1 00:00:02,900 --> 00:00:15,219 Okay. Good morning, everybody. Let's begin. So yesterday we looked at this very artificial problem of a particle trapped in a square potential. 2 00:00:15,220 --> 00:00:23,320 Well, and the motivation, what I build is the reason for discussing these problems was because you could these these potential worlds with 3 00:00:23,320 --> 00:00:32,799 sharp edges was that it enabled you to solve some simple problems which illustrated features of quantum mechanics, 4 00:00:32,800 --> 00:00:36,970 which are which are general, which would survive to other, more realistic potentials. 5 00:00:37,700 --> 00:00:43,030 So but the amount of physics you can do with a single square well is rather limited. 6 00:00:43,240 --> 00:00:50,200 There is some physics you can do with it, and I would urge you to play with this, to do things like supposing that your state, 7 00:00:51,190 --> 00:00:58,570 your your state is a linear combination of two adjacent stationary states so that there is some motion. 8 00:00:59,050 --> 00:01:05,410 See that the particle moves to and fro across the well at about the speed with about the period that you would expect. 9 00:01:06,340 --> 00:01:12,610 The energies in that square well are proportional to the square and squared of some integer, 10 00:01:12,880 --> 00:01:16,690 whereas the energies in the harmonic oscillating potential well go like. 11 00:01:17,260 --> 00:01:24,370 And that's to say when we took this simple case of the infinitely deep potential of the energy that was like and square like, 12 00:01:24,370 --> 00:01:27,699 and so it gives you a very different behaviour from the simple harmonic oscillator. 13 00:01:27,700 --> 00:01:35,349 And I think it's interesting to investigate that in the, to try and recover classical results and see how that dependent on the energy levels 14 00:01:35,350 --> 00:01:41,170 and then squared rather than on n manifests itself in the in the bottom line. 15 00:01:41,350 --> 00:01:44,620 But we won't take time to do that. Electricals is short. 16 00:01:45,500 --> 00:01:54,520 We're going to move on to this problem, which is more fun and will allow us to understand how a pneumonia maser works, 17 00:01:54,520 --> 00:02:00,190 which was which is a timekeeping device and was the first amazing lasing device. 18 00:02:01,210 --> 00:02:08,590 So what we do here is we imagine so first of all, we're going to solve an abstract problem and then I'll explain why this is relevant for for ammonia. 19 00:02:08,590 --> 00:02:13,450 We imagine we've got two potential wells which are divided by some barrier. 20 00:02:14,680 --> 00:02:18,130 Ideally, these potential wells would only be a finite depth. 21 00:02:18,370 --> 00:02:21,550 So the walls here would cruise off like this with V zero. 22 00:02:21,730 --> 00:02:25,360 But the computations are made much easier if we let these walls go off to infinity. 23 00:02:26,140 --> 00:02:35,320 So the potential goes off to infinity. If you go to left of minus x is minus B or right is of x is plus B, the potential is zero. 24 00:02:35,320 --> 00:02:42,490 Here the potential is V zero, some number there. So these basically two of these square wells put adjacent to each other with a finite. 25 00:02:42,700 --> 00:02:47,259 So there's only a finite barrier between the two and nothing essentially is changed as the 26 00:02:47,260 --> 00:02:51,100 computations are made a bit easier by making these go off to infinity left and right. 27 00:02:52,120 --> 00:02:57,700 So what are we going to do? We want to find, again, the stationary states, the states, a well-defined energy for this system, 28 00:02:58,540 --> 00:03:02,110 because they will have an interesting property which will lead to the ammonium. 29 00:03:03,850 --> 00:03:08,290 So again, the here is the origin X is zero. 30 00:03:08,290 --> 00:03:13,389 This potential well is and is symmetrical on reflection around the origin. 31 00:03:13,390 --> 00:03:25,150 So it's an even function of particles and even a function of X that guarantees that the parity operator competes with the potential energy operator, 32 00:03:26,530 --> 00:03:32,259 which guarantees that we can look for states of well-defined parity so the stationary 33 00:03:32,260 --> 00:03:40,270 states can have could be eigen functions of P so they have they have well-defined parity. 34 00:03:46,750 --> 00:03:56,030 The usual argument that computing operators mean we can find a complete set of mutual aid in states, and we're going to assume so. 35 00:03:56,050 --> 00:04:00,640 So there will be states which have even parity. There will be states that have odd parity. 36 00:04:01,060 --> 00:04:17,440 And the as yesterday the equation we have to solve is minus bar squared over to m d to you by the x squared plus v of x u is equal to EU. 37 00:04:19,750 --> 00:04:24,460 So we have to solve this equation and we're looking for even functions and we're looking for odd solutions. 38 00:04:25,330 --> 00:04:32,020 We are going to assume that we can find we're going to look for states which are low enough in energy that they are, 39 00:04:32,020 --> 00:04:35,139 as it were, bound by either this well or by this well. 40 00:04:35,140 --> 00:04:38,770 As I say, they're classically forbidden in this region. So we're going to look for states. 41 00:04:43,030 --> 00:04:50,769 Which have less energy with e being less than this barrier height so that classically the particle will be stuck in one 42 00:04:50,770 --> 00:04:56,230 well or stuck in the other well and could go between the two as we'll see quantum mechanically it will go between the two. 43 00:04:57,640 --> 00:05:00,879 So that being so the solutions. So what does that mean? 44 00:05:00,880 --> 00:05:04,960 That means that we've got do you buy the x squared? Well, 45 00:05:05,920 --> 00:05:18,249 do you buy the x squared is going to be to overage bar squared V nought minus e times u and this 46 00:05:18,250 --> 00:05:24,640 quantity is going to be positive when we're in the middle between x is when mod x is less than a, 47 00:05:25,510 --> 00:05:27,640 so this quantity here is going to be greater than zero. 48 00:05:27,850 --> 00:05:35,110 And that means that in this middle zone, the solutions to this equation are going to be things like E to the plus big x. 49 00:05:35,920 --> 00:05:40,750 So this means for four more x less than a, 50 00:05:41,080 --> 00:05:46,719 we're going to have you goes like E to the plus or minus big x is what we wrote down 51 00:05:46,720 --> 00:05:56,770 yesterday where big K is the square root of two and V0 minus E over bar squared. 