1 00:00:00,630 --> 00:00:08,700 This is now the 10th lecture of the condensed matter, of course. When we left off last time, we were talking about lattices in three dimensions, 2 00:00:08,940 --> 00:00:18,060 and we covered the simple cubic lattice or primitive cubic lattice, and we've moved on to the body centred, body centred, cubic body centred. 3 00:00:20,460 --> 00:00:33,900 Cubic lattice or BTC or cubic dash I and we have a picture of that the conventional unit sell the body centred cubic lattice look something like this. 4 00:00:34,350 --> 00:00:40,290 There is one point shared among all of the eight corners, one eight times eight of them, 5 00:00:40,470 --> 00:00:45,090 and then one in the centre of the conventional cell making two lattice points. 6 00:00:45,090 --> 00:00:52,739 In the conventional cell you can look at the thing from above and in this plan view scheme where you label all of the heights appropriately. 7 00:00:52,740 --> 00:01:01,320 So this point here corresponds to this point here and it says unlabelled points are at height zero and a so this point is at height zero and height. 8 00:01:01,680 --> 00:01:06,840 A Now if you actually put atoms at the lattice points of the body centred cubic lattice, 9 00:01:07,050 --> 00:01:14,550 you notice that you pack the spheres fairly efficiently, you fill the hole that you would have had if it was just a simple cubic lattice. 10 00:01:14,790 --> 00:01:20,790 And because of that, this is a much more common arrangement for atoms, lots of elements sodium, 11 00:01:20,790 --> 00:01:25,620 lithium ion, potassium, all take body centre cubic lattice configurations. 12 00:01:27,250 --> 00:01:32,040 It's obvious from this picture that the coordination number, the number of nearest neighbours is eight. 13 00:01:32,190 --> 00:01:37,080 If you think about the sphere in the centre, it has obviously four neighbours on top and four neighbours on bottom, 14 00:01:37,350 --> 00:01:45,419 making a total coordination number of eight. It may not be obvious to you that every point in this lattice is equivalent to each other. 15 00:01:45,420 --> 00:01:49,680 That's one of our definitions of a lattice that every lattice point should have the same environment. 16 00:01:50,250 --> 00:01:58,040 But so we'll look at this picture here. When I see this, this sphere here is obviously in the centre of the yellow outline cube. 17 00:01:58,040 --> 00:02:05,510 But if we take one of the yellow, one of the corners of the yellow outline cube like that one, it is also in the centre of another cube. 18 00:02:05,540 --> 00:02:10,590 So each sphere thinks that they're inside at you. 19 00:02:10,850 --> 00:02:14,480 So every sphere, every point of the lattice is equivalent. 20 00:02:14,780 --> 00:02:20,690 That may not be a sufficiently convincing argument to convince you that the BC is actually a lattice. 21 00:02:20,930 --> 00:02:28,190 So what we should do is we should write down the lattice vectors, minus vectors, 22 00:02:28,190 --> 00:02:38,750 which we'll write as u v w times the lattice constant a with the following possibilities. 23 00:02:39,140 --> 00:02:42,200 Possibility one either with either. 24 00:02:45,290 --> 00:02:48,320 Possibility one all. 25 00:02:50,360 --> 00:02:59,690 What? She says lots of things that come out in the sound is falling out. 26 00:03:00,770 --> 00:03:04,209 Can you. Can you. Something's. 27 00:03:04,210 --> 00:03:07,480 Something's gone. Gone wrong. Can. Can someone back there fixing it? 28 00:03:07,630 --> 00:03:13,880 Is the other microphone. Or should I just be quite happy with this? 29 00:03:18,270 --> 00:03:22,230 No idea. Maybe. Maybe we kill the sound, and then I'll just yell. 30 00:03:22,500 --> 00:03:25,590 Is that better? Can someone work it? 31 00:03:26,130 --> 00:03:29,430 Yeah. No. I mean, there should be someone back there. 32 00:03:29,430 --> 00:03:32,770 Who's. Who's. There's not someone back there. No. 33 00:03:33,730 --> 00:03:37,420 I have no idea. It's just. Just keep going and see if we can suffer through it for a while. 34 00:03:37,750 --> 00:03:41,409 Someone that's the person's back is back there is fixing it. 35 00:03:41,410 --> 00:03:44,620 Okay, so hopefully this will get fixed. Stop me if it doesn't. 36 00:03:44,900 --> 00:03:48,970 Okay. Anyway. You can read, you can still read if even you can't hear. 37 00:03:50,330 --> 00:03:53,719 So we're going to we're going to write down the lattice vectors as you've RW times 38 00:03:53,720 --> 00:04:04,730 a with either all of the you VW integers and the integer case corresponds to. 39 00:04:04,830 --> 00:04:09,110 Well if you look in this and the conventional unit cell it's the corners of the unit cell. 40 00:04:09,110 --> 00:04:13,880 So this one has coordinate 100, this one has 110 and so forth and so on. 41 00:04:14,270 --> 00:04:25,760 The other possibility is you, BMW, you the W all half odd integers, half odd integers, 42 00:04:27,560 --> 00:04:32,480 integers, and by half odd I mean one half, three has five halfs and so forth. 43 00:04:32,690 --> 00:04:38,569 And that corresponds to the, the, the lattice points in the centre of the cube. 44 00:04:38,570 --> 00:04:43,400 For example, this point here would have coordinates one half, one half, one half. 45 00:04:43,880 --> 00:04:48,650 So this one would be one half, one half, one half. This one would be one half, three half, one half and so forth and so on. 46 00:04:49,130 --> 00:04:54,110 Now we should check to make one of our definitions of lattice vectors of, 47 00:04:54,110 --> 00:04:58,839 of a lattice that we should be able to add any two lattice vectors together and get another lattice vector. 48 00:04:58,840 --> 00:05:04,190 It should be a closed set under addition. So we should check. Well, if we add integers to integers, we get back to integers. 49 00:05:04,190 --> 00:05:08,900 So that's good. If we add integers to half odd integers, we get back half odd integers. 50 00:05:08,930 --> 00:05:13,190 So that's good. If we add half on integers to half on integers, we get back integers. 51 00:05:13,490 --> 00:05:17,420 So it's going to work either way. Add any of these to each other, you'll get back to something. 52 00:05:17,420 --> 00:05:21,020 It's either this kind or this time. So that's that's good. So that makes this a lattice. 53 00:05:22,520 --> 00:05:25,820 So let's see. Here we go. There we go. 54 00:05:26,210 --> 00:05:32,960 It's. It's useful to write down the primitive lattice vectors elves for this lattice, 55 00:05:34,400 --> 00:05:47,570 which we can take to be 100 times a010 times a and then one half, one half, one half times a. 56 00:05:47,720 --> 00:05:55,250 So let's see that on this on this plot here. So it's 100 times, 010 times and one half, one half, one half times a. 57 00:05:55,520 --> 00:05:58,399 And to convince yourself that these things are primitive lattice vectors, 58 00:05:58,400 --> 00:06:05,180 all we have to do is convince ourselves that you can get to any point of the lattice by adding these together in integer combinations. 59 00:06:05,180 --> 00:06:11,690 So for example, if I wanted to get to this point here, I would take this guy twice, one, two, and then subtract this one. 60 00:06:11,810 --> 00:06:15,590 And that would take me from here to here and I get to this lattice point and you can sort of work out that, 61 00:06:15,860 --> 00:06:22,730 that by adding these together in all integer combinations, you can get eventually to every every lattice point good. 62 00:06:23,180 --> 00:06:27,110 So far, so good. All right, now a warning. 