1 00:00:08,060 --> 00:00:23,580 Hello, everybody. We are. In a six instalment of the teachers as Digital Edition, International Digital Edition, and today's speaker is Luchi Ali. 2 00:00:23,580 --> 00:00:28,040 She is a research fellow at the centre. 3 00:00:28,040 --> 00:00:37,880 This helps them with the sea level, so the Delozier Winter in Paris and a member of the cold Arctic Desert itude 4 00:00:37,880 --> 00:00:44,370 where she's currently working within the framework of the research project. Social status in the Tibet world. 5 00:00:44,370 --> 00:00:53,260 She a DPhil in or into studies from University of Oxford with the thesis on the new top of the twentieth century. 6 00:00:53,260 --> 00:01:01,310 Trader cataclysmic. And today she's going to speak about fictional facts or fictional fiction. 7 00:01:01,310 --> 00:01:09,420 The sociality behind Khattak zamiak's Diary and like Patton Jobs, The Life of a Mutya Luciano. 8 00:01:09,420 --> 00:01:14,460 Start your screen sharing and listen patiently. 9 00:01:14,460 --> 00:01:17,810 So please bear with me because I'm not very much. 10 00:01:17,810 --> 00:01:23,410 Let me save myself. And he will. 11 00:01:23,410 --> 00:01:31,500 OK, I think we are all set. So, first of all, I would like to thank Daniel for inviting me. 12 00:01:31,500 --> 00:01:43,090 And, of course, all of you for joining me. Before diving into my presentation, I just would like to engage you in a sort of mental exercise. 13 00:01:43,090 --> 00:01:49,430 So please humour me, as some of you may know, Sabra, that I sees in the audience. 14 00:01:49,430 --> 00:01:59,230 So and I I've been working on a two volume project on Tibetan life writing, and we have just recently draughted the editorial for the last issue, 15 00:01:59,230 --> 00:02:08,020 which concerns the most unconventional and in many ways less than all known aspects of the nontariff genre, 16 00:02:08,020 --> 00:02:15,460 a term that I'm here using in its more in the largest and broadest sense of life story. 17 00:02:15,460 --> 00:02:20,800 So whether we were reflecting on the way secular elements seep into the overarching 18 00:02:20,800 --> 00:02:26,470 dominant narrative of salvation that is generally associated with geography, 19 00:02:26,470 --> 00:02:37,690 I could not buy wonder about the way reality and perception mingle in the biographical narrative and how labels such as fiction and non-fiction. 20 00:02:37,690 --> 00:02:43,240 And I'm here using air quotes for a reason, maybe deceptively simple. 21 00:02:43,240 --> 00:02:46,540 So here comes my mental exercise for you. 22 00:02:46,540 --> 00:02:57,340 Imagine having just joined a book club and that the reading, the first reading that your powers have chosen is a biography of Winston Churchill. 23 00:02:57,340 --> 00:03:02,830 So you get into your favourite, so you know it, the place inside out. 24 00:03:02,830 --> 00:03:08,290 And so I bet you will head straight to the non-fiction section without even blinking an eye. 25 00:03:08,290 --> 00:03:12,730 Right. Is it easy? Now, let's fast forward a month. 26 00:03:12,730 --> 00:03:22,750 This time the choice falls on survival in Auschwitz by Primo Lavey and they talionis amongst amongst you probably know it with the Italian title, 27 00:03:22,750 --> 00:03:31,720 which is sequestering llamo. If this is a man who would give you a pause when entering the shop. 28 00:03:31,720 --> 00:03:36,520 Or would you be certain to find it in the same place of the previous book? 29 00:03:36,520 --> 00:03:43,120 I'm asking you this because personally I would have some hesitations. The work is mainly a memoir. 30 00:03:43,120 --> 00:03:49,540 Yet the image conjured but conjured up by Livi the writer diverges from the idea 31 00:03:49,540 --> 00:03:55,750 that we might have of the grim reality of a concentration camp who is poetic prose. 32 00:03:55,750 --> 00:03:59,800 The author more morphs in story into fiction, 33 00:03:59,800 --> 00:04:07,780 regardless of the fact that they wrote about real events that took place at a real time and a real place. 34 00:04:07,780 --> 00:04:15,820 The truth of the experience recounted in the memoir is not that that haunted, damaged survival that we might expect. 35 00:04:15,820 --> 00:04:24,490 But doesn't the average man who experienced firsthand historical condition of subjection and humiliation? 36 00:04:24,490 --> 00:04:31,520 I believe this groundball to be an important premise to the sort of questions that motivate today's stock. 37 00:04:31,520 --> 00:04:36,430 My presentation revolves, in fact, around two specific Tibetan works, 38 00:04:36,430 --> 00:04:41,780 and you end up or a non-fiction narrative written by a company trader named Cuttack, 39 00:04:41,780 --> 00:04:49,420 some yak and associate really Snover Jepp, a metre or life or community by of the job. 40 00:04:49,420 --> 00:04:53,770 At first glance, these two texts are extremely different. 41 00:04:53,770 --> 00:05:01,390 On one hand, we have what appears to be a factual work and on the other, what we would categorise as a creative writing. 42 00:05:01,390 --> 00:05:12,580 Nevertheless, the conventional divide between fact and fiction and I'm here again using air quotes is blurrier than theory would like us to believe, 43 00:05:12,580 --> 00:05:22,990 since we know that autobiographical writing and the that is indeed a first person recollection of events is not about verisimilitude. 