1 00:00:02,430 --> 00:00:06,870 OK. Welcome everyone. 2 00:00:06,870 --> 00:00:16,350 My name is Tim Palmer, I'm at the physics department here, and I'm going to say a few words of welcome to our speaker, Typekit Schneider. 3 00:00:16,350 --> 00:00:25,740 I should explain that we've been having, I think, a fairly successful workshop on the application of artificial intelligence, 4 00:00:25,740 --> 00:00:36,210 machine learning all that stuff into to improving climate modelling and Typekit, as well as real well experts at that. 5 00:00:36,210 --> 00:00:43,170 So the workshop was kindly, very kindly co-sponsored by the Oxford Martin School. 6 00:00:43,170 --> 00:00:51,030 So we kindly agreed to give a talk here this afternoon after the workshop finished. 7 00:00:51,030 --> 00:00:56,580 So it's happened in his Ph.D. at Princeton University. 8 00:00:56,580 --> 00:01:03,510 He had a spell as professor at Swarek, but has returned to the US, 9 00:01:03,510 --> 00:01:08,880 where he's currently a professor of environmental science and engineering at 10 00:01:08,880 --> 00:01:16,500 Caltech and also a senior research fellow for NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory. 11 00:01:16,500 --> 00:01:24,480 Tucker, I was, you will find out, is very much one of our world experts in the interaction between clouds and more generally, 12 00:01:24,480 --> 00:01:28,710 the hydrological cycle with the atmospheric circulation patterns. 13 00:01:28,710 --> 00:01:36,060 And if there was a single problem that really is critically important for understanding 14 00:01:36,060 --> 00:01:40,830 climate change and what direction we're heading to and how bad things will be, 15 00:01:40,830 --> 00:01:46,310 it's understanding this interaction between clouds and circulation. 16 00:01:46,310 --> 00:01:54,050 Typekit has got numerous awards, which I went I went embarrassing with entirely embarrass, embarrassing with one, actually. 17 00:01:54,050 --> 00:02:03,230 He was named as one of the 20 top brains of people under the age of 40 by Discovery Magazine. 18 00:02:03,230 --> 00:02:08,900 So that isn't embarrassing. I don't know what is, but so. 19 00:02:08,900 --> 00:02:15,590 And he's also won the James Holtmann Award for the American Geophysical Union and various other awards, which have, as I say, I won't go into. 20 00:02:15,590 --> 00:02:27,430 So can we just give a quick round applause and welcome to temptation? 21 00:02:27,430 --> 00:02:32,140 Thank you, Tim, and thanks for coming. So indeed, I'll tell you the story of clouds and climate, 22 00:02:32,140 --> 00:02:36,460 and I'll talk a fair bit about some of my favourite clouds, which should be your favourite too, 23 00:02:36,460 --> 00:02:43,900 because of the most frequent on earth, stunning cumulus clouds, the ones that you see on this, the satellite image from a space station. 24 00:02:43,900 --> 00:02:48,310 And I'll come back to studying cumulus clouds in just a little bit. 25 00:02:48,310 --> 00:02:52,120 But the story really starts in the cold place and Ellis Island. 26 00:02:52,120 --> 00:02:57,820 This is an island in the Canadian Arctic archipelago. It's an Arctic island. 27 00:02:57,820 --> 00:03:03,070 There are. There are flowers like the river beauty flower growing there. 28 00:03:03,070 --> 00:03:07,550 But the largest plants you'll find on this island right now is about two foot tall. 29 00:03:07,550 --> 00:03:13,600 Two Willow. I think Tyler grows there and it's fairly barren, but it was. 30 00:03:13,600 --> 00:03:17,770 It wasn't always like that about 50 million years ago. 31 00:03:17,770 --> 00:03:23,380 This is roughly what Ellesmere Island looked like. Once upon a time, it was lush and warm. 32 00:03:23,380 --> 00:03:31,060 There were a hippopotamus grazing on large firms that were top years peak like herbivores in the corner of the image. 33 00:03:31,060 --> 00:03:37,330 They're grazing along their deciduous trees, conifers and the like. 34 00:03:37,330 --> 00:03:48,730 And we know that because scientists have found fossils there, fossils of leaves larger than 10 centimetres tall or the jaw bones of tough years. 35 00:03:48,730 --> 00:03:52,750 They are from crocodile bones. There are crocodiles and Ellesmere Island. 36 00:03:52,750 --> 00:04:01,870 Fifty million years ago and don't need to know much about crocodiles or climate, but you probably can appreciate that they don't like it cold. 37 00:04:01,870 --> 00:04:13,270 In fact, they can't deal with frost. So we know that Ellesmere Island, the Arctic was frost free and that you've seen from 50 some million years ago. 38 00:04:13,270 --> 00:04:19,480 Now, 50 million years ago is a long time. And maybe sometimes hard to put these geological timescales in perspective. 39 00:04:19,480 --> 00:04:25,610 So does this post dinosaurs, but well before humans? And you can ask, Oh, maybe I was. 40 00:04:25,610 --> 00:04:32,470 It was a tropical island, and it wasn't. So here is a reconstruction of what continent look like at around the time. 41 00:04:32,470 --> 00:04:34,280 Ellesmere Island was a red star. 42 00:04:34,280 --> 00:04:42,520 It's right next to Greenland, as it is now is as much an Arctic island in the Eocene 50 million years ago as it is now. 43 00:04:42,520 --> 00:04:46,600 So there were an trees and ferns and all these things because the island migrated. 44 00:04:46,600 --> 00:04:52,570 There were trees in Ferguson and crocodiles because it was very different. 45 00:04:52,570 --> 00:04:56,730 We have some idea of how climate was different from. 46 00:04:56,730 --> 00:05:05,700 Looking at the shells of tiny marine organisms that fossilised marine sediments and from decomposition of the carbonate and the shells, 47 00:05:05,700 --> 00:05:09,750 we can tell to some degree how warm it was. 48 00:05:09,750 --> 00:05:18,890 So here is an attempt to reconstruct the last sixty five million years of the temperature history of Earth and. 49 00:05:18,890 --> 00:05:24,860 First thing, maybe you noticed this in week also that the climate has varied a lot. 50 00:05:24,860 --> 00:05:29,960 If you look at the scale on the vertical axis, assisted temperature change relative to today. 51 00:05:29,960 --> 00:05:37,730 So in the U.S., in early Eocene, fifty five million years ago, it was about 10 degrees warmer than it is now. 52 00:05:37,730 --> 00:05:43,140 We don't know the numbers yet, very precisely, but about 10 degrees is a pretty good estimate. 53 00:05:43,140 --> 00:05:49,640 And by and large, climate has been calling for the last 65 million years I've been gradually sliding downward. 54 00:05:49,640 --> 00:05:54,140 The temperature scale was a gradual, slight levelling off. 55 00:05:54,140 --> 00:06:01,190 There are some, some bumps and spikes in between. For example, there's this one spike you see at the forty three million years ago. 56 00:06:01,190 --> 00:06:03,110 It's that you're seeing climatic optimum. 57 00:06:03,110 --> 00:06:13,100 The temperature spiked for geologically brief period, which is still millions of years, and then went down again or even earlier. 58 00:06:13,100 --> 00:06:21,440 There's the Palio seen using thermal maximum of five or six degree temperature spike on top of an already very warm climate. 59 00:06:21,440 --> 00:06:28,310 The reasons for these spikes are for thermals, as they're called are not very well understood. 60 00:06:28,310 --> 00:06:35,290 It is clear they have something to do with greenhouse gases, but how exactly they came about is unclear. 61 00:06:35,290 --> 00:06:43,270 Just to orient you where we are Homo sapiens, we we appear on the far right of this plant about 300000 years ago. 62 00:06:43,270 --> 00:06:45,370 Temperatures have been decreasing at some point. 63 00:06:45,370 --> 00:06:54,220 Ice sheets started to form for a standard article because there is a land Antarctic ice sheets started to solidify around 10 million years ago. 64 00:06:54,220 --> 00:06:56,470 Ice sheets in the northern hemisphere are more recent. 65 00:06:56,470 --> 00:07:04,180 Around three million years ago that we started to form ice sheets in the northern hemisphere simply because there's no continent at the North Pole, 66 00:07:04,180 --> 00:07:09,100 and we don't know a lot about what drives these temperature changes, 67 00:07:09,100 --> 00:07:13,900 but we do know that the principal driver over these timescales are changes in the composition 68 00:07:13,900 --> 00:07:18,850 of the atmosphere and principally in the greenhouse gas concentration in the atmosphere. 69 00:07:18,850 --> 00:07:26,110 So here is a reconstruction of carbon dioxide and the atmosphere over these timescales. 70 00:07:26,110 --> 00:07:32,770 And well, first thing to note is this temperature was weakly and is somewhat uncertain. 