1 00:00:00,870 --> 00:00:04,050 This is now the fifth lecture of the condensed matter course. 2 00:00:05,250 --> 00:00:13,730 In the first four lectures. We studied vibrations in solids and we studied electrons in metals and we learned quite a bit about these topics. 3 00:00:13,740 --> 00:00:18,330 But we also developed a rather long list of puzzles, things that we couldn't understand. 4 00:00:18,540 --> 00:00:23,440 I wrote a list of them at the end of Last Lecture. Some of them included the sign of the hall coefficient. 5 00:00:23,460 --> 00:00:26,460 We couldn't figure out why. It sometimes says one sign, sometimes there's another sign. 6 00:00:26,940 --> 00:00:31,890 We also had a rather unreasonably long, mean, free path in Sommerfeld theory. 7 00:00:32,070 --> 00:00:37,500 We couldn't understand. And if you go back to earlier into by theory, there were also some puzzles there. 8 00:00:37,500 --> 00:00:40,709 We didn't understand why it was we introduced an ad hoc cut-off. 9 00:00:40,710 --> 00:00:44,640 We had some motivation for it, but it was certainly an ad hoc prescription. 10 00:00:45,090 --> 00:00:52,229 And all of these problems stem from the same place. And the same place is that we're not taking seriously the microscopic structure of materials. 11 00:00:52,230 --> 00:00:59,520 We're not really considering that they're made up of individual atoms, and the atoms are bonded together in very particular and often periodic ways. 12 00:00:59,820 --> 00:01:04,290 So much of the remainder of the term is going to be devoted to understanding 13 00:01:04,290 --> 00:01:08,190 how the microscopic structure of materials affects its macroscopic properties. 14 00:01:08,430 --> 00:01:09,450 But before doing that, 15 00:01:09,450 --> 00:01:15,390 it's probably worth backing up and understanding why it is that the atoms stick together in the first place to make the materials. 16 00:01:15,660 --> 00:01:18,960 So this brings us to the domain of chemistry. 17 00:01:19,840 --> 00:01:26,470 And as much as we hate to admit it to both our friends and our enemies, chemistry actually is interesting. 18 00:01:27,760 --> 00:01:34,330 It's a it's an important subject, both scientifically and certainly industrially technologically. 19 00:01:34,600 --> 00:01:37,600 And it's actually has some fundamental deepness to it as well. 20 00:01:37,870 --> 00:01:41,470 And you could certainly spend three or four years studying chemistry or even longer. 21 00:01:41,710 --> 00:01:47,770 And we're going to study it for only a day or two. And that will probably be all we need to know in order to go on further. 22 00:01:47,920 --> 00:01:51,610 Now, if you had chemistry before, some of these things might be a little bit familiar. 23 00:01:51,880 --> 00:01:58,240 If you haven't had chemistry before, it's maybe not so much of a problem because most of what I'm going to introduce is fairly basic. 24 00:01:58,540 --> 00:02:03,010 But the main idea is to reconsider some of the chemistry from a physics perspective. 25 00:02:03,190 --> 00:02:06,249 Some of the things that may have seemed strange when you even learned chemistry 26 00:02:06,250 --> 00:02:10,240 the first time will maybe seem a little bit more natural this time through, 27 00:02:10,360 --> 00:02:14,320 and this will give us sort of foundation for understanding much of what comes comes later. 28 00:02:14,620 --> 00:02:21,400 So a good place to start is to realise that, you know, chemistry is all based on the Schrödinger equation. 29 00:02:21,700 --> 00:02:28,329 The sorting equation solves everything. It tells you why the electrons stick to nuclei and why nuclei stick to each other and so forth. 30 00:02:28,330 --> 00:02:31,930 It's all a shorthand equation. But that's not actually a very useful way to think about things, 31 00:02:31,930 --> 00:02:36,400 because solving the Schrödinger equation for more than one or two particles becomes impossibly hard, 32 00:02:36,580 --> 00:02:41,739 and you can never develop any sort of intuition of what's going on. So what we should do is we should think about very, 33 00:02:41,740 --> 00:02:48,010 very simple cartoon level problems and try to figure out what the general rules are of chemistry from that. 34 00:02:48,280 --> 00:02:59,910 A good place to start is with hydrogen, hydrogen or more generally, a hydrogen atom, meaning that it has a nucleus of charge. 35 00:03:00,490 --> 00:03:03,670 Some genuine nucleus. Nucleus of charge. 36 00:03:04,240 --> 00:03:07,890 The. And one electron. 37 00:03:10,530 --> 00:03:15,300 And you'll remember from your atomic physics courses or your quantum mechanics courses 38 00:03:15,600 --> 00:03:19,649 that the eigen states of this one electron are indexed by a number of quantum numbers, 39 00:03:19,650 --> 00:03:22,590 the principal quantum number and equals 1 to 3 and so forth. 40 00:03:22,950 --> 00:03:31,410 The angular momentum quantum number, which is takes the number, the value zero one to up to and minus one. 41 00:03:32,500 --> 00:03:43,150 And these anchor momentum quantum numbers are sometimes called S, P, the F, G and so forth coming from spectroscopic notation. 42 00:03:43,390 --> 00:03:46,960 Now for one chocolate bar. Does anyone know what speed and F stand for? 43 00:03:49,670 --> 00:03:54,530 Something a gentleman officer had sharp his ass. 44 00:03:54,710 --> 00:03:57,930 That gives you a quarter. Is this diffuse? Yes. 45 00:03:57,950 --> 00:04:01,509 You're almost there. Two more. Principal. 46 00:04:01,510 --> 00:04:04,989 Someone said principal. Someone who? Who got it? Who has it? 47 00:04:04,990 --> 00:04:11,410 Someone said it over there. Okay, so he gets it. So start principal diffuse and find from spectroscopic notation your chocolate. 48 00:04:11,410 --> 00:04:15,930 Sorry, stolen out from under you. G does anyone. 49 00:04:16,000 --> 00:04:21,660 One more chocolate bar for ten. Which is for. It's not for anything. 50 00:04:21,670 --> 00:04:25,720 Actually, it's. It's. It's for giraffe. They just need another letter after that. 51 00:04:25,990 --> 00:04:30,160 Okay. Anyway, in addition to the angular momentum quantum numbers, 52 00:04:30,520 --> 00:04:40,630 M takes the values minus l2l and then the spin quantum number can be plus or minus one half. 53 00:04:40,930 --> 00:04:48,130 The most important thing to keep track of is that if you have s electrons as eigen states, maybe say, how should I says? 54 00:04:48,460 --> 00:04:53,950 So in sl I guess of of eigen states can hold two. 55 00:04:56,050 --> 00:05:00,880 Has two possible eigen states partial? So why is it two? 56 00:05:01,660 --> 00:05:05,440 Because x means l equals zero. That means m has to be equal zero. 57 00:05:05,440 --> 00:05:13,630 But the spin can be plus or minus one half. So two possibilities. With a p shell there are six because p means l equals one. 58 00:05:14,080 --> 00:05:21,580 M can be minus one zero one, that's three. And then the spin can take two values that make six D gives you ten and so forth. 59 00:05:23,020 --> 00:05:26,050 Now you have all these eigen states in a particular atom, 60 00:05:26,260 --> 00:05:31,659 and then you suppose to yourself that you have many electrons in that atom, not just a single electron. 61 00:05:31,660 --> 00:05:35,140 The atom. Also, I should I should probably give you the energies as well. 62 00:05:35,530 --> 00:05:45,130 The energies of these eigen states are minus the red berg over n squared times z squared if the charge of the nucleus is more than one. 63 00:05:45,460 --> 00:05:49,150 Plus small corrections. Things like fine and hyper fine fine structure. 