1 00:00:03,030 --> 00:00:22,030 For. So welcome everybody to I think this is our fourth talk of the third series of the Treasures seminar, 2 00:00:22,030 --> 00:00:29,120 and I'm really delighted today to have David Krewes, who's a very well-known scholar of Mahayana. 3 00:00:29,120 --> 00:00:35,840 He joined the Department of Religion at the University of Manitoba in 2006. He's a scholar of ancient Indian Buddhism. 4 00:00:35,840 --> 00:00:42,740 His research focuses primarily on early Mahayana early Buddhism and the history of scholarship on Buddhism. 5 00:00:42,740 --> 00:00:51,090 He teaches a range of classes in Buddhism, Sanskrit and Tibetan. These publications include three particularly well-known articles, all of them, 6 00:00:51,090 --> 00:01:01,040 the Iranian Journal is revisiting the phrase a pretty audacious title, a above it and the movie on the cult of the book in 2007. 7 00:01:01,040 --> 00:01:07,550 Move Bonica is an early Mahayana 2011 oral text and indeed, Mahayana in 2015. 8 00:01:07,550 --> 00:01:13,760 Oh, I could add before coming to the University of Manitoba, he taught at the University of Virginia and Bloomington. 9 00:01:13,760 --> 00:01:20,160 So David, welcome and thank you very much for coming. It's great. Oh, to you. 10 00:01:20,160 --> 00:01:29,790 Great, thanks. Thanks very much, Robert, and thank you for inviting me to speak in this seminar. 11 00:01:29,790 --> 00:01:35,850 My papers title is early explanations for the appearance of Mahayana sutras. 12 00:01:35,850 --> 00:01:42,270 Rob corresponded with me a little bit about this and said that a talk on the topic would. 13 00:01:42,270 --> 00:01:51,270 Be potentially illuminating for people interested in terms traditions, so that's the basic background. 14 00:01:51,270 --> 00:01:59,820 So I'll just jump into it. Since early Mahayana since Mahayana sutras were purportedly spoken by the 15 00:01:59,820 --> 00:02:05,880 Buddha but did not start to appear until centuries after early Buddhist texts, 16 00:02:05,880 --> 00:02:12,920 modernists had the challenge of explaining where they came from. Over the centuries, they did this in a number of different ways, 17 00:02:12,920 --> 00:02:16,640 perhaps best known are fairly late stories of Nagarjuna retrieving them from 18 00:02:16,640 --> 00:02:21,050 the realm of the analogous preserved in both Chinese and Tibetan tradition. 19 00:02:21,050 --> 00:02:31,490 And apparently first attested and hagiography of the origin of translated into Chinese by Kumara Jeeva in the early fourth century. 20 00:02:31,490 --> 00:02:36,450 According to other stories highlighted in a few publications by Lamont McCain, 21 00:02:36,450 --> 00:02:42,800 researchers were compiled after the Buddhist death by various Buddhist notables. Samantha Bajra, Manager, Sri Trapani. 22 00:02:42,800 --> 00:02:52,620 My to you know there's. Versions of the story are found in the desert alone above the Bacos, Typekit, Jwala, Harry, Budrus, ABC, Family Island, 23 00:02:52,620 --> 00:02:59,100 coral loca pudding and sodium them over the last two of which depict this is happening 24 00:02:59,100 --> 00:03:03,570 at a distinct council that happened at the same time as the supposed first council, 25 00:03:03,570 --> 00:03:08,070 the Roger. Huh? What I would like to do today is go back further and discuss. 26 00:03:08,070 --> 00:03:12,090 But early, Mahayana structures themselves have to say about where they came from. 27 00:03:12,090 --> 00:03:16,410 A lot of this material has been discussed before, but a good deal has not. 28 00:03:16,410 --> 00:03:24,150 And I think there may have been some misunderstandings, so I hope a short study may be of some use. 29 00:03:24,150 --> 00:03:31,140 Interrupt specifically asked me to talk about what I referred to in an email to him as the standard claim. 30 00:03:31,140 --> 00:03:37,890 I'll start with that and then go on to discuss two other possible sources for the revelation of these texts. 31 00:03:37,890 --> 00:03:45,220 Meditation or dreams and the pretty bhana of Shramik. 32 00:03:45,220 --> 00:03:50,950 The Lucas Classic is for the standard claim is the approach of Panopto formula of a city to Somalia etc, 33 00:03:50,950 --> 00:03:57,610 which has been studied mainly by Paul Harrison along with the extras on horseback it was not for. 34 00:03:57,610 --> 00:04:02,440 It was one of the first to my honesty which was translated into Chinese by look at in the second century 35 00:04:02,440 --> 00:04:07,900 CE and manuscript fragments apparently dating to the first or second century have also come to light. 36 00:04:07,900 --> 00:04:17,290 Putting it in a handful of the oldest datable mahogany structures we possess in one passage, the lemon butter Paula, the Buddha's main interlocutor, 37 00:04:17,290 --> 00:04:26,900 asks the Buddha if the project partner will circulate in January after the Buddha's party nirvana and the Buddha replies under Pol. 38 00:04:26,900 --> 00:04:32,060 For 40 years after my party nirvana this somebody will circulate and spread and jump with rebar. 39 00:04:32,060 --> 00:04:40,340 Thereafter, it will go into a cave in the ground further. When the last 500 years, the last time the left edge, the last five centuries occur. 40 00:04:40,340 --> 00:04:47,330 When the rejection of the true dharma occurs, a few beings will appear who, for the sake of obtaining a future such as this, 41 00:04:47,330 --> 00:04:49,430 will have purified their wholesome potentialities, 42 00:04:49,430 --> 00:04:54,860 done their duty under former us and for the benefit of being such as seised by the might of the Buddha. 43 00:04:54,860 --> 00:05:00,380 This somebody will circulate and spread and jump between Fox and they. 44 00:05:00,380 --> 00:05:04,310 On hearing this, somebody will feel great joy, gladness and faith having heard it. 45 00:05:04,310 --> 00:05:12,090 They will memorise a in memory, recite, learn, copy, expound spread. 