1 00:00:00,060 --> 00:00:07,469 Thank you very much, John. It's delightful to be here. I was an undergraduate at Oxford and I was sort of a weakness when I come into this lecture 2 00:00:07,470 --> 00:00:15,090 theatres and some wonderful memories of my Aitchison lectures on quantum mechanics. 3 00:00:15,090 --> 00:00:20,310 If any of you had those. They were spectacular. Lots of other wonderful times. 4 00:00:21,390 --> 00:00:26,969 I mean, what? We had two feet, plasma started, plasma unleashed. 5 00:00:26,970 --> 00:00:30,590 And now I'm supposed to talk about plasma obtained. 6 00:00:31,740 --> 00:00:40,229 I'll talk a little bit about where we are, what is the current status, where we expect to be, and some of the exciting things that are happening. 7 00:00:40,230 --> 00:00:45,450 Because I'm very excited about the relationship with Oxford because as you can see, 8 00:00:45,450 --> 00:00:49,500 we have some very bright young theoreticians who are making a big dent, 9 00:00:49,830 --> 00:00:57,870 not just in explaining what's happening, but in proposing ways in which we might be able to reduce the cost and scale of fusion. 10 00:00:58,230 --> 00:01:02,010 And I think if you ask me, are we going to have fusion power? 11 00:01:03,180 --> 00:01:06,570 I'll be bold here, which is that I think fusion is possible. 12 00:01:06,660 --> 00:01:15,180 I think where we are with Jet and where we will go with ITER will demonstrate that you can actually have a self-sustained fusion burn in a device. 13 00:01:15,570 --> 00:01:20,310 What I don't know is whether we can do it at a cost that you want to pay for your electricity, 14 00:01:20,700 --> 00:01:27,540 and that requires some innovation and some steps forward that require both innovation in technology, 15 00:01:27,750 --> 00:01:31,590 innovation in engineering, and innovation in the science. 16 00:01:32,310 --> 00:01:36,330 So we talk about that and how it relates to what we've already had this morning. 17 00:01:36,510 --> 00:01:40,470 I won't give you my normal hard sell on why we should do fusion energy. 18 00:01:40,650 --> 00:01:45,300 Most of you probably got it 30 years ago. You also will know the joke. 19 00:01:47,160 --> 00:01:50,730 I don't think I have to repeat the joke because you know it so well. 20 00:01:51,540 --> 00:01:58,680 So anyway, so my basic thing is I'll talk about what the current plan for the first electricity in fusion is 21 00:01:59,670 --> 00:02:07,140 that electricity will be expensive electricity and it will not demonstrate the cost effectiveness. 22 00:02:07,440 --> 00:02:11,700 I'll talk about what Aether will do, which is the machine we're building in southern France. 23 00:02:11,700 --> 00:02:17,099 You saw a picture of it. It's very large and some of the challenges there. 24 00:02:17,100 --> 00:02:24,120 And then I'll talk about what we're trying to do to make fusion perhaps cheaper, faster, more effective. 25 00:02:25,290 --> 00:02:34,320 One of the problems that you have in developing a technology in which every step is going to cost you $10 billion, 26 00:02:34,950 --> 00:02:40,290 euros, pounds, whatever is, how many steps can you actually make? 27 00:02:40,440 --> 00:02:45,360 A lot of innovation happens in that Edison ion way in which you build something. 28 00:02:45,360 --> 00:02:50,910 It's not quite right. You tweak it, you build something else, etc. And you can't do that on the 10 billion scale. 29 00:02:51,510 --> 00:02:57,810 So a lot has to be driven by theory and very precise understanding of what the next step will actually be. 30 00:02:58,230 --> 00:03:02,790 Some. The 30 year rule about fusion. 31 00:03:04,140 --> 00:03:09,450 I can make it worse than that. We can go back to what it really all started. 32 00:03:09,990 --> 00:03:16,980 I mean, we can go back all the way to Eddington in 1920 saying that the fusion must be happening in the middle of the sun. 33 00:03:16,990 --> 00:03:23,790 But we've come a bit forward from that. When people started to think about whether you could actually use fusion as a power source. 34 00:03:24,090 --> 00:03:25,980 And there's a nice piece of history here. 35 00:03:26,940 --> 00:03:31,499 So during the the bomb project in the Second World War, of course, they were thinking a little bit about fusion. 36 00:03:31,500 --> 00:03:37,410 And famously, Edward Teller, of course, was not doing his job. He was working on the atom bomb, he was working on the H-bomb. 37 00:03:38,220 --> 00:03:40,170 And people kept getting frustrated with him. 38 00:03:40,440 --> 00:03:48,900 But part of that was thinking about they started thinking about whether you could control the fusion reaction and how you can find it. 39 00:03:49,290 --> 00:03:53,340 And when I was I was an undergraduate here, and then I went and did my Ph.D. in Princeton. 40 00:03:53,700 --> 00:04:04,800 And there was always stories around Princeton that Fermi had given a lecture on how to make a fusion reactor with magnetic confinement, 41 00:04:05,730 --> 00:04:14,460 and he gave it at a famous dream of happy conference that they had at Los Alamos in 1946. 42 00:04:14,610 --> 00:04:18,210 It's a classified conference. At this conference, 43 00:04:18,540 --> 00:04:22,350 they decide all the big names who were going back to their universities decided 44 00:04:22,950 --> 00:04:25,979 we should have a conference and everybody should give a talk about what they 45 00:04:25,980 --> 00:04:29,549 think is going to happen in the future and the issues that the US government 46 00:04:29,550 --> 00:04:34,560 should look at scientifically and what kind of new ideas need to be worked on. 47 00:04:34,830 --> 00:04:39,210 And there should be no notes from this conference because a lot of it was highly classified anyway. 48 00:04:39,630 --> 00:04:46,650 And we'll just talk now. Indeed, there are no notes from this conference because if you go to Los Alamos, 49 00:04:46,650 --> 00:04:51,299 some friends of mine who have access to all the classified files in in Los 50 00:04:51,300 --> 00:04:55,710 Alamos say that there is no record of what was talked about at this conference. 51 00:04:55,980 --> 00:05:03,240 But in fact, there is a record that record was held by the British because in 1946, 52 00:05:03,240 --> 00:05:08,400 we knew that the Americans were not going to cut us out of access to secret information. 53 00:05:09,240 --> 00:05:19,260 And we wanted to gather as much as we possibly could at that time and archive it and make sure that we had it under control. 54 00:05:19,260 --> 00:05:27,300 And this was the possibly the last time that we had access to the inner thinking of what was going on at Los Alamos. 55 00:05:27,750 --> 00:05:33,510 So there was a guy, I think his name was Philip Moon. He was a professor at Berkeley and for many years in nuclear physics. 56 00:05:33,840 --> 00:05:39,120 And he was at this conference and he was at Fermi's lecture. 57 00:05:39,780 --> 00:05:45,510 And Fermi talked about thermonuclear reactions and what you could do with thermonuclear reactions. 58 00:05:47,040 --> 00:05:51,990 Obviously, one of the things you can do with thermonuclear reactions in enhanced explosive power of a bomb. 59 00:05:52,230 --> 00:05:59,879 He talked about that. He but he also talked about how you could confine thermonuclear fuel with a 60 00:05:59,880 --> 00:06:05,730 magnetic field and a simple a simple toroidal field would not be sufficient. 