1 00:00:00,467 --> 00:00:01,735 Thank you very much for coming. 2 00:00:01,735 --> 00:00:03,903 Thanks a lot. 3 00:00:03,903 --> 00:00:06,773 So I will very briefly introduce myself. 4 00:00:06,773 --> 00:00:08,475 My name is the name. 5 00:00:08,475 --> 00:00:12,479 I am a fellow, in classics, at Corpus Christi College. 6 00:00:12,979 --> 00:00:15,982 But I also work on talking, as you may know. 7 00:00:15,982 --> 00:00:19,986 And together with Mark Stewart, Edmund and others who are here today, 8 00:00:19,986 --> 00:00:23,423 we kind of have this research network on Tolkien who has, 9 00:00:23,923 --> 00:00:26,926 you know, we're one of the partners of this series of seminars. 10 00:00:27,293 --> 00:00:28,828 I have, 11 00:00:28,828 --> 00:00:31,264 I as I said, I am a talking scholar myself. 12 00:00:31,264 --> 00:00:33,700 I written a book which is coming out in the next couple of months. 13 00:00:33,700 --> 00:00:37,470 I might not want to promote it, but it's more like a explain that 14 00:00:37,470 --> 00:00:42,776 what I'm going to do today is to, let's say, present, I'll say a chapter of the, 15 00:00:43,843 --> 00:00:45,078 of the book, a sort of 16 00:00:45,078 --> 00:00:49,716 reduced version of the research today I've done to prepare that book. 17 00:00:49,716 --> 00:00:54,454 And, if you have the handout, every one of you has got the handout. 18 00:00:54,454 --> 00:00:57,457 If not, you can get the copy of that. 19 00:00:57,757 --> 00:00:59,926 I've got the handouts 20 00:00:59,926 --> 00:01:00,760 because I will. 21 00:01:00,760 --> 00:01:03,763 As you see, I've put a quite a lot of material, 22 00:01:04,364 --> 00:01:07,367 on the handout, I will try to go 23 00:01:07,367 --> 00:01:10,437 slowly, as much as I can intend to rush things. 24 00:01:11,071 --> 00:01:14,007 So we'll try to go slowly, but I will refer to the material 25 00:01:14,007 --> 00:01:15,608 that you find on the handout. 26 00:01:15,608 --> 00:01:16,876 I will start with a question 27 00:01:16,876 --> 00:01:20,980 which also displays the title I've given to this lecture today. 28 00:01:20,980 --> 00:01:21,614 In the title. 29 00:01:21,614 --> 00:01:24,217 The question is number zero on the handout. 30 00:01:24,217 --> 00:01:26,252 Who wrote the Lord of the rings 31 00:01:27,220 --> 00:01:30,290 and the things to answer just simply J.R.R. 32 00:01:30,290 --> 00:01:30,757 Tolkien. 33 00:01:30,757 --> 00:01:35,895 That would mean to me a crucial feature of the literary nature of the book. 34 00:01:36,296 --> 00:01:39,299 But also would mean to overlook a very important feature 35 00:01:39,466 --> 00:01:42,635 of Tolkien's theory and practice of literature 36 00:01:43,169 --> 00:01:46,706 what he calls in a letter the mystery of literary creation. 37 00:01:46,706 --> 00:01:49,442 And that's also the title of my book. 38 00:01:49,442 --> 00:01:51,811 Moving to number one on the handout. 39 00:01:51,811 --> 00:01:54,848 First part, I want to stress that it's quite clear 40 00:01:55,215 --> 00:01:57,984 that in the writing and in the editing process 41 00:01:57,984 --> 00:02:02,088 of the lot of the rule of the Lord of the rings, Tolkien took a lot of care 42 00:02:02,088 --> 00:02:06,025 to conceal the identity of the author, or maybe the author. 43 00:02:06,025 --> 00:02:10,330 Some in the life of the Lord of the rings in particular, and also to conceal 44 00:02:10,330 --> 00:02:13,700 what I'm going to call today the make up textual frame. 45 00:02:14,067 --> 00:02:17,070 Apologies for the if you want theoretical jargon, 46 00:02:17,070 --> 00:02:21,541 but my metatextual frame I mainly refer to a fictional history, 47 00:02:21,541 --> 00:02:24,511 a composition of transmission and publication. 48 00:02:24,878 --> 00:02:30,083 That's a, The metatextual frame is a very, very common, literary device. 49 00:02:30,083 --> 00:02:32,252 And you find it in many different books. 50 00:02:32,252 --> 00:02:37,290 You find it even if you want, we can go back to, even the Bible itself, 51 00:02:37,290 --> 00:02:40,293 in a way, as a matter, it's a frame, but a lot of different books. 52 00:02:42,662 --> 00:02:43,263 Introduce 53 00:02:43,263 --> 00:02:46,299 this idea that the author is not really writing the book, 54 00:02:46,299 --> 00:02:50,570 but it's sort of, translating, editing, copying the book from a manuscript. 55 00:02:51,137 --> 00:02:54,140 And so talking in a sense is not original in that. 56 00:02:54,340 --> 00:02:58,344 But as I'm going to, you know, a show today, the way he develops 57 00:02:58,344 --> 00:03:02,115 this metatextual frame, I think it's quite interesting and original. 58 00:03:02,615 --> 00:03:07,487 And there are many traces, of the metatextual frame in his books. 59 00:03:07,887 --> 00:03:10,356 There are many more in his unpublished books. 60 00:03:10,356 --> 00:03:13,092 So if you have read, if you read the history Middle-Earth, 61 00:03:13,092 --> 00:03:16,262 you will see that actually the metatextual frame is omnipresent. 62 00:03:16,262 --> 00:03:18,097 I mean, there are a lot of references to it. 63 00:03:18,097 --> 00:03:21,100 There are a lot of references to the authors of The Silmarillion 64 00:03:21,301 --> 00:03:24,003 and the way The Silmarillion was written, and so on. 65 00:03:24,003 --> 00:03:25,205 The Lord of the rings, 66 00:03:25,205 --> 00:03:29,409 these are is not, so open, but actually there are quite a few traces. 67 00:03:30,243 --> 00:03:32,879 The most explicit trace 68 00:03:32,879 --> 00:03:35,915 is the one you find the number one on the handout, 69 00:03:36,783 --> 00:03:39,752 and that's if you want to leave that crack opening up, 70 00:03:40,954 --> 00:03:41,487 a view 71 00:03:41,487 --> 00:03:44,524 of the underground, if you want, of the underlying narrative, 72 00:03:44,524 --> 00:03:47,527 which we can reconstruct from a lot of dates 73 00:03:47,727 --> 00:03:50,230 just before the final journey to the cave in says, 74 00:03:50,230 --> 00:03:53,967 you remember the hobbits father in, the Shire. 75 00:03:53,967 --> 00:03:57,904 Hansel, the oldest possession to his friend Sam just before leaving. 76 00:03:58,304 --> 00:03:59,105 And these include. 77 00:03:59,105 --> 00:04:02,809 And I read the, passage because I will come back to it again and again. 78 00:04:03,076 --> 00:04:06,412 These includes a big book with plain red covers. 79 00:04:06,713 --> 00:04:09,182 It's told pages were now almost filled. 80 00:04:09,182 --> 00:04:09,816 At the beginning 81 00:04:09,816 --> 00:04:13,353 there were many leaves called that we Bilbo's scene, and one day in hand. 82 00:04:13,820 --> 00:04:16,956 Most of it was written in for those from following script. 83 00:04:17,624 --> 00:04:20,627 It was divided into chapters of chapter 80. 84 00:04:20,960 --> 00:04:24,063 And please note that chapter eight was unfinished, 85 00:04:24,430 --> 00:04:27,000 and after that there was some blank leaves. 86 00:04:27,000 --> 00:04:30,670 The title page of many titles on it crossed out one after another, 87 00:04:30,870 --> 00:04:34,440 skipped a bit, and then here people, Sam ended 88 00:04:34,674 --> 00:04:37,777 and Frodo had written Don't Fall of the Lord of the Rings 89 00:04:38,011 --> 00:04:41,981 and The Return of the King as seen by the Little People, 90 00:04:42,348 --> 00:04:45,818 being the memoirs of Bilbo and father of the Shire, supplemented 91 00:04:45,818 --> 00:04:48,888 by the accounts of the friends and the learning of the wise. 92 00:04:49,722 --> 00:04:52,725 Finally, together with extracts from Books of Lore, 93 00:04:52,792 --> 00:04:55,528 translated by Bilbo in Rivendell. 94 00:04:56,596 --> 00:04:58,798 So this passage is like a crack, 95 00:04:58,798 --> 00:05:03,670 giving you as the reader, a glimpse of a very elaborate metatextual frame, 96 00:05:04,070 --> 00:05:05,405 which, as I said, underlies 97 00:05:05,405 --> 00:05:09,242 the novel and indeed the whole of the legendarium of Middle-Earth, 98 00:05:09,542 --> 00:05:12,478 which pivots on this ancestral big book 99 00:05:12,478 --> 00:05:15,481 with playing that covers of, scholars 100 00:05:15,515 --> 00:05:20,420 normally I found to nowadays, the Red book from this particular material. 101 00:05:20,553 --> 00:05:23,356 That's the text, the title of. 102 00:05:23,356 --> 00:05:27,927 And, if you want almost the preface of the book, we learn that bit 103 00:05:27,927 --> 00:05:32,498 by Baggins is the first author of the Red book number two on the handout. 104 00:05:32,899 --> 00:05:37,537 He's the author of its opening text, which we can guess is supposed to be 105 00:05:37,537 --> 00:05:42,241 the archetype for the textual archetype of what is now known as The Hobbit. 106 00:05:43,509 --> 00:05:45,845 Talking confirms that at the very beginning 107 00:05:45,845 --> 00:05:49,315 of the prolog of the Lord of the rings, you see a put the quote, 108 00:05:51,784 --> 00:05:54,787 in, an analysis of number two on the handout. 109 00:05:55,621 --> 00:06:00,526 And there are quite a few, indeed hints to Bilbo's authorship of The Hobbit. 110 00:06:00,893 --> 00:06:03,396 Or rather diary, as it is called. 111 00:06:03,396 --> 00:06:06,399 And we find them in the Lord of the rings in a way, again and again, 112 00:06:06,532 --> 00:06:10,603 more normally in the form of recent references to Bilbo's 113 00:06:10,603 --> 00:06:14,374 second book, a second book which was being read only by Frodo. 114 00:06:14,607 --> 00:06:19,846 You see, that's a quotation that, number two a on the handout and also by maybe 115 00:06:20,012 --> 00:06:24,951 only Frodo may have had a look at the head for those ready to get many times. 116 00:06:25,351 --> 00:06:28,321 Mary had a quick glance, but that was enough to intrigue him, 117 00:06:28,588 --> 00:06:31,824 whereas Sam has heard some of the stories, but he has never actually seen him 118 00:06:32,058 --> 00:06:32,492 read it. 119 00:06:33,526 --> 00:06:34,460 There is also 120 00:06:34,460 --> 00:06:37,830 a we are starting to go into the literary fabric of the Lord of the rings. 121 00:06:38,064 --> 00:06:42,435 We also find in the Lord of the rings a direct quote, to the hobbits 122 00:06:42,435 --> 00:06:45,538 there is a quotation of The Hobbit, which is explicitly 123 00:06:45,538 --> 00:06:48,808 ascribed to Bilbo, and a quote from number two on the handout. 124 00:06:49,175 --> 00:06:51,778 That's really the beginning of, 125 00:06:51,778 --> 00:06:54,981 these are the beginning of the first, second book of the Lord of the rings. 126 00:06:54,981 --> 00:06:59,552 That was Rivendell was, as Bilbo had long reported. 