1 00:00:01,610 --> 00:00:11,960 So proponents of unanimous objections argue that moral theories, asked too much prominence, was given up for revised. 2 00:00:12,910 --> 00:00:19,060 The recent debate has extended the challenge of dividing this objections in two ways. 3 00:00:19,840 --> 00:00:25,450 First, by discussing all sorts of ethical theories and not only consequentialism. 4 00:00:25,660 --> 00:00:30,160 So then I'll discuss constructivism, deontology, and virtue ethics. 5 00:00:30,670 --> 00:00:37,540 Second, the current debate is not focussed anymore on the demands for beneficence, 6 00:00:37,990 --> 00:00:42,310 but discusses a wide range of moral requirements in different areas. 7 00:00:42,580 --> 00:00:48,670 For example in medical ethics regarding future generations or refugees. 8 00:00:49,920 --> 00:01:00,750 So this recent expansion of the debate made, it makes it even more important to clarify the meaning and potency of the demanding subtractions. 9 00:01:01,170 --> 00:01:07,530 What exactly is the difference that the objection enables us to see or make? 10 00:01:08,670 --> 00:01:19,170 So here is a typical the amount in this case in which an agent has to sacrifice his own well-being in order to comply with a law requirement. 11 00:01:20,010 --> 00:01:21,750 So, uh, here is the case. 12 00:01:22,350 --> 00:01:32,580 I came up that somehow, uh, covers what I have in mind, but that a big opera fan is willing to sacrifice something in order to help the poor. 13 00:01:33,180 --> 00:01:38,460 But he also believes that there is a limit to the sacrifice that he has to make, 14 00:01:39,420 --> 00:01:45,030 despite the clarity and firmness of his belief that this limit exists. 15 00:01:45,630 --> 00:01:54,400 He struggles to pinpoint where it is. Is it already excessive to ask him to sacrifice a single trip to the wrong? 16 00:01:55,500 --> 00:01:59,730 After all, opera is one of his Life and Dancing Ground projects. 17 00:02:00,570 --> 00:02:09,810 Or does he not reach the limit? Even if he completely stopped spending money on opera because he can watch it online for free? 18 00:02:11,180 --> 00:02:18,230 Hoping for some guidance. Burnett turns to the literature that advocates demanding his objections. 19 00:02:18,380 --> 00:02:27,020 He reads that compliance with a moral requirement should not make his well-being drop, quote below a certain measure. 20 00:02:27,620 --> 00:02:36,560 Well, that it should not be, quote to great effect, or that his sacrifice should not be too big a reduction in the agent's good, 21 00:02:37,520 --> 00:02:43,370 or that his sacrifice should not be out of proportion to the benefit. 22 00:02:44,300 --> 00:02:51,380 Burnett is puzzled. How can these definitions help him to find the exact limit for him? 23 00:02:52,430 --> 00:02:57,110 Rumour has that Burnett later tried to be an active pianist. 24 00:02:59,190 --> 00:03:08,730 It seems that theories in favour of abandoning this objections inform us what type of limit matters, but not well, exactly. 25 00:03:08,880 --> 00:03:11,910 The requirement becomes overly demanding. 26 00:03:12,990 --> 00:03:18,360 In consequence, they fail to shape the agency's decisions and actions. 27 00:03:19,170 --> 00:03:27,329 But since Socrates, there is a guidance constraint and norms for evaluating difficult theories according to 28 00:03:27,330 --> 00:03:34,860 which ethical theories are better to the extent that they provide adequate moral guidance. 29 00:03:36,790 --> 00:03:40,900 I have three claims about this. In the first part, 30 00:03:40,910 --> 00:03:47,680 I argue that anything this objections fail to define over demand in the shop because 31 00:03:47,680 --> 00:03:55,450 there are big that is societies susceptible in a slogan over demanding this is a heap. 32 00:03:56,890 --> 00:04:06,160 In the second part, I will discuss two attempts to bypass the problem of vagueness and argue that they are not very successful. 33 00:04:07,720 --> 00:04:18,100 And then the final part, I will conclude that we should embrace the vagueness and acknowledge that the objection cannot provide exact guidance, 34 00:04:18,370 --> 00:04:26,080 but that they nonetheless that these objections nonetheless can be plausible and give some rough guidance. 35 00:04:27,490 --> 00:04:33,780 I will propose that I will presuppose that there are plausible objections actual, 36 00:04:33,790 --> 00:04:44,259 possibly because my aim is to point to problems that we face once we make the decision to endorse the objection, 37 00:04:44,260 --> 00:04:47,680 and then draw some conclusions for various fields. 