1 00:00:03,620 --> 00:00:10,640 Okay. Good morning. So. The next item on the synopsis on the website says. 2 00:00:11,670 --> 00:00:16,410 Motion of a Particle and Magnetic Field. But I think it's better that we postpone that. 3 00:00:19,540 --> 00:00:21,160 We don't need to handle it now. 4 00:00:21,370 --> 00:00:28,150 And now open this new topic, this new chapter, which is chapter four in the book, The Relationship Between Transformations and Observables. 5 00:00:29,110 --> 00:00:35,830 We'll come back to the magnetic field later. But we we have this week and this is a I'd like to make sure we do this thing properly. 6 00:00:36,160 --> 00:00:38,830 Now, this topic is off syllabus, right? 7 00:00:39,670 --> 00:00:45,310 But it is actually very important is that the core of quantum mechanics and it's the core of 20th century physics. 8 00:00:45,790 --> 00:00:51,939 And I think you'll find it illuminating because we now on we it should should 9 00:00:51,940 --> 00:00:55,690 explain why the time dependent Schrodinger equation takes the form that it does. 10 00:00:55,990 --> 00:01:02,920 It should explain why the momentum operator takes the form that it does, why the canonical computation relations take the form that they do. 11 00:01:03,400 --> 00:01:09,970 So I think it explains many things, but because of historical reasons, it's not actually on the syllabus. 12 00:01:11,290 --> 00:01:19,380 Okay. So we have a we know that this thing is a function. 13 00:01:19,400 --> 00:01:23,920 This thing is a function of X where X is not going to be a position vector. 14 00:01:24,490 --> 00:01:32,559 This is the being the amplitude to find your system, your particle, whatever, at the location x right. 15 00:01:32,560 --> 00:01:35,620 So it's, it's because it's an amplitude which depends on X. 16 00:01:35,620 --> 00:01:39,460 It's a, it's a complex valued function of X. 17 00:01:39,550 --> 00:01:43,810 So we can take this here is expand this. Physicists always assume you can tell the theories, expand everything. 18 00:01:44,290 --> 00:01:54,730 So we take the series, expand this, and we say that if we evaluate this at X minus A, then that is going to be essentially. 19 00:01:57,890 --> 00:02:03,020 Well, to keep the notation simple. We, we call this up save x, right? 20 00:02:03,020 --> 00:02:04,970 So this is going to be obsessive x. 21 00:02:08,180 --> 00:02:26,210 Minus a dot D by the x of a CI plus a dot d by the x of CI squared over two factorial minus blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. 22 00:02:26,240 --> 00:02:29,420 This is just the here series expansion in three variables. 23 00:02:29,420 --> 00:02:35,850 It's covered in some prelims course. Right? And we've, we've, uh. 24 00:02:36,260 --> 00:02:47,010 Yeah. So this is just the Territory expansion and we now make an observation that this can be written with our now. 25 00:02:47,040 --> 00:02:51,530 Now that we understand how to take a function of an operator and we realise that DPD is an operator, 26 00:02:52,370 --> 00:03:04,330 we can write this as e of the exponential of minus a dot d by the x operating on ACI 27 00:03:04,340 --> 00:03:09,980 where we defining this exponential to mean this thing raised to the north power, 28 00:03:10,040 --> 00:03:19,669 namely one plus this thing raised to the first power plus this thing raised the second power on two factorial and so on and so on and so forth. 29 00:03:19,670 --> 00:03:30,170 That's what we mean by the exponential this. Operator Okay. But we, we notice that this can also be written as X. 30 00:03:31,670 --> 00:03:41,330 This is working on five X. This can be written by the rules of of operations and the definition of P as the exponential 31 00:03:42,320 --> 00:03:52,250 of minus i p upon h bar a sorry dot p over h bar operating operating on the catsup side. 32 00:03:52,260 --> 00:03:56,930 Just let me just remind you what my authority for that is. 33 00:03:56,930 --> 00:04:11,270 My authority for that is the observation that or the definition of P which was that x p sign was by definition minus i h bar d by d x. 34 00:04:13,930 --> 00:04:17,320 Of X cy. 35 00:04:17,690 --> 00:04:21,810 And this animal here could be rewritten as x upside. 36 00:04:24,540 --> 00:04:30,820 Okay. So. I can just make a change of notation here. 37 00:04:32,290 --> 00:04:40,990 Because of this. And where I've replaced P now by the function of P that you see there. 38 00:04:42,100 --> 00:04:46,110 And then we have a function of this operator. So what have we discovered? 39 00:04:46,120 --> 00:04:48,880 What we've discovered is that x minus A, 40 00:04:48,940 --> 00:04:59,050 this is the bottom line on this little piece of calculation which is really only Telesur is expanding into ABC is equal to X on. 41 00:05:03,250 --> 00:05:20,570 You have a website where you have a is a new notation for it simply means the exponential minus I a dot P over four. 42 00:05:22,870 --> 00:05:34,749 So that's what you really means. This could also be written as x minus A on upside is equal to x on it. 43 00:05:34,750 --> 00:05:38,080 So I primed where it was I primed. 44 00:05:38,470 --> 00:05:44,590 The cat is by definition use the operator operating on a sign. 45 00:05:45,850 --> 00:05:49,890 Right. We've just called this thing so primed. 46 00:05:54,690 --> 00:05:57,239 So let's think about let's just mathematics and it's nothing. 47 00:05:57,240 --> 00:06:04,290 But Telesur is expanding and a little bit of sophistication in taking functions of operators. 48 00:06:04,290 --> 00:06:07,950 But we've begun to do that. We understand that that comes with the territory. 49 00:06:08,400 --> 00:06:21,030 What does this physically say? It says that the sender is if you use this operator on an ABC, you get a new state. 50 00:06:22,230 --> 00:06:26,520 ABC Prime's. What's the point about this new states? 51 00:06:26,540 --> 00:06:35,030 Well, if your system is in this state, the new state, then the amplitude to be at X is the same as it was when we were in our old state. 