1 00:00:01,890 --> 00:00:16,740 Know. So the big idea introduced yesterday was that of a quantum amplitude, 2 00:00:16,740 --> 00:00:23,010 a complex number whose mode square gives you the probability for the outcome of some experiment, some measurement. 3 00:00:24,030 --> 00:00:35,099 And we have used the concept of a complete set of amplitude quantum amplitudes, so that if you knew these many all the amplitudes in a complete set, 4 00:00:35,100 --> 00:00:43,890 then you could calculate the amplitudes for any experiment that you might you might conceive any measurement that you might make. 5 00:00:44,820 --> 00:00:49,170 And I made the point that quantum mechanics is all about going from the amplitudes in some 6 00:00:49,170 --> 00:00:54,240 complete set to calculating these other amplitudes for the outcomes of other experiments. 7 00:00:56,780 --> 00:01:07,790 So this is there is a there is a very powerful analogy here between so a knowledge of the state, 8 00:01:07,790 --> 00:01:17,240 a dynamical state of our system is encapsulated in the values taken by these complete sets of amplitudes, some series, some set of complex numbers. 9 00:01:18,770 --> 00:01:26,630 And there's a very good analogy here between the way that we identify points in space and the coordinates of vectors. 10 00:01:27,620 --> 00:01:33,620 So we can use many different coordinate systems, many numbers to identify one in the same point in space. 11 00:01:33,620 --> 00:01:42,349 So the points in space are primitive notion in the sense the three numbers we use to identify them depend on well preference. 12 00:01:42,350 --> 00:01:45,559 And you might use their medical order systems. 13 00:01:45,560 --> 00:01:52,549 We might use many different Cartesian quarters systems, we might use public borders we have and the corners we use to identify a given 14 00:01:52,550 --> 00:01:57,620 point depend on the problem we're trying to solve may be most efficient use. 15 00:01:57,620 --> 00:02:02,160 Furthermore, this may be most efficient to use a particular Cartesian coordinate system, whatever. 16 00:02:02,600 --> 00:02:07,160 So we want and we find it very useful to have the concept of a position vector. 17 00:02:14,240 --> 00:02:21,860 Oh what we understand to be taken away from ANZ you said the three numbers. 18 00:02:22,460 --> 00:02:26,420 But it's more than a set of three numbers. It's really an equivalence class itself. 19 00:02:26,420 --> 00:02:31,000 It's freedom. It's because every different court and system, we have a different set of three numbers. 20 00:02:31,010 --> 00:02:40,010 On the same point we introduced the concept of a can of CI. 21 00:02:40,010 --> 00:02:52,100 So this symbol effectively characterises the symbol stands for the state of our system, the dynamic, 22 00:02:52,100 --> 00:02:59,090 the state of our system and you can think of it in symbolically stands for a one another. 23 00:02:59,210 --> 00:03:10,280 We have a new one, so it stands for a 1.334.1.1. 24 00:03:10,640 --> 00:03:16,430 Right. So we don't know how many quantum amplitudes we need in order to characterise our system. 25 00:03:16,700 --> 00:03:26,480 So it just goes on to. But the power of the notation is, is the power that we get from position vectors. 26 00:03:26,630 --> 00:03:32,030 Instead of writing all this, if we write all this stuff down, then we are committing ourselves to a particular coordinates, 27 00:03:32,030 --> 00:03:36,200 to a particular coordinate system, if you like, to a complete particular set of complete amplitudes. 28 00:03:36,890 --> 00:03:41,060 Whereas what we really want to do is focus on the dynamical state of our system. 29 00:03:41,300 --> 00:03:49,700 This is a dynamic side of our system. We we might even we might find it convenient to use the amplitudes to find the different possible energies. 30 00:03:49,850 --> 00:03:53,929 We might find it convenient to use instead the amplitudes with the different, 31 00:03:53,930 --> 00:03:58,250 different possible measurements of the momentum or the position or whatever. 32 00:03:58,340 --> 00:04:09,920 We leave that flexible by using by using, excuse me, that we have by using this symbol, said Kett. 33 00:04:10,850 --> 00:04:13,940 And of course, that is sorry. That is the back end of brackets. 34 00:04:13,940 --> 00:04:20,490 We will have browse in a moment. Okay. 35 00:04:20,670 --> 00:04:25,260 Now we know what it is. We can if we have got two cats. 36 00:04:27,450 --> 00:04:31,620 Supposing this stands for. These are not another dynamical state of the system. 37 00:04:31,860 --> 00:04:35,400 And let it be defined. Let it be in some particular system. 38 00:04:35,610 --> 00:04:45,570 Let it be these numbers. B1, B2, B3, etc. then because we know what it is to add amplitudes, indeed, we know we're under orders to add amplitudes. 39 00:04:45,780 --> 00:04:53,070 When something can happen by two different routes, it makes sense to define the object. 