1 00:00:00,480 --> 00:00:04,830 Welcome back. It's now the 14th lecture of the condensed matter course. 2 00:00:05,640 --> 00:00:07,830 More or less, we've finished talking about scattering. 3 00:00:08,430 --> 00:00:14,430 There's a couple of little bits and pieces of scattering that I'm going to try to pick up later, maybe at the end of some other lectures. 4 00:00:14,700 --> 00:00:22,859 Instead, I'd like to move on and use what we've learned when we study scattering in order to go back and study other types of waves in crystals, 5 00:00:22,860 --> 00:00:28,290 the type of waves we were interested in originally where electron waves and vibrational waves are phonons. 6 00:00:28,560 --> 00:00:32,430 So let me remind you a few things we had learned about electron waves in one dimension, 7 00:00:32,580 --> 00:00:36,780 and then we're going to try to generalise up to higher dimensions from what we've learned. 8 00:00:37,770 --> 00:00:48,870 So let's recall the type finding model type, binding model for electrons, binding model in one day, in one day. 9 00:00:48,870 --> 00:00:55,440 And we're going to consider the case of two orbitals with two orbitals per unit cell orbits per unit cell. 10 00:00:57,780 --> 00:01:06,210 And that can be two atoms, one orbital in each atom, or it could be two orbitals on the same atom, one atom per unit cell. 11 00:01:06,690 --> 00:01:10,530 And we can, we can draw out the dispersion in reduced zone scheme. 12 00:01:10,530 --> 00:01:21,780 Here's K, here's energy, here's pi over a, here's minus pi over a that's the barren zone, the big green zone. 13 00:01:22,170 --> 00:01:31,560 We can write, draw the dispersion kind of like this and like this two modes at each wave vector K in the bronze zone. 14 00:01:31,950 --> 00:01:36,840 Or we can unfold that picture in the extended zone scheme. 15 00:01:38,740 --> 00:01:53,290 Looking like this. Here's K, here's pi over a year minus pi over a year to pi over A and here's minus two pi over a. 16 00:01:55,270 --> 00:02:02,950 So we have the same picture for the first mode and then for the second mode, we're going to shift things over, shift the thing on the left, 17 00:02:02,950 --> 00:02:06,609 over to the right by two pi over eight to make it look like this and shift the 18 00:02:06,610 --> 00:02:12,130 piece on the right over by two pi over a to the left to make it look like this. 19 00:02:13,120 --> 00:02:16,269 So we have what we called the first boron zone here. 20 00:02:16,270 --> 00:02:27,310 First we're on zone busy here, and then these pieces here where the second bronze zone, second bronze zone. 21 00:02:30,660 --> 00:02:33,540 And so it's useful. There's chemicals there right in the middle. 22 00:02:33,840 --> 00:02:38,640 It's useful to try to generalise this concept to three dimensions or higher dimensions. 23 00:02:39,060 --> 00:02:48,480 So let's let's do that. So generally, the Britain zone for one zone, since we're thinking about electrons in three dimensions, 24 00:02:48,900 --> 00:02:55,500 is going to be always defined as a unit cell in reciprocal space. 25 00:03:00,620 --> 00:03:05,750 And we're going to have to figure out what we mean by first bronze owned, second bronze on and so forth. 26 00:03:06,170 --> 00:03:13,820 So it's general and bronze on general, general and bronze zone. 27 00:03:14,690 --> 00:03:24,140 We define as follows. So we'll start with the first bronze on points in space. 28 00:03:27,950 --> 00:03:31,220 That are closer to. That are. Closer to. 29 00:03:32,120 --> 00:03:41,250 That are. Closer to. K equals zero, k equals zero. 30 00:03:42,040 --> 00:04:03,950 Then do any other any other reciprocal lattice point receptor lat point are the first boron zone are the first boron zone first B's. 31 00:04:05,020 --> 00:04:14,860 So all these points in the first boron zone are closer to the point of k equals zero, then to the other reciprocal lattice points. 32 00:04:14,860 --> 00:04:17,680 Here's the reciprocal last point here. At two minus two pi over eight, 33 00:04:17,710 --> 00:04:23,890 here's another reciprocal lattice point here at two pi over a and everything between minus pi over and pi over a 34 00:04:24,070 --> 00:04:29,410 constitutes the first boron zone because it's closer to K equals zero than it is to any other reciprocal lattice point. 35 00:04:29,800 --> 00:04:36,250 This definition might look a little familiar to you because in fact it's the same definition as the big nearside cell. 36 00:04:36,580 --> 00:04:40,660 So this equals the big inner site cell sites. 37 00:04:41,350 --> 00:04:46,330 Cell of the cake was zero point of k equals zero. 38 00:04:46,840 --> 00:04:49,960 In reciprocal lattice. In reciprocal lattice. 39 00:04:52,840 --> 00:04:59,469 Does that sound familiar? I hope all points that are closer to a given reciprocal lattice point than to any all points that are 40 00:04:59,470 --> 00:05:04,000 closer to a given lattice point than to any other lattice point constitute its bigger site cell. 41 00:05:04,240 --> 00:05:07,569 So all points that are closer to K equals zero than to any other reciprocal lattice 42 00:05:07,570 --> 00:05:12,850 point constitute the vendor site cell of the cake or zero point in reciprocal space. 43 00:05:13,000 --> 00:05:17,260 Good. Yes. Okay, good. So how about the second foreign zone? 44 00:05:18,400 --> 00:05:26,379 Points where k equals zero is the second close. 45 00:05:26,380 --> 00:05:32,760 This is the second closest. Recep lat point. 46 00:05:35,220 --> 00:05:38,760 What point are the second brands on? 47 00:05:38,880 --> 00:05:42,700 Are the. Second. 48 00:05:44,980 --> 00:05:50,050 Second to B.C. So, for example, if we pick pick a point here. 49 00:05:50,800 --> 00:05:56,020 X call point X, the first closest reciprocal lattice point to this point X is here. 50 00:05:56,350 --> 00:06:00,400 The second closest reciprocal last point to the point x is equal zero. 51 00:06:00,610 --> 00:06:04,180 Therefore, this point x is in the second burn zone. Good. 52 00:06:04,870 --> 00:06:09,790 Okay, that's the definition. So a couple of notes about these definitions. 53 00:06:10,030 --> 00:06:14,140 First of all, one bronze zone boundary. 54 00:06:17,360 --> 00:06:23,390 Two opposite to opposite opposite busy boundary. 55 00:06:27,000 --> 00:06:31,230 Is a reciprocal lattice factor is a reciprocal factor. 56 00:06:31,860 --> 00:06:35,040 Sep lad back. 57 00:06:35,310 --> 00:06:41,670 Let's see. So here's a bronze. On boundary is the boundary between the first bronze on the second bronze zone and minus pi over a. 58 00:06:41,730 --> 00:06:45,070 Here's another one. It's the opposite one from minus pile raised plus pile ray. 59 00:06:45,510 --> 00:06:51,750 Distance between them is two pi over a, which is indeed a reciprocal lattice vector. 60 00:06:51,930 --> 00:06:57,090 Similarly, here's a boundary between the second Barone zone and out here actually would be the third bronze zone. 61 00:06:57,510 --> 00:07:05,819 And so it's a bronze zone boundary, the distance from it to the opposite Barone zone boundary over here at plus 62 00:07:05,820 --> 00:07:10,830 two pi over a is four pi over A and that is also a reciprocal lattice factor. 