1 00:00:00,150 --> 00:00:16,380 I think I just saw more of a clip than that because. That that is better one, because I don't know how I got on this radical panel. 2 00:00:16,380 --> 00:00:26,090 And two, because I get to go before, wherever and to, you know, that would have been a difficult act to follow. 3 00:00:26,090 --> 00:00:33,780 And so I will proceed, let my ten minutes not start yet. 4 00:00:33,780 --> 00:00:39,090 I want to take you on a journey of life of resistance. 5 00:00:39,090 --> 00:00:44,070 Could you please stand for me real quickly? Real quickly. 6 00:00:44,070 --> 00:01:02,030 Don't be resistant. And I know you just finished lunch, but could you hold your breath for me so long as you can? 7 00:01:02,030 --> 00:01:20,320 And resist the urge to breathe. Anybody struggling in. 8 00:01:20,320 --> 00:01:42,530 If you're struggling to sit down and say, oh, there are some fighters less true warriors, oh yeah, smile, good laugh. 9 00:01:42,530 --> 00:01:48,280 We come from good family, good, strong structure. 10 00:01:48,280 --> 00:01:53,380 That's Keita's father to me. 11 00:01:53,380 --> 00:02:02,170 So what did that feel like having difficulty resisting the urge to breathe? 12 00:02:02,170 --> 00:02:06,130 That is what it's like for me in this country, 13 00:02:06,130 --> 00:02:22,340 and that is what it's like for me as I live a life of resistance, as I resist being choked out of my life. 14 00:02:22,340 --> 00:02:36,140 In various sectors of this community, I often say that I carry several bull's eye bull's eyes. 15 00:02:36,140 --> 00:02:43,840 Over my buddy. I'm going to share some with you today. 16 00:02:43,840 --> 00:02:47,860 I'm resisting today. 17 00:02:47,860 --> 00:03:04,030 When I was growing up and I started to become active in my various genres, most insisted that I wear a dress whenever I appeared before the public. 18 00:03:04,030 --> 00:03:11,120 When I was last year, radical many years ago. 19 00:03:11,120 --> 00:03:24,910 I would acquiesce and wear a dress. Obviously, I changed and I said the first place, I'm going to resist being choked out. 20 00:03:24,910 --> 00:03:37,690 And the first place I'm going to breathe and the first place I'm going to resist is in my own house, in my own body and in my own attire. 21 00:03:37,690 --> 00:03:44,320 And so now I wear the clothes of a resistor. 22 00:03:44,320 --> 00:04:04,040 I think I look good in a bow tie. And we're not even going to talk about these sharp shoes I have. 23 00:04:04,040 --> 00:04:16,330 And we're not even going to talk about this jacket that my wife picked don't. 24 00:04:16,330 --> 00:04:31,290 See the collapse or less when I said that. Because that's another area in which I wear a bull's eye. 25 00:04:31,290 --> 00:04:39,690 I resist the notion that I cannot be true to my reality. 26 00:04:39,690 --> 00:04:51,960 I resist the notion that I cannot marry in my country. 27 00:04:51,960 --> 00:05:02,910 Resistance today looks like standing up. Time and time again against an injustice when you are an equal taxpayer and 28 00:05:02,910 --> 00:05:07,440 should have access to the equal services of the government in this country, 29 00:05:07,440 --> 00:05:12,660 and I will resist and I will resist until we as a country get it right. 30 00:05:12,660 --> 00:05:30,170 And it may be long. But Dr. Hudson is an example that persistency will pay your love will always win as a black woman in this country. 31 00:05:30,170 --> 00:05:42,950 I insist. I was just against the notion that we're not good enough to travel in the same circles as others. 32 00:05:42,950 --> 00:05:51,030 I resist the idea that we have to straighten our here, though it's your choice. 