1 00:00:00,540 --> 00:00:07,440 Okay. Welcome back. This is now the eighth lecture of the condensed matter course. 2 00:00:08,820 --> 00:00:14,940 One of the more wonderful things about quantum mechanics is that particles are waves and waves are particles. 3 00:00:15,390 --> 00:00:22,170 And that means the things that we learn when we study vibrational waves in solids can often be applied to other types of waves in solids, 4 00:00:22,170 --> 00:00:24,690 such as electron waves or even electromagnetic waves. 5 00:00:25,110 --> 00:00:31,650 So today we're going to be studying electron waves in solids, and this lecture is a little bit out of place because later on in the course, 6 00:00:31,890 --> 00:00:36,900 we're going to spend several days studying electron band structure, electron waves and solids in some amount of depth. 7 00:00:37,260 --> 00:00:43,229 But the reason I am inserting this lecture here is to make the point that we're really studying the same thing. 8 00:00:43,230 --> 00:00:49,530 Whether we're studying vibrational waves or we're studying electron electron waves, it's really very, very similar. 9 00:00:50,220 --> 00:00:55,890 We're also going to see that much of the calculation we do today is similar to what we did when we studied the covalent bond, 10 00:00:56,100 --> 00:01:05,250 which was a wave just between two atoms. So the picture we're going to look at today is a one dimensional, one dimensional, tight, binding chain. 11 00:01:09,850 --> 00:01:16,850 And it's going to be very analogous to the one dimensional vibrational change that we looked at in the last couple of lectures, 12 00:01:17,810 --> 00:01:26,240 also similar to the covalent bond. So we're going to imagine having a bunch of nuclei in a chain like this, 13 00:01:27,380 --> 00:01:32,210 and it will give them a lattice constant, a distance between identical nuclei. 14 00:01:32,570 --> 00:01:35,510 And we're going to add one electron to this chain of nuclei, 15 00:01:35,720 --> 00:01:42,110 and we're going to see what happens as we allow the electron to hop back and forth between the different nuclei. 16 00:01:42,830 --> 00:01:49,080 So of course, we have to start with the Hamiltonian as the usual piece squared over to term. 17 00:01:49,610 --> 00:02:04,100 Plus, it will have an interaction with all of the different nuclei of our minus our sub j where our sub j is position, position of nucleus. 18 00:02:07,280 --> 00:02:14,000 J And as I did when I when we studied the covalent bond, we're going to abbreviate these terms for convenience. 19 00:02:14,120 --> 00:02:23,330 This term will be called K for kinetic energy and these terms will be called V sub J for interaction with the nucleus. 20 00:02:25,040 --> 00:02:27,859 Now, similar to what we did when we started the covalent bond, 21 00:02:27,860 --> 00:02:36,020 it's useful to think first about an electron only interacting with a single nuclei, not with any of the other nuclei. 22 00:02:36,380 --> 00:02:44,630 So we'll write h oops or i k plus v some m as our Hamiltonian. 23 00:02:44,630 --> 00:02:49,530 And that means that the electron has this kinetic energy and it's interacting with the nucleus only. 24 00:02:51,200 --> 00:02:55,459 And we'll give it the atomic when it interacts with the nucleus. 25 00:02:55,460 --> 00:03:00,380 M only. So the eigen state of the Hamiltonian, which has it interacting with the nucleus, 26 00:03:00,590 --> 00:03:07,790 we'll call that the cat M and that will put the electron on the end of the nucleus, as if all of the other nuclei were not there at all. 27 00:03:08,030 --> 00:03:14,240 So a label this cat one if the electron is sitting here as if it's not interacting with any of the other nuclei, 28 00:03:14,450 --> 00:03:17,810 we'll call this one to this one, three and so forth. 29 00:03:18,880 --> 00:03:22,270 Okay. Happy so far. Okay. 30 00:03:23,470 --> 00:03:28,690 All right. Now, as we did when we started the covalent bond, we're going to make a bad assumption, 31 00:03:29,500 --> 00:03:37,900 that assumption, which is that these cats and an m are or the normal. 32 00:03:39,070 --> 00:03:45,460 This is not too bad if the nuclei are far apart from each other because an electron sitting over here, 33 00:03:45,490 --> 00:03:49,150 an electron sitting way over there, are pretty much orthogonal to each other. 34 00:03:49,480 --> 00:03:54,010 But when the nuclei get close together, then they're not orthogonal anymore. 35 00:03:54,370 --> 00:03:58,929 And the reason we make this approximation, even those of an approximation, is for simplicity. 36 00:03:58,930 --> 00:04:04,720 A lot of the calculation just gets a lot easier if we make assumption and we don't learn a whole lot more from doing more properly. 37 00:04:04,900 --> 00:04:10,960 It is not that much harder to do it properly. There's an exercise in the book that walks you through it and you can go through it if you want, 38 00:04:11,230 --> 00:04:15,520 but you'll get most of the interesting physics out of just this simplified approximation. 39 00:04:16,390 --> 00:04:23,050 Okay. So once we have made this that assumption, we can write down our trial wave function, 40 00:04:23,590 --> 00:04:37,540 trial wave function very similar to what we did with the covalent bond, which will have the form psi equals sum over n phi n n. 41 00:04:37,900 --> 00:04:40,450 A linear combination of atomic orbitals, 42 00:04:40,660 --> 00:05:01,120 which is a word we used equivalent to type binding linear combination of atomic orbitals, of atomic orbitals or LCA. 43 00:05:01,150 --> 00:05:11,530 Oh, we're making, we have a bunch of atomic orbitals electrons sitting on nuclear. 44 00:05:11,560 --> 00:05:15,640 So we're going to make a linear combination of them with coefficients vice some n. 45 00:05:15,910 --> 00:05:21,160 The reason people love this type of approximation is because you can make it more and more accurate 46 00:05:21,370 --> 00:05:27,579 by just adding more things to the right hand side with variational parameters phi in front of them. 47 00:05:27,580 --> 00:05:34,480 So for example, you could have an electron sitting on site n in excited state alpha. 48 00:05:34,690 --> 00:05:38,590 So this could be 1s2 as to P, so forth and so on. 49 00:05:38,740 --> 00:05:44,380 And we can just make our bases state bigger and bigger. Bases get bigger and bigger and bigger and give all of these coefficients. 50 00:05:44,530 --> 00:05:50,470 And as we make the bases set bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger, we get a more and more accurate approximation of the true wave function. 51 00:05:50,750 --> 00:05:57,490 Okay, this is sort of a variational approach so we can solve for the ground state by finding the best r coefficients. 