1 00:00:01,880 --> 00:00:13,300 Where shall we? Shall we begin? So last term we discussed the dynamics of a harmonic oscillator, 2 00:00:13,300 --> 00:00:22,270 which is a one dimensional system where the particle is bound by a potential V is a half CG squared. 3 00:00:23,140 --> 00:00:30,580 And we found a number of important results. Most obviously there was quantisation of the energy, so discrete ness of the energy levels. 4 00:00:30,910 --> 00:00:37,330 And very importantly there was the phenomenon of zero point energy that even when something was in its ground state, 5 00:00:37,600 --> 00:00:44,290 it had the uncertainty principle obliged to have non-negligible kinetic energy and potential energy. 6 00:00:44,290 --> 00:00:50,199 Indeed. So what we're going to do now is study a number of very simple one dimensional 7 00:00:50,200 --> 00:00:53,769 potentials motion in a number of very simple one dimensional potentials, 8 00:00:53,770 --> 00:00:56,940 which are themselves very artificial. These are step potentials. 9 00:00:56,940 --> 00:01:03,429 So they so they change this continuously at some values of X from one value to another value. 10 00:01:03,430 --> 00:01:10,149 So they're very artificial, but they the merit of them is that we can solve the governing well, the key equation, 11 00:01:10,150 --> 00:01:15,370 the time independent Schrodinger equation and obtain the states a well-defined energy from which we can, 12 00:01:16,000 --> 00:01:19,630 as we saw with the harmonic oscillator, recover the dynamics of the system. 13 00:01:20,440 --> 00:01:26,440 We can solve this equation, this important equation, simply for these rather artificial potentials. 14 00:01:26,440 --> 00:01:30,160 And we'll discuss at the end which of our results is artificial, 15 00:01:32,500 --> 00:01:39,940 reflects the artificiality of the potentials and which are generic and ones that we can we can believe in. 16 00:01:40,570 --> 00:01:43,740 So this is what we're going to start with is the square potential. 17 00:01:43,750 --> 00:01:51,760 Well, which is this structure, the potential energy being plotted vertically, position being plotted horizontally. 18 00:01:53,140 --> 00:01:58,630 Here is the origin. This is going to be a distance. A, this is a it's going to be symmetrical. 19 00:01:58,960 --> 00:02:04,420 This is going to be a potential level v zero and this is going to be potential level nothing. 20 00:02:04,630 --> 00:02:08,470 Right? So we set the zero as a potential energy to be at the bottom of the well. 21 00:02:08,710 --> 00:02:16,570 And then there's then there's when you're more than distance away from the origin, you have some potential energy. 22 00:02:16,570 --> 00:02:19,930 V0 is a constant. So this is highly artificial. 23 00:02:20,170 --> 00:02:26,030 But let's see what quantum mechanics has to say about motion in in here and in particular. 24 00:02:26,030 --> 00:02:31,960 So what we're going to look for is stationary states, that is to say, states of well-defined energy. 25 00:02:41,910 --> 00:02:44,970 Which we write like. That's right. So these are states of well-defined energy. 26 00:02:45,000 --> 00:02:52,139 We're interested in these because they enable us to to solve the time dependent Schrodinger equation trivially. 27 00:02:52,140 --> 00:02:59,580 Once we know what all these things are, we can write down. And we know once we know what these things are and we know how to, 28 00:02:59,580 --> 00:03:03,899 then we can express any arbitrary initial condition as a linear combination of these things, 29 00:03:03,900 --> 00:03:06,540 and we can time evolve it in a simple way, as we saw last term. 30 00:03:07,140 --> 00:03:11,910 So we're going to find these things and they're going to have wave functions which will call U of X. 31 00:03:12,360 --> 00:03:17,700 So this is X. E is the wave function. 32 00:03:22,690 --> 00:03:28,809 Now this potential is is symmetrical, is a is an even function of X, right? 33 00:03:28,810 --> 00:03:34,870 So we have that that V of minus X is equal to V of x. 34 00:03:35,290 --> 00:03:44,139 So it's an even function. The consequence of that is that we introduced the parity operation last term. 35 00:03:44,140 --> 00:03:51,700 We had that P if you remember, X, PFC P is an operator, the parity operator. 36 00:03:56,430 --> 00:04:07,860 Which makes out of a state of, say, the state that you would get or which has amplitude to be at minus x. 37 00:04:08,130 --> 00:04:13,920 Well, this, that. What is this? This is the amplitude to be it X when you are in the state that P makes out of a. 38 00:04:14,790 --> 00:04:18,720 And this was defined to be minus X upside. 39 00:04:18,900 --> 00:04:26,100 In other words, it was defined to be the amplitude to be at minus X when you were in the state of PSI. 40 00:04:26,130 --> 00:04:29,940 So the power is the operator makes a state which is the same as the state you first thought of. 41 00:04:30,240 --> 00:04:34,500 Except if if every point is reflected through the origin. 42 00:04:35,430 --> 00:04:44,520 We discussed this operator and because B is an even function of X, we have that PV. 43 00:04:45,780 --> 00:04:54,570 X PV psi is going to be equal to minus x. 44 00:04:59,880 --> 00:05:10,140 Minus X the upside, which because V is a is a is V is a function of position. 45 00:05:10,140 --> 00:05:16,730 It's it's a function of the position. Operator This is going to be V of x x of psi. 46 00:05:16,740 --> 00:05:21,090 In other words, it's going to be simply vivek's. Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry. 47 00:05:21,090 --> 00:05:31,230 Right. I need a minus X and a minus x so it can be view of minus x times of psi of minus x. 48 00:05:37,540 --> 00:05:44,830 And that what's because the is an even function of x so v minus x is the same as v of x. 49 00:05:45,370 --> 00:05:53,390 This is equal to this is this and this could be written as p. 50 00:05:58,090 --> 00:06:03,310 So what does this mean? This means that because vs an even function of x, it computes with the operator. 