40 00:04:54,000 --> 00:05:06,690 We know what this object is. It is A1 plus B1 comma, a two plus B2, two comma and so on. 41 00:05:07,260 --> 00:05:15,030 So if you add two cats that that says the dynamical state of the system, which is described by the amplitude, 42 00:05:15,180 --> 00:05:18,900 the first amplitude being the sum of the amplitudes from the individual bits, 43 00:05:19,110 --> 00:05:23,850 the second amplitude being the sum of the amplitudes, the second amplitudes for the individual bits and so on. 44 00:05:23,880 --> 00:05:27,420 Right. So just as you add two vectors, if you add two vectors, 45 00:05:28,620 --> 00:05:35,310 you add the X components and you add the way components and you add the Z components to make a new set of three numbers. 46 00:05:35,520 --> 00:05:43,079 That's what we do with Cat. So we know to add cats now and we also know what it is to multiply cats. 47 00:05:43,080 --> 00:05:50,280 We can define a new cat by primed being, which we write like this Alpha PSI, which is just some complex number. 48 00:05:54,480 --> 00:06:01,920 We define this to be the cat alpha, a one comma, alpha a two comma, and so on. 49 00:06:02,130 --> 00:06:08,010 In other words, if you multiply a cat by some complex number alpha, what you mean is the dynamical state of the system that you would have, 50 00:06:08,490 --> 00:06:15,690 which has amplitudes, alpha times, the original alpha amplitude in every slot so we know how to add. 51 00:06:15,690 --> 00:06:19,050 These things are not to multiply these things by complex numbers. 52 00:06:19,350 --> 00:06:24,960 It follows that cats form a vector space. 53 00:06:28,970 --> 00:06:35,240 So you I guess you've been you've encountered this idea with in Professor Ashley's lectures, right? 54 00:06:35,240 --> 00:06:38,450 That the elements of a vector space for a mathematician, 55 00:06:38,450 --> 00:06:45,770 they are nothing but objects which you can add and objects you can multiply by numbers are the real numbers or complex numbers at your discretion. 56 00:06:46,580 --> 00:06:50,810 So that can form part of a vector space. We'll call this vector space Big V. 57 00:06:53,920 --> 00:06:57,100 You from those lectures, I hope know that what you get. 58 00:06:58,750 --> 00:07:01,870 No, let's let's let's let's get those lectures. 59 00:07:01,870 --> 00:07:06,910 I hope you've met the idea of a basis. A set of basis. 60 00:07:06,950 --> 00:07:11,110 Cats. What is a set of basis? Cats. It's set of objects. 61 00:07:11,640 --> 00:07:20,050 I well, you like this, which is such that any cat can be written as a linear combination. 62 00:07:25,170 --> 00:07:30,180 Whatever you need. It's a set of cat such that any cat does. 63 00:07:30,360 --> 00:07:35,100 For example, the dynamical state of our system can be written as a linear combination of these cats. 64 00:07:35,160 --> 00:07:40,720 Right. Then we have the idea of an adjoined space. 65 00:07:40,750 --> 00:07:53,110 I hope I'm just reminding you of stuff that you've already met. So if we consider the linea, we are going to be very interested in the linea complex. 66 00:07:53,110 --> 00:07:58,820 Valued. Complex valued. 67 00:08:01,530 --> 00:08:09,130 Functions on cats. Mathema a mathematician would say. 68 00:08:09,540 --> 00:08:25,200 On V functions on the elements of V. So as you might imagine, traditionally you would you would you would say, okay, f of SCI is a complex number. 69 00:08:28,130 --> 00:08:34,340 The complex number in question is going to be the amplitude. The reason why we care about these functions is because they're going to these complex 70 00:08:34,340 --> 00:08:39,020 numbers are going to be the all important amplitudes for something to happen, 71 00:08:39,230 --> 00:08:40,700 for something to be measured. Right. 72 00:08:41,450 --> 00:08:47,359 And that's you know, we completely focus the whole all this mathematical power is only there to help us to calculate these amplitudes, 73 00:08:47,360 --> 00:08:53,500 because if we can calculate amplitudes, we can take the mod square and we then have a prediction for what some experiment is going to. 74 00:08:54,920 --> 00:08:59,780 A probabilistic prediction for what some experiment is going to is going to yield. 75 00:09:00,710 --> 00:09:04,610 Okay. So so we're interested in these complex valued functions. 76 00:09:04,820 --> 00:09:08,000 I'm just I'm just saying that they're going to turn out to be the amplitudes. 77 00:09:08,000 --> 00:09:16,430 I'm not establishing that at this point. And the thing is, we don't actually use this notation, and the temptation we use is this. 78 00:09:17,000 --> 00:09:24,140 But these mean the same thing, a bracket opening, sort of angular bracket opening this way F of CI. 79 00:09:24,380 --> 00:09:30,980 This thing here means the function F evaluated on its side means that it is a complex number. 80 00:09:31,220 --> 00:09:34,130 It is going to be interpreted as an amplitude for something to happen. 81 00:09:34,970 --> 00:09:46,880 And this gives us the idea of saying that f which so this thing is a function, a linear, complex valued function is called the bra and the bra f. 82 00:09:50,210 --> 00:09:58,100 So we've got cats which define dynamical states of our system and we've got bras which are 83 00:09:58,100 --> 00:10:03,650 functions on the dynamical states of the system which extract the all important amplitudes, 84 00:10:04,460 --> 00:10:12,620 the cats form of vector space because it's a vector space, it must have bases like that up there. 