1 00:00:03,310 --> 00:00:12,760 So. So yesterday I gave a very speedy of I apologise, a too speedy introduction to the problem of compound systems. 2 00:00:15,160 --> 00:00:18,489 But we have a very tight budget of lectures. 3 00:00:18,490 --> 00:00:25,810 And I wanted not only to talk about explicitly about these composite systems and how you handle them, 4 00:00:26,080 --> 00:00:32,649 but also I think it's it's very valuable to discuss this classical Einstein, 5 00:00:32,650 --> 00:00:41,710 but also give Rose an experiment because it goes to the core of whether quantum mechanics is correct and what it really has to say about the universe. 6 00:00:43,420 --> 00:00:48,640 And that wasn't going to be time. So I couldn't spend two lectures doing what I did yesterday. 7 00:00:49,030 --> 00:00:52,840 But it's been compressed in order that we can talk about this experiment, which is an important, 8 00:00:53,500 --> 00:00:58,510 crucial application of this apparatus, of how we apply quantum mechanics to compound systems. 9 00:00:59,410 --> 00:01:05,230 So Einstein is famous for saying that God is sophisticated, but he does not play dice. 10 00:01:05,860 --> 00:01:17,979 He dislikes the the probabilistic aspect of quantum mechanics, not that he disliked or disapproved of the use of probability in physics. 11 00:01:17,980 --> 00:01:22,600 His his thesis work had been on kinetic theory and statistical physics. 12 00:01:22,870 --> 00:01:28,959 So he was quite comfortable with the idea that in classical physics you use statistical methods, 13 00:01:28,960 --> 00:01:33,160 probabilistic methods to do things like kinetic theory. 14 00:01:33,490 --> 00:01:41,620 But he understood that the reason you were doing you, in that case, you were doing probability theory because you had incomplete information. 15 00:01:42,130 --> 00:01:47,920 So when you lack information, it's obvious that you have to you you have to assign probabilities. 16 00:01:48,160 --> 00:01:53,799 The thing was worrying for him was working for him about quantum mechanics was that it asserted that even when you had complete information, 17 00:01:53,800 --> 00:02:01,300 which we know is in embodied in a set of a complete set of amplitudes, still the outcome of experiments is probabilistic and uncertain. 18 00:02:01,780 --> 00:02:08,979 And he felt that this was this was wrong because and the relation to God there, I guess, 19 00:02:08,980 --> 00:02:19,640 is that the omniscient God would not have the future uncertain, would know what the future was. 20 00:02:19,900 --> 00:02:26,620 So God must know something that we don't know. We have we have an uncertain future because we are short of information. 21 00:02:26,920 --> 00:02:29,920 But the information must be there. We don't know. 22 00:02:29,980 --> 00:02:39,340 We just don't know the information. So there must be some variables, some some variables which encodes the information about what's going to happen, 23 00:02:39,340 --> 00:02:41,889 which if you knew them and at some future time in physics, 24 00:02:41,890 --> 00:02:47,410 perhaps you would know what these variables were, and then you would be able to predict exactly what was what was going to happen. 25 00:02:48,220 --> 00:02:54,940 And in 1935, Einstein with Podolsky and Rosen proposed this describe his thought experiment, 26 00:02:55,180 --> 00:03:01,330 which they argued demonstrated that there must, in fact, be these sorts of hidden variables. 27 00:03:02,920 --> 00:03:06,240 In in 1964, 28 00:03:06,250 --> 00:03:12,579 I guess it was John Bell analysed a similar experiment and showed that the predictions of 29 00:03:12,580 --> 00:03:17,980 quantum mechanics are actually incompatible with the existence of these hidden variables. 30 00:03:19,120 --> 00:03:24,250 And then in 1972, 20 years after Einstein's death, an experiment of this type was actually conducted. 31 00:03:24,520 --> 00:03:28,030 And the the measure and many, many since have been conducted. 32 00:03:28,630 --> 00:03:34,210 And these measurements vindicate the predictions of quantum mechanics and therefore prove that these hidden variables cannot exist. 33 00:03:34,930 --> 00:03:37,510 So that's what that's what the agenda is today to describe this. 34 00:03:38,200 --> 00:03:48,100 So what's the the experiment that Bel describes is this, which is there are various versions of this, but you think that the key idea is the same. 35 00:03:48,610 --> 00:03:54,460 Suppose you have some nucleus which is going to be unstable and it's going to commit 36 00:03:54,820 --> 00:04:01,390 a positron in this direction when it does emit and an electron in this direction. 37 00:04:04,150 --> 00:04:08,740 And Alice sits over here and measures the spin. 38 00:04:08,740 --> 00:04:16,450 She measures the spin of the components of spin of this electron as it comes by in a direction of her choice. 39 00:04:16,450 --> 00:04:24,999 We will call it a four Alice and Bob sits over here and he measures the spin in the direction of his choice. 40 00:04:25,000 --> 00:04:28,090 The component of spin in the direction of his choice, which of course we will call B. 41 00:04:31,000 --> 00:04:35,170 So let's imagine Alice acts first. Sorry. 42 00:04:35,680 --> 00:04:43,720 And the idea is that the we know from nuclear physics that both before and after the decay, the spin on this nucleus is zero. 43 00:04:44,350 --> 00:04:48,370 We know, of course, that electrons and positrons are gyros they carry. 44 00:04:48,370 --> 00:04:56,530 They are spinning particles. They carry angular momentum because the angular momentum change of the nucleus is zero. 45 00:04:56,800 --> 00:05:02,650 It must be that by conservation van momentum. The spin of this is oppositely directed to the. 46 00:05:02,660 --> 00:05:07,970 The spin of that so that the angular inventor of the electron plus the positron is zero. 47 00:05:09,050 --> 00:05:25,700 So supposing Alice measures the spin first and Alice gets that a dot, as it turns out to be, plus a half. 48 00:05:27,200 --> 00:05:31,790 So she finds that the component is spin along. Her chosen vector A is s. 49 00:05:31,790 --> 00:05:36,410 What she then says to herself is this If Bob measures along a heap, 50 00:05:36,440 --> 00:05:41,719 if Bob chooses to put B equal two way, then he's guaranteed to find the answer minus half. 51 00:05:41,720 --> 00:05:47,180 Right, because if he measures with B along B, 52 00:05:47,390 --> 00:05:53,930 the components of the spin along b a vector B which is close to the vector A he's not very likely to get it, 53 00:05:53,930 --> 00:05:58,219 plus the half he's most likely to get, minus a half, but I can't guarantee [INAUDIBLE] get that. 54 00:05:58,220 --> 00:06:01,670 [INAUDIBLE] get minus a half. 55 00:06:14,090 --> 00:06:16,639 Right. So the point of that is that that that kind of thought, 56 00:06:16,640 --> 00:06:25,100 that Alex's thought process makes it absolutely clear that Bob's measurements are going to be correlated with Alex's measurements. 