1 00:00:01,100 --> 00:00:11,380 Sort of like. 2 00:00:11,380 --> 00:00:16,420 So any of the three talks this morning? 3 00:00:16,420 --> 00:00:23,920 Mine is going to be more of a general overview of the subject of particle physics, 4 00:00:23,920 --> 00:00:30,370 but with a perspective on it that is perhaps somewhat different from the one you normally hear. 5 00:00:30,370 --> 00:00:33,370 So in particle physics, you often hear about big unanswered questions. 6 00:00:33,370 --> 00:00:40,900 You see these in the newspapers, in the media every now and then the fundamental particles and their interactions. 7 00:00:40,900 --> 00:00:46,210 But a lot of the emphasis is on dark matter while searching for things like supersymmetry, 8 00:00:46,210 --> 00:00:50,680 understanding dark energy, understanding the hierarchy of scales. 9 00:00:50,680 --> 00:00:56,570 Why do we live with scales of the order of a G.V. when the fundamental scale or 10 00:00:56,570 --> 00:01:01,000 unified where you unify gravity with all the other forces is a 10 to the 19 G.V.? 11 00:01:01,000 --> 00:01:06,100 What's the origin of that gap? A factor of 10 to the 19? 12 00:01:06,100 --> 00:01:13,010 These are big questions, important questions. But we don't know how quite to get the answers. 13 00:01:13,010 --> 00:01:22,040 We know of places where we can look, but we don't know if we'll get the answers anytime in our lifetime of this century. 14 00:01:22,040 --> 00:01:27,640 So meanwhile, you've got to do something. 15 00:01:27,640 --> 00:01:35,050 And luckily, there are some big answerable questions, questions that it turns out we can't get answers right now. 16 00:01:35,050 --> 00:01:40,300 And that's what this talk and to some extent the next two talks are going to be about. 17 00:01:40,300 --> 00:01:50,120 But what these questions are, which is mostly my talk and some of the aspects about how we go about answering them. 18 00:01:50,120 --> 00:01:56,560 So particle physics talks often show the particles. 19 00:01:56,560 --> 00:02:04,180 We've got the folks here, we've got the leptons like the electron me on in the tau neutrinos and the force carriers, 20 00:02:04,180 --> 00:02:10,280 plus the latest arrival on the block, the Higgs boson. 21 00:02:10,280 --> 00:02:15,970 You've probably all heard about the Higgs boson discovery. 22 00:02:15,970 --> 00:02:24,910 That's a plot that shows what people mean when they discover the Higgs boson they take for electrons, when you look at them in the centre of mass. 23 00:02:24,910 --> 00:02:32,560 Add up their energies and then they plot the number of events that they get as a function of the energy. 24 00:02:32,560 --> 00:02:40,360 And you see that there's a cluster of events here or with about the same energy or invariant mass more technically. 25 00:02:40,360 --> 00:02:44,350 And that is the Higgs boson. That's the evidence that we have for the Higgs boson. 26 00:02:44,350 --> 00:02:53,790 It's pretty strong evidence now. This plot shows more recent data than when the discovery took place. 27 00:02:53,790 --> 00:02:58,980 So people often say success, the standard model is complete, 28 00:02:58,980 --> 00:03:10,170 you'll hear many people particle physicists included saying that, and then the next step is, Oh dear. 29 00:03:10,170 --> 00:03:26,830 And this is not just particle physicist saying this. The New York Times says it's a cloud hanging over the physics community. 30 00:03:26,830 --> 00:03:33,340 So what is the standard model? Well, it's a bunch of particles, great. But. 31 00:03:33,340 --> 00:03:37,990 It's worth thinking a second. What would life be like if we just had the particles? 32 00:03:37,990 --> 00:03:44,230 We're made of electrons and up quarks and down quarks. 33 00:03:44,230 --> 00:03:50,550 Now, if before we had with the up quarks, down quarks and electrons, they'd be flying around. We wouldn't exist. 34 00:03:50,550 --> 00:03:58,040 It's the interactions between them. That make the world as it is, the strong force holds the Upwork's and uncorks together into protons, 35 00:03:58,040 --> 00:04:05,480 neutrons and from their nuclei, electromagnetism holds the nuclei together with electrons. 36 00:04:05,480 --> 00:04:11,760 And gives us all of molecular physics, chemistry, biology and so forth. 37 00:04:11,760 --> 00:04:18,790 The interactions are what matters. And if you go to sin, you can go to there. 38 00:04:18,790 --> 00:04:31,960 They have a great visitor centre. You can go to their shop. But I doubt their most famous product is a T-shirt. 39 00:04:31,960 --> 00:04:40,420 This is John Ellis who wrote this out, and he even got it knitted onto a jumper for himself. 40 00:04:40,420 --> 00:04:49,790 Well, somebody did it for him. This T-shirt is about the interactions, you can get it in all sizes. 41 00:04:49,790 --> 00:05:05,630 My son loves it, too. Now, when you buy the T-shirt, it comes with a little card. 42 00:05:05,630 --> 00:05:11,630 And that crowd does two things. The original version of the T-shirt actually had something that many people feel is a typo. 43 00:05:11,630 --> 00:05:16,230 It was next to H.S. there. So the court sort of gives you the version without the tape. 44 00:05:16,230 --> 00:05:25,690 They printed all the T-shirts already. And if you buy the kids ones, they don't sell as many. So the Typekit still on that one. 45 00:05:25,690 --> 00:05:31,120 But what I want to concentrate on a second is this sentence here. 46 00:05:31,120 --> 00:05:40,510 This equation neatly sums up our understanding of fundamental particles and forces the two together that make up the standard model. 47 00:05:40,510 --> 00:05:45,990 And understanding is a very funny word. Why? 48 00:05:45,990 --> 00:05:52,610 Well, is it knowledge? Is it what we think is there? 49 00:05:52,610 --> 00:06:03,240 Which is it? So what I'm going to do during this talk is try to analyse this. 50 00:06:03,240 --> 00:06:08,580 Might look a little bit forbidding if you expand it out with the details. 