44 00:05:22,990 --> 00:05:33,880 It is, however, about the terror ability and its sincerity. It's not what it appears to be, true, but what is not rated as true. 45 00:05:33,880 --> 00:05:45,650 In other words, the autobiographical text, in spite of and even by creating fiction, still presents the truth, that being the truth of the self. 46 00:05:45,650 --> 00:05:49,460 This is particularly accurate, I believe, in the case of Tibet, since, 47 00:05:49,460 --> 00:05:55,940 like writing and especially not to amongst them, constitutes a massive part of the Tibetan literary corpus, 48 00:05:55,940 --> 00:06:06,810 regardless of or more precisely because of the Buddhist doctrine, the seasoned attachment to the self, the cause for karmic sufferance and bondage. 49 00:06:06,810 --> 00:06:16,840 At a closer look. In fact, most of Tibetan biographical and autobiographical writings present features both in the structure and in their things, 50 00:06:16,840 --> 00:06:23,020 the find in the Java literature. So in Buddhist life stories, the original model, 51 00:06:23,020 --> 00:06:28,100 the indigenous persona depicted in this works reflected reflects the concept 52 00:06:28,100 --> 00:06:34,340 of social personhood promoted by religious and cultural media of the time. 53 00:06:34,340 --> 00:06:41,210 Biographies and autobiographies affected individual self perception at all levels of society. 54 00:06:41,210 --> 00:06:45,960 By providing specific behavioural models as a frame of reference. 55 00:06:45,960 --> 00:06:52,510 And there have durance to or refusal of the schemes the persona's portrayed in Notter 56 00:06:52,510 --> 00:06:58,300 and Dunnam illuminate the process of identity construction within the Tibetan society. 57 00:06:58,300 --> 00:07:03,780 At the same time contributing to shape and or modified. 58 00:07:03,780 --> 00:07:14,160 The next step is a perfect example of the construction of a social eagle, textual expression of an integral ryze concept of personhood. 59 00:07:14,160 --> 00:07:22,000 Before we go any further, though, I briefly pause to give you an abridged version of the story narrated in the work in question. 60 00:07:22,000 --> 00:07:32,630 Anything that comes to us as a published Western style book edited by the Tibet House in Delhi and printed by the India Pressure Press in 1997. 61 00:07:32,630 --> 00:07:41,000 From the forward, we know that the text originally on school papers was part of the Hawthorne's family archives and that there was Zanuck's 62 00:07:41,000 --> 00:07:49,570 nephews who first acknowledged the potential benefit that such a work could bring to the Tibetan community at large. 63 00:07:49,570 --> 00:07:57,670 By the 1990s, the diaspora was extremely active in editing and publishing personal narratives for preservation purposes. 64 00:07:57,670 --> 00:08:04,120 And it is easy to understand that a factual account based on diary entries taken during a crucial period of 65 00:08:04,120 --> 00:08:12,030 modern Tibetan history could not fail to attract the attention of indigenous and foreign scholars alike. 66 00:08:12,030 --> 00:08:20,430 The events described in the the span of a 14 year period between 1944 and 1950, fifty eight. 67 00:08:20,430 --> 00:08:25,350 I do apologise if in the slides as written 1956, there is a reason for that. 68 00:08:25,350 --> 00:08:34,940 If you're interested, I can elaborate for the. dizziEr women spent by the author Journey Trading and pilgrimage imaging between the 69 00:08:34,940 --> 00:08:42,250 central provinces of time and the trade hubs and holy sites of India and Nepal, 70 00:08:42,250 --> 00:08:52,060 categorised by the editors as a mint. A Tibetan term that is often used as an equivalent to the English umbrella term diary. 71 00:08:52,060 --> 00:08:55,850 The tax is clearly a recollection of events. 72 00:08:55,850 --> 00:09:04,820 There is, in other words, a certain distance in time and in space, but in the narrating itself and they are not related itself. 73 00:09:04,820 --> 00:09:11,000 The opening line on the meetup is dated 1944 and introduces the author's decision to live her up. 74 00:09:11,000 --> 00:09:16,670 She one of the territorial divisions of the Kingdom of Munchen income setting off on 75 00:09:16,670 --> 00:09:23,210 what E defines that also in self-defined pilgrimage without any fixed direction. 76 00:09:23,210 --> 00:09:28,530 The reasons for what would turn out to be a lifelong exile must be sought in a few. 77 00:09:28,530 --> 00:09:36,830 But in 1940, oppose the ruling households of rap sheet to some of the major incarnations of the local Guilloux monastery. 78 00:09:36,830 --> 00:09:42,200 Long story short, man found himself involved in the rule as the right relation to the death of the 79 00:09:42,200 --> 00:09:49,790 houseless her alleged acquired out by one of the digital juku incarcerated in 1940. 80 00:09:49,790 --> 00:09:52,850 It was put to trial and found guilty. 81 00:09:52,850 --> 00:10:00,590 In spite of his claim to innocence is properties and estate were confiscated and he was ousted in his own words, as a new beggar. 82 00:10:00,590 --> 00:10:07,400 As a sergeant. The following is a Saud's amongst gradually improving its social status. 