1 00:00:01,150 --> 00:00:09,670 Good afternoon, welcome, everybody. It's nice to see names appearing on the screen, but it's a little bit sad that we're not doing it face to face. 2 00:00:09,670 --> 00:00:17,380 I'm very happy. I'm delighted to have the honour to present Haggai this afternoon. 3 00:00:17,380 --> 00:00:22,540 But I can only wish we'd had the chance to sit together for lunch before and maybe afterwards. 4 00:00:22,540 --> 00:00:26,550 So keep that promise for me for later. 5 00:00:26,550 --> 00:00:34,120 A speaker Professor Hagai Raam is a historian of the Middle East at Ben-Gurion University in the Negev in Israel. 6 00:00:34,120 --> 00:00:42,130 His area of research areas of research include the social and cultural histories of Iran and the Levant, 7 00:00:42,130 --> 00:00:48,980 and amongst his publications are the books, myth and mobilisation in Revolutionary Iran. 8 00:00:48,980 --> 00:00:54,470 Reading Iran and Israel came out in Hebrew in 2006 and Iran a phobia. 9 00:00:54,470 --> 00:01:03,080 The logic of an Israeli obsession came out with Stanford University Press 20 09 and his latest book, 10 00:01:03,080 --> 00:01:13,760 which is the topic of the talk today, is intoxicating Zion, a social history of Hashish in Mandatory Palestine and Israel. 11 00:01:13,760 --> 00:01:18,170 And the title of his talk today is the social life of hashish in monetary policy and in Israel. 12 00:01:18,170 --> 00:01:23,210 A global history I think is so much for joining this seminar. 13 00:01:23,210 --> 00:01:30,020 Thank you, Yaakov, for this very generous introduction and my my. 14 00:01:30,020 --> 00:01:35,120 The only thing which is a bit regretful is that I couldn't make it the best. 15 00:01:35,120 --> 00:01:44,540 Thank God there is Zoom, although I'm sure that most of us who have been teaching and using it in the past two years, I've grown quite tired of it. 16 00:01:44,540 --> 00:01:50,900 But I'll try to make the best of it. I'm going to share a PowerPoint presentation. 17 00:01:50,900 --> 00:01:56,300 Please let me. Are you seeing it? Do you see it? 18 00:01:56,300 --> 00:02:01,280 Yes, working. Fantastic. OK. 19 00:02:01,280 --> 00:02:07,220 So my can you hear me well? 20 00:02:07,220 --> 00:02:12,680 So everything is fantastic. OK, the social life of cannabis or association Palestine-Israel. 21 00:02:12,680 --> 00:02:29,210 A global history. So my presentation here is based, as Yakov just mentioned, is based on my book Intoxicating Zion Social History of Fashion, 22 00:02:29,210 --> 00:02:37,970 Mandatory Palestine and Israel, which was published earlier this year with Stanford University Press the. 23 00:02:37,970 --> 00:02:48,050 The overall study is concerned with the previously untold social history of hashish in Palestine, 24 00:02:48,050 --> 00:02:53,060 Israel, the drug which is made from the cannabis resin. 25 00:02:53,060 --> 00:03:03,110 And my story begins in the 1920s, the mandatory period in Palestine and in the Levant in general, 26 00:03:03,110 --> 00:03:13,730 which coincided with the criminalisation of cannabis and other drugs in the international arena. 27 00:03:13,730 --> 00:03:29,750 And the story ends in nineteen sixty seven, specifically with the 1967 war, which, together with other local and global trends and circumstances, 28 00:03:29,750 --> 00:03:41,530 dramatically transformed patterns of hashish policy and drug culture in the Levant region for years to come. 29 00:03:41,530 --> 00:03:55,480 It is. A transnational, perhaps even global study that examines the transition from mandatory Palestine to the State of Israel in the 1950s and the 30 00:03:55,480 --> 00:04:07,570 1960s through the perspective of hashish cannabis as an illicit commodity that is smuggled across borders that is traded, 31 00:04:07,570 --> 00:04:13,000 consumed, regulated and endlessly debated, 32 00:04:13,000 --> 00:04:25,630 and as a screen on which human beings project their class ethnic [INAUDIBLE] racial and gender desires and inside. 33 00:04:25,630 --> 00:04:31,610 So just to give a short introduction starting in the 1990s. 34 00:04:31,610 --> 00:04:41,510 Trained historians began to forge what historian Paul Guttenberg termed the new drug history. 35 00:04:41,510 --> 00:04:56,900 So until that point in time, academic interests in criminalised drugs was largely limited to those in the biomedical or legal criminological fields. 36 00:04:56,900 --> 00:05:05,270 So when historians began to demonstrate an interest in the subject, they mobilised the tools of their profession. 37 00:05:05,270 --> 00:05:15,140 They delved into previously untapped archives and analysed a wide array of sources using cross-disciplinary, 38 00:05:15,140 --> 00:05:22,490 cultural and sociological methods in order to understand such things as the 39 00:05:22,490 --> 00:05:29,270 modern origins of a variety of intoxicants that have rich and complex social, 40 00:05:29,270 --> 00:05:35,510 cultural, economic and political histories. In the process, 41 00:05:35,510 --> 00:05:41,510 they have shed light on an immense and fascinating field of study that includes new 42 00:05:41,510 --> 00:05:50,760 understandings of the political and cultural context within which substances became drugs. 43 00:05:50,760 --> 00:05:57,900 The underworld of users and traffickers, the complex role of race, 44 00:05:57,900 --> 00:06:04,440 gender and class in the construction of addiction and the place of colonialism and 45 00:06:04,440 --> 00:06:12,750 nation building projects in dispersing drug use and enforcing drug restrictions. 46 00:06:12,750 --> 00:06:16,380 Historical research on these topics has offered. 47 00:06:16,380 --> 00:06:30,570 Exciting observations about a variety of societies in the Americas and Europe, in Asia and Africa, and perhaps more excitingly, at least to my mind. 48 00:06:30,570 --> 00:06:40,410 These studies also demonstrate the links between criminalised drugs and broader political, social and economic histories. 