1 00:00:13,170 --> 00:00:19,170 I'd like to start with a question. What exactly is mathematics? 2 00:00:19,740 --> 00:00:26,280 What is it that mathematicians in the building here at the University of Oxford are doing all day up in their offices? 3 00:00:26,940 --> 00:00:33,540 I think most people have some sort of idea of what it is that the physicists and the chemists and the biologists are doing. 4 00:00:33,810 --> 00:00:39,300 Chemists mixing chemicals together, blowing things up, the physicists smashing things together in their collider. 5 00:00:39,600 --> 00:00:42,720 What is it? What is it? All mathematicians do. 6 00:00:43,770 --> 00:00:51,929 I think actually if you ask somebody on the street, most people's perception is that somehow we're doing some mathematics is about multiplication, 7 00:00:51,930 --> 00:01:00,330 percentages, long division and as research mathematicians, well, perhaps we're in long division to a lot of decimal places. 8 00:01:00,480 --> 00:01:05,190 I think perhaps, you know, we'd been put out of a job by a computer now, 9 00:01:05,940 --> 00:01:10,530 but I think that's really a failure of the way that we teach mathematics at school. 10 00:01:10,560 --> 00:01:17,040 I think in some sense we teach mathematics a little bit like we teach a musical instrument as if all 11 00:01:17,040 --> 00:01:23,190 you're allowed to play are scales and arpeggios and you never actually hear a real piece of music. 12 00:01:24,090 --> 00:01:32,640 And so that's what I'm going to have to do, say, in this lecture, is to play you some of the music that really excites me about mathematics. 13 00:01:33,030 --> 00:01:37,049 And I think there's actually quite a lot in common between mathematics and music. 14 00:01:37,050 --> 00:01:40,440 And when people ask me, So what is mathematics? 15 00:01:40,440 --> 00:01:46,710 What is a mathematician? I tend to answer by saying, Well, I think a mathematician is a pattern searcher. 16 00:01:47,580 --> 00:01:55,310 Mathematics is the science of patterns, trying to understand a kind of logic and order in the kind of chaotic world around us all. 17 00:01:55,350 --> 00:01:58,649 A similar to the way that music is distinguished from noise, 18 00:01:58,650 --> 00:02:03,780 from beings that patterns against the kind of chaos that you might hear, which is white noise. 19 00:02:04,590 --> 00:02:08,580 So I would say that mathematics is a science of pattern searching. 20 00:02:08,880 --> 00:02:16,709 So I'm going to start off with a few patterns to try and warm you up mathematically, to explore the idea of try and find some underlying logic. 21 00:02:16,710 --> 00:02:20,550 So rather like those puzzles you probably had at school when you're in school, 22 00:02:21,060 --> 00:02:26,160 I'm going to give you a sequence of numbers, and what I want you to do is to try and find the pattern in these numbers. 23 00:02:26,850 --> 00:02:30,389 So I'm going to start over with a few easy ones. 24 00:02:30,390 --> 00:02:35,010 If you've done a mathematics degree or a study for mathematics, were you not allowed to play on the first two? 25 00:02:35,010 --> 00:02:39,239 Okay. So you can join in a bit later. But I'm not ongoing mathematics. 26 00:02:39,240 --> 00:02:44,490 We will. What's the next number in the sequence? One, three, six, ten, 15, 21, 28. 27 00:02:46,550 --> 00:02:49,630 36. Exactly right. 28 00:02:49,640 --> 00:02:56,140 So these are the triangular numbers. Very simply, what you're doing is adding one plus two plus three or four plus five. 29 00:02:56,890 --> 00:03:00,520 And we call these the triangular numbers because you can view them very graphically. 30 00:03:00,970 --> 00:03:03,879 If you take the number of stones you need to make a triangle, 31 00:03:03,880 --> 00:03:10,150 when you add an extra layer on each time and the number of sevens you'll need is given by this sequence, the triangle numbers. 32 00:03:10,390 --> 00:03:15,250 And we understand these numbers incredibly well. For example, we have a formula which will tell you, 33 00:03:15,490 --> 00:03:21,610 say the hundreds of triangular number on this list without having to add up all the numbers from 1 to 100. 34 00:03:22,030 --> 00:03:27,549 And in fact, you can get it if you put together two of these triangles, you can make a rectangle counting things. 35 00:03:27,550 --> 00:03:32,410 And a rectangle is very easy. So the formula is just half the number of things in that rectangle. 36 00:03:32,960 --> 00:03:36,630 Okay. The next sequence, if you read The Da Vinci Code, you know the last page on this one. 37 00:03:36,630 --> 00:03:41,180 I but what's the next sequence? Three things sequence. What's the next number in this sequence? 38 00:03:41,990 --> 00:03:46,910 34. Exactly. And how do you get that set? I mean, it's 21, but I guess. 39 00:03:47,150 --> 00:03:52,969 So there's a it's a a C series of numbers which grows out of the previous numbers in the sequence. 40 00:03:52,970 --> 00:03:56,240 And these are a very famous set of numbers to the Fibonacci numbers. 41 00:03:56,480 --> 00:04:05,330 So you get a sense, boy, 18, 13 and 21, 21, 34 gives you 55, and these are somehow nature's favourite numbers. 42 00:04:05,330 --> 00:04:11,870 You find them all over the natural world. So for example, you take a flower and you count the number of petals in that flower. 43 00:04:11,870 --> 00:04:17,089 Then invariably it's a number in the film, an orgy sequence, or sometimes you get double the number, 44 00:04:17,090 --> 00:04:20,030 you sort of get two copies of the flower, one on top of each other. 45 00:04:20,450 --> 00:04:25,160 And if it isn't the number in the Fibonacci sequence, that's because the petals falling off your flower, 46 00:04:25,700 --> 00:04:28,580 which isn't how mathematicians get round exceptions. 47 00:04:29,810 --> 00:04:33,980 So we we understand these numbers quite well, although there are still some mysteries about these numbers. 48 00:04:33,980 --> 00:04:38,150 We have a formula to calculate. Calculate the Fibonacci numbers. 49 00:04:38,150 --> 00:04:44,090 You don't have to Internet 170 number. You don't have to add up all the pairs all the way up to the hundredth number. 50 00:04:44,690 --> 00:04:53,179 And it's a rather nice one which involves this magic number two, the golden ratio, which expresses a sort of perfect proportions in all its in nature. 51 00:04:53,180 --> 00:04:58,669 So this is a very famous sequence actually discovered not by Stephen Archie verse, 52 00:04:58,670 --> 00:05:05,810 but by Indian musicians and poets who realise these numbers also count rhythms that you can make. 53 00:05:06,530 --> 00:05:10,130 Okay, what about next sequence? One, two, four, 16, 32. 54 00:05:10,700 --> 00:05:15,170 Well, 32 is one off. So that actually the next number in the sequence is actually 31. 55 00:05:16,040 --> 00:05:21,199 So this is a warning to you that this is why mathematics is rather exciting, 56 00:05:21,200 --> 00:05:27,269 because sometimes you think you know where something's going and then it can take a rather dramatic turn in another direction. 57 00:05:27,270 --> 00:05:32,629 And it's these surprises, I think, which I find so wonderful about mathematics. 58 00:05:32,630 --> 00:05:38,900 So let me explain to you why things was equally good in answer as 30 to 32, you think it's just has a two. 59 00:05:39,110 --> 00:05:43,460 But actually these numbers are describing something called the Circle Division numbers. 60 00:05:43,670 --> 00:05:47,730 So what are these? Well, it only take a circle and I put one point on the circle. 61 00:05:47,750 --> 00:05:56,900 I just have one region. But if I put another point and they join them up, then actually I can get I can divide the circle up into two regions. 62 00:05:57,530 --> 00:06:06,919 So 2.4 divide seven into two regions. Now for the third points, if I join all of those, I get a triangle in the middle and four regions out round now. 63 00:06:06,920 --> 00:06:13,639 So three regions around the outside. So about 1 to 4 regions put forth points on join up all the points. 64 00:06:13,640 --> 00:06:19,480 You get this little envelope in the middle, four triangles and all regions around the outside eight regions. 65 00:06:19,490 --> 00:06:22,820 So you think I started the pattern? Now I know what's going to happen next. 66 00:06:23,030 --> 00:06:26,929 Put another dots on your circle. I'm sure now you've got five points. 67 00:06:26,930 --> 00:06:33,050 Join them all up. You have this pentagram in the Pentagon in the mental count, the number of regions, 16 ranges. 68 00:06:33,170 --> 00:06:37,820 And so by now you're absolutely convinced you know what's going to happen when you add the sixth point. 69 00:06:38,000 --> 00:06:42,560 But here's the surprise it has to which controlling number of regions. 70 00:06:42,830 --> 00:06:52,790 So where do you even try this later? If you put six dots, however you arrange in the maximum number of regions you can get surprisingly only 31. 71 00:06:53,060 --> 00:06:56,060 So it is pairs of two, which is controlling this sequence. 72 00:06:56,240 --> 00:07:00,860 And actually another formula that's slightly more complicated is you have to take the number of dots, 73 00:07:00,860 --> 00:07:06,319 race to the power for calculate this polynomial and this gives you the number of regions you get. 74 00:07:06,320 --> 00:07:14,570 So if I want to put 100 dots, this formula will tell me how how many regions all these I'm so a warning here. 75 00:07:14,570 --> 00:07:19,910 They're all surprise. Now, there is the surprises, I think, which make mathematics such an exciting subject. 76 00:07:19,910 --> 00:07:25,790 It's like a piece of music where suddenly you think you know where it's heading and then the composer takes you on completely different journey. 77 00:07:26,450 --> 00:07:30,560 Okay, so warming you are. But here's a more challenging sequence. 78 00:07:30,950 --> 00:07:36,680 So if you've got a master's degree or a professor of maths here at Oxford, you're allowed to join in on this sequence. 79 00:07:37,370 --> 00:07:42,230 What's the next number in the sequence? Ten, nine, ten, 11, 13, 16. 80 00:07:46,040 --> 00:07:49,729 A little quieter. You thought it was also easy? 81 00:07:49,730 --> 00:07:52,760 Triangular number seven asked. You don't call Lenovo's. 82 00:07:54,470 --> 00:07:57,650 The math professors. There are a few maths professors here. You're allowed to play. 83 00:08:00,430 --> 00:08:03,460 5 to 5 active members. What about the teams in the nine? 84 00:08:05,550 --> 00:08:13,860 A little the beginning, Megan. Well, I must admit, if you do manage to get that, 26 is the next number on the sequence. 