83 00:10:07,400 --> 00:10:16,100 Up to his appointment of the simple chief merchant of one of the monastic estates of the second monastery on Nooria once you've done it, sung. 84 00:10:16,100 --> 00:10:26,710 In 1952. A bit presented us diary entries, the events that reported in the new tip were not recorded in the moment, 85 00:10:26,710 --> 00:10:38,160 but rather recollected in narrative eyes at another time. As we know, the narrative process is in its own nature, constructive and imaginative. 86 00:10:38,160 --> 00:10:45,000 Other strained by moral concerns for truthfulness and the autobiographical text based on one's memory is 87 00:10:45,000 --> 00:10:54,460 somehow crafted and arbitrary to the point that it's not possible to equate actuality with non-fiction. 88 00:10:54,460 --> 00:11:03,350 The assumption that autobiographical writing content sentences, and I'm here quoting, call it possessing a truth value, unquote, that they work. 89 00:11:03,350 --> 00:11:10,160 In other words, relates to our reality outside the text and that this connexion can be verified. 90 00:11:10,160 --> 00:11:18,600 Is at the base of the conflict between autobiography and fiction, perceived as they are as conceptual opposites. 91 00:11:18,600 --> 00:11:27,030 Nevertheless, many literary theorists have started questioning whether autobiography and fiction may really be considered antonymous. 92 00:11:27,030 --> 00:11:33,840 For it is a story of Paskowitz puts it fictionalisation and fiction that impedes the claims. 93 00:11:33,840 --> 00:11:45,060 The factuality are the quotable autobiography. Delattre, in fact, unavoidable entails narrative ization for and I'm here quoting Pascal once again. 94 00:11:45,060 --> 00:11:50,760 It imposes a pattern on life, constructs out of it a coherent story. 95 00:11:50,760 --> 00:11:53,970 It establishes certain stages in an individual life, 96 00:11:53,970 --> 00:12:04,320 makes the links between them and defines implicitly or explicitly a certain consistency or relationship between the self and the outside world. 97 00:12:04,320 --> 00:12:14,170 End quote. That being said, it is also undeniable, the life itself as an inherent structure. 98 00:12:14,170 --> 00:12:23,470 In order to have experiences, in fact, one should have them one at a time and life itself is not around them cluster of occurrences, 99 00:12:23,470 --> 00:12:26,740 occurrences without relation to one another, 100 00:12:26,740 --> 00:12:36,070 but rather each advance find its focus of attraction in the experiencing subject, which orders them in a chronological sequence, 101 00:12:36,070 --> 00:12:43,150 placing them into context to form the structure of his or her life in its entirety. 102 00:12:43,150 --> 00:12:48,430 Those experiences are intrinsically know that's illogical and dependent temporality, 103 00:12:48,430 --> 00:12:55,220 as well as the cultural, social and historical conditions in which the subject lives. 104 00:12:55,220 --> 00:12:59,690 In the next case, the evaluation aspect, that is to say, 105 00:12:59,690 --> 00:13:05,660 the talks of placing sequential events in terms of a meaningful context is fulfilled through 106 00:13:05,660 --> 00:13:10,730 the self identify is suffered a notification with the figure of the 11th century Tibetan. 107 00:13:10,730 --> 00:13:18,620 You'll give me the report. So. Stands by the Caelum becomes Saint scheme on the core of the most popular version 108 00:13:18,620 --> 00:13:24,690 of the life story of the Saint composed in the 15th century by Samuel Ataca. 109 00:13:24,690 --> 00:13:28,410 The China builds a strong affiliation with Mina Rippa. 110 00:13:28,410 --> 00:13:35,760 As the latter has suffered depression and was forced to leave his ancestral land embarking on pilgrimages without any fixed goal, 111 00:13:35,760 --> 00:13:42,900 and his narrative repeatedly refers to the author's desire to cleanse his karma that's conforming to the powerful paradigm. 112 00:13:42,900 --> 00:13:48,120 That means rape is known to become for many generations of Tibetans. 113 00:13:48,120 --> 00:13:58,200 Intellectuality plays a fundamental role in the need. As a matter of fact, the presence of what Smith the fine ideological eye, that is to say, 114 00:13:58,200 --> 00:14:02,460 the concept of personhood culturally available to the narrator when he tells the 115 00:14:02,460 --> 00:14:08,320 story is particularly relevant to the point I'm raising for the ideological. 116 00:14:08,320 --> 00:14:14,310 I not only reflect the social and into textual embedding of Xanax narrative, 117 00:14:14,310 --> 00:14:18,830 but it also reveals the way in which the traditional structures and institutions of 118 00:14:18,830 --> 00:14:25,520 separate presentation are actively engaged and interpreted throughout the media. 119 00:14:25,520 --> 00:14:33,620 That brings us to the title of my talk and my referring to some ex diary entries as fictional facts. 120 00:14:33,620 --> 00:14:37,180 And they already mentioned forwards, edited the version of the work, 121 00:14:37,180 --> 00:14:43,810 the factual character of the Nienstedt is presented as the main motivation for its editing and publication. 122 00:14:43,810 --> 00:14:51,410 The non-literary function on the account is put upfront, make it almost impossible to question its truthfulness. 123 00:14:51,410 --> 00:14:59,800 I would like to suggest a different approach to the method, though, by considering, on the contrary, the literati function of the Nienstedt. 124 00:14:59,800 --> 00:15:07,780 As an innovation of the self, the tax lends itself to an ecological approach which allows us to investigate the process of identity, 125 00:15:07,780 --> 00:15:14,920 construction of the author and the ways life is made to conform to culturally validated narrative forms. 