1 00:00:00,240 --> 00:00:08,639 So I wanted to say you've got the idea now that although we are called the Particle Theory Group, we don't actually all work on particle theory. 2 00:00:08,640 --> 00:00:17,160 Some of us work on string theory for us, work on mathematical methods connecting to different classes of theories. 3 00:00:17,160 --> 00:00:24,360 It goes by the name of gravity duality or what we just refer to as the CFT correspondence. 4 00:00:24,810 --> 00:00:33,300 Some of us work on things relevant to the Large Hadron Collider and some others work on issues connected with astrophysics and cosmology. 5 00:00:33,750 --> 00:00:40,829 And by the way, there are only eight of us. This is not the view of a huge army of people, but what we do like is we direct with others, 6 00:00:40,830 --> 00:00:45,200 we interact with the mathematicians, we interact with the astrophysics, the particle physics. 7 00:00:45,900 --> 00:00:51,780 And although we are theorists, we also address to the experimentalists in first half of the marriage to them. 8 00:00:51,780 --> 00:00:53,610 So can we help? 9 00:00:54,990 --> 00:01:05,340 So I want to tell you about a sort of a you know, I have a day job as a theorist, but I do also have a second career as part of a experiment, 10 00:01:05,340 --> 00:01:12,060 which I was invited to join now nine years ago, which is this amazing thing at the South Pole. 11 00:01:12,480 --> 00:01:17,820 So I always like to show this thing, you know, you can teach on the back, but every direction points north here. 12 00:01:18,300 --> 00:01:24,210 Okay. And that's where there is this amazing laboratory, which is this in fact, is what's on the surface. 13 00:01:24,480 --> 00:01:29,850 The experiment extends down two and a half kilometres to the bedrock under the pool. 14 00:01:30,450 --> 00:01:39,270 And it's amazing that, well, that physicists actually managed to convince people to give them the resources to build such a detector, 15 00:01:39,870 --> 00:01:43,979 which obviously most of us, including many experimentalists, 16 00:01:43,980 --> 00:01:49,920 thought was folly for many years until the day it came up trumps, which happened quite recently. 17 00:01:49,920 --> 00:01:56,280 And that's what I'm going to tell you about. I will also tell you why theorists are interested and involved in experiments such as 18 00:01:56,280 --> 00:02:01,530 these and what bearing it has on the kind of work that we do here in the role of centre. 19 00:02:02,800 --> 00:02:05,810 So the title is Seeing the High Energy Universe. 20 00:02:05,830 --> 00:02:11,650 How do you see the universe? We see it with photons coming along with past life, and that's all we know about the universe. 21 00:02:12,310 --> 00:02:15,340 And if we plot with this in an ideal detector, 22 00:02:15,340 --> 00:02:20,709 the amount of energy we are receiving as a function of the wavelength or the energy of the photon up 23 00:02:20,710 --> 00:02:27,490 here you see that the sky is really dominated in terms of energy by the cosmic microwave background, 24 00:02:27,490 --> 00:02:29,260 and there is the characteristic brown shape. 25 00:02:29,890 --> 00:02:36,280 And we know that although our knowledge of the universe for many years has been restricted to just this optical band, 26 00:02:36,700 --> 00:02:41,349 it so happens that the sun, our star emits light in that range. 27 00:02:41,350 --> 00:02:44,590 And that's why our eyes are sensitive to that. 28 00:02:44,800 --> 00:02:52,120 We don't see any of the rest of it, but we have been able to open new eyes in the universe, and that started with radio. 29 00:02:52,120 --> 00:02:58,890 That was just during the war. And then microwaves, of course, and then we have gone through infrared ultraviolet. 30 00:02:58,900 --> 00:03:02,680 This is important because distant sources are redshifted, as we said. 31 00:03:03,010 --> 00:03:06,190 So in order to see them, you have to observe in the infrared. 32 00:03:06,610 --> 00:03:14,530 And we just heard about an application of what interesting phenomenon we might see in the ultraviolet and X-ray image. 33 00:03:15,220 --> 00:03:19,600 The final frontier here is gamma rays, but gamma rays can only take us so far. 34 00:03:19,600 --> 00:03:25,270 They could take us to something of the order of ten DV, which is roughly the energy of the Large Hadron Collider, 35 00:03:25,720 --> 00:03:31,090 because then the photons that we are trying to see on the route to us will hit 36 00:03:31,090 --> 00:03:35,260 other photons that happen to be hanging around like the infrared background, 37 00:03:35,260 --> 00:03:39,460 photons leftover from the formation of stars. And they're attenuated. 38 00:03:40,450 --> 00:03:46,750 However, if we use charged particles, cosmic rays, we can in principle see up to 10 to 11 g. 39 00:03:47,620 --> 00:03:53,830 They, too, will ultimately see the background photons as high energy particles because, you know, 40 00:03:53,980 --> 00:03:59,440 from special relativity, if I have a ten to the 11 G, the proton that's the gum affected. 41 00:03:59,440 --> 00:04:06,940 The relativistic factor is ten to the 11 because the proton visa V so to it a microwave photon which 42 00:04:06,940 --> 00:04:12,159 is ten to the minus three electron volt actually looks like you multiply that by ten to the 11, 43 00:04:12,160 --> 00:04:15,640 it looks like a ten to the eight V in other words, 180 photon. 44 00:04:15,880 --> 00:04:22,150 So you are moving so fast that even a soft photon hitting you feels like a hard gamma ray and that would break it up. 45 00:04:22,480 --> 00:04:29,440 And you have the so-called Grizzard Xuxa Guzman effect that they will create a lot of pions. 46 00:04:30,670 --> 00:04:35,370 And those pions would go into neutrinos and those will travel all through the universe. 47 00:04:35,380 --> 00:04:45,130 Nothing stops neutrinos. Therefore, ultimately, if you want to see the universe back to the early universe, you must learn to look at neutrinos. 48 00:04:45,400 --> 00:04:49,420 That's the challenge. The challenge, of course, is that they're very hard to measure. 49 00:04:49,780 --> 00:05:01,190 They're very hard to detect. So the story starts with this guy I mentioned discovering cosmic rays 100 years ago, 101 years ago now. 50 00:05:01,640 --> 00:05:06,140 And that discovery has now been extended in this plot, 51 00:05:06,140 --> 00:05:13,640 which shows you the flux of cosmic rays versus that energy through this 10 to 11 g v that I just motivated for you. 52 00:05:13,790 --> 00:05:22,790 Okay, that's amazing. You can see the number of decades of energy that we been able to explore this domain with the variety of experiments, 53 00:05:23,360 --> 00:05:27,110 some based on the ground, others flown on balloons. 54 00:05:27,320 --> 00:05:32,540 They now fly balloons down there, darting on the prevailing winds, which stay up for days at a time. 55 00:05:32,960 --> 00:05:35,780 And then, of course, on rockets and satellites and so forth. 56 00:05:36,880 --> 00:05:43,510 We still are somewhat uncertain about where this energetic particles come from, why they have exactly this ball or shape. 57 00:05:43,810 --> 00:05:47,650 Although Tony Bell, who is in the Clarendon Lab in the laser physics group, 58 00:05:48,010 --> 00:05:54,280 had a interesting theory as to how they get that spectral shape, which we might be able to soon test. 59 00:05:54,880 --> 00:06:00,550 And the real culprits, we believe, are these most violent sites in the universe, 60 00:06:00,820 --> 00:06:06,190 the centres of galaxies like ours, which have got a black hole that is accreting matter, 61 00:06:06,190 --> 00:06:13,209 shooting objects of plasma, which then evidence themselves as huge radio lobes or gamma ray bursts, 62 00:06:13,210 --> 00:06:17,920 which are the most powerful explosions in the universe, as bright as the whole galaxy. 