85 00:10:13,790 --> 00:10:20,810 And the bras also form a vector space, as I hope you've discovered in in Professor Isserlis lectures. 86 00:10:23,540 --> 00:10:28,680 So the brass. Form the Adjoint space. 87 00:10:36,510 --> 00:10:41,220 Often called V primed. Why do they form a vector space? 88 00:10:41,250 --> 00:10:51,840 Because I know what it is to add to bras. If I give an if you give me a bra F and a bra G, I can form a new bra. 89 00:10:51,900 --> 00:10:55,800 Let's call it H for originality. Right. 90 00:10:56,070 --> 00:11:01,320 What do you want? In order to. In order to give meaning to this, I need to know what H does. 91 00:11:01,620 --> 00:11:04,800 What H does to any state website. 92 00:11:04,830 --> 00:11:09,660 I want to know. Function is defined by the value it takes on any on any possible argument. 93 00:11:09,990 --> 00:11:22,260 So I need to know what age of CI is, what number that is, and I define it to be efficaci plus skip CI, 94 00:11:23,220 --> 00:11:27,299 which of course is a perfectly well defined expression because this is a complex number. 95 00:11:27,300 --> 00:11:33,180 This is a complex number and we all know how to add complex numbers. So this is the definition of the function of the of the branch. 96 00:11:33,180 --> 00:11:40,830 So I know what it is to add two functions. And of course, I know what it is also to multiply a function by some constant thing. 97 00:11:41,040 --> 00:11:46,680 So I define the g primed meaning alpha g. 98 00:11:49,670 --> 00:12:01,229 By the rule. G primed of upside is alpha g of upside case of gain. 99 00:12:01,230 --> 00:12:06,480 This is perfectly well-defined because. That's just a complex number. 100 00:12:06,480 --> 00:12:12,510 And so this multiplication is well defined. So now I know what g primed what value it takes in every CI. 101 00:12:13,140 --> 00:12:19,410 So this is so this is the point that this is, this is the basic principle that establishes that the functions, 102 00:12:19,410 --> 00:12:24,210 the linear, complex valued functions on a vector space form, a vector space, the adjoined space. 103 00:12:24,540 --> 00:12:28,290 And we're going to be working extensively with both the cats and the pros. 104 00:12:30,820 --> 00:12:40,630 The only other thing that we need to remind ourselves is that the dimension of the adjoined space is equal to the dimension of the space itself. 105 00:12:42,480 --> 00:12:47,800 And so if we. And how do we how do we define this? 106 00:12:47,820 --> 00:13:01,500 We have a chorus where we prove so. So if we're given a basis of case I for each one of these, we define a a bra and we do it as follows. 107 00:13:01,500 --> 00:13:20,590 We say that. The bra j is the object is the function on the on the parts such that this complex number j i is equal to delta i j so in other words, 108 00:13:20,590 --> 00:13:30,970 it's nothing if if j the label j is not equal to the label I and it's one if the label label J is equal to the label, the label I write. 109 00:13:31,600 --> 00:13:36,160 So, so this do this this equation defines. 110 00:13:38,060 --> 00:13:54,470 J. The for all j the funk so that we're saying that that for example to the function to belonging to the second cat in our basis is defined. 111 00:13:54,800 --> 00:14:04,010 This is a function and it's defined such that two on two is one and two on anything else equals nought. 112 00:14:06,800 --> 00:14:12,709 So that is a perfectly good rule which defines the values that the function j takes in every element of the basis. 113 00:14:12,710 --> 00:14:15,320 And again from Professor S this lectures. 114 00:14:15,320 --> 00:14:22,190 I hope you are aware and can show that if you know what a function takes in every element of the basis, a linear function takes in every element. 115 00:14:22,190 --> 00:14:29,580 The basis you know what it takes in every cat whatsoever. So there's one final thing that we want to do in this abstract area. 116 00:14:29,850 --> 00:14:35,460 We want to say, supposing Abassi is equal to the sum I. 117 00:14:38,460 --> 00:14:48,890 Of of. So we take a state of our system and we have is a linear combination of the basis states then we define a function. 118 00:14:48,900 --> 00:14:54,180 This is the funny part, right? So so far I hope I think everything's been I hope everything's been fairly straightforward. 119 00:14:54,510 --> 00:14:57,299 But now I'm saying associated with the state of our system. 120 00:14:57,300 --> 00:15:08,190 I want to find a function on states and the function in question is defined by this rule that it's a complex conjugate. 121 00:15:11,930 --> 00:15:21,380 Times I. The bra i. So given that my state of my system is a certain linear combination of the basis states, 122 00:15:21,860 --> 00:15:29,689 I'm saying that the function associated with that state of the system is a certain linear combination of the functions, 123 00:15:29,690 --> 00:15:34,280 these functions which are associated with the basis states. Why do we do that? 124 00:15:35,450 --> 00:15:41,280 One reason we do that is in order that we can evaluate this important number of science. 