51 00:06:04,180 --> 00:06:10,180 With the operator p. In other words, p v equals nought. 52 00:06:11,320 --> 00:06:14,950 Because this is rather a rigmarole. 53 00:06:14,950 --> 00:06:27,040 I have to admit p commands with the because the is an even function which is a way of saying that the potential. 54 00:06:30,200 --> 00:06:37,200 In symmetric. About the origin. 55 00:06:39,510 --> 00:06:48,240 This is the bottom line. If you have a potential which is symmetric about the origins and even function of X, then it commutes with a parity operator. 56 00:06:48,930 --> 00:07:05,230 The consequence of that is. So the Hamiltonian is of course is is as ever P squared over two m plus v of x p squared is an even function. 57 00:07:05,250 --> 00:07:12,090 If you write this in the position representation, it's minus h bar squared d two by the x squared. 58 00:07:12,090 --> 00:07:17,129 So this is an even function of x. So this commutes with the parity operator. 59 00:07:17,130 --> 00:07:21,780 We've just figured that this competes with the parity operator. So we have the P comma H. 60 00:07:23,430 --> 00:07:30,989 So this implies that peak homer H is zero. So the parity operator commutes with a Hamiltonian whose stationary states we would like to find, 61 00:07:30,990 --> 00:07:35,130 whose igen states that just say the stationary states we would like to find. 62 00:07:36,600 --> 00:07:38,740 So what does that imply when to operate his commute? 63 00:07:38,760 --> 00:07:48,480 Remember, the fundamental rigmarole is that this implies there's a complete set of mutual aid and states. 64 00:07:56,460 --> 00:08:15,500 Of P and H. That is to say we can if we wish is look for I can states of age which are states of well-defined parity and the 65 00:08:15,500 --> 00:08:23,330 way functions of these states are well defined parity will either be even functions of X if the parity is even, 66 00:08:23,540 --> 00:08:29,470 or there will be odd functions of x if the parity is odd. So we can. 67 00:08:29,480 --> 00:08:34,400 So what this means is we can insist or we can look for. 68 00:08:46,230 --> 00:08:50,340 So we can look for stationary states with wave functions. 69 00:08:57,370 --> 00:09:09,430 You have x meaning, of course, x e that are either even functions. 70 00:09:11,410 --> 00:09:20,350 You x equals equals you of minus x or odd functions. 71 00:09:23,970 --> 00:09:28,060 U of x is minus u of minus x. 72 00:09:31,180 --> 00:09:38,320 And this observation knowing what knowing that you're looking for an even function, say, 73 00:09:39,970 --> 00:09:43,480 makes it much easier to find that function than if you don't know whether it's even resolved. 74 00:09:43,660 --> 00:09:46,899 That's this is a this is a general observation. 75 00:09:46,900 --> 00:09:56,530 And we'll just find a concrete example of it in a moment. So here is all. 76 00:09:56,650 --> 00:10:02,560 Here is our potential. Again, a minus. 77 00:10:02,590 --> 00:10:06,579 Say, what do we have? 78 00:10:06,580 --> 00:10:11,740 We have here? What is the that the time independent Schrodinger equation. 79 00:10:13,840 --> 00:10:23,169 That is to say, what is the. What is that? That is the equation which shows that h of psi is equal to FC in the position representation. 80 00:10:23,170 --> 00:10:30,270 What is this equation important equation look like here. Well, the at this point here where the potential is zero, 81 00:10:30,700 --> 00:10:37,989 h is p squared over two M so at this location here it becomes this becomes piece 82 00:10:37,990 --> 00:10:47,290 going over to M which is minus H bar squared over to M D to u by the x squared. 83 00:10:48,430 --> 00:10:56,320 So this is I suppose I should change this sorry in this context to you probably know. 84 00:10:56,380 --> 00:11:05,170 Let's leave it with E that's what we were calling it the state e so this left hand part and that reduces 85 00:11:05,170 --> 00:11:10,510 to just this in the position representation because we only have the kinetic energy at this location, 86 00:11:10,510 --> 00:11:16,210 there is no potential energy. And on the right hand side, of course, we simply have e times u. 87 00:11:17,140 --> 00:11:21,010 So we're trying to solve this, this equation, and we know all about the solutions of this equation. 88 00:11:21,310 --> 00:11:24,370 This is just the simple harmonic motion equation of classical physics. 89 00:11:24,370 --> 00:11:34,990 Essentially, it tells us so we know that you is cos k x or you is sine provide solutions of this equation. 90 00:11:35,410 --> 00:11:42,220 Cos kicks is an even functions. So that must be the solution belonging to an even parity state. 91 00:11:42,430 --> 00:11:46,540 And sine k x is an odd function of x, so it's an odd parity thing. 92 00:11:46,960 --> 00:12:01,360 So this has solutions. U of x is equal to either cos k x or sine k x depending on parity. 93 00:12:02,860 --> 00:12:06,819 And we have that k, right. 94 00:12:06,820 --> 00:12:13,120 So when you double differentiate this, you're going to get minus K squared cos X. 95 00:12:14,350 --> 00:12:17,380 So the minus sign deals with that. 96 00:12:17,620 --> 00:12:21,580 We're going to have that minus K squared. 97 00:12:22,750 --> 00:12:28,090 E is equal to this stuff here. In other words, we're going to have a K is equal to. 98 00:12:36,430 --> 00:12:42,870 Yeah. No. 99 00:12:42,900 --> 00:12:46,110 This is wrong. Sorry. Sorry, but it's the wrong way up. What am I doing? 100 00:12:49,280 --> 00:12:55,470 Sorry. The derivative is here. Excuse me. So when we double differentiate, we'll get minus H plus squared k squared over to em. 101 00:12:56,360 --> 00:13:00,590 We'll get a minus coming from the differentiation which will cancel this and we will have 102 00:13:00,800 --> 00:13:11,150 that k squared is equal to 2me over each bar squared square root while k is is that. 103 00:13:13,670 --> 00:13:22,940 So we have determined what the what the what the wave functions are of the stationary states in that interval from minus eight away. 104 00:13:24,770 --> 00:13:29,990 And in terms of the energy, what we now need to do is. 105 00:13:33,760 --> 00:13:37,390 Is think about the state of affairs here. 106 00:13:38,590 --> 00:13:43,710 So, so. So this stuff is all true for monarchs. 