1 00:00:00,060 --> 00:00:05,970 Good afternoon, everybody. I apologise for the delay. So first, I would like to welcome you to the 16th lecture. 2 00:00:06,360 --> 00:00:13,110 As you know, the lecture series is one of the many activities that is being supported by the Cancer Family Charitable Foundation. 3 00:00:13,380 --> 00:00:18,600 So very big thank you to Sir Michael and Lady Dorothy Hinson for their support over the years. 4 00:00:18,840 --> 00:00:24,930 So of course, our speaker tonight, we're very delighted to have Professor Brendan Doyle from the University of Montreal, 5 00:00:25,230 --> 00:00:28,650 known locally of course as the when you see them all well so. 6 00:00:29,610 --> 00:00:39,120 And he is director of the institute. I need to get this right the Institute for Research on Exoplanets as well as the Omega Antique Observatory. 7 00:00:39,120 --> 00:00:46,530 The Omega Arctic Observatory operates a smallish telescope, but is a very effective platform, in fact, for instrument development. 8 00:00:46,740 --> 00:00:53,969 And you'll see that that Aeneas made a name for himself by developing innovative, cutting edge instrumentation. 9 00:00:53,970 --> 00:01:00,330 And that telescope is really a precious resource for those instrument development efforts. 10 00:01:01,320 --> 00:01:05,040 So actually, Rodney started his career not too far away from here. 11 00:01:05,040 --> 00:01:10,319 He got this from Imperial College in London in 1990 and then moved back to 12 00:01:10,320 --> 00:01:14,549 Montreal fairly early on and was a post-doctoral fellow there and a research 13 00:01:14,550 --> 00:01:22,350 associate before getting what is called a Canada research chair that is offered by the National Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada, 14 00:01:22,590 --> 00:01:25,890 the equivalent of The New Yorker I here in the UK. 15 00:01:26,340 --> 00:01:30,840 And that is meant actually to promote links, I guess between academia and industry. 16 00:01:30,840 --> 00:01:34,260 So that's where the incidental development comes about. 17 00:01:34,500 --> 00:01:37,920 And after that, he moved on to a professorship at the university. 18 00:01:37,920 --> 00:01:45,210 And as we'll hear today, his fame, I guess, really started ten years or so ago when he probably made his biggest discovery. 19 00:01:45,390 --> 00:01:50,340 So I think was the first person to take a direct image of a planet around another star. 20 00:01:51,060 --> 00:01:57,840 And that was, in fact, the combination, again, of very effective and ingenious instrumental development. 21 00:01:57,840 --> 00:02:03,410 So we'll hear undoubtedly about this today. In fact, he's been involved in many instrumentation efforts. 22 00:02:03,930 --> 00:02:11,070 His babies, as he says now, are the instrument, spittle and nips, one on the left hand side telescope in Hawaii, 23 00:02:11,370 --> 00:02:16,679 the other on a 3.6 metre at the Sea Observatory in Chile and is all about high resolution 24 00:02:16,680 --> 00:02:22,590 spectrograph to detect and characterise exoplanets using the so-called radial velocity method, 25 00:02:22,830 --> 00:02:29,489 which I suspect we'll hear about as well today. He's also involved in an instrument on the Gemini telescope. 26 00:02:29,490 --> 00:02:37,560 Of course, the UK is a partner along with Canada and the US in operating that scope and is developing a planet imager for that. 27 00:02:38,520 --> 00:02:44,520 And perhaps his biggest expectation now is is involved with the James Webb Space Telescope, 28 00:02:44,520 --> 00:02:49,890 the successor to Hubble in an instrument called NEAREST that again aims to characterise exoplanets. 29 00:02:50,370 --> 00:02:53,160 So I'll just mention a few prizes and then we'll move on. 30 00:02:53,880 --> 00:03:00,959 So here's one, in fact, the the polonium prize song from NASA, again, this Canadian Research Council, 31 00:03:00,960 --> 00:03:10,440 as well as the 2009 prize from the American Association for the Advancement of Science and the National Medal of the National Assembly in Quebec, 32 00:03:10,440 --> 00:03:17,280 amongst other things. So anyway, without further ado, here is an and he will tell us about the quest for nearby habitable world. 33 00:03:17,290 --> 00:03:32,389 So thank you very much. Many thank you, Malcolm. It's really a great pleasure and a great honour to be here today to talk to the subject, 34 00:03:32,390 --> 00:03:37,700 which I you know, I have to be honest, I've never I've not always studied exoplanets. 35 00:03:37,970 --> 00:03:42,530 I started my my career as not to mentioned as an actual galactic astronomer. 36 00:03:42,980 --> 00:03:49,340 So but it's like in 1995 when the very first time it was discovered, that was really a turning point for me. 37 00:03:49,470 --> 00:03:51,950 So today I'm going to talk to you about this quest, 38 00:03:52,130 --> 00:03:59,240 this quest about finding habitable worlds that is planet that are potentially inhabited by my life. 39 00:03:59,720 --> 00:04:04,340 So that's the main question I wish try to answer. It's a long term question. 40 00:04:04,340 --> 00:04:12,800 I'm not going to it's not going to happen any day. But I, I think I hope I can do to you that we may have an answer to this in a few decades. 41 00:04:12,810 --> 00:04:21,070 So many of you will probably see that for me, not within my professional lifetime or probably by my late, my and my courage when that happens. 