1 00:00:14,250 --> 00:00:21,630 Hello, everybody, and welcome to the 76th of the second time here in Oxford we call Hillary. 2 00:00:22,410 --> 00:00:31,050 And today we're very offended to have Nicholas Hobhouse in the U.K. and present his research on contemporary education. 3 00:00:32,370 --> 00:00:38,730 Nicole holds a Ph.D. and. Presidential Scholarship at the University of Hong Kong. 4 00:00:39,060 --> 00:00:44,969 His Ph.D. research in the Centre of Buddhist Studies is supervised by Dr. Georges 5 00:00:44,970 --> 00:00:51,300 Hultquist and focuses on the intellectual history of contemporary monastic education. 6 00:00:51,930 --> 00:00:54,660 As part of his research in 2021, 7 00:00:54,930 --> 00:01:02,880 he published an article in collaboration with Catherine Hardy entitled Shouldering His Group's Legacy Campus Culture and Logos. 8 00:01:03,240 --> 00:01:08,310 Discourse in relation to Sangam after the death camps can be a prince of. 9 00:01:09,740 --> 00:01:17,600 And in 2022, he presented a paper at the arts conference entitled The Meaning of Monastic Curriculum at La Linga, 10 00:01:17,870 --> 00:01:22,910 a close reading of its structure, textual content and pedagogical influences. 11 00:01:24,530 --> 00:01:28,370 So, Nico, if you wouldn't mind sharing your screen. 12 00:01:29,060 --> 00:01:32,390 And without further ado, please take it away. 13 00:01:34,150 --> 00:01:40,960 So thank you very much for welcoming me to be with you this evening. 14 00:01:41,200 --> 00:01:48,850 And like I was just saying, actually, before and before we got going, I graduated from Oxford in 2015. 15 00:01:49,210 --> 00:01:56,530 I studied classics as an undergraduate, so I really feel like I'm back among friends this evening. 16 00:01:56,530 --> 00:02:02,140 And even though I'm here in Hong Kong, I very much feel like home with you over there. 17 00:02:02,620 --> 00:02:09,010 And so just for some context, I'm currently at two and a half years. 18 00:02:09,040 --> 00:02:12,820 Let me just so how has that changed as the slide changed? 19 00:02:13,030 --> 00:02:20,050 Is that worked perfect? I am currently two and a half years into a four year PhD program. 20 00:02:20,790 --> 00:02:27,550 In that time, I'd gotten to do quite a lot of specific information about the education at individual monasteries, 21 00:02:27,940 --> 00:02:31,120 about individual educational leaders, 22 00:02:31,420 --> 00:02:38,710 and about the different social, political and economic conditions in the various domains where human monasteries are found. 23 00:02:38,800 --> 00:02:48,400 And so, however, I'm in the process, you could say, of trying to find a general big picture narrative that I can apply to the sect as a whole, 24 00:02:48,790 --> 00:02:53,290 and that can serve as a frame on which to hang all of that specific information. 25 00:02:53,860 --> 00:03:00,370 And what I'm going to present in the next 45 minutes or so is an attempt at an early attempt, 26 00:03:00,370 --> 00:03:06,730 maybe at such a big picture narrative fleshed out with only some details given the limitations of time. 27 00:03:07,210 --> 00:03:14,460 I invite you, please, to give as much criticism as you can because it is very much a work in progress. 28 00:03:14,470 --> 00:03:21,760 I still got quite a lot of time in my Ph.D. and I would really appreciate any suggestion how I could really strengthen what I'm trying to say. 29 00:03:22,540 --> 00:03:28,479 And so when I say I am researching contemporary monastic education, 30 00:03:28,480 --> 00:03:37,120 I use the word contemporary to refer to the period from after the ruptures brought about by the Maoist invasion of Tibet in the 1950s, 31 00:03:37,120 --> 00:03:45,640 up to the present day. If we look at the narrative education as it existed before that inflection point, 32 00:03:45,940 --> 00:03:53,770 it's important to observe that systematic monastic education only took hold in the numerous act in the 19th century, 33 00:03:54,070 --> 00:04:00,850 with the foundation of the shrieking Rashtra at Doctrine Monastery by L.S. Cantata in 1848. 34 00:04:01,480 --> 00:04:06,760 In earlier history, there had, of course, been significant individual, almost lightning, temper and so on. 35 00:04:07,120 --> 00:04:12,520 And moreover, monasteries like cattle and drilling had indeed at various times offered forms of education. 36 00:04:13,120 --> 00:04:22,080 However, at no point had the numerous collectively and consistently engaged in scholasticism in the full institutional for Pioneer. 37 00:04:22,150 --> 00:04:30,790 At some point I talk from the 11th century and richly developed in the Gaelic Saint especially and notably early on Marcus. 38 00:04:30,790 --> 00:04:36,459 It primarily be concerned with tantra and had not put much collective effort into the study and 39 00:04:36,460 --> 00:04:43,810 commentary and interpretation of the Sutra Corpus of Indian Treatises on the five major topics of media, 40 00:04:43,810 --> 00:04:47,590 mankind, Army, Abbey, Dharma, Denier and Ramana. 41 00:04:48,880 --> 00:04:53,580 It was not only with the foundation and subsequent development and documentary singers, 42 00:04:53,590 --> 00:04:57,610 etc., that monastic education even established a foothold in the new respect. 43 00:04:58,450 --> 00:05:02,230 After that beginning, however, it became more sophisticated and spread more widely. 44 00:05:02,620 --> 00:05:11,680 This happened in part due to the activities of a number of key figures, most notably and me come from and kept pushing through on the slide. 45 00:05:12,700 --> 00:05:19,330 The historical context of these changes included the Remain movements of the 19th and early 20th centuries, 46 00:05:19,990 --> 00:05:25,930 during which Masters of Enigma continue and sacrosanct in Eastern Tibet collaborated 47 00:05:25,930 --> 00:05:31,420 in preserving and reinvigorating their lineages in the face of Gaelic for Germany, 48 00:05:31,750 --> 00:05:37,990 while upholding a non-sectarian ethos of respect for all Tibetan Buddhist lineages. 49 00:05:38,590 --> 00:05:45,700 However, the development of monastic education in the Numa sect and indeed the increased emphasis on sincere 50 00:05:45,700 --> 00:05:52,510 monasticism and more generally was at first isolated as a phenomenon in its own right by Jean Smith, 51 00:05:52,820 --> 00:05:56,080 who labelled it with the umbrella term the demand movement. 52 00:05:57,070 --> 00:06:02,590 Now, a key point I would like to make is that at the time of the Maoist invasion in the 1950s, 53 00:06:02,590 --> 00:06:11,140 the evolutions triggered by the foundational of dictionaries in Rashtra a century before had not yet fully played themselves out. 54 00:06:11,680 --> 00:06:16,570 While certain approaches to conducting in monastic education had become very influential, 55 00:06:16,870 --> 00:06:24,040 much was still contested and changes were still taking place and no settled equilibrium had been reached. 