52 00:05:57,730 --> 00:06:01,720 Then once we have the ground state, we can solve for the first excited state by finding the best coefficients, 53 00:06:01,900 --> 00:06:07,600 the lowest energy coefficients, subject to being orthogonal to the first thing that we just found and so forth and so on. 54 00:06:08,730 --> 00:06:15,150 So now what we have to do is we have to write down an equation for these coefficients. 55 00:06:15,420 --> 00:06:30,200 And the equation, again, something that you will solve for in your your homework will be of the form h and am phi m equals e phi n and you know, 56 00:06:30,540 --> 00:06:33,629 it looks like a shorter equation. It quacks like a Schrodinger equation. 57 00:06:33,630 --> 00:06:41,550 It probably is a shortening equation. It's not the real Schrodinger equation because the real equation has a full Hamiltonian sitting here, here. 58 00:06:41,550 --> 00:06:51,330 Instead we just have a matrix and h m and you can think of this as being the projection of the true Schroder 59 00:06:51,330 --> 00:06:58,680 equation onto the basis said made up of these cats and that we that we are working with does that make sense. 60 00:06:58,680 --> 00:07:03,720 It looks like a Schrödinger equation. It's going to act like a shorthand equation and you'll derive it also. 61 00:07:04,860 --> 00:07:15,450 Okay. So given our an equation over here, we have to now calculate these matrix elements that go into our ordering equation. 62 00:07:15,450 --> 00:07:21,240 So let's do that. It is useful to take our Hamiltonian and divide it up into pieces. 63 00:07:21,660 --> 00:07:31,300 So first we will remove the m the interaction with the nucleus from the interaction with all the other nuclei. 64 00:07:31,320 --> 00:07:34,380 So this will be j not equal to m the sum j. 65 00:07:35,640 --> 00:07:44,200 The reason we do this is because then we can write h on the cat m equals k plus we m on the cat. 66 00:07:44,220 --> 00:07:49,830 M plus the interaction with all the other nuclei. 67 00:07:49,860 --> 00:07:58,319 The sub j and cat. M. Okay. Now we defined the cat m to be the eigen state of k plus v m. 68 00:07:58,320 --> 00:08:03,600 So this thing here is just atomic on cat m. 69 00:08:04,950 --> 00:08:10,190 Good. Happy with that. So then we can take the inner product, 70 00:08:10,400 --> 00:08:29,330 close up the inner product with the head and over here and we get the atomic delta and m plus and some over j not equal to m v some j m. 71 00:08:29,900 --> 00:08:39,370 And this is the interesting term here. So this term here just tells us that no matter what side the electron is sitting on, 72 00:08:39,370 --> 00:08:43,360 which nucleus, the electron sitting sitting on it has energy, atomic. 73 00:08:43,600 --> 00:08:49,360 And this is all the interaction with all of the other nuclei. Now, there's a couple of things that can happen with this term. 74 00:08:49,390 --> 00:08:55,480 One possibility is that any equals M, in which case this is what this is telling you, 75 00:08:55,480 --> 00:09:04,630 is that there is some change in its energy sitting on Nucleus M due to its interaction with all of the other atoms, not M okay. 76 00:09:04,990 --> 00:09:15,670 So this will be will give this thing an energy. We'll call it V, not equals R and some big j, not equal to M. 77 00:09:17,170 --> 00:09:28,030 And I guess these can be ends like that. And this is so this is interacting with all the nuclei, not including M and its expectation of its energy. 78 00:09:28,030 --> 00:09:32,470 So it's just shifting its energy on that particular site. That's not particularly interesting. 79 00:09:32,770 --> 00:09:36,610 The more interesting thing is what happens is and not equal to M. 80 00:09:37,120 --> 00:09:43,420 So in this case you have a this term is maybe I should call this term something first. 81 00:09:43,440 --> 00:09:53,740 This is what we call direct before and I guess I call it V Cross when we talked about the covalent bond for the energy equal to M term, 82 00:09:54,190 --> 00:10:04,690 this is what we call hopping before. And the reason we call it hopping was because it will give it the value minus T, minus T. 83 00:10:05,680 --> 00:10:10,990 The reason we call it hopping is if you think in the time dependent Schrödinger equation type of way, 84 00:10:11,860 --> 00:10:17,440 you can take an electron sitting inside M and have it end up onsite rn. 85 00:10:17,710 --> 00:10:23,850 So this off diagonal term in the Hamiltonian allows an electron to move from one side to another. 86 00:10:23,860 --> 00:10:29,110 Hence we call it hopping. Now an approximation, which is actually a fairly good approximation. 87 00:10:29,410 --> 00:10:41,080 Is that n minus M greater than one hopping is zero, hopping equals zero or is approximately zero. 88 00:10:41,500 --> 00:10:46,750 And the reason for that is because it's very hard for an electron to hop very far in one step. 89 00:10:47,020 --> 00:10:48,520 If you think about it for a second, 90 00:10:48,790 --> 00:10:55,540 what we're really calculating when we take this matrix columns is some sort of when we write out the matrix element explicitly, 91 00:10:55,960 --> 00:11:01,820 it's something like this. Right. 92 00:11:01,970 --> 00:11:06,380 This is what matrix elements look like. A bra, a cat, and an interaction. 93 00:11:06,650 --> 00:11:14,450 Now, if I n if an m are far apart, these wave functions decay very quickly as you go away from the nucleus. 94 00:11:14,720 --> 00:11:18,530 So there there'll be no point in space where both this is large and this is large. 95 00:11:18,770 --> 00:11:20,720 If the two nuclei are very far apart. 96 00:11:21,080 --> 00:11:29,930 So that's why we can we can assume that this matrix element is going to be zero in less and an m are essentially neighbours. 97 00:11:30,050 --> 00:11:43,370 Okay, good. So what we have now is we have this a in the end we have that we can write and sum over j not equal to m v sub j. 98 00:11:43,550 --> 00:11:54,890 M equals the direct term v not if and equals m we'll call it minus t if n equals m plus or minus one. 99 00:11:55,190 --> 00:11:58,460 So we can have one side only and zero. Otherwise. 100 00:12:01,870 --> 00:12:05,650 Okay. Good people happy. Fairly happy with that. 101 00:12:07,510 --> 00:12:10,900 Ken? Yes. Someone had someone say. Someone say yes. 102 00:12:11,050 --> 00:12:15,820 Yes. Thank you. I would send you another chocolate, but I gave you one yesterday, so. 103 00:12:15,850 --> 00:12:23,919 Okay. Good. So we can take a Hamiltonian and rewrite it as h as a big matrix. 104 00:12:23,920 --> 00:12:27,670 H&M equals. What is it? 105 00:12:27,690 --> 00:12:36,960 It's atomic. Plus the interaction with all the other nuclei, not including the site itself. 106 00:12:37,170 --> 00:12:40,770 If you're sitting on one site interacting with all the other ones, not including yourself. 