61 00:06:07,800 --> 00:06:16,440 When I went to Princeton, this was known as Fermi's Theorem, and nobody knew, nobody had actually ever seen where Fermi actually wrote this down, 62 00:06:16,710 --> 00:06:22,740 that you can't just take a solenoid, bend it into a into toroidal solenoid, put a plasma in it and it'll be stable. 63 00:06:22,750 --> 00:06:26,550 It doesn't work. The drift, the particles just drift right out of it. 64 00:06:26,910 --> 00:06:33,750 And Fermi proved it in this lecture. And the only notes we have of it were this classified report that Moon took 65 00:06:33,750 --> 00:06:38,340 during the day and handed to somebody from some organisation at Night-Time, 66 00:06:38,340 --> 00:06:46,500 and they took the notes away and typed them up. And you can see it was for many years a secret report and it was declassified. 67 00:06:46,860 --> 00:06:56,790 And it was this was in a cockcroft archive at Churchill College and Dan Cleary of Science magazine. 68 00:06:57,720 --> 00:07:02,459 I told him about this and about how we couldn't ever find any record of this. 69 00:07:02,460 --> 00:07:05,520 And he was digging through Cockcroft notes. 70 00:07:05,520 --> 00:07:12,390 He found this. It's in Cockcroft notes and it's also in Jp Thomson's notes from those times. 71 00:07:12,570 --> 00:07:16,110 So this is Fermi talking about it in 1946, 72 00:07:16,440 --> 00:07:25,020 but actually by 1946 somebody at Oxford was thinking about it because Peter Tournament was at Oxford in those days, 73 00:07:25,290 --> 00:07:30,210 young Australian, he was Australian, not Kiwi. 74 00:07:31,140 --> 00:07:40,200 And he, he was thinking about whether you could do deuterium, deuterium, fusion in discharges and what you would need to do. 75 00:07:40,770 --> 00:07:46,620 Tournament was a thought with his hands a type of physicist. 76 00:07:46,800 --> 00:07:53,160 They can be very productive. I'm not being theoretically snobbish at this point, but and he hadn't done many calculations, 77 00:07:53,160 --> 00:07:59,190 and so he was probably a little ambitious about what he actually thought would happen by passing a current through. 78 00:07:59,710 --> 00:08:03,250 Through a glass tube and etc. at that time. 79 00:08:03,490 --> 00:08:07,840 But he gradually worked his way towards an understanding of what you need, 80 00:08:07,840 --> 00:08:17,530 and it was probably really the first actual experiment on magnetically confined fusion where in the Clarendon Laboratory in 46, 47. 81 00:08:18,280 --> 00:08:27,310 And then there was a similar group working at Imperial College where and cousins working under G.P. Thompson at that time. 82 00:08:28,060 --> 00:08:30,250 This was the beginning of magnetic confinement. 83 00:08:30,520 --> 00:08:37,840 And at that time, people made these simple estimates, as Alex showed, that if you didn't have any turbulence, 84 00:08:38,560 --> 00:08:43,240 the confinement time of something that wasn't very big would be sufficient. 85 00:08:43,660 --> 00:08:50,469 Confinement time, by the way, is the time basically it takes to go from the middle to the outside of the device. 86 00:08:50,470 --> 00:08:55,940 And I'll use it all the time and we always give it the symbol title ee. 87 00:08:57,760 --> 00:09:07,300 If you took your magnetically confined plasma and you turned off all external sources of heat and any fusion heating, and you let it cool down. 88 00:09:07,540 --> 00:09:16,749 This is the time it would take to lose half of its temperature, but it's also the time it takes heat to diffuse from the middle to the outside on jet. 89 00:09:16,750 --> 00:09:20,110 That's about one second on a heater. 90 00:09:20,110 --> 00:09:30,370 It has to be about three, 3 to 4 seconds. And a reactor about 4 seconds is a typical confinement time with conditions that we know at this time. 91 00:09:31,870 --> 00:09:38,799 It was understood right at the beginning, and people were very optimistic about Fusion in the late forties because they did 92 00:09:38,800 --> 00:09:43,540 simple calculations like the ones not not not that Alex's talk was simple or anything. 93 00:09:44,170 --> 00:09:51,670 It was. But the simple calculation of the diffusion across a device that was done by people. 94 00:09:51,670 --> 00:10:00,249 And here's Lyman Spitzer, who in the around about 1950 started to think about magnetic confinement at that time 95 00:10:00,250 --> 00:10:05,620 because there was an announcement that somebody in Argentina had actually done fusion. 96 00:10:05,800 --> 00:10:10,950 It was in the front page of the New York Times, and he was a bit surprised by that announcement. 97 00:10:10,960 --> 00:10:19,000 And he started to do calculations and he came up with the first design of that three dimensional object, the Stellarator. 98 00:10:19,570 --> 00:10:23,890 Here it is. It's only the dome. The tube is a figure of eight. 99 00:10:24,100 --> 00:10:34,090 The diameter of the tube is 100 centimetres, so a metre across the actual plasma had a radius of about 40 centimetres inside that tube. 100 00:10:34,930 --> 00:10:38,770 Right. 40 centimetres would be much smaller than jet. Right. 101 00:10:38,780 --> 00:10:46,240 And he'd done this wasn't just sort of without calculation, done detailed calculations of what the, 102 00:10:46,600 --> 00:10:49,960 what we call classical diffusion in that non turbulent diffusion. 103 00:10:50,230 --> 00:10:53,680 And he'd come up with this is the size of the device. It was very long, 104 00:10:55,030 --> 00:11:04,299 this is 50 metres around etc. and it was twisted into a figure of eight because he wanted to get round Fermi's theory that 105 00:11:04,300 --> 00:11:13,300 a simple toroidal device with just toroidal field going around this in one direction would not confine the particles. 106 00:11:13,540 --> 00:11:16,209 What he did here was cancel the drifts of the particles, 107 00:11:16,210 --> 00:11:20,260 so the particles followed the field line and drifted upwards on one half of the figure of eight, 108 00:11:20,260 --> 00:11:25,300 and then they drifted downwards on the other half of the figure of eight. And those two things cancel each other. 109 00:11:25,630 --> 00:11:29,680 And this was Spitzer's design in 1951. 110 00:11:31,150 --> 00:11:41,860 By this time, Atonement had built several pinches discharges here, and everything had moved off to Harwell by that time up the street. 111 00:11:43,060 --> 00:11:47,140 Oh, by the way, for people who don't know, that thing in Spitzer's hand is a slide rule. 112 00:11:50,040 --> 00:12:01,020 And these are journals. And in Harwell in the mid fifties we built this device, which was called Z2, 113 00:12:01,620 --> 00:12:06,360 which was the biggest toroidal pitch and for many years was the best fusion device out. 114 00:12:06,690 --> 00:12:13,910 And it's very it's a, as the leader of a large organisation and I have to do a lot of PR. 115 00:12:15,540 --> 00:12:26,850 It's a it's a solitary lesson to read about Z2 because at some point due to electric fields in the joins probably of the vacuum vessel, 116 00:12:27,240 --> 00:12:36,540 they were getting high energy ions generated inside this and those high energy ions were producing some fusion neutrons. 117 00:12:37,800 --> 00:12:44,430 So Cockcroft got on television and told the world that we would make energy that was too cheap to metre. 118 00:12:45,090 --> 00:12:48,719 And then they discovered these weren't thermonuclear neutrons at all, 119 00:12:48,720 --> 00:12:53,280 and they were just from straight field acceleration and there was no way that was scaling. 