63 00:06:18,250 --> 00:06:21,729 But we don't really know what they are, except that they also involve gravity. 64 00:06:21,730 --> 00:06:26,620 They involved ultimately the energy of supermassive black holes dragging in matter. 65 00:06:26,800 --> 00:06:31,960 That's the most efficient way to convert matter to radiation. And we believe these are implicated. 66 00:06:33,050 --> 00:06:41,030 But one way to find out what these things are doing is to look into that which is very hard to do optically because things that are obscured by dust, 67 00:06:41,030 --> 00:06:44,959 by radiation and so forth. But you can do it in neutrinos. 68 00:06:44,960 --> 00:06:50,390 And neutrinos are always produced when you have high energy particles interact with matter and they are 69 00:06:50,390 --> 00:06:55,790 produced essentially through the production of particles that you're familiar with by onset quads and so on, 70 00:06:55,790 --> 00:06:59,750 which ultimately decay to neutrinos. And those are the guys we are to look for. 71 00:07:00,200 --> 00:07:05,330 And you can see on this plot that the energy range of the CERN Large Hadron Collider is on the up to here. 72 00:07:06,050 --> 00:07:09,380 Cosmic rays nature can do a lot, lot more than that. 73 00:07:09,710 --> 00:07:13,760 And one of the big mysteries in this thing is to find out how it actually does that. 74 00:07:14,600 --> 00:07:18,020 I should also mention that these neutrinos are actually quantum mechanical. 75 00:07:18,020 --> 00:07:24,320 They oscillate. They are light particles that mix with each other as they propagate the oscillate from one type to another, 76 00:07:24,920 --> 00:07:28,340 as dictated by the quantum mechanics that you have heard about. 77 00:07:28,700 --> 00:07:35,300 And therefore, we have a laboratory for studying quantum mechanics on cosmological scales now, which would be very, very interesting. 78 00:07:36,320 --> 00:07:39,710 So David showed a version of this which is even more spectacular, 79 00:07:40,010 --> 00:07:46,610 which is that to create some of these particles of Planck energy, you'd have to build a collider as big as 100 light years. 80 00:07:47,410 --> 00:07:53,650 For cosmic rays. It is not that impressive. But you still need to build a collider the size of Mercury's orbit. 81 00:07:53,980 --> 00:08:03,190 To agree to that, to the level of the protons that you have actually observed on Earth in the period Ozone Observatory in Argentina, 82 00:08:04,030 --> 00:08:13,030 which has observed particles. And the plot here shows that to just contain such a particle of that, it was enormous energy in a ring. 83 00:08:13,420 --> 00:08:17,680 You need to have a magnetic field as strong as that and then extend as big as that. 84 00:08:17,920 --> 00:08:25,270 The product of the two must lie on that line in order for the particle to even be held in its orbit according to the equations. 85 00:08:25,420 --> 00:08:28,569 David, should you follow this to Exhilarated? 86 00:08:28,570 --> 00:08:34,840 So upstairs we have the accelerator physics said to people worry there about how to accelerate particles to high energies, 87 00:08:35,050 --> 00:08:38,770 develop new techniques, laser fields and so forth. Well, 88 00:08:38,890 --> 00:08:42,459 nature clearly has a lot to teach us that we haven't yet learned how it manages 89 00:08:42,460 --> 00:08:46,720 to do this without the benefit of thousands of trained engineers and physicists. 90 00:08:47,180 --> 00:08:54,520 Okay. But there is the challenge for you. Okay. And here is that it's our pride and joy, and here we are being put to shame. 91 00:08:54,730 --> 00:09:00,670 Okay. Now, the point here that I want to make is what, however, 92 00:09:00,670 --> 00:09:08,440 those particles accelerate these enormous energy dick protons, they would ultimately make neutrinos. 93 00:09:08,470 --> 00:09:12,880 So here is a schematic of how those neutrinos are being made through the processes that I told you about. 94 00:09:13,240 --> 00:09:19,120 And we can make very simple estimates based on how much energy these sources are dumping into the cosmic rays. 95 00:09:19,330 --> 00:09:27,399 We can normalise that to the amount of neutrinos you'd expect because roughly speaking, as much energy goes into the by-product as in the sources. 96 00:09:27,400 --> 00:09:32,170 So whatever energy we can see in the cosmic rays should also be there in the neutrinos, 97 00:09:32,380 --> 00:09:37,510 and we can make estimates of what sort of flux they should have. Obviously, I'm not going to show you the details, 98 00:09:37,510 --> 00:09:43,150 but these are the kind of calculation that we make in order to estimate how big a detector we need to do this. 99 00:09:43,870 --> 00:09:51,040 And turns out that nature has already provided us sources of neutrinos, which some of which are indicated here. 100 00:09:51,730 --> 00:09:57,970 There is the cosmic neutrino background. We just heard about the cosmic background that might also be there somewhere. 101 00:09:58,210 --> 00:10:04,060 This has not been detected. It's too challenging at the moment. But we have detected neutrinos from the sun. 102 00:10:04,360 --> 00:10:09,340 We have detected neutrinos from Supernova 1987, which many of you will remember. 103 00:10:09,520 --> 00:10:13,120 Most of my students are too young, and I tell them 1987. 104 00:10:13,130 --> 00:10:16,270 And that was, well, they're still in primary school or something. 105 00:10:16,600 --> 00:10:22,390 But we have also the relic neutrinos from past supernovae, which have yet to be detected. 106 00:10:22,960 --> 00:10:25,810 But we have neutrinos being made in the atmosphere of the earth. 107 00:10:25,810 --> 00:10:30,730 But that's not the cosmic rays which we can measure, and that is actual data from IceCube. 108 00:10:31,390 --> 00:10:34,660 And we hope that ultimately, if you go to high enough energies, 109 00:10:34,660 --> 00:10:40,389 we'll can start to see neutrinos that we have calculated must exist from active galactic nuclei, 110 00:10:40,390 --> 00:10:48,040 from gamma ray bursts, and from this process that I mentioned, where the protons run into the cosmic microwave background and create pions, 111 00:10:48,760 --> 00:10:54,669 and the process is always the same, which is shown here to gain the proton comes in, hits a nucleus in the atmosphere, 112 00:10:54,670 --> 00:11:01,329 creates a so-called extended air shower, and that creates pions that which ultimately decayed beyond the neutrinos. 113 00:11:01,330 --> 00:11:04,360 Those millions are going through us right now, as are the neutrinos. 114 00:11:04,960 --> 00:11:09,070 Obviously, we cannot detect them because we are too small to do so. 115 00:11:09,280 --> 00:11:10,360 You need a big detector. 116 00:11:11,110 --> 00:11:18,460 We'll see how big when we do the classic back of the envelope calculation, because we know that neutrinos interact very, very weakly. 117 00:11:18,700 --> 00:11:20,679 They interact with the cross-section, which is very, 118 00:11:20,680 --> 00:11:26,709 very small compared to the kind of things we are used to see for photons or electrically charged particles. 