1 00:00:00,690 --> 00:00:15,920 Okay. I think I'll start. I guess it's true to say that the problem with climate change is, I would say about 90% a problem in physics. 2 00:00:18,060 --> 00:00:26,550 But when we try to apply physical theory and models to try to figure out what's going to happen, let's say in the next ten years, 3 00:00:27,690 --> 00:00:33,510 we realised there are big uncertainties and many things that we don't actually understand about our climate system. 4 00:00:34,860 --> 00:00:40,950 So we can look at the observations, but the instrumental record only goes back about 100 years. 5 00:00:42,840 --> 00:00:47,220 And so we're still left with lots of puzzling questions about how climate works. 6 00:00:47,730 --> 00:00:53,130 So a third option is to go right back into into history and look at paleoclimate data. 7 00:00:54,300 --> 00:00:58,620 And today's speak is is an expert in precisely that area. 8 00:00:59,730 --> 00:01:05,910 So we're very pleased to welcome Eric Wolff from the Earth Sciences Department in Cambridge. 9 00:01:06,750 --> 00:01:13,860 Eric actually spent much of most of his professional life at the British Antarctic Survey 10 00:01:14,730 --> 00:01:21,030 from getting his Ph.D. there through to rising to become the chief scientist of Bass. 11 00:01:21,960 --> 00:01:23,470 But about a year and a half or so ago, 12 00:01:23,470 --> 00:01:33,000 he became one of the Royal Society's research professors and moved to a more academic position in Cambridge, where he is now. 13 00:01:33,510 --> 00:01:39,720 So very happy, Eric, for you to come over today and talk to us about ice cores, climate and science. 14 00:01:41,400 --> 00:01:44,880 Okay. Thank you. Microphones working? Yes, I can hear it. Okay. 15 00:01:45,840 --> 00:01:48,540 So thank you very much for inviting me. And also, it's very nice. 16 00:01:48,540 --> 00:01:53,050 I can see because I know because I met Summers today that there are people from several departments here. 17 00:01:53,070 --> 00:01:54,330 So that's good. 18 00:01:54,570 --> 00:02:02,100 And that's important because actually ice cores themselves are a slightly well, they're not a strange subject, but they're the most important subject. 19 00:02:02,580 --> 00:02:09,270 But ice cold people in some places are in Earth sciences departments, geography departments, chemistry departments. 20 00:02:09,270 --> 00:02:13,410 But actually in quite a lot of places, they are in physics departments and there is a lot of physics in ice cores. 21 00:02:13,830 --> 00:02:17,490 So I hope you'll spot some of it as we go along and see things that might be of interest to you. 22 00:02:18,810 --> 00:02:21,360 I wasn't quite sure where to pitch this talk. 23 00:02:21,810 --> 00:02:30,240 So what I've done is to the first half is more or less a tutorial about ice cores, why they're so important, and what you can learn from them. 24 00:02:30,810 --> 00:02:32,730 If any of you have been to one of my talks before, 25 00:02:32,730 --> 00:02:36,630 and I know there are some people who have you can go to sleep during that part because you've heard it before. 26 00:02:37,590 --> 00:02:41,399 And then the second half is about what one of the things I'm working on at the moment, 27 00:02:41,400 --> 00:02:45,120 which is about the possibility of learning about sea ice from ice cores. 28 00:02:47,040 --> 00:02:52,200 And the third part is about future ice core research could, based on my practice, I very much doubt will get to that. 29 00:02:55,680 --> 00:03:03,329 So ice cores are just one of many paleoclimate sedimentary records that you can look at things like tree rings, 30 00:03:03,330 --> 00:03:10,740 marine sediments, lake sediments and so on. And ice cores are one of them and they have, like all of them, advantages and disadvantages. 31 00:03:11,550 --> 00:03:18,330 So the advantage is that they're pretty well dated, but probably not quite as well dated as you think. 32 00:03:18,870 --> 00:03:25,170 That's to say there are ice cores where we can count on your layers in the same way you can count tree rings or valves in lake sediments, 33 00:03:25,590 --> 00:03:30,690 but we can't do it perfectly. And actually in the cores that are oldest, which are the most interesting ones, 34 00:03:31,260 --> 00:03:35,580 to some extent, you can't count the layers and it becomes much more difficult to date them. 35 00:03:36,060 --> 00:03:43,040 We'll come back to that later. They have atmospheric signals which are relatively simple, 36 00:03:43,050 --> 00:03:48,930 and that's to say they haven't gone through any biology and they haven't gone through lots of water circulation before they get into the ice. 37 00:03:49,590 --> 00:03:53,190 Of course, that's where the physics comes in they turn out to be not that simple at all, 38 00:03:53,190 --> 00:03:57,560 but we like to think of them as simple and you get many variables on the same core. 39 00:03:57,570 --> 00:04:02,100 For example, the carbon dioxide concentration and the local temperature in the same core. 40 00:04:04,080 --> 00:04:08,340 I'm going to go to emphasise one problem with ice cores, which is the geographical limitation, 41 00:04:08,340 --> 00:04:12,840 because although as a polar scientist, I think the polar regions are very important. 42 00:04:13,320 --> 00:04:17,930 I do understand that trying to understand climate without knowing much about the tropics is quite difficult. 43 00:04:17,940 --> 00:04:22,920 So ice cores by themselves, or at least polar ice cores are never going to answer all our questions. 44 00:04:24,990 --> 00:04:27,270 So that's my favourite map projection. 45 00:04:27,270 --> 00:04:33,929 I'm fortunate I come after I set this to this bit of this picture up about 20 years ago and can no longer remember what projection it is. 46 00:04:33,930 --> 00:04:44,339 So it kind of loses the force of it. But with the important areas of the world in white, you can drill ice cores, elsewhere you can drill ice cores. 47 00:04:44,340 --> 00:04:51,330 And people do in the Alps, in the Andes, in the Himalayas, even in Africa, at Kilimanjaro. 48 00:04:52,590 --> 00:04:56,550 They're much more difficult to interpret, and they tend to have more local signals. 49 00:04:56,670 --> 00:05:02,730 Some of the properties that we measure don't mean the same in tropical ice cores as they do in polar ice cores. 50 00:05:03,000 --> 00:05:09,090 And I'm not going to mention them again so that they're important, they're useful, but we're not going to talk about it today. 51 00:05:11,730 --> 00:05:17,430 So the ice cold signal builds up like any sedimentary record by something getting imported into the ice at the surface. 52 00:05:17,610 --> 00:05:21,120 In the snow and then buried by the next year's layer. 53 00:05:21,120 --> 00:05:22,790 In the next year's layer. In the next year's layer. 54 00:05:22,800 --> 00:05:30,060 Again, I apologise to the Earth scientists for whom this is far too simple, but the physicists may not quite have appreciated how these records work. 55 00:05:31,020 --> 00:05:35,370 The difference with ice is the physics that ICE thins as it gets deeper. 56 00:05:35,970 --> 00:05:39,660 So if you really want to get old ice, you do need to go quite near the bottom. 57 00:05:39,660 --> 00:05:46,920 You're not going to get half the layers by drilling half thickness. You need to drill 80 or 90% of the thickness to get half the layers. 58 00:05:50,260 --> 00:05:51,800 And that's what an ice core looks like. 59 00:05:51,850 --> 00:05:57,850 Like to show that near the beginning of a talk, because I think people have a strange idea of what we might be talking about sometimes. 60 00:05:58,540 --> 00:06:00,700 So typically ten centimetre diameters. 61 00:06:01,390 --> 00:06:10,720 And when I talk about a 3000 metre ice core, what I mean is lots of two metre long pieces sort of like this, not 3000 metres laid out somewhere. 62 00:06:14,430 --> 00:06:18,659 Okay. There's it's a Friday afternoon, so we're all entitled to a bit of entertainment. 63 00:06:18,660 --> 00:06:21,840 So here's a video of drilling an ice core to give you an idea what it's like. 64 00:06:21,840 --> 00:06:24,870 This is Dome C in the centre of Antarctica. Very flat. 65 00:06:24,870 --> 00:06:32,250 There's nothing to see except this tent, which is the drilling tent, which has to be tall to accommodate the drill as the drill going into the ground. 66 00:06:32,400 --> 00:06:36,000 I know it's going to would, but that's just to keep snow from falling into the hole. 67 00:06:37,500 --> 00:06:43,290 And then at the top, there's a section that clings on to the hole you've already drilled in order to drill the next bit and then the cable. 68 00:06:43,800 --> 00:06:51,209 So it's a cable drill. There are 2000 metres to the drill, sit in the heated cabinet while the scientists get cold outside. 69 00:06:51,210 --> 00:06:53,610 It's. It's just a rule. I'm sorry. It's the way it is. 70 00:06:55,770 --> 00:07:00,989 And then the drill comes to the surface and you can put it to the horizontal to get the ice out. 71 00:07:00,990 --> 00:07:05,250 You can see the ice glistening that we can see the ice glistening there. 