1 00:00:00,510 --> 00:00:11,070 So when you hear standard sort of public talks about fusion, the picture that they show you at the beginning is this one. 2 00:00:12,360 --> 00:00:15,810 So and they tell you either this is what we're going to build. 3 00:00:16,530 --> 00:00:29,849 Right. So this is the machine. And you might add this in in at least in terms of sort of funding and and story, as it were, as it's unfolding, 4 00:00:29,850 --> 00:00:36,900 this this image and this the thing behind this image kind of dominates the diffusion world. 5 00:00:37,170 --> 00:00:43,090 Well, you might ask. The question, where's the theoretical physics here? 6 00:00:44,080 --> 00:00:51,640 Right. So all this stuff, this is clearly going to be a great engineering feat of 21st century civilisation, 7 00:00:51,730 --> 00:00:59,110 possibly, actually the way it's going 22nd century civilisation. But. 8 00:01:00,040 --> 00:01:06,279 But. But. Well, despite appearances, this is. 9 00:01:06,280 --> 00:01:11,230 No, not all quite so nice and control and well organised as you would think. 10 00:01:12,610 --> 00:01:24,640 Somewhere deep inside that the you know, you might ask where is it that the that this sort of, you know, of wild, primal, basic things are. 11 00:01:26,380 --> 00:01:33,850 And that, of course, is what theoretical physics does while primal things the basic instincts of nature, if you like. 12 00:01:33,850 --> 00:01:40,690 Right. So this is in polite society. They call them fundamental laws of physics, universal physics, that sort of thing. 13 00:01:41,020 --> 00:01:46,180 So where's all this? Well, here it's in pink. It's it's it's this. 14 00:01:47,310 --> 00:01:52,330 It looks nice and and and thing, but it is the beast. 15 00:01:53,890 --> 00:01:59,730 So, so, so, so, so I think I think the bottom line is that is that, you know, 16 00:02:00,190 --> 00:02:07,660 theoretical physicists are only useful in the in this program if they can engage well, engage tame the beast. 17 00:02:08,230 --> 00:02:20,100 So let's discuss the beast. Let's let's strip out all the engineering and let's realise some very, very basic thing about, about what's inside there. 18 00:02:20,470 --> 00:02:28,330 Right. So you have a toroidal plasma. You have a plasma. And the basic feature of that plasma is that it's hot in the middle and cold at the edges, 19 00:02:29,350 --> 00:02:32,890 and it has to be like that because it has to be hot in order to fuse. 20 00:02:33,160 --> 00:02:42,549 And it has to be cool because, you know, it's it's if we're talking about it being at 100 million degrees in the middle, 21 00:02:42,550 --> 00:02:47,080 it shouldn't be it certainly shouldn't be a hundred million degrees at the edges because we don't want it to melt the device. 22 00:02:48,100 --> 00:02:51,340 Right. So so we have to separate themselves from the beast somehow. 23 00:02:52,300 --> 00:03:01,870 And so we're maintaining this plasma in this state, which is if you're a theoretical physicist, you don't actually think in terms of pictures. 24 00:03:01,870 --> 00:03:05,350 It will be lots of pictures in movies in my talk. But in fact. 25 00:03:05,860 --> 00:03:13,659 Right, you have to realise that in, in, in the theoretical physics department everybody thinks in terms of plotting Y versus X fundamentally. 26 00:03:13,660 --> 00:03:21,250 Right. So, so, so, so the really interesting picture here is not this one but that one, and that's temperature versus radius. 27 00:03:21,400 --> 00:03:26,020 Right. So so radius goes from zero to out and the temperature goes from hot to cool. 28 00:03:26,260 --> 00:03:30,129 And so there is a temperature gradient in the system. 29 00:03:30,130 --> 00:03:33,310 The system is out of equilibrium. Remember your statistical physics. 30 00:03:33,310 --> 00:03:37,660 If you still remember your undergraduate days, the system is out of equilibrium. 31 00:03:38,290 --> 00:03:46,600 And so it's potentially a dangerous situation because because nature wants to meet, always wants to be in equilibrium. 32 00:03:46,930 --> 00:03:51,850 So the question for a physicist is, well, how hot does it get? 33 00:03:51,870 --> 00:03:55,360 Or more practically, how hot can we make it? 34 00:03:55,570 --> 00:03:59,260 How much of a temperature contrast can you create? Well, let's. 35 00:03:59,530 --> 00:04:06,100 And so this is where theoretical physics starts. And theoretical physics starts on the level of second year undergraduate physics, 36 00:04:07,120 --> 00:04:11,500 which which I hope some of you have at least some sort of vague recollection of. 37 00:04:12,340 --> 00:04:17,350 I assume this, but I'll remind you of all the all the relevant things. 38 00:04:17,800 --> 00:04:22,570 So, so let's start with what we teach our students in the second year undergraduate physics course. 39 00:04:22,690 --> 00:04:26,560 Right? We teach them the heat equation. Right? So so we tell them that, you know, 40 00:04:26,590 --> 00:04:34,840 if you want to know what the profile of the temperature somewhere is and remember the reason it gets hot is because you heat it in some ways, 41 00:04:34,840 --> 00:04:38,559 which I won't go into Steve might in in in his talk. 42 00:04:38,560 --> 00:04:42,010 So so you you have to solve the heat equation, right? Well, 43 00:04:42,010 --> 00:04:51,850 the heat equation is the temperature by the T equals two heat diffusivity times the plus in of T plus whatever sources and sinks of heat you have. 44 00:04:51,850 --> 00:04:55,150 Right. So this is s stands for heating minus cooling. 45 00:04:55,160 --> 00:05:00,280 Should there be cooling as well? Right. And you might say, all right. 46 00:05:00,280 --> 00:05:05,740 Well, the problem is the problem is simple. We look at it in steady state. 47 00:05:06,040 --> 00:05:12,609 So we eliminate the time derivative. We solve this in the Taurus. We know all our inputs, we know the boundary conditions. 48 00:05:12,610 --> 00:05:18,009 So we get the temperature profile. We hand over the solution to the engineers, and then we move on to thinking of dark matter, 49 00:05:18,010 --> 00:05:22,899 quantum entanglement, brief history of time, the meaning of life, and, and, and the rest of it, 50 00:05:22,900 --> 00:05:26,860 which is what we're supposed to be thinking about as sort of, you know, 51 00:05:27,070 --> 00:05:31,990 coastal in ivory tower theoreticians in the Rudolf or centre for threats, theoretical physics. 52 00:05:32,860 --> 00:05:40,000 But before we do that and of course, once we have built the fusion machine and have the unlimited source of. 53 00:05:40,070 --> 00:05:47,510 Energy. It's, you know, the whole world will be a centre for theoretical physics and it's, you know, everybody will be thinking of nothing of that. 54 00:05:47,510 --> 00:05:51,260 But but that these all these mundane concerns would disappear. 55 00:05:51,380 --> 00:05:56,510 But before that happens. Let's let's ask a quick still an undergraduate question. 56 00:05:57,530 --> 00:06:04,310 And that question is, what's this? Right. Because clearly so if I knew how I heat the plasma and we all know what the blossom is. 57 00:06:04,580 --> 00:06:10,010 But the interesting question here is this deep, right? Because depending on what that is it. 58 00:06:10,130 --> 00:06:16,640 Tell me in the end. Right. What, what that those temperature gradients are. 59 00:06:16,790 --> 00:06:23,479 Right. You see the D multiplies the gradients of T and so D effectively normalises links here. 60 00:06:23,480 --> 00:06:30,260 So, so in the end. Right. You know, how big are, you know, if you tell me that, that, that the temperature contrast has to be 100 million degrees. 61 00:06:31,460 --> 00:06:37,550 How, how big a device I have to build and so on will all sort of depend on what that is. 62 00:06:37,790 --> 00:06:42,080 Well, how do we calculate this? Well, again, let me remind you how to calculate heat diffusivity. 63 00:06:42,740 --> 00:06:48,440 It's the reason he diffuses. And that's what we tell undergraduates. 64 00:06:48,950 --> 00:06:53,959 There is a it's true, but at the same time it's a lie. And then you'll still see in the moment. 65 00:06:53,960 --> 00:06:57,230 Y Well, it's, it's, it's not a lie. It's not the whole truth. 66 00:06:57,770 --> 00:07:03,440 So the not the whole truth is the it right? Are you have you have hot particles in the middle. 67 00:07:03,440 --> 00:07:11,849 They random walk their way through the tokamak. They're, they're in thermal motion so they're moving randomly when they well each of them is in 68 00:07:11,850 --> 00:07:14,930 the first instance moving the straight lines and they collide with another particle, 69 00:07:15,170 --> 00:07:25,340 change their direction. And so it's like, you know, drunk in the famous story of a drunken man progressing from a pub out into the world at some rate. 70 00:07:26,300 --> 00:07:34,700 Right. So so so the the particle random walks its way eventually out from the core to the to the edge and brings its energies with it. 71 00:07:35,240 --> 00:07:40,790 And so and so there is a diffusion of energy now that is just the diffusion coefficient. 