42 00:04:21,260 --> 00:04:23,480 But it will happen. We will likely see that discovery. 43 00:04:24,080 --> 00:04:29,840 So but just to be clear about what I'm going to talk about, why don't we mention about we mentioned life. 44 00:04:30,170 --> 00:04:35,510 You probably have all kinds of a picture and in your mind you're thinking in bacteria, you know, 45 00:04:35,580 --> 00:04:41,720 little plants, animals, and of course, you're probably thinking of the most powerful species on earth. 46 00:04:41,840 --> 00:04:46,250 Right. Those people. Right. Or perhaps that species. 47 00:04:47,330 --> 00:04:53,120 Right. Or perhaps you have another idea about life outside the solar system. 48 00:04:53,480 --> 00:04:59,180 Those guys. I'm not going to talk about those. No, that would be a fantastically fine, intelligent life. 49 00:04:59,540 --> 00:05:10,460 That's not what I'm going to talk about. I'll we'll talk about a more modern life bacteria that have an influence on on their on a planet on earth. 50 00:05:10,820 --> 00:05:14,690 The the oxygen is produced by by plants. 51 00:05:15,530 --> 00:05:18,560 CO2 is produced by by us. 52 00:05:19,490 --> 00:05:24,500 Methane is really coming from cows. And so this is what we're trying to do. 53 00:05:24,500 --> 00:05:31,550 So it's the plan is to detect a biosignature, trying to detect the effect of life in its on its atmosphere. 54 00:05:31,820 --> 00:05:37,729 And that's the main goal, detecting the atmosphere of an exoplanet and actually measuring its chemical composition. 55 00:05:37,730 --> 00:05:40,070 As you can see, as you will see, it is very hard, 56 00:05:40,280 --> 00:05:47,240 but that what we're rapidly reaching humanity is reaching the technological maturity to actually do this. 57 00:05:48,110 --> 00:05:54,140 Okay. So there's no there's no speculation about the fact that these exist. 58 00:05:54,170 --> 00:05:57,409 It's not a scientific fact. And it's so many possibilities. 59 00:05:57,410 --> 00:06:02,780 We're estimating there's probably tens of billions of habitable planets in our own galaxy, 60 00:06:02,930 --> 00:06:08,720 and probably the closest one is in our in the start to just us at four and four like years. 61 00:06:10,250 --> 00:06:12,980 So what we're looking for is something that looks like us, 62 00:06:13,250 --> 00:06:20,780 a rocky planet with water on it and an atmosphere that's key, again, to actually to hope to detect a biosignature. 63 00:06:22,370 --> 00:06:26,359 So and we're also looking for a planet at the right place around there, star. 64 00:06:26,360 --> 00:06:30,380 That's what we call the habitable zone is this distance not too far, 65 00:06:30,590 --> 00:06:35,780 not too close to the star so that you can hope to have liquid water at the surface of the planet. 66 00:06:36,170 --> 00:06:40,159 Now, the the question of the planet being habitable is a very complex one. 67 00:06:40,160 --> 00:06:47,030 It's just it's much more complex than this simple criteria of finding where the star is next to the star. 68 00:06:47,180 --> 00:06:51,440 But that's the first thought. That's the very first thing we can do. We can actually there's so many whole planet, 69 00:06:51,450 --> 00:06:58,700 so we can choose those that are most likely inhabited and we're concentrating on those that are within their habitable zone. 70 00:06:59,780 --> 00:07:05,720 Okay. So how do we detect is it possible to do it live from afar? 71 00:07:05,870 --> 00:07:09,650 So imagine you are on the moon during a moon eclipse. 72 00:07:10,070 --> 00:07:13,540 So in face of all these would be completely dark. It's not dark. 73 00:07:13,550 --> 00:07:17,030 You can watch the moon, it's actually red. And that's because of the atmosphere. 74 00:07:17,330 --> 00:07:19,460 The atmosphere is filtering light from the sun. 75 00:07:19,760 --> 00:07:26,180 And if you are on the moon with a spectrograph, something that measure that bisects light into its colour, 76 00:07:26,450 --> 00:07:32,310 that we express in wavelength, this is what you would see. So you'd see, you know, this is the visible part. 77 00:07:32,330 --> 00:07:38,840 This is the infrared part. And all these wiggles are the spectral signature of molecules. 78 00:07:39,170 --> 00:07:42,170 So if there's one that is mind boggling, it's the O2. This is Oxygen. 79 00:07:42,320 --> 00:07:45,740 This band here is water. There's little dips. Here is methane. 80 00:07:46,100 --> 00:07:55,790 So you can see from a distance with the right instrument, it's actually possible to detect that that planet, that atmosphere has life on it. 81 00:07:56,330 --> 00:08:02,270 Now, of course, that's easy on the moon. Now, try to imagine being a bit more further away. 82 00:08:02,540 --> 00:08:10,400 So this is a picture of the earth as seen from by the Galileo spacecraft in 1990 on its way to Jupiter. 83 00:08:10,570 --> 00:08:18,680 Galileo was it was to study Jupiter. And this man, Carl Sagan, propose a very interesting experiment. 84 00:08:19,070 --> 00:08:23,180 So let's point all our instruments toward the earth while we're there. 85 00:08:23,510 --> 00:08:33,150 And we're going to. Analyse the data as this. This was a data from an exoplanet and let's see what are we can actually identify life. 86 00:08:33,270 --> 00:08:39,270 So it's basically a control experiment. Can we actually detect life from afar using our instruments? 87 00:08:39,600 --> 00:08:43,830 So it made it to a nature paper back in 1990. 88 00:08:44,130 --> 00:08:50,180 And lo and behold, Carl Sagan demonstrated that there was lots of oxygen in a spectrum. 