107 00:12:41,250 --> 00:12:49,830 Plus there's going to be another term which delta and and plus one plus delta and comma and minus one. 108 00:12:50,490 --> 00:12:56,580 So there's this additional term here which allows you to hop one step to the left or one step to the right. 109 00:12:58,580 --> 00:13:02,210 With an amplitude. A t. Okay. 110 00:13:03,300 --> 00:13:06,780 Good. So this is a great big matrix. 111 00:13:06,780 --> 00:13:17,610 If we have let's say we have NW and nuclei to begin with, then H is an end by and matrix and an end by an Hamiltonian matrix. 112 00:13:19,140 --> 00:13:22,230 And we need to find its eigenvalues. So how do we do that? 113 00:13:22,260 --> 00:13:26,460 That looks like a complicated problem if and is a is a pretty large number. 114 00:13:27,090 --> 00:13:33,300 Well, again, we can solve this very similar to what we did for the vibrational chains we use. 115 00:13:33,600 --> 00:13:37,440 And on that, which is an English word. And that's. 116 00:13:38,820 --> 00:13:46,650 And the answers we use is via is a plane way vanguards I k and a like this. 117 00:13:47,910 --> 00:13:56,070 Now a couple of comments about this. First of all, you may be expecting an the Iomega T from what we did with the vibrational chain. 118 00:13:56,460 --> 00:14:04,140 The reason there's no Iomega t is because we're solving the time independent shortening equation, not the time dependent shortening equation. 119 00:14:04,560 --> 00:14:08,970 If we were solving the time dependent shortening equation, there'd be an either the Iomega t as well. 120 00:14:09,270 --> 00:14:10,889 Okay. That's why it's not there. In this case. 121 00:14:10,890 --> 00:14:16,830 It's just simpler in quantum mechanics to work with time independent agencies than it is to work with time dependent wave functions. 122 00:14:17,340 --> 00:14:18,750 So that's the first thing. 123 00:14:18,930 --> 00:14:26,250 Second thing is that you probably if you're careful, you put now a square root of capital N downstairs so that this is a normalised wave function. 124 00:14:26,460 --> 00:14:30,990 The normalisation is not going to matter much for us, but strictly speaking, it should probably be there. 125 00:14:32,050 --> 00:14:36,490 And the third thing to note is that this this wave is the same. 126 00:14:36,520 --> 00:14:42,459 If you shift K to K plus to pi over A is something we discovered last time. 127 00:14:42,460 --> 00:14:45,430 The thing that is important is not the momentum but the crystal momentum. 128 00:14:45,610 --> 00:14:50,020 If you're shifting k by two pi over a, get back exactly the same the same wave. 129 00:14:50,440 --> 00:14:59,139 Okay, so let's take our and plug it into that Hamiltonian one step here we get epsilon, 130 00:14:59,140 --> 00:15:17,670 not even minus i k and a minus t into the minus i k and plus one a plus e to the minus i k and minus one a equals E in 131 00:15:17,680 --> 00:15:25,780 the minus i k and a So it's just plugging the on that into the shortening equation using that form of the Hamiltonian. 132 00:15:27,140 --> 00:15:32,080 Okay. So it's this is the oops. I didn't tell you what this I didn't tell you what it is. 133 00:15:32,090 --> 00:15:35,240 Sorry about that. This thing here I called in not. 134 00:15:39,710 --> 00:15:44,480 So this is the energy on site. This allows you to hot to let hop to the right. 135 00:15:44,720 --> 00:15:48,580 And this is the eigen energy on the other side. People happy. 136 00:15:49,970 --> 00:15:52,650 Okay, good. Thank you. Good. 137 00:15:52,660 --> 00:16:04,730 So then you just cancel out a bunch of factors, a bunch of exponential factors, and you get E is e, not minus two t cosine k. 138 00:16:06,310 --> 00:16:12,420 So let's actually plot that. You go? 139 00:16:13,690 --> 00:16:20,140 So here's pi over a year, minus pi over a year. 140 00:16:20,200 --> 00:16:23,530 This is energy on this axis. Energy. 141 00:16:23,830 --> 00:16:30,100 This is not. And then we'll have a nice cosine form that looks kind of like this looks kind of like this. 142 00:16:31,450 --> 00:16:35,260 And if you wanted to, you can continue it out periodically further. 143 00:16:35,770 --> 00:16:44,890 But what we're really interested in is the ways within the Bruins zone, one zone from here to here, 144 00:16:45,130 --> 00:16:49,450 because once we go outside of the Brown Zone, we're just reproducing the same waves over and over again. 145 00:16:49,720 --> 00:16:55,180 And if we want different waves, we have to be all the ways within the bronze zone in different from each other. 146 00:16:55,180 --> 00:16:59,170 But once we go outside of the bronze zone, we start repeating things that we've already considered. 147 00:17:00,340 --> 00:17:05,469 Okay. Just a bit of nomenclature, which is which is fairly useful. 148 00:17:05,470 --> 00:17:09,790 May I put it over here? An energy band. Energy. 149 00:17:12,010 --> 00:17:24,010 Banned means one case, one iron state at each. 150 00:17:26,170 --> 00:17:29,650 Each kick in the bronze arm. 151 00:17:36,640 --> 00:17:39,680 So here we've drawn an energy band. 152 00:17:39,700 --> 00:17:43,479 Now, you'll remember this looks a little bit like what we got when we. 153 00:17:43,480 --> 00:17:46,330 When we solved the monotonic harmonic chain. 154 00:17:46,330 --> 00:17:51,970 The vibrations of a single chain of where every atom is exactly the same and every spring is exactly the same. 155 00:17:52,420 --> 00:17:58,959 I last lecture when we when we solved the diatomic chain or the alternating chain, we found that there were two branches of excitations. 156 00:17:58,960 --> 00:18:04,330 There were two normal modes at each k vector K in this direction. 157 00:18:05,350 --> 00:18:09,940 If we had something similar in this picture where there are two eigen states, a low energy one and a high energy one, 158 00:18:11,080 --> 00:18:14,260 we would say that there are two energy bands aligned, one in a high energy band. 159 00:18:14,560 --> 00:18:22,540 We do not use the words acoustic and optical when we're talking about electrons for reasons that will become clear in a moment. 160 00:18:22,780 --> 00:18:31,360 But it is useful to compare this this dispersion to what we got for vibrations, vibrations, 161 00:18:32,410 --> 00:18:43,750 the atomic chain one atomic we had omega squared equals R I guess it was two kappa 162 00:18:43,750 --> 00:18:52,240 over M minus two kappa over m cosine k and I believe it was equivalent to that. 163 00:18:54,350 --> 00:18:58,960 You'll see that the two dispersions look awfully similar, but there is a notable difference. 