125 00:15:41,360 --> 00:15:44,780 I. So let's have a look at that number. 126 00:15:45,080 --> 00:15:55,070 That is the sum. I write this out as a sum, a I star I sum of I. 127 00:15:55,160 --> 00:16:01,610 And then I have to write the this one out as a sum, a j of j. 128 00:16:02,750 --> 00:16:07,790 So I'm summing over J. These are just dummy labels, right? So I'm entitled to call one J and one I. 129 00:16:08,180 --> 00:16:13,040 So it's a sum over J is one to how many we need and i's one to have a many we need. 130 00:16:15,230 --> 00:16:18,490 This is a this is a linear function, right? 131 00:16:18,500 --> 00:16:21,560 We're evaluating this linear function on this dirty great sum. 132 00:16:22,040 --> 00:16:26,570 But because it's a linear function, the dirty great sum can be taken out side. 133 00:16:26,810 --> 00:16:35,090 So I can write this is the sum of I and now J being one two, whatever it is of a I star, 134 00:16:35,570 --> 00:16:50,550 a j of i j and there I've used the linearity of the function I and now I use the fact that this is by definition of this function delta right? 135 00:16:50,570 --> 00:16:53,959 J So it is nothing and less I equals. 136 00:16:53,960 --> 00:17:04,010 J So now let's do the sum over. J For example, as I do this summer over J I will get nothing here except for that particular j which is equal to Y, 137 00:17:04,010 --> 00:17:05,690 and then this will come become one. 138 00:17:06,080 --> 00:17:19,850 So this becomes the sum of a I star, a I in other words, it because the sum of I mild squared, which now that's just mathematics. 139 00:17:19,860 --> 00:17:30,770 Now we're back to physics. This is an amplitude to find this is this should be a this should be an amplitude a I a quantum amplitude. 140 00:17:31,490 --> 00:17:35,030 And we're taking a sum of the mode squares of the amplitudes. 141 00:17:35,300 --> 00:17:41,840 So this is the sum of the product, sorry of the probabilities. So that should be one because the probabilities should all add up to one. 142 00:17:44,670 --> 00:17:51,810 So my my states, I would like my states to have this normalisation condition. 143 00:17:52,880 --> 00:18:08,070 This is proper normalisation. Is that any of the state times its bra should come to one. 144 00:18:08,370 --> 00:18:11,700 Not any other complex number. That particular complex number one. 145 00:18:13,580 --> 00:18:19,700 Okay. So that's that's the basic principles of direct notation. 146 00:18:19,940 --> 00:18:21,800 Now, let's just talk about the energy. 147 00:18:21,830 --> 00:18:28,070 Let's let's have a look at this better understanding of what this physically means by having looking at energy representation. 148 00:18:30,730 --> 00:18:36,670 So supposing we in certain circumstances, for example, if you've got a particle that moves in one dimension, 149 00:18:37,540 --> 00:18:41,529 then it's then it's possible in some in some trapped in some. 150 00:18:41,530 --> 00:18:51,190 Well, then it is possible to to characterise the dynamical state of the system simply by giving the amplitude to measure. 151 00:18:52,480 --> 00:18:57,310 The possible values of the energy. So a complete set. 152 00:18:58,830 --> 00:19:07,170 So so this is this is not always the case. But for a one dimensional particle, a particle trapped. 153 00:19:09,710 --> 00:19:17,100 This is a very idealised situation, but never mind trapped. In a one dimensional potential. 154 00:19:17,100 --> 00:19:23,750 Well. We will see that. 155 00:19:23,760 --> 00:19:33,090 And I'm asserting for the moment that the a I form a complete set of amplitudes. 156 00:19:38,630 --> 00:19:48,850 Where? A mod squared is the probability of measuring the ice energy. 157 00:19:50,420 --> 00:19:58,610 The ice allowed energy, right? So the energy in this case, when we have our particle trapped inside a potential well, has a discrete spectrum. 158 00:19:58,830 --> 00:20:02,210 Remember, we introduced the idea of a spectrum. Those are the possible values of your measurement. 159 00:20:02,450 --> 00:20:06,320 You can only measure a discrete set of numbers. They're called EEI. 160 00:20:06,740 --> 00:20:09,559 There's a probability that if I would measure the energy, 161 00:20:09,560 --> 00:20:16,910 I would find the energy to be I that that's this mod square and a complete characterisation of the system. 162 00:20:16,910 --> 00:20:22,400 Complete dynamical information is provided by knowing not only these probabilities, but actually the amplitudes themselves. 163 00:20:23,630 --> 00:20:28,220 So you can think of of PSI as a vector formed by these amplitudes. 164 00:20:29,370 --> 00:20:32,729 Now, let's let's write that upside. 165 00:20:32,730 --> 00:20:40,710 The state of our system is equal. Let's let's be given some basis and let's write that it's equal to i. 166 00:20:41,730 --> 00:20:52,410 I summed over I. So out of these complex numbers, which we know and some basis, any basis we can, 167 00:20:52,710 --> 00:20:59,070 we can write a symbol like this that's just a repeat of what we've already done. 168 00:20:59,670 --> 00:21:04,229 And now let's ask ourselves, what are the meaning, what's the physical meaning of these states? 