49 00:06:40,410 --> 00:06:47,400 So as of late? There has been, I would say, a trickle of monographs, 50 00:06:47,400 --> 00:06:55,500 articles and dissertations on the history of drugs in the pre-modern early modern and modern Middle East, 51 00:06:55,500 --> 00:07:05,100 specifically Egypt, Morocco, the Ottoman Empire and Turkey, Lebanon and Iran. 52 00:07:05,100 --> 00:07:17,670 With regard to Palestine, Israel specifically, no historical study of drugs in Palestine has ever been undertaken, 53 00:07:17,670 --> 00:07:24,090 and no academic attention has been paid to the links between criminalised drugs and broader 54 00:07:24,090 --> 00:07:29,490 historical issues in the State of Israel from its establishment until the present, 55 00:07:29,490 --> 00:07:36,360 intoxicating Zion is the first study that addresses these lacuna. 56 00:07:36,360 --> 00:07:42,480 And it focuses on cannabis, which was and remains the main criminalised, 57 00:07:42,480 --> 00:07:50,550 mind altering substance that circulated in the Levant in the region's most popular recreational drug. 58 00:07:50,550 --> 00:08:05,790 So in my talk now, I would like to discuss three interrelated aspects of the social history of hashish in Mandatory Palestine in the State of Israel. 59 00:08:05,790 --> 00:08:11,450 The first is hashish commodity chains. 60 00:08:11,450 --> 00:08:18,130 And the movement of hashish traffickers across the Levant region, including Palestine. 61 00:08:18,130 --> 00:08:35,890 The second is the evolution of hashish culture in mandatory Palestine, and the third is the attitude of Jews in pre and post 1948. 62 00:08:35,890 --> 00:08:40,480 Periods to cannabis and cannabis intoxication in the process, 63 00:08:40,480 --> 00:08:52,050 what I hope would come through is the porous nature of the Levant states and the interdependence between them. 64 00:08:52,050 --> 00:08:59,730 Not only in matters relating to live in time, culture and political horizons, 65 00:08:59,730 --> 00:09:11,370 which have been sufficiently addressed in previous scholarship, but also in matters pertaining to criminal activity and leisure culture. 66 00:09:11,370 --> 00:09:24,920 So let us begin. Contrary to 19th and 20th century Orientalist discourses, hashish consumption in late Ottoman Palestine. 67 00:09:24,920 --> 00:09:37,170 Appears to have been very negligible. It is indeed likely that hashish was consumed in Palestine in moderation. 68 00:09:37,170 --> 00:09:48,100 In much of the same way that opium was used in 19th century England without any fatal loss of control as it were. 69 00:09:48,100 --> 00:09:58,480 This, however, began to change with the establishment of unprecedented global controls over opiates before and during the interwar years. 70 00:09:58,480 --> 00:10:06,460 And over cannabis in the 1925 League of Nations 2nd Opium Convention. 71 00:10:06,460 --> 00:10:19,240 So before the emergence of these incipient drugs, drug control regimes, Greece was the main supply source of Egypt, of hashish to Egypt, 72 00:10:19,240 --> 00:10:26,560 Egypt being one of the having one of the longest histories with hashish in the Arab Middle East, 73 00:10:26,560 --> 00:10:35,140 the history that dates back to the Middle Ages, indeed, as Philip Robins suggests. 74 00:10:35,140 --> 00:10:43,510 And here I quote, I hope, verbatim with a mix of affection and mild contempt to this day, 75 00:10:43,510 --> 00:10:51,220 Egyptians are widely referred to as the hashish scene that is hashish users across the rest of the Arab world. 76 00:10:51,220 --> 00:10:59,330 In recognition of their fondness for their drug. At any rate, without supplies from Greece. 77 00:10:59,330 --> 00:11:07,450 Egyptians turned for the first time to hashish supplies from Lebanon and Syria. 78 00:11:07,450 --> 00:11:21,220 As a result, Palestine emerged as a new junction and a transit route in the Levant for three straight that extended between Lebanon in the North. 79 00:11:21,220 --> 00:11:29,440 And Egypt in the south and short Palestine's geographical position ensured that vast quantities 80 00:11:29,440 --> 00:11:42,380 of illicit hashish supplies would be smuggled across its territory and route to Egypt. 81 00:11:42,380 --> 00:11:49,640 How should I proceed from here? OK? According to our zone upward ride, I had the ride. 82 00:11:49,640 --> 00:11:53,570 It is classic the social life of things, 83 00:11:53,570 --> 00:12:03,200 and I quote the diversion of commodities from specific from specified pets is always a sign of creativity or crisis. 84 00:12:03,200 --> 00:12:13,820 Whether static or economic, so arguably the diversion of hashish smuggling routes from Egypt to Greece. 85 00:12:13,820 --> 00:12:20,360 Sorry, the the the the diversion or hashish smuggling routes to Egypt from Greece to 86 00:12:20,360 --> 00:12:27,440 the Levant was a sign of crisis for the British in Palestine and a sign of 87 00:12:27,440 --> 00:12:34,340 creativity for hashish traffickers lacking the infrastructure to build the economic 88 00:12:34,340 --> 00:12:40,790 capacity and sometimes the willpower to enforce the ban on the drug trade. 89 00:12:40,790 --> 00:12:51,610 Border crossing illicit hashish flows demonstrated to the British, the porous and perforated nature of the mandate states border. 90 00:12:51,610 --> 00:12:57,730 And by extension, they also question the very legitimacy of these states. 91 00:12:57,730 --> 00:12:59,320 Let me just give you one example. 92 00:12:59,320 --> 00:13:11,020 Claude Skidmore Jarvis, a British major who served in the English Army in Egypt and Palestine, conveyed this sentiment most succinctly, 93 00:13:11,020 --> 00:13:18,310 as such as as as follows he complaining about the menace of hashish traffickers in the Levant region. 94 00:13:18,310 --> 00:13:26,680 He mused she smuggling is rather like an attempt to dam a stream with the clay barrier directly. 95 00:13:26,680 --> 00:13:33,260 You have plugged up one hole. The water comes through in another place. 96 00:13:33,260 --> 00:13:39,770 On the other hand, as I mentioned, the diversion of smuggling routes to the Levant compelled or, I wouldn't say, 97 00:13:39,770 --> 00:13:49,460 inspired hashish traffickers to come up with the most creative and ingenious rouses and 98 00:13:49,460 --> 00:13:58,540 subterfuges in order to transport their cargoes safely from Lebanon to Egypt safely. 