1 00:00:04,670 --> 00:00:14,640 And. So we arrived yesterday. 2 00:00:15,720 --> 00:00:20,879 Well, at a statement of the fundamental dynamical principle of quantum mechanics, 3 00:00:20,880 --> 00:00:28,200 the time dependent Schrödinger equation here I didn't yet justify didn't offer any justification for this at this time. 4 00:00:28,470 --> 00:00:33,990 The justification or arguments which will make this seem plausible are about to come. 5 00:00:33,990 --> 00:00:35,340 But they have not yet come. 6 00:00:35,750 --> 00:00:49,500 However, we already, at the end of yesterday's lecture realised that if if Asi if the state of our system is such that the energy is well determined, 7 00:00:49,500 --> 00:00:57,570 is, is is the result of measuring energy is certain, then the time evolution of that stage is absolutely trivial. 8 00:00:58,170 --> 00:01:06,090 The state evolves only in that its phase increments at a rate with a frequency and angular frequency upon bar, 9 00:01:06,360 --> 00:01:09,480 which is typically very large because the bar is very small. 10 00:01:10,620 --> 00:01:24,419 And we went on from that result there to show that the solution to this equation for any state of PSI takes this form that the state, 11 00:01:24,420 --> 00:01:32,280 the the the state of the system at an arbitrary time is this is this some over 12 00:01:32,640 --> 00:01:38,840 the states of world are termed energy where an observer is and evaluated. 13 00:01:42,150 --> 00:01:47,550 So if you evaluate these coefficients that time t equals nought or indeed at any time at your convenience, 14 00:01:48,600 --> 00:01:57,970 then just by inserting into this sum, this ordinary sum, which we've seen few times of upside expanded in terms of a complete set of states. 15 00:01:58,710 --> 00:02:04,740 If we just insert these exponential factors, bingo, we evolve the state according to that equation. 16 00:02:05,580 --> 00:02:11,490 So that makes these states of well-defined energy, of crucial operational significance. 17 00:02:12,750 --> 00:02:19,920 And the result of that is that we spend a great deal of time solving the defining equation of these of these states, 18 00:02:20,250 --> 00:02:27,360 which is that and is equal to E and in the states of well-defined energy by construction. 19 00:02:27,360 --> 00:02:33,210 I can states of the Hamiltonian operator and this is the time independent Schrodinger equation 20 00:02:34,140 --> 00:02:40,530 to distinguish it from the time dependent up there so only states of well of definite energy. 21 00:02:40,530 --> 00:02:47,730 So if the time independent Schrodinger equation any state the state of our system always has to solve the time dependent Schrodinger equation. 22 00:02:49,530 --> 00:02:56,700 So what we want to do now, the next item on the agenda fundamentally is to provide some justification, 23 00:02:57,030 --> 00:03:00,420 make it seem plausible that that is the correct equation of motion. 24 00:03:00,720 --> 00:03:03,750 And a good way to do that is to link back to classical mechanics. 25 00:03:04,290 --> 00:03:13,919 So recall classical mechanics, classical physics is that limit of where we where the uncertainty in the values of dynamical variables 26 00:03:13,920 --> 00:03:18,360 is sufficiently small that isn't necessary to calculate the whole probability distribution. 27 00:03:18,570 --> 00:03:26,490 It's enough to know what the expectation value of the probability distribution is, because the true value will be very close to the expectation value. 28 00:03:26,490 --> 00:03:32,340 And we ordinarily don't distinguish between the expectation value and the true value when doing classical physics. 29 00:03:32,640 --> 00:03:42,090 So what we want to do is calculate divide e t of the expectation value of some observable. 30 00:03:43,080 --> 00:03:45,120 I think I think we calling observables Q. 31 00:03:48,910 --> 00:03:55,400 And let's put an ice bar in front of here just in order to clarify what's right, in order to simplify the algebra. 32 00:03:55,420 --> 00:04:01,180 So we're trying to calculate this the rate of change of the expectation value of something, this something might be position. 33 00:04:01,630 --> 00:04:06,130 So this might be X, this might be momentum, it might be energy, it might be whatever you want to know, 34 00:04:06,130 --> 00:04:08,290 might be angular momentum, whatever you want to know about the system. 35 00:04:09,100 --> 00:04:15,010 This would tell you the rate of change of the classical value of that variable, because the classical value is the expectation value. 36 00:04:15,730 --> 00:04:19,000 So what does that what is that? Well, this is just a this is just a product. 37 00:04:19,960 --> 00:04:30,820 So obviously it comes into three parts h bar the CI by e t times Q times of PSI plus. 38 00:04:33,280 --> 00:04:36,320 Let's take the last bit now. No. Yeah. 39 00:04:37,030 --> 00:04:45,040 Plus upside to Q to Q by d t sorry. 40 00:04:45,040 --> 00:05:05,100 These things probably should be with the. Whether we make these things partial derivatives or total derivatives, this is no significant. 41 00:05:05,150 --> 00:05:08,580 This is clearly a total derivative because this thing doesn't depend on anything except time. 42 00:05:09,570 --> 00:05:12,930 Whether we make these partial or total is is very unimportant. 