1 00:00:03,070 --> 00:00:14,150 Hello, my name is Simon Horrigan, and I'm a tutor in English at Maudlin College in Oxford, and I'm going to take you on a tour of C.S. Lewis Oxford. 2 00:00:14,150 --> 00:00:25,580 We're going to start our tour on the high street at the entrance to maudlin college, although this isn't where C.S. Lewis, his Oxford career began. 3 00:00:25,580 --> 00:00:33,650 It's the place that he's most clearly linked with. The Shadowlands film that tells the story of his marriage to the writer. 4 00:00:33,650 --> 00:00:42,350 Joy Davidson is set in Maudlin. Even though by then, Lewis had actually moved to Cambridge. 5 00:00:42,350 --> 00:00:52,420 It's that maudlin that he got his first job as a tutorial fellow in English and where he spent nearly 30 years. 6 00:00:52,420 --> 00:00:59,700 Entering the college through the gate beside the Great Tower, we find ourselves in St. John's quite. 7 00:00:59,700 --> 00:01:08,870 Opposite is the president's lodgings. Which is where Louis was admitted to the Fellowship of Modelling in 1925. 8 00:01:08,870 --> 00:01:14,050 In a ceremony that remains unchanged today. 9 00:01:14,050 --> 00:01:25,110 Having sworn to uphold the statutes of the college, Lewis shook hands with all of the assembled fellows who wished him joy. 10 00:01:25,110 --> 00:01:35,100 The choice of words seems significant, given Lewis's later use of it in his autobiography titled Surprised by Joy, 11 00:01:35,100 --> 00:01:46,700 where it refers to a specific kind of longing that left him unsatisfied and which ultimately led to his conversion to Christianity. 12 00:01:46,700 --> 00:01:54,380 But also, given his later relationship with Joy Davidson. 13 00:01:54,380 --> 00:02:03,880 Turning into the cloisters, we passed the college chapel on my right, where Louis attended daily services following his conversion. 14 00:02:03,880 --> 00:02:09,060 There's a plaque identifying his usual seat. 15 00:02:09,060 --> 00:02:17,100 Coming out of the cloisters, we're confronted by the magnificent neo Georgian stone building that overlooks the deer park, 16 00:02:17,100 --> 00:02:25,300 known as the new building, in which Lewis had a set of rooms on the second floor of Staircase three. 17 00:02:25,300 --> 00:02:34,180 The middle of the building, as you face it. It was in those rooms that the inklings met on a Thursday night. 18 00:02:34,180 --> 00:02:44,620 Reading extracts from their works in progress. During those meetings, Lewis read aloud from his first work of Christian apologetics. 19 00:02:44,620 --> 00:02:54,500 The problem of pain. And the first of his science fiction trilogy Out of the Silent Planet. 20 00:02:54,500 --> 00:03:05,750 It was also here that Louis converted to Judaism as memorably described in surprise by joy, where he writes. 21 00:03:05,750 --> 00:03:13,790 You must picture me alone in that room in maudlin night after night feeling. 22 00:03:13,790 --> 00:03:28,860 Whenever my mind lifted, even for a second from my work, the steady, unrelenting approach of him whom I so earnestly desired not to meet. 23 00:03:28,860 --> 00:03:36,570 His later conversion from Thayer's into Christianity was encouraged by a conversation with two of his friends 24 00:03:36,570 --> 00:03:46,140 and fellow inklings J.R.R. Tolkien and Hugo Dyson during and after dinner stroll around Addison's walk. 25 00:03:46,140 --> 00:03:54,450 One of Lewis's favourite books that takes a circular route around the college's water meadow. 26 00:03:54,450 --> 00:03:59,980 If we follow that path now along the river, it brings us to Holywell Ford. 27 00:03:59,980 --> 00:04:10,750 Where there's a plaque with a poem by Lewis called What the Bird said early in the year, which is set on Addison's walk. 28 00:04:10,750 --> 00:04:21,540 Tracing all steps back to the Porter's lodge, we emerge on the high street again, heading west towards the city centre. 29 00:04:21,540 --> 00:04:33,300 On our left, we pass the East Gate Hotel. It was in the bar of this hotel, but Lewis and Tolkien would meet for a drink on Monday mornings, 30 00:04:33,300 --> 00:04:41,870 reading poetry to each other, swapping gossip or just indulging in bawdy puns. 31 00:04:41,870 --> 00:04:47,470 It was also here that Louis first met Joey Davidson. 32 00:04:47,470 --> 00:04:58,610 Joey had begun writing to Lois after reading his apologetic books and then came to England in the hope of meeting him in person. 33 00:04:58,610 --> 00:05:04,290 Continuing down the high street brings us past the examination schools. 34 00:05:04,290 --> 00:05:09,740 Well, Louis lectured to large audiences of eager undergraduates. 