57 00:06:25,790 --> 00:06:31,940 And what we want to do now is put that on a quantitative basis and ask, what does quantum mechanics have to say about this? 58 00:06:32,900 --> 00:06:39,440 Okay, so what we want to do is talk about the correlations between the measurements that beam the bob makes and the measurements that Alex makes. 59 00:06:39,440 --> 00:06:42,560 Given that Bob is going to choose vector's be at his discretion. 60 00:06:43,940 --> 00:06:58,320 So let's talk about the quantum mechanical predictions. So what we do is we choose which we're free to do. 61 00:06:58,570 --> 00:07:03,870 The z-axis has to be a long atlas's vector. 62 00:07:05,100 --> 00:07:06,930 We can do that without loss of generality. 63 00:07:08,520 --> 00:07:19,979 And we will find this is I'm about to write down a result that will emerge in the next couple of weeks from our work in angular momentum, 64 00:07:19,980 --> 00:07:22,770 maybe emerge next week from our work in angular momentum. 65 00:07:23,520 --> 00:07:31,530 But for now, I have to ask you to take on trust that because the electron plus the positron together have no angular momentum. 66 00:07:33,000 --> 00:07:44,850 It must be that that wave function can be written like this as E plus p minus minus, e minus, p plus. 67 00:07:46,440 --> 00:07:52,290 So that is to say that the states we know that we know that a spin, a half particle, 68 00:07:52,290 --> 00:07:56,190 again, this this all needs to be justified properly when we do angular momentum. 69 00:07:56,280 --> 00:08:02,489 But we anticipated these results once before, early in the course that a spin half particle has the complete set of states, 70 00:08:02,490 --> 00:08:09,730 which are the state in which we're guaranteed to get plus along some direction for the spin and minus along the direction for some spin. 71 00:08:09,750 --> 00:08:14,520 There are a complete set of states. So here are the complete set of states for the electron. 72 00:08:14,670 --> 00:08:21,570 Here is the complete set of states of the positron. And this says that there is a probability of a half. 73 00:08:22,860 --> 00:08:25,560 Right. This this one of root two is the amplitude. 74 00:08:25,770 --> 00:08:31,950 To find that the electron is plus in the Z direction and the and the positron is minus in that direction. 75 00:08:32,190 --> 00:08:38,430 And this is the this is and there's a similar amplitude with a minus sign for the opposite possibilities. 76 00:08:39,330 --> 00:08:42,690 So the origin of this expression will emerge shortly. 77 00:08:42,930 --> 00:08:50,880 I must ask you to take this on. Trust. So this is the state of the system, the composite system of the electron and the positron taken together. 78 00:08:51,510 --> 00:08:55,140 So we talked about the collapse of the wave function in these circumstances yesterday. 79 00:08:55,350 --> 00:09:01,830 Alice makes her measurement, she finds plus, which means that she collapses the wave function into this. 80 00:09:02,100 --> 00:09:08,390 So this is. This is before Alice. Makes a measurement. 81 00:09:08,780 --> 00:09:12,139 After Alice has made her a measurement and found. 82 00:09:12,140 --> 00:09:29,299 Plus we have that ASI is simply E plus p minus, which is to say that there is unit amplitude that Bob will find minus if he measures along the z axis. 83 00:09:29,300 --> 00:09:35,510 In other words, if he chooses B to be the Z axis, which we've established is which we've chosen to be the same direction that Alyce chose. 84 00:09:36,560 --> 00:09:42,920 So that's consistent with what Alice said. What happens if he takes to be some other direction? 85 00:09:43,250 --> 00:09:51,610 Well, what we need to do is express some of the directions, but is so we need to write the cat. 86 00:09:52,010 --> 00:10:00,650 So we would like to calculate the amplitude. Well, the probability that if that when B uses some other direction, he finds it to be positive. 87 00:10:00,880 --> 00:10:07,970 He finds that S of his positron is along that direction, has plus a half along that direction. 88 00:10:09,200 --> 00:10:14,840 So in order to do that, I have to ask you to take something on trust that we will derive. 89 00:10:15,020 --> 00:10:26,300 But we've seen before, which is that this thing is equal to sine theta upon to e to the i phi upon to of positron. 90 00:10:26,450 --> 00:10:30,210 Down plus costs. 91 00:10:30,260 --> 00:10:38,220 These are upon to each of the minus I find on to for the positron plus. 92 00:10:38,240 --> 00:10:47,240 So what does that say? That says the the the state of having of of being certain to give you a half along the 93 00:10:47,240 --> 00:10:54,650 vector B for the positron is given by this amplitude that's just some complex number. 94 00:10:55,100 --> 00:11:03,530 Times the amplitude times the state where you will definitely get minus a half on the z axis, 95 00:11:03,920 --> 00:11:09,319 plus this amplitude times the state in which you're guaranteed to get plus a half 96 00:11:09,320 --> 00:11:15,410 on the z axis for the positron and Theta and Phi are the polar angles of B, 97 00:11:15,410 --> 00:11:19,250 right? B is the unit vector. So it is defined by a couple of angles. 98 00:11:19,610 --> 00:11:23,179 And the feature in PHI they give you the orientation of B with respect to the 99 00:11:23,180 --> 00:11:27,560 Z axis and the and here we using the complete set of states along the z-axis. 100 00:11:28,370 --> 00:11:32,510 So that's a result we will derive. But I'm asking you to take it on trust for now. 101 00:11:33,950 --> 00:11:43,660 So what is the probability that Bob measures place on B? 102 00:11:44,510 --> 00:11:48,860 The answer is that we it's according to the dogma of the theory. 