89 00:08:50,190 --> 00:08:56,250 We can can see it here. We can even detect pigment from that chlorophyll, which is very exciting. 90 00:08:56,670 --> 00:09:06,600 And we can also detect methane in a very unnatural abundance, which it can only explain if there's active biological activity. 91 00:09:06,990 --> 00:09:15,960 And there's even even suggestions there's the radio signal to receive on this planet suggests that there may be intelligent life on the planet. 92 00:09:16,860 --> 00:09:23,980 So this is a controlled experiment that, again, from afar you can actually detect life from exoplanets. 93 00:09:25,020 --> 00:09:28,390 Okay. But of course, it's much harder than this. 94 00:09:28,410 --> 00:09:36,210 So Voyager one in 1990, as it was leaving, it was leaving the solar system well beyond the orbit of Neptune. 95 00:09:36,480 --> 00:09:41,110 Took that picture. That's the Earth. And it's now called the Pale Blue Dot. 96 00:09:41,190 --> 00:09:42,870 So this is the challenge. 97 00:09:42,870 --> 00:09:51,480 So you have to take that life and analyse it and and determine that this planet has an atmosphere and that it has oxygen, methane water. 98 00:09:51,750 --> 00:10:00,230 So that's our goal. But that planet that that picture was taken, only one six thousands from that, the closest star. 99 00:10:00,240 --> 00:10:07,770 So you can see this is difficult. But I hope I will convince you that quite soon we'll have the technology to to do that, that task. 100 00:10:08,670 --> 00:10:15,750 Okay. So how are we going to do this? Well, we need ways of first detecting planets and characterising this atmosphere. 101 00:10:16,170 --> 00:10:25,830 So I'm showing here you hear a picture of the sky, which you can probably look nice, but that's actually the the the great square. 102 00:10:25,860 --> 00:10:30,089 I guess this I'm showing you that region here because there's three stars in that in that region 103 00:10:30,090 --> 00:10:35,430 that you can see with binoculars that really made history and have an excellent research. 104 00:10:36,090 --> 00:10:41,130 So I'll walk you through all these these stars. So the first one is 51 Pegasi. 105 00:10:41,520 --> 00:10:45,960 So that's the first planet around which we discovered a planet around a normal star. 106 00:10:46,860 --> 00:10:52,860 So the way it was done, so this what we call the wobbling technique of it's basically literally watching stars dancing. 107 00:10:53,220 --> 00:11:02,250 So basically, you know, we always think that the planet revolves around the star, but really the star also revolved around the planet. 108 00:11:02,260 --> 00:11:05,400 In fact, they do revolve around the common point, a centre of mass. 109 00:11:05,610 --> 00:11:11,130 As a result, because of the the period of the planet, the star is moving. 110 00:11:11,490 --> 00:11:16,230 And so you can actually measure that by taking a spectrum, again, of the of of the star. 111 00:11:16,440 --> 00:11:23,340 And while the the the the star moving away from you, the spectrum is blue shifted away redshifted. 112 00:11:23,580 --> 00:11:29,040 So it's very simple. And now we have instrument that can actually do this with very high accuracy. 113 00:11:29,280 --> 00:11:33,810 So those are the data. So basically the plan is you go with your telescope, you're in Studio Spectrograph, 114 00:11:34,140 --> 00:11:41,070 you take a spectrum and you had it lost, and then you plot it in time and you can see that with time it will oscillate. 115 00:11:41,230 --> 00:11:45,030 That's that, the telltale signature of a planet. 116 00:11:45,570 --> 00:11:51,690 Now, just to give you an idea of the difficulty on this, so this the first one was an average of 50 metres per second, 117 00:11:52,050 --> 00:11:56,490 but now we can actually detect planets with as low as one metre per second. 118 00:11:56,540 --> 00:12:01,290 I'm walking here at the speed of about less than four or five metres per second. 119 00:12:02,460 --> 00:12:08,910 Okay, so one very famous discovery that was done back in June of 2012 by the Swiss team, 120 00:12:08,910 --> 00:12:16,290 which arguably one of the best in the world to do this kind of work is what we detect a nought mass planet around Alpha Centauri. 121 00:12:16,290 --> 00:12:20,159 B So Alpha Centauri is the closest star system to us. 122 00:12:20,160 --> 00:12:29,640 It's actually three stars. It's two stars. It's a binary system component A and B and the Swiss found an earth like planet around component B, 123 00:12:30,210 --> 00:12:38,010 so it's about an Earth size, not in the middle of a zone. But yeah, that was quite, quite a groundbreaking discovery. 124 00:12:38,130 --> 00:12:47,820 They had found it a rocky planet. Now, it turns out four years ago and I have to say that the actual signal is is marginal. 125 00:12:48,120 --> 00:12:51,209 So what you see here. Yeah. Just physicist in the room. 126 00:12:51,210 --> 00:12:54,340 Right. So every point is a radial velocity. 127 00:12:54,360 --> 00:13:00,570 Now the scale is change from before this is metres per second. And you think the average of all these points you get the record. 128 00:13:00,630 --> 00:13:05,550 So yeah, it was convincing enough to the community to say, yeah, 129 00:13:05,580 --> 00:13:11,850 it looks like we've detected a rocky planet around Alpha Centauri B until a team of astronomers, 130 00:13:11,870 --> 00:13:18,990 in fact Susan and Ryan here at Oxford realised that data do in fact show that it was not. 131 00:13:19,500 --> 00:13:24,360 It was actually stellar activity. The issue is that a star has spots. 