52 00:06:35,390 --> 00:06:39,770 Somewhere behind our current location, back at x minus a. 53 00:06:40,940 --> 00:06:45,290 So here's his here's here's a visualiser. His meant to be a picture of this. 54 00:06:45,950 --> 00:06:55,160 We can get it to come back. Yes, we can get a come back. And if I could find a pointer, which I probably can't. 55 00:06:55,190 --> 00:06:58,999 Never mind. But. So. So. If upside with that. 56 00:06:59,000 --> 00:06:59,390 Sort of. 57 00:06:59,540 --> 00:07:07,850 If the probability density associated with sci, with that spherical blob on the left, the lower left and a is that vector displacement up there. 58 00:07:08,270 --> 00:07:16,490 Then the amplitude to be at some point take any point X in the sphere of upside primed. 59 00:07:18,320 --> 00:07:20,570 If you move back by A, 60 00:07:20,690 --> 00:07:30,080 you come to the corresponding point on the spherical density associated with cy and the amplitude in upside matches the amplitude in upside primed. 61 00:07:30,140 --> 00:07:34,000 That's through visualisation. This statement of what this is telling us. 62 00:07:34,010 --> 00:07:40,940 It's telling us that if cy primed the amplitude to be up, cy primed is the same as the amplitude over here at a point back, 63 00:07:40,940 --> 00:07:50,510 which means if cy primed is the state that our system would be in if we were able to just shove it down the vector a to translate it by a, 64 00:07:51,440 --> 00:07:55,760 then we would get a new state with with these properties. 65 00:07:56,030 --> 00:08:06,800 So what have we done? We have discovered what the operator you have a does you have a shoves the system by a displacement a. 66 00:08:08,910 --> 00:08:12,540 Now. Hey is just an ordinary, boring vector. 67 00:08:12,660 --> 00:08:17,020 This is an operator, but this is an ordinary, boring vector. 68 00:08:17,040 --> 00:08:21,680 It's a set of three real numbers. And we can differentiate. 69 00:08:21,690 --> 00:08:26,230 We can do d of upside primed. So the place that you. 70 00:08:26,430 --> 00:08:29,760 The state that you get is a function of a right. 71 00:08:30,180 --> 00:08:36,040 So we can do D by deep psi primed of a sub I well sub a sub j. 72 00:08:36,060 --> 00:08:40,020 Shall we say right. To avoid confusion between the index I and the square of two minus one. 73 00:08:42,090 --> 00:08:48,330 So we can take we can see the rate at which this thing changes when we change the parameters that appear in here, 74 00:08:48,720 --> 00:08:55,380 when we differentiate this exponential, as everybody knows, when you differentiate an exponential, you get the exponential back. 75 00:08:55,710 --> 00:09:01,550 That's just by the magic of uh, of the, that, that particular power series that defines the exponential. 76 00:09:01,740 --> 00:09:09,870 And then we need the differential. So that's going to be you. So differentiating you, we're going to get back you, 77 00:09:10,980 --> 00:09:20,160 but we're also going to get the derivative of this with respect to a sub j, which is going to be minus I a. 78 00:09:21,640 --> 00:09:26,170 J Sorry, minus PJ over HBO. 79 00:09:26,890 --> 00:09:32,260 And then, of course, Abassi will stick around because website is not a function of a. 80 00:09:33,580 --> 00:09:41,200 So if we would now set well, so now we can just recall that this thing is ACI prime. 81 00:09:41,200 --> 00:09:49,420 So I now have the deep CI primed by the ace of J is equal to minus I. 82 00:09:51,200 --> 00:09:55,040 Let's multiply through by bar and then we have that. 83 00:09:55,040 --> 00:09:58,490 This is equal to PGA of ACI primes. 84 00:09:59,090 --> 00:10:13,420 Whoops. So this this now answers a question which I forgot to ask at the beginning of the lecture, which is what actually does the operator P do? 85 00:10:16,680 --> 00:10:23,820 An operator associated with an observable so with each observable observable. 86 00:10:25,690 --> 00:10:28,690 We have associated an operator. 87 00:10:30,250 --> 00:10:33,309 We did it originally by saying that. 88 00:10:33,310 --> 00:10:36,880 Q The observable associated with Q was by definition. 89 00:10:37,120 --> 00:10:40,359 Q. J. Q. 90 00:10:40,360 --> 00:10:53,290 J. Q. J. And this operator, we're taking advantage of the fact that our mission operator is uniquely characterised by its iGen kits. 91 00:10:55,680 --> 00:11:03,340 And I can values. So if you specify these, you specify these. 92 00:11:03,610 --> 00:11:08,950 If you specify this, you specify this. There's a there's a relationship here which we found useful. 93 00:11:08,950 --> 00:11:15,100 We've we've discovered that the expectation value of Q, for example, is equal to this mathematical animal. 94 00:11:17,850 --> 00:11:19,739 And other things and other useful things. 95 00:11:19,740 --> 00:11:26,940 We found the rate of change of expectation values depends on the commentator of Q with the Hamiltonian operator, 96 00:11:26,940 --> 00:11:29,489 which is the operator associated with the energy, etc., 97 00:11:29,490 --> 00:11:35,700 etc. But we haven't actually addressed or answered the question of what this observe what these operators 98 00:11:35,700 --> 00:11:41,790 that we're introducing actually do to states because an operator turns a state into a new state. 99 00:11:43,080 --> 00:11:55,139 So for example, so, so the operator Q turns up PSI if we expand its PSI in its iGen states, right. 100 00:11:55,140 --> 00:11:58,230 So if we, if we write it like this. 101 00:12:10,110 --> 00:12:15,510 So we know we can expand any upside. Thus in the Asian states of this operator. 102 00:12:15,720 --> 00:12:20,940 And then we know how to use this on this. So this is equal to the sum. 103 00:12:21,690 --> 00:12:24,840 Q. J. Q. J. 104 00:12:25,560 --> 00:12:32,639 UPS oops. So when we use the operator. 105 00:12:32,640 --> 00:12:36,900 Q one of PSI, we get this stuff here, which is some long gobbledegook. 106 00:12:37,350 --> 00:12:52,260 But if we measure Q. Then upside goes to Hugh K for some K, it doesn't go to this long list of stuff. 107 00:12:52,270 --> 00:12:59,889 It goes to one of these things on the one of these things is chosen at random somehow by nature, not discussed by theory, 108 00:12:59,890 --> 00:13:05,920 no answer offered by theory, merely probability distribution under which we get one of these things is predicted. 