71 00:07:32,770 --> 00:07:37,870 But the CO2 reconstructions are really uncertain. We don't know them very well. 72 00:07:37,870 --> 00:07:45,760 And that even if you look at any given time, you see a lot of scatter and the reconstructed CO2 values they come from such things as fossilised soils, 73 00:07:45,760 --> 00:07:52,790 where you can try to infer how much CO2 was an atmosphere based on the composition of the soil. 74 00:07:52,790 --> 00:08:01,160 It doesn't work all that well, but it works well enough that we can say that again, if you go back to the crocodile in the Arctic period, 75 00:08:01,160 --> 00:08:09,890 fifty five million years ago or so, CO2 concentrations were maybe 6500 parts per million at most. 76 00:08:09,890 --> 00:08:16,400 Most data seems to suggest they were lower than that, but there's a lot of uncertainty in it. 77 00:08:16,400 --> 00:08:24,770 But you can see that CO2 concentrations went down as the climate cooled from perhaps 6500 or so parts per million to around 400 parts per million. 78 00:08:24,770 --> 00:08:30,500 The Pliocene so three to five million years ago, 410 parts per million is just about where we are now. 79 00:08:30,500 --> 00:08:37,340 Come back to that number. So in the early years, maybe there was four times as much CO2 in the atmosphere. 80 00:08:37,340 --> 00:08:41,390 Maybe not even we don't quite know. But it was about 10 degrees warmer. 81 00:08:41,390 --> 00:08:43,610 And again, this number, we don't know precisely. 82 00:08:43,610 --> 00:08:50,030 But we do know that the Arctic was frustrated because there were crocodiles and to make the Arctic frost free, 83 00:08:50,030 --> 00:08:58,280 the entire globe would have to have been warm. So there are two numbers we can use here to do some sort of magic physics, if you like. 84 00:08:58,280 --> 00:09:05,810 So there's about four times as much CO2 in the early Eocene than in a Pliocene, and I'm picking the Pliocene here advisedly. 85 00:09:05,810 --> 00:09:11,500 I'm not comparing with the present day for a reason I'll come to come to in a moment. 86 00:09:11,500 --> 00:09:16,090 And temperatures were about 10 degrees warmer in the early U.S. and then apply as seen. 87 00:09:16,090 --> 00:09:21,940 I'm picking the Pliocene because I want to estimate roughly how sensitive the climate 88 00:09:21,940 --> 00:09:27,520 system is with respect to perturbations and greenhouse gas concentrations CO2. 89 00:09:27,520 --> 00:09:35,650 And if you pick a later time, you have ice sheets changing change the albedo or is that make these estimates a lot more complicated and the Pliocene? 90 00:09:35,650 --> 00:09:40,420 They play some role, but they're relatively minor role compared to the greenhouse gases. 91 00:09:40,420 --> 00:09:48,970 So we can take these two numbers about 10 degrees warming for quadrupling CO2 and combine them into something we call the climate sensitivity. 92 00:09:48,970 --> 00:09:57,820 The climate sensitivity is the way it's defined as the global mean temperature change you get in response to doubling CO2 concentrations. 93 00:09:57,820 --> 00:10:01,450 So quadrupling as twice and doubling and for twice doubling. 94 00:10:01,450 --> 00:10:07,090 We had about 10 degrees global warming or so. And all these numbers to be taken with a grain of salt is really the order of magnitude. 95 00:10:07,090 --> 00:10:15,280 Physics is not accurate even to the first digit and definitely not to any digits after the point here. 96 00:10:15,280 --> 00:10:22,390 But when you get out of this, if you combine the two, is that the climate sensitivity to get from the Pliocene to the U.S. from the U.S. 97 00:10:22,390 --> 00:10:27,580 into the Pliocene must have been something like five degrees or two by 10 degrees, 98 00:10:27,580 --> 00:10:35,050 but two doubling by two and must be around five degrees. And that's what the data seem to suggest. 99 00:10:35,050 --> 00:10:40,690 It might well be higher because CO2 may well not have been four times as high in the U.S., 100 00:10:40,690 --> 00:10:44,590 but less than that, but at least around five degrees it has to have been. 101 00:10:44,590 --> 00:10:48,220 And here's the problem. If you look at the climate models today, 102 00:10:48,220 --> 00:10:56,710 and here are the twenty nine climate models for which the data were available from the most recent IPCC report, here is their climate sensitivity. 103 00:10:56,710 --> 00:11:05,590 It ranges from two to almost five degrees, not quite five degrees, but there is no model with the climate sensitivity higher than five degrees. 104 00:11:05,590 --> 00:11:11,680 And that assessment that's about to change with the next assessment that's coming out. 105 00:11:11,680 --> 00:11:14,560 But what this means is that these models just looking at these data alone, 106 00:11:14,560 --> 00:11:18,040 you think have a hard time reproducing and using climate if you just give it the 107 00:11:18,040 --> 00:11:21,280 right continents and the composition of the atmosphere as best as we know it, 108 00:11:21,280 --> 00:11:27,940 and even change the ice sheets as best as we know them. You would think it will be difficult for these models to reproduce. 109 00:11:27,940 --> 00:11:31,480 The first three are taken. In fact, that's the case a number of people have tried to do. 110 00:11:31,480 --> 00:11:38,230 That were at Purdue University, for example, but whenever they have tried to simulate and eocene climate, 111 00:11:38,230 --> 00:11:45,580 they could succeed, but only if they increase CO2 concentrations to something like 4000 parts per million. 112 00:11:45,580 --> 00:11:53,080 It was less than that there was frost in the Arctic. It was not consistent with the data, but we know it wasn't for a thousand parts per million. 113 00:11:53,080 --> 00:11:57,620 It was somewhere maybe 600 parts per million, maybe less, but not for a thousand. 114 00:11:57,620 --> 00:12:09,430 We can't exclude that. So the models are not sensitive enough to perturbations as a suggestion here that you get from looking over Earth's history. 115 00:12:09,430 --> 00:12:15,010 And the other thing you see from this graph here is that this kind of sensitivity varies. 116 00:12:15,010 --> 00:12:21,460 A lot varies by almost a factor of two from model to model, meaning there are large uncertainties. 117 00:12:21,460 --> 00:12:25,750 And the primary driver of these uncertainties are those clouds. 118 00:12:25,750 --> 00:12:33,190 And I think they may also hold the answer to what that missing X Factor and global warming and do is Eocene loss to the clouds. 119 00:12:33,190 --> 00:12:41,560 I'm talking about these guys on the left or strata cumulus clouds that cover vast areas of tropical oceans. 120 00:12:41,560 --> 00:12:47,410 It's the most frequent cloud type on Earth. They cover about 20 percent of the tropical oceans. 121 00:12:47,410 --> 00:12:57,510 This is off the coast of California, Baja California. I live in the upper left quadrant of this image and. 122 00:12:57,510 --> 00:13:04,840 If you fly from, say, Los Angeles. Goes here to the Hawaiian Islands, which are on the right. 123 00:13:04,840 --> 00:13:09,160 You look down and this is, by the way, how I got interested in this problem. 124 00:13:09,160 --> 00:13:14,140 Looking out of aeroplane windows and thinking we ought to be able to explain a wet blanket over the ocean. 125 00:13:14,140 --> 00:13:19,090 What happens is as you fly towards the Hawaiian Islands at some point, actually fairly suddenly, 126 00:13:19,090 --> 00:13:22,480 these whites try to cumulus clouds give way to more scattered cumulus clouds. 127 00:13:22,480 --> 00:13:28,060 These white clouds you see around the Hawaiian islands and where you have these cumulus clouds, 128 00:13:28,060 --> 00:13:31,930 there's more dark ocean surface exposed to less sunlight is being reflected. 129 00:13:31,930 --> 00:13:36,130 Meaning it's warmer the way strutting cumulus clouds reflect a lot of sunlight. 130 00:13:36,130 --> 00:13:38,200 They call the ocean underneath. 131 00:13:38,200 --> 00:13:44,950 And the fundamental problem we have inside modelling is that we don't know if we get more strident cumulus or cumulus or neither of the above, 132 00:13:44,950 --> 00:13:49,330 as the Climate Forum's climate models give wildly divergent answers. 133 00:13:49,330 --> 00:13:54,370 So if you go back to this graph shows the climate sensitivity for twenty nine models, 134 00:13:54,370 --> 00:14:00,070 the models on the left that have a relatively low climate sensitivity tend to produce more low clouds as the climate warms, 135 00:14:00,070 --> 00:14:04,960 meaning they reflect more sunlight. And that reduces the warming you get, 136 00:14:04,960 --> 00:14:12,870 whereas the models on the right tend to produce fewer low clouds that reflect less sunlight and that amplifies the warming. 137 00:14:12,870 --> 00:14:20,260 So that's the principle difference or the principle driver of uncertainties in climate predictions, even for the next few decades, 138 00:14:20,260 --> 00:14:26,850 and it's certainly one big uncertainty when you go back millions of years to where clouds hard, the various ways of thinking about it. 139 00:14:26,850 --> 00:14:33,750 I think one way I find intuitive and helpful is this If you take all the water in the atmosphere, 140 00:14:33,750 --> 00:14:39,900 everything vapour condensed water does bring it to the surface as a liquid layer of water. 