46 00:05:12,090 --> 00:05:20,150 In the endeavour to cultivate it, they will also copy it in book form and keep it. 47 00:05:20,150 --> 00:05:26,520 But her, Paula and seven other supporters than weep over the future destruction of the true diamond and vowed to memorise, 48 00:05:26,520 --> 00:05:34,940 learn, copy, retain in memory, recite, teach widely and cultivate quote peace futures of this kind. 49 00:05:34,940 --> 00:05:42,290 During the last time, 500 other voters saw them also weep over the future demise of the Dharma promise 50 00:05:42,290 --> 00:05:46,520 to memorise and preach these sutures of this kind during the last time. 51 00:05:46,520 --> 00:05:52,970 And additionally promise that they will serve under Paula and the seven other bodies of those. 52 00:05:52,970 --> 00:05:54,620 The Buddha then predicts that after his death, 53 00:05:54,620 --> 00:06:01,070 the 500 Buddhist offers will place the future in a stupor in the Earth, under rocks and in the mountains. 54 00:06:01,070 --> 00:06:06,320 And into the hands of Davis, and likewise, in August, upon their death, they will be born as gods. 55 00:06:06,320 --> 00:06:13,100 And then in the last time they will return to the human realm, reacquire the suture and spread it along with other Pouliot. 56 00:06:13,100 --> 00:06:21,770 That would also states that apart from the five hundred and eight body survivors who were there when the suture was initially delivered, 57 00:06:21,770 --> 00:06:28,330 no one will memorise the suture to retain it in memory or recite it. 58 00:06:28,330 --> 00:06:31,600 In the introduction to his translation of the Tibetan version of the text, 59 00:06:31,600 --> 00:06:37,960 Paul Harrison makes the important observation that this scenario quote constitutes an authenticating device, 60 00:06:37,960 --> 00:06:45,160 which both explains the sudden appearance of the suture in the world and vindicates those who champion identifying them with butter, 61 00:06:45,160 --> 00:06:53,530 Paula and his five hundred followers. The composers of the Project Panda are therefore likely to have regarded themselves as living in the last age, 62 00:06:53,530 --> 00:07:02,070 possibly the second of two 500 year periods, which would have begun sometime around the first century of our era. 63 00:07:02,070 --> 00:07:11,160 Well, it is possible that the author of the tax for the last age of the second 500 year period of the Dharma, the text doesn't say this, 64 00:07:11,160 --> 00:07:17,580 and it is also possible that they envision themselves living simply in the period of the disappearance of the Dharma, 65 00:07:17,580 --> 00:07:23,510 which we'll see was clearly the case for the Ostrov authors of the exodus of Hazarika. 66 00:07:23,510 --> 00:07:25,760 Either way, Harrison's basic insight is surely right, 67 00:07:25,760 --> 00:07:32,150 and we can imagine that the Dharma barnacles who initially revealed the sutra presented themselves as reincarnations of 68 00:07:32,150 --> 00:07:41,230 Butter Paula and his seven primary companions and claim that their audience members were amongst their 500 followers. 69 00:07:41,230 --> 00:07:47,370 By doing so, they were simultaneously able to present their text as authentic a, you know. 70 00:07:47,370 --> 00:07:53,860 And themselves and their audience members as supporters who had been present when the tax was originally done. 71 00:07:53,860 --> 00:08:01,570 And who were fulfilling the Buddhist Buddhist prophecy in the present. Did this, we can add two extra points that will be important as we move on. 72 00:08:01,570 --> 00:08:07,120 First, Buddha Paula and his followers do not vow to reveal and spread just the project partner, 73 00:08:07,120 --> 00:08:14,020 but suitors of this kind, even Rupa suitors or the Bi-Polar. 74 00:08:14,020 --> 00:08:20,350 Both of which are standard terms for Mahayana sutras used by these texts. 75 00:08:20,350 --> 00:08:27,370 The actual term mother in the Sutra did not emerge until the 4th century. 76 00:08:27,370 --> 00:08:39,210 So when these to talk about other Mahayana sutras, they'll usually call them either by police or trust searches of this kind or to citrus. 77 00:08:39,210 --> 00:08:45,080 So second, the people involved are depicted as already being body Typekit from the time of the Buddha. 78 00:08:45,080 --> 00:08:48,890 Indeed, in the text, the Buddha says that they have all already heard teachings from forty eight 79 00:08:48,890 --> 00:08:52,760 thousand Buddhists in the past and predicts all of their future attainment, 80 00:08:52,760 --> 00:08:58,290 the Buddha had ipso facto making them irreversible bodies almost certain to one day attain. 81 00:08:58,290 --> 00:09:04,550 But. Well, the project upon his version of the scenario was fairly well known thanks to Harrison's work. 82 00:09:04,550 --> 00:09:09,380 Less well-known is that it is repeated throughout early Mahayana surgery. 83 00:09:09,380 --> 00:09:13,220 Indeed, it appears already in the Aftersun, likely the oldest suture. 84 00:09:13,220 --> 00:09:22,110 We possess a fact that may have been missed because it is not very clear and Edward Collins's translation. 85 00:09:22,110 --> 00:09:31,890 In the third chapter of the text, the Buddha states, when Kocherga Cachaca is epithet for Chakra or Indra, 86 00:09:31,890 --> 00:09:39,420 the targets do not arise in the world, then kosoko. Those bodies thought the Masters were endowed with skilful means as a result of 87 00:09:39,420 --> 00:09:45,000 having previously heard the Pugno palmy top having given rise to compassion. 88 00:09:45,000 --> 00:09:54,300 Having come into this world teach various teachings associated with the not for me to kosoko with the passing away of the fully enlightened Buddha. 89 00:09:54,300 --> 00:10:02,070 When there is the disappearance of the true Dharma because of the non arising a fully enlightened Buddhist, whatever righteous conduct, just conduct. 90 00:10:02,070 --> 00:10:05,820 Excellent conduct, good conduct is known or spread in the world. 91 00:10:05,820 --> 00:10:12,980 If born for Modi, thought first arisen from Modi's office set forth by Bodhisattva skill and means. 