51 00:06:08,580 --> 00:06:13,640 That's what it looks like. 52 00:06:13,640 --> 00:06:25,930 I'm not going to go through all of this, but I'll try to give you a flavour of some of what is in this so we can think about what this T-shirt means. 53 00:06:25,930 --> 00:06:37,980 Now, the first part I want to talk about is up here. Basically, what this is is the quantum formulation of Maxwell's equations. 54 00:06:37,980 --> 00:06:47,990 Not just for electromagnetism, but their analogues, for the strong force and for the for the weak interactions. 55 00:06:47,990 --> 00:06:57,480 Now, if there's one thing to pull out of this kind of formula and something that I will be reusing throughout the lecture. 56 00:06:57,480 --> 00:07:09,090 It's trying to understand what this term means. So first of all, what is CI so indicates a firming up, for example, an electron or a coke? 57 00:07:09,090 --> 00:07:14,640 What specifically the field for it. The presence of electrons excitations D. 58 00:07:14,640 --> 00:07:22,600 Well, it's a derivative plus a bunch of other things. And what we're going to care about is that it contains a photon filled. 59 00:07:22,600 --> 00:07:28,620 So when you multiply three times, oops, something went wrong, that button. 60 00:07:28,620 --> 00:07:34,770 Well. OK, we'll get there. 61 00:07:34,770 --> 00:07:43,480 So when you multiply three times, the vote on field climbs aside, what you've got is an interaction. 62 00:07:43,480 --> 00:07:51,670 This is a fundamental interaction, vertex and particle physics. For example, it can be an electron coming in, going out and in the process, 63 00:07:51,670 --> 00:08:00,890 it's a a photon or it can be a coke going in and it's emitted a gluon or it can be a cork and it's emitted AWB, 64 00:08:00,890 --> 00:08:05,420 or which is the origin of radioactive decay. 65 00:08:05,420 --> 00:08:16,170 So this term tells you there have been electron, there are electron proton interactions and all the other interactions of that kind. 66 00:08:16,170 --> 00:08:23,520 Well, when people tell you and you may have heard this, the standard model has been probed and found to be successful over and over again. 67 00:08:23,520 --> 00:08:29,670 What they're essentially telling you is that they've tested this. We've been testing this since the 1860s in a certain sense. 68 00:08:29,670 --> 00:08:34,200 This is Maxwell's equations and many variants, many important. 69 00:08:34,200 --> 00:08:43,690 It's much more than just Maxwell's equations, but the same idea of what is called a gauge interaction is at the basis of this. 70 00:08:43,690 --> 00:08:51,750 And this really works. Works after high precision, the best tests go up to one part in 10 to the eight. 71 00:08:51,750 --> 00:08:59,300 We have a lot of confidence in this. The part. 72 00:08:59,300 --> 00:09:03,770 That I'm going to talk about the rest of this lecture, is this one? 73 00:09:03,770 --> 00:09:09,780 You see a five here, five means the Higgs field, and we're going to have that coming back over and over again, 74 00:09:09,780 --> 00:09:18,060 and until seven years ago, no one had ever observed any of these terms directly. 75 00:09:18,060 --> 00:09:29,640 So let's start with the Higgs field. What is it? Well, the Higgs field has a potential turn, and we set at the minimum of a potential, 76 00:09:29,640 --> 00:09:33,150 this potential is actually much more to it than just this one dimension. 77 00:09:33,150 --> 00:09:38,280 There's four dimensions of the Higgs field, but we're going to simplify it and just look at one dimension. 78 00:09:38,280 --> 00:09:45,470 It's what a minimum here in a minimum there. The very special thing about the Higgs field and. 79 00:09:45,470 --> 00:09:52,890 This is a hypothesis. The very special thing about the Higgs field is that its minimum is not a zero. 80 00:09:52,890 --> 00:09:57,120 The way the the potential is arranged is that at zero you go down because of that 81 00:09:57,120 --> 00:10:04,910 minus sign and then you come up because the plus sign multiplying five to the fourth. 82 00:10:04,910 --> 00:10:11,210 So you've got this potential at every point in space. All around us. 83 00:10:11,210 --> 00:10:20,890 And all around us, we're sitting at something called the vacuum expectation value. 84 00:10:20,890 --> 00:10:23,090 Which has got this value in terms of these constants. 85 00:10:23,090 --> 00:10:29,090 The exact value doesn't matter, what matters is that you've got some, some non-zero value for the field. 86 00:10:29,090 --> 00:10:34,040 So what does the Higgs boson? The Higgs boson is an exhortation of this field. 87 00:10:34,040 --> 00:10:39,220 So this illustrates the field oscillating back and forth. 88 00:10:39,220 --> 00:10:44,770 And. You can turn this round minus the glitch. 89 00:10:44,770 --> 00:10:49,480 This field exists at every point in space, so the Higgs boson at a given point in space, 90 00:10:49,480 --> 00:11:03,340 the Higgs boson here is this field going up and down at this point in space here. 91 00:11:03,340 --> 00:11:11,750 That there is a Higgs boson is established. That's what was established in 2012 with the discovery. 92 00:11:11,750 --> 00:11:16,970 That you have this particular form of the potential is a hypothesis. 93 00:11:16,970 --> 00:11:24,040 There's no direct evidence of that whatsoever. We know that there's we know that there's a minimum. 94 00:11:24,040 --> 00:11:34,600 We know we can produce oscillations around it, but we don't know. Whether this form here is right or wrong. 95 00:11:34,600 --> 00:11:38,830 Theorists will tell you I'm a serious I should be telling you, 96 00:11:38,830 --> 00:11:43,720 that's the only form you can write down in four dimensions for a scalar field a field without spin. 97 00:11:43,720 --> 00:11:57,820 That's the only option. Now, that's great. But physicists job is not to listen to theorists or let me rephrase that. 98 00:11:57,820 --> 00:12:07,540 It's great to listen to theorists, but you need to establish what's actually out there in nature. 