164 00:18:59,260 --> 00:19:02,620 And the notable difference is that with the shorter equation, 165 00:19:02,620 --> 00:19:07,960 we got e on the left hand side and with the vibrational chain we had omega squared on the left hand side. 166 00:19:08,260 --> 00:19:14,050 The origin of this difference is that the shorter equation, if you think about the time dependent shortening equation, 167 00:19:14,200 --> 00:19:20,080 it has one time derivative, whereas Newton's equations F equals May, the acceleration is two time derivatives. 168 00:19:20,380 --> 00:19:26,290 So that's why we're getting two frequencies over the left hand side, but one only one energy on the right hand side. 169 00:19:26,290 --> 00:19:30,850 When we're thinking about Schrodinger, that actually makes a rather important distinction between the two. 170 00:19:31,240 --> 00:19:42,790 When we had the vibrational chain at low energy, we got linear modes coming in down to zero frequency at zero wave vector in this picture here. 171 00:19:45,940 --> 00:19:49,000 In the in the electrons. 172 00:19:49,030 --> 00:20:00,040 In the case of electrons, if you expand near zero wave vector, it's not minus two T and then low substituted for small wave vector k a squared 173 00:20:00,040 --> 00:20:07,870 over two like this we see that we get to see here what we get is constant, 174 00:20:08,920 --> 00:20:11,920 which I'm not interested in plus k. 175 00:20:11,920 --> 00:20:19,480 A. Squared times t. It is quadratic at low energy, as you would expect from a cosine. 176 00:20:19,870 --> 00:20:24,580 And that is why we do not use the word acoustic for these low energy modes for vibrations. 177 00:20:24,730 --> 00:20:31,629 Acoustic modes, by definition, sound modes have linear dispersion that the frequency should be proportional to wave vector. 178 00:20:31,630 --> 00:20:35,770 That's the definition of sound. So here is quadratic. 179 00:20:35,770 --> 00:20:42,640 So we don't call it acoustic and we don't call it optical either if there is higher energy brand branches. 180 00:20:42,970 --> 00:20:52,000 But this this picture of the energy being quadratic in wave vector should be fairly familiar to you from other contexts. 181 00:20:52,330 --> 00:20:59,440 For example, if you have a free electron free electrons, an electron in outer space flying around or something, 182 00:21:00,670 --> 00:21:07,480 it's energy is some constant plus h bar squared k squared over two m. 183 00:21:09,000 --> 00:21:15,120 K squared over to our right. It is also quadratic in in k. 184 00:21:15,120 --> 00:21:21,960 You might choose C to be zero if you wanted to, or you could choose it to be M.C. squared if you're thinking about it's mass energy as well. 185 00:21:23,950 --> 00:21:30,230 But the important thing is that it's quadratic and in a way vector the same as this electron over here. 186 00:21:30,240 --> 00:21:36,270 So it might be useful for us to sort of think in terms of free electrons for a second. 187 00:21:36,570 --> 00:21:39,900 And so what we do is we define an effective mass. 188 00:21:41,820 --> 00:21:53,640 Effective mass and the star such that h squared over two and a star equals A squared times t. 189 00:21:54,890 --> 00:22:03,410 With this definition. Then for our energy band, for an energy band, for electrons in our energy band, energy band, 190 00:22:04,040 --> 00:22:13,920 we still have energy equals a constant, same constant plus h bar squared k squared over two m star. 191 00:22:15,050 --> 00:22:20,150 It looks just like free electrons is still quadratic in k, at least a small k, 192 00:22:20,480 --> 00:22:25,910 but now it's an effective mass m star rather than the real physical mass of the electron. 193 00:22:25,910 --> 00:22:31,340 M okay, now this. You should really think about this for a second. 194 00:22:31,610 --> 00:22:39,170 The effective mass that we're getting here in this tight binding chain that we're solving has nothing to do with the actual mass of the electron. 195 00:22:39,530 --> 00:22:44,330 It actually has to do with the hopping between nuclei for greater hopping. 196 00:22:44,600 --> 00:22:48,620 The mass gets smaller for smaller hopping, the mass gets larger. 197 00:22:49,160 --> 00:22:52,180 I think. And so it has. 198 00:22:52,290 --> 00:22:57,730 It's totally unrelated to the to the actual physical mass of the electron. 199 00:22:57,940 --> 00:23:03,850 You will find sample systems, actual physical systems, metals or whatnot, 200 00:23:04,060 --> 00:23:13,450 where the mass is 100 times less than the physical mass of the electron or 100 or a thousand times more than the physical mass of the electron. 201 00:23:13,570 --> 00:23:20,770 Although it's not uncommon to have effective masses in real materials which are on the order of the actual mass of the physical electron. 202 00:23:21,370 --> 00:23:28,480 The other thing to keep in mind here is that the K we're talking about in the energy band is not momentum, but is crystal momentum. 203 00:23:30,270 --> 00:23:31,830 Crystal momentum or. 204 00:23:34,520 --> 00:23:47,120 Or Bar-Kays Christian momentum if you put the H brian which means only that we are only defining our momentum modulo the crystal wave vector, 205 00:23:47,180 --> 00:23:53,960 the reciprocal lattice wave vector to pi over a If I shifted everything by two pi over a, I get back the same physical wave. 206 00:23:54,170 --> 00:23:59,690 So it is slightly different from the free electron waves that were that we are familiar with. 207 00:24:01,070 --> 00:24:04,490 The last thing that I want to emphasise here are the Eigen states. 208 00:24:05,660 --> 00:24:11,390 I can states our waves, our plane waves are just waves. 209 00:24:12,440 --> 00:24:13,790 Now why is that interesting? 210 00:24:16,170 --> 00:24:25,200 It means that I can take an electron and if I put it in some state here, it's sort of a left, a right moving wave at right moving wave. 211 00:24:25,200 --> 00:24:34,320 And in that right moving wave extends clear across the system is in the IK an our form of the wave which I guess scrolled off the top of the board. 212 00:24:34,590 --> 00:24:40,049 But it's a plane way that goes clear across the system and that might be surprising for a second. 213 00:24:40,050 --> 00:24:43,560 Y Well, remember, when we when we studied Sommerfeld theory, 214 00:24:43,560 --> 00:24:49,740 there was this issue that the scattering length of electrons in SA seemed unreasonably long. 215 00:24:49,920 --> 00:24:53,880 You have all these nuclei with positive charges and they're all over the place. 216 00:24:53,970 --> 00:24:56,970 Every few angstroms you run into a nucleus with a positive charge, 217 00:24:57,120 --> 00:25:02,640 and yet the electron has a scattering light that can be 100 angstroms, 1000 angstroms or a million angstroms long. 218 00:25:03,120 --> 00:25:10,260 Now here we have a model where we have lots of nuclei lined up periodically, one after the other, after the other, after the other. 