63 00:06:27,500 --> 00:06:35,180 And it's a warning that that everyone in the world should take. Do not make the mistake of calling caesium chloride a body centred cubic lattice. 64 00:06:35,510 --> 00:06:38,720 The rule of a lattice is that every lattice point should look identical. 65 00:06:39,110 --> 00:06:43,370 So there is a point in the middle of the body here, but it's not identical to the other point. 66 00:06:43,370 --> 00:06:49,610 So it's not a body centred cubic lattice, it's a simple cubic lattice with a basis and the basis has two in equivalent atoms, 67 00:06:49,820 --> 00:06:54,200 one is 000, which is caesium, and the other is that one half, one half and half, which is chlorine. 68 00:06:54,200 --> 00:06:58,550 There's a difference. So it's not body centre cubic lattice. You will find books that make this mistake. 69 00:06:58,790 --> 00:07:01,489 This goes beyond difference in nomenclature. It's just wrong. 70 00:07:01,490 --> 00:07:07,850 It is incorrect to call it by central cubic lattice caesium, pure caesium where there is a caesium atom at all of the points here, 71 00:07:07,850 --> 00:07:17,089 even the one in the centre that is a body centred cubic lattice, but you're welcome to call it, you're also allowed to call it body central. 72 00:07:17,090 --> 00:07:26,030 Cubic is the same thing as simple cubic with a basis with basis where the basis 73 00:07:26,420 --> 00:07:32,690 that we're talking about here includes a point at 000 and a point at one half, 74 00:07:32,690 --> 00:07:37,400 one half, one half. Those are equivalent statements. 75 00:07:38,150 --> 00:07:42,379 I suppose the the simpler of the statements is to say it's a body centred cubic lattice, 76 00:07:42,380 --> 00:07:45,380 but you can write a body central cubic lattice is just saying a simple cubic 77 00:07:45,650 --> 00:07:50,809 with a basis including one lattice point at 000 and one last point at one half, 78 00:07:50,810 --> 00:07:53,900 one half, one half good. So far so good. All right. 79 00:07:55,730 --> 00:08:03,740 Now, you might wonder, why is it we're suffering through using a conventional unit cell that has one more one that has two lattice points in it, 80 00:08:03,740 --> 00:08:07,190 instead of using a primitive unit cell that only has one lattice point in it. 81 00:08:07,370 --> 00:08:14,480 Wouldn't that be easier? Is the reason we don't use a primitive, primitive unit cell because the primitive unit cell is kind of ugly looking. 82 00:08:14,720 --> 00:08:21,530 So this is the inner sites, primitive unit cell for the basic lattice and it's a truncated octahedron. 83 00:08:21,530 --> 00:08:25,280 I think it has 14 sides and you can kind of see what's going on here. 84 00:08:25,580 --> 00:08:31,549 This is in the centre of this cube. There's one of the lattice points and here are the eight neighbours which you can see. 85 00:08:31,550 --> 00:08:38,170 All the eight neighbours and the hexagonal faces are the perpendicularly bisecting plains between 86 00:08:38,390 --> 00:08:42,710 the lattice point in the centre of the cube and the last point in the corner of the cube. 87 00:08:43,070 --> 00:08:46,010 The square faces are the perpendicularly bisecting plains. 88 00:08:46,260 --> 00:08:51,360 Between the lattice point in the centre of the cube and the lattice point in the neighbour centre in cube. 89 00:08:51,370 --> 00:08:55,439 So if you go over one cube and you have a lot of points in the centre of that cube 90 00:08:55,440 --> 00:08:58,830 and you make a perpendicular bisecting plane that gives you these square faces, 91 00:08:59,070 --> 00:09:02,700 remember the way you construct the bigger site cells by making perpendicular by sectors. 92 00:09:02,880 --> 00:09:09,480 So you know that everything in space that's closest to the one lattice point in the centre is on the inside of that object. 93 00:09:09,870 --> 00:09:13,860 So it's an ugly shaped object. That's why we don't use primitive unit cells for the BC lattice. 94 00:09:14,250 --> 00:09:18,000 But if you do take these ugly shaped objects, these truncated octahedron, 95 00:09:18,240 --> 00:09:24,840 they will stack together very nicely and tile all the space, filling all the space appropriately as they're supposed to. 96 00:09:26,760 --> 00:09:32,640 There's one more type of lattice that we need to discuss, which is the phase centred cubic lattice. 97 00:09:33,360 --> 00:09:37,260 Phase centred. Centred. 98 00:09:39,330 --> 00:09:45,390 Cubic or FCC or cubic dash f. 99 00:09:48,970 --> 00:09:52,930 You may have noticed I wrote a centred the American way, not the British way. 100 00:09:53,170 --> 00:09:56,230 And the reason I do this is because I did the other way. My brain would explode. 101 00:09:56,530 --> 00:09:59,830 It's just, you know, you get used to doing something one way and that you just can't change. 102 00:10:00,160 --> 00:10:06,550 Either way is correct. So depending on what side of the ocean you're on. So let's see what the face under cubic lattice looks like. 103 00:10:06,880 --> 00:10:11,710 So you start with the simple cubic lattice, the points in the corner of the conventional unit cell. 104 00:10:12,070 --> 00:10:17,540 And then you add one point in the centre of every face, like this one in the centre of this place, 105 00:10:17,540 --> 00:10:22,000 this one of the centre, this face is one of the centre of this face and so forth. How many lattice points are there in the. 106 00:10:27,930 --> 00:10:35,820 So they are going to have to make these harder. 107 00:10:36,060 --> 00:10:41,310 Yes, they are four points in the convention itself. There is to see where the four points are. 108 00:10:41,940 --> 00:10:46,290 Is eight corners, each of which counts one eighth. 109 00:10:47,730 --> 00:10:51,120 So it's one eighth inside the convention itself. 110 00:10:51,360 --> 00:10:57,780 Then there are six bases and the point in the centre of the face is half inside the red cell and half outside the hotel. 111 00:10:58,050 --> 00:11:03,690 So it's six times one half equals four lattice points within the convention itself. 112 00:11:04,080 --> 00:11:08,310 You can also draw the convention itself with this plan view scheme. 113 00:11:09,340 --> 00:11:10,380 Which you know. 114 00:11:10,420 --> 00:11:16,389 So here are the points in the corners, as it says unlabelled points out height zero on a so this point here corresponds to this point here, 115 00:11:16,390 --> 00:11:22,030 which is that height is zero on a you can see the points on this on the halfway up the faces at height 116 00:11:22,030 --> 00:11:26,409 labelled a over two so that's this point this point this point in this point that's this one this one. 117 00:11:26,410 --> 00:11:32,740 This one and this one. And then the one in the centre here is also at height zero on a this one and this one here. 118 00:11:33,220 --> 00:11:42,250 Okay. Now, if you imagine arranging atoms together or spheres together in the FCC lattice configuration, 119 00:11:42,370 --> 00:11:46,149 it is actually the most efficient way that you can possibly pack spheres together. 120 00:11:46,150 --> 00:11:49,390 So if you have a bunch of tennis balls, you're trying to stick them into a box. 121 00:11:49,600 --> 00:11:53,830 The highest density packing of those tennis balls into the box is an FCC lattice. 122 00:11:54,130 --> 00:11:59,560 There are other packages which are equivalently dense, but you're never going to do better than the FCC packing. 123 00:12:00,430 --> 00:12:05,980 We don't study the other types of backings because they don't have orthogonal axes, but they are equivalent to FCC. 124 00:12:06,220 --> 00:12:16,990 In fact, the statement that you can't get a more dense packing of atoms than FCC was conjectured by Kepler in 1611, and it was only proven in 1998. 