72 00:07:09,050 --> 00:07:12,470 You can see some liquid dripping out. Don't worry, it's not melting. That's a drilling fluid. 73 00:07:12,680 --> 00:07:14,780 You can ask me about drilling fluid later if you want. 74 00:07:17,300 --> 00:07:23,480 And although actually I've realised you don't actually see it, the person's about to do the most important thing you could ever do to an ice core, 75 00:07:23,480 --> 00:07:26,629 which is to put a pencil mark with an arrow on it pointing, 76 00:07:26,630 --> 00:07:35,240 which is up because because turning 100 metres 100 years, the wrong way up can create interesting climate records. 77 00:07:39,320 --> 00:07:44,149 That's the ice sitting, waiting. It's actually being cut at this point. You can see it's no longer got the fractured surface. 78 00:07:44,150 --> 00:07:52,370 It's never a cut surface. And then I'll just leave it for another few seconds just to show you how we handle ice in the field. 79 00:07:52,370 --> 00:07:58,620 This is just handling the ice to cut it up for sections to go back to the laboratories and you can just handle it with a band. 80 00:07:58,620 --> 00:08:03,529 So also, if you want to go into the field to do ice cold science, I strongly recommend the course in carpentry. 81 00:08:03,530 --> 00:08:13,729 It's the most important skill you could have and it's cut into lots of different sections and then packed up and sent back to labs, 82 00:08:13,730 --> 00:08:23,840 or it might be analysed in the field in some cases. I think we'll cut the cut at that point in the hope that we might get to the end of the talk. 83 00:08:25,340 --> 00:08:29,930 So signals in our schools, what do we get out of ice cores? 84 00:08:29,930 --> 00:08:33,440 So I like to think of it as having three types of information. 85 00:08:33,440 --> 00:08:39,709 Other people might think of it in a different way, but this is the way I classify it. So the first one is the isotopic content of the water itself. 86 00:08:39,710 --> 00:08:41,480 So that is exactly what you think. 87 00:08:41,480 --> 00:08:49,730 It's the ratio of 18 of water to 60, no water or deuterium to hydrogen, and it's determined mainly by the temperature at the time of snowfall. 88 00:08:50,060 --> 00:08:58,639 Now, I could give you a lecture about why that so and I could give you another lecture about why it's not really so I would get caught out. 89 00:08:58,640 --> 00:09:05,210 I did once get asked, why don't you give a lecture? But actually I've not written it, but I'm just saying that there is potentially a lecture on that. 90 00:09:06,530 --> 00:09:10,970 So you're going to have to take it as read for the rest of the talk that it gives you temperature. 91 00:09:11,180 --> 00:09:17,720 There are ways of calibrating it so that you really can back the temperature out, but they require much more complex analysis. 92 00:09:20,090 --> 00:09:24,049 Then there are lots of soluble and insoluble impurities that are trapped on the surface, 93 00:09:24,050 --> 00:09:29,570 so they're relatively straightforward to think about, but actually very difficult to interpret. 94 00:09:29,900 --> 00:09:32,959 So there are things like the sulphate that comes from volcanic eruptions. 95 00:09:32,960 --> 00:09:40,520 So when a volcano erupts, sulphur dioxide goes up into the stratosphere and you will end up for a couple of years after the big of a big volcano, 96 00:09:40,520 --> 00:09:44,450 you'll end up with an increase in sulphate in across the world, 97 00:09:44,450 --> 00:09:48,739 but in ice cores in particular, which tells you how strong, 98 00:09:48,740 --> 00:09:54,650 something about how strong the volcano was and actually helps us to date the ice cores by matching between different cores. 99 00:09:55,370 --> 00:10:02,120 But there are all sorts of other things, sea salt, which I'll be talking about later dust chemicals like nitrate, 100 00:10:02,570 --> 00:10:10,400 which I've worked on for probably 25 years and still don't understand what it means in articles and all sorts of other things. 101 00:10:11,300 --> 00:10:17,000 And we're just starting to work on various organic chemicals as well that haven't yet been much investigated and ice. 102 00:10:18,470 --> 00:10:21,709 And then finally the thing that ice cores are probably most famous for and which 103 00:10:21,710 --> 00:10:26,060 again requires a lot of physics to really understand as the snow gets deeper, 104 00:10:26,630 --> 00:10:34,670 whereas here in Oxford, when it snows, it probably melts the next day and then refreezes and you've got solid ice. 105 00:10:34,670 --> 00:10:41,540 That's not how you get ice in Antarctica. You get ice by the snow, partly sintering and partly through vapour movement. 106 00:10:42,770 --> 00:10:46,820 So sintering under pressure and vapour movements forming next between the crystals. 107 00:10:47,510 --> 00:10:56,660 It turns from loose snow eventually into a solid ice matrix, but it still has pools in it that finally close off and trap air in them. 108 00:10:57,350 --> 00:11:03,380 So that air is younger. It's only however long it takes to diffuse through a few tens of metres of firn. 109 00:11:03,620 --> 00:11:08,120 That's unconsolidated ice and it is literally a sample of air. 110 00:11:08,150 --> 00:11:16,280 You can crack the bubble open and measure the nitrogen, oxygen, argon, carbon dioxide, methane isotopes of various things and so on. 111 00:11:16,280 --> 00:11:20,960 Anything that stable, not not photochemistry unstable species, but anything else. 112 00:11:22,730 --> 00:11:30,290 However, it does require a lot of physics because first we need to understand the age of the air compared to the age of the ice. 113 00:11:30,290 --> 00:11:36,230 They're not the same because you've got young air being closed in relatively old ice, that maybe 70 metres depth. 114 00:11:37,490 --> 00:11:41,180 And that varies with time. You need to check that there isn't any diffusion. 115 00:11:41,180 --> 00:11:45,110 And eventually when we get down to 800,000 year old ice, there is some diffusion. 116 00:11:46,580 --> 00:11:49,100 You need to check that you haven't lost anything out of the core. 117 00:11:49,130 --> 00:11:53,900 And eventually when you get to ice that hasn't been stored properly, you can lose material out of the core. 118 00:11:53,900 --> 00:12:00,530 So it's it's there's a lot of work involved in these records, but that's just to show you, there really are bubbles in the ice. 119 00:12:00,530 --> 00:12:03,800 That's a finish section, a few millimetres across of ice. 120 00:12:04,550 --> 00:12:11,030 And you can see the bubbles there, typically a few tenths of a millimetre across when they're relatively near the surface. 121 00:12:11,690 --> 00:12:20,420 Actually deep down under pressure, they turn into the the air in the ice turns into collect right hydrate molecules within the ice matrix, 122 00:12:20,840 --> 00:12:28,100 but it can still be extracted more or less as if it was bubbles. So we don't need to know the distinction for at least for what I'm showing you today. 123 00:12:30,290 --> 00:12:34,910 So I'm just going to give you three examples of what we've learned from ice cores. 124 00:12:35,810 --> 00:12:39,290 The first one is from the very recent past, and then we get older. 125 00:12:40,190 --> 00:12:46,610 So from the very recent past, it can be very brief. It's a curve that you have all seen in one form or another hundreds of times. 126 00:12:46,690 --> 00:12:50,000 Probably, but maybe don't know where it came from. 127 00:12:50,020 --> 00:12:53,830 So this is carbon dioxide in ice over the last thousand years. 128 00:12:55,990 --> 00:12:59,320 What you've actually got is I'll have to walk away. But that's okay, I think. 129 00:12:59,560 --> 00:13:04,540 Yes. Well, you've got the blue line. There is measurements made in the atmosphere since the. 130 00:13:10,840 --> 00:13:16,669 All right. I went to China recently and needed to load some software to get at websites. 131 00:13:16,670 --> 00:13:19,670 The Chinese don't like to get out, so that's what that was. 132 00:13:20,840 --> 00:13:26,709 So. That's atmospheric measurements from actually from Manilla in this case. 133 00:13:26,710 --> 00:13:32,710 But it could be South Pole or any of the other sites that was started 30, 40, 50 years ago. 134 00:13:33,100 --> 00:13:36,160 Manilla happened to be the first one back in the 1950s. 135 00:13:36,340 --> 00:13:45,280 And then everything else come on here comes from high schools and shows you I like this way of showing you because it shows you well, 136 00:13:45,280 --> 00:13:53,710 firstly, it shows you that things went unusual in about 1830 and that the increase has been 40% since then. 137 00:13:54,820 --> 00:14:03,670 It shows you that there are variations before that, whether they're natural or unnatural variations, is still a cause of debate in the community. 