85 00:08:14,310 --> 00:08:22,980 I recommend you buy a lottery ticket this coming weekend because they've learned about the lottery ticket numbers for the 28th of September last year. 86 00:08:23,400 --> 00:08:27,660 So another warning hat. So pick your battles carefully. 87 00:08:27,660 --> 00:08:30,420 In mathematics, not everything does have concerns, 88 00:08:30,720 --> 00:08:38,430 although even randomness we have managed to apply mathematics to be able to spot structures even in random sequences like this. 89 00:08:38,790 --> 00:08:43,070 Unfortunately, I don't have a formula for these. If I did, I would be here talking to you now. 90 00:08:43,080 --> 00:08:46,620 I'll be on my tropical island, enjoying myself with some. Okay. 91 00:08:46,620 --> 00:08:51,180 So the last was two, three, five, seven, 11, 13, 17, 19. 92 00:08:52,760 --> 00:08:56,480 23. Exactly. And these are the prime numbers. 93 00:08:56,720 --> 00:09:00,260 Probably the most important numbers in the whole of mathematics. 94 00:09:00,290 --> 00:09:05,060 And these are the individual numbers, a number which I can't abide by anything except itself. 95 00:09:05,270 --> 00:09:09,950 And one. So 23 is the next number that we have wanted to be count up to 29. 96 00:09:10,220 --> 00:09:15,709 Now, I would say of all the numbers in mathematics, these are the most important. 97 00:09:15,710 --> 00:09:19,910 They're the most fundamental numbers yet, as I hope to explain to you, 98 00:09:19,910 --> 00:09:24,710 they are also the most challenging sequence of numbers in the whole of all subjects. 99 00:09:25,220 --> 00:09:30,740 These numbers are so important because they literally build all of our numbers. 100 00:09:30,980 --> 00:09:36,290 If we take a number like 105, is that a final it now? 101 00:09:36,380 --> 00:09:42,230 Clearly it's divisible by five. Exactly. So divided by five, I get down to 21 times five. 102 00:09:42,500 --> 00:09:48,770 21 is that point. Now, that's three times seven, but now three times seven times five. 103 00:09:48,770 --> 00:09:52,310 And these are now individual numbers. These are prime numbers. 104 00:09:52,550 --> 00:09:55,550 These are the primes which build that number 140. 105 00:09:55,970 --> 00:09:59,590 I you can do this with any number. Take your telephone number. 106 00:09:59,600 --> 00:10:04,790 It's either going to be indivisible in prime. And if it is, your lucky is always off to one of those respects. 107 00:10:06,230 --> 00:10:09,680 Or you can divide it and you can keep on dividing, dividing, dividing. 108 00:10:09,680 --> 00:10:11,170 And so you get down into this. 109 00:10:12,260 --> 00:10:20,000 So for me, as a mathematician, these prime numbers are honestly like the building blocks of myself in the absence of arithmetic, 110 00:10:20,300 --> 00:10:24,440 because to me they're a little bit like the absence in the periodic table. 111 00:10:24,680 --> 00:10:31,250 The case study is one of the building of the periodic table, solving puzzles able to date to new elements assigned here. 112 00:10:31,790 --> 00:10:35,270 These are the items which build the whole of the molecular moment. 113 00:10:36,200 --> 00:10:40,790 For me, competition and the primes that in my periodic table. 114 00:10:41,600 --> 00:10:47,810 Yes, you look at the primes, the sequence of numbers, these primes build the subject to looking for patterns. 115 00:10:48,160 --> 00:10:52,170 If I look for patterns on these numbers, there seems to be none. 116 00:10:52,170 --> 00:10:58,700 There are two. I've written the primes as a piece and I really think that primes like myself. 117 00:10:59,570 --> 00:11:02,840 So the whole piece, every time it runs over a prime number. 118 00:11:03,230 --> 00:11:07,970 But this seems to be a subject since I have been drinking a lot of caffeine or need to go into the 119 00:11:08,090 --> 00:11:12,920 cognac department because it seems very hard to predict when the next speech is going to occur. 120 00:11:13,490 --> 00:11:18,380 You go 17, 19, 23. They want to be at 29 and a double be there. 121 00:11:19,280 --> 00:11:26,960 And actually, I think many of us opticians feel that actually there's more in common between the prime numbers and those lottery ticket numbers. 122 00:11:27,240 --> 00:11:30,810 Now, between the primes and the Fibonacci and the triangular numbers, 123 00:11:31,280 --> 00:11:37,400 we don't have some magic formula which helps us to calculate where the next point is going to be. 124 00:11:38,060 --> 00:11:43,220 And for me, these points represents one of the biggest challenge for the patent search. 125 00:11:44,600 --> 00:11:48,560 Now, who do you think were the first to actually discover the primes? 126 00:11:48,980 --> 00:11:55,350 And, you know, it is the first to discover primes. The ancient Greeks. 127 00:11:55,560 --> 00:11:59,460 They certainly did some fantastic stuff. But no, they were the first to actually. 128 00:12:00,280 --> 00:12:03,650 Egyptian Egyptians. They were one of the first to do mathematics. 129 00:12:04,420 --> 00:12:11,030 They calculated PI, for example, but no, they were the first to say which one it was. 130 00:12:11,380 --> 00:12:17,740 So now that's where they also did some great math. But at this point in time, when they were first discovered, the Brazilian Babylonians, 131 00:12:17,800 --> 00:12:23,530 no doubt about it, is only the Chinese are going through pretty much the whole of the planet. 132 00:12:24,050 --> 00:12:29,570 All you need is a little insects, which actually just drive away warring mathematicians. 133 00:12:29,570 --> 00:12:36,640 This and this little insect actually discovered that the planes were incredibly effective for its evolutionary survival. 134 00:12:37,360 --> 00:12:43,060 So this is called an extremely strange voice like landed in the forests of North America. 135 00:12:43,750 --> 00:12:54,040 But this particular scholar has a 17 year old's say it on the ground, doing absolutely nothing for 17 years. 136 00:12:54,280 --> 00:12:58,329 And then in the 17th year, all of these cicadas emerge en masse. 137 00:12:58,330 --> 00:13:00,490 And here's the sound of one of these cicadas. 138 00:13:01,120 --> 00:13:08,799 You have to multiply this by several million of these which appear in reports residency levels absolutely 139 00:13:08,800 --> 00:13:16,150 unbearable because they cause you why they so these they they make like eggs and they after six weeks, 140 00:13:16,390 --> 00:13:25,440 six weeks, they all die. For us as Colombian for another 17 years for the next generation of women around us. 141 00:13:25,480 --> 00:13:30,960 Extraordinary lifestyle. First of all, how they managed to count the 17 years gone by. 142 00:13:30,990 --> 00:13:35,309 There's nothing really in the Maxim cycle which has a 17 year period. 143 00:13:35,310 --> 00:13:41,700 So it's sunspots, 11 years, but it's so the fact they even count 17 is pretty impressive. 144 00:13:42,300 --> 00:13:50,580 Very rarely do any appear early or length. But what's curious to me is I 17 that's one of these prime numbers is that importance. 145 00:13:51,210 --> 00:13:58,080 What is seems to be important because there's another species in another area of North America which has a 30 year life cycle. 146 00:13:58,770 --> 00:14:04,920 So you only get these 30 or 70. There's never any 12 year cycle or 14, 15, 16 or 18. 147 00:14:05,370 --> 00:14:09,960 So what is it about these primes, which seems to be in some way helping these cicadas? 148 00:14:11,010 --> 00:14:14,840 Well, we're not really too sure, but we have a theory of this, Mary, 149 00:14:14,850 --> 00:14:21,360 is that maybe there was a phrase around that used to sort of compete to the bee to try and write it 150 00:14:21,360 --> 00:14:26,490 for us at the same time as the Second and the the predator used to appear periodically as well. 151 00:14:26,930 --> 00:14:32,100 And is it called? Is that a plane noise? Sounds like a king out of sync with this predator. 152 00:14:32,250 --> 00:14:35,730 Much better than the second. Is it a non flying license? 153 00:14:36,450 --> 00:14:43,769 Let's take an example. Suppose a predator appears every six years in all forest nesting cicadas. 154 00:14:43,770 --> 00:14:48,150 You've chosen nine years who appear every nine years in the forest. 155 00:14:48,450 --> 00:14:52,889 Well, six and nine. They share a divide. 156 00:14:52,890 --> 00:14:56,150 Very common. So, in fact, you find that it's every second time. 157 00:14:56,150 --> 00:14:59,219 The second is a man pair. Yeah, 18 is a number. 158 00:14:59,220 --> 00:15:07,320 There is a six and nine. And so every 18 is like the cycle of the predator and it very quickly gets wiped out. 159 00:15:07,620 --> 00:15:13,230 But if you change the cicadas lifecycle just a little bit, let's change it to 70 is a prime. 160 00:15:13,650 --> 00:15:20,430 So actually it's appearing more often in the forests and maybe opening itself up to even more attack by the Predator. 161 00:15:20,610 --> 00:15:25,440 But no, because salmon is now prime, it means that six and seven, 162 00:15:25,590 --> 00:15:31,080 those two keep out of sync until it's only a year 42 that they meet for the first time. 163 00:15:31,530 --> 00:15:40,020 So it seems as if the primes gave those had a prime lifecycle has an evolutionary advantage to why you couldn't avoid the predator. 164 00:15:41,160 --> 00:15:47,720 And in the forest in America over the 70 year cycle, it seems like there's quite a competition for who to find the brain. 165 00:15:47,730 --> 00:15:54,780 So maybe the the predators go back in sync found that seven and then as it works harder to find a new prime. 166 00:15:55,620 --> 00:15:58,890 And so I think there's a message here you know your maths you survive in this world. 167 00:15:59,050 --> 00:16:03,480 We have no evidence of this predator, but it's quite a curious life cycle. 168 00:16:03,480 --> 00:16:11,370 So one could say that these cicadas, which still exist in North America, there was a big brood this summer which came out some on the East Coast. 169 00:16:12,030 --> 00:16:18,090 I got a chance to go and see some of these 13 year cicadas a few years ago appearing in the Baltimore region. 170 00:16:18,690 --> 00:16:24,540 They're absolutely extraordinary. And my if I say one insect and the oldest on it, it would be this one. 171 00:16:25,770 --> 00:16:33,239 But, yes, I think if you're going to say which culture really started to understand the problems, and I always think your first answer was that right. 172 00:16:33,240 --> 00:16:37,740 I think the ancient Greeks are really credited with the first explorations. 173 00:16:37,920 --> 00:16:40,739 All the problems and the first real beginning of mathematics, 174 00:16:40,740 --> 00:16:48,480 I think got an analytic subject the ability to improve things with 100% certainty, which is somehow what makes my body so different. 