43 00:05:15,710 --> 00:05:23,090 So here we have an Irish bar rate of change of size and this can immediately be replaced by H ABC. 44 00:05:23,960 --> 00:05:29,610 Here we have the bra upside and the original equation we can take. 45 00:05:29,630 --> 00:05:34,010 We can. We can take the Hamish now joint of the original equation when it becomes minus 46 00:05:34,010 --> 00:05:46,129 h bar d by d t of the bra psi because he's brought up psi equals upside h. 47 00:05:46,130 --> 00:05:55,550 Remember the rule when we take commisioner joints is we reverse the order of the symbols and we and we take the joints of the individual bits. 48 00:05:55,820 --> 00:05:59,060 H isn't h is an observable. 49 00:05:59,240 --> 00:06:02,900 So it's a high emission operator. So H equals h dagger. 50 00:06:03,200 --> 00:06:15,679 So I can pop those into here and here. So the first two terms give me including the bar and this one is going to be minus psi. 51 00:06:15,680 --> 00:06:23,690 H So that is bar divide T of the bra up psi times. 52 00:06:23,690 --> 00:06:29,269 Q Times of psi. And this one the I including the bar. 53 00:06:29,270 --> 00:06:34,250 This is going to be plus of psi cubed h. 54 00:06:37,290 --> 00:06:41,420 And then we have a trailing bit here, which will be plus H bar. 55 00:06:43,080 --> 00:06:46,350 Q Sorry, upside. Q By d. 56 00:06:46,350 --> 00:06:58,800 T So. These two can be handily combined together into a commentator because there's a minus sign here. 57 00:06:58,810 --> 00:07:09,210 Otherwise the order of the Q in the Asia swapped around. So this can be written as as upside the comitato Q comma h ci. 58 00:07:09,840 --> 00:07:18,380 And then this is plus h by. Oops. 59 00:07:21,810 --> 00:07:25,440 So this result goes by the name of Ehrenfest Theorem. 60 00:07:31,760 --> 00:07:36,829 And it's one of the more important results of quantum mechanics in most of our applications. 61 00:07:36,830 --> 00:07:43,670 We can forget about this because what is this last term? Here is the expectation value of the rate of change of your observable. 62 00:07:44,930 --> 00:07:49,489 So if the observable was, for example, x, it would have no rate of change. 63 00:07:49,490 --> 00:07:52,790 Xs, Xs X It's always the same operator if you're observable. 64 00:07:52,790 --> 00:07:56,510 P it would have no rate of change because the momentum. 65 00:07:56,690 --> 00:08:00,980 Momentum is momentum. It's momentum. It doesn't change the our understanding of what momentum isn't. 66 00:08:01,150 --> 00:08:05,240 It doesn't change from moment to moment. If it were angular momentum, it doesn't change from moment to moment. 67 00:08:05,240 --> 00:08:08,330 So this this term here usually falls away. 68 00:08:09,980 --> 00:08:22,030 And so so if the upside size de Q by d t equals nought, which is the normal state of affairs, then oh, 69 00:08:22,820 --> 00:08:34,840 we have that bar divided t of the expectation value of Q which is often written like this in shorthand notion notation. 70 00:08:35,040 --> 00:08:38,359 Right. We've left out the upside either side. Just leave the angle brackets, 71 00:08:38,360 --> 00:08:47,330 which means the expectation value in any state whatsoever is equal to the expectation value of the commentator cubed comma h. 72 00:08:58,430 --> 00:09:05,989 Okay. What does that tell us? It tells us immediately that if an observable commutes with the Hamiltonian. 73 00:09:05,990 --> 00:09:10,970 If Q commutes. 74 00:09:16,030 --> 00:09:25,690 But with age that was being the same thing as Q, comma h equals nought. 75 00:09:26,800 --> 00:09:32,530 Then clearly the expectation value of Q is always constant. 76 00:09:37,830 --> 00:09:41,790 And physicists are always very excited by quantities which are constant. 77 00:09:43,620 --> 00:09:47,250 So we call it what do we call it in classical physics, we call it a constant of motion. 78 00:09:54,600 --> 00:10:00,180 Famously, Newton said that if you didn't go from messing with particles, the momentum was constant. 79 00:10:00,270 --> 00:10:05,249 Or maybe he said the velocity was constant, right? So velocity is a constant of motion. 80 00:10:05,250 --> 00:10:08,310 We now would reinterpret that as momentum is constant. 81 00:10:09,150 --> 00:10:12,450 We often know that angular momentum is of the angle. 82 00:10:12,450 --> 00:10:17,849 Momentum with the earth is almost constant insofar as it's not acted on too much by the moon and so on and so forth. 83 00:10:17,850 --> 00:10:23,310 So. So. Physics is full of constants of motion. They're very important in quantum mechanics. 84 00:10:24,870 --> 00:10:29,999 There's a special notation around here, which is to say that we say that. 85 00:10:30,000 --> 00:10:35,250 Q The eigenvalue of this is a good quantum number. 86 00:10:44,080 --> 00:10:50,620 So if somebody says that angular momentum is a good quantum number, they're simply saying angular momentum is a constant to the motion. 87 00:10:55,500 --> 00:11:02,490 We can go further than that, though, because so we've shown that the expectation value of Q is constant. 88 00:11:02,760 --> 00:11:09,780 We could show easily that the expectation value of Q squared is constant too. 89 00:11:10,890 --> 00:11:16,620 It's very straightforward, but it's obviously the case because Q squared is an observable. 90 00:11:17,340 --> 00:11:21,270 If Q commits with a Hamiltonian, then Q squared has to compute with the Hamiltonian. 91 00:11:21,270 --> 00:11:26,460 So Q squared is also a constant to the motion. That means that if you start. 92 00:11:26,700 --> 00:11:38,849 So this implies that if if initially if t equals nought, abassi is one of the states of well-defined Q So. 93 00:11:38,850 --> 00:11:43,589 Q are one of the eigen states of the operator. Q So we know for certain the result of a measurement will be. 94 00:11:43,590 --> 00:11:47,880 Q Are then what does that mean? That means that T equals nought. 