63 00:07:10,830 --> 00:07:21,060 That is generally a true statement. Okay. There's a similar so one, a sort of caveat, a corollary of this is that these boundaries. 64 00:07:24,870 --> 00:07:28,440 Or maybe, maybe it's not a corollary, but it's almost equivalent statement. 65 00:07:28,740 --> 00:07:32,100 These boundaries are points. 66 00:07:33,600 --> 00:07:47,030 Where? Absolute value of K equals absolute value of k plus g for some g for some reciprocal lattice vector g. 67 00:07:48,680 --> 00:08:00,320 Okay. So for example, you need, you need to have K and K plus G and see what's K and k k posted having the same magnitude for, 68 00:08:00,560 --> 00:08:02,660 for G being some reciprocal lattice vector. 69 00:08:02,660 --> 00:08:09,800 So if you take minus pi over a, you add a reciprocal lattice vector to pi over eight to it you get plus pi over a those have the same magnitude. 70 00:08:09,980 --> 00:08:15,860 So you're on the bronze on boundary. Similarly, you take minus two pi over a at a reciprocal lattice vector to it. 71 00:08:15,860 --> 00:08:19,460 For pi over eight you get two plus two pi over a that has the same magnitude. 72 00:08:19,700 --> 00:08:26,120 So you're on a bronze on boundary. The second statement, which is important about bronze zones, 73 00:08:26,450 --> 00:08:41,570 is each DC bronze zone has the same the same area or volume in three dimensions, same area and and represents. 74 00:08:45,600 --> 00:08:50,280 Represents each k point. Each crystal momentum. 75 00:08:50,970 --> 00:08:56,790 Each crystal wave vector, I guess. Wave vector k once. 76 00:08:59,140 --> 00:09:02,950 That was our general idea of constructing the bronze zone in the first place, 77 00:09:03,190 --> 00:09:08,200 that every physically different wave is represented exactly once in the bronze zone. 78 00:09:08,380 --> 00:09:11,140 The second bronze zone is equivalent to the first bronze zone. 79 00:09:11,140 --> 00:09:20,020 We've just removed the pieces around into different places, but each wave vector K is represented exactly once inside each bronze zone. 80 00:09:20,680 --> 00:09:24,459 Incidentally, is it obvious from the second bronze zone that you would define? 81 00:09:24,460 --> 00:09:32,890 The third bronze zone analogously points where the archaic zero is the third closest reciprocal at this point would be the third bronze zone. 82 00:09:32,890 --> 00:09:35,710 So you have the first, second, third. You can have as many bronze zones as you want. 83 00:09:36,730 --> 00:09:45,940 The final the final statement, which is useful, I think this is a homework assignment on the third homework set that the number of K states, 84 00:09:45,940 --> 00:09:56,470 number of K states, we even prove this in lecture in each busy B.C. equals the number of units cells. 85 00:09:57,280 --> 00:10:01,690 Unit cells. In system. In system. 86 00:10:03,860 --> 00:10:09,140 Does that sound familiar? We prove this in one dimension. I think for homework, you're supposed to prove it in three dimensions. 87 00:10:09,410 --> 00:10:17,390 It is also generally a true statement. So actually, let me do an example of this in two dimensions to make this more clear. 88 00:10:18,110 --> 00:10:21,200 So this we can start with a square lattice and real space. 89 00:10:21,410 --> 00:10:27,260 The reciprocal lattice of a square lattice is also a square lattice. So I've drawn a square last is supposed to be the reciprocal lattice. 90 00:10:27,260 --> 00:10:32,209 So it's a square lattice. Again, I've coloured some of the points differently just to make them easy to talk about. 91 00:10:32,210 --> 00:10:37,970 The point of k equals zero. I've coloured black in the centre and so first we're going to try to construct the 92 00:10:37,970 --> 00:10:43,280 first boron zone that is the inner site cell of this black point in the centre. 93 00:10:43,280 --> 00:10:44,599 So how do you construct the bigger site? 94 00:10:44,600 --> 00:10:51,770 So you put down perpendicular by sectors to the nearest points, perpendicular bisected to the red points here we'll make this point. 95 00:10:51,770 --> 00:10:56,210 That's a pretty good bisect here. Then this this plane, this perpendicular by sector, 96 00:10:56,450 --> 00:11:03,950 these two also giving all the perpendicular bisect is to the red points and then you colour in the area that is the first boron zone. 97 00:11:04,760 --> 00:11:12,229 Okay. Now the distance across the first boron zone is two pi over a which is a reciprocal lattice vector the way it's supposed to be. 98 00:11:12,230 --> 00:11:18,230 That distance there from perpendicular, bisected or perpendicular by sector is a reciprocal lattice vector. 99 00:11:18,590 --> 00:11:21,829 Now let's look for the second brian zone. 100 00:11:21,830 --> 00:11:26,990 How do we do that? It's a very similar construction. You just start putting down more perpendicular by sectors. 101 00:11:27,260 --> 00:11:30,829 So here the second closest sets of points are these blue points here. 102 00:11:30,830 --> 00:11:35,959 So let's put down perpendicular bisected to those like this, like this, like this, like this. 103 00:11:35,960 --> 00:11:44,750 So these are the perpendicular bisected to the blue points out here. We'll colour in the walled off area blue and this is now the second branch zone. 104 00:11:44,960 --> 00:11:47,030 Now it's this check that affects the definition. 105 00:11:47,210 --> 00:11:54,800 If you take a point like here in the second Barone zone, the first closest reciprocal lattice point is this red point here. 106 00:11:55,130 --> 00:11:58,610 The second closest reciprocal lattice point is k equals zero. 107 00:11:58,880 --> 00:12:04,430 Therefore, this point here somewhere in this blue region is in the second Brian zone. 108 00:12:04,730 --> 00:12:10,610 Good. Okay. Now it may not be obvious that the distance across the bronze zone from brown 109 00:12:10,610 --> 00:12:13,670 zone boundaries to bronze on boundary here is a reciprocal lattice vector, 110 00:12:13,940 --> 00:12:18,200 but I'll show you that it is this is a reciprocal lattice vector from zero to the blue point. 111 00:12:18,410 --> 00:12:27,170 You just shift it like that. It's indeed the distance across from beyond zone boundary to bronze on boundary so we can keep going on looking for the 112 00:12:27,200 --> 00:12:33,470 third baron zone and to construct the third bronze zone we have to take put perpendicular by sectors to these green points. 113 00:12:33,680 --> 00:12:40,880 So let's do that, put down those green lines which are perpendicular, bisected to the green points and you fill in the area now green. 114 00:12:41,120 --> 00:12:43,279 And let's check that it satisfies the definition. 115 00:12:43,280 --> 00:12:49,490 If you pick a point here in the green area, the first closest reciprocal lattice point is this red point here. 116 00:12:49,700 --> 00:12:55,700 The second closest is the blue point out here. The third closest is the cable zero point in the centre. 