1 00:00:00,420 --> 00:00:10,200 I shan't be rethinking their moral stances as much as I should be thinking is that in the sense of thinking it our way, 2 00:00:10,200 --> 00:00:24,060 so to speak, trying to undermine it. And so in this talk, I shall discuss the relations between moral status and what I call moral Cygni significance. 3 00:00:24,060 --> 00:00:29,610 Something has more significance just in case it in itself provides more reason. 4 00:00:29,610 --> 00:00:37,110 I shall argue that the moral status of something is dependent on what is more or less significant about it. 5 00:00:37,110 --> 00:00:42,960 Nothing can haemostasia if there isn't anything more or less significant about it. 6 00:00:42,960 --> 00:00:51,120 On the other hand, something can be morally significant, even though nothing has more of a moral status in virtue of it. 7 00:00:51,120 --> 00:01:00,380 The notion of moral significance is that from a more fundamental notion. 8 00:01:00,380 --> 00:01:08,330 And one we cannot say we can't manage without. By contrast, we can't manage without the notion of moral status. 9 00:01:08,330 --> 00:01:11,900 And I think we'd better do so. 10 00:01:11,900 --> 00:01:28,460 Walter sort of directed our intention yesterday to quotation from David Garcia, where he says that the more my concept, my status is is redundant. 11 00:01:28,460 --> 00:01:36,680 And I must have read this work by by David, because I've read a fair, fair amount of stuff. 12 00:01:36,680 --> 00:01:44,150 But I was probably sort of thinking, Oh yeah, yeah, and not sort of. 13 00:01:44,150 --> 00:01:52,010 No, not not realising that one day I'd be sort of trying to. 14 00:01:52,010 --> 00:01:57,950 They think they construct an intention of state as myself. 15 00:01:57,950 --> 00:02:07,640 So I hope I hope this one, I percent you went back to too familiar. 16 00:02:07,640 --> 00:02:08,800 All right. 17 00:02:08,800 --> 00:02:20,600 It's the contrary to what I believe that there could be free floating experiences that these experiences with our subjects having them to me, 18 00:02:20,600 --> 00:02:31,610 an abundance of experiences of pleasure and pain, enjoyment and suffering and other positive and negative kinds of experiences. 19 00:02:31,610 --> 00:02:39,050 Then the experiences, then the existence of such experiences would plausibly be more or less significant, 20 00:02:39,050 --> 00:02:47,210 that it would be a moral reason to bring it to bear. That the world contains more experiences of pleasure and fewer experiences pain. 21 00:02:47,210 --> 00:02:53,210 But it sounds wrong to say that these experiences haemostasia altarpiece, 22 00:02:53,210 --> 00:02:59,390 which I believe to be true that one way of making the world a better place would be by bringing into 23 00:02:59,390 --> 00:03:06,980 existence being whose lives contain a surplus of pleasurable experiences over painful experiences, 24 00:03:06,980 --> 00:03:12,770 then the possibility of such beings coming into existence would be more or less significant, 25 00:03:12,770 --> 00:03:18,230 that there would be more reason to have to realise this possibility. 26 00:03:18,230 --> 00:03:28,010 But we shouldn't say, I think that such possible beings have a moral status for that would suggest 27 00:03:28,010 --> 00:03:34,070 misleadingly that possible beings exist in a sense in which they don't exist, 28 00:03:34,070 --> 00:03:41,960 that exist in space and time, whereas their existence in this sense is merely possible. 29 00:03:41,960 --> 00:03:45,390 So this is the first point on on my handout. 30 00:03:45,390 --> 00:03:58,910 It says, Well, I sort of thought it was more convenient for you to have it points on the handout because you would have all the 10 points in view. 31 00:03:58,910 --> 00:04:02,300 And if I were to make a PowerPoint, 32 00:04:02,300 --> 00:04:11,000 I would just sort of it would look like this handout split divided into 10 slides, so it would be pointless anyway. 33 00:04:11,000 --> 00:04:20,090 That's the first point. Something can be more significant that it has that count, can provide more in itself, 34 00:04:20,090 --> 00:04:25,370 provide a more reason, even though there is nothing that has moral status in both. 35 00:04:25,370 --> 00:04:38,660 Is that right at? These observations gave a clue to a necessary condition for having moral status in order for something to have more status. 36 00:04:38,660 --> 00:04:47,000 Not only must it be a particular in the philosophical sense, something that exists in space and time, 37 00:04:47,000 --> 00:04:56,450 we also expect it to be something concrete and tangible, like an organic or conscious being or enmeshed thing. 