99 00:12:07,540 --> 00:12:15,110 What are the kinds of terms do you have in there? Well, let's take this defy. 100 00:12:15,110 --> 00:12:22,160 This is the this was actually the origin of thinking about this kind of problem of a Higgs field. 101 00:12:22,160 --> 00:12:30,590 When you expand it out, you get two kinds of term. You get something some bunch of constants which multiply two fields. 102 00:12:30,590 --> 00:12:36,550 And whenever you see that in particle physics, that tells you there's a mass. 103 00:12:36,550 --> 00:12:40,830 You multiply to two fields. That's the field going from one place to another place. 104 00:12:40,830 --> 00:12:45,450 And there's something that happens in that process and it involves a mess. 105 00:12:45,450 --> 00:12:54,540 That's what that constant tells you. Then there's another term which involves three fields. 106 00:12:54,540 --> 00:12:59,590 Two sides in this case. Plus the Higgs. What's happened this FY? 107 00:12:59,590 --> 00:13:03,030 The fire got expanded to five zero plus h. 108 00:13:03,030 --> 00:13:13,620 And because of that expansion, here is the excitation of the Higgs field, and five zero is the value at rest if you like the vacuum. 109 00:13:13,620 --> 00:13:18,140 So you always find a combination of five zero plus h appearing everywhere. 110 00:13:18,140 --> 00:13:22,460 And this term gives you a mouse, and this term gives you an interaction, 111 00:13:22,460 --> 00:13:26,840 and the special characteristic of this of the Higgs mechanism is that you always 112 00:13:26,840 --> 00:13:37,130 find these two things pet an origin for mass at an associated interaction. 113 00:13:37,130 --> 00:13:43,020 So this particular interaction was actually one of the interactions through which the Higgs was discovered. 114 00:13:43,020 --> 00:13:48,420 So this block that I showed you here shows the Higgs decaying to a z to two sets. 115 00:13:48,420 --> 00:13:54,150 So the Higgs interacting with two sets, that's how people discover the Higgs. 116 00:13:54,150 --> 00:14:03,270 And that's what led to the 2013 Nobel prise for the brute Anglo Higgs mechanism. 117 00:14:03,270 --> 00:14:12,730 Showing that the mass of Z related directly to the interaction with the Higgs boson established that mechanism. 118 00:14:12,730 --> 00:14:23,340 That's not the only thing that's that that was that was the origin for introducing the Higgs concept, try to get masses for four force carriers. 119 00:14:23,340 --> 00:14:32,400 No one had figured out how to do that consistently beforehand. But then once you had this field around. 120 00:14:32,400 --> 00:14:42,460 Others came along and said, well, we can write down all the terms. This term here involves fermions. 121 00:14:42,460 --> 00:14:47,740 And when you expand it, you find there's a constant multiplying of professions. 122 00:14:47,740 --> 00:14:56,950 And that's a fair Myanmar's. And you find there's a constant multiplying a Higgs exhortation and two famines. 123 00:14:56,950 --> 00:15:03,750 And that's an interaction between the Higgs and those two families, the Higgs boson and those two famines. 124 00:15:03,750 --> 00:15:10,140 And people said, Oh, we could use this to explain, explain, maybe an inverted commas, 125 00:15:10,140 --> 00:15:17,340 the masses of all the fermions we know, or at least the the quirks and the charge leptons. 126 00:15:17,340 --> 00:15:23,810 Just by putting in different values for these wives, this constant arbitrary values. 127 00:15:23,810 --> 00:15:29,840 We don't know where they come from, but if we stick in some values for these wise. These are the values you stick in. 128 00:15:29,840 --> 00:15:37,060 We don't know what to do with neutrinos here. You'll explain the masses of all the particles. 129 00:15:37,060 --> 00:15:51,180 All the all the metaphorical for the families. Now, that's a very simple idea, and it's a step towards understanding perhaps where masses come from. 130 00:15:51,180 --> 00:15:56,230 We don't know whether masses of particles come from. But if this is the mechanism, 131 00:15:56,230 --> 00:16:04,850 we know that what we need to do to understand it is to explain to understand the origin of these blue couplings as they're called. 132 00:16:04,850 --> 00:16:10,490 The thing is, this is insane in a part, in part of hypotheses, too. 133 00:16:10,490 --> 00:16:20,150 We don't actually know if this is what's going on to explain masses of particles. So what's special about that? 134 00:16:20,150 --> 00:16:25,600 Well, it's not just that it generates firmly on message, but it's a very. 135 00:16:25,600 --> 00:16:33,490 Unusual interaction. It's the first fundamental infraction, or apparently fundamental interaction that we see at the quantum level, 136 00:16:33,490 --> 00:16:36,460 where the interaction strength is not quantised. 137 00:16:36,460 --> 00:16:42,530 So if you take electromagnetism, everything is quantised in terms of the electric, the electric charge. 138 00:16:42,530 --> 00:16:45,770 You have a chart of one child of two kind of a chart of one third. 139 00:16:45,770 --> 00:16:52,500 But you can't have a chart of point zero three six five four three two, whatever doesn't happen. 140 00:16:52,500 --> 00:16:57,710 With this, you call our interactions. You can have an arbitrary value, apparently. 141 00:16:57,710 --> 00:17:00,480 That's qualitatively very different. 142 00:17:00,480 --> 00:17:07,860 The first time we see something like that in a fundamental interaction, gravity is sort of like that in a loose sense. 143 00:17:07,860 --> 00:17:15,460 But this is not gravity is not something we've probed at the quantum level. 144 00:17:15,460 --> 00:17:20,600 So let's take a step backwards. Why do we care about matters? 