103 00:11:48,860 --> 00:11:58,160 It's this because the state of the system, the state of the positron after Alice is made, his measurement, her measurement is definitely this. 104 00:11:59,060 --> 00:12:02,570 So this is that's that's how it works. The apparatus. 105 00:12:03,620 --> 00:12:10,099 So basically we flip this around, we take the emission that joint of this thing, bang it into minus. 106 00:12:10,100 --> 00:12:12,830 And guess what? We get the complex conjugate of this coming out. 107 00:12:13,280 --> 00:12:22,129 Oops, that science is wrong to e to the minus i fi and I've written on to and I've written the probability, 108 00:12:22,130 --> 00:12:25,520 which means I need to do a mod square to a mod square. 109 00:12:25,880 --> 00:12:29,000 This factor goes away and we're looking at sine squared. 110 00:12:29,060 --> 00:12:33,320 These are on to the it follows straight away. 111 00:12:33,320 --> 00:12:39,290 You could also calculated that the probability that Bob finds minus on B is one minus. 112 00:12:39,290 --> 00:12:44,840 The probability he finds plus on b is equal to cos squared theta upon to. 113 00:12:59,260 --> 00:13:04,210 So that's that puts precisely on a quantitative basis what Alice said. 114 00:13:04,540 --> 00:13:17,619 Alice said that if, if, if Bob chooses a vector B which is very similar to my AA, which is the case when theatre equals nought, then he's guaranteed. 115 00:13:17,620 --> 00:13:29,680 Well, if he's identical, he's guaranteed to find minus because this becomes this becomes this becomes one and that becomes nought. 116 00:13:30,040 --> 00:13:34,440 And if he chooses a vector B, which is similar to my vector array, 117 00:13:34,750 --> 00:13:39,910 he's not it's not guaranteed that [INAUDIBLE] get minus, but he has only a small probability of getting plus. 118 00:13:40,180 --> 00:13:44,230 And that's because theta will be small and in his probabilities looking like science with these two. 119 00:13:47,590 --> 00:13:52,480 So what Einstein, Podolsky and Rosen said. 120 00:13:55,030 --> 00:14:03,970 Well, the question is, why is the result that Bob gets somehow dependent on the measurements that Alice gets? 121 00:14:04,690 --> 00:14:11,200 And in particular, it looks like the result of Bob's measurement depends on which direction Alice chose, 122 00:14:11,560 --> 00:14:16,510 because this this angle feature is the angle between Bob's vector and Alice's vector. 123 00:14:17,530 --> 00:14:23,390 And we can imagine that, Alice. Let's imagine that Alice goes first and chooses a direction. 124 00:14:23,410 --> 00:14:29,440 Apparently, Bob's the probability of Bob's out of outcomes depends on thesis, therefore depends on analysis choices. 125 00:14:30,940 --> 00:14:37,300 But supposing these this positron an electron is sent out at relativistic speed. 126 00:14:40,390 --> 00:14:45,370 Perfectly plausible that they are then Alice and Bob. 127 00:14:45,370 --> 00:14:52,270 Well, Alice makes a measurement and Bob can make a measurement in the rest frame of the nucleus is essentially the same time. 128 00:14:54,220 --> 00:15:01,540 And if Bob acts that quickly, then there is no time for a light signal from Alice to rip to reach Bob. 129 00:15:02,050 --> 00:15:08,260 Setting out after Alice has made her measurement. So Bob definitely makes his measurement incomplete, 130 00:15:08,410 --> 00:15:17,140 and it has to make his measurement in complete ignorance of what choices Alice may or may not have made. 131 00:15:17,350 --> 00:15:25,809 And indeed, if in this relativistic case, it's easy to to see that who acts first? 132 00:15:25,810 --> 00:15:32,200 Different observers. Observers moving at different speeds with respect to the to the nucleus. 133 00:15:32,200 --> 00:15:39,429 And Alice and Bob will disagree about who acts first. The whole question of who acts first is neither here nor it clearly can't affect 134 00:15:39,430 --> 00:15:43,420 the physics because it's an observer dependent statement according to relativity. 135 00:15:45,620 --> 00:15:49,249 So. How so? So. So. So. 136 00:15:49,250 --> 00:15:53,230 How is it that the result of Bob's measurements depend on Alice's choices? 137 00:15:56,060 --> 00:16:00,799 When it's not logically possible for a signal to go from here to there in order to effect it. 138 00:16:00,800 --> 00:16:09,080 Well, Einstein, Podolsky and Rosen said what it must be is that actually the result of Alex's measurement is preordained. 139 00:16:09,620 --> 00:16:14,329 We don't know what the what the result is going to be, but that's because we're pig ignorant. 140 00:16:14,330 --> 00:16:21,889 But God knows it's it's foreordained because the the result is encoded somehow in the state of the 141 00:16:21,890 --> 00:16:26,060 electron not written on the board because we're using this clapped out quantum mechanical rubbish. 142 00:16:27,590 --> 00:16:32,690 And similarly, inside the positron, there's also this magic information, this DNA, 143 00:16:32,690 --> 00:16:36,860 this whatever, which which foreordained, the result of Bob's measurements. 144 00:16:37,880 --> 00:16:45,250 And then everything is okay. That was their interpretation of this of this problem. 145 00:16:46,360 --> 00:16:53,480 So now let's talk about Bell's inequality. So that was the state of affairs for, I guess, 30 years, right? 146 00:16:53,500 --> 00:17:08,200 1935 until 1964. So John Bell said, okay, so let's let's calculate something. 147 00:17:09,220 --> 00:17:17,110 Let Sigma Ray be the result of Alex's measurement. 148 00:17:23,090 --> 00:17:30,220 Oops. And it's obviously going to be plus or minus a half. 149 00:17:30,230 --> 00:17:34,580 Right. What whatever number she comes up with is going to be plus either plus a half or minus a half. 150 00:17:34,910 --> 00:17:41,240 And simply and similarly, sigma B being plus or minus a half is a result of Bob's measurement. 151 00:17:44,000 --> 00:17:49,010 And let's calculate the expectation value of Sigma A, Sigma B. 152 00:17:52,310 --> 00:17:58,190 So there are four cases to consider because they can both measure plus a half. 153 00:17:58,190 --> 00:18:02,479 They can both measure minus a half one can measure plus one half. My mother minus half, minus a half. 154 00:18:02,480 --> 00:18:11,570 And that is two different ways. So so this thing is going to be there are four possible values that sorry, 155 00:18:11,570 --> 00:18:15,560 Sigma Theta Times Sigma B can be either could be either plus or minus a quarter. 