72 00:07:41,660 --> 00:07:45,350 And the diffusion coefficient is simply the ratio of the mean square displacement 73 00:07:45,350 --> 00:07:49,130 of the particle by the time over which that means square displacement happens. 74 00:07:49,400 --> 00:07:57,950 In other words, you could write it as the mean square particle velocity times, the time between collisions and the when particles move. 75 00:07:57,950 --> 00:08:03,919 Similarly, the velocity is basically the speed of sound in that in that medium. 76 00:08:03,920 --> 00:08:07,520 And so this is like the speed of sound times, the mean free path of the particle. 77 00:08:07,520 --> 00:08:10,910 This is the standard undergraduate estimate of the diffusion coefficient. 78 00:08:11,150 --> 00:08:18,229 It's actually in the in applause in the magnetised plasma and talking about this is actually on true even on that level. 79 00:08:18,230 --> 00:08:27,020 In fact, it turns out that because what Felix has explained to you, the particles actually gyrate around the magnetic field. 80 00:08:27,020 --> 00:08:32,240 So they can't actually move very far across the magnetic field. So all of that is only really true along the magnetic fields. 81 00:08:32,720 --> 00:08:39,500 So if you orient your magnetic fields in such a way that there is no magnetic field taking anybody out radially, 82 00:08:39,500 --> 00:08:46,040 which is what you care about the radial transport, then actually your step size for the particle is the radius of the lawnmower generation. 83 00:08:46,040 --> 00:08:54,949 This is that Felix talked about so in fact it's built to x is is the lawnmower radius and and this is still the time between collisions. 84 00:08:54,950 --> 00:08:59,689 So so you get this is this is the basic estimate that you might get for for the plasma. 85 00:08:59,690 --> 00:09:05,300 And you know since since since we're theoretical this is here we're certainly not going to substitute the numbers. 86 00:09:07,790 --> 00:09:14,870 But I'll tell you that this turns out to be way, way, way, way, way, way, way too small to explain the transport that we see. 87 00:09:15,620 --> 00:09:23,659 Okay. So in fact, when when fusion devices were first designed, Steve might say something about this in this talk by Lyman Spitzer, they, you know, 88 00:09:23,660 --> 00:09:28,520 when they thought when they basically estimated things based on collisional transport, you know, 89 00:09:28,550 --> 00:09:33,710 they came up with a device that would that would have been almost a tabletop arrangement. 90 00:09:34,820 --> 00:09:37,820 So. Well, it's you know, the reason it's no longer a tabletop arrangement, 91 00:09:37,820 --> 00:09:43,010 but that huge monster of engineering that you saw is is precisely because this does not work. 92 00:09:43,400 --> 00:09:47,060 Now, why doesn't it work? So let's look closer. 93 00:09:47,330 --> 00:09:53,989 So let's go back to this to this toroidal plasma, which is hot in the middle and cold on the outside. 94 00:09:53,990 --> 00:09:58,610 This all looks nice and and and and smooth and and kind of pain, doesn't it? 95 00:09:59,780 --> 00:10:03,380 Well, in fact, it's nothing of the kind. Let me show you a movie over. 96 00:10:03,530 --> 00:10:09,170 This is admittedly a computer simulation of of of what happens to a plasma like this, 97 00:10:10,400 --> 00:10:16,160 which was done for to model the operations of the 3D Tokamak in San Diego. 98 00:10:17,180 --> 00:10:23,959 And this is it. I'm not showing it because that tokamak is is any way any better or worse than any other tokamak. 99 00:10:23,960 --> 00:10:27,740 But they do have the absolute best movie making machine there in Southern California. 100 00:10:28,520 --> 00:10:33,889 And and so their movies are unrivalled. And so here's the movie. 101 00:10:33,890 --> 00:10:39,950 Let's let's see if this actually works. So so they start this simulation. 102 00:10:40,310 --> 00:10:44,360 And this is this is actually this is actually density of the plasma in the Tokamak. 103 00:10:44,630 --> 00:10:55,490 And you see that it all breaks up in this in this sort of seething, boiling, unholy, chaotic mess, which is called turbulence. 104 00:10:56,060 --> 00:11:06,709 So so what this is meant to demonstrate is that when you when you put something out of equilibrium, what tends to happen is, 105 00:11:06,710 --> 00:11:14,180 you know, nature dislikes temperature gradients and because they are they constitute a lack of equilibrium. 106 00:11:14,180 --> 00:11:21,370 And so it can try to drive the system unstable and to to try to rectify this situation for itself. 107 00:11:21,380 --> 00:11:26,750 I'll show you in great detail how it will in some detail, how it exactly does this. 108 00:11:26,960 --> 00:11:35,180 The point that I want you to carry out of this picture for now is that the whole thing is moving rather violently and chaotically. 109 00:11:35,930 --> 00:11:39,950 Right. So actually what we should do is not second year undergraduate physics, 110 00:11:39,950 --> 00:11:50,210 but third year the third year undergraduate physics fails you what happens to temperature when it's not just being diffused by collision, 111 00:11:50,360 --> 00:11:53,690 but when it's actually in a moving medium. Right. 112 00:11:53,840 --> 00:12:03,350 And what happens is, is, on the face of it, a fairly fairly harmless what happens is that the the heat equation develops another term. 113 00:12:03,860 --> 00:12:13,310 And that's the term. It's you don't guarantee what this describes to you is the is the velocity of the of the plasma motions, 114 00:12:13,400 --> 00:12:16,970 not the velocity of the particles, but the mean velocity of the motions at any given point. 115 00:12:17,390 --> 00:12:21,860 And what this term describes is the advection of the velocity by these motions. 116 00:12:21,980 --> 00:12:26,360 Okay. These are chaotic motions. No, no. 117 00:12:26,360 --> 00:12:32,989 Let's do the following thing. Right. We're going to see that temperature has a mean profile. 118 00:12:32,990 --> 00:12:37,510 I mean, obviously, now that everything is is is fluctuating, the actual profile, 119 00:12:37,550 --> 00:12:43,190 the temperature will be all that will be old jacket and have the little fluctuations and so on. 120 00:12:43,400 --> 00:12:49,340 But on the average, we still want to have a situation when in the middle things are hot and on the outside the things are cool. 121 00:12:49,370 --> 00:12:55,490 Things are cool, right? So, so there will be some mean profile of tension which, which I'll call, which I'll call T bar. 122 00:12:56,060 --> 00:13:01,160 And so that and that will be the average of the temperature in the plasma over. 123 00:13:01,310 --> 00:13:07,600 Let's see these fluctuations and these fluctuations will assume have are fast in time. 124 00:13:07,610 --> 00:13:12,709 So what you saw there is that you have you have all these fluctuations things things are changing very, 125 00:13:12,710 --> 00:13:18,680 very fast and will assume that they're changing faster than the mean quantities change in the class. 126 00:13:19,010 --> 00:13:23,400 Okay. So, so if you like, I've just been working on constructing. 127 00:13:23,810 --> 00:13:28,370 Those of you who have done fourth year undergraduates will remember what, what, what mean field theory is. 128 00:13:28,820 --> 00:13:35,320 Right. So? So I've embarked on constructing some kind of an effective, meaningful theory of of of what's going on. 129 00:13:35,330 --> 00:13:39,379 So I will think of my temperature as being composed of the mean profile and the 130 00:13:39,380 --> 00:13:43,040 fluctuations and the fluctuations will be small compared to the mean temperature. 131 00:13:43,050 --> 00:13:48,640 So so it doesn't it doesn't change very much, but they're fast and the mean profile is slow. 132 00:13:49,230 --> 00:13:57,139 Now, that means that I can if I average that equation and also assume that the difference of velocity zero, 133 00:13:57,140 --> 00:14:01,910 which I can do because these motions tend to be subsonic and therefore incompressible. 134 00:14:02,960 --> 00:14:10,280 So. If I average that equation above, what I find is an equation for the mean profile. 135 00:14:11,060 --> 00:14:14,629 And so this is just the average of that term. 136 00:14:14,630 --> 00:14:18,350 This is the average of that term, the source, the heating of the plasma. 137 00:14:18,350 --> 00:14:21,590 I assume that I control that and that and that that's all happening slowly. 138 00:14:22,910 --> 00:14:30,290 And the only interesting new place here is this divergence of the average of the velocity times temperature. 