107 00:13:44,380 --> 00:13:48,950 Less than a what about the case when monarchs is greater than a. 108 00:13:49,090 --> 00:13:52,480 So now the picture in this zone here. 109 00:13:52,720 --> 00:14:01,120 What is the time independent Schrodinger equation look like? It still has kinetic energy minus h squared of a to m d to u by the x squared. 110 00:14:01,720 --> 00:14:05,049 But now we have potential energy. How much? V zero. 111 00:14:05,050 --> 00:14:16,140 So v zero times u. So this is this is the Hamiltonian operator operating on you and that's equal to e u. 112 00:14:16,900 --> 00:14:19,479 And let's now say we're looking for bound states, 113 00:14:19,480 --> 00:14:28,930 that's to say states where the energy is less than the potential energy out here so that the classically the particle will be confined inside here. 114 00:14:29,320 --> 00:14:35,230 So we're going to look for bound states. You don't there are other states, too, but let's focus on the bound states. 115 00:14:40,600 --> 00:14:46,270 That means that that E is less than V0. 116 00:14:46,570 --> 00:14:50,500 So the particle classically is not allowed to get out of the the well. 117 00:14:52,120 --> 00:14:56,070 What happens then? Well, then this equation becomes, uh. 118 00:14:57,280 --> 00:15:01,780 D to you by the x squared is equal to. 119 00:15:02,200 --> 00:15:08,700 If we put this onto this side, since v0 is by hypothesis bigger than you, 120 00:15:08,710 --> 00:15:15,280 we have a negative right hand side and we can cancel the minus signs on the two sides. 121 00:15:15,670 --> 00:15:24,850 So we if we write it as we have to v v0 minus the energy over h bar squared times u. 122 00:15:25,870 --> 00:15:31,510 So again we have a double derivative is equal to some constant times the function. 123 00:15:31,900 --> 00:15:35,530 But the difference is now that we do not have a minus sign here. 124 00:15:35,710 --> 00:15:40,100 So instead of having sinusoidal solutions, we have exponential style solutions. 125 00:15:40,100 --> 00:15:47,649 So the solution to this equation is that you is equal to a constant times e to 126 00:15:47,650 --> 00:15:54,160 the plus or minus k times x where big k is the square root of this stuff here. 127 00:16:04,130 --> 00:16:07,190 What are we going to. What about this sign ambiguity here? Right. 128 00:16:07,190 --> 00:16:12,350 This there is a sign ambiguity here because it's the double derivative which has to be equal to a constant times u. 129 00:16:12,710 --> 00:16:17,240 If we go for the minus sign in taking the double derivative two derivatives, we get down to minus signs. 130 00:16:17,240 --> 00:16:21,560 We get a plus, obviously. So that's why this there's this ambiguity. 131 00:16:21,980 --> 00:16:23,690 What do we do about that ambiguity? 132 00:16:23,960 --> 00:16:34,040 Well, when X is greater than nought, we want the wave function to decrease as we head off to infinity, as X becomes larger and larger. 133 00:16:34,220 --> 00:16:40,340 Well, in fact. Right, because we would like to be able to normalise the wave function. 134 00:16:40,340 --> 00:16:42,829 We'd like to have the wave function mod squared integrated. 135 00:16:42,830 --> 00:16:47,780 Overall space comes to one and that's not going to be possible if we have an exponential divergence. 136 00:16:48,230 --> 00:17:00,440 So the consequence of that is that in this this zone here we take that U is proportional to E to the minus x because x is positive over there. 137 00:17:00,440 --> 00:17:05,210 And that means the bigger x gets more we move over here, the smaller the wave function becomes. 138 00:17:05,630 --> 00:17:10,460 If we're on this left side here where x is negative, 139 00:17:10,700 --> 00:17:26,179 then we want to take you goes like either plus or minus E to the to the plus k x because x is negative in this zone here we and 140 00:17:26,180 --> 00:17:36,860 the negativity of x gives the exponent of the of the of the exponential negativity so that the bigger that X becomes the modulus, 141 00:17:36,860 --> 00:17:41,450 the more we move over over here, the, the smaller the wave function becomes. 142 00:17:42,230 --> 00:17:49,820 And whether we want to take a plus sign, if we're looking for a state of positive, of even parity, then we want to take this plus sign. 143 00:17:49,820 --> 00:17:58,010 So the wave function over here has the same same numerical value as the wave function, the corresponding point over there. 144 00:17:58,220 --> 00:18:01,640 If we're looking for a state of odd parity, we take this minus sign. 145 00:18:01,880 --> 00:18:06,860 So the wave function at negative x becomes minus the wave function at the corresponding point at positive x. 146 00:18:08,330 --> 00:18:16,670 So, so that's, uh, that's where we are so far what we now need to do. 147 00:18:16,670 --> 00:18:25,280 So we've now solved what have we done? We've solved the time independent Schrodinger equation everywhere except an x equals A in x equals -80. 148 00:18:26,390 --> 00:18:35,120 But we haven't solved it at those points because at those points, if you go a bit to the, for example, at the point X equals A, if you go to the bit, 149 00:18:35,120 --> 00:18:41,690 to the left of that point, then the wave function is supposed to be causal sine x and if you go a bit to the right, 150 00:18:41,960 --> 00:18:46,970 it's going to be this exponential function. But at that point we must still have the time. 151 00:18:46,970 --> 00:18:51,860 Independent Schrodinger Equation Satisfied. So what? 152 00:18:52,190 --> 00:18:59,149 What does that require? Well, for the time independent Schrödinger equation to mean anything. 