1 00:00:00,780 --> 00:00:06,540 OK. Moral status, as has already been pointed out a couple of times this morning, 2 00:00:06,540 --> 00:00:13,620 starts off as a matter of self-interest, so it starts off with the easy proposition that we matter. 3 00:00:13,620 --> 00:00:20,730 And then of course, the problem becomes how do we define the weak so our self-interest as humans encourage us to 4 00:00:20,730 --> 00:00:26,160 start from the assumption that humans matter and it's a common intuition that humans matter more? 5 00:00:26,160 --> 00:00:34,080 So what might be called indeed, what has been called off by by some present company included folk psychology 6 00:00:34,080 --> 00:00:39,780 accounts of moral status rely on species boundaries so humans have moral status. 7 00:00:39,780 --> 00:00:44,940 Most of the species dooms humans and non-humans nobleness. 8 00:00:44,940 --> 00:00:53,280 This may be a sensible heuristic in everyday life, since the chances are that many of the humans we will meet will have full moral status 9 00:00:53,280 --> 00:00:57,810 and also that will encounter few beings with full moral status who are not human. 10 00:00:57,810 --> 00:01:05,940 But as we well know, and it's often the case with everyday heuristics, it turns out on closer scrutiny to be philosophically problematic. 11 00:01:05,940 --> 00:01:11,640 So while both self-interest and our everyday intuition suggest there's something special about being human. 12 00:01:11,640 --> 00:01:15,780 Various analyses, including again by those here today, 13 00:01:15,780 --> 00:01:22,410 have demonstrated that basing moral status on biological species membership is philosophically difficult to justify. 14 00:01:22,410 --> 00:01:26,580 And that's both because biological species is a contested concept in itself. 15 00:01:26,580 --> 00:01:33,990 So there's no no clear single definition of what the biological species creatures exist that are between species that cross the boundaries. 16 00:01:33,990 --> 00:01:41,910 And of course, if we say that human species membership is necessary and sufficient, we are open to the charge of species ism. 17 00:01:41,910 --> 00:01:46,200 So there is no sound reason for, according to biological property of species membership. 18 00:01:46,200 --> 00:01:50,930 Any moral significance? 19 00:01:50,930 --> 00:01:58,700 In the context of contemporary bioethics, new knowledges and emerging technologies that proposed to disrupt the conventional categories, 20 00:01:58,700 --> 00:02:06,250 processes and boundaries of biology have prompted us to revisit the question of species and moral status on several fronts, 21 00:02:06,250 --> 00:02:11,060 so our thinking about species and moral status is being challenged in new ways. 22 00:02:11,060 --> 00:02:13,970 Firstly, we're able to disrupt species boundaries, 23 00:02:13,970 --> 00:02:20,960 not just philosophically but biologically the creation of interspecies chimaeras and disrupting the human non-human species. 24 00:02:20,960 --> 00:02:28,460 Boundary forces us also to go beyond species boundaries. In considering the moral status of the new beings created, second, 25 00:02:28,460 --> 00:02:33,830 we now have a greater understanding of the biology underlying the cognitive and psychological capacities that, 26 00:02:33,830 --> 00:02:36,890 on at least some accounts, give rise to moral status. 27 00:02:36,890 --> 00:02:46,130 This also enables us potentially to manipulate these these capacities with the congruent possibility that this might lead to enhanced moral status. 28 00:02:46,130 --> 00:02:52,880 So this may lead to members of existing biological species having new moral properties or even to the creation of new moral species. 29 00:02:52,880 --> 00:02:57,950 So what we might call them a moral species transition and the subject of this, 30 00:02:57,950 --> 00:03:02,330 this moral status enhancement need not to be human, though of course they might be. 31 00:03:02,330 --> 00:03:06,650 So we might think, for example, of cognitively enhanced animals, super chimps or, 32 00:03:06,650 --> 00:03:14,890 as Walter said, super bonobos might be better or of creating post humans or post post persons. 33 00:03:14,890 --> 00:03:21,370 No, if biological species membership is unimportant when it comes to moral status, 34 00:03:21,370 --> 00:03:28,750 then we might say that biological species transitions are irrelevant in terms of whether or not they alter moral status. 