92 00:10:12,980 --> 00:10:18,750 It's government, like the budget part of this passage refers to the disappearance of the Dharma predicted 93 00:10:18,750 --> 00:10:24,510 in the Nicoya argument talks that take place 500 years after the Buddhist death. 94 00:10:24,510 --> 00:10:28,500 Unlike other later traditions with either which either extend or the length 95 00:10:28,500 --> 00:10:33,480 of the is duration or posit a second week and phase of the Dharma for both. 96 00:10:33,480 --> 00:10:37,240 It claims that the Buddhist dharma does indeed disappear. 97 00:10:37,240 --> 00:10:46,300 And at this point, though, authors who have heard the runner, Hermie talking past lives take rebirth in this world in order to spread its future. 98 00:10:46,300 --> 00:10:55,500 This idea makes some sense, but logically because it fits in with the fact that Jodka stories stories of the past lives of. 99 00:10:55,500 --> 00:11:06,750 Go to her your as the body offer, are generally set in the interval between the disappearance of one Buddhist dharma and the appearance of the next. 100 00:11:06,750 --> 00:11:12,330 Somewhat later, the tax takes up the topic again, the Buddha states that suture is associated with the six perfections. 101 00:11:12,330 --> 00:11:20,600 Mahayana sutras well, first appear in the south, then then spread to the east and north and at the time. 102 00:11:20,600 --> 00:11:25,520 A period of the disappearance of the true dharma beings who memorised the Bruckner parameter, 103 00:11:25,520 --> 00:11:30,590 retain it in memory, etc. will be seen and sustained by the targeted. 104 00:11:30,590 --> 00:11:36,110 Sherry Putra then asked the Buddha if the person from Utah will be widespread in the north in quote, 105 00:11:36,110 --> 00:11:41,060 the last time, the last period and if anybody thought was at that time, we'll listen to it. 106 00:11:41,060 --> 00:11:47,690 Write it, memorise it and so forth. The Buddha then replies. 107 00:11:47,690 --> 00:11:54,770 This is a bit lengthy passage, but I want to read it out because I think it's pretty important. 108 00:11:54,770 --> 00:12:04,720 Sorry, coach, there will be only a few body staffers who will listen to the programme, apparently to copy it and so forth. 109 00:12:04,720 --> 00:12:10,470 Those body staffers are to be known as long established in the vehicle. 110 00:12:10,470 --> 00:12:16,630 That's to say, in the Mahayana, many previous to target our house, fully enlightened Buddhas have been followed, 111 00:12:16,630 --> 00:12:22,650 queried in question in many previous to target as our hearts foiling Buddhas have 112 00:12:22,650 --> 00:12:25,980 been venerated by those sons and daughters of good family belonging to the body, 113 00:12:25,980 --> 00:12:34,220 thought the vehicle. I myself have given this very discourse linked to a mission for those sons or daughters of good family, 114 00:12:34,220 --> 00:12:40,010 even having departed from this life, they will have tendencies linked to our missions linked to the pregnant for me time. 115 00:12:40,010 --> 00:12:42,230 And they will deliver this very discourse. 116 00:12:42,230 --> 00:12:53,050 They will rejoice at this very discourse, namely this discourse having to do with unsurpassed complete enlightenment. 117 00:12:53,050 --> 00:12:58,660 This fills out the picture considerably, like the first passage and the project partner, 118 00:12:58,660 --> 00:13:04,730 the text locates the events being discussed in the time of the disappearance of the true Dharma. 119 00:13:04,730 --> 00:13:06,080 Like the budget upon a path, 120 00:13:06,080 --> 00:13:13,880 it also depicts the beings involved as already having been body surface for many lifetimes as having worship and learn from many former Buddhas 121 00:13:13,880 --> 00:13:23,500 of having heard the not permitted from Dr. Money himself and as having been predicted to reveal it at the time of the Dahmer's disappearance. 122 00:13:23,500 --> 00:13:31,070 In the video, audacious, audacious search near the end of the tax, my trio says that, but I will place these features of this kind, 123 00:13:31,070 --> 00:13:37,510 even group searchers into the hands of those future sons and daughters of good family who are worthy vessels for them. 124 00:13:37,510 --> 00:13:41,560 I will provide memory for them, by which they will announce the researchers of this kind. 125 00:13:41,560 --> 00:13:47,920 Memorise them, learn them and so forth. And I will give them encouragement. 126 00:13:47,920 --> 00:13:54,040 Moreover, blog about it should be understood at that time those who will enjoy these sutures 127 00:13:54,040 --> 00:13:57,340 of this kind and set them forth of the sustaining power of the soft power. 128 00:13:57,340 --> 00:14:08,340 My true. The Buddha then prayed as Maitreya and a group of what he thought was state stage we to Bhagavan, having come from various Buddha fields, 129 00:14:08,340 --> 00:14:20,040 will spread the Enlightenment of the target as the Buddha's term for that is to target a Buddha body widely and announce it to sons of good family. 130 00:14:20,040 --> 00:14:26,510 So anyway, that's the quote again, we say the same sort of thing. My of vows to reveal Mahayana sutras, 131 00:14:26,510 --> 00:14:32,370 plural deserving people in the future and to support their efforts and other bodies office in the assembly then vow 132 00:14:32,370 --> 00:14:41,810 to return from whichever Buddha fields they have been reborn in in order to teach the quote to Target to put a body. 133 00:14:41,810 --> 00:14:47,370 Apparently a term for the future itself in this world. 134 00:14:47,370 --> 00:14:53,640 And the Tibetan version of the Buddha coping, a search for the body sought to promote Pr0mode Raja Raja and 30000 other Buddhist offers 135 00:14:53,640 --> 00:14:57,960 resolve Bhargava in the last time when we are confronted with beatings and abuse. 136 00:14:57,960 --> 00:15:02,040 When dharma barnacles are despised. When there is the destruction of the Dharma. 