38 00:04:56,450 --> 00:05:05,030 Well, bearing sort of ancient. Since the people stuff like that, we're not very well acquainted with. 39 00:05:05,030 --> 00:05:16,340 By contrast, what has more significance is rather a property of nature of this being a thing in virtue of which it possesses this 40 00:05:16,340 --> 00:05:29,560 state status and which in itself provides a reason for how this building of things should be more illustrated. 41 00:05:29,560 --> 00:05:40,150 It's natural to to take the moral status of its thing obeying to be some sort of value or worse than it has when something has value. 42 00:05:40,150 --> 00:05:48,100 It must have value in virtue of some other properties, then it's commonly said that the value of the thing supervillains, 43 00:05:48,100 --> 00:05:52,750 all these other Slovenian properties that belong to it. 44 00:05:52,750 --> 00:06:01,450 This implies that if something else were to have these subterranean property, it would have the same value, other things being equal. 45 00:06:01,450 --> 00:06:08,830 But if it's necessarily true that the value of a particular supervillains on some of his properties, 46 00:06:08,830 --> 00:06:17,620 the value doesn't irreducible or non derivative, they belong to the particular in all its concreteness. 47 00:06:17,620 --> 00:06:22,690 If a particular pig possesses a value in virtue of having a feature f, 48 00:06:22,690 --> 00:06:30,880 then we could in principle whittle away all the other features of pay without removing its value. 49 00:06:30,880 --> 00:06:35,230 Since it's value based is based only on its possession of of. 50 00:06:35,230 --> 00:06:48,430 If ultimately it's this remainder that has more as a status that is a thinner particular than what we commonly surpass. 51 00:06:48,430 --> 00:06:57,500 For instance, it might be just parts of a brain minimally sufficient for it to sustain consciousness. 52 00:06:57,500 --> 00:07:07,220 So that's that's my second point on the handout about that being the particular set him on a state of this scene, 53 00:07:07,220 --> 00:07:21,480 then being so inanimate things as regards what's Guatemala, what are morally significant properties that could provide more status? 54 00:07:21,480 --> 00:07:27,650 The theory, the familiar idea is that amongst them, we find a capacity for sentience, 55 00:07:27,650 --> 00:07:35,420 a capacity to have pleasurable and painful and other kinds of positive and negative experiences. 56 00:07:35,420 --> 00:07:45,680 Why? What is what so far is about how the notion of moral status is? 57 00:07:45,680 --> 00:07:55,520 What I say so far about moral status is intended to answer the analytical question about how the notion of moral status should be understood. 58 00:07:55,520 --> 00:08:02,470 But this claim about a capacity, if essential, as being possible. 59 00:08:02,470 --> 00:08:10,750 And ground for most, that is a more substantive claim about what fate just could provide something with more status. 60 00:08:10,750 --> 00:08:14,770 I shan't defend any such more substantive claim, 61 00:08:14,770 --> 00:08:19,750 but merely explore the implications of some familiar and more or less plausible 62 00:08:19,750 --> 00:08:27,830 candidates for being grounds for the analysed notion of of of more assets. 63 00:08:27,830 --> 00:08:38,210 It's a plausible idea that the fact that beings have pleasurable and painful experiences is more or less significant, it's a more significant, 64 00:08:38,210 --> 00:08:50,180 significant fact because having these experiences is intrinsically good or bad for these beings treating beings morally well or badly 65 00:08:50,180 --> 00:08:59,900 creating consistent saying to their capacity for sentience is exercised by their having such positive and negative experiences. 66 00:08:59,900 --> 00:09:04,550 It seems natural to think that what is morally good or bad, 67 00:09:04,550 --> 00:09:18,440 good or bad from an impulsive point of view is it is related to what is good and bad for beings, what is personally or prospectively good or bad. 68 00:09:18,440 --> 00:09:21,620 The simplest way to do this is the basic, 69 00:09:21,620 --> 00:09:30,210 utilitarian idea that what is best from my point of view is the greatest net sum of what is good for all beings. 70 00:09:30,210 --> 00:09:36,840 But if this reasoning, this kind of reasoning is correct, then in order for something, 71 00:09:36,840 --> 00:09:47,460 for something to provide for their capacity to capacity, for sentience to provide some provide more incentives, it must be exercised. 