109 00:13:05,920 --> 00:13:11,980 But we know that the state of PSI on making a measurement collapses into one of these states here. 110 00:13:12,580 --> 00:13:16,180 So the operator Q is not doing measuring. That's the point. 111 00:13:18,640 --> 00:13:22,690 And we have discovered, apropos of the operator pee, what is it doing? 112 00:13:23,080 --> 00:13:30,150 What he does is give you the rate of change of your state when you shove something along. 113 00:13:30,160 --> 00:13:37,780 So this gives you the rate of change subside, gives you the rate of change of your state if you shove it down the x axis. 114 00:13:39,270 --> 00:13:44,220 So we're learning what the operator does. And what it does is not measure, but displace. 115 00:13:48,980 --> 00:13:52,160 Let's let's for a for a piece of practice. 116 00:13:52,160 --> 00:14:03,590 Let's check this out on, uh, uh, let, let's check this out on this state. 117 00:14:04,760 --> 00:14:07,969 Let's for fun, apply you a to this state, 118 00:14:07,970 --> 00:14:17,120 which is a state of definitely being at X and make sure that we can produce X plus a the state of being at X plus eight. 119 00:14:17,150 --> 00:14:23,030 Because if it's true, if you take the state X and you displace it you by a, you must have the state, right? 120 00:14:23,030 --> 00:14:30,500 Let's make sure that this is the case. So what we want to do is use you A on x. 121 00:14:32,600 --> 00:14:37,580 Now, this operator here is a function of the momentum operators, right? 122 00:14:38,180 --> 00:14:48,770 It's it's that exponential a dot P so the noisy way to do this is to decompose this into a linear combination of of states of. 123 00:14:50,140 --> 00:14:59,990 Of well-defined P. So we write This is d cube p of p x. 124 00:15:03,420 --> 00:15:08,740 P. So basically I've subbed to an identity operator in front of the ex. 125 00:15:11,950 --> 00:15:15,579 This is a boring, complex number. What is it? 126 00:15:15,580 --> 00:15:24,010 Is the complex conjugate of the wave function two of the wave function associated with being a having well-defined momentum. 127 00:15:24,370 --> 00:15:34,930 So we know what it is. It's e to the minus P upon h bar dot x over h bar to the three halves power. 128 00:15:35,140 --> 00:15:38,469 We discussed that when we talked about generalisation to three dimensions. 129 00:15:38,470 --> 00:15:40,210 That's what this complex number is. 130 00:15:42,180 --> 00:15:50,580 This operator ignores that complex number because it's a linear operator and goes straight to the to its target which is this. 131 00:15:53,680 --> 00:16:02,920 Then all the operators in here meet their Oregon State P and and get transformed simply into their eigenvalues. 132 00:16:03,730 --> 00:16:08,170 So this becomes when this thing hits this which this in the PS in here operates this but 133 00:16:08,170 --> 00:16:12,610 when they meet that because that's it's I can state they simply become eigenvalues. 134 00:16:12,850 --> 00:16:23,800 So we get an E to the minus I a dot P overage bar times the cat, the eigen cat left behind. 135 00:16:24,040 --> 00:16:27,220 And still we have to do a d q p integration. 136 00:16:29,710 --> 00:16:34,910 All right. So this is no longer an operator because it already worked on that and produced its eigenvalue. 137 00:16:36,290 --> 00:16:42,979 So we can rearrange this. We can put those two exponentials whose arguments are mere complex numbers. 138 00:16:42,980 --> 00:16:49,310 We can gather them together. And this becomes the integral due p of over each bar. 139 00:16:49,370 --> 00:16:57,469 Sorry, that isn't bar that's on board. Excuse me. Three horsepower h planck's naked constant e. 140 00:16:57,470 --> 00:17:08,040 To the minus i. P Well, it's right, it doesn't matter what order we write these in, you see, because this is a number and that's a number. 141 00:17:08,340 --> 00:17:17,160 So I'm going to write this as a plus x dot p on each bar u p. 142 00:17:19,140 --> 00:17:26,790 But if I now ask myself what is X in this in this notation, I probably should have written this down. 143 00:17:26,790 --> 00:17:44,610 Originally it was d, q p over h three halves power e to the minus i x dot p over h bar p this. 144 00:17:45,120 --> 00:17:50,189 This is just the standard expression which I've essentially used above for decomposing a 145 00:17:50,190 --> 00:17:54,150 state of well defined position is the superposition of states of well-defined momentum. 146 00:17:54,420 --> 00:18:01,200 Where this is, is this this thing here is nothing but p x. 147 00:18:04,170 --> 00:18:15,690 So since this is the general formula, this state that we're producing you air on X is given by the same formula, but with X replaced by x plus a. 148 00:18:16,710 --> 00:18:22,890 Right. Because the only difference between this formula and this formula is it is that here we have an X and there therefore we have an X, 149 00:18:23,130 --> 00:18:36,000 and here we have an X plus A, so we should have an X plus. So this establishes indeed that X plus a is equal to U of A on x. 150 00:18:42,860 --> 00:18:49,790 So that's just a particular extra very vivid example of a basic principle. 151 00:18:53,920 --> 00:19:08,130 So what we want to do now is. Generalise this to any continuous transformation. 152 00:19:18,430 --> 00:19:25,650 We always require. Proper normalisation we require ACI. 153 00:19:26,250 --> 00:19:30,360 ACI is equal to one. Why? 154 00:19:30,390 --> 00:19:37,410 Because this tells us that the total probability to find, to get some measurement to find something is one. 155 00:19:37,750 --> 00:19:45,210 That's why we're completely wedded to that normalisation. So we're interested in transformations that preserve this property. 156 00:19:46,510 --> 00:19:49,540 This shoving it along transformation was one example. 