35 00:05:09,740 --> 00:05:21,150 His hugely popular introductory lectures on mediaeval and Renaissance literature can be read in the posthumously published book The Discarded Image. 36 00:05:21,150 --> 00:05:32,790 Further along, we come to University College, affectionately known as UNIV, which is where Lewis spent his undergraduate years. 37 00:05:32,790 --> 00:05:41,730 Lewis came up to UNIV and Trinity to the summit of 1916, an unusual time to begin. 38 00:05:41,730 --> 00:05:47,300 Since this is traditionally the end of the academic year. 39 00:05:47,300 --> 00:05:53,780 But of course, this was not a normal time to start a university career. 40 00:05:53,780 --> 00:06:00,740 There were very few students in residence, as most were in action in France. 41 00:06:00,740 --> 00:06:08,400 Indeed, Lewis was quickly transferred to Keeble College. Which had been requisitioned by the army. 42 00:06:08,400 --> 00:06:15,540 Where he began military training prior to being sent to the Western Front. 43 00:06:15,540 --> 00:06:29,000 When he was not busy training, Lewis studied for the university's entrance exams, known as response tions in Latin, Greek and maths. 44 00:06:29,000 --> 00:06:40,570 While his Latin and Greek were up to scratch, the West struggled in maths and so received instruction from a tutor at Hertford College. 45 00:06:40,570 --> 00:06:45,830 But this didn't stop him failing the exam miserably. 46 00:06:45,830 --> 00:06:53,540 It was fortunate for Lewis that the university introduced an exemption for soldiers returning from action. 47 00:06:53,540 --> 00:07:09,030 Well, he may never have become a student at Oxford. Lewis was sent to the Western Front in 1917, where he fought in the Somerset Light Infantry. 48 00:07:09,030 --> 00:07:15,990 He was wounded in April 1918 and sent back to England to convalesce. 49 00:07:15,990 --> 00:07:23,820 He was finally discharged from hospital and demobilised from the army in December of 1918. 50 00:07:23,820 --> 00:07:32,370 Returning home to Ireland for Christmas and then back to Oxford in January of 1919. 51 00:07:32,370 --> 00:07:42,270 To recommence his studies. Most of Lewis's fellow students were not so lucky. 52 00:07:42,270 --> 00:07:52,050 Those who had survived the war, many of them found themselves psychologically unable to return to Oxford. 53 00:07:52,050 --> 00:07:58,730 Lewis dealt with the trauma by immersing himself in his studies. 54 00:07:58,730 --> 00:08:06,500 His degree was in literary human race, which literally means more humane letters. 55 00:08:06,500 --> 00:08:15,220 Essentially, it's the study of the languages, literature, history and philosophy of the classical world. 56 00:08:15,220 --> 00:08:23,840 At the end of his first year, Lewis sat the exams known as moderation, and he was awarded a first. 57 00:08:23,840 --> 00:08:32,620 At the end of the third year, he sat exams for the final on his school, receiving another first. 58 00:08:32,620 --> 00:08:42,940 This achievement is all the more remarkable, given that his lifestyle was not that of a typical undergraduate student. 59 00:08:42,940 --> 00:08:53,650 During this time, Lewis was looking after the mother of his army friend Paddy Moore, who had been killed in action, and her daughter Maureen, 60 00:08:53,650 --> 00:09:07,270 leading a peripatetic life moving between various unsuitable residences in Haddington, a village on the outskirts of the city. 61 00:09:07,270 --> 00:09:19,040 Armed with his double first, Louis looked around for academic employment, applying for teaching positions in philosophy, but without any success. 62 00:09:19,040 --> 00:09:27,530 His tutor suggested he would improve his chances if he spent a further year studying for another degree. 63 00:09:27,530 --> 00:09:32,900 This time in the English language and literature. 64 00:09:32,900 --> 00:09:41,090 In the 1920s, the Oxford English course was heavily focussed on the language and literature of the Middle Ages. 65 00:09:41,090 --> 00:09:45,460 One of Lewis's great passions. 66 00:09:45,460 --> 00:09:54,280 Although he was rather snippy about the people who studied English compared to those who read classics, Lewis took up this suggestion. 67 00:09:54,280 --> 00:10:01,740 And in 1923, he graduated with yet another first. 68 00:10:01,740 --> 00:10:09,220 After another round of failed job applications, Lewis was offered a temporary teaching position at Univ. 69 00:10:09,220 --> 00:10:17,310 Filling in for his philosophy tutor who was spending the year teaching in the states. 70 00:10:17,310 --> 00:10:24,820 In nineteen twenty five, they successfully applied for the post of tutor in English at Maudlin. 