120 00:12:53,670 --> 00:12:56,879 And I think it was probably the worst moment of Cockcroft life, 121 00:12:56,880 --> 00:13:04,140 and it certainly set back the fusion cause because in fact it was a very good machine and we could have learned probably even more from it. 122 00:13:04,560 --> 00:13:11,970 But my lab was commissioned before we realised they were not thermonuclear earth neutrons. 123 00:13:12,720 --> 00:13:18,930 So good things come up. So once the first electricity, 124 00:13:20,640 --> 00:13:29,430 the jet results of the late nineties where we almost got to energy breakeven and the conditions 125 00:13:29,430 --> 00:13:35,880 in the middle of the device when we when we got 16 megawatts out of it but 230 million degrees, 126 00:13:36,330 --> 00:13:42,450 those conditions are almost identical to what you're going to need on ITER to actually generate a full fusion burn. 127 00:13:43,140 --> 00:13:49,110 So we actually produced all the conditions necessary for fusion in that device at that time. 128 00:13:50,370 --> 00:14:00,980 It's what we didn't do was sustain the reaction by the fusion process itself that has made us feel that we're on the right track. 129 00:14:01,680 --> 00:14:10,680 And this last two years we have produced a fusion roadmap that the European Commission has said will drive forward the programme at this point. 130 00:14:10,950 --> 00:14:17,990 And the point of that fusion roadmap is to deliver a demonstration reactor in the 2014. 131 00:14:18,960 --> 00:14:24,780 This would be actual produce some electricity at probably quite phenomenal cost to the electricity. 132 00:14:25,020 --> 00:14:35,729 And it's a rather large and I hate to say this clumsy machine in that it uses only at this point existing technology. 133 00:14:35,730 --> 00:14:42,840 And there are some serious issues with this machine, but the idea is to put a mission in front of us to actually deliver some electricity. 134 00:14:43,020 --> 00:14:48,690 And then I won't have to stand in front of people who tell me it's 30 years away and always will be. 135 00:14:49,860 --> 00:14:54,560 So this is the plan 2014 to get today. 136 00:14:54,700 --> 00:15:01,980 This machine is very large. In fact, ITER is six metres from there to the middle of the plasma. 137 00:15:02,280 --> 00:15:06,220 This device may be as large as nine metres between there and that. 138 00:15:06,450 --> 00:15:14,340 These are superconducting magnets which we hope will produce up to about six Tesla in the middle of the device. 139 00:15:15,750 --> 00:15:21,150 That's a little less than double of what a jet currently has. 140 00:15:22,410 --> 00:15:30,990 One of the key issues about this device will be all the power loadings on the walls and on the device. 141 00:15:31,230 --> 00:15:37,980 The neutrons crossing the edge of this device will give something like two megawatts per square metre of neutron flux in the wall. 142 00:15:38,340 --> 00:15:47,129 That means every atom inside the steel wall will be moved ten times to 20 times 143 00:15:47,130 --> 00:15:51,450 a year from its equilibrium position in the lattice of the steel in the wall. 144 00:15:56,250 --> 00:16:01,920 The first self-sustained fusion burn. This is a bit more certain this would be eater. 145 00:16:03,210 --> 00:16:08,430 Eater. I'd love not to talk about Eater today. 146 00:16:09,450 --> 00:16:13,559 Eater is suffering from some real management issues at the moment. 147 00:16:13,560 --> 00:16:20,160 It's a collaboration between seven large international partners. 148 00:16:20,190 --> 00:16:25,320 45% is paid by Europe. Money coming directly from the European Commission. 149 00:16:25,560 --> 00:16:31,230 Actually, 9% comes from France and the rest of the 45% from Europe. 150 00:16:31,440 --> 00:16:35,100 And you can see if you know your flags, you can see what the other partners are. 151 00:16:36,030 --> 00:16:41,189 This machine is designed to get off to almost self-sustained fusion. 152 00:16:41,190 --> 00:16:46,450 But and one of the questions is, will it get completely self-sustained fusion done or not? 153 00:16:46,770 --> 00:16:56,640 Describe what that is in a moment. It is absolutely at the edge of what we could do in terms of technology at the moment. 154 00:16:56,940 --> 00:17:04,319 These superconducting magnets, which you can see wrapped around the yellow hole, which is where the plasma goes, these are niobium, 155 00:17:04,320 --> 00:17:15,660 tin magnets at four degrees Kelvin producing all magnet, a field of 13.5 Tesla and in the middle of the plasma, 5.2 Tesla. 156 00:17:15,930 --> 00:17:23,760 Because of the overall falloff of the magnetic field, that is pretty much as strong as you can get out of niobium tin at this point. 157 00:17:24,180 --> 00:17:27,360 And so it's right at the edge of technological capability. 158 00:17:27,360 --> 00:17:33,390 The plasma car will be 15 milligrams of current and jet goes up. 159 00:17:34,290 --> 00:17:38,129 It can go above four, it can even go above five mg. 160 00:17:38,130 --> 00:17:41,700 But 15 mega EPS is a considerable extension from that. 161 00:17:41,910 --> 00:17:48,630 The energy stored in the magnetic system of E2 is about 40 gigajoule of energy. 162 00:17:48,840 --> 00:17:51,900 That's equivalent to about ten tonnes of TNT. 163 00:17:53,910 --> 00:17:59,340 It's power amplification. That's the amount of power going out compared to the amount going in. 164 00:17:59,580 --> 00:18:05,850 The baseline target is ten. But I'm going to show you simulations that show it go to full ignition. 165 00:18:05,850 --> 00:18:09,639 And a second. The cost is very useful. 166 00:18:09,640 --> 00:18:19,080 The use of the greater than sine is somewhere you learn things you see as an undergraduate physicist that that's useful for life afterwards. 167 00:18:19,350 --> 00:18:21,690 The official start date is 2020. 168 00:18:21,720 --> 00:18:28,560 You can hear it from me and I'm prepared to stick my neck out on this one, that it won't be 2020, it will be more like 2023. 169 00:18:28,860 --> 00:18:35,129 It's very late. It's very hard to move projects like this forward and to manage projects like this. 170 00:18:35,130 --> 00:18:37,800 And I think as a community we need to up our game. 171 00:18:40,830 --> 00:18:48,900 Just for those of you who don't understand roughly what happens in a discharge here, this is a terrible slide, isn't it? 172 00:18:50,820 --> 00:18:52,560 You have a tube of plasma, 173 00:18:53,910 --> 00:19:03,060 and what you do in that tube of plasma is you add it to heat that tube of plasma as you energise these coils that make it to a little solenoid. 174 00:19:03,300 --> 00:19:07,080 So you make a field that goes around the toroidal direction. 175 00:19:07,080 --> 00:19:13,050 So this, this field around like this, you do that with superconducting magnet. 176 00:19:13,060 --> 00:19:18,600 So it's on all the time. So the beginning of a shot, actually, there is no plasma there or anything. 177 00:19:18,600 --> 00:19:23,370 You puff in your fuels, deuterium and tritium into the hole in the middle. 178 00:19:23,940 --> 00:19:31,889 The field's already there. Then what you do is you swing the amount of magnetic flux going down through the middle. 179 00:19:31,890 --> 00:19:35,270 This is done on a transformer winding in in each. 180 00:19:35,610 --> 00:19:41,130 It'll just be coils going down through the middle that change the magnetic flux through that loop. 181 00:19:41,640 --> 00:19:44,580 That induces, of course, an EMF around that loop. 182 00:19:45,180 --> 00:19:53,160 And that EMF is enough to break down the gas of deuterium and tritium and what you get is a current flowing around that loop. 183 00:19:54,390 --> 00:19:57,690 Now the great thing about that current is like currents attract. 