156 00:18:16,430 --> 00:18:25,880 And the possibilities to consider are the probability that Alice gets plus at times the probability that Bob gets plus, 157 00:18:27,710 --> 00:18:38,360 given that Alice gets plus plus the probability that Alice gets a plus and Bob gets sorry, 158 00:18:38,360 --> 00:18:47,899 A's gets minus and Bob gets minus the probability that Bob gets minus given that Alice has got minus, right? 159 00:18:47,900 --> 00:18:56,059 So in both these cases in both these cases, that product is going to be plus, right? 160 00:18:56,060 --> 00:18:59,390 Because in this case, this is going to be plus a half and that's going to be plus a half. 161 00:19:01,970 --> 00:19:06,740 In this case, Alice Sigma is going to be minus a half and Sigma basically minus half. 162 00:19:06,740 --> 00:19:10,040 The part is going to be plus a half. And then we have some minus cases, 163 00:19:10,250 --> 00:19:19,969 which is the probability that Alice gets plus say and Bob gets minus given the delta got plus and then 164 00:19:19,970 --> 00:19:28,520 we have minus the probability that Alice gets minus and Bob gets plus given that Alice got minus. 165 00:19:29,590 --> 00:19:33,800 Okay, we have to make Bob's probabilities, his conditional analysis, because we've seen that they're correlated. 166 00:19:36,890 --> 00:19:47,330 We can argue that the probability that for ALS get plus is the probability for Alice to get minus, namely it's a half. 167 00:19:47,630 --> 00:19:53,810 We don't. When Alice makes her measurement, we don't know a blind thing, so both possibilities are equally likely. 168 00:19:54,050 --> 00:19:57,170 So that must be the that must be what these probabilities are for Alice. 169 00:19:58,040 --> 00:20:03,500 And we've just worked out what the probability we just worked out what the probability for Bob to get plus was. 170 00:20:05,660 --> 00:20:12,680 You know, we've worked out these probabilities so we know that the probability for for Bob to get. 171 00:20:12,680 --> 00:20:24,860 Plus given that Alice got plus we found that that was sine squared thetr on to right. 172 00:20:25,460 --> 00:20:34,550 So that's science with these are on two by symmetry you could work it out but by symmetry this will be science with these are upon to right. 173 00:20:34,550 --> 00:20:41,510 Because if Alice has got minus we know that Bob is jolly unlikely to get minus if he chooses if he chooses an angle, 174 00:20:41,580 --> 00:20:46,639 a vector which is close to a and we figure these that's this one here. 175 00:20:46,640 --> 00:20:54,890 We've already shown that the probability is for Bob to get for Bob to get minus 176 00:20:55,910 --> 00:21:00,650 given the date has got plus we've already shown is cos squared feature on two. 177 00:21:01,580 --> 00:21:04,580 So both of these are going to be cost squared. 178 00:21:04,590 --> 00:21:07,880 These are upon two and both of those are going to be sign squared. 179 00:21:07,940 --> 00:21:19,550 These are onto which means that sigma sigma be expectation value is a quarter of sign squared thetr on Trump's theta onto. 180 00:21:22,500 --> 00:21:30,310 Twice over because we get two times like that minus twice cos squared three to respond to o times a half. 181 00:21:30,330 --> 00:21:36,590 Sorry, sorry, sorry. So here's a half and here's a half from the probabilities of A's. 182 00:21:36,600 --> 00:21:44,430 So those twos are not really there. And what is this cost squared minus science squared is cost twice the angle. 183 00:21:44,700 --> 00:21:51,660 So this is minus a quarter of costs theatre. 184 00:21:52,110 --> 00:22:02,489 And what is cost theatre? Cost theatre is actually a B, it's the angle between A and B, so this is minus a quarter of a dot B, 185 00:22:02,490 --> 00:22:08,190 so that's what quantum mechanics predicts is the expectation value of the product of these two measurements. 186 00:22:11,280 --> 00:22:15,960 So now what Bell did was calculate what this would be in a hidden variable theory. 187 00:22:16,890 --> 00:22:27,900 So draw a line. Now we're into another conceptual framework. 188 00:22:29,280 --> 00:22:33,990 What we're going to say is that so there is some function. 189 00:22:40,280 --> 00:22:44,060 Sigma e which will depend on. 190 00:22:47,970 --> 00:22:55,740 So what's this? This is this thing. Here is the value that you will find for the spin. 191 00:22:56,370 --> 00:22:59,730 The component is the spin of the electron along the vector a. 192 00:23:01,050 --> 00:23:07,440 We think this is a random variable because we don't know the values taken by the hidden. 193 00:23:07,980 --> 00:23:17,550 This is a set of hidden variables. This is a an end vector with components which are the hidden variables that we don't know. 194 00:23:17,910 --> 00:23:23,730 But Einstein, Podolsky and Rosen claim must exist to make the outcome of these experiments causal. 195 00:23:24,660 --> 00:23:28,709 So. So this is not a probabilistic quantity. 196 00:23:28,710 --> 00:23:33,780 This is something this is either a half or it's minus a half, right? 197 00:23:34,950 --> 00:23:40,770 Depending on the values that these variables hidden from us about which we do not know. 198 00:23:41,790 --> 00:23:46,380 And of course, on the direction in which you measure the component of spin. 199 00:23:47,530 --> 00:23:51,900 All right. So this is equal to plus or minus a half in a causal way. 200 00:23:54,270 --> 00:23:58,719 And similarly, there must be sigma p. 201 00:23:58,720 --> 00:24:11,700 This is the positrons. This is the positron spin that's also going to be plus or minus a half, depending causally on these things. 202 00:24:12,150 --> 00:24:15,150 We don't know what this function is. We don't know what these variables are. 203 00:24:15,150 --> 00:24:19,469 We don't know how many of these variables there are or anything but what we do. 204 00:24:19,470 --> 00:24:27,510 But we will do know by conservation triangle momentum that is minus sigma electron at V and B, 205 00:24:29,070 --> 00:24:35,940 because we know that the the positron spin is oppositely directed to the electron spin by conservation of angle mentum. 