1 00:00:01,450 --> 00:00:15,430 So. So thank you very much. 2 00:00:15,440 --> 00:00:22,190 I am delighted to speak at this meeting and when I was invited to speak, the email said, uh, 3 00:00:22,190 --> 00:00:28,610 we would like you to give a talk about cosmic rays and dark matter, two topics that Tom Perkins was very excited and interested in. 4 00:00:28,610 --> 00:00:33,290 And we'd like to tell you, we'd like you to tell us about subsequent developments and what's happening in the field today. 5 00:00:33,380 --> 00:00:35,840 So that's what I'll organise my talk around. 6 00:00:36,200 --> 00:00:42,620 So I know Dom Perkins, but I taught undergraduate for many years from his wonderful textbook on particle astrophysics. 7 00:00:43,340 --> 00:00:45,740 And so we've heard a little bit about how he's great. 8 00:00:45,830 --> 00:00:53,690 All his textbook on high energy physics was so the kind of last chapter of that book he expanded into this wonderful textbook, 9 00:00:53,990 --> 00:00:56,059 which I think he was bringing up to date, 10 00:00:56,060 --> 00:01:03,560 and revising really enormous revisions between the first of it edition and in 2002 and the second edition in 2009. 11 00:01:03,680 --> 00:01:12,739 So I think in the preface that he wrote to the final edition in 2009, you can really hear his great enthusiasm for this subject area. 12 00:01:12,740 --> 00:01:19,040 So he he writes about the first part, that in the first part of this book, discussing the Standard model of particle physics, 13 00:01:19,040 --> 00:01:26,330 you could say that extremely well understood subject was agreement between theory and experiment better than one part per million in the case of QED, 14 00:01:27,170 --> 00:01:30,440 and whatever the form might be, of an ultimate theory of everything, 15 00:01:30,440 --> 00:01:34,280 if there is one, the standard model of particle physics will surely be part of it, 16 00:01:34,370 --> 00:01:38,960 even if it only accounts for a paltry 4% of the energy density of the universe at large. 17 00:01:40,190 --> 00:01:46,549 The second part, he writes about the great questions and mysteries in cosmology, chief among them the nature of dark matter. 18 00:01:46,550 --> 00:01:47,840 So that's what I'll talk about today. 19 00:01:48,410 --> 00:01:54,620 And in the third part, he writes, this is concerned with the study of the particles and radiation which bombard us from outer space. 20 00:01:55,340 --> 00:02:00,020 We encounter here some of the most energetic and bizarre processes in the universe, 21 00:02:00,020 --> 00:02:03,919 with new experimental discoveries being made on an almost daily basis. 22 00:02:03,920 --> 00:02:07,730 So you can really hear his enthusiasm for the field as he was writing in 2009. 23 00:02:08,360 --> 00:02:15,769 So I'm going to talk about how the tools of particle astrophysics tell us both about the larger scales and exotic objects, 24 00:02:15,770 --> 00:02:19,219 and also about smallest particle physics distance scales in the universe. 25 00:02:19,220 --> 00:02:25,640 So I'll talk a little bit about cosmic rays, and I'll talk about how all of these tools are brought to bear on the search for dark matter. 26 00:02:25,640 --> 00:02:29,180 So we've found all of these things except for the last one in this picture. 27 00:02:29,510 --> 00:02:34,249 And so I'll talk about the search. So to kind of set the context. 28 00:02:34,250 --> 00:02:39,440 The evidence for dark matter comes from a wide range of distant scales in the universe, 29 00:02:39,440 --> 00:02:46,700 from measurements of stars in spiral galaxies through the motions of galaxies within galaxy clusters, 30 00:02:46,910 --> 00:02:51,620 through looking at observations of the cosmic microwave background at the scale of the whole sky. 31 00:02:52,700 --> 00:02:57,379 The evidence for dark matter comes from observations that are made 400,000 years after the Big Bang, 32 00:02:57,380 --> 00:03:01,370 all the way up through measurements that are made today. 13.7 billion years. 33 00:03:02,000 --> 00:03:10,340 And this picture, putting together all of the evidence across these astrophysical scales, combines into what is now the concordance model, 34 00:03:10,340 --> 00:03:16,250 the Lambda CDM standard model of cosmology, where our picture of the energy density of the universe looks like this. 35 00:03:16,700 --> 00:03:22,610 Something like 70% of it is made up of dark energy, roughly 25% is dark matter, 36 00:03:23,090 --> 00:03:28,730 and just under 5% is made of the particles we know and love that are described by the Standard Model of particle physics. 37 00:03:29,570 --> 00:03:33,110 So there's clearly a big opportunity here for discovery. 