139 00:14:30,770 --> 00:14:41,390 Okay, so this thing here now to calculate this, we need to know about the fluctuations because if you think of T as being t border plus delta t, 140 00:14:41,630 --> 00:14:47,810 then then the average of u t is the average of u times t bar plus the average of you delta t. 141 00:14:48,080 --> 00:14:53,270 And if I assume for now that there is no mean motion of the plasma, Steve, in this talk, 142 00:14:53,270 --> 00:14:56,479 we'll actually talk about situations when there is mean motion of plasma. 143 00:14:56,480 --> 00:15:01,340 But for now, we can see that there's no mean motion of the plasma. And if there is no mean motion, this is zero. 144 00:15:01,550 --> 00:15:07,430 And all of that average is the is the average between the velocity fluctuations and the temperature fluctuations. 145 00:15:09,140 --> 00:15:13,030 Well, so let's calculate that average. How do we calculate this? 146 00:15:13,100 --> 00:15:17,000 So I'm going to do a sort of a split of theoretical physics and then switch back to free quality. 147 00:15:18,260 --> 00:15:21,860 So now how do I do this? 148 00:15:21,860 --> 00:15:26,900 Well, here's a simple way of doing this. Not entirely rigorous, but I think this is good enough. 149 00:15:27,620 --> 00:15:30,319 So so this is the it's the average of you times, 150 00:15:30,320 --> 00:15:35,510 t and I'm going to take this T and get it out of this equation, which I will just integrate over time. 151 00:15:36,530 --> 00:15:38,150 Okay. So there's the U. 152 00:15:38,300 --> 00:15:45,770 And this integral is simply the integral of all those terms of time from zero to T and it's that's the reaction term, that's diffusion. 153 00:15:45,770 --> 00:15:53,930 So that's sort of in now in under this integral everywhere, I will simply approximate temperature with its mean value. 154 00:15:54,920 --> 00:15:59,540 Okay. I will also use the fact that it's changing very slowly. 155 00:15:59,540 --> 00:16:03,919 So, so, so so what happens at previous times is not that different from what happens, 156 00:16:03,920 --> 00:16:10,700 but at the current time you might even think of it as being constant if we ever manage to construct a fusion device that operates in steady state. 157 00:16:11,630 --> 00:16:16,730 So if we do this, then all these terms become zero. 158 00:16:16,730 --> 00:16:20,660 Because basically those are just in terms and it's the average of you and that's zero. 159 00:16:20,660 --> 00:16:29,060 So the only known non-zero term here will be when we average these fluctuations that time T with the fluctuations at some previous time. 160 00:16:30,580 --> 00:16:34,790 And so what I end up with is the following expression for you don't see this. 161 00:16:35,330 --> 00:16:45,920 So, so what I find is that it's proportional to the gradient of the mean temperature times this time integral of the correlation function. 162 00:16:45,980 --> 00:16:51,110 This is again this is I think fourth year undergraduate physics, the correlations or maybe even third. 163 00:16:51,980 --> 00:16:57,889 So it's correlation function of the velocity attempted with the velocity time t prime this quantity if you 164 00:16:57,890 --> 00:17:03,740 look at where it is in the equation is a heat flux and that that's what's called the turbulent heat flux. 165 00:17:05,240 --> 00:17:11,420 Now I can stick this quantity into the air and get this equation. 166 00:17:12,740 --> 00:17:20,510 And finally, I will remember that all my mean things only vary along the radial direction. 167 00:17:21,080 --> 00:17:26,510 So it's all actually one dimensional. So all these divergences become derivative suspect radius. 168 00:17:26,810 --> 00:17:33,920 And what I end up with basically is an additional bit in the diffusivity. 169 00:17:33,920 --> 00:17:38,030 So I end up with an equation that looks just like the equation I had before, 170 00:17:38,330 --> 00:17:42,170 which was the equation for, for, for the, for the diffusion of temperature. 171 00:17:42,740 --> 00:17:50,059 But now, besides the collisional diffusion, I also have this thing called the turbulent diffusion in this D turbulent is equal 172 00:17:50,060 --> 00:17:54,170 to this correlation function of the turbulent fluctuations integrate over time. 173 00:17:55,220 --> 00:17:58,940 So this is what the effective mean field theory for our system looks like. 174 00:18:00,740 --> 00:18:05,629 It's it's it's basically just the there are you know, I should say at this point, 175 00:18:05,630 --> 00:18:09,710 there are all kinds of bells and whistles and so on, which I'm sweeping under an enormous rock. 176 00:18:11,120 --> 00:18:14,930 So but fundamentally, that's the idea of what of what one does. 177 00:18:15,590 --> 00:18:19,489 So so it looks like this. There is a there is an equation for the temperature profile. 178 00:18:19,490 --> 00:18:23,390 You'll set this this to zero to get to get steady state. 179 00:18:23,660 --> 00:18:27,470 And in order to solve this equation, you need to know what this is. 180 00:18:27,680 --> 00:18:35,810 Now, this general idea, you know, we gave our morning of theoretical physics a rather grand title. 181 00:18:38,820 --> 00:18:42,150 But that title has too important had two important components. 182 00:18:42,450 --> 00:18:48,090 One was that plasma was an unlimited source of energy. The other was that it was a normal state of all matter in the universe. 183 00:18:48,450 --> 00:18:48,750 Right. 184 00:18:48,810 --> 00:18:56,190 So this actually, you know, because we're theoretical physicists, because we, you know, we want to have a kind of an ivory tower sight to our lives. 185 00:18:57,060 --> 00:18:59,850 You know, you might say, well, is this is this just for the talk? 186 00:19:00,060 --> 00:19:06,210 This is actually quite the universal idea to treat plasma systems, which is generally physical systems this way. 187 00:19:06,570 --> 00:19:09,870 I mean, the world is full of systems where there's something happening in the mean. 188 00:19:09,870 --> 00:19:14,370 And also and also there are some fluctuations on top in the evolution of the mean things 189 00:19:14,760 --> 00:19:19,410 depends on how the only statistical properties of the fluctuations that they're embedded into. 190 00:19:19,830 --> 00:19:23,430 For example, my favourite example, right, if you didn't want to be a fusion physicist. 191 00:19:23,670 --> 00:19:28,680 But if you're instead you're a plasma astrophysicist or just an astrophysicist, even not a plasma physicist, 192 00:19:28,950 --> 00:19:34,680 then you know that the largest plasma object you can find in the universe are called clusters of galaxies. 193 00:19:35,250 --> 00:19:40,350 And clusters of galaxies, despite the name, contain mostly dark matter and hot diffuse plasma like galaxies. 194 00:19:40,920 --> 00:19:44,190 Galaxies and clusters of galaxies are, you know, rather an afterthought. 195 00:19:45,630 --> 00:19:51,480 So they look like this in optical, they look like that in X-ray. 196 00:19:52,800 --> 00:19:59,129 They are megaparsec sized objects. But the important thing, though, is not that they're so grand and big and so on. 197 00:19:59,130 --> 00:20:03,780 This is actually most of the visible. I mean, apart from the dark matter, this is most of the matter in the universe. 198 00:20:03,780 --> 00:20:07,139 And this is actually just a blob of plasma. Right? 199 00:20:07,140 --> 00:20:12,150 So this is the normal form of matter. It's rather exclusive that we are here, not plasma. 200 00:20:13,590 --> 00:20:21,210 So and it's also rather presumptuous of us to to then feel we can claim it, but we are presumptive question so we're going to do it. 201 00:20:22,170 --> 00:20:26,999 So anyway. Well, the again for a theoretical this this is a nice pretty picture, right? 202 00:20:27,000 --> 00:20:28,320 So astronomers like that kind of thing. 203 00:20:28,950 --> 00:20:35,189 But but actually for a theoretical physicist, the interesting fact about this is that this this is roughly radially symmetric. 204 00:20:35,190 --> 00:20:38,700 And this has a temperature profile. This is what its temperature profile looks like. 205 00:20:38,820 --> 00:20:42,900 It's hot in the middle. It's actually not as hot as a tokamak. So, you know, 206 00:20:43,920 --> 00:20:53,280 but with only just three tens of millions of degrees still fully ionise and it's colder in the middle and colder on the outside and hot in there. 207 00:20:53,280 --> 00:20:59,130 And why that is, is also a mystery. And the way you solve that mystery is basically by doing that kind of theory. 208 00:21:00,390 --> 00:21:03,750 So and of course, you know, you think it's laminar. No, it's not. 209 00:21:03,750 --> 00:21:10,110 Remember, it's all very turbulent. If you look at the temperature fluctuations in that in that environment, they look like this. 210 00:21:10,110 --> 00:21:14,459 It's again, in what we missed. So so it's you know, these are rather universal methods. 