72 00:09:47,460 --> 00:09:59,970 The capacity for sentient must be exercised that is its own or a barrel must be in external circumstances such that the capacity can be exercised, 73 00:09:59,970 --> 00:10:09,990 or such that more agents can transform them into circumstances in which they can be exercised with their heft. 74 00:10:09,990 --> 00:10:19,650 For instance, a capacity to see is useless if we are in conditions of permanent darkness. 75 00:10:19,650 --> 00:10:29,340 In order for this capacity to be a venue, we must be in external circumstances in which we can exercise this. 76 00:10:29,340 --> 00:10:31,620 There must be light. 77 00:10:31,620 --> 00:10:46,860 So a plausible example of a morally significant feature is the feature of a capacity, a capacity for consciousness, at least sentient. 78 00:10:46,860 --> 00:10:52,380 But this capacity must be exercisable by the subject. 79 00:10:52,380 --> 00:11:02,220 Having experienced this that I go to bat for him, I think Francis was sort of touching on a similar point yesterday in connexion with Davis. 80 00:11:02,220 --> 00:11:12,870 Talk about the fact that a capacity for Ascension must be exercisable implies that 81 00:11:12,870 --> 00:11:18,780 the moral status can't be an internal feature that belongs to the B in itself, 82 00:11:18,780 --> 00:11:28,350 apart from its relation to external things. If, say, beings whose capacity for sentience are exercisable on Earth, 83 00:11:28,350 --> 00:11:34,950 we have to be irrevocably deported to another planet on which capacities aren't exercisable. 84 00:11:34,950 --> 00:11:42,750 Because the capacity because the beings would be permanently unconscious, these beings would no longer have any more status. 85 00:11:42,750 --> 00:11:46,840 They would be as good as dead. 86 00:11:46,840 --> 00:11:58,270 In other words, by taking having an exercise capacity for sanctions to be a property instantiation of which by being granted more status, 87 00:11:58,270 --> 00:12:08,470 we would include amongst the status grounding more or less significant properties, a property that's not internal to its subject, 88 00:12:08,470 --> 00:12:18,520 but external to it involving certain circumstances external to the bearer of the status. 89 00:12:18,520 --> 00:12:21,940 This makes talk about particulars more. 90 00:12:21,940 --> 00:12:31,450 Say it a somewhat awkward because the fact that this status is small suggests that we are dealing with something 91 00:12:31,450 --> 00:12:40,000 that belongs to the particular in itself and so to speak follows it around whatever its external circumstances, 92 00:12:40,000 --> 00:12:44,500 as long as the internal properties are intact. 93 00:12:44,500 --> 00:12:52,450 For instance, it has been objected to viability outside of Wynn as a proposed basis for the 94 00:12:52,450 --> 00:12:58,690 marital status of newborns that it's dependent on external circumstances, 95 00:12:58,690 --> 00:13:06,130 such as the equipment of a clinic where the newborn is delivered. 96 00:13:06,130 --> 00:13:11,140 Other kinds of status than most status aren't like that. 97 00:13:11,140 --> 00:13:22,960 Uh, for instance, political status you could acquire by being elected president could disappear if external circumstances, 98 00:13:22,960 --> 00:13:28,550 such such as the election is declared invalid. 99 00:13:28,550 --> 00:13:43,460 So that. In order for for her for the capacity for sentience or consciousness to be a ground for more states, 100 00:13:43,460 --> 00:13:46,700 I think we need to stress that it must be exercised. 101 00:13:46,700 --> 00:13:56,150 And similarly, if we were to extend it to potentiality, the potentiality would have to be actualised. 102 00:13:56,150 --> 00:14:03,920 But this is something I I won't go into. 103 00:14:03,920 --> 00:14:15,320 So this is the fourth point on the handout that we have our capacity for consciousnesses is exercisable depends on 104 00:14:15,320 --> 00:14:23,690 many factors external to the barrel of capacity and thus an exercise about capacities not internal to the bearer. 105 00:14:23,690 --> 00:14:36,530 And so it's not an internal feature, right? A more extensive class of beings that are endowed with moral status would result if the property of 106 00:14:36,530 --> 00:14:45,740 having organic or biological life where where morally significant and sufficient for more status, 107 00:14:45,740 --> 00:14:49,160 this class of beings would be more extensive. 