127 00:06:59,652 --> 00:07:03,423 And then there is a quotation, a perfect house, whether you like food 128 00:07:03,423 --> 00:07:05,258 or sleep or storytelling or singing 129 00:07:05,258 --> 00:07:08,694 or just sitting there thinking best or a pleasant mixture of them all 130 00:07:08,928 --> 00:07:12,598 that's a quotation from The Hobbit is like a one by one quotation from the obit, 131 00:07:12,799 --> 00:07:17,470 which, as we have just said, is ascribed to Bilbo, had long reported about it. 132 00:07:18,438 --> 00:07:21,240 There is an event from Bilbo's diary, 133 00:07:21,240 --> 00:07:24,210 this sort of archetype of the rest of the of The Hobbit, 134 00:07:24,544 --> 00:07:29,215 which receives a lot of, metatextual attention in the Lord of the rings. 135 00:07:29,348 --> 00:07:32,351 And if you turn the page, that's number two, be on the handout. 136 00:07:32,618 --> 00:07:35,221 And that's, the narrative that, 137 00:07:35,221 --> 00:07:37,890 of the finding of the ring 138 00:07:37,890 --> 00:07:40,893 in several points in the book, in the Lord of the rings, 139 00:07:40,927 --> 00:07:45,932 it is say that there were two variant text, two variants of the same narrative. 140 00:07:46,199 --> 00:07:49,669 There was one, a fake one, if you want, which is the one 141 00:07:49,669 --> 00:07:53,406 that Bilbo told, the dwarves at the time of the event. 142 00:07:53,473 --> 00:07:56,476 Remember when he escapes from, 143 00:07:57,009 --> 00:07:58,845 from the cave of the goblins? 144 00:07:58,845 --> 00:08:00,146 Danny reports what's happened? 145 00:08:00,146 --> 00:08:03,216 And this is the first variant, and that's what the one 146 00:08:03,216 --> 00:08:06,719 that was written down in the first version of the of the book. 147 00:08:07,253 --> 00:08:11,424 And according to this narrative, the ring was given by Gollum to me as a present. 148 00:08:11,858 --> 00:08:14,861 So that's the first narrative which, you know, it still exists. 149 00:08:15,495 --> 00:08:19,031 Then there is the second narrative, the second version of the same event, 150 00:08:19,298 --> 00:08:23,769 which is the two and the accurate one from the perspective of Bilbo, 151 00:08:24,036 --> 00:08:27,673 and it's the one that Bilbo revealed at the Council of Elrond, 152 00:08:27,840 --> 00:08:31,944 which is essentially the vessel we can now read in chapter five of The Hobbit, 153 00:08:32,178 --> 00:08:35,314 remember in the Council about it said, at some point I'm going to ask Bilbo 154 00:08:35,481 --> 00:08:39,785 to tell, about his story in a way that's a sort of summary of The Hobbit. 155 00:08:39,785 --> 00:08:41,254 But in that summary of The Hobbit. 156 00:08:41,254 --> 00:08:43,623 Bilbo gives, I'll do the Council of Ireland. 157 00:08:43,623 --> 00:08:48,160 We have finally the real, the accurate version of the event, 158 00:08:48,160 --> 00:08:51,030 which is basically now chapter five of The Hobbit. Read this in the dark. 159 00:08:51,998 --> 00:08:52,965 What's the point of 160 00:08:52,965 --> 00:08:56,102 this, double dash of this number two, see on the handout. 161 00:08:56,102 --> 00:08:57,303 Why this? 162 00:08:57,303 --> 00:09:00,306 A double version is quite often highlighted. 163 00:09:00,573 --> 00:09:02,475 I feel at least two reasons. 164 00:09:02,475 --> 00:09:05,011 And the first reason is that from a narrative point of view, 165 00:09:05,011 --> 00:09:07,647 the existence of a fake version of the story, 166 00:09:07,647 --> 00:09:10,650 the very fact that Bilbo came up with a sort of, 167 00:09:10,683 --> 00:09:13,886 not exactly a lie, but a sort of twisted version of the story, 168 00:09:14,620 --> 00:09:17,256 helps to shun straight away the link with, 169 00:09:17,256 --> 00:09:22,295 we may see a shadow like the evil Bilbo as soon as he possibly gets the ring, 170 00:09:22,395 --> 00:09:26,132 he feels the need to come up with the narrative in a way that's a part 171 00:09:26,132 --> 00:09:27,466 that we want. 172 00:09:27,466 --> 00:09:31,537 Gollum already did when he got hold of the ring at the beginning. 173 00:09:31,537 --> 00:09:33,406 You remember, he comes up with the story straightaway. 174 00:09:33,406 --> 00:09:35,308 A different interpretation of the event. 175 00:09:35,308 --> 00:09:37,109 That's my birthday present. 176 00:09:37,109 --> 00:09:40,580 And in this first version of the narrative, covered, 177 00:09:40,813 --> 00:09:44,517 In a Shadow of Lie helps, characterized Bilbo 178 00:09:44,517 --> 00:09:48,220 as haunted by a morbid deception to justify his ownership, which is, 179 00:09:48,220 --> 00:09:51,891 of course, a very important theme related to the problem of the of the ring. 180 00:09:52,858 --> 00:09:53,693 But we'll just 181 00:09:53,693 --> 00:09:57,530 say now, in a way, it's a post event and a post post-event explanation 182 00:09:57,730 --> 00:10:00,733 of something that, first of all, is a real fact. 183 00:10:01,200 --> 00:10:05,972 These two narratives do exist or better, did exist in the primary world. 184 00:10:06,072 --> 00:10:09,475 I talk him say this to say that was the first version. 185 00:10:09,475 --> 00:10:13,479 That was the one that readers found in the first edition of The Hobbit. 186 00:10:13,479 --> 00:10:17,450 To some readers that had the first of the additions of The Hobbit essentially 187 00:10:17,617 --> 00:10:20,853 read the version that Bilbo gave to the dwarves, 188 00:10:21,654 --> 00:10:25,391 whereas the second one is the version that a reader started to read 189 00:10:25,391 --> 00:10:29,795 from the second edition onwards, which resulted from the sort of changes 190 00:10:29,895 --> 00:10:34,367 and revisions that Tolkien made in 1951 that if the one you're 191 00:10:34,934 --> 00:10:39,171 talking was last comment that decided to do a revision of The Hobbit 192 00:10:39,438 --> 00:10:42,441 to make it be more harmonic with the Lord of the rings, 193 00:10:42,642 --> 00:10:45,378 and almost by chance, because it was not completely planned. 194 00:10:45,378 --> 00:10:48,514 Almost by chance, this revised version of chapter five 195 00:10:48,514 --> 00:10:53,653 was the one that was eventually published, and that's the one that we see nowadays. 196 00:10:54,487 --> 00:10:56,789 And I think I, I digressed a bit 197 00:10:56,789 --> 00:10:59,792 on this double narrative because if it helps to, 198 00:11:01,293 --> 00:11:02,161 introduce a 199 00:11:02,161 --> 00:11:05,264 key feature, an important feature of the Metatextual frame 200 00:11:06,065 --> 00:11:10,169 Metatextual frame, this history of composition of The Hobbit, 201 00:11:10,169 --> 00:11:14,507 in this case of the Lord of the rings, we have real primary events. 202 00:11:15,508 --> 00:11:17,276 There is the event of two narratives. 203 00:11:17,276 --> 00:11:18,978 That's a real primary event. 204 00:11:18,978 --> 00:11:21,881 But these in a way, develop a secondary 205 00:11:21,881 --> 00:11:25,051 meaning in the, in the, in the secondary world. 206 00:11:25,251 --> 00:11:28,421 So there are two narratives that first of all, they are primary because the 207 00:11:29,155 --> 00:11:33,092 two different real versions of the story that we find in the primary world. 208 00:11:33,225 --> 00:11:36,228 But on the secondary level, these they are given a, 209 00:11:37,229 --> 00:11:39,865 secondary explanation, a secondary significance, 210 00:11:39,865 --> 00:11:44,103 which is this case connected to the problem of the ownership of the ring. 211 00:11:44,670 --> 00:11:45,871 So I'll come back to this again 212 00:11:45,871 --> 00:11:49,341 later on, because I think that's something which I will come back again and again. 213 00:11:49,742 --> 00:11:54,213 This idea that there is a single element which has to a double significance, 214 00:11:54,680 --> 00:11:58,084 it is not, as we know, allegorical because it does not have a 1 to 1 215 00:11:58,217 --> 00:12:01,854 signifying with the primary world, but in itself can be interpreted into 216 00:12:01,854 --> 00:12:02,588 different ways. 217 00:12:04,223 --> 00:12:06,192 And at this point we can move on to number three 218 00:12:06,192 --> 00:12:09,495 on the handout and introduce the second author of the Red book. 219 00:12:10,296 --> 00:12:14,700 And the second author is, of course, Frodo, the text of the Lord of the rings, 220 00:12:15,167 --> 00:12:18,337 the one that ends at the beginning, reveals that for the Lord. 221 00:12:18,337 --> 00:12:21,741 The main text which is contained in the Red book, I quote again, 222 00:12:21,874 --> 00:12:25,144 most of it was written in photos from flowing script, 223 00:12:25,544 --> 00:12:29,415 and this is essentially the account of the War of the ring. 224 00:12:30,483 --> 00:12:33,552 And moreover, another important element that we read that 225 00:12:33,886 --> 00:12:38,090 is that in focus intention, the secondary text that this is important 226 00:12:38,257 --> 00:12:41,861 form a unity with the other preceding texts written by Bilbo. 227 00:12:42,161 --> 00:12:43,395 It's a single volume. 228 00:12:43,395 --> 00:12:44,730 It's done on two different books. 229 00:12:44,730 --> 00:12:47,166 It's a single book divided into 80 chapters. 230 00:12:47,166 --> 00:12:51,804 So in father's mind, these are the memoirs of Bilbo and Father. 231 00:12:51,837 --> 00:12:54,240 All these are not two different books, but there is a single volume, 232 00:12:54,240 --> 00:12:57,009 and I think this is already quite interesting from a little point of view, 233 00:12:58,477 --> 00:12:59,979 in contrast with Bilbo 234 00:12:59,979 --> 00:13:03,849 sort of sheep, which is alluded to again and again in the Lord of the rings, 235 00:13:03,849 --> 00:13:07,620 there are not many explicit references to for this author. 236 00:13:07,820 --> 00:13:10,556 Role number three eight on the handout. 237 00:13:10,556 --> 00:13:12,224 There are only some allusions. 238 00:13:12,224 --> 00:13:13,626 In a way, there are some. 239 00:13:13,626 --> 00:13:17,329 There are some cases in which is a title role is foreshadowed. 240 00:13:17,696 --> 00:13:20,699 There is one case in particular which is during his visit to breathe, 241 00:13:20,733 --> 00:13:24,236 remember, and father introduces himself as a writer. 242 00:13:24,403 --> 00:13:27,740 You remember he needs to kind of cover up his identity and say, I am a writer 243 00:13:27,740 --> 00:13:30,743 with traveling to the called 244 00:13:31,443 --> 00:13:32,111 what's what. 245 00:13:32,111 --> 00:13:35,314 I wonder what happens outside the border of the Shire 246 00:13:35,848 --> 00:13:39,385 and what I find interesting is that this self-presentation as a writer, 247 00:13:39,752 --> 00:13:43,556 a writer is actualized, becomes a real on the way back 248 00:13:43,722 --> 00:13:47,626 at the end of the book, because this becomes and really becomes 249 00:13:47,860 --> 00:13:50,830 an allusive reference to his actual writing, his account 250 00:13:50,830 --> 00:13:53,833 of the War of the world during his final year in the Shire, 251 00:13:53,933 --> 00:13:56,969 in the put you the quotation, another freebie on the handout 252 00:13:57,203 --> 00:13:58,771 remember the people say, what about your book? 253 00:13:58,771 --> 00:14:00,873 And you say, yeah, I mean, I'd be working on it, 254 00:14:00,873 --> 00:14:03,275 but I'm going home now to put my notes in order. 