1 00:00:15,990 --> 00:00:22,530 So welcome, everybody, to, uh, our fifth series of the, uh, Tricia Seminar. 2 00:00:24,040 --> 00:00:24,850 And, uh. 3 00:00:29,550 --> 00:00:36,090 I don't really need to introduce a national level, but I think most people know her, especially people who've been involved in the charities seminar. 4 00:00:36,390 --> 00:00:41,520 She's been involved with the and I think from the beginning and has given some talks previously. 5 00:00:43,380 --> 00:00:50,340 I would say Anna is probably the leading contemporary academic specialist on the Tibetan terrestrial deity cosmology, 6 00:00:50,730 --> 00:00:54,870 which, as we will see, has a lot to do with terror and terror. 7 00:00:57,510 --> 00:01:04,920 Uh, she's been working on this topic with David Goldner for some years at Isca, the Institute for Social and Cultural Anthropology in Oxford, 8 00:01:05,520 --> 00:01:10,260 where she's completing a second doctoral degree, a second PhD or DPhil, as we call them, 9 00:01:11,280 --> 00:01:15,300 specifically on the intricate cosmology of territorial deities in Tibet. 10 00:01:16,050 --> 00:01:22,380 But back in 2018, she was already awarded a previous Ph.D. from the Charles University in Prague. 11 00:01:24,370 --> 00:01:28,839 Uh, for a thesis on the pomp of mineral ritual, which she did with, uh, Daniel Boone. 12 00:01:28,840 --> 00:01:32,930 Ski. And has done a lot of field work. 13 00:01:32,990 --> 00:01:36,980 I think in 19 months in Tibet proper. 15 months in East Tibet. 14 00:01:38,000 --> 00:01:45,370 Also further periods in both India and Ladakh. Uh, she's had a number of post-docs and research fellowships. 15 00:01:45,370 --> 00:01:50,530 She was a research fellow in 2022 at the Institute for Advanced Studies in Princeton. 16 00:01:50,800 --> 00:01:56,410 She was a postdoctoral research scholar at the Weatherhead East Asia Institute in Columbia in 2021. 17 00:01:57,400 --> 00:02:02,770 She was a research fellow at the Kit, a hamburger colleague at the Royal University in Belgium in 2018. 18 00:02:04,150 --> 00:02:09,880 She's also published a large number of articles and book chapters, which I'm sure you can all find online. 19 00:02:11,460 --> 00:02:16,500 I think many of you will also know her from the big digital project, the Oral History of Tibetan Studies, 20 00:02:16,500 --> 00:02:23,490 in which there were, I think, 80 interviews with, uh, Tibetan allergists, especially older Tibetan allergists. 21 00:02:25,090 --> 00:02:30,040 And she was initiator and principal investigator of this project from 2017. 22 00:02:31,450 --> 00:02:34,630 So I think that's enough introduction. And Anna, over to you. 23 00:02:35,650 --> 00:02:40,210 Well, thank you, Rob, for an introduction that I don't really deserve. 24 00:02:41,020 --> 00:02:47,170 Uh, thanks, uh, to everyone for coming today. I hope that there will be something interesting in this talk for you. 25 00:02:47,770 --> 00:02:52,120 I will do my best. And, um, let me start. 26 00:02:53,080 --> 00:02:57,870 Uh, the talk is titled Controlled Prosperity. Why People and Territorial Deities Need treasurers. 27 00:02:57,880 --> 00:03:00,940 I will try to answer this question. 28 00:03:03,470 --> 00:03:09,680 There is hardly any place on the Tibetan Plateau that would not be subordinated to a territorial dating, 29 00:03:09,680 --> 00:03:14,180 so-called shipped off or shipped off to a unique user subtype. 30 00:03:14,750 --> 00:03:21,740 And similarly, all these appellations denote a large of place, a date of rebellion, a region, a territory. 31 00:03:22,460 --> 00:03:30,800 The plateau hosts a vast number of territorial deities, regarded as more or less powerful and organised in a power hierarchy. 32 00:03:31,430 --> 00:03:37,280 The most powerful ones are said to occupy the highest glacier capped mountains and to govern large territories. 33 00:03:38,090 --> 00:03:44,000 I will give some examples from Easter, but most of this talk is based on recent demographic data from the regional. 34 00:03:45,830 --> 00:03:49,700 Within their territories. These deities govern the humans living there. 35 00:03:50,030 --> 00:03:53,419 But also many non-humans their divine courts of ministers. 36 00:03:53,420 --> 00:04:04,060 Army generals. Treasurers. Parents. White Sox. Daughters under kinsman and many subordinated deities that formed over to use. 37 00:04:05,260 --> 00:04:13,360 Uh, they exercise power over their lands and everything within, including wild and domestic animals, flora, crops, waters and other resources. 38 00:04:14,650 --> 00:04:19,629 The territorial deities and their written use are recognised to dwell in certain 39 00:04:19,630 --> 00:04:24,460 landscape features and then require special protection and attention from humans. 40 00:04:29,570 --> 00:04:35,090 I'm Uma Chen, the iconic mountain range of East Tibet, once thought to be higher than Mount Everest. 41 00:04:35,990 --> 00:04:39,190 And I will show you a map of the Tibetan Plateau now. 42 00:04:39,200 --> 00:04:43,340 And now we are in East, in East Tibet, the region of colour. 43 00:04:44,270 --> 00:04:48,799 And, um, you can see the, um, the Imagine mountain here. 44 00:04:48,800 --> 00:04:56,420 And, and I'll be also speaking about another mountain peak and mountain range called in you two, which is here further to the east. 45 00:04:57,620 --> 00:05:05,620 So back to animation. Demand is widely recognised to be inhabited by Azure data of the same name. 46 00:05:06,140 --> 00:05:09,640 Some new machines depiction epitomises the shift done by tomography, 47 00:05:09,640 --> 00:05:17,020 a male portrayed as a notable political and military leader, equipped with armour, weapons, jewels and emblems of power. 48 00:05:18,150 --> 00:05:22,570 Some of the lesser deities are female. Um. 49 00:05:23,930 --> 00:05:30,339 Such as? Uh. Such as this goddess of the cock I would like. 50 00:05:30,340 --> 00:05:36,250 And then these female deities tend to be depicted as beautiful ladies and sometimes as half serpents. 51 00:05:36,700 --> 00:05:42,580 Epitomising the blue deities. This is the coconut lane. 52 00:05:42,790 --> 00:05:47,050 Um, here again. Um, with like you. 53 00:05:50,150 --> 00:05:56,030 Male deities are the most powerful and numerous animals worshipped across East Tibet, 54 00:05:56,030 --> 00:06:00,320 but also in central and west, about and now in the global Tibetan exile. 