33 00:05:51,030 --> 00:05:56,730 Well, we have arrived at a time where we can wear our hair as we wish. 34 00:05:56,730 --> 00:06:08,660 The Afro is powerful these days. I tried it. 35 00:06:08,660 --> 00:06:22,840 It didn't go well for me. And so I was determined to resist the idea that I had to have here at all. 36 00:06:22,840 --> 00:06:38,670 And I wear my bald head with pride and the knowledge that I will resist the idea of anyone who says to me, Why don't you grow here as women should do? 37 00:06:38,670 --> 00:06:45,490 I resist the idea that as a black union is. 38 00:06:45,490 --> 00:06:52,370 I must be silent when I see injustice for the workers of this country. 39 00:06:52,370 --> 00:07:00,850 And I resist the idea that if I must get pepper sprayed. 40 00:07:00,850 --> 00:07:06,700 That I must be sprayed and go away and be silent. It will not happen. 41 00:07:06,700 --> 00:07:14,230 And if we have to resist in the streets around the parliament and we're again for the workers of this country, 42 00:07:14,230 --> 00:07:20,320 I will be as I always am on the front row resisting. 43 00:07:20,320 --> 00:07:28,990 And the reason why we resist is not only for the injustices that we are still suffering today, 44 00:07:28,990 --> 00:07:37,620 but to make a pathway and build a bridge for our children who are coming behind us. 45 00:07:37,620 --> 00:07:45,140 Who I realised after last night having a lovely conversation with some young people. 46 00:07:45,140 --> 00:07:54,380 That I must get to be building that bridge at every turn because they're coming and they are less silent. 47 00:07:54,380 --> 00:08:03,820 Thank the Lord, then we are. 48 00:08:03,820 --> 00:08:11,020 And so as I go about my life, see, this is why I talk to these young people last night because I know my time must be near, 49 00:08:11,020 --> 00:08:17,170 but I haven't got one flash card, but I'm not even going to notice it. 50 00:08:17,170 --> 00:08:29,170 I haven't seen a card. These are the two I talked to. 51 00:08:29,170 --> 00:08:36,050 See, they didn't even give they were asked this much time. I'm only on six minutes. 52 00:08:36,050 --> 00:08:43,850 Well done, well done. Four more minutes to go. So let me tell you how my life goes on a daily basis. 53 00:08:43,850 --> 00:08:45,090 On a daily basis, 54 00:08:45,090 --> 00:08:56,290 I have to walk around this country and decide on which North Star I'm going to breathe out of so that I can operate in a safe environment. 55 00:08:56,290 --> 00:09:07,600 And sometimes I must hold my breath for a little while as a black woman and say all is good for us in this country. 56 00:09:07,600 --> 00:09:16,670 Well, we know it isn't true. We know it is difficult being a single black mother in this country. 57 00:09:16,670 --> 00:09:23,450 And have these same expectations for our children than anybody else's. 58 00:09:23,450 --> 00:09:33,320 Because some people say you should not have had that many children or you should have got married before you had two children, or you should. 59 00:09:33,320 --> 00:09:42,100 And you should of and you should have. And I say to all the single black mothers out there, racist. 60 00:09:42,100 --> 00:09:50,530 Resist and live your truth for your children. 61 00:09:50,530 --> 00:10:12,800 And resist the urge to be interrupted. Resist the urge to not be proud of your truth. 62 00:10:12,800 --> 00:10:21,910 It's been a long struggle. And it was a struggle because sometimes the resistance. 63 00:10:21,910 --> 00:10:37,790 Comes from within your own family. Within your own race, within your own environments and your friends who say, if only you can turn it down a bit. 64 00:10:37,790 --> 00:10:49,700 And I'm here to say that resistance in 2018 looks like breathing freely and say I will not compromise. 65 00:10:49,700 --> 00:10:57,920 I will not acquiesce and I will not go back in the closet for you or anyone else. 66 00:10:57,920 --> 00:11:13,698 And I will resist and I will resist and I will resist until resistance becomes a thing of the past.