145 00:17:20,600 --> 00:17:29,930 Let's. There are many illustrations that I could give you, but here's one. 146 00:17:29,930 --> 00:17:42,870 Let's take the cooks up, cooks and cooks. Now on Upwork has a massive of about two MTV, a down caucus, a mass of about four and a half MTV. 147 00:17:42,870 --> 00:17:49,140 What's a proton? It's a two hops and one down. So let's. 148 00:17:49,140 --> 00:17:55,350 Take the up and the up in the down. That's two of these lighter things the Upwork's and one heavier one. 149 00:17:55,350 --> 00:18:01,080 And we take the neutron. It's an up and down on a down one lighter and two heavier. 150 00:18:01,080 --> 00:18:06,720 And the result of that is that the proton is a bit lighter than the neutron. 151 00:18:06,720 --> 00:18:10,410 Now you might genuinely and with good reason ask, what about those three dots? 152 00:18:10,410 --> 00:18:16,330 I mean, this is silly. That's 900 and something missing here, and you're telling me about the two. 153 00:18:16,330 --> 00:18:29,450 Well. The nine hundred and something here all comes from a strong force which doesn't really care about the masses of the quirks too much. 154 00:18:29,450 --> 00:18:34,280 There's a little bit extra coming from associated with the QED affects the charge of voting, 155 00:18:34,280 --> 00:18:37,790 but basically all of these three dots don't change the underlying picture, 156 00:18:37,790 --> 00:18:43,420 which is that these masses make the proton a little bit lighter from the neutron. 157 00:18:43,420 --> 00:18:54,650 Now, if a particle is lighter than another one, it's stable, so the proton is stable, the neutron is not, the neutron can decay into protons. 158 00:18:54,650 --> 00:19:02,090 If it weren't for these matters, if we had no UCAR interactions, if we had no masses for the Hawks, 159 00:19:02,090 --> 00:19:06,560 then you wouldn't have this pattern to the protons light of a neutron. It would be the other way around. 160 00:19:06,560 --> 00:19:10,640 The neutron would be like two protons would decay into neutrons. 161 00:19:10,640 --> 00:19:17,000 After a few minutes, there would be no hydrogen. 162 00:19:17,000 --> 00:19:21,950 Now, if you really want to be sophisticated, you can play the game and ask, OK, but I have nuclear physics. Could I create nuclei? 163 00:19:21,950 --> 00:19:25,660 And it gets a bit more subtle than maybe you can have deuterium. 164 00:19:25,660 --> 00:19:32,370 But the world will be a very different place if we only had deuterium versus hydrogen. 165 00:19:32,370 --> 00:19:38,390 So. This pattern of coke masses, this hypothesis that they come from the UK, 166 00:19:38,390 --> 00:19:47,110 our interactions is what gives us the hydrogen atom and chemistry and biology. 167 00:19:47,110 --> 00:19:59,880 So it'd be nice to know if this is true. There's one other recent example that we can give, which is for the electron. 168 00:19:59,880 --> 00:20:07,500 Now the radius of an atom, the border radius basically goes one over the electron mass. 169 00:20:07,500 --> 00:20:11,310 You can write it in different ways, depending on which constants you prefer. 170 00:20:11,310 --> 00:20:18,720 At the end of the day, if the electron mass is proportional to the ukwa coupling the Higgs field, then this is one over the you call a company. 171 00:20:18,720 --> 00:20:25,890 So this these kinds of couplings also set the size of atoms and sets the energy levels of all chemical reactions. 172 00:20:25,890 --> 00:20:35,600 It's OK, be nice to know if it's true. So how do we go about that? 173 00:20:35,600 --> 00:20:44,070 Well. The first generation has a low mass because these interactions with the Higgs field are very weak. 174 00:20:44,070 --> 00:20:51,640 10 to the minus six. The problem is that when the interaction is very weak, it's very hard to measure. 175 00:20:51,640 --> 00:20:58,300 So essentially today, no one has a clue about how to establish whether it really is interactions with 176 00:20:58,300 --> 00:21:03,580 the Higgs field or responsible for the mass of this part of these particles. 177 00:21:03,580 --> 00:21:12,250 But if you take the third generation, the masses are quite large, which translates to large interactions with the Higgs field. 178 00:21:12,250 --> 00:21:19,090 And so there you can potentially test it. 179 00:21:19,090 --> 00:21:28,390 And that's where the LHC comes in. The LHC, the Large Hadron Collider at CERN in Geneva, is the machine that discovered the Higgs boson. 180 00:21:28,390 --> 00:21:32,650 And it was built in order to discover the Higgs boson, amongst other things, 181 00:21:32,650 --> 00:21:38,270 but it didn't just discover the Higgs boson and stop and stop it's carried on. 182 00:21:38,270 --> 00:21:46,170 So what does it do? Well, it takes protons and sends them around a series of rings. 183 00:21:46,170 --> 00:21:52,860 Which accelerate them to successively higher energies, let's twenty five give either. 184 00:21:52,860 --> 00:22:00,760 Then up to four hundred and fifty give. And then it sends them into the big 27km ring. 185 00:22:00,760 --> 00:22:11,290 Well, it's got some TV proton. Since then around this tunnel with the complete with a large of. 186 00:22:11,290 --> 00:22:19,360 Crosses the border many times a second. And that there's a proton with three quarks and lots more. 187 00:22:19,360 --> 00:22:27,490 But listen, we'll tell you about later. And protons come from both directions and collide. 188 00:22:27,490 --> 00:22:34,260 And four big experiments called Atlas CMS and HCB and Alex. 189 00:22:34,260 --> 00:22:45,390 And produce hundreds of particles in each collision. 190 00:22:45,390 --> 00:22:54,180 So this happens well, it happens 40 million times a second each time there are collisions, it's actually not one collision, 191 00:22:54,180 --> 00:23:05,650 but about 30, 40, 50 collisions happening at the same time, slightly lower rates that are actually being released. 