95 00:11:50,280 --> 00:11:59,700 The expectation value of Q is obviously equal to Q R and the expectation value of Q squared is equal to Q R squared, 96 00:11:59,970 --> 00:12:03,300 which implies that the variance of. 97 00:12:03,330 --> 00:12:10,649 Q you know, so far that implies that the variance of Q is as ever defined to be the expectation 98 00:12:10,650 --> 00:12:20,300 value of Q squared or minus the expectation of Q itself squared vanishes. 99 00:12:20,310 --> 00:12:27,750 So this variance expresses, of course, the fact that there's no uncertainty in the value that we get. 100 00:12:28,890 --> 00:12:33,570 But this, since this is a constant of the motion and this is the constant of the motion, 101 00:12:33,570 --> 00:12:36,870 if this variance vanishes that T equals nought, it vanishes at all times. 102 00:12:38,580 --> 00:12:44,520 And the only way that that can happen is if your system stays in the state that it was in originally. 103 00:12:44,520 --> 00:12:50,190 So if it was in a state of well-defined Q at the beginning of a T was nought, it'll be in the state. 104 00:12:50,190 --> 00:12:55,890 It will define Q at all subsequent times. So that's why that's the meaning of this good. 105 00:12:55,950 --> 00:12:57,900 That's why people talk about good quantum number. 106 00:12:58,230 --> 00:13:04,500 If I know at some particular time that the angular momentum of this isolated body is h bar or whatever, 107 00:13:04,830 --> 00:13:12,690 then I know that at all later times it's also well, it's a quantum number worth knowing because it's always a valid information. 108 00:13:15,690 --> 00:13:22,050 So. So we're very interested in quantities in observables that compete with the Hamiltonian. 109 00:13:34,550 --> 00:13:41,120 Let's move over here for the next point. Yeah, obviously. 110 00:13:42,620 --> 00:13:53,600 Okay. So we're interested in things that commute with the Hamiltonian. And a trivial observation is that h0h common h equals nought. 111 00:13:54,600 --> 00:14:00,440 This is a bad place, isn't it? Hmm. And I'm not sure that anything we can do about it. 112 00:14:02,960 --> 00:14:19,190 So the Hamiltonian commutes with itself, which means that the expectation value of H is a constant if the h by d t equals nought. 113 00:14:19,310 --> 00:14:29,570 So now we need to come back to this point that we I said usually it's going to be the case that the partial derivative of Q with respect to time, 114 00:14:29,810 --> 00:14:34,580 I've lost it. It's up there somewhere. The partial derivative of Q with respect to time vanishes. 115 00:14:34,610 --> 00:14:38,200 Now, the Hamiltonian is an interesting case where that isn't necessarily the case. 116 00:14:38,210 --> 00:14:46,670 There are very important circumstances in which the Hamiltonian does explicitly depend on time. 117 00:14:46,820 --> 00:14:52,400 The expression for the energy depends on time. For example, if you. 118 00:14:56,550 --> 00:15:04,110 If you if you put a particle in a time varying magnetic field, the expression for the Hamiltonian, 119 00:15:04,440 --> 00:15:09,060 which the Hamiltonian is going to depend on, the magnetic field depends on time. 120 00:15:09,600 --> 00:15:13,500 And in those circumstances, the energy of the particle is not going to be constant. 121 00:15:13,860 --> 00:15:18,330 And the reason is you're working on that time dependent. The Hamiltonian reflects the work that you're doing on the particle. 122 00:15:18,690 --> 00:15:25,079 But if you if the Hamiltonian is independent of time, so that will reflect you're not doing any work. 123 00:15:25,080 --> 00:15:29,100 And then the expectation value of H equals constant is conservation of energy. 124 00:15:36,740 --> 00:15:41,390 So this condition, it will turn out, is intimately connected to whether or not you're working on the particle. 125 00:15:45,200 --> 00:15:56,450 Now let's have a look at the the rate of change of the expectation value of any observable when we are in a state, 126 00:15:56,450 --> 00:15:59,780 when a stop sign happens to be a state of well-defined energy. 127 00:16:01,130 --> 00:16:09,020 Right. So these states have well-defined energy. We've explained that they're they're the key to solving the the central equation of the theory. 128 00:16:10,550 --> 00:16:15,830 So let's ask ourselves a little bit about those states. So the so the amplitude. 129 00:16:15,980 --> 00:16:23,420 Let's, let's have a look at cu e right. 130 00:16:23,420 --> 00:16:29,899 This is the amplitude to determine CU, you know, given that we're in the state. 131 00:16:29,900 --> 00:16:39,920 E Well, this is an, this is an eight let's give it this, give it and cu n so this is so this is the amplitude to find the value. 132 00:16:39,920 --> 00:16:41,989 Q And if you would measure with the observable. 133 00:16:41,990 --> 00:16:58,310 Q Given that you were in a state with well-defined energy, let's work out the time derivative of this h bar dba d t of this quantity is equal to this. 134 00:16:58,520 --> 00:17:04,760 This is so it's a very specific d cu in. 135 00:17:07,520 --> 00:17:11,240 I wonder if we should turn this off where we can turn it down. 136 00:17:13,470 --> 00:17:26,820 Three was. It looks like he's. 137 00:17:31,680 --> 00:17:41,969 Okay. So we do the same thing. This has to be a think thing we get from the commissioner, joy to the bottom of the equation. 138 00:17:41,970 --> 00:17:51,150 And we get the time to penetrating the equation. So we get A minus Q and H, so that is that. 139 00:17:51,840 --> 00:18:00,060 And then we see arms, which this is going to be the New Amsterdam by. 140 00:18:00,240 --> 00:18:04,440 Well, that's including the age increases. H e. 141 00:18:08,960 --> 00:18:12,130 And this is nothing very much. Right. 