126 00:15:14,920 --> 00:15:20,330 Without undermining that we saw its value has historical source. 127 00:15:20,330 --> 00:15:27,410 It is important to stress once again, the narrative ization does not necessarily equate the fictionalisation. 128 00:15:27,410 --> 00:15:33,230 Autobiography is conceived as a true accounts of facts or to quote some. 129 00:15:33,230 --> 00:15:42,050 And I'm here quoting him. Truer words explain the action, the actions, the words, the objects, etc., as they really were. 130 00:15:42,050 --> 00:15:48,230 End quote. But the truth is not to be found in the past, for only fragments of it can be recalled. 131 00:15:48,230 --> 00:15:55,700 And whatever truth of fact that occurred in the past is therefore be on any mnemonic effort. 132 00:15:55,700 --> 00:16:02,910 It is in the present and in the act of writing and recollecting that the truth must be sought. 133 00:16:02,910 --> 00:16:06,720 Tomorrow, Mary Warnock's words, and I'm here quoting, 134 00:16:06,720 --> 00:16:16,800 To claim to remember something is to claim to know what it was like because I was physically and geographically there and I have not forgotten. 135 00:16:16,800 --> 00:16:25,890 There is thus a trust that truth claim in an account of what I remember, a claim that which in some cases cannot be challenged and what. 136 00:16:25,890 --> 00:16:30,120 It will be pointless to theorise autobiographical writing and its value on the base of 137 00:16:30,120 --> 00:16:36,580 the relationship between what is narrated and the factual accuracy of that narration. 138 00:16:36,580 --> 00:16:39,670 If the truth can be found in each human life, 139 00:16:39,670 --> 00:16:50,270 then the process of connecting each individual experience to one another to select and organise the hole in a narrative must be truthful as well. 140 00:16:50,270 --> 00:16:54,170 Through this prospective retrospective principle of organisation. 141 00:16:54,170 --> 00:16:59,420 So the actor really can present the past and the future or parts to the whole. 142 00:16:59,420 --> 00:17:03,920 The author's reality becomes the reality is or her truth. 143 00:17:03,920 --> 00:17:11,500 The truth. The auto didactic nature of the Internet provides another interesting feature to reflect upon, 144 00:17:11,500 --> 00:17:17,440 that is to say the dual structure core of the autobiographical first person pronoun, 145 00:17:17,440 --> 00:17:26,370 a self that is both narrating and narrated, the narrating self recollecting the memory of past events. 146 00:17:26,370 --> 00:17:29,690 Revise them retrospectively, thus becoming the agent. 147 00:17:29,690 --> 00:17:34,830 The fatality zation the point from which the story stored. 148 00:17:34,830 --> 00:17:42,300 By selecting specific elements considered to be relevant from the virtually endless moments of experience, composing one's own life, 149 00:17:42,300 --> 00:17:54,220 then not writing itself endows the past with present influence, meaning thus connecting that there and then with the here and now. 150 00:17:54,220 --> 00:18:03,610 Another element worth keeping in mind in know discussion about fiction and facts is the rhetorical aspect of autobiographical writing, that is to say, 151 00:18:03,610 --> 00:18:14,960 the commitment towards a certain amount of presumptions about oneself one's in relation to others, one's view of the world and one's place in it. 152 00:18:14,960 --> 00:18:21,310 Thanks. The next describing himself as a nickel, as I see no later than lagom, 153 00:18:21,310 --> 00:18:28,490 but is self perception does not necessarily mirror the kind of behaviour that emerged from his account since most of his 154 00:18:28,490 --> 00:18:36,500 visits to sacred sites both inside and outside the Tibetan plateau appear to have been incidental to break arranged business, 155 00:18:36,500 --> 00:18:41,670 cheap trips. Nevertheless, the difficult persona with womans, I mean, 156 00:18:41,670 --> 00:18:52,610 it's the side to identify himself cannot be dismissed as a mere dismissed as a mere mentally fictional in presenting himself as such as a new beggar. 157 00:18:52,610 --> 00:19:03,330 They also, in fact, combines their rhetoric of self-justification. So why he behaves in a certain way with the requirements of the non-stop narrative. 158 00:19:03,330 --> 00:19:10,530 His account makes amply draws for the pool of cultural interpretation and traditional literature is designed to 159 00:19:10,530 --> 00:19:18,910 follows the step of the light rain set hampered by the necessity of accommodating unavoidable material needs. 160 00:19:18,910 --> 00:19:21,910 In discussing Western autobiographical narratives, 161 00:19:21,910 --> 00:19:30,310 Bruner draws attention to the marking of these episodes in the narrator's life that leads to the sizes changes in a particular belief, 162 00:19:30,310 --> 00:19:35,740 conviction or situation, calling them turning points. 163 00:19:35,740 --> 00:19:44,800 These are understood by the scholar as a feature. And I'm here quoting, crucial to the effort to individualise a life to make it clearly, importantly, 164 00:19:44,800 --> 00:19:51,530 something more than a running off of automatic for full psychological kind of radicality. 