175 00:16:48,630 --> 00:16:56,370 I think to the other sciences and in particular, one of my favourites proves that All the time was about primes by Euclid. 176 00:16:57,090 --> 00:17:05,459 You see the chemists, they have this thing in the periodic table and they have in devised any chemistry classroom or lab and 177 00:17:05,460 --> 00:17:10,470 it's up there on the wall and you've got a list of just all the atoms which are the middle molecules. 178 00:17:10,680 --> 00:17:16,709 So maybe enormous know and I suppose we should have a sort of periodic table prime primes should just write the primes in the table. 179 00:17:16,710 --> 00:17:19,530 And when we need to know something about primes and God can solve it, 180 00:17:20,430 --> 00:17:29,910 but you can show you that's trying to produce a poster with all the primes on voice you've been writing for hour because he proved that the primes, 181 00:17:30,510 --> 00:17:35,880 they never run out. There are infinitely many of these building blocks of mathematics. 182 00:17:36,750 --> 00:17:39,780 But how do you have enough spine on a human? 183 00:17:39,780 --> 00:17:42,810 Beings proved that something will go on to exist. 184 00:17:44,310 --> 00:17:47,639 Well, it was amazing that along the way he came up with and I want to show it to you, 185 00:17:47,640 --> 00:17:52,830 because I think it captures the power of lunch because something is amazing is intimacy. 186 00:17:53,520 --> 00:18:00,630 So his first assumption was, well, supposing we're only following you, perhaps you could write down a list of all the crimes. 187 00:18:00,750 --> 00:18:05,970 Suppose there are there are actually only two of the 43. 188 00:18:06,120 --> 00:18:15,870 Perhaps using those, you could make all those. You know, why didn't we make 5.3 on five times 768 making the different combination? 189 00:18:15,930 --> 00:18:21,870 Perhaps you can make all numbers by not lying easy to you that show you always be missing a number. 190 00:18:22,470 --> 00:18:29,750 How do you do this? We'll take all of those building blocks and multiply them together and then enact a genius us to add ones that numbers. 191 00:18:30,450 --> 00:18:35,490 Okay, so here's a new novel. What primes is that divisible by? 192 00:18:35,790 --> 00:18:42,670 It's got to be. It is why it's either prime or whatever it is. So we said the only primes are in all this, so it must be divisible by one. 193 00:18:42,690 --> 00:18:49,020 That is fine. That is. Which one is it? Well, it's being constructed, so you always get related to one. 194 00:18:49,080 --> 00:18:52,139 This is Euclid's clever trick. So 17, 17. 195 00:18:52,140 --> 00:18:53,940 Divide that. Now you get remainder one. 196 00:18:54,840 --> 00:19:01,290 So it means that most of Mr. Primes this number is either the Prime or Philosophise surprise, which are not on the list. 197 00:19:01,860 --> 00:19:05,290 So you might say, okay, well then why are you asking? 198 00:19:06,030 --> 00:19:10,829 And so you add some more Brian to the list and then you say, Well, that's still number. 199 00:19:10,830 --> 00:19:14,550 You can't build out the prime units because he plays the same trick again. 200 00:19:15,180 --> 00:19:17,240 So I have. However long you try, 201 00:19:17,280 --> 00:19:26,680 Euclid is able to show that you must have missed him on a finite supply and would never be able to build all numbers at this point. 202 00:19:26,700 --> 00:19:30,000 Little bit argument shows the primes as they go on. 203 00:19:30,270 --> 00:19:35,430 So with mathematicians, we have it much harder than the chemists and you see a gradual down on the table. 204 00:19:35,680 --> 00:19:39,330 We've got to find some other way to understand this sequence of numbers. 205 00:19:39,660 --> 00:19:45,239 Now, this thing you might think, oh, maybe you could come up with a clever way to actually find primes, 206 00:19:45,240 --> 00:19:48,580 because you can multiply that together and add one and got a new primes. 207 00:19:48,710 --> 00:19:52,760 Maybe that's a good way of learning. But fortunately, that doesn't always work. 208 00:19:52,890 --> 00:19:54,810 If you do two things three times, fine. 209 00:19:54,930 --> 00:20:06,240 Add one, all that surprising, but very quickly you multiply two times three all the way out to 13, for example, and add one that's multiplying. 210 00:20:06,960 --> 00:20:11,340 It's not busy widening of the prime solve to 13, but it is not prime itself. 211 00:20:11,550 --> 00:20:13,290 And you're right, it is an open question. 212 00:20:13,710 --> 00:20:19,670 You will make your name in mathematical history and you can prove that in the afternoon you get some primes out of this consumption. 213 00:20:19,680 --> 00:20:25,550 We don't know that. So as she's ever since you leave spring, let me have the clients go over forever. 214 00:20:26,050 --> 00:20:30,220 We just don't know where they are. We don't have a formula for how to guarantee you a prime. 215 00:20:30,760 --> 00:20:35,210 Now, having some form is some help in finding some of the biggest crimes we know so far. 216 00:20:35,230 --> 00:20:40,180 So a few years ago, there's something called the Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search, 217 00:20:40,180 --> 00:20:47,110 which you can take possibly you can download a piece of software which you get some computer files on my computer. 218 00:20:47,110 --> 00:20:52,780 Sitting up here on the desk is actually running this program, always in the background, looking for new primes. 219 00:20:53,050 --> 00:21:00,390 And in fact, the person who found this prime, they broke the record having no records, Spergel says. 220 00:21:00,430 --> 00:21:05,499 Could you find a prime with more than 10 million digits, that kind of challenge out there? 221 00:21:05,500 --> 00:21:09,190 And somebody had offered a prize of $100,000, if you can find it. 222 00:21:09,760 --> 00:21:12,770 Now, this is a very good formula for finding big primes. 223 00:21:12,790 --> 00:21:20,380 It was first discovered by a French mathematician, which is why this is called the Great Internet Mersenne Primes. 224 00:21:20,830 --> 00:21:26,380 So you raise two to the power, in this case, 43,112,609. 225 00:21:26,680 --> 00:21:33,009 That's an incredibly reasonable number. But then you take one of that number and suddenly this number then becomes prime. 226 00:21:33,010 --> 00:21:39,810 And it was the first prime to be discovered. You pass this 10 million digit and the person $100,000. 227 00:21:39,820 --> 00:21:44,220 The finding is but is subsequently that was discovered in 2009. 228 00:21:44,230 --> 00:21:45,340 So that's quite a big gap. 229 00:21:45,910 --> 00:21:56,770 Just recently, the beginning of 2013, an even bigger coin was found using the same program and this is now over 17 million digits. 230 00:21:56,890 --> 00:22:02,010 If I read this out, allows you to find it would be here for a couple of months to find out. 231 00:22:04,060 --> 00:22:12,310 But essentially that but thanks to you, we know that there are primes because we want this is a net and that's the best we know so far. 232 00:22:12,320 --> 00:22:19,780 But it's always going to be a big one. So I see there's a prize at $200,000 to the first person to find it a prime with a billion digits, 233 00:22:20,290 --> 00:22:27,790 although I think an interesting will probably use out the whole money if you try to use to your computer an Amazon Prime search to find it. 234 00:22:28,690 --> 00:22:37,299 But I think part of this is just how little we understand about these numbers, because if I asked you to find a billion digits Fibonacci number, 235 00:22:37,300 --> 00:22:38,440 you could read easily, 236 00:22:38,440 --> 00:22:46,749 use the fact that what we know happened in large numbers to find out or a triangular number or a swing of the prime base numbers. 237 00:22:46,750 --> 00:22:51,640 And also we just don't know where they are beyond here, complete mystery. 238 00:22:53,720 --> 00:22:59,030 So this is the challenge, how we find a way to understand how these primes, 239 00:22:59,030 --> 00:23:03,950 the building blocks of the whole of mathematics are laid out through the universe and numbers. 240 00:23:04,760 --> 00:23:10,670 So for centuries, really trying to find formulas or patterns and we just can't seem to get anywhere. 241 00:23:11,900 --> 00:23:18,410 Now our online is quotes, which comes from one of the experts in fine numbers at Princeton and Rico on the air. 242 00:23:18,540 --> 00:23:22,790 And I think that rather sums up one of the traits of being a good mathematician. 243 00:23:23,240 --> 00:23:29,420 He said, When things get too complicated, sometimes my sense is simple wonder how do I ask the right question? 244 00:23:30,230 --> 00:23:35,330 And is that skill to do lateral thinking, which I think makes a great research mathematician. 245 00:23:35,510 --> 00:23:39,620 So we were trying to find the formula to try to find a pattern, but maybe we needed to. 246 00:23:39,650 --> 00:23:45,230 Also, we knew about the primes. I think there's a way to understand what their secrets are. 247 00:23:45,590 --> 00:23:49,460 And it was, in fact, one of the greatest mathematicians, I think in history of all subjects, 248 00:23:49,940 --> 00:23:56,090 Carl Friedrich Gauss, who often knew question about plants and found a hidden pattern. 249 00:23:57,150 --> 00:24:01,580 It's kind of curious. Gauss clearly was going to be a great mathematician from a very young age. 250 00:24:01,580 --> 00:24:10,670 He was a mathematical diary where he recorded his discovery of a useful way to construct a 17 sided figure for his 15th birthday. 251 00:24:11,150 --> 00:24:16,340 He given a book of logarithms, researched that kind of thing you might get from birthdays. 252 00:24:17,540 --> 00:24:22,670 But what was curious was in the back of this book of logarithms was a table of prime numbers. 253 00:24:23,510 --> 00:24:27,860 And Gauss. He understood the rooms, but the prime numbers began to sense. 254 00:24:28,100 --> 00:24:32,270 And he was saying, well, know, what is the secret to the numbers that are in his title? 255 00:24:32,420 --> 00:24:37,730 He couldn't find names, and then he thought it was something different about these numbers. 256 00:24:38,300 --> 00:24:44,000 And he also knew the question is new, this new question which revealed the person rather remarkably, 257 00:24:44,000 --> 00:24:51,260 it revealed a pattern between the price, the faculty school and the logarithms at the front of his book. 258 00:24:52,100 --> 00:24:53,240 So what was the new question? 