119 00:11:26,710 --> 00:11:29,910 But it you know that the typical cross-section is of ordinary bond. 120 00:11:29,920 --> 00:11:34,360 That's why we invented the unit, which is ten to the -24 centimetre square. 121 00:11:34,600 --> 00:11:41,530 This is nine orders of magnitude smaller. Okay? So therefore, this is the kind of calculation our undergraduates do. 122 00:11:41,800 --> 00:11:47,050 How many nuclei do you need? Well, Avogadro's number is big, but you still need a lot of material. 123 00:11:47,320 --> 00:11:55,420 And if you want the rate of events for neutrinos, it turns out that you detect one per unit in a kilometre to detector. 124 00:11:55,660 --> 00:12:00,120 Okay, that's how big you need to get. You have to think big. How do you detect them? 125 00:12:00,130 --> 00:12:08,350 Well, the neutrino come in, hit something and that would create a charge lepton for in this case a Bjorn monstrously long way. 126 00:12:08,860 --> 00:12:14,830 And if they are travelling through a medium, they might be going faster than the speed of light in the medium. 127 00:12:15,250 --> 00:12:18,880 And that would set up a cherenkov cone, a shockwave of light, 128 00:12:19,150 --> 00:12:26,200 and we can detect that with sensitive photodiodes or for the multipliers budding in the detector. 129 00:12:26,620 --> 00:12:30,970 And what you have done is to follow up this thing. You could do it in water. 130 00:12:31,210 --> 00:12:39,130 People have thought of doing it in other media, but we decided to do it in ice because nature has been bountiful enough to give us a lot of ice. 131 00:12:39,400 --> 00:12:43,959 And at the South Pole not you also have ice in Greenland. 132 00:12:43,960 --> 00:12:48,420 That doesn't seem to have the right properties. This one is perfect. Because this is actually a plateau. 133 00:12:48,660 --> 00:12:55,980 This is quite high up. Okay. And you already had the big base station did, which provides the necessary infrastructure. 134 00:12:56,220 --> 00:13:01,500 And in particular, you know, flights can go there regularly, land on skis on the strip. 135 00:13:01,800 --> 00:13:09,120 And this is where the base station is, about a couple of hundred people there, lots of experiments being done, including ones in cosmology. 136 00:13:09,570 --> 00:13:18,690 But our route to work is over here, where you have the icecube detected by deep underground, under ice, rather two and half kilometres down. 137 00:13:18,900 --> 00:13:24,990 What you do is you drill holes two and a half kilometres down with a five megawatt drill of hot water. 138 00:13:25,320 --> 00:13:31,650 And as I show you very quickly, you can implant detectors in the ice before it freezes up, takes about a day, 139 00:13:31,830 --> 00:13:38,010 and then you have there the strings in the ice, which have got the ability to see neutrinos. 140 00:13:38,250 --> 00:13:41,850 And this is just to say, show that obviously I didn't do that work. 141 00:13:42,000 --> 00:13:45,690 Lots of competent people from elsewhere did the work. They know what they're doing. 142 00:13:45,960 --> 00:13:51,390 And however, Oxford is involved in that, as you see it, we have been there for some time. 143 00:13:51,700 --> 00:13:56,430 That's along with people from elsewhere. 144 00:13:56,850 --> 00:14:03,180 So something like 11 countries, it's a relatively small collaboration as far as experimental particle physics is concerned. 145 00:14:03,360 --> 00:14:06,360 Typically, Atlas has something like 4000 scientists. 146 00:14:07,230 --> 00:14:12,700 Okay. But the director itself is a challenge to build. 147 00:14:12,700 --> 00:14:16,450 As I said, you build drill these holes, you load the strings. 148 00:14:16,780 --> 00:14:23,260 The strings carry these so-called digital optical modules, which are very sensitive to tubes made by Hamamatsu. 149 00:14:23,500 --> 00:14:28,270 And they are, of course, remember, the pressure down here can go up to 300 atmospheres. 150 00:14:28,480 --> 00:14:33,880 They have to resist that. And happy to say that apparently 97% of our modules have survived. 151 00:14:34,150 --> 00:14:37,270 And, you know, it's just like your mobile phone. Either it works or it doesn't. 152 00:14:37,480 --> 00:14:42,250 If it works, it will work until the built in obsolescence period runs out. 153 00:14:42,250 --> 00:14:48,070 In our case, that hasn't happened. But this whole area, of course, is an ice that is constantly moving. 154 00:14:48,400 --> 00:14:55,570 And so somebody calculated that by 21, 20 or something, the whole array would have drifted to the edge of the Antarctic. 155 00:14:55,570 --> 00:14:58,030 But, you know, we are doing experiments at the moment. We are fine. 156 00:14:58,390 --> 00:15:05,620 And what we have right now is all the strings in the dice, and there are 60 of these modules on each string. 157 00:15:05,620 --> 00:15:09,010 So you have a gigaton of instrumented volume now. 158 00:15:09,220 --> 00:15:11,980 Now we are talking, you know, size does matter in this game. 159 00:15:12,340 --> 00:15:17,170 We do need to have that kind of volume to be able to get a event rate that's at all interesting. 160 00:15:17,380 --> 00:15:23,740 And as I indicated, you have these detectors looking for the flashes of light, the faint blue light. 161 00:15:23,740 --> 00:15:27,480 That's what the wavelength of radiation is at. 162 00:15:27,820 --> 00:15:32,469 And you detect that in these things and the timing tells you what direction they're coming from. 163 00:15:32,470 --> 00:15:39,340 I'd show you some actual data later, but really we are looking at this so-called charge current interaction with a neutrino exchange, 164 00:15:39,340 --> 00:15:47,110 a W boson with the one of the target nuclei creates a muon that is the we are looking for and of course a local record. 165 00:15:47,290 --> 00:15:51,379 Right. If it was the electron neutrino that is, you know, the signature is different. 166 00:15:51,380 --> 00:15:55,360 We see that. So this is what the Bjorn Neutrino track looks like. 167 00:15:55,660 --> 00:16:02,410 There is a lot of information here. I'll be obviously skipping over all these things, but please feel free to ask me questions later. 168 00:16:02,680 --> 00:16:08,620 So the colour code is actually the timing that tells you which one triggered earlier, which would trigger later. 169 00:16:08,830 --> 00:16:15,489 And obviously you can reconstruct the direction very well. But because the neon is passing through, we can only get a lower bound on its energy. 170 00:16:15,490 --> 00:16:19,420 We can only measure up the amount of energy deposited while it was there. 171 00:16:19,600 --> 00:16:24,310 So here is the timing. Good red means immediately this blue means delayed. 172 00:16:24,550 --> 00:16:29,440 And from that we can infer a lot of other information as well as to the energy of the event. 173 00:16:30,280 --> 00:16:37,299 The other kind of they call it topology have objected that topological needs to articulate, but the experiment is calling them topology. 174 00:16:37,300 --> 00:16:41,350 For some reason they have a different signature. 175 00:16:41,350 --> 00:16:47,469 This is an electron neutrino that created an electron and the electron does not have much of a range. 176 00:16:47,470 --> 00:16:51,580 It is, as you know, a lot lighter than the moon. It stops almost immediately. 177 00:16:51,790 --> 00:16:57,430 So you just see a huge mushroom of light in the detector that's about 100 metres across. 