125 00:12:17,290 --> 00:12:21,160 So it's a very long standing standing theorem, but it turns out to be true. 126 00:12:21,850 --> 00:12:22,659 You can't do any better. 127 00:12:22,660 --> 00:12:30,790 You can't pack more things into a small space if they're spheres, then using FCC lattice because you get so many spheres in a small space. 128 00:12:30,790 --> 00:12:38,919 If you think about atoms trying to track each other, it's a very common it's a very appealing configuration for atoms and so many elements. 129 00:12:38,920 --> 00:12:43,659 Take FCC configurations copper, silver, gold, calcium. 130 00:12:43,660 --> 00:12:54,430 Many others are FCC. Okay, so since there are four atoms per unit cell, we should be able to view the FCC lattice. 131 00:12:54,430 --> 00:12:58,490 As for entropy penetrating simple cubic lattices. 132 00:12:58,510 --> 00:13:03,999 So let's see if we can see that this is an FCC lattice of spheres and this is the red. 133 00:13:04,000 --> 00:13:07,270 I have marked out a simple cubic lattice. This is a simple cube. 134 00:13:07,480 --> 00:13:12,460 It's a little hard to see, but then you can actually pick out if you look very carefully. 135 00:13:12,730 --> 00:13:17,830 There are three other enter penetrating simple cubic lattices which are mixed in here. 136 00:13:18,840 --> 00:13:27,570 And although it may not be completely obvious that the environment of every single sphere is identical to the environment of every other sphere. 137 00:13:27,750 --> 00:13:33,540 Now, since that's not completely obvious, we should do the exercise of actually writing down the lattice vectors. 138 00:13:33,930 --> 00:13:39,059 Lattice vectors? For the FCC. 139 00:13:39,060 --> 00:13:51,940 Gladys and I claim they take the form again. U v w u v w times a where either 1uvw all integer. 140 00:13:55,060 --> 00:14:02,500 And again, that would correspond. Backing up one more that would correspond to the the points in the corners all integers. 141 00:14:02,500 --> 00:14:06,310 So this one is is 100 this is 110 and so forth and so on. 142 00:14:06,870 --> 00:14:14,440 And the other possibility. So you VW where either either possibility one they're all integers or two. 143 00:14:16,420 --> 00:14:20,980 Two of them are half odd. 144 00:14:25,730 --> 00:14:29,240 Integer and one. 145 00:14:32,220 --> 00:14:36,610 Integer. Okay. 146 00:14:37,030 --> 00:14:41,050 So we're going to show that this actually works. But before going on. 147 00:14:41,350 --> 00:14:50,020 So for the one one more chocolate, what is the coordination of the coordination of 12? 148 00:14:51,580 --> 00:14:56,290 Let's actually see on this on this on this plot, why it is the coordination number is is 12. 149 00:14:56,860 --> 00:15:03,070 I'm going to stop asking questions going around that chocolate this way. I'm going have to ask harder questions. 150 00:15:04,000 --> 00:15:08,540 Okay. So if you see the coordination of 12 of the take this sphere here, 151 00:15:08,560 --> 00:15:13,300 the one that's cut in half, it has four neighbours one, two, three, four at the same height. 152 00:15:13,510 --> 00:15:18,010 It has four neighbours at a slightly lower height. Here you can see two of them that are touching it also. 153 00:15:18,190 --> 00:15:22,899 And then if you went to a slightly higher height, the same distance up that these are down, you would have four more. 154 00:15:22,900 --> 00:15:27,460 So it's four at the same height, four slightly lower and four slightly higher, which may not look all that convincing. 155 00:15:27,760 --> 00:15:30,820 But we can show it using this rule. 156 00:15:31,180 --> 00:15:34,510 So this rule would give that to us for free. 157 00:15:34,780 --> 00:15:39,630 The reason we would know this is because if you if you look at this point here. 158 00:15:40,180 --> 00:15:45,310 Well, first of all, let's take a look at this this item two here, two of them half odd integer, one of them integer. 159 00:15:45,580 --> 00:15:48,610 What does that correspond to? That corresponds to somewhere in the middle of the face. 160 00:15:48,850 --> 00:15:52,209 For example, this guy here, he's over one half. 161 00:15:52,210 --> 00:15:57,310 He's back one half, but he's up an integer height. Whereas this guy over here, he's over one half. 162 00:15:57,310 --> 00:16:02,080 He's up one half. But his height is an integer, happens to be his depth is an integer. 163 00:16:02,320 --> 00:16:05,890 This one here is over a half, upper half and is an integer back. 164 00:16:06,190 --> 00:16:10,990 So if it's on a face, it has to have out integers and one integer. 165 00:16:11,000 --> 00:16:15,850 If it's on a corner, it's all integers. Now we can check. 166 00:16:17,020 --> 00:16:18,940 We can check here that again. 167 00:16:18,940 --> 00:16:25,360 We should have the rule that if you add any two things from these sets to each other, you should get back something from this from one of these sets. 168 00:16:25,660 --> 00:16:28,900 So, for example, if you add integers to integers, you get back integers. 169 00:16:29,140 --> 00:16:33,250 If you add integers to half odd integers and one integer, you'll get back in. 170 00:16:33,250 --> 00:16:37,389 The fact that you're adding integers to something doesn't change where there's a half odd integer or an integer, 171 00:16:37,390 --> 00:16:39,250 so you get back something in the set to again. 172 00:16:39,580 --> 00:16:45,160 But what's not obvious is you take two things which have to have all integers in one integer and you add them together. 173 00:16:45,310 --> 00:16:54,580 What do you get? So let's try. So if you have, for example, one half, one half, one, and you add it to three half, one half zero. 174 00:16:54,880 --> 00:16:59,150 So both of these are two of them, half odd integers, one of them integers. 175 00:16:59,160 --> 00:17:04,660 So both of these would be on the face. You get two comma, one, comma, one, which is all integers. 176 00:17:04,660 --> 00:17:17,710 And that's good. But I could have done it differently. You could have had one half, one half, one added to say one half, zero three half, for example. 177 00:17:18,190 --> 00:17:27,040 Then what you get is one comma, one half comma, three halves, and still two of them are half odd integers, and one of them is an integer. 178 00:17:27,280 --> 00:17:29,650 So if you add together two things from set B, 179 00:17:29,890 --> 00:17:36,200 you'll get either something from set that B set to you get either something from set one or something from set two. 180 00:17:36,220 --> 00:17:44,709 So it forms a close set under addition. Now, given that we know that these are the coordinates of the of the vectors in the FCC lattice, 181 00:17:44,710 --> 00:17:48,970 let's see if we can figure out that that coordination number 12 a little more easily. 182 00:17:49,240 --> 00:17:59,170 So let's start with this point here. That's .000 and look for the closest things to 000 closest to 000. 183 00:18:00,430 --> 00:18:03,760 Okay. Well, okay, this guy here, it looks pretty close. 184 00:18:03,970 --> 00:18:10,150 His coordinate is one half, one half, comma, zero. So one half, one half comma zero. 185 00:18:10,150 --> 00:18:17,170 And if that fits the definition of one of the points in the SCC lattice, two of them half identities and one of them integer and it's pretty close. 