35 00:03:28,750 --> 00:03:34,540 And that being the case, you might think that this would be a very short paper and could just stop it. 36 00:03:34,540 --> 00:03:41,860 But I do think that thinking about species transition species boundaries are both biological, 37 00:03:41,860 --> 00:03:49,990 biological and moral can prompt us to useful approaches for our considerations, for our rethinking of moral status. 38 00:03:49,990 --> 00:03:55,450 And that's what I propose to do in the rest of what will not be such a short paper. 39 00:03:55,450 --> 00:04:00,880 To do this, I need to begin by setting out a few issues in how we think about moral status. 40 00:04:00,880 --> 00:04:09,070 And I think particularly thank the previous two speakers for having brought up a number of points, which I think framed this discussion well. 41 00:04:09,070 --> 00:04:15,940 So when we ask the question about moral status, we're asking what it is to matter morally for one's own sake. 42 00:04:15,940 --> 00:04:24,040 Am I alone with David in thinking that the position of interests is the basis for moral hazard or ability? 43 00:04:24,040 --> 00:04:28,120 And this, of course, implies having certain capacities that give rise to those interests. 44 00:04:28,120 --> 00:04:36,050 So this account is one both about interests and about psychological capacities that grounds them, but is relative moral status. 45 00:04:36,050 --> 00:04:40,630 So when we start to think of whether beings can have more or less moral status is relative moral 46 00:04:40,630 --> 00:04:46,630 status about what interests are being has or what we owe to a being in view of its interests. 47 00:04:46,630 --> 00:04:52,900 So again, I'm taking is read that in order to have any kind of moral status of being has to have morally considerable interest in the first place. 48 00:04:52,900 --> 00:04:58,300 So now I'm asking a question that deals with degrees of moral status if they can be such a thing. 49 00:04:58,300 --> 00:05:00,790 Similarly, I'm talking here of interests and obligations. 50 00:05:00,790 --> 00:05:08,680 I haven't phrased the question in the language of rights, but the same question could be asked in terms of what rights are being. 51 00:05:08,680 --> 00:05:17,050 OK, so to illustrate the difference that I'm trying to to tease out here, let's say we have two beings A and B, and they have sets of interests. 52 00:05:17,050 --> 00:05:25,900 Interests of any interests would be if the interests of a are equal and identical in all respects to the interests of B. 53 00:05:25,900 --> 00:05:36,070 Does that mean that A and B have the same moral status? Or could we say that if A has a higher moral status than B, 54 00:05:36,070 --> 00:05:40,630 our obligations to satisfy the interests of or a subset of A's interests are greater 55 00:05:40,630 --> 00:05:45,610 than our obligations to satisfy the interests of bee or a subset of bees interests. 56 00:05:45,610 --> 00:05:50,740 So, in other words, is moral status about what interests there are and what obligations we own. 57 00:05:50,740 --> 00:05:55,600 Or can we say moral status is based on something else and therefore our obligations in 58 00:05:55,600 --> 00:05:59,470 respect of the interests that beings of different moral status have will be different, 59 00:05:59,470 --> 00:06:07,450 even though the interests or the interest is the same? So are we saying that if the moral status of of a is more than be the interest of A. 60 00:06:07,450 --> 00:06:14,340 somehow count more than the interests of BEE for any interest that they share equally? 61 00:06:14,340 --> 00:06:19,290 OK, and this is assuming as well that we have no special responsibilities towards A or B, 62 00:06:19,290 --> 00:06:23,460 so we have no special relationships, nothing like like this is cats. 63 00:06:23,460 --> 00:06:31,550 Would a having a higher moral status justify or require us to place the satisfaction of AI's interests above that would be OK. 64 00:06:31,550 --> 00:06:35,040 I'm not actually going to answer the question, but I think in asking it, 65 00:06:35,040 --> 00:06:42,900 it frames some interesting points about the way that we're trying to relate to interests, obligations, maybe rights and moral status. 66 00:06:42,900 --> 00:06:46,980 Do variable interest or variable rights lead to variable moral status? 67 00:06:46,980 --> 00:06:51,630 Clearly, they're likely to ground different obligations, but does that actually mean different moral status? 68 00:06:51,630 --> 00:06:55,260 And I think this was a claim that was starting to emerge from some of what what you were 69 00:06:55,260 --> 00:07:01,270 saying that having different sets of rights might actually mean a different moral status. 