38 00:04:51,690 --> 00:04:54,780 Let me start with a couple of proprietorial remarks. 39 00:04:55,230 --> 00:04:58,710 First, I have no special concept of vagueness. 40 00:04:58,980 --> 00:05:02,130 Consider the widely shared view by Grimes. 41 00:05:02,760 --> 00:05:08,280 Quote. To say that an expression is vague is to say that there are cases, actual or possible, 42 00:05:08,670 --> 00:05:14,580 in which one does not know whether to apply the expression or to withhold it. 43 00:05:16,230 --> 00:05:25,770 Vagueness is a challenge to the classical view that all concepts cross sharp lines, so that one can always and exactly classify things. 44 00:05:27,210 --> 00:05:34,620 Radius. Sharpness requirements satisfy. Concepts need to be sharp in order to be meaningful concepts at all. 45 00:05:37,330 --> 00:05:42,070 According to this classical view, over demanding this needs to be sharply defined, 46 00:05:42,310 --> 00:05:51,250 meaning that a compliance with a certain requirement is either over demanding for a certain agency in a given situation or it is not. 47 00:05:52,090 --> 00:05:57,670 At this classical conception, however, does not apply to the objection. 48 00:05:57,880 --> 00:06:04,150 There will be borderline cases in which we cannot say if the requirement is excessive or not. 49 00:06:06,410 --> 00:06:10,220 My aim is to show that unanimous objections are there. 50 00:06:11,090 --> 00:06:17,750 I will not provide a deeper discussion of what explains the vagueness of the expression. 51 00:06:18,170 --> 00:06:25,370 I can set this aside because the major theories of vagueness all agree on a definition of vague. 52 00:06:26,210 --> 00:06:37,460 The three major theories for politic, epistemic, or semantic vagueness differ only when it comes to explain why there is vagueness. 53 00:06:38,090 --> 00:06:42,380 I would say something about epistemic vagueness in part two, though. 54 00:06:44,120 --> 00:06:49,100 Second, I need to say what I take to be vague about the objection. 55 00:06:49,550 --> 00:06:52,910 So what is the vague expression in question? 56 00:06:54,210 --> 00:07:02,640 It's very important to note that the objection does not object to the managing risk in general, or to all that would stop demanding this. 57 00:07:02,790 --> 00:07:10,840 However, no. Most moral theories assume that morality can all something from us demand him. 58 00:07:11,070 --> 00:07:20,090 Objections concern only cases in which the demanding this is above the certain limit according to schedule. 59 00:07:20,130 --> 00:07:32,760 The question is how to react when an otherwise plausible normative theory makes unusually heavy demands on of individual agents for each other, 60 00:07:34,020 --> 00:07:40,530 thus demanding this objections imply a distinction between acceptable or reasonable levels of 61 00:07:40,530 --> 00:07:47,730 demanding this and unacceptable or unreasonable levels which are classified as excessive, 62 00:07:47,760 --> 00:08:01,690 asking too much, overly demanding, and so on. And this concept about the threshold when the over demand in this starts. 63 00:08:01,730 --> 00:08:09,799 This is what I take to be very. So I will follow the classical way to show that an expression is vague. 64 00:08:09,800 --> 00:08:12,920 And that is the hip paradox, which runs as follows. 65 00:08:13,100 --> 00:08:19,280 One grain of sand clearly is not the heap. If we add one grain, this still does not make any. 66 00:08:20,450 --> 00:08:23,240 Repeating this multiple times, 67 00:08:23,510 --> 00:08:33,620 no single addition makes the difference with regard to the number of grains that we classify as a heap and the number that we do not call it. 68 00:08:34,790 --> 00:08:39,140 Hence, we will end up with millions of grains, but not a heap. 69 00:08:41,730 --> 00:08:47,760 So here's a first glance on what the objection would look like if we consider over demanding 70 00:08:47,760 --> 00:08:53,880 this to be a he asking for the smallest possible sacrifice from an affluent agent, 71 00:08:54,030 --> 00:08:57,810 say $0.01 clearly is not overly demanding. 72 00:08:58,590 --> 00:09:04,470 Increasingly demanding this by asking for another cent still does not count as over demanding. 73 00:09:04,830 --> 00:09:15,150 When repeating this step multiple times, it is unclear which step makes the difference between acceptable demanding this and excessive this. 74 00:09:15,900 --> 00:09:20,790 We end up with demanding everything but never will be asking too much. 75 00:09:23,690 --> 00:09:33,860 So final remark is that such an application of the heat paradox requires that two conditions are met. 76 00:09:34,100 --> 00:09:40,010 We need an ordering of values for one dimension to size it for the practical application, 77 00:09:40,190 --> 00:09:48,040 like the number of grains n, and we also need the tolerance of the allegedly big predators. 