138 00:14:06,070 --> 00:14:11,020 They're variations, though. And also there are four different ice cores here which have very different properties, 139 00:14:11,290 --> 00:14:16,060 different temperatures, different snow accumulation rates, different concentrations of other impurities. 140 00:14:16,450 --> 00:14:20,979 So the fact that they all plot on top of each other should give you a very good assurance. 141 00:14:20,980 --> 00:14:26,560 But nothing about enclosing the air in the ice gives you an artefact, because if it is an artefact, you've got to be the same artefact, 142 00:14:26,800 --> 00:14:30,370 despite the fact that all the site, all the properties that might control the artefact are different. 143 00:14:34,380 --> 00:14:38,640 That was it for the recent past, I thought. We're not going to talk about the recent past anymore. 144 00:14:40,410 --> 00:14:45,479 So now we're going to go to the longest ice cold timescale of 800,000 years with the Epica Project, 145 00:14:45,480 --> 00:14:56,640 which I was the chief scientist for for the later years. And Epica was it was a consortium of labs from ten countries in Europe. 146 00:14:57,570 --> 00:15:02,280 I'm sure you all know your European countries, so you can mentally do the exercise of working out which they are. 147 00:15:02,910 --> 00:15:12,360 They were in alphabetical order. That's the clue. And we drilled two ice cores, one of them up here at Running Mode Land, 148 00:15:12,360 --> 00:15:18,239 which was for the last climatic cycle, about 130,000 years have actually been used. 149 00:15:18,240 --> 00:15:23,730 It's actually a bit longer than that. And then the one here, it don't see, which is what you saw in the video. 150 00:15:23,790 --> 00:15:30,659 So that's the oldest ice core that we've got so far and don't see is a very dry place. 151 00:15:30,660 --> 00:15:38,250 That's why the ice is so old, because the amount of snowfall that 25 kilograms per square metre per year, that's 2.5 centimetres of ice. 152 00:15:38,250 --> 00:15:42,600 Equivalent of water equivalent. Sorry. So an inch. Yes. 153 00:15:42,600 --> 00:15:47,639 So it's a desert by any standard. That's what don't see. 154 00:15:47,640 --> 00:15:50,670 Looks like you actually saw in the video just to relate it back to that. 155 00:15:50,850 --> 00:15:56,580 You saw the drilling temples there and the sun shelter that you saw them working in was just behind it there. 156 00:15:57,090 --> 00:16:03,900 That's what's there now. The Italians and French have built a permanent wintering station there and have people there all year round. 157 00:16:07,420 --> 00:16:11,490 And not to show that I was there. If you can't tell I was there, I could have set that up in the studio. 158 00:16:11,500 --> 00:16:18,880 But anyway, I was there. So these are the some of the records. 159 00:16:18,910 --> 00:16:20,890 You've got the water isotopes at the top. 160 00:16:21,370 --> 00:16:25,870 I've actually for the cognition, too, I've added in some numbers so that they know what what they're looking at. 161 00:16:27,220 --> 00:16:31,450 You've got dust represented by calcium. 162 00:16:31,450 --> 00:16:36,100 You've got the electrical properties of the ice, which was what I was actually measuring in the field and so on. 163 00:16:36,880 --> 00:16:43,000 It's not much use to like this because the things you don't recognise on the Y axis and depth on the x axis, 164 00:16:43,000 --> 00:16:48,400 which probably isn't of any great interest. So the next thing you need to know is how we construct the time scale. 165 00:16:49,000 --> 00:16:52,320 Now here comes lots of physics and maths, but I'm not actually going to give it to you. 166 00:16:52,330 --> 00:16:58,510 I'm going to go on to explain it in qualitatively what was done to construct this age scale. 167 00:16:58,520 --> 00:17:01,180 And there are various different strategies depending on the ice core. 168 00:17:01,840 --> 00:17:06,550 What was done here was to start off with a model of how much snow fell each year. 169 00:17:06,830 --> 00:17:11,470 Okay, I should start off by saying if you want to know how old you are at a given depth in any sediment, 170 00:17:11,980 --> 00:17:15,310 what you want to know is how many, how many annual layers are above you. 171 00:17:15,700 --> 00:17:20,140 And to know that you want to know how thick each of them is. So you know how thick each of them is. 172 00:17:20,320 --> 00:17:24,459 Your first bet is I know how thick it was when it fell as snow because I know how much 173 00:17:24,460 --> 00:17:28,570 snow falls at the surface and I know how thick it is now because I know how from physics, 174 00:17:28,570 --> 00:17:30,940 I know how it thins to this depth. 175 00:17:32,200 --> 00:17:38,140 So you use models of those two things to make a first estimate of the thickness with that would give you the age with that. 176 00:17:39,190 --> 00:17:43,990 But that would be very imprecise because you don't really know those things actually. 177 00:17:44,920 --> 00:17:52,270 So you then refine it with an inverse method where you add in lots of known ages and I won't talk about all the known ages we are today. 178 00:17:52,270 --> 00:17:56,110 And some of them were the ages of volcanic eruptions, which you can see in the South record. 179 00:17:56,740 --> 00:18:06,640 Some of them were from parameters in the ice core that are controlled by milenkovic cycles, the orbital cycles of the earth around the sun, 180 00:18:08,770 --> 00:18:15,159 which again we could discuss whether it's legal to use things like that where you're not quite sure what the relationship with the ice is, 181 00:18:15,160 --> 00:18:17,110 but there are good reasons for doing it. 182 00:18:17,710 --> 00:18:22,930 The only thing I want to do is to convince you about one of the time markers that we put in so that you believe me, 183 00:18:22,930 --> 00:18:28,720 that is 800,000 years at the bottom. And that comes from this. 184 00:18:28,960 --> 00:18:37,990 The brain is much young and magnetic reversal. So that's the last time the Earth's magnetic field reversed, dated and rocks at roughly 780,000 years. 185 00:18:38,410 --> 00:18:41,319 It occasionally shifts by a thousand years or so. 186 00:18:41,320 --> 00:18:48,520 When somebody does a new dating, what happens when the magnetic field reverses is that it's weak for a while. 187 00:18:48,520 --> 00:18:53,559 And so when magnetic fields weak, you get a lot of cosmic rays, cosmic rays produced. 188 00:18:53,560 --> 00:18:59,320 Well, most familiarly they produce carbon 14, but by 17 or 2000 years, that certainly isn't any carbon 14 left. 189 00:18:59,920 --> 00:19:03,220 But they also produce beryllium ten and there's 20 brilliant ten left. 190 00:19:04,120 --> 00:19:09,760 So you go to the section of coal where you think you should see this and you find the largest beryllium ten peak in the record. 191 00:19:10,240 --> 00:19:15,040 So then you say that is 780,000 years. I'm going to fix that now and make the rest of the times go. 192 00:19:15,910 --> 00:19:18,879 So there's lots more goes into the ice scale than this. 193 00:19:18,880 --> 00:19:26,710 There was an entire special issue of this age scale, but hopefully I convinced you that it's 800,000 years at the bottom. 194 00:19:27,760 --> 00:19:33,130 There's actually a new age scale now which uses lots of ice cores rather than just one and puts them all together. 195 00:19:33,940 --> 00:19:37,450 It's a better way of doing it because it uses more information, 196 00:19:39,520 --> 00:19:44,319 but there are people who say it isn't a better way to do it because it obscures what it is you're actually doing. 197 00:19:44,320 --> 00:19:55,330 So we've got a little bit of work to do to convince people that's the best way. So now we now we can produce a record. 198 00:19:55,330 --> 00:19:58,690 This is very old. I should have said a lot of what I'm putting up here is not my work. 199 00:19:58,690 --> 00:20:02,290 I was involved in it, but it's not. I wouldn't say it's my measurements. 200 00:20:03,130 --> 00:20:08,980 So be aware that's an entire communities work. So now this is what you really want to see. 201 00:20:08,980 --> 00:20:10,060 This is well, 202 00:20:10,390 --> 00:20:19,180 this is actually deuterium of the ice on the y axis and depth on the x axis converted to age and the jitter has been converted to temperature. 203 00:20:19,600 --> 00:20:24,489 So there's an uncertainty in that conversion. But it's it's within that uncertainty. 204 00:20:24,490 --> 00:20:28,360 This is the temperature of Antarctica over the last 800,000 years. 205 00:20:28,870 --> 00:20:34,870 And seeing I've got a mixed audience, I have to say, I've done this the probably the physicists way. 206 00:20:34,930 --> 00:20:39,790 That's to say time is going from left to right. Scientists prefer time to go the other way. 207 00:20:40,030 --> 00:20:47,410 But because they're thinking of depth. But physicists and I suppose I have to admit, normal people think of time as going from left to right. 