117 00:12:55,700 --> 00:12:57,140 So this is in the third Brian zone. 118 00:12:57,560 --> 00:13:07,310 Now also the distance from Brown Zone boundary to brown zone boundary across the system is four pi over a, which is also a reciprocal lattice vector. 119 00:13:07,670 --> 00:13:12,950 Now, another thing that you've been promised from these definitions is that each Barone zone has the same area, 120 00:13:13,240 --> 00:13:18,650 looks like the kind of might and that they should each represent each k point once. 121 00:13:18,890 --> 00:13:22,640 So the bronze zones represent every possible point. Exactly. 122 00:13:22,880 --> 00:13:28,910 Wants to see this. What we're going to do is we're going to take the pieces of this puzzle and with some very crude animation, 123 00:13:28,910 --> 00:13:33,710 we're going to move them by reciprocal lattice vectors and show that they're actually the same shape. 124 00:13:34,010 --> 00:13:35,240 So let's see how that works. 125 00:13:35,600 --> 00:13:41,959 So I'm going to take this red section, the first boron zone, and I'm going to get that exact same shape of the first bronze zone, 126 00:13:41,960 --> 00:13:47,510 same area, same shape, exactly by moving these pieces of the second bronze zone over. 127 00:13:47,750 --> 00:13:53,060 So this piece, I'm going to move by a reciprocal lattice vector like that, two pi over a over. 128 00:13:53,300 --> 00:13:57,680 Then I'll take this piece, I'll move it to pi over a over this way and I'll take the top piece, 129 00:13:57,680 --> 00:14:01,370 move it to pi over eight down and the other one to pi over a up. 130 00:14:01,610 --> 00:14:05,300 And it fills exactly the first boron zone, so. Well, okay. 131 00:14:05,390 --> 00:14:09,170 My animation skills are not not perfect, which you see, the other one is even worse. 132 00:14:10,220 --> 00:14:15,440 But. But you get the picture that it's supposed to fill the first bronze on exactly one side we by shifting things 133 00:14:15,650 --> 00:14:20,790 by two pi over a we actually didn't change the waves at all because if you shift by two pi over eight, 134 00:14:20,810 --> 00:14:25,310 you're getting back exactly the same crystal momentum, the same physical wave by doing this. 135 00:14:26,180 --> 00:14:30,979 So the second bronze zone is effectively exactly equivalent to the first bronze zone. 136 00:14:30,980 --> 00:14:37,280 Now let's do the same thing for the third bronze zone. We'll shift this over by two pi over a this over by t by over a okay. 137 00:14:37,280 --> 00:14:44,030 Now it's really going to get bad, but but you get the idea that it's supposed to is supposed to fit perfectly. 138 00:14:44,330 --> 00:14:48,050 And had I been better with my animation skills, it would have fit perfectly. 139 00:14:48,380 --> 00:14:52,550 Okay. So that's the general general idea of O'Brien's answers. 140 00:14:52,550 --> 00:14:54,890 A couple facts about Brian Jones in 3D. 141 00:14:55,370 --> 00:15:02,600 So in 3D, the lattices that we're interested in right down a list of the lattices we're interested in are mainly in. 142 00:15:03,420 --> 00:15:07,350 And we have simple cubic, simple cubic. 143 00:15:07,770 --> 00:15:15,059 We have BTC and we have FCC. So the corresponding reciprocal lattice is very simple. 144 00:15:15,060 --> 00:15:22,290 That is well, a simple cubic lattice has has a reciprocal lattice which is also simple cubic. 145 00:15:24,060 --> 00:15:28,740 The VC lattice. This is something I mentioned and I think it's a revision homework problem. 146 00:15:29,310 --> 00:15:36,300 The reciprocal lattice of a BC lattice is FCC and the reciprocal lattice of an FCC lattice is C. 147 00:15:36,630 --> 00:15:44,700 So the shape of the first Barone zone, first being B.C. shape is well for a simple cubic lattice. 148 00:15:44,700 --> 00:15:51,180 The Fichtner site cell is a cube. So the first Barone zone for the simple cubic lattice is a cube. 149 00:15:51,600 --> 00:15:55,230 For the BC lattice, the reciprocal lattice is FCC. 150 00:15:55,470 --> 00:16:02,070 So we get something that's the shape of the bigger site cell for FCC, which was a funny shape. 151 00:16:02,070 --> 00:16:08,820 It was a truncated octahedron. I'll show your picture in a second. And for FCC lattice, the reciprocal lattice goes back. 152 00:16:09,240 --> 00:16:15,960 And so you get the bigger site cell for BBC here. 153 00:16:16,890 --> 00:16:20,280 Actually, I said this. This one is the truncated octahedron. 154 00:16:21,030 --> 00:16:24,780 Now this one is a truncated octahedron. And this is the let me just show it on the slide. 155 00:16:25,260 --> 00:16:28,319 Okay. So this is the first Bruns on an FCC lattice. 156 00:16:28,320 --> 00:16:34,440 This one's a chunk. This one is a truncated octahedron. This one is the truncated the dodecahedron. 157 00:16:34,650 --> 00:16:43,320 This one is 12 sides. This one has 14 sides. All right. Whatever. These are the shapes of the of the of the bronze zone. 158 00:16:43,320 --> 00:16:48,209 So in this case, the FCC lattice has a reciprocal lattice, which is boxy. 159 00:16:48,210 --> 00:16:49,500 And this is the Vicknair site. 160 00:16:49,500 --> 00:16:57,450 So the BC lattice, and this is the bigger site cell of the SCC lattice, which is also the first boron zone of the BC lattice. 161 00:16:57,450 --> 00:17:02,370 Now you'll notice that these pictures are drawn in K, space, K, X, Y and Z. 162 00:17:02,580 --> 00:17:07,290 And you'll also notice that there are some letters dropped on to these pictures. 163 00:17:07,590 --> 00:17:14,730 These letters are there because people typically, when they describe points on in the bronze zone, they usually say, 164 00:17:15,000 --> 00:17:21,960 we're talking about the Gamma Point or the X point or the L point, and that's just shorthand nomenclature that you don't need to know. 165 00:17:22,200 --> 00:17:26,999 But it's worth knowing that they have these when they say X point, they mean some particular point in the bronze zone. 166 00:17:27,000 --> 00:17:30,150 So the point in the middle of a square face is called the X Point. 167 00:17:30,390 --> 00:17:35,400 This point, this point at this point, the point in the middle of one of the hexagonal faces is called the L point. 168 00:17:35,640 --> 00:17:39,300 The point in the centre is always called gamma. You don't need to know these things. 169 00:17:40,200 --> 00:17:47,669 All right. So now that we we've we have these pictures of the bronze zone for, you know, 170 00:17:47,670 --> 00:17:51,600 for our various lattices, we can start thinking about the excitation spectra, 171 00:17:52,110 --> 00:17:58,290 either the electronic expectation spectra or the phone on excitation spectra for various different crystals. 