132 00:13:24,860 --> 00:13:30,829 As the star rotates, it can fool you that the star is moving, but it's not. 133 00:13:30,830 --> 00:13:34,010 It's just bubbling on the surface. So that is very important. 134 00:13:34,340 --> 00:13:43,070 And in fact, I'm showing this because, you know, even though you need a very powerful instrument to do this kind of work to detect them, 135 00:13:43,400 --> 00:13:46,730 you really need very, very important data analysis tool. 136 00:13:47,000 --> 00:13:54,350 And that was one that is very powerful and one that will continue to be absolutely crucial in our quest to detect a biosignature. 137 00:13:55,220 --> 00:14:03,470 Okay. So people do not give up. So around this pair of stars, there's a third one that we call Proxima B. 138 00:14:03,950 --> 00:14:07,280 This one is a much fainter star. You cannot see it with your eyes. 139 00:14:07,490 --> 00:14:11,170 You need a small telescope. It's a red dwarf and Orion it. 140 00:14:11,510 --> 00:14:14,900 There is a planet that was detected to rate of lusty. 141 00:14:15,110 --> 00:14:22,590 And now you can see the signal. It's much better behave. But I still put a question mark and that one is right smack into the habitable zone. 142 00:14:22,970 --> 00:14:27,380 So then there we go. We have we have one. This one is around. 143 00:14:27,620 --> 00:14:30,890 This is the closest habitable that will ever find. Right. 144 00:14:31,760 --> 00:14:36,290 Okay. So we'll see with time whether this planet turned out to be to be true. 145 00:14:36,290 --> 00:14:39,350 But I have to say that the signal is much stronger. We'll see. 146 00:14:40,820 --> 00:14:44,210 Now moving on to another star, HD 29458b. 147 00:14:44,660 --> 00:14:51,470 So this one is very is very similar to 51 figures. And I do not make sure that the the that the planet around 51 because it's a hot Jupiter. 148 00:14:51,500 --> 00:14:54,710 It's a planet, the mass of Jupiter, but much closer. 149 00:14:54,860 --> 00:14:59,390 It revolves around this star in three days instead of 12 years, go for Jupiter. 150 00:14:59,690 --> 00:15:04,840 So that's why we know that they're very close to their star. They're very hot. So that's why we call them measure hard to believe. 151 00:15:05,480 --> 00:15:10,550 So 29458. Was also discovered as a hot to return to the wobbling technique. 152 00:15:11,000 --> 00:15:16,820 But that one is very special. The the orbit happens to be aligned with you. 153 00:15:16,830 --> 00:15:19,850 So that's when this planet go in front of this star. 154 00:15:19,990 --> 00:15:24,140 It is a small eclipse and you can actually detect that. In fact, it's correcting the easy. 155 00:15:24,620 --> 00:15:31,730 And this was done by Didier Tamano and back in 19 into Tarzan. 156 00:15:32,120 --> 00:15:38,420 And so basically with the stars winking at you. So the bigger the planet is, the bigger the wink. 157 00:15:38,840 --> 00:15:43,760 So this is a very powerful technique because we actually know quite well the radius of stars. 158 00:15:43,940 --> 00:15:48,020 So we can measure that depth and you can do that especially in space. 159 00:15:48,200 --> 00:15:52,249 You can measure the radius of the other planet, which is a very fundamental continent. 160 00:15:52,250 --> 00:15:57,710 And you want to know, are we dealing with a rocky planet, a small earth sized planet, or a big giant planet? 161 00:15:59,180 --> 00:16:06,410 Okay. So that was the trigger to actually of a new mission called Kepler, which was launched in the late 2000. 162 00:16:06,710 --> 00:16:13,700 And Kepler has a small telescope that look at this piece of this patch of the sky, which is not much bigger than your hand projected on the sky. 163 00:16:14,000 --> 00:16:19,730 And the vast majority of the close 2 to 4000 exoplanet that we've found so far are from Kepler. 164 00:16:20,030 --> 00:16:26,230 So Kepler, the goal couple was to find Rocky Planet around Sun Like Star, just stars like our own. 165 00:16:26,510 --> 00:16:27,590 It did find many of them. 166 00:16:28,130 --> 00:16:35,360 The problem is that most of these planetary systems are relatively away from us, so it's very difficult even to measure the mass of these planets. 167 00:16:36,500 --> 00:16:40,550 Okay. So what did Kepler found? 168 00:16:40,580 --> 00:16:48,110 So this is a picture of our family portrait. This is the gas giant planets Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune. 169 00:16:48,590 --> 00:16:53,809 The rocky planets are very small on the earth. Venus, Mars, Mercury. 170 00:16:53,810 --> 00:16:59,390 And I think this is Pluto here. So what they will point out, do you think Kepler found why? 171 00:16:59,420 --> 00:17:06,110 It was a big surprise. It found something like this. We don't know how to call them because they don't exist in our solar system. 172 00:17:06,500 --> 00:17:09,770 So we call that either super earth, meaning Neptune's. 173 00:17:10,100 --> 00:17:15,380 We don't know what they are. We don't know what they are. In fact, we're going to learn a lot about those in the coming years. 174 00:17:15,650 --> 00:17:21,500 And some of them could be water well, rocky planets covered in oceans. 175 00:17:22,200 --> 00:17:26,810 And those things are theoretically possible, but we haven't found any evidence of that yet. 176 00:17:27,080 --> 00:17:35,000 But that's a very important discovery. Do to remember that the the most typical exoplanet in a solar neighbourhood does not exist in our solar system. 