186 00:18:17,920 --> 00:18:23,260 Can't get any closer. But we could have made this plus or minus and we could have made this plus or minus as well. 187 00:18:23,770 --> 00:18:28,870 Right. Those all fit the definition as well. And we could have put the zero in any of the three spots. 188 00:18:29,170 --> 00:18:38,790 Three possibilities. So we have four possibilities of these plus or minus signs and three possibilities of where we put the zero. 189 00:18:39,000 --> 00:18:42,360 So we get four times three equals 12 is the coordination number. 190 00:18:43,110 --> 00:18:48,570 Okay, good. Okay. All right. 191 00:18:49,230 --> 00:18:56,640 So it's worth also writing down a set of primitive lattice vectors for the FCC lattice. 192 00:18:57,030 --> 00:19:05,250 So, please, for the FCC lattice, a really good example are just the closest vectors are make pretty good POVs. 193 00:19:05,520 --> 00:19:23,700 So one half one half zero times a one half zero one half times a and zero one half one half times a make pretty good primitive lattice vectors. 194 00:19:24,000 --> 00:19:27,960 There they are. And again, to convince yourself that they really are primitive large vectors, 195 00:19:28,170 --> 00:19:33,660 what we have to do is convince ourselves that we can get to every point on the FCC lattice by adding integer combinations of them. 196 00:19:33,930 --> 00:19:39,509 So for example, if we wanted to get to this point here, we would have to add one of each of them. 197 00:19:39,510 --> 00:19:44,520 So with this one, this one plus this one would take us to here. And if we wanted to get to here, we would have to add. 198 00:19:45,030 --> 00:19:48,150 Well, I'm not sure. Yeah, okay. How do you get there? 199 00:19:48,810 --> 00:19:53,700 Two of these and then minus one of these or something. And anyway, so you can play around with it. 200 00:19:53,940 --> 00:19:56,940 It works. You can get there. How do you how do you get here. 201 00:19:58,470 --> 00:20:01,800 Yeah. So we two of these would get you here then you need. 202 00:20:02,310 --> 00:20:05,330 Well, uh. Mm hmm. 203 00:20:05,710 --> 00:20:09,550 Maybe minus one. Yeah, minus one of these, then. Plus one of these. There's something that that will get you there. 204 00:20:09,850 --> 00:20:13,780 Okay. Anyway, all right. 205 00:20:13,780 --> 00:20:20,680 So since the FCC lattice has FCC lattice has for. 206 00:20:22,660 --> 00:20:31,719 Four lattice points per conventional unit cell. Just like we did with the book, we could write it as simple cubic simple cubic times a basis. 207 00:20:31,720 --> 00:20:37,180 Times a basis where the basis now includes basis equals. 208 00:20:38,670 --> 00:20:44,460 The point at 000. The point at one half one half zero. 209 00:20:44,850 --> 00:20:47,940 The point at one half zero one half. 210 00:20:48,240 --> 00:20:51,450 And the point at zero one half. One half. 211 00:20:51,780 --> 00:20:55,410 That would give me the four lattice points per unit cell. 212 00:20:55,740 --> 00:21:00,750 And if I translate those four, that points in my conventional cell around to every lattice point. 213 00:21:01,080 --> 00:21:06,209 So that is point is that 000 and these are all displaced from the original lattice point that 214 00:21:06,210 --> 00:21:09,870 will reconstruct the entire phase centred cubic lattice or another way of thinking about it. 215 00:21:10,300 --> 00:21:16,710 These are the displacements of the for inter penetrating simple cubic lattices that make up the FCC lattice. 216 00:21:17,730 --> 00:21:26,840 As with the BC lattice, there's a reason we don't use the primitive units l for we use a conventionally. 217 00:21:26,840 --> 00:21:29,970 It's not the primary itself because proving itself is extremely ugly. 218 00:21:30,360 --> 00:21:36,110 Here it is. It's a truncated dodecahedron that has 12 sides. Those 12 sides correspond to the 12 nearest neighbours. 219 00:21:36,120 --> 00:21:40,260 So what we have in the centre is one of the lattice points and then we have the 12 nearest neighbours, 220 00:21:40,500 --> 00:21:43,800 four of them slightly above four at the same height and four in the slightly below. 221 00:21:44,040 --> 00:21:48,869 And the faces of the truncated dodecahedron here are the perpendicular by 222 00:21:48,870 --> 00:21:54,270 sectors of the segment between zero and the and the and the nearest neighbours. 223 00:21:54,610 --> 00:21:58,050 Okay. All right. That's all we need to know about the SCC lattice. 224 00:21:58,410 --> 00:22:01,980 In fact, that's all the three dimensional lattices we're going to study. 225 00:22:02,220 --> 00:22:06,870 It is worth knowing that there are 14 types of lattices in. 226 00:22:06,990 --> 00:22:12,660 In all the ones we've studied are the cubic primitive, the cubic body centre, the cubic phase centre. 227 00:22:12,660 --> 00:22:16,500 We also talked about the tetrad, all simple diagonal and simple earth Arabic. 228 00:22:16,710 --> 00:22:18,750 And then you have a whole bunch of other ones here. 229 00:22:19,050 --> 00:22:24,030 You may notice that there's, there's analogues that we don't need to know, analogues of the body centre, 230 00:22:24,030 --> 00:22:27,660 tetrad body centre, or they're iambic phase centred or thrown back and so forth. 231 00:22:28,530 --> 00:22:34,739 You may notice there's no face centre tracking. All the reason for that is because in fact by turning the lattice sideways, 232 00:22:34,740 --> 00:22:38,850 it would be in one of the other classes as well, so you'd be over counting. 233 00:22:39,300 --> 00:22:45,300 So anyway, these are sometimes known as the Bravo lattice types. After Bravo, who is the first person to write them down correctly? 234 00:22:47,150 --> 00:22:52,000 And so we give Brave a credit for doing them. So these are the only possible lattice types you can have. 235 00:22:52,010 --> 00:22:57,229 It's kind of a deep mathematical statement that any periodic structure in three dimensions, 236 00:22:57,230 --> 00:23:02,000 anything you can have in three dimensions is one of these lattices times some basis. 237 00:23:02,300 --> 00:23:06,320 So if you can write down all these lattices and you can have any basis you choose, 238 00:23:06,500 --> 00:23:10,850 no matter how complicated you can make anything, any periodic structure is one of these lattices. 239 00:23:11,060 --> 00:23:12,140 Times, some bases. 240 00:23:12,410 --> 00:23:17,990 The only ones we're actually going to have to know this year are the three cube X and and the three simple cubic tetrad along with ceramic. 241 00:23:18,770 --> 00:23:22,550 Very rarely do we need to know tetrad and fourth Romick. I think they only rarely come up on exam. 242 00:23:22,560 --> 00:23:25,850 It's really these three across the top that actually show up on exams. 243 00:23:26,360 --> 00:23:36,209 Okay. So this is an example of what you can put together when you when you have a lattice and a basis. 244 00:23:36,210 --> 00:23:44,910 This is a sodium chloride structure, a very typical salt structure, sodium chloride, very ionic sodium gives up the electron. 245 00:23:44,910 --> 00:23:51,110 Chlorine takes the electron. And if you look at it carefully, you can see that sodium is forming an FCC lattice. 246 00:23:51,120 --> 00:23:54,870 It's even labelled cubic F. So maybe it's easiest to see in this picture. 247 00:23:54,930 --> 00:23:59,190 These are all depictions of the same lattice. None of them are actually great, but. 248 00:24:00,630 --> 00:24:06,440 We may have to make do. So here you can see the green sphere is here in this picture form, an FCC lattice. 