142 00:18:12,140 --> 00:18:22,850 Because H works on E to produce E, because that's the name of the h e times the 10th E focus this produces minus E, 143 00:18:23,300 --> 00:18:31,760 times Q and E and this H produces ne until we get to plus e e to these two terms cancel. 144 00:18:32,090 --> 00:18:41,960 So we've discovered that the rate of change of the amplitude to have the value q n is constant red change vanishes this amplitude. 145 00:18:42,830 --> 00:18:55,590 Q and e. For any excuse to ignore the intended result. 146 00:18:55,590 --> 00:19:00,450 We didn't make any restriction, any restriction whatsoever on what the possible queue was. 147 00:19:00,660 --> 00:19:05,630 So so the remarkable fact is that in these states, 148 00:19:05,640 --> 00:19:12,210 a well-defined integer give you a system has well-defined energy, all its property, the expectation value. 149 00:19:14,700 --> 00:19:19,650 And by thinking about, you know, in fact it then follows with a couple of extra steps. 150 00:19:20,160 --> 00:19:25,590 The probability distribution of measuring any observable whatsoever is completely constant. 151 00:19:25,920 --> 00:19:35,730 Nothing ever changes. So that seems to be being called stationary state. 152 00:19:42,570 --> 00:19:47,520 These states really are forever if they are completely internal, unchanging. 153 00:19:47,970 --> 00:20:00,510 They are not of this world. And in particular, you can never get the system into consciousness, that you can never get the system into a state of, 154 00:20:00,510 --> 00:20:05,640 well, because you it's going into there, we claim like something is changing. 155 00:20:06,270 --> 00:20:12,060 Who can get a check? That's kind of remarkable. 156 00:20:13,710 --> 00:20:19,500 So now we have a new a new topic, the position representation. 157 00:20:23,980 --> 00:20:29,410 To bring us much closer to the races of the world was in reaching it. 158 00:20:29,990 --> 00:20:35,410 So so far we've talked about we use abstract representation through a little bit like the 159 00:20:35,410 --> 00:20:42,100 energy representation of let's say we've assumed that our observable has discrete spectrum. 160 00:20:42,280 --> 00:20:47,740 So the spectrum is made up of discrete numbers. Think about the position operator. 161 00:20:56,890 --> 00:21:02,180 So this is the thing made up. I mean, this is business. 162 00:21:02,620 --> 00:21:11,510 The operator, which encodes of the status of well-defined position on the x axis of this has it 163 00:21:11,530 --> 00:21:21,770 has a spectrum which is usually continuous and it runs your that you can physically. 164 00:21:22,000 --> 00:21:26,190 It's not discrete, it's continuous. And this requires some some adjustment. 165 00:21:27,790 --> 00:21:39,639 So we. We used to write, we'd have been writing Let's divide board. 166 00:21:39,640 --> 00:21:47,380 We have in writing, which is equal to some and shall we say in representation. 167 00:21:47,740 --> 00:21:57,290 Now we're going to write that a side is equally integral as some over discrete set of possible and shrink values numbers, 168 00:21:57,290 --> 00:22:01,800 and the spectrum becomes an integral over the possible values of the spectrum. 169 00:22:01,810 --> 00:22:09,070 Search legislation to infinity of some of you have to be an x close. 170 00:22:09,070 --> 00:22:12,010 The states will find that they're being added. 171 00:22:12,020 --> 00:22:22,120 So this is the state of the system is in when it is at X when our value or whatever is at X and this is the amplitude to be x, right? 172 00:22:23,750 --> 00:22:33,790 And if you. B, x and of x. 173 00:22:36,260 --> 00:22:44,870 We used to have that e m e and you still have. 174 00:22:45,460 --> 00:22:56,210 And what are we going to have now? Let's roll this thing three times and we're going to have the integral, the x primes. 175 00:22:59,780 --> 00:23:07,490 Sorry, x x prime x upside of x. 176 00:23:09,950 --> 00:23:14,090 This side of this side is going to equal one side. 177 00:23:16,460 --> 00:23:20,890 Sorry, sorry, sorry. What do we want? What we want is that this? 178 00:23:20,900 --> 00:23:24,650 Well, it's obvious that this thing vanishes. Except when x prime is equal to X. 179 00:23:24,650 --> 00:23:32,389 Because if it's definitely an x, sorry, it's definitely an x, then it's certainly. 180 00:23:32,390 --> 00:23:39,380 Isn't it x prime if x prime is different for. So this thing here is nothing except when x equals x, right? 181 00:23:41,600 --> 00:23:47,900 And it must be it must be non-zero, presumably rather like that. 182 00:23:49,670 --> 00:23:54,829 But I think we do this right. And this is what is this by definition? 183 00:23:54,830 --> 00:24:01,190 This is the amplitude to be X prime. And I've already said that is the amplitude to be in its prime, right x. 184 00:24:01,220 --> 00:24:06,590 So it's clear that this thing here is a slide of x find the amplitude to be an next prime. 185 00:24:07,130 --> 00:24:14,960 So we have the amplitude of x prime. That function is equal to the depth of explained x. 186 00:24:17,530 --> 00:24:24,970 And I hope that you I'm sure you've already met this relationship or stuff like this, 187 00:24:25,490 --> 00:24:33,830 but this could also be written in equations delta primes minus x9x. 188 00:24:34,340 --> 00:24:40,350 So we have so that result of the two being generalised or is morphed into statement. 189 00:24:40,350 --> 00:24:46,249 The next prime x is equal to a direct running. 190 00:24:46,250 --> 00:24:49,430 The delta ls from x 1 to 6 prime. 