:00,240 philosophy of mind lies the question of the relationship between the mental 38 00:05:00,240 --> 00:05:05,570 in particular conscious mental states and processes and the physical state. 39 00:05:05,570 --> 00:05:18,660 And. With reference to the aforementioned riddle of consciousness, one can greatly simplifying formulate two theses that seem to form a dichotomy. 40 00:05:18,660 --> 00:05:24,950 First, mental states and processes are states that processes of. 41 00:05:24,950 --> 00:05:28,350 That is that these is often modernistic materialism, 42 00:05:28,350 --> 00:05:38,970 physicalism of consciousness of mind and second dimensional mental states and processes cannot be reduced to a physical physical states. 43 00:05:38,970 --> 00:05:44,580 And predeceases, says the thesis of a dualistic mentalism. 44 00:05:44,580 --> 00:05:50,340 Both pieces, together with their different areas, is not discussed here. 45 00:05:50,340 --> 00:05:55,050 However, it can be viewed as failures for the following reasons. 46 00:05:55,050 --> 00:06:00,570 I gave some reasons to feel that dichotomy of that nature comes into the picture. 47 00:06:00,570 --> 00:06:11,250 Contemporary Maximalism maintains that meanings of successfully applied science are determined by the psychological states of the sign uses. 48 00:06:11,250 --> 00:06:16,140 Here I do some arguments developed by Putnam and Birch and other people. 49 00:06:16,140 --> 00:06:22,320 This presupposes, however, that speakers can, by way of introspection, 50 00:06:22,320 --> 00:06:31,620 gain a secure knowledge of their psychological states and more importantly, on the semantic features and by semantic features. 51 00:06:31,620 --> 00:06:37,020 I understand meaning, reference, truth or satisfaction conditions. 52 00:06:37,020 --> 00:06:45,300 These semantic features of the science they implore. Yet introspection very quickly reaches its limits. 53 00:06:45,300 --> 00:06:54,570 The meanings of our signs are following Wittgenstein not conceivable as the results of inner mental states. 54 00:06:54,570 --> 00:07:03,680 And we do not use a language in accordance with internally accessible and predetermined rules. 55 00:07:03,680 --> 00:07:10,160 The strongest version of the materialist physicalism thesis is mental phenomena are physical phenomena. 56 00:07:10,160 --> 00:07:18,140 That is, they are the states and processes described by neuroscientists, by neuroscientific Pratik. 57 00:07:18,140 --> 00:07:25,100 This thesis can also run also runs into some significant difficulties. 58 00:07:25,100 --> 00:07:30,980 We should recall three of them that have been raised in the discussions of this approach. 59 00:07:30,980 --> 00:07:35,150 They are coming from one day. Just summarise all aspects of the discussion. 60 00:07:35,150 --> 00:07:45,500 First, if two states of poor processes are identical, they also have to have identical qualities. 61 00:07:45,500 --> 00:07:54,260 Yet with wild pain can be hard. A sensation of colour suits, they thought exquisite. 62 00:07:54,260 --> 00:08:00,910 The neural states and processes that correlate to them are not at all to be quantified as charged. 63 00:08:00,910 --> 00:08:11,690 Something an exclusively neurophysiologists looking into the brain of another person cannot observe thinking and wishing. 64 00:08:11,690 --> 00:08:16,040 Only certain observational parameters can be measured in this manner. 65 00:08:16,040 --> 00:08:21,860 For instance, the neural action potentials automatical resemble the brain. 66 00:08:21,860 --> 00:08:29,210 The subjective and phenomenal predicate is sharp and the neural predicate firing. 67 00:08:29,210 --> 00:08:34,970 Fibres are obviously not simply seminary's. 68 00:08:34,970 --> 00:08:40,940 Thus, that is the desired fundamental assumption of identity is not fulfilled. 69 00:08:40,940 --> 00:08:46,850 Second difficulty, the identity thesis overlooks. 70 00:08:46,850 --> 00:08:52,490 In fact, overlooks the fact that in saying, for example, a famous example, 71 00:08:52,490 --> 00:09:00,980 water is H2O2 and analogously the conscious phenomenon, X is the neurophysiological phenomenon. 72 00:09:00,980 --> 00:09:12,500 Why the ease in that formulation is Mocca is of identity, but rather that of a theoretical identification, to use Putnam's expression. 73 00:09:12,500 --> 00:09:22,040 We are well acquainted with that. If someone since your photo and then you said that it's me on the right side beside the corner, 74 00:09:22,040 --> 00:09:28,370 and then if you make the mistake not to have it in mind, it's a question of theoretical identification. 75 00:09:28,370 --> 00:09:32,030 But you put it identical then you. My goodness. 76 00:09:32,030 --> 00:09:40,160 What happens to him that he gets such and such a thing that he could serve as the very, very crucial. 77 00:09:40,160 --> 00:09:42,430 I think very crucial distinctions. 78 00:09:42,430 --> 00:09:54,620 There are I assume there are implicit add ons such as viewed under is under a chemical aspect or considered under a neurophysiological aspect. 79 00:09:54,620 --> 00:09:59,120 And in that direction, in the formulations are pretty, pretty, OK. 80 00:09:59,120 --> 00:10:02,390 That's one. And that's the consequence and consequence. 81 00:10:02,390 --> 00:10:12,260 One must abandon the claim that we can express what is essential about poled qualities of conscious and unconscious mental states and processes. 82 00:10:12,260 --> 00:10:16,160 So we need from a Europe physiological perspective. 83 00:10:16,160 --> 00:10:24,920 Third point, with regard to natural materials and things in the external world, desks, tables and so on. 84 00:10:24,920 --> 00:10:35,440 It makes good sense to follow. Thomas Nagel. And so quickly and distinguishing between what appears to us to be such and such a thing and what 85 00:10:35,440 --> 00:10:42,860 it is according to its objective way to be a crystal appears to us to be solid and homogeneous. 86 00:10:42,860 --> 00:10:51,320 Physicists, however, say that it is a grid of atoms that largely consists of empty space. 87 00:10:51,320 --> 00:11:00,680 But when it comes to conscious mental states and processes, however, we cannot make this distinction in these cases. 88 00:11:00,680 --> 00:11:08,350 The qualitative phenomena and subjective state is its entire nature itself. 89 00:11:08,350 --> 00:11:17,530 Plus, one cannot meaningfulness. One cannot meaningfully say that a desire is according to its subjective nature. 90 00:11:17,530 --> 00:11:23,050 Nothing other than a certain state of the brain that a person merely perceives as a desire. 91 00:11:23,050 --> 00:11:28,230 This is a nonsensical sentence. 92 00:11:28,230 --> 00:11:40,050 If one wants to progress beyond these is of the dichotomy between mentalism and materialism physicalism, one must attempt. 93 00:11:40,050 --> 00:11:48,150 That's the proposal. One must attempt to change the architecture of the conceptual framework itself. 94 00:11:48,150 --> 00:11:57,450 Nietzsche's writings contain descriptions and arguments that are instructive with regard to the aspects sketched above. 95 00:11:57,450 --> 00:12:05,540 We will reconstruct. I would like to respond to reconstruct and discuss some of them in the following sections. 96 00:12:05,540 --> 00:12:16,500 Section two, what we need is a non dualistic viewpoint of eight, dualistic viewpoint and nature provides such a concept. 97 00:12:16,500 --> 00:12:28,790 He presents this continuous spectrum of what exists and occurs from the most extreme limit of the inorganic through the organic up to mental states, 98 00:12:28,790 --> 00:12:35,840 consciousness, self consciousness, cognitive and other mental activities and human action. 