141 00:14:39,900 --> 00:14:46,200 You get a liquid layer that's twenty five millimetres stakes for America to spot an inch thick, right? 142 00:14:46,200 --> 00:14:52,750 It's easy to remember. So all the water in the atmosphere is the layer that thick on the ground. 143 00:14:52,750 --> 00:15:00,230 That's not much the water is a trace constituent. But now the the fact that surprises many people, 144 00:15:00,230 --> 00:15:09,140 even in our field is if you ask how much of that water is actually in clouds as opposed to being vapour. 145 00:15:09,140 --> 00:15:19,460 It is exceedingly little like clouds. It's about two and 50 times more water in vapour form than it is in condensed form droplets or ice crystals. 146 00:15:19,460 --> 00:15:24,110 So you can take all the cloud water and bring that to the surface as a liquid layer. 147 00:15:24,110 --> 00:15:30,380 You get a liquid layer at 100 microns. Then it's the thickness of a human hair of a coat of paint here. 148 00:15:30,380 --> 00:15:37,940 So now imagine you're a climate model and you have to predict the tiny, tiny residual of a trace constituent of the atmosphere. 149 00:15:37,940 --> 00:15:43,340 Predict how much of that condenses as air moves around. That's a really challenging task. 150 00:15:43,340 --> 00:15:49,400 Of course, clouds form as air masses rise. As they rise, their cool water reaches, saturation condenses, 151 00:15:49,400 --> 00:15:54,380 and you need to predict that small residual of the total amount of water in the atmosphere that's condensing. 152 00:15:54,380 --> 00:15:58,850 That's hard. Climate models are not made for it. They don't do it well. 153 00:15:58,850 --> 00:16:04,830 Another way of looking at it is that climate models try to simulate the motion in the atmosphere using Newton's laws of motion, 154 00:16:04,830 --> 00:16:09,530 the loss of some dynamics with grids that are typically 100 kilometres wide. 155 00:16:09,530 --> 00:16:14,060 Maybe you're going towards twenty five 10 kilometres and some simulations and these 156 00:16:14,060 --> 00:16:19,490 clouds say strata cumulus cumulus damped dynamical scales of 10 to 100 metres. 157 00:16:19,490 --> 00:16:23,190 They literally fall through the cracks of the climate. Models fall through the mesh. 158 00:16:23,190 --> 00:16:30,170 It's no way to resolve it. We need to represent these clouds empirically in some fashion, and that's hard. 159 00:16:30,170 --> 00:16:37,910 And in fact, that's not working very well. It's just one climate model that I think is representative of all climate models. 160 00:16:37,910 --> 00:16:45,630 What is shown here is the cloud cover relative to observations so widespread that means the model has fewer clouds and observe it's blue, 161 00:16:45,630 --> 00:16:49,070 which means it's more about 10 than what's observed. 162 00:16:49,070 --> 00:16:55,250 And you see these vast red stretches in the subtropics or regions with a lot of low clouds of cumulus clouds. 163 00:16:55,250 --> 00:16:59,630 This climate model, as well as every climate model we have vastly under, 164 00:16:59,630 --> 00:17:05,720 predicts the amount of clouds by almost a factor of two is this colour Skelly goes to minus 40 percent. 165 00:17:05,720 --> 00:17:12,170 It's saturated, so it's even even more than 40 percent under prediction. 166 00:17:12,170 --> 00:17:18,890 So that's the problem with climate models that these uncertainties going forward and that leads to questions 167 00:17:18,890 --> 00:17:24,800 how reliable they are if you go back for millions of years and try to explain climates of the past. 168 00:17:24,800 --> 00:17:31,550 So we cannot resolve clouds, we cannot simulate clouds explicitly in a climate model and will not be able to do it any time soon, not for decades. 169 00:17:31,550 --> 00:17:36,950 Bigger clouds we can resolve. But these small clouds, you would need a computer billions of times faster than the fastest. 170 00:17:36,950 --> 00:17:41,840 We have to actually resolve them. This is not going to happen, but clouds are still physical objects. 171 00:17:41,840 --> 00:17:49,580 We know the equations governing them. We can solve the equations quite accurately and it can solve them just not on the globe. 172 00:17:49,580 --> 00:17:59,540 It needs to be in a smaller box. So here's a simulation of the cloud we did to cumulus clouds and the Caribbean over some ocean surface, 173 00:17:59,540 --> 00:18:06,050 and it's a computer simulation that looks pretty lifelike. We can compare those simulations with field data. 174 00:18:06,050 --> 00:18:12,740 They reproduce well. We have great confidence that we can solve the equations in small boxes quite well. 175 00:18:12,740 --> 00:18:15,170 The boxes just aren't as big as a globe. 176 00:18:15,170 --> 00:18:22,700 In fact, we have so much confidence in the simulation of this cloud that was cast in stone, says Karen LeMond, 177 00:18:22,700 --> 00:18:26,090 a sculpture who approached me with a question I have about this and saying she 178 00:18:26,090 --> 00:18:29,780 wanted to make a sculpture that weighs as much as a cloud and marble and said, 179 00:18:29,780 --> 00:18:33,640 well. You need a very big block of marble and you're very busy. 180 00:18:33,640 --> 00:18:39,010 You'll be very busy for a long time, but I didn't know at the time is that sculptures of robots and they can deal with cat files. 181 00:18:39,010 --> 00:18:46,960 So there was a robot sculpting for for a good six weeks and Karen than finishing the work by hand. 182 00:18:46,960 --> 00:18:52,090 It became the sculpture called Cumulus that was exhibited at the piano in Venice in 2017. 183 00:18:52,090 --> 00:18:55,790 So this this is this weighs about as much as a real cumulus clouds. 184 00:18:55,790 --> 00:19:02,380 It's a few times before in there. We can also simulate stroke cumulus clouds quite well. 185 00:19:02,380 --> 00:19:04,450 This is a simulation of strutting cumulus clouds. With this, 186 00:19:04,450 --> 00:19:09,550 you're looking down on if you wish to try to calm the clouds or you can think of looking up into 187 00:19:09,550 --> 00:19:15,110 the blue sky and what you see and there's wide scale is how much water there is in the clouds. 188 00:19:15,110 --> 00:19:20,190 See, is this just measured as a thickness of a liquid layer? It's about these 100 microns or so the dimensions. 189 00:19:20,190 --> 00:19:26,110 So an individual cloud that's about how little water there is to try to cumulus clouds. 190 00:19:26,110 --> 00:19:28,360 I'm particularly interested in, well, either the most frequent, 191 00:19:28,360 --> 00:19:39,070 but b they have very special dynamics that I find intriguing and that led us to questions what happens to them in a global warming scenario? 192 00:19:39,070 --> 00:19:42,820 So A. They're really important. 193 00:19:42,820 --> 00:19:52,460 And for Earth's climate, they cool Earth by about eight degrees globally as the subtropical strata cumulus clouds simply by reflecting side. 194 00:19:52,460 --> 00:19:56,750 What makes them pretty interesting is that. 195 00:19:56,750 --> 00:20:03,830 Every cloud in some fashion is driven by turbulence to run emotions that lead to air masses rising and air condensing. 196 00:20:03,830 --> 00:20:07,610 And in most clouds, that turbulence is driven from below by heating. 197 00:20:07,610 --> 00:20:11,990 Send a tropical cumulus clouds you heat the surface air masses rise. Eventually, water vapour condenses. 198 00:20:11,990 --> 00:20:15,920 You form a cloud of Australia. Cumulus clouds of turbulence is driven from above. 199 00:20:15,920 --> 00:20:21,410 It's driven by a cooling instrument by radiative cooling. So these clouds does. 200 00:20:21,410 --> 00:20:27,560 The 100 micron thick layer of of liquid water is an incredibly good absorber 201 00:20:27,560 --> 00:20:31,490 of infra-red radiation that's basically opaque to infra-red radiation means, 202 00:20:31,490 --> 00:20:38,390 which means they emit thermal infra-red radiation upwards, and that's how they cool themselves. 203 00:20:38,390 --> 00:20:46,520 And the question I had a number of years ago is, well, if not, you put more greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. 204 00:20:46,520 --> 00:20:54,020 This cooling of the clouds should become weaker. Well, the cooling does is it leads to cooling of air mass at a sink to the surface. 205 00:20:54,020 --> 00:20:59,870 They pick up moisture from the ocean surface, bring the moisture back up, and that nourishes the clouds in a convective cycle. 206 00:20:59,870 --> 00:21:04,580 If this cooling gets weaker is convective. Cycles will get weaker and the clouds can get thinner. 207 00:21:04,580 --> 00:21:10,310 And the question was, well, now you put more greenhouse gases in the atmosphere that cooling off to get weaker and much the 208 00:21:10,310 --> 00:21:16,190 same way that the humid summer night is warmer than the clear summer night and humid summer night. 