249 00:24:06,440 --> 00:24:10,080 So on the corners and in the centre of the faces as well. 250 00:24:11,320 --> 00:24:18,219 But in addition to the sodium atoms which are on the FCC ladder lattice, there are chlorine atoms as well. 251 00:24:18,220 --> 00:24:25,360 And you can describe the position of the chlorine atoms by saying for every sodium atom there is a chlorine atom displaced by one half, 252 00:24:25,360 --> 00:24:31,240 one half, one half from the sodium atom. That will that will get you the position of all the chlorine atoms. 253 00:24:31,420 --> 00:24:36,070 Here's a plan for you. The blues would be the sodium and the chlorine. 254 00:24:36,280 --> 00:24:43,930 So, for example, if I started the sodium and I go over a half back a half and then up a half to the next layer, I get to a chlorine atom. 255 00:24:44,880 --> 00:24:50,030 When you describe a basis, you should always describe the basis of the primitive unit cell. 256 00:24:50,040 --> 00:24:56,940 So here I don't tell you where all the four. I don't talk about the conventionally, the cell, which would have for sodium and for chlorine. 257 00:24:57,090 --> 00:25:03,570 I just tell you, there's it's an FCC lattice and immediately, you know that the conventional your cell will have four lattice points in it. 258 00:25:03,780 --> 00:25:12,120 And on the position of the lattice at 000, there's a sodium blue and then displace from that by a half, a half a half output put chlorine. 259 00:25:12,240 --> 00:25:15,900 So I only have to describe to you one sodium and one chlorine to tell you everything. 260 00:25:15,910 --> 00:25:21,000 Once I've told you it's a simple Cuba. It's a it's a F.C.C. lattice. 261 00:25:21,630 --> 00:25:27,270 Notice also that it's not unique how I describe the position of the chlorine with respect to the position of the sodium. 262 00:25:27,420 --> 00:25:30,600 I could have told you that the chlorine was displaced one half zero zero. 263 00:25:30,780 --> 00:25:37,889 That would give you the equivalent structure. Or I could have decided that chlorine was my 000 and sodium was displaced from it. 264 00:25:37,890 --> 00:25:43,080 That would also give you an equivalent structure. So there's various different ways to describe the same the same lattice. 265 00:25:44,010 --> 00:25:47,790 Here's another structure that we run into very frequently. The diamond structure, carbon. 266 00:25:48,030 --> 00:25:53,790 It also is the structure of silicon and germanium. It is also based on the FCC lattice. 267 00:25:53,800 --> 00:25:59,940 So you can see, for example, in the top face here, there's some guy, there's one in all the corners and there's one in the centre of the face. 268 00:26:00,150 --> 00:26:03,720 The side face is one in all the corners, there's one in the centre of the face and so forth. 269 00:26:04,080 --> 00:26:10,080 So it's definitely has an FCC lattice in it. But then that that doesn't tell you where all the positions of the carbons are. 270 00:26:10,080 --> 00:26:11,190 They're additional carbons. 271 00:26:11,490 --> 00:26:17,880 And you can describe the position of the carbons by just as being displaced by one quarter, one quarter on quarter from every lattice point. 272 00:26:17,890 --> 00:26:24,000 So for example, in the plan view, we start with this carbon at 000 and then we displaced by a quarter, 273 00:26:24,000 --> 00:26:28,110 one quarter on quarter and we find another carbon at that position as well. 274 00:26:28,320 --> 00:26:33,070 So again, I don't have to describe the position of all of the eight carbons in the conventional units cell. 275 00:26:33,120 --> 00:26:41,129 I only have to tell you that it's an FCC lattice and and it has a basis of two atoms, 12000 and one at one quarter, one quarter, one quarter. 276 00:26:41,130 --> 00:26:44,490 And that's sufficient to describe everything. Okay. All right. 277 00:26:44,970 --> 00:26:48,490 What's the lattice? What's. 278 00:26:51,770 --> 00:26:55,520 What is the lattice? What is the lattice? What? 279 00:26:57,070 --> 00:27:00,160 It is a lattice. It's a lattice with a basis. 280 00:27:00,190 --> 00:27:03,990 What? What lattice type? Who said FCC. 281 00:27:04,160 --> 00:27:07,960 Okay, good. Good. Wow. See this advantage to sitting up close? 282 00:27:07,970 --> 00:27:13,020 You get more chocolate that way. Incidentally, I switched from chocolate types because I tried some of the chocolate yesterday. 283 00:27:13,020 --> 00:27:17,660 It wasn't all that good, so hopefully this works better. I'm chocolate connoisseur. 284 00:27:18,020 --> 00:27:23,840 Okay, so it's FCC. It's. It's. So this is gallium arsenide structure, also known as the zinc blend structure. 285 00:27:24,020 --> 00:27:31,670 It's exactly the same as the diamond structure, except that you've taken the second carbon and you turn it into a different type of atom. 286 00:27:31,970 --> 00:27:36,890 So here, let me actually to show you. So the yellow at are form an FCC. 287 00:27:37,370 --> 00:27:42,560 So you can see that the the yellow atoms in the corners and the centre of the faces. 288 00:27:42,590 --> 00:27:45,260 So, for example, here here's a face and there's a yellow in the centre of it. 289 00:27:45,560 --> 00:27:50,360 Then the blues are just displaced one quarter, one quarter on quarter from every yellow atom. 290 00:27:50,690 --> 00:27:52,969 Now, some of the you know, it may look a little puzzling. 291 00:27:52,970 --> 00:27:58,430 It looks like we have more yellow atoms than we have blue atoms, but we don't, because some of the yellow atoms are only half inside the unit. 292 00:27:58,430 --> 00:28:03,140 So the FCC, there's four lattice points within the unit cell. 293 00:28:03,260 --> 00:28:09,379 And so there should be four yellow atoms if you count them, including, you know, half an eighth of it's on the corner and a half is on the side. 294 00:28:09,380 --> 00:28:14,660 You'll count for yellow atoms and then they're obviously for blue atoms completely inside the inner cell as well. 295 00:28:15,470 --> 00:28:19,580 Okay, one more comment. This is a subtlety. 296 00:28:19,580 --> 00:28:23,149 If Mike Glazer happens to be your tutor, [INAUDIBLE] be very happy that I tell you this. 297 00:28:23,150 --> 00:28:29,510 He's a real class crystallographer and he always holds my feet to the fire to force me to tell things the way they really are and not tell any lies. 298 00:28:29,510 --> 00:28:35,180 So here I'm going to tell you the subtlety to not tell you any lies. So suppose we have a material like this. 299 00:28:36,310 --> 00:28:40,950 It appears to be a simple cubic system with a basis of three. 300 00:28:40,960 --> 00:28:43,480 There's one on the corners and then two somewhere in the centre. 301 00:28:43,480 --> 00:28:50,139 They're not right in the centre so it's not BC but there's two somewhere in the centre and there's one shared by all the eight corners. 302 00:28:50,140 --> 00:28:55,510 So we would say it's a simple cubic with a basis including three, three, three atoms. 303 00:28:55,990 --> 00:29:01,670 Now if I measure the edges of this cube and I say they're all the same and, and all the three directions I would say it, 304 00:29:01,990 --> 00:29:07,630 you would be tempted to say it's simple cubic crystal, but a crystallographer would say it's not. 305 00:29:08,020 --> 00:29:13,629 And the reason they would say it's not is because it doesn't have the symmetry of a simple cubic object, a simple cubic object. 306 00:29:13,630 --> 00:29:18,640 You should be able to turn it in all six directions and it should look the same whichever direction you look at it from. 307 00:29:18,640 --> 00:29:23,800 And this thing doesn't look the same if you look at it from the top. As far as if you look at it from the side, why is that important? 