99 00:12:35,840 --> 00:12:43,880 The organic thus appears as the developmental and continuous preparatory stage of consciousness. 100 00:12:43,880 --> 00:12:49,140 Each his world is a world of such continual relationships. 101 00:12:49,140 --> 00:13:01,580 Man is thus, quote, not just an individual, but rather the whole organic ensemble of one particular line that continues to live. 102 00:13:01,580 --> 00:13:09,940 End quote. This disease can be read either from the sample, from from the standpoint of what has already been achieved, 103 00:13:09,940 --> 00:13:14,320 develop mentally or from the beginning of such a development. 104 00:13:14,320 --> 00:13:25,180 I'm just taking one of these perspectives. Looking back from the stage of development already attained, it means that the character of intelligent, 105 00:13:25,180 --> 00:13:37,740 spiritual, mental and living activities can be found in various degrees of realisation in the organic and beyond. 106 00:13:37,740 --> 00:13:49,490 That's according to Netsch of the organic world, always already presupposes and consists in, quote, continuous interpretation services. 107 00:13:49,490 --> 00:13:58,720 And has always already presupposes Jenkins is an intelligent activities in the broad sense of this term. 108 00:13:58,720 --> 00:14:06,430 Such as identifying, localising and perceiving, demarcating, classifying and estimating. 109 00:14:06,430 --> 00:14:12,730 These are processes that, in the broad sense of the term, can be made applicable also to the processes. 110 00:14:12,730 --> 00:14:18,930 Could be, you know, a Gatting. Well, that's that's tough. Faeces. 111 00:14:18,930 --> 00:14:24,990 This you also preserves and that's that's a crucial point, this this view of a continuous spectrum. 112 00:14:24,990 --> 00:14:32,190 Also preserve the possibility that they go the eye of consciousness and especially the cells of the human body. 113 00:14:32,190 --> 00:14:40,380 I won't say a word later can influence organic processes that it can, for example, 114 00:14:40,380 --> 00:14:53,070 influence the motor apparatus so that a particular intention or desire can be realised through corresponding movements of the body, 115 00:14:53,070 --> 00:15:00,740 which seems to be a miracle that you do not presuppose that continuous spectrum in such cases. 116 00:15:00,740 --> 00:15:04,980 Mental causation is obviously given mental causation. 117 00:15:04,980 --> 00:15:09,770 Enormous debate about. Topic, contemporary philosophy of mind. 118 00:15:09,770 --> 00:15:21,800 In this sense, he just thinks that it is necessary to, quote, retranslate man into nature and come to a natural lifespan. 119 00:15:21,800 --> 00:15:31,400 But since the processes of the organic realm are intelligent and spirit of spiritual processes, in the broadest sense, this programme, 120 00:15:31,400 --> 00:15:41,060 the teaching programme of naturalising and Dinga that distinguishes itself from both transcend the metaphysics 121 00:15:41,060 --> 00:15:50,300 as well as biodiversity and really scientific natural foods and the efforts to block epistemological levels. 122 00:15:50,300 --> 00:15:55,760 It is not simply the programme that I like very much in other respects. 123 00:15:55,760 --> 00:16:03,650 It's not simply the programme of epistemology natural light, to use the famous expression Quine. 124 00:16:03,650 --> 00:16:13,920 This involves a kind of naturalising beyond the dichotomy of transcendent metaphysics and reduction is physical. 125 00:16:13,920 --> 00:16:26,560 That's a special kind of naturalisation. In connexion with the continual model, nature praises the, quote, precociously suspicion of lightness. 126 00:16:26,560 --> 00:16:35,810 Lineman's had assumed there were free, conscious, intelligent activities, perceptions, what he called petite gossip's young. 127 00:16:35,810 --> 00:16:43,100 Which could significantly affect what occurred in inorganic or organic and other life events without, 128 00:16:43,100 --> 00:16:50,870 however, having to enter into an explicit consciousness on an example of such activity, would be, 129 00:16:50,870 --> 00:17:00,560 for instance, the non conscious and non epistemic perception to use dread skewes expression or registering a visual stimuli, 130 00:17:00,560 --> 00:17:06,290 which nevertheless significantly help to guarantee old orientation in the world. 131 00:17:06,290 --> 00:17:12,040 For example, while crossing a very busy street. 132 00:17:12,040 --> 00:17:23,590 Neches, provocative formulation, quote, To what end does consciousness exist at all when it is basically superfluous? 133 00:17:23,590 --> 00:17:29,060 It's a question are two sides. And this is not just the thesis, it's superfluous. 134 00:17:29,060 --> 00:17:32,950 That's that's that's not the case. Not at all. An important point, 135 00:17:32,950 --> 00:17:40,720 because normally people always talk about consciousness and the limits of consciousness and language that's see that there is a very, 136 00:17:40,720 --> 00:17:44,470 very important and positive role to it. So in the evolution, 137 00:17:44,470 --> 00:17:54,190 to put it that way and the materialistic evolution never could afford such bizarre things and of thinking about freedom of of will, 138 00:17:54,190 --> 00:17:58,240 as we have that wonderful discussion yesterday with is all the passion in it. 139 00:17:58,240 --> 00:18:05,080 And so it's it's it's unbelievable that it can't have any road. 140 00:18:05,080 --> 00:18:09,520 Within the evolutionary budget, some subdiscipline. 141 00:18:09,520 --> 00:18:17,710 So it's just provocative formulation and does conscious ness exist at all when it is basically superfluous? 142 00:18:17,710 --> 00:18:24,190 Leach's answer to this question, because this is the thesis that there is little that consciousness is, 143 00:18:24,190 --> 00:18:29,440 quote, really just a net connecting one person to another. 144 00:18:29,440 --> 00:18:36,760 That's an important and necessarily given role of consciousness. 145 00:18:36,760 --> 00:18:40,900 And that is it is only this capacity that it has to develop. 146 00:18:40,900 --> 00:18:46,030 But this capacity is very crucial. It's not just we can do something that we can be collected. 147 00:18:46,030 --> 00:18:51,200 Put aside. Otherwise, we couldn't even mark that point. 148 00:18:51,200 --> 00:19:01,460 If someone does neuro neurology today, it says desires my definition of this is just an invention or an illusion. 149 00:19:01,460 --> 00:19:07,730 That's interesting. He when he's saying that they never accept that this is a sentence of delusion or 150 00:19:07,730 --> 00:19:16,900 that it was his brain that started this sentence and he would always say it was me. 151 00:19:16,900 --> 00:19:30,310 Open question what it's meant, like me and I. So third point in particular, particular process model or the first thing is the market. 152 00:19:30,310 --> 00:19:34,030 Now I focus on another. 153 00:19:34,030 --> 00:19:41,770 In my view, the important aspect, in order to develop a non dualistic conception of the connexion between the organic and the conscious, 154 00:19:41,770 --> 00:19:49,090 the physical and the mental, it is of the utmost importance that one can. 155 00:19:49,090 --> 00:20:00,890 That one not conceive the building blocks of nature and life as themes in the sense of material bodies occupying places in space and time, 156 00:20:00,890 --> 00:20:04,690 but rather ask events or processes. 157 00:20:04,690 --> 00:20:14,020 Transitioning from the thinking model to the event or process model is incredibly significant when it comes to addressing 158 00:20:14,020 --> 00:20:21,460 the problem of consciousness and the relationship between the physical and the mentally conscious and unconscious. 