1 00:00:00,270 --> 00:00:03,840 Okay. Let's get started. Welcome back. 2 00:00:04,620 --> 00:00:08,340 Now that this is the 12th lecture of the condensed matter course. 3 00:00:09,780 --> 00:00:18,160 Hello. Hello. Is it Monday still? So when we left off, we were talking about scattering the standard scattering experiment. 4 00:00:18,210 --> 00:00:21,510 If you have some sample, you send in some way. 5 00:00:21,510 --> 00:00:24,990 That way vector k and something comes out at wave vector. 6 00:00:25,410 --> 00:00:30,149 K prime. And by measuring what comes out at various wave vectors. 7 00:00:30,150 --> 00:00:35,550 K prime, we're supposed to be able to deduce the structure, the microscopic structure of the sample. 8 00:00:35,760 --> 00:00:40,440 I want to emphasise again that this type of experiment is the way to understand the 9 00:00:40,440 --> 00:00:44,790 microscopic structures of things on a scale smaller than you can actually see with your eye. 10 00:00:45,090 --> 00:00:49,940 The number of Nobel Prizes that have been awarded for people doing this type of experiment is enormous. 11 00:00:49,950 --> 00:00:54,240 There's like 20, 25, 30 IG Nobel Prizes, just a couple of famous ones. 12 00:00:54,450 --> 00:01:03,120 You know, Oxford's own Dorothy Hodgkin, Somerville's favourite daughter, won a Nobel Prize for discovering the structure of penicillin and insulin. 13 00:01:03,120 --> 00:01:08,430 Using X-ray scattering, Watson and Crick very famously figured out the DNA double helix structure, 14 00:01:08,700 --> 00:01:13,410 which they figured out by looking at X-ray scattering data taken by Rosalind Franklin. 15 00:01:13,920 --> 00:01:19,830 Rosalind Franklin sadly died extremely young and was therefore denied a Nobel Prize as well as the rest of her life. 16 00:01:21,320 --> 00:01:23,550 It is very sad, but everyone should know her name nonetheless. 17 00:01:24,720 --> 00:01:29,370 Anyway, this is an extremely important experiment and that's why we're spending so much time on it. 18 00:01:29,610 --> 00:01:33,030 At least this lecture, next lecture, and maybe some of the lecture thereafter. 19 00:01:33,030 --> 00:01:38,250 One of the things we derived in the last lecture is that in order to get scattering from K to prime, 20 00:01:38,430 --> 00:01:46,620 we must satisfy in a crystal the Laue condition that k minus K prime must be a reciprocal lattice vector g. 21 00:01:47,430 --> 00:01:51,690 Now, at the very end of of the last lecture, I claimed that this condition, 22 00:01:51,690 --> 00:02:03,000 this Laue condition is very similar to a condition that you have already thought about when you considered just simple diffraction off of planes. 23 00:02:03,270 --> 00:02:13,140 If you have light or x rays or something, or neutrons coming into a set of parallel planes, a family of lattice planes and you have are different. 24 00:02:13,210 --> 00:02:20,010 We understand how you can get diffraction of this sort at certain angles off of parallel family of planes. 25 00:02:20,010 --> 00:02:24,299 And I'm going to claim that this this condition here is actually equivalent to that. 26 00:02:24,300 --> 00:02:28,350 So first, what we're going to do is we're going to review some things about diffraction off of planes. 27 00:02:28,590 --> 00:02:33,060 Then we're going to show that the LAUE condition and the diffraction condition the same. 28 00:02:33,300 --> 00:02:40,440 So let's abstract this picture a little bit to just a set of planes like this. 29 00:02:40,890 --> 00:02:44,820 And we'll imagine we have some wave coming in like this. 30 00:02:44,820 --> 00:02:54,059 It reflects off like this at an angle theta, but also another parallel wave coming in like this. 31 00:02:54,060 --> 00:02:57,540 Exactly the same wave just goes down to one layer further. 32 00:02:58,140 --> 00:03:01,680 The fracture off like this, the same angle theta like this. 33 00:03:01,680 --> 00:03:08,640 And I'm just going, I'm going to actually emphasise this and maybe I'll even write it down because it's an extremely common source of error. 34 00:03:09,240 --> 00:03:17,760 Total deflection angle. Deflection angle equals to theta. 35 00:03:18,180 --> 00:03:21,600 Why is that while there's theta there and another theta there. 36 00:03:21,600 --> 00:03:27,120 So the difference, the difference in angle between the incoming wave and the outcome wave is actually two theta. 37 00:03:28,560 --> 00:03:31,379 This this causes all sorts of grief to a lot of people. 38 00:03:31,380 --> 00:03:34,320 So make sure, you know, when you're talking about theta and when you're talking about two theta. 39 00:03:34,860 --> 00:03:38,970 So as you did this this type of calculation in prior years, 40 00:03:39,210 --> 00:03:46,590 you know that the what you need to do is you need to calculate the additional distance travelled by the second wave. 41 00:03:46,980 --> 00:03:57,750 So if I drop a perpendicular here and a perpendicular here, the additional distance here is d sine theta if d is the distance between the the layers. 42 00:03:59,010 --> 00:04:05,180 So in order to get constructive interference, constructive, maybe, maybe I'll write this first. 43 00:04:05,190 --> 00:04:15,630 The additional distance. Additional distance distance is then two d sine theta equals two d sine theta. 44 00:04:17,130 --> 00:04:21,510 So de sine theta on this side and then another d sine theta on that side. 45 00:04:21,810 --> 00:04:25,889 So the additional distance taken by the by the wave that reflected off the 46 00:04:25,890 --> 00:04:31,500 second plane is two d sine theta to get constructive interference constructive. 47 00:04:34,660 --> 00:04:38,170 Interference into Ference. 48 00:04:40,830 --> 00:04:47,550 I think as the term goes on, my writing gets worse. So we get is end lambda equals two sine theta. 49 00:04:49,500 --> 00:04:53,190 So you have to have an integer a number of wavelengths contained in that extra distance. 50 00:04:53,190 --> 00:04:59,670 Does that all look familiar from previous years? Yeah. Okay, so I'll put a box around it because it's an important equation. 51 00:04:59,910 --> 00:05:08,040 This is known as the Bragg condition, Bragg condition, after William Henry and William Lawrence Bragg, 52 00:05:08,340 --> 00:05:11,880 the father and son team who pioneered X-ray scattering. 53 00:05:12,210 --> 00:05:20,580 William Lawrence Bragg winning a Nobel Prize at the age of 25 for his work on X-ray, scattering for a chocolate bar. 54 00:05:20,580 --> 00:05:26,530 Does anyone know who the second youngest Nobel laureate was? It's a name you all know. 55 00:05:28,100 --> 00:05:31,520 So those are all really good guesses. But those are all wrong. 56 00:05:32,000 --> 00:05:35,810 Really close to all of them. Same era. Heisenberg. 57 00:05:35,820 --> 00:05:39,649 He said it up there. Oh, my gosh. Close enough. Yes, Heisenberg. 58 00:05:39,650 --> 00:05:44,720 Exactly. Dirac was just a few months older than then, then Heisenberg. 59 00:05:45,710 --> 00:05:53,540 All right, so now what I claim to you was that this condition, this Bragg condition, is actually forgetting constructive interference. 