211 00:21:14,460 --> 00:21:20,520 Let's go back to, uh, to, to focus on the future a bit more. 212 00:21:20,820 --> 00:21:27,000 And well, first of all, the turbulent transport that I've derived through the turbulent diffusion coefficient turns out to be much, 213 00:21:27,000 --> 00:21:31,590 much larger than the collisional diffusion coefficient, and it's much faster. 214 00:21:31,860 --> 00:21:35,700 And, you know, fundamentally on a sort of a wishy washy level, it's faster. 215 00:21:36,150 --> 00:21:41,639 I mean, of course collisions will relax you to equilibrium. You know how people teach you in statistical physics. 216 00:21:41,640 --> 00:21:45,390 People say, oh, you know, if things are out of equilibrium, things will eventually go into equilibrium. 217 00:21:45,390 --> 00:21:49,800 And, you know, the universe will eventually go into a boring, homogeneous state and etc., etc. 218 00:21:50,100 --> 00:21:57,270 Right. The reason this is not as depressing as it sounds is because, you know, you can still hope that it might happen slowly. 219 00:21:58,470 --> 00:21:58,800 Right. 220 00:21:59,550 --> 00:22:08,850 So and and collisional relaxation does happen quite slowly, but nature actually tends to be rather impatient with with slow equilibrium and processes. 221 00:22:09,630 --> 00:22:13,230 And so you won't typically wait for slow collisions to relax the system. 222 00:22:13,230 --> 00:22:16,770 And so and so the transport becomes, becomes fast. 223 00:22:16,950 --> 00:22:21,809 It's the same kind of situation as, you know, if I switch on the radiator in the back of this room. 224 00:22:21,810 --> 00:22:31,440 Right, and try to and try to ask how fast the equilibrium of temperature will happen between the hot radiator and the I don't know, cold outside. 225 00:22:31,860 --> 00:22:36,420 Right. The answer to this is not based on Collisional transport, because there will be convection, there will be motions. 226 00:22:37,020 --> 00:22:41,099 Right. So, you know, like, again, nature will be impatient and and, you know, 227 00:22:41,100 --> 00:22:47,610 because I'm standing here waving my hands, I'm generating turbulence, which will help to transport as well. 228 00:22:48,180 --> 00:22:54,060 So so what we need to know, so this is the primary thing we need to know, right? 229 00:22:54,090 --> 00:23:02,610 This, this quantity. And what we basically wanted to be able to do is to predict what it is as a function of everything. 230 00:23:03,210 --> 00:23:07,680 Right? Everything being local equilibrium quantities, for example, the gradient of temperature. 231 00:23:07,680 --> 00:23:10,770 You know, this might depend on how much temperature gradient there is. 232 00:23:10,890 --> 00:23:15,870 In fact, it will depend on how much temperature gradient there is because if there is no temperature gradient, 233 00:23:15,870 --> 00:23:20,670 things will not be turbulent and single things will just be boring and stay put and so on. 234 00:23:20,910 --> 00:23:23,850 It is the temperature gradient that makes flows more unstable. 235 00:23:24,030 --> 00:23:29,040 I won't describe exactly how that happens, but that that turbulence happens because that the energies, 236 00:23:29,790 --> 00:23:34,020 the free energies injected into plasma via this temperature green. 237 00:23:34,380 --> 00:23:40,860 So what tends to happen experimentally. And on some level, theoretically and also in numerical simulations, 238 00:23:40,860 --> 00:23:47,970 is that this token diffusivity is a function of the temperature gradient basically behaves like this, it starts off well. 239 00:23:48,030 --> 00:23:53,610 Sorry, this I should have said to bring Diffusivity plus collisional is of the total transport. 240 00:23:54,450 --> 00:24:02,160 So it starts off as collisional transport which is which is very tame and slow and harmless and well understood and will give us a tabletop device. 241 00:24:02,730 --> 00:24:07,950 And then there is some critical temperature gradient. And beyond that critical point, it just shoots up like crazy. 242 00:24:07,950 --> 00:24:11,940 This is cool. This is turbulent transport. It's fast through in this poorly understood. 243 00:24:12,210 --> 00:24:21,240 Not understood. I'm sorry. It's so and it's this is this is a property that that in the language of the game is called 244 00:24:21,240 --> 00:24:25,140 stiff transport in the sense that the moment you go beyond a certain critical gradient, 245 00:24:25,320 --> 00:24:28,830 it just shoots up like crazy. You can't really go very far beyond that. 246 00:24:29,430 --> 00:24:34,530 So the name of the game practically is to move that critical gradient around anyway. 247 00:24:35,190 --> 00:24:40,590 So Timmins is the enemy. In order to kill your enemy, you have to understand it first. 248 00:24:42,060 --> 00:24:49,320 And we also have to understand it because you have to keep your self-respect as a Homo sapiens. 249 00:24:50,400 --> 00:24:56,280 So anyway, so since we have to understand it, let's, let's take a look at it again. 250 00:24:56,700 --> 00:25:03,179 Right? So what I showed you before was, was a movie of simulated turbulence, right? 251 00:25:03,180 --> 00:25:10,620 And there is always there is always a degree of how should I put it, wariness that you should have. 252 00:25:10,620 --> 00:25:14,630 When you look at simulations of anything, who knows what the computer is showing you? 253 00:25:14,640 --> 00:25:18,959 I mean, you know, but in the end, physics is an experimental site. 254 00:25:18,960 --> 00:25:21,630 So here's what turbulence looks like experimentally. 255 00:25:21,630 --> 00:25:28,650 This is a measurement of turbulence using something called the Blue Emission Spectroscopy System on the Moscow Air column. 256 00:25:29,490 --> 00:25:34,310 And this is done by Anthony Field, who is one of my collaborators of column. 257 00:25:34,350 --> 00:25:39,870 And the movie actually was done by my student, Yong Kim, who was in Oxford until recently, 258 00:25:39,870 --> 00:25:46,500 and he's now a professor in South Korea who are also serious about turbulence and fusion. 259 00:25:47,430 --> 00:25:52,860 In fact, they're very serious. So. All right. So this is so this is what experimental evidence looks like. 260 00:25:52,860 --> 00:25:56,760 This is density condensed. This is like a little window inside. You can't do the whole tokamak, right? 261 00:25:56,940 --> 00:26:03,719 So this is a tiny sliver inside the Tokamak and well, let's let's see what they look like. 262 00:26:03,720 --> 00:26:09,060 Well, these basically look like blobs that move around right randomly. 263 00:26:09,840 --> 00:26:18,870 So. Well, what does this tell us about this turbulent diffusion coefficient, the fact that they look like blobs that move around? 264 00:26:19,770 --> 00:26:26,310 Well, first of all, let's let's look at this expression and let's try estimate on a very hand-waving level what this is actually equal to. 265 00:26:26,910 --> 00:26:30,240 Well, you know, it has two powers of velocity and it has a time here. 266 00:26:30,510 --> 00:26:33,569 Right. And you see, this is a correlation function of resources. 267 00:26:33,570 --> 00:26:41,110 So so if you if you basically take if I if I take some point here and if I take the velocity at this point, 268 00:26:41,110 --> 00:26:46,410 the time T and multiplied by the velocity at this point that the of time multiply one by another. 269 00:26:46,680 --> 00:26:52,650 If the difference between the times is long enough, that would be zero, right. Because they'll be uncorrelated from each other. 270 00:26:53,130 --> 00:27:01,230 Right. So, so this function peters out to zero over some timescale which we will call the correlation time of the turbines. 271 00:27:01,230 --> 00:27:09,300 And so the two event diffusion coefficient is the roughly speaking, the size, the square of the velocity times, its correlation time. 272 00:27:09,780 --> 00:27:12,990 Well, what is its correlation time when again, if you looked at this movie, 273 00:27:13,290 --> 00:27:18,390 you might have convinced yourself that, you know, you have these blobs, or we call them ages sometimes. 274 00:27:19,230 --> 00:27:27,930 And the time that each of these blue globes moves is sort of comparable to its size, divided by the velocity at which it moves around. 275 00:27:28,170 --> 00:27:32,610 So in the way it breaks up, you know, it's, you know, you didn't see any coherent things. 276 00:27:32,610 --> 00:27:37,770 It just went like that, right? You know, what you saw is right. 277 00:27:38,130 --> 00:27:43,620 Something like that. Right. So so it's a basically the correlation time is something like the turnover time of the globe. 278 00:27:44,130 --> 00:27:47,580 So if the correlation time is that so l will be a disease agent. 