159 00:20:21,460 --> 00:20:30,530 Mental states and processes cannot be conceived within the thinking model and its paradigm of material bodies. 160 00:20:30,530 --> 00:20:38,040 Each just conception of the world or nature capture is characterised by the figured of highly complex. 161 00:20:38,040 --> 00:20:47,620 You all know that dynamic reciprocal effects of numerous living and intelligent organisations will force, 162 00:20:47,620 --> 00:20:50,770 according to Nietzsche's new interpretation of reality. 163 00:20:50,770 --> 00:20:59,050 These Processo brought processional organisations or force art to be qualified as will to power forces. 164 00:20:59,050 --> 00:21:03,190 We do not need to go into the precise meaning of this characterisation. 165 00:21:03,190 --> 00:21:18,500 You and matter. The transition from the think schema to an event or process keema is also reflected in the philosophy of language. 166 00:21:18,500 --> 00:21:25,470 This is on the surface, just like that point of consciousness and language following the pioneering work of Hans, 167 00:21:25,470 --> 00:21:31,150 racially biased but analytically oriented philosophers of language, particularly Donald Davidson, 168 00:21:31,150 --> 00:21:38,290 have shown that the logical form of a large portion of the sentences of our natural language 169 00:21:38,290 --> 00:21:47,410 cannot be construed without the assumption of wins or processes as genuine individuals. 170 00:21:47,410 --> 00:21:57,120 This is true, for example, of sentences that refer to a temporal succession causality explanation or etch. 171 00:21:57,120 --> 00:22:06,330 The transition to a process model has important consequences, not only with regard to the status and the role that thinking concept. 172 00:22:06,330 --> 00:22:11,580 Think of a thing as the crucial notion in traditional metaphysics, 173 00:22:11,580 --> 00:22:20,670 but also with regard to the meaning of any talk of such consequence over transition and consequences for such. 174 00:22:20,670 --> 00:22:30,480 An important question is whether for each post, this one always has to presuppose the subject to enact it, 175 00:22:30,480 --> 00:22:39,460 or whether to use one of nature's formulations. The processes, quote themselves, have been. 176 00:22:39,460 --> 00:22:46,900 Since for leadership, only a limited portion of reality is present what to or represented in consciousness? 177 00:22:46,900 --> 00:22:57,200 This question gains fundamental significance with respect to the relationship between the organic and the just the physical at the Met. 178 00:22:57,200 --> 00:23:06,500 Consciousness and the ego or the subject of consciousness appear on the scene at the same time. 179 00:23:06,500 --> 00:23:16,150 This ego manifests itself in the fact that I could imagine I could imagine the content of consciousness differently, 180 00:23:16,150 --> 00:23:24,710 sort it differently and assess it differently without ceasing to be myself. 181 00:23:24,710 --> 00:23:33,470 This is the appearance of the deal itself by appealing to the vent process model and by taking up the idea of subject less processes, 182 00:23:33,470 --> 00:23:38,570 both the following assumptions can simultaneously be made comprehensible. 183 00:23:38,570 --> 00:23:39,830 And that's an interesting point. 184 00:23:39,830 --> 00:23:51,730 I think first that the Gore subject that appears within consciousness is already dependent on a network upset of abjectness processes. 185 00:23:51,730 --> 00:24:04,960 And second, that the stated phenomenon of consciousness itself rests upon an antecedent geneology of nonconscious mental states. 186 00:24:04,960 --> 00:24:12,400 From this point of view, one could succeed in explaining how the idea of consciousness, that consciousness, 187 00:24:12,400 --> 00:24:23,980 the idea that consciousness has a subject, is compatible with the idea of subjectivist processes. 188 00:24:23,980 --> 00:24:31,430 From here and from here, one can proceed to the famous question of nature and other people with Goodstein. 189 00:24:31,430 --> 00:24:43,660 Are these. The question of whether one can replace, I think, with it thinks this suggestion, as we all know, stems from guilt established and buried, 190 00:24:43,660 --> 00:24:50,200 who had a significant influence on Nietzsche's conception of the possibilities and limits of language. 191 00:24:50,200 --> 00:25:03,580 For Nietzsche, it was it was, first of all, important. The first point for that one not simply quakes this new it with the old order. 192 00:25:03,580 --> 00:25:15,700 But the further. But he further emphasises that, quote, There is already too much packed into the it seems even be it already contains, 193 00:25:15,700 --> 00:25:22,970 quote, an interpretation of the process and does not belong to itself. 194 00:25:22,970 --> 00:25:34,600 And here, an important point. The interpretative character of the operation comes into view alongside its processional character, 195 00:25:34,600 --> 00:25:44,420 acknowledging these poor sexual and interpretative characteristics undermines the fundamental role of the conscious and self-conscious subject. 196 00:25:44,420 --> 00:25:52,610 Suggested by the surface grammar of the indexical word by even on a linguistic level, 197 00:25:52,610 --> 00:25:57,410 it is clear and we can find some of these things and each is not. 198 00:25:57,410 --> 00:26:01,640 Which is very, very important in the discussions during the last days. 199 00:26:01,640 --> 00:26:06,450 I have the impression to be of the importance of the novelettes into this subject. 200 00:26:06,450 --> 00:26:11,040 Not really principle for discussions. At least some discussion. 201 00:26:11,040 --> 00:26:16,610 So that's a very big issue. She worked to transcribe the translation of that. 202 00:26:16,610 --> 00:26:19,180 That's an important. 203 00:26:19,180 --> 00:26:30,460 So on the linguistic level, it is clear that process sentences, process sentences cannot be made dependent on a surface pragmatical subject. 204 00:26:30,460 --> 00:26:38,200 We can see see this and impersonal phrases such as X occurred, took place, happened. 205 00:26:38,200 --> 00:26:48,430 It is also manifest in sentences such as it rained, it thundered or it thought these sentences do not have to do with individuated, 206 00:26:48,430 --> 00:26:53,350 something that rains, thunders and falls and water. 207 00:26:53,350 --> 00:27:00,350 And we're asked that question. Is the subject, for example, of a cocktail party? 208 00:27:00,350 --> 00:27:11,370 To ask who is the subject of the event is to miss the aforementioned fact that depends or processes themselves have been asked for, 209 00:27:11,370 --> 00:27:18,990 except in the case of a party and a party can take place in different rooms in an apartment. 210 00:27:18,990 --> 00:27:25,650 The ego as a subject presuppose that's a strange story of the ego has to do to divide 211 00:27:25,650 --> 00:27:29,400 itself into different parts and choose to go in second for first of all and so on, 212 00:27:29,400 --> 00:27:37,070 to do so that there are very characteristic, very characteristic features about the process, 213 00:27:37,070 --> 00:27:43,710 actresses that cannot be fulfilled by the traditional conceptions of the ego. 214 00:27:43,710 --> 00:27:56,140 Forceful, functional organisation. I would like to to emphasise and to emphasise another truism transition that from thing to the process, 215 00:27:56,140 --> 00:28:04,220 while the transition from the classical model of the organism to that of organisation is a 216 00:28:04,220 --> 00:28:11,480 fundamental significance for Nietzsche's understanding of the organic and the conscious. 