308 00:29:24,130 --> 00:29:31,360 Well, the Crystallographer knows that if it doesn't have the symmetry, there's no good reason that its height should be the same as its width. 309 00:29:31,810 --> 00:29:36,460 They're not the same. They're not equivalent in any sense. So the height doesn't have to be the same as the width. 310 00:29:36,820 --> 00:29:40,330 And so if I tell you whether the the edges have the same length, he would say, well, 311 00:29:40,330 --> 00:29:43,030 go measure it more carefully and you'll discover they're not the same length. 312 00:29:43,240 --> 00:29:49,149 So the Crystallographer knows if there's not a good symmetry, reason for the edge likes to be the same, then they're not the same. 313 00:29:49,150 --> 00:29:54,969 And in crystallography, if I wrote this down, the crystallographer would come back to me and say, No, they're actually not the same length. 314 00:29:54,970 --> 00:29:59,070 You just think they're the same length. So go measure it again and you'll discover that they're not the same length. 315 00:29:59,080 --> 00:30:02,500 It would be an unbelievable coincidence if there was not a good symmetry reason 316 00:30:02,500 --> 00:30:05,559 for the edges to be the same length and they end up being the same length. 317 00:30:05,560 --> 00:30:08,950 Okay, so that's to make the real crystallographer happy. 318 00:30:09,160 --> 00:30:13,390 And that is all we have to say about crystal structure for today. 319 00:30:14,260 --> 00:30:20,590 Okay, good. So we've now learned everything we need to know about crystal structure in three dimensions. 320 00:30:21,490 --> 00:30:24,760 All the lattices we're going to have to discuss we know about is the basis. 321 00:30:25,060 --> 00:30:30,940 But at the end of the day, we really want to describe physical phenomena in these crystals. 322 00:30:30,940 --> 00:30:34,989 And more often than not, what we're interested in is waves of some sort, 323 00:30:34,990 --> 00:30:39,070 whether the vibrational waves or phonons, whether they're electron waves, whether they're electromagnetic waves. 324 00:30:39,310 --> 00:30:42,310 And the world of waves is the world of reciprocal space. 325 00:30:42,700 --> 00:30:46,480 So we have to back up and understand some things about reciprocal space. 326 00:30:48,030 --> 00:30:54,690 When we have complicated crystals. So let's remind ourselves some things we learned about reciprocal space in one dimension. 327 00:30:55,020 --> 00:30:55,290 Well, 328 00:30:55,290 --> 00:31:07,740 in one dimension we had a direct lattice lattice of the form r sub n equals a times n and was the integer a was the primitive lattice vector P.O.V. 329 00:31:08,220 --> 00:31:11,550 And then from direct space we have the reciprocal space. 330 00:31:12,900 --> 00:31:22,530 Reciprocal lattice which we can write as GM equals two pi over a times m, 331 00:31:22,530 --> 00:31:28,500 and now here to pi over a is the primitive lattice vector in reciprocal space. 332 00:31:28,740 --> 00:31:35,220 Primitive lattice vector for the reciprocal lattice. Now, why was it that we chose this to be the reciprocal lattice? 333 00:31:35,490 --> 00:31:47,610 Well, we chose it because if you take K to K plus any element GM in the reciprocal lattice, we get back the same wave gets same wave. 334 00:31:49,830 --> 00:32:09,120 Why is that? Well, let's do it carefully. You do the i k dot r k that are get shifted to e d d i k plus g m r and and that becomes equals. 335 00:32:09,120 --> 00:32:19,839 Either the i k dot r and either the i gmm r and and this factor here is just one because it's this 336 00:32:19,840 --> 00:32:28,740 is one because it is either the i two pi over a times m times a times n and that's just one. 337 00:32:30,570 --> 00:32:34,890 So we're going to generalise that into more dimensions in any dimension. 338 00:32:35,220 --> 00:32:43,650 In any dimension we define define the reciprocal lattice define. 339 00:32:45,860 --> 00:32:55,100 Resupplied us in Sep lat via R points as points g. 340 00:32:57,910 --> 00:33:11,080 Give actor such that. E to the i g dot r and oc g. 341 00:33:11,160 --> 00:33:16,260 Let's not put an index on it yet. G r n. Equals one for all. 342 00:33:17,430 --> 00:33:21,480 For all are an indirect lattice. 343 00:33:24,400 --> 00:33:33,910 Indirect let us. So this is our general definition of the reciprocal lattice vectors g in the reciprocal lattice. 344 00:33:34,180 --> 00:33:42,970 Now, this is a nice definition. It's a very useful definition, but I have not in any way proven to you that this definition defines a lattice. 345 00:33:43,570 --> 00:33:47,520 I've claimed it defines a lattice, but I haven't shown you it defines a lattice. 346 00:33:47,530 --> 00:33:56,170 And the proof that the set of points g in reciprocal space that satisfy this equation equals one for all are end in the direct lattice. 347 00:33:56,440 --> 00:34:01,360 The proof that that defines a lattice in reciprocal space is a little subtle and a little tricky. 348 00:34:01,360 --> 00:34:08,050 So we're going to go through it and see if we can make it convincing that it's true. 349 00:34:08,440 --> 00:34:12,310 So first of all, we'll take the direct lattice vectors. We have to define the direct lattice vectors. 350 00:34:12,790 --> 00:34:17,649 Direct lattice vectors x, we'll write them in terms of the primitive lattice vectors. 351 00:34:17,650 --> 00:34:27,700 So R equals N1, A1, plus N2, a two plus n three, a three where the A's are the primitive lattice factors. 352 00:34:27,730 --> 00:34:30,910 A's are PVS. A's are please. 353 00:34:32,500 --> 00:34:33,870 But the last fact is, okay, 354 00:34:34,050 --> 00:34:41,730 so we define the direct lattice now and then we are going to guess I'm going to make a guess of what this is a very good guess. 355 00:34:41,910 --> 00:34:51,360 It's correct guess. And we have to prove it in a moment. Guess the pelvis is the pelvis of the reciprocal lattice principle that. 356 00:34:54,570 --> 00:35:02,220 We'll call them Bs-vi as compared to ACB for the direct lattice and will define them by the following equation. 357 00:35:02,580 --> 00:35:09,900 B sub I got it with a sub j equals to pi delta i j. 358 00:35:10,890 --> 00:35:19,140 It's a rather important equation. Now, first thing you might wonder is how do I know, given a set of primitive lattice vectors in direct space? 359 00:35:19,170 --> 00:35:24,640 A How do I know that there's a set of vectors? B Which satisfies this? 360 00:35:24,660 --> 00:35:30,140 Are this equation sort of a dual space, dual vector space basis? 361 00:35:31,080 --> 00:35:37,260 Well, there's a fairly easy way to show you that you can find these given some A's, which is by writing them down. 362 00:35:37,560 --> 00:35:52,590 So let's write them down. So b i equals to pi aj cross a k over to A1 dotted into a to cross a three. 363 00:35:54,870 --> 00:36:01,259 Okay. And this is for our i j k equals two, one, two, three or three. 364 00:36:01,260 --> 00:36:04,290 One, two or two, three, one. 365 00:36:05,560 --> 00:36:13,480 So in the cyclical way. So I claim that this expression for be will satisfy this definition of B and to check it. 366 00:36:13,780 --> 00:36:20,170 Let's let's just find out if it's true. So let's take for example, b one dotted with A1. 367 00:36:20,950 --> 00:36:31,690 So we'll write out B one. B one is to py a to cross a3 over A1 dotted with A to cross three. 368 00:36:32,650 --> 00:36:38,830 And then we want to dot that into A1 and we see that the numerator in the denominator are actually identical. 