78 00:09:49,190 --> 00:09:58,100 So let's have a closer look on these to at least two conditions in order to see why demanding these objections meet the first condition. 79 00:09:58,490 --> 00:10:02,750 Consider the three mainstream accounts of the objection. 80 00:10:03,920 --> 00:10:09,860 These three mainstream accounts say that acceptability boundedness becomes over. 81 00:10:09,860 --> 00:10:15,860 Demanding a state of compliance with a lower requirement reduces the agent's 82 00:10:15,860 --> 00:10:22,490 well-being below an absolute threshold T that sweet pressure will be second. 83 00:10:25,060 --> 00:10:31,470 Compliance reduces the agent's wellbeing by a loss and that is to be taxed. 84 00:10:31,580 --> 00:10:40,690 The loss view. And third, if compliance does not yield a benefit that is all times higher than the cost to the agent. 85 00:10:40,870 --> 00:10:49,150 Let's check this relational view. All theories define open mindedness according to a greater bell aspect. 86 00:10:49,570 --> 00:10:53,980 On one dimension, the level of the agent's well-being after compliance. 87 00:10:54,220 --> 00:10:58,060 The magnitude of the cost or the ratio of costs and benefits. 88 00:10:59,450 --> 00:11:04,910 It's important to note that the variables are part of what we find in the literature, 89 00:11:05,060 --> 00:11:10,580 and not something that I have added in order to give a generalised description. 90 00:11:11,840 --> 00:11:19,310 Scheffler, for instance, argues that the benefit to others should be times as great as the net loss to the agent, 91 00:11:19,970 --> 00:11:26,299 but in most cases the variables are more or less hidden in phrases like below 92 00:11:26,300 --> 00:11:31,850 a certain minimum to bake a reduction in the agent's good or too great about. 93 00:11:33,580 --> 00:11:40,570 The variables explain the lack of guidance because without knowing G and or other, 94 00:11:40,600 --> 00:11:47,620 we cannot decide if the compliance leads to something below or above T and um. 95 00:11:48,570 --> 00:11:54,790 Now, Brad Hooker has claimed that the variables can be easily flushed out. 96 00:11:55,950 --> 00:12:02,250 But this has not been done so far. If demanding is, objections are indeed vague. 97 00:12:02,430 --> 00:12:06,390 We know why it has not been done because it cannot be done. 98 00:12:07,620 --> 00:12:11,070 So he is the more important second publishing. 99 00:12:12,440 --> 00:12:17,600 The heat paradox requires not only a critical value on one dimension. 100 00:12:17,960 --> 00:12:23,750 For example, the number of grades and the second condition is tolerance, 101 00:12:24,170 --> 00:12:33,410 meaning that there is no number n that allows the assertion and does not maybe, but n plus one does. 102 00:12:35,030 --> 00:12:44,780 Right. There's another way to put this. A predicate F is quote tolerant with respect to P if there is also some positive degree of change 103 00:12:44,780 --> 00:12:52,580 in respect of P insufficient ever to affect the justice with which F applies to the case. 104 00:12:54,400 --> 00:13:01,700 Three aspects are important here. There is a value on a fine grained low to an incremental level. 105 00:13:02,390 --> 00:13:05,570 For instance, the number of grains. And second. 106 00:13:05,660 --> 00:13:13,070 There is the predicate, for example p, which needs to be of course predicate of a global or categorical level. 107 00:13:13,400 --> 00:13:20,900 In fact, there are cases in which a marginal difference regarding the fine grained or local value 108 00:13:21,260 --> 00:13:27,330 on a dimension cannot be said to make a difference on the global categorical level. 109 00:13:27,350 --> 00:13:34,440 Calling it the equivalent. Now very important that the smallness here is decisive. 110 00:13:35,940 --> 00:13:43,770 If the difference between two steps is big enough that, say, one grain of sand and five millions, then this. 111 00:13:45,060 --> 00:13:48,420 Step makes the vagueness vanish. 112 00:13:49,470 --> 00:13:53,310 The difference because the first step and the second step. 113 00:13:53,460 --> 00:13:58,110 The 5 million brains. That also is the difference between a motive and the heat. 114 00:14:00,020 --> 00:14:09,260 However, this step would not get us any closer to finding a sharp boundary because it is somewhere between 1 and 5 million, 115 00:14:09,440 --> 00:14:18,210 which is not a very shallow assumption. So the tolerance becomes visible only if we manage the smallness of the steps. 