60 00:05:53,720 --> 00:05:58,520 You only get constructive interference coming off on certain angles from your crystal 61 00:05:58,730 --> 00:06:04,760 that that condition is actually the same condition as this lousy condition over here, 62 00:06:05,360 --> 00:06:15,110 which is the conservation of crystal momentum. So let's see if we can prove that you write this down, because this is important proof equivalence. 63 00:06:18,130 --> 00:06:23,440 Of Bragg, Bragg and Laue. 64 00:06:25,150 --> 00:06:31,690 Okay, so same diagram. We have two parallel planes in a family of lattice plane. 65 00:06:31,780 --> 00:06:35,440 You can actually you can kind of understand why it is that these two are going to be related. 66 00:06:35,680 --> 00:06:41,049 Remember from last lecture that reciprocal lattice vectors are associated with families of lattice 67 00:06:41,050 --> 00:06:45,970 planes so that gee up there is going to be telling you something about this family of lattice planes. 68 00:06:46,240 --> 00:06:51,200 So the fact that we have parallel planes is because we have a reciprocal lattice vector. 69 00:06:51,220 --> 00:06:56,500 Those are sort of equivalence statements. So here we have our family of lattice planes separated by some distance. 70 00:06:57,050 --> 00:07:00,910 D We have an incoming wave at wave vector. 71 00:07:01,390 --> 00:07:06,610 K And outgoing at wave vector. K Prime that. 72 00:07:06,910 --> 00:07:14,319 And then since we have a family of lattice planes, there is a orthogonal vector g which is a reciprocal lattice vector. 73 00:07:14,320 --> 00:07:18,129 That was one of the things we derive last time that every time we have a family of last planes, 74 00:07:18,130 --> 00:07:20,860 there's a reciprocal lattice vector perpendicular to it. 75 00:07:21,460 --> 00:07:29,230 Since we have since we have elastic scattering, the magnitude of K and the magnitude of K prime are the same. 76 00:07:29,470 --> 00:07:33,880 And let's actually define some unit vectors. 77 00:07:34,030 --> 00:07:46,600 Unit vectors, vacc k hat, k prime hat and g hat to be pointing in the the appropriate directions and then with a little bit of geometry. 78 00:07:46,630 --> 00:07:50,260 K hat dot jihad equals sine theta. 79 00:07:50,980 --> 00:07:55,660 Just take a second. Make sure you're convinced of that. If K hat and jihad were pointing in the same direction. 80 00:07:56,020 --> 00:07:59,380 Then K had a g hat would be one sine theta would also be one in that case. 81 00:08:00,640 --> 00:08:06,130 Whereas K prime hat which is going in the opposite direction, jihad is minus sine theta. 82 00:08:07,900 --> 00:08:12,520 Okay. And we can also use we're going to need that, that k vector. 83 00:08:12,520 --> 00:08:19,780 We can write as the magnitude of K which is two pi over lambda with lambda the way vec with the wavelength times k hat. 84 00:08:20,440 --> 00:08:23,740 Everyone happy with this so far. Yeah. Okay, good. 85 00:08:25,000 --> 00:08:36,070 So we're going to assume the Laue condition. So assume Laue that is k minus K prime equals g. 86 00:08:36,190 --> 00:08:46,600 So assume that satisfied and I can rewrite that then as two pi over lambda times k hat minus k prime hat equals g 87 00:08:47,740 --> 00:09:08,410 then dot with g hat to get to pi over lambda g hat okay hat minus g hat okay prime hat equals g hat to g vector. 88 00:09:11,380 --> 00:09:19,510 Okay then we'll substitute in. We just had the jihad k hat is sine theta so we'll substitute that in so we get to pi over lambda. 89 00:09:20,380 --> 00:09:32,280 So this is sine theta here. The second term is minus sine theta and then g hat g vector is just the absolute value of g vector and one. 90 00:09:32,290 --> 00:09:37,450 Still happy. Okay. No, not happy. 91 00:09:39,460 --> 00:09:45,130 Yeah. Still happy. Okay, so just a little bit of rearrangement. 92 00:09:45,550 --> 00:09:53,590 This becomes two pi over absolute g vector times two sine theta equals lambda. 93 00:09:54,190 --> 00:09:59,020 And now remember what we said, what we derived last time about reciprocal lattice vectors. 94 00:09:59,230 --> 00:10:09,220 The spacing between lattice planes D is two pi over the shortest reciprocal lattice vector in a given direction. 95 00:10:09,340 --> 00:10:20,229 G min. So any reciprocal lattice vector g vector has to be some integer times the minimum lattice vector in that given direction. 96 00:10:20,230 --> 00:10:23,080 So PN is some integer integer. 97 00:10:25,270 --> 00:10:35,920 So substituting this equation in this equation into the equation just above gives us two d sine theta equals and lambda the bragg condition. 98 00:10:36,340 --> 00:10:39,370 So what we've shown is that the Laue condition, 99 00:10:39,370 --> 00:10:48,250 this conservation of crystal momentum is the same thing as requiring constructive interference or having the Bragg condition satisfied. 100 00:10:48,670 --> 00:10:59,030 Okay. Good. All right. So supposing that we have the bad condition or the lousy condition satisfied? 101 00:10:59,600 --> 00:11:03,200 One of the things we derived last time was that the intensity of scattering. 102 00:11:03,650 --> 00:11:07,250 Intensity of scattering is proportional to the structure factor. 103 00:11:07,700 --> 00:11:19,230 At G came out as K prime squared structure factor s equals the four eight transform of the scattering potential v of. 104 00:11:19,250 --> 00:11:22,910 Ah. Does that sound familiar from last lecture? I hope. 105 00:11:23,420 --> 00:11:37,729 Okay. But that still leaves up in the question what is V of ah and what v of are is what the potential your wave feels as it goes into the crystal. 106 00:11:37,730 --> 00:11:41,900 Depends on well, depends on the crystal, but it also depends on what kind of wave you're using. 107 00:11:42,230 --> 00:11:47,540 They the wave interacts with the crystal very differently depending on the type of wave that you're using. 108 00:11:48,110 --> 00:11:51,110 So the easier case to think about is neutrons. 109 00:11:51,470 --> 00:11:57,320 So case one, neutrons, neutrons interact. 110 00:11:59,560 --> 00:12:16,600 Mainly mainly are via nuclear forces by a short range short range nuclear forces and nuclear forces. 111 00:12:19,240 --> 00:12:28,720 So what does that mean? It means the neutrons go into the sample and they see very short range potentials associated with the nuclei. 112 00:12:28,990 --> 00:12:37,420 And we can write that we of our equals or is proportional to, I guess, some of our atoms, 113 00:12:38,200 --> 00:12:48,370 all atoms alpha in the whole system, some coefficient B alpha times a delta function potential at r minus R alpha. 114 00:12:48,790 --> 00:12:51,940 So basically saying that every nucleus. 115 00:12:52,110 --> 00:12:57,880 So our alpha is position of atom alpha. Position of atom alpha. 116 00:13:00,250 --> 00:13:05,620 And B Alpha is in the in the magnitude of the interaction with that nucleus. 117 00:13:05,620 --> 00:13:15,060 It's known as the nuclear scattering length. Scatter length, length. 118 00:13:17,880 --> 00:13:24,870 And so the essence of this equation is basically saying that the the neutrons coming in, 119 00:13:24,870 --> 00:13:30,090 they see very sharp peaks in potential at the positions of the nuclei. 120 00:13:30,420 --> 00:13:37,590 And and that's all they don't see anything else. Now these coefficient B, they have to do with nuclear physics. 