279 00:27:47,580 --> 00:27:53,520 I call them edges and globes and whirls and twirls and swirls and and so these are all the same things. 280 00:27:54,150 --> 00:28:01,650 So so this is the research. This is this is the velocity. If I plug that in, I can come up with a couple more expressions for this for this to happen. 281 00:28:01,650 --> 00:28:06,660 Transport, for example, that can be the square of the size of the 80 divided by the correlation time. 282 00:28:06,870 --> 00:28:11,909 And it is actually evocative of what I explain to you about the Collisional transport, right? 283 00:28:11,910 --> 00:28:18,210 Remember how the collision transport, the particle carrying energy goes a distance, collides with another particle, 284 00:28:18,360 --> 00:28:22,950 gets deflected, goes another distance in the random direction and so on, and so diffuses well. 285 00:28:22,950 --> 00:28:31,589 What happens here? This is again, the random walk argument, but now a particle carrying energy is carried by this motion until that motion 286 00:28:31,590 --> 00:28:36,120 breaks up and then it's picked up by another motion that's random and and moves. 287 00:28:36,120 --> 00:28:38,620 Moves off. And then it's being. Another motion and so on. 288 00:28:38,860 --> 00:28:44,350 And so the step so is L and the correlation and, and the time it takes is the correlation part. 289 00:28:44,800 --> 00:28:50,290 So again, it's, it's a, you know, I could have actually admitted that derivation just showed you that derivation to show you. 290 00:28:50,290 --> 00:28:54,820 I'm a theoretical physicist, but fundamentally, I put it just written this and said, well, it's make sense, doesn't it? 291 00:28:55,330 --> 00:29:00,250 So in other words, you could write that as velocity times this random walk. 292 00:29:00,250 --> 00:29:03,220 And so and so again is there is a diffusive process here. 293 00:29:05,950 --> 00:29:12,910 Well so I have was sort of surreptitiously surreptitiously started introducing all sorts of notions. 294 00:29:15,180 --> 00:29:18,210 To do with the nature of turbulence. I talked about Globes and AIDS and all that. 295 00:29:19,230 --> 00:29:24,600 So what I'm going to do in the rest of this lecture is I will attempt a very basic and non-readers introduction to what turbulence is. 296 00:29:25,290 --> 00:29:35,670 Right, because because even if you weren't interested in fusion or indeed even plasma physics, turbulence by itself is quite a fascinating phenomenon. 297 00:29:36,240 --> 00:29:42,450 It's a routinely it's almost become banal to refer to it like this. 298 00:29:42,450 --> 00:29:45,510 But it's true that it's the last great unsolved problem of classical physics. 299 00:29:48,000 --> 00:29:55,500 I think it's was it Heisenberg who reportedly told that, you know, answer the question as to what he will ask God when he meets him. 300 00:29:55,710 --> 00:30:03,450 If you can only ask one question, and I think the question was about the structure of turbulence and was more precise in that he 301 00:30:03,450 --> 00:30:09,629 wanted to know the precise scaling of and what the correlation functions of turbulence with, 302 00:30:09,630 --> 00:30:16,620 etc., etc. But you know, I don't know if God would have time for that, but but there are insights to be gained from God and nature, 303 00:30:17,400 --> 00:30:23,730 or rather nature pending our meeting with God, but about, about the structure afterwards. 304 00:30:24,030 --> 00:30:27,660 So let me let me let me talk to you about turbulence generally. 305 00:30:27,840 --> 00:30:32,430 Not even necessarily implausible. I'll come back to plasma later. How did it all start? 306 00:30:32,700 --> 00:30:37,260 Well, turbulence, like everything else. It was first discovered by Leonardo da Vinci. 307 00:30:38,010 --> 00:30:42,899 Right. You know, if you've heard enough of these of these talks, you know that that everything goes back to. 308 00:30:42,900 --> 00:30:46,469 Then after that, every every engineering thing goes to Leonardo da Vinci. 309 00:30:46,470 --> 00:30:51,000 Everything goes. In fact, Leonardo da Vinci invented the Tokamak, right? 310 00:30:51,030 --> 00:30:57,320 I mean, you can fly, you know, if you leave through his notes, you will see a picture of a tourist with with, with. 311 00:30:57,360 --> 00:31:02,819 In fact, yes, he did so and he tried to build it. 312 00:31:02,820 --> 00:31:06,809 But the Duke of Milan instead wanted an enormous equestrian statue of himself. 313 00:31:06,810 --> 00:31:11,590 And so and so they couldn't afford to take him up. And so there we are right now. 314 00:31:11,670 --> 00:31:14,819 You know, governments at all times fundamentally want the same thing. 315 00:31:14,820 --> 00:31:17,520 And that's an enormous question, equestrian statue of themselves. 316 00:31:18,240 --> 00:31:23,280 So our goal is to persuade them that the Tokamak would be an enormous equivalent statue of themselves. 317 00:31:24,130 --> 00:31:29,190 So anyways, this is this is from the notes of Leonardo da Vinci. 318 00:31:29,190 --> 00:31:33,630 Right. So he he's been Leonardo was very good at observing reality. 319 00:31:34,500 --> 00:31:43,170 And one of the things he noticed this, I suspect, is a is a picture of a sewage pipe discharging its contents into into, 320 00:31:43,170 --> 00:31:48,420 I don't know, River Island or something like that. So so but what he noticed was the following. 321 00:31:48,420 --> 00:31:52,950 He said, observe the motion of the surface of the water, which resembles that of here. 322 00:31:52,950 --> 00:31:55,530 It does resemble that of here. Remember, he had a lot of hair. 323 00:31:56,460 --> 00:32:01,290 It's it's it's it has two motions of which one is caught is caused by the weight of the hair. 324 00:32:01,590 --> 00:32:04,920 The other by the direction of the curls or eddies. 325 00:32:05,970 --> 00:32:09,960 Thus the water has eddy motions, one part of which is due to the principal current. 326 00:32:10,470 --> 00:32:16,570 The other to the random and reverse motion. So he noticed for the first time that there was this separation of scales between there was 327 00:32:16,590 --> 00:32:22,440 a mean feel theory and fluctuations in both in the in the in the in the motion of water. 328 00:32:22,680 --> 00:32:27,060 He had met several of these sketches. There are all these he was pretty good at this sort of thing. 329 00:32:27,900 --> 00:32:31,229 So so anyway, he noticed all these all these eddies. 330 00:32:31,230 --> 00:32:42,300 And this, of course, is. So the basic idea that he came up with was that there is a mean laminar flow, which then breaks up into disordered motions. 331 00:32:42,360 --> 00:32:51,570 Somehow it doesn't stay stable. Right. So this actually is a universal phenomenon, these these ageing motions being created in in various fluids. 332 00:32:51,800 --> 00:33:00,210 Right. Here's a spectacular picture of an eddy. This is turbines in the wake of a of an aeroplane descending to Heathrow. 333 00:33:01,080 --> 00:33:05,230 So that's what they look like. These turtles. This is this is an air. 334 00:33:05,730 --> 00:33:07,610 This is this is the same thing. 335 00:33:07,620 --> 00:33:18,390 This is a close up of the of the great red spot of Jupiter, observed by by not by the other man, but gathered in this spacecraft. 336 00:33:18,600 --> 00:33:25,229 Galileo could not see in near-infrared. So and you see, there are these there are these overall currents. 337 00:33:25,230 --> 00:33:29,370 And then there are all these there are all these eddy motions on top of them. 338 00:33:29,940 --> 00:33:39,750 So this is very close by. These are called the giant radio loaves of flux, a million light years across like that. 339 00:33:40,110 --> 00:33:45,060 Right. So so very little example, a very large piece of turbines. 340 00:33:45,180 --> 00:33:51,299 Here's another spectacular astro picture. This is this is a so in the middle is something like a supernova, 341 00:33:51,300 --> 00:33:55,440 not quite the supernova that something like a supernova went off and there was a dust cloud around. 342 00:33:55,440 --> 00:34:01,050 And and there's a shockwave that hit this dust cloud. And they thought it all went spectacularly chaotic. 343 00:34:01,830 --> 00:34:07,290 And so there you can see the there is an overall emotion there, also all these emotions. 344 00:34:08,970 --> 00:34:13,770 So this is the universal. It's been seen in millions of places. 345 00:34:13,770 --> 00:34:17,400 This is a familiar. A picture? Probably. Right. So. So. Cosmic turbulence. 346 00:34:18,180 --> 00:34:23,459 Van Gogh could see it with a naked eye. Most of us need, need, radio, X-ray, infrared, that kind of thing. 347 00:34:23,460 --> 00:34:26,580 But anyway, this is how it happens in the Tokamak. 348 00:34:26,580 --> 00:34:30,810 Great. So this is a movie which was made by Edmund Haycock, 349 00:34:30,930 --> 00:34:38,060 who is who did his Ph.D. here in Oxford and still here as a as a junior research fellow at the modern college. 