219 00:25:10,470 --> 00:25:15,720 And the electron hops from one to the next to the next next and makes a wave that goes clear across the system. 220 00:25:15,840 --> 00:25:23,550 No scattering at all. You would observe this as a perfectly good wave packet going entirely across the system without back scattering one bit. 221 00:25:23,880 --> 00:25:30,870 So that's our first surprising result, and we're going to come back to that result very frequently later on in the term. 222 00:25:31,650 --> 00:25:39,610 Is everyone fairly happy with that? It is, yes. Well, there's lots of other things that we haven't accounted for. 223 00:25:39,640 --> 00:25:43,840 For example, I can we haven't talked about it. It could scatter into other electrons. 224 00:25:43,870 --> 00:25:47,110 So that's actually in fact, that's something we're not going to discuss all term, 225 00:25:47,380 --> 00:25:53,800 because the reason you can ignore scattering against other electrons is actually extremely subtle and you probably won't even learn it next year. 226 00:25:53,980 --> 00:25:57,700 It wasn't understood properly until probably the 1980s or even later. 227 00:25:59,500 --> 00:26:03,460 And it was it wasn't understood at all. Not even one little bit until the 1950s. 228 00:26:03,790 --> 00:26:06,810 So that's a really tough question. But there's other things you can scatter. 229 00:26:06,820 --> 00:26:12,570 There's impurities. So crystals aren't perfect. There's other junk in it and there's vibrations. 230 00:26:12,580 --> 00:26:19,450 So you can have an electron moving along and they can hit a vibrational a phonon and scatter off of a phone on as well. 231 00:26:19,460 --> 00:26:24,250 So to find a temperature, there's electron phonon scattering is frequently the limiting process. 232 00:26:24,910 --> 00:26:30,310 Okay, good, good question. I give you another chocolate, but you already have one. 233 00:26:31,000 --> 00:26:38,920 Okay. So we're going to do an exercise we did before counting counting states. 234 00:26:40,000 --> 00:26:44,980 We did this for when we counted normal nodes in our vibrational chain. 235 00:26:46,240 --> 00:26:51,790 So. Well, we have n nuclei. Nuclei we have. 236 00:26:51,880 --> 00:26:57,610 So that means the length of our system is and times a and if the length of the system is in times a, 237 00:26:57,640 --> 00:27:04,450 the case we are allowed must be of the form two pi over l times p, where p p is an integer. 238 00:27:05,740 --> 00:27:09,310 An integer. You guys are familiar with that, that notation integer. 239 00:27:09,340 --> 00:27:24,249 Yeah. Okay, good. P is integer. So the number of different keys, different case is equal to the range of k's that are different, 240 00:27:24,250 --> 00:27:30,490 which is two pi over a the branch zone from here to here divided by the spacing between the adjacent case, 241 00:27:30,820 --> 00:27:36,850 which is two pi over L which is l over a which is n not surprising. 242 00:27:37,120 --> 00:27:42,850 The number of different k's were allowed in the brian zone is equal to the number of unit cells in the entire system. 243 00:27:43,820 --> 00:27:47,660 In this case, it's easy to understand that in a different way. 244 00:27:47,900 --> 00:27:51,140 We started with a bunch of cats. 245 00:27:51,380 --> 00:27:56,120 M They were end of them and enemies and orbitals. 246 00:27:56,480 --> 00:28:02,510 These were sitting on our nuclei in nucleus one, nucleus two, nucleus three and so forth. 247 00:28:02,960 --> 00:28:05,990 And then we diagnosed our Hamiltonian and we get iron states. 248 00:28:06,710 --> 00:28:10,970 K And there are unsurprisingly there are end of them and eigen states. 249 00:28:12,470 --> 00:28:16,459 We had an M and Big N by a big A matrix and we analysed it. 250 00:28:16,460 --> 00:28:22,250 We got eigenvalues and Eigen states. Okay, so you put in end state, you get out and states. 251 00:28:23,180 --> 00:28:31,579 One other piece of nomenclature which is fairly useful here, which is this energy scale here, 252 00:28:31,580 --> 00:28:37,070 which I guess for our last caller it off the top, it's actually 40. 253 00:28:39,860 --> 00:28:44,069 C where was it? Yeah. 254 00:28:44,070 --> 00:28:53,010 So it's a two times the cosine. The cosine two times the cosine is the, the range and cosine goes from plus 1 to -1. 255 00:28:53,010 --> 00:28:58,980 So the total range from Emacs is Emacs here as in in here. 256 00:28:59,910 --> 00:29:06,720 I'm in here. So. Emacs. 257 00:29:07,830 --> 00:29:13,560 Emacs minus im in is known as the bandwidth. 258 00:29:16,030 --> 00:29:20,530 With which in this case is 40. 259 00:29:22,010 --> 00:29:26,390 Okay. Now, what do we what what is the bandwidth depend on? 260 00:29:26,630 --> 00:29:31,880 It depends on how much hopping you have. The more hopping you have, the bigger the bandwidth. 261 00:29:32,180 --> 00:29:35,300 So let's actually draw a little picture here. 262 00:29:35,960 --> 00:29:40,790 What does the bandwidth actually depend on? What is what is t depend on? 263 00:29:41,390 --> 00:29:43,160 Well, the thing we had at our disposal, 264 00:29:43,160 --> 00:29:52,070 the thing we could change was the lattice constant a the distance between the nuclei as the distance between the nuclei goes up, 265 00:29:52,430 --> 00:29:56,390 the hopping naturally goes down. It's harder to hop over a longer distance. 266 00:29:56,720 --> 00:30:01,550 So t goes up, goes up, going this way. 267 00:30:02,980 --> 00:30:06,520 Good people happy with that. Okay. And then energy is going to be this way. 268 00:30:07,600 --> 00:30:17,440 And then we can draw a picture that kind of looks like this. We start with a bunch of atoms, all having eigen states with energy e atomic. 269 00:30:18,910 --> 00:30:22,899 When the atoms are very far apart, they all have the same, the same energy. 270 00:30:22,900 --> 00:30:29,140 The electron can sit here, it can sit here, it can sit on any one of the atoms and its energy is always e atomic. 271 00:30:29,320 --> 00:30:33,640 And there are and eigen states, and I guess it can. 272 00:30:35,390 --> 00:30:42,830 Sit on any one of the N atoms. Now, as we bring the atoms closer together, as we bring nuclei closer together. 273 00:30:43,580 --> 00:30:51,200 T is going to increase and we're going to get a band that goes from Imean to Emacs here. 274 00:30:51,380 --> 00:30:56,350 And there will be eigen states within this range between Imen and iMac. 275 00:30:56,360 --> 00:31:01,820 So you pick any energy between Imean in Emacs and there will be some eigen states there. 276 00:31:02,900 --> 00:31:10,010 So any energy between here and here, there will always be some k which has an state at that, at that energy. 