209 00:21:16,190 --> 00:21:23,720 The Earth's surface can't cool radiative lee as well as it can in a clear summer night and hence the human nights of warmer, 210 00:21:23,720 --> 00:21:29,430 which is why I prefer Los Angeles summers over in New York summers. 211 00:21:29,430 --> 00:21:34,680 Same for the clouds, so you put more greenhouse gases, carbon dioxide, water vapour, anything else in the atmosphere above it? 212 00:21:34,680 --> 00:21:39,090 They won't be able to cool themselves as well. And the question is what would happen? 213 00:21:39,090 --> 00:21:43,470 So we asked the question by building a computer model to answer it. 214 00:21:43,470 --> 00:21:47,200 And a global climate model can simulate the clouds seen. 215 00:21:47,200 --> 00:21:53,790 So what we have to do is build a computer model that simulates the clouds in a box like the box you see. 216 00:21:53,790 --> 00:21:56,310 But then we have to represent the rest of the climate system somehow. 217 00:21:56,310 --> 00:22:01,080 So in a usual climate model, what you do is you resolve all the large scales of the motion quite accurately. 218 00:22:01,080 --> 00:22:03,390 We have great confidence we are doing this well. 219 00:22:03,390 --> 00:22:10,110 And then you represent all the small scales semi empirically and we don't have confidence we are doing that well. 220 00:22:10,110 --> 00:22:11,640 So we did two years. Just do. 221 00:22:11,640 --> 00:22:21,030 The exact opposite is similar to exactly small scales accurately, but that represented all large scale semi empirically, meaning the large scales. 222 00:22:21,030 --> 00:22:25,080 There's a lot of uncertainty in what we do there, but the small scales, if you have a good simulation, 223 00:22:25,080 --> 00:22:30,120 so in a cartoon, what it looks like, what we did is something like that. 224 00:22:30,120 --> 00:22:40,740 You had a box sphere. You simulate part of the subtropics, a small patch of ocean sea off the coast of Angola, Namibia, Peru, California, 225 00:22:40,740 --> 00:22:49,050 and that's coupled to the rest of the climate system to some column representing tropical dynamics to energy moisture transports in the atmosphere. 226 00:22:49,050 --> 00:22:59,820 It's coupled to the surface temperature and energy budget for the ocean to radiative fluxes of solar radiation, along with variation and the like. 227 00:22:59,820 --> 00:23:09,060 And then we the simulations. We did a lot of simulations, and what comes out in the end is a simple looking plot that is maybe too simple looking. 228 00:23:09,060 --> 00:23:15,020 This is a few million hours of computing to get a few dots of. 229 00:23:15,020 --> 00:23:21,500 I don't want to convert it into dollars or pounds for this plus plot costs, but it's expensive. 230 00:23:21,500 --> 00:23:26,390 And what do you see as the cloud fraction in the simulation and in the subtropical patch? 231 00:23:26,390 --> 00:23:35,120 So we start out at 400 parts per million CO2, about present day climate and this red upward pointing error that you can call our present day climate. 232 00:23:35,120 --> 00:23:41,790 So this is a situation where we have sort of cumulus clouds covering the entire subtropical part, 233 00:23:41,790 --> 00:23:46,760 simulating 100 percent cloud cover, and then we started increasing CO2 concentrations. 234 00:23:46,760 --> 00:23:51,570 And that's. As far as cloud cover is concerned, boring for a long time, 235 00:23:51,570 --> 00:24:01,260 you go from 400 to 600 to 800 and and 2000 parts per million and cloud cover is at 100 percent. 236 00:24:01,260 --> 00:24:05,700 But then there's a point where cloud cover falls literally off a cliff. 237 00:24:05,700 --> 00:24:15,020 Here it goes from 100 percent to around 30 percent. As happens between twelve hundred and thirty million parts per million in the simulation. 238 00:24:15,020 --> 00:24:22,430 The precise CO2 concentration where that happens is not crucial because it depends a bit on what you assume for the rest of the climate system, 239 00:24:22,430 --> 00:24:30,140 but that it happens is crucial. So we start from 400 parts ppm having strong cumulus and then we go into something like 30 percent cloud cover. 240 00:24:30,140 --> 00:24:37,280 But we just have scattered cumulus like around here. Why? And then he can increase CO2 concentrations even more. 241 00:24:37,280 --> 00:24:41,990 You lose some more cloud fraction. Otherwise, nothing too exciting happens. 242 00:24:41,990 --> 00:24:48,230 But here's what's interesting now let's go backwards. So we figured out how to scrub the atmospheric CO2 and our computer model. 243 00:24:48,230 --> 00:24:57,210 That's just literally a novel term. So you remove CO2 from the atmosphere and then you're walking back along the blue areas here. 244 00:24:57,210 --> 00:25:03,860 And the interesting part is that we are not reforming shredded cumulus clouds where they first broke up. 245 00:25:03,860 --> 00:25:12,550 But here you have to go to two below 300 parts per million CO2 before you get back to 100 percent cloud cover and start to cumulus. 246 00:25:12,550 --> 00:25:18,800 So we say there's hysteresis, meaning that this the state of the system depends on its history. 247 00:25:18,800 --> 00:25:24,170 And I'll explain it in just a moment how it comes about, but that's just cloud cover. 248 00:25:24,170 --> 00:25:28,190 So I have these clouds so enormously important for climate because it reflects so much sunlight. 249 00:25:28,190 --> 00:25:33,410 So you, you perhaps are asking and should be asking what happens to temperature. 250 00:25:33,410 --> 00:25:38,210 And he said, what happens to temperature in these simulations? So this is the temperature in the tropics, 251 00:25:38,210 --> 00:25:45,330 which is the temperature change in the tropics as a reasonably good approximation of global mean temperature changes here. 252 00:25:45,330 --> 00:25:51,470 So again, we started out at 400, we're going up and 2100 parts per million or so. 253 00:25:51,470 --> 00:25:56,210 The cloud cover drops and temperature goes up in this case by about eight degrees centigrade. 254 00:25:56,210 --> 00:26:02,000 So this is roughly the cooling subtropical marines try to cumulus clouds currently provide. 255 00:26:02,000 --> 00:26:09,140 So you lose that cooling, you get to about eight degrees warming in addition to the global warming that was gradually happening before. 256 00:26:09,140 --> 00:26:15,680 So it's to go from, say, from four to eight and reports familiar and you see global warming of this model of three and a half degrees or so. 257 00:26:15,680 --> 00:26:19,430 So the fairly canonical climate sensitivity that you see in climate models. 258 00:26:19,430 --> 00:26:23,600 But then when these clouds break up and that happens quite abruptly as a function of CO2, 259 00:26:23,600 --> 00:26:30,380 here you see an additional jump in temperatures and then as you go down, remove CO2, 260 00:26:30,380 --> 00:26:35,030 you stay on the warm branch of the climate system and in this model system and temperatures 261 00:26:35,030 --> 00:26:41,200 stay seven degrees or so above the temperatures and this cooler range until the clouds reform. 262 00:26:41,200 --> 00:26:47,690 And in this case, 200 parts per million. So the lower concentrations then we currently have. 263 00:26:47,690 --> 00:26:52,840 That's just a simulation, and you could ask all sorts of questions. 264 00:26:52,840 --> 00:27:02,290 How relevant an idealised model is, but one one reason we have confidence in idealised models is when we understand physically what's happening, 265 00:27:02,290 --> 00:27:07,330 and the physics is pretty straightforward. So the way you lose the clouds, 266 00:27:07,330 --> 00:27:17,170 the principal factor responsible here is that greenhouse gas concentrations increase that long with cooling of the cloud tops gets weaker. 267 00:27:17,170 --> 00:27:23,530 That drives turbulence down, but the driving of the turbulence down gets weaker. 268 00:27:23,530 --> 00:27:27,520 Up to a point where the clouds, we say decouple from this surface moisture supply, 269 00:27:27,520 --> 00:27:30,760 basically even when the turbulent air masses are driven down by the hook, 270 00:27:30,760 --> 00:27:38,780 by the cooling are not reaching the surface anymore, then cloud cover bends as cloud cover thins. 271 00:27:38,780 --> 00:27:42,080 The surface warms because less sunlight is reflected, 272 00:27:42,080 --> 00:27:46,670 less sunlight being reflected means there's more water vapour, any atmosphere as the surface warms. 273 00:27:46,670 --> 00:27:50,880 That in itself is a greenhouse effect gas amplifying the effect of CO2. 274 00:27:50,880 --> 00:27:55,370 You have a feedback cycle that leads to the break up of the clouds here. 275 00:27:55,370 --> 00:27:59,180 There are other processes that are important, and one is counterintuitive. 276 00:27:59,180 --> 00:28:03,020 Evaporation is important, and you might think that there's more evaporation. 