153 00:18:59,150 --> 00:19:04,250 Even the second derivative of the wave function has to be well-defined at that point, 154 00:19:04,250 --> 00:19:08,660 because the time independent writing equation equates the second derivative to some stuff. 155 00:19:09,740 --> 00:19:32,330 So what we can say is that at x equals plus or minus a, we need that d to you by the x squared is defined or we can't solve the ties either. 156 00:19:33,440 --> 00:19:36,500 Satisfy that. Satisfy the ties either. 157 00:19:42,210 --> 00:19:45,570 Well, the rate of change. This is the rate of change of the gradient. 158 00:19:45,840 --> 00:19:50,340 That is certainly not going to be defined if the gradient isn't continuous. 159 00:19:51,690 --> 00:19:57,720 So that implies that do you buy the X is continuous? 160 00:20:04,730 --> 00:20:11,330 And that's a non-trivial requirement because at the moment we've got the wave function in pieces and there's no obvious reason. 161 00:20:11,730 --> 00:20:20,630 Thus we do do some engineering on our pieces. Why? The gradient is defined by one piece on one side of the barrier of the transition 162 00:20:20,870 --> 00:20:23,870 should equal the gradient from a completely different function on the other side. 163 00:20:25,010 --> 00:20:28,340 Okay. But so the gradient has to be continuous. 164 00:20:29,090 --> 00:20:37,370 The gradient is certainly not going to be even it's not even going to be defined unless the wave function itself is continuous. 165 00:20:37,670 --> 00:20:41,330 So we also require the same similar reasons. 166 00:20:46,500 --> 00:20:54,590 But you is continuous. At these points. 167 00:20:55,670 --> 00:21:10,460 So we have to insist. That you have a minus some tiny bit is equal to U of a plus some tiny bit. 168 00:21:11,210 --> 00:21:20,120 And we have to insist that the you by the X evaluated today minus the tiny bit is equal to the U by the x. 169 00:21:24,310 --> 00:21:28,930 Evaluated as a plus a tiny bit called Epsilon. That's what we've got to insist on. 170 00:21:29,770 --> 00:21:32,920 What does that amount to that amounts to here? 171 00:21:35,620 --> 00:21:49,959 If we're just to the left of a we have for the even parity solution we have that u is equal to cos k x an x is a minus epsilon, 172 00:21:49,960 --> 00:21:51,300 but epsilon as small as we like. 173 00:21:51,310 --> 00:21:59,080 So let's just make it equal to cos k that's got to equal the wave function on the right hand side which is some constant. 174 00:22:00,310 --> 00:22:11,540 We'll call it but call that constant big a times E to the minus big k, times x plus a tiny bit. 175 00:22:11,560 --> 00:22:21,430 Let's forget about the tiny bit because this is a continuous function. So we require that that's the continuity of U of x. 176 00:22:24,770 --> 00:22:31,130 Similarly, the gradient just to the left of of x equals A is given by the derivative of cos. 177 00:22:32,120 --> 00:22:45,110 So we're looking at minus K sine k and that's got to be equal to the gradient of a E to the minus X just to the evaluated at x equals A, 178 00:22:45,380 --> 00:22:59,440 so that's minus big k a E to the minus K and that's the continuity of you by the X and the nice. 179 00:22:59,450 --> 00:23:03,650 We also have to satisfy these continuity conditions that x equals minus AA. 180 00:23:04,220 --> 00:23:13,160 But the nice thing about choosing is deciding that you're going to look for a wave function of well-defined parity over an even 181 00:23:13,160 --> 00:23:19,160 functional odd function is that it's easy to persuade yourselves you probably want to sit down quietly and do this afterwards, 182 00:23:19,400 --> 00:23:26,390 that if you satisfies these conditions on the right hand side at x equals plus a of the origin, 183 00:23:26,570 --> 00:23:30,500 then you've also satisfied these conditions on the to the left of the origin. 184 00:23:31,340 --> 00:23:39,139 These equations suffice to fix up the arrangements at both of the discontinuities and you don't have to deal with them separately. 185 00:23:39,140 --> 00:23:43,700 That's the great advantage of of choosing way functions of well-defined parity. 186 00:23:45,970 --> 00:23:51,130 So what do we what do we have here? We have a pair of equations and we have a number of unknowns. 187 00:23:51,490 --> 00:23:58,059 As it stands, we do not know what little K is or Big K is, and we do not know what A is Big A is. 188 00:23:58,060 --> 00:24:07,060 Right? Those are all unknowns. We've two equations and we need fundamentally to determine these unknowns. 189 00:24:09,660 --> 00:24:19,170 Most important is to determine little K and Big K because they are related to the energy by formulae which are there's little K right at the top. 190 00:24:19,170 --> 00:24:25,740 There is the square root of 2me average bar squared and big k halfway up is to m v0 minus c. 191 00:24:26,070 --> 00:24:31,080 So little can big k are both related to the energy and once we found the energy 192 00:24:31,080 --> 00:24:34,920 will know what both Big K and little K on is energy we're fundamentally after. 193 00:24:34,920 --> 00:24:39,780 So that's what we want to focus on. Big is is of less interest. 194 00:24:39,780 --> 00:24:54,150 So let's get rid of big A by dividing this equation through by this equation, then we will find so we divide equation two basically by equation one. 195 00:24:56,310 --> 00:25:10,530 And that leads to the conclusion that minus let's do it down here minus k ten k from sign of a cosine is equal to minus big k nothing. 196 00:25:10,530 --> 00:25:15,690 Everything else goes because we have an a e to the minus big K in both equations. 197 00:25:17,280 --> 00:25:25,769 And let's ask what what this is. Let's try and relate this so big K and little K are both related to the energy 198 00:25:25,770 --> 00:25:30,540 from which it follows that I could express Big K as a function of little K. 199 00:25:30,750 --> 00:25:41,010 So let's do that. This is minus the square root of two and V0 minus E over bar squared, 200 00:25:43,140 --> 00:25:52,020 which is equal to minus square root now to m e average bar squared is actually from we've maybe just lost it, unfortunately. 