1 00:00:16,050 --> 00:00:20,100 Hello and welcome to the 2014 Simoni Lecture. 2 00:00:20,730 --> 00:00:27,960 Many thanks again to the Playhouse for hosting us and to the Amador Foundation, who make the finances of this possible. 3 00:00:28,230 --> 00:00:33,720 My name is Marcus DeSoto, and I'm the professor for the public understanding of science here in Oxford. 4 00:00:34,080 --> 00:00:36,870 And as the professor for the public understanding of science, 5 00:00:36,870 --> 00:00:42,389 people tend to think that I know everything about science and can tell you about it, but I find I don't. 6 00:00:42,390 --> 00:00:48,180 And I was asked to take part in an energy debate at the Hay Festival a couple of years ago, 7 00:00:48,180 --> 00:00:54,120 and I needed something to help me to to mock up on what is quite a complex debate. 8 00:00:54,120 --> 00:01:01,589 And somebody recommended this wonderful book called Sustainable Energy Without the Hot Air by tonight's speaker. 9 00:01:01,590 --> 00:01:07,920 And I fell in love with it immediately because the opening part is called numbers, not Adjectives. 10 00:01:08,160 --> 00:01:15,389 So a book for me as a mathematician, but certainly this helps me very much to to negotiate my way through what is a very complex issue. 11 00:01:15,390 --> 00:01:23,640 So I thought what a great person to come and bring to Oxford to help us all to understand climate change and sustainable energy. 12 00:01:23,910 --> 00:01:27,030 So I'd like to give a big Oxford welcome to David Mackay, 13 00:01:27,030 --> 00:01:31,890 who's going to be talking on why climate change action is difficult and how we can make a difference. 14 00:01:32,070 --> 00:01:37,080 David is Professor Regis, professor at the Department of Engineering in Cambridge and more interestingly, 15 00:01:37,080 --> 00:01:42,060 was also former chief scientific adviser to the Department of Energy and Climate Change. 16 00:01:42,120 --> 00:01:56,330 So, David, thank you very much. Thank you very much. 17 00:01:56,840 --> 00:02:00,860 Thank you. Thank you all for coming. I'm a physicist and an engineer. 18 00:02:00,860 --> 00:02:05,899 And most physicists, physicists and engineers love back of envelope calculations. 19 00:02:05,900 --> 00:02:14,870 And I'd like to start my talk just by showing you a little pre talk, a back of envelope calculation to illustrate the sort of thing I like to do. 20 00:02:15,620 --> 00:02:19,609 I was having a conversation with some bods from Shell and we were discussing 21 00:02:19,610 --> 00:02:24,440 transport policies and the idea that Europe has of switching us over to biofuels. 22 00:02:24,800 --> 00:02:32,210 And one of us said, Hmm, if we grew the biofuels for the cars on the verge of the road, how wide would the verge need to be? 23 00:02:32,630 --> 00:02:39,170 So this is a lovely example of a back of envelope calculation, just to get a sense of scale of what we're imagining we might do. 24 00:02:39,290 --> 00:02:42,290 So you make up some numbers and you work out an answer, so let's make up numbers. 25 00:02:42,560 --> 00:02:45,920 So we said, let's have the cars go at 60 miles per hour. 26 00:02:46,430 --> 00:02:52,040 Let's assume they do 30 miles per gallon, which is the average of new European cars today. 27 00:02:52,580 --> 00:02:57,920 Let's look up on the Internet what the productivity of European biofuel plantations is. 28 00:02:57,940 --> 00:03:01,370 That's 1200 litres of biofuel per hectare per year. 29 00:03:01,970 --> 00:03:05,480 And finally, we need a spacing between the cars and then we've got all the numbers. 30 00:03:05,480 --> 00:03:06,500 We need to get an answer. 31 00:03:07,040 --> 00:03:13,130 You do not need to specify how long the road is because the longer the road is, the more cars there are and the longer the biofuel plantation is. 32 00:03:13,600 --> 00:03:20,929 All right, so what do you do when you take the first number and you divide by the other four and take care with unit and you'll get an answer, 33 00:03:20,930 --> 00:03:27,230 which is a length and it's eight kilometres. So given these assumptions, that's how wide the verge needs to be. 34 00:03:27,650 --> 00:03:33,050 And I love the sort of back of envelope calculation because even though the numbers are made up, it's enough to make you say, 35 00:03:33,440 --> 00:03:39,680 Hmm, hmm, maybe it's not as easy as just saying, Oh, yes, we'll get ourselves off oil by switching to biofuels. 36 00:03:39,740 --> 00:03:45,410 Maybe we need to think about some other options, or maybe we need to really hammer on some of these numbers and say, Well, 37 00:03:45,560 --> 00:03:51,790 yes, we can switch to biofuels, but they better be next generation biofuels, which have to be so much better per unit area. 38 00:03:51,800 --> 00:03:56,300 We need to think carefully whether we can do that or can we make the vehicles far more energy efficient, 39 00:03:57,150 --> 00:04:00,560 maybe transform our assumptions about people going around in cars all the time. 40 00:04:01,460 --> 00:04:08,060 Okay. So and for those of you who want to go away with a homework problem, I don't know if you still like homework. 41 00:04:08,330 --> 00:04:10,940 You could ask yourself another question. What if you switched to electric cars? 42 00:04:10,940 --> 00:04:16,520 Then how many windmills would you need every you know, what would the spacing between the windmills be? 43 00:04:16,640 --> 00:04:20,570 How many windmills per mile would your road need? 44 00:04:20,750 --> 00:04:29,719 So that's a homework problem. And I wrote a book full of back of envelope calculations to try and help people understand in a very clear, 45 00:04:29,720 --> 00:04:33,860 transparent, straightforward way how to compare energy options with each other. 46 00:04:33,980 --> 00:04:38,900 Energy options on the supply side for getting off fossil fuels and demand side. 47 00:04:39,200 --> 00:04:42,319 What does your lifestyle require and where do you want that energy to come from? 48 00:04:42,320 --> 00:04:43,820 All in exactly the same units. 49 00:04:44,090 --> 00:04:49,910 So I wrote this book is Free Online and you can buy it from my publisher in the foyer if you want to make him happy, please do. 50 00:04:51,530 --> 00:04:58,879 And because I gave it away free online, it's generated a lot of goodwill and volunteers have translated into lots of other languages. 51 00:04:58,880 --> 00:05:06,890 So if you speak Chinese or Japanese or Slovak or French or Hungarian, there's also translations available in those languages. 52 00:05:08,570 --> 00:05:16,430 And I wrote this book because everyone was getting emotional about energy options and I was a bit distressed by the things I heard on the radio. 53 00:05:16,430 --> 00:05:20,959 People were saying things that didn't add up. I'm not I don't have anything against emotions. 54 00:05:20,960 --> 00:05:24,710 Emotions are really important. They drive things along, but we need facts as well. 55 00:05:24,710 --> 00:05:28,490 So I wrote this book and ended up becoming a senior civil servant, 56 00:05:28,700 --> 00:05:32,870 which wasn't the original plan, but it was a lot of fun and I could tell you more about that. 57 00:05:34,580 --> 00:05:37,640 So tonight's talk is going to have three bits. 58 00:05:38,030 --> 00:05:41,059 I'm going to talk about climate science. I'm going to talk about energy arithmetic. 59 00:05:41,060 --> 00:05:49,740 And then I'll talk about innovation and. By the end, I will have told you about six or eight reasons why things are difficult. 60 00:05:49,740 --> 00:05:55,890 But I won't depress you too much. I hope I'll also keep some upbeat messages in there about where you can do it. 61 00:05:57,420 --> 00:06:02,730 So first, some bad news. Let me tell you a little bit of climate science, which you may not have heard. 62 00:06:03,000 --> 00:06:10,830 This, I think, is one of the most important figures from the IPCC's fifth assessment report, which came out over the last 12 months. 63 00:06:11,100 --> 00:06:20,700 It's a figure which shows how big climate change is going to be summarised by one number, which is the global average surface temperature increase. 64 00:06:20,730 --> 00:06:25,230 Of course, that's not the only thing the climate change is about, but it's a useful summary variable. 65 00:06:25,550 --> 00:06:30,690 So this is how big is climate change up here? We've actually lost a little bit of text off the left hand side. 66 00:06:30,690 --> 00:06:36,150 If the technicians could possibly do 2050 and get us an extra ten pixels, 67 00:06:36,750 --> 00:06:42,660 then that would be nice because it says temperature anomaly relative to 1861 on the left hand side. 68 00:06:44,190 --> 00:06:50,770 Okay. And it shows how big climate change is as a function of not the emissions rate, 69 00:06:50,860 --> 00:06:58,150 but as a function of cumulative emissions of the total amount of carbon that humanity has emitted since the Industrial Revolution. 70 00:06:58,390 --> 00:07:04,040 The top little left graph is what people often show. It's the emissions rate which has been going up and up and up. 71 00:07:04,060 --> 00:07:08,590 Black line and then in the future could carry on up. Red line worse than business as usual. 72 00:07:08,830 --> 00:07:15,520 Or it could sort of stay constant. Yellow line or blue line, it could come down or a dark blue line. 73 00:07:15,520 --> 00:07:20,410 It could really come down. So there's lots of possible futures and humanity has a choice what we do with ourselves. 74 00:07:20,830 --> 00:07:24,880 So for those four possible futures, what's going to happen? How big is climate change? 75 00:07:25,690 --> 00:07:30,460 Well, the unfortunate answer is that it's proportional to cumulative emissions. 76 00:07:30,520 --> 00:07:37,660 That's what all these lines show. And what that means is if you want to halt climate change in terms of global average temperature rise, 77 00:07:37,810 --> 00:07:41,740 not going up any more, then you've got to limit cumulative emissions. 78 00:07:42,130 --> 00:07:46,030 And that means the emissions rate has to drop to zero. Right. 79 00:07:46,630 --> 00:07:55,270 And that's disappointing because I think a lot of people imagine that climate change action means reducing emissions 20% reduction by 2020, 80 00:07:55,720 --> 00:07:59,320 80% by 2050, or maybe 50% for some countries. 81 00:07:59,590 --> 00:08:06,910 So reduce by 50%. And it would be lovely if that worked, but it doesn't according to these climate models that this is all based on. 82 00:08:07,240 --> 00:08:13,360 If you reduce your emissions by 50%, which is the light blue line, then your curative emissions are still going to go up and up and up. 83 00:08:13,360 --> 00:08:19,060 You will have slowed the rate of climate change, but climate will still be changing under the light blue scenario. 