208 00:20:48,070 --> 00:20:51,160 So so time going from left to right here. 209 00:20:51,160 --> 00:20:54,250 But don't worry, it'll flip around during the rest of the talk. So. 210 00:20:55,420 --> 00:21:02,750 So what we've got here is the Holocene, the last 10,000 years, it's lost 10,000 years of relative warmth there. 211 00:21:04,120 --> 00:21:13,269 And then the last glacial so the last place you probably think of it as ice sheet down to East Anglia or Wisconsin. 212 00:21:13,270 --> 00:21:18,660 But it was also much. Colder in Antarctica during the last glacial maximum, about ten degrees. 213 00:21:20,070 --> 00:21:25,370 And then the last interglacial which was actually a bit warmer and Antarctic than the present. 214 00:21:25,380 --> 00:21:29,220 I did think of giving a talk about the interglacial here, 215 00:21:29,220 --> 00:21:35,070 which would have been quite interesting cause I think it's a very important time to look at because we know in the last interglacial 216 00:21:35,070 --> 00:21:41,340 both the Antarctic and the Arctic at some point were quite a bit warmer than today and sea level was quite a bit higher than today. 217 00:21:41,820 --> 00:21:48,120 And working out what balance of two ice sheets created a sea level that was 5 to 10 metres higher in the last interglacial. 218 00:21:48,360 --> 00:21:56,819 It's probably one of the most direct ways that we can contribute to understanding what might happen in the future under a warming climate, 219 00:21:56,820 --> 00:22:06,060 but in particular warmer polar regions. Okay, so what we've got here is roughly eight glacial cycles. 220 00:22:07,020 --> 00:22:14,430 This was not unexpected. I mean, from marine sediments, we already knew very well that there would be cycles that looked a little bit like this, 221 00:22:15,240 --> 00:22:19,830 that had roughly 100,000 year cycles of warm and cold. 222 00:22:19,830 --> 00:22:28,770 Interglacial in glacial. And there's a tendency to stronger cycles in the later part of the record. 223 00:22:28,800 --> 00:22:36,360 I've done quite a bit of work since then. On looking at other records to see whether this is true and actually this general idea that the 224 00:22:36,870 --> 00:22:41,939 interglacial the warmer in the last 400,000 years than they were before is some kind of a break. 225 00:22:41,940 --> 00:22:50,970 Here is true in Antarctic temperature and it's true in carbon dioxide and it's true in some Southern Ocean records. 226 00:22:51,300 --> 00:22:53,160 But it's not globally true, actually, 227 00:22:53,160 --> 00:23:01,830 because there's there are there are periods that are weak in the second half of the record in some records and the other way around. 228 00:23:02,850 --> 00:23:06,450 Nonetheless, there's something something slightly different after here. 229 00:23:10,170 --> 00:23:16,319 Into that. Okay. So we've got those periods and the obvious question and the one we didn't know 230 00:23:16,320 --> 00:23:20,280 about before the ice cold came out is what do CO2 do in this changing climate? 231 00:23:20,940 --> 00:23:25,110 And this is the answer. So the plot at the bottom is exactly the record you saw before. 232 00:23:25,120 --> 00:23:31,350 Temperature on the one at the top is carbon dioxide from the same ice cold over the same period. 233 00:23:32,280 --> 00:23:37,080 And I think some of you are further back in the room, so probably they look absolutely identical. 234 00:23:37,110 --> 00:23:42,809 I do know where the bodies are buried, that there are some differences, for example, there, 235 00:23:42,810 --> 00:23:47,730 where the CO2 stays high while the temperature's already gone down a little bit before you get there. 236 00:23:48,300 --> 00:23:54,750 But nonetheless, they are incredibly similar. If you went out and drilled, I won't say marine sediments kill them, might offend people in the front. 237 00:23:54,750 --> 00:24:01,670 Right. So if you drilled to lake sediments ten metres apart and measured exactly the same thing in them, they would not look this similar. 238 00:24:01,680 --> 00:24:03,630 And yet these are two completely different things. 239 00:24:03,840 --> 00:24:10,050 I mean, deuterium and an ice core and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, they couldn't be more different, but they look incredibly similar. 240 00:24:12,540 --> 00:24:17,879 So if we look at it from one direction, we could say, well, that carbon dioxide, based on just what we know about radiator forcing, 241 00:24:17,880 --> 00:24:22,220 would be responsible for something up to a half of the glacial interglacial warming. 242 00:24:22,230 --> 00:24:27,990 So it's an important factor in causing the glacial interglacial climate change that we see worldwide. 243 00:24:29,100 --> 00:24:36,389 But also the fact that they look so similar also tells you, I think, that the carbon dioxide must be being controlled mainly in the Southern Ocean. 244 00:24:36,390 --> 00:24:40,200 And in other words, by something rather similar to what's controlling Antarctic temperature. 245 00:24:40,890 --> 00:24:44,700 This doesn't look like Greenland temperature, for example. 246 00:24:44,940 --> 00:24:48,270 Greenland temperature would have a lot of other stuff in it, as we'll see in a minute. 247 00:24:50,490 --> 00:24:54,899 And then I always have to remind you that if we want to put the last 200 years on the same plot, 248 00:24:54,900 --> 00:24:58,740 we have to shrink that down so that we can see what happened in the last 200 years. 249 00:24:59,100 --> 00:25:07,560 So there isn't an analogue in this record. CO2 was not anything like as high as it is today at any point in the last 800,000 years. 250 00:25:07,890 --> 00:25:13,470 And the chances of that being something hidden in there that's as high as that are negligible. 251 00:25:19,580 --> 00:25:27,320 Just because I like in these talks to give you a few a few killer facts to use in case you meet climate sceptics or maybe you are a climate sceptic, 252 00:25:27,830 --> 00:25:36,670 just put your hand up. It's the right stuff. So there's always this thing about what happened during the termination coming out of the last Ice Age. 253 00:25:36,680 --> 00:25:42,680 So that's this section here. And did the CO2 lead the temperature or did the temperature lead to CO2, 254 00:25:42,680 --> 00:25:48,709 which actually doesn't really matter which led, but nonetheless, it's an issue that people keep raising. 255 00:25:48,710 --> 00:25:51,230 So it's better to show you what the latest data looks like. 256 00:25:51,230 --> 00:25:55,639 So you don't have to get complicated about it because that's what the latest data look like. 257 00:25:55,640 --> 00:26:01,100 This is two different ways of doing it on the bottom. One, it's the Dome C record that you saw before. 258 00:26:02,240 --> 00:26:06,680 That's the temperature and that's the CO2. And they've been I told you, 259 00:26:06,680 --> 00:26:11,090 there's this correction you have to make for the fact that the age of the air is slightly different from the age of the ice. 260 00:26:11,570 --> 00:26:21,049 And the the correction has been made using the nitrogen isotopes in this case have been used as have been made using the nitrogen isotopes in the ice, 261 00:26:21,050 --> 00:26:28,550 which I haven't talked about, which is a very nice piece of physics about the gravitational column that the 262 00:26:28,550 --> 00:26:32,330 air is diffusing through before it becomes solid ice to make the correction. 263 00:26:33,560 --> 00:26:38,000 And you can see, well, then at the top it's completely different. 264 00:26:38,000 --> 00:26:45,260 What's been done there is to use coastal ice or ice cores closer to the coast of Antarctica where the snowfall rate is much higher. 265 00:26:45,650 --> 00:26:48,770 So that problem of synchronising the air and the ice is much smaller. 266 00:26:48,770 --> 00:26:53,390 The difference, the age difference is much smaller. The uncertainty in synchronise them is much smaller. 267 00:26:54,140 --> 00:27:03,170 And in both cases what you see is that the temperature and CO2 within any reasonable uncertainty start to rise in exactly the same moment. 268 00:27:03,170 --> 00:27:04,879 So we don't have to argue about which came first. 269 00:27:04,880 --> 00:27:09,650 Now, they both went together exactly as you would expect if they were mutually amplifying each other. 270 00:27:10,550 --> 00:27:15,200 Chickens and eggs come to mind, but that there isn't a lag. 271 00:27:15,500 --> 00:27:23,819 There isn't the problem. So that's ice cores for glacial cycles. 272 00:27:23,820 --> 00:27:29,700 But as I said before, I just want to remind you and remind myself at this point that I schools are wonderful, but they don't tell you everything. 273 00:27:29,700 --> 00:27:37,169 So you definitely need to add to them. Everything else around the world in order to understand what's happening to climate change during these cycles. 274 00:27:37,170 --> 00:27:43,170 So this is actually a marine record that, again, looks similar, has the same cycles as a terrestrial record, 275 00:27:43,170 --> 00:27:50,010 a tree pollen record from Greece with the same glacial and glacial cycles on it and so on. 276 00:27:51,900 --> 00:28:05,190 Okay, so that's the second example. And then the third example, I just want to focus on this last 130,000 years and that's Antarctica. 