277 00:28:03,020 --> 00:28:09,230 You would get more clouds. But that's not correct for these clouds with more evaporation, you actually get fewer of them. 278 00:28:09,230 --> 00:28:15,170 And that has to do with whatever variation does in the clouds. Water vapour condenses in the clouds. 279 00:28:15,170 --> 00:28:20,990 If you have more of it, that can convince you get more latent heat release that enhances the turbulence and the clouds, 280 00:28:20,990 --> 00:28:25,480 and that leads to more mixing of dry air into the clouds, and it works against their existence. 281 00:28:25,480 --> 00:28:33,230 That's another process that plays a role here, and it's somewhat counterintuitive. But now you can see how has two reasons why stability comes about. 282 00:28:33,230 --> 00:28:38,840 Once you lose the clouds, it's warm. When it's when it's warm, there's more water vapour, for example in the atmosphere. 283 00:28:38,840 --> 00:28:45,500 It's an additional greenhouse gas. Now, when you just ramp down CO2, well, there's still more water vapour in the atmosphere. 284 00:28:45,500 --> 00:28:52,640 That's still a greenhouse gas that still prevents the long way of cooling and still prevents the clouds from reforming. 285 00:28:52,640 --> 00:28:58,490 Similar story Applying to evaporation evaporation jumps by 70 percent when these clouds break up. 286 00:28:58,490 --> 00:29:04,970 It also works against the existence of the clouds, and that's how you get the sense to resist look out. 287 00:29:04,970 --> 00:29:10,640 So I said everything about large scale and the rest of the climate system here is idealised and to be taken with a grain of salt, 288 00:29:10,640 --> 00:29:15,350 which means that things like the precise CO2 concentration where that happens, 289 00:29:15,350 --> 00:29:19,730 that's not necessarily quantitatively accurate account in that quantitatively. 290 00:29:19,730 --> 00:29:22,490 Here's an example of how we can. 291 00:29:22,490 --> 00:29:27,860 You can make different assumptions, different reasonable assumptions what the large-scale atmospheric circulation does, 292 00:29:27,860 --> 00:29:33,560 whether it weakens weakly as the climate warms or weakens more strongly as the climate warms. 293 00:29:33,560 --> 00:29:37,280 These are the results again for the tropical temperature as a function of CO2. 294 00:29:37,280 --> 00:29:40,760 And you see that the point where these clouds break up shifts quite a bit. 295 00:29:40,760 --> 00:29:49,220 It's a function of CO2. The points where they reform also shifts the width of this as Teresa's loop shifts and the like, which is all to say. 296 00:29:49,220 --> 00:29:57,530 We can say with precision whether these clouds would break up a twelve hundred ppm CO2 or 600 or whatever it exactly is. 297 00:29:57,530 --> 00:30:06,200 We don't know that, but that it could happen seems pretty clear. Simulations show it, and the physics of it is clear. 298 00:30:06,200 --> 00:30:11,420 So back to back to the Eocene and the past was the mean. 299 00:30:11,420 --> 00:30:18,770 So one possible explanation of how you could have gotten climates as warm as the Eocene was, 300 00:30:18,770 --> 00:30:26,360 as we know it was because there are crocodiles in the Arctic. Is that a cloud cover might have been a lot thinner? 301 00:30:26,360 --> 00:30:32,000 Maybe there were no strutting cumulus clouds at the time, subtropical strutting cumulus clouds at the time at all. 302 00:30:32,000 --> 00:30:39,480 And that would certainly suffice to create a very warm climate globally and make a lush Ellesmere Island possible. 303 00:30:39,480 --> 00:30:41,570 It's one possible explanation. 304 00:30:41,570 --> 00:30:48,320 There are other possible explanations of generally climate as much more sensitive than models suggest without dramatic changes in cloud cover. 305 00:30:48,320 --> 00:30:56,270 That's also a possibility. But at least that's one possible explanation for a climate state that we know occurred. 306 00:30:56,270 --> 00:31:01,220 That has confounded explanation for a while. And what does it mean for the future? 307 00:31:01,220 --> 00:31:09,530 So here is CO2 and a bit more. More recently, it's just the last thousand years, rather than millions of years over those timescales. 308 00:31:09,530 --> 00:31:10,820 We know CO2 precisely. 309 00:31:10,820 --> 00:31:19,460 We know it by just taking air bubbles frozen into ice from Antarctica and looking at the CO2 concentration of the air that's preserved there. 310 00:31:19,460 --> 00:31:27,560 And we know that CO2 was fairly constant at two hundred eighty or so parts per million for thousands of years into the past. 311 00:31:27,560 --> 00:31:31,940 And of course, it has been speaking up for us at the beginning of the industrial revolution. 312 00:31:31,940 --> 00:31:36,320 And the red curve are actually instrumental measurements also in Antarctica. 313 00:31:36,320 --> 00:31:44,000 So they consist of a person leaving a station and taking a flask of air and then going to allow but measuring how much CO2 is in there. 314 00:31:44,000 --> 00:31:51,590 And you see, now we are at around 410 parts per million CO2. 315 00:31:51,590 --> 00:31:57,600 How significant the change is that I think it's useful to put this again into a perspective of the past so years, 316 00:31:57,600 --> 00:32:08,420 is Zoom in now the last 50 million years again and and then projecting out in the future what might be happening so far in 10 parts per million? 317 00:32:08,420 --> 00:32:12,860 That's that's a CO2 concentration we haven't seen in at least two million years on Earth. 318 00:32:12,860 --> 00:32:18,570 So this is getting us back to the Pliocene. 319 00:32:18,570 --> 00:32:27,720 Somewhere between two or three or four million years ago and a Pliocene Earth was around three degrees warmer and three degrees. 320 00:32:27,720 --> 00:32:32,130 I don't know if that sounds significant to you or not the other two, but there is agreement and to ease and come back to it. 321 00:32:32,130 --> 00:32:43,290 Three degrees may not sound like much, but three degrees of warming sustained over thousands of years is enough to melt a lot of ice. 322 00:32:43,290 --> 00:32:54,250 So during the Pliocene bit about three degrees higher temperatures, sea level was a good and good 20 metre or so higher than it is now. 323 00:32:54,250 --> 00:32:55,590 Now that is significant. 324 00:32:55,590 --> 00:33:05,190 Life then, was perfectly possible for all sorts of animals, and there were no Homo sapiens around at a time, but they could have lived just fine. 325 00:33:05,190 --> 00:33:07,290 Just the challenges, 326 00:33:07,290 --> 00:33:16,150 the challenges that we have built cities and say this is what the artist called London be under with this case will be 40 metres sea level rise. 327 00:33:16,150 --> 00:33:24,410 That's melting two thirds of all ice sheets. London would be flooded as much as much of L.A. and New York and the like. 328 00:33:24,410 --> 00:33:35,060 So the problem here is that if you sustain a warming of that sort for a long time, for thousands of years, you're just not adapted to that situation. 329 00:33:35,060 --> 00:33:42,420 We have built cities and places where they perhaps wouldn't be in that case. Now, I don't. 330 00:33:42,420 --> 00:33:47,580 I hope you won't get to anything resembling the scenario. 331 00:33:47,580 --> 00:33:54,900 But here's where we are. So we had about one degree global warming over the last 100 150 years. 332 00:33:54,900 --> 00:34:01,710 That's not uniformly distributed as this in temperature change between 2000, around now in the 1850s. 333 00:34:01,710 --> 00:34:06,220 And the grey areas are just areas where we don't have enough data to say much. This is in the mean. 334 00:34:06,220 --> 00:34:09,420 It's about the degree there's more warming over high latitudes, 335 00:34:09,420 --> 00:34:16,410 more over continents for reasons we understand having to do with how much water is available to evaporate. 336 00:34:16,410 --> 00:34:19,080 Number to remember is a degree of warming we have had, 337 00:34:19,080 --> 00:34:26,280 and I've probably heard about the Paris Agreement that had two hundred and ninety six signatories a while back, 338 00:34:26,280 --> 00:34:28,740 and now it's down to one hundred ninety five. 339 00:34:28,740 --> 00:34:35,730 And the Paris Agreement stipulated that we should limit warming to two degrees above pre-industrial levels. 340 00:34:35,730 --> 00:34:43,830 So we had about a degree, so there's one more degree to go. Now you can take climate models we have and ask how much more CO2 can we put in 341 00:34:43,830 --> 00:34:48,090 the atmosphere before you get that extra degree before we reach this Paris target, 342 00:34:48,090 --> 00:34:52,890 the threshold is fairly arbitrary, but it's useful to pick a threshold to illustrate the point I want to make here. 343 00:34:52,890 --> 00:34:55,350 So here's the answer you get from climate models. 344 00:34:55,350 --> 00:35:00,810 How much CO2 can you put into the atmosphere before we reach two degrees warming above pre-industrial levels? 345 00:35:00,810 --> 00:35:08,310 And it's the same twenty nine models I've shown you before. The answer varies between close to 600 parts per million and 480 parts per million. 