178 00:16:57,700 --> 00:17:03,760 Okay, that's an energetic electron neutrino. We know the energy now pretty well, but the pointing is very pure. 179 00:17:04,210 --> 00:17:11,350 How do you know what direction that blob came from? Right. But we'll see that experimentalists are very clever and find ways to do that. 180 00:17:12,310 --> 00:17:16,480 So we are looking for different kinds of neutrinos that have different signatures. 181 00:17:16,510 --> 00:17:25,479 Some of them make charge leptons, and then they can also have interactions with the exchange, a desired boson rather than a W boson. 182 00:17:25,480 --> 00:17:29,650 These are the so-called neutral current events. Right. In fact, 183 00:17:29,800 --> 00:17:37,480 one of the first neutral current events that established the standard model was found in the bubble chambers photograph just downstairs 184 00:17:37,480 --> 00:17:45,010 with the Dallas centre now is years ago and we therefore have a long association with the history of neutrino physics here in Oxford. 185 00:17:45,520 --> 00:17:49,540 I mentioned Dawn Perkins and others earlier and we are today carrying on the 186 00:17:49,540 --> 00:17:53,980 legacy by looking for these very energetic neutrinos coming from outer space, 187 00:17:54,190 --> 00:18:00,790 which give us both tracks through events such as this, or showers, as you see here, 188 00:18:00,790 --> 00:18:04,960 or cascades, as you call them, which could be a signature of any one of these kind of things. 189 00:18:05,170 --> 00:18:11,020 But you make it all lived on, for example, or electron, but not a view on which would give you a track. 190 00:18:11,410 --> 00:18:14,770 So basically we know the taxonomy of these things. 191 00:18:14,770 --> 00:18:19,209 We know what we are looking for, we know how to identify them. And then the question is, 192 00:18:19,210 --> 00:18:27,310 are we sensitive enough to see some of these cosmic sources that we know must be out there because we see that charge counterparts, the cosmic rays? 193 00:18:28,030 --> 00:18:33,820 And this is the current status we have seen, as I said, neutrinos from supernovae and from the sun. 194 00:18:34,270 --> 00:18:43,930 We have seen the atmospheric neutrinos. We can in principle see the neutrinos from gamma ray bursts and going up to here using the IceCube detector, 195 00:18:44,140 --> 00:18:51,100 because we now have to learn a little more than the GV and MF that you've been using. 196 00:18:51,100 --> 00:19:02,469 These giga be sped up and you have to go further to exa electron volts and then to better electron volts and finally to z to electron volts, 197 00:19:02,470 --> 00:19:07,330 which is ten to the 11 G. Okay, so that's how we load plus six here. 198 00:19:07,330 --> 00:19:09,880 We just extend the energy they give it. Okay. 199 00:19:10,600 --> 00:19:16,929 And we also have the low energy frontier is equally interesting because this is where we can look for dark matter, 200 00:19:16,930 --> 00:19:24,490 which Felix gives such a wonderful talk to us about. One of the synergies you mentioned was then violation of dark matter elsewhere in the galaxy. 201 00:19:24,790 --> 00:19:29,890 And of course you are talking about searching for photons, but photons can get absorbed, neutrinos don't. 202 00:19:30,220 --> 00:19:36,250 So we can look, for example, at the sun, which has been sweeping up dark matter for the last 5 billion years, 203 00:19:36,580 --> 00:19:39,760 which are annihilating inside the sun right now as I speak. 204 00:19:40,270 --> 00:19:50,469 And if we see a single high energy neutrino from the sun, one high energy neutrino C of energies in that range, that would be a tremendous, 205 00:19:50,470 --> 00:19:57,460 stupendous discovery because there is no way that any astrophysical process in the sun can make that it would be a signature of dark matter. 206 00:19:57,880 --> 00:20:03,100 And we are also trying to do fundamental physics with this by starting this neutrino oscillations, 207 00:20:03,400 --> 00:20:08,980 by lowering the threshold of our detectors to a few GV because then we can do experiments 208 00:20:09,190 --> 00:20:12,970 using the free beam of neutrinos that nature has given us made in the atmosphere, 209 00:20:13,270 --> 00:20:19,399 which allows us to probe certain fundamental aspects of the neutrino mixing and the quantum mechanical oscillations 210 00:20:19,400 --> 00:20:25,780 such as the mouse hierarchy and possibly one day the CP violation that might be there in the usual sector, 211 00:20:26,020 --> 00:20:30,490 whether there are single that this new kinds of neutrinos, etc., etc. 212 00:20:31,500 --> 00:20:38,909 So that was all. This was all you know what you put in the proposal and you hope for the best that somebody will fund you to build a detective, 213 00:20:38,910 --> 00:20:44,850 as the did, and so on and so on. But of course, the payoff is after years and years, you finally see them. 214 00:20:45,540 --> 00:20:49,349 And these were the first two events that you saw. You can look at the tremendous energy. 215 00:20:49,350 --> 00:20:54,630 This is, you know, two orders of magnitude beyond that at sea already. 216 00:20:55,110 --> 00:21:00,170 And, of course, being the serious people we are, we call the Bert and Ernie. 217 00:21:00,180 --> 00:21:03,480 Okay? And they made the cover of physical review letters. 218 00:21:03,780 --> 00:21:08,400 Okay. And then, of course, that opened up this possibility that we are seeing cosmic neutrinos. 219 00:21:08,610 --> 00:21:14,669 But the case wasn't yet clear because here is the plot of what we expect to see, for example, 220 00:21:14,670 --> 00:21:22,229 from the process with the protons of cosmic rays run into the cosmic microwave background and that they are called cosmic neutrinos. 221 00:21:22,230 --> 00:21:28,440 And this calculation was done by Marcus Aurelius, who was our post-doc here, and some of us. 222 00:21:28,740 --> 00:21:37,620 And we made the most flexible assumptions we could make about this process, and nonetheless, we could push it up above that red line. 223 00:21:37,620 --> 00:21:42,270 And you see these events like clear above it, not that much clear. 224 00:21:42,300 --> 00:21:45,720 The axis is only about three sigma. It is not enough to call it discovery, 225 00:21:45,900 --> 00:21:50,969 but it's certainly better though rapid date intruders that we are able to see high energy events 226 00:21:50,970 --> 00:21:56,910 for which we do not have an explanation in terms of the so called guaranteed cosmology in flux. 227 00:21:57,150 --> 00:22:03,360 These must be to do with the sources. Okay, so we decided we have to do something about it. 228 00:22:03,360 --> 00:22:04,860 We have to look for these guys. 229 00:22:04,860 --> 00:22:12,450 And the problem is that normally what we do is we look through the earth because when we look up, the cosmic rays are creating so much background. 230 00:22:12,450 --> 00:22:19,200 When you look up, we are blinded by it. Would see that you have to reject one in 10 million events in order to see what you're looking for. 231 00:22:20,040 --> 00:22:23,970 That's because these cosmic rays are creating this huge flux of neutrinos. 232 00:22:24,210 --> 00:22:30,240 And also, of course, they're companions in the process which have a huge event rate upwards. 233 00:22:30,450 --> 00:22:37,710 We need to look down to see them, but then we are not sensitive to the bulk of the signal which is upwards, right? 