64 00:05:49,150 --> 00:05:52,780 But the main energy just comes from the principal quantum number. Okay, 65 00:05:52,780 --> 00:05:57,670 so now you have a bunch of electrons in your atom and you need to figure out which 66 00:05:57,970 --> 00:06:02,590 of these are eigen states you fill with electrons and which ones you leave empty. 67 00:06:02,590 --> 00:06:07,270 And there's several rules for figuring this out. The first of all is known as the outflow principle. 68 00:06:07,310 --> 00:06:16,030 Outflow principle. Which is basically just filled by shells. 69 00:06:18,760 --> 00:06:23,350 So when you add the first electron to anatomy, starting one shell and you keep filling that shell until it's filled. 70 00:06:23,530 --> 00:06:27,730 When you finish filling that shell, you start filling the next challenges fill that one until it's filled. 71 00:06:28,000 --> 00:06:33,160 Now, in what order do you feel the shells? Well, you fill the shells by Matt along as well. 72 00:06:34,060 --> 00:06:40,060 Matt along roll, which has a nice pneumonic like this. 73 00:06:40,060 --> 00:06:55,900 You write out a table one asks to as to p3s3p3d4s4p4d, four f, five s and so forth, five p after that. 74 00:06:56,200 --> 00:07:00,760 And then you fill in this diagonal way. This one is first. This is second. 75 00:07:01,630 --> 00:07:04,680 This is third. This is fourth. 76 00:07:05,540 --> 00:07:10,240 And so forth. And this would be theft. Down that way. 77 00:07:10,870 --> 00:07:16,840 Okay. So this order of filling shells is what gives you the structure of the periodic table. 78 00:07:17,140 --> 00:07:23,540 So let's take a look at our friend, the periodic table. Oops. I don't see the. 79 00:07:28,070 --> 00:07:31,860 Uh oh. How? Sydney. 80 00:07:33,780 --> 00:07:37,340 Stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop. 81 00:07:40,110 --> 00:07:46,729 Okay, hold on. Boy. 82 00:07:46,730 --> 00:07:50,420 Now we have a real problem. Stop. 83 00:07:51,370 --> 00:08:05,220 Oh. Okay. 84 00:08:06,300 --> 00:08:12,210 Well, okay. So the periodic table, let's go on and see if we can get this start up a little bit later. 85 00:08:14,130 --> 00:08:17,130 So everyone kind of that you have in your head what it looks like, right? 86 00:08:17,400 --> 00:08:21,900 So you start out by filling the, the, the, the top row of the periodic table, 87 00:08:21,900 --> 00:08:28,020 which has hydrogen helium in it is one electron fills fills hydrogen, the next one fills helium. 88 00:08:28,230 --> 00:08:33,360 Then you start the next row with with lithium and beryllium that fills up the second shell. 89 00:08:33,570 --> 00:08:39,390 Then you have the next six elements boron carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, fluorine and neon. 90 00:08:41,430 --> 00:08:44,670 I'm going to try this again. See if that's going to work. 91 00:08:45,990 --> 00:08:52,920 Brian Nitrogen carbon, neon, fluorine, neon, and then you're filling the two piece shell and so forth and so on, 92 00:08:52,920 --> 00:08:57,150 and you fill them in all and all this order. And that gives you the structure of the periodic table. 93 00:08:57,480 --> 00:09:04,860 But you might wonder to yourself, Well, wait a second, why is it that we're filling the four shell before the three D shell? 94 00:09:05,130 --> 00:09:13,080 Because according to that formula up there, the three shell should have lower energy than the fourth shell. 95 00:09:13,320 --> 00:09:16,530 And so what gives us the right to fill up four as before? 96 00:09:17,220 --> 00:09:22,890 Before we fill up three D and for that matter, why are we filling a periodic table? 97 00:09:22,890 --> 00:09:26,870 Oh, thank God. So there's the periodic table, and we fill in this order. 98 00:09:26,880 --> 00:09:37,590 There's the the first shell. The second shell tends to step three S, three P and there's four s filling up before the hour before the three D, 99 00:09:38,610 --> 00:09:43,140 you might ask the question, well, why is it we're filling up 2 hours before two P? 100 00:09:43,180 --> 00:09:46,410 Because according to that formula up there, they have more or less the same energy. 101 00:09:46,830 --> 00:09:57,710 So the the answer to this question is basically because V of R is not equal to one over R, it's not proportional to the Coulomb interaction anymore. 102 00:09:57,720 --> 00:10:01,590 Well, why not? Well, it's not just a single electron and a nucleus. 103 00:10:01,890 --> 00:10:07,080 It's an electron interacting with all of the other electrons in the atom as well as the nucleus. 104 00:10:07,440 --> 00:10:12,209 So as the electron gets closer to the nucleus, it sees more nucleus and less of the other electrons. 105 00:10:12,210 --> 00:10:16,020 And it gets as far as it gets farther away, it sees more of the other electrons. 106 00:10:16,020 --> 00:10:18,600 So you can think of as having some sort of effective potential, 107 00:10:18,810 --> 00:10:25,350 which is the interaction between the electron and both the nucleus and the cloud of the other electron. 108 00:10:25,360 --> 00:10:28,889 So you need to modify the shape of this potential somewhat. 109 00:10:28,890 --> 00:10:34,290 And if you try to solve this or the radial quantum mechanics problem that you solved for the hydrogen atom, 110 00:10:34,440 --> 00:10:40,620 but you change the shape of this potential, you'll all of a sudden discover that all these cells have different energies. 111 00:10:40,620 --> 00:10:41,670 Now they shift around. 112 00:10:41,820 --> 00:10:51,030 And that's why these the ordering of these filling the orbitals is not what you would expect from just a simple hydrogen atom, actually. 113 00:10:51,390 --> 00:10:54,540 Whereas we're on the subject of the interaction with the other electrons, 114 00:10:54,660 --> 00:11:00,660 you might find it surprising that we can even describe the eigen states of the hydrogen of of a general electron, 115 00:11:00,660 --> 00:11:06,090 the same way we can a general atom, the same way we can describe the eigen states of a hydrogen atom, 116 00:11:06,390 --> 00:11:11,010 because it's not it's just interacting with the nucleus. It's interacting with all of the other electrons as well. 117 00:11:11,310 --> 00:11:15,660 But the reason more or less you can do this is because you can treat all of the other electrons besides yourself. 118 00:11:15,660 --> 00:11:19,410 It's just some sort of spherical cloud. So it's still sort of a severe problem. 119 00:11:19,620 --> 00:11:25,140 So it follows more or less the same rules and you can still enumerate the possible ligand states in the same way. 120 00:11:25,980 --> 00:11:26,400 Okay, 121 00:11:26,730 --> 00:11:36,990 so this is the general structure of the periodic table and we can now move on to asking about chemical bonds between the atoms in the periodic table. 122 00:11:36,990 --> 00:11:43,180 Okay, there's filling up Madeline's rule. So there's a bunch of different types of bonding. 123 00:11:43,190 --> 00:11:49,549 There's a chart that looks like this in the in the in the book, which tells you five different types of bonding, 124 00:11:49,550 --> 00:11:55,100 ionic, covalent, metallic molecular hydrogen and some of their properties and what causes them. 125 00:11:55,100 --> 00:11:58,770 It's probably worth familiarising yourself with this chart over the next you know, 126 00:11:58,790 --> 00:12:02,509 today we're going to try to cover Ionic and covalent the other types. 127 00:12:02,510 --> 00:12:10,339 We'll do a little bit later on in the and in the lecture series so that, you know, the basic, basic facts are on this. 128 00:12:10,340 --> 00:12:16,969 You should probably know these, but we will just start today with the simplest type of bonding, which is ionic. 129 00:12:16,970 --> 00:12:21,330 Bonding. Ionic. Bonds. 130 00:12:22,290 --> 00:12:26,640 And the principle of an iconic bond is basically that an electron is transferred. 