1 00:00:00,467 --> 00:00:01,201 Well, thank you, everybody, 2 00:00:01,201 --> 00:00:04,738 for coming out in the middle of a term on a very overcast day. 3 00:00:04,771 --> 00:00:07,140 But I hope you enjoy today's talk. 4 00:00:07,140 --> 00:00:10,977 I'm Grace Curry, I'm a DPhil student here at the University of Oxford. 5 00:00:11,011 --> 00:00:13,213 I'm writing my thesis on J.R.R. 6 00:00:13,213 --> 00:00:16,383 Tolkien, Silmarillion and the influences of Norse 7 00:00:16,383 --> 00:00:19,486 Smith and the First World War on his mythology. 8 00:00:20,286 --> 00:00:22,589 Today, I'm going to be talking about 9 00:00:22,589 --> 00:00:25,458 a portion of appendix A of a look 10 00:00:25,458 --> 00:00:28,461 at the rings. 11 00:00:29,763 --> 00:00:31,164 The appendices to J.R.R. 12 00:00:31,164 --> 00:00:32,699 Tolkien's Lord of the rings. 13 00:00:32,699 --> 00:00:36,503 Not only have a marginal place in that work, but also in Tolkien 14 00:00:36,503 --> 00:00:39,973 scholarship. Recently, however, these texts 15 00:00:39,973 --> 00:00:42,976 have enjoyed a scholarly and cultural renaissance. 16 00:00:43,710 --> 00:00:48,515 Doctor Eleanor Parker, Medieval Lecture at Notes, gave a talk earlier this year 17 00:00:48,515 --> 00:00:52,952 on the influence of the eighth century historian Bede on Appendix F, 18 00:00:53,553 --> 00:00:56,790 viewable on the Oxford Tolkien Network's YouTube channel. 19 00:00:58,358 --> 00:01:00,026 Meanwhile, in media reception, 20 00:01:00,026 --> 00:01:03,663 the appendices form the basis for Amazon's Rings of Power series, 21 00:01:04,164 --> 00:01:07,167 which just had its second season this year, 22 00:01:07,734 --> 00:01:10,537 and Warner Brothers soon forthcoming anime film 23 00:01:10,537 --> 00:01:13,740 The War of the roses ring, coming out December 13th. 24 00:01:14,941 --> 00:01:16,743 The subject of today's talk will be 25 00:01:16,743 --> 00:01:19,746 the main source text for The War of the religion, 26 00:01:19,779 --> 00:01:22,882 constituting a portion of appendix A entitled 27 00:01:23,249 --> 00:01:25,952 the House of the All. 28 00:01:25,952 --> 00:01:29,022 While the filmmakers selected a specific storyline, 29 00:01:29,456 --> 00:01:34,461 its wider context within appendix A and its roots in the literature, history, 30 00:01:34,461 --> 00:01:37,997 nomenclature, and even material culture of Anglo-Saxon 31 00:01:37,997 --> 00:01:41,401 or pre conquest, England will be brought into view, 32 00:01:42,235 --> 00:01:45,872 as well as the complimentary nods to Old Norse myth and sagas. 33 00:01:47,006 --> 00:01:50,143 As a part of this, I will also consider the film writers choice 34 00:01:50,143 --> 00:01:54,180 to use the daughter and eldest child of King Alfred of Wessex, 35 00:01:54,481 --> 00:01:57,450 half of that known as the Lady of Mercia, 36 00:01:58,518 --> 00:01:59,285 as a model for 37 00:01:59,285 --> 00:02:02,288 one of the film's main protagonists parents, 38 00:02:02,589 --> 00:02:06,226 and elaboration of an unnamed daughter of the fiery warrior king. 39 00:02:06,526 --> 00:02:09,362 Helm, hammer. Hand. 40 00:02:09,362 --> 00:02:11,998 Appendix a Lord of the rings is a composite work 41 00:02:11,998 --> 00:02:16,302 that is a hillier amalgamation of genealogies of various kingdoms, 42 00:02:16,803 --> 00:02:19,839 animals, and prose narratives recounting events 43 00:02:19,839 --> 00:02:22,842 that take place before the War of the ring. 44 00:02:23,343 --> 00:02:26,312 The portion of appendix A dealing with the House of the Oral 45 00:02:26,713 --> 00:02:30,750 and the genealogy of the Kings of the Mark, exhibits a synchronic 46 00:02:30,750 --> 00:02:34,721 medievalism, merging more apparent Old English influences 47 00:02:35,188 --> 00:02:38,191 with more oblique ones from Old Norse myth and sagas. 48 00:02:38,925 --> 00:02:41,094 This type of amalgamation of medieval 49 00:02:41,094 --> 00:02:44,097 sources was typical of Tolkiens fiction, 50 00:02:44,130 --> 00:02:47,100 and so it comes as little surprise here. 51 00:02:47,667 --> 00:02:51,871 Medievalism played plays a fundamental role in the nomenclature of 52 00:02:51,871 --> 00:02:54,874 and world building for Rohan, 53 00:02:55,041 --> 00:02:57,343 extending even to the textual layout. 54 00:03:00,680 --> 00:03:01,814 With regard to the latter. 55 00:03:01,814 --> 00:03:06,085 The lists of kings of the mark, complete with descriptions of their deeds, 56 00:03:06,653 --> 00:03:10,056 is akin to the content and format of historical works 57 00:03:10,456 --> 00:03:13,459 like the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 58 00:03:13,726 --> 00:03:17,730 This work survives in several versions and manuscripts, meeting early 59 00:03:17,730 --> 00:03:22,602 and more recent editors and translators to label these as Anglo-Saxon chronicles. 60 00:03:23,703 --> 00:03:26,472 The earliest was previously dated to the late ninth century. 61 00:03:26,472 --> 00:03:30,076 Around the 1890s, towards the end of King Alfred's reign, 62 00:03:30,577 --> 00:03:34,280 and even associated more directly with Alfred himself and his court. 63 00:03:35,582 --> 00:03:38,551 More recently, one scholar, Daniel Amazon, 64 00:03:38,551 --> 00:03:41,221 has related this a freedom chronicle 65 00:03:41,221 --> 00:03:44,190 to earlier in the same century. 66 00:03:44,490 --> 00:03:46,626 The oldest surviving manuscript 67 00:03:46,626 --> 00:03:51,297 manuscript A is the Winchester Chronicle, Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, 68 00:03:51,731 --> 00:03:56,102 manuscript 173, also called the Parker Chronicle 69 00:03:56,536 --> 00:04:01,007 after its 16th century owner, Matthew Parker, Archbishop of Canterbury, 70 00:04:02,609 --> 00:04:05,211 who was produced by a scribe at Winchester whose work was 71 00:04:05,211 --> 00:04:08,214 then continued by others in the 10th century 72 00:04:09,349 --> 00:04:11,317 as one of many such anarchistic works 73 00:04:11,317 --> 00:04:15,154 organized in a year by year basis, with which Tolkien was familiar. 74 00:04:15,855 --> 00:04:19,359 The Chronicle and its later variants would have been a prime model 75 00:04:19,359 --> 00:04:24,364 for trying his hand at imitative works, like the King lists in appendix H. 76 00:04:25,431 --> 00:04:28,735 Long before that, Tolkien had produced an elastic works 77 00:04:28,735 --> 00:04:31,738 relating to his mythology in the 1930s, 78 00:04:31,804 --> 00:04:35,642 including the Annals of Valinor and the Annals of Valerian, 79 00:04:36,442 --> 00:04:40,780 as well as their later variants, the Annals of Amon and the Great Annals, 80 00:04:42,115 --> 00:04:44,751 with reference to one of the later annals. 81 00:04:44,751 --> 00:04:48,755 His son and editor Christopher stated that the later variants 82 00:04:49,155 --> 00:04:53,760 were still on a stick, retaining the introductory here of the year. 83 00:04:53,760 --> 00:04:56,763 Entries derived from the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, 84 00:04:57,130 --> 00:05:01,768 but may even come as a surprise, although perhaps not that Tolkien 85 00:05:01,768 --> 00:05:07,006 even produced an abortive set of annals also relating to his mythology. 86 00:05:07,373 --> 00:05:10,410 The wider Silmarillion corpus in Old English 87 00:05:11,244 --> 00:05:14,847 making the connection with medieval historical texts, is still closer. 88 00:05:17,417 --> 00:05:20,820 Tolkiens king lists in appendix A approximate 89 00:05:20,820 --> 00:05:25,191 the form of anarchistic material, like that of the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 90 00:05:26,125 --> 00:05:30,596 However, each panel would give a year by year accounts rather than date ranges, 91 00:05:31,064 --> 00:05:34,067 with a summary of key events in a ruler's life. 92 00:05:34,867 --> 00:05:38,037 What Malcolm Parks has called blank or barren 93 00:05:38,037 --> 00:05:42,075 panel numbers empty entries with just a year and nothing. 94 00:05:42,075 --> 00:05:43,309 Follow it. 95 00:05:43,309 --> 00:05:47,013 Following it in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle is a practice 96 00:05:47,013 --> 00:05:52,552 replicated by Tolkien, whose king lists sometimes as just a range of dates 97 00:05:52,952 --> 00:05:56,522 and a name of a ruler with no other details 98 00:05:56,522 --> 00:05:59,492 or history provided. 