217 00:28:11,480 --> 00:28:18,530 Each conceived of the organism as an organisational structure the organism traditionally has. 218 00:28:18,530 --> 00:28:23,660 And they are integrated from the middle of the organism. This is the classical model. 219 00:28:23,660 --> 00:28:30,860 But this is not the organisational structures of competing conflicting forces of powers in their isolation. 220 00:28:30,860 --> 00:28:40,790 So it's a very important transition from the organism model to the organisation. 221 00:28:40,790 --> 00:28:46,690 And she conceives of the organism as an organisational structure in which consciousness, 222 00:28:46,690 --> 00:28:52,210 awareness and all for the mental state and processes up to and including conscious thought, 223 00:28:52,210 --> 00:29:06,120 are emergent characteristics which result from highly complex interactions of the systems components that guarantee the organisation's functionality. 224 00:29:06,120 --> 00:29:11,740 Thus, one can say that the initial stage of awareness, explicit consciousness, 225 00:29:11,740 --> 00:29:23,410 self-consciousness and ultimately conscious thought arise as the emergent effects of an interplay of multiple organisations of force, 226 00:29:23,410 --> 00:29:26,350 the various organisations of wills to power. 227 00:29:26,350 --> 00:29:38,480 Such a view manifests a certain proximity to an opinion widely held today in brain research and knew that research centre we have cooperation with. 228 00:29:38,480 --> 00:29:43,050 Max Planck Institute in Brain Research and other. 229 00:29:43,050 --> 00:29:51,240 So that in brain research, that consciousness and other mental processes, such as perceiving, imagining, thinking, 230 00:29:51,240 --> 00:30:03,750 learning, remembering, do not occur in a special look sizeable localiser place or SD card claimed through a special organ. 231 00:30:03,750 --> 00:30:13,950 The famous pineal gland. It can brain research conscious as well as nonconscious mental states are rather conceived as results of 232 00:30:13,950 --> 00:30:23,340 a highly complex organisation and dynamism of the entire complex is more precisely neural assembles. 233 00:30:23,340 --> 00:30:31,290 This view can also be connected to this might be a little bit surprising, but the fragments of did not last were fatal. 234 00:30:31,290 --> 00:30:35,940 A number of things that a lot of this. 235 00:30:35,940 --> 00:30:46,410 Maybe this view can also be connected to the model of multiple draughts which has been developed within the philosophy of mind by Daniel Dennett. 236 00:30:46,410 --> 00:30:53,340 DNA things. This model provides an alternative to the Cartesian conception of the consciousness. 237 00:30:53,340 --> 00:31:02,880 She calls the myth of the Cartesian Theatre. Descartes a centralistic conception of the location of the seat of consciousness 238 00:31:02,880 --> 00:31:08,400 and contended that the locus of conscious experience was great for him. 239 00:31:08,400 --> 00:31:16,890 The pineal gland represented the centre of the brain as it where the inner station, the central station, through which in a sense, 240 00:31:16,890 --> 00:31:26,340 perceptions must enter in order to be transformed into consciousness of the individual through a specific transaction. 241 00:31:26,340 --> 00:31:32,370 The most important aspect of this concept is that the brain has a centre and that is 242 00:31:32,370 --> 00:31:38,910 the causal point of departure for the emergence of the contents of consciousness. 243 00:31:38,910 --> 00:31:50,290 This Cartesian view. A special centre in the brain that is constantly responsible for consciousness and its contents strongly and even imprisoned, 244 00:31:50,290 --> 00:31:56,590 reflection on consciousness throughout the modern period, Dennett approving these sites. 245 00:31:56,590 --> 00:32:07,750 William James wrote, quote, There is no cell or group of cells in the brain of such anatomical or functional pre-eminence as to appear 246 00:32:07,750 --> 00:32:15,670 to be the keystone or centre of gravity of the old system and curved on the multiple draughts model. 247 00:32:15,670 --> 00:32:22,090 By contrast, one understands that, quote, all varieties of perceptions. 248 00:32:22,090 --> 00:32:23,770 Indeed, all variety. 249 00:32:23,770 --> 00:32:36,260 Collinet mental activity are accomplished in the brain by parallel multitracked processes of interpretation and elaboration of sensory inputs. 250 00:32:36,260 --> 00:32:38,800 And that's according to Dennet. 251 00:32:38,800 --> 00:32:50,350 The information that enters into the nervous system is quote, under continuous edit editorial regulation under continuous. 252 00:32:50,350 --> 00:32:58,450 Relations. I would say under the condition of being reinterpreted, continues. 253 00:32:58,450 --> 00:33:05,740 But for our purposes, what is of central importance in the moment is the rejection of the idea that there is one and only one 254 00:33:05,740 --> 00:33:13,600 central perspective or one perspective and one and only one in our centre of observation processing. 255 00:33:13,600 --> 00:33:22,780 With regard to what enters into consciousness as content and what does not with regard to the organic. 256 00:33:22,780 --> 00:33:32,360 It is important that the functional profi functional profile of the Food Network network of activities is thought off. 257 00:33:32,360 --> 00:33:38,620 Indeed, it is dependent on the multifarious interactions of the parties. 258 00:33:38,620 --> 00:33:45,910 Very crucial to think this is not possible that the organism in the organisation violates its cardinal, 259 00:33:45,910 --> 00:33:51,130 but Nietzsche's conceptions of how the organisations and forces function. 260 00:33:51,130 --> 00:33:55,450 This involves the idea that very important idea, 261 00:33:55,450 --> 00:34:04,330 the dominant board governing governing forces that is predominantly organising forces are 262 00:34:04,330 --> 00:34:13,410 also simultaneously dependent on the function of partial forces and their Constellation's. 263 00:34:13,410 --> 00:34:22,470 Pressel repro sexual organisation is according to needs of the fundamental operation of everything that is real and alive. 264 00:34:22,470 --> 00:34:33,750 Life for him. He once ruled in the US is to be defined as, quote, the permanent form of processes of forced fixations, i.e. void. 265 00:34:33,750 --> 00:34:39,590 He says a deep divide. It's not determination because these are not deterministic processes. 266 00:34:39,590 --> 00:34:46,680 But the question of power to fix relationships between these different centres of forces. 267 00:34:46,680 --> 00:34:55,680 So life is, quote, a permanent form of processes of force, fixations, determinations, whether where that's important. 268 00:34:55,680 --> 00:35:01,200 The various components grow on each. 269 00:35:01,200 --> 00:35:06,680 And could these all the dynamic processes of organisations that continuously take place 270 00:35:06,680 --> 00:35:14,000 within the internal structure of all organised beings and in all natural processes, 271 00:35:14,000 --> 00:35:18,650 the central place that nature courts to the idea of functional organisation perform 272 00:35:18,650 --> 00:35:25,520 suggest that his conception could be characterised as a version of functionalism. 273 00:35:25,520 --> 00:35:31,760 I will not go into that. It's not the computer functionalism that Hillary Puttnam invented and criticised it more. 274 00:35:31,760 --> 00:35:42,160 The functional organisation type of the will to power and the forces in their interrelations fist point lead to penetration of consciousness, 275 00:35:42,160 --> 00:35:50,900 alternators consciousness procedes and by way of presentations, representations and meta representations. 