177 00:17:36,440 --> 00:17:40,820 Okay. Now, even more powerful technique relative to the transit method. 178 00:17:41,150 --> 00:17:47,060 Now imagine that while the star of the planet grows in front of a star, you take a spectrum, so you measure its character. 179 00:17:47,070 --> 00:17:48,980 This is symbolised by various wavelengths. 180 00:17:49,400 --> 00:17:55,340 And so if there's a molecule in the atmosphere that happens to block life like water, the planet will look bigger. 181 00:17:56,210 --> 00:18:01,670 So by measuring the the relative that of these at various wavelength of various colour, 182 00:18:02,060 --> 00:18:05,330 you can actually have some insight about the chemical composition of the atmosphere. 183 00:18:06,470 --> 00:18:10,400 Now, I have to say this is very difficult to do. We can do it right now. 184 00:18:10,430 --> 00:18:20,030 We can do it especially with the Hubble Space Telescope. So here's an actual measurement of the this this this, this contributors to a945 HD. 185 00:18:20,300 --> 00:18:24,540 So this is the transit, the depth and the the the black points are the actual. 186 00:18:24,630 --> 00:18:29,550 Data obtained with Hubble and the include this is the model of water. 187 00:18:30,060 --> 00:18:34,080 So we have detected water in the atmosphere of an exoplanet. But this is a hot Jupiter. 188 00:18:34,080 --> 00:18:39,560 It's not a rocky planet. And doing that for a small planet, it's much, much more difficult. 189 00:18:39,570 --> 00:18:44,730 But as you can see, as you will see later, it becomes it will it will be the next few years. 190 00:18:46,110 --> 00:18:50,910 Okay. Now, moving on to my favourite star, H.R. seven, 99. 191 00:18:51,210 --> 00:18:55,290 So this is the start around, which we actually found the very first image. 192 00:18:55,620 --> 00:19:04,770 So as I said, after 1995, I became very interested in trying to find means techniques, how to actually take pictures of those. 193 00:19:05,550 --> 00:19:09,510 So this is illustrated here, how we do this. We basically masked the star. 194 00:19:09,780 --> 00:19:13,649 And by doing so, the actually the planet is very faint. 195 00:19:13,650 --> 00:19:18,660 Next to it becomes revealed. Now, historically, it wasn't done quite like this. 196 00:19:19,590 --> 00:19:28,440 So but we you needed to the biggest telescope. Yeah. You could have in hand and telescope and the best instrument to make your image very, very sharp. 197 00:19:28,710 --> 00:19:34,980 So an actual image of a star on an individual telescope looks like this. 198 00:19:35,400 --> 00:19:40,180 Once you remove the actual main signal from the star, it's a it's a complete mess. 199 00:19:40,500 --> 00:19:44,130 Okay. So to detect a planet around that mass is very difficult. 200 00:19:44,340 --> 00:19:47,879 And this is where two of my students actually got involved in developing new techniques, 201 00:19:47,880 --> 00:19:59,820 new observing strategies with these telescope and data analysis tools to to process the data to turn them into this so suddenly that without, 202 00:19:59,820 --> 00:20:08,310 you know, changing any instruments, just new data analysis tools, new tricks, we are able to to to detect very, very faint companion. 203 00:20:08,670 --> 00:20:10,680 Now, we got excited many, many times, 204 00:20:10,680 --> 00:20:16,140 but it turns out that the vast majority of those are background stars that happens to be that they're not exoplanets. 205 00:20:16,560 --> 00:20:20,490 So it took about ten years to do to do this. And finally, we got lucky. 206 00:20:21,240 --> 00:20:25,530 We found that this system this was led by two some our my first student. 207 00:20:25,800 --> 00:20:31,740 So we we reported three planets and a year later we found a fourth one. 208 00:20:32,670 --> 00:20:38,610 So if you're not convinced those are planets. So this is a movie of all the data we've acquired on the system in last ten years. 209 00:20:38,910 --> 00:20:42,480 And lo and behold, they're really rotating right in the same direction. 210 00:20:42,600 --> 00:20:52,200 It is a genuine planetary system. Now, those, even though it was very difficult, it took ten years of effort to actually do this very easy. 211 00:20:52,590 --> 00:20:56,730 The brightness ratio of the planets, the stars, about ten, 20,000. 212 00:20:57,180 --> 00:21:02,610 Now, if you want to detect the earth around the solar type stars from afar, that's a ratio of 10 billion. 213 00:21:03,510 --> 00:21:06,810 Now, not quite ready to do this, but we think we know how to do it. 214 00:21:07,200 --> 00:21:11,610 Okay. And just to give you an idea how difficult that is. Now you have to take the. 215 00:21:12,090 --> 00:21:14,910 Oh, yeah, I want to I want to mention something that is really frustrating. 216 00:21:15,210 --> 00:21:25,430 Soon after that discovery, we went back and look in the data archive to find out that each are in its own 99 had been observing in 1998. 217 00:21:25,470 --> 00:21:30,870 So our discovery was in 2008. And so this is what the image was reported. 218 00:21:31,140 --> 00:21:39,480 Okay. But that they had developed these fancy data analysis tools apply is algorithm and and they turned to this. 219 00:21:40,320 --> 00:21:43,680 It was there. So I get mad when I think about it. 220 00:21:43,680 --> 00:21:50,730 Yet all these years we didn't have a the tide that went to to telescope two pages all these efforts finally we got lucky. 