108 00:14:49,160 --> 00:15:00,080 Because of that, being alive is apparently a necessary condition for having an exercisable capacity for sentience. 109 00:15:00,080 --> 00:15:02,270 Yeah, it's not sufficient. 110 00:15:02,270 --> 00:15:14,400 And the existence of as the existence of of plants and various microorganisms shall be considered extension of the class of of beings with 111 00:15:14,400 --> 00:15:28,880 processes would include these would include these organisms as well if it's sort of understood in terms of what has biological life. 112 00:15:28,880 --> 00:15:36,110 The proposal that the property of having organic by law logical life seems to be a property that 113 00:15:36,110 --> 00:15:44,330 belongs to an organism in itself for is consistent such thing as having and and and and metabolism. 114 00:15:44,330 --> 00:15:46,520 But as you know, no doubt, 115 00:15:46,520 --> 00:15:55,070 many have argued that it's difficult to understand why the property of being biologically alive should be morally important. 116 00:15:55,070 --> 00:16:07,650 For instance, it is hard to believe that it's not important that humans or other animals in a persistent vegetative state go on living. 117 00:16:07,650 --> 00:16:16,260 The proposed extension of more status to biological living creatures raises questions. 118 00:16:16,260 --> 00:16:22,290 However, we've seen reasons to stretch the class of that status, 119 00:16:22,290 --> 00:16:30,150 generating morally significant properties to properties that aren't internal but start extend externally, 120 00:16:30,150 --> 00:16:36,770 like the property of having an exercise capacity for core consciousness. 121 00:16:36,770 --> 00:16:44,210 This feature is only is, however, only extrinsic, less valuable for a subject. 122 00:16:44,210 --> 00:16:48,890 What is intrinsically valuable is exercise of this capacity. 123 00:16:48,890 --> 00:16:57,230 By having positive experiences, both better capacity is still more significant because in itself it provides a more 124 00:16:57,230 --> 00:17:04,070 reason for seeing to it that this capacity is exercised by having positive experiences. 125 00:17:04,070 --> 00:17:14,450 Now we've just seen that the property of having organic life might be a necessary condition for this capacity, for having experiences. 126 00:17:14,450 --> 00:17:21,260 This would also make the presence of organic life experience actually valuable for a subject. 127 00:17:21,260 --> 00:17:26,150 With this feature, therefore be more significant. No, I don't think so. 128 00:17:26,150 --> 00:17:33,440 For by itself, it doesn't provide a reason for promoting organic life there. 129 00:17:33,440 --> 00:17:42,890 Being a race to be a more reason to provide organic life depends on the contingent fact that there is also the distinct phenomenon 130 00:17:42,890 --> 00:17:54,170 of an exercisable capacity for for having experiences for which this property of having organic life is a supposedly necessary. 131 00:17:54,170 --> 00:17:59,210 It's the exercisable capacity that's so morally significant, right? 132 00:17:59,210 --> 00:18:16,550 So this is the fifth point that the presence of an exercisable capacity for having positive experience is only intrinsically valuable, 133 00:18:16,550 --> 00:18:19,010 but is still morally significant since in itself, 134 00:18:19,010 --> 00:18:29,000 it provides a reason for saying to it that this capacity to exercise biological life is not one in significance for its external affairs. 135 00:18:29,000 --> 00:18:35,990 Extrinsic value derives from its support of this capacity, right? 136 00:18:35,990 --> 00:18:43,850 And not a biological candidate for being more significant is the property of being a human 137 00:18:43,850 --> 00:18:51,230 being in the sense of being a member of the biological spaces species human sapiens, 138 00:18:51,230 --> 00:18:54,900 but as many have argued, perhaps most famous as a singer. 139 00:18:54,900 --> 00:19:06,230 This basis, the idea is not implausible. It has been suggested that lurking behind spaces is the idea that the ground for hire 140 00:19:06,230 --> 00:19:11,610 for the higher moral status of human beings is not their species membership itself. 141 00:19:11,610 --> 00:19:18,800 Furthermore, advanced mental capacities characteristic of human beings capacities for self consciousness, 142 00:19:18,800 --> 00:19:23,440 rationality, morality and long time planning and so on. 143 00:19:23,440 --> 00:19:33,920 But let's call these capacities personal capacities and the WHO are equipped with them persons as opposed to the sentient beings who are equipped 144 00:19:33,920 --> 00:19:44,820 merely with a more humble psychological capacities of perceiving and failing and having desires with respect to what they perceive and faith. 