84 00:08:19,180 --> 00:08:27,010 The only way to get emissions to stop is to do something like the dark blue line where emissions actually reach zero or even go negative. 85 00:08:27,790 --> 00:08:31,869 Okay, so that's science. Fact number one, it's based on the literature. 86 00:08:31,870 --> 00:08:35,740 It's your own local Myles Allen and co-authors who did some of this work. 87 00:08:35,920 --> 00:08:41,200 This is a picture from Miles Allen's original nature paper showing the massive uncertainty. 88 00:08:41,200 --> 00:08:43,790 I forgot to talk to you about the pink sausage. 89 00:08:43,820 --> 00:08:49,300 So this big pink sausage here shows the uncertainty about what this climate overall climate sensitivity is. 90 00:08:49,810 --> 00:08:53,379 So climate science is uncertain. We don't know what the slope of this line is. 91 00:08:53,380 --> 00:08:59,250 It's somewhere in the pink sausage, and that's shown visually in this Maslin paper. 92 00:08:59,300 --> 00:09:03,130 If you change from one climate model to another climate model, you get a different sensitivity. 93 00:09:03,580 --> 00:09:10,840 But they all have a straight line. So they're all telling you that if you want to cap climate change, you do need the emissions rate to drop to zero. 94 00:09:12,100 --> 00:09:16,210 Okay. So that's sort of bad news and. 95 00:09:19,700 --> 00:09:27,590 And here's what it could look like. Summarised by the IPCC in the Summary Synthesis Report that came out a couple of weeks ago. 96 00:09:28,700 --> 00:09:36,770 So you've got your emissions rate and that can lead to if you follow the worse than business as usual red line. 97 00:09:36,950 --> 00:09:41,150 Then we're up to possibly a warming in something like four and a half degrees by the end of the century. 98 00:09:41,420 --> 00:09:45,500 Or if you take the radical climate change action, which is the dark blue line, 99 00:09:45,680 --> 00:09:49,940 then you can stabilise things at who knows what, but something about two degrees ish. 100 00:09:52,600 --> 00:09:56,589 So some people say two degrees. That doesn't sound too bad. 101 00:09:56,590 --> 00:10:02,079 And it's important to try and get an understanding of the impacts of two degrees and 102 00:10:02,080 --> 00:10:06,580 one way of visualising what a two degree global average temperature rise means. 103 00:10:06,850 --> 00:10:10,540 Obviously, the difference between day and night on a typical day in England is far more than two degrees. 104 00:10:10,540 --> 00:10:14,410 But actually this two degrees is a much more important two degrees. 105 00:10:14,650 --> 00:10:19,540 Here's a graph of what the global average temperature has been doing for the last 20,000 years. 106 00:10:19,750 --> 00:10:25,180 And you can see 20,000 years ago, it was about three degrees colder globally. 107 00:10:25,450 --> 00:10:28,450 And what did that planet look like? Well, it was quite a different planet. 108 00:10:28,990 --> 00:10:34,540 For example, the sea level of the whole world was 100 metres lower than it is today. 109 00:10:34,900 --> 00:10:42,490 Why? Well, because the Northern Europe and North America had two miles of ice sitting on top of it. 110 00:10:42,850 --> 00:10:50,980 So that was the last ice age. So a temperature change of three and a half degrees or so is the difference between an ice age and today. 111 00:10:51,190 --> 00:10:55,150 And if you say, oh, yeah, let's have another two degrees warming, who cares? Then you're taking yourself off. 112 00:10:55,360 --> 00:10:57,700 Well, if you say three and a half or four and a half, I don't care. 113 00:10:58,000 --> 00:11:04,600 Then you're actually saying I'm happy to visit a planet that says different in the other direction from today as the Ice Ages. 114 00:11:06,010 --> 00:11:09,190 That's a photograph of the Earth 20,000 years ago on the right there. 115 00:11:12,450 --> 00:11:21,480 Let me visualise it another way for you. Does anyone remember the summer of 2003 in Europe where you hear in Europe in 2003 and you remember it. 116 00:11:22,320 --> 00:11:26,470 So climate change isn't going to be uniform over the globe. 117 00:11:26,490 --> 00:11:30,690 The projections are extremely uncertain for any one country, 118 00:11:30,870 --> 00:11:37,590 but the global pattern is that the Poles who will warm the North Pole will warm far more than the rest of the globe, 119 00:11:37,830 --> 00:11:47,760 and the land will warm more than the oceans. And so we could ask the question, what's this going to imply for Northern Europe in 2003? 120 00:11:47,790 --> 00:11:51,050 We had a heatwave and a lot of people died in the droughts and so forth. 121 00:11:51,060 --> 00:11:55,470 So it may have been a memorable experience for you 11 years ago. 122 00:11:56,220 --> 00:12:01,020 And you can ask the question, under these climate models, if we believe the climate models are right, 123 00:12:01,290 --> 00:12:04,980 then what sort of frequency will this sort of event have in the future? 124 00:12:05,340 --> 00:12:09,300 This was the hottest summer in Northern Europe ever recorded. 125 00:12:09,420 --> 00:12:15,660 So it was at least one in a 100 year type of event, a very rare event under the old climate. 126 00:12:16,050 --> 00:12:20,340 So under the read trajectory for global emissions and the dark blue trajectory, 127 00:12:20,340 --> 00:12:25,710 what's the difference between the future frequency of summers like the 2003? 128 00:12:25,980 --> 00:12:34,500 Well, here are some graphs coming out of the Hadley Centre's model of what summer temperatures might do in lots of simulations of the planet. 129 00:12:35,690 --> 00:12:40,140 Focusing attention on northern Europe. So here's the area on the map. And this is under the blue. 130 00:12:40,160 --> 00:12:43,940 The dark blue trajectory, temperatures are forecast to carry on increasing. 131 00:12:44,330 --> 00:12:50,540 I'll just pop the mask on 23 for you there and then I'll slide it across so you can see where that sits in 2050, 132 00:12:50,540 --> 00:12:54,140 which is in the lifetime of many of us here in this room. 133 00:12:54,380 --> 00:12:58,040 In 2050, this model is predicting that even on the dark blue trajectory, 134 00:12:58,310 --> 00:13:04,370 half of all summers will be significantly hotter than the hottest summer ever in northern Europe. 135 00:13:04,760 --> 00:13:13,370 So maybe that makes you sit up a little bit and have a bit of a feel for what that world in 2050 might be like, let alone 2100, 136 00:13:13,580 --> 00:13:21,650 let alone under the red scenario, where if we do the above business as usual red emissions trajectory globally, then look where the mouse is. 137 00:13:22,070 --> 00:13:27,470 99% of all summers are going to be hotter than the record breaking hottest summer ever. 138 00:13:28,100 --> 00:13:35,780 By 2050 and by 2100, all summers will be substantially hotter than that at that level. 139 00:13:37,400 --> 00:13:43,900 So that's what four and a half degrees looks like for Europe according to this climate model. 140 00:13:43,910 --> 00:13:50,690 And we don't yet know the climate sensitivity. We don't know if this model's right, but it may be so that's climate science. 141 00:13:52,250 --> 00:13:57,380 And so to summarise what I've told you so far, why is climate change action difficult? 142 00:13:57,560 --> 00:14:02,780 We're not just talking about emissions being reduced a little bit. 5%, 10% have a little trading scheme and sorted out. 143 00:14:02,990 --> 00:14:06,620 No, not a 10% reduction. Zero is where we're going. 144 00:14:06,620 --> 00:14:11,390 We need 100% reduction in emissions to have actually solve the climate change problem. 145 00:14:11,780 --> 00:14:16,970 Moreover, if you take the central point, the central slope within that sausage, 146 00:14:17,210 --> 00:14:20,840 then you've only got a trillion tonnes of carbon to go and we've already emitted 147 00:14:20,840 --> 00:14:25,220 about half a trillion tonnes thanks to land use change and fossil fuels and cement. 148 00:14:26,060 --> 00:14:33,110 And so half the budget's gone for the so-called two degree outcome, which a lot of attention has has focussed on. 149 00:14:33,110 --> 00:14:37,129 So keeping temperatures below two degrees, roughly half the budget is gone. 150 00:14:37,130 --> 00:14:43,280 So it was actually not very long and you need to do a sudden handbrake turn between emissions steadily rising and 151 00:14:43,280 --> 00:14:50,329 getting them to come down again if you're interested in having a decent chance of achieving the two degree objective, 152 00:14:50,330 --> 00:14:53,770 but I put a little asterisk on there. Batteries not included, some conditions apply. 153 00:14:53,810 --> 00:14:58,550 We don't know the climate sensitivity. So whenever anyone says, are we on track for two degrees? 154 00:14:59,150 --> 00:15:06,230 Yeah, bear in mind we don't know the climate sensitivity. So even if someone told you a budget and said this is a two degree budget, 155 00:15:06,440 --> 00:15:10,459 the one thing you can be sure of is that budget won't get to global warming to be two degrees. 156 00:15:10,460 --> 00:15:18,620 It'll either be bigger or smaller and we don't actually know yet which. Okay, so we get emotional and we need some numbers too. 157 00:15:18,890 --> 00:15:23,150 I'm emotional about climate change, but I'm here to try and help with the numbers. 158 00:15:23,360 --> 00:15:26,090 So let's talk about energy arithmetic and. 159 00:15:27,220 --> 00:15:33,190 I'd like to give you a rough guide to sustainable energy, where I'll start off by doing everything per person. 160 00:15:33,190 --> 00:15:36,700 So to avoid answers involving millions, billions and trillions, 161 00:15:37,060 --> 00:15:41,920 which I think most people don't have a feel for at all, they all sound about the same, just big. 162 00:15:42,880 --> 00:15:47,710 They are actually different, but people don't understand that. So let's not use those numbers. 163 00:15:47,860 --> 00:15:53,920 Let's do everything per person and let's choose unit so we don't ever get things coming out in millions or billions or trillions. 164 00:15:54,430 --> 00:15:57,399 And let's do deliberately inaccurate calculations, 165 00:15:57,400 --> 00:16:01,150 do everything to one significant figure because then it's easier to remember things and compare them. 166 00:16:01,660 --> 00:16:07,030 You don't want too many numbers having to be memorised. Our measure energy and kilowatt hours. 