255 00:14:03,275 --> 00:14:04,743 So the beginning was, in a way, a, 256 00:14:05,711 --> 00:14:08,047 like a cover up of his identity. 257 00:14:08,047 --> 00:14:09,181 In the end, this is actualized, 258 00:14:09,181 --> 00:14:12,484 and this is going back to the Shire to write this book. 259 00:14:14,086 --> 00:14:19,592 So, we have introduced to all thoughts in a sense that somehow, 260 00:14:19,592 --> 00:14:24,597 although the two, archetypical text, The Hobbit of the Lord of the rings. 261 00:14:25,064 --> 00:14:29,802 But I think would be a big mistake just to make this equation and say, okay, 262 00:14:30,135 --> 00:14:33,939 the Hobbit is Bilbo story written by Bilbo, 263 00:14:33,939 --> 00:14:38,177 and then the Lord of the rings is for this book, written 264 00:14:38,177 --> 00:14:41,280 only by far, though things are much, much more complicated than that. 265 00:14:42,448 --> 00:14:44,283 Again, I won't give you all the full details, but 266 00:14:44,283 --> 00:14:47,286 let me just point out, if you go to number four on the note 267 00:14:47,920 --> 00:14:51,757 that there is, first of all, plenty of fictional evidence evidence. 268 00:14:51,757 --> 00:14:56,128 But the fictional, first of all, that Bilbo did not finish his diary. 269 00:14:56,562 --> 00:14:57,930 The hobbits archetype. 270 00:14:57,930 --> 00:15:00,032 If you want the first version, the first, 271 00:15:01,834 --> 00:15:04,837 part of this single book of memoir was never completed. 272 00:15:04,904 --> 00:15:07,907 The Bible, and this is again quite important. 273 00:15:08,140 --> 00:15:12,077 In second, we also find out that Bilbo, although didn't complete 274 00:15:12,077 --> 00:15:15,080 The Hobbit, he started to also to write to the Lord of the rings. 275 00:15:15,247 --> 00:15:19,585 He started to write at least some notes that would later become the sequel. 276 00:15:20,419 --> 00:15:23,589 Bilbo's, also known as the author of the sequel, 277 00:15:23,689 --> 00:15:27,826 not just of The Hobbit, is quite often highlighted in the Lord of the rings. 278 00:15:28,961 --> 00:15:31,864 I put some example number for, 279 00:15:31,864 --> 00:15:34,867 A for B, and for C, 280 00:15:35,334 --> 00:15:37,503 not only is often, 281 00:15:37,503 --> 00:15:39,805 described as like a quarter, 282 00:15:39,805 --> 00:15:43,609 you also point in a translator, but is also supposed to be, a quarter 283 00:15:43,842 --> 00:15:46,979 a what is going to be called at least a and at the beginning, 284 00:15:47,012 --> 00:15:51,083 this original intention is the new adventure that did for hobbits, 285 00:15:51,750 --> 00:15:52,551 going through. 286 00:15:52,551 --> 00:15:56,588 So the idea of the Lord of the rings, the four hobbits, Merry Pippin, 287 00:15:56,588 --> 00:16:01,493 something for will have come back to within the report A to B all that changes. 288 00:16:01,493 --> 00:16:05,197 Justin Bieber would have written down the Lord of the rings. 289 00:16:05,197 --> 00:16:09,768 If you turn the page and go to number four, see on the handout. 290 00:16:09,969 --> 00:16:13,772 So this event of this moment of reporting actually 291 00:16:13,772 --> 00:16:15,808 takes place in the Lord of the rings. 292 00:16:15,808 --> 00:16:17,476 The hobbits do come back to Rivendell. 293 00:16:17,476 --> 00:16:19,278 I do reports to Bilbo. 294 00:16:19,278 --> 00:16:23,082 But Bilbo, I quote at first he pretended to take some notes, 295 00:16:23,282 --> 00:16:25,651 but he often fell asleep. 296 00:16:25,651 --> 00:16:26,885 So by the end, 297 00:16:27,920 --> 00:16:30,923 he's not able to complete his, 298 00:16:31,357 --> 00:16:35,127 his task is intention to finish the Lord of the rings. 299 00:16:35,527 --> 00:16:38,130 And in fact, he decides to hand out his notes 300 00:16:38,130 --> 00:16:41,133 to follow for those he's the one that is given the task 301 00:16:41,233 --> 00:16:46,772 not just to write the sequel also, but also to put in order the chapters. 302 00:16:46,772 --> 00:16:48,707 The first chapter of the volume, which is The Hobbit. 303 00:16:48,707 --> 00:16:51,377 So we need to I need to imagine, you see that Frodo has, 304 00:16:51,377 --> 00:16:54,213 if not on Nathaniel, but at least on editorial. 305 00:16:54,213 --> 00:16:57,216 Also for The Hobbit, 306 00:16:57,249 --> 00:16:59,518 for those of you may remember 307 00:16:59,518 --> 00:17:03,455 a sense Bilbo's investiture, and we'll dedicate these last few years of 308 00:17:03,455 --> 00:17:07,826 the Shire, to the writing of the account of the world of the ring, and also 309 00:17:07,826 --> 00:17:12,598 and with up to number five on the handout to the tidying up of Bilbo's first book. 310 00:17:12,698 --> 00:17:14,366 That's the phrase used by Bilbo. 311 00:17:14,366 --> 00:17:19,538 You need to tidy up my notes in my, first, writing of tense. 312 00:17:21,507 --> 00:17:24,109 Bilbo constitutes the role of 313 00:17:24,109 --> 00:17:28,280 for the first of all, as we just read as an editorial column. 314 00:17:28,280 --> 00:17:30,049 So I put my notes together. 315 00:17:30,049 --> 00:17:32,951 You see, I've written a lot of stuff, a bit like Dulcie Building. 316 00:17:32,951 --> 00:17:36,455 So we'll do with this song, Christopher, later on in his life. 317 00:17:36,455 --> 00:17:36,822 Okay. 318 00:17:36,822 --> 00:17:39,825 But again, as we are discovering, 319 00:17:40,125 --> 00:17:42,828 the more we studied The Silmarillion, this is the seventh century. 320 00:17:42,828 --> 00:17:45,230 I mean, this editorial goal was a bit more. 321 00:17:45,230 --> 00:17:49,334 And if you talk to God, just as in the case of Frodo, 322 00:17:50,102 --> 00:17:54,073 for the most part, simply to compile the defined notes 323 00:17:54,073 --> 00:17:57,976 into a coherent narrative, the notes that Bilbo took 324 00:17:58,243 --> 00:18:01,346 during the Council of Aragorn to firstly to take in some notes 325 00:18:01,480 --> 00:18:03,782 after the council of Error while you were talking 326 00:18:03,782 --> 00:18:06,852 about your adventures from Hobbiton to the middle. 327 00:18:07,553 --> 00:18:10,556 But again, this is not just what you did. 328 00:18:10,622 --> 00:18:13,692 As we read in the text. 329 00:18:13,992 --> 00:18:16,929 We also know that these memoirs by Beebo and Frodo, 330 00:18:16,929 --> 00:18:21,266 so these are not taken by Bilbo and edited by Frodo, where? 331 00:18:21,266 --> 00:18:22,868 And they quote, supplemented 332 00:18:22,868 --> 00:18:26,438 by the accounts of the friends and learning of the wise. 333 00:18:26,972 --> 00:18:30,476 So father is not just editing the notes of Bilbo, 334 00:18:31,143 --> 00:18:34,113 but just like Bilbo, father is also a compiler 335 00:18:34,480 --> 00:18:37,883 for those putting together the reports and the accounts 336 00:18:38,183 --> 00:18:41,353 of the characters involved in the story, and above all of the other 337 00:18:41,353 --> 00:18:44,356 hobbits, Sam, Mary and Pip. 338 00:18:44,456 --> 00:18:49,027 In a way, the Lord of the rings is a collective piece of literature, 339 00:18:49,561 --> 00:18:52,564 which is, again called, 340 00:18:52,931 --> 00:18:57,002 which is highlighted again and again and again, not just in explicit terms, 341 00:18:57,136 --> 00:19:02,274 with references to further compiling from the accounts of the friends, but also, 342 00:19:03,842 --> 00:19:06,879 all this is also highlighted by a lot of narrative devices 343 00:19:07,112 --> 00:19:10,082 that pinpoint to the same metatextual frame. 344 00:19:10,082 --> 00:19:13,085 And I'm moving to number six on the handout. 345 00:19:13,085 --> 00:19:13,552 Come on. 346 00:19:13,552 --> 00:19:17,789 The little device, which implies disconnect collective 347 00:19:17,789 --> 00:19:23,362 nature of the work is the remembering formula number six A on the handout. 348 00:19:23,896 --> 00:19:26,632 A remembering formula is basically a phrase 349 00:19:26,632 --> 00:19:30,669 which is inserted to present the events that are told in a particular chapter, 350 00:19:30,836 --> 00:19:34,039 as based on the memories of the characters you see. 351 00:19:34,039 --> 00:19:36,475 There are quite a few examples on the end. 352 00:19:36,475 --> 00:19:40,245 And number six on the handout, I just refer to the first one 353 00:19:40,712 --> 00:19:43,582 people after what they call litter by the food of drink. 354 00:19:43,582 --> 00:19:46,585 Here is the people reporting the. 355 00:19:46,752 --> 00:19:51,190 We are in chapter three of the first book when they have just met the children. 356 00:19:51,190 --> 00:19:53,458 We have this little note at the. 357 00:19:53,458 --> 00:19:56,461 There are people after what I call litter by the food and drink. 358 00:19:56,562 --> 00:19:59,231 What's the point about this little reference there? 359 00:19:59,231 --> 00:20:02,267 Or if you go to the third one, which is even stronger 360 00:20:02,301 --> 00:20:05,671 now, people may remember much of the later part of the journey. 361 00:20:06,205 --> 00:20:12,110 There are many, many, many remembering forms of this kind that we normally find 362 00:20:12,110 --> 00:20:16,381 in. It is interesting in passages of the story where for those not present 363 00:20:17,015 --> 00:20:20,819 as if God is the author of the book, and therefore he needs to rely on the 364 00:20:20,819 --> 00:20:25,057 accounts of his friends for passages where he wasn't there, especially. 365 00:20:25,357 --> 00:20:29,895 I'm now talking especially to book 3 or 5, or of the Lord of the rings. 366 00:20:31,330 --> 00:20:32,631 This is where, 367 00:20:32,631 --> 00:20:35,000 these we are following the adventures of the other characters 368 00:20:35,000 --> 00:20:35,767 I thought is not there. 369 00:20:35,767 --> 00:20:38,904 And we have a quite a large number of remembering formulas that. 370 00:20:40,205 --> 00:20:44,142 So we can say that all these memories of these memory formulas 371 00:20:44,509 --> 00:20:47,746 should be construed as being recalled by, 372 00:20:49,047 --> 00:20:49,815 at a later stage. 