55 00:06:00,920 --> 00:06:10,460 He himself is subordinated to the paramount sacred mountain of Tibetan Old Kailash, and then governs his vast retinue subordinate to him. 56 00:06:11,000 --> 00:06:18,410 So in this image on the left and the bottom under my chin has his retinue of different members. 57 00:06:19,560 --> 00:06:29,040 Uh, who all act as a servant. But you also find much more elaborate, uh, retinue, such as in this image from the temple at the, um, 58 00:06:29,040 --> 00:06:35,670 you mentioned range where, um, you mentioned since in his celestial palace, uh, which is made of gold, as you can see. 59 00:06:36,150 --> 00:06:41,880 And his retinue is organised according to the four, uh, quarters in the East. 60 00:06:42,570 --> 00:06:50,160 I would like to draw your attention to, uh, mean for you to say, uh, who is another mountain deity? 61 00:06:50,190 --> 00:06:57,690 We saw his mountain in demon. And, uh, I will be referring to him, uh, to him in the talk as well. 62 00:06:59,250 --> 00:07:04,410 Both monument union projects and all are so perceived as ancestors of certain communities. 63 00:07:05,310 --> 00:07:12,360 Um, you mentioned is an often a matrilineal ancestor to the adult clan and is an offering to the Gulf clan. 64 00:07:12,990 --> 00:07:18,660 The Gold Clan used to control the historical territory until the Chinese takeover in the 1950s. 65 00:07:19,350 --> 00:07:22,560 Its main party lineage has continued until the present. 66 00:07:23,490 --> 00:07:28,590 The Gulf territory roughly corresponds with the present Gulf Prefecture between Hai Province. 67 00:07:30,030 --> 00:07:38,400 On the other hand, some shipyard 80s are perceived as patrilineal ancestors, and most do not have any expressed ancestral link to humans. 68 00:07:39,810 --> 00:07:44,430 In Tibetan Buddhism, chiefdom deities. Home federal autonomous protectors. 69 00:07:44,430 --> 00:07:51,120 After being tamed by the great propagator of Buddhism in Tibet, or later by other monsters. 70 00:07:53,170 --> 00:07:57,729 Human communities linked to certain territorial data should respect and venerate 71 00:07:57,730 --> 00:08:01,830 a deity and a deities divine retinue to ensure well-being and prosperity, 72 00:08:02,440 --> 00:08:05,830 protection, fertility, abundance, health and wealth. 73 00:08:06,820 --> 00:08:13,510 Chimaera deities who have gained prominence in Buddhism are also approach for such a logical good. 74 00:08:13,510 --> 00:08:19,270 Under these mundane goals, some important talk, like a Mumbai change in Bhutan, 75 00:08:19,900 --> 00:08:26,500 are even recognised to have become bodhisattvas who help others towards awakening the ultimate goal of Buddhism. 76 00:08:28,250 --> 00:08:36,080 People approach territorial as you practice through different ritual actions, observing taboos of purity and on disturbance of their silence, 77 00:08:36,440 --> 00:08:45,739 respectful behaviour, pilgrimage and various offerings by which they hope to foster debate is one of the major ritual activities that encounter. 78 00:08:45,740 --> 00:08:52,310 Tradition can be subsumed under the following categories roughly in the order of the frequency. 79 00:08:52,370 --> 00:08:54,440 Frequency of order for correctness. 80 00:08:55,600 --> 00:09:03,639 Uh, the sound purification or fumigation offerings are very common and often daily performed individually in households, 81 00:09:03,640 --> 00:09:06,700 in monasteries and community, usually yearly. I'd love to. 82 00:09:06,700 --> 00:09:11,860 Karen's dedicated to the cities and located and the science for the 80s. 83 00:09:11,920 --> 00:09:16,480 Well, you can see an example of such around, uh, in the left image. 84 00:09:17,510 --> 00:09:24,230 And you can see the big, uh, pile of smoke. Raising from the fumigation offering. 85 00:09:25,130 --> 00:09:29,270 Can we find the treasure offerings to which I will meet shortly? 86 00:09:30,400 --> 00:09:36,670 A rights of calling the young force of abundance, especially performed at rites of passage. 87 00:09:36,820 --> 00:09:42,100 I will explain that ten people dedicate domestic animals to deities. 88 00:09:43,050 --> 00:09:47,380 Uh thermador. Cake offerings and also charm, mask, dance. 89 00:09:47,620 --> 00:09:51,699 And in the right image you can see I'm much in dancing in a year. 90 00:09:51,700 --> 00:09:56,080 You your charm at a bone pronouncing monastery in East Tibet. 91 00:09:57,740 --> 00:10:02,060 The different rights are often combined. Two or more are performed together. 92 00:10:03,020 --> 00:10:11,750 It is mainly men and not women, who directly engage with the Jupiter deities, due to the deities linked to ancestry that is patrilineal in Tibet. 93 00:10:13,290 --> 00:10:23,730 Who venerates with Chica day to depends on one's father's venerated qibla and one's residence that is more often very local than you are in local. 94 00:10:25,210 --> 00:10:32,860 Um. Excuse me. For instance, dimension don't clan venerates unimagined as the matrilineal ancestor of the clans, 95 00:10:32,860 --> 00:10:39,129 but relying as does the Gulf clan, trading and producing lame men perform their rights. 96 00:10:39,130 --> 00:10:46,170 In fact, by obligation they can be accompanied or substituted by monastics, and this is shown in the. 97 00:10:46,180 --> 00:10:53,080 In the image on the left, where we have the laymen on the right and domestics seated, uh, on the left. 98 00:10:54,700 --> 00:10:59,320 And they perform it together. But the monastics could be missing or the laymen could be missing. 99 00:10:59,350 --> 00:11:05,950 But usually it is. The practice is explained as being mainly on the shoulders of the laymen. 100 00:11:07,420 --> 00:11:13,480 Monasteries perform rites to shift activities within their obligatory daily and yearly repertoires. 101 00:11:15,280 --> 00:11:22,420 From the various offerings, the so-called treasure offerings have not been substantially academic to be considered. 102 00:11:24,260 --> 00:11:30,770 Tutorials shouldn't have deities, especially the more powerful ones such as omni channel and budgeting cards, 103 00:11:30,770 --> 00:11:33,890 and administer many different treasures in their territories. 104 00:11:34,590 --> 00:11:44,180 Um, meaning various substances and objects concealed in the land, taken as precious and often ascribed special properties. 