116 00:14:19,170 --> 00:14:22,320 So anyways, demanding this, we have all three. 117 00:14:23,680 --> 00:14:25,480 Sex all three aspects. 118 00:14:25,750 --> 00:14:35,559 First, consider the fine grained value, like the number of traits and demanding the speed is not only credible on a single dimension, it is also fine. 119 00:14:35,560 --> 00:14:41,080 Great. As mentioned, we can increase the required sacrifice sent by said. 120 00:14:42,450 --> 00:14:47,820 Second, just like the distinction between geek and models devalues objection. 121 00:14:47,970 --> 00:14:56,550 Use a coarse or categorical distinction between those models of demanding is that are reasonable and those that were taken to be to high, 122 00:14:56,820 --> 00:14:59,370 excessive, and therefore overly demanding. 123 00:15:00,760 --> 00:15:09,729 So the relation between the fine grained steps of demanding this and the coarse distinction between acceptable and excessive demanding. 124 00:15:09,730 --> 00:15:17,230 This is crucial if we cannot say that requiring a certain donation is overly demanding. 125 00:15:17,590 --> 00:15:24,010 How can we say that the minimally increased donation means asking too much? 126 00:15:26,140 --> 00:15:33,670 So without the ability to find the step that makes us change the application of the expression overly demanding, 127 00:15:33,910 --> 00:15:39,130 we cannot provide sharply defined definition of overly managing this. 128 00:15:39,400 --> 00:15:47,950 And it seems that even those who think of a demanding subtraction spot plausible cannot get exact guidance from them. 129 00:15:48,550 --> 00:15:54,160 And so how can we apply the objection in various fields of practical efforts? 130 00:15:55,510 --> 00:16:03,100 So this is why I now turn to two attempts to bypass the vagueness to get. 131 00:16:04,330 --> 00:16:16,340 Guidance statements. The first attempt is based on a specific explanation of this, namely the epistemic becomes. 132 00:16:16,820 --> 00:16:26,630 The hallmark of the epistemic explanation is to argue that some sharp boundaries exist in reality, but that we do not know that. 133 00:16:27,950 --> 00:16:31,670 This is quite attractive. Recall that they. 134 00:16:31,820 --> 00:16:38,960 This threatens our classical views, including white balance, by denying that shop owners exist, 135 00:16:39,620 --> 00:16:45,650 and the epistemic theory of vagueness is more in line with the classical view. 136 00:16:45,890 --> 00:16:56,330 By assuming that vagueness is a purely epistemic moment, it arises only from us not knowing about the existing boundaries. 137 00:16:57,960 --> 00:17:07,440 So tolerance. What I have described, this tolerance is viewed by the epistemic account as a margin of error. 138 00:17:07,920 --> 00:17:18,600 Epistemic vagueness regarding demanding this objection assumes that there really is an exact number of straws that breaks the camel's neck, 139 00:17:19,440 --> 00:17:22,710 only that we do not know about that exact number. 140 00:17:27,770 --> 00:17:33,290 Not. In what way can this theory be used to bypass the problem of vagueness, 141 00:17:33,290 --> 00:17:38,240 so that we can make guiding judgements regarding elections over demanding this. 142 00:17:38,660 --> 00:17:45,380 So I now draw on an argument that I found in one of the five. 143 00:17:46,490 --> 00:17:49,910 There are about five German utilitarians also. 144 00:17:49,910 --> 00:17:58,229 Uh, so one of that is Bad Kazan, who is here also a couple of years ago, uh, he was, uh, 145 00:17:58,230 --> 00:18:05,930 part of the argument that I present now in his one in his book on YouTube, terrorism to make in a most explicit way. 146 00:18:06,320 --> 00:18:10,580 I think it's at work in, in, uh, Anglophone literature as well. 147 00:18:10,580 --> 00:18:14,720 But he is, uh, I draw on the most explicit, uh, account. 148 00:18:15,020 --> 00:18:18,710 So here's the arguments. Um. 149 00:18:25,180 --> 00:18:30,450 So this is D as it rises. And let's assume we have a sharp boundary. 150 00:18:30,460 --> 00:18:35,930 But that sharp boundary is clouded by our margin of error of plus. 151 00:18:35,960 --> 00:18:47,320 See. So. So and then the claim is oh well if it's okay, if it's about the case that lies here, well here then we can make clear cut. 152 00:18:48,700 --> 00:18:59,840 Assumptions. So. I have two comments on this strategy. 153 00:19:00,560 --> 00:19:11,870 The first one is not necessarily a criticism, but I think it's worth pointing out that where theory of epistemic vagueness has serious implications. 