99 00:13:58,540 --> 00:14:05,770 Now, to be remembered that the interwar period presented these hashish traffickers with serious challenges, 100 00:14:05,770 --> 00:14:12,070 firstly, incipient, international and local control efforts had criminalised them. 101 00:14:12,070 --> 00:14:21,880 But perhaps even more importantly, as people who were previously that is the late Ottoman period crossed territories in relative ease, 102 00:14:21,880 --> 00:14:28,690 the creation of the Divine Mandate states with customs and police outposts created along these states, 103 00:14:28,690 --> 00:14:40,180 borders restricted their movement and they could no longer expect their now illicit cargoes to go undetected. 104 00:14:40,180 --> 00:14:45,320 These, in a special circumstances, required our traffickers. 105 00:14:45,320 --> 00:14:52,960 I mean, I'm sorry, I should have said that before, because when I say traffickers, I mean ordinary Palestinians. 106 00:14:52,960 --> 00:14:59,860 Arabs from adjacent countries. International gangs from different countries in Europe and the Middle East. 107 00:14:59,860 --> 00:15:09,970 British soldiers stationed in Palestine, Egypt. And significantly also Zionist paramilitary organisations that fought the British. 108 00:15:09,970 --> 00:15:20,800 So these circumstances of erecting borders in the Levant states required all of these people 109 00:15:20,800 --> 00:15:28,060 to come up with a variety of ploys and deceptions to transport their cargoes safely. 110 00:15:28,060 --> 00:15:37,660 So smugglers concealed hashish in shoes with thick, hollow soles and heels inside wheels in hollow, 111 00:15:37,660 --> 00:15:46,360 a slab of chocolate on the bodies of men forced to dress as monks and priests in spare, 112 00:15:46,360 --> 00:15:55,920 and secret compartments built in automobiles, buses, lorries and trains in false bottom of suitcases in musical instruments. 113 00:15:55,920 --> 00:16:00,440 And the list goes on and on and on and on. 114 00:16:00,440 --> 00:16:12,130 But significantly in these ploys for a few smugglers took advantage and were also empowered by what historian Paul Mecca 115 00:16:12,130 --> 00:16:20,890 described in the context of criminal activity in interwar Europe as world shrinking technologies or speed technologies. 116 00:16:20,890 --> 00:16:33,130 Part of the long 19th century art smugglers used cars, ships and even aeroplanes to ferry their illicit merchandise across borders. 117 00:16:33,130 --> 00:16:48,010 But significantly, these these were employed alongside more traditional transportation needs, such as camels and other beasts of burden smugglers. 118 00:16:48,010 --> 00:16:59,320 For instance, wood glue hashish cylinders underneath the hair of camels, humps or ultimately, and please don't try this at home. 119 00:16:59,320 --> 00:17:05,110 They would force these hashish cylinders down their throats. 120 00:17:05,110 --> 00:17:16,120 Once crossing the border into Egypt, the unfortunate beasts would then be slaughtered and the valuable cargo recovered. 121 00:17:16,120 --> 00:17:30,490 Another illuminating example of such ploys is transmitted in the 1994 novella Majima A Fraa Bundle of secrets by the celebrated Lebanese novelist, 122 00:17:30,490 --> 00:17:40,690 playwright and critic. Elias, who was one of the novellas protagonists, is a certain also Ulsterman, 123 00:17:40,690 --> 00:17:51,220 a convict in a Beirut prison in the 1940s who's awaiting his verdict execution by hanging for the killing of two prostitutes. 124 00:17:51,220 --> 00:17:55,490 Listens. Attempt to. 125 00:17:55,490 --> 00:18:07,850 Two stories disclosed to him by Ahmad and Munir is to cellmates, he's fascinated by their tales about the exploits of a certain Sami Al. 126 00:18:07,850 --> 00:18:11,430 Not to be confused, of course, with the author alias hoodie, 127 00:18:11,430 --> 00:18:21,440 who is described in Novella and I quote as one of the most dangerous smugglers in the world of the drugs, a.k.a. the boss. 128 00:18:21,440 --> 00:18:31,760 While the following Kabbage story, which illustrates the boss's ingenuity and his quote amazing ability to escape police 129 00:18:31,760 --> 00:18:38,060 networks that pursued him impressed Hunter the most and steered up his emotions. 130 00:18:38,060 --> 00:18:48,620 And the story goes like this. The boss instructed us That is Ahmad Amir to saw cabbage. 131 00:18:48,620 --> 00:18:55,680 We thought he lost his mind. He said obtain the plot and land and saw cabbage. 132 00:18:55,680 --> 00:19:00,300 We said bus, we came here to eat bread. We're not farmers, he said. 133 00:19:00,300 --> 00:19:10,710 Stop cabbages and the rest is on me. So we saw, you know, when the cabbage starts growing, they explained to to find out a sermon. 134 00:19:10,710 --> 00:19:18,180 When the cabbage starts growing, it's open. We kept watering the cabbage looking around us, not understanding. 135 00:19:18,180 --> 00:19:24,150 We were instructed to see to it that the cabbage would open one moonless night. 136 00:19:24,150 --> 00:19:31,620 The bus arrived with 10 young men equipped with magnum revolvers and tent trucks loaded with hashish. 137 00:19:31,620 --> 00:19:35,940 We took the hashish and planted it inside the open cabbages. 138 00:19:35,940 --> 00:19:41,190 We worked all night, Darren Sammy insisted on rolling up his sleeves. 139 00:19:41,190 --> 00:19:49,740 This wasn't a smuggling operation. It was a hobby. He planted hashish in between the cabbage leaves as though he were a physician, 140 00:19:49,740 --> 00:19:56,040 given giving medicine to a patient after 10 days, which lasted like 100 years. 141 00:19:56,040 --> 00:20:02,730 The cabbage leaves had sharp, covering the hashish and swallowing it up, I swear to Allah. 142 00:20:02,730 --> 00:20:11,010 After that, we collected the cabbage and sent it in cargo planes to Egypt under the pretence of a cabbage export deal. 143 00:20:11,010 --> 00:20:16,710 So to be clear, the novella is primarily a work of fiction. 144 00:20:16,710 --> 00:20:28,470 However, like most fictional, work it or it also echoes a credible historical reality and demonstrates the extent to which the creation of the Levant 145 00:20:28,470 --> 00:20:38,670 hashish trade stretching from Lebanon to Egypt with Palestine in between provided a bonanza for many hashish traffickers, 146 00:20:38,670 --> 00:20:47,850 Lebanese and many others as well. The credibility of this tale is reinforced by the fact that Sami, a hoodie, 147 00:20:47,850 --> 00:20:56,520 was indeed a real Lebanese drug baron, both during the interwar period in and afterwards in 1952. 