105 00:11:44,420 --> 00:11:47,300 Metals typically gold, silver, copper and others. 106 00:11:47,540 --> 00:11:56,210 Minerals precious and semi-precious stones such as the valued, the agate, stone, medicines and healing waters. 107 00:11:56,660 --> 00:12:03,770 Other water sources. Divine objects such as weapons and others, as well as Buddhist statues, scriptures and other objects. 108 00:12:04,920 --> 00:12:12,989 All these treasuries are cold turned into by some, uh, Buddhist sociological treasuries that help towards awakening our cold, 109 00:12:12,990 --> 00:12:17,990 both terrain thermal as everything else within their lens. 110 00:12:18,000 --> 00:12:21,870 All these types of treasures are the property of eternal deities. 111 00:12:22,830 --> 00:12:30,330 Normally, they cannot be extracted. Their disturbance would be a violent act and some response. 112 00:12:30,330 --> 00:12:35,220 Abundance likens this to taking one's grandfather's intestines out. 113 00:12:37,190 --> 00:12:42,290 As digital deities can be grandfathers and can be equated with the land they inhabit and govern. 114 00:12:43,380 --> 00:12:50,580 It is also seen as robbing someone, depriving someone of their important property for which a punishment will come. 115 00:12:51,180 --> 00:12:53,490 Typically natural disasters or disease. 116 00:12:55,030 --> 00:13:05,679 Many narratives of such treasures hidden in the land exist in oral and written histories, ritual recitals, uh, and as a part of the names of deities, 117 00:13:05,680 --> 00:13:12,850 persons, and places in visual materials, and also in contemporary publications such as football match guides and others. 118 00:13:13,870 --> 00:13:20,350 A common epithet of shipwrecked deities. Escada, uh, Lord of treasures or personal protection. 119 00:13:20,890 --> 00:13:27,560 Treasure. Protector. Shadow deities are also iconography depicted with jewels on treasures. 120 00:13:28,070 --> 00:13:32,300 And if we go back to anew machine dancing and charm, 121 00:13:32,660 --> 00:13:40,220 we see that he holds a treasure base in his hand, in his right hand, as this iconographic attribute. 122 00:13:41,450 --> 00:13:45,650 If we go even further back, we again see the future holds. 123 00:13:46,420 --> 00:13:57,110 Uh, treasure vessel or a bowl of treasures in his left hand, again as an attribute with which is depicted regularly. 124 00:13:57,110 --> 00:14:04,760 And the same counts for animation. We have two different depictions, and he always holds a treasure vessel. 125 00:14:10,250 --> 00:14:17,360 Now I will go back and I will provide a brief typology of treasures through a few examples. 126 00:14:19,340 --> 00:14:24,350 We have a fragile self or ism divide or so-called self or ism, 127 00:14:24,350 --> 00:14:34,129 divine objects concealed by a deity for deities needs that can that can be buried, then retrieved and again burned into deities wishes. 128 00:14:34,130 --> 00:14:36,410 So for instance, 129 00:14:36,410 --> 00:14:44,720 unimagined is to guard the armour up to some legendary can guess guesser who can recover it in times of need for his battles with demons. 130 00:14:45,530 --> 00:14:48,829 And in the slide we see an image of the wind, of course. 131 00:14:48,830 --> 00:14:56,000 Ah. And, uh, this this imagery and this description comes from a recent third image guide to the Omni mentioned mountain. 132 00:14:57,470 --> 00:15:02,300 Also, a gold depository, uh, unimagined, is said to be unimagined. 133 00:15:02,360 --> 00:15:09,950 Golden had done unimagined. Its own arms and armour are stalled and goods on site within his range. 134 00:15:09,950 --> 00:15:15,629 That is shown in the image on the right. There is a goods in use. 135 00:15:15,630 --> 00:15:21,450 A deity, uh, who resides there and who is also an army general protecting his territory. 136 00:15:25,240 --> 00:15:32,770 Most cherished treasures are around June natural, naturally occurring within the ecological environment, 137 00:15:32,770 --> 00:15:35,980 as people say, and they are supposed to remain hidden. 138 00:15:36,940 --> 00:15:40,000 Um, you might choose to guard lots of gold in this land. 139 00:15:40,240 --> 00:15:43,240 And indeed there have been gold repositories discovered. 140 00:15:43,900 --> 00:15:51,430 The first larger scale mining we know of was initiated already in the 1930s by the Muslim warlords, 141 00:15:51,430 --> 00:15:54,870 who then controlled the area of the future Qinghai Council. 142 00:15:54,880 --> 00:15:56,080 Ningxia provinces. 143 00:15:57,190 --> 00:16:05,230 The American missionary, and another for Robert Long, then active in the region, reported to local strong opposition against mining. 144 00:16:05,680 --> 00:16:09,310 And, uh, his boat is also in the slide. 145 00:16:09,850 --> 00:16:18,190 So he runs the gold mining exclusively in placer mining is contrary to normal prejudice concerning district, disturbing the soil and drumming to soil. 146 00:16:18,190 --> 00:16:23,169 Awards in updated subterranean. A number of customers. 147 00:16:23,170 --> 00:16:27,130 Communities prohibit mining altogether and enforce heavy penalties there. 148 00:16:27,760 --> 00:16:31,780 For any unlucky, unlucky Chinese culture caught among the ago. 149 00:16:33,180 --> 00:16:37,920 Of the unimagined range a reason for any violation. 150 00:16:38,730 --> 00:16:45,210 A class observation is still relevant today. Several mines have been opened in the vicinity of Under My Chin. 151 00:16:45,720 --> 00:16:54,330 Individuals from mining companies are killed nowadays, but it is very painful for both both pastoralists and farming communities, 152 00:16:54,570 --> 00:17:00,240 especially surface mining, with large scale removal of underground treasures in turn surface. 153 00:17:01,800 --> 00:17:09,090 This leaves large scars in the land people relate to and responsible for, and it deprives the land of its treasures. 154 00:17:10,120 --> 00:17:17,730 This is how a local lay pastor is. Woman link mining to unwelcome tourism and what it changes much. 155 00:17:17,770 --> 00:17:23,440 And in February to 2015. It hasn't snowed this year. 156 00:17:23,950 --> 00:17:28,480 There has been a strong wind and the soil or dust has been falling for three days now. 157 00:17:29,020 --> 00:17:34,870 We have never experienced such weather here in our lives. In the past it snowed and drained more. 158 00:17:35,020 --> 00:17:41,680 The place is becoming dry now. It is because so many Chinese come into treasures that are being constructed. 