38 00:03:34,490 --> 00:03:36,140 So what could the dark matter be? 39 00:03:36,170 --> 00:03:44,180 Well, if you look at, you know, the the enormous range of possibilities and ask what could be consistent with the astrophysical evidence, 40 00:03:44,180 --> 00:03:54,110 you can narrow down this huge mass range in the top axis here into a paltry 40 orders of magnitude and mass shown in the bottom axis here. 41 00:03:55,070 --> 00:03:58,940 And there are many, many theoretical possibilities for what dark matter could be. 42 00:03:58,940 --> 00:04:02,750 And I think, you know, it's fair to say at this point that there's probably a flat prior. 43 00:04:03,080 --> 00:04:08,450 Dark matter is equally likely across the entire 14 orders of magnitude of this bottom axis. 44 00:04:08,900 --> 00:04:13,610 And so what these coloured blocks show are different categories of theoretical models. 45 00:04:13,610 --> 00:04:16,970 And I'll talk a little bit about what we know about the search in most of these. 46 00:04:17,420 --> 00:04:22,970 And I think since the time when Don Perkins was writing the preface to his wonderful book in 2009. 47 00:04:23,000 --> 00:04:25,790 There's kind of a new sociology at this point. 48 00:04:25,790 --> 00:04:32,300 We know dark matter definitely exists, and perhaps it's sufficient for a theory simply to explain dark matter on its own. 49 00:04:32,360 --> 00:04:39,130 It might not also need to do another job. It might not need to explain the solution to nationalist problems. 50 00:04:39,140 --> 00:04:47,260 Maybe it's enough just for it to have a good dark matter candidate. So I'm going to talk about what we do in sort of three areas. 51 00:04:47,500 --> 00:04:53,140 The first is indirect detection, where we're looking for a dark matter particle to find another dark matter particle, 52 00:04:53,260 --> 00:04:59,890 annihilate and produce things we can see. I'll talk about direct detection, which is my own field, 53 00:05:00,040 --> 00:05:04,780 where we look for dark matter to interact with an atom in a very sensitive terrestrial detector. 54 00:05:05,050 --> 00:05:10,420 And I'll make one comment at the end about complementarity with collider production, which you'll hear more about from Daniela later. 55 00:05:12,190 --> 00:05:19,179 So indirect detection strategies are concerned with using the study of particles and radiation, 56 00:05:19,180 --> 00:05:26,920 which bombard us from outer space to look for dark matter, rather than to look for the characteristics of some objects producing them. 57 00:05:27,160 --> 00:05:31,630 And there are three main channels for this, and I'll focus on the first one, which is self-annihilation. 58 00:05:31,870 --> 00:05:36,850 So we can imagine weakly interacting massive particle or WIMP dark matter candidates 59 00:05:37,120 --> 00:05:41,860 annihilating through some process that produces perhaps gamma rays or neutrinos, 60 00:05:42,130 --> 00:05:46,300 or proton and antiproton pairs, or matter and anti-matter pairs. 61 00:05:46,990 --> 00:05:49,480 This is not the only possibility. There are also experiments at. 62 00:05:49,580 --> 00:05:56,409 I'll show one result from that look at decay, producing perhaps sterile neutrinos or conversion of axion producing photons. 63 00:05:56,410 --> 00:06:04,959 But I'll focus on this first category. So the self annihilation signal that an experiment might hope to observe using cosmic 64 00:06:04,960 --> 00:06:09,460 rays that signal as a function of energy depends on the annihilation cross-section. 65 00:06:09,460 --> 00:06:16,900 That's the thing we're trying to measure. It depends on the integral along the line of sight for the instrument, 66 00:06:17,560 --> 00:06:22,230 and it depends on the energy spectrum produced by those annihilating dark matter particles. 67 00:06:22,240 --> 00:06:27,129 And so what this figure shows is that annihilation spectrum as a function of energy. 68 00:06:27,130 --> 00:06:32,260 And what you see along this kind of top row here is a range of different particle candidates. 69 00:06:32,260 --> 00:06:35,470 And so you see there's a huge range of energies that are spans here. 70 00:06:36,130 --> 00:06:42,940 And what the vertical axis shows is the signal energy that a particular detector might observe. 71 00:06:43,240 --> 00:06:46,840 And we can interpret that as a frequency. And if we interpret that as a frequency, 72 00:06:47,080 --> 00:06:51,730 this list of names on the side are various experiments that are studying different parts of this frequency band. 73 00:06:52,570 --> 00:06:55,780 The coloured blocks in this region show different signal channels. 