154 00:19:12,290 --> 00:19:16,700 Epistemic vagueness is often discussed with regard to natural entities. 155 00:19:17,630 --> 00:19:26,120 Uh, I take it that the existence of sharp boundaries regarding the natural world is less controversial, as in ethics. 156 00:19:27,230 --> 00:19:34,340 Tom Daugherty has a very fine paper on balance, and then implausibly argues that in ethics, 157 00:19:34,340 --> 00:19:41,510 epistemic vagueness implies a robust realism according to which the difference between plausible 158 00:19:41,510 --> 00:19:47,780 and demanding is that ultimately modelling this would refer to a sharply defined entity, 159 00:19:47,960 --> 00:19:50,960 in reality independent from us. 160 00:19:51,950 --> 00:20:05,960 So adopting this strategy as adopting the epistemic account might involve some very strong ethical views that, you know, were inclined early on. 161 00:20:06,380 --> 00:20:13,460 So it may be worth noting that you imply the controversial natural ethical claim. 162 00:20:14,360 --> 00:20:17,620 So but that's just a remark, not necessarily a criticism. 163 00:20:17,630 --> 00:20:23,540 Maybe you like probe to story this. Now to the second, more critical remark. 164 00:20:24,260 --> 00:20:32,600 Let us ground the two key assumptions of this strategy, namely, that a sharp boundary exists, 165 00:20:33,020 --> 00:20:37,640 and that we cannot know that because it's clouded by our margin of error. 166 00:20:37,910 --> 00:20:48,010 The first fuzzy. So. Now, if that's correct, we certainly want to know where our ignorance starts and ends. 167 00:20:49,360 --> 00:20:54,500 So what we need to know is. These to. 168 00:20:56,790 --> 00:21:12,100 Boundaries. Only if we know about these two boundaries, the upper and lower limit of the margin of error. 169 00:21:12,220 --> 00:21:16,720 Then we would be sure if we are talking about the place that lies above or below. 170 00:21:21,560 --> 00:21:24,860 So the irony of this strategy is. 171 00:21:25,990 --> 00:21:30,910 That epistemic vagueness is all about explaining vagueness by ignorance, 172 00:21:30,910 --> 00:21:37,960 but the strategy presupposes additional knowledge about the sharp limits of the margin of error. 173 00:21:38,590 --> 00:21:44,200 And I think it's not possible to have that knowledge, because there is the problem of second order, 174 00:21:44,200 --> 00:21:50,470 because there is second order vagueness, because the limits of the margin of error are. 175 00:21:51,920 --> 00:21:56,910 The. Societies susceptible themselves. 176 00:21:59,410 --> 00:22:06,880 If we cannot know and discern where the sharp boundary between acceptable demanding is and over demanding is is, 177 00:22:07,210 --> 00:22:09,910 how can we know where the margin of error stops again? 178 00:22:10,780 --> 00:22:18,280 The problem remains the same if we cannot say that the level of demanding this is the limit of over demanding this, 179 00:22:18,310 --> 00:22:22,420 we cannot say that the certain level of demanding is easy. 180 00:22:23,620 --> 00:22:28,750 Lies outside the margin of error. But deep below, swamp lies within. 181 00:22:29,400 --> 00:22:35,140 But that's what we would need to know in order to know that much lower limit is. 182 00:22:42,550 --> 00:22:51,720 So. The epistemic account does not solve the problem of tolerance by interpreting it as a margin of error. 183 00:22:52,980 --> 00:22:58,710 Because on closer inspection, the problem of tolerance also applies to the boundaries of the margin of error. 184 00:22:59,760 --> 00:23:04,800 Then you have to make the code just checks the problem to the higher order instead of solving it. 185 00:23:05,850 --> 00:23:12,940 In the words of Timothy, when announcing, quote, the difficulty of applying the higher order classifications to. 186 00:23:13,050 --> 00:23:20,220 So writing series is a just the same kind as the difficulty of applying the first order classification, 187 00:23:20,370 --> 00:23:25,470 which was what led us to recognise the problem with vagueness in the first place. 188 00:23:26,430 --> 00:23:33,390 Thus, while all of our vagueness is a problem for all, claim to know the boundaries of the margin of error. 189 00:23:33,810 --> 00:23:43,710 And this leads to an overconfidence when it comes to know whether a certain requirement is clearly above or below the margins. 