191 00:24:54,870 --> 00:25:00,710 We used to have that upside side, 192 00:25:01,150 --> 00:25:10,799 which was the sum of the and squares was won by conservation of probability that this was 193 00:25:10,800 --> 00:25:15,620 the sum of the probabilities to get the value and it was that you had to get some value. 194 00:25:15,640 --> 00:25:23,740 That sum of probabilities have to be one. Now what do you have to turn into this? 195 00:25:23,890 --> 00:25:28,470 This turns into rain here, turns into upside side. 196 00:25:31,580 --> 00:25:34,970 Should we one? And how do we how do we express it like this? 197 00:25:35,360 --> 00:25:45,650 We say that this is the integral of the x of sine x x. 198 00:25:51,140 --> 00:26:04,440 Sure. Where we we're using the idea. Sorry, but we we used to have the sons D and he and I was the identity operator. 199 00:26:05,160 --> 00:26:16,030 Now we have to go back to the integral, the x, x, x and the ID brings up every all of these. 200 00:26:16,030 --> 00:26:30,390 Some are turning into integrals so of this relationship becomes this because because this is the identity operation snuck into there 201 00:26:30,870 --> 00:26:39,150 and this is what is the amplitude to be an X that we already call that the wave function so that this is the complex conjugate, 202 00:26:39,160 --> 00:26:45,420 the class level, the complex conjugate of this. So this becomes the integral, the x squared. 203 00:26:45,420 --> 00:26:48,270 So the integral of what size squared should be one. 204 00:26:50,120 --> 00:26:59,460 And in this continuous rate, these are just natural transformations, what we've already done in the discrete case to the continuous case. 205 00:27:00,270 --> 00:27:10,770 But the one more thing that we need to write down, we used to have we used to have the sign. 206 00:27:11,380 --> 00:27:15,660 This was the sum at the end. 207 00:27:16,830 --> 00:27:38,670 And by. B and E and then the complex number by side who is the sum, the end, and some of them. 208 00:27:38,680 --> 00:27:44,000 And as a result, we have had was the analogous thing here. 209 00:27:45,830 --> 00:27:57,280 You know, this thing is going to be the fi side is going to be integral into here we stick it identity operator the integral 210 00:27:57,290 --> 00:28:13,040 the x of x price so this becomes the interval the x so you stick an identity operation into that of 5xx sign. 211 00:28:14,720 --> 00:28:20,690 This is what we have been calling the wave function of CI of x. It is the amplitude b, it is the function. 212 00:28:20,690 --> 00:28:31,639 It is a function to make public, I think all eight side x and by analogy we should hold we should call x upside x five. 213 00:28:31,640 --> 00:28:36,709 Sorry, we should call the wave function by x that being. 214 00:28:36,710 --> 00:28:42,810 So this becomes the complex coming it. This becomes a years. 215 00:28:44,560 --> 00:28:46,990 So. So then both of these things are possible. 216 00:28:48,010 --> 00:28:59,690 So this is this is this is precisely a transformation of that with some wind and X and the sun up and becomes a digital print. 217 00:29:01,820 --> 00:29:06,670 This is the stuff you have to do with the spectrum of x is continuous, not discrete. 218 00:29:09,410 --> 00:29:26,480 Let's just do a little practice with this by asking ourselves how does the Operation X work on an arbitrary state side in this representation? 219 00:29:29,300 --> 00:29:35,840 So what we want to know is the thing to do is to ask ourselves what wavefunction represents. 220 00:29:36,140 --> 00:29:42,250 That is to say, what is this complex number as a function of X? 221 00:29:42,260 --> 00:29:45,260 So here's the operator. X, there is an arbitrary value of x. 222 00:29:45,710 --> 00:29:58,160 I would like to know what the amplitude v that is to this stage, but you get when you operate x world function and when you see an operator x, 223 00:29:58,160 --> 00:30:05,060 the obvious thing to do is dig into here and identify the operator made up of the eigen functions of x. 224 00:30:05,450 --> 00:30:12,470 So in order to understand what this is, what we do is we slide into one of the identity operators. 225 00:30:12,710 --> 00:30:29,570 X is busy. Some identity operator is going to have to give some of x primes a new value, some independent value of x x x x primes, x primes sun. 226 00:30:31,520 --> 00:30:34,670 So here is the identity operator along with that. 227 00:30:35,810 --> 00:30:41,740 Now, life is relatively straightforward because this is an eigen function of that operator with this eigenvalue. 228 00:30:41,750 --> 00:30:50,360 That's the definition, which is that. Yeah. So an x means this, it produces simply x time its prime the number of times the can x probed. 229 00:30:50,690 --> 00:30:54,980 So this becomes the integral that the x prime or x prime. 230 00:30:55,000 --> 00:31:00,170 There's the eigenvalue popped out when we have our x next primes. 231 00:31:00,680 --> 00:31:05,330 This we recognise to be the wave function of sine evaluation of primes. 232 00:31:08,430 --> 00:31:14,150 But this we recognise now we have seen that this is the direct build function of x minus x, right? 233 00:31:15,330 --> 00:31:19,320 So when we do the integration over x prime, 234 00:31:19,770 --> 00:31:30,089 this shows we get no contribution except for that little second when x from is equal to x oh well and we get the values, 235 00:31:30,090 --> 00:31:37,590 the integral and evaluated it is exercise turned into x, so this is equal to x5x. 236 00:31:38,520 --> 00:31:47,040 So at the end of a long story, what have we discovered? We've just got the wave function associated with with the result using the operator 237 00:31:47,040 --> 00:31:52,080 x on some stage it could be x times the wave function of the original state. 