172 00:17:59,160 --> 00:18:03,209 And so everywhere in the bronze zone there will be different like in the reduced zone scheme, 173 00:18:03,210 --> 00:18:09,420 you'll have different excitation modes at each possible value of K in the in the bronze zone. 174 00:18:09,720 --> 00:18:16,380 So let's, let's do an example being this Valentine's Day happy Valentine's Day everyone is we're going to do diamond 175 00:18:16,740 --> 00:18:24,060 for s all right so well we do diamond every year so just happens to be a Valentine's Day this year. 176 00:18:25,260 --> 00:18:34,050 So Diamond, you'll recall, is an FCC lattice with two atom basis, one carbon and 000 and one carbon at one quarter, one quarter, one quarter. 177 00:18:34,260 --> 00:18:37,740 This is the shape of the bronze zone as we had in the previous slide. 178 00:18:37,860 --> 00:18:45,630 Now the first question and opportunities, wind, chocolate, how many phonon modes should there be at each k vector in the first boron zone? 179 00:18:47,310 --> 00:18:54,550 How many phone unloads? No, no, no, no. 180 00:18:56,340 --> 00:19:00,060 Oh, my gosh. So there's there's two atoms in the. 181 00:19:00,180 --> 00:19:03,930 I'm going to eat this one myself. All right. I'm going to gain weight this year. 182 00:19:04,890 --> 00:19:10,500 Now, there's two atoms in the primitive unit, so each atom can move in three possible directions. 183 00:19:10,680 --> 00:19:15,800 So that means you have six modes. Yeah. So. Let's see if we have a picture of it. 184 00:19:15,810 --> 00:19:19,010 Yeah. So here's here's a picture of the diamond phonon spectrum. 185 00:19:19,880 --> 00:19:26,060 So the way it's drawn is that you take cuts through the barren zone along certain directions that you're interested in. 186 00:19:26,270 --> 00:19:33,980 So, for example, this line. So here's the frequency vertical and then the K vector is horizontal, but this given to you in a cut. 187 00:19:34,190 --> 00:19:41,240 So this is cutting from Gamma to X along the 100 direction gamma two X along 100 direction along this dotted line here. 188 00:19:41,600 --> 00:19:48,680 And then from here to here is Gamma two l along the one, one, one direction from here to here, along that dotted line. 189 00:19:49,070 --> 00:19:53,090 This one is a little more complicated. It's X to gamma along the 110 direction. 190 00:19:53,300 --> 00:20:00,200 So that actually goes from this X through this K into the gamma in the centre of the next brown zone over. 191 00:20:00,440 --> 00:20:07,429 So that was a little complicated, but. All right. Now you'll notice that if you pick a point in the centre here, you will count exactly six modes. 192 00:20:07,430 --> 00:20:11,690 One, two, three, four, five, six. If you count over here, you'll discover there's only four modes. 193 00:20:12,440 --> 00:20:18,799 Why is that? Well, the reason is because two of them are degenerate. And you'll see these two modes coming in to this point here. 194 00:20:18,800 --> 00:20:21,890 And then they have the same energy all the way down from here to here. 195 00:20:22,070 --> 00:20:27,590 And then two modes here are degenerate up here, and they have the same energy or same frequency all the way over here. 196 00:20:27,710 --> 00:20:33,590 And the reason for the degeneracy is because you're looking along a particularly symmetric direction where 197 00:20:33,590 --> 00:20:38,180 vibrations transverse in this direction and vibrations are transverse in that direction look identical. 198 00:20:38,420 --> 00:20:42,290 Whereas along this direction, it's a very symmetric direction. 199 00:20:42,290 --> 00:20:45,859 So all directions of vibration actually have different energies. 200 00:20:45,860 --> 00:20:50,089 You can see a couple of interesting things in this. In this figure, the gamma point is K equals zero. 201 00:20:50,090 --> 00:20:55,640 You can see the acoustic modes coming down to 22k equals zero linearly. 202 00:20:55,850 --> 00:20:59,360 And these are the optical modes up here at at high frequency. 203 00:21:00,080 --> 00:21:04,280 And one of these modes is longitudinal. Two of them are transverse. 204 00:21:04,580 --> 00:21:09,050 Now we can ask the same questions about an electronic excitation spectrum. 205 00:21:09,410 --> 00:21:14,059 And you when you calculate an electronic excitation spectrum in this type binding approximation, 206 00:21:14,060 --> 00:21:20,080 you have to decide how many orbitals you're going to consider on each on each atom. 207 00:21:20,090 --> 00:21:24,320 So for example, in that picture up there, we considered two orbitals per unit cell. 208 00:21:24,680 --> 00:21:32,659 So given that a typical type of calculation for carbon, you don't want to keep all the orbitals out to infinity. 209 00:21:32,660 --> 00:21:35,690 So generally you just keep the orbitals you're interested in. 210 00:21:36,050 --> 00:21:44,750 What is usually interested in is the orbitals where there's some sort of interesting action going on that the, the one, the one orbitals. 211 00:21:44,750 --> 00:21:48,110 There was a core orbitals that just completely filled. Nothing interesting going on there. 212 00:21:48,380 --> 00:21:51,800 The orbitals that are three three has three p and so forth. 213 00:21:51,800 --> 00:21:57,740 Those are just completely empty, totally uninteresting. The ones that are interesting are the ones they're sort of partially filled, partially empty. 214 00:21:57,740 --> 00:22:04,280 Those are two S and the 32p orbitals. So given that we're considering the three S and and the 32p orbitals, 215 00:22:04,730 --> 00:22:09,800 how many excitation modes eigenvalues should we find at each k point in the bronze zone? 216 00:22:11,580 --> 00:22:16,560 One more chance. We're considering four orbitals per atom. 217 00:22:18,730 --> 00:22:23,690 What was the answer? Eight. Did you say? Yeah. Okay, so almost. 218 00:22:23,730 --> 00:22:27,690 I got that. All right. Eight. Yeah. So there's two orbitals in your account. 219 00:22:27,690 --> 00:22:32,219 What you need to do is you need to count the total number of orbitals per primitive unit 220 00:22:32,220 --> 00:22:38,550 cell and that will give you the total number of excitation modes per per k vector. 221 00:22:38,760 --> 00:22:43,500 Now this diagram, this is an excitation spectrum, an electronic excitation spectrum of diamond. 222 00:22:43,770 --> 00:22:46,860 These things are frequently known as spaghetti diagrams for obvious reasons, 223 00:22:46,860 --> 00:22:50,490 because it looks like some sort of complicated ball of spaghetti that you can't make any sense of. 224 00:22:50,820 --> 00:22:55,860 But but it's actually it's fairly simple. Well, not that not that complicated. 225 00:22:56,130 --> 00:23:03,030 What's again, you're looking at cuts through the barren zone. So this is a line between the L and Gamma Point along this lot dotted line. 226 00:23:03,270 --> 00:23:08,220 This is a line from Gamma to X along this dotted line, then X to K, K to gamma. 227 00:23:08,610 --> 00:23:10,740 So it's basically just taking cuts to the branch zone. 228 00:23:10,980 --> 00:23:19,139 And at each K point, there are eight modes one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight and some in some directions. 229 00:23:19,140 --> 00:23:22,830 It looks like there's only six. Let's see, for example, this direction. 