277 00:31:10,380 --> 00:31:14,490 Now, this will actually look a little bit familiar. From. 278 00:31:16,840 --> 00:31:23,260 From when we studied the covalent bond. When we studied the covalent bond, we had two atoms with energy. 279 00:31:23,650 --> 00:31:28,660 When the electrons sat on one, nuclear energy was inside. And when we sat on the other nucleus, this energy was inside. 280 00:31:28,900 --> 00:31:32,890 Then we brought them together and we got an anti bonding orbital anti bond, 281 00:31:33,280 --> 00:31:41,350 and we got a bonding orbital bond down here, one lower and one higher than the original energies. 282 00:31:41,620 --> 00:31:48,310 And that's exactly what we have over here. We have a whole bunch of orbitals, all with the same energy. 283 00:31:48,430 --> 00:31:49,389 We bring them together, 284 00:31:49,390 --> 00:31:58,030 we allow the electron to hop back and forth and some of the energies go down and some of the energies go up and it spreads out into into a bath. 285 00:31:58,450 --> 00:32:01,510 Could that make sense? Yes, hopefully. 286 00:32:02,320 --> 00:32:10,060 So the spreading into a band is coming from the the hopping of the electron back and forth. 287 00:32:11,590 --> 00:32:20,090 So. Right. So let's imagine now that we have not just a single electron that we want to consider, 288 00:32:20,090 --> 00:32:28,000 but we have many electrons that we want to consider since we had any possible case dates. 289 00:32:30,310 --> 00:32:36,740 Case dates. But each case date, each case can have two spins. 290 00:32:37,100 --> 00:32:41,900 It can have spin up or spin down. 291 00:32:42,830 --> 00:32:53,180 That means there's two. And total electrons can fit can fit in band. 292 00:32:57,780 --> 00:33:01,230 So we fill up all the states. You can fill them up with either spin up or spin down. 293 00:33:01,410 --> 00:33:05,160 So we can have a total of two n electrons fitting in that band. 294 00:33:05,670 --> 00:33:15,210 So let's first consider a we are going to put this maybe here monovalent monovalent atom. 295 00:33:17,940 --> 00:33:21,300 Which has one electron per nucleus. 296 00:33:23,430 --> 00:33:38,280 So that will give us a total of nine electrons total and electrons total and that half fills the band, half filled band. 297 00:33:41,930 --> 00:33:49,070 Okay. So if we have an electron's total or one electron per atom, we will fill up the band. 298 00:33:50,200 --> 00:33:53,540 Halfway. Up to here. 299 00:33:53,840 --> 00:33:58,700 And this is filled now with both spin up and spin down electrons. 300 00:34:00,190 --> 00:34:06,810 Right now, this picture of a half filled band, half filled down. 301 00:34:11,380 --> 00:34:14,760 It has some interesting properties. The first thing. 302 00:34:15,240 --> 00:34:24,030 One, it has a Fermi surface has a Fermi surface surface. 303 00:34:26,040 --> 00:34:31,470 With that Fermi surface, Fermi surface is this point here where the filled states meet the empty states. 304 00:34:31,770 --> 00:34:34,860 And this point here where the fill states meet the empty state. 305 00:34:34,880 --> 00:34:35,610 So there are just two. 306 00:34:36,000 --> 00:34:44,110 Since it's one dimensional, it's actually just two Fermi points, two points where where you have the highest energy filled state. 307 00:34:44,110 --> 00:34:48,510 And that is an empty state nearby because since it has a Fermi surface, 308 00:34:49,620 --> 00:34:53,849 it is possible to make low energy excitations by taking some electron from 309 00:34:53,850 --> 00:34:58,230 just below the Fermi surface and exciting it to just above the Fermi surface. 310 00:34:58,530 --> 00:35:05,519 Okay. And that means that the heat capacity is going to be proportional to t like we calculated 311 00:35:05,520 --> 00:35:09,300 in the Sommerfeld theory because you can make as many low energy excitations. 312 00:35:09,690 --> 00:35:19,460 Well, you can make lots of low energy excitations with no problem. Maybe less obvious to is that this is a metal, it conducts electricity. 313 00:35:19,880 --> 00:35:22,970 So that is maybe a little bit harder to imagine. 314 00:35:23,150 --> 00:35:30,740 But let's think about it for a second. Here, what we have is we have over here we have right moving electrons. 315 00:35:30,740 --> 00:35:38,090 Maybe I'll label them the sense this one these guys over here have positive k h bar-kays to the right. 316 00:35:38,390 --> 00:35:45,350 So these are right movers. Right movers over here on this side of the diagram. 317 00:35:45,650 --> 00:35:50,660 And over here, we have left the movers. Left movers over on this side. 318 00:35:51,140 --> 00:35:53,630 So positive versus negative momentum. 319 00:35:55,430 --> 00:36:05,060 And if we if we apply an electric field with very little energy cost, we can take some of the electrons from over here and move them to over here. 320 00:36:05,570 --> 00:36:10,970 We can overpopulate the right hand side by a little bit and underpopulated the left hand side by a little bit. 321 00:36:11,060 --> 00:36:13,400 It costs you only very little energy to do so. 322 00:36:13,580 --> 00:36:23,900 Just shift the Fermi surface just a little bit and then you have a net current so metal can shift Fermi surface. 323 00:36:26,090 --> 00:36:32,510 For me surface. And get current. 324 00:36:38,010 --> 00:36:43,260 In fact, the way the way it actually happens is that you should really think about it. 325 00:36:43,260 --> 00:36:49,409 You apply an electric field and each electron state accelerates a little bit in one direction. 326 00:36:49,410 --> 00:36:58,590 So each electron changes its momentum a little bit until these guys get overpopulated, these guys get underpopulated, and then you have a net current. 327 00:36:59,820 --> 00:37:07,740 So this is indeed a metal. And indeed it's very, very frequently the case that monovalent atoms are metals. 328 00:37:08,340 --> 00:37:19,140 Often, I mean, a simple picture should always be true, but often monovalent monovalent materials. 329 00:37:22,270 --> 00:37:29,320 Our metals. Now further. 330 00:37:30,610 --> 00:37:39,590 Let us come back over here to the case, to this picture, and imagine what happens when we have fill the band. 331 00:37:40,110 --> 00:37:47,360 So we're going to take this band. We're going to half fill it. Now, we filled these dates here and we've left these dates up here empty. 332 00:37:47,510 --> 00:37:55,370 So this is a Hatfield band. Now, this is very similar to the covalent bond, 333 00:37:55,670 --> 00:38:05,450 that there is a lower net energy when the electrons can localise between the two nuclei because they're filling only the bonding orbital. 334 00:38:05,660 --> 00:38:11,990 And as long as you don't have to fill the anti bonding orbital. So here when you start letting the electrons hop back and forth, 335 00:38:12,320 --> 00:38:18,560 they can lower their energy compared to this energy that they started with, this atomic energy they started with. 336 00:38:18,770 --> 00:38:25,760 So there's a attractive force between the nuclei trying to get them closer together, trying to make the hopping much greater. 