238 00:31:53,190 --> 00:32:05,730 We can express that. But the way to remember that is to say that the operator X or Y functions like all the multiplication. 239 00:32:23,370 --> 00:32:26,250 So you don't usually go to this kind of a performance. 240 00:32:27,360 --> 00:32:32,100 You know what's going to happen when you do it, but that's the logical basis for this statement. 241 00:32:33,900 --> 00:32:38,790 Let's introduce another very important operator, the mental breakdown. 242 00:32:44,830 --> 00:32:52,520 Now I'm going to make an understandable claim about what this operator, how this operator looks at the position representation. 243 00:32:52,910 --> 00:32:56,490 I don't expect you to think. A-ha, that makes sense. It doesn't make sense. 244 00:32:56,510 --> 00:33:03,170 It's a complete leap in the dark. We will understand later, considerably later, why these operations take the form that they do. 245 00:33:04,040 --> 00:33:12,710 But I hope soon to build some kind of sense of what are we going to do just right now is completely going to go up. 246 00:33:13,070 --> 00:33:31,220 I'm going to say, well, let's investigate the operators. I I'd like to know from the investigative which is defined find us and have. 247 00:33:41,530 --> 00:33:45,999 Now let's just make sure we understand positively what's happening here and 248 00:33:46,000 --> 00:33:50,170 operate fundamentally is something which turns the state into another state. 249 00:33:50,830 --> 00:33:57,960 When we're in the position representation we are. When we're in the position of representation, we are. 250 00:34:02,200 --> 00:34:09,370 We're working with functions our way out of space represented by their weight functions, which is now what you see. 251 00:34:10,360 --> 00:34:20,259 So the next operator, the ex operator has to turn away function or some other function. 252 00:34:20,260 --> 00:34:25,120 And look, exercise is another function. It depends on x is a different way from website us. 253 00:34:25,900 --> 00:34:31,330 So similarly, this momentum of this operator claims the momentum operator without any basis is going to try again. 254 00:34:34,860 --> 00:34:44,670 This momentum operator. Is. 255 00:34:49,220 --> 00:34:53,300 Is turning the wave function of PSI into its derivative and derivative. 256 00:34:53,690 --> 00:34:58,160 Is a function different from the function we first thought of? So indeed it's turning a function into a function. 257 00:34:58,490 --> 00:35:10,650 So that's kind of it means it is at least a band operating. Is it a mission? 258 00:35:17,930 --> 00:35:22,850 It's not obvious that is the mission. And if it isn't the mission, it certainly can't be the momentum operator. 259 00:35:23,600 --> 00:35:28,830 So let's let's check that out if we. So let's write down the complex number five. 260 00:35:29,450 --> 00:35:35,250 He had a sign. Let's let's evaluate this using this hocus pocus here. 261 00:35:35,280 --> 00:35:38,960 Right. So this is the integral de x. What am I going to do? 262 00:35:39,200 --> 00:35:42,320 I'm going to put an identity operator just in here. 263 00:35:42,770 --> 00:35:51,290 Made up of X is right. Why? Because I know I define P in terms of what is what happens when it has an X on the left of it. 264 00:35:52,400 --> 00:35:59,640 So this is going to be fine. X rays, p hat, everybody. 265 00:36:01,820 --> 00:36:04,820 And now we can turn this into wave function language. 266 00:36:05,030 --> 00:36:08,950 This is the complex conjugate of the wave function by. 267 00:36:09,290 --> 00:36:15,180 So this is the integral the x phi, the star of x. 268 00:36:15,200 --> 00:36:21,590 And we define what that is. It's minus h bar D by the x sign. 269 00:36:23,300 --> 00:36:27,950 So we can now integrate by part two, integrating minds and pages infinity. 270 00:36:28,340 --> 00:36:34,580 So we can integrate by pass this this partial derivative to get this part moderated by and onto the PHI. 271 00:36:37,520 --> 00:36:41,569 So what does that give me? We get we get a square bracket term. 272 00:36:41,570 --> 00:36:46,770 We have a five star registered minus. 273 00:36:46,970 --> 00:36:50,150 Let's put the minus H bar outside some fast bracket. 274 00:36:50,150 --> 00:36:57,320 All right. So we can have a square bracket term. Now we're going to have an ABC star sorry, a five star. 275 00:36:57,320 --> 00:37:01,490 ABC minus infinity. Infinity. And then we're going to have minus. 276 00:37:03,220 --> 00:37:06,250 The integral. The X, the ci. 277 00:37:07,090 --> 00:37:15,690 Sorry. A sci fi star by ex close the big bracket. 278 00:37:19,940 --> 00:37:24,290 So we're going to operate under the assumption that this thing vanishes. Now, this is a rather hairy. 279 00:37:24,560 --> 00:37:29,180 Don't don't press too hard as to whether this really does vanish. 280 00:37:29,180 --> 00:37:35,660 But the general idea is that the amplitude to find your particle of the edge of the universe is zero. 281 00:37:37,040 --> 00:37:41,930 So we dispose of this on the grounds that it is the amplitude to find the particle infinitely far away. 282 00:37:42,050 --> 00:37:45,050 We're going to say that that zero we will actually be working. 283 00:37:45,350 --> 00:37:48,530 You'll see quite soon with some way functions where that doesn't vanish. 284 00:37:48,530 --> 00:37:55,430 And this is an example where physicists are rather fast and loose. And but fortunately, this doesn't lead to any bad effects. 