148 00:20:56,520 --> 00:21:03,750 It was described in, I quote, as the most powerful and notorious drug trafficker in Lebanon's young history. 149 00:21:03,750 --> 00:21:10,440 At an early stage of his career, he indeed may have run hashish trafficking operations from Lebanon to Egypt, 150 00:21:10,440 --> 00:21:14,880 along the lines recounted in bundle of secrets. As a matter of fact, 151 00:21:14,880 --> 00:21:24,000 as I found out later in 1947 and who was imprisoned in Egypt for three years after attempting to smuggle two hundred and sixty 152 00:21:24,000 --> 00:21:34,290 six kilograms of hashish and 47 kilograms of opium on board of an aeroplane which stopped over in Palestine for refuelling. 153 00:21:34,290 --> 00:21:46,740 Anyway, it was under these circumstances. In 1936, Joseph Broadhurst, a senior officer at the Palestine Police, recalled with exasperation, 154 00:21:46,740 --> 00:21:56,340 and I quote the immensity of the smuggling problem that faced the Palestine police and the so numerous what he called smugglers of originality, 155 00:21:56,340 --> 00:22:07,870 who, by virtue of having been born with great natural cunning, had played so many tricks of the police and gave us endless trouble. 156 00:22:07,870 --> 00:22:10,240 Broadhurst went on to say, and I quote again, 157 00:22:10,240 --> 00:22:18,520 by every measure of the trick of trick hashish is smuggled over the Syrian Penn Palestinian frontier through Palestine, 158 00:22:18,520 --> 00:22:26,380 across the burning Sinai desert, over a lonely part of the Suez Canal and up to Cairo. 159 00:22:26,380 --> 00:22:33,520 So let me move to the second theme of my lecture the the emergence of Hashish Culture in Palestine, 160 00:22:33,520 --> 00:22:40,510 which, as you will see, is closely related to my previous discussion. 161 00:22:40,510 --> 00:22:51,970 And I'll start with Sebastian Conran, who in his book What Is History Suggests follows and I quote the history of commodities traces particular items, 162 00:22:51,970 --> 00:22:59,380 most famously sugar in the classic study by Sidney Mintz, but also cotton sold porcelain in glass. 163 00:22:59,380 --> 00:23:06,070 And I may add hashish as well across distinct geographies and across time. 164 00:23:06,070 --> 00:23:13,270 These are studies of interconnectedness that link sites of production and consumption 165 00:23:13,270 --> 00:23:20,170 in different locations and show how these commodities impacted individual households, 166 00:23:20,170 --> 00:23:26,020 as well as larger groups and social formations accordingly. 167 00:23:26,020 --> 00:23:31,190 What I would like to argue now is that the novel links. 168 00:23:31,190 --> 00:23:36,410 That develop between the sides of hashish production in Lebanon, 169 00:23:36,410 --> 00:23:43,100 on the one hand and the sides of hashish consumption in Egypt on the other led 170 00:23:43,100 --> 00:23:50,990 to a dramatic change in the leisure culture practises of Palestinian Arabs, 171 00:23:50,990 --> 00:24:00,830 while Palestinian Arabs, as I previously mentioned, were not known to be avid hashish consumers in the late Ottoman period. 172 00:24:00,830 --> 00:24:10,550 The emergence of Palestine as the largest hashish depot in the Levant during the interwar years led to a surge in hashish, 173 00:24:10,550 --> 00:24:19,210 smoking, smoking amongst them. My sources provide ample evidence that by the early 1930s, 174 00:24:19,210 --> 00:24:28,630 hashish smoking spread throughout Palestine's urban centres of Jaffa, Haifa, Jerusalem, A. Nablus, 175 00:24:28,630 --> 00:24:46,180 Tiberius, Ramallah leader and even Tel-Aviv, the first Hebrew city and many persons could be seen wandering the streets of these towns utterly stoned. 176 00:24:46,180 --> 00:24:50,770 Venues of hashish consumption were primarily of two kinds. 177 00:24:50,770 --> 00:25:01,720 Makeshift hashish dens, which the Hebrew and Arabic press at the time described as hashish, smoking clubs and coffee houses. 178 00:25:01,720 --> 00:25:05,530 What went on inside these establishments? 179 00:25:05,530 --> 00:25:16,420 A contemporary Jewish observer described what transpired in one such club, which was located in an Arab quarter of Haifa's lower city. 180 00:25:16,420 --> 00:25:22,180 And he describes it as follows Various people were either sitting down or lying down. 181 00:25:22,180 --> 00:25:28,300 Others were smoking glucans, water pipes and the rest were lying motions. 182 00:25:28,300 --> 00:25:32,080 The motionless as if dead, their lips mumbled. 183 00:25:32,080 --> 00:25:39,280 Meaningless, meaningless, broken words and syllables. Their face glowing with silly smiles. 184 00:25:39,280 --> 00:25:42,550 Within two hours, all the guests were fast asleep. 185 00:25:42,550 --> 00:25:52,060 The only sounds were fleeting words and unintelligible roars coming out of the sleeping man's mouths. 186 00:25:52,060 --> 00:25:59,780 Be that as it made, decisions were not the main main venues of hashish smoking in the interior. 187 00:25:59,780 --> 00:26:08,860 Palestine, like elsewhere in the Arab, Ottoman, Turkish and Iranian Middle East coffeehouses, were now. 188 00:26:08,860 --> 00:26:20,020 This is not surprising. A Middle Eastern adventure coffee first appeared in the Ottoman Empire and in Safavi Iran in the 16th and 17th century. 189 00:26:20,020 --> 00:26:30,130 Soon, emerging oops. Sorry, so emerging as as urban venues where new kinds of sociability and new patrons 190 00:26:30,130 --> 00:26:37,390 of public conviviality came into play from the perspective of drug history. 191 00:26:37,390 --> 00:26:45,100 One of the reasons why these institutions reached such such a paramount social position, I argue, 192 00:26:45,100 --> 00:26:54,790 is that they became a point of convergence of consumable drugs such as coffee, tobacco, opium and cannabis. 193 00:26:54,790 --> 00:27:01,870 The combination of all of these enabled coffeehouses patrons to sip coffee leisurely, 194 00:27:01,870 --> 00:27:09,760 but also pursuing collective pleasure in ingesting opium and hashish and beginning in the 18th and 19th centuries, 195 00:27:09,760 --> 00:27:14,980 also smoking each of them mixed with tobacco. 