121 00:13:37,590 --> 00:13:39,810 And nuclear physics can be extremely complicated. 122 00:13:40,650 --> 00:13:44,910 They can be positive or they can be negative depending on the particular nucleus we're talking about. 123 00:13:45,180 --> 00:13:51,030 Positive means you have a repulsive interaction with the nucleus. Negative means you have an attractive interaction with the nucleus, 124 00:13:51,030 --> 00:13:57,540 and you can have the either and the size of these B's can vary by lots, depending on the particular nucleus you're thinking about. 125 00:13:57,780 --> 00:14:03,600 And really the only way to know what B is for a particular nucleus is to just look it up on a table or measure it. 126 00:14:04,230 --> 00:14:10,139 You know, you could have two atoms on the periodic table that are right next to each other, like carbon, nitrogen and the nucleus. 127 00:14:10,140 --> 00:14:13,530 Scattering length is completely different. Some can be positive, some can be negative. 128 00:14:13,710 --> 00:14:18,390 It just goes all over the place. So it's actually something that we can't actually predict very easily. 129 00:14:18,660 --> 00:14:23,640 Even nuclear physicist, even good nuclear physicists have a hard time predicting these things. 130 00:14:24,480 --> 00:14:31,380 So we just have to resort to a table and assume that these things are known or they somehow we're going to be able to measure them. 131 00:14:31,800 --> 00:14:37,740 But given that we have this sort of functional form of the interaction with the nuclei, 132 00:14:37,920 --> 00:14:42,330 we can then calculate the structure factor, structure factor SMG, 133 00:14:43,740 --> 00:14:51,299 which remember the the definition is that it's actually deeper and therefore you transform in the unit 134 00:14:51,300 --> 00:15:00,870 cell the for you transform in the unit cell of e to the i g r times v of r something we derive last time. 135 00:15:02,250 --> 00:15:08,460 And if we actually plug in the, the form that we just wrote down above, 136 00:15:09,060 --> 00:15:16,170 we have some of our alpha b alpha delta, three dimensional delta function R minus hours of alpha. 137 00:15:16,170 --> 00:15:25,560 Now we'll let the Delta Function Act and we get the fairly simple outcome that the sum over Adams alpha Adams Alpha in unit 138 00:15:25,570 --> 00:15:40,080 cell of B sub alpha e to the i g dot our sub alpha where r sub alpha is the position of position of atom alpha and unit cell. 139 00:15:42,200 --> 00:15:46,579 Adam Alpha. So there we have it. 140 00:15:46,580 --> 00:15:54,710 So that's the structure factor for scattering, scattering of neutrons against nuclei. 141 00:15:55,670 --> 00:16:00,020 Now that's versus for neutrons. Neutrons being fairly simple. 142 00:16:00,380 --> 00:16:06,230 But there's a second case that we need to worry about, which is x rays and x rays and more complicated x rays. 143 00:16:07,890 --> 00:16:11,700 X-rays. Well, they're electromagnetism X-rays, you know, like light. 144 00:16:12,120 --> 00:16:15,690 They mainly scatter. Mainly scatter from electrons. 145 00:16:16,470 --> 00:16:22,260 Scatter from electrons. From from electrons. 146 00:16:24,400 --> 00:16:29,709 Electrons. Via Thompson scattering in space. 147 00:16:29,710 --> 00:16:34,510 Thompson scattering last year. So. Sound familiar? Yeah. So it may be scattering from electrons via Thompson scattering. 148 00:16:34,690 --> 00:16:37,749 There's a little bit of Thompson scattering off the nuclei, but really very, very, 149 00:16:37,750 --> 00:16:42,909 very small amount because the nuclei are very heavy compared to the electrons. 150 00:16:42,910 --> 00:16:47,500 And so they're very hard to scatter off of. It's hard to push them around. It's easy to push the electrons around because they're light. 151 00:16:47,770 --> 00:16:55,930 So mainly the of our four x rays, the effective interaction is proportional to the density of electrons. 152 00:16:56,390 --> 00:17:03,370 The density of electrons. So what's the density of electrons? 153 00:17:03,370 --> 00:17:07,599 Well, we can write sort of an approximate expression for the density of electrons, 154 00:17:07,600 --> 00:17:19,690 which will rate as some sum over atoms alpha Z, sub alpha Z here being the atomic number, atomic number of atom, alpha, 155 00:17:21,130 --> 00:17:24,220 atomic number being the number of electrons in the in the atom, 156 00:17:24,220 --> 00:17:33,340 also the number of protons in the atom times some function which I'll call g sub alpha of R minus R alpha, 157 00:17:33,550 --> 00:17:41,470 which I guess we can call something like a shape function. Which is normalised. 158 00:17:42,340 --> 00:17:48,010 So it's integral as one and we can compare that to what we have over here. 159 00:17:49,150 --> 00:17:53,800 Looks kind of similar, except here it's a delta function and here it's not a delta function. 160 00:17:54,070 --> 00:17:59,890 So the difference being that when you if you're a neutron, you you scatter off of only the nucleus. 161 00:18:00,130 --> 00:18:03,870 Whereas if you're an X-ray, you scatter off of the whole atom. 162 00:18:03,890 --> 00:18:07,900 So you can kind of think of this G as being a very, very fat delta function. 163 00:18:07,900 --> 00:18:15,850 It's spread out, spreading out the delta function into some functionality or just takes into account the entire size of all the electrons in the atom. 164 00:18:15,860 --> 00:18:18,040 So think of it as a sort of a fat helper function. 165 00:18:19,360 --> 00:18:26,650 So now I should say, however, that this this form where we're summing up over the shapes of all these different atoms, 166 00:18:26,890 --> 00:18:31,090 times the number of electrons in each atom is a little bit approximate. 167 00:18:31,270 --> 00:18:35,340 And the reason it's a little bit approximate is because there's an assumption, 168 00:18:35,350 --> 00:18:39,670 a hidden assumption here, that the shape of the atom is independent of its environment. 169 00:18:39,910 --> 00:18:47,350 If an atom happens to be bonded to one particular type of atom, it will actually distort the electron cloud of the atom a little bit. 170 00:18:47,560 --> 00:18:49,960 So the shape will change a little bit, and we've ignored that. 171 00:18:50,110 --> 00:18:55,099 And if it's bonded to a different type of atom, its shape will will change a little bit and maybe another direction. 172 00:18:55,100 --> 00:18:57,610 It will depend on which direction it's bonded and so forth and so on. 173 00:18:58,000 --> 00:19:07,899 But to a very good first approximation, this is a fairly good way to describe the the shape of the density of electrons in any crystal, 174 00:19:07,900 --> 00:19:11,650 just you only have a shape of for a particular type of atom and you add it up over 175 00:19:11,650 --> 00:19:15,070 all atoms and you ignore the fact that neighbouring atoms will distort the shape. 176 00:19:15,340 --> 00:19:18,940 Okay, good. All right. 177 00:19:19,360 --> 00:19:30,730 So we can take this form of the, of the density of electrons and again construct the structure factor as a g which is now sum over all atoms. 