74 00:06:55,780 --> 00:07:00,939 So for example, I'll show plots later that look at B bar annihilation, which is down here in dark blue. 75 00:07:00,940 --> 00:07:06,610 So there are various channels that different experiments look at. And depending on what band and energy and experiment is looking at, 76 00:07:06,610 --> 00:07:11,500 that determines the sensitivity to which category of dark matter model it's exploring. 77 00:07:12,930 --> 00:07:16,200 So this is sort of the current status of self-annihilation searches. 78 00:07:16,230 --> 00:07:23,160 We can plot this in terms of this annihilation cross-section on the vertical axis versus the mass of the dark matter candidate on the horizontal axis. 79 00:07:23,910 --> 00:07:28,830 And you know, what's allowed at this point is this white range in the middle. 80 00:07:29,130 --> 00:07:34,080 So this grey region is excluded because there would be too much dark matter to 81 00:07:34,080 --> 00:07:37,110 be consistent with the astrophysical data that I introduced at the beginning. 82 00:07:37,710 --> 00:07:42,720 This purple region is excluded by unitarity, conservation of probability and of scattering. 83 00:07:43,290 --> 00:07:47,550 And this green region is where we have current experimental constraints where. 84 00:07:47,760 --> 00:07:55,530 And I'll talk about where these come from. The experiments can exclude dark matter with annihilation cross-sections within this green range, 85 00:07:55,530 --> 00:07:58,740 because they would produce too much dark matter to be consistent with what we observe. 86 00:07:59,490 --> 00:08:03,910 So those constraints come from observations of dwarf small galaxies. 87 00:08:03,920 --> 00:08:08,820 So the Fermi experiment looks at that and can set constraints depending on the final state, 88 00:08:09,030 --> 00:08:14,100 excluding annihilation cross-sections above and to the right of these coloured lines. 89 00:08:14,610 --> 00:08:18,149 And this dashed line in this figure is the same as the dashed line in the bottom. 90 00:08:18,150 --> 00:08:22,530 So we want to reach down to that line in order to probe the range that's compatible. 91 00:08:22,540 --> 00:08:28,020 And so what you see is this excludes masses below about 100 GeV in the strongest constraints. 92 00:08:29,120 --> 00:08:33,380 There are also constraints coming from TeV gamma rays. 93 00:08:33,680 --> 00:08:37,370 And so this shows TeV gamma ray constraints and prospects. 94 00:08:37,850 --> 00:08:45,700 And what you see is that TV gamma rays can kind of reach down to this thermal relic density line up to just above the 100 GB, 95 00:08:46,040 --> 00:08:48,860 right up to just above the the, uh, TV scale. 96 00:08:50,480 --> 00:08:57,770 The hope, the great hope for probing most of this mass range up to the highest masses comes from the triangle telescope array, 97 00:08:58,130 --> 00:09:02,510 where what you see is that predictions for future sensitivity of this instrument in different final 98 00:09:02,510 --> 00:09:09,710 states will cover all the way down to this thermal relic line up to something like tens of TeV. 99 00:09:10,460 --> 00:09:16,130 Now these are all visible final states, but of course there's an important contribution from invisible final states, 100 00:09:16,550 --> 00:09:24,920 uh, in, you know, neutrino telescope experiments. Uh, so this shows the sensitivity projection for super K and hyperkalemia kind of experiments, 101 00:09:25,430 --> 00:09:34,130 where the signal is that dark matter annihilates producing neutrino antineutrino pairs, which then go on to interact in super K or hyper K. 102 00:09:34,670 --> 00:09:40,459 And what you see is that these kinds of neutrino constraints can test masses up to about the ten GeV scale. 103 00:09:40,460 --> 00:09:44,870 So this is kind of the prospect for testing dark matter across this range. 104 00:09:45,320 --> 00:09:51,750 And if I sort of sum up and integrate over all the different experiments and just ask, you know, what does this look like for wimps? 105 00:09:51,800 --> 00:09:58,070 Well, for the WIMP mass Range, I think we have a good chance in the next decade of exploring most of this region up to the unitarity limit. 106 00:09:58,430 --> 00:10:02,569 You might ask, could there be a signal here? Well, what these, uh, 107 00:10:02,570 --> 00:10:09,290 sort of brown bar and blue bars show are where you might expect to see a signal in different kinds of supersymmetric dark matter models. 108 00:10:09,290 --> 00:10:14,209 So there's absolutely a a fair chance at discovery. And if we look at invisible final states. 109 00:10:14,210 --> 00:10:19,550 So neutrino experiment contributions and there are prospects that are very interesting far 110 00:10:19,550 --> 00:10:25,010 beyond this just WIMP theory mass range going to much lighter and also much heavier masses. 