159 00:17:42,400 --> 00:17:47,530 They build these roads to take them away. Look how many big cars come here. 160 00:17:47,980 --> 00:17:52,389 They're taking unimagined treasures away. And at under my chin. 161 00:17:52,390 --> 00:18:01,020 With tourism development for tourism. There has been this notion that many of the roads aren't being built to actually excavate only machines, 162 00:18:01,090 --> 00:18:04,050 gold and copper and other treasures that people know. 163 00:18:05,800 --> 00:18:13,510 These violations of the temple of treasure removal that leads to protests, or which does involve involved face arrest. 164 00:18:14,020 --> 00:18:21,280 The issue is so painful that mining tends to be supervised by the local government and and the companies involved. 165 00:18:21,940 --> 00:18:30,730 Public access close to mines is forbidden. There are also narratives of people discovering treasures. 166 00:18:31,000 --> 00:18:34,630 If treasures reveal themselves to certain individuals. 167 00:18:36,170 --> 00:18:41,810 For example, I'm making a story about a presumed important new member this monster circulates. 168 00:18:42,990 --> 00:18:46,170 Once his mother stayed overnight at the Omni Machine range. 169 00:18:46,770 --> 00:18:50,160 In the morning she found a sea stone in front of her. 170 00:18:50,790 --> 00:18:57,390 Because in denied, the omnipotent deity visited her and father to son, signified by a small treasure stone. 171 00:18:58,900 --> 00:19:04,240 This son became a venerated Buddhist masters, master and similar day. 172 00:19:04,330 --> 00:19:09,970 Similar stories are also typical for local political leaders. 173 00:19:10,510 --> 00:19:22,180 So it is commonly said about a strong clinic leaders to be sons of some of these activities are often imagined or enumerated. 174 00:19:22,180 --> 00:19:26,700 Are others strong to. Then. 175 00:19:28,510 --> 00:19:33,879 A special category art or German treasures that served the preservation of the 176 00:19:33,880 --> 00:19:38,330 Buddhist tama are said to have been hidden by impersonal spiritual masters. 177 00:19:38,350 --> 00:19:45,670 Most of the Muslim power in times of religious persecution or war, people were in nature to receive them. 178 00:19:46,570 --> 00:19:52,000 They're entrusted to a church world dating for protection, and her purpose is to be rediscovered. 179 00:19:52,810 --> 00:20:00,880 Only someone appointed by a Buddhist authority, usually usually by himself and a layman, can do so. 180 00:20:01,660 --> 00:20:10,239 This so-called treasure revealer token has to have a good relationship with a given day to to disturb the land and retrieve the treasure, 181 00:20:10,240 --> 00:20:15,340 to avoid punishment for himself, but also for the communities connected with the deity. 182 00:20:16,180 --> 00:20:22,480 He has to compensate the removal with a treasure substitute that some of the precious materials. 183 00:20:24,110 --> 00:20:30,229 This concealing, including reportedly by Putnam, was somehow about himself and revealing of bodies. 184 00:20:30,230 --> 00:20:33,260 Such urological treasures continues until today. 185 00:20:34,040 --> 00:20:38,040 The only matching range is among the popular places for such discoveries. 186 00:20:38,060 --> 00:20:43,670 There are many times both bunker and um, undercutting schools. 187 00:20:44,210 --> 00:20:48,830 Uh, sets to sets to come from the animal range from different time periods. 188 00:20:50,730 --> 00:20:57,510 We see that in all these examples, it is the only amount of data who administers treasures in his territory, 189 00:20:57,960 --> 00:21:01,200 and he has to decide who will and will not have access to them. 190 00:21:01,920 --> 00:21:08,700 If someone violates his rights, it is perceived negatively and bad developments are awaited as a result. 191 00:21:09,900 --> 00:21:15,270 We also see that the treasuries relate to territorial defence and protection. 192 00:21:15,360 --> 00:21:19,620 The lands become detached and procreation. Unpermitted. 193 00:21:19,620 --> 00:21:27,900 Unpermitted extraction seem to cause unwanted weather changes that decrease the quantity into, for example, treasure. 194 00:21:27,910 --> 00:21:33,120 Support the tournament, but the removal has to be compensated to prevent land depletion. 195 00:21:35,600 --> 00:21:39,260 So what notions people associate with these treasures? 196 00:21:39,290 --> 00:21:48,110 Why are treasures important? Why is mining meaning natural treasure extraction so sensitive and the extraction of goodies? 197 00:21:48,410 --> 00:21:55,440 Such urological treasure is so restricted. We have seen the different practices concerning treasures. 198 00:21:55,460 --> 00:22:06,200 They include storing, consuming and concealment, and certain primitive extraction by divine figures or individuals authorised by divine figures. 199 00:22:07,040 --> 00:22:11,180 People have to think and behave carefully to balance the suspect. 200 00:22:14,350 --> 00:22:18,350 And here are some of the thoughts people in East Tibet shared with me. 201 00:22:18,460 --> 00:22:26,350 Their explanations evolved. Around several principles, mainly such a young and touchy. 202 00:22:28,180 --> 00:22:34,050 And these are the explanations why treasuries are important and why people have to think about them. 203 00:22:35,540 --> 00:22:42,620 A recurring view was that if people extract too much soil, the soils essence will disappear. 204 00:22:43,870 --> 00:22:47,710 A campus scholar from the new material that I going to strangle it. 205 00:22:48,340 --> 00:22:53,470 If there are no treasures in the earth, the earth essence of such will decrease. 206 00:22:55,010 --> 00:23:06,200 Conquering budget ahead of the new Malone Monastery in Gaul, noted that the Earth Essence statue is like treasures like gold and silver. 207 00:23:07,730 --> 00:23:16,460 The principal essence of ensuring their characteristic qualities that gives a certain entity the capacity to be that entity. 208 00:23:17,360 --> 00:23:21,920 Fertility to soil. Healing to medicine. Nutrition to fruit and light. 209 00:23:22,730 --> 00:23:31,000 The such essence is the potency of earth. Without it, the land degrades and cannot sustain anyone. 