184 00:19:58,230 --> 00:20:05,970 And so we think of it as a watch of current, the basic, basic force that holds all of this together, the pinched force, as it's called, 185 00:20:06,270 --> 00:20:13,410 is the fact that the like the current going around in the toroidal direction attracts itself, pulls itself in off the wall. 186 00:20:13,560 --> 00:20:18,330 And it's the self attraction of currents that pulls the plasma away from the wall 187 00:20:18,540 --> 00:20:24,960 and supports the pressure gradient because the middle of this plasma is hot, 188 00:20:25,110 --> 00:20:28,799 the edge is cold, and it's pushing out. Right. 189 00:20:28,800 --> 00:20:32,730 And you've got to have a force that's pulling in to hold it together. 190 00:20:32,910 --> 00:20:36,090 And that's the fundamental principle of how the Tokamak works. 191 00:20:36,300 --> 00:20:43,770 Once you can get it into that state, you can start to heat this plasma up to 70 clear temperatures. 192 00:20:43,770 --> 00:20:48,959 And I'll show you how that works in a moment with this is just a picture of the 193 00:20:48,960 --> 00:20:53,970 magnetic configuration that that current will produce because you've got a field going. 194 00:20:54,010 --> 00:20:59,139 Around the long way and the current in the plasma produces a twist in that field. 195 00:20:59,140 --> 00:21:02,200 And Felix showed that the field lines look sort of like that. 196 00:21:02,200 --> 00:21:05,890 These are terrible slides and out of focus. So I'm sorry about that. 197 00:21:07,210 --> 00:21:16,780 So what that field does to the particle orbits inside the plasma is this is a picture, for instance, of the particle orbits. 198 00:21:16,780 --> 00:21:19,790 And this was what Fermi actually was doing. 199 00:21:19,810 --> 00:21:26,950 He was showing you what these particle orbits would look like inside an actually symmetric machine and calculating their drift motion. 200 00:21:27,520 --> 00:21:30,980 And a drift motion here is a particle such as, you know, 201 00:21:31,540 --> 00:21:36,099 just something a maybe a first year Oxford undergraduate could do would integrate the 202 00:21:36,100 --> 00:21:42,069 equations of motion for the particle in these fields and then plot it on a nice picture. 203 00:21:42,070 --> 00:21:50,320 Here you can see this is actually the motion of of an energetic alpha particle in each like field here, 204 00:21:50,980 --> 00:21:56,559 because it's got a nice big fat spiral here and it's bouncing backwards and forwards inside here, 205 00:21:56,560 --> 00:22:01,840 but remaining confined inside the machine so that those are the orbits. 206 00:22:01,840 --> 00:22:08,050 Once you get now as you heat the plasma up and the temperature goes up, it collides less and less. 207 00:22:08,380 --> 00:22:17,410 And a typical main free path in jet might be several kilometres before it actually collides with another particle. 208 00:22:17,410 --> 00:22:21,340 So it will go round the machine many, many times before it actually collides. 209 00:22:24,800 --> 00:22:29,510 So inside his his that pink bit of the plasma again inside. 210 00:22:29,930 --> 00:22:38,240 Peter, you've got a field from the magnetic field of the coils here of 5.2 Tesla. 211 00:22:38,540 --> 00:22:41,810 That's equivalent to a magnetic pressure of about 100 atmospheres. 212 00:22:42,410 --> 00:22:45,799 So force is really quite large in the coils here. 213 00:22:45,800 --> 00:22:54,860 The central temperature of the plasma here in a indicative e to shot is in about 20 kilowatts. 214 00:22:55,280 --> 00:23:02,239 20 kilowatts is about 200 million degrees. And the plasma pressure is about seven atmospheres there. 215 00:23:02,240 --> 00:23:10,190 So the hot bit of the plasma is pushing outwards. And part of the magnetic pressure is pushing inwards and holding that in place. 216 00:23:10,490 --> 00:23:17,629 So that's fundamentally what is happening inside there and the reaction you want to do. 217 00:23:17,630 --> 00:23:24,370 I'm going to go over this again, even though, Felix, did the reaction you want to do this is a little gift from God. 218 00:23:24,380 --> 00:23:37,280 I used to give a lecture when I was teaching at UCLA about fusion being tantalisingly close, but sometimes not close enough. 219 00:23:37,550 --> 00:23:45,320 And one of the tantalising things is that this reaction has a spectacularly large cross-section deuterium and tritium. 220 00:23:45,740 --> 00:23:58,750 It's 100 times the next largest fusion cross-section, which is a D helium three tritium plus deuterium coming together. 221 00:23:58,760 --> 00:24:03,500 Of course, you've got to get them together against the Coulomb repulsion, so they have to ram together hard enough. 222 00:24:03,890 --> 00:24:09,560 And for an instance, they make helium five in the spin free half state. 223 00:24:10,160 --> 00:24:12,620 J Three half state. And it's a resonant interaction. 224 00:24:12,620 --> 00:24:20,980 And that's why you have such a large cross-section and that helium five then splits up into helium four natural helium and a neutron. 225 00:24:20,990 --> 00:24:29,420 And the point I'm making here is this is charged and this is not so in your fusion reactor you have two different particles, 226 00:24:29,420 --> 00:24:38,389 4/5 of the energy because of momentum and energy conservation comes out of the neutron and one fifth comes out as the alpha particle, 227 00:24:38,390 --> 00:24:46,010 the helium nucleus. Right now, the helium nucleus is charged, so it stays inside the magnetic bottle. 228 00:24:46,250 --> 00:24:48,350 It's confined by the magnetic field. 229 00:24:48,680 --> 00:24:57,110 The neutron, on the other hand, doesn't see the magnetic field, crosses the magnetic field and into the wall of your device. 230 00:24:59,120 --> 00:25:03,889 Now, the problem with this reaction, I mean, it's a gift to have such a large cross-section. 231 00:25:03,890 --> 00:25:08,690 But the problem is this tritium, a really remarkable nucleus. 232 00:25:08,690 --> 00:25:12,799 Really, when you think about it, it means you've got one proton and two neutrons. 233 00:25:12,800 --> 00:25:18,170 It's sort of very asymmetric. Tritium doesn't exist in nature. 234 00:25:18,170 --> 00:25:22,750 It has a half life of 12.4 years, so you just don't find it. 235 00:25:22,940 --> 00:25:27,380 You've got to make it. And the way to make it is to bombard lithium. 236 00:25:29,090 --> 00:25:34,700 If a neutron hits lithium six, you will get helium and tritium out. 237 00:25:35,000 --> 00:25:40,220 And you can take that tritium and you can put it back in and do your fusion reaction with it. 238 00:25:40,520 --> 00:25:47,540 So tritium actually isn't a fuel. Tritium is only an intermediary because your fusion reactor has to do two reactions. 239 00:25:47,540 --> 00:25:52,280 It has to do this one and that one, and tritium is produced here, consumed here. 240 00:25:52,520 --> 00:25:56,900 And so it's not actually a fuel. The fuels are lithium and deuterium. 241 00:25:57,680 --> 00:26:02,960 There is 60 billion years worth of of deuterium, fuel. 242 00:26:03,260 --> 00:26:13,520 If we power the whole planet with fusion in seawater and there is a thousand years worth of lithium in the Indian mountains, 243 00:26:13,520 --> 00:26:21,740 in lithium carbonate, it's in salty brines in the Andes Mountains, and there's 30 million years worth of lithium in seawater. 