165 00:19:51,530 --> 00:19:55,850 I would like to argue that in the mean that the function performed by the marking 166 00:19:55,850 --> 00:20:00,830 of this narrative turning points is opposite to the one described by Bruno, 167 00:20:00,830 --> 00:20:05,450 since it inhibit invariably reconciles some next generation. 168 00:20:05,450 --> 00:20:12,450 So the traditional life story that he is chosen as an ideal model, that is muli rape as montha. 169 00:20:12,450 --> 00:20:21,030 It is, in fact, the human need to narrate one's own existence. This given is a retrospective shape and meaning, of course, for the record. 170 00:20:21,030 --> 00:20:29,670 The socially and culturally acceptable storylines and discourses appropriately adapted to one's own situation. 171 00:20:29,670 --> 00:20:39,990 The next narrative's is punctuated by three major turning points, and you will see in the slides in how reports are just that quotes from the text. 172 00:20:39,990 --> 00:20:47,520 So these are some next words. The first turning points is the author's acceptance of these conditions. 173 00:20:47,520 --> 00:20:50,690 Forced to abandon his ancestral land up there, and during that trial, 174 00:20:50,690 --> 00:20:57,630 the dispossessed stray that eventually announce is claims to reinstatement and fully embrace his conditions. 175 00:20:57,630 --> 00:21:01,830 Finding the archetypical figure of the one they're in pretty good shape up socially 176 00:21:01,830 --> 00:21:07,250 and culturally acceptable concept of personhood to which you could conform. 177 00:21:07,250 --> 00:21:10,910 The second turning point in the media narrative must be sought in the author's 178 00:21:10,910 --> 00:21:15,470 final acknowledgement of the impossibility to return to his ancestral land. 179 00:21:15,470 --> 00:21:24,850 By taking the figure of Muli reprises ideological eye, the trader embarks on a journey that is both a physical and spiritual. 180 00:21:24,850 --> 00:21:29,080 Although initially directed at the improvement of his own personal situation, 181 00:21:29,080 --> 00:21:38,320 some ex married making enterprise grew to embrace or beings towards Saiki dedicated most of his ultimate ritual activities. 182 00:21:38,320 --> 00:21:44,330 It is in the identification with the same fictional elements come into play. 183 00:21:44,330 --> 00:21:53,810 In spite of the constant referral formula, rape is not narrative. In fact, it reveals an image of a man much more involved in war matters. 184 00:21:53,810 --> 00:22:00,630 Most of his pilgrimages where decollete is it? So the collateral outcome of business ventures. 185 00:22:00,630 --> 00:22:06,000 It is worth noticing the constructive process behind the narrate itself, which appears to be, 186 00:22:06,000 --> 00:22:13,270 to all intents and purposes, a creation of direct respective reflection of the not rating self. 187 00:22:13,270 --> 00:22:21,920 As in any autobiographical narrative, there is in the mind a desire to resolve ambiguity, to give a sense to one's own life. 188 00:22:21,920 --> 00:22:28,810 The tax being a testimony to the author of Spiritual Growth. The appeasing effect of the second turning point. 189 00:22:28,810 --> 00:22:35,280 So it's a mixed Southern edification with Miller. But not a weather have a long lasting effect. 190 00:22:35,280 --> 00:22:43,630 Despite his best intentions, the truth struggled to deal with a detached or the Wardley attitude traditionally expected from elements. 191 00:22:43,630 --> 00:22:52,870 Most of the religious activities performed by them young between 1944 and 1952 sort a mundane result good health, 192 00:22:52,870 --> 00:22:59,280 financial security or social stability. Although described in the makeup as pilgrimages, 193 00:22:59,280 --> 00:23:06,930 some ex visits to the secrets places of the plateau where de facto incidental to plumb business trips and such. 194 00:23:06,930 --> 00:23:12,400 Subject to strict schedules and predetermined itineraries. 195 00:23:12,400 --> 00:23:17,620 What does that also provide an account based on shoots? That is to say, facts. 196 00:23:17,620 --> 00:23:24,250 His recollection is not truthful, since they call it consciously emphasised the spirit aspect of the journey, 197 00:23:24,250 --> 00:23:29,660 dismissing the action motivation behind them. The next adds, I'm sorry. 198 00:23:29,660 --> 00:23:38,960 The third turning point is that it's some next appointment as a trade agent for one of the large chunk of second establishment or nearly one Sheldon. 199 00:23:38,960 --> 00:23:47,150 That goes almost unnoticed amongst the endless listing of ritual activities and empowerments received at home in the same period. 200 00:23:47,150 --> 00:23:57,420 There was a dragon in 1952 marks the end of the ortho's incapacity to reconcile the material and the needs with the theological and spiritual desires, 201 00:23:57,420 --> 00:24:01,440 the inner split caused by the forced coexistence of conflicting behaviour. 202 00:24:01,440 --> 00:24:09,460 And. So on one hand, we have the wandering pilgrims and on the other we have the traitor is finally overcome. 203 00:24:09,460 --> 00:24:15,720 At the end of the fight over five months, they are one children, some youngsters, a different man. 204 00:24:15,720 --> 00:24:22,760 By means of an active participant, participation in the oral transmission on the laundry system by the sixty five fifth not 205 00:24:22,760 --> 00:24:29,330 shown himself the trader according to his own self understanding and self representation. 