234 00:22:38,160 --> 00:22:42,479 So therefore what we are really doing is we are following this track of this cosmic 235 00:22:42,480 --> 00:22:46,590 rays that we know do exist and trying to see if somewhere new physics comes in, 236 00:22:46,590 --> 00:22:52,319 a new signal comes in. There is also a signal from the production of so-called heavy flavours like, 237 00:22:52,320 --> 00:22:56,280 you know, button quarks or job quarks, which we know must be there at some level. 238 00:22:56,460 --> 00:23:04,140 We have not seen it yet. But what we are hoping to see is some new flux coming in here, which in this scale, which is energy squared times, 239 00:23:04,140 --> 00:23:09,810 the flux would come out of the horizontal line as distinct from the steeply falling spectrum. 240 00:23:10,230 --> 00:23:14,430 That is the theoretical calculation, that's the measurement. Very good agreement, you have to agree. 241 00:23:14,610 --> 00:23:21,450 But we are looking for something like this and this is our got involved now the name of the of the this 242 00:23:21,450 --> 00:23:26,129 this is okay this may not be as much of a challenge as the dark matter surge that Felix talked about. 243 00:23:26,130 --> 00:23:29,940 But it is challenging all the same because if I look in Zenith Angle, 244 00:23:29,940 --> 00:23:35,430 this is looking up South Pole, this is looking down through the earth towards the North Pole. 245 00:23:35,850 --> 00:23:40,410 And you see that the background of atmospheric nuance is huge. 246 00:23:40,680 --> 00:23:45,450 Okay, so we have to somehow reject these guys. 247 00:23:45,450 --> 00:23:48,629 If you look up, we don't want to see the ones from the cosmic ray directions. 248 00:23:48,630 --> 00:23:52,230 We want to look at the closely Filipinos that are coming behind them. 249 00:23:52,470 --> 00:24:00,510 So we have to basically reject one in a million events because the thing we are looking for is down here and the background is up here. 250 00:24:00,690 --> 00:24:05,370 Okay. Looked impossible. But in fact, it is not impossible. 251 00:24:05,580 --> 00:24:09,850 What we can do is that we can use the detector itself as its own veto. 252 00:24:09,870 --> 00:24:14,790 We can sacrifice part of the altar detector and basically demand that what you are looking 253 00:24:14,790 --> 00:24:18,449 for is not accompanied by a view on which would have been made in the same direction. 254 00:24:18,450 --> 00:24:25,600 And that must be it that produce the neutrino. So we basically throw out any event which does not start in the detector. 255 00:24:25,620 --> 00:24:30,600 So basically, if it if there is any action on this periphery, then we just throw it out. 256 00:24:30,930 --> 00:24:33,780 We just look for what is happening inside the detector. 257 00:24:34,290 --> 00:24:42,060 The argument being that it has to be a neutral particle in order to enter without giving any signal there and then do something spectacular in here. 258 00:24:42,450 --> 00:24:50,520 Right. And we had managed to do this, that when I say again, we I mean, the competent experimentalists on this experiment have managed to do that. 259 00:24:50,970 --> 00:24:56,040 The energy threshold has been lowered down to 40 TV, which is a low energy for us, 260 00:24:56,040 --> 00:25:00,240 although it is still about four times higher than the energy of that at sea. 261 00:25:01,350 --> 00:25:08,370 We look for events which are extremely bright, which triggers, you know, a very large number of output tubes, 262 00:25:08,670 --> 00:25:13,330 which I forgot to mention since I skipped over the details, digitise the signal right there. 263 00:25:13,350 --> 00:25:17,730 So it comes to the surface. It is in a form that I could analyse on my laptop, in fact. 264 00:25:19,230 --> 00:25:24,480 But my shift was a few weeks ago. We can actually run the S.A. from a laptop and wi fi. 265 00:25:24,510 --> 00:25:29,840 Okay. I don't need to go to the pool and, you know, to to to run it. 266 00:25:29,850 --> 00:25:35,280 I mean, this is remarkable. This is the nature of. And it also is good for the ozone layer. 267 00:25:35,280 --> 00:25:45,310 I think so. That's fine. Now what we have here is a possibility of looking at this neutrino flux against this background by doing this clever trick. 268 00:25:45,730 --> 00:25:52,840 But of course, when we do this, we also suppress track like events because track like events are coming through there and predicting them. 269 00:25:53,080 --> 00:26:00,850 So ten to I would expect to find mostly events due to electron and neutrinos which have come in here without an accompanying view. 270 00:26:01,270 --> 00:26:08,110 And I've created an event in my detector. I have sacrificed out of 30%, but that's still a lot of detector left. 271 00:26:08,380 --> 00:26:13,000 And what you see here is I mean, I thought I would really show you some actual data. 272 00:26:13,240 --> 00:26:18,970 So you get a feeling for, you know what, we really work with the kind of analysis what needs to do. 273 00:26:19,180 --> 00:26:26,590 This is the background. And what we have managed to do is to separate this little part here with more than 6040 electron heads, 274 00:26:26,920 --> 00:26:34,060 which do not leave any trace in the outer part of the V2, which allows us to say that this cannot be part of that and this is something new. 275 00:26:34,270 --> 00:26:36,540 This is the signal that we are looking for. Okay. 276 00:26:37,630 --> 00:26:42,700 And although this is not theoretical physics, what actually goes into doing this separation is theoretical physics. 277 00:26:42,700 --> 00:26:50,469 The algorithms that are used have interesting connections to mathematical structures that are used in other parts of theoretical physics. 278 00:26:50,470 --> 00:26:56,740 I could tell you about that in some detail. But let me show you some pretty pictures, because ultimately it's these things that we live for. 279 00:26:57,130 --> 00:27:03,370 So when we did this analysis, first thing we did was we discovered Bert and Ernie, but we found 26 other events. 280 00:27:03,730 --> 00:27:09,110 Okay. And now we have some significance because we see 28 events. 281 00:27:09,110 --> 00:27:12,710 But that expected background is only about of the order of ten events. 282 00:27:12,950 --> 00:27:18,680 So now we do have something which is stronger than nearly five standard deviations. 283 00:27:19,430 --> 00:27:26,690 And if you include those two, it is actually above five. So it's time to well, time to get excited. 284 00:27:26,810 --> 00:27:33,170 Right. And you see that most of these events are blobs. They are not things which have got accompanying beyond tracks. 285 00:27:33,410 --> 00:27:39,740 This one is emission drag, but this is electron or it is, you know, or it could be a neutral colour individual GMO neutrino. 286 00:27:39,950 --> 00:27:43,370 We cannot tell just by looking at that. We have to do a little more work. 287 00:27:43,670 --> 00:27:49,400 We have to ask what that distribution is, energy versus the declination angle. 288 00:27:49,700 --> 00:27:55,280 They seem to be mostly showers, as you see here, only a few attracts, but that's as we expected. 289 00:27:55,520 --> 00:27:59,000 Here are Bert and Ernie sticking out at the Beav. 290 00:27:59,810 --> 00:28:05,810 I mean, this is a tremendously high energy and it tells us that we have found something new in nature. 291 00:28:06,020 --> 00:28:10,670 Nobody has been able to create particles of that energy before, at least in neutrinos. 