337 00:38:25,970 --> 00:38:31,990 So that is what's forming the metallic bond between forms. 338 00:38:32,780 --> 00:38:46,189 Metallic bond. Metallic bond between the nuclei is very, very similar to the covalent bond by letting the the electrons d localise, 339 00:38:46,190 --> 00:38:54,560 by letting them reduce their kinetic energy, by spreading out their wave function, it forms a bonding force that holds the nuclei together. 340 00:38:55,460 --> 00:39:01,280 Now, in this very simple picture, we have the same problem that we had when we started the covalent bond. 341 00:39:01,580 --> 00:39:06,139 That by this picture, you would expect that the nuclei would be happier and happier and happier as they 342 00:39:06,140 --> 00:39:10,160 got closer and closer together and everything would go down to zero distance. 343 00:39:10,400 --> 00:39:14,720 And that's not true, because some of our approximations start to break down. 344 00:39:15,020 --> 00:39:21,499 One of our approximations that this starts to break down is that we assumed orthogonal orbitals that simplifying assumption, 345 00:39:21,500 --> 00:39:25,280 that that assumption that we started with another. So that's going to break down. 346 00:39:25,280 --> 00:39:29,030 Another thing that breaks down is we forgot about the nuclear nuclear interaction, 347 00:39:29,240 --> 00:39:35,510 which is more or less similar to the covalent bond case, is more or less cancelled by the direct interaction. 348 00:39:35,690 --> 00:39:41,590 But when the nuclei start to get very close to each other, that cancellation is no good anymore and the nuclei start to repel. 349 00:39:41,600 --> 00:39:47,360 So they're not going to get infinitely close anymore. But roughly, this is what causes the bonding in metals. 350 00:39:47,360 --> 00:39:54,050 It's allowing the the electrons to spread out over many, over many atoms and lower their kinetic energy. 351 00:39:54,440 --> 00:39:57,950 Okay. Happy. Okay, good. 352 00:39:58,370 --> 00:40:03,710 So. We can now consider a more general case of dive in one's atoms. 353 00:40:04,460 --> 00:40:07,790 Die valence atoms? I guess not more general. 354 00:40:07,790 --> 00:40:11,300 This is just a different case. Diving into atoms like maybe helium. 355 00:40:11,750 --> 00:40:21,460 Helium has two electrons. In this case we have two and electrons and two and eigen states we can fill. 356 00:40:23,450 --> 00:40:27,580 So we get an entirely filled down. Filled then. 357 00:40:30,110 --> 00:40:32,480 Well, okay, what happens then. Let's go back to this picture. 358 00:40:34,070 --> 00:40:41,600 So now with the DI valent material, we completely fill this band and we completely fill like this. 359 00:40:41,750 --> 00:40:47,690 Everything is filled. In this case, the fill band has is very boring. 360 00:40:47,690 --> 00:40:51,560 The fill band is inert, filled and maybe inert. 361 00:40:54,080 --> 00:41:01,500 Why is it a nerd? Well. When you think about can absorb, can, is it possible for the filled band to absorb any energy? 362 00:41:01,770 --> 00:41:05,060 And the answer is no. It can't absorb any energy because all the states are already filled. 363 00:41:05,070 --> 00:41:10,380 You can't transfer an electron back and forth from one state to another in order to give it energy or take it away. 364 00:41:10,590 --> 00:41:15,810 All the states are filled is a unique state. There is nothing that can be moved around, cannot carry current. 365 00:41:16,020 --> 00:41:20,310 It can't carry current because you can't change the number of left movers versus right movers. 366 00:41:20,550 --> 00:41:24,180 They're all filled. So it has no heat capacity. 367 00:41:24,540 --> 00:41:35,160 No heat capacity carries no current carries, no current. 368 00:41:38,040 --> 00:41:50,879 And it also has no metallic bonding. And this is, again, very similar to what we had in the case of the other heat, 369 00:41:50,880 --> 00:41:56,220 when we consider the possible bonding between this helium atom, between two helium atoms. 370 00:41:56,220 --> 00:42:00,660 If you have to fill the bonding orbital and the anti bonding orbital, you don't gain any energy. 371 00:42:01,050 --> 00:42:08,280 So here, if we have a fill ban, you had to you fill the lower energy states, but you had to fill the higher energy states too. 372 00:42:08,490 --> 00:42:15,000 So it does not gain you anything to have the the hopping go up anymore. 373 00:42:16,110 --> 00:42:19,920 Okay. So how are we doing? 374 00:42:21,060 --> 00:42:29,760 Okay. Good. So as in the case of the vibrational change that we studied earlier this week, 375 00:42:30,000 --> 00:42:35,940 you can also have a situation where not every atom or not every orbital you're considering is the same. 376 00:42:36,240 --> 00:42:45,000 So let's now consider a case where there are two orbitals, two different orbitals per unit cell, 377 00:42:46,020 --> 00:42:51,720 and this can kill can can occur in two different ways or several different ways. 378 00:42:51,750 --> 00:42:57,510 One possible way is that you have two different atoms in the unit cell and they have different types of orbitals in them, 379 00:42:57,510 --> 00:43:00,360 sort of a sodium in a chlorine atom or something like that in a new cell. 380 00:43:00,630 --> 00:43:06,360 Another possible case is you have one atom but two different orbitals on that atom, 381 00:43:06,360 --> 00:43:10,890 like an orbital and a p orbital or a1s orbital and a two orbital that you want to consider. 382 00:43:11,370 --> 00:43:22,680 So without actually solving this problem in in detail, I can show you what the, what the spectrum looks like, what the dispersion looks like. 383 00:43:23,040 --> 00:43:31,650 It's very similar to the case of the vibrational chain. So here's K, here's pi over a year, minus pi over A, here's E. 384 00:43:34,650 --> 00:43:42,270 And you get a low energy band. Analogous to the acoustic mode that we got in the vibrational chain. 385 00:43:42,270 --> 00:43:49,440 And you get a high energy band analogous to the optical mode that we had in the vibrational technology that is supposed to look symmetric. 386 00:43:49,740 --> 00:43:57,690 Apologise about that. So now we have two energy bands, a lower energy band and a higher energy band. 387 00:43:57,930 --> 00:43:59,100 We can also, if we want. 388 00:43:59,100 --> 00:44:12,060 This is the reduced zone scheme, reduced zone scheme, and we can also draw it in the extended zone scheme which which I'll do over here actually. 389 00:44:16,720 --> 00:44:25,100 Yeah. Extended zone scheme. Zone scheme. 