178 00:19:31,390 --> 00:19:38,740 Atoms alpha integral D three are very similar to what we did just over here, over a unit. 179 00:19:38,740 --> 00:19:47,140 So then we have the I got R, we have Z Sub Alpha and we have g sub alpha. 180 00:19:48,400 --> 00:19:54,160 Of our ways are alpha. If we do that for you, transform. 181 00:19:54,460 --> 00:20:00,160 What we get is extremely similar to what we get over here, very similar to this equation here. 182 00:20:00,160 --> 00:20:10,180 What we get is of the following form sum over atoms, alpha and unit cell of each of the. 183 00:20:10,180 --> 00:20:16,809 I got our efforts of alpha use different letter as a function of g. 184 00:20:16,810 --> 00:20:21,670 This is known as the atomic form factor. Form factor. 185 00:20:24,580 --> 00:20:26,740 It depends on the type of atom we're talking about. 186 00:20:27,370 --> 00:20:32,770 And if you want to know what the atomic form factor actually is, so actually maybe just compare it to over here. 187 00:20:33,070 --> 00:20:40,149 The atomic form factor takes the place of the nuclear scattering length over here of this takes the place of the B alpha. 188 00:20:40,150 --> 00:20:46,120 But the overall structure of that of the of the structure factor here out of this equation stays pretty much the same. 189 00:20:46,120 --> 00:20:52,780 The only difference is the atomic form factor is also a function of the, of the the reciprocal lattice factor g. 190 00:20:53,020 --> 00:20:56,739 Whereas over here it's not in the reason it's not over here is because we have a nice simple 191 00:20:56,740 --> 00:21:01,390 delta function interaction over here and we have a more complicated interaction over here. 192 00:21:02,530 --> 00:21:14,799 If you want to know the actual form of F of G, it's actually an integral d3r, it's just the 48 transform g r r g sub alpha. 193 00:21:14,800 --> 00:21:19,210 I guess maybe this about for the z sub alpha first, then g of alpha of R. 194 00:21:19,840 --> 00:21:24,310 So it's just the for the transform of the shape function g. 195 00:21:25,000 --> 00:21:30,730 The surprise maybe is this integral is actually the overall space, not just over the moon itself. 196 00:21:31,850 --> 00:21:34,470 And that I'm not going to go through the whole derivation. 197 00:21:34,490 --> 00:21:39,799 I think there's a revision homework assignment that asks you to try to work through it maybe. 198 00:21:39,800 --> 00:21:43,510 Or there was last year or maybe it's not there this year. But it's worth trying to do. 199 00:21:43,720 --> 00:21:50,240 It's in the book. But to try to convince you that the integrals should be over all space, let me make the following argument. 200 00:21:50,690 --> 00:21:55,100 So these the shape functions g have long tails. 201 00:21:55,340 --> 00:21:59,240 I mean, this tails are small, but they are. But they go out a long way. 202 00:21:59,720 --> 00:22:03,770 If you're only adding up over atoms within the unit cell, 203 00:22:03,950 --> 00:22:10,910 you would never feel the tail of one of those those shape functions because you're only adding up over alphas within the unit cell. 204 00:22:11,330 --> 00:22:14,500 What you should be including the tails of all your neighbours. 205 00:22:14,510 --> 00:22:20,090 So there's atoms way out there and other unit cells. Then you should be feeling the tails of those of those shape functions. 206 00:22:20,390 --> 00:22:26,150 And so the fact that you're integrating all overall space is keeping track of both the 207 00:22:26,150 --> 00:22:31,780 short range part of G and the tails of the of the GS from other atoms farther away. 208 00:22:31,790 --> 00:22:35,510 So they all sort of get re some and come into the the form factor here. 209 00:22:35,880 --> 00:22:39,230 Okay. So I'm not going to do the derivation. It's probably not worth doing. 210 00:22:39,560 --> 00:22:43,020 But. Might be worth doing for fun. 211 00:22:43,170 --> 00:22:48,809 Anyway, the the form of this form factor more or less looks like this. 212 00:22:48,810 --> 00:22:50,640 So we'll draw alpha here. 213 00:22:51,030 --> 00:23:04,680 We'll draw G over here for g equal to zero for g equals zero equals zero f sub alpha is just z sub alpha just basically counting. 214 00:23:04,800 --> 00:23:09,840 You can kind of see if you insert zero into that integral all over space. 215 00:23:09,840 --> 00:23:13,350 G is a normalised shape function, so you just get Z back out. 216 00:23:13,950 --> 00:23:19,200 So, so if g zero you get z sub alpha up here, 217 00:23:19,470 --> 00:23:28,710 but then it sort of decays slowly down to something much smaller and the decay length is more or less one over the radius of the atom. 218 00:23:30,090 --> 00:23:38,170 Radius of atom. Very frequently, people just make the approximation that F of alpha is a constant, 219 00:23:38,500 --> 00:23:44,530 and the constant is just the number of electrons because you know, if you have more electrons, you scatter more off of it, off of the atom. 220 00:23:44,740 --> 00:23:52,090 So just let's assume that the form factor is independent of G and it's basically just proportional to the number number of electrons in G. 221 00:23:52,330 --> 00:23:58,569 It's not a horrible approximation. It isn't completely right, but it's not too bad and makes your life a lot simpler. 222 00:23:58,570 --> 00:24:05,620 It makes the the x ray problem look a lot more like the the neutron problem where there's this form factor. 223 00:24:05,620 --> 00:24:09,340 This B doesn't depend on G anymore. It doesn't depend on the reciprocal lattice factor. 224 00:24:09,490 --> 00:24:13,570 But strictly speaking, F should decay as a function of g as well. 225 00:24:14,620 --> 00:24:21,069 So generally, whether we're talking about X-rays or we're talking about neutrons, 226 00:24:21,070 --> 00:24:27,820 we will always have s of g of the following form some over atoms, alpha atoms, alpha in units. 227 00:24:27,820 --> 00:24:41,049 So each of the i g are alpha and then well I'll write it as f of g but or or b sub alpha. 228 00:24:41,050 --> 00:24:48,700 If we're talking about neutrons, it's convenient frequently to rewrite this in terms of Miller Indices. 229 00:24:49,030 --> 00:24:56,140 So if we rewrite these statements in terms of Miller Indices, we would have some of our alpha and units all. 230 00:24:58,680 --> 00:25:13,499 E to the two pi i h times you alpha plus k times v alpha plus l times w alpha f sub alpha hk l so here hk 231 00:25:13,500 --> 00:25:31,650 l hk l is the Miller Indices Miller Indices of g g vector and you alpha v alpha w alpha equals position. 232 00:25:33,690 --> 00:25:38,780 Position of atom alpha alpha in unit cell. 233 00:25:42,480 --> 00:25:47,050 Okay. That make people happy. Good so far. 234 00:25:47,920 --> 00:25:51,550 All right. Let's actually do an example to make make some of this more clear. 235 00:25:52,180 --> 00:25:58,510 So example, a material we talked about before, caesium chloride. 236 00:25:58,990 --> 00:26:04,090 So remember, caesium chloride is simple cubic with basis. 