206 00:24:29,330 --> 00:24:33,650 Realises the fundamental identity of samsara and nirvana. 207 00:24:33,650 --> 00:24:39,090 The quality of a Buddha already present in any human being can only be obtained through the removal of 208 00:24:39,090 --> 00:24:46,550 obscuration and a transformational Wonsan body speech and mind less and less interested in one thing gains. 209 00:24:46,550 --> 00:24:54,190 Some next shift is concerned towards an afterlife and accumulation of merits for the sake of all beings. 210 00:24:54,190 --> 00:24:59,820 Although an important step step on the path to spiritual growth of the NRA is itself, 211 00:24:59,820 --> 00:25:08,380 some X internalisation of the core meaning of the larger system does not represent in itself a turning point in the narrative. 212 00:25:08,380 --> 00:25:13,390 On the contrary, the key factors lead into a crucial change in the narrative flow. 213 00:25:13,390 --> 00:25:17,730 That is, the appointment is appointment as a trade agent must be sought, 214 00:25:17,730 --> 00:25:27,790 and these dense and active involvement in the empowerment and ritual sessions perform an oral one at a time of his day at the SEC establishment. 215 00:25:27,790 --> 00:25:35,300 They also often join your stomach companion in ancient Georgia. And are that someone from three heart income income? 216 00:25:35,300 --> 00:25:38,710 Spigel offerings to both the monastic community and the Masters, 217 00:25:38,710 --> 00:25:48,460 bestowing the empowerments by promoting his image as a devout sponsor or affiliated with influential people such as it ancient and Sabat, 218 00:25:48,460 --> 00:25:56,600 some of whom it was a trade agent. Some eggs certainly attracted the attention of the large dream treasurer. 219 00:25:56,600 --> 00:25:58,850 Paradoxically, it's spiritual. 220 00:25:58,850 --> 00:26:06,530 And so, to your logical interests, further is awarded recognition as success in emerging of religious and economic elements. 221 00:26:06,530 --> 00:26:12,560 The swiftly closing the the circle of Islamic narrative. 222 00:26:12,560 --> 00:26:21,940 I've so far put to the fore the fictional aspect of the meetup and how they are functional to the expression of an indigenous form of personhood. 223 00:26:21,940 --> 00:26:30,850 I will now turn my attention to what I define in my title as a factual fiction that is Lahud on their permits. 224 00:26:30,850 --> 00:26:34,060 And although that has been defined by François, 225 00:26:34,060 --> 00:26:42,490 it Obama as one of the most interesting example of Tibetan fictional narratives dealing with the first half of the 20th century. 226 00:26:42,490 --> 00:26:50,290 And I agree with her. The style is very clean and crisp and sober. 227 00:26:50,290 --> 00:27:01,120 And Lopera Dundrum describes the everyday life of middle and lower classes, expressing without any voytek hyperboles or romantic nostalgia. 228 00:27:01,120 --> 00:27:07,010 The inner mechanism of a society dumped at a time of the writing was long gone. 229 00:27:07,010 --> 00:27:15,760 It isn't the attention to the details and the realism of the narrative that the factual essence of the novel emerges in all its strength. 230 00:27:15,760 --> 00:27:20,440 Like when Don Draper gives the impression of recording fatefully, an actual way of life, 231 00:27:20,440 --> 00:27:27,010 as if he himself had been present at the time, and that is to a certain extent the truth. 232 00:27:27,010 --> 00:27:35,950 Born in poverty in 1932, Madondo attends first a private school in Lhasa and later a Tibetan public school where he must have Tibetan poetry, 233 00:27:35,950 --> 00:27:39,790 drama and correct spelling. In his youth, 234 00:27:39,790 --> 00:27:43,990 you worked as a trade that between Indian and Hossa does get enough for some 235 00:27:43,990 --> 00:27:49,260 experience on the root condition and local customs described in his works. 236 00:27:49,260 --> 00:27:53,140 His in business reached no up to and with the democratic reforms. 237 00:27:53,140 --> 00:27:57,680 When he was forced to work as a model labourer and as many of the artists and writers, 238 00:27:57,680 --> 00:28:03,240 it too suffered physical and emotional abuses during the Cultural Revolution. 239 00:28:03,240 --> 00:28:09,700 After the convention on the 11th Plenary session of the Central Committee in nineteen seventy eight plus, 240 00:28:09,700 --> 00:28:15,860 Dundrum became a member of Tibetan Writers Association and took active part in culture revival projects, 241 00:28:15,860 --> 00:28:23,760 working not solely on the translation, preservation and analysis of the Tibetan texts, but contributing with original works, 242 00:28:23,760 --> 00:28:34,250 bidet novels, articles, poems, prayer verses, textual analysis and folk stories up to his death in nineteen ninety four. 243 00:28:34,250 --> 00:28:39,060 Japan medicine rates the personal and social growth of Da'wah, 244 00:28:39,060 --> 00:28:47,090 simply known in the novel dappling a younger me sir from Gardell, a fiction on branch estate in some. 245 00:28:47,090 --> 00:28:54,050 The story begins with the death of Dawkins father, Trashy, who used to be the leader of a local drunken drivers, 246 00:28:54,050 --> 00:28:59,230 men sent from Donald to Hafsa and back as hardening transport. 