292 00:28:11,150 --> 00:28:15,900 And you can even from those blobs, this is a very busy plot. 293 00:28:15,920 --> 00:28:22,010 But just to sort of show you that this blob here, you wonder which direction the painted neutrino came from. 294 00:28:22,280 --> 00:28:26,030 Well, if it came from this this direction, according to the red line, 295 00:28:26,300 --> 00:28:31,340 then you would expect the timing of the hits and the photo multipliers to be according to the red line. 296 00:28:31,640 --> 00:28:34,730 If it came the other way, then that would be the blue line. 297 00:28:34,970 --> 00:28:41,720 Then the timing would be according to the blue line. And you can see that the data actually allows us, by looking at the so-called reforms, 298 00:28:41,930 --> 00:28:45,080 to pick out what direction it came from, by looking at this timing. 299 00:28:45,410 --> 00:28:50,899 And therefore, we are able to identify what direction in the sky this apparent blobs came from, 300 00:28:50,900 --> 00:28:56,360 which is, I think that the clever because that then allows us to start doing astronomy rather crudely. 301 00:28:56,660 --> 00:29:02,510 So the first thing is that we have this events which are above the expected background. 302 00:29:02,510 --> 00:29:08,059 Those are those points that you see here. This is the expected background with very conservative uncertainties. 303 00:29:08,060 --> 00:29:14,180 And those tell you a bit more about that in a minute. That's where our contribution came in in estimating that uncertainty. 304 00:29:14,630 --> 00:29:17,770 But, you know, things are not clear. Is that cut off beyond that point? 305 00:29:17,780 --> 00:29:22,700 These are upper bound. So there is no events there. And there also seems to be a upper bounds here. 306 00:29:22,730 --> 00:29:30,110 Is that a gap there? At higher energies, there is the so-called glashow resonance where the electron neutrino can come in, create a W boson. 307 00:29:30,500 --> 00:29:34,890 And are we seeing that? These are all questions that we have yet to answer. 308 00:29:34,910 --> 00:29:37,280 But meanwhile, it has been very rewarding. 309 00:29:37,280 --> 00:29:44,180 Your reported breakthrough of the year as a science, as a physics result, and the science of it put us on the front cover. 310 00:29:44,210 --> 00:29:48,560 That event that I showed you earlier, which is now called Big Bird, 311 00:29:49,190 --> 00:29:55,670 and the distribution of these events in declination, in the direction of the sky that they're coming from. 312 00:29:56,360 --> 00:29:59,540 I showed you already. That's the South Pole. This is the North Pole. 313 00:29:59,840 --> 00:30:07,219 And we see the distribution is in fact quite different from what you would expect according to the background atmospheric neutrinos, 314 00:30:07,220 --> 00:30:13,850 which is this blue line. In other words, this is not coming from a particle that is being made in the atmosphere by some exotic process. 315 00:30:14,000 --> 00:30:20,060 That is a possibility. We can rule that out. They are definitely consistent with something which is isotropic about us. 316 00:30:20,300 --> 00:30:24,840 So that's the first sign that we are on to something that is of potentially, well, 317 00:30:24,870 --> 00:30:31,580 cosmological or cosmic at this interest that might be coming from the halo around our galaxy, which is also symmetric about us. 318 00:30:31,820 --> 00:30:36,770 But they might be coming from extragalactic objects which would by definition be isotropic about us. 319 00:30:37,070 --> 00:30:41,990 And there is a lot of physics that goes in here that I can only allude to at high enough energies. 320 00:30:41,990 --> 00:30:49,010 Neutrinos will be absorbed in the atmosphere. This is showing that attenuation for different energies and that allows us to 321 00:30:49,010 --> 00:30:52,730 make estimates of how many we should expect as a function of the zenith angle, 322 00:30:52,970 --> 00:30:54,110 knowing the cross-section. 323 00:30:54,350 --> 00:31:00,860 And then we can compare that with the data and then we can conclude that what we are seeing is definitely the extraterrestrial neutrinos. 324 00:31:01,070 --> 00:31:07,370 They're not being made in the atmosphere of the earth and they are probably coming from extragalactic objects. 325 00:31:07,370 --> 00:31:10,910 All do currently. We cannot be sure of that. They could be coming from within our galaxy. 326 00:31:11,180 --> 00:31:14,600 Right. And so at the moment, the bottom line is just this. 327 00:31:15,620 --> 00:31:19,610 What does that distribution look like on this guy? Well, this is what is shown here. 328 00:31:20,300 --> 00:31:26,000 This is called the log likelihood. This is a measure of the probability that the event actually came from that direction. 329 00:31:26,210 --> 00:31:29,630 The fuzziness is because the reconstructions are not accurate. 330 00:31:29,630 --> 00:31:33,470 I told you that. Plus minus ten, 15 degrees. So this is hardly astronomy. 331 00:31:33,710 --> 00:31:39,620 But, you know, you have to take a first step. And this is the same thing being shown in different coordinate systems. 332 00:31:39,860 --> 00:31:45,290 So this in this coordinate system, which is the so-called equatorial system, that is the galactic centre, 333 00:31:45,500 --> 00:31:51,520 and there appears to be a clustering of events around the Galactic Centre, as you would expect for something to do the galaxy. 334 00:31:51,830 --> 00:31:59,210 Maybe this neutrinos are from the decay of dark matter. But in fact, one of the highest energy events did come from that direction. 335 00:31:59,340 --> 00:32:04,820 But again, the same. This is the Galactic Centre. Now in galactic coordinates where it's of course at the centre of the picture. 336 00:32:05,510 --> 00:32:11,210 But at this point, you go and talk to your statistics chums and they sort of throw cold water on you and they say, 337 00:32:11,390 --> 00:32:13,910 well, yes, that's what it looks like to you. 338 00:32:13,910 --> 00:32:21,830 But it's not actually true because, you know, if you spend enough computer power doing random realisations of the sky scanning in right ascension, 339 00:32:22,070 --> 00:32:26,780 you find that 8% of the time you'll get a clustering like that just by chance. 340 00:32:26,810 --> 00:32:31,520 Right. And 8% is not small enough for us to think that it is significant. 341 00:32:32,030 --> 00:32:39,050 So what's the answer? Well, you could continue debating about what sort of statistics we should use, or better still, get some more data. 342 00:32:39,300 --> 00:32:45,710 Right. And that's exactly what we are now doing. So we'll soon know whether the source is a galactic or actually extragalactic. 343 00:32:46,930 --> 00:32:51,069 There has been a profusion of heretical ideas about what these events could be due to, 344 00:32:51,070 --> 00:32:54,670 and they are so too small for you to read from the back deliberately. 345 00:32:55,010 --> 00:33:00,070 Okay. Because. Because some of them are very baroque and I would not want to. 346 00:33:00,250 --> 00:33:07,870 So here is testing the DVD with high energy neutrinos. Sup with neutrinos from unidentified sources, the super heavy particle origin. 347 00:33:08,170 --> 00:33:12,850 And you know, some of them have more than one sort of implausible thing died in. 348 00:33:13,030 --> 00:33:19,329 But you know so there are a lot of. Well, I just want to say, people theorists always get excited when these things appear, 349 00:33:19,330 --> 00:33:25,150 because now is a chance to try out some of these new ideas we have had about new physics and to see this survive, 350 00:33:25,330 --> 00:33:30,910 or indeed, they might be responsible for some of these things. So let me just give you the current picture. 