111 00:10:25,010 --> 00:10:26,740 Neutrino experiments will have a lot to say. 112 00:10:26,750 --> 00:10:34,550 So for example, the Dune experiment, uh, has interesting sensitivity down here in the kind of GeV scale mass range. 113 00:10:34,850 --> 00:10:40,579 And you can see the constraints I showed up there in the sort of tens of TeV, and there's a wide range, 114 00:10:40,580 --> 00:10:45,440 and I should say here that current experiments are excluding the regions that are in the kind of shaded bars. 115 00:10:45,440 --> 00:10:50,420 And the dashed lines show where sort of the next generation of experiments are aiming to reach. 116 00:10:54,080 --> 00:10:58,129 So at this point, I'm going to move on and talk a little bit about what are the prospects for seeing 117 00:10:58,130 --> 00:11:02,870 dark matter directly interact by scattering off an atom in your sensitive detector? 118 00:11:03,710 --> 00:11:11,630 And here the scattering kinematics are really determined by the relative velocity of an atom in 119 00:11:11,630 --> 00:11:17,540 your sensitive detector relative to a dark matter particle in the galactic dark matter halo. 120 00:11:18,230 --> 00:11:21,860 And the scattering kinematics have a beta that's less than ten to the minus three. 121 00:11:21,860 --> 00:11:26,390 And so this basically looks like classical non-relativistic to body elastic scattering. 122 00:11:27,140 --> 00:11:34,700 And so in this two body elastic scattering process we expect to see the recoil travel forward relative to the incident particle direction. 123 00:11:35,480 --> 00:11:41,690 So because this relative velocity is small the kinetic energy of the dark matter particle is small. 124 00:11:42,170 --> 00:11:45,260 The momentum transfer of the q squared in the interaction is small. 125 00:11:45,260 --> 00:11:48,110 And so the wavelength of the propagator is large, 126 00:11:48,860 --> 00:11:56,000 which means that the incident dark matter particle can scatter coherently off of all of the nucleons in the target nucleus. 127 00:11:56,480 --> 00:11:59,120 And so we get a coherent sum of amplitudes. 128 00:11:59,810 --> 00:12:05,060 This process can happen in a way that's independent of spin, and can also happen in a way that depends on spin. 129 00:12:05,600 --> 00:12:09,470 And I'd like to highlight here, I'm kind of picking up right where the last speaker left off. 130 00:12:09,500 --> 00:12:19,040 So the first calculation of this coherent initial elastic scattering process was done by Dan Friedmann in, I think, 1973 and published in 1974. 131 00:12:19,520 --> 00:12:24,950 And he starts out by saying if there's a weak neutral current, then that's a dot. 132 00:12:24,980 --> 00:12:29,450 This coherent elastic scattering process is possible. And he goes on to calculate it in this paper. 133 00:12:29,450 --> 00:12:33,500 And this is the foundation of this entire strategy of direct detection. 134 00:12:33,800 --> 00:12:35,330 So in the first sentence of this paper, 135 00:12:35,330 --> 00:12:42,510 he begins with citing the recent experimental evidence from CERN and Fermilab suggesting the process of neutral current interactions. 136 00:12:42,520 --> 00:12:44,270 So in fact, it was this, you know, 137 00:12:44,270 --> 00:12:51,410 foundational work that went on to see this entire field of direct detection looking for coherent elastic scattering interactions. 138 00:12:53,130 --> 00:13:02,490 So what we expect to see for the scattering rate as a function of momentum transfer depends on the cross-section at zero q squared shown here segment. 139 00:13:02,700 --> 00:13:04,020 That's the thing we're trying to measure. 140 00:13:04,470 --> 00:13:12,330 It depends on the energy density of dark matter and the velocity distribution of that dark matter that our detector is moving through. 141 00:13:12,750 --> 00:13:16,440 And it depends on, of course, the mass of the dark matter and the target. 142 00:13:16,890 --> 00:13:23,100 And it depends on a form factor describing the suppression of coherence as the momentum transfer increases. 143 00:13:24,480 --> 00:13:29,700 What an experiment sees in this kind of search is, of course, not the dark matter particle directly, 144 00:13:29,970 --> 00:13:33,750 but it sees the particle that it hit and what that particle does, and the detector. 145 00:13:33,750 --> 00:13:40,200 It may deposit energy by heat or via ionisation energy loss, producing ionisation and scintillation signals. 146 00:13:41,010 --> 00:13:43,260 And the rate at which this happens is incredibly small. 147 00:13:43,270 --> 00:13:48,900 So if I pick a pair of parameters that the candidate, the dark matter particle mass is 100 times the mass of the proton, 148 00:13:49,500 --> 00:13:55,710 and I pick a cross-section out of the air of ten to the -45cm², which is just above current constraints. 