244 00:26:22,730 --> 00:26:26,880 So it's very abundant fuel sources. Okay. 245 00:26:27,260 --> 00:26:36,620 Important point here is you react to has to have this thing going on at about 250 million degrees or between 150 million and 250 million degrees. 246 00:26:36,860 --> 00:26:41,210 And this going on in your walls to produce your tritium to go around. 247 00:26:41,450 --> 00:26:46,070 This happens in something we call blankets in the wall where you deliberately put 248 00:26:46,700 --> 00:26:52,490 lithium into the blanket and breed your tritium in the wall out of the blanket. 249 00:26:53,600 --> 00:27:04,249 So in E to the middle is hot enough that that reaction will be going on at around about five megawatts of power, 250 00:27:04,250 --> 00:27:13,549 permit the cubed of the plasma in the middle of each other and it's producing the helium and the neutron. 251 00:27:13,550 --> 00:27:20,180 From that reaction, the helium gets trapped and stays in the plasma and it has 3.5 megawatts of energy. 252 00:27:20,330 --> 00:27:23,750 The plasma has 20 kilowatts. So that helium goes through the plasma. 253 00:27:24,490 --> 00:27:29,350 Getting that up just by collisional processes and depositing its energy in the plasma. 254 00:27:29,500 --> 00:27:37,900 So that's about 100 megawatts of heating at full power in each hour, and the power from the neutrons comes into the world. 255 00:27:39,100 --> 00:27:48,740 We will not breed most of the tritium for ITER, but we will have six panels on the wall with what we should call the test blanket modules. 256 00:27:49,150 --> 00:27:55,270 Six panels on the wall, testing out six concepts for the breeding blanket on the wall of Eater. 257 00:27:55,480 --> 00:27:58,960 And so of Europe has two of those panels. 258 00:27:59,410 --> 00:28:05,290 The US has decided not to have a panel on the wall and one of the other partners has decided not to have a panel on the wall. 259 00:28:05,290 --> 00:28:13,300 But basically the partners have experiments on the wall to test their concepts that breeding tritium from lithium in the wall. 260 00:28:13,720 --> 00:28:22,030 Key point here, self heating. If you get enough fusion, a fifth of the power will come out of self heating of the plasma. 261 00:28:23,440 --> 00:28:32,049 A nice, handy, dandy formula for the fusion power per metre cubed of plasma can be expressed in these units 262 00:28:32,050 --> 00:28:36,460 where that is the pressure of the plasma in atmospheres and this is megawatts per metric acute. 263 00:28:37,180 --> 00:28:42,630 In order to make a power station, you've got to get at least megawatts per metre cubed, if not more. 264 00:28:42,640 --> 00:28:46,870 Otherwise are going to have to build something the size of Wembley Stadium in order to get the gigawatt out. 265 00:28:47,920 --> 00:28:56,710 So this is a nice, handy dandy formula that works. It's an approximation to all the cross-sections, but a fifth of that fusion power, right, 266 00:28:56,740 --> 00:29:07,270 which is approximately p squared over 50, has to be balanced by the losses which are proportional to the energy in the plasma. 267 00:29:07,270 --> 00:29:16,330 So the pressure divided by this confinement time, the time that it takes for the turbulence to work the heat out. 268 00:29:16,540 --> 00:29:23,230 So this would say if you wanted to get self-heating, you have to get enough fusion to beat the losses due to turbulence. 269 00:29:24,700 --> 00:29:27,520 And if you look at that and this is a time in seconds, 270 00:29:27,850 --> 00:29:36,250 it says you've got to have a confinement time of several seconds in order to be in self-sustained kind of regime. 271 00:29:36,340 --> 00:29:41,380 That's just estimation. This is sort of state of the art simulation of Ito. 272 00:29:42,070 --> 00:29:45,700 This is somebody who's taken all the models of the turbulent transport, 273 00:29:46,090 --> 00:29:52,060 the heating, etc., and put it in a great big CO to model the whole system of ITO. 274 00:29:52,930 --> 00:30:02,020 Okay, so this is time along the bottom here in seconds and let's see what's happening here and fusion power up this side. 275 00:30:02,650 --> 00:30:09,459 Now what you do in ITR is the magnets are on the coils around their superconducting, they're on all the time. 276 00:30:09,460 --> 00:30:15,940 Basically you put in your deuterium and tritium in here and you induce the 277 00:30:15,940 --> 00:30:20,140 current in the plasma by changing the flux through the middle of the Taurus. 278 00:30:20,350 --> 00:30:24,430 So by this time you've actually got a plasma going right here. 279 00:30:25,060 --> 00:30:29,740 But this plasma is it about 10 million degrees, thereabouts. 280 00:30:30,220 --> 00:30:32,500 It's what we call ultimately heated at this point. 281 00:30:32,890 --> 00:30:43,060 At this point here, what this is, is the heater beams going on, the heater beams on E to a beams of neutral particles that come in from the outside. 282 00:30:43,060 --> 00:30:48,010 They slam into the plasma, the heat, the plasma up to the temperatures. 283 00:30:48,010 --> 00:30:52,780 For fusion, they have to be neutral because if they were charged, they wouldn't get through the magnetic field. 284 00:30:53,290 --> 00:30:57,509 So what you have is you have an accelerator that accelerates the charge particle 285 00:30:57,510 --> 00:31:03,190 over neutralise the charged particle to send it in as a neutral atom on jet. 286 00:31:03,190 --> 00:31:08,090 We do that by accelerating negative ions. Sorry, positive chance. 287 00:31:08,110 --> 00:31:15,009 Get the right way around. I'm looking at Barry right here of positive ions and then attaching an electron 288 00:31:15,010 --> 00:31:18,580 to it by passing it through a gas and then injecting it into the plasma. 289 00:31:19,030 --> 00:31:28,329 On Aether they will attach an extra electron to the atom and accelerate it as a negative ion and knock that extra electron off. 290 00:31:28,330 --> 00:31:32,830 And it will come in as a negative, as a as a neutral particle. 291 00:31:33,220 --> 00:31:40,629 So what you've got here is 70 megawatts of power coming into the plasma as those neutral particles, 292 00:31:40,630 --> 00:31:46,000 they slam into the middle of the plasma, get ionised and deposit their energy into the middle of the plasma. 293 00:31:46,300 --> 00:31:53,200 Then the temperature on each of shoots up the temperature I need to shoot up. 294 00:31:53,200 --> 00:31:58,030 And I think in this case, we're getting to about 200 to 230 million degrees. 295 00:31:58,270 --> 00:32:06,249 So 20 to 23 kilowatts at this point. By this time, the deuterium, tritium, fusion power has gone up at the beginning. 296 00:32:06,250 --> 00:32:09,070 It's exponential, and then it goes up as a power law. 297 00:32:09,280 --> 00:32:16,810 So you can see it really is dramatic how much fusion power comes up as the as the temperature goes up, we'll take the red line for obvious reasons. 298 00:32:18,670 --> 00:32:23,650 In the red line you'll see the modelling here has relaxation oscillations in the middle of the class. 299 00:32:24,220 --> 00:32:29,140 We do not model the turbulence directly here. We take the results of those turbulence codes. 300 00:32:29,140 --> 00:32:33,490 We fit them to empirical formulas, and we put them into these systems codes. 