351 00:33:30,940 --> 00:33:34,089 I showed you this already. This these have been seen for some time. 352 00:33:34,090 --> 00:33:38,200 These are just conventional neutrinos from beyond on condition that most of you. 353 00:33:38,380 --> 00:33:44,740 But now we are seeing the spectrum which looks flat because this is plotted in energy squared times, the floods. 354 00:33:45,040 --> 00:33:49,960 So if spectrum that goes as one over the energy squared would look horizontal. 355 00:33:50,110 --> 00:33:54,870 And we are seeing this. And this is roughly where you expect events to be. 356 00:33:54,880 --> 00:33:57,880 President Trump Gamma Ray Bursts from active galactic nuclei. 357 00:33:58,150 --> 00:34:02,800 We obviously don't have enough information yet to test those theories in detail, 358 00:34:03,190 --> 00:34:07,239 and we are heading towards the energies where you would expect this guaranteed flux of 359 00:34:07,240 --> 00:34:12,070 neutrinos from the interaction of cosmic rays with the cosmic microwave background. 360 00:34:12,340 --> 00:34:14,560 So things are getting very, very exciting, though. 361 00:34:14,860 --> 00:34:22,150 But let me just tell you for a second, you might be wondering, this is all very fine stuff, but what is a particle theorist doing in this experiment? 362 00:34:22,480 --> 00:34:26,170 Well, uploading a flux here you have some events. 363 00:34:26,170 --> 00:34:31,390 But to convert an event into a flux, you need to know the probability of the interaction of the particulate matter. 364 00:34:31,730 --> 00:34:39,620 Okay. How often does it interact? Now we know, of course, at what rate neutrinos interact when they're at laboratory energies. 365 00:34:39,640 --> 00:34:40,990 That's how you measure it. Okay. 366 00:34:41,410 --> 00:34:47,830 But we are not talking about energies which are 2000 times, 10,000 times higher than anything we have ever had in the laboratory. 367 00:34:48,370 --> 00:34:56,199 So you have to extrapolate how do you extrapolate from what we know in a meaningful and sensible way and estimate the uncertainties? 368 00:34:56,200 --> 00:35:00,760 Because that is crucial to establishing whether you have a signal that is significant or not. 369 00:35:01,060 --> 00:35:01,290 Right. 370 00:35:01,870 --> 00:35:11,620 So I just want to give you a plug very quickly, because I realise we are already over our scheduled time of how it makes sense to be in a department. 371 00:35:11,620 --> 00:35:16,030 But fortunately our neighbours have been doing things which turn out to be very relevant to this. 372 00:35:16,360 --> 00:35:22,900 In particular, particle physicists here have been involved in an experiment called Hera at Hamburg, 373 00:35:23,260 --> 00:35:26,620 which has been measuring a process called deep inelastic scattering, 374 00:35:26,800 --> 00:35:33,070 which is exactly what you are measuring in IceCube, except they have been doing it with electrons and protons that neutrinos, 375 00:35:33,070 --> 00:35:36,160 you can't accelerate neutrinos, but they do it with electrons. 376 00:35:36,400 --> 00:35:41,200 But electrons for most purposes are like neutrinos that are good electromagnetic interactions, 377 00:35:41,470 --> 00:35:46,450 but otherwise they are particles that interact with protons without strong interactions. 378 00:35:46,780 --> 00:35:52,720 And that diagram shows the technical king and are deliberately kept in all this stuff that I'm not going to explain. 379 00:35:52,990 --> 00:35:56,709 Just to impress on you that there is some hard core physics behind all this. 380 00:35:56,710 --> 00:36:05,250 You have to do a lot of work to measure. The probability of a neutrino interacting with the so-called protons within the nucleus, you know, 381 00:36:05,260 --> 00:36:12,220 the quarks and the gluons and their distribution within the nucleus is parameterised by things called proton distribution functions, 382 00:36:12,430 --> 00:36:20,140 which are these quantities here. And those, in turn are related to the measurements that you can make at the large at the heat machine. 383 00:36:20,470 --> 00:36:26,620 So what you have here is a measured in those kinematic variables that I had written on the page, 384 00:36:26,620 --> 00:36:32,649 did the momentum transfer in that interaction and the fraction of the momentum of carried by 385 00:36:32,650 --> 00:36:38,740 the struck button of what range has been investigated by experiments and these experiments, 386 00:36:38,740 --> 00:36:44,770 H1 and Zuse Zuse was the experiment here with people involved as investigated a 387 00:36:44,770 --> 00:36:48,940 much deeper kinematic range than before and found something very surprising. 388 00:36:49,300 --> 00:36:52,540 When you look at the universe at very low volcanics x, 389 00:36:52,540 --> 00:37:00,580 this is the parameter that characterises the fraction of the momentum carried by the struct part on the nucleus is basically made of glue. 390 00:37:00,610 --> 00:37:07,239 This is the glue on structure function which you see here has been divided by 20 in order to bring it down to this scale. 391 00:37:07,240 --> 00:37:12,880 Otherwise it would be up there. The nucleus is basically do this constituent golf that you've heard about, 392 00:37:13,060 --> 00:37:17,500 which make up a proton are entirely unimportant when you look at it in this kinematic region. 393 00:37:17,740 --> 00:37:24,730 But because you can create space in pairs of gluons, it is one of the processes which essentially swamp the nucleus. 394 00:37:24,940 --> 00:37:31,630 So we have to understand how neutrinos interact with that stuff in order to be able to interpret the findings of IceCube. 395 00:37:31,840 --> 00:37:32,890 And we have done that. 396 00:37:33,010 --> 00:37:40,330 We can calculate the cross section for neutrinos to interact with the charge current, for example, as a function of energy with that precision, 397 00:37:40,630 --> 00:37:47,650 by taking the data that I just showed you and extrapolating it to the energies that which are now observing icecube neutrinos, 398 00:37:48,010 --> 00:37:50,319 that acceleration induces some uncertainties. 399 00:37:50,320 --> 00:37:58,630 You have to use the machinery called the dotted group of other parts of the equation, and that uncertainty is reflected in that band there. 400 00:37:58,840 --> 00:38:05,020 And so a lot of hard work has gone into it, a large part of it done by my extraordinarily. 401 00:38:05,020 --> 00:38:11,950 But in order to calculate that quantity and that is now the standard input into all these experiments like IceCube and others, 402 00:38:12,160 --> 00:38:15,580 which are seeking to determine whether cosmic neutrinos exist. 403 00:38:16,030 --> 00:38:19,540 And there is also the possibility that we might be able to turn the table. 404 00:38:19,900 --> 00:38:27,430 Our colleagues who work on the dynamics of quantum thermodynamics tell us that this is what the nucleus 405 00:38:27,430 --> 00:38:32,110 looks like in the terms of the model that we are familiar with in walks rattling down somewhere. 406 00:38:32,380 --> 00:38:38,020 But in this kinematic range, the density of gluons is growing so much that the thing is becoming opaque. 407 00:38:38,020 --> 00:38:42,700 It's like a black disk. You might have phenomena which are non-productive in nature. 408 00:38:42,910 --> 00:38:46,870 You might form a new phase of matter, something called the colour gluon condensate. 