157 00:19:49,540 --> 00:19:53,890 In a minute, we'll talk about the transformations associated with rotating our system around some axes. 158 00:19:55,750 --> 00:20:05,380 But there are many transformations we might make. So what we require what we're going to say is that if PSI goes to some newfangled state 159 00:20:06,160 --> 00:20:12,549 which is some operator you on our old state and the restrict because in light of this 160 00:20:12,550 --> 00:20:19,090 we're going to restrict ourselves to one is equal to ABC primed ABC prime if we take our 161 00:20:19,090 --> 00:20:23,920 new states they've got to be properly normalised which means that we are looking at ABC. 162 00:20:24,400 --> 00:20:27,820 You dagger you ABC. 163 00:20:30,290 --> 00:20:36,230 All right. So we require this is one. But this is by definition, you see. 164 00:20:36,440 --> 00:20:40,669 So if we take the mod square of this, we're looking at that. Where you. Is this as yet undetermined. 165 00:20:40,670 --> 00:20:48,200 Operator. And the thing is. So this has to be true for all for all of sci, for any any quantum state. 166 00:20:48,410 --> 00:20:56,469 This has to be true that this thing is one. And there's a technical detail about establishing that this is one. 167 00:20:56,470 --> 00:21:00,320 There's a box in chapter four of the book doing this, which I don't propose to go through. 168 00:21:00,320 --> 00:21:05,270 It's very straightforward and simple, but I don't want to take the time to do it because it's mere mathematics from this, 169 00:21:05,420 --> 00:21:17,180 from the fact that this has to be the has to be one. For any of sai, we can deduce that u dagger u is in fact the identity operator. 170 00:21:18,940 --> 00:21:24,610 Okay. From from this statement. This follows fairly straightforwardly, but I'm not actually proving it right now. 171 00:21:26,310 --> 00:21:30,450 So operators of this sort as I expect you know from professor excellent course. 172 00:21:33,210 --> 00:21:43,030 I called unitary. So usually operators are precisely those operators which leave the length of our states unchanged. 173 00:21:43,040 --> 00:21:48,950 And in the present case, for physical reasons, the length is one. Now let's. 174 00:21:49,130 --> 00:21:52,280 So we're dealing with one such earlier on. 175 00:21:53,400 --> 00:21:56,580 But let's. Let's suppose that you. 176 00:21:57,120 --> 00:22:01,739 Is a function of theatre. In that case you as a function of a theatre. 177 00:22:01,740 --> 00:22:04,860 Just be some parameter where. So theatre is a parameter. 178 00:22:09,340 --> 00:22:21,220 Which we can make small. Well, shall we say, which can go to zero. 179 00:22:22,420 --> 00:22:28,749 So the idea is that theta is the amount by which you transformed there a was the distance which we had displaced. 180 00:22:28,750 --> 00:22:35,350 So A is analogous to theatre here we theatre is just stands vaguely for the amount by which you can do something. 181 00:22:35,980 --> 00:22:44,170 And we want to be able to say but we can we can reduce this amount continuously down to nothing when we're doing absolutely nothing. 182 00:22:44,380 --> 00:22:50,950 So we're going to have the you of of nought is the identity operator because that's that's the operator that does nothing. 183 00:22:52,630 --> 00:22:57,760 So we want to have this parameter. And now we're going to argue that if theatre small. 184 00:23:01,510 --> 00:23:05,680 We should be able to tailor expand. I said, physicists assume you can tailor expand everything. 185 00:23:05,680 --> 00:23:07,480 So we're going to tailor expand this. 186 00:23:07,930 --> 00:23:16,600 So we're going to have that you of theto which is now small, is you for feature equals nought, which we've said is one the identity. 187 00:23:16,810 --> 00:23:20,350 And now we're going to write the first order term in a slightly funny way. 188 00:23:20,530 --> 00:23:28,030 We're going to write in minus I see to tell and then we'll have terms or to see two squared. 189 00:23:29,590 --> 00:23:34,840 So this is a Taylor series expansion only the first two terms that the zero term in the first 190 00:23:34,840 --> 00:23:39,400 derivative term and all the other terms we just got wrapped up under order theta squared, 191 00:23:40,570 --> 00:23:49,150 not saying what they are and this is an operator, it has to be an operator because this is an operator. 192 00:23:49,960 --> 00:23:54,220 There is this, of course, is an operator. That is a mere number. That is a mere number. 193 00:23:54,220 --> 00:23:57,160 A real number. So therefore, this has to be doing the operating. 194 00:23:59,410 --> 00:24:04,149 But we've just chosen a particular way of writing the first order, the first derivative term in a Taylor series. 195 00:24:04,150 --> 00:24:13,830 So this is a tailor series. It relies only on the idea that theatre, 196 00:24:14,280 --> 00:24:19,349 that there's a whole family of transformations which could be reduced to the 197 00:24:19,350 --> 00:24:23,400 identity transformation as theatre goes down to nothing when you don't do anything. 198 00:24:24,420 --> 00:24:31,710 Okay, now we want to look at this condition that we want to have a look at the condition that the identity is you, dagger you. 199 00:24:32,760 --> 00:24:35,760 So let's write the let's write you once you dagger. 200 00:24:35,760 --> 00:24:40,290 If this is you, you, dagger is going to be a dagger, which is I. 201 00:24:40,620 --> 00:24:50,160 And then we'll need the dagger of this, which is going to be plus I theatre tao dagger plus order theta squared, which we're going to ignore. 202 00:24:50,730 --> 00:24:59,310 And that has to be multiplied on I minus I see to Tao plus order C two squared which we're going to ignore. 203 00:24:59,970 --> 00:25:03,450 So when you, when you multiply these two brackets together, 204 00:25:04,440 --> 00:25:08,280 ginormous job in principle because they're all this infinite number of terms and this and that. 205 00:25:08,280 --> 00:25:11,880 But we won't need to bother with much algebra. 206 00:25:12,540 --> 00:25:18,509 We must get the identity operator and we must get the identity, operate it completely regardless of what theatre is. 207 00:25:18,510 --> 00:25:23,550 Right. Because this is meant to be this. This is. This is a unitary transformation, regardless of theatre. 