190 00:23:46,580 --> 00:23:50,660 So much for the first attempt. Now to the second wall. 191 00:23:51,200 --> 00:23:59,380 Can intuition tell us if more requirements for a certain agent in certain situations is overly demanding or not? 192 00:24:00,220 --> 00:24:04,080 But. For example, in my initial case, 193 00:24:04,320 --> 00:24:14,250 we seemed to be justified in saying that we can't require Burnet to sacrifice a single trip to the opera without asking too much. 194 00:24:15,330 --> 00:24:26,430 Likewise, we might say that our intuition tells us that the 1% that Peter Singer discusses in The Life You Can Say is not overly demanding. 195 00:24:28,000 --> 00:24:33,520 This strategy has a big advantage, but it also has two limitations. 196 00:24:33,790 --> 00:24:38,470 Let's start with the advantage intuition. 197 00:24:38,710 --> 00:24:49,300 Unlike deductive forms of reasoning, use straightforward words whether the compliance with the specific more requirement is overly demanding or not. 198 00:24:50,110 --> 00:24:55,930 So there's nothing wrong with deductive arguments, and they are quite helpful in many ways. 199 00:24:56,530 --> 00:25:07,990 For example, one plausible drinking water guideline recommends that the level of copper in drinking water should be less than 2mg/l. 200 00:25:08,290 --> 00:25:18,310 To prevent any health related problems, we test our water that we know if the test water is above or below the limit, and then we can act accordingly. 201 00:25:19,740 --> 00:25:30,210 Now, if my claim about the vagueness for the objection is correct, then this kind of deductive argument is not available to us, 202 00:25:31,380 --> 00:25:37,740 because the vagueness prevents us from having a premise with a specific upper limit of demand to this, 203 00:25:38,130 --> 00:25:42,480 and without that, the deductive argument is not taking off. 204 00:25:47,660 --> 00:25:55,450 Intuitions have the advantage that they do not need such a practice with a specific upper limit feature set up, 205 00:25:55,460 --> 00:26:00,890 for example, argues that the 1% pledge is clearly not over demanding. 206 00:26:01,880 --> 00:26:09,200 He says it would not require wealthy people to come remotely near to impoverishing themselves at work. 207 00:26:10,160 --> 00:26:20,690 I take it that our intuition maxing this claim like the iPad, the claim that one grain of sand clearly is not a heap. 208 00:26:23,760 --> 00:26:33,200 So the advantage is that claims like sales are exact enough and guiding without having to define the threshold. 209 00:26:33,210 --> 00:26:38,850 To overcome this, you kind of ignore if it exists or does not exist. 210 00:26:38,850 --> 00:26:42,390 You just don't have to say where it is, if it exists, and so on. 211 00:26:44,100 --> 00:26:47,460 He does not have to say when impoverishment starts. 212 00:26:49,830 --> 00:26:57,690 Nor does he to. Doesn't you have to define the margin of error, which was the problem with the first strategy. 213 00:26:59,410 --> 00:27:02,920 So far, so good. He. Here's the boss. 214 00:27:04,260 --> 00:27:12,180 My first concern is that the advantage I just described also is a disadvantage. 215 00:27:12,300 --> 00:27:17,100 From the viewpoint of the objection. I'm now shifting to be respected. 216 00:27:17,370 --> 00:27:20,880 So what I've done so far is from the perspective of Peter Singer. 217 00:27:20,940 --> 00:27:27,300 So what I propose everybody, uh, gets 1% not overly demanding five. 218 00:27:28,490 --> 00:27:32,540 Let's try also from the perspective of many of the objection. 219 00:27:32,750 --> 00:27:41,060 But if we now change perspective to proponents of the objection, we would like to know where the limit is if it exists. 220 00:27:46,850 --> 00:27:51,710 Exact. Peter Singer is not defined by any limit, and he doesn't have to be. 221 00:27:52,040 --> 00:28:02,690 So this strategy that he, uh, proposes is no strategy in finding is not a contribution for the task of the objection to find relevant. 222 00:28:04,180 --> 00:28:10,989 Making an individual claim about these alleged over demanding is not one single requirement is something 223 00:28:10,990 --> 00:28:18,040 very different from defining the threshold between acceptable and excessive levels of demanding this. 224 00:28:18,770 --> 00:28:25,150 The intuitions are not able to overcome perhaps my suspicion just to sidestep 225 00:28:25,660 --> 00:28:32,950 or overcome the problem of tolerance because demanding this is so point great. 226 00:28:33,250 --> 00:28:38,680 We would need intuitions for two neighbouring levels of demanding this, 227 00:28:38,860 --> 00:28:47,620 which tell us that the lower level is acceptable and the higher over demanding this, we will need intuition. 