259 00:24:54,020 --> 00:25:00,560 Well, the new question was, okay, so trying to find where the next time is, let's try to count how many primes there are. 260 00:25:01,250 --> 00:25:07,370 Now, you might say, well, isn't that a bit of a silly thing to do? Because Euclid already proved that there are many, many frauds. 261 00:25:07,370 --> 00:25:14,870 So how can you count them but now say no, I don't know how many primes they're all saying the first ten numbers were two three, 262 00:25:14,870 --> 00:25:18,239 five, 734 primes in the first ten numbers. I see. 263 00:25:18,240 --> 00:25:21,200 My guess is counting one was counted as a prime number. 264 00:25:21,200 --> 00:25:29,210 And that's how you I've seen it in his book of logarithms one in the 19th beginning of the 19th century, with Stewart on it as a prime. 265 00:25:29,390 --> 00:25:32,540 But because we now believe primes for the most important thing, 266 00:25:32,540 --> 00:25:37,130 rob them of their building blocks, they make new numbers, and then you multiply it by one. 267 00:25:37,430 --> 00:25:44,520 You don't get anything new. So it's a little bit like the fact you say so actually we don't say one seven now, so we say Ready for Prime ten. 268 00:25:44,640 --> 00:25:54,340 And that whole piece that I showed you will be a twin 29 times, all the way up to 125 times as a single 6117. 269 00:25:54,350 --> 00:25:58,610 Okay. As in, how far can you predict how many primes you expect to get? 270 00:25:58,850 --> 00:26:02,190 Hundreds of thousand, for example. And you can draw a graph of this. 271 00:26:02,190 --> 00:26:07,759 So sort of a graph which counts the number of points and what I call it counts a staircase in the prime. 272 00:26:07,760 --> 00:26:13,660 So every time you take a step upwards. So, for example, 101 is a prime number. 273 00:26:13,670 --> 00:26:18,170 So you've got 25 rises and 100. When you got to 101, you take a new step up. 274 00:26:18,830 --> 00:26:24,920 So recorded inside this graph is all the information about where the primes up, but now says, okay, 275 00:26:24,950 --> 00:26:30,469 we got obsessed with the minutiae of when you step so this say to step backwards and see if we 276 00:26:30,470 --> 00:26:36,050 can see any overarching patterns the way the staircase grows as they climb higher and higher. 277 00:26:36,620 --> 00:26:41,190 And when he started to look at this question, he's found this constant beginning to match. 278 00:26:41,450 --> 00:26:42,980 And he made this connection with Lawrence. 279 00:26:43,160 --> 00:26:51,440 Now, I just want to check that you all are up to speed with remembering what a rate I mean, how many people used to set of all tangles and errors. 280 00:26:51,460 --> 00:26:55,760 So yes, it will people now putting up their hands. 281 00:26:55,760 --> 00:27:03,320 I should also admits to using a small table because the lower the tables were basically the calculator of their day. 282 00:27:03,860 --> 00:27:09,179 They enable add engineers or navigators to speed up a calculation because this is 283 00:27:09,180 --> 00:27:13,399 the one thing you just have to remember after the logarithm is logarithm times. 284 00:27:13,400 --> 00:27:18,950 Multiplication, intimidation and multiplying two numbers together is quite complicated. 285 00:27:19,160 --> 00:27:23,959 But he did say he did ask for an easy and then can use a little to back so that's 286 00:27:23,960 --> 00:27:28,630 all you have to remember that logarithms to understand this connection the calcite. 287 00:27:29,360 --> 00:27:35,629 So Kells started to analyse the data that he has. This is a lot more data than Gauss had available to him, but they didn't have. 288 00:27:35,630 --> 00:27:41,810 The time was enough to detect this pattern in the number of primes you get as you count higher and higher. 289 00:27:42,770 --> 00:27:50,389 So so let's look at it. So the middle column tells you the number of primes less than the number in the column on the left hand side. 290 00:27:50,390 --> 00:27:54,470 So for example, under a thousand, there are 168 primes. 291 00:27:54,620 --> 00:27:57,830 But the more interesting thing when Posner is in the last column, 292 00:27:58,130 --> 00:28:03,470 because the last quantum record is the proportion of primes amongst all numbers to a thousand. 293 00:28:04,000 --> 00:28:07,520 It's also a thousand with a heart, he prime says. 294 00:28:07,520 --> 00:28:11,330 In a thousand, that's approximately one in six number. 295 00:28:12,280 --> 00:28:20,530 Up to a thousand is at a prime. So we saw from 120 flights are waiting for numbers, up to 100 to prime. 296 00:28:20,740 --> 00:28:24,460 But it's also getting rarer. So up to a thousand is one in six. 297 00:28:24,730 --> 00:28:30,110 And this is one of them all. Scotland is recording. It's recording the proportion of primes to all numbers. 298 00:28:30,730 --> 00:28:34,300 So for example, let's take I had in London. 299 00:28:34,330 --> 00:28:37,510 So I want to talk about numbers about ten, 10 million. 300 00:28:37,520 --> 00:28:42,220 So what was the chance that my London telephone number would be a prime number? 301 00:28:42,610 --> 00:28:50,110 Well, that last one tells you up to 10 million. That's a one in 15 chance that my telephone number is going to be prime. 302 00:28:50,800 --> 00:28:54,210 And I lived a few years ago, and I had to change my phone number. 303 00:28:54,340 --> 00:29:00,220 My telephone number. And I, I phoned up the telephone company and said, I need to be telephone number. 304 00:29:00,490 --> 00:29:06,760 And then she the woman who had got to give a number and I very quickly chatted on my computer and it wasn't prime. 305 00:29:06,880 --> 00:29:14,950 I never remember that. Could I have another one? So she tried another one and I'll pull it out and it is still on prime. 306 00:29:14,950 --> 00:29:20,020 And we went through this column trying to make sure she just got herself images and then thought, 307 00:29:20,140 --> 00:29:25,020 I'm going to be the next door which comes out and it's almost going to have an even number. 308 00:29:26,620 --> 00:29:32,680 But this tells me we would have to go through this 50 times and one of those might be the product. 309 00:29:32,710 --> 00:29:34,400 So I'm still here. 310 00:29:35,570 --> 00:29:45,070 So the last column is where the pattern that Gauss discovers emerges, because all the while the Prime Minister isn't there watching the beginning. 311 00:29:45,070 --> 00:29:50,380 So it's all the same as the sequence we had. Sometimes things need a bit of time to settle down. 312 00:29:50,590 --> 00:29:58,930 This one is a little sound around ten 10,000. So there's a one in 8.1 chance that a number is prime around 10,000. 313 00:29:59,500 --> 00:30:03,550 And when you multiply the first one by ten go 10000 to 100000. 314 00:30:03,950 --> 00:30:08,649 The chance of getting a decline goes down. So it's now one in 10.49. 315 00:30:08,650 --> 00:30:16,330 It's 2.3 to the chances. If I what I want you to think about is to think about this a little bit like that in nature. 316 00:30:16,990 --> 00:30:19,960 Use some dice to actually choose the problems. 317 00:30:20,380 --> 00:30:29,530 And this last column records the number of signs on the dice that you need when you're trying to choose the crimes around a thousand. 318 00:30:29,530 --> 00:30:37,320 So why don't you say so? So you could use a cube. A six is faced shape with one side of the opinion. 319 00:30:37,660 --> 00:30:44,720 And to get a sequence of numbers, which looks very much like primes around a thousand, you could use this and just circle numbers every time. 320 00:30:44,760 --> 00:30:50,110 Get a P and you get a sequence of numbers to very much like with primes around a thousand, 321 00:30:50,380 --> 00:30:54,310 but as in plain white, the number of signs on the dice increases. 322 00:30:54,320 --> 00:30:59,799 So we see that there are around 10,008.1 and that's a bit like having an octahedron. 323 00:30:59,800 --> 00:31:03,040 So this is an eight face figure. Just one side of the prime. 324 00:31:03,040 --> 00:31:06,970 And this is the one that might be deciding primes around 10,000. 325 00:31:07,300 --> 00:31:13,240 And as you go further up, so on here, around a million, you've got a 12.7. 326 00:31:13,240 --> 00:31:16,390 So there's like 12 sided dice. So don't count Hedren. 327 00:31:16,570 --> 00:31:19,990 This might be choosing the crimes around 10,000. 328 00:31:19,990 --> 00:31:27,910 So so the trick is, well, how can you predict the number of sides in the dice as you climb higher and lower angles? 329 00:31:27,910 --> 00:31:35,920 Notice this concept every time you multiply the first column by ten, the number of signs in the dice seems to be going up by 2.3 each time. 330 00:31:36,160 --> 00:31:43,720 8.1 to 10.4 you add 2.3 multiply by ten again 10.4 to 12.7 adding 2.3. 331 00:31:44,350 --> 00:31:48,669 Now you get 15.0 to 17.4. That's just a random rounding up. 332 00:31:48,670 --> 00:31:55,180 This happens and essentially this pattern just keeps on going the way the primes do now, 333 00:31:55,180 --> 00:32:00,770 although on a small scale they look very random when you take a step back because 334 00:32:00,790 --> 00:32:06,949 they seem to have this incredible pattern being just sort of chosen by dice numbers. 335 00:32:06,950 --> 00:32:10,900 Size is decided by adding 2.3 every time you multiply by ten. 336 00:32:11,650 --> 00:32:14,830 But here's the connection with the lower because remember logarithms turn 337 00:32:14,830 --> 00:32:21,760 multiplication into addition by multiplying the best column by ten I add 2.3. 338 00:32:21,760 --> 00:32:29,440 So the number size of the dice is the lower rhythm function, which is controlling the number of signs in the dice as you climb higher and higher. 339 00:32:29,530 --> 00:32:37,350 That was Gauss's belief. So you want to know the probability that the number is prime that is is lower than function, which doesn't. 340 00:32:37,960 --> 00:32:42,190 So in some sense logarithms tell you the numbers on the dice. 341 00:32:42,220 --> 00:32:50,050 So if I want to use a very large number, the probability that is prime is one in logarithm of that number. 342 00:32:50,380 --> 00:32:57,760 I don't believe that this wasn't you know, we got to be careful because as I shown, this sequence can have a pattern. 343 00:32:57,760 --> 00:33:03,250 It looks like powers of two when I was doing these numbers for you and it suddenly went to 31 and 32. 344 00:33:03,700 --> 00:33:07,960 So you have to be careful. But 100 years off, the Gauss made this prediction. 345 00:33:08,440 --> 00:33:11,260 It was in fact confirmed that this is the right model for the. 346 00:33:11,360 --> 00:33:16,450 Trying set out in this incredibly useful way, however far you go up in the universe, anomalous. 