149 00:13:56,580 --> 00:14:04,980 What we see is that the rate of interactions we expect is of order one per ton of detector mass per year of doing the experiments, 150 00:14:05,610 --> 00:14:11,249 and this event distribution is falling exponentially as we look at increasing recoil energy. 151 00:14:11,250 --> 00:14:14,720 And so experiments to look for this signal need to have large target mass. 152 00:14:14,730 --> 00:14:19,080 They need to have very low energy threshold sensitivity to UKTV of energy. 153 00:14:19,740 --> 00:14:24,540 And they need to have incredible control over things like neutron backgrounds, 154 00:14:25,410 --> 00:14:31,110 because you're looking for one event per year per ton, and backgrounds can be much more numerous than that. 155 00:14:32,810 --> 00:14:36,550 And so that's just kind of the current status of direct detection WIMP searches. 156 00:14:36,590 --> 00:14:38,270 I'm going to show a bunch of plots that look like this, 157 00:14:38,270 --> 00:14:45,880 where we have the dark matter nucleon interaction cross-section on the vertical axis and the mass of the dark matter candidate on the horizontal axis. 158 00:14:45,890 --> 00:14:48,930 And so what you see is there's sort of, uh, two regions. 159 00:14:48,980 --> 00:14:52,720 There are regions where we can look at cross-sections that are far below the weak scale. 160 00:14:52,730 --> 00:14:57,620 We're operating experiments or testing cross-sections down to about ten to the -48cm². 161 00:14:58,100 --> 00:15:02,000 And there are experiments being planned to go another order of magnitude beyond that. 162 00:15:02,840 --> 00:15:09,500 And then there are experiments at kind of later dark matter masses below the GeV scale, which have much less stringent limits. 163 00:15:10,280 --> 00:15:14,300 And so we can ask, how are we making progress in this? And what are the one of the limitations here? 164 00:15:15,200 --> 00:15:21,470 So at some point we run into the point where neutrino coherence, elastic scattering becomes an irreducible background. 165 00:15:21,560 --> 00:15:26,240 And these searches limiting the sensitivity. And that's what's shown in this grey fog down here. 166 00:15:26,240 --> 00:15:33,120 So the objective more or less is to reach down to this point. So how do we get down to these kind of lower end of masses. 167 00:15:33,140 --> 00:15:39,130 Well, this is a really active area which Oxford has had a big role in, uh, in developing new technologies. 168 00:15:39,140 --> 00:15:44,000 So the tricky thing about this coherent elastic scattering process is that the energy of 169 00:15:44,000 --> 00:15:50,830 the recoil is at most about a millionth of the rest mass of the dark matter particle. 170 00:15:50,840 --> 00:15:58,729 And so if you want to see a GeV, uh, mass dark matter candidate, you need to have a sensitivity of Kev to recoil energies. 171 00:15:58,730 --> 00:16:03,650 And so that's, you know, where current experiments are using liquid Noble's and indeed bubble chambers. 172 00:16:04,340 --> 00:16:07,399 And for reaching lower dark matter mass sensitivity, 173 00:16:07,400 --> 00:16:12,890 one needs to also invent detector technologies capable of reaching lower recoil energy sensitivity. 174 00:16:13,070 --> 00:16:16,190 And so there are great ideas about this in kind of some of the most ambitious ideas. 175 00:16:16,190 --> 00:16:20,960 Deploy quantum sensors using macroscopic quantum states like superfluid helium three, 176 00:16:21,230 --> 00:16:27,950 in order to reach sensitivities to much lower recoil energies, which give sensitivity to much lower dark matter masses. 177 00:16:27,950 --> 00:16:34,190 So we're aiming to reach the milli EV recoil energy sensitivity scale to reach movie scale. 178 00:16:34,430 --> 00:16:40,990 Dark matter mass sensitivity. The other direction we can go in this parameter space is to lower and lower cross section in. 179 00:16:41,000 --> 00:16:44,020 The strategy for getting here is to build bigger and bigger detectors. 180 00:16:44,470 --> 00:16:50,200 So the leading constraint in this mass range now comes from the LC experiment which Oxford has a big role in. 181 00:16:50,500 --> 00:16:55,809 So this is a beautiful result from 2022. And I want to say this is an exquisite instrument. 182 00:16:55,810 --> 00:17:02,050 I think it's the 10th iteration of the dual phase liquid xenon time projection chamber. 183 00:17:02,500 --> 00:17:12,520 I think it's worth noting that the very first dual phase GPC was flown in a high altitude balloon to look at exotic gamma ray sources in the sky, 184 00:17:12,550 --> 00:17:14,320 the LCS egret experiment. 185 00:17:14,320 --> 00:17:19,870 So in a sense, this kind of, you know, cosmic ray driven technology is what's driving the frontier in direct detection today. 