285 00:37:56,790 --> 00:38:01,620 So this we put in the pin and this we can see is more or less what we want. 286 00:38:01,920 --> 00:38:07,110 Let's just tidy up a bit. So what is this that survives, including this minus H bar? 287 00:38:07,380 --> 00:38:12,420 So we're going to have a minus. Well, let's leave the minus out. 288 00:38:12,960 --> 00:38:18,760 We. Yep. D x of a CI. 289 00:38:19,470 --> 00:38:25,830 And then we got to have an h bar defined by the x. 290 00:38:26,670 --> 00:38:34,620 Supposing I take the star of all that, then I think I need a minus sign because this coming, this minus will cancel on this minus. 291 00:38:34,620 --> 00:38:38,100 So we'll have an h bar times this stuff with the CI start. 292 00:38:38,490 --> 00:38:42,990 If I take that of CI that star and put it around the whole caboodle, including the I, 293 00:38:42,990 --> 00:38:48,630 I'll need an additional minus sign to cancel the minus sign that will arise when that star is evaluated on here. 294 00:38:51,360 --> 00:39:01,590 And I can say now that that is the integral de x upside star minus h bar defined by the x. 295 00:39:05,530 --> 00:39:10,099 Stahl So if I take the store, this store completely outside the whole thing, 296 00:39:10,100 --> 00:39:16,840 then I will need a store which will be cancelled by the global store and otherwise everything be okay. 297 00:39:17,470 --> 00:39:23,760 And what is this? This that we have in here, in in direct notation is absurd. 298 00:39:23,790 --> 00:39:28,140 I. P hat. Fi. 299 00:39:28,890 --> 00:39:34,830 And that still sits outside, right? What's inside the store is by definition this. 300 00:39:35,340 --> 00:39:44,970 So that we are the answer is mission. Provided we get rid of that surface term that that minus infinite the square bracket. 301 00:39:47,380 --> 00:39:53,260 One. Okay, let's calculate the commentator x hat, comma p hat. 302 00:39:54,850 --> 00:40:03,940 We're going to calculate it like this. So what we're going to do is calculate the action. 303 00:40:04,060 --> 00:40:11,950 So what we know at the moment is the action of p hat on any wave function and we know the action of X on any wave function. 304 00:40:11,950 --> 00:40:19,750 So I want to work with wave functions, which means I, I put a bra at this end here, a bra x at this end here. 305 00:40:20,290 --> 00:40:29,920 And what does this give me? So this is going to be obviously x x p ABC minus. 306 00:40:31,140 --> 00:40:35,690 X. P hat x hat sign. 307 00:40:36,950 --> 00:40:46,590 No prizes for that. Now this we've discovered X on this. 308 00:40:47,400 --> 00:40:49,799 We discovered that X on any wave function, 309 00:40:49,800 --> 00:40:55,530 on any object gives you x times the wave function you first thought of, the wave function you were operating on. 310 00:40:55,980 --> 00:41:03,870 What is the wave function that this produces? The wave function that this produces is minus bar deep upside by the X. 311 00:41:04,950 --> 00:41:10,140 So we all we really have to take that and multiply it by X and then that's what you get there, right? 312 00:41:10,160 --> 00:41:13,440 This is a complex number depending on X, if it's a complex number depending on X. 313 00:41:13,890 --> 00:41:17,100 So P on this is is a certain wave function. 314 00:41:17,100 --> 00:41:22,589 It's this and then x hat on that produces x times that wave function. 315 00:41:22,590 --> 00:41:23,130 So that's it. 316 00:41:24,030 --> 00:41:39,720 So here same stuff x on this is going to produce x abassi x of CI and then p on that is going to produce minus h bar, cbd, x of that stuff. 317 00:41:40,080 --> 00:41:45,960 And there's a minus sign floating here. I mean, this minus sign is this, that minus belongs to the, to the p operator. 318 00:41:47,370 --> 00:41:51,449 So I think you can see that the X dips liberty x terms. 319 00:41:51,450 --> 00:41:53,399 When you differentiate on this product, you'll get two terms. 320 00:41:53,400 --> 00:41:57,870 You'll get x deep side of the x, which will cancel on this because of the two minus signs. 321 00:41:58,140 --> 00:42:03,510 And you will also get an upside to the derivative of X with respect to x, which is obviously one. 322 00:42:03,810 --> 00:42:14,980 So we're going to get H bar of CI of x, which can also be written by H for x oops vici. 323 00:42:15,180 --> 00:42:20,340 So what have we learned? What we've learned is that for any state of SCI whatsoever, we never said what it was. 324 00:42:22,080 --> 00:42:27,990 The wave function associated with x CI is simply by the times the wave function of CI. 325 00:42:28,680 --> 00:42:35,790 So that means that we can now write down an operator statement that x hat comma p hat is equal to h bar. 326 00:42:40,080 --> 00:42:43,709 So the computation of these two operators is a constant, small, 327 00:42:43,710 --> 00:42:49,860 constant but constant and a canonical and a commutation relation of this sort is called a canonical. 328 00:42:54,270 --> 00:42:55,500 Commutation relation. 329 00:43:01,870 --> 00:43:10,480 We will meet other relations of this type with with a commentator of two operators is equal to each bar and they will be declared canonical as well. 330 00:43:11,200 --> 00:43:15,250 The word this canonical of course comes from classical mechanics, Hamiltonian mechanics. 331 00:43:16,960 --> 00:43:25,240 And this arises because in classical mechanics, momentum is canonically conjugated quote unquote to two x. 332 00:43:33,390 --> 00:43:39,200 Right. So now now that we've done that, let's. 333 00:43:40,720 --> 00:43:45,550 Yeah. We've just got time, I think to do this. Let's apply Ehrenfest nice theorem to. 334 00:43:46,120 --> 00:43:49,390 So I'll begin. Let's work out this bar. 335 00:43:49,960 --> 00:43:55,090 Divide e t of the expectation value of x. 336 00:43:58,590 --> 00:44:04,720 What do you think this should be? The rate of change of the expectation value of X should be the speed. 