369 00:36:39,070 --> 00:36:41,660 So we just get to pi as we're supposed to. 370 00:36:42,310 --> 00:36:53,500 However, if we took B1 dotted into A2, we would get the same same expression here on A2, cross a three of top, 371 00:36:53,860 --> 00:37:04,300 and then this whole expression downstairs, right, and then dotted into A2 and that thing equals zero because A2 Cross A3 is orthogonal to A2. 372 00:37:04,330 --> 00:37:06,040 When you turn it into a two, you get zero. 373 00:37:06,400 --> 00:37:16,300 So indeed the B1 and A1 gives you two pie B one, two, A2 gives you zero and you can check that it works for all the other i j combinations as well. 374 00:37:16,730 --> 00:37:21,310 Okay. So now we have a guess for what our reciprocal lattice vectors are. 375 00:37:21,610 --> 00:37:34,450 So we would guess that we would write down reciprocal lattice vectors g as m1, b1 plus m2, b2 plus m3 b3. 376 00:37:35,080 --> 00:37:37,450 Okay. That's going to be our guest right now. 377 00:37:37,720 --> 00:37:47,970 But if we wanted to try to prove that these GS are reciprocal lattice factors, are are we only if want to prove the GZ lattice. 378 00:37:47,980 --> 00:37:51,250 What we need to show is that the M's can only be integers. 379 00:37:51,580 --> 00:37:59,500 Okay. Now, if I want to just pick any point in reciprocal space, I can choose to write that point as G with M's arbitrary. 380 00:37:59,500 --> 00:38:06,100 So let me start with M's arbitrary. M's arbitrary, in other words, real numbers arbitrary. 381 00:38:06,910 --> 00:38:17,380 And that allows i.e. consider any G consider any vector any vector g not necessarily on a lattice. 382 00:38:17,590 --> 00:38:19,990 So I'm going to consider any possible g to begin with. 383 00:38:20,380 --> 00:38:25,720 Now then what we're going to do is we're going to impose the definition of the I got R equals one. 384 00:38:26,110 --> 00:38:31,950 So we're going to force on it one equals either the i g r. 385 00:38:32,260 --> 00:38:41,739 Okay, what does that mean? Either the i g is m1 b one plus m2 b two plus m3 b three. 386 00:38:41,740 --> 00:38:50,350 I'm about to run out of room and one a1, a1 plus and to A2 plus, m3 A3. 387 00:38:50,710 --> 00:39:00,370 Okay. And I need this to, if I'm going to impose the condition e I got r equals one, I have to impose the condition that this thing equals one. 388 00:39:00,730 --> 00:39:05,410 Well, using our orthogonal B condition B by that AJ equals to pi delta. 389 00:39:05,560 --> 00:39:15,220 J That is one equals either the two pi i M1 and one plus m2 and two plus m3 and three. 390 00:39:16,470 --> 00:39:24,630 Now, if I want this thing to equal one for every possible direct lattice vector for every possible end, the only way this will be true. 391 00:39:25,020 --> 00:39:28,139 This is true for all. N for all. 392 00:39:28,140 --> 00:39:33,930 And and only if m are integers. 393 00:39:34,950 --> 00:39:46,359 Our integers. Okay. So that means that in order to satisfy our definition of the reciprocal lattice that each of the I got are equals, 394 00:39:46,360 --> 00:39:52,690 one for all are in the direct lattice. The only way we can do that is if we choose g of that form with the integers. 395 00:39:52,960 --> 00:39:58,340 Therefore G is a lattice. And not only do we know that G is lattice, we know what its primitive lattice factors are. 396 00:39:58,360 --> 00:40:02,890 So we just derived the fact that G is a lattice with those primitive lattice factors. 397 00:40:03,400 --> 00:40:09,790 So far, so good. Happy with that? Okay, good. A couple of interesting facts fact. 398 00:40:10,120 --> 00:40:13,240 Actually, I think this is a homework problem, maybe on the revision homework or something. 399 00:40:13,570 --> 00:40:23,740 The recipient is SEP flat of FCC is B.B.C. PCC and vice versa. 400 00:40:25,630 --> 00:40:31,450 Kind of an interesting statement. You can check it and I think you probably will for one of your homeworks. 401 00:40:32,140 --> 00:40:43,690 Another interesting comment is it seems that in 2D, in 2D, same rules apply, rules apply. 402 00:40:44,620 --> 00:40:49,920 But you might wonder, how do you handle this formula in 2D? 403 00:40:49,930 --> 00:40:56,920 Because I only have two vectors, not three. The way you do you handle that formula is just choose. 404 00:40:59,290 --> 00:41:03,939 Choose A three equals Z had a point coming out of the plane. 405 00:41:03,940 --> 00:41:06,220 So in other words, if you live in 2D, 406 00:41:06,430 --> 00:41:12,190 you imagine there's a normal to a plane and you treat that as your third primitive lattice factor and you go from there and you're in business. 407 00:41:12,700 --> 00:41:19,370 All right. A couple of minutes left. We're going to try to in the next couple of lectures, we're going to try to do some interpretation. 408 00:41:19,420 --> 00:41:25,149 Some uses of this reciprocal lattice is a rather important statement that people frequently make. 409 00:41:25,150 --> 00:41:31,900 The reciprocal lattice is the 48 transform for you transform. 410 00:41:34,130 --> 00:41:43,040 Transform of direct direct this may be isn't surprising because the reciprocal 411 00:41:43,040 --> 00:41:46,819 lattice lives in k space and the direct lattice lives in real our space. 412 00:41:46,820 --> 00:41:52,040 And we know to get from our space, the k space, you frequently have to do things like Fourier transform. 413 00:41:52,790 --> 00:41:57,650 But let me see if we can make this a little bit more rigorous. Let's do it in one D again. 414 00:41:57,950 --> 00:42:01,580 So our lattice vector is our n equals eight times MN. 415 00:42:02,060 --> 00:42:05,290 And how are we going to Fourier transform that lattice? 416 00:42:05,300 --> 00:42:15,200 Well, let's make a function row of x, which is a sum over all lattice points of a delta function at the position of each lattice point. 417 00:42:16,640 --> 00:42:21,080 This is what's known as a delta function comb. Delta function comb. 418 00:42:21,530 --> 00:42:25,720 Have you seen this before in some in quantum mechanics or something called. 419 00:42:26,330 --> 00:42:31,310 Okay, it looks kind of like this. Here's the x axis and then here's zero. 420 00:42:31,790 --> 00:42:41,480 Here's a, here's to a A, and it has these great big delta function peaks at the position of each of these lattice points. 421 00:42:43,070 --> 00:42:54,500 Okay. Now try 40 transforming us. So 40 transform of all of x equals integral the x into the ik x. 422 00:42:54,920 --> 00:42:59,210 Then we have this row of x function and we'll plug in the row of x function. 423 00:42:59,720 --> 00:43:09,830 We'll pull out the sum so we get some over an integral of the x to the i k x and delta function of x minus r and. 424 00:43:11,420 --> 00:43:23,240 And we let the Delta Function Act so we get some over n e to the i k r and which we could also write as some over and into the i. 425 00:43:23,270 --> 00:43:26,389 K. And okay, so what is this? 426 00:43:26,390 --> 00:43:34,250 We have this for a transform, a row of x and it's a sum over all of these, these phases in the expression, well, 427 00:43:34,790 --> 00:43:45,320 if K is an element of the reciprocal lattice of GM, then every term here is of the form into the eigen r and GM. 428 00:43:45,590 --> 00:43:52,070 And, and so every term is one. So this then becomes sum over N of the number one, which is infinite. 429 00:43:53,150 --> 00:44:00,140 If you have an infinitely big system if K is not an element of the reciprocal lattice. 