230 00:23:22,830 --> 00:23:26,820 One, two, three, four, five, six. Because two of them have become degenerate here. 231 00:23:27,120 --> 00:23:31,800 See, these two came together. Oh, no, hang on. These two came together here to make only one. 232 00:23:31,950 --> 00:23:35,490 That's because are actually two modes with the same energy. So you have to be a little bit careful about that. 233 00:23:38,250 --> 00:23:48,330 Four Now carbon has a valence of four, which means each carbon donates four electrons and that means with two carbons per primitive unit cell, 234 00:23:48,480 --> 00:23:53,700 we have donated eight electrons total. So you fill the bottom four bands with both spins. 235 00:23:53,940 --> 00:23:57,690 So the bottom four bands are filled and there's a gap in the upper four bands. 236 00:23:57,900 --> 00:24:00,510 And in fact, as we'll discuss in a couple of lectures later on, 237 00:24:00,660 --> 00:24:06,840 that means what we have is we have a really good insulator filled bands, then a big gap and then a bunch of empty bands. 238 00:24:06,960 --> 00:24:13,380 It's also what makes Diamond nice and transparent, so it makes Diamond beautiful, appropriately enough, for Valentine's Day. 239 00:24:13,380 --> 00:24:16,680 All right. So let's move on from here. 240 00:24:16,680 --> 00:24:18,720 I think that's enough of diamond for today. 241 00:24:20,130 --> 00:24:26,460 So one of the things that's fairly important about this, this story is that with our tight binding spectra, 242 00:24:26,580 --> 00:24:31,170 we always have the principle that if you take K to some K plus G, 243 00:24:31,470 --> 00:24:37,740 you get back exactly the same wave and you have the same principle for vibrations as well. 244 00:24:38,010 --> 00:24:45,840 Now, you might ask whether this are the principle that if when you shift K by a reciprocal lattice vector, 245 00:24:46,020 --> 00:24:51,989 whether that is actually special to the tight binding approximation we use or whether this is actually a general statement, 246 00:24:51,990 --> 00:25:01,020 let's remind ourselves why it is that we found this for an exit, for r for a tight binding model, basically the tight binding wave function. 247 00:25:01,110 --> 00:25:11,919 This is a slightly different language than I wrote it before. But you can you can write it as either the I KKR times electrons sitting on 248 00:25:11,920 --> 00:25:18,720 lattice point R is this we used to call this thing phi and we gave this a no. 249 00:25:18,750 --> 00:25:23,309 I think it's more or less I guess the difference is now we're doing it in three dimensions rather than one dimension. 250 00:25:23,310 --> 00:25:30,270 That's why it looks a little different. But this is basically the type binding wave function that we wrote down before and 251 00:25:30,270 --> 00:25:35,970 this thing is obviously invariant undertaking K to K plus g because either the I k, 252 00:25:36,300 --> 00:25:44,340 either the Igot R when you shift k by g g that R equals one because g is in the reciprocal lattice and R is in the direct lattice. 253 00:25:44,340 --> 00:25:47,820 So if cake is shifted by g, it doesn't change this factor here and you get back the same wave. 254 00:25:48,210 --> 00:25:54,480 So but you might ask whether this is just a property of the tight binding model or if this is actually something that's general. 255 00:25:54,480 --> 00:26:02,459 And this is actually a really important question and it's a question that came up very shortly after the discovery of the shortening equation scoring. 256 00:26:02,460 --> 00:26:08,280 I discovered his equation in 1926, in 1928, that people were already worried about this issue. 257 00:26:08,550 --> 00:26:14,880 And it was resolved very famously by Bloch, Felix Bloch, and what's known as Bloch's Theorem. 258 00:26:18,390 --> 00:26:23,340 Block's theorem. All right. Okay. Which is frequently. 259 00:26:24,490 --> 00:26:28,510 Referred to as the underpinning of all of material science. 260 00:26:28,720 --> 00:26:31,120 It's an underpinning of all of semiconductor physics. 261 00:26:31,330 --> 00:26:38,050 It's an extremely important principle which may not seem so important until we talk about some of its implications. 262 00:26:38,350 --> 00:26:42,670 But let me state the theorem first, then we'll prove the theorem. Then we'll talk about some of the implications. 263 00:26:43,120 --> 00:26:47,800 So the statement is an electron in a periodic potential. 264 00:26:48,160 --> 00:26:51,729 In periodic potential potential. 265 00:26:51,730 --> 00:26:53,950 Periodic vrr, I guess. 266 00:26:53,980 --> 00:27:04,000 Periodic means V of our equals vrr plus v of capital r with capital being a lot of spectre has eigen states of the form as eigen states. 267 00:27:07,190 --> 00:27:14,070 Of the form. Okay. 268 00:27:14,230 --> 00:27:24,370 There's a lot of symbols here for a second size sub K of R equals e to the i k 269 00:27:24,370 --> 00:27:37,540 dot are times you superscript alpha some k of our where where you is periodic. 270 00:27:41,070 --> 00:27:51,150 So it's the same if you shift it from you, you've r equals your R plus r and ks. 271 00:27:51,300 --> 00:28:03,460 And KS. Can be chosen in the first bronze zone, can be chosen in first bronze zone. 272 00:28:07,030 --> 00:28:10,780 In other words, K is crystal momentum. K is crystal wave. 273 00:28:10,780 --> 00:28:24,530 Vector. Crystal wave vector. This form is known as this form of SCI. 274 00:28:27,800 --> 00:28:37,280 OSSI is known as a modified plain wave is known as as a modified plain wave. 275 00:28:38,180 --> 00:28:43,430 A modified plain wave. Modified plain wave. 276 00:28:47,390 --> 00:28:55,700 That that should be fairly obvious. It's a plane wave, the iCar, and it's modified by being multiplied by a periodic function. 277 00:28:55,700 --> 00:28:58,700 You. That's the modification of the plane wave. 278 00:29:00,620 --> 00:29:04,820 The index. Alpha. Alpha is the band index. 279 00:29:08,930 --> 00:29:11,120 And the band index is meant to describe. 280 00:29:11,770 --> 00:29:18,200 You know, you get a different wave function if you're talking about this point here or this point here at the same k vector, 281 00:29:18,200 --> 00:29:21,320 at the same K vector, you can have more than one eigen state. 282 00:29:21,740 --> 00:29:43,160 So the energy's eigen energies. R e superscript alpha of k so e one and e two depending on which which band we're talking about, 283 00:29:43,160 --> 00:29:47,660 which which which energy level, the lowest or the next lowest or the next next lowest and so forth. 284 00:29:48,200 --> 00:29:52,610 Okay. So this is a pretty big bunch of statements we've made here, 285 00:29:52,910 --> 00:29:58,940 but it's fairly important because it tells you about the general structure of iron states in a periodic potential. 286 00:29:58,940 --> 00:30:04,190 So let's first prove this theorem and then we'll talk about why this theorem is so important 287 00:30:04,190 --> 00:30:09,200 and why it underlies so much of material science and semiconductor physics and so forth. 