56 00:06:24,040 --> 00:06:31,660 And even where consensus was emerging, perhaps its roots were maybe not yet that deep and had the potential to be reversed. 57 00:06:32,530 --> 00:06:39,890 So. Let me give you just some illustrative examples of what was still somewhat in flux. 58 00:06:40,940 --> 00:06:44,300 For one, the value of studying at a shadrack, 59 00:06:44,510 --> 00:06:50,450 namely a designated semi-autonomous institution within a monastery with resident teachers 60 00:06:50,450 --> 00:06:56,120 and students dedicated specifically to monastic education was still somewhat contested. 61 00:06:56,690 --> 00:07:04,610 While there was a burst of scheduled construction in the first half of the 20th century, other approaches still existed within the new respect. 62 00:07:04,970 --> 00:07:06,580 For example, a child, Agha, 63 00:07:07,250 --> 00:07:14,870 took a room which gave both textual and meditative teachings within the less structured environment of a religious encampment, 64 00:07:14,880 --> 00:07:18,140 a god where study and practice were more integrated. 65 00:07:18,530 --> 00:07:23,230 While from biographical accounts from the period, 66 00:07:23,280 --> 00:07:29,780 you get the sort of sense that there were a number of peripatetic teachers and students who were moving around in order to give and receive teachings. 67 00:07:30,350 --> 00:07:34,280 And also, of course, the new workers continued to have a rich, 68 00:07:34,280 --> 00:07:40,130 ongoing custom of yoga practice that did not engage much in monastic education in general. 69 00:07:41,360 --> 00:07:45,600 Second on curricular questions. Even when there was a schedule. 70 00:07:45,770 --> 00:07:51,380 The curriculum somewhat varied, as Chris Hiebert has shown in a recent PhD. 71 00:07:52,490 --> 00:08:02,330 A characteristic feature of the tracing a shudder was that from from early on, its model curriculum, even if not always fully implemented in practice, 72 00:08:02,750 --> 00:08:10,970 moved in a gradualist fashion from a foundation that included the study of Tibetan grammar through sultry topics up to temporary topics. 73 00:08:11,510 --> 00:08:16,970 However, the catch all shredder, at least at the time of its foundation in 1906, 74 00:08:17,330 --> 00:08:26,690 offered a curriculum often referred to in the sources as the 100 texts of catalogue issued whose precise content is currently unknown, 75 00:08:27,260 --> 00:08:31,670 but which seems to have been focussed mainly on patriotic topics, not satiric topics. 76 00:08:32,450 --> 00:08:42,080 Then, even if such topics were offered, there were often perhaps disagreements about which Indian root treatises exactly should be used to study them. 77 00:08:42,710 --> 00:08:49,400 Now ten pushing to introduce an extremely influential rubric of the 13 great texts The Children 78 00:08:49,400 --> 00:08:58,390 Jerusalem but of India wrote treatises worst studied not least soundtrack features Nadia and Tara, 79 00:08:58,400 --> 00:09:01,850 the imagine to which Nippon wrote an important commentary. 80 00:09:02,810 --> 00:09:06,770 And then even when there was agreement on the study of particular Socratic treatises. 81 00:09:07,520 --> 00:09:10,700 The question of what commentary should be used remained contested. 82 00:09:11,090 --> 00:09:19,040 Notably, Changa wrote deceptive annotation commentaries tendril to his 13 great texts that avoided the philosophical and 83 00:09:19,100 --> 00:09:26,450 sectarian logical disputes that had animated into sectarian Tibetan scholastic debate for almost a millennium, 84 00:09:26,990 --> 00:09:30,230 and instead went back to the words of the Indian Root text. 85 00:09:30,770 --> 00:09:42,320 While me and his successors directly engaged in those Tibetan disputes and staked out a distinctively new position in relation to the Third. 86 00:09:43,240 --> 00:09:49,990 Certain pedagogical issues were contested, most notably the role of debate as the name Shadrach reveals, 87 00:09:49,990 --> 00:09:55,360 which one could literally translate as explanation, college or commentary or school. 88 00:09:55,660 --> 00:09:58,970 This institution, the institution founded by the Alsatian, 89 00:09:59,020 --> 00:10:08,230 entirely self-consciously contrasted itself to Gamecock and educational institutions where debate was the dominant pedagogy. 90 00:10:08,710 --> 00:10:15,910 Indeed, it was a verb. Instead, it was verbal explanation, shaper of the root treatises that was emphasised. 91 00:10:16,750 --> 00:10:24,010 Nevertheless, in a large part, due to the influence of me, power debate did start to gain at least some prestige within the numerous sect, 92 00:10:24,400 --> 00:10:30,760 as his biography and writings attest me on occasion engaged in both verbal and written debates. 93 00:10:31,240 --> 00:10:38,830 Perhaps most significantly, he wrote a commentary on Democrats each time a numéro B agreement on white hair and other related 94 00:10:38,830 --> 00:10:44,380 works that brought the topic of prominent humour into the mainstream for the first time. 95 00:10:45,130 --> 00:10:50,500 And I think since debate and respect for debaters and pedagogy is to a high degree 96 00:10:50,860 --> 00:10:56,590 rooted in respectfully so teria logical of a manner as a topic of serious study. 97 00:10:56,950 --> 00:11:00,940 The writing of this commentary was crucial, by contrast, 98 00:11:01,000 --> 00:11:07,360 in pushing the place less emphasis on debates and did not include any criticism for Obama in his 13 great texts. 99 00:11:08,400 --> 00:11:17,830 Now these are just some pertinent examples, but hopefully give you a flavour of the ongoing dynamism of the new media before the 1950s. 100 00:11:18,910 --> 00:11:26,560 It is therefore fruitful, I think, to muse on what might have happened if the Maoist invasion had never taken place. 101 00:11:27,130 --> 00:11:31,630 What the various issues I have just discussed have resolved themselves gradually. 102 00:11:32,200 --> 00:11:38,680 And would the new mosques as a whole have converged on a fairly conform settled approach to monastic education, 103 00:11:39,010 --> 00:11:42,280 perhaps centred on Dr. Ministry or a few other key monasteries? 104 00:11:42,520 --> 00:11:51,160 I came to how the ghettos before the 1950s had a fairly settled system of monastic education dominated by the three seats the Dems have sought, 105 00:11:51,850 --> 00:11:55,030 or what many issues have continued to be contested. 106 00:11:55,570 --> 00:11:59,020 Would a diversity of approaches continue to have been seen? 107 00:12:00,460 --> 00:12:06,400 With this question in mind. Let us turn to the new monastic education scene in the present day. 108 00:12:06,970 --> 00:12:12,070 What immediately drops out is a striking pattern whereby most of the newer approaches 109 00:12:12,070 --> 00:12:17,080 to monastic education in India and Nepal scheme in Bhutan are relatively similar, 110 00:12:17,470 --> 00:12:21,040 whereas those in eastern Tibet show much more diversity. 