277 00:28:05,550 --> 00:28:07,170 And then I want to put Greenland on as well. 278 00:28:07,170 --> 00:28:12,540 So again, what you see, what you see up here is actually what you saw before so that it says deuterium rather than temperature. 279 00:28:15,250 --> 00:28:22,450 And it's still running left to right time, so we haven't switched it around yet as the Holocene left to last close to maximum and then hit Greenland. 280 00:28:23,080 --> 00:28:26,739 So Antarctica looks sort of a bit boring. 281 00:28:26,740 --> 00:28:31,900 It's it's moving quite slowly. It's doing some interesting things, but it's not doing that much. 282 00:28:32,320 --> 00:28:38,170 Greenland, on the other hand, even at this scale, is going crazy throughout the last glacial. 283 00:28:41,590 --> 00:28:44,950 Just look at Greenland now. These are things called dance. Go to rescue events. 284 00:28:44,950 --> 00:28:47,650 That's really done. Scott and Huntzberger off to whom they're named. 285 00:28:49,570 --> 00:28:56,620 And then if we just focus in on the last 40,000 years so that you can see what we're looking at in a bit more detail. 286 00:28:59,850 --> 00:29:04,290 These are what they look like. It can be very cold in Greenland. 287 00:29:04,560 --> 00:29:08,230 And then suddenly the temperature jumps by something of the order, ten degrees. 288 00:29:08,250 --> 00:29:13,470 Some of these are actually 15 degrees, but ten degrees is a typical number for the jump here. 289 00:29:14,010 --> 00:29:18,570 And that looks instantaneous. It's actually about 40 years when you look in detail in the Greenland record, 290 00:29:19,440 --> 00:29:23,700 and then it sort of slowly cools and then jumps back down to the bottom again. 291 00:29:24,270 --> 00:29:28,770 It stays cold for a little while, for a few hundred, maybe a thousand years, and then jumps up again. 292 00:29:29,190 --> 00:29:34,799 And it keeps doing this. We've got there are 23 numbered events, but there are actually more events than that, 293 00:29:34,800 --> 00:29:39,709 depending on how you count them, where Greenland is doing this strange thing. 294 00:29:39,710 --> 00:29:42,180 Now, I should really emphasise this is Greenland doing this. 295 00:29:42,180 --> 00:29:46,110 So it's not that the world is doing this and it's not even that the Northern Hemisphere is doing this. 296 00:29:46,650 --> 00:29:52,620 You certainly do get similar records from the North Atlantic, from European records, 297 00:29:53,010 --> 00:30:00,100 and you get similar periodicity in other records like Cave Records in China that are recording something different, 298 00:30:00,150 --> 00:30:02,100 not not necessarily recording temperature. 299 00:30:02,760 --> 00:30:07,920 So there's something that's spread around the whole hemisphere and there's a warming in the northern hemisphere. 300 00:30:08,850 --> 00:30:11,159 But it's not a global change in that. 301 00:30:11,160 --> 00:30:15,450 Well, it's a global change, but it's not a global it doesn't globally look like there's nothing I'm trying to say. 302 00:30:18,000 --> 00:30:20,879 So these are very interesting things they've been much written about, 303 00:30:20,880 --> 00:30:25,740 including by other people in the audience far more than me, so I shouldn't label them. 304 00:30:26,130 --> 00:30:31,320 One particular characteristic of them is something called the bipolar seesaw you just saw flashing 305 00:30:31,320 --> 00:30:35,400 up something there to warn you that this this plot does go from right to left just to confuse you. 306 00:30:36,720 --> 00:30:43,050 So what's happening? That's a similar record to what you saw before? It's a different Greenland core, actually, but it shows you the same thing. 307 00:30:43,320 --> 00:30:48,510 And what happens is that when Greenland is cold here, Antarctica is warming. 308 00:30:49,230 --> 00:30:55,500 And when Greenland is warm, Antarctica is cooling. And that can actually be written down as an equation, a rather simple equation. 309 00:30:55,500 --> 00:30:58,860 It's just a one once just the integral of the other effectively. 310 00:30:59,700 --> 00:31:08,790 And it works surprisingly well, just as that equation, which I think is cool, but it's known as the bipolar seesaw equation. 311 00:31:08,790 --> 00:31:13,739 It definitely works. Whatever you think the mechanism is, and most of us think we know what the mechanism is. 312 00:31:13,740 --> 00:31:16,110 But whatever you think it is, the equation works. 313 00:31:18,380 --> 00:31:24,950 And what's suggested is and I don't actually know whether because I think I know where this plot came from. 314 00:31:24,950 --> 00:31:30,110 So I don't know whether it replaced. I put it up or sorry, I put it up in an oceanography department where you hate cartoons like this. 315 00:31:30,530 --> 00:31:39,280 So so as you know, I think in this department is a lot of heat travel through the ocean into the North Atlantic. 316 00:31:39,290 --> 00:31:43,610 And the idea behind this, which I'm sure many of you know about already, 317 00:31:44,300 --> 00:31:53,000 is that this thinking up here gets disrupted by fresh water off the ice sheets at some points during the last glacial. 318 00:31:53,360 --> 00:31:57,379 And that disrupts this whole flow of heat to the north, either takes it further south, 319 00:31:57,380 --> 00:32:03,410 weakens it or makes it shallower, or some combination of the three, and then it switches on again later. 320 00:32:04,250 --> 00:32:07,430 And there are all kinds of variants on this. There are various variants on this. 321 00:32:07,430 --> 00:32:12,010 It certainly requires sea ice to be doing something quite strong. 322 00:32:12,020 --> 00:32:16,580 In other words, advancing during the cold periods and retreating during the warm periods to amplify the effect. 323 00:32:17,300 --> 00:32:22,070 Some people have suggested it may involve the growth and shrinkage of ice shelves somewhere. 324 00:32:23,780 --> 00:32:30,200 I'm working with some people in this room actually on an idea about how runoff into the Arctic may affect this process. 325 00:32:30,530 --> 00:32:39,080 But anyway, the basic principle seems to be seems to be the and the significance of these events are that rapid change that occurred into the past. 326 00:32:39,380 --> 00:32:43,880 In the past, as far as we know, only when there are large ice sheets. But nonetheless, 327 00:32:43,880 --> 00:32:50,690 they should make us just a little bit worried that the climate system isn't going to behave in the regular way that we might think it's going to. 328 00:32:54,020 --> 00:32:58,370 So that was all the general stuff. So if you already knew all about ice cold, you can wake up now. 329 00:32:59,510 --> 00:33:03,090 And if you really didn't know anything about it, I'm probably going to get too complicated now. 330 00:33:03,620 --> 00:33:05,630 So half of you can leave now. 331 00:33:05,930 --> 00:33:12,139 But so now I'm going to talk about something I'm working on at the moment, and it's something where we haven't got a final answer. 332 00:33:12,140 --> 00:33:15,470 So this isn't going to come to some brilliant conclusion that, yes, we've solved everything. 333 00:33:16,880 --> 00:33:20,780 The question is, is sea salt in ice cores a proxy for past sea ice extent? 334 00:33:21,440 --> 00:33:27,170 So what we do in paleoclimate is to measure something as a proxy of something else, water isotopes as a proxy of temperature. 335 00:33:27,800 --> 00:33:31,370 And we've got this idea that sea salt may be a proxy for past the ice extent. 336 00:33:31,820 --> 00:33:38,570 And it's work led by my colleague James Levine. So why are we so interested in sea ice? 337 00:33:38,870 --> 00:33:43,219 Well, I hope I don't have to convince anyone here that it's a very critical component 338 00:33:43,220 --> 00:33:46,950 of climate for various reasons of which I've only written down a few here. 339 00:33:48,950 --> 00:33:51,440 If you don't get the sea ice right, you won't get anything else right. 340 00:33:53,570 --> 00:33:59,330 But unfortunately, we've got very short time series available given the sort of oscillations there are in the atmosphere there. 341 00:33:59,620 --> 00:34:03,620 You know, we've got two or three cycles of some of them and less than one cycle of some others. 342 00:34:04,640 --> 00:34:06,710 In satellite data, it's been 40 years. 343 00:34:07,310 --> 00:34:13,100 There are ship borne and airborne observations that have been used to try and extend back the Arctic record to the 19th century. 344 00:34:13,430 --> 00:34:15,499 For the Antarctic record, you can't do anything like that. 345 00:34:15,500 --> 00:34:22,729 There are some whaling records which are highly disputed and as well it's not something where we 346 00:34:22,730 --> 00:34:27,290 can just rely on the models to tell us the answer because the models have some serious deficiency, 347 00:34:27,320 --> 00:34:30,500 even in the simplest things, the current extent and trends. 