208 00:25:24,120 --> 00:25:27,810 So let's work this out. This is equal to the. So what do we have? 209 00:25:27,820 --> 00:25:35,250 We have the lowest order term. Is this on this? Then there are first order terms which you get this on this and this on this. 210 00:25:35,520 --> 00:25:48,629 So we're going to have plus I thetr Tao Dagger minus Tao, and then we will have terms like this on this, which will be all to see, 211 00:25:48,630 --> 00:25:53,010 to square this on this wall you will see two squared will have this on this allows you to see this squared. 212 00:25:53,310 --> 00:25:58,110 So plus order C2 squared. We've accounted for everything through linear order. 213 00:26:00,870 --> 00:26:05,040 So this is supposed to be true for all theatre. 214 00:26:05,680 --> 00:26:10,240 It doesn't matter what theatre we take. Should be true. 215 00:26:10,960 --> 00:26:16,020 If it's going to be true for all theatre, then we can equate powers of theatre on both sides. 216 00:26:16,030 --> 00:26:21,189 So the coefficient of theatre to the north, namely the identity, should be the same on both sides. 217 00:26:21,190 --> 00:26:26,380 Well, it is. That's a relief. The coefficient of theatre to the first power should be the same on both sides. 218 00:26:26,620 --> 00:26:30,820 On this side of the equation there is well, the coefficient of theatre to the first power is nothing. 219 00:26:31,150 --> 00:26:38,200 So it better be nothing on this side to. So this implies that Tao Dagger is equal to Tao. 220 00:26:38,530 --> 00:26:51,890 That is to say Tao is permission. Mission operators, we suspect are associated with observables. 221 00:26:53,090 --> 00:27:01,309 So the argument here is that every such transformation is going to be associated with the emission operator. 222 00:27:01,310 --> 00:27:05,060 And the reason this I was put in here, this was totally gratuitous. 223 00:27:07,300 --> 00:27:08,620 Sorry. Right up there. 224 00:27:08,740 --> 00:27:16,719 The reason that I was put in there, which was a totally gratuitous decoration, but it went in because that ensures looking forward, 225 00:27:16,720 --> 00:27:23,140 it ensures that Towle is a mission operator rather than an anti commission operator, which it would have been if I had not been put in. 226 00:27:23,770 --> 00:27:30,400 So there's a there's a suspicion that this TOWLE And it will always turn out to be the case that this Towle will be associated with an observable. 227 00:27:31,000 --> 00:27:37,510 This is how observables become associated with operators in both classical mechanics and quantum mechanics, 228 00:27:37,510 --> 00:27:40,749 or should have said in quantum mechanics and in classical mechanics. 229 00:27:40,750 --> 00:27:47,700 It turns out that it's true in any mechanics. Right. 230 00:27:47,700 --> 00:27:59,549 And if we if we write the equation upside primed is equal to you, a32 times upside is equal to one minus. 231 00:27:59,550 --> 00:28:03,060 I see two tao plus dot, dot, dot. 232 00:28:04,610 --> 00:28:11,130 ABC and we do d things are primed. 233 00:28:13,990 --> 00:28:26,120 Sorry. Deep sigh, primed by the theatre. We find that this is equal to minus I tao psi plus order delta squared. 234 00:28:26,360 --> 00:28:34,590 So if. If we put if we put the theatre equal to nought, then the Delta Square goes away. 235 00:28:34,890 --> 00:28:36,270 The sorry, the order theatre squared. 236 00:28:40,040 --> 00:28:51,070 And multiply this equation through by eye and we get a very important equation, which is that i d ci primed by d c to is equal to tao. 237 00:28:52,730 --> 00:29:00,290 So this observe the operator to the mission operator Tao, which we suspect is connected to some observable well, will turn out to be connected. 238 00:29:00,290 --> 00:29:04,160 Some observable in every case is the thing. What does it do? 239 00:29:04,190 --> 00:29:10,400 What it does is it measures the rate of change of your states when you change the parameter setter. 240 00:29:11,550 --> 00:29:18,080 So this is a generalisation of. Where are we? 241 00:29:18,170 --> 00:29:21,490 This equation. This equation here. 242 00:29:21,500 --> 00:29:25,100 Yeah. All right, so this is a concrete example of this. 243 00:29:25,640 --> 00:29:29,000 Now, this equation has a tiresome h bar here. 244 00:29:30,020 --> 00:29:35,870 Y is equal to task image bar here because in that exponential, there's a tiresome h bar on the bottom. 245 00:29:37,040 --> 00:29:42,529 Right. So here we had the exponential of minus. 246 00:29:42,530 --> 00:29:51,710 I don't pay over h bar. And if you do the Taylor series expansion of that you get one minus I ape over H bar 247 00:29:52,040 --> 00:29:57,800 so that the role of Tao in conceptual apparatus here is played by P over there. 248 00:29:58,220 --> 00:30:06,950 And it's an unfortunate historical accident that the momentum that this operator, 249 00:30:06,950 --> 00:30:10,580 which we call the momentum operator, has been defined with a rigid H bar. 250 00:30:10,820 --> 00:30:15,139 So we have to divide through by H bar to get rid of what we shouldn't do put in in the first place. 251 00:30:15,140 --> 00:30:21,709 So it's one of these many cases in physics where history forces us into a bad notation and even a degree of intellectual muddle. 252 00:30:21,710 --> 00:30:25,250 That bar had better not would would have been better left out, but. 253 00:30:29,510 --> 00:30:33,940 The reason is that momentum came to Isaac Newton's attention before quantum mechanics. 254 00:30:33,950 --> 00:30:36,140 All this stuff was thought about and. 255 00:30:38,940 --> 00:30:48,089 So it came to mean something which is really a derivative thing, which is really something which follows on from Momentum's fundamental role, 256 00:30:48,090 --> 00:30:55,440 which is something which shoves your system in it, which spatially translates your system. 257 00:30:57,660 --> 00:31:03,010 Okay. And if we want to do so. 258 00:31:03,220 --> 00:31:11,320 So we've we've defined Tao. Tao came in here through a formula for you of theatre where theatre is small. 259 00:31:12,700 --> 00:31:16,719 We would like to know how to do you of three to even win seats as large. 260 00:31:16,720 --> 00:31:20,600 So for large theatre. Well. 261 00:31:23,480 --> 00:31:34,180 What we should say is take a transformation. Through large theatre. 