247 00:28:59,230 --> 00:29:07,660 Order to replace his father. Duckpin leaves his family, thus beginning a journey that would transform him from a boy into a man. 248 00:29:07,660 --> 00:29:17,310 The number presents some literary tallboys, such as the overcoming of moral flows, filial piety, fatalistic acceptation of karma and self-sacrifice. 249 00:29:17,310 --> 00:29:27,570 But The Grace with John describes its characters and a careful depiction of daily events, often much to the curiosity of a social historian. 250 00:29:27,570 --> 00:29:35,530 In the final part of my presentation, I will compare excerpts from both an end up in the drip meets and I have chosen passages to deal with 251 00:29:35,530 --> 00:29:41,860 similar topics in order to highlight the amount of factual information contained in Lahud entrepreneur. 252 00:29:41,860 --> 00:29:44,830 Despite its fictional essence, 253 00:29:44,830 --> 00:29:54,390 it is important at this point to record that some X belonged as his own group to the intermediate social group to use each other's definition. 254 00:29:54,390 --> 00:29:57,340 I see it as much higher than the memory tier, 255 00:29:57,340 --> 00:30:07,470 which is the position that PIN eventually gained before modernity with its cars and paved roads swept away pack animals and their drivers. 256 00:30:07,470 --> 00:30:17,510 We're running both in India and the permits at one of the first features that comes to attention is the fatigue parents, the child rearing entails. 257 00:30:17,510 --> 00:30:22,280 Southern changes of weather pressures put parts, teams and lots of animals, 258 00:30:22,280 --> 00:30:29,600 all merchandise loom over the narratives bearing heavily on the mind the real and fictional characters alike. 259 00:30:29,600 --> 00:30:38,990 The next in particular, had quite a few accents over the years. There's the following passages dated to the first months of 1945 when he was a guest. 260 00:30:38,990 --> 00:30:48,240 So there ya go, household. The ruling family of Sin sung a side on the right side of the Jitu River are those suffering from rheumatic fever 261 00:30:48,240 --> 00:30:55,500 that Trada was determined to attend an empowerment ritual at the local hermitage when it was the time to leave. 262 00:30:55,500 --> 00:30:59,180 Its health severely deteriorated, as he himself noted. 263 00:30:59,180 --> 00:31:04,790 And I'm here reading from the diary, then build that, 264 00:31:04,790 --> 00:31:13,520 which is the empowerment session was the siple made offerings in the presence of the Lama as a gesture of gratitude and returned to their own places. 265 00:31:13,520 --> 00:31:19,460 As for me, since my conditions were very serious and in that state there was no hope for me to ride 266 00:31:19,460 --> 00:31:23,770 a horse or a pack animal relying on the great kindness of the mother of the Jagow. 267 00:31:23,770 --> 00:31:30,540 How so? Pila in the minds of Sunim. I was transported in a Pollock in by many men. 268 00:31:30,540 --> 00:31:35,010 Unfortunately for us, I had a fever and rheumatism become the least of his problems. 269 00:31:35,010 --> 00:31:42,120 Once an unexpected event took place on his way back to the Yagman response, quoting again, 270 00:31:42,120 --> 00:31:46,710 because we had to go by a very difficult path and because of the narrowness of the road, 271 00:31:46,710 --> 00:31:52,400 I fell into a precipice from my opposite upper left this position and broke two of three ribs. 272 00:31:52,400 --> 00:31:56,070 I lay down for two months and so I was unable to move. At that time. 273 00:31:56,070 --> 00:32:02,340 I suffer from bedsores on the back of my body. At that time I was in great pain and I became helpless. 274 00:32:02,340 --> 00:32:10,160 But I took the medicines and the food the mother Pela gave me. And through her kind of care, I recovered in a short time. 275 00:32:10,160 --> 00:32:15,530 Animals fare much better. That's the narrowness of mountain passes and heavy loads, 276 00:32:15,530 --> 00:32:23,450 even crossing rivers by bridges and clericals that required a certain degree of dexterity, again, in some words. 277 00:32:23,450 --> 00:32:29,750 We count on Poonam on the other side of on our bridge that day, anomic from Asuncion, 278 00:32:29,750 --> 00:32:36,470 a labour who was driving the animal's been unable to cross the Iren bridge and not knowing what to do. 279 00:32:36,470 --> 00:32:42,870 Move together with the pack horses towards the water. The not immediately grasp more detail in my riding horse. 280 00:32:42,870 --> 00:32:48,720 And even though it slipped in the middle of the water, since it did didn't let go of the horse's tail, it was dragged out. 281 00:32:48,720 --> 00:32:52,710 And three, everyone laughed and full of gratitude, he said. 282 00:32:52,710 --> 00:33:04,150 Your horse took me out of the water and saved my life. Mixing water and quadruplets did not bode well for Dokken and his fellow companions either. 283 00:33:04,150 --> 00:33:07,320 So from Gipp amidst. 284 00:33:07,320 --> 00:33:16,410 When the three of them rich and powerful, they drove the mules to a coracle and placed the loads, the saddles and the cushions and the rest inside it. 285 00:33:16,410 --> 00:33:22,400 Some mules were seised by how to ropes and laid on. The remaining ones were freed into the water. 