348 00:34:30,500 --> 00:34:35,450 And I put this up not in order to embarrass the ice modellers, but just because it's the it's the truth. 349 00:34:36,410 --> 00:34:41,989 The black line is the data for Antarctic sea ice extent in February. 350 00:34:41,990 --> 00:34:45,950 So that's the minimum. February's the minimum because it's summer in Antarctica. 351 00:34:46,580 --> 00:34:54,680 The black line is the data from the satellites and these are the IPCC class models, what they say is happening. 352 00:34:55,280 --> 00:34:59,419 So firstly they're all over the place in the extent and secondly they all say 353 00:34:59,420 --> 00:35:03,440 that sea ice extent is decreasing and it hasn't decreased in Antarctica yet. 354 00:35:05,180 --> 00:35:09,020 So they're clearly doing badly now. It's not this is not a criticism of sea ice modellers. 355 00:35:09,020 --> 00:35:11,540 It's probably not the sea ice that's wrong in these models, actually. 356 00:35:11,540 --> 00:35:16,580 It's the fact that there are biases in the in the temperature of the ocean is one is one issue. 357 00:35:17,030 --> 00:35:20,030 And there are other things to do with the winds that are driving the sea ice around. 358 00:35:20,030 --> 00:35:24,830 So it's probably not actually the sea ice that's wrong. But the end result if the sea ice is wrong. 359 00:35:29,340 --> 00:35:38,489 What was the solid, right? Uh, the solid red is I think the MULTI-MODEL mean, I think. 360 00:35:38,490 --> 00:35:46,740 I'm not absolutely certain now. I'm sorry. I'd have to look that up. Yes, it must be the Multi-model mean, because it declines. 361 00:35:46,740 --> 00:35:50,610 I'm pretty sure it's the Multi-model mean, sorry, the models are terrible, but on average they're good. 362 00:35:51,930 --> 00:35:56,440 I don't know. I don't know what that tells us, though. 363 00:35:57,030 --> 00:36:01,049 They're good. They're good in extent. But they do. They do have the decline, which hasn't been seen. 364 00:36:01,050 --> 00:36:12,660 So. So there would be a huge benefit to getting a sea ice proxy, a really good sized or a really good set of sea ice proxies. 365 00:36:12,780 --> 00:36:18,870 Apart from anything else, when you're doing paleoclimate modelling, trying to look at the climate of the last glacial, 366 00:36:18,870 --> 00:36:22,080 it would be really good to be able to check that we hadn't sea ice roughly, right? 367 00:36:22,650 --> 00:36:26,549 Because if we had the sea ice from, we'll certainly have everything else wrong on this issue. 368 00:36:26,550 --> 00:36:29,850 With the sea ice across the dance go to rescue events is one example of that. 369 00:36:32,400 --> 00:36:38,760 So the obvious way to do this is for marine sediments and they do there are sea ice proxies in marine sediments and they're very, very nice. 370 00:36:38,760 --> 00:36:46,319 They give time sequences of sea ice presence or absence at particular sites, mainly through biomarkers or biological proxies. 371 00:36:46,320 --> 00:36:51,180 And you can combine the sites to give a spatial picture. I'll show you that in a minute, but it would be very nice. 372 00:36:51,330 --> 00:36:58,530 That's very painstaking. You have to measure at every site and then put it together to get a spatial picture. 373 00:36:58,530 --> 00:37:02,100 And it'd be very nice to complement that with a regional picture from an ice core proxy. 374 00:37:02,940 --> 00:37:05,159 And there are two candidates of which I'm going to talk about. 375 00:37:05,160 --> 00:37:12,149 One, but just to give you an idea what I mean by that, so this is the best it's not quite the best now because it's is a few years out of date. 376 00:37:12,150 --> 00:37:19,410 But this is the the compilation most people show for sea ice at the last glacial maximum in and around Antarctica. 377 00:37:21,990 --> 00:37:30,990 And what's been done here is to draw lines on with the last glacial maximum winter stretch of maximum winter. 378 00:37:30,990 --> 00:37:33,800 That's the WAC. You can see where the data points are. 379 00:37:33,810 --> 00:37:40,290 So you can see why there are question marks there where there's no data and then the summer weather, just a few odd bits of line here and there. 380 00:37:42,930 --> 00:37:46,920 What we'd like to complement that with, I mean, people can go and get more cores and that would be great. 381 00:37:48,090 --> 00:37:54,629 But what we'd like to complement that with is an ice core that would tell you not how much ice there is as an individual place, 382 00:37:54,630 --> 00:37:58,950 but how far did it extend in a sector extending away from the continent? 383 00:37:58,950 --> 00:38:04,250 Away from my site. So why sea salt? 384 00:38:05,180 --> 00:38:09,740 Well, sea salt over most of the world comes from the ocean spray and bubble bursting. 385 00:38:12,470 --> 00:38:17,180 And so if if that was the case, then what you would imagine. I'll give you one of the punch lines first. 386 00:38:17,540 --> 00:38:22,580 What you would imagine would happen is that when you had more sea ice, the ocean's getting further away from you. 387 00:38:22,610 --> 00:38:26,690 So you would think that the amount of sea sea salt reaching your core decreased. 388 00:38:27,080 --> 00:38:33,080 But actually, every time we look, if we look at winter against summer or at the last glacial maximum against the present, 389 00:38:33,380 --> 00:38:36,610 what you find is the other way around, that when there's more sea ice, 390 00:38:36,620 --> 00:38:40,040 when we know there was more sea ice, we actually get more sea salt in the ice cores. 391 00:38:40,670 --> 00:38:48,110 And models can't explain that at the moment. So what we think is happening and we've done a lot of work to make us think that, 392 00:38:48,110 --> 00:38:55,940 is that a number of observations suggest that there's a source from the sea ice itself, from the surface of the sea ice itself, a source of sea salt. 393 00:38:56,390 --> 00:39:02,270 And there are various things, too, to two of them are what I just said, this counterintuitive idea that when you've got more sea ice, 394 00:39:02,270 --> 00:39:07,760 you actually get more sea ice, despite the fact that what you thought was the source is now further away from you, a lot further away from you. 395 00:39:09,200 --> 00:39:15,110 The second one is, is a chemical a very distinct chemical signature, which is what we call negative non sea salt sulphate. 396 00:39:15,710 --> 00:39:24,830 And I'll show you what that is. What it is is that if you plot the amount of sulphate in snow or aerosol against the amount of sodium, 397 00:39:25,310 --> 00:39:35,090 what should happen is that it should have a ratio of the point 25 to in weight from the seawater itself and then 398 00:39:35,090 --> 00:39:40,610 it should have a bit more that comes from other sources like volcanoes and biogenic emissions from the ocean. 399 00:39:41,810 --> 00:39:50,360 And so if you calculate this quantity here, it should always be positive because if there was only seawater and nothing else, it would be zero. 400 00:39:52,490 --> 00:39:58,910 What you actually find is that as you get more and more sodium, especially in the winter, it becomes more and more negative. 401 00:39:58,910 --> 00:40:03,110 This quantity, which means some of the sulphate that was in the seawater, has disappeared somewhere. 402 00:40:05,120 --> 00:40:08,830 And you find that everywhere you measure it around and around coastal Antarctica. 403 00:40:08,840 --> 00:40:13,999 Actually, if you go into central Antarctica it's harder to spot it because there's a very big background of other things, 404 00:40:14,000 --> 00:40:17,090 but you can spot it by doing size segregated aerosol sampling. 405 00:40:19,670 --> 00:40:23,600 So what we what is happening, 406 00:40:23,600 --> 00:40:27,930 what we're sure is happening is that the sulphate is being depleted because mirabilis 407 00:40:27,950 --> 00:40:32,900 it's being precipitated out of rubber like sodium sulphate precipitates at minus eight. 408 00:40:33,650 --> 00:40:36,770 So it's not unreasonable, it's being precipitated out. 409 00:40:36,770 --> 00:40:45,979 And of course the amount of sulphate when it freezes out precipitates out is a much higher proportion of the sulphate in the water than sodium is. 410 00:40:45,980 --> 00:40:52,850 So it gives you the impression of a depletion and the only mechanism that anyone can think of for how that happens, 411 00:40:53,210 --> 00:41:00,170 where you can freeze out metabolite and then separate the sea salt aerosol from the light left 412 00:41:00,170 --> 00:41:06,079 behind somewhere else is by that happening on the sea ice surface before the uplift of the aerosols. 413 00:41:06,080 --> 00:41:11,870 So the idea is ice freezes out on the sea ice surface, but then the meribel precipitates out as well. 414 00:41:12,590 --> 00:41:21,590 So calcium carbonate actually precipitates out first, but then meribel like and then walks uplifted as aerosol one way or another is missing. 