288 00:30:09,590 --> 00:30:17,150 So first, okay, so this is sort of a quasi proof. It's actually fairly rigorous, but we'll we'll not fill in the details. 289 00:30:17,600 --> 00:30:19,470 But the quasi proof goes like like this. 290 00:30:19,490 --> 00:30:27,020 First we'll consider a Hamiltonian, which is h, not just the free electron Hamiltonian plus or potential V, which is periodic. 291 00:30:27,020 --> 00:30:34,190 So V is periodic and H not is the usual p squared over two m. 292 00:30:37,170 --> 00:30:41,280 Now, if we throw away the periodic potential, we would know the iron states. 293 00:30:41,310 --> 00:30:42,810 Those are just plain wave eigen states. 294 00:30:42,810 --> 00:30:55,440 Plane waves are e not k k where enought you know of k is just the squared k squared over two m we usually have. 295 00:30:57,420 --> 00:31:01,800 So so far so good. We know we have the plane waves, then we have to add the periodic potential. 296 00:31:02,220 --> 00:31:12,960 Now, what can the periodic potential do? The periodic potential can scatter you from some K to some K prime via a matrix element of this form. 297 00:31:13,320 --> 00:31:20,040 Now we know a lot about matrix elements of this form. From what we learned in scattering theory, this thing here, 298 00:31:20,040 --> 00:31:24,779 this matrix element from a plane wave K to a plane wave k prime via a periodic potential 299 00:31:24,780 --> 00:31:32,670 v is the for you transform for a transform a vrr evaluated at k minus k prime. 300 00:31:34,590 --> 00:31:38,940 And that is the following it is zero. 301 00:31:39,960 --> 00:31:54,090 If K minus K prime came out as k prime is not a reciprocal lattice vector is not equal to g and we'll call it v sub g, f k minus k prime equals g. 302 00:31:54,490 --> 00:31:57,900 I mean it's called k prime minus cable's g that. 303 00:31:59,210 --> 00:32:00,860 And this is just Allawi's condition. 304 00:32:02,200 --> 00:32:09,690 You can scatter from a wave vector K to a wave vector k prime only if the difference between and K prime is a reciprocal lattice vector. 305 00:32:10,200 --> 00:32:14,130 We learned this when we studied scattering of X-rays and neutrons and so forth. 306 00:32:14,610 --> 00:32:19,440 So this gets us almost to the proof. So we can almost conclude the result here. 307 00:32:19,650 --> 00:32:27,150 Why? Well, the point here is that the Hamiltonian with the scattering potential is blocked diagonal. 308 00:32:27,490 --> 00:32:31,680 No, no pun intended. BLOCK, diagonal. 309 00:32:31,680 --> 00:32:39,870 BLOCK of the K diagonal. What I mean by this is that you can scatter from K to a k prime if k k prime are 310 00:32:39,870 --> 00:32:44,160 separated by G and then from k prime you can scatter to another k double prime. 311 00:32:44,340 --> 00:32:49,170 If those are separated by a g and you can scatter to another k prime and so forth and so on and so forth. 312 00:32:49,470 --> 00:32:51,630 But you can never change the crystal momentum. 313 00:32:51,840 --> 00:32:59,790 All of the ks that you can get to by scattering by the via the periodic potential, all of them differ from each other by reciprocal lattice vectors. 314 00:33:00,030 --> 00:33:04,290 So the Hamiltonian breaks up and if you go into these sectors, if you like. 315 00:33:04,920 --> 00:33:10,020 And so the wave function must be of the form, cy k must be of the form, 316 00:33:11,130 --> 00:33:22,800 some over g of some coefficients of column AMG plus k times either the i k plus g dotted with are. 317 00:33:23,280 --> 00:33:29,849 Now why should it have to be of this form? Well, you start with some of the iCar and then you mix into that. 318 00:33:29,850 --> 00:33:38,370 The Hamiltonian mixes into that different plane waves whose wave vector K differs by a reciprocal reliance vector g. 319 00:33:38,490 --> 00:33:42,090 And you can mix in as many of those as you want and they all get some coefficients a. 320 00:33:42,420 --> 00:33:49,500 But at the end of the day, the wave function must be a sum only of things that have the same crystal momentum k plus some reciprocal lattice vector g. 321 00:33:49,680 --> 00:33:53,820 There's no way that I potentially can take you can change your crystal momentum. 322 00:33:53,830 --> 00:33:57,120 That's the important realisation. Good. Yeah. 323 00:33:57,540 --> 00:34:04,259 Happy? Good. All right. So from here we're pretty much done because you can just factor out the, you know, 324 00:34:04,260 --> 00:34:13,230 the I k dot are and then you have some over g of a of g plus k into the I, 325 00:34:15,120 --> 00:34:31,650 g r and this piece here is the is the periodic function u u of R which and you can tell this thing must be periodic because if you take e to the I, 326 00:34:32,730 --> 00:34:40,620 g g dotted with R plus r, move it by a direct space lattice vector. 327 00:34:40,860 --> 00:34:43,920 This thing is the same as the i k that are. 328 00:34:44,580 --> 00:34:50,330 So this thing is periodic. As as claimed. 329 00:34:50,840 --> 00:35:00,250 Okay. Furthermore, we can also check what happens if you take and you shift it by a reciprocal lattice vector g. 330 00:35:00,270 --> 00:35:05,510 So let's let's actually take this form of K up here and let's shift K by G. 331 00:35:06,050 --> 00:35:15,860 So I have K plus g, I actually I've already used the letter G, so let's call this a G prime shifted by K to Kate plus g prime. 332 00:35:16,370 --> 00:35:29,570 So we'll write it as some over g a sub g plus k plus g prime e to the i r k plus g, prime plus g. 333 00:35:30,650 --> 00:35:35,060 But the sum is over a dummy index so we can define a dummy index. 334 00:35:35,360 --> 00:35:42,259 It's called g twiddle equals g g twiddle of vector equals g plus g prime vector. 335 00:35:42,260 --> 00:35:57,649 And then if you substitute that in, that becomes sum over g twiddle vector a of g twiddle of vector plus k into the i k r k plus g 336 00:35:57,650 --> 00:36:04,010 twiddle vector dot r which is exactly the same expression that we started with up up there. 337 00:36:04,160 --> 00:36:10,190 So if you shift K by reciprocal lattice vector G, you get back exactly the same wave function, 338 00:36:10,190 --> 00:36:12,410 which was what we were trying to answer in the first place. 339 00:36:12,740 --> 00:36:18,799 Is it special that when you shift K by reciprocal last vector you get back the exactly the same wave function? 340 00:36:18,800 --> 00:36:23,780 Is that special to the tight binding model? It's not. It's a property of the shortening equation in the periodic potential. 341 00:36:24,080 --> 00:36:33,560 Okay. All right. So the implications of this theorem, which is viewed as so important, is one implications. 342 00:36:38,030 --> 00:36:46,310 One are an excitation are all excitations can be described all excitations. 