137 00:15:02,040 --> 00:15:05,940 And Faulkner is rarely seen. Having copied this and sutures of this kind, 138 00:15:05,940 --> 00:15:13,750 we will retain them the memory and teach us like given with this precious commodity of light, even beings who are no. 139 00:15:13,750 --> 00:15:20,020 Again, the same basically the last time beings were already Brody's office who have heard 140 00:15:20,020 --> 00:15:28,130 this and other citrus from the Buddha himself will reveal them to the world. 141 00:15:28,130 --> 00:15:32,730 The largest activity view has the Buddha says to my trail. 142 00:15:32,730 --> 00:15:42,970 Moreover, agita jitters, a kind of nickname for my trio in the future time, up until the time of the destruction of the true Dharma. 143 00:15:42,970 --> 00:15:50,920 Those beings for whom these excellent armed discourses of this kind, which quickly bring the great knowledge of the mission one will come within 144 00:15:50,920 --> 00:15:55,180 hearing range will be beings with profit very easily gain with good routes. 145 00:15:55,180 --> 00:16:01,520 Crucial mula already planted with services already rendered to previous journeys. 146 00:16:01,520 --> 00:16:07,910 Sustained by the sustaining power of the Buddha, having heard these dormant discourses, they will receive excellent pleasure and delight. 147 00:16:07,910 --> 00:16:14,240 Memorise them, retain them in their memory. Recite them, learn them, illuminate them an expanded form to others. 148 00:16:14,240 --> 00:16:21,500 They will at least worship them having copied them, and they will produce much more. The extent of which is not easy to calculate. 149 00:16:21,500 --> 00:16:25,580 Here we see much the same idea that we saw in the Ashtar and Project Panopto. 150 00:16:25,580 --> 00:16:33,090 Rather than focussing on the initial revelation of the Sutra or the claim that the future of rulers of the Suchas heard the text from document itself. 151 00:16:33,090 --> 00:16:39,120 Which I would kind of guess are in are implied because these passages are so common. 152 00:16:39,120 --> 00:16:42,960 It focuses on the whole community involved in using the text. Again, 153 00:16:42,960 --> 00:16:50,580 we see the idea that this would be the community of long established body surfers and the idea that they will be devoted not only to a single text, 154 00:16:50,580 --> 00:16:56,720 but to my other structures in general. Along with these passages, 155 00:16:56,720 --> 00:17:03,290 each of which involves a resolution or prediction of the resolution of the revelation or use of Mahayana sutures in the plural. 156 00:17:03,290 --> 00:17:07,220 Many other sutures use the same basic scenario to account specifically for 157 00:17:07,220 --> 00:17:15,200 their own origin and or use in the Latin American to recap the body suffers. 158 00:17:15,200 --> 00:17:22,730 Bashar Geroge Maha Pro Boehner promised to retain the suture in memory, teach it and copy it in the period after the Buddhist death, 159 00:17:22,730 --> 00:17:29,510 at a time when beings will be deceitful without good roots attached to gain and honour and so forth. 160 00:17:29,510 --> 00:17:36,090 Later in the text, the Buddha transmits specifically the texts 22nd chapter to the body thought. 161 00:17:36,090 --> 00:17:37,460 Not sure to Raja. 162 00:17:37,460 --> 00:17:48,590 Some consuming to be a beginner so that in the last time this is a quote in the last 500 years, it will circulate and jumbled rebar and not disappear. 163 00:17:48,590 --> 00:17:57,830 Several other similar passages can be found in the text as well. At the end of the year, Multi-nation Sutra the Buddha entrusts the text to A.A. 164 00:17:57,830 --> 00:18:02,450 But Unknown says that although he has memorised the sutra, he is not able to spread it as well as Buddhist authors. 165 00:18:02,450 --> 00:18:09,320 Can 100 million bodhisattva then rise and promise to spread the suture state that Mahayana will all. 166 00:18:09,320 --> 00:18:15,600 I'm sorry that Maitreya will also spread it, and the people who memorised the Sutra retain it in memory. 167 00:18:15,600 --> 00:18:22,310 And recited in the last time in the last 500 years are sustained by my true. 168 00:18:22,310 --> 00:18:29,930 In the super guarantee, the crummy appropriate job pregnant parameter as an approach upon a Paula and other bodies 169 00:18:29,930 --> 00:18:37,660 offers promised to be born in the last time the last five hundred years to spread the future. 170 00:18:37,660 --> 00:18:45,010 A similar passage occurs in the shop exotica, the periodic Pugno parameter as well. 171 00:18:45,010 --> 00:18:50,660 And where passengers can also be found in versions of the look on your partner Drew McIntyre, Roger Perry, 172 00:18:50,660 --> 00:19:02,030 Tricia Suranga, Dragoman, somebody somebody Roger put an appropriate shot of just setting up your coroner and others. 173 00:19:02,030 --> 00:19:08,000 Overall, these passages are so pervasive in the early text that I would suggest they can be taken to 174 00:19:08,000 --> 00:19:14,300 represent the standard early Mahayana presentation of where early Mohammed researchers came from. 175 00:19:14,300 --> 00:19:23,630 If we look at them closely, they tell us a few things about early Mahayana that are quite significant. 176 00:19:23,630 --> 00:19:31,510 First. Though it has thus far been neglected, the fact that many of these passages predict the future revelation, 177 00:19:31,510 --> 00:19:36,970 not just of the text in which they appear, but of Mahayana sutras in general, tells us. 178 00:19:36,970 --> 00:19:40,210 I would say three main things. 179 00:19:40,210 --> 00:19:51,160 First, it shows that the authors of various mining attacks not only made use of the same strategy to plot to explain the origin of their structures, 180 00:19:51,160 --> 00:19:56,110 but accepted each other's claims that their researchers were revealed in the same way. 181 00:19:56,110 --> 00:20:04,380 And it also shows that they had. A shared general understanding of where my ancestors came from. 182 00:20:04,380 --> 00:20:13,440 This understanding is a tested so widely that we can consider a belief in a new revelation of bipolar or cambiar Su Trust later called Mahayana 183 00:20:13,440 --> 00:20:24,880 sutras pre-ordained to occur 500 years after the Buddhist death to be a central aspect of what we could call basic early Mahayana doctrine. 