186 00:17:20,500 --> 00:17:25,090 And these experiments today are fairly large instruments. They're no longer, you know, small scale. 187 00:17:25,420 --> 00:17:30,549 Uh, so this shows some of the infrastructure associated with the Xenon program at the ground source a laboratory. 188 00:17:30,550 --> 00:17:34,510 And you can see that the detector more or less occupies the space of a three story building. 189 00:17:34,510 --> 00:17:41,890 So these are getting to be rather large instruments. The alternative strategy for reaching very large detectors is using liquid argon. 190 00:17:42,250 --> 00:17:45,760 And this is what I work on. And I'll show some results from this program later. 191 00:17:45,760 --> 00:17:48,159 So we've had several iterations getting bigger and bigger. 192 00:17:48,160 --> 00:17:53,020 And at the moment we're building this instrument which is called Darkside 20 K Underground at Gran Sasso. 193 00:17:53,530 --> 00:17:57,309 This object is eight metres on a side. You can sort of see for scale. 194 00:17:57,310 --> 00:18:01,240 Here are some nice pictures of people in front of our cryostat under construction. 195 00:18:01,240 --> 00:18:08,020 So you get a sense of how large it is. And we are aiming in Five Sigma discovery rates to go more than an order of magnitude beyond the reach 196 00:18:08,020 --> 00:18:14,200 of currently running experiments in the region above the centre of mass energy reach of the LHC. 197 00:18:15,100 --> 00:18:19,450 And the ultimate aim of this program is to build a kiloton scale detector. 198 00:18:21,100 --> 00:18:27,160 So at this point I've talked about WIMP sensitivity, which is just this one little blob in the middle of these 40 orders of magnitude. 199 00:18:27,170 --> 00:18:31,930 So what's happening in the rest of the space? Well, let's kind of start at the lowest mass end and think about actions. 200 00:18:32,830 --> 00:18:36,150 So actions were positive to solve the strong CP problem. 201 00:18:36,190 --> 00:18:40,300 So it's a dark matter candidate that also solves other issues in particle physics. 202 00:18:40,720 --> 00:18:48,430 And at this point this is a huge industry. There's an enormous range of experimental techniques that are trying to detect axion photon coupling ideas. 203 00:18:48,430 --> 00:18:52,510 And axion converts to a photon and you detect that photon detector. 204 00:18:52,870 --> 00:18:57,549 There are experiments looking with LHC magnets at axion coming from the sun, 205 00:18:57,550 --> 00:19:03,240 their experiments looking at axons coming from the gravitational halo of our dark matter halo of our galaxy, 206 00:19:03,250 --> 00:19:07,420 their experiments trying to produce axioms and then detect them. 207 00:19:07,900 --> 00:19:13,870 Uh, and then there's kind of a big effort in detecting axion induced RF. 208 00:19:14,620 --> 00:19:20,980 And so what this figure shows are the constraints on the axion photon coupling as a function of the mass of the action. 209 00:19:21,490 --> 00:19:28,120 And this yellow band shows the region where the QCD and the dark matter axion could be the same thing. 210 00:19:28,720 --> 00:19:35,830 So the interesting point is that experiments are kind of just starting to bite into this region where we can look at the axiom and, 211 00:19:36,070 --> 00:19:38,770 you know, current constraints are shown in the solid colours. 212 00:19:38,770 --> 00:19:44,020 And, you know, future projected sensitivities are shown in these kind of lighter, uh, pink colours. 213 00:19:44,020 --> 00:19:48,640 And so you can see that experiments are working hard to reach down to that QCD axion line. 214 00:19:49,510 --> 00:19:52,880 And looking for axion photon coupling coupling. It's not the only thing you can do. 215 00:19:52,900 --> 00:19:56,380 You can also look for axion electron coupling. 216 00:19:57,100 --> 00:20:06,429 And this is an area where there's a big deployment and a big effort on bringing the tools of quantum technology to bear on particle physics problems. 217 00:20:06,430 --> 00:20:14,710 So, you know, Oxford here leads the ion effort. And this shows the sensitivity to axion, a left electron coupling as a function of the mass. 218 00:20:15,070 --> 00:20:20,710 And you can see that this is a strategy that can reach perhaps as low even as ten to the -18 GV. 219 00:20:22,630 --> 00:20:26,710 So moving up in this mass scale. I'll talk next about sterile neutrino candidates. 220 00:20:27,640 --> 00:20:35,290 So sterile neutrino dark matter could make up something like a third of the dark matter based on astrophysical constraints. 221 00:20:36,040 --> 00:20:43,300 And it's possible that sterile neutrino dark matter could scatter with electrons because of sterile neutrino electron neutrino mixing. 