131 00:12:30,500 --> 00:12:37,880 From one atom, from one atom by atom to another to another. 132 00:12:38,300 --> 00:12:45,470 And then the ions attract, then ions attract. 133 00:12:48,080 --> 00:12:56,540 So the kind of the kind of a sort of reaction that we we can have is a sodium atom plus a chlorine atom. 134 00:12:58,540 --> 00:13:02,740 An electron is transferred from the sodium to the chlorine. 135 00:13:02,800 --> 00:13:05,890 So we get sodium plus plus chlorine minus. 136 00:13:06,190 --> 00:13:12,910 And then now we have to charge species and they attract each other and form sodium chloride. 137 00:13:14,010 --> 00:13:20,999 Sounds easy enough. Probably the easiest way to keep track of this kind of reaction or to evaluate this kind of 138 00:13:21,000 --> 00:13:26,100 analyse this type of reaction is to think about the energies associated with each step. 139 00:13:26,160 --> 00:13:30,750 So one piece of the energy is the ionisation energy, the ionisation, 140 00:13:32,520 --> 00:13:44,580 which is the energy to pull the electron off the sodium atom, to make a sodium ion and an electron. 141 00:13:44,610 --> 00:13:46,440 So you start with the sodium atom neutral. 142 00:13:46,650 --> 00:13:52,590 You pull the electron apart from it and put it out infinitely and the sodium ion infinitely far away at infinity. 143 00:13:52,830 --> 00:13:57,780 And this will be the difference in energies, what's required to pull the electron off the atom. 144 00:13:58,680 --> 00:14:01,320 There's also what's known as the electron affinity, 145 00:14:04,350 --> 00:14:13,470 which is the energy that you get back when you put the electron on the chlorine atom to make a chlorine ion. 146 00:14:14,130 --> 00:14:20,070 And then the last piece is known as the cohesive energy or the bonding energy, 147 00:14:23,610 --> 00:14:35,190 which is the energy you get out when you put together the sodium ion and the chlorine ion to get sodium chloride. 148 00:14:38,220 --> 00:14:47,280 So the total energy budget for this reaction is the ion, the ionisation energy you get back, 149 00:14:47,280 --> 00:14:51,930 the affinity energy, the electron affinity, and you get back the cohesive energy. 150 00:14:53,250 --> 00:15:01,590 And if the total delta e is less than zero, if Delta is less than zero, then you get a reaction and then it reacts. 151 00:15:02,280 --> 00:15:08,759 The reaction goes forwards. Now there's a couple of caveats about about this kind of argument. 152 00:15:08,760 --> 00:15:15,389 The first caveat is that if you're a chemist, you are inevitably talking about gives free energies rather than just energies. 153 00:15:15,390 --> 00:15:20,730 And the reason it gives free energies is because you're doing your experiment at a finite temperature, 154 00:15:20,730 --> 00:15:24,270 probably room temperature and finite pressure, your room pressure. 155 00:15:24,570 --> 00:15:28,800 We're going to think just as if we're doing everything at zero temperature, zero pressure. 156 00:15:29,070 --> 00:15:32,190 So we can just think about energies, but it's more or less the same thing. 157 00:15:33,570 --> 00:15:36,150 The second thing one should be warned about if you're reading books, 158 00:15:36,450 --> 00:15:41,910 is that the word cohesive energy or bonding energy is used in several different senses in different books. 159 00:15:42,150 --> 00:15:47,520 Everyone agrees that a cohesive energy or bonding energy is the energy to put two things together. 160 00:15:47,730 --> 00:15:50,220 But not everyone agrees what those two things should be. 161 00:15:50,520 --> 00:15:58,090 So they'll talk about that cohesive energy for sodium chloride in some books will tell you that the whole delta is a cohesive energy, 162 00:15:58,110 --> 00:16:04,200 and some books will tell you that the cohesive energy is just the energy for putting together the sodium ion and the chlorine ion. 163 00:16:04,350 --> 00:16:08,549 So you get two different results depending on whether you're counting the whole Delta E and calling 164 00:16:08,550 --> 00:16:12,720 that the bonding energy or if you're just talking about the energy to put together the two ions. 165 00:16:12,720 --> 00:16:13,920 So that's another warning. 166 00:16:14,460 --> 00:16:22,680 The last warning is that the results that you get for bonding energy will be extremely different depending if you're talking 167 00:16:22,680 --> 00:16:30,270 about taking one ion of sodium and one ion and chlorine and putting them together to make a sodium chloride molecule. 168 00:16:30,450 --> 00:16:35,910 Or if you're talking about taking lots of them and putting them together to make a whole big chunk of sodium chloride. 169 00:16:36,030 --> 00:16:39,089 And the reason for this is because, you know, you're sodium atom. 170 00:16:39,090 --> 00:16:43,200 It's either bonded to one chlorine or its bonded to a lot of different chlorine. 171 00:16:43,350 --> 00:16:46,680 It will be a totally different energy depending on how many things you're bonded to. 172 00:16:47,040 --> 00:16:51,300 So that's another thing to keep in mind, to be careful about. 173 00:16:51,690 --> 00:17:00,750 Okay. So in this set of energies that we try to keep track of, probably the easiest thing to understand is the bonding energy of that cohesive energy. 174 00:17:02,650 --> 00:17:14,260 Also known as the mad along energy or the Coulomb energy, because this Coulomb energy is basically just right out. 175 00:17:14,860 --> 00:17:21,420 It's basically just the Coulomb energy between the between the relevant ions in your, in your system. 176 00:17:21,430 --> 00:17:29,590 So I'm not equal to j q i QJ over four pi. 177 00:17:29,620 --> 00:17:33,000 Epsilon not distance between I and J. 178 00:17:33,340 --> 00:17:38,410 So Q Why is the charge? Am I on this charge of iron? 179 00:17:39,280 --> 00:17:43,330 J So if I have a bunch of if I have two ions. 180 00:17:43,750 --> 00:17:51,070 J I just take its usual the usual coulomb if I have two ions, one positive charge, one a negative charge. 181 00:17:51,220 --> 00:17:56,530 I'm just summing up the usual Coulomb energy between those ions to get that cohesive energy. 182 00:17:56,830 --> 00:17:56,979 Now, 183 00:17:56,980 --> 00:18:05,170 this is a perfectly good way to express the the bonding energy or the energy you get by taking these two charge species and bringing them together. 184 00:18:05,920 --> 00:18:10,600 But it obviously and actually it's fairly accurate as well for most ionic solids because 185 00:18:10,600 --> 00:18:15,310 you a very good estimate of the amount of cohesive energy you get by this definition. 186 00:18:15,700 --> 00:18:20,890 And so all you need to know is how far apart those ions are and you know, how much bonding energy you got. 187 00:18:22,240 --> 00:18:26,650 Of course, there's a little bit of a problem with this expression, and that is it goes to minus infinity. 188 00:18:26,800 --> 00:18:31,960 If you bring the sodium ion in the chlorine, I am extremely close and that's obviously doesn't make any sense. 189 00:18:32,500 --> 00:18:36,580 So what's really happening here? Let's see it like this. 190 00:18:37,120 --> 00:18:42,820 This is a r i j for between the two atoms and here's the energy. 191 00:18:43,060 --> 00:18:50,469 So this is the one over r curve that you expect for a Coulomb interaction and the actual physical energy you get. 192 00:18:50,470 --> 00:18:55,360 Looks like one over ah, it looks like one of our and then at some point it shoots off way up to infinity. 193 00:18:55,360 --> 00:19:06,010 So this is actual. So if you know the distance between the two atoms, you have a just by taking this energy here, which is the Coulomb prediction, 194 00:19:06,220 --> 00:19:12,700 it's extremely close to the actual bonding energy there because you because the shoot off is extremely rapid. 