350 00:34:38,370 --> 00:34:43,379 So this is this is how turbulence happens in a in a plasma. 351 00:34:43,380 --> 00:34:46,260 This is a simulation of a small piece of plasma. You see, it's first. 352 00:34:46,500 --> 00:34:52,380 First, there are these irregular flows that are created and they all break up into into a mess. 353 00:34:53,430 --> 00:35:04,620 So, Miss, let's talk about this mess and let's let's let's try to understand this almost sounds like a strange thing to say, the structure of chaos. 354 00:35:05,370 --> 00:35:08,400 Right? But there is structure to chaos. 355 00:35:08,550 --> 00:35:11,970 So let's talk about the structure of these fluctuations. 356 00:35:15,360 --> 00:35:21,480 So this is a very famous picture. This is the biggest numerical simulation of terms ever made. 357 00:35:22,800 --> 00:35:27,930 A while ago already it's it was done in Japan on a machine called Earth Simulator, 358 00:35:27,930 --> 00:35:32,040 which at the time was the biggest machine in the world by Yukio Haneda. 359 00:35:32,040 --> 00:35:36,929 This is just fluid turbulence being simulated. So and this is sort of a field of turbulence. 360 00:35:36,930 --> 00:35:42,030 This is this is know fluid being turbulent in a box. And so you see all these messy fluctuations. 361 00:35:42,240 --> 00:35:50,220 And one of the interesting things about these fluctuations that you notice is that if you take a piece of that box and zero in on that piece, 362 00:35:50,490 --> 00:35:55,260 what will happen? I'll show you a succession of frames as you zero in further and further and further. 363 00:35:55,260 --> 00:36:05,790 Right. So so if you just look at this box, a box, this sub box looks like this, and then we'll take another box inside it and it'll look like that, 364 00:36:05,790 --> 00:36:10,379 and then we'll take another so box inside it and it'll take and it'll look like this. 365 00:36:10,380 --> 00:36:15,090 And what you basically see in all of that, then it then runs out of resolution at that point. 366 00:36:15,870 --> 00:36:25,920 But what you see in this succession of pictures is that it's not just a mess with a correlation length, it's a mess on multiple scales. 367 00:36:26,580 --> 00:36:32,430 Right. So what happens is, isn't just chaos. Chaos is actually a relatively tame and easy thing to do. 368 00:36:33,970 --> 00:36:37,590 Not to have is because turbulence is disorder on multiple scales. 369 00:36:38,130 --> 00:36:42,060 Right? That's that if you like. If you, you know, if you want the definition of two, that's it. 370 00:36:42,690 --> 00:36:49,739 Disorder of multiple scales. So, so, so what you see is this multi scale disorder and now we have two. 371 00:36:49,740 --> 00:36:56,040 Oh, well, since I'm overdosing on movies these days, here's, here's, here's what it looks like in plasma. 372 00:36:56,970 --> 00:37:00,630 So this is a very spectacular this is also a movie from Southern California. 373 00:37:02,070 --> 00:37:08,340 So this is a this is a picture of a sort of a simulation of plasma turbulence on multiple scales. 374 00:37:08,340 --> 00:37:16,950 Look look at the it's quite interesting to stare at look at the variety of structures that create you see you see, you have you have large structures. 375 00:37:16,950 --> 00:37:21,320 Then you have small structures and top of them. Then you have small structures on top of small structures and so on. 376 00:37:21,330 --> 00:37:24,780 So it is a, it is, it is a truly multi scale beast. 377 00:37:26,970 --> 00:37:29,190 So how do you characterise such a thing. 378 00:37:29,370 --> 00:37:35,370 I mean if you just think, think of it for a moment, not as a theoretician but even as an experimentalist, right? 379 00:37:35,460 --> 00:37:42,210 So imagine you're handed a system like that. And you have to do something about it. 380 00:37:42,220 --> 00:37:48,160 You have to you know, you know, before you start understanding something, you have to decide what is it that you're going to understand about it. 381 00:37:48,160 --> 00:37:51,819 You have to measure something about it, right? Because in the end, what are we doing? 382 00:37:51,820 --> 00:37:56,320 We're predicting some kind of Y versus X dependence of something, right? 383 00:37:56,320 --> 00:38:01,899 So what should we measure? Well, one of the standard things about turbulence is, 384 00:38:01,900 --> 00:38:10,150 is that if you measure the energy of these motions and if you then look at this energy scale by scale, what you tend to find is a power low. 385 00:38:10,660 --> 00:38:14,799 Right? So there is a so it's power laws galore and in intervals. 386 00:38:14,800 --> 00:38:20,020 This is this is this is the energy spectrum in the in an air jet. 387 00:38:20,020 --> 00:38:24,309 So this is this is disturbance in air has this power low spectrum. 388 00:38:24,310 --> 00:38:31,510 This is low look. So that's what power laws look like. Straight lines, the slope is minus four thirds. 389 00:38:32,470 --> 00:38:35,510 And then this is density. 390 00:38:35,530 --> 00:38:39,280 This is called this picture is famous. It's called the Great Power Low in the Sky. 391 00:38:39,550 --> 00:38:47,080 This is a density fluctuations in the interstellar medium on the range of scales that goes that goes. 392 00:38:47,080 --> 00:38:51,490 This is about ten orders of magnitude of scale separation. 393 00:38:51,640 --> 00:38:54,340 And over that scale, scale. So there's an overall parallel. 394 00:38:55,180 --> 00:39:03,550 There are many more in the solar wind spacecraft measure a turbine fluctuations find a point actually tends to be the same power load that you find. 395 00:39:04,060 --> 00:39:09,070 You always find this 5/3. This is a measurement from a galaxy cluster, right? 396 00:39:09,070 --> 00:39:18,100 So so this is just outside the Earth's orbit and this is this is a megaparsec away and the in the megaparsec across as well. 397 00:39:18,940 --> 00:39:22,900 So and here's here's here's a picture from a tokamak. 398 00:39:23,290 --> 00:39:31,720 So this is a simulation by Michael Michael Barnes and and Felix Parra, which was done here in Oxford in 2011. 399 00:39:32,890 --> 00:39:37,209 So this is this is turbulence in the plasma. It's slightly different quantities plotted. 400 00:39:37,210 --> 00:39:42,070 That's point seven, four and 5/3. And this is actually a measurement of turbulence. 401 00:39:42,070 --> 00:39:49,720 These these blue lines, the red line, the simulation, the the blue lines is a measurement on the French document go towards the graph. 402 00:39:50,770 --> 00:39:56,110 So again, power loss. So so what let's let's let's try to make sense of that. 403 00:39:56,980 --> 00:40:01,330 Why is it that turbulence is multi scale and why does it have these power laws? 404 00:40:01,870 --> 00:40:09,429 So fundamentally, this has to do with the way in which a nonlinear system will process energy that's injected into it. 405 00:40:09,430 --> 00:40:13,570 Right. So that's a that's a sort of a key executive summary, if you like, of what I'm about to say. 406 00:40:14,020 --> 00:40:20,880 So let me let me give you a simple example of how that works. Let's start again with third year undergraduate physics, right? 407 00:40:20,920 --> 00:40:27,670 So if we're just talking about turbulence in water or gas, it satisfies something called the Nova Equation, 408 00:40:27,880 --> 00:40:31,450 which is which is actually just a momentum equation for moving fluid. Right. 409 00:40:31,450 --> 00:40:35,050 This is velocity, the rate of change of velocity acceleration. 410 00:40:35,320 --> 00:40:44,200 This term says that the velocity of the moving fluid elements that direct each other, then move each other around, that's a pressure gradient. 411 00:40:44,800 --> 00:40:55,150 There is viscosity, which is dissipation of energy. And I will put in some unspecified F, which is which is going to stand for injection of energy. 412 00:40:55,150 --> 00:40:58,959 You know, I put a spoon in it. Let's start doing something like this. 413 00:40:58,960 --> 00:41:04,450 That's f so if I do this well, what's the energy of this system? 414 00:41:04,630 --> 00:41:11,170 The energy of the system is just the kinetic energy density times the times the square of velocity integrated over space. 415 00:41:12,130 --> 00:41:18,550 Right? So that's, so that's the energy of the system. And I can derive from that equation, I can derive an evolution equation for this energy. 416 00:41:18,550 --> 00:41:22,660 So I can, I can ask what is devoid of that. 417 00:41:22,930 --> 00:41:26,950 It turns out that if you tried to. So you do that by multiplying that equation by those two. 418 00:41:26,950 --> 00:41:30,370 And it so it turns out that if you do that, 419 00:41:30,850 --> 00:41:36,910 all the contributions from the nonlinear terms and from the pressure disappear and what you find is a simple balance. 