169 00:21:04,230 --> 00:21:11,670 These are this is expressing my actual state of the system as a linear combination of some states of the system that we've conjured out of nowhere. 170 00:21:13,550 --> 00:21:19,720 Right. But each one of these is, according to our formalism, corresponds to a complete set of amplitudes. 171 00:21:19,730 --> 00:21:24,770 It's it's a state of the system. Now, let's find out what these ones mean in this context. 172 00:21:25,550 --> 00:21:34,590 Suppose. We know. 173 00:21:37,200 --> 00:21:48,390 The energy is actually a three. So that implies that a three is one and a equals nought four, not equal to three. 174 00:21:48,840 --> 00:21:53,640 So supposing we happen to know that the energy is three. Then. 175 00:21:54,000 --> 00:22:01,210 Then the amplitudes must be like this. And what is that? 176 00:22:01,230 --> 00:22:08,400 What does that mean? That means Ixi. The state of our system is actually equal to three. 177 00:22:08,400 --> 00:22:11,520 Because on this. In this sum, there's only going to be. 178 00:22:12,980 --> 00:22:17,330 One non vanishing term, and that will be a three, namely one times three. 179 00:22:17,810 --> 00:22:25,520 So that tells us that this state three is actually the state of definitely being having energy three. 180 00:22:26,270 --> 00:22:32,000 And similarly for all the other ones. So a better notation or a clearer notation is. 181 00:22:37,820 --> 00:22:47,270 To write to rewrite that in a clearer notation is a cy is the sum I of a i times e i. 182 00:22:48,320 --> 00:22:56,780 This this makes it clear what we've just established that the thing is actually the quantum state of definitely being having energy. 183 00:22:57,540 --> 00:23:03,420 I. So we've discovered the physical meaning of those abstract basis vectors. 184 00:23:05,310 --> 00:23:09,270 When when these are the amplitudes to measure the different energies. 185 00:23:09,870 --> 00:23:13,620 And this is called the energy representation, right? This is the energy representation. 186 00:23:17,800 --> 00:23:23,950 This is when we express the state of our system as a linear combination of states of well-defined energy. 187 00:23:24,280 --> 00:23:30,220 This representation is and is playing an enormously important role in quantum mechanics, 188 00:23:30,790 --> 00:23:35,740 because it's how we it's by going to this representation for mathematical reasons. 189 00:23:35,950 --> 00:23:43,420 Going to this representation is how we solve the time evolution equation as we solve the quantum analogues of Newton's Laws of Motion. 190 00:23:44,260 --> 00:23:53,020 It's also as we will find a very, uh, a very abstract representation in the sense that and this may surprise you, 191 00:23:53,440 --> 00:23:59,860 no physical system ever has well-defined energy. So these quantum states are, in fact realisable in the real world. 192 00:24:00,220 --> 00:24:06,760 So this expresses a realisable state of affairs, this linear combination of states that you can never actually find anything in. 193 00:24:07,810 --> 00:24:11,920 But it's it's of enormous technical and mathematical importance. 194 00:24:15,200 --> 00:24:23,630 Let's talk now about something and we'll we'll we'll we'll we'll come back to the energy representation later on. 195 00:24:23,870 --> 00:24:28,070 But now let's move straight on to another illustration, which is back to spin a half. 196 00:24:29,870 --> 00:24:37,370 So I said that elementary particles are these tiny gyros that the the the rate at which they spin never changes, 197 00:24:37,580 --> 00:24:40,910 but the direction in which the spin is oriented does change. 198 00:24:41,420 --> 00:24:52,370 I made the point yesterday that the though you can know for certain the result of measuring the spin in one particular direction, 199 00:24:52,370 --> 00:25:03,139 for example, the component of the spin parallel to the z-axis, you cannot know the direction in which the thing is spinning, 200 00:25:03,140 --> 00:25:07,950 because even when you measure the component parallel to the z-axis with precision, you're, 201 00:25:07,990 --> 00:25:16,580 you're in deep ignorance about the about the value of the spin parallel to the x axis or the y axis. 202 00:25:16,580 --> 00:25:22,240 You only know it does have spin in those directions that you do not know the sign of this. 203 00:25:22,280 --> 00:25:32,899 You do not know how much spin is a long X or a long y, but a so so for s. 204 00:25:32,900 --> 00:25:39,200 So if we measured the spin along the Z axis and I'm going to say that this is now plus or minus a half a half. 205 00:25:39,950 --> 00:25:45,290 Now, yesterday I had an H bar here. In some sense I was using a slightly different notation, but I had an H bar there. 206 00:25:47,380 --> 00:25:52,000 I want to look at the angular momentum. H Bar has dimensions of angular momentum. 