184 00:20:24,880 --> 00:20:29,770 Second, as I argue more fully in another paper that should be coming out this summer, 185 00:20:29,770 --> 00:20:36,040 I believe it gives the lie to the old now standard idea that Mahayana emerge separately in 186 00:20:36,040 --> 00:20:42,890 multiple distinct communities and only later came to be identified as a single tradition. 187 00:20:42,890 --> 00:20:47,480 My honest future author's going back to the earliest texts for which we have 188 00:20:47,480 --> 00:20:53,060 evidence we're not only fully aware of the existence of other Mahayana surgeries, 189 00:20:53,060 --> 00:21:04,010 but repeatedly and consistently depict them as belonging to a broad common revelation that they attempt to justify collectively. 190 00:21:04,010 --> 00:21:15,700 Third, as I also argue more fully in the same paper so far as I've been able to find or notice, these passages are the only passages in these types. 191 00:21:15,700 --> 00:21:22,310 That's showing awareness of the Mahayana movement, calling a lot coalescing around more than individual targets. 192 00:21:22,310 --> 00:21:35,800 They make no reference to any sort of psychosomatic institution, any sort of Mahayana community, any movement of lay or forest aesthetic. 193 00:21:35,800 --> 00:21:42,130 Any sort of layer for us to a revival or anything similar? 194 00:21:42,130 --> 00:21:54,940 Combined with the fact that Chinese pilgrims to India from the 4th through 7th centuries know nothing of of any such institution, 195 00:21:54,940 --> 00:22:03,160 and that you're doing specifically actually deny the existence of any specific Mahajan institution and the fact that Mahayana 196 00:22:03,160 --> 00:22:11,660 monks are known to have continued in moments as well are known to have continued to take ordination in various nicoya lineages. 197 00:22:11,660 --> 00:22:18,140 That suggests, and this has long been my basic argument that Mahayana was, at root, 198 00:22:18,140 --> 00:22:23,200 a tax to a movement or trend that emerged from Buddhist preaching circles. 199 00:22:23,200 --> 00:22:29,500 And spread widely through Buddhist communities associated with various indicators without necessarily being firmly 200 00:22:29,500 --> 00:22:39,210 rooted in any specific community or communities and without ever developing a distinct institutional identity. 201 00:22:39,210 --> 00:22:48,850 Finally, it finally, along with a very large amount of material that I discussed in another paper that recently came out in the history of religion. 202 00:22:48,850 --> 00:22:50,840 These passengers. 203 00:22:50,840 --> 00:22:59,680 Seemed to make it clear that the rebels and user the peace talks did not see themselves as undertaking the bodies off a path beginning. 204 00:22:59,680 --> 00:23:04,930 They did not see it as an ethical choice, as was long the general view going back to the time of restatement. 205 00:23:04,930 --> 00:23:07,540 Nor did they see it as a vocational option. 206 00:23:07,540 --> 00:23:17,230 Yes, Jan Nazia has more recently argued rather, they saw themselves as a sort of cosmic alike who had already been body sort of us for many lifetimes. 207 00:23:17,230 --> 00:23:21,580 Even if we're special appointees of the Buddha or messengers of the Buddha, 208 00:23:21,580 --> 00:23:29,310 you might say, and we're already getting close to the attainment of Buddhism. 209 00:23:29,310 --> 00:23:36,690 The second main possible explanation for the appearance of Mahadi in The Searchers, which several scholars have been especially drawn to, 210 00:23:36,690 --> 00:23:46,000 is the Mahayana searchers were revealed through meditative contact with burrows and other universes. 211 00:23:46,000 --> 00:23:52,390 The locust classic for this. As for the standard model is the product planner, which states that if one focuses one, 212 00:23:52,390 --> 00:24:01,780 mind one's mind on a specific Buddha, the text gives the example of Amitava without distraction for seven days and nights. 213 00:24:01,780 --> 00:24:07,900 When will either have a vision of the Buddha or see him in a dream? Hear him preach the Dhamma. 214 00:24:07,900 --> 00:24:12,370 Memorise the text and be able to preach it to others. 215 00:24:12,370 --> 00:24:19,450 Here are some comments that quote What we have here is, in all probability, a justification in advance, 216 00:24:19,450 --> 00:24:25,150 if not ultra retrospectively, for the sudden appearance of Mahayana sutras. 217 00:24:25,150 --> 00:24:31,120 In another publication, he suggests that this scenario is quote conceivably based on historical fact. 218 00:24:31,120 --> 00:24:37,410 And he argues that Mahayana strictures quote may well have been the work of meditators. 219 00:24:37,410 --> 00:24:41,430 Who are also involved in the business of textual textual transmission. 220 00:24:41,430 --> 00:24:48,960 Who in their visions encountered new revelations, which they later committed to writing. 221 00:24:48,960 --> 00:24:54,180 In the same article, he also suggests that the largest activities, a large, larger security view, 222 00:24:54,180 --> 00:25:02,930 has lengthy descriptions of golden trees with golden or withdraw leaves, which quote at first sight are hardly riveting material. 223 00:25:02,930 --> 00:25:08,870 Are actually quote a template for meditation, or I'm sorry, are actually quote a template for visualisation, 224 00:25:08,870 --> 00:25:15,410 the effect of which would presumably be brilliant and kaleidoscopic unquote. 225 00:25:15,410 --> 00:25:21,280 Generally, he makes a similar claim that a belief in Buddhist living in other worlds and in the so-called 226 00:25:21,280 --> 00:25:30,130 pure land of Iraqi antiquity in particular quote was not a result of scholastic speculation, 227 00:25:30,130 --> 00:25:41,410 but of intensive meditation experience. And that quote certain body saw first emerged from deep meditation with tales of visions they had experienced. 