196 00:27:14,980 --> 00:27:24,340 Now it is a known fact amongst historians of Palestine. The coffeehouse culture had expanded dramatically in the interwar years. 197 00:27:24,340 --> 00:27:30,070 It is my contention that this expansion may have led may have been linked to the 198 00:27:30,070 --> 00:27:35,620 emergence of Palestine as a major depot of hashish commodities in the Levant. 199 00:27:35,620 --> 00:27:45,070 As I discussed earlier. Indeed, it may not have been a coincidence that the record recreational activities that were soon 200 00:27:45,070 --> 00:27:52,300 hosted in coffeehouses in Palestine included in addition to two small scale gambling. 201 00:27:52,300 --> 00:27:58,630 The performance of music and prostitution. It also included the sale and consumption of tobacco and hashish. 202 00:27:58,630 --> 00:28:06,490 Now it is certain that hashish serving cafes were a thorn in the side of the British authorities in Palestine. 203 00:28:06,490 --> 00:28:18,820 And that is why café patrons and café owners were regularly arrested due to hashish smoking and or hashish possession and wine from the 1930s onward. 204 00:28:18,820 --> 00:28:29,980 The police conducted repeated and coordinated raids on cafes in various towns at the same time that these hashish smoking venues concern. 205 00:28:29,980 --> 00:28:36,610 The British authorities can also be gleaned from the dangerous from the Dangerous 206 00:28:36,610 --> 00:28:42,820 Drugs Ordinance issued by the Government of Palestine in nineteen thirty six. 207 00:28:42,820 --> 00:28:55,900 Article 14 of the ordinance, which did not appear in the previous British ordinance is of 1925 1928 to 1932, 208 00:28:55,900 --> 00:29:06,940 was designed to contend with the situation previously not known right as it shows on the on the upper right side of the slide. 209 00:29:06,940 --> 00:29:14,830 The offences in connexion with the premises used for sale or smoking or opium were hashish or, in other words, 210 00:29:14,830 --> 00:29:23,560 recreational fishers, smoking in cafes and other spaces designated for the same illicit activity. 211 00:29:23,560 --> 00:29:30,420 Conspicuously missing from drug smuggling activities were Palestine's Jews. 212 00:29:30,420 --> 00:29:38,790 Was number had risen from fifty six thousand in the wake of World War one to around six hundred and fifty thousand. 213 00:29:38,790 --> 00:29:47,460 Towards the end of the mandate period, first, of course, there were Zionist values to be considered as intoxication. 214 00:29:47,460 --> 00:29:59,280 To put it mildly, did not sit well with a movement, then rising the virtues of abstemious frontier pioneering and Hebrew labour. 215 00:29:59,280 --> 00:30:08,580 Now augmenting Jewish aversion to hashish was fear of over assimilation into the area to into the Orient. 216 00:30:08,580 --> 00:30:18,930 Now I see over assimilation because Zionist attitudes towards the Orient, as I'm sure we all know, were never free of tensions and contradictions. 217 00:30:18,930 --> 00:30:26,670 Alongside the rejection of the Orient Pre 1948 Zionists were attracted to, for instance. 218 00:30:26,670 --> 00:30:35,700 They were fascinated with the image of the Bedouin, its noble warriors, and sought to emulate them, 219 00:30:35,700 --> 00:30:43,380 and they contemplated the life of Arab peasants Philippine as a window onto a biblical times. 220 00:30:43,380 --> 00:30:50,640 In short, before 1948, many, many Zionists viewed the Orient not just as an enemy territory, 221 00:30:50,640 --> 00:30:56,820 but also as a token space of possibility for Jewish renewal. 222 00:30:56,820 --> 00:31:05,250 The same goes incidentally for more mundane concerns, such as culinary preferences. 223 00:31:05,250 --> 00:31:08,700 As anthropologist Duff Mekere shows vividly demonstrated, 224 00:31:08,700 --> 00:31:20,310 Jewish Zionist settlers discovered that popular leavened time dip and spread in the late in the late mandate period and began to consume 225 00:31:20,310 --> 00:31:31,290 it because they believed it to be part of a repertoire of Arab food whose effect was the consolidation of an authentic tied to the net. 226 00:31:31,290 --> 00:31:41,520 Moreover, and since the late 1950s, hummus was gradually nationalised by Israeli Jews and its Arab identity 227 00:31:41,520 --> 00:31:48,060 suppressed with Jewish immigrants from the Middle East acting as intermediaries. 228 00:31:48,060 --> 00:31:57,770 However. Or the Jews of Palestine, are she smoking was a wholly different matter. 229 00:31:57,770 --> 00:32:10,220 It amounted to an extreme act of border crossing between Jews and Arabs, and one that would take them far too down the road of Oriental ization, 230 00:32:10,220 --> 00:32:21,830 thereby exposing Jewish bodies most perilously to the implication of an alien space, virtually turning them into Arabs, by the way. 231 00:32:21,830 --> 00:32:29,390 Much of the same way that English opium smokers in the late 19th century were deemed as being or gentlemen. 232 00:32:29,390 --> 00:32:33,920 But I don't have time to go into that right now. 233 00:32:33,920 --> 00:32:42,590 Be that as a historian of free, Ilana has recently shown that during the mandatory period, so-called contraction. 234 00:32:42,590 --> 00:32:49,580 Of sodomy by Jews and particularly by European Zionists was described as an especially 235 00:32:49,580 --> 00:32:57,460 severe symptom of ideological laxity and the harming effect of the Arab environment. 236 00:32:57,460 --> 00:33:00,550 I argue that perhaps second only to sodomy, hashish, 237 00:33:00,550 --> 00:33:10,990 smoking in mandatory Palestine was seen as a form of backwardness and barbarism linked to the realities of living amongst Arabs in the least. 238 00:33:10,990 --> 00:33:12,640 That is why such venues as hashish, 239 00:33:12,640 --> 00:33:24,580 dense coffee houses and brothels in which Arabs and Jews could co-mingle and assimilate while sharing a fish field hookah were construed as a 240 00:33:24,580 --> 00:33:38,650 national political threat that these venues were also signal out is as disreputable places of sexual and homosexual encounters is not coincidental. 241 00:33:38,650 --> 00:33:48,630 Both represented an oriental advice not to be transgress to further dissuade. 