347 00:33:16,790 --> 00:33:22,190 And in fact, you can use this model now to make a prediction about the number of crimes that you'll see. 348 00:33:22,370 --> 00:33:30,770 Because, for example, if my friend is three times out of six, you find that this says things being prime numbers. 349 00:33:31,070 --> 00:33:37,660 So I can use the fact that I know how many sides there are on the dice to predict how many crimes I should get because I call it paranoia. 350 00:33:38,270 --> 00:33:41,900 And so you can use this gauss. This is amazing. I just. 351 00:33:46,410 --> 00:33:50,250 I think it's rather amazing that a 15 year old boy, Gauss, 352 00:33:50,250 --> 00:33:58,470 discovered this extraordinary pattern that seems to be hiding behind waypoints in our lifeline slightly refines this approximation. 353 00:33:58,710 --> 00:34:04,530 And so what he got was the overarching trend of the statements of the problem as you climb higher and higher. 354 00:34:05,310 --> 00:34:09,550 Now, this is pretty good. Good enough for an engineer, but not good enough for a mathematician. 355 00:34:09,570 --> 00:34:17,129 We don't have things to be precise. So how can we get from gauss's guess over arching sort of positing that line? 356 00:34:17,130 --> 00:34:23,670 So an exact formula to the number of primes because actually from 1000 to 1030, there aren't five primes. 357 00:34:23,670 --> 00:34:27,660 There are actually I think only four or six is slightly different. 358 00:34:28,140 --> 00:34:36,330 So you always think it's an error. And of course, if you throw it, you're not going to expect to get exactly a six times landing on the wrong side. 359 00:34:36,660 --> 00:34:42,300 So how do we work out the errors in these times? We've got a good sense of the pattern, but how do we correct this? 360 00:34:43,970 --> 00:34:44,450 Well, it wasn't. 361 00:34:44,450 --> 00:34:53,780 Gauss began as a student, then Harem, who came up with an extraordinary discovery about how to correct the errors that Gauss assessment will make. 362 00:34:54,350 --> 00:35:02,450 And the best way, I think, to explain Reading's ideas, which are full of extraordinary mathematics involving complex numbers, 363 00:35:02,450 --> 00:35:05,150 imaginary numbers, I would say function Z, the functions. 364 00:35:05,390 --> 00:35:12,560 But actually I think the way you get to the heart of what Raymond did and to understand the what we now call the Riemann hypothesis, 365 00:35:12,560 --> 00:35:17,030 the biggest problem in the whole of mathematics is the music, 366 00:35:17,150 --> 00:35:22,430 because actually what Freeman discovered was the hidden music underlying the finds, 367 00:35:22,430 --> 00:35:27,380 which helps you to understand ebb and flow of these dances and choosing the primes. 368 00:35:27,650 --> 00:35:37,570 So what I do. It's. I could explain to you a little bit about how musical theory works. 369 00:35:37,810 --> 00:35:42,030 We understand it's a lot of science. The ideas that we've developed. 370 00:35:42,530 --> 00:35:51,220 So actually the building of some numbers, applying the building blocks of music discovered by for a reasonably similar period. 371 00:35:51,850 --> 00:35:55,259 This is how the tuning fork makes. So there's a sound. 372 00:35:55,260 --> 00:36:06,810 But, you know, I've got a tuning fork here. So that is actually the purest sort of sound because if you are cool, that sound on a similar scale, 373 00:36:07,080 --> 00:36:15,420 what you get is a perfect sine wave and well for a start it is a sideways eruption, the building blocks of all sounds. 374 00:36:15,960 --> 00:36:16,890 So for example, 375 00:36:16,950 --> 00:36:27,540 if I take a different instrument so upon in so there's the eye on the ball in I'm playing an I on hear this is I have to borrow only my twin violin. 376 00:36:27,540 --> 00:36:32,770 So this is why this is the less half size. So it's the same. 377 00:36:36,190 --> 00:36:42,640 But it's very difficult to use them. So what's going on here? I mean, if I were to reproduce, I see my computer doesn't have all these. 378 00:36:43,030 --> 00:36:47,440 Well, how does the computer manage to make the sound of a body come out of the speakers? 379 00:36:48,160 --> 00:36:55,450 Well, what we understood is the volume is made up not of just a single tuning for a that you heard earlier, but many of you. 380 00:36:56,290 --> 00:37:00,130 So there are many sideways that build up to the sound of evolving. 381 00:37:00,280 --> 00:37:09,730 So I think if you recall the sound of on and on a citizen, you get this kind of jagged sawtooth growth, but you can build this straw out of sideways. 382 00:37:09,880 --> 00:37:15,050 So essentially the same waves that you get are all the sound waves that fit the length of the morning. 383 00:37:15,070 --> 00:37:21,940 So the annual hearing is actually the very sort of big sine wave that's like racing between the beach and the the body. 384 00:37:22,240 --> 00:37:28,319 But we can also fix another sine wave inside that which is vibrating twice as fast and as half the wavelength. 385 00:37:28,320 --> 00:37:36,400 So it's sort of vibrating in these two places. So that's called the first call warning, and that's also the period that notes the same time. 386 00:37:36,670 --> 00:37:40,600 You're also hearing any sine wave that can fit inside the length of this violin. 387 00:37:40,870 --> 00:37:44,290 So, in fact, you're hearing ones that have half the wavelength of the wavelength. 388 00:37:44,470 --> 00:37:50,470 And it's the culmination of all these tuning forks which combined make you hear the sound move on it. 389 00:37:50,500 --> 00:37:54,790 So we can do this radically by combining. So here's the sine wave. 390 00:37:54,910 --> 00:38:01,240 This is the the, the a of the tuning. But now I'm going to add on some other notes as well. 391 00:38:01,270 --> 00:38:05,150 I'm going to add on the first time. So that's a sign letter which is going to vibrate. 392 00:38:05,620 --> 00:38:09,940 So it's going to what it's going to do is push and see. Yes. 393 00:38:10,120 --> 00:38:15,970 So if I add on another sign which vibrates twice as fast as going up there and then down here. 394 00:38:16,480 --> 00:38:20,260 So what's going to happen is that when I add the graph, it's going to push this little graph up, 395 00:38:20,830 --> 00:38:25,690 but underneath here is negative and it's going to pull this side of the graph down. 396 00:38:25,720 --> 00:38:30,760 So what I'm going to do is add all of these lines and the first one, I'm going to add more and more sideways. 397 00:38:30,940 --> 00:38:35,740 And as we add on more of this, so I might add more of this line. 398 00:38:36,190 --> 00:38:44,650 Let's run this little animation. You see that the sound of the tuning pool gradually changes in the sawtooth shape of the body. 399 00:38:45,070 --> 00:38:48,620 And this is really what the speakers are doing when they reproduce the sound of a violin. 400 00:38:48,910 --> 00:38:52,470 They're just raising it all of these different sine wave scanner tricks here. 401 00:38:52,480 --> 00:39:00,459 And hearing this shape, which is the shape of the body that I'm a trumpeter rather than a violinist. 402 00:39:00,460 --> 00:39:05,350 And harmonics are these things like absolutely essential to the way a trumpet works. 403 00:39:06,610 --> 00:39:11,970 Because as trumpet so an early now you didn't have any vowels at all. 404 00:39:11,980 --> 00:39:15,970 You couldn't change the length of the piece of string, as it were, the length of the tune. 405 00:39:16,690 --> 00:39:23,290 You had to create new notes by just putting more energy through the the point, and that will create the higher harmonics. 406 00:39:23,290 --> 00:39:27,070 So, for example, I don't have to change the length of the point, but I can get many notes out of this. 407 00:39:27,250 --> 00:39:31,210 What I'm doing is getting the different sideways, which fits inside the trumpet. 408 00:39:33,040 --> 00:39:46,790 But. Uh, so that's the sound, although essentially all those different sine waves that can fit in that length of point and so thrashy. 409 00:39:47,190 --> 00:39:50,620 I mean, there are only eight different combinations of the vowels here. 410 00:39:50,630 --> 00:39:54,410 I mean, you see some harmonics every time I play the trumpet. 411 00:39:55,040 --> 00:40:00,980 So I don't think you'd be surprised if you have a switch that's gonna. 412 00:40:03,470 --> 00:40:35,900 One, two, three, four, five. I prefer. 413 00:40:41,200 --> 00:40:55,629 I. So I had a bit of time to warm up, but I didn't change the instruments. 414 00:40:55,630 --> 00:41:00,010 So you're going to need different combinations of sideways to create the sound of that instrument. 415 00:41:00,020 --> 00:41:07,900 So, for example, I'm going to take the clarinets. So the sound of the clarinet is used here while I travel with Chinese. 416 00:41:12,520 --> 00:41:15,579 It's impossible to close down, as you can see now. 417 00:41:15,580 --> 00:41:19,540 And you see you got these kind of square like coronations of a castle. 418 00:41:19,810 --> 00:41:23,940 And this is because you're getting different sorts of sideways signs here. 419 00:41:24,490 --> 00:41:31,030 So again, you got basically the shooting pool, which is so that the sun is going to be open at one end and closed in the other. 420 00:41:31,030 --> 00:41:37,860 So you get sort of whole the sine wave and then the next sine wave that appears inside here is actually one which is vibrates three times as follows. 421 00:41:37,880 --> 00:41:43,630 So you get this, this shape. And so you're not hearing all this the same sine wave of all that is fine, 422 00:41:43,810 --> 00:41:48,300 but about half of them actually only there is this sort of odd number, wavelets. 423 00:41:48,460 --> 00:41:52,000 And if you combine these now, you've got a very different shape graph. 424 00:41:52,000 --> 00:41:58,470 So basically start with the tuning for sine wave and all of these extra functions. 425 00:41:59,050 --> 00:42:04,350 In this case, the same way this library did three times. So it goes up, then down, then up again. 426 00:42:04,360 --> 00:42:07,810 So that's going to pull the middle of the graph down, the science up. 427 00:42:08,050 --> 00:42:12,490 So when I run is an add on the harmonics, I get a different shape going. 428 00:42:12,850 --> 00:42:18,700 So the different combination of sine wave produces a square function and this is the sound of the parent. 429 00:42:18,970 --> 00:42:26,860 And in fact, every time I see if I was basically just taking advantage of the sound of the orchestra being broken down into the sideways, 430 00:42:26,860 --> 00:42:30,310 the different frequencies to make up the the graph of that sound. 