207 00:25:53,050 --> 00:25:58,720 So the angular momentum, what this means is that the if said is plus a half. 208 00:25:58,960 --> 00:26:03,490 That means the angular momentum in the Z direction is plus a half H bar, 209 00:26:04,510 --> 00:26:11,530 but it's turns out to be convenient to leave off the bar when talking about the so-called spin of said. 210 00:26:11,680 --> 00:26:16,420 Partly because you'll see that spin in quantum mechanics is. 211 00:26:17,960 --> 00:26:21,860 Really has a slightly dimensionless being. 212 00:26:21,860 --> 00:26:28,939 And partly because partly because writing we don't write any more, because we have to. 213 00:26:28,940 --> 00:26:34,910 It's just it's just economical. So that so physically there's the angular momentum is a half edge bar, 214 00:26:35,120 --> 00:26:42,110 but it's more convenient to write that as Z this abstract thing, the spin is plus a half or minus a half. 215 00:26:43,640 --> 00:26:48,350 So what do we have? We have two states. We have a we have a complete set of states. 216 00:26:53,640 --> 00:27:00,750 Followed by plus and minus. Okay, so this is the state in which I am certain. 217 00:27:00,990 --> 00:27:10,140 If I measure the spin parallel to the z-axis that I'm going to get the value a half, and this is the one where I'm certain to get minus the half. 218 00:27:11,340 --> 00:27:21,580 And the statement that's a complete set is to say that any state of my electron or whatever could be written as a plus plus. 219 00:27:22,290 --> 00:27:26,159 Actually, maybe it's better to write it this way. A minus minus plus. 220 00:27:26,160 --> 00:27:37,350 A plus plus. So since this is an easy case, there are only two components to our cat A minus and a plus. 221 00:27:37,730 --> 00:27:47,990 And just in just the same way that I might in ordinary in ordinary vectors write that oh is equal to 222 00:27:47,990 --> 00:28:03,800 is all the vector a let's say B perhaps it's better b is equal to b x e x plus b y e y plus b z e z. 223 00:28:05,660 --> 00:28:09,260 Don't need to bracket, do I know? Where? 224 00:28:09,260 --> 00:28:15,830 Here, I've got three real numbers B, B, Y and Z, which are the components of B in some particular coordinate system. 225 00:28:16,250 --> 00:28:22,700 So here I'm saying the state of our electron can be written as a linear combination of this basis vector and this basis vector. 226 00:28:22,730 --> 00:28:32,630 So these kind of map across here. But this is a simpler case insofar as it only got two components A minus and de plus rather than three components. 227 00:28:32,930 --> 00:28:37,040 So that's the analogy. Okay. 228 00:28:40,050 --> 00:28:41,910 Now we need to anticipate a formula. 229 00:28:42,630 --> 00:28:53,100 So what I what I claimed was earlier was that if you know what a minus and pluses are, what those amplitudes are, to find the spin in the Z direction, 230 00:28:53,100 --> 00:29:00,120 either up or down, then you can calculate the amplitude to find the spin in any other direction, 231 00:29:00,720 --> 00:29:04,590 either parallel to that direction or anti parallel to that direction. That's what I claimed. 232 00:29:05,010 --> 00:29:10,410 And I'm going to quote a result which which we will arrive at later. 233 00:29:10,620 --> 00:29:16,610 But we have to take it on trust for the moment. So the state if we if we have a unit vector n. 234 00:29:16,770 --> 00:29:21,040 So so let and. And it's a unit factor. 235 00:29:25,100 --> 00:29:28,280 And it's in the direction theatre and. Fine. 236 00:29:28,310 --> 00:29:35,990 Right. These are regular polar coordinates which are defining a direction by by pointing to a place on the unit sphere. 237 00:29:36,320 --> 00:29:39,080 And let n be the unit vector that points in that direction. 238 00:29:39,950 --> 00:29:51,800 Then I make the following assertion that the state of being plus along the vector n so can be. 239 00:29:52,580 --> 00:29:56,030 So this is a state of. This is a state of my electron. 240 00:29:56,270 --> 00:29:59,839 So if it's true that that's a complete set, it must be right. 241 00:29:59,840 --> 00:30:02,600 It is a linear combination of this state and this state. Right. 242 00:30:03,530 --> 00:30:09,649 And I I'm not going to say that that is sine I better just check that I'm getting this right. 243 00:30:09,650 --> 00:30:16,190 Yep. Science teacher upon to e to the i fi on to. 244 00:30:17,580 --> 00:30:26,320 Of minus. Plus costs are upon to each of the minus i. 245 00:30:27,990 --> 00:30:36,660 On to. Plus, now we will derive or at least you will drive in a problem this formula. 246 00:30:37,940 --> 00:30:41,960 We will show that it's why it's true. At the moment, we're just asserting that it is true. 247 00:30:42,650 --> 00:30:45,860 So this this is a complex number, right? 248 00:30:46,250 --> 00:30:54,890 And this is a minus. This is a complex number. And this is a plus for that particular for the for the for the quantum state, of having your spin, 249 00:30:55,700 --> 00:31:01,790 of being certain that if you measure the spin along this direction, you get the answer plus a half. 250 00:31:02,640 --> 00:31:13,280 Correspondingly, there is a minus object. Which turns out to be, cos these are over to each of the eye loops. 