286 00:33:22,400 --> 00:33:27,100 The coracle in which men and things have been placed into the stream, 287 00:33:27,100 --> 00:33:30,980 they follow the news that I've been made move ahead and they cross the sample 288 00:33:30,980 --> 00:33:35,970 river since all the documents were new without going directly into that sample, 289 00:33:35,970 --> 00:33:43,280 the turn into the other direction and made to set off the young moves that were near to Corcos, tried to climb into it the river. 290 00:33:43,280 --> 00:33:49,930 The junction was very broad, flowing energetically with the crests of the waves rising high in the sky. 291 00:33:49,930 --> 00:33:57,210 The muleteers, the wearing, the corals were work carried on on the other side of the reef during a stage fright and thorough. 292 00:33:57,210 --> 00:34:03,010 Less extracts I dedicate to India and the marvels of modernity. Family, many battles, in fact, 293 00:34:03,010 --> 00:34:10,870 a pilgrimage to the holy sites of Buddhism represented the chance to person experience new means of transport and entertainment. 294 00:34:10,870 --> 00:34:15,570 That's always a cultural shock, and the language barrier could be easily soothe. 295 00:34:15,570 --> 00:34:21,470 Straits and Ray was due to use bombs, words, and I'm here quoting, may prove my profit ops, 296 00:34:21,470 --> 00:34:26,600 the Missouri might prove obstacles rather than help Chop's rather than throw. 297 00:34:26,600 --> 00:34:31,580 They may misguide divert from the straight path lead astray, 298 00:34:31,580 --> 00:34:38,120 as it was the case for Don Young and his companion range Dodger during their journey to India and Nepal in 1949. 299 00:34:38,120 --> 00:34:45,800 Again, quoting from the diary from Roubini back to now Taniwal reaching the village at midnight. 300 00:34:45,800 --> 00:34:51,710 From there we moved back to Oxford and we ended up doing three trips instead of one. 301 00:34:51,710 --> 00:34:53,960 This is an experience of our interpreter. 302 00:34:53,960 --> 00:35:02,930 Not only we have to suffer some physical hardship and pay double train, but we passive gestation called the vulnerable going a bit too far north. 303 00:35:02,930 --> 00:35:09,000 Since in the village of Strava see their Web site of the web less ruins and such as that 304 00:35:09,000 --> 00:35:17,320 of the place where the Buddha gave food to the helpless in the Jacobe undergrowth. I told the interpreter that in no way would I not visit the town. 305 00:35:17,320 --> 00:35:22,850 But the love confuse the two names. But iReport I got a quote. And we ended up going up and then down. 306 00:35:22,850 --> 00:35:26,930 Mrs. Chavas the we. So it's I'm not. I can arrange and Georgia. 307 00:35:26,930 --> 00:35:31,820 Consider the function of being able to visit the solid place as a sign of form about karma. 308 00:35:31,820 --> 00:35:35,630 And we prayed very regretful. 309 00:35:35,630 --> 00:35:43,490 It was not an issue or misunderstanding, but rather mortal sickness that made Duncan's first ride in a car unforgettable. 310 00:35:43,490 --> 00:35:49,280 And I'm here quoting from the jet and medicine at midnight as our day. 311 00:35:49,280 --> 00:35:51,500 The cool is wife and interpreter. 312 00:35:51,500 --> 00:35:59,120 Enter one of the two cars driven by Indian bubbles with the fourth hands and all the luggage squid's inside the other. 313 00:35:59,120 --> 00:36:01,550 They left California and it's loud noise. 314 00:36:01,550 --> 00:36:09,560 Went down the mountain road from Carlinville when driving on the stretch of the road in front of Dutton's eyes appeared like road surge. 315 00:36:09,560 --> 00:36:14,060 The buildings on the men on both sides. Weird bine. A blurry haze. 316 00:36:14,060 --> 00:36:20,780 After a while, if that is in noshes. And since nothing can be done about it, it took off his hat and covered his face. 317 00:36:20,780 --> 00:36:25,520 That did not help as he developed a headache and unable to control himself any longer. 318 00:36:25,520 --> 00:36:31,160 It was about to throw up immediately. He opened his leaves and vomited inside them around the city. 319 00:36:31,160 --> 00:36:37,610 Goehring feeling dizzy and nauseous. When the pool got out of the car, the filling unsteady a board of discomfort, 320 00:36:37,610 --> 00:36:44,930 an apple related to a light from the car because even the lady had been just like him, nauseous and on performance of the lot and face up to yellow. 321 00:36:44,930 --> 00:36:48,270 And our walking wasn't stable. 322 00:36:48,270 --> 00:36:56,660 The extras I presented here are just a small sample of the type of information associate Torrico approach to literature may provide. 323 00:36:56,660 --> 00:37:05,670 I'm here use the term literature. Being well aware that one of the texts I introduce you was originally a private document. 324 00:37:05,670 --> 00:37:09,120 The publication on Zumwalt's manuscript as change status, 325 00:37:09,120 --> 00:37:17,080 transforming it into literature and therefore allowing us to subject to the same kind of scrutiny as applied to a novel in the specific case. 326 00:37:17,080 --> 00:37:24,400 DrippiN Medicine. In the first part of my talk, I went straight to how did a narrative position process, 327 00:37:24,400 --> 00:37:30,700 elements of fiction maybe found in a known fictional factual text like the Ninth and the 328 00:37:30,700 --> 00:37:35,760 same time a novel as of Gypo meets and may offer a wide array of historical truths, 329 00:37:35,760 --> 00:37:53,097 albeit through the eyes of fictional characters, thus inviting the scholars to investigate literature not only from an aesthetic reason,