206 00:24:35,940 --> 00:24:39,690 So if you get plus a half here, you are certain to get minus a half here. 207 00:24:41,190 --> 00:24:45,390 So this is this equality is conservation. 208 00:24:50,030 --> 00:25:03,980 Of angular momentum. So what we do now is evaluate the expectation value which quantum mechanics told us. 209 00:25:05,990 --> 00:25:18,080 So we do sigma three depending on a times sigma p, depending on p expectation value. 210 00:25:18,080 --> 00:25:21,230 We write this out as in classical probability theory. 211 00:25:22,610 --> 00:25:23,750 Now, what's that going to be? 212 00:25:24,140 --> 00:25:31,370 Well, this expectation value means averaged over all possible values of the hidden variables, the things that we don't know. 213 00:25:31,980 --> 00:25:38,450 Right. So the reason that the outcome that this thing seems uncertain to us is because 214 00:25:38,450 --> 00:25:42,650 this thing is unknown to us and we therefore think of this as a random variable. 215 00:25:43,430 --> 00:25:48,919 So what was this expectation going to be? It's going to be an integral over the components of V. 216 00:25:48,920 --> 00:25:52,729 We have to sum of all possible values of what we don't know. Times. 217 00:25:52,730 --> 00:26:01,490 Sum. Probability density. But we don't know. 218 00:26:03,950 --> 00:26:09,200 Times Sigma e of V comma a. 219 00:26:09,920 --> 00:26:13,430 Times Sigma P of the comma b. 220 00:26:14,990 --> 00:26:25,069 So basically we just we just take an average of this product which is completely determined by V and then but we take an average 221 00:26:25,070 --> 00:26:32,180 with this appropriate way over all the possible values of V to get the experimental expectation value standard probability theory. 222 00:26:33,560 --> 00:26:41,210 The next thing that we do is we replace this by the corresponding sigma e using that neg that, that switch of sine business. 223 00:26:41,540 --> 00:26:56,089 So we argue that this is minus the integral d to the envy row of sigma e three comma a sigma e v 224 00:26:56,090 --> 00:27:02,000 comma b So anything that's changed here is we've acquired a minus sign and that P has become an E. 225 00:27:03,110 --> 00:27:07,610 Now we say, okay, now let's imagine that we make this measurement with some other vector. 226 00:27:07,660 --> 00:27:16,520 Right? Supposing we now calculate the same expectation value between A and the vector C, just some other vector. 227 00:27:19,430 --> 00:27:28,310 And then we have the expectation value of sigma e a sigma p b minus. 228 00:27:29,540 --> 00:27:38,950 That's an next. That's a complete expectation value minus the expectation value of sigma e a sigma p c some vector, 229 00:27:38,960 --> 00:27:42,120 some other vector C And what's that going to be according to this apparatus? 230 00:27:42,620 --> 00:27:51,020 It's going to be it's going to be minus the integral D to the end the row depending on v open a bracket. 231 00:27:52,340 --> 00:27:59,479 No. Sigma e of v comma a will be a common factor. 232 00:27:59,480 --> 00:28:12,920 And then we will have sigma e of v comma b minus sigma e of v, comma c right. 233 00:28:12,920 --> 00:28:21,590 Because the right hand sides are both going to have this factor because we've taken the expectation value using sigma of a sigma, even in both cases. 234 00:28:21,800 --> 00:28:24,800 And what will differ in the two cases is that term in the back. 235 00:28:25,190 --> 00:28:28,340 So one time it'll be on, one time it'll be C. 236 00:28:29,210 --> 00:28:34,930 So that's what we get now build as something slightly nifty. 237 00:28:35,090 --> 00:28:39,200 He makes the observation that well, 238 00:28:40,760 --> 00:28:57,890 but he knows that sigma sigma squared V comma B is a quarter because he knows that this number is either plus or minus a half, 239 00:28:58,670 --> 00:29:05,390 depending on the values taken by V and B, the square of this number is guaranteed to be a quarter. 240 00:29:07,640 --> 00:29:20,240 So we can we can say we can insert into here, we can insert a four sigma squared e a v comma B without any harm, right? 241 00:29:20,240 --> 00:29:28,160 Because we just inserting a one. So he says that this expectation value this commodity, I'm going to write it out again. 242 00:29:28,160 --> 00:29:42,500 This expectation value on the left is minus the integral d to the end v rho sigma e of v comma a bit of 243 00:29:42,500 --> 00:29:57,020 write down for sigma squared e v comma b brackets sigma e v comma b minus sigma e v comma c very helpful. 244 00:29:57,020 --> 00:30:05,090 I'm sure what we now do is we take we break this sigma squared into sigma and sigma and we take one of the sigma is inside here. 245 00:30:05,690 --> 00:30:13,640 When one of these signals comes in here, we get a sigma squared again, which is a quarter times four is one. 246 00:30:15,020 --> 00:30:22,399 So we get a one appearing here and then we then of course, this sigma, the sigma that I brought in appears there as well. 247 00:30:22,400 --> 00:30:25,430 So the next line is this is equal to minus D, 248 00:30:25,440 --> 00:30:42,440 each of the N.V. rho sigma re of v comma a sigma e of v comma b brackets one minus four times sigma re of what we carried this one in V, 249 00:30:42,440 --> 00:30:49,280 comma B and we've already got one there, which is a sigma of V, comma C close brackets, close brackets. 250 00:30:50,900 --> 00:30:54,770 So this is what that expectation value what the top is, it's this. 251 00:30:56,210 --> 00:31:10,430 So why spell done this. What we now argue is that this bracket so so this product of things here is going to be either plus or minus a quarter, right? 252 00:31:11,210 --> 00:31:17,000 Because all of these things, they're causal functions and that they are either equal to plus a half or they're equal to minus. 253 00:31:17,180 --> 00:31:21,499 This product is equal to either plus a half a quarter or minus a quarter. 254 00:31:21,500 --> 00:31:28,430 We don't know. But whatever happens, so this bracket is either equal to zero or something positive. 255 00:31:29,550 --> 00:31:32,780 It has the brackets equal to two or nothing. Right. 256 00:31:33,260 --> 00:31:37,940 So what we really need is that this bracket is is greater than or equal to zero. 257 00:31:38,000 --> 00:31:46,399 It's not negative. This thing in the front here is is a fluctuating quantity. 