251 00:31:14,340 --> 00:31:26,190 Five over two minus minus sign feature over to E to the minus I fly over to plus. 252 00:31:27,580 --> 00:31:33,670 So it has it's made, of course, it's this is naturally another linear combination of this and this basis vectors. 253 00:31:34,150 --> 00:31:41,260 And now we just have different a because it's a different state, it has different a minus and different a plus. 254 00:31:43,870 --> 00:31:51,129 Now we in order to to to calculate something useful, we need to know what the bras are that belong to those. 255 00:31:51,130 --> 00:31:55,120 Right? So. So these are the kits. 256 00:31:55,120 --> 00:31:58,330 I will I will want to do something with the bras in a moment. 257 00:31:58,630 --> 00:32:03,640 So let's calculate what the bras are. So we have the bra in common. 258 00:32:03,640 --> 00:32:13,780 Plus, the rule is that we take the complex conjugate of of whatever comes in front of this, and then we change this into a bra. 259 00:32:13,870 --> 00:32:25,690 That was the rule we agreed on. So this is going to be sine theta over to e to the minus i fi over two of the bras 260 00:32:25,990 --> 00:32:36,130 minus plus cos these are over to each of the plus I high over two times the bra plus. 261 00:32:37,180 --> 00:32:40,360 So that's, that's the bra that belongs to that. 262 00:32:40,360 --> 00:32:45,880 And I want the bra that belongs to the other thing cos these are on to. 263 00:32:49,240 --> 00:32:54,310 The need to concentrate each of the minus five to. 264 00:33:06,790 --> 00:33:14,680 So there's a bit of practice in taking her mission, taking in adjoint, calculating the adjoin that belongs to a belongs to a vector, a cat. 265 00:33:16,030 --> 00:33:23,089 Now what we want to do. So let's calculate. 266 00:33:23,090 --> 00:33:33,100 Let's suppose. Let's suppose that we've just measured. 267 00:33:34,270 --> 00:33:41,860 The spin and we found the spin on the Z direction. And the result of that measurement was plus a half that in that case, 268 00:33:41,860 --> 00:33:48,820 what we will know is that the state of our electron is actually plus let's just suppose we've made the relevant measurement, 269 00:33:49,060 --> 00:34:03,700 and that's the bottom line. So what we want to find now is the amplitude that if I would measure the spin along n, I would find that it was plus on n. 270 00:34:05,740 --> 00:34:08,860 Now. I now realise that I have left out. 271 00:34:08,950 --> 00:34:12,700 Can we just cycle back to the energy representation? 272 00:34:12,700 --> 00:34:19,120 Why? I should have pointed something out. What I should have pointed out was. 273 00:34:22,280 --> 00:34:26,840 From this expression here. Well, perhaps it'd be better to be done. 274 00:34:29,080 --> 00:34:31,900 We better be done here. Let us point out at this point. 275 00:34:34,970 --> 00:34:48,080 A very simple fact that if I if I multiply this equation through by the bras e j so if I do e j times this equation, 276 00:34:48,080 --> 00:34:51,709 what that means is that I'm going to evaluate the function. 277 00:34:51,710 --> 00:34:58,640 E.J., E.J. on both sides of the equation then. 278 00:35:01,130 --> 00:35:09,800 Then what am I going to discover? I'm going to discover that, E.J. Upside is equal to AJ. 279 00:35:09,950 --> 00:35:15,980 Why is that? Because while Egypt sighs, obviously what appears on the left, what appears on the right is E.J. times all this stuff. 280 00:35:16,280 --> 00:35:20,930 But E.J. being a linear function. E.J. pops inside here and meets that. 281 00:35:21,350 --> 00:35:28,370 These are two basis factors. So they have Delta, E.J. for their E.J. on this EEI produces Delta AJ. 282 00:35:30,400 --> 00:35:37,120 So when I, when I do a so I get a Delta IJA when I do the sum of Ry, all it survives is age. 283 00:35:37,390 --> 00:35:42,280 Now, this is a fabulously I should have pointed this out. It's an obvious equation, but it's fabulously important. 284 00:35:42,280 --> 00:35:49,720 And it tells us really why we're interested in these animals here, because it means that given the state of my system, 285 00:35:49,960 --> 00:35:55,810 it enables me to recover the amplitude for measuring E.J. out of the state of the system. 286 00:35:55,810 --> 00:36:06,070 The rule is to get the amplitude for something. Take the state of your system and browse through by the bra associated with the result. 287 00:36:06,430 --> 00:36:09,850 The interesting result of your measurement. In this case. 288 00:36:09,880 --> 00:36:15,440 E J So the amplitude to find that the energies E.J. is just E.J. 289 00:36:16,510 --> 00:36:23,980 Brought into the state of our system. So when I come back to this problem here, I want to know the amplitude. 290 00:36:25,240 --> 00:36:29,110 To measure plus on end. 291 00:36:30,550 --> 00:36:36,190 So what I need to do is to calculate this by that principle. 