167 00:16:07,030 --> 00:16:10,600 That's what your electricity metre reads energy in. 168 00:16:10,900 --> 00:16:17,200 And if you have a gas bill and actually look at it, it probably converts your gas usage from cubic feet into kilowatt hours as well. 169 00:16:17,210 --> 00:16:24,370 So it's a standard unit that households can actually find out if they look at their bills and their metre readings. 170 00:16:25,480 --> 00:16:29,920 And I'll measure power, which is how fast we use energy in kilowatt hours per day. 171 00:16:30,790 --> 00:16:34,840 The physicists and engineers in the audience may now split because they would say, 172 00:16:34,960 --> 00:16:40,270 Oh, why don't you just use a smaller unit like the Watt or the kilowatt? And there's two reasons for this. 173 00:16:40,390 --> 00:16:50,860 First, if I tell a typical person, Look, the average British person has a power consumption of 5000 watts. 174 00:16:52,040 --> 00:16:55,820 They'll probably say, is that what's per month or is it what's per year? 175 00:16:55,850 --> 00:16:59,960 Because they don't know what to what is they don't know what has got the per unit time already built into it. 176 00:17:00,590 --> 00:17:05,329 So people don't know what a what is. But if you say kilowatt hours per day, it's very clearly a rate of using something. 177 00:17:05,330 --> 00:17:10,790 So people understand it better. That's the first reason. And the second reason is the numbers come out in ones and twos and tens. 178 00:17:11,000 --> 00:17:15,020 If you use kilowatt hours per day. So that's another reason I like, what, kilowatt hours per day? 179 00:17:15,200 --> 00:17:21,530 What the too small kilowatts are too big. So here's some everyday things that people do that come in small numbers of kilowatt hours. 180 00:17:21,830 --> 00:17:27,410 If you take a standard 40 watt light bulb and use it for 24 hours, you have used one kilowatt hour of electricity. 181 00:17:27,860 --> 00:17:32,780 If you eat food, the chemical energy in the food you eat amounts to about three kilowatt hours per day. 182 00:17:33,320 --> 00:17:36,710 If you take one hot bath, that's five kilowatt hours of heat energy. 183 00:17:37,250 --> 00:17:40,610 If you take a litre of petrol and set fire to it, you just pay ten kilowatt hours. 184 00:17:40,940 --> 00:17:46,129 And if you have a Coke habit and you drink Coke and it comes away, the embodied energy, 185 00:17:46,130 --> 00:17:53,600 the energy required to make the aluminium cans that delivered the coke to you is about two thirds of a kilowatt hour per candle. 186 00:17:54,740 --> 00:18:00,860 So that's some everyday choices. Here's a few more. If you've got a car and if you drive at 100 kilometres a day, I'm not saying everyone does this, 187 00:18:00,860 --> 00:18:06,710 but if you do that, then if it's an average European car, you're using 80 kilowatt hours per day. 188 00:18:07,460 --> 00:18:12,710 If you have a house, British or North American are about the same. 189 00:18:12,980 --> 00:18:16,970 You might be using about 80 kilowatt hours per day to run everything in the house, 190 00:18:17,540 --> 00:18:21,790 and maybe an extra three kilowatt hours of energy is required to operate the cat in the front garden. 191 00:18:21,800 --> 00:18:29,830 That. If you fly, you use a [INAUDIBLE] of a lot of energy on the day when you fly, which is incomprehensibly large. 192 00:18:29,980 --> 00:18:33,190 But to make it comparable, we can say, Well, how often do you fly per year? 193 00:18:33,220 --> 00:18:38,410 Let's, for example, say you do London, Los Angeles and back once a year. 194 00:18:39,130 --> 00:18:44,380 Then take that huge amount of energy, spread it over the year, and you find it's 26 kilowatt hours per day. 195 00:18:46,200 --> 00:18:53,489 For one person. And fourthly, here is something black, which gets quite a lot of attention. 196 00:18:53,490 --> 00:18:55,590 And this is one of the things that drove me to write a book. 197 00:18:56,100 --> 00:19:02,879 For example, the mayor of London said, if all Londoners unplug their mobile phone chargers when they're not in use, 198 00:19:02,880 --> 00:19:07,550 we can save 31,000 tonnes of CO2 and £7 million per year. 199 00:19:07,560 --> 00:19:14,310 Clearly, thousands, millions. It's enormous. It's very important. It's on the list of seven things you can do for a DIY planet repairs. 200 00:19:14,690 --> 00:19:18,090 Okay. Does this belong in the top seven things we encourage Londoners to do? 201 00:19:18,360 --> 00:19:21,360 Well, if you're willing to do arithmetic, you can say what the population of London. 202 00:19:21,370 --> 00:19:26,910 7 million. So 7 million per year divided by 7 million people is £1 a year saving. 203 00:19:27,150 --> 00:19:30,270 Okay, that's not zero, but it may be not. 204 00:19:30,450 --> 00:19:33,930 Does it get into the top, top seven? Let's think of it another way. 205 00:19:34,800 --> 00:19:38,490 Is the phone charger a planet destroying thing as evil as Darth Vader? 206 00:19:39,000 --> 00:19:41,580 Let's check. Let's compare it with a car. 207 00:19:42,330 --> 00:19:48,809 And if you work out the energy saved by the feat of energy conservation, of actually unplugging the mobile phone charger for a whole day, 208 00:19:48,810 --> 00:19:51,630 instead of leaving it plugged in without a phone attached to it, 209 00:19:51,810 --> 00:19:56,460 the energy you have saved is exactly equal to the energy used by driving an average car for one second. 210 00:19:56,520 --> 00:20:00,930 Both of those are equal to 0.01 kilowatt hours. 211 00:20:01,320 --> 00:20:03,240 Okay, I'm not saying don't switch it off. 212 00:20:04,140 --> 00:20:11,250 Switching off vampires at home does help, but be aware how small it is compared with other things that might also be in your lifestyle. 213 00:20:11,490 --> 00:20:16,920 So just to visualise it here in red blobs are how big those last four things are. 214 00:20:17,160 --> 00:20:26,040 Car, house, flying phone charger. So probably the phone charger doesn't deserve to be on that top seven list of things you can do to do your bit. 215 00:20:26,580 --> 00:20:31,740 The total footprint of the average UK person if you just average over every one. 216 00:20:32,950 --> 00:20:37,540 All forms of energy consumption comes to about 125 kilowatt hours per day per person, 217 00:20:37,540 --> 00:20:42,040 which you can visualise as 125 light bulbs worth of energy consumption. 218 00:20:42,670 --> 00:20:46,899 And you can split that if you want a quick cartoon. If you don't have a quick conversation about what are we going to do? 219 00:20:46,900 --> 00:20:50,440 Well, it's transport, heating, electricity. Roughly a third each. 220 00:20:51,430 --> 00:20:54,969 And that's how much energy is going into making electricity. 221 00:20:54,970 --> 00:20:58,630 The actual efficiency of the electricity making is about 40% or so. 222 00:20:58,810 --> 00:21:04,150 So the actual amount of electricity we use is about 17 kilowatt hours per day per person. 223 00:21:04,750 --> 00:21:09,520 Electricity gets a lot of attention, but actually it's only about one third or one fifth of the problem. 224 00:21:09,520 --> 00:21:12,910 And the other two thirds definitely needs attention, too. 225 00:21:13,300 --> 00:21:17,590 And today we get 90% of this energy still from fossil fuels. 226 00:21:17,680 --> 00:21:21,940 And if we're interested in climate change action and if we're interested in security of supply, 227 00:21:22,750 --> 00:21:26,980 then we need to be getting off that 90% fossil fuel dependence. 228 00:21:28,000 --> 00:21:31,460 Okay. And there's one more thing we need to include in our rough guide. 229 00:21:31,480 --> 00:21:35,350 We need to think about land areas, because as my opening example, with The Verge, 230 00:21:35,350 --> 00:21:41,170 with the biofuels growing on it illustrated, some renewables have land area implications. 231 00:21:41,380 --> 00:21:44,590 So we need to talk about population densities and those vary. 232 00:21:44,950 --> 00:21:48,420 The UK is 250 people per square kilometre. 233 00:21:48,550 --> 00:21:55,570 If you want to say per person what area we've got, it's 4000 square metres per person, which is half of a premiership football field per person. 234 00:21:56,590 --> 00:22:02,980 And I'm going to talk about power per unit area, how much we consume per area and how much we can generate per area. 235 00:22:03,700 --> 00:22:09,670 And that I will measure in Watts per square metre. So now we're ready to continue with our rough guide. 236 00:22:09,850 --> 00:22:13,000 I'm going to show you a map of the world now in this map of the world. 237 00:22:13,210 --> 00:22:16,870 The vertical axis is the energy consumption per person of a region. 238 00:22:17,230 --> 00:22:25,150 The horizontal axis is the population density of the region, and the size of each blob is the land area of the country that I'm showing. 239 00:22:25,690 --> 00:22:32,070 And the axes are both logarithmic. So as you go from grey line to grey line to grey line, you're going up by a factor of ten. 240 00:22:32,140 --> 00:22:36,370 And population density. So there's a huge diversity of population densities of countries around the world. 241 00:22:36,610 --> 00:22:41,050 And vertically, again, this grey line for that grey line is another factor of ten. 242 00:22:41,350 --> 00:22:46,899 So what you can see is there are some countries with very low population densities and huge per capita consumptions like Iceland, 243 00:22:46,900 --> 00:22:51,190 Canada, Australia consuming 200 or 300 light bulbs per person. 244 00:22:52,330 --> 00:22:58,780 Bahrain top right has a population density that's 300 times bigger and consumes about the same per person. 245 00:22:59,620 --> 00:23:04,810 Bottom right. Bangladesh has the same astonishing population density as Bahrain 1000 people per square kilometre, 246 00:23:05,080 --> 00:23:08,770 but it's consuming 100 times less energy per person. Bottom left. 247 00:23:09,280 --> 00:23:15,370 There's no one. But there used to be countries down there, I'm sure, because another message of this diagram is progress. 248 00:23:15,370 --> 00:23:24,730 I'm going to add some little lines here. These little blue lines behind Sudan, Brazil, Algeria, China, India, Bangladesh, Portugal, Libya, Australia. 249 00:23:25,060 --> 00:23:28,380 They're showing 15 years of progress from 1990 to 2005. 250 00:23:28,390 --> 00:23:31,270 What happened to population density? What happened to per capita energy consumption? 