276 00:35:50,900 --> 00:36:03,610 And all three of these inturn are events that take place in and by virtue of science. 277 00:36:03,610 --> 00:36:12,760 This is true of the entire spectrum from Phantom, a phenomenal awareness of sense, impressions and perceptions through imaging, 278 00:36:12,760 --> 00:36:19,060 remembering conscious and reflexive thought up to self consciousness and plans of action. 279 00:36:19,060 --> 00:36:24,970 Thinking is an event that takes place in science. And by virtue of science. 280 00:36:24,970 --> 00:36:34,240 More precisely in linguistic science. We can, as nature put it, the right thing only in linguistic form. 281 00:36:34,240 --> 00:36:41,980 And this is all. This is not only a negative sentence. It has both sides of the coin, positive and negative, critical. 282 00:36:41,980 --> 00:36:47,050 The limits I we'll talk about later on when we can, as Nietzsche puts it, quote, 283 00:36:47,050 --> 00:36:54,340 think only in linguistic forms and reseize thinking when we tend not to do it with. 284 00:36:54,340 --> 00:37:00,470 In linguistic constraints, we can't us. 285 00:37:00,470 --> 00:37:09,830 With this nature propounds the dependency, the dependence of conscious thinking on the grammatical functions of language. 286 00:37:09,830 --> 00:37:18,470 Moreover, of every cognitive metall operation also necessarily occurs within the confines of grammar, 287 00:37:18,470 --> 00:37:29,960 since linguistic signs only carry out their functions or possess their semantic properties only insofar as there is a practise of interpretation. 288 00:37:29,960 --> 00:37:35,960 There is no sine function without an interpretation involved in it in children. 289 00:37:35,960 --> 00:37:41,080 That's now become a very crucial one. 290 00:37:41,080 --> 00:37:52,480 Here it becomes clear that there is an interpretative grand interpretative ground lurking behind the linguistic grammatical. 291 00:37:52,480 --> 00:37:55,810 Each expresses this in an incisive formulation. 292 00:37:55,810 --> 00:38:10,250 When you said said that rational thinking, quote is an interpretation according to a schema that we cannot discard. 293 00:38:10,250 --> 00:38:16,340 But we do not have to. Now, 294 00:38:16,340 --> 00:38:23,960 it is a fundamental significance that the internal connexion with language does intimate 295 00:38:23,960 --> 00:38:30,290 connexion with language does not only appear at the level of conscious thought, 296 00:38:30,290 --> 00:38:33,750 rather according to nature, it even holds true rock. 297 00:38:33,750 --> 00:38:41,620 And regarding the genesis and articulation and the development of consciousness itself. 298 00:38:41,620 --> 00:38:50,500 There is an internal connexion between consciousness and language or more broadly between consciousness and science. 299 00:38:50,500 --> 00:38:55,870 If one accentuates the public character of language and sign usage, 300 00:38:55,870 --> 00:39:00,880 that is the fact that a functioning language is internally bound to the public 301 00:39:00,880 --> 00:39:06,280 practise of using linguistic and not linguistic science shared with others. 302 00:39:06,280 --> 00:39:12,190 Then the public and social character of consciousness also becomes clear. 303 00:39:12,190 --> 00:39:23,350 Language is a social. Art is the first sentence of points famous book word adoption, as we know each year also points out this component. 304 00:39:23,350 --> 00:39:30,790 In this way, the accentuated the semiotic character of consciousness. 305 00:39:30,790 --> 00:39:37,420 The eternal connexion between consciousness and language is extremely important in a number of respects. 306 00:39:37,420 --> 00:39:41,860 By directing attention to the link between consciousness and language, 307 00:39:41,860 --> 00:39:53,920 aspects of consciousness come into view which have a different ontological status from the components already discussed on the rubrics continuum, 308 00:39:53,920 --> 00:39:59,400 emergent development process and functional organisation. 309 00:39:59,400 --> 00:40:08,590 The use of language and signs are components that have the seed and the social, historical and cultural. 310 00:40:08,590 --> 00:40:14,200 They cannot be reduced to organic and your biological processes. 311 00:40:14,200 --> 00:40:20,000 This is a different type of. Ontology. If ontology is ever the right label to put it. 312 00:40:20,000 --> 00:40:29,210 But I don't like my leg for the moment. This is particularly true of the higher order aspects of consciousness, such as self-consciousness. 313 00:40:29,210 --> 00:40:36,800 The experience of one's own individuality and the self interpretations. For instance, often free acting agents. 314 00:40:36,800 --> 00:40:42,850 I said yesterday, when we want to make sense of the notion of person in person. 315 00:40:42,850 --> 00:40:56,620 And we kill these presuppositions of presupposing internally type of freedom that we can person of a person's. 316 00:40:56,620 --> 00:41:08,620 Evolution can't afford such such things as denying completely freedom of will, because otherwise there would be no persons and acting agents. 317 00:41:08,620 --> 00:41:19,900 So when it comes to such aspects, even the president, David Greene, recently acknowledge that they quote my quote from Balsinger at the bottom. 318 00:41:19,900 --> 00:41:26,710 And Max Planck Institute in Frankfurt, very famous in his field, feel that, quote, 319 00:41:26,710 --> 00:41:33,610 They seem to require explanations that transcend purely neuro biological reductions. 320 00:41:33,610 --> 00:41:42,130 Remarkable science or someone working in a research institute of biology and brain research. 321 00:41:42,130 --> 00:41:48,820 The decisive point is that consciousness and mind have now become ties. 322 00:41:48,820 --> 00:41:57,910 And that's a very important point in Egypt have now becomes privatised at the intersection between developments 323 00:41:57,910 --> 00:42:05,170 in the natural and organic sphere and in the sphere of the social these started and the Club for Growth. 324 00:42:05,170 --> 00:42:13,720 I use a variation of that famous phrase of generate Putnam's meanings just ain't in the hat here. 325 00:42:13,720 --> 00:42:19,480 We might say mind and perception of the mentality to Vickie's aren't just going to be. 326 00:42:19,480 --> 00:42:23,470 They are. They have a public nature outside of the other person's. 327 00:42:23,470 --> 00:42:27,520 Sort so different, but the logic of your logic, the status, 328 00:42:27,520 --> 00:42:37,230 the occurrence and development of consciousness and the sense of awareness s consciousness and explicitly conscious thought arise according to nature. 329 00:42:37,230 --> 00:42:47,400 Principally because of the need. Because of the necessity that individual human beings developed in relation to other human beings, 330 00:42:47,400 --> 00:42:55,290 quote, to communicate, to make them selves quickly and precisely understood encode. 331 00:42:55,290 --> 00:43:02,640 There is a need for communication, which for its part presupposes an ability to communicate. 332 00:43:02,640 --> 00:43:08,700 The subtlety and strength of consciousness of a person stands in relation to the. 333 00:43:08,700 --> 00:43:17,430 This ability to communicate to the, quote, nature of force and art of communication. 334 00:43:17,430 --> 00:43:29,190 And this sense, Neches seises. Is that consciousness. But in general, it has developed only under the pressure of the need to communicate. 