258 00:31:46,400 --> 00:31:55,940 It's equal to plus or minus a quarter. So what we can argue now is let's take the modulus of both sides. 259 00:31:56,480 --> 00:31:58,550 The modulus of the left side is whatever it is, 260 00:31:58,730 --> 00:32:13,220 the modulus of the right side just means we drop this and we can argue that this integral this integral is going to be 261 00:32:13,970 --> 00:32:22,280 smaller than the actual integral here is going to be smaller than what we would get if we replace this with plus a quarter, 262 00:32:22,280 --> 00:32:26,120 because sometimes that is minus a quarter and we'll be taking away from the 263 00:32:26,120 --> 00:32:31,429 integral given that this thing here is never this thing here is never negative, 264 00:32:31,430 --> 00:32:37,219 there's no way that we can never get a positive result, a positive contribution to the integral when this is negative. 265 00:32:37,220 --> 00:32:41,570 So if we if we assume that this is always positive, we're going to overestimate this integral. 266 00:32:42,500 --> 00:32:55,310 So let me write that down. We will overestimate, overestimate, integral if we replace. 267 00:32:58,980 --> 00:33:07,470 Sigma e v com a sigma a v comma b by plus a quarter, 268 00:33:07,920 --> 00:33:13,080 because sometimes it's minus a quarter and that minus sign is never cancelled by any minus sign over here. 269 00:33:14,610 --> 00:33:22,080 So then I can argue that the modulus of the left side, which I'm fortunate enough to write out again. 270 00:33:26,120 --> 00:33:37,309 That's p sorry. Sigma e of a sigma p of C the modulus. 271 00:33:37,310 --> 00:33:51,830 That's an expectation value. Now in your modulus sine is less than or equal to because I'm going to write down something which is which is too large. 272 00:33:52,880 --> 00:33:58,130 I've deliberately made it too big of the integral rho that is been. 273 00:33:59,630 --> 00:34:07,980 That factor has been replaced by a quarter. This quarter can be taken outside and then we're staring at one minus four sigma. 274 00:34:09,440 --> 00:34:15,620 This is of the comma B sigma, e of the comma. 275 00:34:15,620 --> 00:34:20,569 See, now we make the observation of the integral this. 276 00:34:20,570 --> 00:34:29,360 So we break this integral into two parts. It's this stuff times one, but that integrates up to one because this is the probability density. 277 00:34:29,720 --> 00:34:37,040 And the probability density has to be structured so that if you if you integrate probability density time overall all parameter space, you get one. 278 00:34:37,370 --> 00:34:39,559 So this and this make a quarter. 279 00:34:39,560 --> 00:34:47,510 So this is this, this thing I'm going to write down what is equal to which is it's equal to one from the court excuse me. 280 00:34:47,510 --> 00:34:54,470 It's equal to quarter brackets of one from here then. 281 00:34:54,530 --> 00:34:57,620 Now let's consider this onto this stuff here. 282 00:34:58,250 --> 00:35:09,049 This on to this stuff here is roughly speaking where we came into this that that this times this was the expectation value of of 283 00:35:09,050 --> 00:35:19,670 sigma on sigma and this minus sign we can soak up by changing that back into a P that's retracing logic that we did up there. 284 00:35:19,910 --> 00:35:34,639 So this becomes one plus four times the expectation value of sigma e b sigma P of C expectation 285 00:35:34,640 --> 00:35:40,370 value where the V has disappeared from here because we've done an expectation value operation, 286 00:35:40,370 --> 00:35:45,260 we've we've averaged away all the V dependence in the proper way. 287 00:35:45,980 --> 00:35:48,559 So we have this is Bell's inequality that we have here. 288 00:35:48,560 --> 00:36:01,490 Now it's a statement about expectation values associated with the two particles and three possible vectors A, B and C. 289 00:36:02,180 --> 00:36:09,270 So the next thing to do is to ask all the predictions we have perfectly. 290 00:36:09,290 --> 00:36:13,940 We've calculated the predictions of quantum mechanics for these expectation values. 291 00:36:14,210 --> 00:36:22,610 We've already done that. So the question to ask now is all the predictions of quantum mechanics consistent with this inequality. 292 00:36:31,890 --> 00:36:36,630 I guess we need to be able to see everything simultaneously. And I've I've not held that right. 293 00:36:37,920 --> 00:36:44,250 So let's, let's write the let's write down here let's find the predictions of quantum mechanics. 294 00:36:46,290 --> 00:36:49,020 Okay? This is the crucial thing. 295 00:36:49,940 --> 00:36:56,760 The prediction of quantum mechanics is that this product, which is the other calculation for reasons which if you stare hard at it, 296 00:36:57,060 --> 00:37:01,530 you'll realise that there's a notational issue, there's a reason for this. 297 00:37:02,460 --> 00:37:09,570 This in the in the hidden variable calculation is called sigma e sigma p because remember Bob is measuring the positron, 298 00:37:09,810 --> 00:37:11,280 Alice is measuring the electron. 299 00:37:12,660 --> 00:37:20,940 So this is the this is the this is actually the same physical quantity that we've calculated down there and it's equal to minus a quarter of a dot B, 300 00:37:21,450 --> 00:37:42,090 so we can go straight back. So now we put in Sigma E a sigma e p the expectation value is minus a quarter, a dot B, which is from quantum mechanics. 301 00:37:43,170 --> 00:37:46,500 What does that do? Well, let's let's check out the left hand side. 302 00:37:46,920 --> 00:38:02,250 What does the left hand side look like? It's going to be the modulus of a quarter a dot c well. 303 00:38:06,810 --> 00:38:13,650 My minus eight dot B, right? 304 00:38:16,350 --> 00:38:19,770 So the overall minus sign gets lost, but it's going to be the modulus of this thing here. 305 00:38:19,980 --> 00:38:23,400 That's the left hand side. What is the right hand side going to be? 306 00:38:25,320 --> 00:38:37,470 It's going to be a quarter of one minus a dot B. 307 00:38:39,780 --> 00:38:54,780 Sorry, I don't see. So now we need to ask ourselves, is it true that this right hand side is bigger than this left hand side? 308 00:38:55,680 --> 00:38:59,970 And in this matter, we can choose A, B and C exactly as we will. 309 00:39:00,000 --> 00:39:08,300 Right. Because Bella shown the for any vectors, A, B and C, his inequality has to has to hold if there are hidden variables there. 