242 00:33:48,630 --> 00:33:54,900 Juice from joining Eric's. To become hashish smokers, 243 00:33:54,900 --> 00:34:07,500 Zionist public discourse relied on interwar colleague colonial knowledge with a view to asserting that cannabis was specifically oriental substance. 244 00:34:07,500 --> 00:34:15,270 It's special kinds of intoxication being racially compatible with the mentality of Arabs, 245 00:34:15,270 --> 00:34:24,510 and there's only this knowledge it is important to stress arrived in Palestine from three main sites. 246 00:34:24,510 --> 00:34:28,260 As I show in my book India and Egypt, 247 00:34:28,260 --> 00:34:38,670 where the British had contended with cannabis oriented cultures long before arriving in Palestine and from the Geneva based League of Nations, 248 00:34:38,670 --> 00:34:50,460 which was one of the of the forums in which colonial knowledge about cannabis was produced and exchanged within and across imperial centres. 249 00:34:50,460 --> 00:35:00,720 Take, for example, Dr. Zul Book Inspector of pharmacies in Tunis hospitals and a member of the Subcommittee on Cannabis Cannabis, 250 00:35:00,720 --> 00:35:03,720 appointed by the League of Nations in 1934, 251 00:35:03,720 --> 00:35:12,990 who proclaimed and I quote repeated prohibition from imams edicts and penalties from the emirs and Sultans. 252 00:35:12,990 --> 00:35:16,540 All were in vain. Hashish triumphed and triumph. 253 00:35:16,540 --> 00:35:26,550 Still, for it is precisely owing to their special mentality that Muslims became and remain devotees of the drug. 254 00:35:26,550 --> 00:35:31,170 On another occasion, the same expert also asserted, 255 00:35:31,170 --> 00:35:39,780 and this is important that cannabis for Orientals increased sexual arousal and caused violent frenzy. 256 00:35:39,780 --> 00:35:51,120 On the one hand, and indolence and many probability on the other, he concluded by saying that Europeans in North Africa. 257 00:35:51,120 --> 00:36:00,600 We've had the fencing to try hashish did not experience these particular effects because cannabis intoxication was 258 00:36:00,600 --> 00:36:15,000 quote a question of racial sensibility or a question of race receptiveness right there by rationalising the substance. 259 00:36:15,000 --> 00:36:20,560 What I'd like to show you, and very briefly, is that into war zones discourse. 260 00:36:20,560 --> 00:36:27,400 Reproduce these ideas and at the same time, adapted them to local circumstances. 261 00:36:27,400 --> 00:36:33,850 A 1938 commentary in the daily newspapers defied the mouthpiece of the mainstream 262 00:36:33,850 --> 00:36:38,050 Zionism's labour movement and the most popular Hebrew language newspaper, 263 00:36:38,050 --> 00:36:42,640 and into work on this night should should demonstrate this to demonstrate this point. 264 00:36:42,640 --> 00:36:50,650 The commentary was the commentary was published during the 1936 1939 Arab Revolt in Palestine, 265 00:36:50,650 --> 00:36:58,870 which is rightly considered the most significant anti-colonial insurgency in the Arab East during the interwar period. 266 00:36:58,870 --> 00:37:10,060 The writer's primary objective, however, was to repudiate the revolt by reducing its causes and motivations to one overarching cause. 267 00:37:10,060 --> 00:37:19,390 And I quote oriental intoxication or poisoning, which is carried out, which is carried on for generations and on a massive scale, 268 00:37:19,390 --> 00:37:28,690 massive scale by means of oriental drugs by which he meant hashish in order to substantiate this point. 269 00:37:28,690 --> 00:37:34,710 The writer begins by enumerating the effects of hashish intoxication. 270 00:37:34,710 --> 00:37:43,970 Which, as you will see, echoes the arguments of Zubac of the of the League of Nations. 271 00:37:43,970 --> 00:37:54,930 First, the writer claims hashish and I quote begets powerful erotic feelings and generally speaking, it increases sexual drives and sexual activity. 272 00:37:54,930 --> 00:38:01,170 Second, as the writer goes on to say hashish induces violent insanity, 273 00:38:01,170 --> 00:38:08,610 it begets angry behaviour which can easily reach brutal and fearless aggression. 274 00:38:08,610 --> 00:38:17,310 The hashish user, he claims, is easily given to boiling rage or homicide with remarkable, cold hearted. 275 00:38:17,310 --> 00:38:29,520 That is because hashish quote starts, his mind weakens or destroys his recognition of reality and neutralises his natural and social conditions. 276 00:38:29,520 --> 00:38:36,580 By the way. Compare this. 277 00:38:36,580 --> 00:38:45,150 To the moral panic of reefer madness and killer weed in the U.S. at the very same time. 278 00:38:45,150 --> 00:38:52,500 Which demonstrates the global reverberations of these attitudes. 279 00:38:52,500 --> 00:38:57,930 So let me have much more time, do I have Yaku old, we'll had some more time. 280 00:38:57,930 --> 00:39:08,850 You have plenty of time for the test. OK, good. So I'll move on quickly to the Post 1948 era and discuss Jewish attitudes to hashish 281 00:39:08,850 --> 00:39:12,660 and in the social history of in the first two decades of the State of Israel. 282 00:39:12,660 --> 00:39:21,900 Now what? I would like to argue that these attitudes that I've just described to you. 283 00:39:21,900 --> 00:39:31,030 In the post, 1948 era represented a continuation of pre 1948 notions of the grass. 284 00:39:31,030 --> 00:39:39,280 But responding to new demographic and political realities and when I say new demographic and political realities, 285 00:39:39,280 --> 00:39:44,980 I am specifically referring to the explosion and flight of the Arab population of Palestine 286 00:39:44,980 --> 00:39:50,440 on the one hand and the country's recognition by Jews from the Middle East and North Africa, 287 00:39:50,440 --> 00:39:56,860 collectively known as Mr. Rahim. On the other hand, some of these Jews, 288 00:39:56,860 --> 00:40:06,080 not too many I should have used hashish in their countries of origin and had brought the habit with them to Israel. 289 00:40:06,080 --> 00:40:11,770 Other first and second generation immigrants from Muslim countries were not hashish smokers, 290 00:40:11,770 --> 00:40:20,150 but had picked up on the habit in Israel owing to their socioeconomic and ethnic marginalisation. 