228 00:25:41,410 --> 00:25:48,600 Visions of a universe far more vast than had previously been supposed. 229 00:25:48,600 --> 00:25:57,130 Well, certainly interesting, I personally do not find these suggestions to be especially helpful. 230 00:25:57,130 --> 00:26:07,840 First, as Harrison himself points out, not even the project itself claims to have actually been revealed through this meditation scenario. 231 00:26:07,840 --> 00:26:14,100 It explains its origin using the standard claim, as we saw a few minutes ago. 232 00:26:14,100 --> 00:26:23,310 We can add to this that there are actually no known sutures that use this or any other sort of meditation scenario to explain their origin. 233 00:26:23,310 --> 00:26:28,740 They all claim to have been spoken by BioShock Communion, except I think there might be a few later suitors. 234 00:26:28,740 --> 00:26:35,100 I want to go over this and check if I can actually find any. But I can't think of any offhand. 235 00:26:35,100 --> 00:26:39,840 We can add further that while the standard claim is mentioned again and again throughout the early literature, 236 00:26:39,840 --> 00:26:47,370 the meditation scenario is very rare for far as I've been able to find, although I do want to look a little further into this. 237 00:26:47,370 --> 00:26:53,790 Apart from the project Panopto presentation, only one other mention has come to life to life. 238 00:26:53,790 --> 00:26:59,310 A brief mention in the list of three possible sources of the revelation of the Dharma 239 00:26:59,310 --> 00:27:05,640 that Harrison cites from a structure called the author of a poignant summary a Somali. 240 00:27:05,640 --> 00:27:16,080 So it is probably, needless to say, the main Indian so-called pure land was the larger and smaller the committee view hers and the actual view of you, 241 00:27:16,080 --> 00:27:20,250 her make no claim to have been revealed in this way. 242 00:27:20,250 --> 00:27:28,050 Nor do they say anything to suggest that any of their descriptions should be used for any sort of meditation. 243 00:27:28,050 --> 00:27:36,280 Here and Harrison, suggestions about the tax connexion connexion to meditation do not seem to have any basis. 244 00:27:36,280 --> 00:27:42,760 Moving on to sutures in general, hardly advocate or say anything about the practise of meditation. 245 00:27:42,760 --> 00:27:43,510 In my view, 246 00:27:43,510 --> 00:27:56,310 there is no reason to imagine that any form of meditation practise played any important role in early modern and early Indian Mahayana at all. 247 00:27:56,310 --> 00:28:03,120 Beginning in the 1920s, Suzuki began to advocate the idea that Enlightenment was a special actual experience, 248 00:28:03,120 --> 00:28:08,680 resulting in a psychological rather than supernatural transformation. 249 00:28:08,680 --> 00:28:15,370 Although this vision was a complete odds with everything Indian Buddhist texts say about enlightenment, 250 00:28:15,370 --> 00:28:20,530 scholars accepted it readily and pretty quickly. 251 00:28:20,530 --> 00:28:29,380 Buddhism ceased to be envisioned as a rational moral philosophy, focussed on self-control and the attenuation of desire. 252 00:28:29,380 --> 00:28:40,090 As the previous three generations of scholars of thought and came to be envisioned as a religion or a way of life focussed primarily on meditation. 253 00:28:40,090 --> 00:28:45,100 Once this happened, scholars started to see evidence for the practise of meditation. 254 00:28:45,100 --> 00:28:53,360 Behind every corner. The idea that Mahayana was about meditation was easy for scholars to claim, easy for them to believe. 255 00:28:53,360 --> 00:29:01,340 Indeed, Mahayana had to be about meditation for the gears of the overall picture to mesh, if it were not, 256 00:29:01,340 --> 00:29:08,600 the Mahayana would not be truly Buddhist and Tibetan Buddhist and Zen could not be envisioned as preserving traditions of meditation, 257 00:29:08,600 --> 00:29:18,400 going back to early Buddhism. Rather than preserving the traditions essence, they would just be odd for fruit growing from peripheral branches. 258 00:29:18,400 --> 00:29:22,390 Scholars before Suzuki generally thought. 259 00:29:22,390 --> 00:29:29,200 My own suggestion would be that, yeah, as Harrison suggests, there is little in my young Turks to hold our interest. 260 00:29:29,200 --> 00:29:33,070 If we cannot link them to meditation in some way, then so be it. 261 00:29:33,070 --> 00:29:43,270 It's something that we need to accept. We must resist the temptation to project things into these texts that simply are not there. 262 00:29:43,270 --> 00:29:51,160 Another point to notice here is that Harrison and not his interpretation of the meditation scenario is that cross-purposes to that of the 263 00:29:51,160 --> 00:30:01,250 authors of the of the text of the standard claim in the meditation scenario function by linking these attacks to the authority of a Buddha. 264 00:30:01,250 --> 00:30:05,510 Either shocking Moonies or put it in another world in the meditation scenario. 265 00:30:05,510 --> 00:30:10,830 Meditation serves just as the means of making this connexion. 266 00:30:10,830 --> 00:30:14,040 They're said, not noted, do not have any interest in this per se, 267 00:30:14,040 --> 00:30:22,860 but they depict this tax as being interesting and relevant on the grounds that they are supposedly not based on imaginings or speculation, 268 00:30:22,860 --> 00:30:32,500 but meditation based hallucinations or dreams. Somewhat nebulous in visioned as having special authenticity or meaning. 269 00:30:32,500 --> 00:30:36,640 First, we can say that this idea would have been wholly objectionable to the authors and 270 00:30:36,640 --> 00:30:44,460 early users of these texts exactly what they would not want anybody to conclude. 