343 00:36:48,870 --> 00:37:03,359 Can be described be described in one bronze zone in one B.C., because whenever you go outside of the bronze zone, 344 00:37:03,360 --> 00:37:09,030 you can just zip by a reciprocal lattice vector to get back into the first back into that bronze zone. 345 00:37:11,190 --> 00:37:18,660 So that's an important statement. The second important statement, maybe more important is that a periodic potential, 346 00:37:19,200 --> 00:37:31,860 a periodic potential does not change, does not scatter crystal momentum. 347 00:37:36,450 --> 00:37:43,020 And this is something that I mentioned before when we discussed the type finding model that the crystal momentum is conserved. 348 00:37:44,490 --> 00:37:50,400 The crystal momentum is always conserved in the fact that we have this very strong periodic potential doesn't ruin that. 349 00:37:50,850 --> 00:37:57,929 The reason this is so important, remember, we had this puzzle when we studied the Sommerfeld model that you have this mean free path of electrons, 350 00:37:57,930 --> 00:38:01,500 which is enormously long, hundreds of atoms or thousands of atoms long. 351 00:38:01,770 --> 00:38:07,679 And we couldn't understand it because there's a big nucleus that the atom can hit every few angstroms. 352 00:38:07,680 --> 00:38:14,030 It could scatter off of tons and tons of nuclei. The point here is that the you don't have pure plane waves. 353 00:38:14,040 --> 00:38:15,689 What you have is modified plane waves. 354 00:38:15,690 --> 00:38:21,240 You have these plane waves times a periodic function, but once you modify the plane wave by multiplying it by this periodic function, 355 00:38:21,480 --> 00:38:25,860 that is perfectly good plane wave to go all the way across the system without scattering at all. 356 00:38:26,250 --> 00:38:31,230 So if you take a, you know, an electron, you put in a little wave packet of this modified plane wave, 357 00:38:31,350 --> 00:38:36,360 it would travel clear across the system as long as it doesn't hit any impurities or or nasty things like that. 358 00:38:36,480 --> 00:38:40,080 But it could go all the way across the system without scattering at all. 359 00:38:40,440 --> 00:38:47,520 So this sort of resolves our our initial issue of why it is that electrons can travel so far without without scattering. 360 00:38:48,360 --> 00:38:51,780 Okay. And where did this this result come from? 361 00:38:51,780 --> 00:38:56,280 It's important to realise that this important result really came from Louise condition. 362 00:38:56,490 --> 00:39:01,320 It came from the fact that a periodic potential only scatters you by reciprocal wave vectors. 363 00:39:02,070 --> 00:39:05,820 All right, so the one thing that this doesn't do for us. 364 00:39:07,030 --> 00:39:12,429 Is it does not manage to. It does not manage to help us actually solve the shorthand equations. 365 00:39:12,430 --> 00:39:21,879 So solving solving Schrödinger equation is still hard and we've already discussed one way to do it. 366 00:39:21,880 --> 00:39:31,230 One way to do it is tight binding. And by type binding, what we're really doing is we start with. 367 00:39:31,740 --> 00:39:41,500 Start with atomic orbitals. With atomic orbitals. And allow week hopping, allow week hopping. 368 00:39:46,090 --> 00:39:51,650 But that might sound a little non generic because maybe the hopping is strong from one place to another. 369 00:39:52,390 --> 00:39:55,090 So with useful too, 370 00:39:55,600 --> 00:40:01,330 it's actually very useful to think about it from a very complementary viewpoint where instead of starting with a type binding model, 371 00:40:01,510 --> 00:40:20,090 we start with plane waves, start with with plane waves, plane waves and add week periodic potential, the air. 372 00:40:20,530 --> 00:40:23,980 So it's entirely the opposite way of looking at things. 373 00:40:24,310 --> 00:40:34,420 This approach, approach to two is known as the nearly free electron model, nearly free electron model, 374 00:40:38,860 --> 00:40:46,750 and is a very useful model for understanding a lot of the physics of semiconductors and band structure in solids. 375 00:40:47,020 --> 00:40:55,149 So let's let's go about that. Let's start it. We probably won't finish it today, but the so how do we do this? 376 00:40:55,150 --> 00:41:00,850 We start with our H0 on k are plane waves without the periodic potential. 377 00:41:01,210 --> 00:41:09,910 So is zero k on k where is zero is the usual h bar squared k squared over two m? 378 00:41:11,140 --> 00:41:17,080 It's a good place to start. And then let's assume this is weak, assume weak. 379 00:41:17,080 --> 00:41:21,250 V All right. 380 00:41:21,250 --> 00:41:27,520 So what do you do when you have a weak perturbation to a Hamiltonian? Well, you use perturbation theory, which you presumably learned last year. 381 00:41:28,090 --> 00:41:32,709 So you remember what happens to the energies in perturbation theory. 382 00:41:32,710 --> 00:41:45,730 So let's start with first order of perturbation theory. First order, order, purge the energy this probably look familiar the energy of the wave. 383 00:41:45,730 --> 00:41:54,700 The Eigen State K is the bare energy without the perturbation plus the first order of perturbation theory term which is k, 384 00:41:55,150 --> 00:42:02,140 v, k and this matrix element here when I scrolled it off the top of the board. 385 00:42:02,740 --> 00:42:12,550 No, maybe I didn't, maybe I did. I think I did. We defined it as the sub zero because k minus k is zero and this v sub zero is the same. 386 00:42:13,450 --> 00:42:17,830 Same for all K for all k. 387 00:42:18,880 --> 00:42:24,370 So this just gives an overall constant energy shift of the the eigen state. 388 00:42:24,380 --> 00:42:28,240 So the the I can say t to get shifted up in energy or they get shifted down in energy. 389 00:42:28,240 --> 00:42:35,950 This is sort of the the zero thorium mode of this potentials where a constant potential is added on top of any fluctuating potentials, 390 00:42:35,950 --> 00:42:42,999 things that change in space. So the zero three mode of the of the potential just shifts up and down the overall energy of K. 391 00:42:43,000 --> 00:42:46,030 Does this expression look familiar first or probation theory. You just take the exponent. 392 00:42:46,030 --> 00:42:52,209 Yeah. Okay, good. So this is not interesting. And as a matter of fact, people frequently drop V zero because it's so uninteresting. 393 00:42:52,210 --> 00:42:57,550 They just get rid of it. I'll try to keep it, but maybe I'll forget it by mistake at some point. 394 00:42:57,850 --> 00:43:01,240 So second order is more interesting. 395 00:43:01,570 --> 00:43:08,469 So it's second order you have ic equals e k not that's the they are ps plus v zero. 396 00:43:08,470 --> 00:43:14,500 That's the first order piece. And then you have the second order piece which is sum of k prime not equal to k. 397 00:43:14,920 --> 00:43:24,810 Then we have k prime v k squared over e sub k not minus e k prime not. 398 00:43:24,820 --> 00:43:28,959 Is that the right order? Yeah. Does that look familiar from second order of probation theory? 