228 00:28:47,620 --> 00:28:53,610 Product. I do not know any attempt to try to do this. 229 00:28:54,450 --> 00:29:03,090 I'm afraid so. That is because the smaller the steps are, the more controversial and unstable our intuition will get. 230 00:29:04,370 --> 00:29:11,030 If that is correct. Intuitions, even if they can inform and digest regarding individual cases, 231 00:29:11,240 --> 00:29:18,710 they cannot help us to establish a theory of the thresholds, but that is the backbone of the objection. 232 00:29:21,990 --> 00:29:25,260 So now to the second limitation. 233 00:29:26,530 --> 00:29:30,930 Intuition seems to work fine in cases of low demand like this. 234 00:29:31,140 --> 00:29:38,970 Like, say, this 1% clutch. It's easy to see why they work well in these cases. 235 00:29:39,660 --> 00:29:47,250 A set of plausible accounts of morality agree that morality can ask us to sacrifice something, 236 00:29:48,210 --> 00:29:56,820 and this matches the intuitions about the low places, namely that they are not places of excessive requirements. 237 00:29:57,120 --> 00:30:01,470 This simply morality is job to tell us to sacrifice this. 238 00:30:04,120 --> 00:30:08,560 But what about all the cases with higher demanding lists? 239 00:30:09,670 --> 00:30:16,450 Take for example the following case. So I'm trapped with white and slowly collapsing brackets. 240 00:30:16,630 --> 00:30:19,750 I could say either white's live or my black. 241 00:30:21,530 --> 00:30:30,330 So let me ask who first. That the person can be required to sacrifice the lack for love. 242 00:30:30,990 --> 00:30:37,360 Who thinks that? No one. Who feels that this is overly demanding. 243 00:30:41,410 --> 00:30:47,670 Couple of people are undecided. So of course some of you might have noticed it's pockets face. 244 00:30:48,390 --> 00:30:54,870 So two interesting things about what Parkridge has to say about the case. 245 00:30:55,530 --> 00:31:00,070 So his position is quote, the cost here would be too great. 246 00:31:00,870 --> 00:31:04,500 And also I would be morally committed to save my life. 247 00:31:05,250 --> 00:31:10,080 So here comes the interesting two aspects of profits discussion. 248 00:31:10,620 --> 00:31:15,570 First, profit acknowledges the possibility of conflicting views. 249 00:31:16,880 --> 00:31:21,680 He writes on some views. I also whites live rather than my mine. 250 00:31:22,140 --> 00:31:25,190 Since whites loss would be much greater than mine. 251 00:31:26,760 --> 00:31:31,740 Now, the other interesting thing is, he says, most of us have a different view. 252 00:31:33,320 --> 00:31:38,510 Hoffman takes it to be the view of the majority without explaining. 253 00:31:39,680 --> 00:31:44,420 What my geology is and how you get stuff. Empirical claim from. 254 00:31:44,930 --> 00:31:54,050 Without explaining this, he claims that the majority states that requiring to say a lot for election is asking too much. 255 00:31:56,280 --> 00:32:02,050 But it's important. That he discusses conflicting views. 256 00:32:04,470 --> 00:32:07,600 Of course, I will not be able to solve the disagreement. 257 00:32:07,620 --> 00:32:10,300 I don't even want to solve that is meant. 258 00:32:10,770 --> 00:32:20,640 I just want to point out that the literature is full of cases with higher demand in this, where lots of people like Shea Carey, 259 00:32:21,090 --> 00:32:28,170 Shelly Kagan and others, and so will say, well, this is how demanding is, but this is not overly demand. 260 00:32:31,970 --> 00:32:38,360 So I would like to point that high demanding this is way more controversial. 261 00:32:40,040 --> 00:32:46,750 So in sum, it seems that intuitions are a solution only with regard to cases of low levels of demand. 262 00:32:46,760 --> 00:32:51,590 In this, they are not much help when it comes to finding the threshold. 263 00:32:51,890 --> 00:32:57,800 And certainly they're much more in conflict when it comes to cases are higher than not this. 264 00:32:58,610 --> 00:33:07,580 So the strategy gives us something. Especially if you are like Peter Singer model, trusting and working out the objection. 265 00:33:07,730 --> 00:33:12,530 You just want to do practical laps. Then the strategy is very good. 266 00:33:12,800 --> 00:33:19,220 If you would like to be interested, if you are interested in other questions, then this strategy does work so well. 267 00:33:20,700 --> 00:33:24,100 So conclusions I have for you. 268 00:33:24,280 --> 00:33:31,649 Well, first, we should be careful about the way we talk about demanding this objections and better not 269 00:33:31,650 --> 00:33:38,250 give the impression that the problem of vagueness is not serious and come can be overcome. 