192 00:23:05,650 --> 00:23:14,870 And the question you might ask is, well, OK, what can we do with it? What underlying processes tell us about what's going on? 193 00:23:14,870 --> 00:23:24,330 So are we going to do is we're going to look. At a very idealised version of particle collisions and pollution and Fabrizio later on, 194 00:23:24,330 --> 00:23:31,310 we'll tell you a little less idealised version of particle collisions. 195 00:23:31,310 --> 00:23:36,770 What we going to do is we're going to talk not about protons colliding, but about gluons colliding. 196 00:23:36,770 --> 00:23:47,810 You've got gluons inside protons. You'll find out more in that. Two gluons collide and they produce. 197 00:23:47,810 --> 00:23:56,810 A virtual top, a top that bursts is a top tier top quarter that bursts into existence for a tiny fraction of a second. 198 00:23:56,810 --> 00:24:03,970 But and then annihilates again to produce a Higgs boson. 199 00:24:03,970 --> 00:24:12,670 If the Higgs couples to the top, if the Yukawa hypothesis that the that the Higgs field is responsible for the top mass, 200 00:24:12,670 --> 00:24:17,830 then there's an interaction in the top and the Higgs expectations, the. 201 00:24:17,830 --> 00:24:24,340 And you expect to see that happen once for every two billion proton proton collisions. 202 00:24:24,340 --> 00:24:30,180 Now you've got two billion collisions a second. So that's actually happening quite often. 203 00:24:30,180 --> 00:24:35,610 That was the LHC data was consistent with that already of discovery in 2012. 204 00:24:35,610 --> 00:24:41,130 So let's look at that a little more detail. You have to gluons coming in. They don't interact with the Higgs field this punchier, 205 00:24:41,130 --> 00:24:51,530 but they produce talks which do interact with the Higgs field today and leave an expectation of the Higgs field. 206 00:24:51,530 --> 00:24:59,730 And after a while, that creates another top there. Which then annihilate and produce two photons. 207 00:24:59,730 --> 00:25:06,580 So this is the thing that happens two billion times once every two billion collisions. 208 00:25:06,580 --> 00:25:15,560 And what you can do is you can look at the invariant mass of the two photons, some of their energies in the rest frame of that system. 209 00:25:15,560 --> 00:25:20,420 And, well, there are lots of other processes that produce pairs of photons, 210 00:25:20,420 --> 00:25:27,050 and you can plot how many events you get as a function of the energy of the inherent mass of that photon pair, 211 00:25:27,050 --> 00:25:32,790 and you've got a background here from all the other events that produce them. And you have a little bump here. 212 00:25:32,790 --> 00:25:38,720 And that little bump was the other evidence for the Higgs discovery. I showed you a peak from Z.Z before. 213 00:25:38,720 --> 00:25:47,050 That's from the photon. And that gives quite compelling, indirect evidence that there. 214 00:25:47,050 --> 00:25:56,970 That there is something happening here that is like what you expect. The difficulty is that you don't know what's happened in this doctor. 215 00:25:56,970 --> 00:26:01,980 I can show you an animation of what's going on, but you don't actually see that in real life. 216 00:26:01,980 --> 00:26:08,370 All you see is protons coming in. Photons coming out. 217 00:26:08,370 --> 00:26:16,670 So the question is, is, can you do something that actually convinces you that it really is interacting with a top? 218 00:26:16,670 --> 00:26:22,970 Well, the answer is, if you can actually produce a top that you see, not just a virtual excitation of a top power, 219 00:26:22,970 --> 00:26:30,180 nothing that flits in and out of existence, but something that lasts for a while. 220 00:26:30,180 --> 00:26:34,800 Well, once you produce the top, it's much more likely that you can actually produce eggs. 221 00:26:34,800 --> 00:26:41,180 Very unlikely thing in the diagram I showed you a few slides ago is to actually produce the top in the first place. 222 00:26:41,180 --> 00:26:47,660 But if you can actually show that you've produced a top. Then you expect to see one Higgs. 223 00:26:47,660 --> 00:26:53,050 Not every two billion collisions, but every six hundred. 224 00:26:53,050 --> 00:26:58,810 It's much more likely because of the strong interaction of the Higgs with the top. So what does that look like? 225 00:26:58,810 --> 00:27:06,300 Well. You've got the gluon coming in, producing a top pair, which excites the Higgs field at the same time, 226 00:27:06,300 --> 00:27:11,660 the top just go off now gotten to be something to be seen somewhere new detector. 227 00:27:11,660 --> 00:27:20,620 So you tag the presence of the tops. And then in the events where you've tied the presence of the tops, 228 00:27:20,620 --> 00:27:29,620 you again count the number of events per bin of invariant mass of the two photons and you see a peak. 229 00:27:29,620 --> 00:27:38,780 And you see a peak that is at a rate that is consistent with one for every six top pairs. 230 00:27:38,780 --> 00:27:46,670 That's the plot from Atlas from about a year ago. This is the same plot from CMS around the same time, 231 00:27:46,670 --> 00:27:54,380 the this plot is much more readable because you see a physical cognitive impairment mass of two photons. 232 00:27:54,380 --> 00:28:04,140 CMS has done a more has shown a different kind of fiscal analysis, but it contains the same message. 233 00:28:04,140 --> 00:28:12,630 So this establishes this hypothesis that interactions of the Top Rock with the Higgs field. 234 00:28:12,630 --> 00:28:19,200 Are responsible for the mass of the top quark to within 20 percent. 235 00:28:19,200 --> 00:28:30,290 So that's one sort of one of the nine quarks and leptons we want to figure out if this is true or not. 236 00:28:30,290 --> 00:28:37,840 That. The other thing you can do is look at takes the case, for example, a Higgs can decay to a tile plus or minus. 