310 00:39:08,760 --> 00:39:11,910 There's so far no restriction on A, B and C that any three vectors. 311 00:39:13,950 --> 00:39:22,890 So and if the quantum mechanical results violate bell's inequality for any vectors A, 312 00:39:22,920 --> 00:39:27,810 B and C, then quantum mechanics will be inconsistent with these hidden variables. 313 00:39:29,460 --> 00:39:50,160 So at this point, we do a choice. We choose A dot, B equals nought, and we choose C is equal to is equal to a C cost of CI plus B sign up CI. 314 00:39:50,610 --> 00:39:53,879 So what are we doing? We're simply of some angle. 315 00:39:53,880 --> 00:40:00,600 We're just choosing A and B to B orthogonal vectors and we're choosing C to be a vector that lies between A and B, 316 00:40:00,750 --> 00:40:08,430 and we've got ourselves a parameter of CI which allows us to move C from pointing along A to pointing along B in a continuous way. 317 00:40:09,120 --> 00:40:11,549 So with so just concretely, 318 00:40:11,550 --> 00:40:19,200 the picture is here is A we choosing age B this way we're choosing B to be that way and we're choosing C to be like that somewhere in the plane, 319 00:40:19,890 --> 00:40:32,969 stuff it in. And what do we get? We find that the left hand side is the modulus of a quarter a dot c is is a dot C is 320 00:40:32,970 --> 00:40:50,070 cost of CI a dot b is not and the right hand side is a quarter of one minus sign of CI. 321 00:40:57,940 --> 00:41:04,030 Plop these up. And what do you find? 322 00:41:07,780 --> 00:41:10,929 Sorry. Can we change these back to can we change that to sign up size. 323 00:41:10,930 --> 00:41:14,020 Because my diagram will look better if I do cos of ci. 324 00:41:15,070 --> 00:41:18,790 Sign up ci. Cos of CI. 325 00:41:19,000 --> 00:41:22,159 Right. Okay. So obviously there's nothing in that. 326 00:41:22,160 --> 00:41:26,290 It's just a change in in the figure two unfortunately. 327 00:41:26,810 --> 00:41:29,980 Right. Then what do we get? 328 00:41:29,980 --> 00:41:40,330 We find that the right hand side looks like when upside is small, the right hand side is looking like CI squared on eight or something. 329 00:41:40,510 --> 00:41:44,080 Anyway, it's rising quadratic, Lee, and it goes to one. 330 00:41:45,010 --> 00:41:51,400 This is PI by two. Meanwhile, the left side is is basically a sign curve. 331 00:41:51,730 --> 00:41:56,890 So we know what that looks like. It looks like this. So this is the left hand side. 332 00:41:57,490 --> 00:42:04,900 This is the right hand side. And Ballard has shown that the left hand side is smaller than the right hand side. 333 00:42:05,950 --> 00:42:11,920 So for four, for only two values, smaller than or equal to the. 334 00:42:12,760 --> 00:42:19,680 The quantum mechanical results are consistent with Bell's inequality for only upsized nought and upsized pi by two. 335 00:42:20,440 --> 00:42:23,500 The quantum mechanical results violate this inequality for all values. 336 00:42:23,740 --> 00:42:31,510 So basically so we conclude QM is inconsistent. 337 00:42:37,010 --> 00:42:49,579 With these hidden variables. Once you've got a nice, 338 00:42:49,580 --> 00:42:58,129 clean statement of this sort that there's the quantum mechanics is inconsistent 339 00:42:58,130 --> 00:43:04,880 with something which EPR reasoned was should be the case was very you know, 340 00:43:05,170 --> 00:43:11,360 the indications were that it was the case. You clearly the right thing to do is to go out and make a measurement and allow 341 00:43:11,360 --> 00:43:15,559 nature to decide for you whether quantum mechanics is right or hidden variables. 342 00:43:15,560 --> 00:43:24,889 Right. So in 1972, this was first done using not an electron and positron pair, but using pairs of photons. 343 00:43:24,890 --> 00:43:31,090 That's usually how this is done. The analysis is slightly more complicated if you use photons than if you use spin half particles. 344 00:43:31,090 --> 00:43:36,680 So we followed barely using spin off particles. But basically many of these experiments have now been conducted. 345 00:43:36,680 --> 00:43:44,749 And the experiments vindicate the experiment, vindicate the quantum mechanical predictions with a level of precision that you you know, 346 00:43:44,750 --> 00:43:53,360 the it's clear that the the experimental results are inconsistent with with with hidden variables. 347 00:43:53,780 --> 00:44:09,590 So the experimental results and that's from 1972 onwards, there have been many always refined experiments are consistent. 348 00:44:15,410 --> 00:44:20,060 With QM and inconsistent. 349 00:44:28,500 --> 00:44:38,660 With hidden variables. So that means that quantum mechanics is not going to be replaced by a hidden variable theory at some time in the future. 350 00:44:41,300 --> 00:44:43,090 Because you cannot construct a, you know, 351 00:44:43,370 --> 00:44:47,179 hidden variable theory along these lines is not going to be consistent with experiments are already conducted, 352 00:44:47,180 --> 00:44:53,180 so there's no point speculating about it. So to come back now to Einstein, Podolsky and Rosen, 353 00:44:53,180 --> 00:45:02,960 what is wrong with the arguments which indicate that somehow these measurements knew about a measurement? 354 00:45:05,000 --> 00:45:08,540 I think a lot of the. Well. 355 00:45:10,320 --> 00:45:18,240 Sorry. So the things that you should take away from this are first that when you measure something, you do two things. 356 00:45:19,620 --> 00:45:24,510 You disturb the system and you gain information about the system. 357 00:45:25,800 --> 00:45:36,150 So when Alice when Alice measured that electron and found it plus a half for the spin in her direction, 358 00:45:36,170 --> 00:45:47,010 a she disturbed the electron, but she didn't disturb the positron because the positron was somewhere else and there wasn't. 359 00:45:47,190 --> 00:45:50,079 The positron couldn't possibly be disturbed by anything down to the electron until there 360 00:45:50,080 --> 00:45:54,149 had been time for light signal to go from her operations to wherever the positron was. 361 00:45:54,150 --> 00:45:57,860 So she definitely doesn't disturb the positron, but she does disturb the electron. 