271 00:30:44,460 --> 00:30:49,440 Again, what they want people to conclude, as if these talks were if the scenario actually was used, 272 00:30:49,440 --> 00:30:54,930 which I'm not sure that it ever was, what they would want it, they would want people to take away from. 273 00:30:54,930 --> 00:31:02,110 It is a beef to have a direct connexion to Amitava or another put a. 274 00:31:02,110 --> 00:31:07,090 Second, when we bring it out into the light of day, it is really a bit strange and obscure, 275 00:31:07,090 --> 00:31:12,900 what does it matter to us as scholars, whether a story was made up or hallucinated? 276 00:31:12,900 --> 00:31:15,100 We all have strange experiences and dreams, 277 00:31:15,100 --> 00:31:23,870 and I think we need to think twice about how much meaning and important we want to attribute to them in our ostensibly empirical scholarship. 278 00:31:23,870 --> 00:31:31,150 Whether or not it is even possible to have a tax occur to one in meditation or dreams. 279 00:31:31,150 --> 00:31:37,450 Composing it in an ordinary, conscious state would surely be far easier for almost anyone. 280 00:31:37,450 --> 00:31:43,480 If we begin with the text we have and think about what would actually be necessary for the composition. 281 00:31:43,480 --> 00:31:47,710 First and foremost would be strong familiarity with standard terminology, 282 00:31:47,710 --> 00:31:53,680 formula phrasing and lift found in earlier Buddhist sutures and other donors. 283 00:31:53,680 --> 00:32:03,810 Once someone possessed this familiarity, composing a Mahayana sutra would be a fairly easy task. 284 00:32:03,810 --> 00:32:09,240 That's not to say that I think that these are fraudsters. I think, you know, ideas pop into your head. 285 00:32:09,240 --> 00:32:14,160 Who knows where they may have come from? It could have karmic background. They could have any number of things. 286 00:32:14,160 --> 00:32:19,140 So this is a topic actually or something that that that David Grey mentioned in his talk. 287 00:32:19,140 --> 00:32:22,320 And I would say I'm I find myself in agreement with that. 288 00:32:22,320 --> 00:32:31,850 I don't I'm not imagining these people as cynical, you know, fraudsters are or, you know, liars or charlatans. 289 00:32:31,850 --> 00:32:35,390 The third basic explanation for the revelation of Mahayana sutras, 290 00:32:35,390 --> 00:32:46,000 or perhaps pre Mahayana Mahayana ish text is revelation through the prophet born of Holocaust. 291 00:32:46,000 --> 00:32:50,980 At the beginning of the first chapter of the oysters, the heartbreak, a pregnant Permettono, 292 00:32:50,980 --> 00:32:59,890 portions of which in fragments from the so-called split collection now represent our very oldest datable evidence for the Mahayana, 293 00:32:59,890 --> 00:33:07,450 the Buddha tells the AHA stability booty traditionally identified as the Buddha's foremost monk provocar, 294 00:33:07,450 --> 00:33:15,580 who dwells in peace, to quote, Let it occur and the Sanskrit for that is roti battuta. 295 00:33:15,580 --> 00:33:24,340 Let it occur to you to him how Bodi staffers go forth into our apartment atop joy. 296 00:33:24,340 --> 00:33:36,500 Pooja then wonders to himself whether Sabeti will reveal the Dharma with his own power or the Buddha's. 297 00:33:36,500 --> 00:33:44,980 So Bushy reads his mind and informed them that whatever Arabic is teach is to be known as the Buddha's personal work, 298 00:33:44,980 --> 00:33:54,940 and the term for that is the Tiger Tosya. Patricia Carr, in an important two part article published in 1981 1982. 299 00:33:54,940 --> 00:34:01,150 Graham McQueen clarified this passage significantly by pointing out that already in Nicoya, 300 00:34:01,150 --> 00:34:07,450 an organiser such was pro bono was depicted as a means by which both by which 301 00:34:07,450 --> 00:34:13,760 but a virtue that could be presented by the Buddhist disciples or by others. 302 00:34:13,760 --> 00:34:18,170 Like sometimes guards in the standard presentations, 303 00:34:18,170 --> 00:34:24,380 someone will either repeat something that they had heard to the Buddha, and he would say that he thought it was good. 304 00:34:24,380 --> 00:34:35,680 Or the Buddha would ask somebody to Pratibha on a particular subject, and then he would approve what the person said after they were done. 305 00:34:35,680 --> 00:34:48,340 In both cases, the voters approval transforms what the person said into what McQueen, I think, convincingly calls quote extended but election. 306 00:34:48,340 --> 00:34:56,650 And he also cites an interesting passage from the Masonic video that says Buddha Virginia 307 00:34:56,650 --> 00:35:05,590 includes things spoken by the Buddha himself and things and approved by the by by the Buddha. 308 00:35:05,590 --> 00:35:12,700 McQueen also cites as a direct precedent, the future of Hippity Souter of the unglued from the corner where the Monk Ultra teaches the Dharma, 309 00:35:12,700 --> 00:35:19,380 and Chakra asked him if he taught the dharma by his own party banner or by the Buddhist. 310 00:35:19,380 --> 00:35:29,490 Might, which I think is under Obama, but it could be published on or whatever the poly versions of those are actually applies, 311 00:35:29,490 --> 00:35:34,440 that whatever is well spoken is but a bachelor. 312 00:35:34,440 --> 00:35:44,130 It's a very interesting idea we find that even in the inscriptions by specifying that Djibouti is preaching by the power of the Buddha, the ushers, 313 00:35:44,130 --> 00:35:56,460 the Hazarika thus just depicts his speech as quote Extended Buddha Virginia in the same way with what McQueen calls certification before the event. 314 00:35:56,460 --> 00:36:06,240 What McLean suggests, thus, is that early Mahayana authors were claiming that Maayan could be made up and be authentic, 315 00:36:06,240 --> 00:36:15,630 but about another at the same time. He goes so far as to suggest that quote all the follows in the text in the offshore of South Africa is to be 316 00:36:15,630 --> 00:36:22,050 read in light of this passage and that quote when the early Mahayana defend their suitcases but about China, 317 00:36:22,050 --> 00:36:28,630 they do not mean by this that these texts are the speech of the quote Historical Buddha. 