373 00:20:49,815 --> 00:20:52,918 But one of the characters is to say, we should imagine that a 374 00:20:54,052 --> 00:20:57,956 Mary or Sam will gather together with folded a certain pointer, 375 00:20:58,156 --> 00:21:01,159 maybe Minister Arthur, maybe in, 376 00:21:02,361 --> 00:21:04,029 Rivendell, report 377 00:21:04,029 --> 00:21:07,199 the events, and then father will write down 378 00:21:07,532 --> 00:21:11,403 the transcript, transcribe almost those memories, and point out 379 00:21:11,403 --> 00:21:14,406 that in some cases, the memories were not perfect. 380 00:21:15,440 --> 00:21:18,810 There are, in fact, several references, not just to the memory, 381 00:21:19,077 --> 00:21:21,680 but also there are several references in the Lord of the rings. 382 00:21:21,680 --> 00:21:23,882 Also to this narrative report. 383 00:21:23,882 --> 00:21:24,983 In moments, moments 384 00:21:24,983 --> 00:21:28,420 where people gather together and tell the stories to each other. 385 00:21:28,687 --> 00:21:32,724 You see, I put some of them on number six B on the handout. 386 00:21:36,194 --> 00:21:39,197 I would example is the one that you find in chapter four of the six books. 387 00:21:39,431 --> 00:21:42,401 We are now in, 388 00:21:42,401 --> 00:21:45,270 we are now in the field of Malan that we know that, 389 00:21:45,270 --> 00:21:49,574 while the and the army are celebrating the victory, 390 00:21:49,675 --> 00:21:51,977 there are moments in which the in some learn 391 00:21:51,977 --> 00:21:54,613 much of all that happened to the company after the fellowship. 392 00:21:54,613 --> 00:21:57,616 So we know that, in a sense, book three, a book five, 393 00:21:57,916 --> 00:22:01,586 retold to Frodo in a do in the field of commander, 394 00:22:01,586 --> 00:22:04,623 we can never stand a specific moment of the narrative. 395 00:22:04,623 --> 00:22:08,160 When this happened, all these reported moments, I think should 396 00:22:08,160 --> 00:22:12,197 because construed as depending on the same underlying metatextual frame. 397 00:22:12,464 --> 00:22:15,467 Together we that are moving to number 398 00:22:16,101 --> 00:22:20,238 to number six, from a seven on the handout 399 00:22:20,505 --> 00:22:25,143 together with quite a lot of, interlaced narratives. 400 00:22:25,510 --> 00:22:28,513 I now I just missed. Yes. 401 00:22:29,114 --> 00:22:31,550 Just introducing another 402 00:22:31,550 --> 00:22:34,553 piece of little jargon interlacing narratives. 403 00:22:34,720 --> 00:22:38,623 Or we can also introduce another concept in multiple vocalizations, 404 00:22:38,924 --> 00:22:39,925 interlacing narratives 405 00:22:39,925 --> 00:22:43,695 is basically refers to the way the Lord of the rings has been structured. 406 00:22:43,962 --> 00:22:47,833 We start following the story of one character that we jump to the other. 407 00:22:47,999 --> 00:22:49,401 And again, that was not so easy. 408 00:22:49,401 --> 00:22:52,337 We know when we read the history Middle-Earth that Tolkien 409 00:22:52,337 --> 00:22:56,108 thought careful about how to kind of follow the different stories 410 00:22:56,108 --> 00:22:57,142 of the different characters. 411 00:22:57,142 --> 00:23:02,214 So and in a way, they tell lacy narrative so that we find that of the rings 412 00:23:02,414 --> 00:23:05,550 are somehow justified by this metatextual frame, 413 00:23:05,951 --> 00:23:09,588 another very important concept to which is now for listening 414 00:23:09,588 --> 00:23:12,858 to number seven on the handout is the concept of vocalization. 415 00:23:13,258 --> 00:23:16,928 So for colorization is a term for little ethereal which refers 416 00:23:16,928 --> 00:23:22,334 to the point of view which is taken by characters in a particular, passage. 417 00:23:22,367 --> 00:23:24,403 So we know, for instance, just to give you an example, 418 00:23:24,403 --> 00:23:28,306 which I will come back, that the chapter of the who Kai is 419 00:23:29,341 --> 00:23:32,344 to Peter, Maggie, it is Pippin and Mary Walker. 420 00:23:32,611 --> 00:23:36,348 Leave that event and I'll report on it later on to the fencer. 421 00:23:36,448 --> 00:23:40,185 And so the old chapter is vocalized from the point of view of 422 00:23:41,553 --> 00:23:43,989 and of Marian Pippin. 423 00:23:43,989 --> 00:23:48,126 And this introduces another very important texture, another important piece 424 00:23:48,427 --> 00:23:51,630 in the mosaic of the metatarsal frame of the Lord of the rings. 425 00:23:51,963 --> 00:23:54,966 And it's which relates to the character of Sam. 426 00:23:55,534 --> 00:23:58,203 Sam. We mention, 427 00:23:58,203 --> 00:24:01,873 Bilbo and Fodor, but we have a third of to play a very important role 428 00:24:01,873 --> 00:24:04,876 in the Lord of the rings, and this is indeed Sam. 429 00:24:05,110 --> 00:24:08,113 Sam plays the part of the advisor. 430 00:24:08,580 --> 00:24:11,583 We know that as we read in the power text that that, 431 00:24:12,184 --> 00:24:15,720 for the hand that the book to Sam in some has the task of advise it, 432 00:24:15,921 --> 00:24:20,492 but also he has the task to write the final chapters of the book and author. 433 00:24:20,592 --> 00:24:23,595 Now to number seven on the handout. 434 00:24:23,662 --> 00:24:28,133 I think we can even pinpoint the exact moment in the Lord of the rings 435 00:24:28,433 --> 00:24:31,970 where Sam's authorial hands begins. 436 00:24:32,304 --> 00:24:36,141 And as we hand in the text, these are supposed to be the beginning 437 00:24:36,141 --> 00:24:37,442 of the unfinished chapter. 438 00:24:37,442 --> 00:24:40,645 It is to be the unfinished chapter, 80 to remember, 439 00:24:40,645 --> 00:24:43,715 80 chapters where all the 80 chapter was almost completed. 440 00:24:44,216 --> 00:24:48,286 So if we make the calculation, you see the little, a little schema. 441 00:24:48,653 --> 00:24:50,489 The Hobbit has 19 chapters. 442 00:24:50,489 --> 00:24:52,858 A lot of things are 63 chapters. 443 00:24:52,858 --> 00:24:56,161 So once we can deduce that the final chapter of the novel, 444 00:24:56,261 --> 00:25:00,799 which is the one including the text, is the 81st chapter of the book, 445 00:25:01,500 --> 00:25:05,937 and does infer that the 80 chapter JT chapter, which is the incomplete 446 00:25:05,937 --> 00:25:09,674 white, incomplete one, is the scoring of the share of the Shire. 447 00:25:10,742 --> 00:25:12,410 Again, we cannot be really certain. 448 00:25:12,410 --> 00:25:16,681 And what I what point of the sky of the Shire Sam's begins to write. 449 00:25:17,048 --> 00:25:18,950 I have my own theory though. 450 00:25:18,950 --> 00:25:22,020 As you can see on the handout said to be that this is when, 451 00:25:23,722 --> 00:25:26,591 the Battle of Hobbiton begins. 452 00:25:26,591 --> 00:25:30,195 I think if you remember in that chapter, father is reluctant to fight. 453 00:25:30,295 --> 00:25:33,632 So it's almost as if he does not want to be a part, 454 00:25:34,866 --> 00:25:37,335 of the battle of Hobbiton. 455 00:25:37,335 --> 00:25:40,772 And we kind of guess that that's about where Sam begins to write 456 00:25:41,039 --> 00:25:42,674 because of a change of style. 457 00:25:42,674 --> 00:25:46,111 To introduce the other topic of my lecture today, there are different authors 458 00:25:46,111 --> 00:25:49,080 in the Lord of the rings, but also they are very different styles. 459 00:25:49,447 --> 00:25:54,286 And the style that we read find in the second half of the 18th chapter of the 460 00:25:55,487 --> 00:25:55,787 of the 461 00:25:55,787 --> 00:26:00,058 Sky of the Shire is a very colloquial, a very long ages text Shire. 462 00:26:00,392 --> 00:26:03,395 And there is a lot of edge to, style. 463 00:26:03,728 --> 00:26:06,831 And they give you just an example on the handout, which relates 464 00:26:06,831 --> 00:26:10,035 to the word ladder to the hyperrealistic term 465 00:26:10,035 --> 00:26:13,805 ladder boy, but with a hyper realistic tinge. 466 00:26:14,172 --> 00:26:17,943 And this term is never used in the Lord of the rings, except 467 00:26:17,943 --> 00:26:22,314 in this speeches by hobbits or, orcs. 468 00:26:22,714 --> 00:26:23,481 I made a search. 469 00:26:23,481 --> 00:26:23,982 You cannot make 470 00:26:23,982 --> 00:26:27,886 all these beautiful searches with the with using PDFs and so on that you see 471 00:26:27,886 --> 00:26:31,790 the word light is never used in the lost drinks except in the speech. 472 00:26:31,990 --> 00:26:33,358 So you can see that it's a world 473 00:26:33,358 --> 00:26:37,028 with a very clear, colloquial conversation alleged there. 474 00:26:37,329 --> 00:26:40,465 But there are three exceptions in which we find lad in 475 00:26:41,533 --> 00:26:43,068 in a non dire speech. 476 00:26:43,068 --> 00:26:46,037 And these are only found in this chapter eight 477 00:26:46,037 --> 00:26:50,141 and only in the second half of the, of the chapter. 478 00:26:50,642 --> 00:26:51,176 Of course, 479 00:26:51,176 --> 00:26:54,846 we cannot be 100% certain that Tolkien had that in mind, but I don't think we can. 480 00:26:54,846 --> 00:26:56,414 It is impossible either. 481 00:26:56,414 --> 00:26:57,549 I do think that's a 482 00:26:57,549 --> 00:27:01,219 when we go back to the Shire, and that's something that totally alludes to. 483 00:27:01,219 --> 00:27:04,222 I'll see when these letters, the style goes down 484 00:27:04,489 --> 00:27:08,059 and whether consciously or not, that's why we can find a longer 485 00:27:08,293 --> 00:27:11,296 term as the word that 486 00:27:11,730 --> 00:27:15,934 this and this kind of change of style, I think, correlates quite well also 487 00:27:15,934 --> 00:27:19,771 with the supposed identity of the writer of the, of the, of the chapter. 488 00:27:20,071 --> 00:27:21,740 Now, Sam is taking control 489 00:27:21,740 --> 00:27:25,443 of the control of the book and therefore the style begins to change. 490 00:27:25,710 --> 00:27:29,414 And if you think what I was saying before about the idea that the first chapters 491 00:27:29,447 --> 00:27:31,182 of the Lord of the rings are the first book to the Lord 492 00:27:31,182 --> 00:27:33,084 and the rings were drafted by Ben. 493 00:27:33,084 --> 00:27:35,787 But we can then also explain why at the beginning, 494 00:27:35,787 --> 00:27:38,757 from a metatextual point of view, the beginning of the Lord of the rings 495 00:27:38,757 --> 00:27:42,027 clearly features a low register stag, or at least a lower style 496 00:27:42,060 --> 00:27:42,994 than the other books. 497 00:27:42,994 --> 00:27:47,432 In a sense, the beginning is written by Bilbo or some passerby to make Bilbo, 498 00:27:47,532 --> 00:27:50,535 so there is a bit of a mix of different authorial styles. 499 00:27:51,903 --> 00:27:53,972 Moving to number eight on the handout, 500 00:27:53,972 --> 00:27:57,242 this correlation between narrative and stylistic features 501 00:27:57,609 --> 00:28:02,580 and the underlying metatextual frame is found not just in this final chapter, 502 00:28:02,781 --> 00:28:06,885 but of course, it is a very widespread feature of the Lord of the rings 503 00:28:06,885 --> 00:28:08,753 as a whole. 