237 00:26:04,870 --> 00:26:17,769 With basis. And the basis has a caesium at 000000 and a chlorine at one half. 238 00:26:17,770 --> 00:26:23,200 One half. One half. And I think I may have a picture of that. 239 00:26:23,730 --> 00:26:26,590 Yeah, I hope this looks familiar. We spent some time discussing it. 240 00:26:27,970 --> 00:26:38,060 So using that expression for the structure factor, we can we can write s at a scale equals. 241 00:26:38,560 --> 00:26:41,890 So it's going to be a sum over the two atoms in the unit cell. 242 00:26:42,280 --> 00:26:47,680 So the first atoms at 000. So each of the two pi, then we have a bunch of zeros upstairs. 243 00:26:47,980 --> 00:26:55,630 So the first time will just be f caesium because either the two pi is zero is just going to give you one good. 244 00:26:55,900 --> 00:27:01,040 And the second term will be f chlorine times e to the two pi. 245 00:27:01,390 --> 00:27:09,430 And then we have h times one half plus k times one half, plus L times one half. 246 00:27:11,230 --> 00:27:22,450 Plugging in the position of chlorine, UVA and W both being one half for chlorine and I can rewrite that as F strictly speaking. 247 00:27:23,170 --> 00:27:32,640 Strictly speaking, I should have given f it caesium an f chlorine h can l dependencies as I just ranted about up up there. 248 00:27:32,650 --> 00:27:39,730 So they're strictly speaking, they're also functions of h can't l weak functions of h candle as well. 249 00:27:39,760 --> 00:27:46,450 They depend slightly on on the magnitude of G two, but I typically won't write that right, that dependence. 250 00:27:46,450 --> 00:27:51,040 But you have to remember that it's actually there so we can rewrite that as f caesium in here. 251 00:27:51,040 --> 00:27:57,759 I'm going to drop the dependence on h can't l for convenience times f plus f chlorine and this factor of each of the 252 00:27:57,760 --> 00:28:04,450 two pi i h times one half plus k times one half was l times one half is actually minus one in the H plus plus l. 253 00:28:06,390 --> 00:28:09,870 Good. So this is the structure factor. And you square this thing. 254 00:28:10,050 --> 00:28:18,240 This will give you the equity squared. It will give you the amplitude of scattering to O with k minus k prime given by Miller Indices. 255 00:28:18,240 --> 00:28:22,170 H can l. Okay. All right. Let's do another example. 256 00:28:23,400 --> 00:28:27,060 Example 2x2. Pure caesium. 257 00:28:28,020 --> 00:28:30,430 Pure caesium. Now you remember that that's BC, 258 00:28:31,200 --> 00:28:49,110 but PCC can be thought of as simple cubic with a basis with basis where the basis is caesium at 000 and caesium at one half, one half, one half. 259 00:28:49,800 --> 00:28:53,340 So in other words, we're just replacing the chlorine by another caesium. 260 00:28:53,670 --> 00:28:59,420 We discussed this before. And so there's a picture of it. 261 00:28:59,450 --> 00:29:06,000 So you just replace the chlorine with the caesium. So we get exactly the same result, except now chlorine. 262 00:29:06,020 --> 00:29:09,050 This is the chlorine from the centre of the unit, the conventional unit cell. 263 00:29:09,350 --> 00:29:21,830 It's going to be the same as if caesium. So now we'll get s h cl equals F caesium plus F caesium times minus one to the H plus k plus l. 264 00:29:23,090 --> 00:29:31,760 And we want to we can factor all the F caesium and F caesium times one plus minus one, the eight plus plus L. 265 00:29:32,600 --> 00:29:38,270 Now you'll notice that this vanishes unless write this down vanishes. 266 00:29:40,940 --> 00:29:47,800 Unless. H plus k plus l is even age plus k plus l is even. 267 00:29:49,930 --> 00:29:54,420 This is what's known as a selection rule or a systematic absence. 268 00:29:54,430 --> 00:30:02,020 Maybe I'll write those down. Selection rule. Rule or systematic absence. 269 00:30:06,750 --> 00:30:10,630 Systematic absence. Absence. Absence. 270 00:30:10,920 --> 00:30:14,610 Sense. Systematic absence. 271 00:30:15,360 --> 00:30:20,760 The idea being that you will get no scattering unless h plus k plus l is even. 272 00:30:20,940 --> 00:30:27,120 So all of the Miller indices with H plus people to L being odd have no scattering at all. 273 00:30:27,120 --> 00:30:31,109 They are systematically absent from this, from the scattering or another way words. 274 00:30:31,110 --> 00:30:36,089 In order to get scattering, you must satisfy this selection rule. 275 00:30:36,090 --> 00:30:41,520 And this is generally true for BC lattices, for BC lattices, for BC lattices. 276 00:30:41,610 --> 00:30:46,530 These are the selection rules now. 277 00:30:48,390 --> 00:30:56,820 So whenever you do a scattering experiment, if you discover that all the Miller indices scattering by these wave vectors with H plus K plus L, 278 00:30:57,690 --> 00:31:05,549 any time if you discover that H was odd that there's no scattering at those Miller indices, but you do find scattering, for instance. 279 00:31:05,550 --> 00:31:10,560 Kate Purcell even. It's a very, very good bet that what you have is a BC lattice. 280 00:31:11,280 --> 00:31:15,960 However, you can be fooled. How can you be fooled? You can be fooled. 281 00:31:16,110 --> 00:31:18,660 For example, let's consider the case of caesium chloride. 282 00:31:19,020 --> 00:31:26,580 Suppose just coincidentally, F caesium and F chlorine were equal to each other by some coincidence, 283 00:31:26,850 --> 00:31:30,210 in which case you'd get the same vanishing over here. You'd have the same selection wrong. 284 00:31:30,750 --> 00:31:37,139 But if they're different, maybe by a little bit, then the selection rule is almost satisfied. 285 00:31:37,140 --> 00:31:42,990 Meaning that you have to look really, really carefully to see that there was some amplitude because these would almost exactly cancel. 286 00:31:43,770 --> 00:31:48,090 So caesium chloride does not have this property of caesium and chlorine are not very similar, 287 00:31:48,180 --> 00:31:52,650 but there's a very, very similar material for which these two are extremely close. 288 00:31:52,860 --> 00:31:57,330 And you might be mistaken, you might if you looked at the data, you might make a mistake. 289 00:31:57,540 --> 00:32:00,990 And unless you looked at it really carefully, you would think that you would have the same selection role. 290 00:32:01,110 --> 00:32:09,180 Anyone want to guess what that material is? Well reduction potassium chloride so that we have there. 291 00:32:09,780 --> 00:32:14,250 I'll give this to you anyway, but it's not the right answer. Potassium chloride is a very good gas. 292 00:32:14,520 --> 00:32:20,849 And the reason the reason thallium chloride is a good gas is because remember that these aff these form factors are 293 00:32:20,850 --> 00:32:29,370 basically proportional to the atomic number and the atomic number of caesium and chlorine are extremely different. 294 00:32:30,180 --> 00:32:36,090 Chlorine is what is chlorine? Chlorine is number 17 and caesium is number number 55. 295 00:32:36,330 --> 00:32:43,310 So these two numbers will be extremely different. But if you replaced the chlorine, the caesium with potassium, potassium is right above it. 296 00:32:43,320 --> 00:32:51,959 On the periodic table it's chemically very similar. Then potassium has as atomic number 19 and chlorine has atomic number 17. 297 00:32:51,960 --> 00:32:55,440 So these would be pretty close to each other and you'd have a near cancellation. 