201 00:25:52,230 --> 00:25:58,440 Let's bring it back into focus right at the top there. It's to me average bar squared is in fact K squared. 202 00:25:58,650 --> 00:26:01,860 So to me average plus squared is K squared. 203 00:26:02,370 --> 00:26:10,470 So what we want to do is write this as two and V nought over squared minus k squared. 204 00:26:13,230 --> 00:26:21,270 So here we have an equation now that this equals this which has only one unknown, namely K. 205 00:26:22,260 --> 00:26:25,950 So the left side is a function of K. The right side is a function of K. 206 00:26:26,610 --> 00:26:35,249 Any values of K for which you these two sides are equal are are provide solutions to our time independent 207 00:26:35,250 --> 00:26:39,570 Schrodinger equation and provide wave functions for stationary states for states of well-defined energy. 208 00:26:41,280 --> 00:26:45,540 To solve this to solve this equation, the way to go is to divide through by this. 209 00:26:45,720 --> 00:26:51,780 Well, obviously cancel the minus signs divide through by k both sides and this then becomes 210 00:26:51,780 --> 00:27:04,560 ten k is equal to the square root of 2mv nought over bar squared k squared minus one. 211 00:27:06,160 --> 00:27:14,770 And it's good now to multiply the top and the bottom of this by a squared and write this as 212 00:27:15,040 --> 00:27:29,830 the square root of w over k squared minus one where w is two and v0a squared over squared. 213 00:27:29,860 --> 00:27:37,840 Why do I want to do that? K is obviously dimensionless because this is a wave number. 214 00:27:39,820 --> 00:27:43,690 The wave function was sine qua. The argument of sine must always be dimensionless. 215 00:27:44,080 --> 00:27:50,580 So this. This is dimensionless. That's obviously dimensionless. 216 00:27:50,590 --> 00:27:52,170 Therefore this must be dimensionless. 217 00:27:52,180 --> 00:27:56,710 You can explicitly check that this is dimensionless for the reason I've defined w is that this thing is dimensionless. 218 00:28:00,920 --> 00:28:06,139 It's a dimensionless measure of the depth and width of the potential. 219 00:28:06,140 --> 00:28:10,190 Well, right. It depends on the depth of the potential. Well, it depends on the width of the potential well. 220 00:28:10,400 --> 00:28:18,290 And it's the dimensionless. The mathematics is telling us that this is how you quantify how you know what kind of 221 00:28:18,290 --> 00:28:21,320 potential well you've got where you've got a very deep one or a very shallow one. 222 00:28:23,970 --> 00:28:26,970 So how are we going to solve this equation here? 223 00:28:27,420 --> 00:28:34,020 Well, the way to go is is to plot both sides of the equation graphically. 224 00:28:34,050 --> 00:28:38,670 All right. So the tangent is is to plot both sides of the equation graphically. 225 00:28:38,850 --> 00:28:43,560 And see what you get, see at what points they meet. 226 00:28:44,220 --> 00:28:48,060 So if this is a plot, this is a being plotted this way. 227 00:28:48,720 --> 00:28:56,310 Then if I plot ten K, it starts off at zero and rises like this. 228 00:28:56,640 --> 00:29:01,860 And when K becomes equal to pi over two, it zooms off to infinity. 229 00:29:02,690 --> 00:29:07,500 Right. That's what tangents do. And down here, it goes in symmetrically. 230 00:29:09,060 --> 00:29:12,630 What does this thing do when K is nothing? 231 00:29:12,840 --> 00:29:17,670 That thing is obviously infinity because it becomes W over nothing square rooted. 232 00:29:17,940 --> 00:29:21,300 So this. This this is the left hand side. I better write that down. 233 00:29:21,310 --> 00:29:25,770 So this here is the left hand side. It's ten K. 234 00:29:26,430 --> 00:29:36,810 The right hand side is coming down from infinity and it's going to go to zero when K is equal to or k squared is equal to W. 235 00:29:37,140 --> 00:29:45,780 So this right hand side is cruising down from infinity and it's going to go to zero when K is root w. 236 00:29:49,260 --> 00:29:56,680 And from this we see it's obvious now that no matter what the value of W is. 237 00:29:56,700 --> 00:30:01,590 So as you change the width and depth of the potential, you move this point to the right of the left. 238 00:30:02,040 --> 00:30:07,230 But no matter where you put it from nowhere to infinity, it will cross. 239 00:30:07,560 --> 00:30:13,440 There will be this intersection here. These two curves always cross. 240 00:30:15,790 --> 00:30:23,830 And where they cross gives you a value of K and therefore a value of K, 241 00:30:24,130 --> 00:30:28,120 which is a solution to the to the time in the independent Schrödinger equation. 242 00:30:28,570 --> 00:30:36,100 So what we've just learned is that this well, always. 243 00:30:38,410 --> 00:30:49,260 As a bound state. It doesn't matter how shallow the water is or how narrow the well is, 244 00:30:49,500 --> 00:30:57,050 it always has a bound state because these two curves always cross this tangent on the left. 245 00:30:57,060 --> 00:31:00,310 Right has has all the branches. 246 00:31:00,330 --> 00:31:06,840 There's also a branch. So tangent goes off, comes along here, goes off to pulse plus infinity. 247 00:31:07,110 --> 00:31:16,140 And then somewhere down here it's when, when, when K is equal to pie upon to plus a bit it becomes minus. 248 00:31:16,650 --> 00:31:20,280 It comes in from minus infinity and repeats itself. 249 00:31:22,420 --> 00:31:34,040 So this is the LHC second branch. And this second branch may or may not cut this curve of the right hand side again. 250 00:31:34,060 --> 00:31:38,560 Right. So if we made a smaller than here, this is where. 251 00:31:38,830 --> 00:31:44,500 This is what? This is where a. This is this is the place pie. 252 00:31:45,190 --> 00:31:49,749 If if we would make this less than that, we wouldn't get a second solution. 