195 00:19:13,000 --> 00:19:14,860 So what's causing this shoot off to infinity? 196 00:19:15,190 --> 00:19:21,130 Well, when you start pushing two atoms really close, really close together, you realise they're not just point charges anymore. 197 00:19:21,370 --> 00:19:24,129 They're going to start to overlap, their orbitals are going to start to overlap. 198 00:19:24,130 --> 00:19:28,670 Pauli Exclusion principle is going to get into the game because you're trying to put two, two, you know, 199 00:19:28,760 --> 00:19:34,030 too many electrons in one place and the energy just shoots right off very, very, very rapidly. 200 00:19:34,360 --> 00:19:39,760 But right here, by the minimum, the Coulomb estimate is still a pretty good estimate of the cohesive energy. 201 00:19:40,780 --> 00:19:45,130 So that's pretty much everything we need to know about the cohesive energy. 202 00:19:45,370 --> 00:19:48,430 Now, what about the ionisation energy and electron affinity energies? 203 00:19:48,700 --> 00:19:52,900 Well, the ionisation energy or electron affinity energy has to do with the energy levels in the atoms. 204 00:19:53,110 --> 00:19:58,299 And in order to figure that out, we really need to solve the Schrödinger equation of those atoms in an electron, 205 00:19:58,300 --> 00:20:02,420 in some effective potential, which has to do with the nucleus and also all of the other electrons. 206 00:20:02,420 --> 00:20:07,809 And it's kind of a hard problem, but even though we're not going to actually solve the shorter equation, 207 00:20:07,810 --> 00:20:11,380 there are some trends which are pretty easy to keep track of. 208 00:20:11,650 --> 00:20:16,450 So this, you know, if you've done chemistry, you probably know this already. But that this plot, 209 00:20:16,600 --> 00:20:23,380 this picture of the periodic table shows you where the large electron affinities and the large ionisation energies of small ionisation energy are. 210 00:20:23,640 --> 00:20:28,180 It's also down here. So the small, ionisation energies are sort of down in this corner. 211 00:20:28,360 --> 00:20:33,310 This are the size of the splotches. How big B on his energy, the smallest one being caesium or France. 212 00:20:33,400 --> 00:20:39,060 I'm down here. And the large ionisation energies way up here in the noble gases in helium. 213 00:20:39,510 --> 00:20:44,370 Electron affinities go the other way, with the exception of the noble gases, which have essentially no electron affinity. 214 00:20:44,640 --> 00:20:49,740 The highest electron affinities are way over here in this corner, up by fluorine and chlorine and bromine. 215 00:20:50,790 --> 00:20:54,660 Over on the right hand side. So if you want a good ionic solid, 216 00:20:55,260 --> 00:20:59,969 what you need in an ionic reaction is you need to be able to easily pull the electron off 217 00:20:59,970 --> 00:21:04,260 of one species and then you want to get out a lot of energy for putting it on the other. 218 00:21:04,270 --> 00:21:10,680 So you want a small ionisation energy and a large electron. Metheny So good, so good. 219 00:21:12,060 --> 00:21:17,639 Ionic solids are things like, you know, fluorine, sodium fluoride, rubidium chloride, 220 00:21:17,640 --> 00:21:21,600 things from way over here bound together with things from way over there. 221 00:21:21,870 --> 00:21:26,040 Now, chemists have an expression for this. 222 00:21:26,250 --> 00:21:30,630 They're a shell of electrons. An atomic shell wants to be filled. 223 00:21:31,080 --> 00:21:38,920 So if you have a shell filled plus one electron like you would have in this first column, sodium has one electron in the three shell. 224 00:21:38,940 --> 00:21:46,590 Potassium has one electron in the four shell. That shell is easily pulled off because the shell is most happy when it's exactly filled. 225 00:21:46,890 --> 00:21:53,190 Similarly, fluorine, it's one short of being filled, so it has a high electron affinity, it wants to be filled. 226 00:21:53,460 --> 00:22:01,320 So can we understand a little bit, you know, mostly filled shells on the on the right and they have high electron affinity and high ionisation energy. 227 00:22:01,620 --> 00:22:06,270 And on the left it's small ionisation energy and small electron affinities. 228 00:22:06,570 --> 00:22:10,110 So can we understand in some physical way why this is? 229 00:22:10,380 --> 00:22:16,950 Actually, it's not too hard to figure out why that is, at least roughly, we can make a cartoon picture of it. 230 00:22:17,340 --> 00:22:19,590 So let's try to figure it out from looking at sodium. 231 00:22:19,980 --> 00:22:26,970 So sodium it has if you look at this table, a periodic table, it has 11 electrons, it's the 11th element. 232 00:22:27,330 --> 00:22:31,170 So what is it? What does it look like? It has a nucleus of charge plus 11. 233 00:22:31,710 --> 00:22:41,330 Plus 11 in the nucleus. And then. Then we have what we have ten electrons in the one and two s shells. 234 00:22:41,330 --> 00:22:46,100 So we'll draw a picture of one S and two s sorry, 235 00:22:46,100 --> 00:22:54,200 and two P and in the 1s2 as two p shells we have a let a ten electrons with a charge of minus minus ten. 236 00:22:54,620 --> 00:23:00,500 Then we have this one electron in the three s shell out here. So this is one electron out here in the three s shell. 237 00:23:01,310 --> 00:23:07,160 And to that one electron, if you imagine yourself being that one electron, how much nuclear charge do you actually see? 238 00:23:07,580 --> 00:23:14,660 Well, the total nuclear charge you would see this electron sees Z equals one. 239 00:23:15,800 --> 00:23:23,000 Why? Well, because these ten electrons inside of it are more or less screening that positive charge in the nucleus. 240 00:23:23,000 --> 00:23:26,180 So it sees a charge of only plus one. 241 00:23:26,690 --> 00:23:31,910 So if we wanted to use our hydrogen formula to figure out the binding energy, 242 00:23:32,120 --> 00:23:41,660 we would say that the binding energy is a red burg times one squared over the seasons is three s divided by three squared and squared downstairs. 243 00:23:42,050 --> 00:23:52,300 Now this binding energy, ionisation energy is a little bit of an underestimate of the actual binding, binding energy of the three electron. 244 00:23:52,310 --> 00:23:59,719 And the reason for this is because sometimes that three s electron gets closer to the nucleus and realises that in fact it's not a charge of plus one. 245 00:23:59,720 --> 00:24:05,420 It's actually a charge bigger than plus one. So it's bound a little bit tighter than this estimate would would tell us. 246 00:24:05,450 --> 00:24:11,810 Okay. But basically, at some level approximation, it's like one electron bound to just one charge. 247 00:24:12,080 --> 00:24:15,380 Does that make sense? Yeah. Okay. Now, let's look at fluorine instead. 248 00:24:15,920 --> 00:24:19,390 Fluorine is a little more complicated. Fluorine. 249 00:24:19,400 --> 00:24:23,960 It's the ninth element right over here, almost filled to Shell. 250 00:24:24,620 --> 00:24:28,790 So what is what is fluorine? C Well, okay, so we have the nucleus with a charge, 251 00:24:28,790 --> 00:24:34,550 a plus nine and then we have the one s shell down here, one s shell, which has a charge of minus two. 252 00:24:35,150 --> 00:24:39,860 And then in the two shell, we have seven electrons out here. 253 00:24:40,620 --> 00:24:43,550 One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, seven electrons. 254 00:24:43,580 --> 00:24:49,160 Now, suppose you're and they're more or less at the same radius because they're all in the two cell. 255 00:24:50,360 --> 00:24:56,420 So suppose you're this electron. What do you see? You see a charge of Z equals. 