292 00:36:42,090 --> 00:36:48,540 So what I do is I take that in plus thing this thing and I knock it into, 293 00:36:48,780 --> 00:36:56,580 I bring it into plus that will produce me a minus plus here which vanishes and a plus plus here, which is the number one. 294 00:36:56,850 --> 00:37:07,350 So I simply extract this. So this turns out to be costs feature over to each of the I find over two. 295 00:37:07,590 --> 00:37:14,069 So that's the amplitude to measure this this complex number is the amplitude to measure 296 00:37:14,070 --> 00:37:20,640 that the spin is along the vector n where C4 and phi the angles which define n, 297 00:37:21,060 --> 00:37:29,940 which means that the probability of measuring plus on n is simply cost squared phi over two. 298 00:37:30,930 --> 00:37:34,380 Does that make sense if sorry feature of two. 299 00:37:36,010 --> 00:37:47,549 Right. Because this this goes away when we take the mode square the does this make sense when theta is nought when theta is nought n coincides 300 00:37:47,550 --> 00:37:56,370 with the z axis and therefore the probability has to be one because we already know that it's certainly pointing down the z-axis. 301 00:37:57,090 --> 00:38:08,880 And guess what? It is one when theta is let's say that theatre is pi, which means that n is pointing in the direction of the minus it axis. 302 00:38:09,270 --> 00:38:15,299 We we should get the probability zero because that's the probability to find that it's pointing down the minus it axis, 303 00:38:15,300 --> 00:38:20,160 which is the same as the probability that we get minus along the plus it axis. 304 00:38:21,790 --> 00:38:28,980 And when seat is pi, lo and behold, we're looking at cost wed of cost of pi upon two squared, which is zero. 305 00:38:28,990 --> 00:38:42,130 So this does behave in a sensible way. Let's let's put three to equal to pi upon two and phi equal to nought. 306 00:38:42,160 --> 00:38:47,680 What does that imply? It implies that N is equal to x the unit vector in the x direction. 307 00:38:48,460 --> 00:38:58,120 So n becomes the x direction. What does that give me? That gives me that a that gives me that the probability for being plus on x. 308 00:38:59,780 --> 00:39:06,020 Given that I'm plus on Z is the probability the amplitude. 309 00:39:08,390 --> 00:39:16,790 Then I'm looking at I'm looking at costs of pi upon to upon to so cost pi upon four, which is one over two. 310 00:39:19,460 --> 00:39:23,420 And I have an E to the I not for each of the nothing. So that's just that, right? 311 00:39:24,700 --> 00:39:36,940 So guess what? If the spin, if we are guaranteed the answer plus a half for as I said, what's the probability of measuring plus a long X? 312 00:39:37,300 --> 00:39:41,200 The answer is a half because it's the square. 313 00:39:41,210 --> 00:39:52,360 The probability is the square of this. So p x plus is in this case equal to a half, which seems pretty reasonable because in some sense, 314 00:39:52,360 --> 00:39:58,840 knowing that the spin is along, it has a component plus a long Z doesn't really rather than minus along. 315 00:39:59,020 --> 00:40:01,389 It doesn't really help us to say anything about X. 316 00:40:01,390 --> 00:40:08,020 So we really have total uncertainty because it's the probability to be plus on x is a half the probability to minus one. 317 00:40:08,020 --> 00:40:19,450 X must also be a half. Let's let's put seats are equal to pi by two and phi equal to pi by two. 318 00:40:19,930 --> 00:40:24,850 That implies that n is equal to e y the unit vector in the y direction. 319 00:40:26,020 --> 00:40:31,120 What do we get then? Then we find that the amplitude y plus. 320 00:40:32,290 --> 00:40:38,090 Plus is. Still one upon two. 321 00:40:39,780 --> 00:40:44,520 But now we have e to the i. Pi on for. 322 00:40:52,170 --> 00:40:57,180 So the amplitude is now genuinely a complex number, whereas in the case it was a real number. 323 00:41:00,330 --> 00:41:08,309 But it means that the probability for getting plus on Y is still a half the same as it is on X, 324 00:41:08,310 --> 00:41:11,550 which again has to be the case by symmetry if you think about it. 325 00:41:19,270 --> 00:41:25,330 If we calculate the corresponding negative amplitudes, let's calculate x minus. 326 00:41:28,110 --> 00:41:32,010 The probability, let's find the amplitude that it's pointing minus on x. 327 00:41:33,420 --> 00:41:36,720 So then we have to take that n minus thing and bang it into plus. 328 00:41:37,080 --> 00:41:40,200 And what survives is the minus sign. 329 00:41:40,960 --> 00:41:46,620 Caesar over to. Well. 330 00:41:47,540 --> 00:41:54,190 Strictly speaking each of the stuff. But that's well each of the I fi over to. 331 00:41:55,610 --> 00:41:59,480 That's it. Actually, let's just make this an minus. 332 00:41:59,690 --> 00:42:04,299 All right. Then I know I can, from this formula, reduce the X and Y ones. 333 00:42:04,300 --> 00:42:08,780 That's what I want to do. I have the X minus plus. 334 00:42:10,180 --> 00:42:14,050 I have to put the feature upon two in here. That's going to be minus one over two. 335 00:42:14,620 --> 00:42:25,160 And I'm going to have that y minus. Y minus plus is going to be. 336 00:42:27,470 --> 00:42:35,330 So in that case, I'm going to be have a one of a root two. Here I have minus one over root two and then here I'll have an each of the IP upon four.