52 00:05:56,770 --> 00:06:05,740 Okay. Or because we're looking for solutions of well-defined parity and these objects don't have well-defined parity, 53 00:06:06,190 --> 00:06:21,730 we can take linear combinations of those. Oh, and we can say or looking for well-defined parity, we can say u goes like kosh, k, x or shine big tags. 54 00:06:22,570 --> 00:06:30,310 So these are the solutions of well-defined parity to that very boring differential equation, given that this quantity here is positive. 55 00:06:31,300 --> 00:06:38,020 So those are the solutions. We know that our solutions will have that form in that middle section as drawn up there. 56 00:06:38,320 --> 00:06:48,880 This is this is X equals A, this is X equals minus C, and then in the allowed regions, B will be somewhere over here, 57 00:06:48,910 --> 00:06:53,290 right in the allowed regions either side of the of the central barrier, 58 00:06:53,590 --> 00:06:58,210 we know that we will have sinusoidal behaviour that will be trying to solve the equation. 59 00:06:59,350 --> 00:07:11,470 So this is, this is far more x less than a if model X is bigger than A and less than B, 60 00:07:11,680 --> 00:07:20,649 we will be trying to solve D to you by the x squared plus nothing times plus 61 00:07:20,650 --> 00:07:29,440 v being nothing in that zone times u equals to m over bar squared e times u. 62 00:07:29,650 --> 00:07:43,060 So we're going to have solutions like sine k x plus some phase constant where k is going to be the square root of 2me on h bar squared. 63 00:07:45,620 --> 00:07:52,220 And this is. So if I put you in a if I if I put it in a phase and unknown phase, this is an unknown phase here, 64 00:07:52,580 --> 00:08:00,170 then this sinusoidal will represent any linear combination of sine and cosine and so will be a general solution to this. 65 00:08:00,740 --> 00:08:05,360 Oops. Sorry. No, that's correct. 66 00:08:06,890 --> 00:08:10,520 I, I want it to be negative. Right. 67 00:08:11,450 --> 00:08:14,899 Sorry. No, no. Is positive. Is supposed to be as positive. Yes. 68 00:08:14,900 --> 00:08:23,780 There's a minus sign. There's a minus sign here coming from the from the minus bar squared over to M. 69 00:08:23,780 --> 00:08:27,380 So that's why there's a minus sign here and that's why we have a sinusoidal behaviour. 70 00:08:29,150 --> 00:08:32,959 Right. So we know what the solutions look like in the middle, 71 00:08:32,960 --> 00:08:37,850 we know what the solutions look like on the sides and all we have to do now to fix 72 00:08:37,850 --> 00:08:42,650 everything up is solve is make sure the boundary conditions are satisfied where they join. 73 00:08:44,300 --> 00:08:53,900 So we have to. So we say that at X equals a, we have to make sure as yesterday that our wave function is continuous and has a continuous derivative. 74 00:08:54,440 --> 00:08:58,730 So we so the continuity of the wave function, let's specialise on the even parity case. 75 00:09:03,980 --> 00:09:21,530 Continuity of the wave function is going to say that kosh times K must equal B that's my constant that multiplies the sine times sine k plus phi. 76 00:09:22,580 --> 00:09:33,350 That's the continuity of u. And then I have to deal with continuity of the gradient of u as yesterday. 77 00:09:33,680 --> 00:09:47,810 So we have the k shine k is equal to k b cos k plus phi. 78 00:09:58,800 --> 00:10:04,520 Yeah. So we are not really very interested in B, it's the same sort of set up as yesterday. 79 00:10:04,530 --> 00:10:07,559 We're not very interested in the same B yesterday we had a similar constant. 80 00:10:07,560 --> 00:10:11,910 A We're very interested in in the value that K takes. 81 00:10:12,180 --> 00:10:16,700 And this thing here, Big K as yesterday can be expressed as a function of little K. 82 00:10:16,980 --> 00:10:23,940 So the name of the game is to get rid of B. So we, we divide this equation by this equation. 83 00:10:23,940 --> 00:10:45,209 So one over two leads us to the conclusion that put the hyperbolic cost of K is equal to K over k times. 84 00:10:45,210 --> 00:10:49,200 The. Sorry, sorry, sorry. Sorry. I'm doing which division. 85 00:10:49,350 --> 00:10:54,240 Sorry I put that the wrong way up so that becomes big K of a little K. 86 00:10:54,780 --> 00:10:58,620 Right, because I am, I am taking this equation and dividing it by this equation. 87 00:10:58,950 --> 00:11:03,419 So this K was on the bottom, as it were, 88 00:11:03,420 --> 00:11:12,370 and I brought it up to the top of the other side times the tangent of K plus five and 89 00:11:12,390 --> 00:11:15,930 now we have also no we haven't quite yet because there's one thing we haven't fixed, 90 00:11:16,290 --> 00:11:19,380 which is we, we need to find out about this five thing. 91 00:11:19,470 --> 00:11:28,490 What do we have to do with the Phi Phi has to be chosen so that the wave function in that right hand zone vanishes at x equals B. 92 00:11:28,500 --> 00:11:38,190 Remember when we had the infinitely steep sides? We concluded that the wave function vanished adjacent to the rise to infinite potential energy. 93 00:11:38,190 --> 00:11:40,860 That was the thing, the point we finished on yesterday. 94 00:11:41,460 --> 00:11:54,630 So what we can say is that at x equals B we require because the potential is about to go infinite, that you equals zero. 95 00:11:55,200 --> 00:12:08,999 So that means that sine k b plus phi is zero and kb fly is so that. 96 00:12:09,000 --> 00:12:15,450 What does that imply? It implies that k b plus phi is some integer number of PI's. 97 00:12:21,660 --> 00:12:23,219 So that tells us what phi is. 98 00:12:23,220 --> 00:12:33,540 It tells us that phi obviously is our pi minus B, so we put this information into here and we have our we have our equation. 99 00:12:34,290 --> 00:12:41,189 But while we're doing it, it's probably a good idea to express Big K in terms of Little K. 100 00:12:41,190 --> 00:12:49,709 So we have expressions for Big K and Little K on the board and let's work out exactly what we what we have. 101 00:12:49,710 --> 00:13:09,540 Actually, so big K is the square root of 2mv0 minus E on each our squared which we write as to m v nought a 102 00:13:09,540 --> 00:13:22,110 squared over a squared h bar squared minus 2me over h by a squared is in fact little k squared. 103 00:13:26,600 --> 00:13:34,070 And yesterday we identified this object as a dimensionless constant w. 104 00:13:34,880 --> 00:13:42,140 So this thing is the square root of w of a squared minus k squared. 