298 00:32:56,480 --> 00:32:58,520 Potassium chloride is not the right answer because in fact, 299 00:32:58,520 --> 00:33:02,299 potassium chloride does not take this crystal structure and it takes a different crystal structure. 300 00:33:02,300 --> 00:33:05,780 It's FCC. It's like it's like sodium chloride. It's FCC with a basis. 301 00:33:06,350 --> 00:33:09,379 There's another material, but that's a hint. What's the other material? 302 00:33:09,380 --> 00:33:13,300 That would be more like caesium chloride. No. 303 00:33:13,350 --> 00:33:17,150 No, no. Magnesium. No, no, no. 304 00:33:17,230 --> 00:33:20,500 All right. I'm going to eat this one myself. It's a caesium iodide. 305 00:33:21,220 --> 00:33:27,400 If you replace chlorine with iodine, which is which is to two spaces under it on the periodic table, 306 00:33:28,570 --> 00:33:33,820 that iodine has has atomic number 53 and caesium has atomic number 55. 307 00:33:34,030 --> 00:33:37,929 So the cancellation between these two would be almost exact. 308 00:33:37,930 --> 00:33:42,820 I mean, only within a few percent you would, you would have a slight non cancellation. 309 00:33:42,970 --> 00:33:49,570 So you're very easy to make the mistake and look at the data and think that you have a BSC lattice because you think there's a systematic absence. 310 00:33:49,750 --> 00:33:53,650 But if you look at it much, much more closely, you discover that in fact, it's not perfectly cancelling. 311 00:33:54,040 --> 00:33:57,810 Okay. And we're happy. All right. So. 312 00:34:00,200 --> 00:34:04,220 Right. We can do the same thing with FCC lattices. 313 00:34:05,420 --> 00:34:08,990 Consider the case of FCC. FCC lattices. 314 00:34:12,230 --> 00:34:19,700 So for FCC we can think of FCC equals equals a basic, simple cubic times a basis simple cubic. 315 00:34:22,690 --> 00:34:27,760 Time's a basis. Incidentally, I should I should have mentioned this. 316 00:34:27,940 --> 00:34:30,010 If we were looking at nuclear scattering lengths, 317 00:34:30,340 --> 00:34:35,350 then there's absolutely no reason you should ever expect any two would be the same independent of their atomic number. 318 00:34:35,350 --> 00:34:40,419 Because, I mean, you could have a strange coincidence that the scattering length of hydrogen happens 319 00:34:40,420 --> 00:34:43,960 to happen to match the scattering length of iron or something crazy like that. 320 00:34:44,110 --> 00:34:50,740 But just because they are close to each other in the periodic table doesn't mean that they have close nuclear scattering links completely unrelated. 321 00:34:51,160 --> 00:34:55,810 So it's sometimes good if you think there's a near cancellation to switch from x rays to neutrons, 322 00:34:56,020 --> 00:34:59,890 because a near cancellation with x rays won't be a near cancellation with neutrons generally. 323 00:35:00,550 --> 00:35:13,720 All right, back to FCC. The FCC. If we can think of it as simple cubic with a basis where the basis equals basis equals 0000 and one half, 324 00:35:13,720 --> 00:35:22,630 one half zero and one half, zero one half and zero one half one half. 325 00:35:24,730 --> 00:35:30,639 Actually, I think I have a picture of that as well. Remember this from from a couple of lectures ago. 326 00:35:30,640 --> 00:35:35,160 The FCC lattice is for inter penetrating simple qubits. 327 00:35:36,530 --> 00:35:39,099 Okay, so we can write the structure factor. 328 00:35:39,100 --> 00:35:49,180 The structure factor is going to be the sum over all these four four lattice points within the conventional unit cell of E to the two pi, 329 00:35:49,300 --> 00:36:06,490 and I'll abbreviate this hk l dotted into you the w point alpha, which we can then write as one plus e to the i pi h plus. 330 00:36:07,060 --> 00:36:11,230 So one is from 000. Then we'll have h plus k plus. 331 00:36:11,230 --> 00:36:17,230 Either the i pi h plus l plus the i pi k plus l, 332 00:36:19,150 --> 00:36:30,550 which is then equal to one plus minus one to the h plus k plus minus one to the plus L plus minus one to the K plus l. 333 00:36:31,960 --> 00:36:47,680 And I claim that this vanishes unless h cancel h can't l all even or all odd. 334 00:36:50,420 --> 00:36:53,510 And to convince you of that, if at all. 335 00:36:53,510 --> 00:36:57,080 Even then, all those sets of exponents are even so it's one plus one plus one plus one. 336 00:36:57,530 --> 00:37:02,659 If h can't l are all odd. Then again two odds added together always give you an even. 337 00:37:02,660 --> 00:37:09,140 So it's again one plus one plus one plus one. But if you have, for example, one odd and two evens, let's think about that case. 338 00:37:09,410 --> 00:37:15,889 Let's suppose H is odd and canal or even then h plus k is odd, h plus l is odd, but k plus l is. 339 00:37:15,890 --> 00:37:19,520 Even so we'll have one minus one, minus one plus one and vanishes. 340 00:37:19,850 --> 00:37:27,499 And you can convince yourself that unless h can either all even or all odd, you'll get that will vanish. 341 00:37:27,500 --> 00:37:33,950 So this is a selection role rule for for FCC. 342 00:37:37,250 --> 00:37:40,610 So where do these where do these selection rules actually come from? 343 00:37:41,570 --> 00:37:47,240 If you remember back to the last lecture or the lecture before we discussed families of lattice planes and how how 344 00:37:47,240 --> 00:37:53,840 it is that certain sets of Miller indices do not correspond to families of lattice planes for BCS and FCC lattices. 345 00:37:54,170 --> 00:38:03,080 So remember, for example, with 100 family of lattice planes are reciprocal, lattice vector corresponds to this these sets of planes for simple cubic. 346 00:38:03,500 --> 00:38:12,709 If I tried to use that 1004 BC, it would not be a family of last planes because you would miss the the guy in the centre of the conventional use. 347 00:38:12,710 --> 00:38:18,710 So you have to go up to 200 in order to get that second the extra plane in the middle, 348 00:38:18,890 --> 00:38:25,879 a smaller plane spacing in order to catch that additional additional last point in the middle of the conventional unit. 349 00:38:25,880 --> 00:38:29,270 So OC two, does this sound familiar? Vaguely familiar. 350 00:38:29,420 --> 00:38:38,870 I hope so. Now, this is why 200 satisfies the basic selection rule, 351 00:38:38,870 --> 00:38:46,189 whereas 100 dozen for BC the selection rule is that h plus k plus l should be even that is true for 200. 352 00:38:46,190 --> 00:38:49,310 It is not true for 100. That's the origin of the selection rule. 353 00:38:49,550 --> 00:38:56,330 The selection rule is asking when is this set of no indices actually a reciprocal lattice vector for this particular lattice? 354 00:38:56,690 --> 00:38:57,589 That's where it's coming from. 355 00:38:57,590 --> 00:39:06,709 You can see another case with one one, one, one, one one makes these diagonal planes here cutting across the unit cell here. 356 00:39:06,710 --> 00:39:09,860 But it would miss the back point if it were thinking about PCC. 357 00:39:09,860 --> 00:39:12,530 We'd be missing the point in the centre of the unit cell. 358 00:39:13,100 --> 00:39:19,730 If you went to 2 to 2, you have twice the density of of lattice plane of planes here and you would catch the, 359 00:39:20,270 --> 00:39:21,679 the lattice point in the centre of the unit. 360 00:39:21,680 --> 00:39:28,280 So 111 does not satisfy the BC selection rule that h plus capable cell should be even whereas 2 to 2 does. 361 00:39:28,550 --> 00:39:31,970 Okay, so that's how you tell when you have a real reset. 