270 00:33:39,540 --> 00:33:47,310 We are facing absolute vagueness and not some relative vagueness that is vagueness with regards to contention. 271 00:33:47,550 --> 00:33:50,760 Ignorance may be ignorance in form. 272 00:33:50,880 --> 00:33:57,870 Pending research on demanding these objections or some empirical knowledge regarding the specific test. 273 00:34:00,030 --> 00:34:10,380 Second, I think it would be an overreaction to argue that if the randomness objections are valid, then they should be given up. 274 00:34:11,790 --> 00:34:21,450 This argument has some initial plausibility, as it takes the vagueness serious and then applies a sharpness requirement. 275 00:34:22,410 --> 00:34:26,549 Accordingly, one might argue that if the ramming this objections are vague, 276 00:34:26,550 --> 00:34:31,110 it is unclear what they're all about, and that they should be given enough. 277 00:34:32,600 --> 00:34:42,380 I reject this view, not because I fear that the rigorous application of Vega's sharpness principle would make most of us lose our jobs. 278 00:34:43,840 --> 00:34:54,620 Lack of exact guidance is a problem that, besides guidance, there are other additional criteria that might make the demanding this objection. 279 00:34:54,830 --> 00:35:04,590 Look what? Why? For example, there are some implications for metaphorical debates, like the relation of morality in our personal wealth, 280 00:35:05,360 --> 00:35:13,700 or more specifically, in how we weigh moral reasons against non moral reasons or the problem of super aggregation. 281 00:35:14,330 --> 00:35:25,700 All of these debates can profit from drawing on the demanding is objection, even if the concept of open mindedness remains to be better. 282 00:35:27,640 --> 00:35:36,730 Now to my final conclusion. Maintenance does not allow for exact guidance, but what about lowering our expectations? 283 00:35:37,750 --> 00:35:41,050 The suggestion is to embrace vagueness. 284 00:35:41,860 --> 00:35:50,530 Bernard Williams and Ethics and Political Philosophy famously argued that our conceptual framework should fit our ethical lives. 285 00:35:51,840 --> 00:36:03,840 Which she takes to be very messy. Therefore, he concludes, ethics is likely to be a, quote, untidy business, and that implies using vague concepts. 286 00:36:04,740 --> 00:36:11,459 So some might say that Williams just repeats what Aristotle says in the ethics, 287 00:36:11,460 --> 00:36:17,340 namely that we should not expect more exactness in the discipline than the subject matter. 288 00:36:17,520 --> 00:36:26,790 Alas, for others might interpret Williams to give a special explanation for the word vagueness, namely antiquity. 289 00:36:26,790 --> 00:36:37,350 This ontic vagueness assumes that more moral reality does not have any sharp boundary, and that this should be mirrored by our concepts. 290 00:36:38,950 --> 00:36:48,850 But I'm not going to decide what's the correct interpretation of Will's yet, because I would like to suggest something that was more about guidance. 291 00:36:49,300 --> 00:36:54,010 So I'm going to link Williams, but didn't start with. 292 00:36:54,010 --> 00:37:00,550 Constantine has pointed out that basic concepts concerns quite well in practical effects. 293 00:37:01,210 --> 00:37:11,080 In paragraph 71 of his Philosophical Investigations, he rejects face view that only boundaries make up useful concepts. 294 00:37:12,310 --> 00:37:18,820 Now Corbett can shine. Is it even always an advantage to replace an indistinct picture? 295 00:37:18,970 --> 00:37:25,280 BioShock one. Isn't the indistinct one often exactly what we need. 296 00:37:26,150 --> 00:37:33,380 Ricky compares the concept to an area and says that an area boundaries cannot be called an area at all. 297 00:37:34,830 --> 00:37:38,280 This presumably means that we cannot do anything with it. 298 00:37:39,590 --> 00:37:43,610 But is it senseless to say stand roughly that? 299 00:37:44,750 --> 00:37:52,540 I suppose that I was standing with someone in a city square and said that, as I say it, 300 00:37:52,580 --> 00:38:01,280 I do not draw any kind of boundary that perhaps point with my hand, as it were, indicating a particular spot. 301 00:38:03,090 --> 00:38:09,059 So that was vintage time in this sense that demanding this objection might be useful, 302 00:38:09,060 --> 00:38:13,800 namely by roughly pointing to the bank limits to our moral obligations. 303 00:38:14,220 --> 00:38:22,470 But even giving this draft guidance would require lots of extra work on the this objections that has more than support. 304 00:38:23,130 --> 00:38:24,640 So let's start climbing the.