105 00:13:43,580 --> 00:13:56,210 And so when I take this equation here and that result there in the right hand side and this result here to get rid of those big k's, 106 00:13:56,690 --> 00:14:05,510 we discovered that the hyper hyperbolic cotangent of I want big K, 107 00:14:05,960 --> 00:14:18,170 which is going to be the square root of w minus k squared is equal to on the right hand side. 108 00:14:18,200 --> 00:14:23,960 Big K of a little k which is going to be the square root of K. 109 00:14:24,950 --> 00:14:35,450 Sorry. Square root of what I'm talking about of big w over k a squared minus one times the size sorry. 110 00:14:35,450 --> 00:14:48,440 Eight times the tangent of of our pi minus k, b minus a. 111 00:14:52,400 --> 00:14:59,720 Now we have what this is. So W is the dimensionless constant that characterises the potential wells on each side as yesterday. 112 00:15:00,440 --> 00:15:03,890 K is the thing of interest to us because it controls the energy, 113 00:15:04,070 --> 00:15:12,260 it determines the energy of the stationary state and is the only unknown in this equation. 114 00:15:12,260 --> 00:15:22,420 Everything else is known. So what we have here is a pretty ghastly equation whose roots determine the values of K, which in turn determine the energy. 115 00:15:23,120 --> 00:15:28,309 And as yesterday, the way to solve this is graphically to plot the left hand side of the equation and 116 00:15:28,310 --> 00:15:31,880 the right hand side of the equation and separate curves and see where they intersect. 117 00:15:32,450 --> 00:15:36,410 And I live in hope that my computer has this has this here. 118 00:15:38,300 --> 00:15:46,430 So oh, the computer may have it here, but the it didn't come up. 119 00:15:47,990 --> 00:16:04,870 Do the systems perhaps go to sleep? Is anything showing, you know? 120 00:16:05,230 --> 00:16:08,990 No. Oh, good. Meanwhile, my computer is gone. Buried. 121 00:16:08,990 --> 00:16:12,970 It's. Here we go. 122 00:16:13,630 --> 00:16:17,320 Right. So that should show it's very faint from here. 123 00:16:17,320 --> 00:16:23,670 It's warming up. Right? But that should show the. The two sides of the equation, the right hand side of the equation. 124 00:16:26,710 --> 00:16:30,490 I'm sorry. No concern. 125 00:16:30,620 --> 00:16:33,760 This is not. Right. That was that problem. 126 00:16:33,940 --> 00:16:38,290 We need to go further down. That's not the right solution. Here we go. So here is the double potential. 127 00:16:38,290 --> 00:16:44,530 Well, and what we this is the each of these curves is the right hand side of the equation. 128 00:16:45,280 --> 00:16:52,569 It's coming down like this. And there's a there's a different one because we have this tangent so that so 129 00:16:52,570 --> 00:16:56,740 the right hand side of the equation contains a tangent which goes to zero. 130 00:16:57,160 --> 00:17:03,910 We can forget about the other pi as a matter of fact. Right, because the tangent of our pi plus an angle is the same as the tangent of the angle. 131 00:17:03,910 --> 00:17:05,140 So I could write this, 132 00:17:05,620 --> 00:17:19,839 I probably should write this as w over k squared minus one times the tangent of this angle here k b minus A and there's a minus sign out front here, 133 00:17:19,840 --> 00:17:23,740 which is that minus sign. Okay, so you can add another pi to a tangent and you don't affect its value. 134 00:17:24,460 --> 00:17:30,490 So this tangent keeps having zeros right? 135 00:17:31,840 --> 00:17:44,470 As K increases, this tangent hits pi, two pi, three pi, etc. The argument to this tangent hits pi to pi, three pi, etc. and the tangent vanishes. 136 00:17:45,010 --> 00:17:49,270 And those give you the points where these vertical lines crash down through the origin. 137 00:17:49,270 --> 00:17:51,760 These points, these points, these that's why there are many branches. 138 00:17:52,990 --> 00:17:59,230 The other thing that's happening here, so the dotted line there is sorry, there are two. 139 00:17:59,500 --> 00:18:03,880 Yeah. Focus for the moment. Only on the on the top curve because. 140 00:18:07,210 --> 00:18:11,740 Listings. So there are two curves. Where is this? 141 00:18:12,930 --> 00:18:16,280 I think this thing is needs a new battery. 142 00:18:17,120 --> 00:18:21,920 There are two curves running horizontally, almost horizontally, a dotted one, and the dashed one. 143 00:18:22,130 --> 00:18:25,490 The dotted one is the one we should look at, the one that curves upwards at the end. 144 00:18:25,850 --> 00:18:31,070 That is a plot of this cloth. All right. 145 00:18:31,310 --> 00:18:44,210 So when if W is fairly large and K is fairly small, then we're looking at the cloth of a large number, and that's always one. 146 00:18:45,170 --> 00:18:48,260 So this so this thing runs along at one. 147 00:18:48,260 --> 00:18:57,260 And then eventually when K becomes on the order of W, we're looking at the cloth of something smaller than a large number. 148 00:18:57,500 --> 00:19:01,570 And that becomes that then goes up towards infinity. 149 00:19:01,580 --> 00:19:05,390 That becomes a lot. That then goes up towards yeah. 150 00:19:05,870 --> 00:19:06,979 So that's what's happening there. 151 00:19:06,980 --> 00:19:14,750 And we add the into and the the magic values a k are given by the intersection of the dotted line and the full line's coming down. 152 00:19:15,320 --> 00:19:19,070 And you can see you get a series of you know, you get a series of integers. 153 00:19:19,340 --> 00:19:29,540 There's only a finite number of them because the when K becomes bigger than W, when K becomes bigger than W, the square root goes imaginary. 154 00:19:29,750 --> 00:19:33,470 And we no longer have any any solutions to the equation. Bad things happen here, too. 155 00:19:33,770 --> 00:19:41,839 So there are only a finite number of energy levels. If if the well has any finite value of w, if we would repeat all this. 156 00:19:41,840 --> 00:19:45,770 So that's so that's what we have. We have a finite number of of energy levels. 157 00:19:46,010 --> 00:19:51,620 This is for the even parity case. If we were looking for the odd parity solutions. 158 00:19:52,040 --> 00:20:01,890 So for odd parity, what would happen is that only the only thing that would happen is that this would become a shine and that will become a cosh. 159 00:20:01,910 --> 00:20:05,930 Everything else would stay the same so that the only thing that would happen as 160 00:20:05,930 --> 00:20:10,910 we followed through this logic would be that this cloth would become a fan. 161 00:20:11,360 --> 00:20:19,729 A hyperbolic tangent. All right. So this is even parity you can find through the algebra afterwards. 162 00:20:19,730 --> 00:20:26,390 But believe me, I think it's very plausible that all that happens is because you're swapping over a cosh and a shine. 