335 00:43:29,190 --> 00:43:39,040 And consciousness is, quote, a connecting neck net linking persons to persons. 336 00:43:39,040 --> 00:43:47,760 A task to carry out in. And thus it has to carry itself out in important point. 337 00:43:47,760 --> 00:43:54,510 Communication science. In this sense, the development of consciousness and language. 338 00:43:54,510 --> 00:44:01,110 By virtue of sitings and simple functions go hand in hand. 339 00:44:01,110 --> 00:44:08,850 But it is not only the words and sentences of language that perform the function of building a bridge from person to person. 340 00:44:08,850 --> 00:44:14,670 Non-linguistic signs do so as well as example of such non-linguistic signs. 341 00:44:14,670 --> 00:44:21,720 Miccio refers to glances, gestures and touch the human being who uses signs. 342 00:44:21,720 --> 00:44:34,030 But above all, invents signs is in this sense always quote the one who becomes ever more acutely conscious of himself. 343 00:44:34,030 --> 00:44:44,130 And this operation. These operations are ipso facto connected with sociability for only as a social animal. 344 00:44:44,130 --> 00:44:56,480 Did Map learn and become conscious of himself? He is still doing it as a need you to that remark, and he is doing it more and more to signs positive. 345 00:44:56,480 --> 00:45:02,430 And the danger in this sense consciousness in its characteristic relation to other people, 346 00:45:02,430 --> 00:45:12,060 obviously play an important role in the processes of stabilising social systems. 347 00:45:12,060 --> 00:45:17,880 Sixth point, the relation of consciousness and violent. 348 00:45:17,880 --> 00:45:23,070 Ego consciousness does not succeed in representing, 349 00:45:23,070 --> 00:45:32,430 distancing or even suspending the network of its own conditions that caused the ground and 350 00:45:32,430 --> 00:45:40,290 the condition network of consciousness do not arise within the space of consciousness itself. 351 00:45:40,290 --> 00:45:50,680 And nothing in the states or of the objects that enter into consciousness or when he feels that they are dependent on that nonconscious, 352 00:45:50,680 --> 00:45:57,450 a network of conditions. But there is a great danger that a certain little rabbit would sell. 353 00:45:57,450 --> 00:46:09,330 But conscious and ego consciousness does have the possibility of opening itself up to the network of its own conditions as a possibility. 354 00:46:09,330 --> 00:46:16,530 There's no guarantee that it will take. It has to open up to a network of its own conditions. 355 00:46:16,530 --> 00:46:23,750 This opening can be viewed as the transition from the lesser reason, kind of funny. 356 00:46:23,750 --> 00:46:31,770 Which one should principally understand more modern forms of self-consciousness and the Cartesian style, which aims at fundamentalistic, 357 00:46:31,770 --> 00:46:43,200 self-assertive movements into the greater risk courses, which needs Mieczyslaw as residing in the human body and in bodily existence. 358 00:46:43,200 --> 00:46:55,830 The philosophy of a body or of bodily existence begins not with biology begins where lesser reason reflects on upon itself and 359 00:46:55,830 --> 00:47:05,490 opens itself up to the network of conditions that cannot be surveyed and entirely brought before once reflected in her body. 360 00:47:05,490 --> 00:47:12,630 The point is that body the experiences enter into perceiving, thinking and acting as well, 361 00:47:12,630 --> 00:47:18,630 since these are bodily embedded to describe the structure is. 362 00:47:18,630 --> 00:47:26,490 That's an interesting thought. It's not biology, it's not single science teaches philosophy of the body or bodily existence. 363 00:47:26,490 --> 00:47:33,030 Must not, however, be. That's a crucial point here to be mistaken for a form of naturalism. 364 00:47:33,030 --> 00:47:40,590 Biologist and body organism ontology. It gives just for a little of the reasons for that. 365 00:47:40,590 --> 00:47:47,280 First of all, the avenue to the body problem does not lead through a single discipline. 366 00:47:47,280 --> 00:47:56,860 For instance, biology or neurophysiology, but rather unfolds in the course of reflection upon. 367 00:47:56,860 --> 00:48:05,770 Their bodily existence is conceived as a precognitive dimension of the possibility of knowledge, 368 00:48:05,770 --> 00:48:14,160 precognitive condition, the possibility of knowledge, as well as of biology or neurophysiology. 369 00:48:14,160 --> 00:48:21,060 Second, when doing philosophy, one cannot simply ask the different to doing science by doing philosophy, 370 00:48:21,060 --> 00:48:27,460 one cannot simply ask what the relationship is between the neural and the cognitive or the mental, rather. 371 00:48:27,460 --> 00:48:31,770 One was always ask, how should we? 372 00:48:31,770 --> 00:48:38,960 That's the crucial thing. How should we think about the fact that such relations are reciprocal in philosophy? 373 00:48:38,960 --> 00:48:45,300 We do not neurosciences. We do not open our brains and look what happens. 374 00:48:45,300 --> 00:48:48,990 But we ask, what are the sense, logical presuppositions? 375 00:48:48,990 --> 00:48:59,580 If someone does sciences, for instance, your science is and comes up with big sentences about how it works and what's the impact of. 376 00:48:59,580 --> 00:49:07,090 And the third little point, the body or bodily existence. It's hard to find an English phrase like this kind. 377 00:49:07,090 --> 00:49:12,090 In Germany, the difference between Calpol as organism and life, 378 00:49:12,090 --> 00:49:17,970 and I think that is very crucial at that point in English, is I think it's hard to to make that distinction. 379 00:49:17,970 --> 00:49:22,260 I use the expression body in the experience or bought into existence. 380 00:49:22,260 --> 00:49:26,790 People try to translate by this expression also with all sorts of language. 381 00:49:26,790 --> 00:49:36,480 Sometimes a living body. So at that visit, there is a translation problem, which is in itself philosophically very interesting. 382 00:49:36,480 --> 00:49:45,360 So the body or bodily experience does not Nietzsche's conception consist of building blocks that can be analysed by special science? 383 00:49:45,360 --> 00:49:53,370 It does not consist of something. Some just think of something at all, but rather, as was mentioned before, 384 00:49:53,370 --> 00:49:57,660 can be seen every highly complex and dynamic interplay of multifarious small 385 00:49:57,660 --> 00:50:03,630 intelligence processes which become manifest as soon as we have bodily experience. 386 00:50:03,630 --> 00:50:10,470 And if we just add a little point that on particularly interested in not just say one or two sentences to that, 387 00:50:10,470 --> 00:50:19,620 when we ask what is the relation between bodily existence and, for instance, the meaning of language, words and thoughts? 388 00:50:19,620 --> 00:50:24,900 The question is not. We have a lot of literature today and a body is that other thing. 389 00:50:24,900 --> 00:50:32,640 The question is not whether they are inside our body is some special organ delivery, the heart, the circulation of blood. 390 00:50:32,640 --> 00:50:39,960 That is the causal point of departure. Just for the meaning, for fixing the meaning at the level of of words. 391 00:50:39,960 --> 00:50:45,600 But it's different phenomena. Logically, it's not a question of science. 392 00:50:45,600 --> 00:50:52,020 Natural science, but a phenomenological analysis of bodily experiences. 393 00:50:52,020 --> 00:50:56,550 Enters into and helps fixing the meaning of words. 