430 00:44:01,710 --> 00:44:08,580 Then what we have, then what we have is you'll have a situation where this complex phase here is not equal to one. 431 00:44:08,790 --> 00:44:16,290 So it has some complex phase, some arbitrary complex phase. And then if you go out to a lattice point, which is twice as big double PN, 432 00:44:16,530 --> 00:44:19,589 you'll get twice the complex phase and you go out to something is three times as big. 433 00:44:19,590 --> 00:44:23,729 You get three times the complex phase and these complex phases keep rotating around and around and around. 434 00:44:23,730 --> 00:44:26,910 So you get some over oscillating phases. 435 00:44:29,410 --> 00:44:32,710 Which goes to zero. They all cancel out and you get zero. 436 00:44:33,400 --> 00:44:37,870 So at the end of the day, maybe I'll move over to hear what we have. 437 00:44:40,890 --> 00:44:50,430 Is that the 48 transform of this delta function comb is a sum over all possible reciprocal lattice 438 00:44:50,430 --> 00:44:58,530 vectors k minus GM of a peak and infinitely big peak at the position of the reciprocal lattice vector. 439 00:44:58,530 --> 00:45:06,000 And if you do it carefully, you get a factor of two pi over a out out front a build. 440 00:45:06,230 --> 00:45:11,790 The last factor is two pi over a is it's the same two pi that shows up whenever you do for a transforms. 441 00:45:11,790 --> 00:45:14,369 There's always two PI's floating around, they're always there. 442 00:45:14,370 --> 00:45:18,599 You're not probably going to be held responsible for ever getting this pre factor right? 443 00:45:18,600 --> 00:45:27,209 I suspect so. The principle is that if we have a delta function common in real space, if you Fourier transform that the result is infinite. 444 00:45:27,210 --> 00:45:29,700 If you're sitting on a reciprocal lattice site, 445 00:45:29,700 --> 00:45:36,030 if your K is a reciprocal lattice vector and it's zero otherwise and that becomes a delta function, come in k space. 446 00:45:36,480 --> 00:45:42,210 Okay, now the same thing more or less holds in three dimensions. 447 00:45:43,710 --> 00:45:58,740 Three D so in three d, in three d we'll write row of x vector equals sum over lattice points are of a delta function x minus r. 448 00:45:59,130 --> 00:46:04,260 Again, if you for a transform it you'll get four a transform a row of x, 449 00:46:04,260 --> 00:46:08,430 you let the Delta Function Act and now a three dimensional delta function Delta three. 450 00:46:08,820 --> 00:46:23,010 This becomes some over lattice vectors are of the i k dot r and then this thing becomes exactly the same way that if K is a reciprocal lattice vector, 451 00:46:23,310 --> 00:46:28,590 it's the sum over an infinite number of last vectors of the number one which diverges and you get infinity. 452 00:46:28,830 --> 00:46:32,309 If K is not a reciprocal lattice vector, then you don't get the number one. 453 00:46:32,310 --> 00:46:37,050 You get some complex phase and that complex phase rotates around and around and around and we add them up, you get zero. 454 00:46:37,320 --> 00:46:44,520 So you end up getting to pi cubed over the volume of the cell volume itself. 455 00:46:45,570 --> 00:46:55,680 Again, you're probably not going to be held responsible for the pre factor sum of reciprocal lattice vectors of k minus reciprocal that Inspector G. 456 00:46:57,160 --> 00:47:01,310 Okay. So far, so good. Now we can do a little better even. 457 00:47:02,680 --> 00:47:07,180 We can consider things that are more complicated than just a delta function comb. 458 00:47:07,180 --> 00:47:13,060 Because we're very frequently, we're very infrequently actually presented with a real delta function comb. 459 00:47:13,570 --> 00:47:19,180 So instead, we're going to consider any periodic function, periodic function. 460 00:47:23,290 --> 00:47:34,000 Role of X. And what I mean by periodic function is that role of X should equal role of x plus R where R is a lattice factor lat vec. 461 00:47:34,780 --> 00:47:39,579 So this function row of x equals row of x plus are where are the lattice factor? 462 00:47:39,580 --> 00:47:42,600 It has the periodicity of the lattice. Okay. 463 00:47:42,700 --> 00:47:50,920 Does that make sense? Yeah. Okay. Okay. So now let's take the for a transform of this function, for I transform a row of x equals. 464 00:47:52,220 --> 00:48:00,980 Integral d3x to i k dot x and this is the integral overall space row of x. 465 00:48:01,880 --> 00:48:07,460 Now I'm going to do a little bit of a trick. This is a useful trick that will probably come back to haunt you at some point. 466 00:48:07,730 --> 00:48:12,170 I'm going to take that integral over all space and I'm going to write it as an 467 00:48:12,170 --> 00:48:19,670 integral over all lattice vectors are then the integral d3x over the unit cell. 468 00:48:20,840 --> 00:48:24,800 Maybe the bigger sites units all around are around R. 469 00:48:25,400 --> 00:48:30,020 So I'm just breaking up that integral over all space into pieces, each piece being over the vector site. 470 00:48:30,020 --> 00:48:36,470 So around the position are you the i k not x x? 471 00:48:37,850 --> 00:48:53,190 Then what we'll do is we'll define a parameter why x equals r plus y that and we'll rewrite that integral then as integral oops some over r some 472 00:48:53,270 --> 00:49:14,209 of our r integral d3y of over the units cell of e to the i k dot I guess r plus y and then row of r plus y now row of our plus y row is periodic. 473 00:49:14,210 --> 00:49:18,290 So row of our plus y is the same as row of y. So that makes that easy. 474 00:49:18,800 --> 00:49:29,900 And then I can factor out the ix our term from this here and I get some over r e to the i k dot r. 475 00:49:31,240 --> 00:49:45,220 But that in parentheses times this in parentheses integral d3y over the unit cell of the i k dot y of rove y. 476 00:49:47,550 --> 00:49:51,900 Now, this this first time should look familiar since we just calculated a moment ago 477 00:49:52,650 --> 00:49:57,930 this thing here is the sum of all lattice vectors of each of the i k that are. 478 00:49:57,930 --> 00:50:03,450 If K is a reciprocal lattice factor, this is infinite. If K is not a reciprocal aspect of this thing is zero. 479 00:50:03,750 --> 00:50:06,720 So this thing is just as we had before. 480 00:50:07,020 --> 00:50:16,290 It's two pi cubed over the volume of the cell, some overall reciprocal lattice factors, g of delta of R of k minus g. 481 00:50:16,560 --> 00:50:21,360 So it gives you a delta function peak at the position of each reciprocal lattice vector. 482 00:50:21,870 --> 00:50:27,990 This term here is known as the structure factor s of K structure factor. 483 00:50:30,920 --> 00:50:39,860 Structure factor, and it's just the Fourier transform of the function we're considering within a single unit cell. 484 00:50:40,370 --> 00:50:45,620 So this is actually a rather interesting statement and rather important statement we're going to use many times later on. 485 00:50:45,740 --> 00:50:47,660 You take any periodic function whatsoever, 486 00:50:47,660 --> 00:50:57,049 yuphoria transform it and will only have that non-zero values at the position of reciprocal lattice vectors and it's value at those positions. 487 00:50:57,050 --> 00:51:01,430 Typical lattice vectors is weighted by the Fourier transform of the function within a 488 00:51:01,430 --> 00:51:05,299 single unit cell is going to be extremely important in the next two or three lectures. 489 00:51:05,300 --> 00:51:09,050 So I will see you on Monday. Monday, I think. 490 00:51:09,050 --> 00:51:11,810 Monday. I think I'll see you Monday. All right. Have a good weekend.