237 00:28:37,840 --> 00:28:45,070 This is the third generation Lepton, and within the standard model Higgs style, you have a coupling hypothesis. 238 00:28:45,070 --> 00:28:49,090 This happens for one in every 16 Higgs boson decays let out last time. 239 00:28:49,090 --> 00:28:59,950 Minus times are difficult objects to play with, but they managed, and this time CMS has the slightly more compelling plot. 240 00:28:59,950 --> 00:29:07,450 And you see here a peak in the mass of the Tao Plus Tao, minus that it coincides roughly with the Higgs mass. 241 00:29:07,450 --> 00:29:11,200 You can't measure tiles very well, so it's not a not a super precise thing, 242 00:29:11,200 --> 00:29:16,630 but we don't know of any other particles around that mass and the rate is consistent with what you'd expect. 243 00:29:16,630 --> 00:29:24,770 So that tells you you've got you've established this as the origin for the tail mass. 244 00:29:24,770 --> 00:29:34,580 How about the other third generation part of the B? This is about 58 percent of Higgs boson, such dictator BS, because the B is the mass, 245 00:29:34,580 --> 00:29:43,990 the heaviest particle to which the Higgs boson can actually decay without violating energy conservation, essentially. 246 00:29:43,990 --> 00:29:50,260 Well, this was actually one of the toughest to see of the ones that are being seen so far when people were about to turn on the U.S., 247 00:29:50,260 --> 00:29:58,490 they thought this would be impossible. In the meantime, ideas have come about. 248 00:29:58,490 --> 00:30:06,260 We contributed to that. Back in 2008 about how to actually go about seeing this Higgs to be OK. 249 00:30:06,260 --> 00:30:10,940 On a huge background of reproduction that don't like us. 250 00:30:10,940 --> 00:30:20,660 And you see from both Atlas and CMS again, a peek, a pretty broad peek because you don't measure the mass of the system very well. 251 00:30:20,660 --> 00:30:30,040 A pretty broad peak around 125 of the Higgs mass of events that are consistent with Higgs decays. 252 00:30:30,040 --> 00:30:38,700 So what does this mean? Well. The Five Sigma Statistical Golden Grail, 253 00:30:38,700 --> 00:30:48,420 the holy grail of particle physics observation of these three processes takes Higgs to kowtow and has to be independently by two experiments. 254 00:30:48,420 --> 00:31:00,060 This is really the standard you need firmly established existence of a new kind of fundamental interaction. 255 00:31:00,060 --> 00:31:05,160 The interactions are important because, first of all, because they qualitatively unlike anything we've seen before. 256 00:31:05,160 --> 00:31:10,740 They're not what I called gauge interactions. They don't come with an underlying unit of charge. 257 00:31:10,740 --> 00:31:18,330 And they hypothesise to be responsible for the stability of hydrogen, the size of atoms and a whole lot more. 258 00:31:18,330 --> 00:31:30,180 Establishing the pattern of nuclear couplings across the four remaining set of fermions is one of the big challenges of particle physics today. 259 00:31:30,180 --> 00:31:33,810 And you could ask yourself, is this any less important than actually discovering things going on in the first place? 260 00:31:33,810 --> 00:31:43,440 And I would say no, because interactions are just as important as the particles, the particles without the interactions are very boring. 261 00:31:43,440 --> 00:31:50,030 Another thing you could say about this is that it's a fifth force. Because the Higgs carries a force between fragments. 262 00:31:50,030 --> 00:31:59,550 If you've got two top pairs, two tops coming in, they interact because they feel a strong force between because of the Higgs. 263 00:31:59,550 --> 00:32:08,810 It's up to you to decide whether you prefer to talk about new interactions or new forces. But either way, it is qualitatively new. 264 00:32:08,810 --> 00:32:14,660 OK, so let's look at the guy in that table of particles of fermions. 265 00:32:14,660 --> 00:32:32,360 And what we've done, we what Allison seems to have done with some help from theorists is establish the newcomers here to within roughly 20 percent. 266 00:32:32,360 --> 00:32:36,730 With the LHC, there's one more of these that can be done. 267 00:32:36,730 --> 00:32:43,340 Which is the me. There's no evidence for this today. It's quite a rare process. 268 00:32:43,340 --> 00:32:49,440 Don't you only produce millions and one one in 4000 decays roughly. 269 00:32:49,440 --> 00:32:56,740 But with more data to come along, you can see this. 270 00:32:56,740 --> 00:33:04,990 Trump, there's no evidence. We'll come back to that in a second. But there's we know how we could get there with the regulator and the other three, 271 00:33:04,990 --> 00:33:09,310 the other four, which together account for about one in four thousand decades. 272 00:33:09,310 --> 00:33:21,960 We just don't know how to actually establish whether the Higgs hypothesis that you call a hypothesis is true for this. 273 00:33:21,960 --> 00:33:27,750 There's also something which has to do with the Higgs width. I'll come back to that in a second. 274 00:33:27,750 --> 00:33:38,010 Well, there's lots more that you can do with the Higgs, far more than you probably would like to hear. 275 00:33:38,010 --> 00:33:42,540 Let's have a brief interlude. What about the big questions? Why aren't we seeing answers? 276 00:33:42,540 --> 00:33:54,430 We were promised answers. Why haven't we gotten? Well, let's talk about one in particular, which is dark matter. 277 00:33:54,430 --> 00:34:01,510 Somebody a little incautious. Well, it's a challenge. 