111 00:12:21,580 --> 00:12:28,210 From the same starting point, the still dynamic educational situation at the onset of the 1950s, 112 00:12:28,600 --> 00:12:38,260 one world of monastic education seems to add up towards a sort of unity, whereas the other is much more diverse now. 113 00:12:39,160 --> 00:12:45,100 Here you see a short list of all the chatter I've gathered information from in and what follows. 114 00:12:45,100 --> 00:12:50,950 I will group India, Nepal, Sikkim and Bhutan together with the shorthand exile. 115 00:12:51,460 --> 00:12:57,220 Even though, of course, and northern Nepal, Sikkim and Bhutan were historically Tibetan Buddhist regions. 116 00:12:57,550 --> 00:13:02,290 Even before large numbers of Tibetans came into exile from the 1950s onwards. 117 00:13:03,160 --> 00:13:07,870 My reason for this is that the monastic education scene in those regions has been 118 00:13:08,110 --> 00:13:12,400 strongly influenced by the developments in the wider Tibetan exile community. 119 00:13:14,620 --> 00:13:21,429 So let us look at some details of this. The basis for what I will describe are official documents and interview 120 00:13:21,430 --> 00:13:25,419 transcripts relating to Minister of Education gathered during fieldwork in Nepal, 121 00:13:25,420 --> 00:13:29,620 Sikkim and India last summer, but also from contacts in eastern Tibet. 122 00:13:30,100 --> 00:13:36,610 Currently, my knowledge of the situation in exile is more comprehensive and detailed, as you can probably see from that slide. 123 00:13:37,000 --> 00:13:41,050 But I do already have enough information about Eastern Tibet to draw, I think, 124 00:13:41,260 --> 00:13:46,960 meaningful conclusions and hope to supplement that information through fieldwork there this summer. 125 00:13:48,700 --> 00:13:56,010 Here's a bit of a homemade map. You can really see yellow dots, but it will be very clear where basically the location of these, etc. are. 126 00:13:56,020 --> 00:14:01,749 So you can see down all the way in South Indian Nebula Kupang, in northwest India, around Dharamsala, 127 00:14:01,750 --> 00:14:09,460 Bear in Dehradun and in Nepal, mainly around Bodo in Kathmandu and Gangtok, and also a number in Bhutan. 128 00:14:09,910 --> 00:14:15,580 And you might notice, interestingly, that the exile region is far more geographically spread out, 129 00:14:15,880 --> 00:14:21,880 even though I'm going to argue that the educational effort is far more conformed to, 130 00:14:22,020 --> 00:14:25,450 in fact, the Eastern Tibetan monasteries, at least on a map of this scale, 131 00:14:25,450 --> 00:14:29,950 seem to be rather close together and yet are very often very different educations. 132 00:14:30,790 --> 00:14:36,760 And here just, you know, that flavour is an example of what a curriculum document looks like. 133 00:14:36,860 --> 00:14:44,310 This is from one angle, you know, I've got these sorts of things, you know, this one I think is from them don't show a monastery in India, you know. 134 00:14:44,320 --> 00:14:48,100 So this is the sort of information I've been using for my sources. 135 00:14:49,870 --> 00:14:54,399 So if I then move on. 136 00:14:54,400 --> 00:14:59,860 So in examining the elements of the contemporary systems of monastic education, 137 00:15:00,280 --> 00:15:05,620 one sort of helpful way of just organising the discussion is to group those elements 138 00:15:06,490 --> 00:15:12,550 whose origin predates the 1950s together and those whose origin coast states that period. 139 00:15:13,120 --> 00:15:18,670 Now, one might be tempted to further label those categories as traditional and modern. 140 00:15:19,840 --> 00:15:30,880 However, caution should be exercised as Janet Jackson discusses, and those terms can be taken to imply various assumptions which must be questioned. 141 00:15:31,270 --> 00:15:38,020 First, for example, the assumption that the traditional situation that existed in Tibet before the 1950s was static. 142 00:15:38,110 --> 00:15:44,020 In fact, as I've already said, it was a period of quite dramatic change within new monastic education. 143 00:15:44,860 --> 00:15:53,260 Second, the assumption that contemporary Tibetan Buddhist religious figures only exercise agency insofar as they seek to preserve a traditional past. 144 00:15:53,590 --> 00:16:01,480 Well, modernity is conceived as a phenomenon that somehow imposes itself upon them from outside without their agency. 145 00:16:01,870 --> 00:16:03,850 This assumption, too, must be questioned. 146 00:16:04,480 --> 00:16:10,390 Nonetheless, I think there's still something potentially fruitful about thinking in terms of tradition of modernity, 147 00:16:10,600 --> 00:16:15,910 even if only heuristic clearly, and for the purposes of sort of categorising what you see within a curriculum. 148 00:16:16,660 --> 00:16:20,740 So I use the terms, but with with caution. Okay. 149 00:16:20,950 --> 00:16:26,469 Interestingly, it's not uncommon to hear non monastic Tibetans both in exile and in eastern Tibet, 150 00:16:26,470 --> 00:16:30,400 referring themselves to how traditional monastics in general are. 151 00:16:30,790 --> 00:16:36,370 And moreover, monastics themselves often explicitly use the language of needing to adapt to the modern world. 152 00:16:38,020 --> 00:16:42,820 Starting then with those elements whose origin predates the 1950s. 153 00:16:43,230 --> 00:16:46,030 A Well, you know, the traditional elements in inverted commas. 154 00:16:46,060 --> 00:16:52,280 A first fact to observe is that pretty much every large animal monastery in exile now has a shelter 155 00:16:52,540 --> 00:16:58,030 and a permanent set of teachers and students whose primary responsibility is monastic education, 156 00:16:58,390 --> 00:17:04,720 even if they also partake in ritual duties. So that's in exile in Eastern Tibet, too. 157 00:17:04,750 --> 00:17:11,920 There are etc. The major modern monasteries function paleo cattle construction as well as at the key institution of Langa. 158 00:17:12,490 --> 00:17:19,690 However, there's also the striking example of the doctrine, which has a population of thousands of monastics, including a majority of nuns, 159 00:17:20,110 --> 00:17:27,910 but which largely eschews monastic education and instead focuses on tantric rituals and meditation from the preliminaries onwards. 160 00:17:29,320 --> 00:17:36,880 Second, in exile, they shutter. Education is almost invariably fixed with a precise, clearly defined curriculum. 161 00:17:37,420 --> 00:17:40,750 In Eastern Tibet, by contrast, while some curriculum affixed, 162 00:17:41,110 --> 00:17:47,260 there is also a continuation of what Baucher has described as the apprentice mode of monastic education, 163 00:17:47,560 --> 00:17:54,490 where the relationship between the teacher and the student is deemed more important than the exact textual content of what 164 00:17:54,490 --> 00:18:02,560 is studied and where there is greater flexibility for the teacher to decide what to teach in a fairly spontaneous fashion. 