390 00:44:26,270 --> 00:44:29,870 We could draw the same thing, which would look kind of like this. 391 00:44:30,770 --> 00:44:35,120 K. E. Here's pi over a. 392 00:44:38,190 --> 00:44:45,540 Here is minus pi over a year to pi over a year minus two pi over a and the 393 00:44:45,540 --> 00:44:54,599 idea of extended zone scheme is to spread out the bands into two boron zones. 394 00:44:54,600 --> 00:45:02,750 So this is the first zone, first busy here and the second is out here and out here. 395 00:45:02,760 --> 00:45:07,410 Second to busy and here. Let's see. 396 00:45:08,170 --> 00:45:15,479 Okay. So all I did was I took. This piece and move over here by two pi over in this piece and moved over here 397 00:45:15,480 --> 00:45:20,520 by two pi over a such at each possible k there's only one one excitation. 398 00:45:22,390 --> 00:45:27,040 And in either case, this is supposed to line up right at the at the brand's own boundaries. 399 00:45:27,040 --> 00:45:30,970 Gap comes in here. This gap comes in here at the bronze zone boundary. 400 00:45:31,450 --> 00:45:35,050 Notice that there's a gap right at the zone boundary. 401 00:45:35,290 --> 00:45:38,800 And it's not coincidental that if you sort of put this together and squint your eyes, 402 00:45:39,100 --> 00:45:43,900 this looks like one overall parabola that a free electron might have, 403 00:45:44,080 --> 00:45:51,160 but you've opened up gaps at the zone boundary, and we'll explain why that is later on in the term. 404 00:45:51,400 --> 00:45:58,000 Now, one thing that you might consider here is suppose suppose the unit sell. 405 00:45:59,860 --> 00:46:05,890 Unit sell has three electrons, has three electrons in it. 406 00:46:06,670 --> 00:46:15,940 Well, then what happens? Then you fill up the entire lower band with both spin up and spin down electrons, 407 00:46:16,240 --> 00:46:23,630 and you have half of the upper band filled to here and half of the upper band here is filled. 408 00:46:24,580 --> 00:46:27,940 Half of the upper bands may fill the lower band and he filled half of the upper band. 409 00:46:28,360 --> 00:46:31,750 Well, you'll notice that we have a entirely filled lower band. 410 00:46:32,050 --> 00:46:35,380 The lower band is inert. Lower band is inert. 411 00:46:38,920 --> 00:46:46,660 And we only need to worry if we're thinking about transport properties or heat properties that, you know, specific heat capacity, something like that. 412 00:46:46,870 --> 00:46:50,290 We only have to worry about the upper band because the lower band is completely inert, 413 00:46:50,470 --> 00:46:55,390 at least unless you give it an enormous energy to excite things out of the lower bound and up to the upper band. 414 00:46:55,720 --> 00:46:58,450 Very high energy because these gaps are typically very large. 415 00:47:00,040 --> 00:47:05,440 You can just ignore the lower band altogether and only worry about the electrons in the upper band. 416 00:47:05,740 --> 00:47:11,800 But this is actually this is actually the answer to one of those questions, one of these puzzles that we wrote down earlier in the term. 417 00:47:12,920 --> 00:47:19,740 And the puzzle from earlier in the term was why is it that you sometimes don't have to worry about core electrons? 418 00:47:19,780 --> 00:47:26,030 If electrons are in core orbitals, why is it you can just throw them away when you're counting electrons for sodium, 419 00:47:26,030 --> 00:47:33,110 you only count one electron per unit per per atom and not 11 electrons per atom when you're trying to calculate the metallic density. 420 00:47:33,350 --> 00:47:39,499 And the reason is because basically those other electrons are completely filling bands and the bands 421 00:47:39,500 --> 00:47:46,370 become inert and just aren't part of the interesting physics like heat capacity and and conduction. 422 00:47:48,290 --> 00:47:54,260 Couple more comments here. So what we've had is that have these important principles. 423 00:47:54,560 --> 00:47:58,080 Is it half filled band? Band is a metal. 424 00:47:58,100 --> 00:48:02,110 Usually a metal. Usually. Medal. 425 00:48:04,430 --> 00:48:11,140 And this is for one electron for unitel or actually any odd number of electrons present itself. 426 00:48:11,800 --> 00:48:16,000 So maybe I'll say odd, odd number of electrons per unit cell, 427 00:48:17,500 --> 00:48:23,560 whereas an even number of electrons buta cell, even number of electrons per unit cell per unit cell. 428 00:48:26,050 --> 00:48:40,600 You might think that this is might or might be be an insulator because you would completely fill bands and then you have just an inert situation. 429 00:48:40,840 --> 00:48:48,190 However, it turns out that there are many, many cases where you have an even number of electrons per unit cell, and yet it's a metal. 430 00:48:48,700 --> 00:48:53,530 And the reason that that can occur is if you have a band structure, it looks as follows. 431 00:48:54,820 --> 00:48:58,790 They have a more complicated band structure that looks like this. 432 00:48:58,840 --> 00:49:03,340 So here's a K, here's pi over a, here's minus pi over a. 433 00:49:04,090 --> 00:49:09,610 And here's the lower band like this. And then imagine that we have an upper band. 434 00:49:10,210 --> 00:49:15,480 It does this. Okay. So it's it's dispersion and more complicated models. 435 00:49:15,480 --> 00:49:22,470 You can have a dispersion that looks like this. In particular, the upper band slips below the top of the lower and the lower band. 436 00:49:22,710 --> 00:49:30,810 So if I have two electrons per unit cell, in fact you could fill the entire lower band. 437 00:49:31,020 --> 00:49:36,270 But it's lower energy. To partially fill this band and partially fill. 438 00:49:37,710 --> 00:49:41,340 This ban. And that would that would make up your two electrons per unit. 439 00:49:41,340 --> 00:49:45,150 So instead of entirely filling the lower band and leaving these states empty. 440 00:49:45,360 --> 00:49:49,590 In that case, you have to partially fill bands instead of one completely filled bands. 441 00:49:49,800 --> 00:49:55,680 And since you have to partially fill bands, you then have low energy excitations here and low energy excitations here. 442 00:49:55,950 --> 00:49:59,790 And so this thing actually becomes a metal. So there are lots of cases of that. 443 00:49:59,820 --> 00:50:05,010 Things like calcium has calcium is a metal, even though it has two electrons per unit itself. 444 00:50:05,160 --> 00:50:09,450 And it's exactly this physics that's occurring. The two bands are actually crossing an energy. 445 00:50:09,630 --> 00:50:13,200 So instead of completely filling one band, you have to partially fill bands. 446 00:50:14,370 --> 00:50:17,760 Okay, I think maybe I better stop there and I see you, I guess tomorrow.