415 00:41:21,590 --> 00:41:23,240 The meribel item therefore is depleted. 416 00:41:23,930 --> 00:41:29,480 And so we think that the negative non sea salt sulphate is a really clear signature of a source coming from the sea ice. 417 00:41:30,800 --> 00:41:37,640 We do know we've been to sea ice surfaces and measured it and it is depleted on the sea ice surface because of this metabolite precipitation. 418 00:41:42,780 --> 00:41:49,940 So what's the source? I'll come to that in a minute. I actually I've only put this slide in because it's such a nice picture. 419 00:41:49,950 --> 00:41:54,479 I shouldn't have covered it up with the writing. But so this actually came from Shackleton's expedition. 420 00:41:54,480 --> 00:42:00,570 And although his ship, he thought was about to sink at this point, he still took the time to take pictures of frost flowers for people like me to use. 421 00:42:01,020 --> 00:42:07,650 These are frost flowers in Antarctica on Antarctic sea ice, which are one of the possible sources of this depleted sea salt. 422 00:42:09,720 --> 00:42:17,730 We're also interested in this depletion because of the impact it has on a process called called the bromine explosion, 423 00:42:17,730 --> 00:42:21,570 which leads to depletion of the ozone in the boundary layer. 424 00:42:21,600 --> 00:42:31,110 But I'm not going to talk about that today. So the idea was that if the sea ice is actually the source of much of the sea salt going into Antarctica, 425 00:42:31,440 --> 00:42:38,640 then maybe the sea salt is actually a proxy for sea ice, but in the opposite sense to the one we would first have thought of. 426 00:42:39,290 --> 00:42:43,650 So when it's cold, there's more sea salt because there's more sea ice. 427 00:42:45,060 --> 00:42:50,760 So now let's explore it. What we're actually doing here in about the next 10 minutes is to do what we 428 00:42:50,760 --> 00:42:55,200 normally do over five or ten years in a proxy development where we have an idea. 429 00:42:55,590 --> 00:42:58,740 We think it's brilliant because it fits everything that we're thinking about. 430 00:42:59,130 --> 00:43:03,780 We then start to think what the mechanisms are and realise it's pretty damn complicated and it probably shouldn't work. 431 00:43:04,020 --> 00:43:06,720 And finally, we come out the other end with something that partly works, 432 00:43:07,140 --> 00:43:10,440 and we're sort of somewhere in between stages two and three at the moment, I would say. 433 00:43:13,510 --> 00:43:17,510 So what is the sauce on the sea ice? Well, it could be. There are four possible sources. 434 00:43:17,530 --> 00:43:23,290 I think the first one is the brine layer on the sea ice surface, but certainly the brine layer on the sea ice surface. 435 00:43:23,650 --> 00:43:32,350 And it certainly is depleted in metabolites, but it's extremely unlikely that just blowing wind across the ice can lift up lots of lots of brine, 436 00:43:32,380 --> 00:43:36,700 lots of this very thin layer of brine into the atmosphere in order to make sea salt aerosol. 437 00:43:37,990 --> 00:43:42,910 So we're going to grade that out because PowerPoint is so clever that it can do that. 438 00:43:45,010 --> 00:43:49,530 Then there are leads within the sea ice phone, so the little bits of open water within the sea ice zone, 439 00:43:49,540 --> 00:43:52,720 but they won't work because they wouldn't be fractionated. They are just seawater. 440 00:43:54,760 --> 00:44:01,180 They've gone. Then there are frost stars, which are what you saw on the photo they form on new thin sea ice. 441 00:44:01,510 --> 00:44:06,670 They're actually ice that grows on the surface and then whips up salt. 442 00:44:09,250 --> 00:44:13,270 I've written a lot of papers in my time about Frost Flower suggesting that they are really important. 443 00:44:14,020 --> 00:44:17,770 I'm not quite sure that they are. I'm not sure they're ubiquitous enough. 444 00:44:18,550 --> 00:44:22,780 And we've also written has done some work which shows that they're not very easy to mobilise with wind. 445 00:44:23,650 --> 00:44:30,430 I'm not sure that works right because I'm not because Antarctic frost that we haven't done that Antarctic frost we've done it on Hudson Bay. 446 00:44:30,430 --> 00:44:36,460 Frost clouds and laboratory frost clouds. And I'm not sure Antarctic frost flowers are the same in terms of how strong they are. 447 00:44:37,270 --> 00:44:38,800 But I don't think they're ubiquitous enough. 448 00:44:41,470 --> 00:44:53,780 So the fourth proposal is what is causing this salt to become aerosol less fractionated salts become aerosol is actually salty snow on the sea ice. 449 00:44:53,780 --> 00:44:58,180 So on the sea ice, the snowpack and that gets mobilised as blowing snow. 450 00:44:58,270 --> 00:45:04,450 So these things that definitely happens there is definitely snow on sea ice and it definitely gets mobilised of blowing snow. 451 00:45:05,200 --> 00:45:12,340 And then in the atmosphere that would sublime, leaving not naked but nearly naked aerosol particles. 452 00:45:13,360 --> 00:45:20,919 And this was suggested by Shin Young in 2008. So the idea now is that this snow on sea ice is salty. 453 00:45:20,920 --> 00:45:28,690 It's salty partly because of flooding, but covers that puts a lot of ocean water onto the top of the sea ice surface. 454 00:45:28,690 --> 00:45:34,280 But within the snow pack, which then gets whipped up, it becomes blowing snow, which the blind skip, see. 455 00:45:34,300 --> 00:45:41,650 So terrorists will be transported to ice cold sites. So what Shenyang did was to make a model which had various parameters in it, 456 00:45:41,650 --> 00:45:51,400 and the most important ones are probably the salinity of the snow that can be blown, the threshold wind speed that mobilises it into blowing snow. 457 00:45:52,360 --> 00:45:56,230 And then the sites break from which which determines the sublimation rate. 458 00:45:56,680 --> 00:46:00,700 Oh, it's one of the things that determines the sublimation rate. And what we've done is two approaches. 459 00:46:00,700 --> 00:46:06,820 One is to make measurements and the other one is to do some modelling using P Tomcat, which is a chemical transport model. 460 00:46:11,230 --> 00:46:18,580 I think you can probably already see from the parameters that it's going to be tricky to make this into a quantitative sea ice proxy. 461 00:46:18,760 --> 00:46:22,900 So I already said this is going to be tricky. Now it seems to work. 462 00:46:23,260 --> 00:46:28,600 But why it works. That's what exactly what I was just saying. Why it why it works now is a bit of a mystery to me. 463 00:46:29,770 --> 00:46:34,580 But we'll explore it a bit anyway. So here's the cruise where we took some data. 464 00:46:34,610 --> 00:46:42,760 My colleague Marcus Frey went on this cruise. It was in the sea ice from here out to here somewhere. 465 00:46:45,530 --> 00:46:53,569 And we had lots of instruments on the ship. We had instruments for measuring the snow particles or the amount of blowing snow, 466 00:46:53,570 --> 00:46:57,850 the size distribution of blowing snow instruments for measuring the aerosol forms. 467 00:46:57,860 --> 00:47:00,980 Afterwards, we had instruments on the ship. 468 00:47:01,260 --> 00:47:08,150 So on the crow's nest of the ship. And then we also had instruments on the ice itself. 469 00:47:08,690 --> 00:47:12,790 And you might say, why do you take a photo when it was dark? It was always dark on this cruise. 470 00:47:12,800 --> 00:47:22,540 So it was winter. There are some interferences when you're doing this kind of field work. 471 00:47:23,150 --> 00:47:27,600 I'm assured that the penguins didn't get anywhere near the samples, but, uh. 472 00:47:32,150 --> 00:47:35,280 So we measured various things under control. 473 00:47:35,360 --> 00:47:40,069 You can so we measured the salinity of the snow that was on the in the snowpack and we 474 00:47:40,070 --> 00:47:47,479 measured the salinity of the snow that was in the air and we measured the snow particles. 475 00:47:47,480 --> 00:47:55,340 So this is a blowing snow event here, starting here, when the wind speed reached a certain point, the wind speed there is in green. 476 00:47:56,170 --> 00:47:59,360 When it reached a certain point, suddenly the snow starts blowing. 477 00:47:59,690 --> 00:48:00,980 And then we measured the aerosol. 478 00:48:05,260 --> 00:48:10,059 So one thing you can already see on here, actually, is that at least in this blowing snow event and it was generally true, 479 00:48:10,060 --> 00:48:13,510 although we didn't have a huge number of blowing snow events, I don't want to overemphasise this. 480 00:48:13,820 --> 00:48:17,660 Sometime after the blowing snow started, we started to see lots of aerosols. 481 00:48:17,680 --> 00:48:22,989 So there is actually little qualitative evidence that the blowing snow does lead to aerosol formation, 482 00:48:22,990 --> 00:48:25,090 which was one of the first order questions for the grant. 