362 00:39:31,980 --> 00:39:36,170 When the indices actually represent a reciprocal lattice vector, 363 00:39:36,170 --> 00:39:40,100 they represent a reciprocal lattice vector when they satisfy the selection role and 364 00:39:40,100 --> 00:39:44,350 they do not represent a reciprocal lattice vector when they do not represent it, 365 00:39:44,360 --> 00:39:47,690 satisfy the selection rule. Okay. Makes sense. Yeah. Good. 366 00:39:48,200 --> 00:39:58,370 All right. One thing that's really cool about these about these selection rules is that, in fact, when you can we can describe any crystal, 367 00:39:58,370 --> 00:40:03,019 we can describe a crystal as a lattice, any one of these 14 lattice types times a basis. 368 00:40:03,020 --> 00:40:07,879 This is one of the things we went over when we did crystal structure, for example, sodium chloride is an FCC lattice, 369 00:40:07,880 --> 00:40:13,160 but then times a basis which tells you there's a sodium is 000 and a chlorine at one half, one half, one half. 370 00:40:13,490 --> 00:40:18,680 The selection rules remain the same independent of the basis selection rules. 371 00:40:20,450 --> 00:40:25,400 Rules are independent, independent in depth of basis. 372 00:40:29,270 --> 00:40:32,479 So there's a mnemonic for how it is that people remember. 373 00:40:32,480 --> 00:40:38,720 This is frequently said that S is S for the lattice times s for the basis. 374 00:40:40,310 --> 00:40:43,640 So if s for the lattice vanishes, then the whole thing vanishes. 375 00:40:44,030 --> 00:40:49,999 Okay, so let's see if we can put some, you know, some equations behind this. 376 00:40:50,000 --> 00:40:53,270 What I mean by s for the lattice times s for the basis. All right. 377 00:40:53,270 --> 00:41:07,340 So let's recall that S is going to be a sum over atoms, alpha and units l of f sub alpha in the i g r alpha. 378 00:41:07,940 --> 00:41:15,860 And then we can write any atom alpha in terms of a lattice point and a basis vector x. 379 00:41:15,860 --> 00:41:19,010 So this is lattice point, they are flat point. 380 00:41:19,340 --> 00:41:21,500 An X is the basis factor basis. 381 00:41:23,030 --> 00:41:31,250 So that its position are alpha is the position of the lattice vector R for that atom and the basis vector X for that atom. 382 00:41:31,520 --> 00:41:35,210 So for example, x for sodium here is zero. 383 00:41:35,570 --> 00:41:39,049 It's sitting right on the lattice where X for chlorine is one half, one half, 384 00:41:39,050 --> 00:41:43,100 one half, which tells you that you take to find the position of a chlorine, 385 00:41:43,160 --> 00:41:48,319 you go to a lattice point and then you just place it by a vector X for chlorine, which is one half, one half, one half. 386 00:41:48,320 --> 00:41:53,520 So I'm just writing the. Coordinates of the atom in terms of its lattice coordinate and the basis displacement. 387 00:41:53,810 --> 00:42:05,970 Okay. All right. So then we can write s in terms of this as some over R in lattice, some over X in basis. 388 00:42:08,380 --> 00:42:16,630 Of F the form factor is only going to depend on X because it's only cares what type of atom you're talking about, whether it's a sodium or a chlorine. 389 00:42:16,900 --> 00:42:26,890 So F only depends on X here times each the i g and then the position are smaller is bigger plus bigger plus b x. 390 00:42:29,450 --> 00:42:31,240 Okay, then we can factor this. 391 00:42:31,870 --> 00:42:54,190 Write it as equal to sum over r in lattice times e to the i g dot r times sum over x and basis in basis f sub x in the i g dot x. 392 00:42:54,820 --> 00:42:58,300 Okay, so this is what we just calculated above. 393 00:42:59,140 --> 00:43:05,050 This is ask for the lattice and this here is s for the bases. 394 00:43:06,730 --> 00:43:14,049 So it's really pretty much strictly true that the structure factor for any crystal is a structure factor for the lattice alone times, 395 00:43:14,050 --> 00:43:17,260 the structure factor this factor here for the basis. 396 00:43:17,530 --> 00:43:20,679 So if the structure factor for the lattice vanishes, in other words, 397 00:43:20,680 --> 00:43:25,960 if you're not satisfying the selection rule for that, for the lattice type, then the whole thing is going to vanish. 398 00:43:26,230 --> 00:43:28,480 So it doesn't matter how complicated your basis is. 399 00:43:28,630 --> 00:43:35,320 If it's FCC, in order to get scattering, you have to satisfy the FCC scattering rules that h can all have to be all even or all odd. 400 00:43:35,770 --> 00:43:42,159 Okay. Now there's a way to interpret this statement that that you have to satisfy the selection 401 00:43:42,160 --> 00:43:47,710 rule for the lattice alone in order to get scattering from a complicated crystal. 402 00:43:49,450 --> 00:43:55,670 So let's think about this picture here with sodium chloride for a second. Imagine for a second that we ignore the chlorine. 403 00:43:55,690 --> 00:44:00,040 Just get rid of the chlorine. And then what we have left is sodium is on an FCC lattice. 404 00:44:00,430 --> 00:44:06,520 In order to get X-ray scattering or neutron scattering from those sodium, you have to satisfy the selection rule. 405 00:44:06,520 --> 00:44:10,360 Otherwise you get no scattering from it. Now let's get rid of the sodium and put the chlorine. 406 00:44:10,360 --> 00:44:18,100 Then the chlorians are also forming a complete lattice and in order to get scattering from the chlorians, you have to satisfy the selection rule. 407 00:44:18,310 --> 00:44:23,230 Now, if you put them back, both back in by superposition in order, it's just going to be the sum of the two. 408 00:44:23,260 --> 00:44:26,680 Scattering is a scattering from the sodium and the salt and the scattering from the chlorians. 409 00:44:26,860 --> 00:44:32,020 So if you're not satisfying the selection rule for one of them, you're not you're not going to get any scattering at all. 410 00:44:32,200 --> 00:44:35,470 So it's basically just saying that you add up the scattering from each of the pieces separately. 411 00:44:35,920 --> 00:44:47,440 Okay. All right. So in the next lecture, what we're going to do is we're going to yeah, we're going to actually look at some real X-ray data, 412 00:44:47,680 --> 00:44:53,260 and we're going to analyse the X-ray data and deduce what is in some real materials. 413 00:44:54,850 --> 00:45:05,350 But one of the things that we're expected to know that sort of has to be discussed is how you make X-rays in the first place, how to make make X-rays. 414 00:45:09,340 --> 00:45:16,630 So there's two ways to make X-rays, which we may only be able to get to the simplest of them today. 415 00:45:16,900 --> 00:45:23,650 But the simple way, the cheap way, simple and cheap is to use an X-ray tube. 416 00:45:24,340 --> 00:45:35,620 X-ray tube. This is a method discovered by Röntgen way, back in around 1919, 1900, 1901. 