145 00:19:44,820 --> 00:19:49,950 It has often been claimed that in virtue of the possession of exercise, well, 146 00:19:49,950 --> 00:19:59,850 I would say personal capacities, human being human beings have a more elevated status than sentient beings. 147 00:19:59,850 --> 00:20:06,540 But it's also been pointed out that one note noteworthy implication of this approach is 148 00:20:06,540 --> 00:20:13,620 that beings who are not biologically human could have as high or status as human beings. 149 00:20:13,620 --> 00:20:21,780 Since the personal capacities could occur without a biological and genetic underpinning that makes someone human. 150 00:20:21,780 --> 00:20:27,780 But it's another implication that I think is more important in this context, namely that no, 151 00:20:27,780 --> 00:20:39,780 not all babies who are biologically human will have the same elevated status since they don't all possess personal capacities to the same degree. 152 00:20:39,780 --> 00:20:48,240 Some of them have these capacities to a higher degree than others, and some don't have them at all. 153 00:20:48,240 --> 00:20:53,100 Of those who don't actually have them, some have the potential to develop them, 154 00:20:53,100 --> 00:20:59,670 whereas other human beings are so disabled that they don't even have the potential. 155 00:20:59,670 --> 00:21:10,110 It follows that not all humans have an equal moral status, as might be true according to the radical form of our anthropocentric species system. 156 00:21:10,110 --> 00:21:20,680 So we face it, you're facing a problem of an apparently endless variability of moral status, even amongst human beings. 157 00:21:20,680 --> 00:21:28,030 Whenever we have a moral reason to trade one being better than another for its own sake. 158 00:21:28,030 --> 00:21:34,600 There is a case for saying that the former has a higher, more status than the other one. 159 00:21:34,600 --> 00:21:42,820 This means that we can't categorise grapes of being into those that have the same status. 160 00:21:42,820 --> 00:21:49,930 When Tom said yesterday in Haiti. He talked about 46 levels or degrees of what we want to say, 161 00:21:49,930 --> 00:22:04,210 but I think we would rather need 46 billion levels of it because there not only the fact that the different spaces would have different 162 00:22:04,210 --> 00:22:16,690 mental capacities is also the case that there would be within my species and a great variety between various kinds of individuals. 163 00:22:16,690 --> 00:22:20,110 Because, for instance, in the case of human beings, no. 164 00:22:20,110 --> 00:22:26,080 Two, No two human beings would have precisely the same mental capacities. 165 00:22:26,080 --> 00:22:33,190 And now the length of their lives would, would would also differ. 166 00:22:33,190 --> 00:22:38,260 And that's something else that which could be considered to be morally significant. 167 00:22:38,260 --> 00:22:51,370 So I think we would sort of face this problem that the notion of of mindset is it's useless for this purpose of categorising. 168 00:22:51,370 --> 00:22:56,710 Of course, as some people who draw a sort of magical line somewhere in the area. 169 00:22:56,710 --> 00:23:05,470 So it's sort of supposedly obliterates all differences above the line in all differences below the line said every say, 170 00:23:05,470 --> 00:23:12,370 every everybody who's well, the line would have the same status status and everyone below would have the same status. 171 00:23:12,370 --> 00:23:22,030 But I haven't seen any good justifications for such a magical dividing line. 172 00:23:22,030 --> 00:23:31,250 All right. As a result of this more sophisticated mental capacities, 173 00:23:31,250 --> 00:23:43,220 persons have further futures features that aggravate this problem of the bewildering variety of moral status. 174 00:23:43,220 --> 00:23:51,800 Plausibly, persons are subjects of this Earth and can be held to be deserving of being treated in ways that are better or worse for them. 175 00:23:51,800 --> 00:23:58,430 This arguably requires that they can be held responsible for intentionally or knowingly performing 176 00:23:58,430 --> 00:24:03,650 or trying to perform actions that have a good or bad consequences for themselves and others. 