431 00:42:32,050 --> 00:42:36,220 So this is the idea or how this going to sound because in a way, 432 00:42:36,220 --> 00:42:42,310 what you should think of as the the status of the problems is that it's the music we're trying to capture that down to. 433 00:42:42,310 --> 00:42:46,810 The girl's got a good approximation. He's got this graph which is kind of like that. 434 00:42:46,810 --> 00:42:51,070 Well, that's a bit like the sine wave or the tuning fork is the first approximation. 435 00:42:51,490 --> 00:42:55,780 Riemann's were using the z function and complex numbers. 436 00:42:55,960 --> 00:43:04,000 He managed to find some rather weird waves harmonics hiding behind which you add these harmonics along the different frequencies. 437 00:43:04,150 --> 00:43:09,220 They help you to correct galaxies, get gas and get a true formula for the number of points. 438 00:43:09,670 --> 00:43:13,720 So these are what are called the series of the Riemann Z definition. 439 00:43:13,870 --> 00:43:20,419 But essentially what they give you a graphs which are waves and rather sits like sideways and a little more complicated. 440 00:43:20,420 --> 00:43:26,380 And so the first harmonic is at the third, they're actually many of these on this is the 29th and the 50th. 441 00:43:26,620 --> 00:43:30,610 But inside here, the waves are kind of encoded. 442 00:43:30,870 --> 00:43:34,720 The errors the palace is making when he's making his guess, the number of points. 443 00:43:34,960 --> 00:43:42,760 So I have to add these on Gauss's case to get a formula for the number of points you see here. 444 00:43:47,020 --> 00:43:55,360 What I want to show you now is reminds me of the number of times I set this course out, identifying and identifying choices. 445 00:43:55,840 --> 00:44:02,450 It's actually a cicada. It was called out in the desert island, and I had to take one mathematical formula with me. 446 00:44:02,470 --> 00:44:06,150 I think it will be this looming agreement because I think it is absolutely magical. 447 00:44:06,190 --> 00:44:10,690 So I'm going to say this graphical form or other similar to the the graphs, the music. 448 00:44:10,870 --> 00:44:15,819 So the idea is this we're trying to get a formula for the number of primes. 449 00:44:15,820 --> 00:44:19,510 That's the blue states gauss's case. 450 00:44:19,510 --> 00:44:22,930 Using the logarithm is a good estimate, but it's not exact. 451 00:44:23,500 --> 00:44:30,610 If I want these waves of regions which can sometimes add a little bit all or sometimes type in the way encoded inside, 452 00:44:30,610 --> 00:44:33,650 there are the errors that Gauss is making. 453 00:44:33,670 --> 00:44:39,220 So what I'm going to do is run for you this little animation. So galaxies, gas is a yellow graph. 454 00:44:39,610 --> 00:44:45,759 The blues that I use is the graph we want to capture by adding all these waves which push and pull the graph wrong. 455 00:44:45,760 --> 00:44:52,480 In the same way as the clarinets emerge from the tuning fork on a violin version that you bought by adding the wrong frequencies. 456 00:44:52,720 --> 00:45:03,490 If you add all these types of regions, it gradually pushes and pulls Gauss's case until even over hundreds of these harmonics, 457 00:45:03,490 --> 00:45:08,950 these little waves pushing and pulling the graph, you see the staircase beginning to emerge. 458 00:45:08,950 --> 00:45:17,350 The subtlety of where the primes really are is encoded by these waves that we discover these zeros of the Riemann ze function. 459 00:45:17,590 --> 00:45:25,240 So already, by a hundred ways you're able to tell, oh, there are no primes between 23 and 29, which you couldn't tell with Gauss's guess. 460 00:45:25,900 --> 00:45:29,350 So encoded inside here is really how the pines are laid out. 461 00:45:30,380 --> 00:45:36,590 And it tells us something rather amazing because although the planes outwardly look like they have no pattern at all, 462 00:45:36,680 --> 00:45:42,980 we saw some with his music when remote analyses. He found an amazing pattern hiding behind music. 463 00:45:43,370 --> 00:45:53,029 Because if you think about the same ways, what's important for a CD player is, first of all, the frequency of those waves, but also the amplitude. 464 00:45:53,030 --> 00:45:58,160 How do all that frequencies contribute? The amplitude is how big the wave is. 465 00:45:58,430 --> 00:46:04,819 And Sarina, he quoted a graph which recorded for each of these waves. 466 00:46:04,820 --> 00:46:14,720 What frequency? I want to ask you have the labels so you pulse the frequency will be on the vertical and horizontal will be allowed. 467 00:46:15,860 --> 00:46:23,799 The amazing discovery he made was this The frequencies all changing the volume of these waves is playing. 468 00:46:23,800 --> 00:46:31,340 That seems to be exactly the same. And so this is all of these that seem to be lying on the magic straight line. 469 00:46:31,520 --> 00:46:36,010 They're going to be scattered all over the place. But the music seems to have this amazing pattern inside. 470 00:46:36,510 --> 00:46:39,020 So they lie on this thing, which is will read his critical line. 471 00:46:39,350 --> 00:46:45,230 I really believe it's going to just be a coincidence that first hand all have his just perfect balance too. 472 00:46:45,440 --> 00:46:53,780 And he made this conjecture. He believed that all of the notes that he discovered they would all be playing in this perfect kind of balance. 473 00:46:53,990 --> 00:47:00,980 And this is what we call the Riemann hypothesis. We are not being able to prove it is one of the biggest open problems in the whole of our subject. 474 00:47:01,580 --> 00:47:09,920 And it's really this incredible pattern in the music actually explains outwardly why the primes do look so random. 475 00:47:10,820 --> 00:47:14,950 If one of these notes was off this line, it would be it. 476 00:47:14,980 --> 00:47:20,390 Since playing much louder than all of the other notes. Read the material slightly, very nicely, he said. 477 00:47:20,600 --> 00:47:26,820 It'd be like listening to an orchestra and then suddenly the tuba comes in and blasts the rest of the orchestra out. 478 00:47:26,840 --> 00:47:30,950 So all you can hear is the tuba. So it's really like all this is is false. 479 00:47:31,160 --> 00:47:36,420 And there's a note off the line. It would imply an incredible presence on the client. 480 00:47:36,450 --> 00:47:43,070 So it's one of those notes controlling how the primes are distributed in a way you can interpret this. 481 00:47:43,370 --> 00:47:47,399 So I think this is rather this is called the Riemann hypothesis. 482 00:47:47,400 --> 00:47:55,640 So it says that all of these notes are playing at the same volume, and the Riemann hypothesis sort of explains why you don't see any presence. 483 00:47:55,790 --> 00:48:06,470 In fact, it will predict for these prime number dice point on all these offensive to all a distributing the primes fairly amongst all of the numbers. 484 00:48:06,710 --> 00:48:09,740 The Riemann hypothesis actually is capturing exactly that. 485 00:48:09,980 --> 00:48:15,530 But the error controlled the error is how big this wave is. 486 00:48:15,800 --> 00:48:21,830 The error that remains predicting is exactly what you would expect from a fair set of dice. 487 00:48:22,220 --> 00:48:26,900 So reminisce hypothesis is capturing in some sense the passage of the primes. 488 00:48:26,900 --> 00:48:32,420 Although they are random, they are as fairly distributed through the universe of numbers as we could hope for. 489 00:48:38,050 --> 00:48:48,280 I often quite like to describe the Riemann hypothesis as almost describing the atoms of molecules in the molecules of air. 490 00:48:49,160 --> 00:48:52,420 Well, we don't know exactly precisely where every single molecule is, 491 00:48:53,290 --> 00:48:58,540 but I do know that if I go to one corner of this room, I'm not going to suddenly find a vacuum and I'm going to die. 492 00:48:58,570 --> 00:49:03,790 I know that the molecules are fairly distributed through this route and there's a chance that 493 00:49:03,790 --> 00:49:08,800 they might be able to use their two parts the way that we think the gas is distributed. 494 00:49:08,950 --> 00:49:14,050 It's not important where each one is. I don't know that there's they're pretty evenly distributed. 495 00:49:14,410 --> 00:49:19,330 And for the primes very often as a mathematician, I'm going to need to know where exactly each point is. 496 00:49:19,540 --> 00:49:24,220 What I need to know is that fairly soon it says I'm climbing up through the universe in numbers. 497 00:49:24,370 --> 00:49:27,430 I'm not going to suddenly find a vacuum without any problems at all. 498 00:49:27,670 --> 00:49:34,540 And that's what the Riemann hypothesis very often helps us. Well, let us kind of ask the question where all of the primes and it tells us enough 499 00:49:34,540 --> 00:49:40,030 about how the primes are distributed to make progress in understanding numbers. 500 00:49:40,370 --> 00:49:46,930 And I think it's an amazing because in a way, you know, nature gave in these numbers the primes and outwardly seem to have no patterns at all. 501 00:49:47,080 --> 00:49:52,150 But the primes are the building blocks of the subject looking for patterns. 502 00:49:52,420 --> 00:49:56,170 But mathematicians, we found some clever ways to look at these primes. 503 00:49:56,350 --> 00:50:02,710 A new way to look through Google gal. They changed into the the logarithm controlling the number of signs in the dice. 504 00:50:02,890 --> 00:50:08,290 Then through the music to be able to discover this kind of hidden music where suddenly this very strong pattern, 505 00:50:08,290 --> 00:50:12,550 the reason believes, is there controls the way that points outwardly look. 506 00:50:12,880 --> 00:50:18,160 So somehow the power of the mathematician is finally finding some order inside these numbers. 507 00:50:18,220 --> 00:50:22,810 Although we still looking for an explanation about why those notes sound like they did. 508 00:50:23,290 --> 00:50:31,570 Is it $1,000,000 prize offered by the Clay Institute for anybody who can prove the primes are really behaving as we even believes they do? 509 00:50:32,560 --> 00:50:37,840 Now I discovered that I study the primes because I think that useful. 510 00:50:37,840 --> 00:50:41,440 It's somehow trying to get to the eternal truths of the universe. 511 00:50:41,890 --> 00:50:46,610 But there are also now very practical reasons for understanding the primes in France. 512 00:50:46,870 --> 00:50:50,020 One of the challenges I gave you is getting these 105 primes. 513 00:50:50,170 --> 00:50:53,230 You managed to pull that together in a business. Three, five, five, nine, seven. 