337 00:44:05,830 --> 00:44:13,600 Right. Does so that the rate of change of the expectation value of X should be the should be the speed velocity, whatever. 338 00:44:14,230 --> 00:44:18,730 So we're hoping that this turns out to be i b which should be i. 339 00:44:18,730 --> 00:44:24,730 P upon m if. If. If we're doing this right, according to Aaron. 340 00:44:24,730 --> 00:44:33,340 First, what's this equal to? It's equal to ABC X comma, Hamiltonian upside. 341 00:44:35,510 --> 00:44:42,590 Right. That's Aaron Fest Theorem. Concrete example of application. 342 00:44:43,920 --> 00:44:49,230 So in order to go further, we need to say, So what's H? H is the energy operator. 343 00:44:50,170 --> 00:44:54,640 What do we know about the energy of of some. 344 00:44:56,570 --> 00:45:00,920 Of a particle that's moving in May, possibly with some potential present. 345 00:45:00,960 --> 00:45:07,490 Right. So the energy should be a half classically. 346 00:45:09,900 --> 00:45:15,960 Claire Skelly. If we're doing this classically I should replace this with an energy. 347 00:45:16,290 --> 00:45:21,810 Should be a half and v squared plus the potential energy depending on x, 348 00:45:22,860 --> 00:45:28,950 which could also be written as the momentum squared over to m plus the potential energy. 349 00:45:29,610 --> 00:45:32,760 Right. Because P classically is an. 350 00:45:35,160 --> 00:45:39,900 So let's let's just suppose that we can carry this forward into the quantum domain 351 00:45:40,320 --> 00:45:47,670 and say that the Hamiltonian operator is the momentum operator over to M plus v. 352 00:45:50,250 --> 00:45:53,340 The function V evaluated on the position operator. 353 00:45:55,280 --> 00:46:00,350 Then we're going to have that HBO DVD. 354 00:46:01,490 --> 00:46:06,050 Of the expectation value of X that is going to be. 355 00:46:07,350 --> 00:46:16,740 The expectation value of x computed with p squared over two m plus v. 356 00:46:23,780 --> 00:46:29,359 But we know that. So this but this committee is it can be broken down into a sum of two computations, the computation, 357 00:46:29,360 --> 00:46:38,569 the combination of X with P and the computational of X with V, but v is a function of x and therefore x. 358 00:46:38,570 --> 00:46:47,780 The position operator is going to compute with this. So we're going to have that x comma v equals nought because v is a function of x. 359 00:46:49,150 --> 00:46:58,490 So what we're left with is. What we're left with is the expectation value of p. 360 00:46:59,180 --> 00:47:02,329 P. Sorry. Expectation. 361 00:47:02,330 --> 00:47:05,860 Value of the commentator. Of X with. 362 00:47:05,860 --> 00:47:12,300 P. P. Sigh over to em. 363 00:47:12,820 --> 00:47:19,200 Okay, I can take the two m out of the commentator because it's just a number and I can express p squared is p. 364 00:47:19,740 --> 00:47:25,230 But we discussed we discussed probably yesterday what how we took the commentator of a product. 365 00:47:26,700 --> 00:47:30,450 We used the rule analogous to differentiation of a product. 366 00:47:30,750 --> 00:47:37,920 So this is equal to a sigh onto x comma p. 367 00:47:39,270 --> 00:47:43,409 Commentator P. Standing idly by plus p. 368 00:47:43,410 --> 00:47:47,970 Standing on the first piece. Standing idly by while excuse with a second p. 369 00:47:56,580 --> 00:48:01,090 But we've discovered that this animal is is a half. Sorry. Is is bar right? 370 00:48:01,110 --> 00:48:06,900 This is a bar and this is a bar. I was just a boring number, so it can come out front. 371 00:48:07,230 --> 00:48:15,630 So that becomes a bar over to M, and then we have P plus P, which is two P, so I can rub out that two times. 372 00:48:20,770 --> 00:48:26,589 So what have we discovered? We've discovered that we can cancel this on the right side with what we had 373 00:48:26,590 --> 00:48:32,530 on the left side and say the DVD t of the expectation value of the position. 374 00:48:34,270 --> 00:48:37,300 Is in fact equals the expectation value of the momentum. 375 00:48:37,720 --> 00:48:43,150 What I claim is the momentum anyway over time, which is exactly what we were hoping for. 376 00:48:43,270 --> 00:48:47,860 Right. So we've recovered the definition well. 377 00:48:47,860 --> 00:48:54,760 The relationship between velocity and momentum, which in classical in Hamiltonian mechanics is a rather is rather. 378 00:48:55,150 --> 00:48:59,559 Those of you who've done a seven will realise that the the connection between 379 00:48:59,560 --> 00:49:04,180 momentum and velocity is not as simple as elementary Hamiltonian mechanics. 380 00:49:04,180 --> 00:49:05,259 Right? Elementary. 381 00:49:05,260 --> 00:49:13,479 Newtonian mechanics would lead you to believe it can be quite subtle and it's determined by this, which is one of this is one of Hamilton's equations. 382 00:49:13,480 --> 00:49:20,200 What we've done is derived one of Hamilton's equations which supersede Newton's laws of motion. 383 00:49:21,530 --> 00:49:27,350 In classical physics. So we derive from quantum mechanics a classical result which was already known. 384 00:49:27,710 --> 00:49:32,600 But this is the justification for Hamilton's equations, because this is true that Hamilton's equation is true. 385 00:49:34,470 --> 00:49:41,700 And we'll leave it on that. And tomorrow morning, I'll start by driving the other of Hamilton's equation, which is analogous to F equals Emma.