177 00:24:03,650 --> 00:24:08,570 Such agency is also an extension of the face of person, 178 00:24:08,570 --> 00:24:17,580 which involves a reference to external circumstances like exercisable psychological capacities. 179 00:24:17,580 --> 00:24:27,960 If this art is more significant, the moral value of outcomes is determined not only by how much or what is good for and bad for individuals, 180 00:24:27,960 --> 00:24:35,850 they but also by the extent to which these individuals deserve what they receive deserved, 181 00:24:35,850 --> 00:24:44,190 could activate the problems of the endless variability of moral status because 182 00:24:44,190 --> 00:24:49,770 it raises questions like if some some persons deserve blame and punishment, 183 00:24:49,770 --> 00:24:59,490 could this level them moral status below the level of other persons who have comparable mental capacity, perhaps even to the level of sentient beings? 184 00:24:59,490 --> 00:25:06,210 So the introduction of dessert, we will further complicate this matter. 185 00:25:06,210 --> 00:25:15,210 This is the seven point on the handout. 186 00:25:15,210 --> 00:25:27,270 But some theorists deny that they actually applicability of the concepts of deserts and other concepts to the concept of deserts, 187 00:25:27,270 --> 00:25:36,090 not a concept could make it just that some are better off than others and maintain that justice instead requires an equality of welfare. 188 00:25:36,090 --> 00:25:44,520 Roughly, the idea could be that if there's nothing like deserts, that could make it just that some are better off than others. 189 00:25:44,520 --> 00:25:48,630 Justice requires that all be equally well off. 190 00:25:48,630 --> 00:25:57,570 But even if that is so injustice, the consideration of justice requires that it all be equally well off. 191 00:25:57,570 --> 00:26:02,880 That doesn't imply that the moral status is to say that for there are still differences 192 00:26:02,880 --> 00:26:08,460 between individuals by reference to which moral considerations other than justice, 193 00:26:08,460 --> 00:26:15,150 for instance, and considerations of utility could tell in favour of inequalities between them. 194 00:26:15,150 --> 00:26:20,250 It might be have that in virtue of that greater psychological capacities. 195 00:26:20,250 --> 00:26:25,380 That's the more reason to trade some better than others because they would then 196 00:26:25,380 --> 00:26:32,190 contribute more to goodness overall by making others or himself better off. 197 00:26:32,190 --> 00:26:42,870 So it's a point that if justice demands that individuals be equal equally well off, 198 00:26:42,870 --> 00:26:53,670 it doesn't follow their moral status is to say for them to still differ with respect to two properties which are morally significant for other, 199 00:26:53,670 --> 00:26:59,740 notably utilitarian reasons. Right? 200 00:26:59,740 --> 00:27:04,890 According to Standard, The Ontological. 201 00:27:04,890 --> 00:27:13,460 Serious. It's harder to justify morally harming innocent, 202 00:27:13,460 --> 00:27:23,450 innocent and non consenting people as a means to a good end than doing so as a 14 affect of the good end. 203 00:27:23,450 --> 00:27:35,990 This would be another morally significant feature when the rights of such people are violated by, they're being harmed. 204 00:27:35,990 --> 00:27:39,530 But does it affect their status? 205 00:27:39,530 --> 00:27:55,100 Well, Francis seems to think so when she argues that what she calls inviolability is victim focussed rather than agent focus. 206 00:27:55,100 --> 00:28:08,360 And she argues that since it now says it quote doesn't focus on what I do rather than what others do. 207 00:28:08,360 --> 00:28:20,990 The fact that if I kill somebody, I would be acting now and the victim would be mine doesn't play a pivotal role in my explaining why I must kill him. 208 00:28:20,990 --> 00:28:26,810 He's right, not my agency constitutes the moral constraint. 209 00:28:26,810 --> 00:28:32,930 The fact that the other five people have the same right doesn't diminish the 210 00:28:32,930 --> 00:28:40,490 constraint as against violating the one person's right that I come up against. 211 00:28:40,490 --> 00:28:52,910 But I wonder why Francis maintained that I come up against only that constraint against violating the one person's 212 00:28:52,910 --> 00:29:02,390 right and not only constraints against violating the rights of the five people whom I could save by killing the one. 213 00:29:02,390 --> 00:29:18,760 Presumably, this is because I'm presumably this is because I'm sorry, presumably because I'm facing the option of killing the one particular humanity. 