221 00:21:51,030 --> 00:21:57,660 But it it it was there. It was on the Internet. All we needed was a few seconds worth on the laptop to release that up and it was there. 222 00:21:58,500 --> 00:22:02,400 So again, I want to emphasise one very important point. 223 00:22:02,790 --> 00:22:10,650 When you think you have the most powerful facility in the world, the largest telescope, the best instrument to make a groundbreaking discovery. 224 00:22:10,980 --> 00:22:14,610 Ask yourself, do I have do I have the right analysis? 225 00:22:14,610 --> 00:22:17,700 Do you know this is absolutely fundamental. Okay. 226 00:22:18,360 --> 00:22:22,760 Now, so this is a new discovery that was done with the Dewey Tunnel in New Jersey. 227 00:22:22,810 --> 00:22:26,010 That discovery triggered the even more powerful instrument. 228 00:22:26,310 --> 00:22:34,160 So this is another planet. You can barely see it here. But this time, not only do we have an energy, we have a spectrum and height. 229 00:22:34,320 --> 00:22:39,990 And you can see that as we go along the spectrum and that that absorption here is due to methane. 230 00:22:40,320 --> 00:22:44,610 So these images really do show that these planets have methane. 231 00:22:44,790 --> 00:22:50,009 And I'm showing this just to show that the imaging technique allows you to probe the atmosphere of the planet. 232 00:22:50,010 --> 00:22:56,100 And this is a very powerful technique indeed. And maybe the way one day we will find a biosignature. 233 00:22:56,700 --> 00:23:06,600 But again, I won't just show you the difficulty of doing this by showing you one of the deepest image ever obtained with the Hubble Space Telescope. 234 00:23:07,290 --> 00:23:12,060 These are galaxies. There's no stars there, but just like the faintest galaxy in there. 235 00:23:12,330 --> 00:23:18,600 Okay. And that's a signal of an earth around a solar type star at about ten light years away. 236 00:23:18,990 --> 00:23:24,450 The only problem is that that planet is around a very bright star. 237 00:23:24,680 --> 00:23:28,610 You cannot see it. This is very, very difficult. Okay. 238 00:23:29,690 --> 00:23:36,620 So what's the road map to find life? Well, the very first things that we need to find more this when you find the closest habitable zone, 239 00:23:37,640 --> 00:23:41,600 the closest planets, we need to measure their radius, their mass. 240 00:23:41,750 --> 00:23:47,780 Because we want to find out if you have to reduce the volume, if you have the mass, then you know the density. 241 00:23:47,810 --> 00:23:52,160 So you know that you're living with a rocky planet. I guess that's absolutely fundamental. 242 00:23:52,670 --> 00:23:58,640 And as I said, you want to focus on the ones that are in the habitable zone to maximise the chance of detecting life. 243 00:23:58,670 --> 00:24:05,540 And finally, which is the most difficult part, you want to probe the atmosphere either with imaging or transit spectroscopy, 244 00:24:05,690 --> 00:24:08,690 with two techniques that we have in hand to do to do this. 245 00:24:09,770 --> 00:24:15,890 Okay. Our best shot in the near term is to focus on these very faint stars, these red dwarfs. 246 00:24:16,850 --> 00:24:20,209 Why? Well, because those are the most common stars in the sun. 247 00:24:20,210 --> 00:24:23,450 And what do you think of all you around the sun and you count all the stars? 248 00:24:23,690 --> 00:24:29,450 80% are these red dwarfs, typically a quarter or a fifth of the radius of the sun. 249 00:24:29,570 --> 00:24:36,710 And they are very, very faint. And they they are very bright, mostly active fed wavelength and driven by a special aspect. 250 00:24:36,770 --> 00:24:42,650 Is that because the star is very faint, the regions where it's habitable, it's much closer. 251 00:24:42,830 --> 00:24:50,540 It's actually well within the orbit of Mercury. In fact, a year on the planet around them, dwarf takes about two or three weeks. 252 00:24:50,870 --> 00:24:54,800 Okay. And. And, yeah, so basically much easier. 253 00:24:55,100 --> 00:25:00,079 And in general, detecting a planet, detecting its atmosphere around a planet, 254 00:25:00,080 --> 00:25:04,760 around a red dwarf is just easier because the planet is much fainter and smaller. 255 00:25:05,900 --> 00:25:10,130 Okay. I just want to show you a very famous system. 256 00:25:10,670 --> 00:25:13,830 This is the the Trappist system that was discovered a few years ago. 257 00:25:14,690 --> 00:25:18,170 The the star. And this is hard to scale here. So this is a red dwarf. 258 00:25:18,500 --> 00:25:24,340 And around this set of the planet, all they all have about the size of the earth and their transit. 259 00:25:24,350 --> 00:25:30,440 They're under their stars. And three of them are very close, in fact, is right in the habitable zone. 260 00:25:30,440 --> 00:25:34,610 So those that are really real candidates to actually study in detail. 261 00:25:34,640 --> 00:25:38,030 And in fact, we will study them later with the James Webb Space Telescope. 262 00:25:38,060 --> 00:25:40,340 I'll come back to this. Okay. So what's coming up? 263 00:25:41,210 --> 00:25:51,080 You may have seen the launch of this test scope last week, a very small telescope, which is basically the successor of the Kepler mission. 264 00:25:51,380 --> 00:25:57,350 So that's mission is to find very close nearby planets through the transit method. 