251 00:23:31,450 --> 00:23:41,290 And you can see lots of countries are going up and to the right off to join perhaps us and Germany and Japan, 252 00:23:41,800 --> 00:23:49,990 who are three fairly atypical countries with slightly above average population densities and slightly above average per capita consumptions, 253 00:23:50,230 --> 00:23:53,500 though not as high as that of United States and Australia. 254 00:23:54,310 --> 00:23:59,980 So maybe the UK is quite an interesting case study because it's staying fairly 255 00:23:59,980 --> 00:24:04,420 steady in a location on this diagram that other countries might be coming to an. 256 00:24:04,450 --> 00:24:10,840 Anyway, we've got to sort ourselves out. We need to have a plan for the UK and Germany I hope could have a plan and Japan needs one too. 257 00:24:11,380 --> 00:24:17,770 So I'm going to now focus in on these countries and I'm going to start talking about power per area. 258 00:24:17,830 --> 00:24:26,830 How does this work? If you take the population density of a region and if you multiply it by the energy consumption per person of that region, 259 00:24:26,830 --> 00:24:32,920 the product of those two numbers is the power consumption per unit area of the country that you're talking about. 260 00:24:34,050 --> 00:24:36,180 And because I've got logarithmic scales here, 261 00:24:36,180 --> 00:24:42,060 it turns out that lines of equal power consumption per unit area are these pink lines with slope minus one. 262 00:24:43,080 --> 00:24:52,140 So for example, the power consumption of Saudi Arabia is about 0.1 watts per square metre and so is Mexico's. 263 00:24:52,290 --> 00:24:55,770 And in 1990, so was China's. And in 1990 so was India's. 264 00:24:56,070 --> 00:25:00,660 And in 1992 it was Bangladeshis. They all were consuming 0.1 watts per square metre. 265 00:25:00,840 --> 00:25:08,490 So that's an interesting figure sort of baseline. And actually 80% of the world's population lives in countries that are above that level. 266 00:25:08,700 --> 00:25:14,100 So 0.1 watts per square metre. Most people, most countries are using more power than that. 267 00:25:14,310 --> 00:25:20,040 And we are up at 1.25 watts per square metre of power consumption. 268 00:25:20,760 --> 00:25:26,669 Why do I bang on about power consumption per unit area? Well, because renewables, many of them require some land area. 269 00:25:26,670 --> 00:25:36,060 And it's interesting to compare numbers like 0.1 and 1.25 watts per square metre with the power generation that you can get from renewables. 270 00:25:36,630 --> 00:25:42,510 So let's now shrink this diagram a little bit and then add some green lines to show what renewables can do for you. 271 00:25:42,930 --> 00:25:48,570 So energy crops does lots of energy crops and it depends if you fertilise them, it depends how much water you've got and so forth. 272 00:25:48,780 --> 00:25:52,860 And if you do genetic engineering and crop modification and so forth, maybe this can be improved. 273 00:25:53,040 --> 00:25:57,300 But as a very rough figure, half of what four square metre is what you get from energy crops. 274 00:25:57,630 --> 00:26:02,970 All right. And if you're good at arithmetic, you'll know that that's smaller than 1.25 watts per square metre. 275 00:26:03,090 --> 00:26:09,389 So what they're saying, if you wanted literally to power the whole UK on energy crops alone, 276 00:26:09,390 --> 00:26:16,170 at today's level of energy consumption, you need two and a half UCS to grow the energy crops on and then you could power the UK. 277 00:26:16,620 --> 00:26:28,209 All right. Next win 2.5 watts per square metre and I don't want to lose time, but I do have plenty of data backing up that number. 278 00:26:28,210 --> 00:26:33,820 So it's two and a half watts per square metre. What does that mean? Well, that's twice as big as 1.25 watts per square metre. 279 00:26:34,030 --> 00:26:40,330 So if you literally wanted to get absolutely all of today's energy consumption from wind alone on average, 280 00:26:40,450 --> 00:26:43,450 then you need wind farms with half the area of the UK. 281 00:26:44,450 --> 00:26:48,370 All right. Sunshine. 282 00:26:49,000 --> 00:26:56,530 The raw power of sunshine is way up here. It's a thousand watts per square metre if you are at the equator at midday. 283 00:26:56,830 --> 00:27:00,580 So people often emphasise that and say how enormous the sun is and you only need so 284 00:27:00,580 --> 00:27:03,760 many minutes of sunshine to do something rather than it sounds very impressive. 285 00:27:03,970 --> 00:27:07,750 But let's be careful with a little bit of reality that you can't. 286 00:27:08,290 --> 00:27:11,170 So we're not all at the equator and it's not midday all of the time. 287 00:27:11,620 --> 00:27:16,210 And we need to include the efficiency with which sunshine can be turned into useful forms. 288 00:27:16,660 --> 00:27:18,820 So coming back down here. 289 00:27:20,320 --> 00:27:28,480 The raw sunshine at the equator is about 250 watts per square metre, four times smaller because it's midday about a quarter of the time. 290 00:27:30,300 --> 00:27:33,520 In the UK. We're not at the equator, we're further north and it's cloudy. 291 00:27:33,540 --> 00:27:38,940 The average power of sunshine in the UK, day and night year round is 110 watts per square metre. 292 00:27:39,180 --> 00:27:45,870 So that's what we start with. And now you include a realistic efficiency of how much of that power per unit land area you can actually get out. 293 00:27:46,560 --> 00:27:49,410 Taking into account the efficiency of the solar panel or whatever it is, 294 00:27:49,530 --> 00:27:56,100 and also how close together you can put your solar panels, which determines the sort of filling factor of your landscape. 295 00:27:56,850 --> 00:28:00,660 So if you go and use your roof, you will get about 20 watts per square metre. 296 00:28:00,810 --> 00:28:07,260 So this is real data from a roof in Cambridge. Is 20 watts per square metre of roof area. 297 00:28:07,830 --> 00:28:16,350 Grand when you. One thing to bear in mind, which I'll come back to later on, is that the average output isn't the same as the actual output. 298 00:28:16,350 --> 00:28:22,050 It varies a lot throughout the year. You get about nine times as much in the summer as you do in the winter. 299 00:28:22,110 --> 00:28:27,270 So that's important to bear in mind if you are trying to make a plan that will add up every day of the year. 300 00:28:28,770 --> 00:28:35,999 Anyway, 20 watts per square metre. Now if you want to adopt the traditional Bavarian farming method, you'll also leap off the roof, 301 00:28:36,000 --> 00:28:38,549 onto the countryside and cover the countryside with solar panels. 302 00:28:38,550 --> 00:28:47,040 This is a barrier and this is the various solar park, according to its press release, delivers about five watts per square metre of land area. 303 00:28:47,220 --> 00:28:50,430 That's less than 20 watts per square metre because there are gaps between the panels to let 304 00:28:50,430 --> 00:28:54,750 the maintenance people get get in and to make sure that the panels don't shade each other. 305 00:28:54,870 --> 00:29:01,200 They want to tip them up to point nicely at the midday sun and they don't want to say shading each other because that would be a waste of money. 306 00:29:02,040 --> 00:29:06,450 Here's another solar park in Vermont for which real data is available free on the Internet. 307 00:29:06,600 --> 00:29:14,490 Lovely company. And so you can work out the power per area of this extremely modern solar park with panels that actually track the sun. 308 00:29:14,670 --> 00:29:22,050 And the answer is 3.8 watts per square metre. That's in Vermont and has lots of data for lots more solar farms. 309 00:29:22,320 --> 00:29:32,700 And the rough summary is for solar panels in cloudy countries like the UK and Germany, shown in Magenta and Cambridge, 310 00:29:32,700 --> 00:29:37,500 blue bottom left, you get about five watts per square metre of land area from your solar parks. 311 00:29:38,950 --> 00:29:44,680 There's a Japanese park or two in red which are giving about ten watts, the square metre and in sunny countries this axis. 312 00:29:44,890 --> 00:29:46,960 Here is how sunny the location is. 313 00:29:47,290 --> 00:29:56,019 You go to Italy and Spain and then America in pink, yellow, and you're up at ten watts per square metre for quite a lot of these these farms. 314 00:29:56,020 --> 00:29:59,860 So ten watts per square metre for sunny countries, five watts per square metre for dark countries, 315 00:30:00,190 --> 00:30:06,009 the very best you can do is these little pluses which are roof mounted systems, which, as I said before, can deliver 20 watts per square metre. 316 00:30:06,010 --> 00:30:09,910 That's one in Hawaii, which is wonderful. Okay. 317 00:30:11,360 --> 00:30:16,310 So what does that mean? Go back to this diagram. You get five watts per square metre from solar parks. 318 00:30:16,430 --> 00:30:21,470 So if you wanted to match today's total primary energy consumption with the output of solar parks, 319 00:30:21,650 --> 00:30:28,910 you need a quarter of the land area of the U.K. if you want to be solar parks in the U.K. And bear in mind that fluctuations, 320 00:30:28,910 --> 00:30:35,030 as you mentioned, and some people say, oh, he must be wrong, he must be anti renewables. 321 00:30:35,030 --> 00:30:39,560 I'm not anti renewables at all. I love them. I love renewables. I also love arithmetic and I love truth. 322 00:30:39,800 --> 00:30:45,760 And so I've got data to back up everything I'm saying, and I want us to have a plan that adds up. 323 00:30:45,770 --> 00:30:49,760 So if anyone can give me better data, just send it to me and I'll add it to the diagrams. 324 00:30:51,270 --> 00:30:55,500 What else can we do? If we really love renewables, we can love them in other people's countries as well. 325 00:30:55,890 --> 00:31:03,750 So we could ask people in Algeria or Kazakhstan to have concentrating solar power stations which might look like this beauty in California or Nevada. 326 00:31:04,350 --> 00:31:09,000 I don't know what its power per area is because like many companies, it's secretive about its performance. 327 00:31:09,180 --> 00:31:15,720 But this company with lovely Stirling engines delivers 14 watts per square metre of land area with its concentrating solar power. 328 00:31:16,230 --> 00:31:24,059 This fantastic facility in Spain, largely paid for by Germans I think generates solar power at night as well as in the day by 329 00:31:24,060 --> 00:31:28,310 the fantastic trick of making molten salt and putting it in this huge tank during the day. 330 00:31:28,320 --> 00:31:31,740 And then you can carry on generating at night using the molten salt as the heat source. 331 00:31:32,070 --> 00:31:35,190 And it's got a power per area of ten watts per square metre. 