409 00:38:47,500 --> 00:38:51,010 How do you test these ideas? Well, let's gather neutrinos of this, guys, 410 00:38:51,010 --> 00:38:56,169 and see whether the predictions differ depending on what theory is the correct theory 411 00:38:56,170 --> 00:39:00,610 of this thing here and here you see that there are clearly differing predictions. 412 00:39:01,000 --> 00:39:05,500 Now, this is an energy of ten to the seven gbps we have measured so far, ten to the six. 413 00:39:05,770 --> 00:39:10,000 But all these models give the same answer. But if you can go up to these energies, 414 00:39:10,210 --> 00:39:20,170 then we can tell the difference between what the physics of low excuse CCDs a field of great interest to people doing one of two dynamics. 415 00:39:20,320 --> 00:39:24,700 And how are you doing that? By measuring neutrinos down at the South Pole under ice. 416 00:39:25,000 --> 00:39:32,620 I really like this this interplay of, you know, very different spheres of activity, which all bear on the same theoretical issues. 417 00:39:33,660 --> 00:39:37,240 But Ice Cube's physics program is broader even than that. 418 00:39:37,260 --> 00:39:41,729 We have already mentioned this part here at the search for extragalactic signals, 419 00:39:41,730 --> 00:39:46,559 point sources, gallery births, etc., etc. We also look for dark matter. 420 00:39:46,560 --> 00:39:55,440 As I mentioned in passing, we look for exotic particles like monopoles which might be caught in the ice because if they are slowly enough moving, 421 00:39:55,440 --> 00:40:00,030 they can get ionised and they can. They might lose energy and get stuck. 422 00:40:00,390 --> 00:40:04,590 We look for neutrino oscillations and not give you much further with this. 423 00:40:04,830 --> 00:40:09,240 But just to mention this dark matter idea, which I alluded to earlier, 424 00:40:09,480 --> 00:40:14,160 the dark matter particles annihilating in the sun can generate neutrinos that we look for. 425 00:40:14,370 --> 00:40:17,880 At least you know where the sun is. So you can just look at the sun all the time. 426 00:40:18,180 --> 00:40:24,240 It just goes above and below the horizon at the South Pole and look to see if you see any high energy neutrinos from it. 427 00:40:24,600 --> 00:40:30,989 So far, the answer is no. And we are therefore able to put a restriction on the rate at which dark matter 428 00:40:30,990 --> 00:40:35,220 particles scatter with ordinary matter in order to be captured in the sun, 429 00:40:35,550 --> 00:40:44,160 which are very competitive with the diet experiments that Philip talked about, that that about Felix talked about earlier. 430 00:40:44,370 --> 00:40:50,249 As you see here, our constraints are way below that. And so far we haven't seen anything. 431 00:40:50,250 --> 00:40:56,940 But who knows very soon. Right. And we can also measure neutrino oscillations because they are coming through the earth. 432 00:40:57,330 --> 00:41:01,080 And these neutrino oscillations have been measured in terrestrial experiments. 433 00:41:01,080 --> 00:41:07,320 But you can see them over the baseline much longer than anybody else, as I again have to skim through this for lack of time. 434 00:41:07,560 --> 00:41:14,730 But you can see that we are able to distinguish between the normal oscillation case, which is this and the oscillations that you find here. 435 00:41:15,000 --> 00:41:21,900 And this allows us to determine the characteristic mass, different square of neutrinos versus their mixing with each other, 436 00:41:21,930 --> 00:41:27,749 one mechanical and the controls that we currently have at this once the red ones here not yet 437 00:41:27,750 --> 00:41:32,070 competitive with the one from the terrestrial experiment minnows which is the flagship bit, 438 00:41:32,340 --> 00:41:41,460 but we are catching up and very soon will have a new extension of IceCube called Penghu, which is the precision IceCube next generation upgrade, 439 00:41:43,260 --> 00:41:48,830 and that promises to be able to do things that nobody can do at a long baseline experiment. 440 00:41:48,840 --> 00:41:55,320 So, you know, we have now got stuck in two fundamental neutrino physics, starting with looking for neutrinos from gamma ray bursts. 441 00:41:55,770 --> 00:41:59,400 And just to end something that I'm particularly interested in. 442 00:41:59,940 --> 00:42:03,690 Neutrinos are produced in this ratio in they're produced to pound decay. 443 00:42:03,690 --> 00:42:07,320 You basically make million neutrinos. No electron neutrinos, no doubt neutrinos. 444 00:42:07,740 --> 00:42:12,510 But as they move through space, they mix with each other and they oscillated to each other. 445 00:42:12,780 --> 00:42:16,050 So after travelling far enough, that issue should be democratic. 446 00:42:16,320 --> 00:42:21,420 One, two, one, two, one. And we can tell the difference between electron beyond and down neutrinos. 447 00:42:21,960 --> 00:42:30,630 So this is what we should see at Earth. But one can imagine lots of processes that violate or disturb the coherence that is 448 00:42:30,630 --> 00:42:34,830 necessary in order for this quantum mechanical oscillations to give you that number. 449 00:42:35,100 --> 00:42:41,520 Right. And they could be something as fanciful as the fact that the neutrinos are coming to us to what looks like empty space, 450 00:42:41,520 --> 00:42:47,070 but especially empty when you look at the blank skin that we heard about from David, 451 00:42:47,310 --> 00:42:50,700 maybe it's the seeding mid-stream of black holes appearing and disappearing. 452 00:42:50,910 --> 00:42:54,300 What happens? Evolution of into a black hole is information lost. 453 00:42:54,510 --> 00:43:00,959 We are touching on some of the most fundamental and discussed questions currently theoretical physics and we have a way to 454 00:43:00,960 --> 00:43:09,270 experimentally probe that by checking whether this neutrino flavour issue is as expected without such decoding influences. 455 00:43:09,510 --> 00:43:14,920 So this is something I'm very excited about. It might take a while to do this, but certainly it's on the cards. 456 00:43:15,450 --> 00:43:17,129 So let me sum up. 457 00:43:17,130 --> 00:43:25,920 We have the first analysis from this amazing experiment which has shown us, I think, the first glimpse of an astrophysical neutrino flux. 458 00:43:26,820 --> 00:43:30,990 And that, of course, as usual, raises a number of questions. 459 00:43:30,990 --> 00:43:34,320 We still don't know any of the details. We don't know the spectrum very well. 460 00:43:34,530 --> 00:43:39,900 The sky distribution is consistent with isotropic. We don't yet know if they're galactic or extragalactic. 461 00:43:40,680 --> 00:43:44,700 We don't know that yet. But we will have twice more data in a couple of months. 462 00:43:45,060 --> 00:43:49,530 We are doing something very interesting to look at moon tracks coming from through the earth 463 00:43:49,770 --> 00:43:55,950 all the way 8000 kilometres across and we are able to do various technical improvements. 464 00:43:56,550 --> 00:44:01,590 So I think it is not farfetched to say that we are really seeing the beginning of a new astronomy, 465 00:44:01,590 --> 00:44:06,000 a new window on the universe where you look not in photons but in neutrinos. 466 00:44:06,540 --> 00:44:13,680 And this in turn interests us because it also provides as possible new proofs of physics beyond the standard model. 467 00:44:13,740 --> 00:44:14,130 Thank you.