71 00:10:24,820 --> 00:10:36,580 The financial security this position gave him enabled Lois and Mrs. Moore to purchase a house in Haddington called the Kilns in 1930. 72 00:10:36,580 --> 00:10:42,110 And it was here that Lewis lived until his death in 1963. 73 00:10:42,110 --> 00:10:49,350 The House is open to visitors today and has been kept as it would have looked during Lewis's day. 74 00:10:49,350 --> 00:10:59,810 Although none of the furnishings or decoration are original, including the yellow nicotine stains on the ceiling. 75 00:10:59,810 --> 00:11:07,070 If we continue further down the high street, we passed the University Church of St Mary, the Virgin. 76 00:11:07,070 --> 00:11:14,510 Well, Lewis gave his famous sermon, the weight of glory in 1941. 77 00:11:14,510 --> 00:11:19,040 Pausing at the side entrance to the church in St. Mary's passage, 78 00:11:19,040 --> 00:11:25,860 we can see the doorway that has given rise to many stories about the origins of Narnia. 79 00:11:25,860 --> 00:11:34,320 Here we find two carved phones said to be the inspiration for Mr Thomas above a doorway with 80 00:11:34,320 --> 00:11:42,370 a carving of a face surrounded by foliage taken to be that of a lion with a shaggy mane. 81 00:11:42,370 --> 00:11:47,930 Beside the door, there is a Victorian lamp post. 82 00:11:47,930 --> 00:12:01,480 The story goes that one snowy night. Lewis came out of the church through this door and found himself confronted by a lamppost, a phone and the lion. 83 00:12:01,480 --> 00:12:10,730 Giving him all the ingredients of the first of The Narnia Chronicles, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. 84 00:12:10,730 --> 00:12:19,510 The problem with this attractive claim is that Louis himself offered an alternative one. 85 00:12:19,510 --> 00:12:28,020 According to Lewis, the story began with pictures that he had been seeing in his head since his teens. 86 00:12:28,020 --> 00:12:36,130 One of a thorn in a snowy wood carrying parcels, another of a witch on a sleigh. 87 00:12:36,130 --> 00:12:43,330 It was in his 40s that he decided it was finally time to see if he could write a story about them. 88 00:12:43,330 --> 00:12:48,160 And at the same time, he says he found himself dreaming about lions. 89 00:12:48,160 --> 00:12:54,060 And so, as he puts it, Aslan bounded in. 90 00:12:54,060 --> 00:13:02,050 This reminds us that while Lewis was no doubt influenced by the Oxford in which he spent most of his adult life. 91 00:13:02,050 --> 00:13:08,330 His fictional writings are primarily works of imagination. 92 00:13:08,330 --> 00:13:15,500 But this hasn't stopped people trying to identify real life locations and influences. 93 00:13:15,500 --> 00:13:27,130 There are rival lampposts laying claim to be the model for the one that shines in London, based in Cambridge, London and Belfast. 94 00:13:27,130 --> 00:13:36,480 The wardrobe from the Lewis family home of Little Leigh in the Belfast suburbs built by Lewis, his grandfather. 95 00:13:36,480 --> 00:13:42,420 Now resides in a museum. Wheaton College outside Chicago. 96 00:13:42,420 --> 00:13:50,010 But it's claimed to be the inspiration behind Lucy's portal into Narnia is somewhat debateable. 97 00:13:50,010 --> 00:14:00,040 This wardrobe doesn't have a looking glass built into the door, which is specifically mentioned in the story. 98 00:14:00,040 --> 00:14:08,360 Returning to the high street, we passed the motor in which is where Louis first met the poet T.S. Eliot. 99 00:14:08,360 --> 00:14:14,180 Who endeared himself to Louis by observing how much older he appeared in person. 100 00:14:14,180 --> 00:14:26,410 Leading to a rather frosty tea party. Arriving at the end of the high street, we turn right into corn market and then keep going north up St. Giles, 101 00:14:26,410 --> 00:14:32,320 as far as the famous Eagle and child pub, were left. 102 00:14:32,320 --> 00:14:42,260 This pub, known to the inklings as the bird and baby was the location of that Tuesday lunchtime drinking sessions. 103 00:14:42,260 --> 00:14:52,750 The group was quite informal, there was no strict membership and no minutes or records were made of their discussions. 104 00:14:52,750 --> 00:14:59,740 As well as Lewis and Tolkien, it included other members of the English faculty like Lord David Cecil, 105 00:14:59,740 --> 00:15:05,350 Friends and fellow writers like Owen Barfield and Charles Williams. 106 00:15:05,350 --> 00:15:18,480 Lewis's brother Warnie, who came to live with Lewis at the kilns after retiring from the army in 1932 and Lewis is Dr Robert Havard. 