262 00:31:42,050 --> 00:31:49,370 In steps. So if we if we are told to find out what you is for a large value of theatre. 263 00:31:49,730 --> 00:31:57,620 The way to go is to is to make many transformations one after another through small steps of length. 264 00:31:58,580 --> 00:32:06,910 Feature over and. Then if any, is big enough, no matter what the value of theatre we're given, we can write that. 265 00:32:07,660 --> 00:32:11,590 What we can do is we can set up CI primed, which is you. 266 00:32:12,250 --> 00:32:15,940 A theatre of SCI of course is equal to. 267 00:32:18,200 --> 00:32:32,390 You of theatre over in. You a theatre over and you a theatre over in end of these terms, all multiple or multiplied together, operating on its side. 268 00:32:33,080 --> 00:32:39,770 So we make a transformation by and by a split by an amount feature over end, and then another one feature of random left. 269 00:32:39,950 --> 00:32:54,080 So there are n terms. And each one of these use, we can use that Nazi formula up there because for each one of these, these were over any small. 270 00:32:54,410 --> 00:33:02,540 So this can be written as one minus. I see two over and Tao plus stuff which we're going to be able to neglect. 271 00:33:02,900 --> 00:33:11,240 This is raised to the ends power because the end of these terms on ACI and now we 272 00:33:11,240 --> 00:33:17,209 take the limit then goes to infinity to be completely sure that this plus dot, 273 00:33:17,210 --> 00:33:23,360 dot, dot stuff can be neglected. Write this plus dot dot dot stuff is order theta over n squared. 274 00:33:23,570 --> 00:33:27,050 So to be sure it can be neglected, we can go to the limit, end to infinity. 275 00:33:27,440 --> 00:33:32,839 And then we have a theorem of of calculus though that for what? 276 00:33:32,840 --> 00:33:40,040 This one plus a bit plus something of n race to the nth power goes to an exponential. 277 00:33:40,050 --> 00:33:49,760 So this mathematics now tells us that this is the exponential of minus i thi to tell operating on side. 278 00:33:51,820 --> 00:33:57,310 So we introduced Tao as the first order Taylor series term. 279 00:33:57,760 --> 00:34:06,670 But this apparatus tells us that that's all we need to know in order to find out what you of theatre is for any feature. 280 00:34:08,120 --> 00:34:11,780 She's, I think, slightly surprising. You don't need to know anything in the higher in the higher orders. 281 00:34:16,040 --> 00:34:22,250 What do we say? We say. We say that Tao is the generator. 282 00:34:24,720 --> 00:34:27,930 Of both the unitary transformations. 283 00:34:30,620 --> 00:34:34,640 Usually operator, rather. And the transformations. 284 00:34:43,560 --> 00:34:48,629 Sy goes to print, he saves the generator by saying it's the generator. 285 00:34:48,630 --> 00:34:56,310 What? This is the story. This is badly written town. But the generator is the operator you stuff in up here in the exponential. 286 00:34:56,580 --> 00:35:03,660 It's always times minus I for conventional reasons and then a parameter feature that tells you how much you've generated. 287 00:35:04,920 --> 00:35:13,350 So for example P overage bar, not p sadly, but p over bar is the generator. 288 00:35:16,670 --> 00:35:25,910 Of translations. That's just jargon. 289 00:35:31,170 --> 00:35:34,860 So now let's think about time to move to a new board. Think about rotations. 290 00:35:36,210 --> 00:35:46,710 This is where it becomes slightly more interesting because we will discover that in quantum mechanics, rotations seem well. 291 00:35:46,710 --> 00:35:47,760 They're rather more complicated. 292 00:35:47,760 --> 00:35:55,440 They seem a bit different from they are actually significantly different, but quite amazingly different from rotations in classical physics. 293 00:35:55,440 --> 00:35:59,490 And I think this is not fully understood even now. 294 00:36:02,190 --> 00:36:08,009 All right. So. To generate translations. 295 00:36:08,010 --> 00:36:11,910 We in fact need three operators, don't we? We need X, Y and Z. 296 00:36:13,410 --> 00:36:17,309 Why do we need three operators? Because to define a translation, 297 00:36:17,310 --> 00:36:23,610 we need to specify a vector because we have to say in what direction we're going to go and how far we're planning to go. 298 00:36:24,540 --> 00:36:28,290 And those three numbers define a vector. 299 00:36:28,580 --> 00:36:37,830 Alternatively, you can say, Well, okay, you know that. So then we we should expect that there are. 300 00:36:38,430 --> 00:36:46,350 There's more than one generator of rotations because in order to specify a rotation, we have to specify a rotation axis. 301 00:36:46,980 --> 00:36:50,639 And how far around that axis we're going to go. Right. 302 00:36:50,640 --> 00:36:55,050 If you know the axis around which. So. So here's here's a solid body. 303 00:36:55,860 --> 00:37:00,899 I can rotate this in a whole variety of ways to specify one rotation. 304 00:37:00,900 --> 00:37:07,890 I specify the axis I'm going to rotate around and I specify how far around that axis I'm going to rotate. 305 00:37:10,100 --> 00:37:15,440 So we expect. Three generators. 306 00:37:19,100 --> 00:37:23,590 Of rotation. Because. 307 00:37:28,070 --> 00:37:32,110 We specify. A rotation. 308 00:37:38,070 --> 00:37:41,220 With three numbers. Now, there are many ways. 309 00:37:41,430 --> 00:37:49,380 Just as there are many sets of three numbers, I can use to specify a translation because I can orient my x, y and Z axes in any which way I like. 310 00:37:49,890 --> 00:37:56,040 There are many ways in which I can specify three numbers that define a rotation. 311 00:37:56,160 --> 00:38:05,340 And those of you who've done a seven, the classical mechanics option will have heard of Euler angles, of which there are three Theta Phi and PSI. 312 00:38:06,450 --> 00:38:12,180 But the handiest way to specify three rotations is actually through a vector. 313 00:38:14,070 --> 00:38:23,610 We're going to use alpha. So that's the that's alpha x, comma, alpha y, comma, whoops, comma, alpha z. 314 00:38:24,600 --> 00:38:29,009 So and alpha has the unit vector. So this now doesn't mean an operator. 