99 00:05:59,826 --> 00:06:02,829 As you see here. 100 00:06:03,396 --> 00:06:06,366 Putting a page from the Winchester or Parker Chronicle 101 00:06:06,366 --> 00:06:11,003 side by side, with one from Tolkiens list of Kings of the Mark, 102 00:06:11,504 --> 00:06:14,507 reveals rather similar formatting of entries, 103 00:06:14,741 --> 00:06:17,377 harking back to its Old English counterpart. 104 00:06:18,578 --> 00:06:21,247 Both feature entries of differing lengths, 105 00:06:21,247 --> 00:06:24,350 and both have years or year ranges in the margins. 106 00:06:25,651 --> 00:06:27,754 Tolkien's familiarity with such historical 107 00:06:27,754 --> 00:06:30,757 material dates back to his undergraduate years, 108 00:06:30,790 --> 00:06:33,793 and he studied extracts from the Anglo-Saxon Chronicles 109 00:06:33,793 --> 00:06:36,796 in the 19 tens. 110 00:06:37,130 --> 00:06:38,698 In Tolkien's undergraduate 111 00:06:38,698 --> 00:06:44,170 copy of Henry Sweets 1908 Anglo-Saxon reader, preserved in the Western Library, 112 00:06:44,771 --> 00:06:47,840 passages like Queen 12 and heart Cunard 113 00:06:48,408 --> 00:06:52,779 from the Parker manuscript and The Martyrdom of Elf Hare, 114 00:06:53,546 --> 00:06:57,083 drawn there, mainly from the D version of the chronicle, 115 00:06:57,417 --> 00:07:00,153 are underlined by Tolkien. 116 00:07:00,153 --> 00:07:03,723 Is continuing engagement with such material is recorded 117 00:07:03,723 --> 00:07:07,860 in one of his drafts for a 1933 lecture on Beowulf, 118 00:07:08,628 --> 00:07:12,064 where he reproduces the West Saxon genealogy of King Arthur, 119 00:07:12,098 --> 00:07:16,135 the father of Alfred the Great, grandfather of Apple. 120 00:07:16,135 --> 00:07:18,104 Blood will be discussed later. 121 00:07:19,439 --> 00:07:21,007 There, Tolkien also mentions 122 00:07:21,007 --> 00:07:24,010 royal genealogies from other similar texts, 123 00:07:24,811 --> 00:07:27,480 like the Chronicle of Arthur, 124 00:07:27,480 --> 00:07:31,918 a late 10th century Latin translation of the ninth century Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, 125 00:07:32,552 --> 00:07:36,088 which had originally been produced in Old English, as were most of the versions, 126 00:07:37,390 --> 00:07:39,759 and William of Malmesbury s 12th century 127 00:07:39,759 --> 00:07:42,762 deeds of the Kings of the English, 128 00:07:42,929 --> 00:07:46,132 as attested by his published letters, unpublished papers 129 00:07:46,132 --> 00:07:49,135 in the Bodleian Library, and other catalogs of his book. 130 00:07:49,135 --> 00:07:54,574 Ownership and usage in works like around their Child's Tolkien Library. 131 00:07:55,508 --> 00:07:57,944 We know that Tolkien used and often owned 132 00:07:57,944 --> 00:08:00,947 many editions and translations of such works. 133 00:08:01,948 --> 00:08:05,451 These were a pertinent background reading for teaching Old English texts. 134 00:08:05,818 --> 00:08:08,821 As Rawlinson and Bosworth Professor of Anglo-Saxon, 135 00:08:09,422 --> 00:08:12,658 a post he held from 1925 to 1945. 136 00:08:13,860 --> 00:08:18,798 This inevitably led to his eventual reproduction of style and format 137 00:08:18,798 --> 00:08:22,902 of such works, and several experiments, like The Kings of the Mark, 138 00:08:23,903 --> 00:08:25,371 thereby gaining a measure 139 00:08:25,371 --> 00:08:28,374 of historical authenticity. 140 00:08:30,009 --> 00:08:31,911 The House of arrow, 141 00:08:31,911 --> 00:08:36,782 part two of appendix A, documents the foundation of the Kingdom of Rohan, 142 00:08:37,450 --> 00:08:41,487 which was established on land given to Ian and his people 143 00:08:41,854 --> 00:08:44,857 as a reward for their military and 144 00:08:45,558 --> 00:08:47,493 they named it the new the Mark of the writers. 145 00:08:47,493 --> 00:08:50,530 And they called themselves the they or linguists. 146 00:08:51,297 --> 00:08:55,635 But in Gondor their land was called Rohan and its people. 147 00:08:56,035 --> 00:08:59,038 The program that is the Horse Lords. 148 00:08:59,405 --> 00:09:02,975 Thus arrow became the first king of the Mark, 149 00:09:03,809 --> 00:09:05,978 and he chose for his dwelling Green 150 00:09:05,978 --> 00:09:08,981 hill before the feet of the White Mountains 151 00:09:09,015 --> 00:09:11,984 that were the south wall of his land, 152 00:09:11,984 --> 00:09:15,187 where the real him lived afterwards, as freemen 153 00:09:15,555 --> 00:09:18,190 under their own kings and laws, 154 00:09:18,190 --> 00:09:21,193 but in perpetual alliance with Gondor. 155 00:09:22,828 --> 00:09:23,396 First off, this 156 00:09:23,396 --> 00:09:27,700 passage reads like an elaboration of an Old English maxim from the late 157 00:09:27,700 --> 00:09:30,703 10th century poetic anthology The Exeter Book. 158 00:09:33,906 --> 00:09:34,473 Error 159 00:09:34,473 --> 00:09:39,111 shall on our earth shall you through mode redone. 160 00:09:39,979 --> 00:09:42,448 Earl or nobleman must ride on war. 161 00:09:42,448 --> 00:09:46,652 Horse's back the mountain truth must ride as a host. 162 00:09:48,421 --> 00:09:51,424 An unlikely hypothetical source text 163 00:09:52,725 --> 00:09:56,162 given Tolkiens capabilities in skillfully elaborating 164 00:09:56,162 --> 00:09:59,599 a single word or name into a character or narrative. 165 00:10:00,266 --> 00:10:02,668 Gnomic statements like this one offered 166 00:10:02,668 --> 00:10:05,671 still more story potential. 167 00:10:06,906 --> 00:10:09,842 Also of note in this passage is the tribal name. 168 00:10:09,842 --> 00:10:12,445 The hay lingers 169 00:10:12,445 --> 00:10:15,281 by inventing a tribe named after ale. 170 00:10:15,281 --> 00:10:18,851 Tolkien borrows the historical practice of building eponymous 171 00:10:19,051 --> 00:10:22,989 out of the names, the founders, rulers of a dynasty, or people. 172 00:10:24,256 --> 00:10:27,259 Perhaps the most well-known example comes in Beowulf, 173 00:10:27,860 --> 00:10:30,363 in which the Danish shield rings 174 00:10:30,363 --> 00:10:33,232 are so-named from their eponymous founder 175 00:10:33,232 --> 00:10:36,636 shield shipping ancestor of King Hrothgar. 176 00:10:38,304 --> 00:10:41,307 Similar examples can be found in historical texts. 177 00:10:41,574 --> 00:10:42,842 The eighth century historian 178 00:10:42,842 --> 00:10:46,012 Bede, in his Ecclesiastical History of the English People, 179 00:10:46,812 --> 00:10:49,115 gives the ancestry of Rat World, 180 00:10:49,115 --> 00:10:53,486 the seventh century king of the East Angles, referencing his grandfather, 181 00:10:53,486 --> 00:10:57,390 who for his personal name was converted into the dynastic. 182 00:10:57,390 --> 00:10:59,925 One of the things. 183 00:10:59,925 --> 00:11:01,694 The opening chapter of FME. 184 00:11:01,694 --> 00:11:05,998 Stantons Anglo-Saxon England, which Tolkien read in the 1940s, 185 00:11:06,766 --> 00:11:10,102 tells how the Kentish royal house of boys 186 00:11:10,102 --> 00:11:13,806 schools for boys, Kangas was named after the surname 187 00:11:14,874 --> 00:11:17,743 of their founder. It, 188 00:11:17,743 --> 00:11:20,780 as originally told in Bede's History, 189 00:11:22,114 --> 00:11:25,284 its name Warwick was the reputed son Peng 190 00:11:25,284 --> 00:11:29,822 Just one of the two legendary fifth century invaders of England. 191 00:11:30,990 --> 00:11:33,592 Name of another people in appendix A, 192 00:11:33,592 --> 00:11:36,862 the the earnings kindred of the proto robber in 193 00:11:37,930 --> 00:11:39,799 follows the same principle 194 00:11:39,799 --> 00:11:42,802 drawn from the name Bjorn. 195 00:11:44,837 --> 00:11:45,271 Allusions 196 00:11:45,271 --> 00:11:48,274 to historical legends and even to real places. 197 00:11:48,441 --> 00:11:51,444 Yet another feature of Tolkien's fiction. 198 00:11:51,510 --> 00:11:53,446 Proto wrote her in 199 00:11:53,446 --> 00:11:57,550 once called The Men of Chaos, had a combination 200 00:11:57,550 --> 00:12:00,553 of the Old English words, of course, 201 00:12:00,686 --> 00:12:03,522 and failed when people 202 00:12:03,522 --> 00:12:06,525 have failed literally means horse people. 