504 00:28:08,753 --> 00:28:11,523 I already refer to, 505 00:28:11,523 --> 00:28:15,393 the case of the beginning of the of the other Lord of the rings. 506 00:28:15,393 --> 00:28:18,963 The first chapters of the London names have clearly a lower register, 507 00:28:19,197 --> 00:28:23,668 but if we consider many other chapters, like the UK chapter set, 508 00:28:23,702 --> 00:28:26,638 we will get to look at chapters from the point of view of The Hobbit, 509 00:28:26,638 --> 00:28:30,975 remembering that that's been told from the point of view of Marion Pippin. 510 00:28:30,975 --> 00:28:34,145 We can explain why in that case, the the register is very, very low. 511 00:28:34,579 --> 00:28:39,350 The register of the book I chapter if you I've done a again a very quick analysis, 512 00:28:39,451 --> 00:28:42,420 you can really see how suddenly goes down compared to the other two. 513 00:28:42,721 --> 00:28:47,192 And the same somehow happens in book four when Sam and Father Derek, 514 00:28:47,325 --> 00:28:50,929 you can see that the the style goes down a bit. 515 00:28:51,663 --> 00:28:54,699 And to come back again when we move to then to book number five. 516 00:28:55,533 --> 00:28:58,703 So moving to number nine on the handout, because it's already late 517 00:28:58,703 --> 00:29:03,241 and I need to speed up a bit, I will just sum up what I said in the first part. 518 00:29:03,374 --> 00:29:06,377 Now of this lecture in this way. 519 00:29:06,745 --> 00:29:09,981 So what are now known as The Hobbit and The Lord of the rings 520 00:29:10,348 --> 00:29:14,519 originally formed a single volume with 81 chapters written by Free 521 00:29:14,853 --> 00:29:18,523 intermingling intermixing hobbit Hans Bilbo, 522 00:29:18,523 --> 00:29:22,761 who drafted the first 19 chapter in sketch notes for the following 12. 523 00:29:23,328 --> 00:29:28,133 Frodo, who polished up possibly probably the first chapter by Bilbo 524 00:29:28,299 --> 00:29:32,403 and got the main bulk of his text, the Lord of the rings. 525 00:29:32,704 --> 00:29:35,940 But he did it, compiling from Bilbo's notes 526 00:29:36,241 --> 00:29:39,811 and incorporating the accounts of his friends and especially the hobbits, 527 00:29:40,445 --> 00:29:43,982 and then finally Sam, who completed the 880 chapter 528 00:29:44,482 --> 00:29:47,552 that was left unfinished by Frodo 529 00:29:47,819 --> 00:29:51,256 and wrote the final one, which is also entirely because, of course, 530 00:29:51,256 --> 00:29:55,560 is this only Sam can know what happens when he comes back to Middle-Earth. 531 00:29:57,128 --> 00:29:57,362 These 532 00:29:57,362 --> 00:30:00,899 account, if you turn the page number ten, is really quite complex 533 00:30:00,899 --> 00:30:05,069 and fascinating from a later point of view, but it is only a very tiny 534 00:30:05,670 --> 00:30:08,673 part of the metatextual frame, 535 00:30:09,107 --> 00:30:11,376 first of all, and I have to be quick here, 536 00:30:11,376 --> 00:30:15,880 we know that the Red book did not only consist of those 81 chapters, 537 00:30:16,314 --> 00:30:19,851 but also included extracts from books of Lore translated by Bilbo. 538 00:30:19,918 --> 00:30:21,319 Rivendell. 539 00:30:21,319 --> 00:30:24,422 And, we can infer a bit more information 540 00:30:24,422 --> 00:30:27,392 about the books of Laura. 541 00:30:27,692 --> 00:30:29,160 From some, 542 00:30:29,160 --> 00:30:32,163 references scattered in the Lord of the rings. 543 00:30:32,230 --> 00:30:33,698 We know that is in the appendices. 544 00:30:33,698 --> 00:30:38,336 In particular, we know that these books of lore were free number that were made 545 00:30:38,536 --> 00:30:43,708 at various times and were given by Bilbo to father in his last visit to Rivendell. 546 00:30:43,708 --> 00:30:46,411 That's number ten eight on the handout. 547 00:30:46,411 --> 00:30:47,946 We also know that the author, 548 00:30:47,946 --> 00:30:51,482 the original author of these books of law, is, er, God himself. 549 00:30:51,850 --> 00:30:54,853 Number ten, be on the handout. 550 00:30:55,119 --> 00:30:58,990 And these books of law dealt and we need knowledge from the passage 551 00:30:58,990 --> 00:31:03,928 it put the number ten see on the handout with tales from the forging of the reading 552 00:31:04,162 --> 00:31:07,999 to the Last Alliance mainly, and we can also therefore 553 00:31:07,999 --> 00:31:12,103 guess that's have to do with the Second Age material, 554 00:31:12,270 --> 00:31:15,273 but also with the events of the First Age of the world. 555 00:31:15,840 --> 00:31:18,543 And we can say that to a certain extent, these three books of log 556 00:31:18,543 --> 00:31:21,512 essentially contained some original material 557 00:31:22,680 --> 00:31:25,683 material that was originally offered by Arendt 558 00:31:25,750 --> 00:31:29,554 but abridged, translated and edited by Bilbo. 559 00:31:30,488 --> 00:31:31,556 And this is important. 560 00:31:31,556 --> 00:31:34,626 This shows an important feature of this metatextual frame. 561 00:31:34,659 --> 00:31:36,995 What we read is always an approximation. 562 00:31:36,995 --> 00:31:38,863 We don't read the original text. 563 00:31:38,863 --> 00:31:42,133 What we read now in The Hobbit The Lord of the rings, we adjust. 564 00:31:43,067 --> 00:31:47,205 Translations abridgment of a much more complex and more complete text. 565 00:31:48,039 --> 00:31:51,175 So we have another author now around. 566 00:31:51,342 --> 00:31:54,245 We have another important role of Bilbo. 567 00:31:54,245 --> 00:31:56,180 Bilbo is up translator. 568 00:31:56,180 --> 00:31:58,182 But again, that's not complete yet. 569 00:31:58,182 --> 00:32:01,219 A metaphysical frame is not complete yet because Tolkien 570 00:32:01,753 --> 00:32:04,756 gave out a very long note, 571 00:32:04,856 --> 00:32:08,726 in the prolog of the Lord of the rings, you, encompassed 572 00:32:08,960 --> 00:32:12,630 not just the writing the Red book, but also its textual history. 573 00:32:12,997 --> 00:32:14,032 I am a 574 00:32:14,032 --> 00:32:17,268 philologist and desperate to give myself, so I relish reading these all things. 575 00:32:17,268 --> 00:32:18,603 I'm not going to do it for you. 576 00:32:18,603 --> 00:32:22,173 But just to sum it up very, very quickly, you see that you can. 577 00:32:22,173 --> 00:32:23,574 That's a selection of the old thing. 578 00:32:23,574 --> 00:32:26,778 That's my favorite possibly parts of the lamb, things I must confess. 579 00:32:26,778 --> 00:32:29,213 But you know, that would be fun at the time. 580 00:32:29,213 --> 00:32:33,151 But just to sum it up a bit, this textual, fictional textual history 581 00:32:33,451 --> 00:32:38,990 confirmed that, father's original book was a later by for supplemental volumes. 582 00:32:39,257 --> 00:32:42,727 So there was the guide book, but then eventually went for supplemental volumes, 583 00:32:42,994 --> 00:32:47,332 which included the three books of Bible translation in the final volume 584 00:32:47,465 --> 00:32:51,302 feature a miscellaneous material, which was written by many different hands. 585 00:32:52,470 --> 00:32:55,440 We also know that the original Red book was lost, 586 00:32:55,440 --> 00:33:00,111 but there were many copies made of it, and especially a sort of a deluxe 587 00:33:00,244 --> 00:33:03,247 five volume edition known as the Times Book, 588 00:33:03,715 --> 00:33:06,818 which was later amended, annotated and supplemented 589 00:33:07,819 --> 00:33:10,822 with the Lord of the Rings The Rise from a copy 590 00:33:11,222 --> 00:33:15,660 after many centuries, A millennia, Millennia of These Times additions 591 00:33:15,860 --> 00:33:19,430 which incorporated the father in Psalms, chapters 592 00:33:19,430 --> 00:33:22,734 and selections of the fifth volume. 593 00:33:23,601 --> 00:33:27,705 In just as the first part of Methodists textual fame is evident in the text, 594 00:33:27,705 --> 00:33:31,175 with the kind of references they remember, informers, and so on. 595 00:33:31,409 --> 00:33:34,579 So the second part of textual history is confirmed 596 00:33:34,779 --> 00:33:37,682 by the way the appendices are presented. 597 00:33:37,682 --> 00:33:41,119 If you read the appendices, there are plenty of plot marginal glosses. 598 00:33:41,486 --> 00:33:45,456 There are plenty of, passages that show different textual variants. 599 00:33:45,923 --> 00:33:48,159 He was very, very attentive. The very 600 00:33:49,394 --> 00:33:52,497 to make sure that this second part of textual list 601 00:33:52,597 --> 00:33:57,201 was reflected in the actual text that you find in now, in the appendices. 602 00:33:57,935 --> 00:34:01,172 But what is important in this note is that in this, 603 00:34:01,172 --> 00:34:04,142 not suddenly Tolkien comes on stage. 604 00:34:04,575 --> 00:34:07,578 Tolkien's authorial or editorial goal 605 00:34:07,645 --> 00:34:10,748 is now presented, and so it's connected 606 00:34:11,015 --> 00:34:14,886 with all the Metatextual fame, which I outlined above. 607 00:34:14,886 --> 00:34:17,889 If you turn to page number 12 on the handout 608 00:34:18,756 --> 00:34:22,193 in the prolog and in the ending sets it to a certain extent, 609 00:34:22,493 --> 00:34:25,930 Tolkien is therefore speaking in his own authorial persona. 610 00:34:26,330 --> 00:34:26,998 Again, it's not. 611 00:34:26,998 --> 00:34:30,101 Tolkien himself is the authorial persona of Tolkien, 612 00:34:30,101 --> 00:34:33,104 which are not exactly the same. 613 00:34:33,504 --> 00:34:37,141 And this is shown, for instance, by the reference to the publication of The Hobbit 614 00:34:37,442 --> 00:34:41,045 to the transcription of obeisance scripts into English number 12. 615 00:34:41,345 --> 00:34:43,347 Hay on the handout. 616 00:34:43,347 --> 00:34:47,018 So we can see how the implication of this connection of Tolkien's authority, 617 00:34:47,018 --> 00:34:50,955 Lord, with this complex metatextual frame, is that Tolkien 618 00:34:50,955 --> 00:34:54,692 essentially is in possession, came into possession of a manuscript 619 00:34:54,692 --> 00:34:57,728 descended from the Red book, and that's, as I said at the beginning, 620 00:34:57,829 --> 00:35:01,933 a very common feature of the meta literary narratives. 621 00:35:01,999 --> 00:35:05,970 A metatextual frames in general in literature from the antiquity 622 00:35:05,970 --> 00:35:07,171 down to the 21st century. 