163 00:20:27,020 --> 00:20:33,590 This becomes odd. We get fan of the square root. 164 00:20:37,980 --> 00:20:54,150 Equals minus the square root, etc. So the the vertically crushing downed lines remain the relevant lines. 165 00:20:54,180 --> 00:20:58,200 The right hand side hasn't changed, but the left hand side has changed. 166 00:20:58,440 --> 00:21:04,739 So it starts off as the fan of a the hyperbolic tangent of a large number I1 and 167 00:21:04,740 --> 00:21:09,360 then it becomes the tangent of a smaller number as K becomes comparable to W, 168 00:21:09,360 --> 00:21:14,849 so it turns downwards, not upwards because. Right. So, so what? 169 00:21:14,850 --> 00:21:23,050 You want to pump the point now the crucial physical point is the crucial point that has physical consequence is that when car is small. 170 00:21:23,070 --> 00:21:26,070 In other words, when and K is the measure of the energy. Right? 171 00:21:26,070 --> 00:21:31,950 The energy is proportional to K squared because a spark is the momentum of the particle as it rattles around inside as well. 172 00:21:33,670 --> 00:21:40,750 So the energy of the low energy solutions are associated with the poor. 173 00:21:42,040 --> 00:21:45,070 These things come in pairs. 174 00:21:45,610 --> 00:21:55,989 The energies come in pairs agreed because we have the even in odd parity, things intersect low k almost exactly in the same place. 175 00:21:55,990 --> 00:22:03,100 On that diagram you can't see the distinction as you get to higher values of k and the particle is only marginally 176 00:22:03,100 --> 00:22:11,739 bound has an energy which is comparable to V zero the the two the two curves for the right and the left. 177 00:22:11,740 --> 00:22:19,000 Science diverge and you can see you get different values of K so so what's the key thing is the solutions. 178 00:22:21,360 --> 00:22:28,750 They come in pairs because we had two potential wells. 179 00:22:29,140 --> 00:22:35,640 We get two adjacent solutions. In fact, if we had three potential wells, we would get three. 180 00:22:35,650 --> 00:22:39,870 If we have an infinite number, we would have an infinite number. And this is in solid state physics. 181 00:22:39,880 --> 00:22:44,860 This is this is crucial because in a crystal you have a, you know, ten to the 24, 182 00:22:44,860 --> 00:22:49,650 you have some vast number of potential wells, one for each atom, and you get a vast number of solutions all crowded together. 183 00:22:49,660 --> 00:22:53,440 Anyway, we just have two wells, we have a pair of solutions. 184 00:22:55,420 --> 00:23:02,170 They come in pairs for we of of similar energy, very similar energy, 185 00:23:02,440 --> 00:23:13,720 similar e so one is even parity and this actually will be the lower energy solution. 186 00:23:14,980 --> 00:23:22,900 It has the smaller value of K, you can check from the diagram up there and one for the odd parity and this is the higher energy. 187 00:23:25,600 --> 00:23:28,839 So the the lowest energy. 188 00:23:28,840 --> 00:23:32,499 So for this system, for a particle trapped like that in a well, what do we have? 189 00:23:32,500 --> 00:23:38,230 We have a lowest state and just above it, which is that which is of even parity. 190 00:23:39,400 --> 00:23:44,680 So the ground state here we are we've got we've got a picture here. I think the ground state. 191 00:23:47,840 --> 00:23:51,590 So so the top diagram there sort of shows these wave functions. 192 00:23:51,590 --> 00:23:59,420 We have a sinusoidal on the right, the sinusoidal of the on the left, the ground state is the two upper four curves. 193 00:24:00,470 --> 00:24:06,980 It's up to sinusoidal with depression in the middle, where the barrier is in the particles classically forbidden. 194 00:24:07,580 --> 00:24:14,629 And then at an energy just a tiny bit higher, you have the you have a very similar pair of sinusoidal. 195 00:24:14,630 --> 00:24:19,280 They are in fact subtly different values of K. So they're very, very subtly different. 196 00:24:19,490 --> 00:24:22,610 But essentially the two a very good approximation. 197 00:24:22,730 --> 00:24:28,639 The odd parity stage is the same as the even parity state except reflected around the origin. 198 00:24:28,640 --> 00:24:33,350 So it becomes negative on this side. So we have two states, we have. 199 00:24:34,910 --> 00:24:50,210 So the wave functions are going to be what we'll call Amu plus of X, which is the even parity case and u minus of x, 200 00:24:51,290 --> 00:24:58,520 sorry, sorry, u e of x and you order x, which is the odd parity case. 201 00:25:01,370 --> 00:25:08,899 If we take linear combinations of these two states, we get two other states, ABC Plus, 202 00:25:08,900 --> 00:25:20,990 which will say is one over two of X, which is you even have x plus you order x and you end up saying minus of x. 203 00:25:34,270 --> 00:25:40,299 So if we take so ABC plus is the sum of those two way functions up there. 204 00:25:40,300 --> 00:25:44,530 So it essentially it vanishes on the left and as a non-zero value on the right. 205 00:25:45,040 --> 00:25:51,040 So this is the this is this is state of being on the right. 206 00:25:55,960 --> 00:26:03,970 And this is the state of being on the left, because if you take them away, they end up on the left and they subtract on the right. 207 00:26:11,370 --> 00:26:18,629 If we put a particle, if we actually put the particle into the right hand, well, we will set our system up in this state of PSI. 208 00:26:18,630 --> 00:26:22,830 Plus the state of PSI Plus is not a stationary state. 209 00:26:22,830 --> 00:26:29,060 It is not an energy eigen state because it's a linear combination of two eigen states of different energy. 210 00:26:29,940 --> 00:26:36,560 So. So if we drop it on the right, what our initial condition t equals nought. 211 00:26:36,570 --> 00:26:39,930 This is what our wave function looks like. What does our wave function look like? 212 00:26:39,930 --> 00:26:49,229 Generally of psi of x and t is going to be one over two times you even of x e to the 213 00:26:49,230 --> 00:26:56,460 minus i e even t over h bar the usual boring time evolution of a stationary state, 214 00:26:57,000 --> 00:27:09,660 plus you order x e to the minus, i.e. odd t over each bar, which we can write more conveniently. 215 00:27:09,800 --> 00:27:29,520 These are the minus i e even t of bar of a root to an even of x plus u of x e to the minus i e od minus even t h bar. 216 00:27:31,590 --> 00:27:38,940 And the crucial thing is that if we wait long enough, if we wait such a time that the argument of this exponential becomes equal to pi, 217 00:27:38,940 --> 00:27:45,710 we'll be looking at each of the i pi, which is minus one here, and our state will have evolved into some phase factor. 