203 00:12:07,760 --> 00:12:10,563 Name is perhaps an oblique reference to the fact 204 00:12:10,563 --> 00:12:13,566 that the legendary brothers Angus and Horse, 205 00:12:14,333 --> 00:12:17,336 both names meaning horse, 206 00:12:17,436 --> 00:12:20,072 and speculated by one historian to be names to get 207 00:12:20,072 --> 00:12:23,909 or rather than actual personal names, symbolically connect 208 00:12:24,210 --> 00:12:28,080 the Anglo-Saxons with horses despite their having no cavalry. 209 00:12:28,080 --> 00:12:30,883 Historically. 210 00:12:30,883 --> 00:12:32,785 Pronounce original name 211 00:12:32,785 --> 00:12:35,788 as given by the new audience as themselves. 212 00:12:35,955 --> 00:12:38,557 The mark of the writers is elusive 213 00:12:38,557 --> 00:12:41,560 of the ancient Anglo-Saxon kingdom of Mercia, 214 00:12:42,128 --> 00:12:44,563 which was at the height of its power in the eighth century. 215 00:12:45,698 --> 00:12:49,902 Name Mercia stems from Old English yeah, 216 00:12:51,137 --> 00:12:53,906 equivalent to the later word 217 00:12:53,906 --> 00:12:56,442 equivalent to the word for meaning boundary. 218 00:12:56,442 --> 00:12:59,111 Border. 219 00:12:59,111 --> 00:13:00,112 Therefore, 220 00:13:00,112 --> 00:13:03,415 Iwan, as the first king of the mark, rules, 221 00:13:03,415 --> 00:13:06,418 I take Tolkien in parallel of a real kingdom 222 00:13:06,485 --> 00:13:09,488 in pre conquest England. 223 00:13:10,689 --> 00:13:12,124 Memory of this founder 224 00:13:12,124 --> 00:13:15,127 figure lives on hundreds of years later, 225 00:13:15,227 --> 00:13:18,230 during the reign of Fadden, during the War of the ring. 226 00:13:19,098 --> 00:13:22,134 The chapter The King of the Golden Hall in the Two Towers 227 00:13:22,701 --> 00:13:26,438 depicts a permanent memorial to the founder of Roman. 228 00:13:28,207 --> 00:13:31,110 Many woven cloths were hung up on the walls, 229 00:13:31,110 --> 00:13:34,814 and over their wide spaces marched figures of ancient legend, 230 00:13:35,581 --> 00:13:38,717 some dim, with years, some darkling in the shade. 231 00:13:39,685 --> 00:13:42,688 But upon one form the sunlight fell. 232 00:13:42,822 --> 00:13:44,790 The young man on a white horse. 233 00:13:45,825 --> 00:13:47,126 He was blowing a great horn. 234 00:13:47,126 --> 00:13:50,095 And his yellow hair was flying in the wind. 235 00:13:50,095 --> 00:13:53,933 The horse's head was lifted and its nostrils were wide and red 236 00:13:54,166 --> 00:13:58,304 as it made smelling that on the far foaming water. 237 00:13:58,504 --> 00:14:01,540 Green and white rushed and curled at its knees. 238 00:14:04,510 --> 00:14:06,645 Many woven cloths, 239 00:14:06,645 --> 00:14:10,549 visually representing the ancestors and heroic legends of the rocky road, 240 00:14:11,283 --> 00:14:16,155 represents Tolkien in replication, something like the 11th century. 241 00:14:16,155 --> 00:14:20,993 The tapestry, which depicts the 1066 Battle of Hastings. 242 00:14:21,961 --> 00:14:26,432 In one letter, Tolkien even points out if you thought the type of armor found 243 00:14:26,699 --> 00:14:30,302 in the tapestry gave a useful sense of that 244 00:14:30,603 --> 00:14:33,572 of his invented warriors, 245 00:14:33,839 --> 00:14:37,776 like the inhabitants of Anglo-Saxon England and their Germanic kin. 246 00:14:37,776 --> 00:14:42,214 On the continent and in Scandinavia, the people of Rohan have their own 247 00:14:42,214 --> 00:14:45,517 heroic legends developed out of their early history. 248 00:14:46,986 --> 00:14:49,822 According to one passage, 249 00:14:49,822 --> 00:14:52,558 many lords and warriors 250 00:14:52,558 --> 00:14:55,561 sorry, this is not the right side. 251 00:14:59,398 --> 00:15:02,234 I'm just going to read that many lords and warriors, 252 00:15:02,234 --> 00:15:04,637 many fair and valiant women, 253 00:15:04,637 --> 00:15:07,640 are named in the songs of Rohan. 254 00:15:13,078 --> 00:15:15,781 That still remember the North from GA, 255 00:15:15,781 --> 00:15:20,920 they say, was the name of the chieftain who led his people to ale. That 256 00:15:22,321 --> 00:15:22,988 of the sun. 257 00:15:22,988 --> 00:15:28,060 From they tell that he slew scar, the great dragon of Arab myth, from. 258 00:15:28,827 --> 00:15:31,497 And the land had peace from the Long Worms. 259 00:15:31,497 --> 00:15:33,832 Afterwards 260 00:15:33,832 --> 00:15:36,101 this from one great wealth. 261 00:15:36,101 --> 00:15:39,571 But was it feud with the dwarves who claimed the horde of Skara 262 00:15:40,506 --> 00:15:43,842 from would not yield them a pen, and sent them 263 00:15:43,842 --> 00:15:46,845 instead the teeth of scabbard made into a necklace, 264 00:15:47,112 --> 00:15:51,917 saying tools such as these you will not match your treasures. 265 00:15:52,251 --> 00:15:53,419 They are hard to come by. 266 00:15:54,720 --> 00:15:55,788 Some say 267 00:15:55,788 --> 00:15:58,791 that the dwarves slew from for this insult. 268 00:15:59,725 --> 00:16:03,362 There was no great love between the eye of that and the dwarves. 269 00:16:04,763 --> 00:16:07,299 The two figures here from gar, 270 00:16:07,299 --> 00:16:11,770 whose name in Old English means first spear, and his son from first 271 00:16:12,371 --> 00:16:15,374 are kin to two key types of work figures 272 00:16:15,808 --> 00:16:18,577 the founder figure and the monster slayer. 273 00:16:18,577 --> 00:16:22,147 In the tradition of their will and Saigo that are more secure 274 00:16:23,882 --> 00:16:25,584 from the defeat of the Great Worm 275 00:16:25,584 --> 00:16:28,654 scholar, whose name is an anglicized version 276 00:16:28,654 --> 00:16:33,592 of the genitive singular of Old Norse scabby, meaning ski farm. 277 00:16:33,592 --> 00:16:37,096 Damage aligns more with the Norse dragon legend, 278 00:16:37,730 --> 00:16:41,000 as singular survives his fight with farmer. 279 00:16:43,802 --> 00:16:46,872 However, there are also possible periodic echoes 280 00:16:46,872 --> 00:16:50,609 here of the legendary dwarf forged breathing human 281 00:16:51,343 --> 00:16:54,113 or necklace 282 00:16:54,113 --> 00:16:54,947 uprisings. 283 00:16:57,216 --> 00:16:59,885 Also mentioned in Beowulf, they are called 284 00:16:59,885 --> 00:17:02,888 the rose in the manner 285 00:17:02,888 --> 00:17:05,657 necklace of the bruising. 286 00:17:05,657 --> 00:17:06,992 In Norse myth, the goddess 287 00:17:06,992 --> 00:17:09,962 Freya obtains a necklace from the dwarves, 288 00:17:10,262 --> 00:17:14,900 and the object inspires both personal and martial complex, 289 00:17:15,467 --> 00:17:18,737 including a duel between the half god giant Loki, 290 00:17:19,405 --> 00:17:22,775 who stole it, and Heimdall, the watchmen of the gods. 291 00:17:24,410 --> 00:17:26,979 Another version of the story 292 00:17:26,979 --> 00:17:29,748 told in the longer version of the Saga of Olaf 293 00:17:29,748 --> 00:17:35,120 trying to give a son in the 14th century, a tale about marital conflict 294 00:17:35,120 --> 00:17:38,190 relating to the necklace between Oden 295 00:17:38,190 --> 00:17:41,193 and Freya leads to the former. 296 00:17:41,627 --> 00:17:44,930 Is the former to acquire the latter to preside over two kings, 297 00:17:45,464 --> 00:17:48,467 Orkney and Heaven, fighting forever, 298 00:17:48,567 --> 00:17:51,570 which they do for 143 years 299 00:17:51,570 --> 00:17:54,740 until the curse is broken by Christian king Olafur. 300 00:17:56,341 --> 00:17:56,842 Even the 301 00:17:56,842 --> 00:18:01,213 necklace, his constant associations with martial conflict and strife. 302 00:18:01,680 --> 00:18:04,683 It is no surprise that Tolkiens periodic version, 303 00:18:05,184 --> 00:18:08,187 made out of Scholastic, has a similar effect. 304 00:18:09,388 --> 00:18:12,658 It's also worth noting that elsewhere in the 1919 305 00:18:12,658 --> 00:18:15,961 tale, the now offering in The Book of Lost Tales, 306 00:18:16,562 --> 00:18:20,899 a dwarf made a necklace with much closer parallels to the freezing human 307 00:18:21,400 --> 00:18:25,037 also, institutes instigates a war in that case 308 00:18:25,037 --> 00:18:28,040 between dwarves and elves. 309 00:18:30,809 --> 00:18:32,177 The House of the orb 310 00:18:32,177 --> 00:18:34,913 achieves a measure of historical authenticity 311 00:18:34,913 --> 00:18:38,917 through its plethora of Old English personal names, several of which occur 312 00:18:38,917 --> 00:18:41,920 in royal genealogies in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle 313 00:18:42,054 --> 00:18:44,857 and sometimes elsewhere. 