256 00:24:56,720 --> 00:25:01,890 Well, maybe you see plus seven. Because these electrons here aren't screening the nuclear. 257 00:25:01,900 --> 00:25:07,170 So you only see two plus nine minus two. Now, plus seven is a little bit of an overestimate. 258 00:25:07,650 --> 00:25:13,730 You would you would then get a binding energy of a red berg seven squared over. 259 00:25:13,770 --> 00:25:20,040 Let's see. So this is a two electron out here. So it's over two squared, the principle quantum number squared of this electron. 260 00:25:20,430 --> 00:25:24,240 This is a huge overestimate of the actual binding energy in fluorine, 261 00:25:24,480 --> 00:25:32,070 because sometimes these electrons do get inside of this electron and screen the nucleus better than we would estimate here. 262 00:25:32,520 --> 00:25:37,620 But still, you see that there's a very good reason why it is an almost filled shell sees 263 00:25:37,620 --> 00:25:41,550 a big nuclear charge and an almost empty shell sees a small nuclear charge. 264 00:25:41,790 --> 00:25:47,669 So this is behind the origin of why it is that we have this this cartoon phrase that an 265 00:25:47,670 --> 00:25:52,620 almost filled shell wants to be filled and an almost empty shell wants to be empty. 266 00:25:52,620 --> 00:25:55,650 Does that make some sense? Yes. Yes. Yeah. Okay. 267 00:25:56,010 --> 00:26:00,270 All right. So it's basically an issue of how well screened the nucleus is. 268 00:26:01,170 --> 00:26:04,469 So this gives us a pretty good picture of what's going on within ionic bonds. 269 00:26:04,470 --> 00:26:13,320 There are differences in how much the electrons are, how much the atoms want to have an extra electron or want to give up another electron. 270 00:26:13,500 --> 00:26:20,069 And so if you have an atom, if you have an atom like potassium in an atom like fluorine, the potassium is happy to give up its electron. 271 00:26:20,070 --> 00:26:24,330 The fluorine wants to get that extra electron. You get two ions, the ions then attract. 272 00:26:24,690 --> 00:26:27,150 So it's a great picture of ionic bonding. 273 00:26:27,510 --> 00:26:34,320 However, you also have bonding between two electrons that want between two atoms that want the electrons just as much as each other. 274 00:26:34,440 --> 00:26:41,160 For example, O2, two oxygen atoms will bond with each other and of course they want the electrons just as much as each other. 275 00:26:41,580 --> 00:26:48,780 So this is give brings us to the picture of what they call covalent bonding, covalent bonds. 276 00:26:52,820 --> 00:27:00,410 Which is okay. There is a chemists have this picture of covalent bonds. 277 00:27:00,710 --> 00:27:09,380 Which are they? They like to say that the atoms will share an electron and because they're sharing electrons, that binds the atoms together. 278 00:27:09,410 --> 00:27:17,120 Now, can we understand a little bit better from physics what it is that we mean by this, that sharing electrons binds atoms together? 279 00:27:17,450 --> 00:27:22,250 So there's a nice picture of this, which basically comes from just particle in a box physics. 280 00:27:22,490 --> 00:27:31,240 All right, put it over here. Particle in a box. In box, we're going to analyse hydrogen. 281 00:27:31,900 --> 00:27:37,660 Plus hydrogen goes to hydrogen too, just based on what we know about particle in a box. 282 00:27:39,040 --> 00:27:43,120 Now, what am I talking about when I'm talking about a hydrogen atom being a particle box? 283 00:27:43,150 --> 00:27:48,360 Let's draw a little box here. That box is supposed to represent the attraction to the nucleus. 284 00:27:48,370 --> 00:27:53,370 So a hydrogen atom is basically its electron bound to the nucleus. 285 00:27:53,370 --> 00:27:57,309 So, okay, it's not exactly in a square box, but it's still some binding to the nucleus. 286 00:27:57,310 --> 00:28:05,799 So we'll put our electron in our box, give it a boxer size L and the ground state energy of the hydrogen of the 287 00:28:05,800 --> 00:28:13,000 electron in that box of size L is h bar squared over 2 a.m. pi over l squared. 288 00:28:13,540 --> 00:28:24,670 Now we have another hydrogen atom here, so we'll give him a box size l and he has the same energy h per square with two m pi over l squared. 289 00:28:25,090 --> 00:28:30,100 Now over here where we have h two, we get a bigger box, maybe a size two, l. 290 00:28:31,500 --> 00:28:37,800 For the hydrogen molecule. And what are the. So we have a ground state wave function for the bigger box here. 291 00:28:38,280 --> 00:28:45,209 And the ground state wave function is an energy bar squared over two m pi over two L squared, 292 00:28:45,210 --> 00:28:49,260 which is lower because we have to put two electrons in this bouncing wave function now. 293 00:28:49,500 --> 00:28:59,190 But we can do that because there are two spins and we discover that this side of the equation is lower than the sum of these two equations. 294 00:28:59,610 --> 00:29:04,739 So what's going on here? What's going on here is that we're allowing the electron wave function to spread 295 00:29:04,740 --> 00:29:09,090 out from being confined here and confined here to being less confined here. 296 00:29:09,270 --> 00:29:15,450 And by letting the wave function spread out, we're lowering its energy. This is just, you know, Heisenberg uncertainty. 297 00:29:15,570 --> 00:29:20,790 You make Delta X bigger, Delta P gets smaller with smaller delta P, you can have a lower kinetic energy. 298 00:29:20,940 --> 00:29:24,000 So by spreading out the wave function, you lower the kinetic energy. 299 00:29:25,290 --> 00:29:31,500 Now we can consider the same thing with helium and we'll see that actually something is very different about helium. 300 00:29:31,800 --> 00:29:40,980 So helium you have a box, you have a ground state wave function and you have two electrons and that's here again, a box. 301 00:29:42,370 --> 00:29:48,310 Ground, same wave function, but two electrons in it. And then the question is, does it go to helium two? 302 00:29:49,690 --> 00:29:56,000 Okay, now here we have a bigger box. We get a ground state wave function, we can put two electrons in it. 303 00:29:56,450 --> 00:30:02,999 Then we have to start filling up an excited wave function as well because we fill the lowest the ground state wave functions. 304 00:30:03,000 --> 00:30:07,979 We have to fill this guy as well and now we're not getting so much matter if I'm not 305 00:30:07,980 --> 00:30:12,299 getting anything at all because we had to as well as filling the lowest energy state, 306 00:30:12,300 --> 00:30:17,070 we have to fill a higher energy state as well. The lower energy state is known as the bonding orbital. 307 00:30:17,910 --> 00:30:24,850 Bonding orbital. And the higher energy state is known as the anti bonding orbital. 308 00:30:24,970 --> 00:30:31,870 So generally bonding orbitals are ones whose energy is lower than the original 309 00:30:31,870 --> 00:30:36,550 wave functions and antibodies are higher or equal to the original wave functions. 310 00:30:36,970 --> 00:30:43,330 So this is why helium, very roughly why it is of helium, doesn't bond, but hydrogen does. 311 00:30:43,720 --> 00:30:53,020 Now, this is obviously very cartoonish, but we can do a better job by using what's known as molecular orbital theory. 312 00:30:53,230 --> 00:30:56,440 Molecular or atomic orbital theory. Atomic. 313 00:30:57,220 --> 00:31:16,470 Orbital theory. The theory also known as type binding theory, also known as linear LCA o LCA which equals linear combination. 314 00:31:20,300 --> 00:31:24,620 Of atomic orbitals, of atomic orbitals. 