107 00:15:18,480 --> 00:15:27,960 Name inklings was borrowed from that of an undergraduate reading Rupert unit that Lewis had attended. 108 00:15:27,960 --> 00:15:41,940 Tolkien described it as a pleasantly ingenious pun, suggesting people with vague or half formed intonations and ideas, plus those who dabble in ink. 109 00:15:41,940 --> 00:15:50,310 Tolkien's major contribution to the inklings was, of course, the vast project to write a sequel to The Hobbit. 110 00:15:50,310 --> 00:15:59,440 What became The Lord of the Rings finally published in three volumes between 1954 and 1955. 111 00:15:59,440 --> 00:16:07,630 Charles Williams, best known for his fantasy thrillers, read from his novel All Hallows Eve. 112 00:16:07,630 --> 00:16:12,330 David Cecil offered updates from his biographical writings. 113 00:16:12,330 --> 00:16:22,450 While warning, Lewis read from his work on French history. This isn't the final stop on our journey. 114 00:16:22,450 --> 00:16:37,480 A few doors down, St Giles, we find number 42 now a dental practise, but in 1956, the registry office where Louis and Joy Davidson were married. 115 00:16:37,480 --> 00:16:46,240 This was a marriage of convenience intended to allow Joy to become a British citizen and remain in England with her two sons. 116 00:16:46,240 --> 00:16:52,400 And so avoid having to return to the states to an unhappy marriage. 117 00:16:52,400 --> 00:16:58,300 But shortly after their wedding, Joy discovered that she had terminal cancer. 118 00:16:58,300 --> 00:17:07,320 This sudden diagnosis prompted Louis to recognise the depth of his feelings for her, leading him to propose a full Christian marriage. 119 00:17:07,320 --> 00:17:17,100 Which was held at her hospital bed in 1957. Thanks to the cancer going into remission for a time, 120 00:17:17,100 --> 00:17:28,140 the couple were able to enjoy several years of marriage visiting Ireland and Greece before she died in 1960. 121 00:17:28,140 --> 00:17:35,790 Nurse's relationship with Julie Davidson was one reason for a cooling in his friendship with Tolkien. 122 00:17:35,790 --> 00:17:40,020 Another was Lewis's devotion to Charles Williams, 123 00:17:40,020 --> 00:17:49,510 who joined the inklings when staff of the Oxford University Press moved from London to Oxford during the war. 124 00:17:49,510 --> 00:17:55,720 Williams wrote to Lewis full of praise for his first scholarly work, The Allegory of Love. 125 00:17:55,720 --> 00:18:05,470 The Study of mediaeval allegorical poetry while Lewis was a great admirer of Williams's novel The Place of the Lion. 126 00:18:05,470 --> 00:18:15,100 Tolkien rather resented the way that Lewis brought Williams along to their meetings at the East Gate and as a committed philologist, 127 00:18:15,100 --> 00:18:23,600 one who studies the history of languages, he didn't share their more literary interests. 128 00:18:23,600 --> 00:18:30,750 In 1945, Williams was rushed into hospital for an emergency operation. 129 00:18:30,750 --> 00:18:36,390 Lewis called into the Radcliffe Infirmary just a little further north Up St. Giles 130 00:18:36,390 --> 00:18:41,610 to visit him on his way to a meeting of the inklings of the eagle and child, 131 00:18:41,610 --> 00:18:54,060 only to discover that Williams had died. Lewis was shattered by the loss, the inklings would never be the same again. 132 00:18:54,060 --> 00:19:06,290 Williams is buried in Oxford's Holywell cemetery next to St Christchurch, the end of Long Wall Street, along with another inkling Hugo Dyson. 133 00:19:06,290 --> 00:19:17,290 In 1954, the U.S. was invited to apply for a new chair of mediaeval and Renaissance literature at the University of Cambridge. 134 00:19:17,290 --> 00:19:27,630 He initially dismissed the idea since he couldn't imagine uprooting his life and family at the kilns and moving to Cambridge. 135 00:19:27,630 --> 00:19:39,310 It was only when Tolkien intervened, pointing out that it would be possible to commute between the two cities that Lewis was willing to be considered. 136 00:19:39,310 --> 00:19:49,810 He was unanimously elected to a position that he held until his retirement, prompted by ill health in 1963. 137 00:19:49,810 --> 00:19:53,830 When asked which Cambridge college he would like to be associated with, 138 00:19:53,830 --> 00:20:03,300 Lewis chose Maudlin since he didn't want to confuse the celestial civil service by switching his allegiance to a different saint. 139 00:20:03,300 --> 00:20:10,860 But despite spending those nine years at Cambridge, the continues to be associated with Oxford. 140 00:20:10,860 --> 00:20:20,115 Today. As witnessed by the huge numbers of tourists who flock to the city in search of Lewis and his legacy.