265 00:25:57,410 --> 00:26:04,580 And it will do so by a full camera that can take a picture of, you know, from above 90 degrees. 266 00:26:04,850 --> 00:26:09,290 It will tell the sky to buy for 27 days and then move to the next one. 267 00:26:09,950 --> 00:26:14,540 So we'll take about one year to do the sun in the sky and then another year to do it the northern sky. 268 00:26:14,960 --> 00:26:21,630 So this is thousands of these you'll find out that the system will find and about a dozen rocky planets right in the zone. 269 00:26:21,650 --> 00:26:27,440 So those are the pearl in the sky to study for future calculation. 270 00:26:28,940 --> 00:26:39,290 Okay. So and it's not it's not enough if we measure if we'll have the radius of these stars, but we need the mass. 271 00:26:39,380 --> 00:26:45,680 As I said, we really need to determine whether they have you know, they are these are rocky or dangerous. 272 00:26:45,980 --> 00:26:51,020 So these are the names of the instruments currently under development in the world to do this. 273 00:26:51,050 --> 00:26:55,970 So there's a lot of effort and many of them actually to look at these Red Dwarf. 274 00:26:56,270 --> 00:27:01,940 And I live all in two of those instruments and I want all to very briefly spew and arbs. 275 00:27:02,300 --> 00:27:10,400 So basically these are machine to use the wobbling technique to measure the mass of nearby exoplanet. 276 00:27:11,120 --> 00:27:14,509 So one is on the kind of fronts that we telescope. Yes. It's actually operational. 277 00:27:14,510 --> 00:27:21,980 We're just getting the first light. And one is on the 2.6 metre telescope and on the cap. 278 00:27:22,280 --> 00:27:30,920 And we'll have lots of observing time. More than 100 more than 100,000, like of going to have some in time in the next five, 279 00:27:30,930 --> 00:27:38,600 six years to to measure the mass of this planet that Tess will find, but also to actually find the closest other worlds. 280 00:27:39,110 --> 00:27:45,260 So here's a movie showing you the current census of planets in the solar nebula. 281 00:27:45,290 --> 00:27:52,970 Now, this is a depressing sight because it's far like this kind of this than unit just one fly by three, and you have just like the night years. 282 00:27:53,300 --> 00:27:57,530 So every point here is a planet that has been discovered in blue. 283 00:27:57,710 --> 00:28:01,460 This is a planet that is in you have a was on. So you see Proxima B is right here. 284 00:28:01,790 --> 00:28:06,080 So this is the current census. So over two years it will take about five years. 285 00:28:06,380 --> 00:28:13,610 We will interrogate every star in the sky on the close red dwarf and ask, Do you have a planet and is it small? 286 00:28:14,510 --> 00:28:23,480 So this is what we expect to find about 100 planets around that, the close to the sun and about a dozen very close to the. 287 00:28:24,440 --> 00:28:27,710 I'm in the habitable zone. Okay. 288 00:28:27,830 --> 00:28:37,130 Now moving on to the James Webb Space Telescope. I used to write for 2018, 2019, and now this is 2020. 289 00:28:38,510 --> 00:28:41,540 So Tess is about the size of a washing machine. 290 00:28:41,720 --> 00:28:44,500 And so you can see the it's mirror, it's much smaller. 291 00:28:44,500 --> 00:28:52,700 And this is a gigantic telescope, a collaboration between Nassau County and Space Agency and the British Space Agency. 292 00:28:53,000 --> 00:28:57,710 So this telescope will revolutionise astronomy in all fields and including exoplanet. 293 00:28:57,740 --> 00:29:01,670 So I'll just going to give you another know what this telescope will do. 294 00:29:02,480 --> 00:29:05,590 So this is the actual telescope. It's not a cat drawing. 295 00:29:05,600 --> 00:29:13,760 It's a real telescope built. The instrument that I doing for Canada was delivered July 21st, 2012. 296 00:29:14,300 --> 00:29:18,380 So it takes a long time to actually build is a big, big telescope. 297 00:29:18,950 --> 00:29:24,560 One important feature of this telescope is the SUNSHIELD, which is about the size of a tennis court. 298 00:29:24,830 --> 00:29:30,270 And all of this is folded into the rocket of a I inside rocket. 299 00:29:30,290 --> 00:29:36,020 I'll show you at the end of my talk me a very scary movie, which is the the deployment sequence of this telescope. 300 00:29:37,040 --> 00:29:43,830 Okay. So there's four science instruments and all have the capability to actually study the atmosphere of exoplanets. 301 00:29:43,850 --> 00:29:48,860 As I said, this is the key to one. They find a biosignature. 302 00:29:49,220 --> 00:29:53,480 So I'm responsible for this one. It's called nearest million to know what it means. 303 00:29:53,780 --> 00:30:01,040 But it's a camera with some very specialised models to actually study atmosphere. 304 00:30:02,210 --> 00:30:10,370 So I show you that that picture. So three of those played out will be studied by my instrument probably towards the end of 2020. 305 00:30:10,610 --> 00:30:16,460 And I will just show you an actual simulations of what we should expect from that for the planet. 306 00:30:16,850 --> 00:30:20,940 So this is done by my colleague, John Bennett. You know, this is my are. 307 00:30:21,620 --> 00:30:27,290 So this this is actually a data that will show and it's not going to be images. 308 00:30:27,710 --> 00:30:34,970 These are spectra. So what you see in blue, this is the the model of an atmosphere that will be rich in water. 