315 00:31:29,170 --> 00:31:35,290 Now. I think if you took the atomic course last term, you may have even done this calculation. 316 00:31:35,560 --> 00:31:38,780 And we're going to do it again, but we're going to do it simpler than you did it last term. 317 00:31:38,830 --> 00:31:43,300 And the reason I'm simplifying it is so it's easier to see the physics underlying. 318 00:31:43,360 --> 00:31:47,740 Okay. And we're going to use sort of we're going to use some of these techniques later on in the term. 319 00:31:47,950 --> 00:31:58,550 So it's good to make them as simple as possible. So the first thing we do is we imagine having two nuclear positions are one and our two and oops. 320 00:31:58,570 --> 00:32:01,630 Okay. So I should tell you which problem we're analysing. 321 00:32:01,810 --> 00:32:10,150 Right. We're going to do the so the problem we're going to look at look at look at H two plus. 322 00:32:10,570 --> 00:32:15,459 So this is two protons and one electron, two protons and one electron. 323 00:32:15,460 --> 00:32:19,660 I think you've looked at this problem before last term. Okay. 324 00:32:20,350 --> 00:32:25,330 So we're going to see that allowing this electron to d localise between the two, 325 00:32:26,140 --> 00:32:31,870 the two nuclei is going to lower its energy and therefore form a bond between the two nuclei. 326 00:32:32,680 --> 00:32:37,810 Now, the first thing we're going to do is we're going to use Born Oppenheimer. Approximation born Oppenheimer. 327 00:32:41,710 --> 00:32:52,840 J. Robert Oppenheimer was the father of the American Bond and Bomb Project upon Project Nation and Max Born. 328 00:32:52,840 --> 00:32:58,800 We've discussed him already, Father, one of the fathers of quantum mechanics, and Olivia Newton-John's grandfather for one chocolate bar. 329 00:32:58,810 --> 00:33:04,360 Does anyone know what a living in John's biggest hit song was? I'll give you a hint. 330 00:33:04,370 --> 00:33:07,569 It has something to do with the subject we're studying. Yeah? 331 00:33:07,570 --> 00:33:11,149 Yeah. Who said that? The same person. Okay, you get this one. I agree. Get physical. 332 00:33:11,150 --> 00:33:18,709 Yeah. Ten weeks at number one. Okay. Anyway, so the Oppenheim approximation is basically fix. 333 00:33:18,710 --> 00:33:23,780 Ah, one an hour to fix the position of the nuclei and let the electron move. 334 00:33:23,960 --> 00:33:29,110 And that's okay because the nuclei are extremely heavy and they would move very slowly. 335 00:33:29,120 --> 00:33:32,659 So the electron can come to its eigen state very quickly and you know, 336 00:33:32,660 --> 00:33:38,510 and then you can sort of resolve it wherever you put the nuclei and look for wherever the nuclei have their lowest possible energy. 337 00:33:39,680 --> 00:33:48,170 So then we write a Hamiltonian, Hamiltonian for our electron P squared over two M plus the interaction, 338 00:33:48,410 --> 00:33:52,910 the Coulomb interaction with the first nucleus, plus the Coulomb interaction with the second nucleus. 339 00:33:54,110 --> 00:34:05,210 Where V here v is the usual minus is squared over for pi epsilon, not r minus r one, so forth. 340 00:34:06,110 --> 00:34:10,160 I'm going to abbreviate this thing as this term is K for kinetic energy. 341 00:34:10,490 --> 00:34:13,490 This term is V one for interaction with the first nucleus. 342 00:34:13,790 --> 00:34:17,930 This is V two for interaction with the second nucleus. 343 00:34:18,260 --> 00:34:24,800 Now, this is a hard problem because there's both because of both nuclei, but it would be a lot simpler if we just threw away one of the nuclei. 344 00:34:24,830 --> 00:34:26,330 Pretend it's not there. Okay. 345 00:34:26,690 --> 00:34:38,900 So let's solve that, that problem first so we can then have K plus V one as our Hamiltonian and we'll call the Eigen State one epsilon, not one. 346 00:34:39,380 --> 00:34:46,980 So what's what's the answer to that problem was just a hydrogen atom, you know, of on on or on nucleus one. 347 00:34:47,030 --> 00:34:56,120 So one is the ground state of the electron on Nucleus one, the electron in the shell, if you like, you can do the same thing for two. 348 00:34:56,390 --> 00:35:03,850 So this is if we only have Nucleus two, we would get an eigen state on Nucleus two. 349 00:35:03,860 --> 00:35:08,690 So I can draw these if I want. So here is our one, here's our two. 350 00:35:08,930 --> 00:35:14,090 Then there would be a wave function here of the electron sitting there as if this guy were there, 351 00:35:14,420 --> 00:35:20,180 and then there would be an out wave function there too, sitting there as if this guy weren't there. 352 00:35:20,240 --> 00:35:20,840 It's that clear. 353 00:35:21,110 --> 00:35:29,840 So the two states, the two atomic orbitals I'm thinking about is the electron on orbit on Nucleus one, as if Nucleus two are not there at all. 354 00:35:29,990 --> 00:35:34,520 And the electron on Nucleus two as if a nucleus one, we're not there at all. 355 00:35:34,730 --> 00:35:45,110 Good, good. Yeah. Okay. So you can also think about one and two is being the eigen states if the two orbitals of the two nuclei taken very, 356 00:35:45,110 --> 00:35:50,269 very far apart, in which case you have two possibilities. 357 00:35:50,270 --> 00:35:55,940 The the electron sits on orbital one, on nucleus one, or the electron sits on nucleus two. 358 00:35:55,940 --> 00:36:02,120 And what we expect is going to happen is that when we bring them together, there's going to be a lower energy state, 359 00:36:02,120 --> 00:36:09,740 the bonding state, where the electron localises between the two, between the two nuclei. 360 00:36:09,920 --> 00:36:19,280 And there may also be an anti bonding state, anti bonding, which is higher energy when we bring them together. 361 00:36:19,640 --> 00:36:26,630 This kind of diagram is used a lot by chemists, is known as a molecular orbital diagram, molecular orbital diagram, 362 00:36:30,200 --> 00:36:35,540 which tries to keep track of what happens to the eigen states when you start moving things together or apart. 363 00:36:37,150 --> 00:36:39,790 All right. So how are we going to solve this problem? 364 00:36:39,820 --> 00:36:45,190 Well, we're going to do it with a trial wave function, a variational trial, wave function, wave function. 365 00:36:46,780 --> 00:36:50,200 And I believe you've studied variational methods before. 366 00:36:50,890 --> 00:36:58,120 So the wave function we're going to use is of the form phi one times one plus PHI two times two. 367 00:36:58,420 --> 00:37:03,870 And we're going to try to find the best coefficients, Phi one and PHI two, which will lower the energy as much as possible. 368 00:37:04,190 --> 00:37:12,100 This is a variational principle. You try to get the best approximation to the ground state as you can by varying the coefficients arbitrarily. 369 00:37:12,340 --> 00:37:15,940 Okay. Now, this actually gives the method its name. 370 00:37:16,150 --> 00:37:20,130 The name of the method, linear combination of atomic orbitals. That's exactly what we're doing. 371 00:37:20,140 --> 00:37:23,200 These are the atomic orbitals, and we're making a linear combination of them. 372 00:37:23,500 --> 00:37:29,500 Okay. It's also known as tight binding because the electrons sitting on orbital one, we think of it as our nucleus one. 373 00:37:29,500 --> 00:37:33,820 We think it is tightly bound to nucleus one and this one is tightly bound to Nucleus two. 374 00:37:33,970 --> 00:37:36,370 And then we make some linear combination of those two. 375 00:37:36,700 --> 00:37:45,429 One of the reasons people really like this method of analysing problems is because you can you can actually make the approximation 376 00:37:45,430 --> 00:37:50,680 more and more accurate by adding more and more things to the right hand side with more and more variational parameters. 