315 00:38:29,010 --> 00:38:32,310 It means a unit vector. Whoops. 316 00:38:32,420 --> 00:38:39,140 Unit vector parallel to alpha is axis of rotation. 317 00:38:43,630 --> 00:38:52,690 And Model Alpha. Oh. The modulus of the vector alpha is the angle through which we plan to rotate by. 318 00:38:52,770 --> 00:39:00,220 Okay, so these three numbers are a handy, convenient system for specifying which rotation you wish to refer to. 319 00:39:02,220 --> 00:39:06,800 And when I now say that there must be. 320 00:39:06,810 --> 00:39:15,660 So the rotations form a continuous set of transformations of my system because I can rotate my system by a little bit or a lot. 321 00:39:17,490 --> 00:39:26,670 And when I. So if I. So there must be a state of the system which differs from my previous state only in in being rotated. 322 00:39:27,920 --> 00:39:34,430 And this state must be reachable by some unitary operator u of alpha. 323 00:39:35,030 --> 00:39:49,600 And this apparatus here tells me that you of Alpha can be written as an exponential of minus I alpha dot j where this is playing the role of title. 324 00:39:49,610 --> 00:39:58,870 This is the operator. It's a set of three operations as promised, because this means alpha x, x, plus alpha y, jay y plus alpha z, jay z. 325 00:39:59,530 --> 00:40:04,000 So it's a set of three operators. Jay Jay Y, Jay Z. 326 00:40:05,290 --> 00:40:09,130 They must exist because and they. And it's going to be commission. 327 00:40:12,560 --> 00:40:15,980 It's going to be his mission because this operation is going to be unitary. 328 00:40:17,600 --> 00:40:22,280 And we've shown. The connection between emission operators and unitary operators. 329 00:40:23,180 --> 00:40:26,690 So I think this I hope that much is absolutely self-evident. 330 00:40:28,270 --> 00:40:33,110 We'll be when you think about this through again, there must be this operator. 331 00:40:33,130 --> 00:40:37,420 It's going to be a mission. So it's going to be a candidate for an observable. 332 00:40:38,260 --> 00:40:42,700 And the question arises, what observable is it going to be the operator of? 333 00:40:44,420 --> 00:40:48,709 The operator associated with translations which had to exist. 334 00:40:48,710 --> 00:40:57,830 It was a logical necessity that it existed. And we have shown that the operator is actually a. 335 00:41:00,580 --> 00:41:03,700 It's actually the momentum operator divided by age bar. 336 00:41:03,970 --> 00:41:09,220 So I hope it won't come now as a great surprise that this operator is going to be the angular momentum operator. 337 00:41:11,680 --> 00:41:15,850 We're not proving this. I'm saying it will turn out. 338 00:41:18,550 --> 00:41:23,140 To be. Angular. 339 00:41:24,010 --> 00:41:27,370 Angular right in this terrible angular. 340 00:41:36,030 --> 00:41:44,640 So the angular momentum operates the generators of rotations in the same way that the momentum operators are the generators of translations. 341 00:41:45,000 --> 00:41:53,180 But we will we will have to build confidence that that's the case as we go along. 342 00:41:53,190 --> 00:41:57,959 I'm saying that this will turn out to be the case, and I hope it will be clear at the moment. 343 00:41:57,960 --> 00:42:03,780 I just hope that that's a plausible conjecture, that it is the angular momentum that we're talking here about, the angle momentum operators. 344 00:42:04,080 --> 00:42:08,010 And of course, the reason there are three of them is that angular momentum itself is a vector. 345 00:42:08,190 --> 00:42:13,290 So you can have an angle centred around the X axis and Anglicanism around the Y axis and Anglicanism about the Z axis and those. 346 00:42:14,130 --> 00:42:22,080 That's because you have those three numbers, you have three operators, and we're going to have the analogue of, well, 347 00:42:22,080 --> 00:42:36,569 this formula here is going to be that D by the alpha, the modulus of this angle d by the alpha of of psi primed i times. 348 00:42:36,570 --> 00:42:44,310 This is going to be the unit vector alpha dot j on up sine. 349 00:42:47,110 --> 00:42:51,250 You might want to just check the algebra on this. 350 00:42:51,640 --> 00:42:55,390 If you do the derivative. So why is this a function of alpha? 351 00:42:55,630 --> 00:42:59,380 Only because this is u, which depends on alpha. On upside, which does not. 352 00:42:59,740 --> 00:43:04,930 So we're talking about the derivative of this exponential with respect to the modulus of the vector. 353 00:43:05,200 --> 00:43:11,559 But this exponential could clearly be written as model alpha times, the unit vector, 354 00:43:11,560 --> 00:43:14,680 alpha do the derivative, and you'll find this important relationship here. 355 00:43:16,690 --> 00:43:20,560 So what does the operator, Alpha? 356 00:43:20,590 --> 00:43:26,319 This is just a single operator. If you take the unit vector alpha and you dot it into the three operators J, 357 00:43:26,320 --> 00:43:29,980 you get a linear combination of these three operators, which is an operator. 358 00:43:30,280 --> 00:43:40,720 And what does this thing do for you? It measures the rate of change of your state when you rotate it around that axis that's specified by this. 359 00:43:40,930 --> 00:43:46,600 That's what it's physically doing for you. And this is this is an important relation. 360 00:43:46,900 --> 00:43:53,440 We'll come back to. Okay. 361 00:43:58,500 --> 00:44:07,050 We're not going to quite finish this, but let's let's get going. So we've talked about translations and rotations. 362 00:44:08,590 --> 00:44:14,829 And they have this in common that you they have a free for us parameter how much you do of them would you can 363 00:44:14,830 --> 00:44:19,660 turn right down to zero when you do nothing and they just become the the operators just become the identity. 364 00:44:20,260 --> 00:44:25,870 But we have to use in physics important we have important use to make of 365 00:44:25,870 --> 00:44:30,429 transformations which which in a discrete you cannot turn them down to nothing. 366 00:44:30,430 --> 00:44:40,850 You either do it or you don't do it. And the classic example is, is the parity or reflection operator. 