165 00:18:03,730 --> 00:18:10,210 Then, even insofar as there is a more or less fixed curriculum in exile, there is notable conformity. 166 00:18:10,390 --> 00:18:19,140 For one, the main curriculum at. Most set schedule, with only a couple of exceptions, has nine classes corresponding to nine years of study. 167 00:18:19,710 --> 00:18:28,470 These tend to be structured with some crossover as one year foundational topics, including grammar and and Shante Davis Auditorium. 168 00:18:28,470 --> 00:18:41,650 Atara. Sorry, has the screen changed? Is it back here as five years for trick topics and three years for tantric topics in Eastern Tibet? 169 00:18:41,670 --> 00:18:48,030 However, while the panel curriculum has the same nine classes, the Soul Train curriculum has 13 classes. 170 00:18:48,330 --> 00:18:54,540 While the longer curriculum, although grouped into seven classes, tends to take around 15 years to complete. 171 00:18:55,140 --> 00:19:00,360 So again, the eastern Tibetan situation is far more varied than the situation in exile. 172 00:19:01,680 --> 00:19:03,400 As the textual content in exile. 173 00:19:03,420 --> 00:19:10,889 Most of the schedule curricula again quite similar in both the textual content and the order in which those texts are studied with minor differences, 174 00:19:10,890 --> 00:19:17,400 often being the swapping in of want of a text from one's own specific lineage where there is a like for like alternative, 175 00:19:17,700 --> 00:19:25,170 such as the you of Chechen Guilds, House, Dharma Histories, children, act structure and even a pool or the use of mingling. 176 00:19:25,470 --> 00:19:32,010 Gilman's commentary on the abysmal encounter at meal drilling, notably at all exile, 177 00:19:32,010 --> 00:19:36,090 etc. There is an integration of both my parents and Shinoda's commentaries. 178 00:19:36,390 --> 00:19:40,110 Even if the precise, exact numbers of those commentaries vary. 179 00:19:40,860 --> 00:19:45,690 However, in Eastern Tibet, there is a much greater range of choices in regard to this question. 180 00:19:46,140 --> 00:19:53,010 Substantially similar uses several commentaries by Shen during the main curriculum, which is more than at most children in exile. 181 00:19:53,370 --> 00:20:01,920 But Morrow does strikingly uses none of his sultry commentaries at all, while emphasising every one of me count me puns, my dynamical works, 182 00:20:02,190 --> 00:20:09,269 and also having a much extended course dedicated to the study of the great perfection and catch up to shed English 183 00:20:09,270 --> 00:20:17,040 commentaries on not used as the pedagogy in exile with some minor variation explanation shaped by still emphasised. 184 00:20:17,130 --> 00:20:22,020 But debate certainly tends also to be practised in a designated evening session. 185 00:20:22,350 --> 00:20:28,080 And there is the widespread study of debate manuals, such as the tactic by camp of children. 186 00:20:28,680 --> 00:20:38,610 In the contemporary period, a number of tempos and locales across the Excel space and numbering especially have written introductory works for use 187 00:20:38,610 --> 00:20:46,130 in educational settings on promote and debate such as can put some drew camp of problem share out can pay Musharraf, 188 00:20:46,440 --> 00:20:50,790 the concurrent Arkansas and others in eastern Tibet. 189 00:20:50,940 --> 00:20:58,020 By contrast, while debate is certainly practised practised, its value is, in some cases treated with more scepticism. 190 00:20:58,530 --> 00:21:04,080 For example, General Onus, who runs the BBC now but was at up in the early 2000, 191 00:21:04,620 --> 00:21:08,930 told me that the state that for a long period of time while writing his own Ph.D. and 192 00:21:09,000 --> 00:21:14,969 told me that the meeting camp at that time too was sort of a temper thought that debate 193 00:21:14,970 --> 00:21:20,940 adulterated the new it was a much later accretion and that the schedule was the minimal 194 00:21:20,940 --> 00:21:24,780 way of doing things and that the schedule should not be its immediate family debate, 195 00:21:24,780 --> 00:21:27,720 college and even Campeau such and Lodeiro. 196 00:21:27,900 --> 00:21:38,160 Larranaga where debate issues writes in is so much sunshine is so the volume one monastic should not restate debate for the core of their practice. 197 00:21:38,610 --> 00:21:40,800 So again, a bit more variety which to interject. 198 00:21:42,450 --> 00:21:48,209 As for you know in this categorisation into traditional and modern as aspect development whose origins 199 00:21:48,210 --> 00:21:56,130 postings the 1950s in exile one sees a type formalisation of bureaucratised systems of examination, 200 00:21:56,460 --> 00:22:01,170 including written examinations, sets and marked in a blind, 201 00:22:01,170 --> 00:22:09,030 impartial fashion leading to standardised qualifications and the official at the completion of various stages of the curriculum, 202 00:22:09,540 --> 00:22:18,060 but authenticated by official certificates. I've got some different examples here taken from spread across India and Nepal. 203 00:22:18,900 --> 00:22:22,340 Of course, however, formalisation is a matter of degree. 204 00:22:22,350 --> 00:22:28,980 A structured, relatively fixed traditional education was offered doctrine tracing before the 1950s. 205 00:22:29,430 --> 00:22:34,200 This highlights how careful we need to be with rigid categorisations of traditional and modern. 206 00:22:34,920 --> 00:22:42,990 Anyway, in exile this strong tenet, a trend towards academic formalisation is interestingly treated with some caution. 207 00:22:43,440 --> 00:22:46,890 For an example, for example, in an interview with me talking in my room, 208 00:22:47,280 --> 00:22:52,290 the founder of Concentrated Living in Nepal warned about the risks of being attached 209 00:22:52,290 --> 00:22:57,150 to degrees rather than to the study and practice of the Dharma as its own end. 210 00:22:57,510 --> 00:23:03,240 Nonetheless, there is a very clear, strong trend in exile towards academic bureaucratisation. 211 00:23:04,020 --> 00:23:09,790 In eastern Tibet the situation is much less tightly formalised as far as I'm currently aware. 212 00:23:09,810 --> 00:23:17,730 There are rarely official certificates awarded at intermediate stages of scheduled curricula and even the title of temple, 213 00:23:17,940 --> 00:23:21,690 while awarded in a relatively standard academic fashion. 214 00:23:21,720 --> 00:23:26,640 At some institutions like Leung College is often bestowed in a far less formal way by 215 00:23:26,640 --> 00:23:31,830 other monasteries on the basis of esteem rather than measurable academic performance, 216 00:23:31,830 --> 00:23:38,190 or in fact, more just with the traditional usage being the one who bestows the the nine vows. 217 00:23:40,080 --> 00:23:48,210 A second modern development is the integration of new subjects, especially languages such as English and Chinese, and also science learning. 