253 00:31:49,750 --> 00:31:57,250 But if we have a bigger than this, we do get a second solution. So it may have. 254 00:32:01,290 --> 00:32:04,440 Other even parity. 255 00:32:06,740 --> 00:32:26,190 The stationary states. So depending on the depth of the potential, we have one, two, three, four, 256 00:32:26,190 --> 00:32:32,310 etc. in stationary states with of even parity, we've only dealt with even parity case. 257 00:32:32,850 --> 00:32:37,679 If we want to look at the old parity states, let's just begin to do this. 258 00:32:37,680 --> 00:32:50,310 But this is basically an exercise for the problems. Then our conditions are a wave function for the odd parrot stage states. 259 00:32:50,320 --> 00:33:01,090 We've lost it somewhere but it's go away parity away function to the old parity states is is the sign 260 00:33:01,090 --> 00:33:08,860 kegs right up there right so in the middle it's sign kegs at the edge it's still a E to the minus X. 261 00:33:09,400 --> 00:33:24,310 So our continuity conditions become that sign K is equal to a E to the minus K, and that's the continuity. 262 00:33:27,640 --> 00:33:42,060 Of the wave function itself at x equals a the derivative of this is going to give me k cos k is equal to minus big k a e to the minus k. 263 00:33:45,390 --> 00:33:49,690 We divide this equation by this equation analogously to what we did before. 264 00:33:50,070 --> 00:34:00,570 We are going to get a k cotangent of k, a lot of a is equal to minus. 265 00:34:04,540 --> 00:34:12,219 Is equal to minus b k. So now we have only one minus sign. 266 00:34:12,220 --> 00:34:18,970 Previously we had a pair of minus signs which cancel. Now we have a one minus sign because we differentiate a sign. 267 00:34:18,970 --> 00:34:26,200 We didn't differentiate a cosine the and correspondingly we have a cotangent instead of a tangent. 268 00:34:26,710 --> 00:34:32,620 So this equation can be graphically solved. Uh, that's the exercise. 269 00:34:39,760 --> 00:34:58,450 And we find that we may get nought one two solutions for K and for every solution we have an odd parity. 270 00:34:59,560 --> 00:35:26,170 We have an old parity stationary state. Let's have a look at the uncertainty principle in this example. 271 00:35:32,600 --> 00:35:39,290 Just to remind you, last term, quite early on, we showed we considered the case. 272 00:35:40,100 --> 00:36:00,230 So this is last as a summary, last term. We consider the case where obsessive X is proportional to E to the minus X squared over four sigma squared. 273 00:36:01,370 --> 00:36:11,120 So we considered a wave function whose spatial form was a Gaussian such that when you mod squared this in order to get the probability distribution, 274 00:36:11,360 --> 00:36:15,229 you found that it was a Gaussian with dispersion sigma. So. 275 00:36:15,230 --> 00:36:20,480 So this thing here is the expectation of X squared. 276 00:36:21,300 --> 00:36:25,460 Right. That's what the sigma squared is from that formula. And what did we find? 277 00:36:26,090 --> 00:36:33,920 We found fundamentally by doing a for a transform, that if that's what the if that's what the wave function looks like, 278 00:36:34,220 --> 00:36:45,620 then the probability well, the amplitude to find this is. 279 00:36:46,220 --> 00:36:49,760 So this is x ABC. Right. 280 00:36:49,880 --> 00:36:55,310 The wave function looks like that. Then the amplitude to get a certain momentum, 281 00:36:55,310 --> 00:37:06,050 if you would make a momentum measurement was looking like E to the minus p squared over four sigma p squared. 282 00:37:07,100 --> 00:37:12,410 Right where this thing becomes the expectation value of p squared. 283 00:37:12,560 --> 00:37:17,660 So the variance, the expectation values momentum in this state is zero. 284 00:37:18,260 --> 00:37:23,210 The expectation of the square of the momentum is going to be this sigma p squared. 285 00:37:24,740 --> 00:37:32,389 And what we found was that Sigma Times Sigma P using wedge bar on to this was a concrete 286 00:37:32,390 --> 00:37:38,090 example of the uncertainty principle where the smaller the uncertainty in X is, 287 00:37:38,360 --> 00:37:40,400 the bigger the uncertainty in the momentum. 288 00:37:40,610 --> 00:37:46,700 And correspondingly the smaller momentum in P is, the bigger the uncertainty X has to be because the product is always the same. 289 00:37:46,730 --> 00:37:55,170 In this particular Gaussian example. So we have some idea that the, the, the uncertainty in X Times, the uncertainty in P, we, 290 00:37:55,340 --> 00:38:02,450 we say to ourselves is inherently never smaller than this number upon to it may be bigger than h bar upon two easily. 291 00:38:02,460 --> 00:38:08,840 It often is bigger than H, but usually is bigger than H bar to. But this is kind of as small as it gets. 292 00:38:10,190 --> 00:38:15,139 So that's that was what we did last term. So let's have a look at it in this particular case. 293 00:38:15,140 --> 00:38:21,240 Right. So let's look at the ground state. 294 00:38:22,200 --> 00:38:28,200 Remember this? Oh, yeah. Another point to remind you is that the ground state wave function of the harmonic oscillator. 295 00:38:28,380 --> 00:38:35,250 So the the ground state of a harmonic oscillator actually has a wave function, which is this Gaussian. 296 00:38:35,430 --> 00:38:39,390 The time that we did this calculation. This Gaussian was just picked out of the air. 297 00:38:39,630 --> 00:38:45,500 But for the ground state of the harmonic oscillator actually does have this this thing here. 298 00:38:45,510 --> 00:38:51,660 This fits this example. So let's have a look at the wave function of the ground state of this of this that we have here. 299 00:38:55,950 --> 00:39:09,030 What you might argue to yourself, you might say, okay, so what we can say is that P is less than or on the order of. 300 00:39:13,010 --> 00:39:18,440 Well, peace. Quiet over to him. The energy is less than zero, right? 