210 00:23:31,900 --> 00:23:38,500 The church is strongly associated with Earth and one people are mostly concerned about with land degradation. 211 00:23:40,030 --> 00:23:50,379 Another force that imbues the land is young. An elderly lady pastoralist man shared when the sheep are dated possesses precious treasures. 212 00:23:50,380 --> 00:23:54,340 Then the data is learned of the precious treasures and it is a day. 213 00:23:54,340 --> 00:24:00,790 Two of the young forms. One can perform the accomplishment of a young and young colleague calling rites to dating. 214 00:24:01,480 --> 00:24:09,670 Young is closely linked to treasures. Young is a potency of abundance, affluence, fecundity, production, and generation. 215 00:24:10,600 --> 00:24:15,520 Land, humans, animals, and plants cannot flourish without young people involved. 216 00:24:15,550 --> 00:24:24,820 Young from the deities regularly and on special occasions, such as its rites of passage on during New Year when someone is ill, 217 00:24:24,820 --> 00:24:33,220 and similarly, this young, when drawn from digital deities, derives from the treasures in their territories and physical land. 218 00:24:34,480 --> 00:24:40,090 Another principle that people often associated treasures with whilst touching auspiciousness. 219 00:24:42,200 --> 00:24:47,210 People support these qualities of the land not only by restricting digging and extraction, 220 00:24:47,690 --> 00:24:53,120 but also by actively enhancing them through offerings into earth and lakes. 221 00:24:53,870 --> 00:24:58,460 A swift example that can be added to the different types of treasures are treasure offerings. 222 00:24:59,930 --> 00:25:08,030 These can be any materials considered precious and ascribe beneficial qualities, often similar to natural treasures, 223 00:25:08,360 --> 00:25:12,679 and that epitomise the true and young forces enduring qualities of sustenance, 224 00:25:12,680 --> 00:25:20,659 abundance and prosperity such as precious metals, precious and semi-precious stones, grains, yak and sheep wool. 225 00:25:20,660 --> 00:25:30,620 Medicines are collected at sacred sites, and similarly most often there are nowadays offered as treasure advisers and treasure sachets, 226 00:25:31,100 --> 00:25:36,379 commonly industrially produced many monasteries and also some not by turn tricks 227 00:25:36,380 --> 00:25:40,490 or medical practitioners on are involved in treasure production business, 228 00:25:41,060 --> 00:25:45,260 and many more people, including laypeople, participate in treasure offerings. 229 00:25:46,550 --> 00:25:56,390 Many thousands of treasures are offered in East Tibet every year, and numerous sacred sites and other sites beneath houses at pastoralists, 230 00:25:56,390 --> 00:26:04,820 campsites, burial sites, and similarly, the treasures not only enhance the given location but also please the territorial deities. 231 00:26:05,990 --> 00:26:10,590 And people explained that these were common views with treasures. 232 00:26:10,610 --> 00:26:15,290 Good soil will become even better and that soil will become good. 233 00:26:16,330 --> 00:26:24,820 The place will become good. People generally see treasure offerings as a universal means to improve Earth, increasing its productivity. 234 00:26:26,590 --> 00:26:29,940 The leading authority of the new material that time on our street. 235 00:26:29,950 --> 00:26:36,970 That card in future offers dozens of treasures into sacred lakes and a sacred universe, a mountain range in God. 236 00:26:37,420 --> 00:26:40,720 Every summer, one of his assistants explained. 237 00:26:41,740 --> 00:26:49,300 Earth's treasures are for the essence of the Earth. Stay tuned for Good Earth Hour, beneficial for the person offering and are good for everyone. 238 00:26:51,080 --> 00:26:58,850 Another new monastic from the area. Uh 28 year old church reincarnate and treasure. 239 00:26:58,850 --> 00:27:05,240 Revealer buried a special batch of 1500 treasures in summer 2018. 240 00:27:06,020 --> 00:27:11,790 He explained. The Earth Essence statue has gone down. 241 00:27:12,330 --> 00:27:17,940 Treasures benefit the land and a given area. Then they benefit sentient beings and the world. 242 00:27:18,030 --> 00:27:24,600 And eventually also over each person. Everyone has, uh, their own wishes, reasons, aims. 243 00:27:25,200 --> 00:27:30,329 Now the main aim is to prevent the destruction of the environment, the degradation of local soil, 244 00:27:30,330 --> 00:27:36,000 which is due to many reasons, including past, but also to prevent famine and diseases. 245 00:27:36,540 --> 00:27:39,490 Soil has become very degraded. Here is just right there. 246 00:27:39,710 --> 00:27:47,310 Now, it was my idea to organise the concealment of the treasures to come, to balance the deterioration of local soil. 247 00:27:48,030 --> 00:27:51,480 Many southern land dates live in this area. 248 00:27:52,510 --> 00:27:56,080 And a ritual text of treasure concealment asks them for help. 249 00:27:57,550 --> 00:27:59,440 Characteristically for monastics. 250 00:28:00,060 --> 00:28:08,050 Uh took his explanation of the practice has integrated the universal mystic Buddhist discourse of benefit for all sentient beings in the world. 251 00:28:09,010 --> 00:28:12,190 Monastics also often had a general merit. Uh, so. 252 00:28:12,190 --> 00:28:21,220 Name and blessings. Jean lamp to support awakening. Still, the main concern was environmental degradation, which the treasures are supposed to revert. 253 00:28:22,210 --> 00:28:29,740 The area is pastoral, pastoral and elsewhere in East Tibet suffers from erosion due to mismanagement 254 00:28:29,740 --> 00:28:33,880 in the second half of the last century and a present environmental crisis. 255 00:28:37,020 --> 00:28:44,130 With treasure offerings. Laypeople were mostly concerned about the sojourner, Earth essence, the young and Toshi, 256 00:28:44,610 --> 00:28:52,020 and several other forces by which, uh, treasure offerings help, uh, in pursuing various mundane aims. 257 00:28:53,480 --> 00:28:57,080 People interpret the offerings in different ways for the well-being they see. 258 00:28:57,770 --> 00:29:06,350 This can be recovering from an illness while finding a better job, other mundane wishes or support on their spiritual path. 259 00:29:07,480 --> 00:29:14,830 For instance, an urbanised man in his early 50s had heard a trade chieftain undergo an elaborate and. 260 00:29:15,880 --> 00:29:20,320 Darren. Different types of treasures. No leisure like earth treasures. 