218 00:23:49,260 --> 00:23:57,510 In fact, both in exile and in eastern Tibet. These subjects are rarely seen in the main curriculum, and indeed, if taught at all, 219 00:23:57,840 --> 00:24:04,890 might only be taught in the school malhotra or a novice novice or be taught in an extracurricular fashion. 220 00:24:05,520 --> 00:24:09,479 And in fact, I'm not. While I'm drawing this big contrast and between exile in Eastern Tibet, 221 00:24:09,480 --> 00:24:18,960 I'm not able to state a clear contrast in regard to language in science subjects, as it seems quite often to be particular to individual monasteries. 222 00:24:19,050 --> 00:24:27,480 So at least in this regard, not such a clear pattern of a standardised exile situation and the more diverse Eastern Tibetan one. 223 00:24:28,110 --> 00:24:31,409 And the final well, I was just summarising some examples, 224 00:24:31,410 --> 00:24:37,590 but a third model development one could talk about is the expansion of monastic education to nuns. 225 00:24:37,920 --> 00:24:40,710 Now, this is very much an ongoing process. 226 00:24:41,310 --> 00:24:48,990 I suggest that on this issue, the pattern I am highlighting does hold and that there is in fact notable conformity across the exile space, 227 00:24:49,350 --> 00:24:54,540 whereas there's more diversity in eastern Tibet in exile than in the past have broadly speaking, 228 00:24:54,540 --> 00:25:01,529 gone along with or even followed slightly behind developments for nuns in the Tibetan Buddhist media in exile, 229 00:25:01,530 --> 00:25:09,630 more generally driven by the likes of the Dalai Lama or Tibetan nuns projects and even international organisations like I can detect. 230 00:25:10,440 --> 00:25:17,040 The clear trajectory is that nuns are gradually becoming able to receive a very similar education to that of monks. 231 00:25:17,460 --> 00:25:23,760 However, no new nun in exile has yet been awarded the title of Can Most Be Female Equivalent of Temple, 232 00:25:24,120 --> 00:25:28,680 despite that very title being awarded for the first time by the Secular House last year 233 00:25:28,980 --> 00:25:34,050 and the title objection MA being officially awarded in the Galaxy extent since 2012. 234 00:25:34,830 --> 00:25:42,270 However, I get the impression from my fieldwork that when one new monastery, most notably nuns relief, finally does get around to awarding that title, 235 00:25:42,270 --> 00:25:51,180 it will probably be taking it will be taken up in Mingma monasteries across the board, or at least to have a nunnery, by contrast, in Eastern Tibet. 236 00:25:51,330 --> 00:25:54,660 Strikingly, that does not seem to be one approach to this topic. 237 00:25:55,080 --> 00:26:01,920 While for most nuns there are precious few opportunities for rigorous monastic education had long gone, 238 00:26:02,160 --> 00:26:06,510 Liang and Taylor have shown as this they have shown an educational program 239 00:26:06,780 --> 00:26:11,400 culminating in the title of Campbell was introduced already back in the 1980s, 240 00:26:11,820 --> 00:26:15,600 with the first graduates receiving the Canmore title in the 1990s. 241 00:26:17,340 --> 00:26:28,050 So that summarises some of the large scale contrasts between the Myanmar state education in exile and in eastern Tibet in the contemporary period. 242 00:26:28,590 --> 00:26:36,690 And of course, in such a quick summary, I've simplified a great deal and have glossed over what diversity does exist, even in exile. 243 00:26:37,140 --> 00:26:40,960 But hopefully I've illuminated what I take to be the overall pattern. 244 00:26:42,010 --> 00:26:47,470 So what might be the reasons for this large scale difference between the relatively 245 00:26:48,050 --> 00:26:52,720 being educational milieu in exile and the relatively diverse media in Eastern Tibet? 246 00:26:53,830 --> 00:27:02,530 I contend that the structures of collective leadership and organisation in exile have been a key factor maybe certainly not the only factor, 247 00:27:02,530 --> 00:27:08,499 but a key factor that has allowed the monastic educational model brought to maturity at 248 00:27:08,500 --> 00:27:14,680 one main monastery in particular to be widely adopted across the entire exile space. 249 00:27:15,250 --> 00:27:22,900 While the absence of an equivalent system of organisation has prevented anything similar happening inside Eastern Tibet, 250 00:27:23,800 --> 00:27:28,690 thus I do not believe that the relative consensus in exile is because the monastic leaders at separate 251 00:27:28,690 --> 00:27:35,410 monasteries have all individually come to the same conclusion about the best way to combine the traditional, 252 00:27:35,590 --> 00:27:43,630 traditional and modern aspects that serve as the ingredients from which a contemporary meaning of monastic educational system might be constructed. 253 00:27:44,350 --> 00:27:48,490 Were it not for the collective organisation of the new members in exile, 254 00:27:48,580 --> 00:27:54,040 I think you would see a much greater range of educational approaches akin to what is seen in eastern Tibet. 255 00:27:54,610 --> 00:27:58,830 Indeed, mine drilling in India, which has a nine year formalised general curriculum. 256 00:27:59,230 --> 00:28:06,010 A leading lama who I interviewed expressed worry that graduates of the shed are often neglected, mentioning ritual tradition, 257 00:28:06,670 --> 00:28:12,850 leading me to speculate that if it was solely up to him, he would probably conduct this country in a very different way. 258 00:28:14,010 --> 00:28:19,470 Let me spell out my argument by looking in more detail at the history of the contemporary period in exile. 259 00:28:21,330 --> 00:28:29,400 Naturally, the monastery was founded by penury, became the throne holder of the pilgrimage to be occupied in South India in 1963. 260 00:28:30,030 --> 00:28:37,230 It is notable that many of the modern monasteries of the numerous sect struggled to be re-established in exile at all, 261 00:28:37,620 --> 00:28:41,609 partly due to the challenging conditions faced by the Tibetan refugees in general, 262 00:28:41,610 --> 00:28:46,049 and partly due to factors specific to the individual monasteries such as that. 263 00:28:46,050 --> 00:28:53,430 No senior figure capable of capable of reforming the monastery made it into exile thus of the ruling eventually, 264 00:28:53,580 --> 00:29:02,010 which was founded in 1965, the Chechen army in 1982, the attack in 1984 and doctrine only in 1992. 265 00:29:02,400 --> 00:29:06,990 The main cattle cattle monastery has never been re-established in exile. 266 00:29:08,410 --> 00:29:13,629 The Shadrack ruling was formally established in 1978 after a great deal of 267 00:29:13,630 --> 00:29:19,150 hardship due in no small measure to the perseverance of Canario Che himself. 