346 00:35:08,310 --> 00:35:11,700 The models here are ordered in order of increasing climate sensitivity, 347 00:35:11,700 --> 00:35:16,560 so the models that are right are more sensitive just to say that the models on the radar right, 348 00:35:16,560 --> 00:35:23,130 the more sensitive models are right, then we'll reach those two degree warming within 20 years or so. 349 00:35:23,130 --> 00:35:30,050 And that's pretty much irrespective of policy interventions and the like. That's energy infrastructure, for example, 350 00:35:30,050 --> 00:35:34,630 is so long live that this would be an unavoidable with the models on the radar right for the models on the left. 351 00:35:34,630 --> 00:35:43,710 All right. Well, we would have the twenty six days or so even under high emission scenarios before these two degrees of warming are reached. 352 00:35:43,710 --> 00:35:54,710 So just a full human generation difference between the members of the predictions here, and I find that wide range of predictions unsatisfying. 353 00:35:54,710 --> 00:36:01,820 And it's perhaps even worse than what this graph says, because climate models now coming out are even a lot of them right, 354 00:36:01,820 --> 00:36:08,120 even to the right, the most sensitive models we have here. So maybe that's not even spanning the range of what could be happening. 355 00:36:08,120 --> 00:36:12,380 The point is the uncertainties are large and there are there are enormously large. 356 00:36:12,380 --> 00:36:19,040 If you want to plan rationally for human generation difference when you hit a certain temperature target, 357 00:36:19,040 --> 00:36:25,220 temperature affects everything in the climate system, precipitation and the like, so all the other predictions will be equally uncertain. 358 00:36:25,220 --> 00:36:32,150 You want to be able to plan infrastructure in one storm water management infrastructure and want to do so rationally. 359 00:36:32,150 --> 00:36:37,640 A number of cities are building seawalls in New York, for example, and spending close to a billion dollars on that. 360 00:36:37,640 --> 00:36:45,950 It would be nice to know how to build the seawall that New York City is protected from, say, a 100 year flood 50 years from now. 361 00:36:45,950 --> 00:36:52,820 And we don't have the information to say accurately what would what that would take Sam for wildfire risk. 362 00:36:52,820 --> 00:36:58,480 Assessing risks for vulnerable communities, droughts and the like. 363 00:36:58,480 --> 00:37:09,340 So the cost of climate change adaptation, which will be unavoidable, is estimated to be above $200 billion annually by 2050. 364 00:37:09,340 --> 00:37:15,340 People have tried to calculate what the socio economic value would be of having the uncertainties 365 00:37:15,340 --> 00:37:20,740 in climate sensitivity within 10 years and the number of they come up with this from a paper. 366 00:37:20,740 --> 00:37:24,550 Chris Hope was 10 trillion dollars. 367 00:37:24,550 --> 00:37:31,030 I don't have a good intuition for $10 trillion and maybe it's only one trillion dollars, but it's a big number is a point. 368 00:37:31,030 --> 00:37:35,660 And and the other point is. 369 00:37:35,660 --> 00:37:41,450 Note note how the second point is phrased, having the uncertainties within 10 years, 370 00:37:41,450 --> 00:37:46,280 it's important to get better predictions fast because climate is changing and at some 371 00:37:46,280 --> 00:37:51,350 point the predictions won't be that useful anymore because we see what what is happening. 372 00:37:51,350 --> 00:37:57,910 So the name of the game here is to come up with better predictions and come up with them fast. 373 00:37:57,910 --> 00:38:03,880 You don't want to wait 10 years, and there are things we can do assign side. 374 00:38:03,880 --> 00:38:11,410 And here's a shot you simulations of clouds and small boxes so we can do them in one small box that can do them in two small boxes. 375 00:38:11,410 --> 00:38:16,840 Well, we can do them in tens of thousands of small boxes. You can embed in the climate model. 376 00:38:16,840 --> 00:38:21,830 We can do it everywhere. That's where you need factors of billions and extra extra in computing that we don't have, 377 00:38:21,830 --> 00:38:25,510 but we can do it in thousands and maybe 10 thousands of places. 378 00:38:25,510 --> 00:38:30,760 And these simulations are quite good, at least as far as emotion of the clouds is concerned. 379 00:38:30,760 --> 00:38:37,420 So that's something we should be able to use. And the other thing we have, of course, is a wealth of data. 380 00:38:37,420 --> 00:38:39,910 This is what's called the train of satellites. 381 00:38:39,910 --> 00:38:48,100 It's it's satellites flying and constellation crossing the same spot on Earth's surface within seconds of each other. 382 00:38:48,100 --> 00:38:52,210 It's called the A-Train because they cross it in the afternoon after afternoon. 383 00:38:52,210 --> 00:38:55,210 The measure all sorts of things in a coordinated fashion. 384 00:38:55,210 --> 00:39:01,690 For example, in front is OCO two is measuring carbon dioxide for the actress calypso and clouds that they measure. 385 00:39:01,690 --> 00:39:14,480 A cloud properties, the lighter radar, a number of other Aquos measuring water vapour, for example, if you have a wealth of data and. 386 00:39:14,480 --> 00:39:19,130 These data, they can inform climate models, we have used them to evaluate climate models, 387 00:39:19,130 --> 00:39:24,780 you have used them in a way I've shown you before to say that there's a large bias in cloud cover, but you can do more. 388 00:39:24,780 --> 00:39:31,820 You can directly learn from the data. They have seen so many advances in the data sciences in the last few decades. 389 00:39:31,820 --> 00:39:38,690 And what we wanted to do is bring these advances in a data scientist to bear on the climate problem by building a model that 390 00:39:38,690 --> 00:39:46,280 learns from these high resolution simulations we can do in many spots and learns from from the data we have could be space based. 391 00:39:46,280 --> 00:39:51,680 But the same is true, say, for autonomous vehicles in the ocean and the like. 392 00:39:51,680 --> 00:39:59,360 So we formed versus a number of people getting together over time, and companies come to call ourselves the Climate Modelling Alliance. 393 00:39:59,360 --> 00:40:00,470 And some are people at Caltech, 394 00:40:00,470 --> 00:40:09,770 my institution and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory at MIT Naval Postgraduate School and an increasingly increasing network of other collaborators. 395 00:40:09,770 --> 00:40:16,980 The idea of this group is let's just try to. Bring climate model. 396 00:40:16,980 --> 00:40:22,080 Put it on a data driven footing, and weather forecasting has happened decades ago. 397 00:40:22,080 --> 00:40:28,740 Weather forecasts have become very good and perhaps better than their reputation, in large part thanks to extensive use of data. 398 00:40:28,740 --> 00:40:32,820 What we want to do for climate modelling is, in some ways the same that has happened for weather forecasting, 399 00:40:32,820 --> 00:40:41,160 make much more extensive use of data to make the models better. So we are doing is built a model that is in some ways a traditional model. 400 00:40:41,160 --> 00:40:47,700 If you visit it as an atmospheric model and ocean model and land model, size models and the like, but wrapped around everything, 401 00:40:47,700 --> 00:40:57,330 so is a layer of machine learning data simulation tools that allow the model at the core to learn from observational data 402 00:40:57,330 --> 00:41:04,740 and from high resolution simulations of clouds of sea ice of ocean turbulence that you can spin out where you need them. 403 00:41:04,740 --> 00:41:11,680 When you need them. You can spin them out. Part of what's attractive, it lends itself very well to cloud computing. 404 00:41:11,680 --> 00:41:21,240 You can do this in a distributed computing framework. And of course, it's irresistible to simulate clouds on the cloud, which is what we're doing, 405 00:41:21,240 --> 00:41:25,020 what we want to do if we want to achieve predictive advances that are practical. 406 00:41:25,020 --> 00:41:28,920 In the end, we want to get better predictions of of rainfall, for example, 407 00:41:28,920 --> 00:41:32,460 rainfall extremes and things that really matter for infrastructure planning, 408 00:41:32,460 --> 00:41:39,180 for example, high impact weather, accurate risk assessment, heat waves, droughts, storms and the like. 409 00:41:39,180 --> 00:41:44,550 High latitudes are important and like to be able to say what happens to Arctic sea ice. 410 00:41:44,550 --> 00:41:47,100 You'd like to be able to assess risks for vulnerable communities. 