214 00:29:18,760 --> 00:29:25,760 This because I'm facing the option of killing the one now as opposed to letting the five die. 215 00:29:25,760 --> 00:29:32,800 But the fact that I have the relation of killing to one and the relation of letting 216 00:29:32,800 --> 00:29:39,800 me letting die to the fire is seems to be an agent focussed consideration. 217 00:29:39,800 --> 00:29:46,640 It has to do with the agent rather than the victims. 218 00:29:46,640 --> 00:29:53,750 It may be that if I don't say to the five, they are killed as a means by some other agent. 219 00:29:53,750 --> 00:30:00,800 But it's hard to say yeah, but it's hard to say how it could affect the status of the victims, 220 00:30:00,800 --> 00:30:04,940 whether they are killed as a means by me or by somebody else. 221 00:30:04,940 --> 00:30:12,400 It's not possible to have that. It could affect my status as an agent. 222 00:30:12,400 --> 00:30:23,350 But even if we sort of accept that the stronger consent is against harming 223 00:30:23,350 --> 00:30:31,720 and violate rights as a means is agent focus and not a master of moral focus, 224 00:30:31,720 --> 00:30:37,270 more on the status of the search and not a measure of the moral status of the victims. 225 00:30:37,270 --> 00:30:48,850 It could be more or less significant. So let me briefly summarise what I've been sort of. 226 00:30:48,850 --> 00:31:00,450 Breaking through rather quickly, a. The first time I've made about the relationship between significant, 227 00:31:00,450 --> 00:31:08,130 more significant features and their relationship to my status is that the notion of my only significant 228 00:31:08,130 --> 00:31:14,970 feature is more fundamental and in some cases in which some such features are instantiated, 229 00:31:14,970 --> 00:31:20,910 they don't. They don't make they don't seem to make up the moral status of anything. 230 00:31:20,910 --> 00:31:29,850 This is illustrated by by the fact that it may be morally significant that a world can be made 231 00:31:29,850 --> 00:31:37,260 morally better by the creations of being beings who will lead lives that are morally good for them. 232 00:31:37,260 --> 00:31:48,060 Additionally, there is a possible more significance of the distinction between home and as a means to an end and as a foreseen consequence of the end. 233 00:31:48,060 --> 00:31:55,470 And between the acts and omissions which don't have to do with the mental status of victims. 234 00:31:55,470 --> 00:32:06,390 Prima facie, it seems that the moral status of beings must be based on some internal feature of the bearer, but it's most plausible basis. 235 00:32:06,390 --> 00:32:06,960 For instance, 236 00:32:06,960 --> 00:32:17,370 possession of exercisable capacities for some form of consciousness of features that involve variations to something external to the bearer. 237 00:32:17,370 --> 00:32:31,510 Moreover, internal features of the bearer on which the moral status depends form only a minor portion of its properties. 238 00:32:31,510 --> 00:32:39,310 Finally, the attribution of a state raised a suspect, the spectre of there being endlessly managed, 239 00:32:39,310 --> 00:32:46,240 many degrees of more status since the exercisable psychological capacities that automates 240 00:32:46,240 --> 00:32:54,040 credible basis of my status vary endlessly amongst persons as well as long as sentient beings. 241 00:32:54,040 --> 00:33:02,590 This problem is further aggravated if the concept of desert is allowed to enter the picture. 242 00:33:02,590 --> 00:33:09,100 Now, none of this implies that we can truly make some simple claims about more the status. 243 00:33:09,100 --> 00:33:19,150 Sasha said that they're being beings who have moral status and that the moral status of some of them is higher than the moral status of some others. 244 00:33:19,150 --> 00:33:26,950 But these claims don't take us very far and could easily be dispensed with by claims like that. 245 00:33:26,950 --> 00:33:34,450 There are beings such that benefit at home and them is morally significant and benefit benefiting 246 00:33:34,450 --> 00:33:40,840 and harming something that is morally more so significant than benefiting and harming others. 247 00:33:40,840 --> 00:33:51,510 By contrast, a concept like that of a more significant feature is indispensable and to use. 248 00:33:51,510 --> 00:34:00,240 That the concept of more status as well seems to complicate matters unnecessarily. 249 00:34:00,240 --> 00:34:09,493 Right? So that's it. So it's five minutes.