332 00:31:35,790 --> 00:31:39,220 This one in Spain delivers five watts per square metre of land area. 333 00:31:40,140 --> 00:31:47,610 And so being really charitable, I'll say 20 watts per square metre for concentrating solar power because the literature says they could deliver that, 334 00:31:47,610 --> 00:31:50,710 even though none of the examples I just told you got to 20, right. 335 00:31:50,940 --> 00:31:58,100 I think ten is probably more realistic. But anyway, that's bigger than the numbers we've just been talking about. 336 00:31:58,110 --> 00:32:05,579 Good, but there's not that much bigger. So even if you said, yeah, let's get our power from Libya with constructing solar power stations, 337 00:32:05,580 --> 00:32:12,420 you're still talking about a really substantial land area in Libya, comparable to, you know, 10% of the size of our country. 338 00:32:12,420 --> 00:32:16,410 If you wanted to completely power the UK from from Libya. 339 00:32:17,100 --> 00:32:20,219 So much as I love them all renewables are diffused. 340 00:32:20,220 --> 00:32:26,549 They have a small power per unit area. And here's a list of some of the powers I've mentioned and some more which I could hop 341 00:32:26,550 --> 00:32:30,120 to in the questions if you if you want to hear about tidal power and things like that. 342 00:32:31,380 --> 00:32:40,500 Okay. So if you want your plan to focus on renewables in the future, you have to be anticipating large renewable facilities. 343 00:32:40,620 --> 00:32:47,530 And not everyone loves large renewable facilities. And you could include other options in your portfolio. 344 00:32:47,590 --> 00:32:52,469 You could say, let's discuss nuclear power. And Pandora's Promise was shown earlier today here, 345 00:32:52,470 --> 00:32:57,570 which is a film advocating including nuclear in the mix in order to take successful climate change action. 346 00:32:57,840 --> 00:33:01,050 And you might be interested to know what is the power per area of nuclear? 347 00:33:01,170 --> 00:33:02,459 Well, here's a simple calculation. 348 00:33:02,460 --> 00:33:09,060 You grab an Ordnance Survey map, you find a blue kilometre square, a sizewell, and in that there is a sizewell B, which is a gigawatt. 349 00:33:09,120 --> 00:33:15,299 So it's a thousand watts per square metre. And I can give you a more detailed calculation, including the mine and and the waste or if you want. 350 00:33:15,300 --> 00:33:20,220 But that's a ballpark figure. You can do higher power per area than a thousand watts per square metre. 351 00:33:20,550 --> 00:33:24,450 With nuclear in terms of heat generating sites themselves. 352 00:33:25,760 --> 00:33:30,310 And how does that compare with wind? Well, it's a factor of 400 bigger than the proper area of wind. 353 00:33:30,320 --> 00:33:33,450 So wind farms may be found intrusive by some people. 354 00:33:33,470 --> 00:33:40,400 Some people don't like them because of the intrusiveness. Nuclear power is 400 times less intrusive in the landscape in terms of land area occupied. 355 00:33:40,880 --> 00:33:45,170 But of course, power per area is not the only metric that people care about. 356 00:33:45,290 --> 00:33:50,060 And nuclear has popularity problems for other reasons than it's power per unit area. 357 00:33:50,990 --> 00:33:57,050 And we need to take into account all those views and hopefully achieve consensus as a society and make a plan that adds up. 358 00:33:57,620 --> 00:34:02,590 And I want to remind you that, yes, nuclear has popularity problems, but so do renewables. 359 00:34:02,600 --> 00:34:07,420 Here's a photograph of a consultation exercise in full swing and the little town of Penicuik, just south of Edinburgh. 360 00:34:07,460 --> 00:34:10,730 And you can see the children of Penicuik celebrating the burning of the effigy of the windmill. 361 00:34:11,000 --> 00:34:14,330 Because if there's one thing the British public are good at, it's saying no. 362 00:34:15,860 --> 00:34:19,340 So we need a plan that adds up. All of these options are unpopular. 363 00:34:19,370 --> 00:34:23,810 And the way I like to think about this is in terms of levers which can give you stuff. 364 00:34:24,170 --> 00:34:30,110 And the more you push on a lever, the more you get. And maybe the more people are unhappy about the intrusiveness or whatever the 365 00:34:30,110 --> 00:34:33,860 risk and so forth or the cost or whatever it is associated with that lever. 366 00:34:34,370 --> 00:34:38,179 So you've got all these different green levers which are sources of supply, and if someone says, No, 367 00:34:38,180 --> 00:34:45,080 I don't like that lever, then well, you just need to push even harder on the other levers because it's got to add up. 368 00:34:45,670 --> 00:34:51,830 Right. So I'm not at all recommending a mix. I just want us to choose a mix that adds up using the basic laws of arithmetic. 369 00:34:52,070 --> 00:35:00,080 So I've mentioned three big levers here are renewables, wind, bioenergy, other people's renewables, nuclear, and there's lots of other levers as well. 370 00:35:00,410 --> 00:35:04,070 Clean coal with carbon capture and storage, clean gas with carbon capture storage. 371 00:35:04,190 --> 00:35:06,080 I could talk about that. I think it's important too. 372 00:35:07,250 --> 00:35:14,390 But there's other levers as well because there's no written law that says the UK public must consume 125 kilowatt hours per day per person. 373 00:35:14,630 --> 00:35:19,880 Maybe we could consume less thanks to technology, or maybe we could consume less thanks to lifestyle change. 374 00:35:19,880 --> 00:35:25,820 And all of these options I think should be on the table as well. And society could agree to lifestyle change or not. 375 00:35:25,970 --> 00:35:30,680 And you just need to know, well, that's another lever. If you say no lifestyle change, then you have to push harder on the other levers. 376 00:35:30,920 --> 00:35:36,200 They're all options. So here are some red levers which are on the red demand side. 377 00:35:36,470 --> 00:35:42,470 And I'm just going to rattle through an optimistic view of things you can do on the red side to sort out transport, 378 00:35:42,470 --> 00:35:46,520 heating and some of forms of domestic energy consumption. 379 00:35:46,790 --> 00:35:50,480 So first, transport, which is a third of the problem. Here's what the laws of physics say. 380 00:35:50,490 --> 00:35:56,450 Yes, we can reduce our energy consumption for transport. We do not have to roll around in tanks and individual tanks. 381 00:35:57,030 --> 00:36:01,880 The laws of physics say if your vehicles have small frontal areas, more weight per person, 382 00:36:02,090 --> 00:36:05,930 and if they go slowly and go steadily and convert energy efficiently between different forms, 383 00:36:06,050 --> 00:36:13,340 then you'll use less energy because you'll be reducing air resistance, rolling resistance and braking losses, which is where the energy is going. 384 00:36:14,690 --> 00:36:17,180 Converting energy efficiently between different forms is important. 385 00:36:17,510 --> 00:36:22,040 Not everyone knows that the efficiency of the little power station that you're driving around in a standard car, 386 00:36:22,040 --> 00:36:25,190 that petrol power station is about 25%. 387 00:36:25,430 --> 00:36:31,430 So turning chemical energy in the fuel into the wheels and that's not a fantastic efficiency. 388 00:36:31,610 --> 00:36:38,390 So that's one. One thing to take advantage of. So how much improvement can we get over the tank with one person sitting in it? 389 00:36:39,080 --> 00:36:42,649 Here's the tank. And it uses 80 kilowatt hours per 100 person kilometres. 390 00:36:42,650 --> 00:36:48,560 That's a fairly standard car's energy consumption, assuming it's got one person in it, as it usually does. 391 00:36:49,550 --> 00:36:54,500 And some people say, Oh, yes, engineers are wonderful. We can have vehicles that use 100 times less energy. 392 00:36:54,500 --> 00:36:57,560 No problem. And is that true? Well, let's look at some numbers. 393 00:36:57,800 --> 00:37:04,490 Yes. Almost 80 times less energy per 100,000 kilometres is used by this bicycle with three people on board. 394 00:37:04,670 --> 00:37:11,580 It runs on biofuel. Interestingly, extra Weet-Bix in the morning and the person in the tank might say, no, no, no, come off it. 395 00:37:11,600 --> 00:37:19,100 That's a lifestyle change. I don't want to operate that lifestyle change lever, even though that technology switch would reduce energy consumption. 396 00:37:19,250 --> 00:37:22,490 So what other options are there in the landscape of transport? 397 00:37:22,820 --> 00:37:28,460 Well, here's a few. You can say, Oh, you want to have an individual car, do you? 398 00:37:28,490 --> 00:37:30,050 Well, how about you drive the eco car? 399 00:37:30,170 --> 00:37:36,110 Sorry, we still lost the Pixel's on the left, it says 1.3 kilowatt hours per 100 person kilometres almost as good as the bicycle. 400 00:37:36,410 --> 00:37:42,980 It's shorter than traffic cone. It comfortably accommodates one teenager and you drive it at 15 miles per hour to get that performance. 401 00:37:43,370 --> 00:37:48,540 And the lady in the tank over here might say, No, no, I want to go fast. 402 00:37:48,560 --> 00:37:52,400 So you say, all right, go faster, train. And that's almost as good as a bicycle. 403 00:37:52,400 --> 00:37:59,270 If it's a well loaded train, 3 to 6 kilowatt hours per 100 person kilometres and the person in the tank might say, 404 00:37:59,270 --> 00:38:05,780 no, no, I can't travel with all those horrible people. Well, can we compromise, keep the lifestyle, but somehow make things more energy efficient? 405 00:38:05,990 --> 00:38:08,750 Well, yes. One option is electric vehicles. 406 00:38:08,930 --> 00:38:15,920 Here's an electric motorbike, a car and another car, all using significantly less energy per 100 kilometres measured at the socket. 407 00:38:16,610 --> 00:38:19,250 So now you're starting to worry, well, where does it come from? Out of that socket. 408 00:38:19,490 --> 00:38:26,240 If it's coming from a coal power station that's only 25% efficient, then actually we haven't really won at all if we switch to the gee whiz. 409 00:38:26,720 --> 00:38:31,490 But if we have a plan to do something about the electricity system at the same time as electrifying transport, 410 00:38:31,610 --> 00:38:36,260 then we can make a plan that adds up and does decarbonise and does save energy as well. 411 00:38:37,660 --> 00:38:41,320 Okay. So that's your transport levers? There's lots of them. 412 00:38:42,400 --> 00:38:48,690 Heating and insulation. That's where maybe, I don't know, quarter or so of our energy is going in the UK. 413 00:38:49,780 --> 00:38:57,370 Here's a crappy house in Cambridge. It's mine with the Ferrari out front and the laws of physics apply to all buildings. 