417 00:45:35,980 --> 00:45:42,940 The idea is you take a great big voltage here and you put it across cathode on this side, 418 00:45:43,090 --> 00:45:46,780 just a piece of metal on this side and a big target on this side. 419 00:45:47,410 --> 00:45:58,750 Target on this side. And by having this huge voltage, you spit electrons off the cathode and the electrons hit the target and off comes X-rays. 420 00:45:59,050 --> 00:46:06,580 So what's really happening here is that the electrons are fast electrons. 421 00:46:07,780 --> 00:46:15,690 Fast electrons kick out electrons from core orbitals kick out electrons from core. 422 00:46:15,700 --> 00:46:24,629 Orbitals from core. And the x rays you see, 423 00:46:24,630 --> 00:46:29,700 the x ray lines you actually see are mainly from other electrons falling down 424 00:46:29,880 --> 00:46:33,750 from the high orbitals down to the look to the core orbitals to refill them. 425 00:46:34,080 --> 00:46:42,240 So see emission from transitions, from electron transitions. 426 00:46:45,930 --> 00:46:51,719 So an electron in a high up orbital drops down to fill one of these empty spaces in the in 427 00:46:51,720 --> 00:46:58,990 the core orbitals and you will see a nice x ray line coming and nice x ray coming off. 428 00:46:59,010 --> 00:47:07,100 Now the energy of that of that transition is basically about the rig burg times the atomic number squared. 429 00:47:07,110 --> 00:47:17,010 Remember, when you have a hydrogen atom, the energy of the are the I can say to the hydrogen atom, I'll go as the nuclear charge squared. 430 00:47:18,170 --> 00:47:22,520 So, you know, the red berg is 13 electron volts, but the atomic number of your atom, 431 00:47:22,520 --> 00:47:27,049 if you're using something like copper, something like 40, so you can have a huge, huge energy. 432 00:47:27,050 --> 00:47:30,870 This can be tens of kilowatts of kbps. 433 00:47:31,310 --> 00:47:41,720 And that will correspond very nicely to what we want to correspond to what we want, which is lambda approximately one angstrom. 434 00:47:42,020 --> 00:47:44,240 Now, there's a couple of really nice things about this technique. 435 00:47:44,510 --> 00:47:50,150 One thing that's really nice about this technique is since it's an atomic transition, it's very, very sharp. 436 00:47:50,390 --> 00:47:57,320 In other words, there is a very sharp line, a very, very distinct transition between two distinct energy levels. 437 00:47:57,320 --> 00:48:00,380 You know, very clear energy level up here, a very clear energy level down there. 438 00:48:00,560 --> 00:48:09,740 And so you get a very, very well-defined, well-defined, defined lambda out of this type of technique. 439 00:48:09,740 --> 00:48:14,930 And this is basically what what Röntgen was doing, you know, 100, 115 years ago. 440 00:48:15,260 --> 00:48:19,639 Now, in modern in the modern era, I may or may not have have a picture of this. 441 00:48:19,640 --> 00:48:23,060 Let me see if I have it. Uh, yeah. 442 00:48:23,060 --> 00:48:32,390 Here in the modern era, there's another way to make X-rays, which is sort of favoured as a better technique, is only these X-ray tubes. 443 00:48:32,640 --> 00:48:34,220 They're they're incredibly cheap. 444 00:48:34,550 --> 00:48:40,850 You can you know, this is what you have in the the dentist's office when they X-ray your mouth is one of these things or, 445 00:48:40,850 --> 00:48:44,750 you know, X-ray broken bones. It's these things. And there's probably dozens them around this building. 446 00:48:44,990 --> 00:48:50,420 You can build one yourself if you wanted to, but frequently you need a much more high tech X-ray source. 447 00:48:50,690 --> 00:48:57,310 And the modern high tech X-ray source is known as the Synchrotron Prana. 448 00:48:57,770 --> 00:49:00,920 And it's in this picture. It's one of these big buildings. This is just down the road. 449 00:49:01,100 --> 00:49:09,050 This is the X-ray synchrotron source at Diamond Lab, just just up the road by about 10 minutes by car. 450 00:49:09,470 --> 00:49:13,340 These things are about ten to the ten times brighter. Ten to the ten. 451 00:49:13,580 --> 00:49:19,550 Yeah, 10 to 10 times brighter. More photons than X-ray tubes. 452 00:49:20,300 --> 00:49:31,400 Than X-ray tubes. And that's actually quite useful to have if for a lot of modern experiments which 453 00:49:31,790 --> 00:49:36,650 examine either extremely small samples or you need to collect data extremely quickly. 454 00:49:36,860 --> 00:49:42,890 I mean, at the end of the day, you're always counting photons. You're sort of counting how many photons are scattering in a particular direction. 455 00:49:43,040 --> 00:49:45,320 If you have more photons, you always get better data. 456 00:49:45,560 --> 00:49:53,060 If you're if it's particularly if you're looking at a very small sample where it's hard to focus those electrons in on the small sample. 457 00:49:53,060 --> 00:49:56,870 The general idea of the synchrotron is you take this great big ring, 458 00:49:57,110 --> 00:50:02,180 which you can see in this picture, this synchrotron source, you spin electrons around this ring. 459 00:50:02,510 --> 00:50:12,470 So the electrons are going around this ring at very high velocities a bit gives so giga electron volts and then in order to get X-rays out of it, 460 00:50:12,950 --> 00:50:18,529 you take your electrons and you send them through a bunch of magnets. 461 00:50:18,530 --> 00:50:29,930 So north, south, south, north, north, south, this is known as an undulating or a Wigler sometimes. 462 00:50:31,730 --> 00:50:33,950 And the idea is that the electrons going through this, 463 00:50:33,950 --> 00:50:42,620 they're going through very fast and you make them accelerate through and as you know, accelerate accelerating electrons emits radiation. 464 00:50:42,620 --> 00:50:52,429 And in this case, they will emit directed X-ray radiation, which is extremely colonnaded, extremely well defined frequency. 465 00:50:52,430 --> 00:50:56,990 And if you're not happy with the sort of a technique, this is sort of important to know. 466 00:50:57,110 --> 00:51:08,390 If you're not happy with how well-defined the frequency is, if you want to specify a frequency more precisely, specify a wavelength more precisely. 467 00:51:13,190 --> 00:51:22,100 What you do is you refract off a known crystal different tract off the known crystal, 468 00:51:23,250 --> 00:51:31,610 known crystal at a particular angle, and that will pick out a particular wavelength that you're interested in using. 469 00:51:31,820 --> 00:51:35,990 Now, whenever you're doing this, you're throwing away lots and lots and lots of the photons that you have. 470 00:51:36,170 --> 00:51:39,950 But if you have ten to the ten times the number of photons that you need to begin with, 471 00:51:40,100 --> 00:51:44,420 you can throw away a ton of them and you can refract multiple times to really specify 472 00:51:44,630 --> 00:51:48,050 that wavelength extremely precisely and do extremely high precision measurements. 473 00:51:48,470 --> 00:51:51,710 I think that's all I have to say about this. I'll see you tomorrow. Wow. 474 00:51:51,790 --> 00:51:52,900 Wow. Okay.