623 00:35:09,273 --> 00:35:10,341 The most 624 00:35:10,341 --> 00:35:15,379 explicit hint to where they are to this role of Tolkien within the meta 625 00:35:15,446 --> 00:35:19,350 textual frame, which is where, in a sense the primary in the secondary world meet, 626 00:35:20,551 --> 00:35:23,254 people always wonder how do we relate to the world 627 00:35:23,254 --> 00:35:26,290 of talking to the secondary, to to the real world? 628 00:35:26,791 --> 00:35:30,294 Probably back to the second world analogy to a certain extent, a point at 629 00:35:30,294 --> 00:35:33,331 the point is Tolkiens authorial persona, 630 00:35:33,898 --> 00:35:36,467 as I recall, of an ancient book. 631 00:35:36,467 --> 00:35:39,504 Again, all this is never putting up in terms. 632 00:35:39,504 --> 00:35:42,073 So there is not a very clear place we're talking this place. 633 00:35:42,073 --> 00:35:45,209 I found the manuscript translated, it subtly hinted to, 634 00:35:45,810 --> 00:35:47,478 not just hinted to, but it is. 635 00:35:47,478 --> 00:35:50,481 There are some hidden messages that he didn't, the, 636 00:35:51,282 --> 00:35:53,784 secrets that, people cannot, 637 00:35:54,852 --> 00:35:57,855 identify to see how talking really cared about all of this 638 00:35:58,156 --> 00:36:01,025 and the most explicit one is found in the core of us, 639 00:36:01,025 --> 00:36:04,629 as you can see in number 12, beyond the handout of The Hobbit 640 00:36:04,629 --> 00:36:07,698 and the Lord of the rings that are written in runic letters, 641 00:36:08,633 --> 00:36:11,636 I think one in the other version, that's what they read 642 00:36:11,636 --> 00:36:15,239 first, the Hobbit or Dagger, but again, being the record of A. 643 00:36:15,273 --> 00:36:18,543 S journey made by Bilbo Baggins of Hobbiton compiled 644 00:36:19,343 --> 00:36:21,445 compiled from his memoirs by J.R.R. 645 00:36:21,445 --> 00:36:23,681 Tolkien and published by George Allen. 646 00:36:23,681 --> 00:36:26,984 When you see how there is a mix of the primary secondary world, 647 00:36:27,685 --> 00:36:30,221 the these the stuffing, which never happens in talking in many 648 00:36:30,221 --> 00:36:33,491 ways, that's one of the very few cases where we have a merging of the two 649 00:36:34,058 --> 00:36:37,094 that Judge Allen and Unwin, which is a very real thing, 650 00:36:37,295 --> 00:36:40,831 which the memoirs of the hobbits and the second in the Lord of the rings, 651 00:36:41,132 --> 00:36:44,702 The Lord of the rings, translated from the Book of Ways much by John 652 00:36:44,936 --> 00:36:48,005 Tolkien, the ring is set from the history of the wandering King 653 00:36:48,573 --> 00:36:50,241 as seen by the hobbits. 654 00:36:50,241 --> 00:36:53,244 Another very important reference 655 00:36:53,344 --> 00:36:56,147 to which I would come back very, very soon. 656 00:36:56,147 --> 00:36:59,850 So in this metatextual frame again, the secret is hidden. 657 00:36:59,850 --> 00:37:00,284 It's not, 658 00:37:02,019 --> 00:37:05,556 very clear to the reader, but it's that it's very clear that it's there. 659 00:37:05,756 --> 00:37:08,359 Tolkien is a compiler. 660 00:37:08,359 --> 00:37:11,095 Talking is a translator. 661 00:37:11,095 --> 00:37:14,665 If, and this idea of translating it is also very, very important 662 00:37:14,665 --> 00:37:18,502 because we also find it again, again referred to in the letters independence, 663 00:37:19,003 --> 00:37:22,340 quite often in the letters, especially in answering a letter, 664 00:37:22,807 --> 00:37:23,774 questions from your reader. 665 00:37:23,774 --> 00:37:26,444 So he pretends to be, just a translator. 666 00:37:26,444 --> 00:37:28,613 So, yeah, the world I use is just an approximation, 667 00:37:28,613 --> 00:37:31,616 because there was not an exact equivalent for an Elvis world. 668 00:37:32,650 --> 00:37:35,753 So after this long journey, number 13, 669 00:37:35,820 --> 00:37:38,823 we can very briefly sum up what I just said about, 670 00:37:39,323 --> 00:37:43,027 the main features of this metatextual frame that have to do 671 00:37:43,294 --> 00:37:46,430 with both the authors and the styles of the Lord of the rings. 672 00:37:47,164 --> 00:37:50,801 According to this, Tolkien has come into possession of a manuscript 673 00:37:50,801 --> 00:37:55,172 copy of an old book in an ancient language, not English, in five volumes. 674 00:37:55,940 --> 00:37:58,943 The book originally focused on on events 675 00:37:59,410 --> 00:38:03,281 dating to the end of the Third Age, the time by three contemporary 676 00:38:03,281 --> 00:38:06,284 authors of hobbits has being offered in some, 677 00:38:06,751 --> 00:38:10,121 but was soon supplemented by a large bulk of visual learners 678 00:38:10,121 --> 00:38:14,492 material of different origin, date, authorship and content. 679 00:38:15,159 --> 00:38:18,162 Tolkien is not translating the extent of this book into English 680 00:38:18,296 --> 00:38:21,299 and compiling them into separate volumes. 681 00:38:22,033 --> 00:38:24,402 So going back to the opening question who are the author 682 00:38:24,402 --> 00:38:25,603 of the Lord of the rings? 683 00:38:25,603 --> 00:38:27,672 The authors are Bilbo. 684 00:38:27,672 --> 00:38:32,076 Battles of also fodder, but also some, but also as and, 685 00:38:32,176 --> 00:38:35,880 but also Malory, but also Gimli, but also people. 686 00:38:35,946 --> 00:38:38,115 Nobody is the only one who said he's never got anything. 687 00:38:38,115 --> 00:38:43,120 And it's interesting, I you see, this is a collective, corpus of texts 688 00:38:43,521 --> 00:38:46,324 that have been handed over to the centuries that have come, 689 00:38:47,425 --> 00:38:47,958 now in 690 00:38:47,958 --> 00:38:52,396 the hands of Tolkien, who is editing a mending, supplementing an abridgment. 691 00:38:52,396 --> 00:38:55,399 And that's the way we read now, the Lord of the rings. 692 00:38:56,801 --> 00:39:00,037 Why did develop all this? 693 00:39:00,738 --> 00:39:03,741 Why he, 694 00:39:04,408 --> 00:39:07,011 he clearly was thinking about issues 695 00:39:07,011 --> 00:39:10,014 of metatextual ity of transmission and so on. 696 00:39:10,081 --> 00:39:12,216 It also, why did he hit it with it behind it? 697 00:39:12,216 --> 00:39:13,217 So why it's not so clear? 698 00:39:13,217 --> 00:39:15,586 I mean, there are many books where this is very, very clear. 699 00:39:15,586 --> 00:39:18,155 If you think about people like Lombard for instance. 700 00:39:18,155 --> 00:39:20,725 So all there are people like Ossian 701 00:39:20,725 --> 00:39:24,662 who are so explicit in Metatextual frame, even to pretend that there was two. 702 00:39:24,762 --> 00:39:25,996 I found this manuscript. 703 00:39:25,996 --> 00:39:28,165 I will have this bastard in the story. 704 00:39:28,165 --> 00:39:33,037 So in the case of Tolkien, the story's there, the metatextual frame is there. 705 00:39:33,037 --> 00:39:33,938 But is is somehow. 706 00:39:34,972 --> 00:39:37,742 Why? Again, I won't have the time to answer 707 00:39:37,742 --> 00:39:41,245 to all these questions, but let me listen to this a first possible 708 00:39:41,345 --> 00:39:42,446 level of the answer 709 00:39:42,446 --> 00:39:46,484 number 14 of the handout, which has to do with the secondary meaning 710 00:39:46,917 --> 00:39:50,688 of this metatextual frame within the legendarium here. 711 00:39:50,688 --> 00:39:53,791 I'm, jumping a bit because it's a bit late, but here 712 00:39:53,791 --> 00:39:57,294 when I say secondary meaning, I go back to what I was saying before. 713 00:39:57,661 --> 00:40:00,431 I think that any element in the narrative of the Lord of the rings 714 00:40:00,431 --> 00:40:04,135 and in talkies works in general, is can be split in different ways 715 00:40:04,135 --> 00:40:05,703 in two and two different levels. 716 00:40:05,703 --> 00:40:09,340 And the primary level, which is not a 1 to 1 correspondence, it's 717 00:40:09,340 --> 00:40:12,576 much more complicated than that, but at the primary level essentially means 718 00:40:12,777 --> 00:40:15,880 how, in the case of the double narrative of The Hobbit, 719 00:40:16,080 --> 00:40:19,083 what's the kind of connection with what happened in the real world? 720 00:40:19,583 --> 00:40:22,119 But I'm not so much interested in this level. 721 00:40:22,119 --> 00:40:24,221 I'm more interested in the time in the secondary level. 722 00:40:24,221 --> 00:40:28,726 So what's the point at the secondary level in the secondary world to, 723 00:40:29,593 --> 00:40:33,397 pretend the whole story has been written by hobbits? 724 00:40:33,898 --> 00:40:36,834 And that's the sort of thing I'm going to discuss 725 00:40:36,834 --> 00:40:39,403 in the next 15 minutes of my lecture. 726 00:40:44,308 --> 00:40:47,378 So moving to number, 15 on the handout. 727 00:40:47,378 --> 00:40:49,113 So I'm jumping a bit to number 14. 728 00:40:49,113 --> 00:40:51,048 Maybe we can come back later to this, 729 00:40:51,048 --> 00:40:53,184 but it's late, so let me just move to number 15. 730 00:40:53,184 --> 00:40:56,353 And number 14 is essentially a theoretical discussion of why 731 00:40:56,487 --> 00:40:59,557 once we distinguish between two different layers of interpretation. 732 00:40:59,757 --> 00:41:01,559 The second interpretation. 733 00:41:01,559 --> 00:41:06,230 But let's say number 15 of the level of the secondary, the internal explanation. 734 00:41:06,330 --> 00:41:09,900 What's the point from the point of view of the secondary literature 735 00:41:10,100 --> 00:41:14,371 of doing of coming up or this kind of a developing such a complex 736 00:41:14,371 --> 00:41:19,009 metaphysical thing in I think the first reason, number 15 737 00:41:19,310 --> 00:41:22,313 a on the handout has to do with realism. 738 00:41:23,447 --> 00:41:26,417 Just as we know, talking was a realist writer. 739 00:41:26,417 --> 00:41:27,918 People who said talk, it was not realistic. 740 00:41:27,918 --> 00:41:29,086 I've not understood talking. 741 00:41:29,086 --> 00:41:31,222 I would say talking was one of the most realistic, 742 00:41:32,523 --> 00:41:34,592 writers who ever existed. 743 00:41:34,592 --> 00:41:36,694 He was obsessed with the realism. 744 00:41:36,694 --> 00:41:40,731 Would be obsessed with the idea of making things real. 745 00:41:41,432 --> 00:41:44,401 And, as far as the metatextual frame is concerned, 746 00:41:44,568 --> 00:41:49,507 if you want to have a coherent, a real story, a story that which can be. 747 00:41:49,507 --> 00:41:52,510 I couldn't believe we do need a textual history. 748 00:41:52,610 --> 00:41:58,048 We cannot have just the tale without an explanation of how this tale came about. 749 00:41:58,048 --> 00:42:01,051 How can we read now this tale in the 21st century? 750 00:42:01,585 --> 00:42:05,756 The Metatextual frame, I think, first of all, provides internal realism. 