278 00:34:01,510 --> 00:34:11,810 It remains a challenge. There was a lot of talk of this finding dark matter at the LHC. 279 00:34:11,810 --> 00:34:18,200 Now, we suspect dark matter exists, there's very strong evidence from galaxies and how they rotate, 280 00:34:18,200 --> 00:34:21,110 this is how you'd expect them to rotate without dark matter, 281 00:34:21,110 --> 00:34:28,010 and the points here show how they actually rotate because many other sources of evidence for something like dark matter. 282 00:34:28,010 --> 00:34:37,130 And there were compelling, theoretically elegant and compelling theories that suggested dark matter might be within reach of the LHC. 283 00:34:37,130 --> 00:34:41,270 So the LHC has searched for it and has been very successful at excluding certain 284 00:34:41,270 --> 00:34:45,470 scenarios of dark matter and other kinds of experiment called direct detection, 285 00:34:45,470 --> 00:34:52,640 actually big tanks sitting deep underground, waiting for dark matter to come and hit and an atom or a nucleus. 286 00:34:52,640 --> 00:34:59,890 I've also searched and been very successful in covering potential face space, but haven't seen anything. 287 00:34:59,890 --> 00:35:06,900 But. This is one variant of dark matter, and there are many variants possible of dark matter. 288 00:35:06,900 --> 00:35:14,460 This is a plot from 2013 showing all the variants of dark matter that people had in mind at the time. 289 00:35:14,460 --> 00:35:24,840 This is sort of a map of what people call theory space. This here shows a plot of mass and interaction strength. 290 00:35:24,840 --> 00:35:32,260 Now you can't read it. I can't read it, even though I'm standing right next to the screen. 291 00:35:32,260 --> 00:35:37,880 But basically, every tick here is a factor of 10 to the three in mass. 292 00:35:37,880 --> 00:35:47,720 I think or maybe even 10 to the six and the bit that the LHC is sensitive to is this little bit here. 293 00:35:47,720 --> 00:35:53,280 Now, this little bit here is is in some sense, theoretically compelling, but it's not the only option. 294 00:35:53,280 --> 00:35:57,150 There's a huge space over which one could search for dark matter. 295 00:35:57,150 --> 00:36:04,650 Over which dog, much of my life, for that matter, dark matter might not interact anything other than gravitationally. 296 00:36:04,650 --> 00:36:07,140 So you need to search for it. You want a search. 297 00:36:07,140 --> 00:36:18,630 We want to find out what it is, but we have to keep in mind that this is not a problem that you will necessarily answer tomorrow or solve tomorrow. 298 00:36:18,630 --> 00:36:22,830 So what do we do? Well, we carry on looking for it. 299 00:36:22,830 --> 00:36:26,730 But in the meantime, we figure out what else we can do. 300 00:36:26,730 --> 00:36:39,750 And, for example, amongst approved plans, the LHC will collect between 40 and 100 times more data than than was used for the plots that I showed you. 301 00:36:39,750 --> 00:36:46,510 At mostly similar energy. And that's a programme called the high luminosity LFC. 302 00:36:46,510 --> 00:36:53,710 One of the axes of this programme is that you collect more statistics for the things you've already observed. 303 00:36:53,710 --> 00:37:02,620 For example, Higgs decay into gamma gamma. You can use gamma gamma as the the ratio of the observed rate of production of 304 00:37:02,620 --> 00:37:06,670 Higgs going to gamma gamut of what you expect from theoretical predictions. 305 00:37:06,670 --> 00:37:17,530 And this is a plot showing that my extrapolation of the precision you expect as a function of how many collisions are collected by the LHC. 306 00:37:17,530 --> 00:37:20,410 So this was at the time, shortly after discovery. 307 00:37:20,410 --> 00:37:28,980 This is what has been analysed today, roughly one investment about 10 to the 14 collisions, 100 trillion collisions. 308 00:37:28,980 --> 00:37:37,620 And by the end of the LHC, it will have collected almost well, a third of a quintillion collisions. 309 00:37:37,620 --> 00:37:48,420 By 2036 ish roughly. From a statistical point of view that has the potential to bring the precision down to a few percent. 310 00:37:48,420 --> 00:37:54,920 A couple of one or two percent of. Why do you care about that? 311 00:37:54,920 --> 00:37:58,640 Well, you've got a new interaction, a new kind of force. 312 00:37:58,640 --> 00:38:05,170 You wouldn't say you've established electromagnetism if you'd only tested it within 20 percent. 313 00:38:05,170 --> 00:38:08,550 You want us to go beyond that. 314 00:38:08,550 --> 00:38:15,720 And the point of part of the point about all of this high luminosity, Alexie, is that it can deliver one to two percent. 315 00:38:15,720 --> 00:38:27,080 Hopefully for a range of couplings with the caveat. If the theoretical interpretations can be made sufficiently accurate, let's just take one example. 316 00:38:27,080 --> 00:38:30,500 This shows the expected uncertainty on a particular interaction with the bees. 317 00:38:30,500 --> 00:38:37,210 Peacock's broken up into different parts the statistical part. 318 00:38:37,210 --> 00:38:47,980 Some uncertainty related to the detectors and an uncertainty related to our ability to connect the underlying theory with what happens at colliders. 319 00:38:47,980 --> 00:38:54,750 And in this case, this dominates almost three times larger than the other uncertainties. 320 00:38:54,750 --> 00:38:58,740 And so really, being able to exploit the AFC and understand what's going on depends, 321 00:38:58,740 --> 00:39:06,570 crucially on our theoretical understanding of the processes that happen at large at the Hadron Collider. 322 00:39:06,570 --> 00:39:13,080 It's not the case at all for everything, for example, for the muon. It's not the theory that dominates at this stage. 323 00:39:13,080 --> 00:39:18,080 It's other things. It's mainly statistics. 324 00:39:18,080 --> 00:39:28,040 And this will be a very important milestone for that to see, because this be the first establishment of a second generation you call interaction. 