222 00:20:44,110 --> 00:20:50,920 There are strong constraints on the electron sterile neutrino mixing angle U4 squared from beta decay. 223 00:20:51,280 --> 00:20:57,890 So in a beta decay, if the new E mixes with the sterile neutrino, you would expect to see deformation in the shape of the end point. 224 00:20:57,910 --> 00:21:01,720 And so based on looking for that deformation and various beta decay experiments that 225 00:21:01,930 --> 00:21:07,000 direct constraints shown in the top here on U4 squared that are greater than about 1%. 226 00:21:08,190 --> 00:21:14,219 There are also strong constraints from indirect detection experiments, which look at the X-ray spectra coming from, 227 00:21:14,220 --> 00:21:18,390 for example, dwarfs for little galaxies and look for deformation in that spectrum. 228 00:21:18,390 --> 00:21:25,290 And these constraints are very strong. So these constraints are down at the level of maybe ten to the minus ten on U4 squared. 229 00:21:25,980 --> 00:21:33,209 However, it's worth noting that there's also an anomaly. There's an excess that's reported at three and a half kV by several targets. 230 00:21:33,210 --> 00:21:36,330 And that's a interesting and hot topic in the field, what that might be. 231 00:21:37,650 --> 00:21:41,879 And so we actually just published the first search for sterile neutrino electron scattering 232 00:21:41,880 --> 00:21:47,700 in a direct detection experiment where we're sensitive in sort of the 10 to 20 uh Kev range, 233 00:21:48,120 --> 00:21:53,879 where the sensitivity from a 50 kilogram dark matter instrument actually exceeds that of the beta decay searches. 234 00:21:53,880 --> 00:21:55,980 And so we're now building a 50 ton experiment. 235 00:21:56,220 --> 00:22:02,250 So it's going to will be quite interesting to look for this channel in the next generation of direct detection searches, 236 00:22:02,250 --> 00:22:09,100 which are a factor of a thousand larger and target mass. Okay, so that's sterile neutrinos moving up in mass scale. 237 00:22:09,670 --> 00:22:14,890 Another possibility, of course, is that perhaps dark matter. 238 00:22:16,400 --> 00:22:24,320 And, you know, might have self interactions. Perhaps there is some good reason why the ratio of dark matter to baryonic matter is about 3 to 1. 239 00:22:24,470 --> 00:22:29,810 And there are models that seek to explain that. Those are typically kind of termed asymmetric dark matter models. 240 00:22:30,410 --> 00:22:36,320 And those kinds of candidates predict dark matter in the Kev to GeV or perhaps just above GeV scale. 241 00:22:36,830 --> 00:22:40,520 And so experiments can look for absorption processes of Kev scale, 242 00:22:40,520 --> 00:22:46,909 dark matter or scattering processes of movie scale dark matter or GeV scale dark matter searches. 243 00:22:46,910 --> 00:22:53,720 The most sensitive results come from looking for not only the effect of the dark matter scattering, but also nuclear dissertation. 244 00:22:54,350 --> 00:22:58,520 And so all of those kinds of searches are pushing down into this interesting parameter space. 245 00:22:59,120 --> 00:23:05,990 And again, this is a very hot topic, but we're reaching couplings that are at the scale of perhaps ten to the -12 to 10 to the -14, 246 00:23:06,540 --> 00:23:09,710 uh, comparable to some of the accident results that I showed earlier. 247 00:23:10,400 --> 00:23:15,920 And in the kind of slightly higher mass range, we're sort of reaching down to cross-sections that are at the weak interaction scale. 248 00:23:17,860 --> 00:23:23,610 So another interesting and creative idea that I think Firkins might have been quite interested in is, well, 249 00:23:23,620 --> 00:23:27,459 if we have all this dark matter around and we have all these cosmic rays raining down on us, 250 00:23:27,460 --> 00:23:32,260 what would the underground muon telescope see if dark matter and cosmic rays interact? 251 00:23:32,950 --> 00:23:38,979 And there are fun ideas about this. So one possibility, of course, is that cosmic rays scattering on dark matter would lose energy. 252 00:23:38,980 --> 00:23:42,010 And this would modify the cosmic rays spectrum that you measured. 253 00:23:42,130 --> 00:23:45,850 So this shows the electron data from AMS. 254 00:23:46,420 --> 00:23:53,470 And if you include dark matter electron scattering that changes the prediction for the spectral shape you get this blue dashed line. 255 00:23:54,100 --> 00:23:57,160 And so you can actually use this as a kind of reverse direct detection. 256 00:23:57,550 --> 00:24:02,770 So if dark matter were there scattering with a cross section above x, how would it change the cosmic ray spectrum. 