301 00:39:18,950 --> 00:39:23,420 Because it's a bound. It's bound. So it's less than zero. 302 00:39:23,810 --> 00:39:33,350 So what we can say is that P. P squared is less than two and V zero. 303 00:39:35,110 --> 00:39:41,970 Yeah. Sorry. That's meant to be a less than seems reasonable, doesn't it? 304 00:39:42,720 --> 00:39:50,070 The particle can't have any more kinetic energy than the energy it requires to escape because we know it's bound. 305 00:39:51,180 --> 00:39:56,820 The next thing you might say is, well, so what's the what's what's what's x squared? 306 00:39:57,600 --> 00:40:01,950 What's the uncertainty in X? Well, you might say to yourself, Well, look, this particle is trapped in this potential. 307 00:40:01,950 --> 00:40:05,100 Well, that goes from plus A to minus A. 308 00:40:05,640 --> 00:40:10,709 So what's the uncertainty in in X, in x squared? 309 00:40:10,710 --> 00:40:13,920 Well, this must be on the order of a squared. 310 00:40:16,650 --> 00:40:18,840 Seems reasonable, doesn't it. Less than on the order of. 311 00:40:20,140 --> 00:40:28,440 Well I'll put it in a factor two or four or just to be sure that where the lesson is is, is holding because the thing is trapped by potential. 312 00:40:28,440 --> 00:40:33,030 Well it extends only from plus A to minus A, so it has a range of two ways they can run in. 313 00:40:33,450 --> 00:40:39,660 So we say X squared is definitely less than two squared. It's almost certainly it's clearly less than that, significantly less than that. 314 00:40:40,920 --> 00:40:46,560 So what does that give me? And and this this square is the momentum is so. 315 00:40:47,100 --> 00:40:51,630 So we have that that X squared. 316 00:40:53,130 --> 00:41:01,080 P squared. I mean, I can put expectation values around that, too, I think is less than on the order of. 317 00:41:03,550 --> 00:41:08,500 Whatever it is. 8 a.m. v not a square. 318 00:41:14,930 --> 00:41:18,740 But that is w is somewhere. Yeah. Look, w. 319 00:41:22,130 --> 00:41:25,370 This is basically w because that was to Venus. 320 00:41:25,460 --> 00:41:35,210 So this Venus squared is uh, something like 4mv not a squared is is h bar squared. 321 00:41:53,780 --> 00:41:59,270 If I done this right, because I'm getting an answer, which I'm. Thomas W Yes, exactly. 322 00:41:59,300 --> 00:42:05,150 That's right. The dimensionless number. W Right. The point is right that W could be made as small as you like. 323 00:42:05,150 --> 00:42:06,680 We've agreed. And you slope have bound state. 324 00:42:08,370 --> 00:42:14,880 So this naive argument suggests that we're going to violate the uncertainty principle because we can make this as small as we like. 325 00:42:20,290 --> 00:42:23,680 So what's the problem? This argument's bogus. What's bogus about it? 326 00:42:25,000 --> 00:42:31,430 A hole in the wall. It's not all in the well as you make w smaller and smaller. 327 00:42:31,800 --> 00:42:33,860 Let's draw what the wave function looks like. 328 00:42:37,790 --> 00:42:49,820 So if we have let's, let's have a nice big value of w a big value w means a nice spicy well with right high walls. 329 00:42:50,330 --> 00:42:56,330 And then we will have a ground state wave function, which is a cosine and some little bits like this. 330 00:42:57,560 --> 00:43:05,270 And indeed the probability to find the particle outside the well outside, plus or minus, they will be not very much. 331 00:43:05,780 --> 00:43:16,880 But as you make this smaller and smaller and smaller, you bring this in making a smaller and and or you lower these making this curvature smaller. 332 00:43:17,300 --> 00:43:24,350 So that curvature of that wave function is a reflection of the kinetic energy, which is a reflection of of nought. 333 00:43:24,770 --> 00:43:30,050 We we come to the we have a nice we have a narrow, a techy witchy thing like this. 334 00:43:30,530 --> 00:43:34,579 Then you have barely you have an almost a straight line across here. 335 00:43:34,580 --> 00:43:39,320 I can't draw it. Well, almost a straight line across here. And then enormous long exponential decays. 336 00:43:42,050 --> 00:43:48,050 And the particles almost certain not to be in the potential. Well, that's a very remarkable conclusion to come to, right. 337 00:43:48,980 --> 00:43:55,940 That you can trap a particle with a potential well, which is almost it has very little probability of actually being in. 338 00:43:58,340 --> 00:43:59,480 But that's what the theory says. 339 00:44:10,390 --> 00:44:19,360 Something else we can we can show is we can we can say we can argue as follows supposing we given some other potential. 340 00:44:19,360 --> 00:44:23,469 Well, here is some other potential. Well, I'm sorry. 341 00:44:23,470 --> 00:44:26,840 It's meant to be it's meant to be an even function of X, right? 342 00:44:26,860 --> 00:44:31,930 So it's meant to be the same on both sides. Symmetrical and somebody also. 343 00:44:32,050 --> 00:44:36,280 So does this potential well have a bound state then? 344 00:44:36,280 --> 00:44:39,700 You reason as follows let us inscribe a nice square potential. 345 00:44:39,700 --> 00:44:43,270 Well, there are many square potential worlds you can inscribe into it. Right. But there's one. 346 00:44:44,500 --> 00:44:50,290 Then you can argue that this potential well is narrower and shallower than the one you were given. 347 00:44:50,740 --> 00:44:57,700 So less likely to trap a particle. But this potential world has a state has a bound state. 348 00:44:58,210 --> 00:45:04,040 So this. Well. Shallower. 349 00:45:07,070 --> 00:45:15,080 Narrower. But it has a bound state. 350 00:45:15,470 --> 00:45:19,190 At least one bound state because it's a square. Well, and we understand about square wells. 351 00:45:19,970 --> 00:45:24,680 So you reason that this wider and deeper well also has a bound state. 352 00:45:26,720 --> 00:45:31,850 So we we're making an inference from this very special, rather artificial squared. 