261 00:29:20,980 --> 00:29:26,530 I offered an earth treasure. For a good fortune shall come true and flourishing and optimism. 262 00:29:26,530 --> 00:29:30,429 People treasures should be offered when the stars are benevolent. 263 00:29:30,430 --> 00:29:40,070 And below a mountain peak into sheltered spot. The chieftain related treasure offerings to both general and more specific ideas of prosperity, 264 00:29:40,220 --> 00:29:46,580 good fortune, literally, literally smooth course of things and Tibetan national consciousness. 265 00:29:48,250 --> 00:29:57,520 Utterly. The respondents linked treasure offerings to a different course, which can be also rendered as good fortune no to literally wind horse. 266 00:29:58,030 --> 00:30:00,969 It is epitomised by the small eponymous pebble, 267 00:30:00,970 --> 00:30:08,530 two offerings with auspicious symbols and must been thrown into the air to venerate the shifter and to acquire the force in order to force. 268 00:30:09,680 --> 00:30:14,030 One respondent shared that. Treasure offerings are good. 269 00:30:14,060 --> 00:30:23,090 Whenever everyone faces difficulties, troubles, obstacles such as losing money and one needs to increase long-tum for all these more lota is needed. 270 00:30:24,460 --> 00:30:30,250 When one's long term is, it just goes up and a strong one has a nice life, good income. 271 00:30:31,000 --> 00:30:35,440 And similarly, and the opposite happens when, as it is said, long time goes down. 272 00:30:36,370 --> 00:30:40,540 The concept is close to the previous smooth going of things. 273 00:30:42,130 --> 00:30:46,390 Other respondents also connected treasure offerings to the force of Hong Kong. 274 00:30:46,900 --> 00:30:56,830 Power or strength. My mind that epitomised, uh, rulership, mundane power and the capacity to exercise agency. 275 00:30:58,180 --> 00:31:05,290 One needs Hong Kong for business to become rich, have charisma and succeed socially, or exercise power over others. 276 00:31:06,940 --> 00:31:10,540 Financial affluence also ties to fertility. 277 00:31:11,500 --> 00:31:18,190 Another layman noted. One can offer a treasure for a household of misery without money. 278 00:31:18,910 --> 00:31:26,050 Then we can place the treasure into the house itself, or anywhere into good soil for a household without children. 279 00:31:26,080 --> 00:31:30,100 We can offer a treasure anywhere. Somewhere into good soil. 280 00:31:32,460 --> 00:31:40,680 The idea is that both riches and one's fertility, similarly to the yield of fields and animals, are sustained through the land. 281 00:31:41,100 --> 00:31:46,650 A good soil enhances the treasures impact and is sufficiently pure to hold the offering. 282 00:31:48,450 --> 00:31:55,230 Once the properties of the soil are, and hence richness and fecundity of humans and other beings come as a result. 283 00:31:56,900 --> 00:32:04,790 Similar notions were expressed by Ken for Kenpo from The New York Times, when was in relation to the Chinese occupation of Goa. 284 00:32:05,840 --> 00:32:13,430 He said people here used to hide money, in this case silver coins, when the Chinese were coming. 285 00:32:13,950 --> 00:32:21,740 Often they couldn't find it afterwards and does the hashes stayed buried where they were. 286 00:32:22,580 --> 00:32:30,799 Then later people said Indian producer kept them and they became his treasures like natural treasures where they are hidden. 287 00:32:30,800 --> 00:32:36,800 Many flowers grow also when someone discovered them, people said enabling and greatest treasures. 288 00:32:38,630 --> 00:32:43,910 Here, the treasures constitute a single substance, hidden without ritual, to protect from, 289 00:32:44,750 --> 00:32:50,330 without the ritual to contact them from political invaders for future retrieval. 290 00:32:52,130 --> 00:33:01,850 Yet they become treasures protected by the moon and ancestors dating as if they were initially offered to him or were initially his natural treasures. 291 00:33:04,530 --> 00:33:08,340 Where treasures are good grass fields and beautiful flowers grow. 292 00:33:08,910 --> 00:33:16,650 The absence of such signs rules the Dylan lacks treasures and can also indicate their violent instructions, such as mining. 293 00:33:18,380 --> 00:33:21,590 The forces in question do support and reinforce each other. 294 00:33:22,280 --> 00:33:29,210 Treasure offerings will especially reinforce the Chu and Young if given to signs of the law of alternative forms. 295 00:33:29,300 --> 00:33:35,870 Usually, mountains and lakes are taken to hold divide tighter with certain individual or social group. 296 00:33:36,680 --> 00:33:41,569 For example, the lakes into which that pungent pitcher offers treasures are dissolved. 297 00:33:41,570 --> 00:33:50,510 Vitality lakes and the plan added plans vitality an ancestor mountain onion producing likewise 298 00:33:50,510 --> 00:33:55,790 onion merchants regarded to the divine time to peak on the Don clan and also the whole of that. 299 00:33:57,490 --> 00:34:04,299 Best is to offer treasures in summer at the height of blossom, and animal and plant become 2 to 1. 300 00:34:04,300 --> 00:34:08,710 Differences in the land and contained in its treasure is one of the strongest. 301 00:34:09,400 --> 00:34:13,700 It is also a time of monsoon rings. Some of the people. 302 00:34:14,240 --> 00:34:19,030 Some of the popular treasure ingredients are also associated with the low vitality coins, 303 00:34:19,070 --> 00:34:24,800 typically rare metals and some precious stones made of turquoise and organic wheat. 304 00:34:27,710 --> 00:34:35,480 These notions also figure into recitals performed during the composition and offering of treasure offerings. 305 00:34:36,470 --> 00:34:45,530 They contain passages similar to song fumigation recitals during the above mentioned large monastic treasure offerings, 306 00:34:46,280 --> 00:34:50,440 by accounting pushed into the lakes and by the young treasure revealer interred, 307 00:34:51,020 --> 00:34:59,480 the same ritual text was used the accomplishment of developing organ, progenitor or or organ. 308 00:34:59,960 --> 00:35:06,800 The wealth data organ, uh, is one of the nine forms of the popular awakened in the wealthy. 