362 00:45:57,870 --> 00:46:05,310 Therefore, she disturbs. She changes the state, she physically changes the state of the electron positron system. 363 00:46:05,490 --> 00:46:11,550 And that's why she's changed. She's collapsed the wave function from that linear combination to this here. 364 00:46:15,010 --> 00:46:21,159 But she has gained information about B because of the correlation that existed 365 00:46:21,160 --> 00:46:25,060 in the original in the original set up between her electron and the positron. 366 00:46:25,330 --> 00:46:28,810 By knowing by having discovered what was the state of affairs with the electron, 367 00:46:29,050 --> 00:46:37,240 she she was able to make some quite strong predictions about what B might find, what Bob might find on measuring the positron. 368 00:46:40,740 --> 00:46:47,940 This is this experiment emphasises a theme is quite common and is quite recurrent 369 00:46:48,300 --> 00:46:52,920 in quantum mechanical calculations and it's very important to think holistically. 370 00:46:53,970 --> 00:46:57,060 To do this problem, you have to think about the electron positron system. 371 00:46:57,240 --> 00:46:58,320 It's no good thinking. 372 00:46:58,410 --> 00:47:03,900 Oh, I can do with electron all I can deal with a positron both together have to be considered because of these correlations in the system. 373 00:47:05,460 --> 00:47:11,280 The a lot of the confusion that I think Einstein, Podolsky and Rosen had, and that is in many treatments of this, 374 00:47:12,180 --> 00:47:18,659 of this experiment arises from slipping into the error of thinking that because Alice has found 375 00:47:18,660 --> 00:47:24,570 a plus a half for the component of spin on her vector a that the spin is pointing a long way. 376 00:47:24,630 --> 00:47:36,150 As we shall see, a spin off particle has a always plus a half of spin in the directions of all three coordinate axes. 377 00:47:36,510 --> 00:47:40,950 When you've made a measurement of the Z component, you can know that the answer. 378 00:47:41,280 --> 00:47:45,540 You can know that it's it has a positive value. 379 00:47:46,470 --> 00:47:49,350 Four Sigma Z. But you don't know this. 380 00:47:49,350 --> 00:48:01,110 But but you don't you don't know what the values of sigma x and Sigma Y are, but you know that they have you don't know the values, 381 00:48:01,110 --> 00:48:04,590 but you know that they do have values which are comparable to that of Sigma Z. 382 00:48:04,920 --> 00:48:12,210 So what you should physically think of is that Alice is determined that the spin of her electron points in the Northern Hemisphere. 383 00:48:12,690 --> 00:48:17,400 Well, in the hemisphere that has her vector a for its pole. 384 00:48:18,800 --> 00:48:25,820 She does not know. It's pointing that it's aligned with a she only knows it's in the northern hemisphere of that. 385 00:48:26,390 --> 00:48:30,530 So if when Bob makes his measurement and then she can say, aha. 386 00:48:30,530 --> 00:48:39,170 So I now and she then knows for certain that the positron has its spin in the southern hemisphere of her vector a. 387 00:48:39,500 --> 00:48:47,120 Right. Because but she does not know where it points there because she doesn't know where her electron points in her hemisphere. 388 00:48:47,300 --> 00:48:49,940 She doesn't know where the positron points in its hemisphere. 389 00:48:50,330 --> 00:48:54,320 She only knows now all she's learned is which hemisphere that the positron is pointing in. 390 00:48:55,010 --> 00:49:06,020 So she can exclude, as quantum mechanics says, she can exclude only one result of B's measurement, namely, if B chooses to. 391 00:49:06,020 --> 00:49:14,270 If Bob chooses to measure along the vector A, then he will not find. 392 00:49:14,510 --> 00:49:15,350 Plus a half, 393 00:49:15,680 --> 00:49:23,270 because the top hemisphere has no point in common with the bottom hemisphere and at least knows that the positron is in the bottom hemisphere. 394 00:49:26,870 --> 00:49:33,190 So the I think the bottom line is that there isn't a logical problem if we just keep it focussed on the, 395 00:49:33,380 --> 00:49:38,870 on the idea that what is preordained is that is which hemisphere. 396 00:49:40,850 --> 00:49:51,160 The electron or the positron is is pointing in a not the direction. 397 00:49:51,170 --> 00:49:55,370 It's an error to think of these spins as pointing in a particular direction. 398 00:49:56,930 --> 00:50:03,410 It's a it's it's it's difficult to escape from the idea that a vector points in some in some direction. 399 00:50:04,310 --> 00:50:12,020 But then it's difficult when we do relativity to get used to the idea that time is relative and that two events that are simultaneously one 400 00:50:12,020 --> 00:50:19,280 event that happens before another event for in our frame of reference in somebody else's frame of reference reverses the order of the events. 401 00:50:19,940 --> 00:50:22,940 So the absoluteness of time is something it's very difficult to escape from. 402 00:50:22,940 --> 00:50:24,590 But we all grow up. We get used to it. 403 00:50:25,940 --> 00:50:33,470 Time isn't absolute and in and quantum mechanics is telling us that no vectors don't point in particular directions. 404 00:50:34,360 --> 00:50:41,120 Uh, they, there's a, in the case of spin of particles, 405 00:50:41,120 --> 00:50:48,500 the best you can say is that they have particular hemispheres in which to point and we'll as we go on. 406 00:50:48,560 --> 00:50:50,600 So the next item on the agenda is angular momentum. 407 00:50:50,600 --> 00:50:55,459 And that will enable us to to look at this a little bit more closely about under what circumstances it 408 00:50:55,460 --> 00:51:02,510 is the case that that that a a gyroscope or whatever seems to point pretty much in a definite direction. 409 00:51:02,690 --> 00:51:07,310 And we'll find in just the same way that things move only because they have ill defined energy. 410 00:51:07,730 --> 00:51:13,790 Things point in a definite direction, only because they have ill defined angular momentum and electrons do not have a well-defined Anglicanism. 411 00:51:13,790 --> 00:51:16,910 They have well-defined tangle, mentum, and that stops them pointing in any particular direction. 412 00:51:18,050 --> 00:51:18,890 Okay, hold on.