314 00:18:44,857 --> 00:18:47,726 To start with some more familiar examples, 315 00:18:47,726 --> 00:18:50,229 Hiram means prince or king 316 00:18:50,229 --> 00:18:53,732 can also have the sense of any king or leader, any kind of leader, 317 00:18:55,734 --> 00:18:57,169 appearing in two heroic poems 318 00:18:57,169 --> 00:19:00,439 that Tolkien translated, Beowulf and The Battle of Mountain. 319 00:19:02,174 --> 00:19:03,809 Another name with the same sense. 320 00:19:03,809 --> 00:19:06,812 Single Prince also appears in The Line of Kings, 321 00:19:07,613 --> 00:19:11,717 the name of Thayer, and sister son alma, meaning of course, famous, 322 00:19:12,484 --> 00:19:15,487 appears in a royal genealogy of Mercia 323 00:19:15,521 --> 00:19:18,524 as an ancestor of King Offer. 324 00:19:18,790 --> 00:19:21,793 The entry for 755 in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 325 00:19:23,162 --> 00:19:25,330 The name also appears in Beowulf. 326 00:19:25,330 --> 00:19:28,433 Our area is a descendant of king, author. 327 00:19:30,836 --> 00:19:31,837 Harald 328 00:19:31,837 --> 00:19:34,840 is a designated term for hereditary nobility, 329 00:19:34,873 --> 00:19:37,876 attested in seventh century Kentish laws. 330 00:19:38,410 --> 00:19:41,413 See the laws of Albert, King of Kent. 331 00:19:42,080 --> 00:19:42,614 Beowulf. 332 00:19:42,614 --> 00:19:45,717 The term signifies nobleman or warrior. 333 00:19:50,289 --> 00:19:53,292 It is also a title frequently applied to the doomed 334 00:19:53,559 --> 00:19:57,196 Bernoulli War, leader of the English troop against the Vikings. 335 00:19:58,564 --> 00:20:02,834 Here north is called Arthur Loretta's ale, and so our 336 00:20:04,002 --> 00:20:05,337 latter title, 337 00:20:05,337 --> 00:20:08,974 as Mark Atherton points out in his monograph Battle of Melton War 338 00:20:08,974 --> 00:20:12,778 and Peace in 10th Century England, signifying the Earl. 339 00:20:14,146 --> 00:20:16,548 In this way, from around the ninth century, 340 00:20:16,548 --> 00:20:19,351 ale came more in line with the Old Norse 341 00:20:19,351 --> 00:20:22,354 yard. 342 00:20:22,654 --> 00:20:24,223 A couple of the king's names 343 00:20:24,223 --> 00:20:27,226 listed in the royal genealogy of Rohan 344 00:20:27,326 --> 00:20:30,796 are what in historical terms, would be considered the euphoric names 345 00:20:31,396 --> 00:20:34,266 for ones with an element referring to a deity. 346 00:20:34,266 --> 00:20:36,535 The first line Kings of Rohan. 347 00:20:36,535 --> 00:20:40,639 The first line of Kings of Rohan feature two such instances 348 00:20:41,540 --> 00:20:44,176 where the fourth king of Rohan, 349 00:20:44,176 --> 00:20:47,179 followed by his son okay, a winner. 350 00:20:47,212 --> 00:20:49,648 First is what is called a mano phonetic 351 00:20:49,648 --> 00:20:53,418 or single element name of the second is type emetic. 352 00:20:53,852 --> 00:20:55,320 Two elements. 353 00:20:55,320 --> 00:20:59,591 Its proto theme or first element consisting of what was probably a famine. In 354 00:21:00,859 --> 00:21:01,393 the Old English, 355 00:21:01,393 --> 00:21:05,764 Freyr means lord and could signify both a divine or a secular ruler 356 00:21:06,698 --> 00:21:11,670 for a winner consisting of elements lord plus friend on a literal level 357 00:21:12,271 --> 00:21:15,674 could also in theory denote someone who was a friend 358 00:21:15,807 --> 00:21:18,810 of the god associated with this name, 359 00:21:19,111 --> 00:21:22,114 which has been put forward to be the fertility deity. 360 00:21:22,114 --> 00:21:24,383 Old Norse prayer 361 00:21:24,383 --> 00:21:27,653 A noteworthy example from Beowulf is King Hrothgar. 362 00:21:27,653 --> 00:21:31,623 His daughter Freya Walter, consisting of two elements 363 00:21:31,890 --> 00:21:34,893 Freya Ward, environment protection 364 00:21:35,761 --> 00:21:38,397 Freya Winner appears in royal genealogies 365 00:21:38,397 --> 00:21:41,433 in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, as does Freya. 366 00:21:41,466 --> 00:21:43,402 Last, 367 00:21:43,402 --> 00:21:46,405 another name Tolkien borrows for one of his kings 368 00:21:46,872 --> 00:21:49,975 in appendix A, he is the sister son of King Helm, 369 00:21:49,975 --> 00:21:52,978 Hammer Hand, and succeeds helm after his death. 370 00:21:55,414 --> 00:21:58,417 With its literal meaning of Lord plus, loaf, 371 00:21:59,217 --> 00:22:02,554 Fray Olaf evokes the widespread term lathered, 372 00:22:03,422 --> 00:22:08,060 generally rendered lord, but stemming from a compound cloth 373 00:22:08,060 --> 00:22:12,097 where for literally most guardian, which also evokes 374 00:22:12,097 --> 00:22:16,802 the fertility associations of prayer, it works well with the literal sense. 375 00:22:16,802 --> 00:22:17,703 The latter. 376 00:22:21,206 --> 00:22:22,407 Other Old English names are 377 00:22:22,407 --> 00:22:25,410 used for kings or other royal persons. 378 00:22:26,311 --> 00:22:29,881 Other kings in the first line are called gold went a gold friend, 379 00:22:30,382 --> 00:22:33,518 and they are the latter named after the wandering poet 380 00:22:33,518 --> 00:22:36,855 and poem of the same name found in the late 10th century AD. 381 00:22:37,022 --> 00:22:38,423 The book. 382 00:22:38,423 --> 00:22:40,992 The name is Britta, Prince Lord, 383 00:22:40,992 --> 00:22:45,731 while the ruler folk folk, folk winner, 384 00:22:46,198 --> 00:22:49,801 folk friend are featured in the second line of Kings. 385 00:22:51,136 --> 00:22:54,740 According to the Bosworth and Taller Anglo-Saxon dictionary, Old English 386 00:22:54,740 --> 00:22:59,344 folk had a variety of meanings, signifying a people, nation, tribe, 387 00:23:00,112 --> 00:23:02,981 also referring to a company or troop 388 00:23:02,981 --> 00:23:05,984 with a sense of a levied harmony. 389 00:23:06,184 --> 00:23:09,121 Therefore, a name like folk winner could mean 390 00:23:09,121 --> 00:23:13,125 friend of the people, a friend of those in the military band, or both. 391 00:23:15,827 --> 00:23:18,463 There is a queen named Hilde, 392 00:23:18,463 --> 00:23:21,466 Old English, an Old Saxon for war or battle. 393 00:23:21,733 --> 00:23:23,835 Old Norse silver, 394 00:23:23,835 --> 00:23:26,004 a name of a real person in seventh century. 395 00:23:26,004 --> 00:23:28,907 A member of the royal House of Northumbria, 396 00:23:28,907 --> 00:23:32,010 she became known as Saint Hilda or sometimes Saint Hilda 397 00:23:32,544 --> 00:23:35,380 Thomas, Abbess of Whitby on what is now North 398 00:23:35,380 --> 00:23:38,383 Yorkshire coast. 399 00:23:38,517 --> 00:23:40,852 The Old Norse equivalent with the same meaning. 400 00:23:40,852 --> 00:23:45,690 Hilda was also the name of the valkyrie and appears in various 401 00:23:45,690 --> 00:23:49,995 mythological sources, including Snorri sons, Prose Edda 402 00:23:50,629 --> 00:23:53,632 and also in the Poetic Edda. 403 00:23:54,032 --> 00:23:56,601 Tolkien, of course, would have been familiar 404 00:23:56,601 --> 00:24:00,205 with both the relevant Old English history about Saint Hild 405 00:24:00,338 --> 00:24:03,341 and Bede's Ecclesiastical History of the English People 406 00:24:03,708 --> 00:24:06,244 and the legendary Hilda, a Norse attic 407 00:24:06,244 --> 00:24:09,247 materials. 408 00:24:09,981 --> 00:24:10,916 Tolkien also 409 00:24:10,916 --> 00:24:15,687 lightly borrowed from Old Norse, notably in the name Grand Old Norse 410 00:24:15,687 --> 00:24:19,524 grammar, meaning wrath for the king of the first line 411 00:24:20,826 --> 00:24:21,693 from is the name 412 00:24:21,693 --> 00:24:24,830 of singular source Seagate's mighty sword, 413 00:24:24,830 --> 00:24:29,234 recorded in accounts of his fight with the dragon Daphnia and a pelagic ad. 414 00:24:29,234 --> 00:24:32,237 Thus fatness not only of fat men, 415 00:24:32,871 --> 00:24:35,874 and in the 14th century Bissouma saga, 416 00:24:36,475 --> 00:24:37,876 the 10th King. 417 00:24:37,876 --> 00:24:40,712 Second line Fray Olaf has the matter. 418 00:24:40,712 --> 00:24:44,816 Nick Hilversum and many medieval Icelanders in the sagas 419 00:24:45,083 --> 00:24:48,253 had such names, but these were usually patronymic. 