367 00:44:40,860 --> 00:44:52,469 So if I have an ordinary vector, then it's p turns the position vector x into minus x. 368 00:44:52,470 --> 00:45:00,750 There's a transformation you can make where you start with a thing and you choose a point which you call the origin, 369 00:45:01,080 --> 00:45:07,739 and you move every, every part of your thing through that origin into another thing. 370 00:45:07,740 --> 00:45:15,330 So if if the origin is here and my lower hand is here, if I if I move every, every part of my lower hand. 371 00:45:16,680 --> 00:45:21,569 Through the origin by a certain amount to this equal distance opposite from the origin. 372 00:45:21,570 --> 00:45:24,680 It should become my up, my my upper hand, my right hand, right, 373 00:45:24,720 --> 00:45:28,950 left hands and right hands related in this way, through reflection, through the origin. 374 00:45:28,950 --> 00:45:34,930 If you put the origin symmetrically between the two. So this is a transformation you can make. 375 00:45:35,010 --> 00:45:39,809 This is a this is a mental transformation. It's not a real physical transformation, but it's a mental transformation. 376 00:45:39,810 --> 00:45:48,330 You could ask yourself. Suppose I had a system which was obtained from my real system right here in the lab by this operation. 377 00:45:50,010 --> 00:45:57,450 Would I mean a question you can ask is would it would the dynamics of this system so is my real system around here is moving around, you know, 378 00:45:57,450 --> 00:46:04,380 imagine this thing is a solar system on my hand, wiggling with the system that you get above by mirroring each of these points through the origin. 379 00:46:04,590 --> 00:46:09,030 Would that behave like a real thing in the universe and in classical physics? 380 00:46:09,150 --> 00:46:17,930 That's the case. This what you see down here with the reflected through the origin, produces a wiggle up here which could happen all on its own there. 381 00:46:17,940 --> 00:46:20,310 It would be a dynamical system that would produce that wiggling. 382 00:46:21,270 --> 00:46:25,649 One of the amazing one of the great discoveries of the 20th century was that that's actually not true in all physics. 383 00:46:25,650 --> 00:46:29,730 Weak interactions mean when weak interactions are involved, things happen. 384 00:46:29,850 --> 00:46:35,310 If you make a model by by taking your real system and playing this silly game with it, 385 00:46:35,490 --> 00:46:41,520 you get a thing up here which you can distinguish from a real system because a real the real system up here couldn't behave in that way. 386 00:46:42,640 --> 00:46:48,340 So there is this there is this operation of taking your system and and mirroring it through the origin. 387 00:46:48,640 --> 00:46:57,280 And there's a classical operator, P which does this. It just changes the sign of all your of all your of all vectors of all components of a vector. 388 00:46:57,280 --> 00:47:01,390 It turns x it to minus x, it puts a point to the opposite point across there. 389 00:47:01,750 --> 00:47:07,300 So what's the quantum mechanical analogue of this? Uh, well, it's this animal, so. 390 00:47:07,390 --> 00:47:12,610 So I'm going to have a long tail on P to imply a classical operator, which simply changes the sign. 391 00:47:12,650 --> 00:47:18,300 Right. This is this is classical. And it's just a change. Of sign. 392 00:47:20,090 --> 00:47:23,930 Uh, of of of of all vectors. 393 00:47:28,330 --> 00:47:33,250 Okay. We want a quantum analogue and the quantum animal dog is the thing. 394 00:47:33,250 --> 00:47:38,120 This I'm going to define it thus. What's this? 395 00:47:38,660 --> 00:47:44,809 This is the amplitude to be an X if you're in the state of sci primed. 396 00:47:44,810 --> 00:47:56,070 I should have written this separately. This is the amplitude. So Pepsi is going to make a new state. 397 00:47:56,100 --> 00:47:59,910 What state is it going to make this state? What's the point about this state? 398 00:48:00,120 --> 00:48:07,109 The point about this state is if you're in this state, the amplitude to be at X is minus is this rise, 399 00:48:07,110 --> 00:48:10,920 the amplitude to be at minus X if you're in the original state. 400 00:48:12,560 --> 00:48:22,430 Right. So this is our original state and the amplitude to be at minus X in this state is equal to the amplitude to be plus X in this state, 401 00:48:22,430 --> 00:48:31,850 which we've gotten by using P on up side. So P takes my the state of my hand here and makes this this state. 402 00:48:32,510 --> 00:48:35,830 That's what it does. And. 403 00:48:39,090 --> 00:48:42,290 What can we say about what what interesting statements can we make about this? 404 00:48:42,300 --> 00:48:56,640 Well, one very obvious statement that we can make is that if we look at X squared CI, then that's x p p CI. 405 00:49:01,450 --> 00:49:06,549 By definition, obviously, we use this rule. 406 00:49:06,550 --> 00:49:14,020 We use this rule here on this state so that it's equal to minus X on. 407 00:49:15,730 --> 00:49:21,070 Right. Because this P and that X using that rule on this state gives me this. 408 00:49:21,250 --> 00:49:28,510 I'm replacing a sign, this formula by Pepsi, and now I can play the game all over again. 409 00:49:28,720 --> 00:49:39,700 So by using the same rule, I find that this is equal to minus minus X on its side, which of course is equal to X on its side. 410 00:49:41,050 --> 00:49:45,250 So if you use. What does this tell me? It tells me the amplitude to be an X when I'm in the state. 411 00:49:45,250 --> 00:49:49,590 P squared up ci is the same as the amplitude to be the x if I was an up sign. 412 00:49:49,610 --> 00:49:56,350 Other words, these two states are the same. So that implies that p squared is the identity operator. 413 00:49:57,840 --> 00:50:03,750 Which implies that p inverse is equal to P. 414 00:50:04,920 --> 00:50:13,739 P is its own inverse. And what I should do next is show that permission. 415 00:50:13,740 --> 00:50:20,580 But we'll have to do that tomorrow. And therefore he's is going to have the properties of an observable.