70 00:07:01,270 --> 00:07:07,910 In posing the question in the first place, we have a problem of Commencer ability and of severability of interests. 71 00:07:07,910 --> 00:07:12,500 So what might or could it mean to state that, for example? 72 00:07:12,500 --> 00:07:17,630 A mouse or a super mouse and a human have the same interest in continued life. 73 00:07:17,630 --> 00:07:26,150 I don't think that we necessarily do, but if we were to try and make that work and we have the same interest in something, how can we measure that? 74 00:07:26,150 --> 00:07:32,840 Regarding severability, can a single interest in, say, the continuation of one's life be disentangled from the contingent interest 75 00:07:32,840 --> 00:07:37,840 that we have in all the things that we might do with our lives once continued? 76 00:07:37,840 --> 00:07:42,130 This further and evidentiary and epistemic problem with respect to interest and the strength 77 00:07:42,130 --> 00:07:46,270 thereof in that if I claim I have as strong an interest in continued life as you do, 78 00:07:46,270 --> 00:07:50,500 how do we know that's true? How how can we judge this? OK, 79 00:07:50,500 --> 00:07:55,090 I'm not going to attempt here to produce a definitive account of moral status because 80 00:07:55,090 --> 00:07:59,500 that is the job of this entire conference and many better minds have attempted it. 81 00:07:59,500 --> 00:08:05,320 But let me say some things about a general account of moral status that we might start 82 00:08:05,320 --> 00:08:10,090 to use to think about species transitions and moral and moral status enhancement. 83 00:08:10,090 --> 00:08:14,770 So moral status is, I think, related to interests. It's based on capacities. 84 00:08:14,770 --> 00:08:26,050 It should be species neutral. I also think that's the argument for equal consequential consideration that's being told is is one that applies here. 85 00:08:26,050 --> 00:08:35,920 And that to me, it's plausible to describe, at least to some elements of what is called Unitarian ism, which means we have. 86 00:08:35,920 --> 00:08:41,590 So this is in counter position to the claim that variable rights, for instance, give rise to variable status. 87 00:08:41,590 --> 00:08:47,050 We have a moral status, which is the right to have our interests taken into consideration. 88 00:08:47,050 --> 00:08:56,470 And then what we are, you will vary depending on those interests, but we all have at heart the right to having just taken into consideration. 89 00:08:56,470 --> 00:09:04,090 Okay. So if we think that's the case, of course, starting to talk about moral status enhancements perhaps doesn't really make sense, 90 00:09:04,090 --> 00:09:07,900 because if we're going to say we all have one and it's the same, how can you how can you in Hudson? 91 00:09:07,900 --> 00:09:10,840 So please bear in mind that throughout this discussion, 92 00:09:10,840 --> 00:09:16,510 I am treating both moral status in the idea of full moral status as what I call problem concepts. 93 00:09:16,510 --> 00:09:21,010 That is, I'm going to use them, but I'm not going to. 94 00:09:21,010 --> 00:09:22,510 I'm not going to use them uncritically. 95 00:09:22,510 --> 00:09:29,980 I'm going to use them in ways that they have been thought about to try and show in ways that we need to rethink psychoanalysis. 96 00:09:29,980 --> 00:09:42,280 OK. Some further problems in connecting in connecting moral status and interests is that obviously moral status is not just the sum of our interests, 97 00:09:42,280 --> 00:09:47,320 or at least I can be, and not all interests seem to be relevant to moral status. 98 00:09:47,320 --> 00:09:52,240 So, for example, if I acquire a bicycle, I also acquire an interest in owning a bicycle pump. 99 00:09:52,240 --> 00:09:58,480 But it doesn't seem to me that my moral status in that more Unitarian sense is increased. 100 00:09:58,480 --> 00:10:00,700 Thereby, 101 00:10:00,700 --> 00:10:08,230 I'm not sure how vital it is actually to try and disentangle moral status from interest or to understand exactly how they relate to each other. 102 00:10:08,230 --> 00:10:14,980 And the reason for that is given that the main reason we want to understand what moral status of being has, 103 00:10:14,980 --> 00:10:19,330 at least in a practical sense, is to know how we should treat it. Perhaps it doesn't matter. 