420 00:24:49,421 --> 00:24:52,023 There was also the infamous tragic English example 421 00:24:52,023 --> 00:24:56,428 of the last Anglo-Saxon king, Harold Godwinson, 422 00:24:56,995 --> 00:25:00,265 Son of God winner died in the Battle of Hastings 423 00:25:00,599 --> 00:25:03,602 in 1066. 424 00:25:03,835 --> 00:25:05,871 Notable counter-example. 425 00:25:05,871 --> 00:25:10,141 In Norse myth is the infamous betrayer of the gods at Ragnarok. 426 00:25:10,909 --> 00:25:13,778 Loki version. 427 00:25:13,778 --> 00:25:18,517 He was the son of the yeoman or giant or bounty and a goddess. 428 00:25:18,517 --> 00:25:20,085 Now if you 429 00:25:20,085 --> 00:25:22,988 his name he adopted because of the stigma of having Johan. 430 00:25:22,988 --> 00:25:26,892 For a father, it was acceptable for gods to take giant asses 431 00:25:26,892 --> 00:25:30,495 as wives and mistresses, but not for male giants to take goddesses. 432 00:25:33,131 --> 00:25:36,001 Given this choice to include Norse names, echoes 433 00:25:36,001 --> 00:25:41,373 historical pre conquest England, in which various Scandinavian settlers, 434 00:25:41,373 --> 00:25:46,244 both Danes and Norwegians, were living alongside their Saxon counterparts. 435 00:25:47,345 --> 00:25:49,347 There is, of course, the Danish 436 00:25:49,347 --> 00:25:52,350 ruler King Canute, Old Norse producer, 437 00:25:52,851 --> 00:25:55,854 appearing in an otherwise English line of kings. 438 00:25:56,888 --> 00:26:00,091 In this way, Tolkien invented randomness 439 00:26:00,625 --> 00:26:03,628 of echoes of historical reality. 440 00:26:05,030 --> 00:26:08,033 The second king of Rohan Perego, 441 00:26:08,066 --> 00:26:13,238 I think, was Braga, lord ruler has a son named Balder, old 442 00:26:13,238 --> 00:26:16,241 English for prince, ruler, 443 00:26:16,274 --> 00:26:19,110 equivalent to Norse mother, 444 00:26:19,110 --> 00:26:22,013 ill fated, son of a god Odin 445 00:26:22,013 --> 00:26:25,016 was killed by the stratagem of the duplicitous Loki. 446 00:26:26,384 --> 00:26:28,887 Tolkiens text states that Perego son 447 00:26:28,887 --> 00:26:31,556 and grandson Balder 448 00:26:31,556 --> 00:26:34,559 wished to tread the paths of the dead, 449 00:26:34,626 --> 00:26:38,296 a direct allusion to the fact that the boulder of Norse mythology 450 00:26:38,597 --> 00:26:41,433 did the same in the underworld of hell, 451 00:26:41,433 --> 00:26:44,302 after being slain by the blind god. 452 00:26:44,302 --> 00:26:47,939 Over at the advice and really trickery of Loki, 453 00:26:49,341 --> 00:26:50,408 Tolkien also would have 454 00:26:50,408 --> 00:26:55,747 known that Balder was the comparative of both, signifying more bold, 455 00:26:56,348 --> 00:27:00,218 more courageous, meaning equally relevant reprints, 456 00:27:00,218 --> 00:27:03,755 undertaking a terrifying endeavor without any real necessity. 457 00:27:05,256 --> 00:27:07,892 Another Old English equivalent of this name, 458 00:27:07,892 --> 00:27:11,863 Baldock, son of Wotan, was English equivalent of Old Norse. 459 00:27:12,130 --> 00:27:15,867 Then occurs in the entry for 855 460 00:27:16,501 --> 00:27:20,071 that presents the genealogy of Apple, father of Alfred 461 00:27:20,071 --> 00:27:23,074 the Great, in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 462 00:27:24,009 --> 00:27:27,379 Another variant, Belgic, occurs in the ninth century 463 00:27:27,379 --> 00:27:30,982 history of the Britons, previously attributed to Gnaeus. 464 00:27:31,850 --> 00:27:35,220 In the genealogies of the kings of both Venetia and Dara, 465 00:27:35,720 --> 00:27:40,392 other Anglo-Saxon kingdoms are also listed as the son of Wotan. 466 00:27:41,292 --> 00:27:46,097 This nexus of sources and influences demonstrates the complex context 467 00:27:46,464 --> 00:27:49,467 behind Tolkiens choice of personal names. 468 00:27:51,302 --> 00:27:51,970 Tolkiens brief 469 00:27:51,970 --> 00:27:54,973 account of the prehistory and early history of Rohan 470 00:27:55,206 --> 00:27:58,209 invokes real circumstances of early English history. 471 00:27:58,810 --> 00:28:02,547 In the sixth and seventh centuries, there was an ongoing cycle 472 00:28:02,547 --> 00:28:07,352 of tribal warfare and jostling for, claiming or reclaiming territories. 473 00:28:08,820 --> 00:28:09,220 According 474 00:28:09,220 --> 00:28:12,490 to information laid out by deed, around 600 475 00:28:12,991 --> 00:28:16,661 there were a dozen or more kingdoms in Anglo-Saxon England, 476 00:28:17,395 --> 00:28:20,432 and their boundaries were in a state of flux due to the ambitions 477 00:28:20,432 --> 00:28:23,401 of warlords and expansionist rulers. 478 00:28:24,202 --> 00:28:27,338 Prose texts of appendix A represent 479 00:28:27,338 --> 00:28:31,109 a fictive representation of this historical reality 480 00:28:32,210 --> 00:28:36,748 the tribal warfare of the dawn landings and the room, the story 481 00:28:36,748 --> 00:28:39,751 that is being adapted in the Warner Brothers anime film 482 00:28:41,052 --> 00:28:44,155 The Inciting Incident, is a poorly received request 483 00:28:44,155 --> 00:28:47,158 by the powerful on lending Lord Raka 484 00:28:47,258 --> 00:28:50,261 Old English for both man warrior hero 485 00:28:50,628 --> 00:28:52,864 for the hand of the here 486 00:28:52,864 --> 00:28:56,067 unnamed daughter of Rohan's current king, Callum. 487 00:28:56,067 --> 00:28:57,936 Hammer hand 488 00:28:57,936 --> 00:29:00,705 for Africa's son Wolf. 489 00:29:00,705 --> 00:29:03,174 Both English folk. 490 00:29:03,174 --> 00:29:05,677 However, King Helm, who already mistrusted 491 00:29:05,677 --> 00:29:09,347 the ambitious fracas, both refuses and insults him. 492 00:29:10,415 --> 00:29:11,516 But helm said, you have 493 00:29:11,516 --> 00:29:14,919 grown big since you were last here, but it is mostly fat. 494 00:29:15,253 --> 00:29:18,223 I guess, and men laughed at that. 495 00:29:18,223 --> 00:29:20,558 The fracas was wide and about, 496 00:29:20,558 --> 00:29:25,096 then fracas fell in a rage and reviled the king and said this at the last 497 00:29:25,897 --> 00:29:28,900 old kings that refuse a proffered staff, 498 00:29:28,900 --> 00:29:31,903 they fall on their knees. 499 00:29:31,936 --> 00:29:34,939 Sometime after this heated exchange of insults, 500 00:29:35,140 --> 00:29:38,743 helm takes up the matter again with more dire consequences. 501 00:29:40,745 --> 00:29:42,514 When the council was over, helm 502 00:29:42,514 --> 00:29:46,718 stood up and laid his great hand on his shoulder, saying, the king does not 503 00:29:46,718 --> 00:29:50,121 permit brawls in his house, but men are freer outside 504 00:29:50,822 --> 00:29:53,291 and he forced cracker to walk before him out 505 00:29:53,291 --> 00:29:57,362 from under us into the field, now demanding to the king. 506 00:29:58,129 --> 00:30:01,166 You have only helm to deal with alone and unarmed. 507 00:30:01,866 --> 00:30:04,869 But you have said much already, and it is my turn to speak. 508 00:30:05,203 --> 00:30:06,004 Fracas. 509 00:30:06,004 --> 00:30:08,506 Your folly has grown with your belly. 510 00:30:08,506 --> 00:30:10,375 You talk of a staff. 511 00:30:10,375 --> 00:30:11,843 Helm dislikes a cook. 512 00:30:11,843 --> 00:30:16,014 Staff that is thrust at him breaks it. So 513 00:30:17,582 --> 00:30:18,183 with that he 514 00:30:18,183 --> 00:30:22,420 smote fracas such a blow with his fist that he fell back, 515 00:30:22,420 --> 00:30:25,423 stunned and died soon after. 516 00:30:27,325 --> 00:30:27,725 A sort of 517 00:30:27,725 --> 00:30:30,728 flash flood temper and primal violence 518 00:30:30,762 --> 00:30:33,765 evokes the wilder world of the Norse sagas. 519 00:30:34,199 --> 00:30:37,802 Many are memorable for their temperamental, asocial 520 00:30:37,802 --> 00:30:40,238 and even outlawed anti-heroes. 521 00:30:40,238 --> 00:30:45,243 Some more famous examples, including the ornery poet warrior eagle, 522 00:30:45,243 --> 00:30:49,047 scholar Grimm, some Tolkien owned sequels are signature, 523 00:30:49,047 --> 00:30:52,750 Nadal's 1933 edition annual Sala 524 00:30:53,451 --> 00:30:56,387 saga, scallop and Sonar, 525 00:30:56,387 --> 00:30:59,357 or the monster slaying Outlaw Good Theater 526 00:30:59,357 --> 00:31:02,460 as Mendelsohn in Greatest Saga, 527 00:31:03,962 --> 00:31:05,463 helm had been just 528 00:31:05,463 --> 00:31:08,700 previously described as a grim man of great strength, 529 00:31:09,534 --> 00:31:11,970 very much like descriptions in the sagas, 530 00:31:11,970 --> 00:31:16,441 in which some of their more surly protagonists have volatile temperaments 531 00:31:16,941 --> 00:31:19,944 that flare up with disastrous consequences. 