353 00:45:31,850 --> 00:45:43,940 Well, potential about all one dimensional square wells. What happens now? 354 00:45:43,970 --> 00:45:47,150 Let's let's conclude with a special case. 355 00:45:47,150 --> 00:45:56,170 An important special case. Which is the infinitely deep. 356 00:45:56,170 --> 00:46:05,659 Well, woops. So now we let V0 become arbitrarily large and we have a, we have a, 357 00:46:05,660 --> 00:46:09,560 well it looks like this, it just goes up and up and up and up and up and up and up and up. 358 00:46:11,510 --> 00:46:16,150 What happens then? Well, let's go to our graphical solution. 359 00:46:16,160 --> 00:46:19,459 What have we done? We've made we've left a constant. 360 00:46:19,460 --> 00:46:27,770 I mean, we've left at some values and we've allowed V zero to become arbitrary large, which means we've made W arbitrarily large. 361 00:46:27,890 --> 00:46:31,610 What's the implication of that for our solution of this equation? 362 00:46:32,420 --> 00:46:38,330 So we're where we're solving this equation for w arbitrarily large. 363 00:46:40,670 --> 00:46:49,220 So so we're saying that the roots are going to become where ten K the even parity roots are going to be where ten K equals infinity. 364 00:46:49,850 --> 00:46:55,160 And we know what that means. We know that K must be pi upon two, three, pi upon two, etc. 365 00:46:55,880 --> 00:47:09,020 So we've done, we've made W goes to infinity, which implies that the governing equation, the equation that determines K becomes ten K equals infinity, 366 00:47:09,500 --> 00:47:22,399 which implies that K is equal to either pi upon two or three pi upon to, etc., etc., etc. and all of these values are going to be okay. 367 00:47:22,400 --> 00:47:25,790 Graphically, what's happening is that this curve, right? 368 00:47:25,790 --> 00:47:28,520 This was the curve of the right hand side for finite. 369 00:47:28,850 --> 00:47:40,129 For finite W is going to just become a line along here at infinity and it's going to cross these various branches of the tangent at infinity, 370 00:47:40,130 --> 00:47:46,970 which means that these pi upon two, three pi upon two points, and it's going to cross every single one of them all the way, all the way out. 371 00:47:47,000 --> 00:47:54,320 Right? So we can have an infinite number of state of even parity stationary states and they're going to have those values of K. 372 00:47:56,000 --> 00:48:03,200 And if when you when you study the corresponding problem for the AUD, for the AUD parity states, 373 00:48:05,180 --> 00:48:09,170 which we just vaguely discussed here, it's going to be the same deal. 374 00:48:10,490 --> 00:48:26,240 We're going to be solving an equation which says that Cot K is going to be infinite and that means that K is going to be is going to be pi to pi. 375 00:48:26,300 --> 00:48:32,220 Three pi. So on. So these are going to be the even parity states. 376 00:48:35,640 --> 00:48:46,470 And then we will find okay is equal to pi, two pi, three pi, etc. for the quad parity states. 377 00:48:49,110 --> 00:48:52,530 So the infinitely deep well will have an infinite number of solutions. 378 00:48:52,950 --> 00:49:05,020 And what do the wave functions look like. Well the wave functions are going to be cos K X where, where K is equal to some number of odd pi by twos. 379 00:49:05,280 --> 00:49:08,970 So the wave function of the even parity states is going to vanish. 380 00:49:10,530 --> 00:49:20,310 This is going to be cos k x and the wave function is going to vanish here and here by virtue of these conditions there. 381 00:49:21,600 --> 00:49:25,679 And the same thing will happen for the odd parity states. 382 00:49:25,680 --> 00:49:34,530 For example, the first odd parity state is going to have a wave function which which looks like this. 383 00:49:34,890 --> 00:49:38,310 It's going to it's going to be sine. 384 00:49:40,040 --> 00:49:45,320 K x. The best piece of chalk. 385 00:49:47,060 --> 00:49:54,889 It's going to be sign kegs where K is equal to a number of pies. 386 00:49:54,890 --> 00:49:58,850 And therefore the the sign vanishes. So it's going to vanish. 387 00:50:07,470 --> 00:50:09,450 So this is a concrete example, 388 00:50:09,810 --> 00:50:28,830 but it leads to the general it inspires the general principle that a wave function vanishes adjacent to an infinite region of infinite potential. 389 00:50:39,140 --> 00:50:50,790 But. Physically. 390 00:50:50,790 --> 00:51:00,029 What's happened is that is that this well, this big cake has grown bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger, 391 00:51:00,030 --> 00:51:06,330 and therefore this exponential has grown steeper and the curvature of it has grown larger and larger and larger and larger. 392 00:51:06,720 --> 00:51:09,570 So we've gone through, as we raise the walls, 393 00:51:10,050 --> 00:51:19,260 the transition at the edge of the well goes from being sort of nice and nice and easy with a small value of K. 394 00:51:21,980 --> 00:51:30,459 Through. Big a value about a bigger value of K to ultimately an infinite value of K, 395 00:51:30,460 --> 00:51:36,370 which allows it to continuously go from a finite slope right round to two no slope. 396 00:51:38,450 --> 00:51:44,089 And that's why it's a general property of the solutions of the time independent Schrodinger 397 00:51:44,090 --> 00:51:48,950 equation that as you approach the edge of an infinite region of infinite potential, 398 00:51:49,160 --> 00:51:53,330 the wave function vanishes and in anticipation of that infinity. 399 00:51:53,840 --> 00:52:00,740 So another strange aspect, you know, another physically strange thing that the theory is telling us is that the wave function, 400 00:52:01,160 --> 00:52:07,940 that the particle has negligible probability of being found in the neighbourhood of this region where it's strictly forbidden. 401 00:52:08,950 --> 00:52:12,280 It anticipates the fact that it's going to be forbidden. 402 00:52:14,510 --> 00:52:20,090 And you won't find it even near this dangerous place. Okay, it's time to stop.