218 00:27:45,720 --> 00:27:52,080 Who cares? Times you even minus u odd which is the state of being on the left. 219 00:27:53,280 --> 00:28:12,270 So. So after a time the time required for this to become pi, which is t equals pi h bar over e of minus the even the particles on the left. 220 00:28:17,910 --> 00:28:21,780 And you can see that this will go on forever. You put the particle in on the right. 221 00:28:22,320 --> 00:28:26,580 It's not a stationary stage. After this time, it moves to the left. 222 00:28:27,150 --> 00:28:29,670 And then after twice this time, it will have come back to the right. 223 00:28:30,150 --> 00:28:36,660 It's going to oscillate between these two, between these two wells forever and ever, according to the theory. 224 00:28:38,750 --> 00:28:42,470 And the and crucially, the timescale is long. 225 00:28:42,500 --> 00:28:45,590 It takes a long time to get from the right to the left. 226 00:28:45,950 --> 00:28:51,680 If this energy difference is small and we've seen that this energy difference is small. 227 00:28:54,360 --> 00:28:58,680 Right. So this energy difference being small means that this timescale is long. 228 00:28:58,890 --> 00:29:05,560 Why is this and when is this energy difference? Small. It's small when the barrier between the two wells is high. 229 00:29:06,570 --> 00:29:11,880 So what we say is that the particle takes a certain time to tunnel through that barrier. 230 00:29:12,480 --> 00:29:24,810 So we say that the particle warps tunnels through the barrier. 231 00:29:27,820 --> 00:29:36,510 Well. And in a time which grows. 232 00:29:44,400 --> 00:29:50,760 It grows very rapidly as a fact with V0 with with w with the height of the barrier. 233 00:29:52,580 --> 00:29:58,580 So a high barrier or a wide barrier means it takes a long time to get through, but according to this analysis, it will eventually get through. 234 00:29:59,930 --> 00:30:09,770 Okay. So that's just that's just a toy problem. Now, let's see what the [INAUDIBLE] that has got to do with the real world by talking about ammonia. 235 00:30:13,820 --> 00:30:19,760 Somewhere here we have a picture of ammonia. So ammonia is a. 236 00:30:23,060 --> 00:30:34,140 We don't have a picture of Romania. No. 237 00:30:34,230 --> 00:30:37,860 Sorry. I've somehow lifted up. Okay. So what does ammonia consist of? 238 00:30:37,860 --> 00:30:44,429 It consists of three hydrogen atoms and a nitrogen. 239 00:30:44,430 --> 00:30:51,480 So these are ages and it consists of a nitrogen atom. And the three hydrogens form some kind of a triangle, roughly speaking. 240 00:30:51,780 --> 00:30:56,190 And the nitrogen atom sits. Well, this is the classical picture. 241 00:30:56,220 --> 00:30:59,370 We'll see. Quantum mechanical picture isn't like this, but this is the classical picture. 242 00:30:59,730 --> 00:31:02,879 We think of the hydrogen of the nitrogen atom as sitting either above the triangle 243 00:31:02,880 --> 00:31:06,030 formed by the hydrogen atoms or below the triangle formed by the hydrogen atoms. 244 00:31:08,010 --> 00:31:13,499 Now, this is a this is a complicated system. It's got four nuclei and ten electrons. 245 00:31:13,500 --> 00:31:16,800 And so it's a really complicated dynamical problem. 246 00:31:17,340 --> 00:31:26,070 But next next term, in the next course, you will discuss a thing called Li or C, a thing called the adiabatic approximation, 247 00:31:26,340 --> 00:31:31,260 which is what chemists use in order to understand the dynamics of complicated systems like this, 248 00:31:31,530 --> 00:31:38,670 it allows you to treat all these bonds between between the nuclei which are provided by the electrons as springs. 249 00:31:40,080 --> 00:31:41,340 So what we can do, 250 00:31:41,430 --> 00:31:50,700 what a what chemists routinely do do is they calculate the energy of this molecule in what's called a clement nuclear nuclei approximation. 251 00:31:50,700 --> 00:31:56,460 So they they put they say let the nuclei be, you know, let them be here and let's calculate the energy. 252 00:31:57,000 --> 00:32:00,270 And you can do that for the for the nitrogen atom, 253 00:32:00,600 --> 00:32:05,999 for the nitrogen nucleus being at every point along the line that passes through the central to the triangle. 254 00:32:06,000 --> 00:32:11,400 Right. So imagine doing that. That leads to a potential energy curve. 255 00:32:21,380 --> 00:32:26,920 If you like, for the nitrogen nucleus, which is going to be something it turns out sorry. 256 00:32:26,930 --> 00:32:29,630 It's not obvious that it's going to be what it turns out to be, something like this. 257 00:32:31,130 --> 00:32:38,390 So there are two worlds, the lowest potential energy where it's an appropriate distance, either above the plane or below the plane. 258 00:32:38,840 --> 00:32:42,319 There are two wells and this sort of a barrier B in the middle because it isn't 259 00:32:42,320 --> 00:32:47,270 comfortable being in the in the middle of the triangle formed by the form, 260 00:32:47,270 --> 00:32:51,980 by the hydrogens. So we have this we have this kind of potential energy curve. 261 00:32:52,310 --> 00:33:01,070 And now we know what the energy levels of this molecule are going to look like, because we know that the there are going to be even parity. 262 00:33:01,220 --> 00:33:07,280 The stationary states are going to divide this. It's obvious on geometrical grounds this is symmetrical that this well looks just like this. 263 00:33:07,280 --> 00:33:11,360 Well, because there's no fundamental difference seen above the triangle and below the triangle. 264 00:33:12,170 --> 00:33:15,120 So we know the solutions are going to come in pairs. 265 00:33:15,140 --> 00:33:20,690 There's going to be a of of even parity solutions and odd parity solutions just like in elsewhere. 266 00:33:20,690 --> 00:33:23,270 Well, so. 267 00:33:27,360 --> 00:33:36,150 We also know that if we if we start if we if we if we start with the nitrogen in this well, so we start with the nitrogen stay above the triangle. 268 00:33:36,750 --> 00:33:40,950 It's going on some characteristic time to move over here. 269 00:33:41,430 --> 00:33:46,589 And then it's going to move back there and it's going to oscillate between the above the triangle and below the triangle. 270 00:33:46,590 --> 00:33:51,960 So if we start it in, in either above the triangle or below the triangle, it's going to oscillate between the two. 271 00:33:52,710 --> 00:33:54,480 You both have done chemistry. 272 00:33:54,480 --> 00:34:01,650 Will know also that this nitrogen is going to be carrying a negative charge and these hydrogens some amount a positive charge. 