532 00:31:20,311 --> 00:31:21,579 One of these being correct here. 533 00:31:24,115 --> 00:31:25,550 Helm's slaying of 534 00:31:25,550 --> 00:31:28,553 fracas has other pale parallels, 535 00:31:29,687 --> 00:31:32,690 such as the Wolf's own father 536 00:31:32,724 --> 00:31:37,061 had begun the feud by killing a man in the hand, 537 00:31:37,061 --> 00:31:41,266 Slayer of the man, leading to a great scene in that context, 538 00:31:43,034 --> 00:31:46,037 one cannot ignore the parallels between 539 00:31:46,271 --> 00:31:49,674 Helm's suggestive nickname Hammer Hand 540 00:31:50,241 --> 00:31:53,244 and the Norse god Thor. 541 00:31:53,711 --> 00:31:55,546 Mythical analog can be found 542 00:31:55,546 --> 00:31:59,984 in the poem chemistry that or the lay of him, in which Thor 543 00:32:00,218 --> 00:32:04,455 and really punches the giant him here, causing him to fall into the sea. 544 00:32:05,523 --> 00:32:09,694 This action was in retaliation for him years fear motivated decision 545 00:32:09,694 --> 00:32:13,531 to cut the line with which Thor caught and was about to slay 546 00:32:13,831 --> 00:32:16,668 the mid-card serpent. 547 00:32:16,668 --> 00:32:19,671 The missed opportunity had fatal consequences, 548 00:32:19,771 --> 00:32:23,741 as that same serpent would mean force death at Ragnarok. 549 00:32:25,176 --> 00:32:28,179 Like his Norse counterpart, helm also dies, 550 00:32:28,446 --> 00:32:31,449 albeit under very different circumstances. 551 00:32:32,250 --> 00:32:35,353 The inevitable feud and war between the and 552 00:32:36,721 --> 00:32:41,159 it comes after the slaying of Fracker is equally representative of such conflicts, 553 00:32:41,326 --> 00:32:45,997 depicted in Old English heroic verse like Beowulf or the Fight at Finsbury 554 00:32:47,332 --> 00:32:51,903 Helm that follows its attack on Frigga by declaring Frank, son, Wolf 555 00:32:51,903 --> 00:32:55,707 and all the done landings as the king's enemies, forcing them to flee. 556 00:32:57,241 --> 00:32:58,776 A few years later, 557 00:32:58,776 --> 00:33:02,080 Wolf leads an army against Rohan, defeating it 558 00:33:02,213 --> 00:33:05,216 and forcing the overrun Rohirrim to flee. 559 00:33:06,250 --> 00:33:08,419 Helm's son Khalif 560 00:33:08,419 --> 00:33:12,023 and the Old English word for warrior hero, dies in the siege, 561 00:33:12,623 --> 00:33:16,227 and Wolf declares himself king in the Great Hall of Medusa's 562 00:33:18,062 --> 00:33:21,032 now exile's king, helm and the robbery 563 00:33:21,332 --> 00:33:25,503 are forced to take refuge in the horn burg, later known as Helm's Deep. 564 00:33:26,704 --> 00:33:29,707 There they suffer famine, a brutal winter. 565 00:33:30,375 --> 00:33:33,378 Another consequence is that one of Helms sons, hammer, 566 00:33:34,512 --> 00:33:37,548 named after another warrior fugitive mentioned in Beowulf 567 00:33:38,116 --> 00:33:41,119 and with different spelling in the 13th century. 568 00:33:41,152 --> 00:33:44,989 Since the Rex saga burn is lost in the snow 569 00:33:45,690 --> 00:33:48,693 while on a for a foraging party. 570 00:33:50,561 --> 00:33:51,829 In this desperate context, 571 00:33:51,829 --> 00:33:54,832 descriptions of helm become more saga like. 572 00:33:56,768 --> 00:33:58,936 Helm grew fierce and gaunt 573 00:33:58,936 --> 00:34:02,740 for famine and grief, and the dread of him alone was worth many men. 574 00:34:02,740 --> 00:34:07,111 In the defense of the Burg, he would go out by himself, clad in white, 575 00:34:07,512 --> 00:34:10,915 and stalk like a snow troll into the camps of his enemies, 576 00:34:11,382 --> 00:34:14,385 and slain them with his hands. 577 00:34:14,552 --> 00:34:18,389 In several Norse sagas, the protagonist or their relatives 578 00:34:18,723 --> 00:34:21,926 can have more or less oblique connections with the monstrous. 579 00:34:22,894 --> 00:34:24,062 The reference to helm 580 00:34:24,062 --> 00:34:27,031 stalking like a snow troll has many parallels 581 00:34:28,032 --> 00:34:29,767 in the use lending of silver. 582 00:34:29,767 --> 00:34:33,504 For sagas of Icelanders, troll was a catch all term 583 00:34:34,138 --> 00:34:39,010 for several varieties of monstrous or magical beings or persons, including 584 00:34:39,010 --> 00:34:42,113 giants, berserkers, shapeshifters, and revenants, 585 00:34:43,081 --> 00:34:46,050 which happened in Dragon. 586 00:34:46,484 --> 00:34:47,185 Like his son 587 00:34:47,185 --> 00:34:50,188 hammer House also doomed to die in the snow. 588 00:34:50,421 --> 00:34:53,424 However, he had an unexpected afterlife. 589 00:34:54,592 --> 00:34:57,929 There stood helm dead as a stone, but his knees were unbent. 590 00:34:58,463 --> 00:35:01,732 Yet men said that the horn was still heard at times in the deep, 591 00:35:02,233 --> 00:35:06,270 and the Wraith helm would walk among the followers of Rohan 592 00:35:06,571 --> 00:35:09,340 and kill men with fear 593 00:35:09,340 --> 00:35:11,042 and greatest saga 594 00:35:11,042 --> 00:35:14,045 A very strange shepherd named Plummer 595 00:35:14,345 --> 00:35:18,349 also dies on a snowy night and returns to terrify the living, 596 00:35:18,349 --> 00:35:21,452 as were over Old Norse for ghost 597 00:35:21,452 --> 00:35:24,455 spirit, dead inhabitant of a care, 598 00:35:25,022 --> 00:35:28,626 even killing other herdsman and becoming good at theaters. 599 00:35:28,626 --> 00:35:33,397 Most formidable opponent, not least for his curse on the hero. 600 00:35:37,401 --> 00:35:39,003 A little time 601 00:35:39,003 --> 00:35:42,173 after men were aware that glum lay not quiet 602 00:35:42,573 --> 00:35:45,243 folk got great hurt therefrom, 603 00:35:45,243 --> 00:35:48,246 so that many fell into swoons when they saw him. 604 00:35:48,346 --> 00:35:50,748 Others lost their wits thereby. 605 00:35:50,748 --> 00:35:53,985 But after Yule and thought they saw him home, the farm 606 00:35:54,819 --> 00:35:58,856 folk became exceeding a feared thereat, and many fled there. 607 00:35:58,923 --> 00:36:01,926 And then. 608 00:36:02,260 --> 00:36:02,693 In the North, 609 00:36:02,693 --> 00:36:05,696 sagas don't know what are more, 610 00:36:06,063 --> 00:36:07,231 they're more physical beings. 611 00:36:07,231 --> 00:36:11,102 And so, unlike the Wraith the town became. 612 00:36:12,036 --> 00:36:14,672 However, such incidents of hauntings were a common 613 00:36:14,672 --> 00:36:17,975 feature of sagas, and Tolkien would have known this well 614 00:36:18,476 --> 00:36:21,479 and emulated the concept with Helm's hauntings. 615 00:36:22,146 --> 00:36:24,782 In 1869, William Morris 616 00:36:24,782 --> 00:36:27,385 and Icelander Petter Magnusson 617 00:36:27,385 --> 00:36:30,388 had produced a translation of Gracchus saga, 618 00:36:30,855 --> 00:36:34,992 retitled The Story of Greek Theater the Strong, which I've just read from. 619 00:36:38,696 --> 00:36:41,732 Relevant for the upcoming anime film is the development 620 00:36:41,732 --> 00:36:46,270 of the unnamed daughter of King Helen into the warrior Princess had a 621 00:36:47,538 --> 00:36:48,506 previous interviews. 622 00:36:48,506 --> 00:36:53,077 The film's producer, Philippa Boyens, revealed that the writers used up of Lord 623 00:36:53,177 --> 00:36:57,648 Lady of Mercy Ends and eldest child of King Alfred of Wessex, 624 00:36:58,115 --> 00:37:01,886 as the blueprint for the film's elaborated version of Helm's daughter. 625 00:37:03,087 --> 00:37:05,957 It is unclear how close the parallels would be, 626 00:37:05,957 --> 00:37:09,560 however, given the mercy and inspired inspirations of The Rookery 627 00:37:09,594 --> 00:37:13,898 and as a whole, it is unsurprising that a rare instance 628 00:37:13,898 --> 00:37:17,969 of a female ruler and Mercia in the war torn ninth century 629 00:37:18,402 --> 00:37:22,273 would be regarded as ideal for expanding the role of Helm's daughter, 630 00:37:23,541 --> 00:37:27,345 just as the historical father and daughter, Alfred and Arthur 631 00:37:27,345 --> 00:37:31,749 Flood were both military leaders, so also are Helm and Hera. 632 00:37:32,016 --> 00:37:33,284 In the forthcoming film. 633 00:37:34,352 --> 00:37:36,754 For this reason, I will delve into the life 634 00:37:36,754 --> 00:37:40,758 and some of the achievements of the so-called Lady of Mercia. 