377 00:37:50,920 --> 00:37:53,319 So instead of just keeping track of two possibilities, 378 00:37:53,320 --> 00:37:57,910 the electron is on over the one the ground state of nucleus one and ground state of Nucleus two. 379 00:37:58,120 --> 00:38:01,299 You can start also adding coefficients and other possible states. 380 00:38:01,300 --> 00:38:07,270 The electron can be in excited states on an orbital one, a nucleus one excited states on nucleus two. 381 00:38:07,420 --> 00:38:09,040 And you make a bigger and bigger basis set. 382 00:38:09,220 --> 00:38:17,230 And as you make the the more possibilities on the right hand side, more and more you get closer and closer to the exact wave function on on the left. 383 00:38:18,320 --> 00:38:27,229 Okay. So now we have to actually write down our effective Schrödinger equation for this trial wave function, 384 00:38:27,230 --> 00:38:30,240 and that's something you're actually going to do for homework. 385 00:38:30,260 --> 00:38:35,540 I'll write out. The answer is, it looks very much like a shorthand equation. 386 00:38:35,540 --> 00:38:39,740 It's something you probably believe without too much justification. 387 00:38:41,180 --> 00:38:47,990 It looks entirely like a shorthand equation. The only difference is that this h h i j is a two by two matrix. 388 00:38:48,000 --> 00:38:51,490 I. H j. 389 00:38:51,500 --> 00:38:56,780 I forgot to tell you something that we're assuming we put it over here. So this is a bad assumption. 390 00:38:57,560 --> 00:39:02,480 Bad assumption? Things out of order here. 391 00:39:02,900 --> 00:39:06,680 The bad assumption is that i j is delta. 392 00:39:06,680 --> 00:39:10,610 I j in other words, one two equals zero. 393 00:39:11,330 --> 00:39:14,450 That one and two are orthogonal wave functions. 394 00:39:14,690 --> 00:39:18,440 Now that's a good approximation if the way if the nuclei are far apart. 395 00:39:18,710 --> 00:39:22,520 But if you put the nuclei really close together, it's no longer a good assumption. 396 00:39:22,760 --> 00:39:27,320 The reason we're making this bad assumption is because it makes our life a lot easier. 397 00:39:27,620 --> 00:39:32,899 And as in many cases, making this bad assumption isn't going to throw out the crucial physics. 398 00:39:32,900 --> 00:39:38,700 So we're going to keep this bad assumption for now. There's an exercise in the book if you want to go through it and do it more properly, 399 00:39:38,720 --> 00:39:41,900 but you'll get the crucial physics right by making this bad assumption. 400 00:39:41,900 --> 00:39:47,450 So we're going to go ahead and do it. I believe when you did it last term, you did not use this bad assumption. 401 00:39:47,450 --> 00:39:53,270 The algebra gets much worse. So it's going to try to keep the algebra as simple as possible by making that bad assumption. 402 00:39:53,600 --> 00:40:01,670 Given that bad assumption, this is the Schrödinger equation that you have to solve and it looks pretty much like a Schrödinger equation. 403 00:40:01,960 --> 00:40:05,510 You know, there's a Hamiltonian wave function, energy wave function. 404 00:40:05,690 --> 00:40:12,260 The only difference is it's not the full Hamiltonian, it's just the way the Hamiltonian projected to our restricted space, 405 00:40:12,410 --> 00:40:18,500 which includes only the wave function one and the wave function two. So it's a projected Schrödinger equation, if you like. 406 00:40:19,100 --> 00:40:23,510 So to solve this, all we need to do is we need to come up with this a two by two matrix two by two. 407 00:40:23,780 --> 00:40:28,220 In our case, we need to write out the matrix elements here. So let's do that one. 408 00:40:28,610 --> 00:40:32,210 H one is one. 409 00:40:32,840 --> 00:40:36,140 K plus v one. Do I still have the Hamiltonian? 410 00:40:36,320 --> 00:40:43,550 Hamiltonian still up there? I hope it doesn't go off the board. One plus 1v21. 411 00:40:44,510 --> 00:40:49,960 This term is easy because one the cette one is an eigen state of k plus v one. 412 00:40:49,970 --> 00:40:53,300 That's how we defined it. And its eigenvalue is epsilon not. 413 00:40:53,660 --> 00:40:57,280 So in fact one on one is one we can find it to be. 414 00:40:57,290 --> 00:41:02,240 So this piece here just gives us epsilon, not this part here. 415 00:41:02,540 --> 00:41:08,480 We don't know what that is. I'm going to call it V Cross and physically, what is it? 416 00:41:08,990 --> 00:41:13,640 V Cross? We have an electron sitting on orbital one over here. 417 00:41:14,180 --> 00:41:23,750 And so here's the electron sitting and here's Orbital two and V cross is the interaction between the electron sitting on state one, 418 00:41:24,350 --> 00:41:28,010 sitting on Nucleus one interacting with Nucleus two. That's when V crosses. 419 00:41:28,430 --> 00:41:33,319 I believe last term you may have called it direct interaction. 420 00:41:33,320 --> 00:41:37,040 I may have called it J. Does that sound familiar from last year? 421 00:41:37,160 --> 00:41:43,550 Yeah. Okay. The reason I'm not calling it direct and J is because in condensed matter, those words are used for something somewhat different. 422 00:41:43,820 --> 00:41:48,110 And I'm trying to avoid confusion about that. So I'm going to call it V Cross instead. 423 00:41:48,110 --> 00:41:52,400 I mean, there's some relation between the two nomenclature, but not enough is worth keeping it. 424 00:41:52,730 --> 00:41:57,950 So throw that out. We're going to call it V Cross. Now on to H2. 425 00:41:57,980 --> 00:42:07,219 We need that also very similar to K plus V two, two plus two, v one, two. 426 00:42:07,220 --> 00:42:10,790 And again this thing is epsilon nought plus v cross. 427 00:42:12,200 --> 00:42:28,700 The more interesting piece is 1h2 which is one K plus v22 plus 1v12. 428 00:42:28,920 --> 00:42:38,120 Okay. So this thing is easy actually because k plus v two is epsilon not two and then two and one have been assumed orthogonal. 429 00:42:38,120 --> 00:42:42,920 So that gives zero. Okay. So that's simplifies our life a lot. 430 00:42:43,550 --> 00:42:51,410 This one here, I'm going to call hopping. Hopping, and generally it's called minus T. 431 00:42:51,770 --> 00:43:00,910 I believe last year you call the exchange. And I'd probably called it tapas or something. 432 00:43:02,020 --> 00:43:07,870 So again, I'm not going to use that nomenclature because we use an exchange for something else. 433 00:43:08,980 --> 00:43:15,190 Now, why is it called hopping? If you think in terms of the time dependent Schrödinger equation. 434 00:43:15,490 --> 00:43:20,260 It's this kind of term that's sort of off diagonal, takes you from 2 to 1. 435 00:43:20,440 --> 00:43:23,620 So a hopping term can give dynamics to an electron can. 436 00:43:23,620 --> 00:43:31,480 Let's take an electron that starts on on nucleus two and lands it on Nucleus one, so allows it to hop from one nucleus to the other. 437 00:43:31,720 --> 00:43:36,490 Hence, name hopping, reasonable name. Okay, so given this, we're almost there. 438 00:43:37,540 --> 00:43:46,830 We have our two by two Hamiltonian matrix epsilon nought plus V cross minus T minus T. 439 00:43:46,840 --> 00:43:51,230 If it's if it's complex, it would get a t star here, then epsilon last. 440 00:43:51,250 --> 00:43:54,190 But the cross is a nice little formation matrix. 