394 00:50:56,550 --> 00:51:03,460 And you all have had this experience. And sometimes words are coming easy corrections. 395 00:51:03,460 --> 00:51:11,790 And in other situations, they do not. This is an interesting point as to the relation between bonding experience and fixing the meaning and coming up. 396 00:51:11,790 --> 00:51:22,900 So the meaning, what jumbling the philosopher 50 years ago called and Chicago the feld's meaning is something very interesting. 397 00:51:22,900 --> 00:51:32,070 The felt meeting is not just the causal point from one more again within the body, but body of experience as a shape of its course. 398 00:51:32,070 --> 00:51:41,230 It's difficult, but I dropped say the transition from the ego consciousness to the human body is also the means to open up. 399 00:51:41,230 --> 00:51:52,170 There's also the transition from achieving subjectivity, individuality, chief, the subjectivity that does and has always a job to do. 400 00:51:52,170 --> 00:51:53,570 It's hard to be a subject. 401 00:51:53,570 --> 00:52:07,830 And it's a tradition that pretends to individuality in the sense of that body, the organisation which every one of us is individual as a body. 402 00:52:07,830 --> 00:52:13,590 Bodily existence. I am a living individuality. 403 00:52:13,590 --> 00:52:23,220 This allows room for the distinction between the ego of the rational subject and the self, which s body is still famous. 404 00:52:23,220 --> 00:52:26,400 Formulation of leeches, the master of the ego. 405 00:52:26,400 --> 00:52:34,320 According to nature, the critique of the concept of a rational by prefabricated subject by no means demands. 406 00:52:34,320 --> 00:52:38,940 The disappearance of the individuality of persons. 407 00:52:38,940 --> 00:52:51,470 Quite the. Individuality is manifested in a non reductive sense in the organisation of the body or bodily existence, which everyone is. 408 00:52:51,470 --> 00:52:59,460 As the interpreting being she is. Point seven. 409 00:52:59,460 --> 00:53:07,690 The power of language and signs is great and extensive grammar and concepts occupy a particular place. 410 00:53:07,690 --> 00:53:15,030 Of Grammar has a brief formative effect both on the house and on the what of the conscious thought. 411 00:53:15,030 --> 00:53:26,790 And the matter has its limits in the form. What can be thought and said at all has to have been prepared in the grammar of a language. 412 00:53:26,790 --> 00:53:36,580 Each, each. That's according to nature. It hardly seems possible to overcome the fundamental errors of reason. 413 00:53:36,580 --> 00:53:44,510 Petrified in language such as assumption of the subject, object, substance, 414 00:53:44,510 --> 00:53:51,310 unity, identity, duration, calls, thing purpose being by reasoning in language. 415 00:53:51,310 --> 00:53:53,810 That's the crucial moment. 416 00:53:53,810 --> 00:54:05,180 In other words, reasoning in language does not seem able to avoid all these prejudices which metaphysics, which for nature is essentially language. 417 00:54:05,180 --> 00:54:12,740 Metaphysics relies. So metaphysics has a wonderful advocate, Nietzsche once said. 418 00:54:12,740 --> 00:54:16,610 That is every word we express as well. 419 00:54:16,610 --> 00:54:20,390 And every action, too, is an advocate of metaphysics. 420 00:54:20,390 --> 00:54:32,270 In that sense, because we bump into that what can be thought and said, it all has to already have to be prepared in the grammar of. 421 00:54:32,270 --> 00:54:37,850 The limits of language have to be pure. Again, you have the words in sentences. 422 00:54:37,850 --> 00:54:44,300 Every word has a character of general generality. First expressions, for example. 423 00:54:44,300 --> 00:54:55,630 This spot of colour. Are fundamentally incapable of completely grasping and representing the individual character. 424 00:54:55,630 --> 00:55:03,890 Exactly. This unique, unique and distinctive spot of colour on the wall or on the desk right in front of it. 425 00:55:03,890 --> 00:55:16,310 Conversely, an expression such as Tower of Pisa can apply to many objects beside the slanted tower in the Italian city of Pisa. 426 00:55:16,310 --> 00:55:21,620 This character of generality is in the limit at all. Nor can it be avoided. 427 00:55:21,620 --> 00:55:26,660 It very important that one cannot because we think PISA. 428 00:55:26,660 --> 00:55:33,170 And then we try to add that city in Italy inauthentic and that's the tower and so on. 429 00:55:33,170 --> 00:55:35,260 So what we try to. 430 00:55:35,260 --> 00:55:45,760 John Ross big position is that we try to add many as many adjectives and adverbial modifications as the interesting thing is the more you add, 431 00:55:45,760 --> 00:55:49,810 the more. Far away from the Tower of Pisa. 432 00:55:49,810 --> 00:55:59,680 So on account of the general character of all words, every word together, every word he used for greater position, 433 00:55:59,680 --> 00:56:07,780 nevertheless leaves the possibility open that many objects could legitimately be counted as satisfaction, 434 00:56:07,780 --> 00:56:15,580 object of the expression, and even in the descriptive sequence of whatever length the in image evoked, 435 00:56:15,580 --> 00:56:21,610 individuality of the respective thing would never be articulated. 436 00:56:21,610 --> 00:56:28,450 When it comes to consciousness, it was about the language at the generality character when it comes to consciousness as well, 437 00:56:28,450 --> 00:56:34,630 which of course continues to criticise the aspect that everything that enters into 438 00:56:34,630 --> 00:56:42,520 consciousness is translated into it and thus as the character of generality. 439 00:56:42,520 --> 00:56:51,670 Without that general, he would not even have. Sense of that individuality. So this is a double crux it with respect to human beings. 440 00:56:51,670 --> 00:57:02,110 Consciousness appears to only to constitute a small portion of what humans are and ultimately turns out to be something superficial, 441 00:57:02,110 --> 00:57:08,140 something that rests on the broader and more multifarious world of the organic. 442 00:57:08,140 --> 00:57:13,360 And which came into being in the emerging developmental determinate way. 443 00:57:13,360 --> 00:57:25,220 In this sense, quote, The world of which we can become conscious is merely a surface and important addition sign. 444 00:57:25,220 --> 00:57:30,940 So surfers and assignable, I know your vision of an exciting. 445 00:57:30,940 --> 00:57:35,200 A world turned into generalities and there are debates. 446 00:57:35,200 --> 00:57:41,640 But without having debates, did not even have an idea of that wonderful speech that was in German. 447 00:57:41,640 --> 00:57:48,970 Nature says that the reality is of humans safely under the outcompetes. 448 00:57:48,970 --> 00:57:53,620 That means we have no predicates to grasp the way it is. 449 00:57:53,620 --> 00:58:00,850 Complicated is separate from the grasping forces of a Pratik as in every language and ever thought. 450 00:58:00,850 --> 00:58:03,070 But we can't say no more about that. 451 00:58:03,070 --> 00:58:14,570 And saying that depends on the grammar of language used to make the relevant point presupposes not just language besides. 452 00:58:14,570 --> 00:58:21,950 So why come to that last point, that is what interests me personally and I'm why did some work on that? 453 00:58:21,950 --> 00:58:31,110 Reminded of it and the sighted interpretation of things just a little what I want, which is not the subject here directly. 454 00:58:31,110 --> 00:58:38,590 But a philosophy of science and interpretations as the basis of an integrity philosophy of wild language in nature. 