273 00:34:02,340 --> 00:34:05,700 So what are we going to have? We're going to have an oscillating dipole. 274 00:34:05,700 --> 00:34:13,620 This molecule is going to have a dipole moment because the electronegativity of the nitrogen and it's 275 00:34:13,620 --> 00:34:20,969 going to be an oscillating if if we start it in this in this state of being above the triangle, 276 00:34:20,970 --> 00:34:28,350 it's going to oscillate to and fro. And what is not letting dipole electric dipole do it radiates so this thing is going to 277 00:34:28,350 --> 00:34:34,950 radiate and you will be able to if you know what this potential surface looks like, 278 00:34:34,950 --> 00:34:39,569 you'll be able to calculate the frequency which is going to radiate because the frequency which is going to 279 00:34:39,570 --> 00:34:45,780 radiate is going to be given basically by this formula here for the half period to go from there to there. 280 00:34:45,780 --> 00:34:52,830 Right? So twice this time is going to be the period of a complete oscillation and that's going to be the period of the of the radiation. 281 00:34:54,060 --> 00:35:20,340 Okay. So. So the molecule if started, it's a dipole, so started on top. 282 00:35:20,340 --> 00:35:23,490 If you can achieve that, it's going to be an oscillating dipole. 283 00:35:29,910 --> 00:35:37,890 And the experiments lead to the conclusion that the frequency new is about 150 megahertz. 284 00:35:38,520 --> 00:35:44,120 You can measure it. So it's a source of microwave radiation. 285 00:35:47,620 --> 00:35:52,870 From this 150 micro hooks. You can also work out what the change in the what the what this energy difference is. 286 00:35:53,290 --> 00:36:00,610 So e odd minus e turns out to be about ten to the minus four electron volts. 287 00:36:01,660 --> 00:36:08,979 So that's an energy difference, which is small compared to the thermal energies of molecules just here in the room, 288 00:36:08,980 --> 00:36:13,300 right at room temperature, the thermal energies of molecules. 289 00:36:13,780 --> 00:36:25,390 So K the Boltzmann constant times t the room temperature is something like 0.03 electron volts. 290 00:36:26,230 --> 00:36:35,730 So this is, this is much bigger than in minus E What does that mean from your statistical mechanics? 291 00:36:35,740 --> 00:36:40,629 Cause you either know now or will soon know that that means that we expect at room 292 00:36:40,630 --> 00:36:48,070 temperature there are essentially equal numbers of molecules in the even and the odd states. 293 00:36:49,060 --> 00:36:54,639 Right. Because the thermal energy the energy required to go from the ground state, this is the ground state. 294 00:36:54,640 --> 00:37:01,210 What is the energy of the ground state to the first excited state is less than the characteristic thermal energy knocking around in the room. 295 00:37:01,480 --> 00:37:06,640 So there will be large numbers of molecules in both of these, even in old states. 296 00:37:08,410 --> 00:37:21,490 And the idea behind an ammonia maser is that we is is to find a way of separating the molecules which are in the excited state, the old state, 297 00:37:22,210 --> 00:37:28,900 leading them into some kind of a resonant cavity where they will then because they're in the excited state, 298 00:37:31,000 --> 00:37:39,010 they will be, uh, they will decay into the ground state if you leave them. 299 00:37:39,010 --> 00:37:44,919 If they're left alone, they will decaying to the ground state, emitting a photon with a balance of the energy. 300 00:37:44,920 --> 00:37:53,499 Right. So they will radiate away at 150 megahertz. So that's that's that's the strategy behind a maser. 301 00:37:53,500 --> 00:37:56,560 So in a maser, you get a maser. 302 00:37:57,100 --> 00:38:02,260 You have to isolate the half the roughly a half of the molecules. 303 00:38:07,980 --> 00:38:21,660 In the first excited state. And the way you do this is you exploit the fact that. 304 00:38:26,140 --> 00:38:31,540 Well, let's just imagine putting these molecules into an electric field. 305 00:38:37,860 --> 00:38:54,819 So we're going to put the molecules. On the strength of this electric field. 306 00:38:54,820 --> 00:39:01,570 I'm going to denote with Curly to distinguish it so that electric field is distinguished from energy, ordinary Roman. 307 00:39:02,920 --> 00:39:08,559 So we put these molecules into an electric field e and ask ourselves, how does that change? 308 00:39:08,560 --> 00:39:11,560 That's how is that since these are dipolar molecules, right? 309 00:39:11,680 --> 00:39:14,500 These molecules are electric which have our electric dipoles. 310 00:39:14,800 --> 00:39:23,860 We're expecting that that changes the energy of the molecules, putting them in a field and maybe we can get them separated by exploiting this fact. 311 00:39:25,120 --> 00:39:32,470 So you put them in an electric field and ask, So how does that change the way we're doing quantum mechanics? 312 00:39:32,710 --> 00:39:39,310 So changing energy means changing Hamiltonian. So we have to ask ourselves now, how does this change the Hamiltonian of these molecules? 313 00:39:39,580 --> 00:39:43,240 What term in the Hamiltonian is introduced by this electric field? 314 00:39:46,470 --> 00:39:52,680 And the way to do that is to think in terms of the Hamiltonian, right, the Hamiltonian in the basis. 315 00:39:52,710 --> 00:39:56,990 So we're going to let plus B. 316 00:39:58,680 --> 00:40:04,230 So it's going to be mathematically one of a route to the even parity the ground state, 317 00:40:04,830 --> 00:40:10,590 plus the odd parity now using a different notation, even parity plus all parity. 318 00:40:12,300 --> 00:40:16,020 So this is the ground state. This is the first excited state. 319 00:40:16,470 --> 00:40:22,080 This linear combination is we're going to call it plus and it'll be the state in which the 320 00:40:22,080 --> 00:40:28,830 molecule is definitely above the triangle and similarly minus is going to be one over route two. 321 00:40:29,400 --> 00:40:33,840 Even parity state minus all parity state is going to be below. 322 00:40:33,840 --> 00:40:43,799 So this is a low triangle. This is above this is exactly what we did over here with our PSI Plus and of PSI minus. 323 00:40:43,800 --> 00:40:48,210 We were working that with wave functions here. We're working with the underlying caps. 324 00:40:52,460 --> 00:41:03,020 The thing is, the dipole moment, if the dipole moment of these two states have opposite signs because this one has 325 00:41:03,020 --> 00:41:08,600 the negative charge at positive Z and this one has the negative charge negative Z. 326 00:41:09,080 --> 00:41:15,380 So they have opposite dipole moments and let P now be P, the dipole operator. 