483 00:48:27,910 --> 00:48:35,530 And we measured various spectra of the sizes of the blowing snow and the size of the aerosols, which are what are needed to parameterised this model. 484 00:48:38,490 --> 00:48:46,530 So for him, any conclusion from the field or actually the salinities were lower than we expected, which is sort of a problem. 485 00:48:47,400 --> 00:48:53,670 But we think they may have been atypical. So we're going on another cruise in the Arctic soon to try and get some more data. 486 00:48:54,000 --> 00:49:01,440 The threshold wind speed was similar to what we used before, so we got that right and we did see increased aerosol concentrations during blowing snow. 487 00:49:02,130 --> 00:49:06,930 I think I'm running out of time for when you're expecting me to finish, actually, but I think in the next 5 minutes probably. 488 00:49:06,970 --> 00:49:11,400 Okay. So just very quickly, the Tomcat modelling. 489 00:49:11,820 --> 00:49:16,559 What we did was to include an open ocean source similar to what other authors who've 490 00:49:16,560 --> 00:49:22,080 used both higher order and lower order models have used on this blowing snow source. 491 00:49:23,790 --> 00:49:26,210 And it gives good agreement with air. 492 00:49:26,700 --> 00:49:31,680 Once you've changed it a little bit, it gives good agreement with aerosol concentrations at various sites around the world, 493 00:49:32,400 --> 00:49:34,350 including in Antarctica for the present day. 494 00:49:35,250 --> 00:49:44,579 What we found, and this may sound again negative, is that what controls the amounts of sea salt that reached central Antarctica. 495 00:49:44,580 --> 00:49:52,200 This is how much sea salt reach don't see in this model from year to year was not actually the amount of sea ice as we had hoped. 496 00:49:52,800 --> 00:49:57,150 That was the meteorology, the climatology. And actually it wasn't even just the meteorology. 497 00:49:57,150 --> 00:50:02,520 It was very specific. It was the got to make sure we get this right. 498 00:50:04,440 --> 00:50:08,519 It was the blue there. It was the transporting meteorology. 499 00:50:08,520 --> 00:50:11,640 So it wasn't the meteorology that was causing the blowing snow to be lifted up. 500 00:50:11,910 --> 00:50:16,020 It was the meteorology that transported it in. And what we think is going on. 501 00:50:16,320 --> 00:50:23,790 What we did, we discovered that by running the model with a constant year of meteorology unchanged and a different year of sea ice each year, 502 00:50:24,060 --> 00:50:26,820 or a constant year of sea ice and a different meteorology each year. 503 00:50:28,050 --> 00:50:34,920 What we think is going on is that there are only a very small number of events that transport sea salt to Antarctica each year, 504 00:50:35,340 --> 00:50:39,090 probably of the order, half a dozen or so looking into that at the moment. 505 00:50:40,140 --> 00:50:44,460 And of course, that can vary from year to year. If it's for this year and next year, you'll get a big difference. 506 00:50:45,180 --> 00:50:50,190 But it won't be anything to do with sea ice extent. So this property is not going to work from year to year, 507 00:50:51,570 --> 00:50:56,610 but nonetheless that should average out over a period that I think is typically of the order of decade. 508 00:50:57,240 --> 00:51:03,540 And then maybe the sea ice comes in. And so cutting to the chase, what we did was going to jump that. 509 00:51:04,440 --> 00:51:08,879 What we did was to run the model for present day sea ice and last go to maximum sea ice, 510 00:51:08,880 --> 00:51:13,520 but keeping the same climate which you'll instantly see is mad. 511 00:51:13,530 --> 00:51:14,850 But nonetheless, that's what we did. 512 00:51:16,080 --> 00:51:22,320 And it gives you a 50% increase in the amount of sea salt reaching Antarctica, which is actually exactly what you see. 513 00:51:22,590 --> 00:51:25,890 You see a 50% increase, the amount of sea salt reaching don't see. 514 00:51:27,570 --> 00:51:37,469 So the model says that the sea ice increase could due to the sea sea due to the sea ice or the sea salt increase caused by the sea ice. 515 00:51:37,470 --> 00:51:44,310 Change between the Holocene and the last glacial would give us the result we see for the amount of sea salt in Antarctica. 516 00:51:44,880 --> 00:51:48,510 What we haven't done is the converse experiment of what would the changing climate do? 517 00:51:49,080 --> 00:51:54,360 And that's a very difficult experiment to do, because we know that models don't get the last glacial maximum climate in the Southern Ocean. 518 00:51:54,360 --> 00:51:59,490 Right. We know that people think that the winds moved, but the models say they didn't, for example. 519 00:52:00,900 --> 00:52:04,620 So it's not obvious what climate we should use in order to test this. 520 00:52:04,620 --> 00:52:07,680 But nonetheless, we're trying to do some work to do that, 521 00:52:08,070 --> 00:52:15,120 and that will be a future piece of work if you're willing to suspend disbelief and think that qualitatively 522 00:52:15,120 --> 00:52:19,530 this probably is a sea ice property and I really like the way I presented it makes me think probably it isn't. 523 00:52:20,190 --> 00:52:28,259 But nonetheless, if you did, then what this would be saying is that there was less sea ice, there was more sea ice in the last glacial. 524 00:52:28,260 --> 00:52:33,300 I don't think we're very surprised at that. There was less sea ice in the early Holocene and there was less sea ice, 525 00:52:33,510 --> 00:52:38,270 quite a lot less sea ice than we could quantify it with this model in the last interglacial. 526 00:52:38,280 --> 00:52:44,400 And that would be quite important in understanding why the last interglacial behaved as it did in Antarctica, 527 00:52:44,970 --> 00:52:50,520 and especially if we could get ice cores from all around Antarctica to get each sector separately, which is what would be the ultimate aim. 528 00:52:50,940 --> 00:52:58,650 So I'm just exposing to you the workings of how we construct a proxy or possibly deconstructive proxy after several years, 529 00:52:59,790 --> 00:53:02,070 because I think that's the most interesting physics actually. 530 00:53:03,480 --> 00:53:10,980 I'm going to jump both and give the conclusions that we've now got of the second half of the talk. 531 00:53:10,980 --> 00:53:16,500 That is, we've now got a modelling tool with which we can explore the controls on sea salt reaching ice cold sites. 532 00:53:17,530 --> 00:53:21,179 We've we're improving the parameter ization because of field experiments. 533 00:53:21,180 --> 00:53:27,240 It's this interface between field experiments and modelling that I think is the the only way to deal with this kind of property. 534 00:53:28,650 --> 00:53:36,630 We know that it doesn't work for Interannual sea ice because that's controlled by the meteorology and. 535 00:53:37,260 --> 00:53:41,390 We can explain what happened in the last case to maximum, but we don't yet. 536 00:53:41,400 --> 00:53:45,000 We can't yet put our hand on our heart and say this is the unique explanation for it. 537 00:53:45,480 --> 00:53:51,180 We did some modelling that I jumped over which shows that we can define what the region of influence is for each high school site. 538 00:53:52,140 --> 00:53:56,820 It's probably safe to use this under a climate similar for day, which is why emphasise the interglacial. 539 00:53:56,880 --> 00:54:03,180 I think the changing climate between different interglacial is not likely to be so large as to have a strong influence on our results. 540 00:54:04,740 --> 00:54:09,120 So the only other thing I wanted to say because I know conclusions might you think thank God is about to start. 541 00:54:09,120 --> 00:54:16,500 But actually I've got one more. One more thing I'd like to say, which is in the future, we would very much like to go back further than 800,000 years. 542 00:54:16,860 --> 00:54:21,810 And the reason for that is because if you just look at marine sediments climate for the last one and a half million years, 543 00:54:22,830 --> 00:54:32,400 then there's a very obvious change, which is that instead of having these 100,000 year ish cycles here, we had 40,000 year cycles back here. 544 00:54:33,240 --> 00:54:40,440 And these correspond to different components of the Earth's of the astronomical cycles that control the Earth's orbit and its tilt. 545 00:54:41,400 --> 00:54:43,170 And if we've got an ice core that covered this, 546 00:54:43,170 --> 00:54:49,440 we think we could really make progress in understanding what was going on across this transition from these two different types of cycles. 547 00:54:49,780 --> 00:54:53,940 Now, the problem is we don't know where to drill the ice core. We're sure that it's there, but we don't know where. 548 00:54:54,270 --> 00:54:56,639 And so we've got to do a lot of geophysics first to find out. 549 00:54:56,640 --> 00:55:00,540 And that's a really big international effort involving people on four different continents. 550 00:55:02,480 --> 00:55:04,100 And with that, I will stop.