268 00:29:20,290 --> 00:29:27,429 Previous to that formalised niemeyer education, both monastic and monastic had been established on a small scale for what is now the Seeking 269 00:29:27,430 --> 00:29:32,320 Institute of Higher Numa studies and at the Central Institute of Higher Tibetan Studies. 270 00:29:32,740 --> 00:29:37,210 But neither of these have the capacity to recreate full scale education. 271 00:29:37,900 --> 00:29:46,390 Moreover, previous to 1978, both Mundelein and Metrolink sometimes invited peripatetic teachers to hold classes for a period of time. 272 00:29:46,960 --> 00:29:53,350 One educationalist of particular note in that period was can potential of increasing her share in Tibet, 273 00:29:53,710 --> 00:29:57,910 who came into exile and taught at all four of the institutions just mentioned, 274 00:29:58,450 --> 00:30:06,400 culminating in serving as the founding temple of Drilling Chater in 1978 before dying prematurely a year later. 275 00:30:06,970 --> 00:30:15,220 And put Sondra at Sondra, who was arguably the most important link in transmitting documentary singer a system of education into exile. 276 00:30:16,240 --> 00:30:21,490 But that is not to say that the curricular established didn't exactly compete even in 277 00:30:21,490 --> 00:30:25,360 its traditional elements what was taught its own country singer before the 1950s. 278 00:30:25,780 --> 00:30:31,480 This is interestingly highlighted when you compare its curriculum to countries in Eastern Tibet today, 279 00:30:31,840 --> 00:30:40,090 which of course is also based in part on what was taught that before the 1950s and see that they diverge in multiple way, multiple ways. 280 00:30:40,810 --> 00:30:47,440 Thus, as Piercey discusses in a 2015 article, the Underlings curriculum was modelled upon its option curriculum, 281 00:30:47,800 --> 00:30:52,000 but also drew upon other references both from pre and post the 1950s, 282 00:30:52,420 --> 00:30:58,030 including the nine year structure of the Central Institute of Higher Tibetan Studies academic curricula. 283 00:30:59,140 --> 00:31:04,810 Moreover, remains educational system continue to develop in certain ways even after it was first established? 284 00:31:05,230 --> 00:31:13,270 Panel reports, for example, seem to have kept pushing for improvements in Tibet as evidence, for example, by a speech he gave in 1999, 285 00:31:13,540 --> 00:31:19,690 where he noted that some senior members did not support debating, but that he personally thought it was very important. 286 00:31:20,110 --> 00:31:30,730 And I quote from conclusion on Che Wang's translation of this speech in a lump on the path and they said you should develop debating skills. 287 00:31:30,820 --> 00:31:35,110 The capturing coaches of the new tradition are not happy with the debates. 288 00:31:35,560 --> 00:31:43,180 The reason I initiated it and maintained it is because it helps one to develop the intellect and retain scriptural knowledge. 289 00:31:45,450 --> 00:31:52,260 But then coming back to sort of the main point I'm making, why why didn't the education system spread so widely? 290 00:31:53,550 --> 00:31:58,020 It probably owes a lot to the fact that became capitalist entrepreneur, 291 00:31:58,020 --> 00:32:02,610 who is the first to supply a service for which there is a large pent up demand. 292 00:32:02,970 --> 00:32:04,320 Demand and not willing. 293 00:32:04,320 --> 00:32:12,960 Shandra cornered the monastic educational market at an manly stage, which meant that its population of both students and teachers grew quickly, 294 00:32:13,020 --> 00:32:16,680 which meant that it claimed prestige and could attract greater financial support, 295 00:32:17,040 --> 00:32:23,310 which allowed it to grow and improve its educational offerings further and thereby attract more students and teachers and so on. 296 00:32:23,880 --> 00:32:30,450 However, as I've said, the factor I really wish to emphasise is the wider leadership and organisation of the university in exile. 297 00:32:31,140 --> 00:32:40,020 So coming into exile, the Dalai Lama and the exile government to establish wanted a leader to represent each of the main sects of Tibetan Buddhism, 298 00:32:40,590 --> 00:32:47,970 whereas the other sects had well-developed institutions of leadership, whether the second treason, the composition and and trippers. 299 00:32:48,360 --> 00:32:54,480 The Myanmar has had no history of such institutional leadership and instead had historically 300 00:32:54,750 --> 00:32:59,850 tended to gravitate towards charismatic figures regardless of their institutional status. 301 00:33:00,210 --> 00:33:06,750 Especially treasure to review tension. And perhaps because he was such a figure in 1962, 302 00:33:06,750 --> 00:33:13,920 during which he was chosen by the numerous to fulfil the required leadership role which he held until 1987. 303 00:33:14,730 --> 00:33:23,700 After his death, Hugo Canto took the role until he died in 1991 and then contribute to the role until his retirement in 2001. 304 00:33:24,480 --> 00:33:31,260 Crucially, all three of these figures gave strong support to the monk underlings in its early years, 305 00:33:31,800 --> 00:33:38,070 thus giving that Cedras some manner of official status as a shadow of the Nygma powers in general. 306 00:33:39,150 --> 00:33:44,790 Notably in 1978, Diego County Repertory, even before he became the head of the new sect, 307 00:33:45,000 --> 00:33:50,430 gave the official name to the shadow of the immaculate tone of Don't look repaid your meddling. 308 00:33:51,000 --> 00:33:57,450 Importantly, he made it a new institute, not a political institute. 309 00:33:58,080 --> 00:34:07,440 A few years later, in 1984, during which he wrote a formal letter in his official capacity as the head of the numerous sect eulogising, 310 00:34:07,440 --> 00:34:16,680 and giving his blessing to the Shadrack. And this letter is still printed in front of the official curriculum booklet and distributed individually. 311 00:34:17,670 --> 00:34:24,030 And then, of course, I don't remember Che himself once and of the Namesake could continue to give that institutional support. 312 00:34:24,420 --> 00:34:25,620 So from the top down, 313 00:34:25,620 --> 00:34:33,660 the first three heads of the numerous sect in exile who commanded both the individual charismatic but also the newfound institutional authority, 314 00:34:33,960 --> 00:34:38,850 all gave their official endorsement to the shadow or representative of the new must sector as a whole, 315 00:34:39,420 --> 00:34:47,160 meaning that the leaders of any other shadow that might be established later would naturally look to Shadrach as the model to follow, 316 00:34:47,520 --> 00:34:53,580 lest they might seem perhaps to be positioning themselves in opposition to the officially endorsed Numa approach. 