420 00:41:37,450 --> 00:41:44,080 What you will find is that the change, the rate of change of energy is equal to the power that that you inject, 421 00:41:44,620 --> 00:41:51,340 which is just you don't have time to integrate that over the volume minus the power you dissipate, 422 00:41:51,820 --> 00:41:56,979 which is viscosity times integral over the square of the gradient of the velocity. 423 00:41:56,980 --> 00:42:01,270 So that that's this term multiplied by velocity. Okay. 424 00:42:02,020 --> 00:42:05,200 So, so that's that's that's the and it's unsurprising, isn't it? 425 00:42:05,200 --> 00:42:08,559 I mean, you know, you put it in, then it dissipates, right? 426 00:42:08,560 --> 00:42:13,930 That's that's the balance of energy in steady state. 427 00:42:13,930 --> 00:42:18,400 These things have to have the balance right. Whatever whatever you put in has to be dissipated. 428 00:42:18,820 --> 00:42:25,330 All right. Well, let's estimate these terms. If we estimate this terms, we can do this purely dimensionally. 429 00:42:25,510 --> 00:42:29,919 We can ask, well, how much power are you injecting into turbulence? Well, just dimensionally. 430 00:42:29,920 --> 00:42:34,870 Right. So if things move at a certain rate, which I call you are a mass, the mean square velocity, 431 00:42:35,050 --> 00:42:39,380 if they have a certain density, if, if my books has a certain size, just the. 432 00:42:39,440 --> 00:42:44,120 Mention that you could convince yourself that if you wanted to concoct a quantity that has the dimensions of power, 433 00:42:44,420 --> 00:42:50,270 it'll look like really you cube over l this l is sort of the size of the system, or rather the size of the spoon. 434 00:42:51,110 --> 00:43:01,659 That's, that's during the turbulence. If you calculate the dissipation just from here, it's density times, viscosity times, 435 00:43:01,660 --> 00:43:05,650 the square of velocity divided by the square of the size because there's a greater power. 436 00:43:06,910 --> 00:43:16,930 And if you compare these two terms, divide one by another, the ratio will be velocity times scale divided by viscosity. 437 00:43:17,200 --> 00:43:20,710 This is this is a dimensionless number known as the Reynolds number. 438 00:43:20,860 --> 00:43:23,770 And it turns out that in most of these systems, it's very, very large. 439 00:43:24,820 --> 00:43:32,500 So there is an imbalance seemingly between the injection of this equation, and nature has to find a way to correct that imbalance. 440 00:43:33,130 --> 00:43:39,160 How does it do that? Well, it does this the following way, the way to make this. 441 00:43:39,160 --> 00:43:43,750 So it's the imbalance. The imbalance is is in the direction of making dissipation smaller. 442 00:43:44,740 --> 00:43:49,090 So how do you make dissipation large? Well, dissipation has gradients in it. 443 00:43:49,090 --> 00:43:52,150 See its viscosity times of the question. Right. 444 00:43:52,270 --> 00:43:59,139 So I can make dissipation large by making scale smaller if I have smaller scales that have larger gradients. 445 00:43:59,140 --> 00:44:04,330 And so even the small viscosity coefficient will go a long way to dissipate all my motions. 446 00:44:04,480 --> 00:44:12,610 And indeed I can even dimensionally estimate how small that scale has to be in order for this to be equal to that. 447 00:44:12,880 --> 00:44:19,570 And that again is by a split of dimensional analysis, its density times, cube of viscosity divided by the injection rate. 448 00:44:19,750 --> 00:44:24,250 All of the one quarter power in that sense turns out to be the size of the system. 449 00:44:24,520 --> 00:44:27,850 Times the Reynolds number to the minus three quarters. This is called the cumulative scale. 450 00:44:28,720 --> 00:44:36,580 In that scale is much smaller than the scale of the system because the Reynolds number is much greater than the scale than one. 451 00:44:37,030 --> 00:44:40,900 And so we have a scale of injection at which we're putting the energy in. 452 00:44:41,170 --> 00:44:47,650 We have a scale of dissipation in which this energy is dissipate, and then somehow that energy has to get from large scales to small scales. 453 00:44:48,190 --> 00:44:54,009 These intermediate scales is something called the initial range. Now, how does it do that is the next question, right? 454 00:44:54,010 --> 00:45:00,010 How do you you set up a large motion. How do you convert that large motion into tiny little things? 455 00:45:00,700 --> 00:45:03,580 Well, it turns out that in most cases, in nature, 456 00:45:03,820 --> 00:45:12,910 the way you do this isn't by somehow directly transferring energy from an enormous swirl into tiny little blips of fluctuations. 457 00:45:13,210 --> 00:45:18,940 What you do is you you make a large motion. Then that motion breaks up into motions that are half the size, 458 00:45:18,940 --> 00:45:24,070 and then it breaks up into motions that are half the size of them, and then half again and again and again. 459 00:45:24,280 --> 00:45:34,390 So this is called the turbulent cascade. And this is an idea that was probably first due to Louis Fry Richardson. 460 00:45:36,010 --> 00:45:41,329 This is this is an illustration of what I've just said. You start with large with large motions, you break into small motions of breaking. 461 00:45:41,330 --> 00:45:43,240 It's more of the motions and small motions and so on. 462 00:45:44,350 --> 00:45:52,149 In terms of, you know, these spectral power laws, you could think of energy going from large scale to smaller scale, smaller scale, smaller, smaller. 463 00:45:52,150 --> 00:45:55,810 So this is key. The wave numbers are large, came in small scale. 464 00:45:56,440 --> 00:45:59,950 He actually didn't put it that way. He put it in inverse. 465 00:46:01,030 --> 00:46:04,929 He said big whirls have little whirls that feed on their velocity and little will also have lesser rules. 466 00:46:04,930 --> 00:46:11,880 And so on. The viscosity easy to remember he this is this this is actually a piece of plagiarism. 467 00:46:11,920 --> 00:46:16,780 Well, maybe not quite. It's a piece of being inspired, cross-disciplinary. 468 00:46:18,430 --> 00:46:25,389 So he was he was inspired. Cross-disciplinary by Jonathan Swift, who was inspired. 469 00:46:25,390 --> 00:46:33,760 Cross-disciplinary by by Hook and Levin Hook, who in those days won one in Britain, one in Holland invented the microscope. 470 00:46:34,000 --> 00:46:38,170 And we're looking at all kinds of thing. And once the intensity microscope, they put all kinds of things under it. 471 00:46:38,500 --> 00:46:42,070 And what they found is this amazing, microscopic world that you couldn't see. 472 00:46:42,220 --> 00:46:48,879 And in particular, you could see, you know, two things. They looked at the fly and then the fly had little flies on top of it and so on. 473 00:46:48,880 --> 00:46:50,230 And so Jonathan Swift said, 474 00:46:50,230 --> 00:46:56,410 So naturalist observe a flea had smaller fleas that only prey and these have smaller yet to point them and so proceed on the ad infinitum. 475 00:46:56,410 --> 00:47:00,850 It's kind of a cascade that's every point that he's quite this bit by him that comes behind. 476 00:47:01,030 --> 00:47:05,889 That's not true about the theoretical physics, so it's only the points that have that property. 477 00:47:05,890 --> 00:47:10,270 Theoretical physicists are collegiate, but no backstabbing whatsoever. 478 00:47:11,440 --> 00:47:20,019 No. The last bit that that that I want to talk to you about is how do you actually make this all more more quantitative right. 479 00:47:20,020 --> 00:47:26,220 So we'll go from verse to mathematics and nobody was better it going from poetry to mathematics. 480 00:47:26,230 --> 00:47:32,080 And then then Komarov, a great Russian mathematician who died in 1987. 481 00:47:33,160 --> 00:47:39,250 And that what he said is this is actually one of the greatest contributions to physics by a mathematician. 482 00:47:39,250 --> 00:47:44,830 I think this this this bit and the and and it all and it all fits on one slope. 483 00:47:45,460 --> 00:47:49,000 So so what did he do? 484 00:47:49,180 --> 00:47:52,690 He basically said, well, let's let's think of the system in the following way. 485 00:47:52,930 --> 00:47:55,160 First of all, let's let's. Let's think. 486 00:47:55,610 --> 00:48:01,790 I mean, if you notice if you noticed what I showed you about this picture, they all had power loss and they all had the same power. 487 00:48:02,360 --> 00:48:09,200 So there was a suggestion there that there's some universal physics going on in in the process. 488 00:48:09,200 --> 00:48:13,130 Right. So. So McConnell said, well, let's assume that there are no special systems. 489 00:48:13,490 --> 00:48:17,030 That all systems are sort of roughly the same. That everything is homogeneous. 