325 00:39:28,040 --> 00:39:37,640 What about beyond that? Well, people today are putting on paper plans for colliders beyond their legacy plans in China. 326 00:39:37,640 --> 00:39:42,680 There are plans in Japan and there are plans in Europe at some. 327 00:39:42,680 --> 00:39:48,480 There are many different kinds of flyers electron, positron, proton, proton, electron, proton. 328 00:39:48,480 --> 00:39:54,530 And I'll just give you a very brief overview. 329 00:39:54,530 --> 00:40:00,650 Essentially, let's start with Electrum gliders. They're a great acquisition. 330 00:40:00,650 --> 00:40:06,680 They're also very clean. They can give you the charm quite nicely. 331 00:40:06,680 --> 00:40:10,250 Another second generation coupling. 332 00:40:10,250 --> 00:40:16,400 And the other thing is, they can tell you, does the Higgs stick to anything else, things that you can't easily detect? 333 00:40:16,400 --> 00:40:21,720 They have a very powerful way of figuring out everything that the Higgs goes to goes to. 334 00:40:21,720 --> 00:40:32,660 Which you can't do without close. Proton colliders, high energy proton climbers can produce huge numbers, hugely enhanced numbers of interactions, 335 00:40:32,660 --> 00:40:39,460 and the one that I think is most important is the interaction of the Higgs with itself. 336 00:40:39,460 --> 00:40:49,980 In a harmonic potential and harmonic well. Some people just five squared. 337 00:40:49,980 --> 00:40:56,500 You have an oscillation that goes on forever. But the next potential is not just five squares, five squared plus five to the fourth. 338 00:40:56,500 --> 00:41:05,160 It has high derivatives and harmony and harmonic potential. And when you have an harmonic potential modes and talk to each other so you can 339 00:41:05,160 --> 00:41:11,890 go for an exhortation with one Higgs to next station with two Higgs boson. 340 00:41:11,890 --> 00:41:18,750 That's illustrated here, you have gluons colliding. They produce a top infinitesimal amount of time. 341 00:41:18,750 --> 00:41:26,190 Which annihilate and produces a very strong excitation of the Higgs field, which then splits into two Higgs boson. 342 00:41:26,190 --> 00:41:31,530 And by measuring that. 343 00:41:31,530 --> 00:41:42,940 You can figure out just how and harmonicas potential is, is it really five square percent of the force and you need a lot of exits to do that. 344 00:41:42,940 --> 00:41:50,590 But you can get at a future collider, a future hadron collider. You could get up to in the five to 10 percent range. 345 00:41:50,590 --> 00:41:55,150 And this is important because the Higgs potential is the keystone. 346 00:41:55,150 --> 00:41:56,950 It's what holds everything else together. 347 00:41:56,950 --> 00:42:04,330 It's what causes the Higgs field to have a non-zero expectation that it means that the Higgs field is non-zero everywhere around us, 348 00:42:04,330 --> 00:42:08,750 which is what gives mass to particles at the end. Well, 349 00:42:08,750 --> 00:42:20,090 there's a big exercise going on called the European Strategy Update for particle physics to plan within Europe what we think the priorities should be. 350 00:42:20,090 --> 00:42:24,980 And actually, next week, one of the main meetings of that is going to take place in Spain. 351 00:42:24,980 --> 00:42:30,630 And the kind of plans we're talking about are long 70 years. 352 00:42:30,630 --> 00:42:38,790 On the other hand, the LHC programme, together with its predecessor, Collider collapse, lasted 55 years. 353 00:42:38,790 --> 00:42:46,870 These are the timescales we're talking about. To get answers to some of the most fundamental questions that we have. 354 00:42:46,870 --> 00:42:55,690 So to come to a close. The Hague sector is unlike anything that we've heard before in particle physics. 355 00:42:55,690 --> 00:43:01,360 And much of it remains to be established and explored, and in a way, 356 00:43:01,360 --> 00:43:06,280 we are remarkably fortunate that we can answer some of these questions with the collider 357 00:43:06,280 --> 00:43:13,210 that we have today and with the Collider's we can envisage building in the coming decades. 358 00:43:13,210 --> 00:43:18,600 Unlike Dark Matter, where we're not sure. There's many questions such as accessing Hicks. 359 00:43:18,600 --> 00:43:25,020 You can be on the third generation or understanding the hicks potential. 360 00:43:25,020 --> 00:43:27,240 As well as turning this from just discovering, 361 00:43:27,240 --> 00:43:32,910 discovering these interactions to actually pinning them down and seeing if they're really at the five percent level, 362 00:43:32,910 --> 00:43:38,850 what we expect in the meantime, the search for new physics continues, 363 00:43:38,850 --> 00:43:42,870 and there is much scope here for being ingenious about how you think about searching for new physics, 364 00:43:42,870 --> 00:43:48,120 what kind of experiments you do with use, the data from the big experiments and the ways you plan to use it. 365 00:43:48,120 --> 00:43:52,050 The data from the big experiments in ways you hadn't planned build a little add ons to big 366 00:43:52,050 --> 00:43:56,520 experiments and suddenly open up new bits of face space where you can search for things. 367 00:43:56,520 --> 00:44:01,840 There's lots of ideas. The field is teeming with ideas about things to do you. 368 00:44:01,840 --> 00:44:08,200 And that's something that the searchers and the Higgs and other physics colitis share in common, 369 00:44:08,200 --> 00:44:11,980 which is the need to think about how we relate the underlying physics underlying 370 00:44:11,980 --> 00:44:18,630 the grandjean to the observations we make of 10 to the 16 high energy collisions. 371 00:44:18,630 --> 00:44:24,150 How do you make the connexion between? What you put on a T-shirt? 372 00:44:24,150 --> 00:44:30,900 And what comes out of a collider that will be Lucian on February two, strokes after the break? 373 00:44:30,900 --> 00:44:51,123 Thank you.