327 00:41:15,680 --> 00:41:19,010 It was the parity operator earlier on, but now let it be the dipole operator. 328 00:41:21,530 --> 00:41:25,520 Then these states are going to be eigen states of this dipole operator. 329 00:41:27,380 --> 00:41:34,820 They have well-defined dipoles. P plus is in fact going to be minus q s times plus. 330 00:41:35,630 --> 00:41:40,160 Well, well, what am I saying? I'm saying this is some charge. 331 00:41:42,680 --> 00:41:52,310 This is some distance. The product of a charge in the distance gives me units of units of dipole, electric, dipole moment. 332 00:41:52,970 --> 00:42:03,710 I've got a minus sign here because of because this state, I said, has a negative charge above positive z. 333 00:42:03,950 --> 00:42:12,800 So the dipole moment points in the opposite direction to the location of the, of the nitrogen atom. 334 00:42:13,070 --> 00:42:17,750 And therefore this one has a negative dipole moment and this is this eigenvalue, right? 335 00:42:17,750 --> 00:42:25,790 Is the dipole moment. This is the eigenvalue of this operator because this thing has a state is a state of well-defined dipole moment. 336 00:42:26,060 --> 00:42:27,920 And this is where the dipole moment appears. 337 00:42:28,220 --> 00:42:34,549 And basically this is just some number which has the dimensions of a charge times a distance, which the charge is going to be on. 338 00:42:34,550 --> 00:42:36,890 The order is going to be some fraction of electron charge. 339 00:42:36,890 --> 00:42:43,010 And this distance is going to be this characteristic size of the atom, a 10th of a nanometre. 340 00:42:45,700 --> 00:42:52,150 Similarly, P minus is going to be plus us minus. 341 00:42:53,650 --> 00:42:59,550 So this encapsulates the crucial point that these two states have opposite leave signs dipole moments. 342 00:43:01,990 --> 00:43:11,840 What is the energy? Of a dipole in a knee field. 343 00:43:14,820 --> 00:43:17,910 Well, the answer is that the energy is minus. 344 00:43:17,940 --> 00:43:23,850 This is just classical physics is minus the field times the dipole moment. 345 00:43:25,830 --> 00:43:31,350 So now we know how much the energy of this state and this state are changed by the electric field. 346 00:43:31,650 --> 00:43:36,660 It's it's given by by this here where we put in those kind of eigenvalues. 347 00:43:38,520 --> 00:43:44,850 So now what we want to do is write down the matrix that represents the Hamiltonian in this plus minus basis. 348 00:43:46,110 --> 00:43:51,560 So we want to write the we want to write the Hamiltonian is plus H plus matrix. 349 00:43:51,570 --> 00:43:57,840 This is a complex number, right? Plus H minus. 350 00:44:01,440 --> 00:44:10,140 Minus H plus. So these four complex numbers, we want to write down that matrix. 351 00:44:13,780 --> 00:44:18,160 And the Hamiltonian consists of the Hamiltonian of the undisturbed. 352 00:44:18,610 --> 00:44:21,670 Of the undisturbed nitrogen molecule. 353 00:44:22,840 --> 00:44:26,140 Plus the contribution here. 354 00:44:29,320 --> 00:44:32,350 This is plus the contribution here from the electric field. 355 00:44:33,790 --> 00:44:37,269 What do we have for the undisturbed? Let's. 356 00:44:37,270 --> 00:44:42,520 Let's calculate this separately. So I need to calculate what? 357 00:44:42,910 --> 00:44:46,780 What plus h plus is. 358 00:44:48,840 --> 00:44:58,510 For the isolated atom. Well, that is going to be one over two, even. 359 00:44:59,290 --> 00:45:13,089 Forbes Because these are linear combinations of the Asian states, even an odd even plus odd H even plus. 360 00:45:13,090 --> 00:45:20,680 All right, because this is this this is this. 361 00:45:21,100 --> 00:45:25,800 But Asian this is an Asian function of this operator if this is the isolated operator. 362 00:45:28,800 --> 00:45:37,390 So we get h on even produces even times even even is orthogonal to odd but meets up with this 363 00:45:37,390 --> 00:45:45,580 so we get an even and an H on odd produces e odd times odd which is orthogonal to this, 364 00:45:45,580 --> 00:45:47,410 but meets up with this to produce in the odd. 365 00:45:47,650 --> 00:45:54,480 So at the end of the day we get a half B even plus E odd, which is the average energy, let's call it E bar. 366 00:45:56,830 --> 00:45:59,350 Similarly, we have that. 367 00:46:01,360 --> 00:46:19,150 Let's have a look now at two plus H minus the off diagonal element that is going to be one over two even plus odd h even minus odd. 368 00:46:21,040 --> 00:46:25,569 So things are rather similar except we now get from here, here and here. 369 00:46:25,570 --> 00:46:30,250 Even from here, here and here we get minus e odd. 370 00:46:30,460 --> 00:46:35,950 So we get the we get a half of even minus E odd. 371 00:46:45,850 --> 00:46:51,080 Which I think I have been calling we're going to call this minus a. 372 00:46:51,100 --> 00:46:53,890 So A is. So we going to it? This is the definition of AA. 373 00:46:54,640 --> 00:47:02,530 And we're going to put this minus sign in here, because we we know that odd the odd energy is the is bigger than the even energy. 374 00:47:02,530 --> 00:47:06,580 So this quantity here is a negative number. And put in that minus sign, we get this positive number. 375 00:47:07,150 --> 00:47:11,020 So this matrix up here, what's it looking like? 376 00:47:11,260 --> 00:47:16,960 It's looking like e bar from here. 377 00:47:20,510 --> 00:47:27,500 Sorry. A this is a permission matrix that what appears down here has to be the complex conjugate of that real number. 378 00:47:27,650 --> 00:47:33,220 In other words, A and we will find that this one is also E bar. 379 00:47:35,060 --> 00:47:43,960 That's for the isolated atom. Then we have to add on to it the contribution for the from this which which. 380 00:47:44,150 --> 00:47:47,390 But but this thing is an eigen function of P. 381 00:47:47,990 --> 00:47:56,120 So the only contributions down the diagonal, there are no off diagonal contributions from this additional piece to the upper to the Hamiltonian. 382 00:47:56,870 --> 00:48:02,779 And what I have is plus this is what I need is the dipole operator. 383 00:48:02,780 --> 00:48:08,780 So I have p on plus which produces minus Q s times plus. 384 00:48:09,800 --> 00:48:20,030 So this minus sign in the minus sign that I've just spoken cancel and we get plus Q K and here we get minus Q Curly. 385 00:48:20,280 --> 00:48:26,720 S So this is what the Hamiltonian looks like in this in this, in this basis. 386 00:48:28,670 --> 00:48:33,020 I'm running out of time. So let me just sketch how the how the thing goes. 387 00:48:34,190 --> 00:48:40,970 So what we have got is an explicit expression for the Hamiltonian in the presence of an electric field. 