317 00:34:54,420 --> 00:35:01,590 In addition to this, in part perhaps simply due to the straitened circumstances in exile and the need for cooperation, 318 00:35:01,950 --> 00:35:07,740 but also important, no doubt because of the improved structures of collective organisation within the Negro sect. 319 00:35:08,220 --> 00:35:16,200 Numbering schedule also became a key hub from which large numbers of teachers with a low or chemicals were sent out to monasteries across India, 320 00:35:16,200 --> 00:35:20,670 Nepal seeking or Bhutan to help support the foundation of new children there, 321 00:35:21,000 --> 00:35:27,090 or at least to help with less formalised types of teaching where resources were fewer over time. 322 00:35:27,150 --> 00:35:32,959 Underlings good editorial department also produced standard textbooks in the debt problem and 323 00:35:32,960 --> 00:35:38,250 page format that could help support the establishment of the non-trivial curriculum of study. 324 00:35:38,610 --> 00:35:42,780 Example They look like this and I picked this up in a in a bookshop in Boulder, in Nepal. 325 00:35:42,780 --> 00:35:49,170 So not necessarily. And this is one for me. It even describes a year of the courses for us for the fourth year of the course. 326 00:35:49,440 --> 00:35:58,710 And this is me punch commentary on the team a drill so designated textbooks for a a curriculum that was then replicated and spread widely. 327 00:36:00,290 --> 00:36:05,480 Such systems of leadership and organisation have not been as possible in eastern Tibet. 328 00:36:06,110 --> 00:36:14,650 The case of language is particularly interesting since its foundation by Ken Cuccinelli puts up in 1980, it has played a role in Eastern Tibet. 329 00:36:14,660 --> 00:36:19,550 That might sound somewhat similar to the role I just described for Nam, travelling in exile, 330 00:36:19,910 --> 00:36:26,930 namely serving as a hub for training monastics who could then serve as teachers across eastern Tibet and indeed Tibet as a whole. 331 00:36:27,950 --> 00:36:33,240 Indeed, for a time, Larranaga said that role not only for the new tradition, but for the other sects, too. 332 00:36:33,260 --> 00:36:38,360 And grew to a size far greater than any monastery in exile in the house with its, 333 00:36:38,360 --> 00:36:44,860 for example, with its population numbering 9300 in the year 2010, according to Capstone. 334 00:36:45,230 --> 00:36:50,270 And that is also, I think, estimated to have increased even in subsequent years. 335 00:36:50,630 --> 00:36:59,240 However, the conditions that have allowed Larranaga to play this role are very different from the situation for Nam drilling 336 00:36:59,720 --> 00:37:06,890 and Longo's influence vis a vis the new matters across eastern Tibet has thus thus has a very different quality. 337 00:37:07,490 --> 00:37:17,630 Notably, longer and poorer importance is derived not from any official status as the primary educational institute institution, 338 00:37:17,930 --> 00:37:23,780 but to a high degree from the nimble way it is navigated the post-mao social political landscape. 339 00:37:24,200 --> 00:37:33,290 First, as an encampment, a guard not subject to the same oversight as a monastery, and then later as a from 1987 as a Buddhist academy. 340 00:37:33,530 --> 00:37:38,570 For sure, U.N. constrained, but also somewhat protected by government regulations. 341 00:37:39,710 --> 00:37:46,610 However, the same political regime, regime in which lorem guard has been able to thrive relative to other institutions, 342 00:37:46,880 --> 00:37:52,100 has also had a limiting effect on its ability to directly shape the education of other monasteries. 343 00:37:52,550 --> 00:37:59,780 The Communist Party of China has tended to periodically clamp down on manifestations of Tibetan collective organisation in general, 344 00:38:00,230 --> 00:38:04,550 while teachers trained at Lorengau have been involved in setting up institutions elsewhere. 345 00:38:04,700 --> 00:38:10,669 This, as far as I can tell, has happened more informally than the process whereby no drilling officially 346 00:38:10,670 --> 00:38:15,200 sends its own locals and campus to other institutions for designated periods. 347 00:38:16,250 --> 00:38:24,410 On a slightly different note, but also related rivalries between monasteries in eastern Tibet arguably tend to be stronger anyway, 348 00:38:24,800 --> 00:38:29,870 in part because these rivalries are also sometimes rooted in local regional identities. 349 00:38:30,710 --> 00:38:35,840 In practice, what this is all added up to is that Longo's particular curriculum has not 350 00:38:35,840 --> 00:38:41,450 seemingly been taken up as a replicable model by other leading English headdress. 351 00:38:41,930 --> 00:38:45,709 Even when campus trained and armed guard have been involved in teaching. 352 00:38:45,710 --> 00:38:51,890 But those other shooters and nor has the curriculum at any other one monastery been taken up in such a widespread way. 353 00:38:53,600 --> 00:39:00,590 So I want to finish by reflecting on the implications of what I have said, what you know, what the implications might be for new movements, 354 00:39:01,010 --> 00:39:07,340 for identity in general, especially, and especially for its scholastic and institutional identity. 355 00:39:07,820 --> 00:39:14,600 Now, these really are very nascent thoughts, more sort of musings than fully formed ideas that I've only so fairly recently 356 00:39:14,600 --> 00:39:18,650 started to sort of think about as significant in relation to my research. 357 00:39:19,130 --> 00:39:23,690 But I'll sort of try some of them out and, and sort of see where they lead. 358 00:39:24,200 --> 00:39:28,610 So there's lots of angles from which to attempt to answer this question. 359 00:39:29,150 --> 00:39:37,070 The first point I would make is that both in exile and Eastern Tibet, it is notable that monastic education has been re-established at all. 360 00:39:37,490 --> 00:39:40,760 The innovations of the so-called game movement were, as I said, 361 00:39:40,760 --> 00:39:45,260 still relatively recent at the time of the great ruptures brought about by the Maoist invasion. 362 00:39:45,890 --> 00:39:52,100 Given the enormous struggle it took to re-establish monastic education both in exile and in eastern Tibet. 363 00:39:52,520 --> 00:39:55,910 The fact that so many institutions have indeed re-established, 364 00:39:56,150 --> 00:40:02,510 etc. is notable and suggests that what began in the 19th century has changed the sex for good. 365 00:40:02,930 --> 00:40:08,959 No longer, I contend, can it be said that the new markers should primarily be defined maybe by the fact of, 366 00:40:08,960 --> 00:40:13,490 you know, upholding various tantric lineages in the category of both comma and Turner. 367 00:40:13,730 --> 00:40:18,220 Of course, that aspect of the English sect is still prominent outside of the Shastra, 368 00:40:18,440 --> 00:40:22,219 whether in the wider monastery, in retreat centres or in caves in the mountains. 