301 00:32:34,000 --> 00:32:38,980 And so at this point, we go through now what's happening to the heating as we step down to 50. 302 00:32:39,520 --> 00:32:47,350 Because by the time you've got up to here, the fusion reactions are producing enough heat to be part of the self-sustaining into the plasma. 303 00:32:47,620 --> 00:32:54,550 And actually, what you can do in this red, blue and green case is you can turn off the power of 400. 304 00:32:54,880 --> 00:32:59,020 And the plasma will self-sustained. That's the burning plasma. 305 00:32:59,260 --> 00:33:05,260 That's the plasma in which the fusion itself is providing the heat to keep the plasma hot, to keep it going. 306 00:33:05,530 --> 00:33:11,410 And that is what it really has to do. They'll tell you they wanted to get two Q equals ten. 307 00:33:11,650 --> 00:33:17,770 I'll tell you what I want them to do is to get to a really properly what we call ignited state of self-sustaining, 308 00:33:17,770 --> 00:33:28,750 that like this recording this is simulations from Princeton Group and a scan two was the one that they considered to have the best model, best models. 309 00:33:28,780 --> 00:33:36,790 What they did is they degraded that model. And they said, okay, if that model and our uncertainty in the theory is not very good, 310 00:33:37,090 --> 00:33:44,360 what they did is they lowered one of the boundary values on the temperature and we got skin free here. 311 00:33:44,380 --> 00:33:50,530 This can free would be exciting. Not as exciting as that because it's still self-sustained fusion. 312 00:33:50,980 --> 00:33:55,420 No energy and basically energy out. So that's lovely. 313 00:33:55,930 --> 00:34:04,809 But Skin four would be disastrous. So what happened in scattered forms can form as interesting as you produce fusion reactions. 314 00:34:04,810 --> 00:34:09,850 You make helium that helium heats the plasma, but it is a pollutant. 315 00:34:10,120 --> 00:34:14,440 It's diluting your fuel. It's ash. It's the result of fusion reactions. 316 00:34:14,650 --> 00:34:19,780 So if the heat in builds up, you'll poison the reaction and the tokamak will go out. 317 00:34:20,920 --> 00:34:29,980 And if you so, if. If the turbulence does not flush the helium out after it's slowed down and deposit its energy in there, 318 00:34:30,220 --> 00:34:38,440 you will get a build up of ash and you're talking about will go out in the case of scan for he turned off the turbulent diffusion 319 00:34:38,440 --> 00:34:45,160 of the helium and what happened is it built up and then you can see it went out even before you turned off the heating power. 320 00:34:46,090 --> 00:34:51,790 Right. We don't know exactly how to turn this will interact with the alpha particles. 321 00:34:52,390 --> 00:34:58,240 And that's something we wish to learn from jet more about in the in the next few years. 322 00:34:59,710 --> 00:35:06,560 So that's that's the dramatic thing that could happen on E to each is an experiment. 323 00:35:06,580 --> 00:35:09,700 It's not a demonstration. It's an experiment. 324 00:35:10,120 --> 00:35:20,650 We think that it's this kind of behaviour we will get to, but we have to be aware that we don't know everything that we do over the timescale. 325 00:35:20,890 --> 00:35:26,799 Is that really 400, 400 C at full power? 326 00:35:26,800 --> 00:35:34,000 You'll be able to do something in the thousand to 2000 seconds before heating of various components will be too much. 327 00:35:34,000 --> 00:35:37,240 And you have to turn the machine off. So. 328 00:35:37,470 --> 00:35:41,200 So what was the longest sustained time? 329 00:35:41,380 --> 00:35:45,260 So, James, I'm going to show you that in a second. 330 00:35:45,270 --> 00:35:49,010 But this is about this notion of self-sustaining diffusion here. 331 00:35:49,480 --> 00:35:55,050 Now, looking from this point of view to the decomposition, thinking about 280. 332 00:35:55,420 --> 00:35:59,390 Yeah. So what are we. Well, the plasma, right. 333 00:35:59,400 --> 00:36:05,520 Is it about 23 K and all the reactions are happening in the tail of the Maxwell. 334 00:36:05,910 --> 00:36:12,210 As often happens in these cases, you don't want to hit the temperature to be at the peak of the cross-section of dty, 335 00:36:12,870 --> 00:36:16,530 which is which is about 60 K is the peak. 336 00:36:16,890 --> 00:36:24,360 Because when you get up there, the radiation from the plasma is the best place to sit is a bit lower temperature in the peak of 337 00:36:24,370 --> 00:36:29,190 the diffusion cross-section because the radiation cross-sections are really coming up steeply. 338 00:36:29,280 --> 00:36:30,750 By the time you get to 60 K, 339 00:36:31,290 --> 00:36:38,490 so the optimum temperature to run it is less than the peak of the actual fusion cross-section because you want to keep the radiation down, 340 00:36:39,390 --> 00:36:44,640 particularly the synchrotron radiation. Sorry. The other thing I would mention the poisoning output. 341 00:36:44,970 --> 00:36:50,040 Mm hmm. What about the need for the neutral atoms of deuterium? 342 00:36:50,880 --> 00:36:54,150 Well, you can actually inject tritium, so you're just injecting fuel. 343 00:36:54,910 --> 00:37:00,900 The other way we put fuel into it is we make frozen pellets, and we fly them in as fast as you can. 344 00:37:01,290 --> 00:37:08,010 And they cross before they oblate. They cross a certain distance and that's how you get deuterium and tritium into the middle of the plasma. 345 00:37:08,760 --> 00:37:17,310 One of the questions we don't know the answer to this is will the turbulence differentially transport tritium and deuterium differently? 346 00:37:17,700 --> 00:37:22,920 So we would like to keep 5050 deuterium and tritium everywhere in the plasma. 347 00:37:23,730 --> 00:37:27,480 But if the deuterium is better transported by turbulence than the tritium, 348 00:37:27,720 --> 00:37:32,250 that you'll end up with not 5050, and then you won't have an optimal situation. 349 00:37:32,580 --> 00:37:35,610 So lots of questions that we really don't know the answer to. 350 00:37:35,870 --> 00:37:42,809 And one of the reasons that we're going to do another blast, a huge blast of deuterium and tritium in jet towards the end of this decade. 351 00:37:42,810 --> 00:37:49,080 And I'm about to describe describe that. How do we know this will happen? 352 00:37:51,300 --> 00:37:54,330 Barry smiling at me. Do we know it will happen? 353 00:37:54,510 --> 00:38:02,880 We know it will happen. Partly from empirical extrapolation, from where we are, partly from the theoretical models that have been being described, 354 00:38:03,060 --> 00:38:09,690 and partly from dimensionless dimensionally similar experiments. 355 00:38:09,870 --> 00:38:18,570 So if you if you write the answers in dimensionless quantities and you try and produce a jet discharge that looks like at each discharge, 356 00:38:18,960 --> 00:38:24,300 but just the change is in in the scaling, right. 357 00:38:24,300 --> 00:38:27,720 You should be able to understand what the scale up is. 358 00:38:28,680 --> 00:38:37,950 ETA is twice the size of JET. So the most important machine in the world by far is the next biggest one to each of which is Jet. 359 00:38:38,370 --> 00:38:42,600 And Jet is the only machine in the world that can currently run in tritium. 360 00:38:43,740 --> 00:38:49,950 We had one other which was TFT in the States and they weren't as good as us, so they closed the machine down. 361 00:38:51,150 --> 00:39:02,560 But it's very important in the lead up to each that we use JET as effectively as possible to reduce the risk in the program. 