490 00:48:17,030 --> 00:48:21,439 There are no special locations in the system. So so it's the turbines in one place. 491 00:48:21,440 --> 00:48:28,729 So the system is no different from turbulence in another place statistically that everything is isotropic, meaning there are no special directions. 492 00:48:28,730 --> 00:48:33,320 We'll consider a system where that way is the same as this way, in the same exact way, in the same exact way. 493 00:48:33,620 --> 00:48:40,340 And everything is local in scale space in the sense that as you break up these motions, 494 00:48:40,550 --> 00:48:47,660 there is nothing special about any scales in between the injection scale and the dissipation scale that that is sort of a natural assumption to make. 495 00:48:47,840 --> 00:48:53,840 And then what we wish to predict is, you know, if you if you thought about how you would measure turbulence, well, 496 00:48:53,840 --> 00:49:00,740 what you would probably do is you would stick two probes into it, registers the velocity at one probe rich to the velocity and another probe. 497 00:49:01,490 --> 00:49:07,340 Right. And then ask how the difference between these velocities scales with the distance between the probes. 498 00:49:07,910 --> 00:49:11,900 Right. That's a that's a very natural thing to ask about this. 499 00:49:12,170 --> 00:49:18,350 And and so and so what we want to predict is this build that you at scale out as a velocity difference. 500 00:49:19,220 --> 00:49:26,690 And so then at each scale you could say because there is look, it's each scale can only depend on things that happen at the same scale. 501 00:49:26,960 --> 00:49:30,110 And so you could see the energy associated with that scale, 502 00:49:30,110 --> 00:49:35,569 which is zero times the square of that quantity divided by some time that it takes for 503 00:49:35,570 --> 00:49:42,410 that structure to break up must be equal to the power that's flowing through your system. 504 00:49:42,680 --> 00:49:51,620 Because you've injected the certain amount of power there, you're going to dissipate it at a much smaller scale, at all the intermediate scales. 505 00:49:51,620 --> 00:49:56,690 You just have to transfer it from one structure to another to it to have a small scale so dimensionally. 506 00:49:57,050 --> 00:50:03,890 This should be the case. And then again, dimensionally the only thing that this time can be. 507 00:50:03,890 --> 00:50:09,680 And I've already introduced that notion sort of surreptitiously, you know, when I talked about typical diffusion dimensionally, 508 00:50:09,680 --> 00:50:14,990 what that time has to be is the size of the structure divided by the velocity at which it which it turns over. 509 00:50:15,530 --> 00:50:25,580 And so if you plug that into here, what you find is rho delta, you cube overall equals to the injected power, which is a constant. 510 00:50:25,790 --> 00:50:33,380 And so they'll tell you the velocity difference across a scale is proportional to the one third power of the scale. 511 00:50:33,650 --> 00:50:37,730 So it's almost a miracle, right? Something out of nothing. We started with a complete mess. 512 00:50:37,940 --> 00:50:44,329 We've just predicted a scaling law for, you know, based on on all these assumptions. 513 00:50:44,330 --> 00:50:47,600 This this corresponds to the incidentally, to the 5/3 spectrum. 514 00:50:47,810 --> 00:50:51,190 I can if anybody wants to know how exactly that works out, explain it. 515 00:50:51,500 --> 00:51:00,170 But the point is that we now know that the typical amplitudes depend on scales in the following way. 516 00:51:00,860 --> 00:51:05,360 Well, recall, you know, going back to the transport recall. 517 00:51:05,360 --> 00:51:10,700 Well, I told you two of them diffusivity is u times l, right. 518 00:51:10,880 --> 00:51:12,530 Very basic on a very basic level. 519 00:51:12,530 --> 00:51:22,670 I mean this estimate that means that so and we now know that you is proportional to L and so the whole thing is proportional to L to the fourth. 520 00:51:22,690 --> 00:51:26,360 Third. So so it's bigger when the scales are bigger. 521 00:51:26,630 --> 00:51:32,209 What this tells us is that the largest scale eddies will make the largest contribution to the twin. 522 00:51:32,210 --> 00:51:34,940 Transport is perhaps intuitively obvious, but. 523 00:51:35,090 --> 00:51:42,170 But with the nice conclusion, the interesting practical question about the answering of which I think you'll hear from Steve is, 524 00:51:42,620 --> 00:51:48,200 is, is what that scale is and how fast these edges are and what you can do to reduce both of those things. 525 00:51:49,520 --> 00:51:53,600 Well, before I conclude, let me tell you that things are not quite as simple as I have described. 526 00:51:54,530 --> 00:51:59,450 Uh, there are complications. First of all, to consider the tokamak is not homogeneous. 527 00:52:00,260 --> 00:52:02,310 Conditions vary with radius, right? 528 00:52:02,330 --> 00:52:09,890 So if this is a tokamak, this is a picture of a typical tokamak took two months would actually be different depending on where you are in this area. 529 00:52:09,970 --> 00:52:15,500 So what we do is we theorise of simulate locally on the magnetic surfaces we have, 530 00:52:15,620 --> 00:52:20,389 we take these magnetic fields that wrap around tourists and that in fact, 531 00:52:20,390 --> 00:52:26,870 what we do is, is, is we take something called the flux tube that moves, that wraps around the door. 532 00:52:27,240 --> 00:52:31,640 And then we look at the turbulence in that curvilinear flux to improve linear coordinates. 533 00:52:31,910 --> 00:52:37,489 There is an absolutely spectacular movie that I have to show you, which was also made by Edmund Haycock. 534 00:52:37,490 --> 00:52:42,030 It's what theoretical physics does to this to this flux tube. 535 00:52:42,050 --> 00:52:46,610 It's so. So how do you reduce it to something we can understand? 536 00:52:46,610 --> 00:52:51,020 Well, it gets transformed into a box and there we go. 537 00:52:51,950 --> 00:52:55,470 Right. And so that when we. All these boxes. 538 00:52:55,710 --> 00:53:02,460 They were not actually boxes in the context of the document. They were those flexed and done in accordance. 539 00:53:03,390 --> 00:53:10,049 Secondly, it's not isotropic. Things are actually very stretched out along the magnetic field. 540 00:53:10,050 --> 00:53:14,550 So all these structures I talked to you about, they're not just little girls and squirrels. 541 00:53:14,550 --> 00:53:17,610 They are actually sort of worms. Right. 542 00:53:17,610 --> 00:53:20,120 So they're whirls and swirls in this direction. So. 543 00:53:21,180 --> 00:53:26,250 But but the law, you see, they have they have a very long coherence length along the magnetic field. 544 00:53:26,790 --> 00:53:31,980 So that brings in lots of interesting new physics. And finally, this is not even happening in three dimensional space, 545 00:53:32,310 --> 00:53:37,440 because if you remember the end of Felix's talk, plasma is actually a six dimensional object. 546 00:53:37,440 --> 00:53:42,480 It's it's described by the probability distribution function of particles which depend on positions and velocities. 547 00:53:43,080 --> 00:53:45,390 This lives in the six dimensional phase space. 548 00:53:45,810 --> 00:53:55,110 And so the small scales that I talk to you about are created not as I described, for water or air in space, but in three space. 549 00:53:55,140 --> 00:54:03,390 Right. These are six dimensional small structures. And and you go through large gradients in both velocities and in space. 550 00:54:04,170 --> 00:54:09,660 You don't want to know what the complication of before is. Anyway, story so far. 551 00:54:09,690 --> 00:54:15,840 Let me summarise. So we want to build a machine to tap the energy that fuels the stones. 552 00:54:16,860 --> 00:54:22,560 And inside that machine, we have a plasma that's locked in a cage and kept out of equilibrium, 553 00:54:23,250 --> 00:54:31,860 but inside called on the outside it rattles its cage, it breaks into whirls and swirls, and it's trying to regain equilibrium this way. 554 00:54:32,130 --> 00:54:38,010 It's rather good at doing that. And so to keep it and to keep it hot, we must stay in the nonlinear beast. 555 00:54:38,400 --> 00:54:44,460 And so that, you know, it's a beast, let's see if this is going to work. So this is a this is what I'm going to show you. 556 00:54:44,520 --> 00:54:49,320 I hope it's loud enough. So so this is this is what the transmission sounds like. 557 00:54:50,610 --> 00:54:57,030 This is Anthony Field, who is a experimentalist, have called them put a piece of plasma to different observations of sound. 558 00:54:57,690 --> 00:55:28,320 And this is this is what it is. Let's see. Um. 559 00:55:30,470 --> 00:55:31,320 So it is a beast.