414 00:38:57,370 --> 00:39:02,920 And they say that the heat loss of a building is the likeness of the building multiplied by the temperature difference between the inside and outside. 415 00:39:03,130 --> 00:39:09,730 The power required to make up for that heat loss is the heat loss divided by the efficiency of your heat creation system? 416 00:39:09,850 --> 00:39:14,290 Standard heat creation systems in houses are called gas boilers. You put in gas and you get heat out. 417 00:39:14,530 --> 00:39:20,110 But the efficiency of about 90% or so and maybe they sometimes claim 95%. 418 00:39:21,010 --> 00:39:27,220 And that sounds great, but it's actually lousy because this requires understanding of physical, physical chemistry. 419 00:39:28,060 --> 00:39:35,350 What you're doing is turning very high quality energy in the form of chemical energy into heat at 20 centigrade, which is what you want in your house. 420 00:39:35,350 --> 00:39:39,960 And that energy has much less value and it could have been created much more efficiently. 421 00:39:39,970 --> 00:39:43,900 It's actually terribly efficient to do that only with efficiency and efficiency of 90%. 422 00:39:44,410 --> 00:39:48,129 So what can we do? We can do better than 90% heat creation in green. 423 00:39:48,130 --> 00:39:53,260 We can reduce the weakness of the building and we can reduce the temperature difference between the inside and the outside in red. 424 00:39:53,470 --> 00:39:59,080 With an amazing technology called a thermostat. You grasp it, you rotate it to the left, and your energy consumption will go down. 425 00:39:59,170 --> 00:40:05,780 I've tried it. It works. Some people call it a lifestyle change, but I really urge you to try it and see what happens. 426 00:40:05,800 --> 00:40:09,610 You might be surprised how much you can save without actually feeling it was 427 00:40:09,610 --> 00:40:14,740 much of a lifestyle change and you might get to wear a cuddly sweaters as well. 428 00:40:15,940 --> 00:40:18,220 Right. So here's the leanness reduction options. 429 00:40:18,580 --> 00:40:25,209 The first two things you could do is get the fluff man and put fluff in the walls and extra fluff in the roof. 430 00:40:25,210 --> 00:40:28,450 And that might give you a 25% saving or so. Also, 431 00:40:28,810 --> 00:40:34,000 we've got an extra front door to reduce the heat loss out of the front of the house so you can 432 00:40:34,000 --> 00:40:41,210 get 25% by these sort of changes if you want more than 25% from for a crappy British building. 433 00:40:41,500 --> 00:40:47,860 Then you need to look at either interior or exterior wall insulation, maybe 12 or 20 centimetres of rock wall. 434 00:40:47,860 --> 00:40:53,740 On the outside is the sort of number you're looking at to bring the building up closer to Swedish building standards. 435 00:40:53,950 --> 00:41:02,409 Here's a block of flats in London getting the exterior insulation treatment and finally the efficiency of the heating system. 436 00:41:02,410 --> 00:41:06,190 I mentioned that you can do better than 95%. Here's one way to do that. 437 00:41:06,190 --> 00:41:12,309 It's called a heat pump. It uses a little bit of electricity to move heat from the garden into your house. 438 00:41:12,310 --> 00:41:18,880 A bit like a fridge moves heat from the inside of the fridge into that place where the spiders live, behind the fridge where it's warm. 439 00:41:19,540 --> 00:41:24,670 Okay, so this is the back to front refrigerator and it's got an efficiency of roughly 300 or 400%. 440 00:41:25,540 --> 00:41:34,330 So you put in one unit of electricity and you end up with three units of heat or four units of heat being delivered to your house. 441 00:41:35,050 --> 00:41:40,120 So and heat pumps come in lots of flavours. Air source, heat pumps, water source, heat pumps, ground source, heat pumps. 442 00:41:40,960 --> 00:41:47,200 So that was some heating levers. And now I want to talk about another sort of lifestyle lever which are called Read Your Metres. 443 00:41:47,200 --> 00:41:53,620 And when I was writing this book about energy, a friend asked me How much energy do you use at home? 444 00:41:54,250 --> 00:41:58,270 And I was actually quite embarrassed because I was writing a book about energy and I didn't know. 445 00:41:58,540 --> 00:42:03,669 So that started me reading my metres and every week I read my metres and I started doing 446 00:42:03,670 --> 00:42:08,139 experiments to see what effect I could have on my energy consumption and it blew my mind. 447 00:42:08,140 --> 00:42:11,560 I actually more than halved my gas consumption as these graphs show. 448 00:42:11,860 --> 00:42:20,770 So in the old days I was using 40 kilowatt hours per day as a bachelor alone at home, and then the green light. 449 00:42:20,780 --> 00:42:26,470 In 2007 I used 13 kilowatt hours per day on average because I tinkered with the thermostat and I was astonished. 450 00:42:27,040 --> 00:42:32,680 The body is not an engineering system. It doesn't have a set point. You don't need the temperature to be 19 all the time when you're home. 451 00:42:33,010 --> 00:42:39,100 Actually, sometimes you might want 21, but a lot of the time you can get by on a much lower temperature. 452 00:42:39,100 --> 00:42:42,940 And it just depends what you've been doing, how long you've been doing it for. 453 00:42:43,180 --> 00:42:47,980 So now our thermostat is a much lower temperature, like 15 or 16 or sometimes 13. 454 00:42:48,370 --> 00:42:53,109 And the house rule is if anyone's cold, turn it up and you can turn it up to whatever you want, 455 00:42:53,110 --> 00:42:58,569 but then it gets reset back down to 13 or 15 or 16 and that gives this huge energy saving. 456 00:42:58,570 --> 00:43:05,260 So I really encourage you read your metres, do experiments, you'll be amazed how much saving and this is not my number one recommendation. 457 00:43:05,260 --> 00:43:10,510 If you want what we can do, everyone can do this. You can read your metres and do experiments. 458 00:43:11,320 --> 00:43:12,850 You can do the same with your electricity. 459 00:43:13,030 --> 00:43:20,589 I read the metre every few hours and then do the experiment of switching off all the vampires, not just the phone charger, which is ridiculous, 460 00:43:20,590 --> 00:43:28,090 but also the cable modem, the computer peripherals, the DVD player that was on all the time, the stereo that was on all the time. 461 00:43:28,270 --> 00:43:32,440 And I found the cumulative savings from switching off all those vampires was about 45 watts, 462 00:43:32,650 --> 00:43:37,660 one kilowatt hour per day, £45 per year, which I can spend on an extra holiday in Lanzarote. 463 00:43:38,650 --> 00:43:46,270 So read your metres. It's fantastic. So there are some levers, green ones, red ones and we need to have a plan that adds up. 464 00:43:46,270 --> 00:43:50,440 We need to have a conversation about these levers, which of them we like. Are we happy with the lifestyle change? 465 00:43:50,440 --> 00:43:57,819 If no, fine, then take it off the table. You just have to push harder on the other levers and if you don't want to switch to electric vehicles, 466 00:43:57,820 --> 00:44:01,030 then figure out how to how to make things add up and so forth. 467 00:44:02,020 --> 00:44:05,169 Bear in mind the land area message that I had earlier. 468 00:44:05,170 --> 00:44:07,060 When you're having these conversations with each other, 469 00:44:07,570 --> 00:44:16,780 here's a map of the UK visualising to scale the land area and key area required to get 16 kilowatt hours per day per person from wind. 470 00:44:16,780 --> 00:44:20,380 On average, every one of these grey squares here is 100 square. 471 00:44:20,490 --> 00:44:25,170 Millimetres of wind farm in Scotland and in the sea and so forth. 472 00:44:25,800 --> 00:44:28,740 Nuclear power doesn't require much land area, 473 00:44:28,740 --> 00:44:36,090 but to get 16 kilowatt hours per day per person would be a four fold increase in nuclear over today's levels of nuclear. 474 00:44:36,450 --> 00:44:44,489 At 2012 levels, the biomass to deliver 16 kilowatt hours per day per person is not just the one Wales with shown in England, 475 00:44:44,490 --> 00:44:47,670 but another three Wales is worth in other countries. 476 00:44:48,720 --> 00:44:54,330 And solar in deserts requires a smaller area shown by these eight hexagons over the channel, 477 00:44:54,330 --> 00:45:01,440 somewhere with power lines all the way across Spain and France, perhaps in order to bring the power from the Sahara to Surrey. 478 00:45:02,980 --> 00:45:06,580 Each of those six things gives you a set, a separate contribution. 479 00:45:06,580 --> 00:45:09,790 If you are if you were to do all four of those, for example, you get 64. 480 00:45:09,970 --> 00:45:12,940 Today's primary energy consumption is 125. 481 00:45:13,690 --> 00:45:21,220 So maybe you can push hard on the lifestyle levers and the demand levers to get things down and then choose some mix of these or other technologies. 482 00:45:22,210 --> 00:45:27,370 And your plan that you make when you're having that conversation needs to add up, not just on average throughout the year. 483 00:45:27,370 --> 00:45:35,319 I was saying your average is there. It needs to add up every second because supply and demand must be matched 484 00:45:35,320 --> 00:45:39,130 somehow or you've got to have some form of energy store to make things add up. 485 00:45:39,430 --> 00:45:43,690 So every month, every day and every hour is all got to add up. And this is an important issue. 486 00:45:43,690 --> 00:45:45,790 I think I'll skip over the details of this. 487 00:45:46,000 --> 00:45:51,610 These are graphs showing electricity demand fluctuations, gas demand fluctuations on exactly the same scale, 488 00:45:51,640 --> 00:45:54,820 much bigger fluctuations throughout the year in gas consumption. 489 00:45:55,330 --> 00:46:00,190 Then you get an electricity consumption because and that's temperature driven, the purple line that is showing temperature. 490 00:46:00,430 --> 00:46:04,180 So you can see swings of 60 gigawatts if you only put it in power stations. 491 00:46:04,180 --> 00:46:09,370 So 40 or 60 gigawatt swings in the winter in terms of heat consumption. 492 00:46:10,720 --> 00:46:13,660 And meanwhile, temperature demand. 