751 00:42:06,457 --> 00:42:10,761 And in a sense, he does provide a he does fulfill a similar function 752 00:42:10,761 --> 00:42:15,199 to all the invented languages of Middle-Earth, which, as we know 753 00:42:15,199 --> 00:42:19,403 and refer to the first passage, number 50 and a on the handout, 754 00:42:20,938 --> 00:42:23,941 aiming to give an air of reality. 755 00:42:24,008 --> 00:42:28,112 So I think that the language is just like the material frame. 756 00:42:28,112 --> 00:42:30,814 First of all, have this function. 757 00:42:30,814 --> 00:42:32,950 They make things real. 758 00:42:32,950 --> 00:42:35,452 They make the Lord of the rings are something which is real. 759 00:42:35,452 --> 00:42:37,821 We can rest plain where it comes from. 760 00:42:37,821 --> 00:42:39,924 But there is much more than that. 761 00:42:39,924 --> 00:42:43,761 Going a bit deeper, I think, the Metatextual fame in 762 00:42:43,794 --> 00:42:46,397 I thing, more specifically the authorship of Bilbo. 763 00:42:46,397 --> 00:42:50,467 Bilbo, as the author of The Hobbit, allow Tolkien to overcome 764 00:42:50,668 --> 00:42:53,971 what you consider an insufferable obstacle 765 00:42:54,505 --> 00:42:57,141 in the history of the composition of the Lord of the rings. 766 00:42:57,141 --> 00:42:58,309 At the beginning, there was. 767 00:42:58,309 --> 00:43:01,111 And he says again, he refers to it again, them again. 768 00:43:01,111 --> 00:43:02,046 Not the call. 769 00:43:02,046 --> 00:43:04,815 And the obstacle was the fact that in the original published 770 00:43:04,815 --> 00:43:08,552 version of The Hobbit, we found the ending, 771 00:43:09,053 --> 00:43:11,622 this very, very traditional narrative closer, according 772 00:43:11,622 --> 00:43:14,825 to which Bilbo remained very happy to the end of his days. 773 00:43:14,959 --> 00:43:18,462 And those were extraordinarily long and talking again. 774 00:43:18,462 --> 00:43:19,830 He was obsessed with realism. 775 00:43:19,830 --> 00:43:22,232 He said, I cannot write a new book. 776 00:43:22,232 --> 00:43:25,235 There cannot be a sequel because there has been already a closure. 777 00:43:25,603 --> 00:43:29,440 And and basically what he saw in testing way, way was success with it. 778 00:43:29,440 --> 00:43:31,709 I mean that, in fact, when we read 779 00:43:31,709 --> 00:43:34,712 the first volume of The History of Middle-Earth or the reconstruction 780 00:43:34,812 --> 00:43:38,549 of the Lord of the rings, we see how you go to many different versions 781 00:43:38,882 --> 00:43:42,453 of the first chapter, for instance, of the second, the third could really start, 782 00:43:42,653 --> 00:43:45,589 and it says in a letter that one of the reason was that in this view, 783 00:43:45,589 --> 00:43:47,725 The Hobbit was something that was complete. 784 00:43:47,725 --> 00:43:48,425 It was finished. 785 00:43:48,425 --> 00:43:51,061 He had nothing more to say about the hobbits. 786 00:43:52,096 --> 00:43:54,098 There is a good, very good scholar 787 00:43:54,098 --> 00:43:57,668 we called Bowman or said something which is, I agree very much in the quote, 788 00:43:57,668 --> 00:44:00,738 to put you the person number, hand out the most immediate 789 00:44:00,738 --> 00:44:03,807 consequence of this metatextual framing of this construction 790 00:44:04,008 --> 00:44:07,544 is to disarm the troublesome sentence at the end of The Hobbit, 791 00:44:07,711 --> 00:44:11,315 and ultimately to be able to find the vice effects 792 00:44:11,448 --> 00:44:15,886 effectively places the entire book inside quotation marks. 793 00:44:16,587 --> 00:44:18,122 And you see how we have. 794 00:44:18,122 --> 00:44:20,324 We go back to the concept of localization. 795 00:44:20,324 --> 00:44:22,826 In a sense, by coming up with this full frame, 796 00:44:22,826 --> 00:44:26,196 we put all of it us, under the vocalization. 797 00:44:26,196 --> 00:44:30,067 The Hobbit is not talking support to the arbiter. 798 00:44:30,367 --> 00:44:33,270 The narrator of The Hobbit is not Tolkien himself. 799 00:44:33,270 --> 00:44:33,804 He wasn't. 800 00:44:33,804 --> 00:44:34,938 He didn't really like. 801 00:44:34,938 --> 00:44:35,372 For instance, 802 00:44:35,372 --> 00:44:39,810 if you remember the style of the narrator in the first version of The Hobbit. 803 00:44:39,810 --> 00:44:43,047 And as we know, that set up the audio because we wanted to rewrite it. 804 00:44:43,047 --> 00:44:46,050 So we have the first drafts of the first versions of The Hobbit. 805 00:44:46,116 --> 00:44:49,119 Matthew Newton in the new style, 806 00:44:49,319 --> 00:44:51,755 and but Tolkien somehow solved the problem. 807 00:44:51,755 --> 00:44:53,157 Say, okay, that was not me. 808 00:44:53,157 --> 00:44:54,658 It was Bilbo writing the diary. 809 00:44:54,658 --> 00:44:56,527 It was. Bilbo thought that, 810 00:44:57,561 --> 00:44:59,596 The Hobbit was completed. 811 00:44:59,596 --> 00:45:04,068 But of course, this the perception of closure was impossible. 812 00:45:04,368 --> 00:45:05,102 So in a sense. 813 00:45:05,102 --> 00:45:07,438 And so by coming up with a metatextual frame 814 00:45:07,438 --> 00:45:10,941 to put into inverted commas, the all hobbit, Tolkien was also, 815 00:45:11,008 --> 00:45:15,546 in a sense, correcting this perception of closure, as we know from many passages, 816 00:45:15,579 --> 00:45:19,516 and they put one of them a very important form of stories. 817 00:45:19,783 --> 00:45:22,786 Tales never end, stories never end. 818 00:45:22,953 --> 00:45:25,923 And the story is always, 819 00:45:26,123 --> 00:45:26,857 going on. 820 00:45:26,857 --> 00:45:28,492 The road keeps going on. 821 00:45:28,492 --> 00:45:31,595 It's impossible to say the story is over. 822 00:45:31,929 --> 00:45:35,065 And this idea, this problem, this concern is 823 00:45:35,065 --> 00:45:38,068 openly Timothy's in the Lord of the rings and a quote 824 00:45:38,202 --> 00:45:41,105 from Bilbo's statement in the first chapter, book 825 00:45:41,105 --> 00:45:44,842 two don't adventure said I had an end, I suppose not. 826 00:45:45,342 --> 00:45:48,345 Someone has always has to carry on the story. 827 00:45:48,545 --> 00:45:50,414 Well, it can't be helped. 828 00:45:50,414 --> 00:45:53,183 I wonder if it's any good to try to finish my book. 829 00:45:53,183 --> 00:45:56,687 So you see here there's an explicit reference to the Methodist with fame. 830 00:45:56,887 --> 00:46:00,324 It's good to finish my book connected to this problem of endless. 831 00:46:00,958 --> 00:46:02,526 Bilbo thought this story was all there. 832 00:46:02,526 --> 00:46:05,262 But the story is not. Story is not all the 833 00:46:06,363 --> 00:46:10,000 the endless ness of story stories never end, 834 00:46:10,567 --> 00:46:13,704 I think is, an idea which is connected to another 835 00:46:13,704 --> 00:46:17,241 very important idea which is also related to the idea of the metatarsal framework, 836 00:46:17,574 --> 00:46:20,978 which is the idea of the partiality of any story. 837 00:46:21,278 --> 00:46:27,151 Any story we tell and read is necessarily passion is not the full story. 838 00:46:27,317 --> 00:46:28,952 It's always fossilized. 839 00:46:28,952 --> 00:46:31,955 It's always one version of the story that can be more other. 840 00:46:32,189 --> 00:46:33,791 It can be more versions. 841 00:46:33,791 --> 00:46:36,527 It's not false, it is true. 842 00:46:36,527 --> 00:46:38,162 But it's a partial tool. 843 00:46:38,162 --> 00:46:39,563 And this idea of partiality, 844 00:46:39,563 --> 00:46:42,566 which is closely related to the idea of vocalization or 845 00:46:42,800 --> 00:46:45,903 this idea of everything, is put to within a metatextual frame. 846 00:46:45,903 --> 00:46:49,940 Everything that we read is not perfect is very important also for what 847 00:46:50,207 --> 00:46:51,441 we call tokens. 848 00:46:51,441 --> 00:46:56,547 Primary melting sound, visions of the world, philosophy, if not even theology. 849 00:46:57,648 --> 00:47:00,450 So we may say, therefore, that the Metatextual fame, 850 00:47:00,450 --> 00:47:04,855 which originated the system at the beginning from a little problem, 851 00:47:05,222 --> 00:47:06,223 provided Tolkien 852 00:47:06,223 --> 00:47:10,260 at an opportunity to reintegrate into a single agonistic framework. 853 00:47:10,661 --> 00:47:13,664 What would have otherwise been unreal, 854 00:47:14,298 --> 00:47:15,532 unreal at both. 855 00:47:15,532 --> 00:47:19,303 As a superficial level, Bilbo's story did not end with The Hobbit. 856 00:47:19,303 --> 00:47:22,239 We cannot conclude, the story with The Hobbit. 857 00:47:22,239 --> 00:47:26,643 The story went on, but also as a deeper one at the level 858 00:47:27,110 --> 00:47:30,347 that then he will openly address in on fairy stories. 859 00:47:30,614 --> 00:47:32,616 Real stories never end. 860 00:47:32,616 --> 00:47:34,151 All stories are partial. 861 00:47:34,151 --> 00:47:37,321 They are parts of a larger mythological corpus. 862 00:47:38,222 --> 00:47:40,324 They move in under 4 to 15 bit. 863 00:47:40,324 --> 00:47:41,491 So we can see how this 864 00:47:41,491 --> 00:47:45,195 realistic function of the metatextual frame is closely related in general, 865 00:47:45,262 --> 00:47:48,699 which will make all the mythology ambition talk. 866 00:47:48,732 --> 00:47:51,735 You want to build up a mythology, and we know that from, 867 00:47:52,402 --> 00:47:56,373 these very early years that there was this desire and he had some models for it. 868 00:47:56,406 --> 00:48:00,677 He had had enough, for instance, yet long after with this carnival, for instance. 869 00:48:01,111 --> 00:48:04,648 But in general, we know that this was his desire 870 00:48:04,648 --> 00:48:07,818 and this kind of desire to be done by all mythology is 871 00:48:07,818 --> 00:48:10,921 closely related to this idea of doing the making in real. 872 00:48:11,054 --> 00:48:12,623 This mythology must be real. 873 00:48:12,623 --> 00:48:17,294 It must be as real as it was for the Homer was, it was for, 874 00:48:18,362 --> 00:48:19,830 a lot 875 00:48:19,830 --> 00:48:23,767 in this realistic concern which relates to this more general limit. 876 00:48:23,834 --> 00:48:28,839 Poetic ambition is also valid at the in a sense, smaller scale. 877 00:48:28,839 --> 00:48:31,942 If you turn the page to number 15, see on the handout, 878 00:48:34,645 --> 00:48:36,980 the meta vessel is very, very useful 879 00:48:36,980 --> 00:48:41,184 to explain, justify all the different statistical, 880 00:48:42,052 --> 00:48:46,223 stylistic and narrative features that we find on the, on the rings. 