257 00:24:02,800 --> 00:24:09,490 And you can ask how consistent is this with what we observe. And those kinds of experiments can set constraints on dark matter at the Kev scale. 258 00:24:10,330 --> 00:24:14,620 You could also say, well, if dark matter is scattering off these cosmic rays, it must be gaining energy. 259 00:24:14,690 --> 00:24:16,150 So you have dark matter up scattering. 260 00:24:16,600 --> 00:24:25,130 And the effect of that is that it could boost a small fraction of the dark matter to an energy above the detection threshold in a neutrino experiment. 261 00:24:25,150 --> 00:24:28,990 And so you can ask what kinds of constraints you get if you consider those effects. 262 00:24:28,990 --> 00:24:33,640 And in this range, actually super K has some of the strongest constraints on movie scale dark matter. 263 00:24:35,430 --> 00:24:42,180 And then kind of moving up above the mass region, there could be very, very heavy dark matter all the way up to the Planck scale. 264 00:24:42,780 --> 00:24:47,909 And that kind of candidate can be produced non thermally in grand unified theories like those that 265 00:24:47,910 --> 00:24:53,700 motivated Sudan to could be produced in primordial black hole radiation or extended thermal production. 266 00:24:54,150 --> 00:25:00,570 And the signature here is that those kinds of interactions may scatter many times as they travel through your large detector. 267 00:25:00,900 --> 00:25:04,320 And so this shows the current constraints on that cross-section versus mass. 268 00:25:04,320 --> 00:25:07,620 And you can kind of see we're reaching all the way up to the Planck scale here. 269 00:25:09,630 --> 00:25:14,130 So at this point, I'll wrap up and just make one remark about complementarity with colliders. 270 00:25:15,090 --> 00:25:17,459 So in collider experiments, the signature, of course, 271 00:25:17,460 --> 00:25:23,340 is trying to produce dark matter candidates in collisions of ultrahigh energy proton proton collisions. 272 00:25:23,340 --> 00:25:26,010 And you don't see the dark matter particles that are produced flying out, 273 00:25:26,010 --> 00:25:30,300 but you see some missing energy or some single jet showing momentum imbalance. 274 00:25:31,500 --> 00:25:38,159 And if we try to convert limits on branching ratios and translate those into limits on cross-section versus mass, 275 00:25:38,160 --> 00:25:43,550 the kinds of plots I've been showing, the direct detection constraints are shown in these solid shaded regions. 276 00:25:43,560 --> 00:25:52,379 These are for two different flavours of production models and the science reach of kind of future direct detection experiments. 277 00:25:52,380 --> 00:25:56,010 The ultimate direct detection experiments we can imagine are shown in these dashed curves. 278 00:25:57,150 --> 00:26:05,610 And the science reach of future accelerators. High luminosity LHC are shown in the solid coloured curves. 279 00:26:05,790 --> 00:26:10,529 And what I wanted to illustrate with this is the comment that with these kinds of experiments, 280 00:26:10,530 --> 00:26:16,290 we can look above the centre of mass energy, even of the most ambitious future accelerator we can imagine. 281 00:26:17,400 --> 00:26:19,860 And so I'll close with this thought about complementarity, 282 00:26:20,370 --> 00:26:29,159 which I've stolen from Chris Llewellyn Smith's excellent essay at the end of the Festschrift that was given in 1993 when Perkins retired. 283 00:26:29,160 --> 00:26:33,569 And I want to say thank you very much to Mandy Cooper Sarkar for lending me this book where I read this very, 284 00:26:33,570 --> 00:26:38,280 very interesting essay, um, where in an essay on particle physics in the future, 285 00:26:39,060 --> 00:26:44,910 uh, the, the comment was made here that it's possible that the long term future of experimental particle 286 00:26:44,910 --> 00:26:50,400 physics may be with non accelerator experiments with which Don Perkins began his career. 287 00:26:51,240 --> 00:26:55,680 Uh, and I'll insert my own, uh, aside here because they can reach, you know, 288 00:26:55,680 --> 00:26:58,830 ultimately higher energies than anything we can imagine building here on Earth. 289 00:26:59,490 --> 00:27:04,620 And this was a trend presciently anticipated by Don towards the end of his career, who moved in that direction. 290 00:27:05,310 --> 00:27:10,920 And so I'll close with final thought. Uh, you know, as a researcher looking for dark matter, uh, 291 00:27:10,920 --> 00:27:18,120 May Perkins is optimism for particles and radiations which bombard us from outer space with new discoveries being made on an almost daily basis, 292 00:27:18,120 --> 00:27:21,540 continue to be justified in the search for dark matter. Thank you.