514 00:50:53,380 --> 00:51:02,830 Why isn't that a challenge for Young? And I say offer a price and offer a bottle of champagne to anyone who can crack these numbers on the Leonardo, 515 00:51:02,830 --> 00:51:11,140 which is not prime number 100 with 6000. Okay. Well, I'll give you this one right at 99 one 1911. 516 00:51:12,220 --> 00:51:15,820 I have a feeling that I actually. Okay. So that's a challenge. 517 00:51:16,130 --> 00:51:19,480 Okay. 9,999,911. 518 00:51:19,720 --> 00:51:23,710 You have to find the primes which builds that normal prime number. 519 00:51:24,340 --> 00:51:27,610 So it is made out of sodium chloride and you have to pull it apart. 520 00:51:27,910 --> 00:51:32,200 And so I did offer a bottle of champagne was in the fridge, but it's beginning to warm out the lights. 521 00:51:33,130 --> 00:51:37,660 So the first person to discover two primes to build the number will win the ball. 522 00:51:38,470 --> 00:51:39,730 Now, why is this important? 523 00:51:40,000 --> 00:51:46,990 Well, actually, this problem is now the heart of all the codes that are being used on the Internet to protect your credit cards. 524 00:51:47,140 --> 00:51:55,450 So essentially, if you send your credit cards to a company online and you want to keep that credit card secure, they send you an on the line. 525 00:51:55,450 --> 00:52:03,670 It's actually a little bigger than this. Your computer on a calculation with this number and your credit card number says it all across the wires. 526 00:52:03,760 --> 00:52:10,450 But to do that calculation, you need two primes, which below is number to be able to undo the calculation. 527 00:52:10,690 --> 00:52:18,340 So criminals, this is public on every poll, on any Internet websites is selling you something that would be a public number. 528 00:52:18,520 --> 00:52:24,520 If you can write that public number into the two primes, you'll be able to break every credit card that's going to that website. 529 00:52:25,480 --> 00:52:28,690 So the number is slightly bigger than nine. 530 00:52:28,690 --> 00:52:32,919 And just on to his is the kind of size that we cannot crack at the moment. 531 00:52:32,920 --> 00:52:37,120 So it is a $200,000 prize for anyone who could crack this number. 532 00:52:37,120 --> 00:52:40,570 So if you don't like champagne with money, then this one. 533 00:52:42,250 --> 00:52:50,890 But essentially, you know, the whole of Internet cryptography is based on the fact that we don't really understand these numbers at all. 534 00:52:51,430 --> 00:53:00,490 Chemists, they have a spectrometer which divides chemicals into the constituents, and we do not have a prime number spectrometer in mathematics. 535 00:53:00,890 --> 00:53:04,840 So for me, I think since, you know, I started with question what is mathematics? 536 00:53:05,080 --> 00:53:07,989 And for me, think what makes mathematics a living, 537 00:53:07,990 --> 00:53:16,930 breathing substance is actually these unsolvable Riemann hypothesis and the challenge of trying to find some pattern in the primes. 538 00:53:35,360 --> 00:53:43,040 So we had a chance for some questions. We have some microphones for you, and when you get to my phone, you can stand up for the cameras. 539 00:53:43,550 --> 00:53:50,810 So this is way where you're playing your parts in this television production because we are probably, 540 00:53:50,810 --> 00:53:54,820 since the ensemble is be giving incredibly intelligent questions. 541 00:53:54,830 --> 00:53:59,000 So please help me to live up to that billing. 542 00:53:59,000 --> 00:54:03,530 And any questions from you about problems in mathematics? 543 00:54:03,830 --> 00:54:13,520 You put your hand up now get him on TV. The first one is always the most nerve wracking one in any society we have to dismantle to stand up. 544 00:54:19,070 --> 00:54:22,700 How do you verify that very large price to ensure that they are prime? 545 00:54:24,020 --> 00:54:33,270 Yeah, that's a very good question. There we've chosen these very large primes because they have a very particular property, the Mersenne primes. 546 00:54:33,290 --> 00:54:38,660 So let me solve the Mersenne primes. How do you verify that they are actually prime numbers? 547 00:54:38,990 --> 00:54:42,860 They're a very special sort of number because they have to surpass something at minus one. 548 00:54:43,130 --> 00:54:48,950 And we discovered a way to test their finality, which is very different from just a random number. 549 00:54:49,280 --> 00:54:52,480 In fact, it's something called the Lucas Lima test. 550 00:54:52,490 --> 00:54:58,100 And it's what actually your program will be running on as it's running on your laptop. 551 00:54:58,520 --> 00:55:01,550 And essentially, it's sort of test something much simpler. 552 00:55:02,060 --> 00:55:03,920 It turns the formality. 553 00:55:03,960 --> 00:55:11,820 This is about whether a certain number divides another number in a sequence, which is rather like the Fibonacci sequence and the Lucas Lane numbers. 554 00:55:11,840 --> 00:55:16,700 You have to build these. So it's a very constructive thing which which proves whether that number is prime. 555 00:55:17,270 --> 00:55:22,790 We already know. And it's something that the ancient Greeks knew that if you go to the power of something, 556 00:55:22,790 --> 00:55:27,700 that thing must be prime in order to the power of it minus long have any chance of. 557 00:55:29,060 --> 00:55:34,070 But what about that sort of primes? I mean, for example, every time an alter, if you will, 558 00:55:34,070 --> 00:55:44,660 have in your warnings small columns which are actually probably generating primes when they're being used in order to find to create cryptography. 559 00:55:45,450 --> 00:55:50,940 And so how do we actually find primes of, say, 100 digits, which is sort of a couple of hundred pages? 560 00:55:50,990 --> 00:55:54,410 What do you need to create some these primes that use on the Internet? 561 00:55:55,130 --> 00:56:02,360 And then often it's just a probabilistic we have a way of testing the probability that a number is prime, 562 00:56:02,840 --> 00:56:07,580 which is generally good enough, and it involves something called modular arithmetic. 563 00:56:08,090 --> 00:56:16,430 So we know that primes have a very particular property or clock arithmetic, and it's something that was discovered by Thoma and Euler. 564 00:56:16,940 --> 00:56:24,080 That's and that's what's being used to test whether a number is has a good chance of being prime. 565 00:56:25,940 --> 00:56:32,540 Because one of the problems is that you have to really take one step to find all the numbers up to the square root of the number. 566 00:56:32,540 --> 00:56:39,590 And that's why you're trying to do that with the number I chose, which adds a prize of $200,000. 567 00:56:39,950 --> 00:56:46,760 Just you wouldn't be able to find a prime position. That particular number you're trying to prove that isn't prime by finding primes to builds it. 568 00:56:47,630 --> 00:56:56,860 And so there are some attacks out there which involve quantum computers and we do a lot of quantum computing here in all cases. 569 00:56:57,670 --> 00:57:04,520 Instead of testing one line after another, a quantum Q computer that could potentially test all primes in one go. 570 00:57:04,520 --> 00:57:11,179 Because what happens in quantum physics when you take advantage of it's an electron wrong being just here or here, 571 00:57:11,180 --> 00:57:14,180 on or off can be in two places at the same time. 572 00:57:14,450 --> 00:57:20,629 And you can use that essentially in a quantum computer to to put the quantum computer into a state subsidy test, 573 00:57:20,630 --> 00:57:26,810 all primes in one go and collapses into the states where the primes are the ones that divide that number. 574 00:57:26,810 --> 00:57:31,700 So we have a software that has a hardware. Yes, it creates a quantum computer. 575 00:57:32,000 --> 00:57:37,050 Good enough. I think we can crack 15 into three times five. But I think you from the last. 576 00:57:39,060 --> 00:57:42,520 It's not the best question down here. And yet we've got the mind to. 577 00:57:49,850 --> 00:57:56,450 Send us your beer formula that you will be able to find all the prime numbers. 578 00:57:56,460 --> 00:58:00,880 So obviously a really complicated formula, but you can either be wrong. 579 00:58:02,120 --> 00:58:06,420 That's a good question because it sort of raises the question about what is similar to the formula. 580 00:58:06,440 --> 00:58:14,419 Do you want what are you looking for so you can already prove that that works the same polynomial for me I have. 581 00:58:14,420 --> 00:58:18,889 That's a nice polynomial formula which told you the number of simple division office it was. 582 00:58:18,890 --> 00:58:27,530 You raise numbers to the power four and do it more know, but we can already prove that you can't have a polynomial which will give you all the time. 583 00:58:27,530 --> 00:58:30,830 You always have to be some numbers which it produces. Which. All right. 584 00:58:31,190 --> 00:58:37,610 Well then why not? Found an amazing formula which produce primes much more frequently than you might expect. 585 00:58:37,610 --> 00:58:41,300 We sent out A, B and squared plus and 41. 586 00:58:42,260 --> 00:58:48,580 You run that and try on this and in that you get amazing number of primes coming out of that format. 587 00:58:48,890 --> 00:58:51,200 But you might say, okay, well maybe it is a different format. 588 00:58:51,500 --> 00:58:58,490 And I'm saying, you know, Riemann's formula is does give you a way of understanding the primes, 589 00:58:58,910 --> 00:59:03,920 but it's not a formula that can be used, for example, to find a prime with a billion digits. 590 00:59:03,920 --> 00:59:11,330 But it's a formula that can help you. And so that's a little bit like trying to sing the highest note. 591 00:59:11,960 --> 00:59:19,460 Well, that's what music is. So so the search for the big primes, I think is a little bit serve, and that's not really what mathematics is about. 592 00:59:19,670 --> 00:59:27,050 Much more interesting to me is to try and find what's the overarching way all the pines are laid out in the universe and and read this formula. 593 00:59:27,060 --> 00:59:32,030 Although now to tell you the biggest the prime has been in digits. 594 00:59:32,210 --> 00:59:37,190 It tells us, I think, a lot more. And it tells us about the underlying patterns in the primes. 595 00:59:37,190 --> 00:59:42,320 All that is on another high note. You know, as a Christian, every. 596 00:59:43,460 --> 00:59:48,410 All right. What progress, if any, has been made towards improving the Riemann hypothesis? 597 00:59:49,630 --> 01:00:00,400 Well, there was some exciting progress made about a couple of decades ago when there was an amazing connection with physics. 