411 00:41:47,100 --> 00:41:55,230 And what I'm hoping for is that a few years from now that most of you will have apps for climate just as much 412 00:41:55,230 --> 00:42:01,140 as you have them for a weather where you can get accurate climate information for whatever interests you say. 413 00:42:01,140 --> 00:42:04,770 If you want to purchase a house and a coastal area, 414 00:42:04,770 --> 00:42:12,820 the likelihood that it will be impacted by the storm surge or in California if you purchase a house near near brush land, 415 00:42:12,820 --> 00:42:17,530 what the likelihood is that there will be wildfires and the like. 416 00:42:17,530 --> 00:42:23,860 I'd like to have people to have apps that provide that information, much like you get weather information now, but now. 417 00:42:23,860 --> 00:42:29,140 Things a few decades ahead that are just as actionable for your decision to now say, 418 00:42:29,140 --> 00:42:34,180 if you plan infrastructure or purchase property or whatever it is as weather information is for you, 419 00:42:34,180 --> 00:42:36,610 currently, you decide whether to bring an umbrella or not. 420 00:42:36,610 --> 00:42:43,750 But for these billions of dollars, a decision that we have to make, it seems even more important to have accurate information. 421 00:42:43,750 --> 00:42:49,630 And hopefully you get there within within four or five years is our goal. 422 00:42:49,630 --> 00:42:54,790 So the rev up, let me say a little bit of the people who were involved here Colleen, Colleen, 423 00:42:54,790 --> 00:42:58,640 press or two research scientist or now with the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, 424 00:42:58,640 --> 00:43:03,790 as they did these simulations of the straight cumulus clouds I showed you. And the Climate Modelling Alliance. 425 00:43:03,790 --> 00:43:09,850 That's most of us down there. Not quite all of us at the meeting a few months ago. 426 00:43:09,850 --> 00:43:14,020 This is our office space. It's the garden of the Joint Office space. 427 00:43:14,020 --> 00:43:19,270 We have it pretty luxuriously nice and part of what makes us exciting for us. 428 00:43:19,270 --> 00:43:24,340 Aside from the direct usefulness of it, is that the group of people you see, 429 00:43:24,340 --> 00:43:30,040 other oceanographers or atmospheric scientists are software engineers who applied mathematicians and computer scientists, 430 00:43:30,040 --> 00:43:34,780 Caltech, who are all in one building occupying joint office space. 431 00:43:34,780 --> 00:43:40,900 And the hope is, and we have seen that hope being materially assisted by fostering interactions 432 00:43:40,900 --> 00:43:48,430 between the disciplines in a much tighter way than what has happened before. But we can make progress. 433 00:43:48,430 --> 00:43:53,170 I should acknowledge people who funders Eric Schmidt, provide the bulk of our funding, 434 00:43:53,170 --> 00:44:01,240 the recommendation on the French futures programme and to a number of other philanthropic organisations and the public public foundations involved. 435 00:44:01,240 --> 00:44:07,570 Earthrise Alliance, the Family Foundation and National U.S. National Science Foundation is funding a 436 00:44:07,570 --> 00:44:12,850 software institute for us and Charles Trimble and Maxine Linder of trustees of Caltech, 437 00:44:12,850 --> 00:44:18,820 who provided seed funding for us and got us started. And especially Charles Trimble early on was a great inspiration. 438 00:44:18,820 --> 00:44:20,110 You may not have heard his name, 439 00:44:20,110 --> 00:44:27,040 but he changed your life in case someone who figured out how to miniaturise jobs and that he is the reason that you don't get lost anymore. 440 00:44:27,040 --> 00:44:32,350 And so now we want to make sure that in the future we won't get lost as far as climate change is concerned. 441 00:44:32,350 --> 00:44:47,650 So I'll stop right here. I'm happy to answer questions. OK, thanks to here. 442 00:44:47,650 --> 00:44:54,250 So the plan is to ask hopefully some questions or comments. 443 00:44:54,250 --> 00:44:57,550 I guess the plan is to use the microphone, is that right? 444 00:44:57,550 --> 00:45:04,830 So maybe what I'll do since the microphone is here is sort of start in this area of the room. 445 00:45:04,830 --> 00:45:14,590 And yes, I worked my way. Though it is quite interesting, right at the beginning of your talk, 446 00:45:14,590 --> 00:45:20,740 when you said of all the water vapour that's in the atmosphere, only a very small fraction of its clouds. 447 00:45:20,740 --> 00:45:32,010 And it made me think, what is the contribution of vapour trails from high, high flying aircraft to global cooling or global warming? 448 00:45:32,010 --> 00:45:38,160 So clubs have two important effects. One is reflecting sunlight, and the other is that they have a greenhouse effect. 449 00:45:38,160 --> 00:45:43,830 And these low clouds they've talked about at the beginning, the greenhouse effect is quite small because they're so low. 450 00:45:43,830 --> 00:45:49,560 So they mostly reflect sunlight on high clouds, contrail cirrus clouds. 451 00:45:49,560 --> 00:45:55,800 Their main effect, as is the greenhouse effect, and they contribute to warming. 452 00:45:55,800 --> 00:46:10,500 I mean, it is a measurable effect of what comes from aircraft, but it's a small effect. 453 00:46:10,500 --> 00:46:17,490 That's for a very interesting talk with the curve that you have on the top right, so the looking back at that patio, 454 00:46:17,490 --> 00:46:25,330 Seville Maxima and one of the things about the oceans then is that you had quite a deep thermocline and as that as a cool, 455 00:46:25,330 --> 00:46:29,760 the thermocline came up and you could shoulder thermocline and bring cold water to the surface. 456 00:46:29,760 --> 00:46:38,280 So in those experiments that you've done, I wondered how sensitive others shot shoddy chemist regimes to the ocean surface temperature. 457 00:46:38,280 --> 00:46:40,830 So we have motion dynamics and those experiments. 458 00:46:40,830 --> 00:46:49,440 I did suggest really it's an ocean layer as an energy balance, and the surface temperature is is not independently determined. 459 00:46:49,440 --> 00:46:54,890 It's determined through an energy balance. So you can't really ask the question how how sensitive are they to surface temperature alone? 460 00:46:54,890 --> 00:47:02,580 But what you can ask is say what surface temperature increasing surface temperature does as, for example, lead to more water vapour in the atmosphere? 461 00:47:02,580 --> 00:47:08,670 And you can ask how large is the effect of the added water vapour on the long wave cooling of the clouds? 462 00:47:08,670 --> 00:47:15,610 In addition to the CO2, and that's about half. Okay, so over here. 463 00:47:15,610 --> 00:47:18,320 Okay, thank you to you for great talk. 464 00:47:18,320 --> 00:47:24,710 So one of the big differences between weather forecasting and climate prediction is if you have a lousy numerical weather prediction model, 465 00:47:24,710 --> 00:47:31,010 you find out pretty quickly climate forecasting. We may not find out for several decades. 466 00:47:31,010 --> 00:47:33,830 So could you say a little bit about the challenges of, you know, 467 00:47:33,830 --> 00:47:39,640 what data is available and to what extent can you really constrain the climate forecasts with data? 468 00:47:39,640 --> 00:47:44,630 Yeah, I mean, that's an obvious challenge. A couple of answers. 469 00:47:44,630 --> 00:47:51,620 So a in many aspects, climate models are doing so poorly right now that simply having a better present, 470 00:47:51,620 --> 00:47:56,480 better representation of the present climate will be progress. A seasonal cycle. 471 00:47:56,480 --> 00:48:00,080 Cloud cover. Seasonal cycle in the land biosphere and the like. 472 00:48:00,080 --> 00:48:09,020 So there there is just a lot of areas. For example, photosynthesis in a biosphere models differ by an order of magnitude and that seasonal cycle. 473 00:48:09,020 --> 00:48:16,490 So just simply getting a better present climate with a model that didn't talk about is so process oriented. 474 00:48:16,490 --> 00:48:21,590 So it's not going to be model where fit millions of parameters will be sparse and parameter space. 475 00:48:21,590 --> 00:48:29,370 So getting getting a better simulation of a better climate with a sparsely parameter model, that challenge and if you. 476 00:48:29,370 --> 00:48:32,760 Some confidence that you have gotten a better model now you want to verify that. 477 00:48:32,760 --> 00:48:36,300 And that's where things get harder and you don't want to wait decades. 478 00:48:36,300 --> 00:48:44,040 I think what you have to do is find Short-Term prediction targets, say, predict the response and try to do that accurately. 479 00:48:44,040 --> 00:48:50,370 It would actually be interesting to use a climate model in a weather forecasting setting and see if you can see progress there as well. 480 00:48:50,370 --> 00:48:57,300 Even though that may not be the success metric that's most important for climate, but you have to find some, 481 00:48:57,300 --> 00:49:06,630 some targets that can build confidence over time, and the targets have to be short term because we don't want to wait 20 years. 