362 00:39:02,970 --> 00:39:10,050 Each program has risks in it, and we can make those less by making sure that on Jet we discover everything necessary. 363 00:39:10,290 --> 00:39:22,500 Going into that, the extrapolation from Jet to E2 is only a factor of two in size, but it is a regime that we've not really been into. 364 00:39:22,740 --> 00:39:29,460 So we are using physics as much as possible to predict that performance, and we hope we will get there. 365 00:39:30,120 --> 00:39:39,179 I will say in the laser world, the extrapolation to NIF from the previous machine Nobel was a huge extrapolation, 366 00:39:39,180 --> 00:39:42,809 and one of the problems that the NIF programme is having at the moment is that 367 00:39:42,810 --> 00:39:47,160 they had nothing in between and it's very important at the moment to run. 368 00:39:47,730 --> 00:39:53,880 This is a picture inside Jet at the moment and three years ago we replaced the inside wall of Jet. 369 00:39:54,570 --> 00:40:01,500 So it was understood in 2009 a report to the commission chaired by Albrecht Bogner, who used to be the head of DSC. 370 00:40:02,310 --> 00:40:08,940 Albrecht, one of his committee, said it is absolutely important to keep jet running right up to the beginning of of each year 371 00:40:08,940 --> 00:40:15,780 because what we will learn from JET will allow us to have expertise going into each operation. 372 00:40:16,680 --> 00:40:22,020 But a key thing is to change jet so that it has the same raw materials as Ito. 373 00:40:22,260 --> 00:40:28,680 And what we've done is this all used to be carbon on the inside of jet, these tiles, etc. all used to be carbon fibre composites. 374 00:40:28,950 --> 00:40:33,179 And this is now beryllium and this is tungsten down here. 375 00:40:33,180 --> 00:40:37,320 This is the what we call the diverter or the system at the bottom. 376 00:40:37,500 --> 00:40:45,120 And this is the robotic arms which we did all the work with. So we now can maintain a jet entirely from externally. 377 00:40:45,360 --> 00:40:50,280 And this is important as we go into tritium operation again, because once you've operating with tritium, 378 00:40:50,280 --> 00:40:55,050 the inside of a jet becomes a hazardous environment and you can't send people inside. 379 00:40:55,230 --> 00:41:04,650 So this capability that we've developed over the last decade and a half in main maintenance in the machine robotically allows us to go forward. 380 00:41:05,100 --> 00:41:16,470 And the key experiments go back to those 1997 experiments, which we call DP one, when we actually did some fusion power out of jet of considerable. 381 00:41:16,650 --> 00:41:20,370 We've run tritium since then in 2003, but they weren't full power. 382 00:41:20,370 --> 00:41:27,060 Tritium shocks. This was the famous shop 16 megawatts here. 383 00:41:27,870 --> 00:41:31,379 But you can see 2 seconds and actually just be honest about it. 384 00:41:31,380 --> 00:41:33,000 It wasn't the best two shots. 385 00:41:33,000 --> 00:41:39,240 I mean, it's a fantastic amount of computing power, but something happened to it right there and it plunged right back down again. 386 00:41:40,980 --> 00:41:44,309 And so it is very transitory in that. 387 00:41:44,310 --> 00:41:49,380 And there were about 24 megawatts of power going in at that time to get that 16 megawatts out. 388 00:41:49,650 --> 00:41:56,580 A much better shot, actually. And something we've used in the prediction is this one where you turn the machine on, 389 00:41:56,580 --> 00:42:02,820 you ramp up the power, you get fusion power, 4.5 megawatts and you turn it off at the end of the shot. 390 00:42:03,090 --> 00:42:10,290 You cannot run longer than this widget because the systems one will run at full power for longer than about five or 6 seconds. 391 00:42:10,590 --> 00:42:16,320 And so that's really all you can do. This was the best the Americans could do, say no more. 392 00:42:18,750 --> 00:42:28,620 But we've been given permission to do tritium again. So about a month ago we launched the project to re engage all of our tritium capability. 393 00:42:28,620 --> 00:42:33,030 We still have tritium on site and we've kept our capability through the years. 394 00:42:33,360 --> 00:42:40,470 But now the plan is to start tritium operation in 2017 and to break our records. 395 00:42:40,980 --> 00:42:45,780 And what the predictions of the code say is that we can probably get up to about. 396 00:42:46,160 --> 00:42:50,450 20 megawatts for about five or 6 seconds. 397 00:42:50,960 --> 00:42:56,090 It says 2015 because I was promised we could start in 2015 and now it's 2017. 398 00:42:56,840 --> 00:43:04,820 So sorry about that. But I think it's very important to do this because there's a lot of questions that we don't know about for the tritium operation. 399 00:43:06,710 --> 00:43:10,730 I'm running out of time, so I will move on very quickly. 400 00:43:11,240 --> 00:43:18,319 Question Can we make it smaller and cheaper? The problems is to the size of jet. 401 00:43:18,320 --> 00:43:24,260 The size of it are set by being big enough that the time it takes turbulence to move 402 00:43:24,260 --> 00:43:29,480 the hot plasma to the edge of the cold plasma to the middle is 3 to 4 seconds. 403 00:43:30,980 --> 00:43:40,220 And if we could go back to almost ten months free operation, the size of the machine would shrink to tens of centimetres instead of many metres, 404 00:43:41,630 --> 00:43:45,410 and it would make a lot of difference in the development of fusion. 405 00:43:45,560 --> 00:43:51,920 I think it's crucial to get to electricity as soon as possible. So I'm fully in support of demo and of beta. 406 00:43:52,370 --> 00:43:59,540 But what we need to be doing right now with the more academic side of things is looking to ways to make it smaller, cheaper, faster, etc. 407 00:44:00,960 --> 00:44:05,480 I can't guarantee anything here, but could we go towards more? 408 00:44:05,630 --> 00:44:13,280 Well, at least reduced tokamaks. And what we've done with Oxford is to assemble the best. 409 00:44:14,090 --> 00:44:24,230 I think we now have the best theoretical plasma physics fusion plasma physics group in the world here at this collection check in power. 410 00:44:24,920 --> 00:44:29,569 Michael Bonds, who's joining from Texas, Edmund Haycock, who's it to join our effort? 411 00:44:29,570 --> 00:44:35,960 Maudlin really done some absolutely terrific work. And I want you to just highlight what that was and what we were thinking. 412 00:44:36,560 --> 00:44:41,800 Okay. So the the turbulence is really quite small scale compared to the size of the device. 413 00:44:41,810 --> 00:44:45,710 In fact, the typical eddy size is the size of these of a radio. 414 00:44:46,190 --> 00:44:52,340 It's a few times that and it means there are about a thousand eddies in the size of each. 415 00:44:53,360 --> 00:44:58,790 But terms is really small scale. It's not these big turbulent eddies, etc., it's this small scale stuff. 416 00:44:59,270 --> 00:45:05,570 And how can you change that? Because you've got this free energy source, which is it's hot there, it's cold there. 417 00:45:05,780 --> 00:45:07,610 Can you really reduce that? 418 00:45:07,850 --> 00:45:17,479 Well, one of the things and I think I'm going to skip through this because it's been covered before, but this term, this is fully kinetic. 