455 00:58:38,590 --> 00:58:51,380 So I say just some some words about. Consciousness and language can be viewed and treated as taking place in signs and interpretation. 456 00:58:51,380 --> 00:58:58,980 By virtue of that, not only instrumentally, by means, but by virtue. 457 00:58:58,980 --> 00:59:09,630 This refers to the genesis of the function of consciousness and language, the use and understanding of symbolising signs is the most original. 458 00:59:09,630 --> 00:59:20,750 I think the fundamental characteristic of the human mind for Netsch, a man, is characterised as the being that invents signs. 459 00:59:20,750 --> 00:59:28,740 Station Offendum Danby's inventing, symbolising finds makes human beings unique. 460 00:59:28,740 --> 00:59:36,850 I would add. Inventing, symbolising science makes human beings unique. 461 00:59:36,850 --> 00:59:43,030 Different from clans and crystals. And also a number of animals. 462 00:59:43,030 --> 00:59:49,390 Mental, spiritual and cognitive processes occur as processes of signs and interpretation. 463 00:59:49,390 --> 00:59:55,990 That's the basic idea. We'd like to promote at that point. And this is my gift to a distinction. 464 00:59:55,990 --> 01:00:04,960 This is not, however, a simple endorsement of the idea that characterises computational psychology and cognitive science today, 465 01:00:04,960 --> 01:00:15,850 namely that conscious mental and cognitive activities consist in nothing other than the operative manipulation of given its symbols. 466 01:00:15,850 --> 01:00:20,890 That's the definition of a large part of cognitive science, 467 01:00:20,890 --> 01:00:29,080 which computational psychologists pretend are each supplied with identifiable and exact meanings. 468 01:00:29,080 --> 01:00:38,730 That's interesting. If if I'm right, the thesis that the processes of science and interpretation are basic and fundamental, 469 01:00:38,730 --> 01:00:42,840 everyone well working in cognitive science with that difficulty, 470 01:00:42,840 --> 01:00:49,170 manipulating symbols and presupposing the exact meanings and interpretation of rules 471 01:00:49,170 --> 01:00:55,290 presupposes always already the theory of symbols and signs and interpretations. 472 01:00:55,290 --> 01:01:01,770 So it's dependent on that. Cognitive science is a secondary intellectual activity at this. 473 01:01:01,770 --> 01:01:09,310 That's a very interesting point. So I go behind the back of the cognitive science with that idea of a philosophy of. 474 01:01:09,310 --> 01:01:13,060 Science and interpretation and the second point. 475 01:01:13,060 --> 01:01:20,170 Nor does it assert a merely external dependence of the mind and consciousness of science and interpretations. 476 01:01:20,170 --> 01:01:31,540 For instance, in so far as thinking requires media and instrumental science in order to be able to be present and communicate itself and its contents, 477 01:01:31,540 --> 01:01:40,690 not extol the relation between science and interpretations and consciousness and mind and language. 478 01:01:40,690 --> 01:01:43,230 Conception of life is an internal one. 479 01:01:43,230 --> 01:01:51,970 So until one that can be spelled out by different different forms and functions of science and interpretations along longer life. 480 01:01:51,970 --> 01:01:56,420 How do symbols and interpretations function? 481 01:01:56,420 --> 01:02:06,480 One needs not just these external dependents, but one needs to take one further step and an essential step for precisely these processes. 482 01:02:06,480 --> 01:02:08,850 That is, for instance, of demarcating, 483 01:02:08,850 --> 01:02:17,220 fixing and limiting meetings and contents of communicating contents between people standing in relationship of communications. 484 01:02:17,220 --> 01:02:25,350 All these processes take place in and as processes of science and interpretation, as we have already heard. 485 01:02:25,350 --> 01:02:32,730 Each emphasises one stops sinking all together, thinking in the know and in the broad sense, 486 01:02:32,730 --> 01:02:37,170 the narrow sense is linguist using linguistics like the broad sense. 487 01:02:37,170 --> 01:02:44,310 I make a distinction between narrow and broad sense of thinking, narrow and broad sense of science, narrow in broad sense of interpretation. 488 01:02:44,310 --> 01:02:55,880 The broad sense of thinking is that the. Just the pre conscious type of awareness that we have, unsensational cognitively relevant sensations. 489 01:02:55,880 --> 01:02:57,440 So if you look at that, 490 01:02:57,440 --> 01:03:05,210 we can say this is not something that can be governed by rules of language and that there are at the grammar judgement language, 491 01:03:05,210 --> 01:03:11,890 but it nevertheless rests within the functioning of science and interpretation processes. 492 01:03:11,890 --> 01:03:17,810 So Nietzsche's conception, of course, was that of pragmatists at this point, above all, 493 01:03:17,810 --> 01:03:24,700 with the position of child and approves, quote, We have no power of thinking without signs. 494 01:03:24,700 --> 01:03:30,130 First emphasises. And he goes even a step further and writes them wonderful sentence. 495 01:03:30,130 --> 01:03:35,320 I think, quote when he said, the first is we have no power of thinking without the signs. 496 01:03:35,320 --> 01:03:38,980 And I would add two tourists. It's not the personality. 497 01:03:38,980 --> 01:03:50,200 This takes place and is relevant in the narrow sense of science and thinking and in the process I sketch, then it becomes compatible with each other. 498 01:03:50,200 --> 01:03:59,860 And then Bruce adds, quote, When we think that we ourselves, as we are at that moment. 499 01:03:59,860 --> 01:04:09,030 Appeal as we song. And in hell did you find that wonderful centres and stations into your daughter's schools. 500 01:04:09,030 --> 01:04:13,010 Yet that's it's a very deep level. Just do it. 501 01:04:13,010 --> 01:04:20,550 You mentioned where we can put the sign and interpretation of stuff that is as someone is intrinsically predatory. 502 01:04:20,550 --> 01:04:24,880 That depends on an underlying issue in this sentence. 503 01:04:24,880 --> 01:04:28,450 It is crucial that consciousness, mind any thought, 504 01:04:28,450 --> 01:04:38,410 are themselves internally and necessarily internally necessarily semiotic an interpretative process 505 01:04:38,410 --> 01:04:44,140 that signs and interpretation organise and provide the basis for blind language in nature. 506 01:04:44,140 --> 01:04:53,080 The dependence of consciousness, mind, thought and nature on science and interpretation is not an instrumental one. 507 01:04:53,080 --> 01:05:00,910 It is not the case that we attain consciousness and so on by means of science and interpretation. 508 01:05:00,910 --> 01:05:06,970 Rather, consciousness, mind, thought and nature constitute totally dependent. 509 01:05:06,970 --> 01:05:19,380 Sign language functions. Semiotic an interpretative processes that are, by virtue of which we attain consciousness has a. 510 01:05:19,380 --> 01:05:27,270 This you can serve as a guide, and I tried to spell it out a little bit in the text that I haven't mentioned as a guide for an interpretative, 511 01:05:27,270 --> 01:05:31,780 pragmatic philosophy of mind, language and nature, which transcends. 512 01:05:31,780 --> 01:05:42,030 So with that, I come back to the starting point, which transcends the dichotomy between materialism, physicalism and mentalism. 513 01:05:42,030 --> 01:05:49,030 And I've tried to spell it out. Apparently not bothered with these things. 514 01:05:49,030 --> 01:05:53,480 Thank you very much.