493 00:46:14,890 --> 00:46:20,680 Meanwhile, transport demand is very steady at 100 gigawatts or 40 kilowatt hours per day per person throughout the year. 494 00:46:20,690 --> 00:46:23,799 So that's a steady form of demand. And then bottom left, 495 00:46:23,800 --> 00:46:31,540 this grey wiggly graph is visualising what our wind up it would look like if we had the same amount of wind in the UK that Germany has got. 496 00:46:31,570 --> 00:46:35,740 They've got 35 gigawatts. This is the graph for three gigawatts of wind. 497 00:46:35,920 --> 00:46:39,010 We've currently got about ten. So if we had three times as much wind, 498 00:46:39,190 --> 00:46:45,310 the output of that wind would be wobbling up and down on a scale similar to the current daily wobbles in electricity demand. 499 00:46:45,970 --> 00:46:50,320 Okay, so matching supply second by second hour by hour is an issue. 500 00:46:50,590 --> 00:46:58,420 Very important. People who say, Oh, I just want solar power. I need to think very carefully about the fluctuations in demand and supply. 501 00:46:58,900 --> 00:47:05,590 So I think you can see where I'm driving. Why is climate change action difficult point three and four? 502 00:47:05,740 --> 00:47:11,350 Well, I feel that people are unaware of the scale of change required and the scale of stuff that needs to be built to 503 00:47:11,350 --> 00:47:17,470 make a plan that adds up and that makes it harder to change climate change action because people are deluded. 504 00:47:17,710 --> 00:47:23,980 They've been misled by myths about things like roof mounted mini turbines as being a significant contributor. 505 00:47:23,980 --> 00:47:26,049 The roof mounted really too many. 506 00:47:26,050 --> 00:47:33,430 Seven might be enough to power your mobile phone charger is the rough, rough scale of it, so that makes it difficult. 507 00:47:33,670 --> 00:47:38,650 So we need a way of engaging people in a numerate, fact based conversation. 508 00:47:38,920 --> 00:47:45,610 And when I worked at DECC, one of the things I was involved in was making and publicising the 2050 calculator, 509 00:47:45,730 --> 00:47:51,400 which I would love to engage you with, but we don't have many minutes left, so I'll just show you. 510 00:47:51,520 --> 00:47:55,179 Here is the web frontend. It's a tool with demand side levers. 511 00:47:55,180 --> 00:47:56,830 These are the red levers I talked about earlier. 512 00:47:56,980 --> 00:48:02,530 And so you can now change to more public transport and you can have you can turn your thermostats down if you want. 513 00:48:02,530 --> 00:48:08,440 Here's the thermostats lever and it's all got little one page guys that explain very transparently what each of the levers is doing. 514 00:48:08,590 --> 00:48:09,819 And here's your supply side lever. 515 00:48:09,820 --> 00:48:16,390 So you can have a couple of wales's of bioenergy if you want, and you can import another whales of bioenergy from someone else's country. 516 00:48:16,660 --> 00:48:24,490 And you can see the effect that all these choices are having on your emissions and on other things that you might care about, including costs as well. 517 00:48:25,180 --> 00:48:29,350 So this is a tool for having grown up conversations and it's been used by government, 518 00:48:29,350 --> 00:48:33,219 for government to have a grown up description of what it intends to do. 519 00:48:33,220 --> 00:48:34,870 The carbon plan, published in 2011, 520 00:48:34,870 --> 00:48:40,120 used this tool to describe the government's plans for how it will meet its legal obligations under the Climate Act. 521 00:48:40,720 --> 00:48:46,630 Here's the costs enumerated by the calculator. It shows how much your system costs are broken down into different categories, 522 00:48:47,650 --> 00:48:53,470 so you can maybe do a bit of myth busting about how expensive particular things are or are not, 523 00:48:54,070 --> 00:48:57,670 and all of the costs have bars on them as well, which you can switch on if you want. 524 00:48:58,120 --> 00:49:01,630 These calculators have been made for other countries as well. 525 00:49:02,020 --> 00:49:06,370 China, India, Japan, South Korea, all have 2050 calculators as well. 526 00:49:06,490 --> 00:49:13,000 And I think they're having an influence on policymaking and hopefully on the public conversation in the countries that are democracies. 527 00:49:13,180 --> 00:49:16,480 So I'd love to play the game with you of making an Oxford pathway. 528 00:49:17,110 --> 00:49:25,270 No time tonight, but if you want to go play with the calculator, calculator is free online and at this website, Tony, you are looking for 2050. 529 00:49:25,630 --> 00:49:29,950 I've got a blog post and a comments area and you can all have a conversation with each other if you want. 530 00:49:29,950 --> 00:49:35,319 And I'll be back in March for the Oxford Literary Festival and then we'll do the we'll complete the crowdsourcing, 531 00:49:35,320 --> 00:49:39,010 we'll have the conversation in the room. We'll look at what everyone has said on this website as well. 532 00:49:39,010 --> 00:49:46,059 If any of you go there and we'll come up with the Oxford pathway, okay, let's see what Oxford wants to do to make a plan that adds up completely. 533 00:49:46,060 --> 00:49:51,700 Technology neutral. You can choose whatever mix of lifestyle, nukes, wind, biofuel and anything you want. 534 00:49:51,820 --> 00:49:53,770 And we'll we'll see what you actually want. 535 00:49:54,310 --> 00:50:01,990 And here's my prediction of what you will find when you when you choose that pathway, you will find, as we found in government, that any path. 536 00:50:02,150 --> 00:50:09,320 That reaches the target involves the very large scale deployment of technologies, which today are still quite expensive or bit risky and uncertain. 537 00:50:11,060 --> 00:50:14,870 And quite a few of those technologies have costs that come upfront, 538 00:50:15,140 --> 00:50:20,450 like you build a wind farm and you pay for it today and it has very low operating costs or you insulate a 539 00:50:20,450 --> 00:50:25,130 building really well per day and that cost you a load to get the Polish builders to do the work for you. 540 00:50:26,690 --> 00:50:30,050 And then it saves you tons of energy for the rest of your life. 541 00:50:30,320 --> 00:50:37,540 But there is a big upfront cost, and that's a difficulty because people don't want to switch to a more expensive system. 542 00:50:37,540 --> 00:50:41,960 And Bills is a very sensitive political topic at the moment, with Miliband and Cameron saying things. 543 00:50:43,460 --> 00:50:50,990 And it's difficult if it actually costs in the first five years and then saves you energy thereafter, because five years is how long politics lasts. 544 00:50:52,010 --> 00:50:56,270 So that's difficult. So how can we fix that problem? 545 00:50:56,480 --> 00:51:00,830 Well. In red. My suggestion is innovation. 546 00:51:00,920 --> 00:51:07,160 Maybe the most important thing to be doing right now is if you're an engineer or a scientist, go and innovate. 547 00:51:07,520 --> 00:51:12,559 And if you're not an engineer or a scientist. Lobby parliament to put more money into innovation support. 548 00:51:12,560 --> 00:51:16,190 Because all of these low carbon technologies which you need for planning that adds up, 549 00:51:16,490 --> 00:51:20,960 can credibly have their costs reduced, and there may be breakthroughs possible. 550 00:51:21,110 --> 00:51:28,099 And then so here's what I want for Christmas. I'd love it to be possible to retrofit a crappy old building in England up to Swedish 551 00:51:28,100 --> 00:51:31,549 building standards with amazing insulation that's far thinner than the rock wall, 552 00:51:31,550 --> 00:51:35,900 which was 12 or 20 centimetres thick. It would be nice for it to be cheap to install. 553 00:51:36,230 --> 00:51:41,110 We'd like electric vehicles that cost less than today's vehicles. They should have cheaper lighter batteries. 554 00:51:41,140 --> 00:51:46,640 Maybe we need progress on Supercapacitors. Lightweighting of vehicles in general would help a lot as well. 555 00:51:47,570 --> 00:51:53,959 And flywheels maybe to help store energy temporarily in cars we need smart metres and smart controls that 556 00:51:53,960 --> 00:52:00,110 help people do the sort of thing I deeply did with my own eyeballs reading metres and changing lifestyle. 557 00:52:01,070 --> 00:52:04,430 We need it to happen without people even being conscious of it. 558 00:52:04,790 --> 00:52:06,379 We need heat pumps that work well. 559 00:52:06,380 --> 00:52:11,540 If we're going to have a pathway that switches us over to heat pumps that better work roughly as well as I was saying, 560 00:52:11,540 --> 00:52:15,440 like the super hero has pumping from Japan with cute eyes and gloves and a cape. 561 00:52:16,760 --> 00:52:21,079 We need the cost of wind to come down. Offshore wind seems to be politically acceptable, 562 00:52:21,080 --> 00:52:27,320 even with a narrative in government about saying how we've got to do everything with good value for money and growth is really important. 563 00:52:27,980 --> 00:52:33,200 Many people say, Oh, but offshore wind is fine, even though it costs triple what today's electricity costs. 564 00:52:33,560 --> 00:52:39,890 It would be great to get the cost of offshore wind down since it's not a politically unpopular technology with a lot of people. 565 00:52:41,120 --> 00:52:44,449 And so innovation support, it is happening. 566 00:52:44,450 --> 00:52:49,549 This is a product of Mitsubishi that's based on an Edinburgh inventor's design. 567 00:52:49,550 --> 00:52:54,410 Stephen Salter and his community invented digital hydraulics and that's at the heart of this, 568 00:52:54,410 --> 00:53:01,370 which makes the wind turbine much more powerful and much cheaper than a standard turbine with a gearbox. 569 00:53:01,760 --> 00:53:06,890 Another radical thing to do with a wind turbine is to ask, well, where is the power really coming from in a wind turbine? 570 00:53:07,190 --> 00:53:08,570 And where is all the expense? 571 00:53:08,930 --> 00:53:17,000 And the answer is that most of the expense is in the mass of all the concrete and steel, especially in the tower and maybe the gearbox. 572 00:53:17,660 --> 00:53:20,940 But most of the power is being generated by the tip of the blade as it goes around. 573 00:53:20,960 --> 00:53:24,800 That's where almost all of the power is coming from. The tip is the key thing. 574 00:53:25,010 --> 00:53:29,420 So here's an invention. Let's just keep the tip of the wind turbine and get rid of everything else. 575 00:53:30,140 --> 00:53:35,240 And you do that by putting the tip of the wind turbine on a piece of string to hold it in place. 