309 00:30:35,300 --> 00:30:41,300 Let's suppose that this artist's view is correct, that Trappist one F is a Waterworld. 310 00:30:41,480 --> 00:30:44,960 It's got lots of water. So we should expect water in it in its atmosphere. 311 00:30:45,290 --> 00:30:49,400 And if that's the case, then we should measure the the blue signal. 312 00:30:49,610 --> 00:30:55,880 So in black, those are the data points that the newest instrument will will give us in about 10 hours of observations. 313 00:30:56,150 --> 00:31:03,980 So in only 10 hours of observation with this powerful telescope, we'll be able to tell whether there's water in that in the atmosphere on this planet. 314 00:31:04,820 --> 00:31:07,880 Okay. But I have to say that this is probably a very optimistic simulations. 315 00:31:08,120 --> 00:31:13,700 You can imagine all kinds of scenarios whereby water would be trapped and then you would not see it. 316 00:31:14,000 --> 00:31:19,220 And so this is a I'll show you another simulation to to ask the question. 317 00:31:19,460 --> 00:31:23,060 Is it possible that Webb will one day detect about nature? 318 00:31:23,900 --> 00:31:34,220 I'll answer by a big, big maybe. So the reason is that this is probably a more realistic simulation spectra that that well will will give us. 319 00:31:34,520 --> 00:31:40,490 And the and so you see various features here, CO2 and the water features only a few parts per million. 320 00:31:40,670 --> 00:31:46,370 This is very difficult. The best sensitivity that we can do nowadays with the Hubble Space Telescope is about 1020 BPM. 321 00:31:46,640 --> 00:31:49,700 So we need to improve our sense D by about a factor of ten. 322 00:31:50,240 --> 00:31:53,480 And but there's one feature it's very interesting, which is this one here. 323 00:31:53,840 --> 00:32:01,760 This is ozone around nine micron and the MIRA instrument built by Europe could actually detect us and that we all 324 00:32:01,760 --> 00:32:08,990 understand the performance of this instrument and the telescope to make simulations of how long it would take to do this. 325 00:32:09,410 --> 00:32:15,230 So here's an example of a of a planet NHS 1140 B, which is a rocky planet. 326 00:32:15,440 --> 00:32:19,640 Right. And you have ozone that was discovered by then it Charbonneau. So we do have targets to look out. 327 00:32:20,030 --> 00:32:25,820 And this is the actual simulated data that we will observe after observing that the 328 00:32:25,850 --> 00:32:33,080 planet that by 15 times 15 tens of events and the the ozone feature is is shown here. 329 00:32:33,410 --> 00:32:36,830 But the reality is that the stars are always visible. 330 00:32:37,010 --> 00:32:40,070 And so it would take actually four years of clock time. 331 00:32:40,310 --> 00:32:43,280 So a very significant fraction of Web time to do it. 332 00:32:43,610 --> 00:32:49,070 But you can bet that we will look at this star very, very intensely with the James Webb Space Telescope. 333 00:32:50,360 --> 00:32:57,980 Okay. Now, I just want to move on to the future. So this is an animation of a very powerful disco that is currently under development in Europe, 334 00:32:58,280 --> 00:33:05,210 the European extremely large telescope, a 40 metre telescope, which will have a lot of chemical data to study exoplanets. 335 00:33:05,480 --> 00:33:10,710 And there's others I'm involved in kind of the 30 metre telescope. 336 00:33:10,880 --> 00:33:17,960 I'm showing this one because it will likely be the first one, probably a good five years head start compared to other big giant facility in the world. 337 00:33:18,290 --> 00:33:24,170 And but the e-elt remains on the major. A very powerful scientific opportunity for. 338 00:33:24,380 --> 00:33:31,790 For Europe to study not only exoplanets, but also the early universe and much further along into the future. 339 00:33:31,970 --> 00:33:36,980 Yes, there is a flagship mission that we want and deserve. So this one is a 12 metre telescope. 340 00:33:37,040 --> 00:33:40,070 The web is a 6.5 metre telescope, so it looks very similar. 341 00:33:40,910 --> 00:33:45,380 And so this would be launched in maybe 2040 ish. 342 00:33:45,740 --> 00:33:53,510 And that that that telescope would be designed to actually paint a picture of an earth so this one would look like this. 343 00:33:53,780 --> 00:33:58,660 And this maybe this could be the very first base in Asia. 344 00:33:59,000 --> 00:34:08,209 I put a question mark because I'm sure the first time we we claim that it will be very controversial because I won't have time to go into the details. 345 00:34:08,210 --> 00:34:11,540 But you can imagine false positives that will generate that signal. 346 00:34:11,750 --> 00:34:15,950 And so this will be highly debated. Okay. 347 00:34:16,400 --> 00:34:21,830 I want to finish this by just mentioning that probably the most important part of all this is, 348 00:34:21,830 --> 00:34:29,570 yes, of course, these big facilities that cost billions of dollars. But the people so these are the faces of my team at the memorial. 349 00:34:29,780 --> 00:34:36,350 And there just are just one team among many others in the world that are all focussed on to one common goal, 350 00:34:36,530 --> 00:34:39,950 which is do exploring new worlds and searching for life. 351 00:34:40,220 --> 00:34:49,040 And on this I will thank you and mention my funding agency and our generous donors that may just decide this role that just where possible. 352 00:34:49,400 --> 00:34:49,850 Thanks very much.