441 00:43:54,460 --> 00:44:05,890 We can diagonals it we get the eigenvalues I guess equal epsilon not plus v cross plus or minus absolute value of T. 442 00:44:07,110 --> 00:44:10,650 Now. I left off one little piece, which I'm now going to put back in. 443 00:44:10,920 --> 00:44:21,790 The thing I left off was the e nuclear nuclear that the energy, the two nuclei are interacting with each other as well. 444 00:44:21,810 --> 00:44:25,980 So if I change the distance between the two nuclei, they would have some Coulomb interaction. 445 00:44:26,310 --> 00:44:30,630 But it turns out that in nuclear, a nuclear is very approximately equal to minus V cross. 446 00:44:31,290 --> 00:44:35,280 And that actually should be obvious from what you know about electrostatic. 447 00:44:35,400 --> 00:44:43,020 If you have a spherical charge, a cloud of charge around another spherical cloud in charge of cloud of charge, 448 00:44:43,200 --> 00:44:48,660 you can considering the whole charge as being at the origin. And the whole charge is that the origin is zero. 449 00:44:49,050 --> 00:44:52,410 The E cancels the plus one, the minus one cancels plus one. 450 00:44:52,560 --> 00:44:55,740 So this ends up these two pieces cancel each other. 451 00:44:55,950 --> 00:45:01,980 So I'm just going to write E plus or minus. The two possible energies are in OT plus or minus absolute T. 452 00:45:02,880 --> 00:45:11,340 So this is something that seems fairly natural that the amount of gaining or lowering of the energy we get when we go, 453 00:45:11,370 --> 00:45:17,520 when we allow the electron to hop between the two orbitals is given by how much we allow them to hop. 454 00:45:17,760 --> 00:45:21,030 So by spreading out the electron wave function, you lower its energy. 455 00:45:21,210 --> 00:45:29,130 The more you spin out the wave function, the more you lower the energy. So we can even I mean, we do it here. 456 00:45:30,570 --> 00:45:33,090 Yeah. We can even write down the two eigen states of this. 457 00:45:33,090 --> 00:45:45,540 If you diagonals that that matrix and find its eigenvectors, you would find that the sy plus one over root two one plus one minus two. 458 00:45:46,920 --> 00:45:53,100 This is the anti bonding, the higher energy anti bond, the higher energy wave function, 459 00:45:53,520 --> 00:45:59,010 and then the lower energy wave function, one over two, one plus two. 460 00:45:59,640 --> 00:46:06,209 And in fact, those forms of the wave function should look a lot like what we had and the particle in the box. 461 00:46:06,210 --> 00:46:15,240 So the particle in the box, we had a bonding orbital bond here and we have an anti bonding orbital here and here with a node in the middle. 462 00:46:16,470 --> 00:46:21,360 And now we have two nuclei. The bonding orbital looks like this. 463 00:46:21,360 --> 00:46:27,720 It's symmetric bond. Bond, and the anti bond looks like this. 464 00:46:30,820 --> 00:46:34,320 Plus plus anti bond. 465 00:46:36,430 --> 00:46:42,340 So it's very similar to what we have in the particle box. In both cases, the existence of the node raises the energy. 466 00:46:42,910 --> 00:46:49,480 Okay, so since the amount of energy you gain or lose depends on the amount of hopping. 467 00:46:50,630 --> 00:47:00,350 As a function of r one minus R2 the distance between the nuclei, you might expect that the hopping goes up as you put the two nuclei closer together. 468 00:47:00,710 --> 00:47:08,240 So you would expect that the anti bonding looks like this, the bonding looks like this, and that's more or less right. 469 00:47:08,930 --> 00:47:13,220 But actually more accurate is something that looks like this. 470 00:47:13,610 --> 00:47:18,830 er1 minus r two anti bonding goes like this. 471 00:47:21,170 --> 00:47:31,010 And bonding goes like this. Again, when the two nuclei get too close together, that all of a sudden becomes extremely repulsive. 472 00:47:31,250 --> 00:47:35,480 And the reason it becomes repulsive is because a lot of our approximations break down. 473 00:47:35,750 --> 00:47:39,010 This approximation breaks down into the two nuclear. 474 00:47:39,030 --> 00:47:44,280 The two atomic orbitals we're using are no longer orthogonal and further that statement I made up there 475 00:47:44,300 --> 00:47:51,140 about the two charge clouds cancelling breaks down once the positive charge gets inside the other electrons. 476 00:47:51,500 --> 00:47:56,959 You know, once the other nucleus gets inside the charged cloud of the electron, then you can no longer count. 477 00:47:56,960 --> 00:47:59,720 And you remember this rule that if you're inside some charge, you don't count it. 478 00:47:59,720 --> 00:48:03,350 And if you're outside the charge, if you count it when you're talking about a spherical charge, distribution, 479 00:48:03,560 --> 00:48:09,980 anything that's inside you closer to the centre, you count and you put all the at the centre and anything is outside you that you throw away. 480 00:48:10,250 --> 00:48:14,030 So if the nucleus gets inside the charged cloud of the electron, 481 00:48:14,330 --> 00:48:18,560 then it starts to see the other nucleus and it starts to be repelled by the other nucleus. 482 00:48:18,830 --> 00:48:31,470 So the energy of the bond goes goes way up. One more thing here before we before we end, you can also consider a very similar physics. 483 00:48:31,800 --> 00:48:35,940 If you have two different atoms, so you have hydrogen and fluorine. 484 00:48:35,940 --> 00:48:39,600 And here I've drawn one up here and one down here because they're energies. 485 00:48:39,720 --> 00:48:44,540 If you just have an electron hydrogen, it's much higher energy than the electron on fluorine. 486 00:48:44,550 --> 00:48:47,910 Or maybe I should add sodium and fluorine, sodium and fluorine. 487 00:48:47,910 --> 00:48:54,569 It doesn't matter. Just, you know, on something that has a low ionisation energy or wants the electron a lot less and something 488 00:48:54,570 --> 00:48:58,860 with a high electron affinity or a high ionisation energy wants the electron a lot more. 489 00:48:58,980 --> 00:49:03,050 And you can allow an electron to do localised between the sodium and the fluorine. 490 00:49:03,270 --> 00:49:14,010 If you do that, the only thing that changes here is that these two energies on the diagonal become e sodium and e fluorine like that. 491 00:49:15,450 --> 00:49:22,740 And those two can be different from each other. If you diagnose this matrix now, you'll find two different energies again. 492 00:49:23,010 --> 00:49:26,460 So we'll draw that as a bonding and an anti bonding orbital. 493 00:49:27,300 --> 00:49:34,140 So as antibodies are bonding down here, again, allowing the electron to go back and forth changes the total energy. 494 00:49:34,140 --> 00:49:42,890 And here's anti bonding up here. But these coefficients will not be the same that for the antibody orbital. 495 00:49:43,130 --> 00:49:47,750 This this coefficient being a minus alpha will be bigger. 496 00:49:48,170 --> 00:49:54,830 Better. It will be bigger than alpha. There'll be a higher probability that the electron will be over here for the antibody orbital, 497 00:49:55,040 --> 00:50:05,840 whereas for the bonding orbital beta alpha like this, the the most of the weight of the wave function will be over here on fluorine. 498 00:50:07,000 --> 00:50:11,410 It's sort of a simple two by two matrix diagonal ization problem. There's an exercise in the book on this as well. 499 00:50:12,460 --> 00:50:16,690 So the idea is that but just by looking at this two by two matrix, 500 00:50:16,870 --> 00:50:21,700 you can see how you go from a covalent bond where the electron is distributed equally between the two, 501 00:50:22,060 --> 00:50:32,020 the two nuclei to an ionic bond where really the lower energy orbital puts the electron almost entirely over here on on the lower energy species. 502 00:50:32,380 --> 00:50:35,020 Okay, I guess I stop there. I'll see you tomorrow.