635 00:37:40,758 --> 00:37:44,595 It's the only instance of sustained soul rule 636 00:37:45,062 --> 00:37:48,065 by a woman in pre conquest England. 637 00:37:49,300 --> 00:37:50,835 Although the slew of full 638 00:37:50,835 --> 00:37:54,405 length biographies and biographical essays were produced 639 00:37:54,405 --> 00:37:58,643 well after the publication of the Lord of the rings starting with 14. 640 00:37:58,743 --> 00:38:03,281 Wainwright's 1959 essay path of Lord, lady of the machines. 641 00:38:04,081 --> 00:38:08,486 Rutherford's reputation has been touted in many medieval sources, 642 00:38:08,986 --> 00:38:13,324 and experienced a notable renaissance in the 19th and early 20th century, 643 00:38:13,924 --> 00:38:17,128 culminating in a pageant in her honor in 1913. 644 00:38:19,830 --> 00:38:20,531 Castle Flatt 645 00:38:20,531 --> 00:38:25,102 was born around the year 1870, during a period of relentless Viking incursions 646 00:38:25,770 --> 00:38:28,939 which forced even her father into a fugitive status. 647 00:38:28,939 --> 00:38:33,110 For a time she was the oldest of five, and her brother Edward 648 00:38:33,110 --> 00:38:37,081 the Elder would succeed his father as King of Wessex and meet 99 649 00:38:38,416 --> 00:38:39,216 at the flat. 650 00:38:39,216 --> 00:38:42,219 Was married to the alderman Ethelred, 651 00:38:42,320 --> 00:38:46,223 who ruled the western half of Mercia, which remained under English control. 652 00:38:47,058 --> 00:38:50,061 The eastern portion was under Danish rule. 653 00:38:50,161 --> 00:38:55,166 Ethelred held a subsidiary position to the kings of Wessex, both 654 00:38:55,166 --> 00:38:58,336 during the rule of King Alfred and his son King 655 00:38:58,336 --> 00:39:01,339 Edward the Elder, half brother. 656 00:39:02,073 --> 00:39:03,708 During Ethelred lifetime. 657 00:39:03,708 --> 00:39:06,577 His relationship with his wife was collaborative. 658 00:39:06,577 --> 00:39:10,748 They jointly ordered the fortification of Worcester and other defenses. 659 00:39:10,748 --> 00:39:14,919 In the late 90s and early 1900s, Arthur Flat also witnessed 660 00:39:14,919 --> 00:39:19,590 and issued charters and participated in the Witan, or Council of Mercia. 661 00:39:20,725 --> 00:39:23,461 After the death of her husband in 911, Arthur 662 00:39:23,461 --> 00:39:27,798 Flood became so ruler of Mercia until her death in 19, 663 00:39:28,866 --> 00:39:32,336 although during her husband's final illness she had served as a regent, 664 00:39:33,637 --> 00:39:36,607 there were no male heirs, only a daughter. 665 00:39:36,607 --> 00:39:41,011 Alpha went for elf Joy, ever so briefly succeeded her mother. 666 00:39:42,513 --> 00:39:44,315 As historian Ian Walker has pointed 667 00:39:44,315 --> 00:39:49,220 out, Arthur flooding was the only example from the entire Anglo-Saxon period 668 00:39:49,587 --> 00:39:52,656 of a female ruler of one of the kingdoms. 669 00:39:54,759 --> 00:39:56,594 Arthur Flood could not have ruled 670 00:39:56,594 --> 00:39:59,897 after her husband's death without the support of Mercian nobles. 671 00:40:00,331 --> 00:40:04,635 Yet another achievement extraordinary not only for the period more generally, 672 00:40:05,069 --> 00:40:09,373 but not least for a time of war for the Vikings, both things and Norwegians, 673 00:40:10,141 --> 00:40:13,144 who had successfully exploited the weaknesses 674 00:40:13,310 --> 00:40:16,313 of even many male rulers. 675 00:40:16,414 --> 00:40:20,718 In Walker writes that Arthur Flood appears to have inherited many of the qualities 676 00:40:20,718 --> 00:40:24,422 of character demonstrated by her father, King Alfred of Wessex, 677 00:40:25,589 --> 00:40:29,560 qualities which she would reveal during her personal rule. 678 00:40:31,162 --> 00:40:33,531 Although never titled queen at the time, 679 00:40:33,531 --> 00:40:36,534 she was called so in Irish and Welsh sources. 680 00:40:37,001 --> 00:40:40,871 This title had been given to her powerful and accomplished aunt, 681 00:40:41,105 --> 00:40:44,108 Ethel Swett, whose name means noble, strong, 682 00:40:45,242 --> 00:40:48,245 who also played an active role in ruling Mercia, 683 00:40:48,279 --> 00:40:51,182 causing many charters between 855 684 00:40:51,182 --> 00:40:54,752 and 872 to call her Arthur Smith. 685 00:40:55,052 --> 00:40:57,755 Regina. 686 00:40:57,755 --> 00:40:59,490 Arthur Flood's authority 687 00:40:59,490 --> 00:41:03,027 was more than equitable with the male peers and relatives of her day, 688 00:41:03,694 --> 00:41:07,097 and she skillfully guided Mercia through a turbulent period of threats 689 00:41:07,097 --> 00:41:10,734 from the Danes, much as her own father had done for Wessex. 690 00:41:11,735 --> 00:41:15,039 She expanded the fortified verse fortresses, 691 00:41:15,039 --> 00:41:19,043 fortified towns that her father had built, also building new ones, 692 00:41:20,044 --> 00:41:22,046 simultaneously maintaining 693 00:41:22,046 --> 00:41:25,683 the alliance between the English port portion of Mercia 694 00:41:26,183 --> 00:41:30,187 and Wessex, which was ruled by her brother Edward. 695 00:41:30,654 --> 00:41:32,556 After Alfred's death in 1899. 696 00:41:35,226 --> 00:41:36,660 Historian Pauline Stafford 697 00:41:36,660 --> 00:41:40,030 writes that, like Elizabeth, she became a wonder 698 00:41:41,065 --> 00:41:43,300 to later ages. 699 00:41:43,300 --> 00:41:46,403 Despite the post medieval fascination, half of 700 00:41:46,437 --> 00:41:49,940 what is barely mentioned in the West Saxon version of the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, 701 00:41:50,875 --> 00:41:54,178 the single reference being to her death in nine 919, 702 00:41:55,346 --> 00:41:57,848 and intentional neglect ascribed to the presumed 703 00:41:57,848 --> 00:42:01,218 anxieties of her brother Edward and his affiliates 704 00:42:01,819 --> 00:42:05,456 about circulating accounts of his proactive, proactive sister's 705 00:42:05,456 --> 00:42:08,459 accomplishments. 706 00:42:08,893 --> 00:42:11,095 She does have a more substantial presence 707 00:42:11,095 --> 00:42:16,100 in the so-called annals of apple flat for the Mercian Register, 708 00:42:17,034 --> 00:42:21,372 both terms coined by Charles Plummer, an early editor of the Chronicles. 709 00:42:21,372 --> 00:42:24,008 In the late 19th century, 710 00:42:24,008 --> 00:42:26,944 the Mercian Register, as found in three of the vernacular 711 00:42:26,944 --> 00:42:30,514 Anglo-Saxon chronicles from the late 10th and 11th centuries. 712 00:42:31,282 --> 00:42:34,785 Pauline Stafford believes it originated in or near 713 00:42:34,785 --> 00:42:38,756 the Mercian court, possibly made at the behest of Apple herself. 714 00:42:41,492 --> 00:42:41,859 Longer 715 00:42:41,859 --> 00:42:44,895 and legend infused accounts of Arthur Flat appear in 11th 716 00:42:44,895 --> 00:42:48,666 and 12th century chronicles like the Fragmentary Annals of Ireland. 717 00:42:49,266 --> 00:42:53,170 William, now William of Malmesbury, Chronicle of the Kings of England 718 00:42:53,971 --> 00:42:56,941 and the History of Wales, showing considerable 719 00:42:56,941 --> 00:43:00,210 geographical spread interest in life 720 00:43:00,678 --> 00:43:03,681 even in the Late Middle Ages, 721 00:43:04,181 --> 00:43:08,485 might be regarded as the first fanfiction for the Mercian ruler came in the form 722 00:43:08,485 --> 00:43:13,524 of an eight line Latin poem by Henry of Huntington in the 12th century, 723 00:43:14,158 --> 00:43:17,161 praising her prowess as a martial figure. 724 00:43:18,128 --> 00:43:20,531 One scholar, Paul Sir Mac, has even argued 725 00:43:20,531 --> 00:43:25,069 for a Latin gusta for kind of lyric poem on apple flat 726 00:43:25,369 --> 00:43:28,372 as a possible source for the Mercian Register. 