318 00:36:28,630 --> 00:36:34,510 This, I think, is going a bit too far, as we have seen further on in the ultra serious itself, 319 00:36:34,510 --> 00:36:40,810 it introduces the standard claim which identifies these texts as the Buddha's actual speech, 320 00:36:40,810 --> 00:36:46,240 and this is the claim that is taken up by other early modern researchers in general. 321 00:36:46,240 --> 00:36:53,280 Even so, McQueen's basic analysis of this passage, I think, is very strong. 322 00:36:53,280 --> 00:37:02,940 One key aspect of this passage that McQueen doesn't address is that the revealer of the text is presented as a shraga rather than as a body sorcerer. 323 00:37:02,940 --> 00:37:09,930 What can it mean for the authors of the text or the first part of the text to depict the text revealer? 324 00:37:09,930 --> 00:37:16,290 Not as the Buddha's? And that is the Buddha himself, nor as a Buddhist, but as a Ceramica, 325 00:37:16,290 --> 00:37:26,480 when an even slightly later Mahayana sutras Shramik does appear as the butt of jokes and were routinely disparaged and humiliated. 326 00:37:26,480 --> 00:37:29,090 At the beginning of the text, second chapters, 327 00:37:29,090 --> 00:37:38,510 Subutex claim explained the traffickers should instruct police officers because or as a way of repaying the debt that they owe to the Buddha 328 00:37:38,510 --> 00:37:48,230 for the long training he undertook as a body suffer for their benefit to be able to become a Buddha and then teach the Dharma to them. 329 00:37:48,230 --> 00:37:53,390 And stability also cites as a precedent the fact that traffickers instructed the 330 00:37:53,390 --> 00:38:00,350 Buddha in the palm tossed during his life as a body for many lives as a body officer. 331 00:38:00,350 --> 00:38:09,320 This is really strange, and I suspect that we may perhaps see a case of embarrassment here in which the authors of the text are trying to provide 332 00:38:09,320 --> 00:38:19,060 justification for something that was actually happening and that may have been seen as requiring some explanation. 333 00:38:19,060 --> 00:38:25,660 In any case, the author of what could very well be the oldest surviving of textual material and what is 334 00:38:25,660 --> 00:38:32,520 certainly the very oldest currently datable piece of evidence for the Mahayana of any sort. 335 00:38:32,520 --> 00:38:37,860 Is either trying to justify a situation in which teachings intended primarily for body forces were 336 00:38:37,860 --> 00:38:48,140 being given by monks who identified as traffickers or at least trying to encourage this practise. 337 00:38:48,140 --> 00:38:59,950 What are we to make? Like so much of what we find in ancient Buddhist texts, there's probably no way that we will ever be able to know for sure the. 338 00:38:59,950 --> 00:39:05,410 I think Tilman Fetter is really the only scholar who has addressed this issue, 339 00:39:05,410 --> 00:39:13,910 and he uses these passages to suggest that the programme to permit Tor and Mahayana originated separately. 340 00:39:13,910 --> 00:39:18,680 People who identified as body saw it first existed at the time the passage was composed, 341 00:39:18,680 --> 00:39:29,650 but did not yet know about the product of Utah, the idea of which originally developed in some separate a group. 342 00:39:29,650 --> 00:39:34,580 Making it necessary for traffickers to teach it to them. 343 00:39:34,580 --> 00:39:45,700 Fetcher writes, it is possible that the specific narrative piece was originally composed by Sroubek and later taken over and used by boat resources. 344 00:39:45,700 --> 00:39:47,290 Or it may, on the other hand, 345 00:39:47,290 --> 00:39:57,270 have been an original composition by certain bodies authors who aim to express by way of their choice of certain characters their dead. 346 00:39:57,270 --> 00:40:03,700 To the traffickers, for the pregnant pardon to. 347 00:40:03,700 --> 00:40:13,760 There's very little that can be identified as a continuation of this line of thought in the Asia, South Africa or any other future. 348 00:40:13,760 --> 00:40:23,060 To be sure, traffic is feature as interlocutors in several early texts, which may represent some memory of this tradition and proxy, 349 00:40:23,060 --> 00:40:29,910 Barna is often advocated and promised to Mahajan a preacher's Dharma Monica's. 350 00:40:29,910 --> 00:40:38,340 This seems to represent the only case this passage in the after South Africa. 351 00:40:38,340 --> 00:40:44,550 However, in which pro bono is presented as the justification for a suchas appearance or 352 00:40:44,550 --> 00:40:51,560 in which traffickers are depicted as body thought first proper instructors. 353 00:40:51,560 --> 00:41:01,270 Well, I think that her suggestion is interesting and intelligent, it is, of course, necessarily conjecture. 354 00:41:01,270 --> 00:41:08,550 An observation we can add is that though the text uses the term Dharma Bonica 37 times. 355 00:41:08,550 --> 00:41:18,090 It never uses it to refer to somebody who it identifies with the older term Dermot Kotecha. 356 00:41:18,090 --> 00:41:26,340 Might we perhaps see in the progression of the text a shift from an early stage in which Mahayana ideas were 357 00:41:26,340 --> 00:41:36,830 taught by Shriver to democratic us in tech that may not even necessarily have been presented as suitors? 358 00:41:36,830 --> 00:41:41,930 Through to the emergence of the Dharma Bonica as a specifically muhanna creature who presented 359 00:41:41,930 --> 00:41:48,400 Mahayana surgeries in the form of sutures depicted as having been spoken by the Buddha himself. 360 00:41:48,400 --> 00:41:52,790 If this is so, it would suggest that the tax we have, the office, 361 00:41:52,790 --> 00:42:00,910 the House in particular may go back rather closer to the dawn of Mahayana than has often been thought. 362 00:42:00,910 --> 00:42:07,860 Well, it is fun to wonder. It is unfortunately not possible to do any more than speculate. 363 00:42:07,860 --> 00:42:26,132 Thank you very much.