598 01:00:01,240 --> 01:00:07,420 Because one question you can ask about the Riemann hypothesis is about amplitude of those waves. 599 01:00:08,080 --> 01:00:11,840 But the other thing I quoted was the frequency. So you might ask, 600 01:00:12,220 --> 01:00:20,440 is there any sort of logic to the frequencies that you find of the notes that we have that tell you how the problems are distributed? 601 01:00:21,010 --> 01:00:27,190 And somebody made a statistical analysis of the sort of where these harmonics are happening. 602 01:00:27,610 --> 01:00:33,790 And what they discovered is that you have a random property at the Institute for the Study in Princeton. 603 01:00:34,120 --> 01:00:39,090 So now one of the important things in science is bringing people together from many different disciplines. 604 01:00:39,100 --> 01:00:45,160 This is what we try to do here in Oxford, and that physicists talk to this mathematician asking, What do you be doing? 605 01:00:45,370 --> 01:00:50,950 And he said, I've been doing this kind of statistical analysis of the way the frequencies occur, and this is what was the formula. 606 01:00:51,400 --> 01:01:00,760 And then physicist. And that's exactly the same formula that we're using to predict energy levels in long atoms like uranium and nuclear. 607 01:01:00,760 --> 01:01:05,860 So these. So it's very difficult to solve the equations for the energy levels, but they have this math. 608 01:01:06,850 --> 01:01:11,650 And the pattern was just such a bizarre one that you just can't believe that to optimise it. 609 01:01:12,040 --> 01:01:17,709 So it's the most exciting progress on the Riemann hypothesis has really been. 610 01:01:17,710 --> 01:01:20,950 That's mainly the notes that Riemann discovered. 611 01:01:20,950 --> 01:01:26,000 Those frequencies share a lot in common that the mathematics that we need to understand them 612 01:01:26,680 --> 01:01:31,900 is actually the same mathematics that we need to understand energy levels in quantum physics, 613 01:01:32,290 --> 01:01:36,460 and those are controlled by all races, eigenvalues and matrices, basically. 614 01:01:36,910 --> 01:01:43,450 So the hunt now really is, is for well, can we find one operator on line one in quantum physics, 615 01:01:43,450 --> 01:01:48,180 which tells you what the energy levels are, which sort of controls the primes energy. 616 01:01:49,120 --> 01:01:55,389 And although we haven't actually come up with what an operator is that's looking at the 617 01:01:55,390 --> 01:02:01,600 primes as almost a physical model has enabled us to discover things about prime citizens, 618 01:02:01,600 --> 01:02:04,210 mathematicians that we've been unable to crack. 619 01:02:04,630 --> 01:02:13,540 So I think it's an exciting time when we're getting this cross-disciplinary interaction, which is helping us to see new ways to look again. 620 01:02:13,690 --> 01:02:17,770 It's coming back to Bulgari. Perhaps we need to ask a different question and you find a new way in. 621 01:02:20,410 --> 01:02:30,150 There's a question of back. Thank you. 622 01:02:30,790 --> 01:02:35,830 So if you think about a sawtooth wave, square wave or something like that, 623 01:02:36,220 --> 01:02:41,770 it's quite clear that you can dramatise it either in terms of an infinite some of its 624 01:02:41,770 --> 01:02:46,810 harmonics like you show or in terms of something like its period in its amplitude. 625 01:02:46,840 --> 01:02:50,380 One of those is actually very simple and the other is very hard. 626 01:02:50,800 --> 01:02:55,780 And I can't help but think that maybe our understanding of the running hypothesis is only 627 01:02:55,780 --> 01:02:59,590 through these harmonics because we haven't seen perhaps the simple way that's missing. 628 01:03:00,100 --> 01:03:05,200 Do you think that's a fair analogy? Oh, I think that is a fair analogy. 629 01:03:05,380 --> 01:03:12,130 And that's what often happens is you can get very boxed in by a particular way of looking at things. 630 01:03:12,130 --> 01:03:18,100 And that's why I think always you need to be open to a new way to look at a subject. 631 01:03:19,120 --> 01:03:27,189 There's a I don't know whether you've seen this psychological experiments where you're showing a video and there are two basketball teams, 632 01:03:27,190 --> 01:03:30,159 one in black, one in white, both possible between each other. 633 01:03:30,160 --> 01:03:37,870 And you're asked to count the number of times the black team passes the ball and you're sold the red herring. 634 01:03:38,170 --> 01:03:42,450 Oh, men and women counted differently and you want to be count in. 635 01:03:42,460 --> 01:03:46,620 You get about 17, you see about 17 and and then experimenting. 636 01:03:46,630 --> 01:03:51,460 Also, did you see the gorilla walk across the street, bang his chest and walk off? 637 01:03:51,670 --> 01:03:59,709 And the first time I saw this video, I did this experiment at the Royal Society know in the Navy at every junction office, 638 01:03:59,710 --> 01:04:04,750 and they rerun the program showing exactly what everybody looked at. 639 01:04:04,870 --> 01:04:11,530 There were a few Tallahassee because they had been concentrating. So I'm going to count how many times the ball guys to the video. 640 01:04:11,890 --> 01:04:22,630 One, two, three, four, five, six, seven. And and I think this is a good reminder that in all of the subjects that we studied, science, mathematics, 641 01:04:22,840 --> 01:04:30,960 that we can get very fixated on a particular way of looking at a subject such that we miss just some obvious gorilla across that. 642 01:04:31,270 --> 01:04:39,220 So I think that's, you know, we have over very senses this we do believe this is the way to unlock the secrets of primes through Raven's work. 643 01:04:40,240 --> 01:04:44,620 But every now and again, somebody comes up with a slightly different perspective on it. 644 01:04:44,940 --> 01:04:53,710 Absolutely. I think that's always the hope that maybe there's a different way to look at where where all of this becomes amazingly simple. 645 01:04:53,800 --> 01:04:57,459 But, you know, we've been looking at this thing for a long time and looking at, 646 01:04:57,460 --> 01:05:03,910 you know, it is the biggest crime and nobody's come up with a different way. 647 01:05:03,910 --> 01:05:08,350 So at the moment, I think we stopped living in Freeman's house, but which I think is a beautiful house. 648 01:05:08,350 --> 01:05:15,370 I think it's a beautiful place to be. But but I think we should always be open to the possibility that somebody might 649 01:05:15,370 --> 01:05:20,559 come from totally that field and show us a new way of looking at things, 650 01:05:20,560 --> 01:05:29,330 which reveals a simplicity. We've just. Let's have a question here and a question here. 651 01:05:31,250 --> 01:05:35,120 You. So there are some other conjecture. 652 01:05:35,220 --> 01:05:41,490 Is that in hindsight going to conjecture is or the dream prior conditions and that if 653 01:05:41,490 --> 01:05:46,950 we assume that the Riemann hypothesis or if we can make more progress about it soon, 654 01:05:47,370 --> 01:05:54,770 do you think proving the Riemann hypothesis, he can be some kind of master key to crack all the other conjectures? 655 01:05:56,700 --> 01:06:02,280 And that's a very good question. And in some ways the answer is probably no, 656 01:06:02,310 --> 01:06:12,240 because very often we think we know how claims are laid out because and and a lot of the mathematics only do I have the beginning of my theorem. 657 01:06:12,240 --> 01:06:15,810 Assume the Riemann hypothesis is true, which is what we all believe. 658 01:06:16,320 --> 01:06:20,940 Then I can make this progress and do things. But similar a lot of problems of our times. 659 01:06:20,940 --> 01:06:25,769 And even if you know the Riemann hypothesis, since they they don't tell you about goldbach conjecture, 660 01:06:25,770 --> 01:06:30,190 for example, some of these conjectures have progress based on the Riemann hypothesis. 661 01:06:30,190 --> 01:06:33,480 So in a way it is the golden key to everything. 662 01:06:35,100 --> 01:06:41,820 In particular, it probably is the golden key to understanding how to crack these codes based on primes. 663 01:06:42,870 --> 01:06:51,660 I mean, I think it's always fun to set up the the the importance of the Riemann hypothesis because it could bring down the Internet. 664 01:06:52,320 --> 01:06:57,180 But actually, you know, if I ask for money and I'll say no, I bet you that when reading a hypothesis, 665 01:06:57,180 --> 01:07:03,630 it proves that it probably won't give rise to a complete collapse of in business. 666 01:07:04,110 --> 01:07:08,459 But again, you know, the Riemann hypothesis we know doesn't tell you anything about well, 667 01:07:08,460 --> 01:07:18,330 it does help some algorithms for cracking numbers, but it won't apply already tell you how to crack numbers into into primes. 668 01:07:18,600 --> 01:07:21,720 But on the other hand, you know, we never know what's the proof will tell us. 669 01:07:21,750 --> 01:07:30,570 And I think that's often why we study these things. This building here in Oxford is named after Andrew Wiles, who proves Fermat's Last Theorem. 670 01:07:30,600 --> 01:07:37,530 Now, Fermat's Last Theorem was a separate equation, actually, and was like the idea was at the end has a solution. 671 01:07:38,370 --> 01:07:41,820 But what we really care about is the mathematics that school generated. 672 01:07:42,240 --> 01:07:47,040 We understood so much deeper about our subject because of the calculus fall back home. 673 01:07:47,340 --> 01:07:51,230 So I don't think anybody is used to suppose that that's not true. 674 01:07:51,240 --> 01:07:58,080 Therefore I'm going to do this. But the mathematics generated was extraordinary, and I suspect that when we eventually prove the Riemann hypothesis, 675 01:07:58,320 --> 01:08:01,990 it won't necessarily be the Riemann hypothesis, which will be the golden key. 676 01:08:02,010 --> 01:08:03,420 But the way we proved it, 677 01:08:03,690 --> 01:08:12,480 which will actually give us far greater insights into things like over 20 primes and maybe even cracking numbers is that prime mover? 678 01:08:15,010 --> 01:08:19,700 You know the question here. Okay. 679 01:08:19,750 --> 01:08:24,400 Of course, that was the same time. Any other questions? 680 01:08:28,600 --> 01:08:33,600 I think that's great. Thank you very much for taking part and everyone is coming later. 681 01:08:33,640 --> 01:08:37,290 You can ask the question in a second to make sure it's not from the vice. 682 01:08:37,290 --> 01:08:39,630 Then thank you very much for being a great audience.