104 00:10:19,330 --> 00:10:28,210 So if you consider cases of morally justifiable assisted dying in which a being that you consider to be a person to have full moral status? 105 00:10:28,210 --> 00:10:34,840 Ordinarily, a kind of thing would be wrong to kill if that being all things considered, no longer has an interesting continued life. 106 00:10:34,840 --> 00:10:41,080 Most of us wouldn't want to say that person has less moral status, but if the upshot of our analysis is that killing this being might, 107 00:10:41,080 --> 00:10:44,920 after all, be permissible, how much does the moral status question matter? 108 00:10:44,920 --> 00:10:53,080 So, I mean, to put aside exactly how much we need to to dig that out, I think that's a question less practical than theoretical. 109 00:10:53,080 --> 00:10:53,620 All the same, 110 00:10:53,620 --> 00:11:01,000 it does seem that there are certain sorts of critical interest critical life interests that are more relevant to moral status than others. 111 00:11:01,000 --> 00:11:08,410 And we've seen a few of them already identified today. So these results in common thresholds in views where we have degrees of moral status, 112 00:11:08,410 --> 00:11:13,210 one being sentience, another being personhood or full moral status. 113 00:11:13,210 --> 00:11:16,900 And I understand why this that personhood is just a shorthand. 114 00:11:16,900 --> 00:11:22,150 Personhood is a useful term that that we like to apply when what we mean is moral status. 115 00:11:22,150 --> 00:11:29,140 What do we mean when we speak of full moral status? I'm going to return to this problem of fullness later, but for now, 116 00:11:29,140 --> 00:11:36,520 I'll just use that synonymously in which some philosophers have have treated as as personhood. 117 00:11:36,520 --> 00:11:41,890 So when we speak of full moral status, we tend to mean a bundle of moral rights are the most common. 118 00:11:41,890 --> 00:11:47,800 One is not to be killed, but also rights to self-determination, not to be used instrumentally, cetera. 119 00:11:47,800 --> 00:11:54,880 And that's grounded. As David, I think, convincingly argued in the idea of a narrative life, a respect. 120 00:11:54,880 --> 00:12:02,350 When we talk about respect for life, we mean not just are beings aliveness, but having a life as a coherent whole. 121 00:12:02,350 --> 00:12:08,200 So this relates in some ways to Regan's idea of the experiencing subject of a life. 122 00:12:08,200 --> 00:12:09,580 But it's more than just experience. 123 00:12:09,580 --> 00:12:19,030 It is the narrative what makes that life into a whole and is therefore related to what gives the individual what related to questions about identity. 124 00:12:19,030 --> 00:12:23,050 So what it is that makes a life coherent whole is on some accounts, at least. 125 00:12:23,050 --> 00:12:28,300 And in one sense of the term, what gives an individual living that life a coherent identity? 126 00:12:28,300 --> 00:12:34,440 And this has implications for how we think about potential moral status in Huntsman's. 127 00:12:34,440 --> 00:12:40,170 OK, so let's consider now some types of what might be commonly thought of as moral status enhancement. 128 00:12:40,170 --> 00:12:44,130 I'm not claiming that they all are. In fact, I'm going to go on later and say that some of these are not. 129 00:12:44,130 --> 00:12:49,950 But when we think about the kinds of enhancement technologies, memorisation, et cetera, 130 00:12:49,950 --> 00:12:53,190 the kinds of things that we're saying, this might result in increased moral status. 131 00:12:53,190 --> 00:12:57,660 Here are the sorts of things we think about human nonhuman chimaeras. 132 00:12:57,660 --> 00:13:07,800 So we had that. The idea that prompted the first big discussion in bioethics of human nonhuman chimaeras was the still mythical human neurone mouse, 133 00:13:07,800 --> 00:13:14,040 which didn't get made in that form in the end. More recently, we have seen human mouse neural chimaeras not with neurones per se, 134 00:13:14,040 --> 00:13:21,030 but with other brain cells, which do appear to be smarter or have increased cognitive capacities. 135 00:13:21,030 --> 00:13:27,780 We we are also seeing the creation of human pig chimaeras via the process of blastocyst implementations 136 00:13:27,780 --> 00:13:33,510 that are being suggested that these chimaeras might make good hosts for for growing human organs. 137 00:13:33,510 --> 00:13:41,000 But actually, if you put in pluripotent cells at the blastocyst stage, there is a chance that they're going to go into.