291 00:40:20,150 --> 00:40:27,200 Many of these immigrants were settled in transit camps in Hebrew and singular Marlborough, 292 00:40:27,200 --> 00:40:38,660 which sprang up across the country with some transforming into development towns in the 1960s, as their name implies. 293 00:40:38,660 --> 00:40:43,640 These settlements were originally perceived as temporary places of dwelling. 294 00:40:43,640 --> 00:40:50,600 Yet many Jews remained there for much longer periods, with settlement between one to seven years. 295 00:40:50,600 --> 00:40:59,600 They suffered from poor sanitary and hygiene conditions, poverty and neglect, 296 00:40:59,600 --> 00:41:07,460 as well as ill treatment and discrimination by the state authorities so beset by these adversities. 297 00:41:07,460 --> 00:41:12,800 Transit camps soon evolved into centres of drug wheeling and dealing and substance abuse, 298 00:41:12,800 --> 00:41:22,670 and this way hashish became a Jewish problem where formerly it was considered largely an Arab world. 299 00:41:22,670 --> 00:41:31,310 It is crucial to stress that the she smoking in Israel remained limited to no more than a few thousand members of the 300 00:41:31,310 --> 00:41:40,640 Israeli underclass and did not make inroads into the dominant Ashkenazi middle classes until after the 1967 war. 301 00:41:40,640 --> 00:41:46,400 Yet there were plenty of moral entrepreneurs. 302 00:41:46,400 --> 00:41:53,750 Removable hashish consuming this regime endangered the very western foundations of the Jewish state, 303 00:41:53,750 --> 00:42:03,600 bringing it to the brink of becoming a full fledged Arab or Levantine space. 304 00:42:03,600 --> 00:42:10,140 The primary terms that expressed these fears were contagion and a plague, 305 00:42:10,140 --> 00:42:17,640 as though hashish smoking was a disease that might spread to the enlightened European. 306 00:42:17,640 --> 00:42:23,370 Not to say white sectors of Jewish society in Israel. 307 00:42:23,370 --> 00:42:33,570 These metaphors are reminiscent. Of older continental anxieties of reverse colonialism, 308 00:42:33,570 --> 00:42:46,110 which spoke of an insidious invasion of Orientals and oriental drugs disrupting metropolitan life by debilitating and immobilising citizens. 309 00:42:46,110 --> 00:42:54,450 Consider, for example, the following ominous warning issued by senior police officer in 1956. 310 00:42:54,450 --> 00:42:59,910 What we have here is a national peril, a terrible peril. 311 00:42:59,910 --> 00:43:11,760 If something is not done to eliminate this terrible plague in ten years time, Israel will become a second Egypt. 312 00:43:11,760 --> 00:43:18,220 How she smoking venues or hashish could be shared by Mizrahi and Ashkenazi Jews. 313 00:43:18,220 --> 00:43:22,540 On the one hand, and between Jews and Arabs on the other, 314 00:43:22,540 --> 00:43:31,810 we're especially signalled out as a threat to the homogeneity common euro centricity of the national project. 315 00:43:31,810 --> 00:43:39,460 Now that these venues were usually located in Israel's ethnically mixed towns such as Jaffa, Haifa, 316 00:43:39,460 --> 00:43:49,510 Acre, Lod and these towns are basically binational borderlands in which Arabs and Jews live together. 317 00:43:49,510 --> 00:43:57,550 That that these venues were actually located there heightened the threat of mixing this issue, 318 00:43:57,550 --> 00:44:09,370 issuing from the mainstream public discourse, test these hashish smoking spaces into the realms of radical alternative. 319 00:44:09,370 --> 00:44:14,920 Patrons of these venues were described as, and I quote from a collection of references. 320 00:44:14,920 --> 00:44:18,340 They were described as worn out and filthy riffraff. 321 00:44:18,340 --> 00:44:29,590 The most revolting figures ever seen a mixture of malignant diseases, degeneration and the underworld, and the prey for bugs and lice. 322 00:44:29,590 --> 00:44:38,260 The interiors of these establishments were also said to be filthy, foul smelling, depressing and in a state of utterly disrepair. 323 00:44:38,260 --> 00:44:47,080 And here again, a collection of utterances about this, about about these places. 324 00:44:47,080 --> 00:44:49,990 Everything in this place is dirty and sticky. 325 00:44:49,990 --> 00:44:59,110 The furniture, the glasses, the cups, the thick hair air hanging in space, or most of these cafes are very dirty. 326 00:44:59,110 --> 00:45:07,270 They are located in ancient, ramshackle one-story buildings in quarters of tin shacks, in pitiable wooden checks, 327 00:45:07,270 --> 00:45:15,670 in plaster lost buildings whose entrance yawns before you, bringing to mind toothless old women. 328 00:45:15,670 --> 00:45:27,840 The stench is discernible in every corner. The smell of beasts manure is truly nosy. 329 00:45:27,840 --> 00:45:33,540 OK. Briefly turning the gaze to the voices of the restructuring themselves. 330 00:45:33,540 --> 00:45:36,030 And I don't have time to go into it. 331 00:45:36,030 --> 00:45:46,080 It is interesting to note that they oftentimes assimilated these negative derogatory notions of hashish and hashish smoking. 332 00:45:46,080 --> 00:45:51,330 The case in point, and again, I don't have time to go into it right now. 333 00:45:51,330 --> 00:45:56,640 A case in point is novelist Shimon Bus. 334 00:45:56,640 --> 00:46:02,400 Now. And of course, I take it that most of you are familiar with him. 335 00:46:02,400 --> 00:46:07,200 So I will keep it short for all of us. 336 00:46:07,200 --> 00:46:09,360 How should I put it vehemently subversive? 337 00:46:09,360 --> 00:46:24,000 Mizrahi susceptibilities, oftentimes anti-Zionist in nature, his literary works, such as is his novel The Transit, the Transit Camp, Karbala write. 338 00:46:24,000 --> 00:46:31,740 His literary works also testified to a remarkable, even wholesale integration of Zionist oriented, 339 00:46:31,740 --> 00:46:38,100 ized racialised and gendered conceptual accusations of hashish and hashish addicts. 