419 00:45:17,480 --> 00:45:25,220 There are almost no collisions. It's not a fluid. It's it's a collection of charged particles in phase space that makes up a plasma. 420 00:45:25,400 --> 00:45:33,260 And so it's truly a5d problem. And to simulate on an even on the best computers simulating in five D, 421 00:45:33,740 --> 00:45:38,390 the best way to make progress is through smart theory and not through big computers, 422 00:45:39,260 --> 00:45:45,620 because big computers get you a factor of two every now and again. And smart theory can get you a factor of a thousand every now and again. 423 00:45:46,550 --> 00:45:54,950 And the key thing here was to average out all the all the timescales to make the problem as compact as possible. 424 00:45:55,100 --> 00:46:03,830 And then it could go on a large computer and a key one was this averaging around the motion, around the free lines, 425 00:46:04,130 --> 00:46:09,020 and to produce the distribution function of charged rings as opposed to a distribution 426 00:46:09,020 --> 00:46:14,540 function of particles that reduced it from six dimensions to five dimensions, 427 00:46:14,900 --> 00:46:18,800 but also reduced the time scales that we have to solve on. 428 00:46:19,130 --> 00:46:22,310 And that was critical, those simulations. 429 00:46:22,330 --> 00:46:29,719 The second thing that reduced the number and that reduction took down the computational 430 00:46:29,720 --> 00:46:33,500 problem by about a factor of ten to the three by a factor of a thousand. 431 00:46:33,800 --> 00:46:42,050 The second one was this idea of simulating not the whole plasma at once, but only one correlated volume at a time. 432 00:46:42,800 --> 00:46:46,880 And this reduced the size of the volume that you had to solve on your supercomputer. 433 00:46:47,660 --> 00:46:58,790 This was another factor of a thousand in the calculation. You've seen this before, but the key thing here was an observation of what happened. 434 00:46:59,540 --> 00:47:05,600 This this plasma is rotating. You think it's rotating like a smoke group. 435 00:47:05,930 --> 00:47:11,270 You think it's a toroidal vortex doing this, but actually it's an inverse bipolar effect. 436 00:47:11,570 --> 00:47:16,610 It's really rotating in the long way round. And because of the striations, 437 00:47:17,000 --> 00:47:23,780 it looks like it's rotating the short way round in the middle is rotating one way and the outside is rotating the other way. 438 00:47:24,020 --> 00:47:29,210 The main rotation is being taken out. That rotation turns out to be incredibly important. 439 00:47:29,390 --> 00:47:36,410 What it does is it combs out the large eddies that want to move lots of hot stuff all the way out and back in again. 440 00:47:36,410 --> 00:47:39,560 You can see how they're being sheared apart by the sheer and the rotation. 441 00:47:39,830 --> 00:47:43,580 And in fact, this region here, there's so much shear, there's almost no turbulence. 442 00:47:44,090 --> 00:47:52,680 We observe that in JET. We observe that in mast is that the turbulence can be suppressed by the share in the rotation quite considerably. 443 00:47:53,700 --> 00:47:57,030 In fact, this is what you see in the Big Bang Theory. 444 00:47:58,560 --> 00:48:00,900 The Big Bang Theory is produced in Los Angeles, 445 00:48:00,900 --> 00:48:10,680 and I used to be a professor at UCLA before I came back to the To Run column and we were having a conference. 446 00:48:10,680 --> 00:48:19,770 I think actually Alex was there and the technical adviser to the Big Bang Theory is Dave Saltzberg, who's a particle physicist at UCLA. 447 00:48:20,040 --> 00:48:30,590 And every Monday afternoon he goes to the the set of the Big Bang Theory, and he writes things on the whiteboard for Sheldon to to to display. 448 00:48:31,500 --> 00:48:39,450 And we had been thinking about shared rotation in Tokamaks and talking about sheering apart 449 00:48:39,450 --> 00:48:44,219 the eddy structures by stretching them out and how much we could suppress the turbulence. 450 00:48:44,220 --> 00:48:52,320 By doing that, it's not obvious that by rotating and producing a sheared flow that you make the turbulence better, you might make it worse. 451 00:48:52,650 --> 00:48:55,110 And so there's all kinds of calculations going on here. 452 00:48:55,380 --> 00:49:00,810 But anyway, what Dave Saltzberg did was to take the white board that was sitting in the physics department there, 453 00:49:00,930 --> 00:49:05,729 copy down what was on it, and then put it on to the white board, the Big Bang Theory. 454 00:49:05,730 --> 00:49:08,910 And so that's an actual still. That's fine. 455 00:49:10,990 --> 00:49:14,280 Anyway, can we share away the turbulence? 456 00:49:14,640 --> 00:49:17,010 Well, his very interesting calculation. 457 00:49:17,010 --> 00:49:25,980 So about three or four years ago when when Felix Power came here and Michael Barnes was here and Edmund Haycock was just a PhD student, 458 00:49:26,250 --> 00:49:31,350 we had a project to say what would be the optimum shared rotation we put into the project. 459 00:49:31,920 --> 00:49:37,620 So along here is the rotation share in units you don't have to care about an up here is the turbulent 460 00:49:37,620 --> 00:49:45,660 heat flux and we're normally working in a plasma that has a temperature gradient of about the red curve. 461 00:49:46,260 --> 00:49:57,870 And so what you can see is as you increase the rotation shift, you come to a region here with no turbulence, no turbulent heat flux and no turbines. 462 00:49:57,870 --> 00:50:01,620 We're about here right now on the mast device column. 463 00:50:01,620 --> 00:50:08,969 If we can get down into this spot here, we should see a dramatic increase in the quality of the confinement. 464 00:50:08,970 --> 00:50:12,960 So there's a sort of optimum shear rate here that might be there. 465 00:50:13,260 --> 00:50:16,889 So there's little Haynes and the plasma sometimes does this. 466 00:50:16,890 --> 00:50:21,810 Sometimes it produces sheared parts of the plasma where there's almost no turbines. 467 00:50:22,140 --> 00:50:27,990 There's little hints that having a having a magnetic confinement device without turbines is possible. 468 00:50:28,590 --> 00:50:32,250 And what we need we need from the theoreticians now is to lead. 469 00:50:32,520 --> 00:50:36,420 Somebody earlier said, you know, other theoreticians, just tell me I'm done. 470 00:50:37,050 --> 00:50:42,360 Are the theoreticians just explaining the experiments or are they leading the experiments here? 471 00:50:42,360 --> 00:50:48,299 We want them to lead the experiments. We're building a new machine at Culham. 472 00:50:48,300 --> 00:50:51,900 It's an assembly right now. It'll be on line this time next year. 473 00:50:52,320 --> 00:50:58,740 It will rotate at Mach one, and we will hope to hit that sweet spot. 474 00:50:59,580 --> 00:51:04,409 One more thing. We have to rotate that by momentum input. 475 00:51:04,410 --> 00:51:13,920 And what Felix has shown, something quite remarkable is that turbulence sometimes can produce velocity shear without there being any momentum input. 476 00:51:15,000 --> 00:51:19,920 It transports some angular momentum inwards, the opposite of momentum outwards, 477 00:51:20,850 --> 00:51:26,520 and produces a sheared rotation inside your device with no net momentum input. 478 00:51:27,180 --> 00:51:33,989 That would be fantastic because then maybe we can encourage future fusion reactions, reactors to rotate on their own. 479 00:51:33,990 --> 00:51:34,920 So thank you very much.