369 00:40:22,220 --> 00:40:27,500 And indeed, it's a still an important part of the monastic identity. 370 00:40:27,860 --> 00:40:32,660 However, engagement in scholastic pursuits is now also firmly entrenched. 371 00:40:33,470 --> 00:40:39,210 The elevation of power to a status arguably equal to such unquestioned new 372 00:40:39,350 --> 00:40:43,880 luminaries as long term power is both a cause and a symptom of this transformation. 373 00:40:44,030 --> 00:40:48,679 Have this transformation in his lifetime me power as a respected scholar practitioner, 374 00:40:48,680 --> 00:40:53,180 but he did not have the prestige of being a reincarnate Lama or Turton. 375 00:40:53,600 --> 00:40:58,930 However, after his death already in the first half of the 20th century and continuing into the contempt. 376 00:40:59,210 --> 00:41:01,640 Period. His star has only risen. 377 00:41:02,330 --> 00:41:09,530 This has happened in part due to the activities of influential disciples and devotees of hip such as Campbell, Jemmy, Potter, but also, 378 00:41:09,530 --> 00:41:16,310 I'm sure due to the increase in monastic education's relative importance in relation to the mass sector as a whole, 379 00:41:16,700 --> 00:41:23,240 May Palm's rise in the rise of monastic education as a key component of animal identity are interrelated. 380 00:41:24,540 --> 00:41:29,640 However, as monastic education increases in relative importance from the numerous. 381 00:41:29,910 --> 00:41:34,440 So probably just the significance of differences in the details of monastic education. 382 00:41:35,160 --> 00:41:40,980 What do the patterns are described reveal about the present and future identity of the numerous sect? 383 00:41:41,430 --> 00:41:48,000 And what are the implications for identity of the institutional structures that I've said underpin those patterns? 384 00:41:48,930 --> 00:41:56,760 On one level, it's probably too soon to say how the effects of the foundation of Free Lanka was still playing themselves out over 100 years later. 385 00:41:57,090 --> 00:41:59,880 How much more of the effects of the Maoist invasion? 386 00:42:00,510 --> 00:42:08,010 However, some searching questions I suppose might be posed Will the exile and eastern Tibetan domains converge? 387 00:42:08,640 --> 00:42:13,170 While I've argued that the two tracks have mainly developed separately, in parallel, 388 00:42:13,200 --> 00:42:18,659 there have been some small crossovers, and especially when there has been a monastery of the same lineage. 389 00:42:18,660 --> 00:42:21,870 In both domains, the connections can be illuminating. 390 00:42:22,710 --> 00:42:29,790 In the case of NAM, drilling in India and drilling in India and the Sister Palau monastery in Tibet, 391 00:42:30,030 --> 00:42:36,030 there are fairly strong links and the same education is offered in both places due to the fact that they must share up. 392 00:42:36,090 --> 00:42:41,820 The senior campus spent some years at Palau in the 1990 and establish this shelter there. 393 00:42:42,210 --> 00:42:50,540 So that might suggest that convergence may be the pattern, but slightly differently in the face of actually leaving campus of the monastery in Nepal. 394 00:42:51,030 --> 00:43:00,600 My children, who himself spent many years at a monastery in eastern Tibet, told me that our two monasteries are connected emotionally, academically. 395 00:43:00,660 --> 00:43:03,270 I think we are separate and difference. 396 00:43:03,270 --> 00:43:10,680 Again, in the case of adoption, the monastery we found in South India and the monastery in eastern Tibet are almost totally separate, 397 00:43:10,980 --> 00:43:15,270 in part due to the two monasteries recognising different men as the authentic. 398 00:43:15,360 --> 00:43:16,230 So Chen Rinpoche. 399 00:43:17,860 --> 00:43:24,520 Probably overall convergence between the two domains will only take place on a large scale if the Tibetan political situation changes. 400 00:43:24,850 --> 00:43:32,530 If not, it's possible that the two new worlds which exist in very different social, political and economic conditions will further diverge. 401 00:43:33,460 --> 00:43:41,830 However, even if the two domains converged, what would the convergence mainly manifest on the level of individual monasteries and the numerous sects? 402 00:43:41,830 --> 00:43:47,139 The whole Rifat revert to being a loosely bound family of distinct lineages, 403 00:43:47,140 --> 00:43:52,540 monasteries and charismatic individuals without tight institutional organisation or 404 00:43:52,540 --> 00:43:57,340 with the unprecedented degree of institutional unity seen in exile become the norm. 405 00:43:58,450 --> 00:44:05,380 It is, of course, hard to say, but I will finish by noting that there are signs the institutional organisation, 406 00:44:05,410 --> 00:44:09,700 seen in the first few decades of exile, is already starting to fray. 407 00:44:10,390 --> 00:44:16,490 After the comparatively stable era of institutional leadership from 1960 to the early 2000. 408 00:44:16,930 --> 00:44:19,930 The new markers have entered a period of instability. 409 00:44:20,560 --> 00:44:21,070 First, 410 00:44:21,070 --> 00:44:29,320 a succession of elderly rent control Supreme Court in central membership of the first generation in exile who are appointed the head of the sect, 411 00:44:29,320 --> 00:44:34,120 usually on the basis of spiritual authority, died in relatively quick succession. 412 00:44:34,960 --> 00:44:42,430 Then in 2015, and the time when the baton needed to be handed down to a new generation, no single candidate stood out. 413 00:44:42,550 --> 00:44:47,379 So a compromise was reached whereby the heads of the modern monasteries in exile 414 00:44:47,380 --> 00:44:52,990 would be appointed the supreme head of the sect as a whole in three year rotations. 415 00:44:53,620 --> 00:45:02,410 Then that model in turn collapsed in 2018 when the next, you know, the next in line in the rotation refused to take up the position, 416 00:45:02,980 --> 00:45:09,880 meaning that there is now a leadership vacuum with the committee in charge of organising the new liminal and prayer festival. 417 00:45:10,220 --> 00:45:14,820 A practical technocrat, even though it's a committee given the title of head of the sect. 418 00:45:15,310 --> 00:45:22,330 But with the reality being some sort of stasis, perhaps the page has already turned on an exceptional era, 419 00:45:22,630 --> 00:45:31,480 and the classic Nehemiah trope of distaste for institutions, politics and centralised authority is reasserting itself once more. 420 00:45:32,080 --> 00:45:39,400 Indeed, while some of my interviews interviewees expressed exasperation with the current leadership situation, 421 00:45:39,790 --> 00:45:42,880 some seem to think it was no bad thing at all. 422 00:45:43,570 --> 00:45:47,650 And with that, I think I will finish. So thank you very much. 423 00:45:47,740 --> 00:45:48,220 Thank you.