881 00:48:46,523 --> 00:48:49,993 And again, you see how this is a bit of a visual cycle, because on the one end, 882 00:48:50,227 --> 00:48:54,197 the metatextual frame is supported by this stylistic variety, 883 00:48:54,564 --> 00:48:57,634 but at the same time, the stylistic variety is what matters. 884 00:48:57,634 --> 00:48:58,802 It needs to be justified. 885 00:48:58,802 --> 00:49:02,940 The diameters were fine, as Tom Shippy put it, to be very clear way. 886 00:49:03,206 --> 00:49:05,909 A superficial clash of styles. 887 00:49:05,909 --> 00:49:08,278 There is a superficial clash of styles in The Hobbit, 888 00:49:08,278 --> 00:49:11,315 just like in the Lord of the rings, and this is a very important 889 00:49:11,315 --> 00:49:14,318 feature of this works because these works bring together, 890 00:49:14,584 --> 00:49:18,355 in a way, lead time features from the ancient Greek mythology, 891 00:49:18,355 --> 00:49:23,026 not the mythology, the modern novela, the realistic, stories. 892 00:49:23,026 --> 00:49:24,061 So they all come together. 893 00:49:24,061 --> 00:49:26,663 So necessarily there is a sort of stylistic variety, 894 00:49:26,663 --> 00:49:29,466 and yet this superficial clash of styles 895 00:49:29,466 --> 00:49:33,770 like what lead to a deeper understanding of unity, which is indeed 896 00:49:33,837 --> 00:49:37,474 the end of the major theme and even the major lesson of The Hobbit. 897 00:49:38,108 --> 00:49:40,577 So by coming out with this metatextual frame, 898 00:49:40,577 --> 00:49:43,747 we also have a way to bring together to explain the diversity 899 00:49:44,247 --> 00:49:46,850 talk is had clearly this little detail. 900 00:49:46,850 --> 00:49:48,218 It maybe the human concerns. 901 00:49:48,218 --> 00:49:52,022 How can we reconcile a variety of styles or points of view 902 00:49:52,122 --> 00:49:55,392 with a unity in this metatextual frame? 903 00:49:55,392 --> 00:49:58,195 You know, says, provided the solution to a certain extent. 904 00:49:59,429 --> 00:50:00,430 There is, 905 00:50:00,430 --> 00:50:04,101 I said, a great variety which is supported 906 00:50:04,101 --> 00:50:07,104 as reflected in this idea of, you know, walk, which is collective. 907 00:50:07,304 --> 00:50:10,474 The Lord of the rings as a collect, an authorship, not just one. 908 00:50:10,474 --> 00:50:15,045 There are many different authors, and yet there is, in a way, a point of unity. 909 00:50:15,512 --> 00:50:18,482 And the point that unit is not just the father of the day. 910 00:50:18,582 --> 00:50:21,885 There is a single metatextual frame, but that there is a single 911 00:50:21,885 --> 00:50:24,921 if you want general colonization, at least for the Lord of the rings. 912 00:50:25,188 --> 00:50:30,227 And these is 15 D is what Tolkien would call orbital centrism. 913 00:50:30,827 --> 00:50:33,797 The general point of view of the hobbits and the Lord of the rings 914 00:50:33,797 --> 00:50:36,900 is the hobbit identity of the, 915 00:50:38,068 --> 00:50:41,671 authors, as seen by the little people as we are before. 916 00:50:41,671 --> 00:50:43,707 But even the memoir, meanwhile, be one for of 917 00:50:44,808 --> 00:50:46,710 these Hobbit centrism. 918 00:50:46,710 --> 00:50:49,713 The Lord of the rings has an orbit is orbital centric. 919 00:50:49,713 --> 00:50:53,617 It is told by the point of view of The Hobbit, and this is so important 920 00:50:53,650 --> 00:50:58,121 to, is connected, I think, to one of the other main themes 921 00:50:58,121 --> 00:51:01,958 that was there to talk insight into some something that in a way 922 00:51:02,259 --> 00:51:04,995 the heading the lights again and again in his letters. 923 00:51:04,995 --> 00:51:07,831 Let me just quote one of it in this phone number. 924 00:51:07,831 --> 00:51:11,101 1215 the on the handout that, 131, 925 00:51:11,968 --> 00:51:16,039 this last great detail is seen mainly through the eyes of The Hobbit. 926 00:51:16,740 --> 00:51:20,143 So important, two hobbits, not many so-called 927 00:51:20,343 --> 00:51:24,247 because the last style is to exemplify most clearly a recurrent theme. 928 00:51:24,648 --> 00:51:27,484 The place you want politics of the unforeseen, 929 00:51:27,484 --> 00:51:31,621 the unforeseeable absolute will in this of the future, of the apparently small 930 00:51:31,855 --> 00:51:34,758 and great forgotten, the place of wise and the great. 931 00:51:34,758 --> 00:51:37,727 So the whole metatextual frame and the vocalization, 932 00:51:37,727 --> 00:51:41,198 which is a underlines with the the orbital centrism actually 933 00:51:41,198 --> 00:51:44,201 is related to this very, very, very deep theme. 934 00:51:44,334 --> 00:51:47,370 The Lord of the rings is written by hobbits because the whole book 935 00:51:47,370 --> 00:51:51,441 is about hobbits, and more precisely, about the ennobling hobbits. 936 00:51:51,675 --> 00:51:55,245 The role played by hobbits in what this story and the way 937 00:51:55,412 --> 00:51:59,082 by which this happened to be ennobled to God in a way, 938 00:52:00,650 --> 00:52:00,984 these 939 00:52:00,984 --> 00:52:04,688 hobbit or centrism, which is I think were the main function 940 00:52:05,088 --> 00:52:07,691 at the secondary level of the metatarsal fame. 941 00:52:07,691 --> 00:52:11,628 It is important also not just from a stylistic narrative 942 00:52:11,828 --> 00:52:15,432 and thematic point of view, but also from a more deeply literate 943 00:52:15,632 --> 00:52:19,269 point of view, not just the details of it, but more generally, 944 00:52:19,269 --> 00:52:23,640 or what Tolkien was trying to do and what Tolkien was trying to do, 945 00:52:23,640 --> 00:52:28,411 or at least what he found himself been able to do is quoting again later 131 946 00:52:28,578 --> 00:52:31,548 to merge myth into history. 947 00:52:31,548 --> 00:52:34,951 The Hobbit, the book, which has much more essential life 948 00:52:34,951 --> 00:52:37,921 in it, was quite independently conceived. 949 00:52:37,988 --> 00:52:40,590 I did not know as I began that it belonged, but 950 00:52:40,590 --> 00:52:43,593 it proved to be the discovery of the completion of the whole. 951 00:52:43,593 --> 00:52:46,530 His desire was to write the same religion, but they couldn't. 952 00:52:46,530 --> 00:52:50,734 But in a sense, the way managed in the end to come to complete The Silmarillion, 953 00:52:51,134 --> 00:52:54,004 or not to merge the complete, but eventually to become 954 00:52:54,004 --> 00:52:57,774 a successful writer, which will lead to the publication of The Silmarillion, 955 00:52:57,874 --> 00:53:01,077 was thanks to The Hobbit and the characters 956 00:53:01,745 --> 00:53:04,281 proved to be the discovery of the completion of the home. 957 00:53:04,281 --> 00:53:07,117 It's not of descent to earth and mountain to history. 958 00:53:08,418 --> 00:53:11,821 What does it mean by descent to outer magic? 959 00:53:11,821 --> 00:53:12,756 To history? 960 00:53:12,756 --> 00:53:16,193 It's 155, so I'm not gonna give a full question. 961 00:53:16,259 --> 00:53:18,028 There was would be another hour at least. 962 00:53:18,028 --> 00:53:22,499 But let me just briefly conclude that I think the hobbits introduce provides 963 00:53:22,499 --> 00:53:26,970 a point of view, a vocalization which Tolkien and his readers can identify 964 00:53:27,437 --> 00:53:32,375 the point of view of simple human beings, modern human beings 965 00:53:32,642 --> 00:53:36,880 living in a non heroic age, like that of talking 20th century. 966 00:53:37,214 --> 00:53:38,281 It's so paradox. 967 00:53:38,281 --> 00:53:39,749 This is from a later point of view. 968 00:53:39,749 --> 00:53:43,086 It's also a way to connect that myth with a history, 969 00:53:43,086 --> 00:53:46,089 to merge myth into a story. 970 00:53:46,156 --> 00:53:49,893 The hobbits, and therefore the the most important characters 971 00:53:49,893 --> 00:53:52,862 of the Lord of the rings, also in the sense of that authorship. 972 00:53:52,963 --> 00:53:55,932 The hobbits are the authors of the Lord of the rings. 973 00:53:55,932 --> 00:53:58,935 They have much more full life, more essential life 974 00:53:59,202 --> 00:54:01,838 in both the primary and the secondary world. 975 00:54:01,838 --> 00:54:07,043 And that's the that's the reason why they managed to merge myth and history. 976 00:54:07,344 --> 00:54:11,147 They are, if you want the link connected, the connecting, the secondary 977 00:54:11,147 --> 00:54:15,252 and the primary war, the mythical universe of Maryland, without this idealistic 978 00:54:15,318 --> 00:54:20,457 and this kind of great aspirational human ambition for the great, for the, for the, 979 00:54:20,457 --> 00:54:26,129 for the high we, the the smallness, the mediocrity of the human life in the, 980 00:54:26,329 --> 00:54:31,334 the contemporary world in talking, that's really the conclusion, will later 981 00:54:31,668 --> 00:54:34,638 gratefully acknowledge the role that the obits played 982 00:54:34,638 --> 00:54:38,575 in his literary career, in the development of his literary work. 983 00:54:38,775 --> 00:54:42,512 And this really will be my final quote at the very end of page number nine. 984 00:54:43,280 --> 00:54:46,750 Personally, I desired to go to the past because it's what 985 00:54:46,983 --> 00:54:50,220 been many years I desired, first of all, to put into all the 986 00:54:50,220 --> 00:54:52,355 The Silmarillion together with the cosmology 987 00:54:52,355 --> 00:54:55,358 and the legend of the Second Age, the downfall of Numenor. 988 00:54:55,358 --> 00:54:58,461 That's Tolkiens literary desire from a young age. 989 00:54:58,461 --> 00:55:00,063 They what they wanted to do. 990 00:55:00,063 --> 00:55:03,500 All of these were written first, and it was my desire to issue them 991 00:55:03,500 --> 00:55:04,901 in chronological order. 992 00:55:04,901 --> 00:55:06,236 I remember after I published To Whole Me 993 00:55:06,236 --> 00:55:10,206 to try to persuade the Spanish of the publisher Mariner, but they didn't. 994 00:55:11,441 --> 00:55:13,076 And the world of light and the Lord of the rings, 995 00:55:13,076 --> 00:55:14,911 and he would have nicer to have, in his view. 996 00:55:14,911 --> 00:55:17,881 First publisher, then the Lord of the rings. 997 00:55:17,881 --> 00:55:20,050 And yet that's the crucial bit. 998 00:55:20,050 --> 00:55:25,622 It was only as a sequel to The Hobbit that publication proved possible. 999 00:55:25,989 --> 00:55:27,857 Bless the little people. 1000 00:55:27,857 --> 00:55:30,827 Anyway, the Lord of the rings has astonished me, 1001 00:55:30,827 --> 00:55:33,530 and I believe the Gollum publishers did more. 1002 00:55:33,530 --> 00:55:34,264 Thank you very much. 1003 00:55:34,264 --> 00:55:36,700 An apology for having spoken a bit too much. 1004 00:55:36,700 --> 00:55:43,473 Thank you. I.