309 00:35:06,800 --> 00:35:17,750 To some, part of the rite evolves or involves a temporary consecration and a meditative sadhana practice centred on the dating and in the text. 310 00:35:17,940 --> 00:35:27,470 Uh, we find now I don't have the time to read and analyse these recitals, but I will show a few excerpts to illustrate the key concept. 311 00:35:28,660 --> 00:35:33,350 So here in this passage, we see. But how? 312 00:35:33,680 --> 00:35:39,890 How the performers of the rights. Uh, with the key concepts underscored in the slide. 313 00:35:41,180 --> 00:35:46,640 A connect to the deities they're offering the treasure to through the so-called Modack Court. 314 00:35:47,270 --> 00:35:52,910 And the court is then supposed to channel the life force, culture and young force of abundance. 315 00:35:53,630 --> 00:36:01,490 Then we again find good, short and young force of wealth and power, not tongue, which is. 316 00:36:02,700 --> 00:36:06,930 Um. Synonymous can be synonymous to Hong Kong. 317 00:36:07,140 --> 00:36:15,160 But I mentioned earlier, the show is also a force of abundance of often paired with young and dramatic roles. 318 00:36:15,180 --> 00:36:18,420 I have studied Chung Chow does not appear on its own. 319 00:36:18,430 --> 00:36:21,210 Lighter is is common in all narratives. 320 00:36:22,830 --> 00:36:30,240 We also see that in the treasure offerings that the treasure offer, offerings are related to the primordial which have come to sample. 321 00:36:31,440 --> 00:36:38,580 And this passage that figures at the beginning of the text establishes the so-called young state, 322 00:36:39,150 --> 00:36:45,150 uh, in the earth, uh, just a part of some summoning of the young for treasure offering. 323 00:36:46,860 --> 00:36:55,080 Afterwards. The recital addresses some power and some power as this manifestation again for bestowing the young force. 324 00:36:56,170 --> 00:37:05,080 And this is done with a young with a ritual young arrow circled above the head of this to draw young. 325 00:37:11,140 --> 00:37:19,500 And here we see that the recitals ask for attainments of wardrobe again to chart and young. 326 00:37:20,430 --> 00:37:28,049 And then it goes, uh, what people ask for the young of lifespan, of long living young, 327 00:37:28,050 --> 00:37:35,160 of rich herds giving to foreign like cattle to increase the young of clothing, gold illuminating, so brocades. 328 00:37:35,910 --> 00:37:39,660 Thus are these qualities of young directed towards the patrons. 329 00:37:40,470 --> 00:37:45,870 May long life of men without disease have come. May grant growth of cattle without loss. 330 00:37:45,870 --> 00:37:50,100 Richly come may clothing never separate from silk. 331 00:37:51,080 --> 00:37:57,200 Then people ask for additional foods swirling with fat, imbued with oil and nourishment. 332 00:37:57,680 --> 00:38:01,070 Down with jewels, gold, silver, turquoise and coral. 333 00:38:01,520 --> 00:38:04,250 The young of those grains rise within barley. 334 00:38:05,060 --> 00:38:12,290 Thus are the three qualities of being directed towards the patrons may most never separate from tea, beer, and milk. 335 00:38:12,770 --> 00:38:19,129 Who wouldn't like that? May the power and delight of treasurers, of treasuries of jewels. 336 00:38:19,130 --> 00:38:23,660 Come. May the beauty of a vessel filled with the six grains come. 337 00:38:25,560 --> 00:38:33,030 The young is enhanced, uh, here for long life, sustenance, productivity of cattle and fields, wealth and abundance. 338 00:38:33,870 --> 00:38:41,070 The young force is indeed generally associated with grains and not domestic herbivores, horse, bovines, and sheep. 339 00:38:42,450 --> 00:38:49,260 The attainments hunter mentioned can refer to both spiritual attainments but also mundane benefits. 340 00:38:50,310 --> 00:38:57,150 But most amazing is Tumblr is asked to open the doors of the treasury of the Chinese Armed Forces. 341 00:38:58,020 --> 00:39:01,799 He also relies on non-human and female wealth. 342 00:39:01,800 --> 00:39:04,140 Dating in Sanskrit by Sujata. 343 00:39:05,900 --> 00:39:13,100 The practice has several furtive passages of calling the young from organ heart, and generally some, and also from the your. 344 00:39:15,290 --> 00:39:21,500 The text concludes with instructions explaining the benefits of treasure offerings. 345 00:39:23,740 --> 00:39:31,960 So, uh, people step by the decrease of young into territory catalogues and damage by the decrease of young, 346 00:39:32,470 --> 00:39:36,170 the rich becoming poor and sustenance being exhausted easily. 347 00:39:36,190 --> 00:39:41,380 Destruction of fields by husk, frost, hail and other natural disasters. 348 00:39:41,860 --> 00:39:50,889 All unknown species happenings are certain and elated. The enjoyments of the earth essence secure people, 349 00:39:50,890 --> 00:39:59,040 cattle and the sun Linage we see that it relates to procreation, livelihood and wealth, and without poverty, 350 00:39:59,080 --> 00:40:04,180 with flourishing and over mentioned excellences of riches, of merit and abundance, 351 00:40:04,990 --> 00:40:10,540 for the succession of all lives may become a realm of accumulation of auspiciousness. 352 00:40:12,190 --> 00:40:20,169 If you look carefully into the folio with this text, um, you can also see in the colour of parts of this text, 353 00:40:20,170 --> 00:40:26,559 um, this concluding part was discovered or is said to have been discovered as a treasured text. 354 00:40:26,560 --> 00:40:27,730 Uh, um, you mentioned. 355 00:40:30,960 --> 00:40:39,570 Treasury offering practices, and the same notions attached to them have also been recorded, for instance, in The Righteousness of God My Children. 356 00:40:39,630 --> 00:40:43,680 The important chronicle focussed on East Tibet from the mid-19th century. 357 00:40:45,760 --> 00:40:55,180 In numerous aspects the function of the ten uh treasuries and goodies, such as what you call treasuries, is equivalent to treasuries. 358 00:40:55,540 --> 00:40:59,450 Bring in content of essence and different forces of life and prosperity. 359 00:41:00,100 --> 00:41:07,960 General treasuries do not have this association, primarily, at least not as light, and want to enter into interlocutors related. 360 00:41:08,560 --> 00:41:11,950 But it's still significant. Took agenda rights. 