340 00:46:38,100 --> 00:46:44,460 The same goes, however, for other Mizrahi novelists such as Kahlo selling sail. 341 00:46:44,460 --> 00:46:52,800 Your show had modified to be Amir of Non Shamash, to name, but a few. 342 00:46:52,800 --> 00:47:00,330 So I shall limit myself saying that this circumstance is consistent with other cases of the colonial 343 00:47:00,330 --> 00:47:07,500 post-corona world in which the indigenous middle classes have conceptualised hashish in negative terms. 344 00:47:07,500 --> 00:47:19,320 In much of the same way as the recently departed European colonisers had done, so, I come to the conclusion. 345 00:47:19,320 --> 00:47:30,630 Global trends and the occupation of Palestinian territories in 19 in the 1967 war joined to prompt a 346 00:47:30,630 --> 00:47:40,020 significant expansion of hashish smoking amongst Israeli Jews that were previously immune to to the habit, 347 00:47:40,020 --> 00:47:51,570 thus bringing down the ethnic, gender and class boundaries that kept the fees strictly an Arab or Mizrahi, or it is roughly vice. 348 00:47:51,570 --> 00:47:59,620 This process? Which was by no means linear resisted through the 21st century. 349 00:47:59,620 --> 00:48:14,730 In this circumstance prompted a rather recent publication of an op ed in the Israeli newspaper Haaretz that crowned Israelis as a nation of stoners. 350 00:48:14,730 --> 00:48:22,400 Let me just give you a little piece from that op ed about the op was titled What Really Unites Israel? 351 00:48:22,400 --> 00:48:32,380 Israel's right, left and Centre, and it argues as follows A love of pot smoking is shared amongst all populations in Israel. 352 00:48:32,380 --> 00:48:40,970 Hilltop settler youth in Tel Aviv. Radicals young and old Knesset members and simple folk, city and country people. 353 00:48:40,970 --> 00:48:45,180 Religious and secular. Everyone loves. 354 00:48:45,180 --> 00:48:54,600 Marijuana and hashish are the largest common denominator in Israeli society, despite the common ideals held by hippies in Israel. 355 00:48:54,600 --> 00:49:03,860 It turns out that one can be a religious fanatic, a human rights trampling racist or a war mongering militarist. 356 00:49:03,860 --> 00:49:10,370 And will be incredibly and still will be incredibly good at rolling joints. 357 00:49:10,370 --> 00:49:14,840 No problem. Hot couldn't be any more common in Israel. 358 00:49:14,840 --> 00:49:25,550 There aren't enough lungs, so admittedly this description of Jewish Israel as a nation of stoners is surely an overstatement. 359 00:49:25,550 --> 00:49:35,990 But a 2017 survey conducted conducted by the Israel Anti-Drug Authority validates the general impression. 360 00:49:35,990 --> 00:49:43,540 Backing breaking it up with hard numbers. The survey found. 361 00:49:43,540 --> 00:49:52,770 A dramatic surge in the adult. A surge in the prevalence of cannabis use by Israelis, 362 00:49:52,770 --> 00:50:01,320 Jews and non-Jews like twenty seven percent of the adult population reported using 363 00:50:01,320 --> 00:50:09,400 cannabis in the past year in comparison to just under nine percent in 2000 and not. 364 00:50:09,400 --> 00:50:19,480 A comparison with surveys conducted in other countries shows that Israel is probably at the top of cannabis use by adult populations, 365 00:50:19,480 --> 00:50:27,320 with Iceland and the U.S. lagging behind at 18 percent and 60 percent, respectively. 366 00:50:27,320 --> 00:50:35,180 So although the normalisation of recreational cannabis use in Israel has been gaining 367 00:50:35,180 --> 00:50:42,860 steam in recent years as old mythologies about the substance are losing their credibility. 368 00:50:42,860 --> 00:50:51,500 Remnants of obsolete oriental fantasies about the substance remain in reconfigured form. 369 00:50:51,500 --> 00:51:02,210 A blatant example of this is a short 33 second video clip prepared by the Israel Anti-Drug Authority 2006, 370 00:51:02,210 --> 00:51:09,860 with which I will conclude designed to dissuade teenagers from using intoxicating drugs, 371 00:51:09,860 --> 00:51:16,580 particularly cannabis, and broadcast on Israel's main public television channel. 372 00:51:16,580 --> 00:51:24,800 The clip was produced in the style of the Daily Times lasting will testament videos by Muslim suicide bombers. 373 00:51:24,800 --> 00:51:40,090 It shows a teenage boy holding a bong as a deadly weapon, standing in front of an unsteady camera and reciting the following monologue. 374 00:51:40,090 --> 00:51:55,420 Look. I, Omer Kendall, aged 16, of Ranjana, bid goodbye today from my parents ramekin, 375 00:51:55,420 --> 00:52:01,060 Cherwell and from my sister Karen, and I'm going to a party in Tel Aviv. 376 00:52:01,060 --> 00:52:09,820 There's only one way to be truly liberated to get drunk, take drugs and get really stoned. 377 00:52:09,820 --> 00:52:14,590 Don't cry, mom. I'm going to paradise now. 378 00:52:14,590 --> 00:52:22,630 It is easy to see in this short clip echoes of Orientalist fantasies about sheesh taking Muslims, 379 00:52:22,630 --> 00:52:29,120 which are addressed in an early 21st century Islamophobic garb. 380 00:52:29,120 --> 00:52:36,740 At the time of the clips broadcast, and let me remind you that 2006, so it's the final days of the Second Intifada. 381 00:52:36,740 --> 00:52:45,410 And at the height of President George W. Bush's global war on terror, the suicide bomber had in the US, 382 00:52:45,410 --> 00:52:53,480 in Western Europe and in Israel become emblematic of the so-called Islamic death culture. 383 00:52:53,480 --> 00:53:02,270 The clip does argued, deliberately played on the strength of these anti-Muslim sentiments that were rampant in Israeli society at the time. 384 00:53:02,270 --> 00:53:08,540 At the same time, it drew upon the vocabulary of 19th and early 20th century images of cannabis, 385 00:53:08,540 --> 00:53:20,930 namely that hashish is an oriental substance used by uncivilised Muslim Arab zealots who championed a ritual of death rather than a ritual of life. 386 00:53:20,930 --> 00:53:27,560 Whatever the case may be, it appears that the Zionist nightmare of assimilation into the Levant and nightmare 387 00:53:27,560 --> 00:53:34,070 that haunted Jews in Palestine Israel since the 1920s had has materialised, 388 00:53:34,070 --> 00:53:39,770 at least to some extent, or at least to the extent that cannabis consumption is concerned. 389 00:53:39,770 --> 00:53:47,998 Thank you very much. They thank you for this fascinating, fascinating presentation.