399 00:43:28,960 --> 00:43:33,010 Good. All right, now, what do we know about this second order term? 400 00:43:33,010 --> 00:43:41,320 Well, again, we have lousy condition for the upstairs matrix element that in order for that matrix element to be non-zero, 401 00:43:41,590 --> 00:43:47,020 you must have K prime minus K must equal a reciprocal lattice vector g. 402 00:43:48,130 --> 00:43:54,550 So this term here can be rewritten as some over g of reciprocal. 403 00:43:54,550 --> 00:44:10,120 Last factor is g of v sub g squared where g is k prime minus k divided by e sub k not minus e sub k plus g not. 404 00:44:11,630 --> 00:44:14,960 Good luck. Happy with that? Somewhat. 405 00:44:15,830 --> 00:44:22,510 Okay. So this is our expression for the second order shift in energy of the plane waves that we started with. 406 00:44:22,940 --> 00:44:25,940 But we have to be a little bit careful about expressions that look like this. 407 00:44:25,940 --> 00:44:34,040 And the reason we have to be careful is because you might have a situation where the two terms in the denominator are either equal to each other, 408 00:44:34,040 --> 00:44:39,140 in which case you get zero downstairs or very close to each other, in which case you get something very small downstairs. 409 00:44:39,290 --> 00:44:43,640 And in either case, the secondary term would blow up, in which case you have a divergence. 410 00:44:44,030 --> 00:44:48,080 And that means the second order perturbation theory is not correct. 411 00:44:49,220 --> 00:44:52,670 So you must be careful. 412 00:44:53,510 --> 00:44:59,360 Be careful when he sub k. 413 00:45:00,050 --> 00:45:05,900 That's just right. Is SMK not approximately equal to E sub k plus g? 414 00:45:06,530 --> 00:45:12,439 Not now. When does that happen? Well, e sub k is actually just proportional to k squared. 415 00:45:12,440 --> 00:45:17,150 So that will happen when absolute k equals absolute k plus g. 416 00:45:17,660 --> 00:45:23,090 Well where's that. You'll remember somewhere here. 417 00:45:25,130 --> 00:45:29,360 There it is. It's the condition for being on a bronze on boundary. 418 00:45:29,600 --> 00:45:36,290 When you're on bronze on boundary e sub K and it's a K plus g are actually the same. 419 00:45:36,380 --> 00:45:50,390 Let's actually draw a picture of that. So what we have is we have a this is our bare spectrum K and E, the bare spectrum is just a parabola. 420 00:45:52,120 --> 00:46:04,450 So this is e sub k is h bar squared not k squared over two m and here is pi over a here is minus pi over a. 421 00:46:05,080 --> 00:46:13,990 And the energy of these two, these are separated by a reciprocal lattice vector to pi over a and their energy is identical. 422 00:46:14,440 --> 00:46:17,980 So this would give us a divergence in second order perturbation theory. 423 00:46:18,280 --> 00:46:25,180 Similarly, if we go to minus two pi over a and two pi over a, 424 00:46:27,910 --> 00:46:33,969 these are separated by a reciprocal lattice vector for pi over a and their energies are identical. 425 00:46:33,970 --> 00:46:37,480 So they will give you a divergence in second order perturbation theory. 426 00:46:37,690 --> 00:46:44,920 So the place where second order perturbation theory fails is exactly when you're on a bronze zone boundary. 427 00:46:46,150 --> 00:46:54,340 So what we're going to need to do is we are going to need to are probably going to have to do this next time. 428 00:46:54,880 --> 00:47:04,450 But what we're going to do to fix this problem, fix the problem by using using degenerate perturbation theory, 429 00:47:05,530 --> 00:47:15,880 degenerate perturbation theory, effort theory, which hopefully you've learned something about already. 430 00:47:17,320 --> 00:47:20,889 So we're not going to have time to launch into that today. 431 00:47:20,890 --> 00:47:25,510 So I'm going to actually take the opportunity to insert one piece of information or maybe two 432 00:47:25,510 --> 00:47:29,710 pieces of information about scattering that I promised you we would talk about some time, 433 00:47:30,070 --> 00:47:34,060 and that is scattering off of. So maybe I'll put that over here. 434 00:47:34,360 --> 00:47:41,310 Scattering off of x rays and neutron scattering x ray and neutron scattering. 435 00:47:41,320 --> 00:47:44,690 This is different subject just inserted in this last 5 minutes. 436 00:47:44,710 --> 00:47:49,450 Neutron scattering from. 437 00:47:50,380 --> 00:47:54,910 From liquids. Liquids and amorphous solids. 438 00:47:55,780 --> 00:47:58,790 Amorphous. Solids. 439 00:47:59,810 --> 00:48:04,610 So in liquids, in amorphous solids, we do not have periodic structures. 440 00:48:04,820 --> 00:48:12,110 We do not have periodic arrangement of atoms. But nonetheless, you get a lot of information out of the neutron X-ray scattering. 441 00:48:12,110 --> 00:48:20,929 If you think way back to when we did Fermi's Golden Rule, that the scattering amplitude is still the 48 transform of the periodic of the potential. 442 00:48:20,930 --> 00:48:24,230 But it's not a periodic potential, it's Fourier transform of the non periodic potential. 443 00:48:24,560 --> 00:48:27,920 But does that mean there's no information in it? No, there's still information in it. 444 00:48:28,130 --> 00:48:31,690 It's just that you don't get sharp peaks anymore. What you get is here. 445 00:48:31,820 --> 00:48:36,110 There it is. So this is X-ray scattering on liquid aluminium. 446 00:48:36,140 --> 00:48:39,290 It's heated up to some high temperature. So it's so it's a liquid. 447 00:48:40,220 --> 00:48:44,210 There's a function of a scattering angle or the reciprocal wave vector. 448 00:48:44,540 --> 00:48:48,350 That's the way vector along this axis. 449 00:48:48,590 --> 00:48:56,540 The amplitude of scattering it has peaks. And the peaks represent roughly the distance between between atoms. 450 00:48:56,550 --> 00:49:03,710 It's one over the distance between atoms. The same way the peaks represent the the periodicity of the unit cell when it becomes crystalline. 451 00:49:03,860 --> 00:49:10,430 Now what happens is as you cooled down a liquid and it gets more and more crystalline, that becomes more and more local order. 452 00:49:10,550 --> 00:49:12,770 And these peaks get sharper and sharper and sharper. 453 00:49:12,980 --> 00:49:21,090 And finally, when the thing actually crystallises, they become a delta function peaks the way we expected them to for for a crystal. 454 00:49:21,110 --> 00:49:25,490 But if it's a liquid, it's you can sort of think of a liquid as locally being like a solid. 455 00:49:25,880 --> 00:49:30,060 Each atom has a couple of neighbours, but if you sort of look farther away, it's not ordered any more. 456 00:49:30,080 --> 00:49:36,790 It sort of loses its order. But if you sort of look just in some small region, it probably has, you know, it's organised over a small region. 457 00:49:36,800 --> 00:49:41,360 So you get these sort of broad peaks in in the scattering spectrum. 458 00:49:42,510 --> 00:49:50,670 Okay. I think maybe I won't try to cover any further issues today and we'll start again on Wednesday, I think. 459 00:49:50,690 --> 00:49:51,380 Have a good weekend.