361 00:41:13,500 --> 00:41:19,080 Also, it is not necessary that all the concealed, uh, terminals are destined for discovery. 362 00:41:19,620 --> 00:41:24,290 Protest said that, uh, there are some that were concealed for the protection of the doctrine, 363 00:41:24,300 --> 00:41:29,210 for the auspiciousness of the land and the protection of the generations of tatami kings. 364 00:41:29,250 --> 00:41:33,500 And these are not for discovering. So designed to remain hidden. 365 00:41:33,500 --> 00:41:41,750 Like natural treasures, termite treasures, treasure offerings, and journaling treasures are all meant to generate auspiciousness, 366 00:41:41,750 --> 00:41:45,560 treasure of the land, and protection of future generations of rulers. 367 00:41:46,250 --> 00:41:53,150 In his six year old oriented exposition took of unmistakeable links laws to propagation trauma. 368 00:41:55,090 --> 00:42:01,989 Materials presented by Talk Agenda, done by Jenny Jensen and John Mayer, mainly under 13th century literature. 369 00:42:01,990 --> 00:42:07,240 Long straight history of treasure uh channel further by Michael Arison. 370 00:42:07,240 --> 00:42:12,490 Family of the 15th 16th century and bond, Sergeant Coby, 371 00:42:12,490 --> 00:42:22,180 Holly Kelly and until noted only on um recent treasure reveals illustrated thermal treasures have similar properties like said treasures. 372 00:42:23,760 --> 00:42:31,260 Uh, both bring blessings and protect the well-being of communities with restrictions on possible escalation. 373 00:42:33,560 --> 00:42:38,360 Both reflect and support for agility of humans, animals, plants and the environment. 374 00:42:39,110 --> 00:42:47,630 This aspect is also associated with manipulation, which is sometimes accompanied by natural blooming and nourishment witnessed by numerous wildlife. 375 00:42:48,230 --> 00:42:54,050 And this favourable setting for two supports the auspiciousness of the treasure revealed. 376 00:42:54,860 --> 00:43:04,489 For example, when the treasure reveals, come the humble and natural points of active in the active in the 20th century revealed German treasures, 377 00:43:04,490 --> 00:43:09,110 and the more vitality links and in producing flowers blossomed out of season. 378 00:43:09,920 --> 00:43:17,240 The female revealer said I can draw also attention to God, who passed away in 1940, 379 00:43:17,480 --> 00:43:23,360 gained her spiritual powers with puberty and her activities overlapped with her fertile age. 380 00:43:24,810 --> 00:43:29,560 Both the test treasurer, as I described and Teignmouth treasurer is so trivial. 381 00:43:29,560 --> 00:43:38,600 Logical Buddhist treasures exhibit and bring wealth and accumulate resources for times of scarcity and for their important mundane aspect. 382 00:43:38,760 --> 00:43:46,229 This is showed especially by Thurgood Dungeon. Both support physical well-being and healing and touching. 383 00:43:46,230 --> 00:43:53,280 Revellers can act as healers and as Antonio Turner showed, they both lead to pacifying disease, 384 00:43:53,280 --> 00:43:58,380 hunger and war in the country and other unwanted worldly appearances. 385 00:43:58,590 --> 00:44:07,650 And also cinema treasures and revelations maintain an environmental balance in connection with deities needed for human survival. 386 00:44:10,380 --> 00:44:15,600 As a way of conclusion. Why do people and territorial deities need treasures? 387 00:44:17,380 --> 00:44:24,270 We have seen that people's well-being and existence, uh, depend on certain forces of life contained in the land. 388 00:44:24,280 --> 00:44:33,550 Thanks to the land's treasures, the land and the territorial deities governing it need treasures to generate biodiversity and become an abundance. 389 00:44:34,300 --> 00:44:42,250 Treasures are property of territorial deities, and as the land itself can be conceptualised as parts of the deities bodies. 390 00:44:43,730 --> 00:44:50,030 Buddhist sutra. Old treasures form a part of this flux of forces in the environment on which people depend. 391 00:44:50,660 --> 00:44:54,620 There are one kind of various so-called treasures with similar characteristics. 392 00:44:56,190 --> 00:44:59,430 Buddhism is accredited as Richard Gombrich. Content. 393 00:44:59,970 --> 00:45:05,070 In Tibet, as in other cultures, it closes with another cosmology by Buddhism, 394 00:45:05,070 --> 00:45:10,500 taken as inferior to its scientific path and aim and cosmological framework. 395 00:45:11,340 --> 00:45:17,550 For instance, in Thailand, people are proud to paint with a quantum principle of vitality and prosperity. 396 00:45:19,020 --> 00:45:22,790 Vitality and prosperity stored in and flowing through land. 397 00:45:22,800 --> 00:45:31,740 Ancestors, clan members and food growing from the ancestral land is found in different societies in Southeast Asia and Oceania, 398 00:45:32,130 --> 00:45:35,370 including Papua New Guinea, New Caledonia, and Borneo. 399 00:45:36,120 --> 00:45:45,990 Numerous societies in Oceania partake in the monarch principle of efficacy that enables action, prosperity, and fertility. 400 00:45:46,650 --> 00:45:53,040 In New Zealand, it is the temporal life principle shared with all existence that stems from divine ancestors. 401 00:45:54,590 --> 00:46:00,050 Precious substances in the land are coming devices of, uh, fostering these forces. 402 00:46:01,040 --> 00:46:05,720 To provide examples from Europe, uh, we find strong parallels. 403 00:46:05,930 --> 00:46:15,290 Uh, for instance, in insular Greece, proconsul treasures, both literal and Greek Orthodox Christian treasurers are also in the position of plants, 404 00:46:15,290 --> 00:46:20,180 divinities and ancestors, and similar tone means according to their extraction. 405 00:46:21,720 --> 00:46:26,250 Tibet provides an example where Buddhism has extensively worked with these notions. 406 00:46:26,790 --> 00:46:32,350 The outcome is the specificity of Tibetan Buddhism. And that's it. 407 00:46:32,500 --> 00:46:36,090 Thank you. I would also like to add, 408 00:46:36,280 --> 00:46:45,520 Rob mayor is going to continue elaborating on this topic from a historical perspective in the fourth session of this Treasurer's Seminar series. 409 00:46:46,310 --> 00:46:52,080 Okay. Thank you. Thanks. 410 00:46:52,590 --> 00:46:55,800 That's. That's a really wonderful talk. Thank you.