576 00:53:35,540 --> 00:53:37,069 And you're out of control system. 577 00:53:37,070 --> 00:53:43,490 So instead of using brute force, concrete and steel to make the tip go round and round in circles, you say, let's have a control system, 578 00:53:43,490 --> 00:53:48,380 which means have a little aeroplane with wing flaps and a control system that flies it round and round and round in circles. 579 00:53:48,740 --> 00:53:55,230 And you put a wind turbine on the aeroplane to take the power of that tip of this virtual window. 580 00:53:55,250 --> 00:53:59,600 This is 56 at the photos of the plane going round successfully in circles. 581 00:53:59,600 --> 00:54:02,719 Makani Power is the Bay Area Company doing this. 582 00:54:02,720 --> 00:54:05,750 There's a couple of companies in Britain trying to develop kite power as well. 583 00:54:06,320 --> 00:54:09,700 So that's with innovation, support, biomass. 584 00:54:09,710 --> 00:54:16,610 I came out with a sort of bad news story about biofuels at the beginning, but I do think that they have an important role. 585 00:54:16,610 --> 00:54:24,620 It's quite hard to make a pathway that adds up without some liquid fuels for some forms of transport and maybe some fuels for industry as well. 586 00:54:24,860 --> 00:54:31,759 And maybe those will need to be bioenergy. So we better have some breakthroughs in sustainable bioenergy nuclear power. 587 00:54:31,760 --> 00:54:36,319 It would be great to have nuclear power that perceived to be more proliferation resistant, 588 00:54:36,320 --> 00:54:41,299 safer and lower waste than today's technologies and carbon capture storage. 589 00:54:41,300 --> 00:54:48,260 I popped over earlier. Again, breakthroughs could happen in this technology and if we could get the costs of carbon capture and storage way down, 590 00:54:48,260 --> 00:54:53,870 that could really help with the global negotiations to make the plant add up at all times. 591 00:54:53,870 --> 00:54:54,709 Second by second, 592 00:54:54,710 --> 00:55:01,520 we need breakthroughs in storage because at the moment storage is far too expensive for it to be credible to use lots of solar for most countries, 593 00:55:01,700 --> 00:55:05,510 unless the solar as well correlated with your demand already like air conditioning. 594 00:55:05,780 --> 00:55:12,319 So we need breakthroughs in energy storage and his three companies that my innovation team at DECC was involved in in 595 00:55:12,320 --> 00:55:20,030 promoting one making heat stores that can reversibly turn electricity into heat and back using an amazing heat pump. 596 00:55:20,210 --> 00:55:24,190 As I said in Tropic Top Middle, they're storing energy as hydrogen. 597 00:55:24,200 --> 00:55:30,860 You take electricity, you electrolyser water and you make hydrogen more efficiently and with lower cost than standard electrolysers. 598 00:55:31,100 --> 00:55:39,980 And on the right side of his in Edinburgh, a company that's taking electricity using a heat pump to make heat and storage in a stratified heat store, 599 00:55:41,210 --> 00:55:47,090 using clever chemicals so as to deliver heat to the house in a way that's much more responsive than the original heat pump. 600 00:55:47,090 --> 00:55:51,080 And you can run the heat pump whenever the electricity is cheap. So that's a lovely idea. 601 00:55:51,860 --> 00:55:57,730 Here's another breakthrough I'd like for Christmas. If we're serious about getting anywhere close to two degrees, we are. 602 00:55:57,750 --> 00:56:01,380 Going to need to suck CO2 out of the air with a giant vacuum cleaner. 603 00:56:01,860 --> 00:56:05,600 And so we need innovation support for developing vacuum cleaners. 604 00:56:05,610 --> 00:56:10,590 This is someone's visualisation of him looking like cheese graters alongside a motorway. 605 00:56:11,070 --> 00:56:14,430 We need them so we can suck. Millions and millions and millions of tonnes. 606 00:56:14,430 --> 00:56:20,459 Actually, billions of tonnes is the sort of scale we're talking about out of the air to bury in the ground. 607 00:56:20,460 --> 00:56:25,860 And that is in many people's pathways. It's an option in your 2050 calculator over here called Geo Sequestration. 608 00:56:26,070 --> 00:56:27,480 It's a form of geoengineering. 609 00:56:27,780 --> 00:56:35,849 And interestingly, if you look at the Friends of the Earth's pathway, you'll find that they've got the geoengineering lever turned up to level four, 610 00:56:35,850 --> 00:56:40,020 which means they're bearing 110 million tonnes per year of CO2 in the ground. 611 00:56:40,020 --> 00:56:44,700 That's what a famous green group is advocating, having used our calculator. 612 00:56:44,850 --> 00:56:51,120 So geoengineering a very large scale. And here's some other things I want for Christmas as backup plans. 613 00:56:51,390 --> 00:56:53,490 I think it's very important to keep working on hydrogen, 614 00:56:53,490 --> 00:56:58,320 even though in my book I said some critical things about hydrogen, I do still want to back the hydrogen horse, actually. 615 00:56:58,620 --> 00:57:01,769 And ammonia is a possible way of carrying hydrogen around. 616 00:57:01,770 --> 00:57:04,860 That isn't quite as tricky to deal with as hydrogen. 617 00:57:05,010 --> 00:57:10,860 So maybe using ammonia as a as a fuel that doesn't involve carbon might be a good idea. 618 00:57:11,130 --> 00:57:17,130 And maybe we should be synthesising fuels from thin air, grabbing CO2 and turning it into a fuel. 619 00:57:17,310 --> 00:57:24,900 And maybe if we're really trying to avoid global warming going above two degrees, we should be looking at other forms of geoengineering as well. 620 00:57:25,230 --> 00:57:32,490 So that's the sort of innovation I'd encourage. Also solar power and deep geothermal for other countries, though not especially for the UK. 621 00:57:33,650 --> 00:57:37,310 So what do we need to make a plan that adds up what we need for success? 622 00:57:37,430 --> 00:57:43,030 We can do it. This is what we need. We need the public and politicians to support a new approach. 623 00:57:43,040 --> 00:57:45,860 Let's actually talk about facts and realistic options. 624 00:57:47,120 --> 00:57:55,100 We need to base that on a realistic but ambitious energy model for each country that describes what definitely could be done and what could be done. 625 00:57:55,280 --> 00:57:58,790 Thanks to innovation, support and really strong changes in policy. 626 00:57:59,990 --> 00:58:03,410 We need innovation support to drive down the costs of the low carbon technologies. 627 00:58:03,410 --> 00:58:06,049 And we're going to need lots of well-trained engineers to go ahead and do the 628 00:58:06,050 --> 00:58:12,230 inventing and implementation and deployment of all this stuff that we need to build. 629 00:58:13,520 --> 00:58:19,910 I haven't quite completed all the pieces of bad news. Let me give you point seven and eight, just so that I haven't misled you. 630 00:58:22,450 --> 00:58:27,130 Why is it still going to be difficult? Even if we get the costs of those technologies down quite a bit? 631 00:58:27,280 --> 00:58:33,930 Well, if they're still a little bit more expensive than fossil fuels, then we still have an international and inter-generational common problem. 632 00:58:33,940 --> 00:58:39,370 It's a tragedy of the commons. My ten tonnes per year of pollution doesn't really hurt me very much at all. 633 00:58:39,370 --> 00:58:43,900 It just hurts everyone, all 9 billion people equally a little bit. 634 00:58:44,050 --> 00:58:50,460 And so people don't feel the impact of their pollution is the tragedy of the commons and commons problems are difficult to solve, but not impossible. 635 00:58:50,470 --> 00:58:58,300 You need to have some sort of binding agreement between people and to get agreement to a binding agreement that actually works and does something. 636 00:58:58,390 --> 00:59:00,130 It needs to be perceived to be fair. 637 00:59:00,670 --> 00:59:06,520 And I think that's a big difficulty at the moment, is difficult to get climate change action because people are negotiating in the wrong sort of way. 638 00:59:06,520 --> 00:59:11,469 So it's not clear what's fair. And this is now emphatically not government policy. 639 00:59:11,470 --> 00:59:16,570 I don't work for government anymore, so I'm allowed to say because I think these international agreements ought to be 640 00:59:16,570 --> 00:59:19,180 negotiating something different from what they're negotiating at the moment. 641 00:59:19,360 --> 00:59:24,080 Namely, I think they ought to be talking about what price carbon should have in future decades. 642 00:59:24,400 --> 00:59:29,559 Everyone agrees in economics there should be a carbon price, but lots of economists say, Oh yeah, so let's use cap and trade. 643 00:59:29,560 --> 00:59:31,000 That's wonderful, cap and trade, lovely. 644 00:59:31,660 --> 00:59:38,260 But I don't think that's a good way to negotiate because if you're negotiating a cap for yourself and a cap and other countries are choosing that cap, 645 00:59:38,410 --> 00:59:42,730 you've got an incentive to cheat a bit and give yourself more of the cap than you really ought to. 646 00:59:42,940 --> 00:59:46,720 Whereas if you negotiate on price and if you know that the price will apply to other countries, 647 00:59:46,960 --> 00:59:51,880 you've got an incentive to name a high price because you know it will apply by agreement to those other countries. 648 00:59:52,150 --> 00:59:56,500 So that's what I mean by a carbon price mechanism will give a predictable price and you 649 00:59:56,500 --> 01:00:00,729 need to factor in compensation for poorer people to make them want to support it as well. 650 01:00:00,730 --> 01:00:06,130 So you have a proportional compensation to poor countries, emphatically not caps and not cap and trade. 651 01:00:06,520 --> 01:00:09,849 So I think problems seven and eight are solvable, 652 01:00:09,850 --> 01:00:15,729 but it's very difficult and I think there needs to be a change in the approach to the negotiations to deliver that. 653 01:00:15,730 --> 01:00:20,950 If we want to read more about that, I recommend a paper by Crampton on Soft called How to Fix the Inefficiency of Global Cap and Trade, 654 01:00:20,950 --> 01:00:26,140 which gives the game theory argument for why prices are a better thing to negotiate on than caps. 655 01:00:26,500 --> 01:00:30,040 Okay, so that was the sort of game theory geeky ending. 656 01:00:30,220 --> 01:00:36,810 That's my last slide. That's what we need to do. It's not easy, but it is possible. 657 01:00:36,900 --> 01:00:39,570 And if we get on with it, it may actually be fun. Thank you very much for listening.