388 00:48:42,380 --> 00:48:45,620 What we would like to know is what the energy levels are, right. 389 00:48:46,120 --> 00:48:51,080 That results from this and how those energy levels vary as a function of the electric field. 390 00:48:51,950 --> 00:48:55,550 But that's a dead cinch. What you've got up there is a two by two matrix. 391 00:48:56,360 --> 00:48:59,960 Anybody can find the eigenvalues of that two by two matrix, 392 00:49:00,470 --> 00:49:04,340 and those will be the energies that the molecule has when you stuff it in this electric field. 393 00:49:07,820 --> 00:49:16,010 So we find the eigenvalues of this matrix and we plot how they depend on the E. 394 00:49:20,020 --> 00:49:36,280 So. What they actually are is the average energy plus or minus the square root, I believe of A squared minus Q. 395 00:49:38,960 --> 00:49:44,930 Just make sure I didn't make a mistake that I'm bringing. Yeah. 396 00:49:48,520 --> 00:49:53,050 So these are the possible energies. And if we plot this graphically, what do we see? 397 00:49:53,860 --> 00:49:58,510 What we see here, we have the strength of the electric field. 398 00:49:59,230 --> 00:50:02,860 We find that we have solutions that behave like this. 399 00:50:03,220 --> 00:50:12,220 Here we have EPA plus A, here we have E, bar minus A, and here we have the strength of the electric field. 400 00:50:12,370 --> 00:50:15,460 That's just this is just a graph of those two of those two things. 401 00:50:15,850 --> 00:50:19,030 You can easily check that. That's the case. Here, of course, is EPA. 402 00:50:19,750 --> 00:50:28,270 So this is the ground state. If you switch off the electric field, we have two states here and here separated by this small amount, which is two. 403 00:50:30,190 --> 00:50:37,180 As you switch on the electric fields, the energy of the ground state goes down, but the energy of the first excited state goes up. 404 00:50:39,160 --> 00:50:43,510 There's a lot of interest in the way in which this energy behaves here. 405 00:50:43,510 --> 00:50:45,510 It's behaving quadratic as a function. 406 00:50:45,520 --> 00:50:52,540 This is a sort of parabola as a function of V and eventually it becomes a straight line as a function of V, both top and bottom. 407 00:50:53,170 --> 00:50:59,739 And what that is telling you is that in this regime here, the even state well, so sorry, the the ground state, 408 00:50:59,740 --> 00:51:03,549 which is the even state has no dipole moment intrinsically because the particle is 409 00:51:03,550 --> 00:51:07,240 equally likely to be above the nitrogen is equally likely to be above or below the plane. 410 00:51:08,230 --> 00:51:15,980 So in the ground state there is no dipole moment. You switch on the electric field and you make a bias so that the, the, 411 00:51:16,570 --> 00:51:24,100 the upper fields say the upper the upper position gets to have a lower energy in the lower position because the electric field is pushing it that way. 412 00:51:24,790 --> 00:51:29,200 So the nitrogen spends starts to spend a bit more time above than below. 413 00:51:29,530 --> 00:51:33,430 And now the molecule acquires a dipole moment, right? 414 00:51:34,090 --> 00:51:37,090 Because it's not spending, the nitrogen is not spend equal time above and below. 415 00:51:37,780 --> 00:51:46,480 So it requires a dipole moment. The the magnitude of this dipole moment is proportional to the energy and therefore the energy that you get, 416 00:51:46,750 --> 00:51:52,180 the change in the energy which is equal as it sets up there e is minus electric field times. 417 00:51:52,180 --> 00:51:55,330 The dipole moment becomes proportional to dipole moment squared. 418 00:51:55,930 --> 00:52:02,590 So that's why we have a quadratic dependence like this. Once you're in this regime, you have a fairly strong electric field. 419 00:52:02,980 --> 00:52:13,270 You've made such a strong bias, you've made being up so energetically more favourable than being down the nitrogen, spending all its time up. 420 00:52:13,810 --> 00:52:18,610 The dipole moment is now independent of the strength of the electric field, 421 00:52:19,240 --> 00:52:24,470 because it's because because increasing electric field doesn't cause causes to spend any more time up than it than it. 422 00:52:24,910 --> 00:52:30,070 It's already spending all this time up so that the energy becomes proportional to this. 423 00:52:30,520 --> 00:52:34,030 How do you make your maser work? You make your maser work? 424 00:52:34,090 --> 00:52:36,640 Well, the fact that the energy of one of these goes down, 425 00:52:36,670 --> 00:52:45,760 the energy the other one goes up means that as the field increases, that if you have an inhomogeneous field, 426 00:52:45,760 --> 00:52:55,450 if you pass your beam of NH three molecules through a region in which the electric field is varying in strengths, 427 00:52:55,450 --> 00:52:59,080 if I, if I put so I have some sort of capacitor plates will have plates. 428 00:52:59,260 --> 00:53:01,900 I have a pointy thing, right, a needle in a cup. 429 00:53:02,230 --> 00:53:07,719 Then the electric field goes like the field lines go like this and we have a high field up here and a low field down there. 430 00:53:07,720 --> 00:53:16,180 So I have a region of inhomogeneous field. The ones in this state are going to be bent, sorry, they can be bent upwards. 431 00:53:16,330 --> 00:53:23,920 They like the field, it lowers their energy. So they, they, they move into the region of high fields, these ones move into the region of low field. 432 00:53:24,460 --> 00:53:27,970 So this is the ground and this is the excited. 433 00:53:29,380 --> 00:53:34,900 And then you can put these ones into your resonant cavity and here it's safe. 434 00:53:36,900 --> 00:53:43,740 So there's an example of of how with with a very simple minded model, 435 00:53:44,100 --> 00:53:51,780 you can you can explore some quite interesting physics and some physics which is very, very inherently quantum mechanical. 436 00:53:51,780 --> 00:53:56,190 This this energy levels coming in a couple of in pairs. 437 00:53:57,360 --> 00:54:03,989 This because we have even an odd parity states this ability of a type of a molecule 438 00:54:03,990 --> 00:54:08,879 which you would think was inherently dipolar to to in the ground state have 439 00:54:08,880 --> 00:54:14,780 no dipole moment because the nitrogen can be simultaneously above and below of 440 00:54:15,270 --> 00:54:18,719 all of these features of very quantum mechanical and with the simple model, 441 00:54:18,720 --> 00:54:20,850 we are able to explore them. Okay.