727 00:43:30,674 --> 00:43:34,712 Highly effective brother and sister duo of Edward and Apple 728 00:43:34,712 --> 00:43:38,549 Flat ran complementary campaigns against the Danes, 729 00:43:40,050 --> 00:43:41,051 Apple flat and the 730 00:43:41,051 --> 00:43:44,855 Danish controlled areas under the leadership of York and Edward 731 00:43:45,089 --> 00:43:48,425 and his forces, dealing with those subject to the kings of East Anglia. 732 00:43:49,994 --> 00:43:51,595 Castleford's military direction 733 00:43:51,595 --> 00:43:54,598 and tactics were forceful and very effective. 734 00:43:54,632 --> 00:43:58,202 In response to the murder of an abbot under her protection who was killed in 735 00:43:58,202 --> 00:44:03,707 Wales, she proceeded to take many Welsh hostages, including the Welsh king's wife, 736 00:44:04,174 --> 00:44:08,712 to reassert her authority over the region and enforce accountability for the loss. 737 00:44:09,980 --> 00:44:13,050 He also ordered bold incursions into Danish territory. 738 00:44:13,951 --> 00:44:16,920 The Mercian Register reports that in 1917, 739 00:44:17,321 --> 00:44:21,992 after Flag Lady of the North Sea, ins, with the help of God before August 1st 740 00:44:22,426 --> 00:44:25,429 obtained the borough, which is called Durban, a 741 00:44:25,429 --> 00:44:28,298 major Danish power center. 742 00:44:28,298 --> 00:44:30,067 The next year another similar attack 743 00:44:30,067 --> 00:44:34,038 and capture was made, this time taking the key fortress of Leicester. 744 00:44:35,205 --> 00:44:35,506 What is 745 00:44:35,506 --> 00:44:38,509 extraordinary about the last case is that these same Danes 746 00:44:38,842 --> 00:44:41,845 defied Apple Flat's brother the year before, 747 00:44:41,845 --> 00:44:44,882 now willingly surrender to Edward's sister without a fight. 748 00:44:46,316 --> 00:44:49,319 In 918, the last year of battle floods life. 749 00:44:49,420 --> 00:44:53,924 Disgruntled Christian Danes in York, unhappy with being under pagan rule, 750 00:44:54,558 --> 00:44:56,994 offered pledges and oaths to submit 751 00:44:56,994 --> 00:44:59,997 to the rule of lady of the Mercian. 752 00:45:00,764 --> 00:45:04,501 The sheer number and nature of mentions of her in various sources. 753 00:45:04,802 --> 00:45:09,006 It is a testament, as Ian Walker observes, that she was clearly 754 00:45:09,006 --> 00:45:12,509 a widely respected and feared ruler in the British Isles. 755 00:45:13,777 --> 00:45:16,714 Charter from 904 to Worcester Cathedral 756 00:45:16,714 --> 00:45:20,284 indicated a wish that afterwards daughter Islwyn succeed her. 757 00:45:21,151 --> 00:45:22,686 However, this was not to be. 758 00:45:22,686 --> 00:45:25,789 As the year of her mother's death, Alison was whisked off 759 00:45:26,090 --> 00:45:28,892 to Wessex and her uncle took over from their. 760 00:45:30,060 --> 00:45:32,763 This was substantiated by 761 00:45:32,763 --> 00:45:35,899 Alpha standing witness for two charters, 762 00:45:36,967 --> 00:45:41,638 a further indication that she should be considered for the line of succession. 763 00:45:42,272 --> 00:45:45,275 These charters implied that it was her mother's wish. 764 00:45:46,710 --> 00:45:49,813 Mercian Register indicates that Elphin did, 765 00:45:49,980 --> 00:45:53,784 albeit very briefly, succeed her mother, and taking full authority of Mercia. 766 00:45:54,852 --> 00:45:59,423 Initially, even her uncle Edward reinforced her authority, likely 767 00:45:59,423 --> 00:46:03,060 securing the support of Mercian nobles and Welsh princes alike 768 00:46:03,727 --> 00:46:06,730 were under the authority of that territory, 769 00:46:07,030 --> 00:46:09,666 even when Edward took over from his niece. 770 00:46:09,666 --> 00:46:13,771 This was most likely for military practicality, 771 00:46:14,404 --> 00:46:17,174 as he had more experience than she did. 772 00:46:17,174 --> 00:46:18,242 It is speculated 773 00:46:18,242 --> 00:46:22,112 that, as was the common practice for royal widows and royal princesses alike, 774 00:46:22,880 --> 00:46:27,351 Elphin was sent to live in a nunnery like an altar curse had been 775 00:46:28,952 --> 00:46:30,320 relative to other kingdoms. 776 00:46:30,320 --> 00:46:33,757 Mercia had a concentration of above average political 777 00:46:34,057 --> 00:46:38,061 politically prominent women in the eighth through the early 10th centuries, 778 00:46:38,762 --> 00:46:42,166 the line of which Atholl Flat was the culmination. 779 00:46:43,967 --> 00:46:48,272 Arthur Flood's reputation inspired all in the coast conquest. 780 00:46:48,405 --> 00:46:50,174 Chroniclers. 781 00:46:50,174 --> 00:46:53,677 A few examples from William of Malmesbury are included here. 782 00:46:55,078 --> 00:46:58,482 Here indeed Ethel Flood, which is a variant spellings 783 00:46:58,482 --> 00:47:02,352 that used sister of the king and relict of Ethelred, 784 00:47:03,420 --> 00:47:05,189 ought not to be forgotten, 785 00:47:05,189 --> 00:47:09,092 as she was a powerful session to his party, the delight of his subjects, 786 00:47:09,259 --> 00:47:12,930 dread of his enemies, a woman of an enlarged soul, 787 00:47:14,131 --> 00:47:17,234 a spirited heroine, assisted her brother greatly with her 788 00:47:17,234 --> 00:47:20,304 advice was of equal service in building cities. 789 00:47:22,406 --> 00:47:25,275 So what have had a in Warner Brothers War of the year, 790 00:47:26,243 --> 00:47:28,579 a figure modeled on Arthur Flood? 791 00:47:28,579 --> 00:47:32,382 Well, it is difficult to guess the exact level of observable parallels 792 00:47:32,382 --> 00:47:35,853 between the two figures, as the film has not been released yet. 793 00:47:36,753 --> 00:47:39,756 Promotional materials offer clues. 794 00:47:39,890 --> 00:47:43,560 The film emphasizes the father daughter bond between home and hero, 795 00:47:44,094 --> 00:47:47,531 which evolves over the course of time of the poor 796 00:47:47,965 --> 00:47:51,001 and exile of the River, and after these are evicted 797 00:47:51,001 --> 00:47:53,971 from their homeland by the vengeful bond, lending. 798 00:47:55,105 --> 00:47:57,074 Like her historical counterpart, 799 00:47:57,074 --> 00:48:00,077 Hera has two brothers, Hammer and Holler, 800 00:48:01,078 --> 00:48:03,947 although neither survives to rule 801 00:48:03,947 --> 00:48:05,949 in the house of Aram. 802 00:48:05,949 --> 00:48:10,387 The program eventually retake their homeland and drive out the dawn landings, 803 00:48:11,021 --> 00:48:14,391 and Helm's sister sun, previously discussed 804 00:48:15,125 --> 00:48:18,128 Hilversum becomes King. 805 00:48:18,962 --> 00:48:20,597 In the forthcoming film, Hera 806 00:48:20,597 --> 00:48:25,102 appears to take on a leadership role and is seen fighting in the trailers, 807 00:48:25,435 --> 00:48:28,839 including with her one time suitor, Franco's son Wolf. 808 00:48:30,240 --> 00:48:31,775 Given the long time connections 809 00:48:31,775 --> 00:48:36,079 between Tolkiens fictional world Hiram, and the historical merchants, 810 00:48:36,513 --> 00:48:39,883 it makes sense that Arthur flood herself of mercy and descent 811 00:48:40,517 --> 00:48:45,155 who ruled Mercia for nearly a decade, was regarded as a suitable inspiration 812 00:48:45,155 --> 00:48:49,593 for expanding Helm's unnamed daughter into a larger and more pivotal role. 813 00:48:50,661 --> 00:48:52,963 This may or may not have been 814 00:48:52,963 --> 00:48:55,966 also modeled on the relative absence of Arthur Flat 815 00:48:56,466 --> 00:48:59,469 from the more Edward Edward centric Parker Chronicle, 816 00:49:00,337 --> 00:49:04,174 which completely ignores the achievements of his illustrious sister, 817 00:49:04,942 --> 00:49:07,411 which are detailed in succeeding versions 818 00:49:07,411 --> 00:49:10,380 of the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 819 00:49:10,380 --> 00:49:12,983 Hera is in some ways Kotor 820 00:49:12,983 --> 00:49:16,453 in some ways represents older historical fiction. 821 00:49:16,453 --> 00:49:19,489 On Arthur Flat, like 1/18 822 00:49:19,489 --> 00:49:22,492 century work that had the lady of the merchants 823 00:49:22,626 --> 00:49:26,530 literally fighting the Vikings alongside her husband, Arthur led 824 00:49:27,631 --> 00:49:29,132 what remains to be seen how 825 00:49:29,132 --> 00:49:32,869 the film will handle the historical influences. 826 00:49:33,203 --> 00:49:36,206 That's something that we will find out in December. 827 00:49:36,306 --> 00:49:37,040 Thank you for listening.