482 00:49:06,630 --> 00:49:19,400 But it's something you probably right, that's a problem, and we have the climate modelling ready. Thanks. 483 00:49:19,400 --> 00:49:28,310 That was really interesting. If with increasing temperatures, you continue to get more water vapour in the atmosphere. 484 00:49:28,310 --> 00:49:35,660 What happens to types of clouds that aren't destructive cumulus? Do we see a compensation with more cumulonimbus clouds or something else? 485 00:49:35,660 --> 00:49:41,810 Where's that water vapour going? Mostly in vapour and not so much rain clouds, right? 486 00:49:41,810 --> 00:49:45,500 Because clouds are just this tiny, tiny residual of water that that condenses there. 487 00:49:45,500 --> 00:49:56,520 So. You you cannot make any direct connexion between the amount of vapour and the atmosphere and and how many clouds you have. 488 00:49:56,520 --> 00:50:03,300 If anything, what you would need to do is think about how far from saturation you are. 489 00:50:03,300 --> 00:50:09,090 How much do you need to move an air parcel to reach saturation, and the interesting part is as you warm the climate, 490 00:50:09,090 --> 00:50:13,830 you have more water vapour in the atmosphere in such a way that the relative humidity doesn't change very much. 491 00:50:13,830 --> 00:50:21,150 But what that implies is that the what you might want to call the distance to saturation actually increases some. 492 00:50:21,150 --> 00:50:27,300 But that metric alone, it would be harder to form clouds. But I'm not saying this is actually how it works. 493 00:50:27,300 --> 00:50:32,400 Just to say that the intuition more water vapour translates into more clouds can easily lead to Australia. 494 00:50:32,400 --> 00:50:40,860 It's more complicated than that. For. 495 00:50:40,860 --> 00:50:47,790 Thank you. You've pointed out that we trust these high resolution models, and therefore they're a good tool to build a climate model. 496 00:50:47,790 --> 00:50:55,290 I mean, you've heard earlier this week already, I'm much more cautious about models of deep conviction, also in high resolution settings. 497 00:50:55,290 --> 00:51:03,930 And we have very limited observational constraints. So I wondered how long do we have to wait until we have some constraints on these models 498 00:51:03,930 --> 00:51:07,810 that we trust them more and how this industry of time scales that we're worried about now? 499 00:51:07,810 --> 00:51:11,850 I mean, a couple of aspects, right? So there's you're talking about the micro physical issues that we discussed. 500 00:51:11,850 --> 00:51:18,400 So yes, that's what Philip is referring to, is that even human, you can resolve the dynamics of motion in the clouds. 501 00:51:18,400 --> 00:51:25,080 There's still the physics of how droplets and ice crystals form or micrometre scale and those who can still resolve. 502 00:51:25,080 --> 00:51:30,480 So that that remains is a challenge. So I think there are two pieces that help, or maybe three. 503 00:51:30,480 --> 00:51:38,210 I mean, the first one is. Even if he couldn't do anything about the micro physics, I think they can, but even if he couldn't. 504 00:51:38,210 --> 00:51:44,060 Wouldn't it be nice if all uncertainties are reduced to that and the dynamics as we have confidence and right? 505 00:51:44,060 --> 00:51:48,140 So my first answer would be, well, let's just deal with the pieces we can deal with. 506 00:51:48,140 --> 00:51:49,760 That might be something left. 507 00:51:49,760 --> 00:51:56,910 And I think, however, what we can do in the micro physical side or how we can reduce high resolution simulations in that context. 508 00:51:56,910 --> 00:52:00,920 So what do you need to make sure that your global model, 509 00:52:00,920 --> 00:52:04,550 your high resolutions are consistent with one another so that whatever is wrong with the 510 00:52:04,550 --> 00:52:09,890 micro physics is consistently wrong so that you can still infer dynamical properties? 511 00:52:09,890 --> 00:52:15,760 But then we do have data and we do know a lot about the how. 512 00:52:15,760 --> 00:52:20,350 The deep convective clouds and main issue is the ice face a mixed phase, right? 513 00:52:20,350 --> 00:52:24,440 We have a lot of data about. 514 00:52:24,440 --> 00:52:31,140 The properties of clouds higher up and to what degree they're liquid or ice, and we do know that models are doing this poorly. 515 00:52:31,140 --> 00:52:38,010 And I think those data alone paired with whatever you can get measuring effect of radius of droplet droplets and the like. 516 00:52:38,010 --> 00:52:41,700 I think they do provide constraints we haven't even begun to exploit. 517 00:52:41,700 --> 00:52:50,510 Now, whether they do, I don't think they will do some scientists zero, but I think they can reduce uncertainties in that area as well. 518 00:52:50,510 --> 00:53:02,800 Josh, did you? As you said, you can't run the pretty high resolution simulation or the grip boxes, 519 00:53:02,800 --> 00:53:08,920 but have you got a sort of sense as if you did couple it to a full model, 520 00:53:08,920 --> 00:53:17,740 whether that might kill your hysteresis loop, whether it might make it wider if you got any sort of sense of what you'd expect to see? 521 00:53:17,740 --> 00:53:24,280 Ask me again, and I mean, six months, OK, I am trying to do it. 522 00:53:24,280 --> 00:53:29,060 They're challenging simulations. It's computationally expensive to do, but yeah, it's the obvious thing to do, right? 523 00:53:29,060 --> 00:53:34,890 And it's a good point. OK. 524 00:53:34,890 --> 00:53:44,740 Anymore for any. 525 00:53:44,740 --> 00:53:53,500 So you mentioned some of the funding sources and also the all the costs that could be avoided if we actually have a better prediction of climate. 526 00:53:53,500 --> 00:54:02,380 And I was just wondering why not? Well, a signal of the big tech giants that we have in the world like Google, Facebook and so on. 527 00:54:02,380 --> 00:54:09,220 Why are they not on board with these kind of projects? Because I mean, yes, making money and avoiding costs. 528 00:54:09,220 --> 00:54:19,800 Still something different. But in the end, it's in the information that they could really well well use for any kind of future investments, right? 529 00:54:19,800 --> 00:54:25,230 Short answer, as people are on board. I mean, if. 530 00:54:25,230 --> 00:54:28,800 It's a huge business opportunity, it's a reality, right? 531 00:54:28,800 --> 00:54:33,930 And there is a lot of interest, it's just that this problem is not going to be solved by having 100 software engineers. 532 00:54:33,930 --> 00:54:40,230 That's a challenge. OK. 533 00:54:40,230 --> 00:54:49,250 Just maybe take two, but we leaving the front first. 534 00:54:49,250 --> 00:55:01,440 I wonder whether there is anything that we can do like the in this room after today to help the climate or decrease global warming and vote. 535 00:55:01,440 --> 00:55:10,290 And the next best thing is come up with a really clever way of producing electricity from sunlight and say half the cost of what it currently is. 536 00:55:10,290 --> 00:55:14,680 Then you will also be rich. OK. 537 00:55:14,680 --> 00:55:25,860 Just one last one was. Being greedy on the questions here, the bogeyman in all the climate change seems to be CO2. 538 00:55:25,860 --> 00:55:32,460 We're really worried about CO2. But in the real world, CO2 doesn't just sit there as CO2. 539 00:55:32,460 --> 00:55:40,200 We know, for example, there's ammonia in the atmosphere, and as soon as it mixes CO2 molecule in some water, you get ammonium carbonate. 540 00:55:40,200 --> 00:55:48,940 So in all these models, are you simply modelling it with CO2 or modelling with carbonic acid ammonium carbonate or want to as a proxy? 541 00:55:48,940 --> 00:55:57,090 And what I talked about that took CO2 as a proxy for all greenhouse gases, including methane and to and you name it, in the models. 542 00:55:57,090 --> 00:56:01,140 CO2 is it's very inert, which is part of the problem here. 543 00:56:01,140 --> 00:56:10,410 It stays in the atmosphere for tens of thousands of years. So the models there, we don't tend to model reactions of CO2, but we do model reactions, 544 00:56:10,410 --> 00:56:16,350 for example, of methane, which is much less than our average oxidise is much more easily. And other greenhouse gases as well. 545 00:56:16,350 --> 00:56:26,560 So it's just a convenient proxy and talk like that. You don't want to go through all complexity and take it as a proxy for greenhouse gases broadly. 546 00:56:26,560 --> 00:56:33,040 OK, another one or two more questions, but I think we'll we'll sort of call to halt and just say there will be, 547 00:56:33,040 --> 00:56:36,770 I think, a drinks reception around the corner. So correct. 548 00:56:36,770 --> 00:56:44,740 Yes. So any of those who didn't get a chance to to ask tough here, you can colour him over a glass of wine. 549 00:56:44,740 --> 00:56:59,579 So let's finish by giving a big round of applause to separation, either.