1 00:00:03,010 --> 00:00:06,820 Okay. So let's let's get going. 2 00:00:07,630 --> 00:00:12,640 So yesterday we introduced these orbital angular momentum operators, the three of them, 3 00:00:12,640 --> 00:00:17,530 the three components of X, cross, P and divided by H bar to make it dimensionless. 4 00:00:17,530 --> 00:00:23,950 And we can make the total increment to operate two L squared by squaring the individual components. 5 00:00:24,070 --> 00:00:36,430 Adding We establish these results that the commentator of for example, x with y is i times z. 6 00:00:36,700 --> 00:00:38,050 So you if you. 7 00:00:38,290 --> 00:00:54,489 And similarly, if you do a computation with ally with ally with Che having written this down here, you find EI times, peak times excellence, right? 8 00:00:54,490 --> 00:00:59,770 So, so for example, times p computed with p y would be item's p z. 9 00:01:00,330 --> 00:01:08,140 Basically what we're learning here is that L computed with the component of a vector operator gives you the third vector operator in that set. 10 00:01:08,890 --> 00:01:20,080 And from that you can go on very easily to show it. The the demonstration is exactly the same as what we already did with the 11 00:01:20,080 --> 00:01:24,700 angular momentum of the total angle minimum operator that any of these angle, 12 00:01:25,030 --> 00:01:28,929 these orbital angle minimum operators commutes with scales like X squared or p 13 00:01:28,930 --> 00:01:39,550 squared or x dot p a also L squared commutes with with any of these things, 14 00:01:40,300 --> 00:01:47,770 any of the component, any of its components. So we have a situation so far which is precisely analogous. 15 00:01:54,320 --> 00:02:02,450 To the commutation relations, to J comma, to the total Anglo mentum total. 16 00:02:03,950 --> 00:02:07,190 But what we have so far called the angular momentum. 17 00:02:13,750 --> 00:02:28,629 Operators. So, for example j i comma x j commentator is i some of a k epsilon i j k x k, etc., 18 00:02:28,630 --> 00:02:40,120 etc. So when we have that j i comma j j is equal to I some of the k epsilon i j 19 00:02:40,120 --> 00:02:45,430 k j k which mirrors one which I didn't write down up here and should have done, 20 00:02:45,700 --> 00:03:01,659 which is that l i comma l j commentator is equal to I some of the k epsilon i j k l k which is really a generalisation of this rule. 21 00:03:01,660 --> 00:03:06,819 I mean application of this rule here to the vector l j being put in here as well. 22 00:03:06,820 --> 00:03:11,350 K appears over there. She just says that L is in fact a vector operator. 23 00:03:11,620 --> 00:03:19,060 And similarly, similarly, this is a generalisation. So we have this exact analogy and the question obviously arises are they the same operator? 24 00:03:19,660 --> 00:03:26,430 Is L the operator which are the operators X, Y and Z? 25 00:03:26,800 --> 00:03:33,100 The operators that generate rotations that we inferred had to exist just by thinking in the abstract about rotations. 26 00:03:33,160 --> 00:03:37,930 At the end of last term. And so the answer to that question is, is no. 27 00:03:37,930 --> 00:03:41,140 And here is and here is the demonstration of it. 28 00:03:41,470 --> 00:03:46,020 Let's calculate j squared comma ally. 29 00:03:46,030 --> 00:03:52,750 In other words, let's work out the commentator between the total angular momentum operator and one of these components. 30 00:03:54,400 --> 00:04:02,500 Then this is going to be this is a combination of a product and I need to write this. 31 00:04:02,860 --> 00:04:06,310 This is a sum of squares. So I need to I need to make that explicit. 32 00:04:06,610 --> 00:04:14,140 So I write that as the sum of a over. I say of j I squared a comma. 33 00:04:14,950 --> 00:04:19,060 Oops, no, no, I won't do because I've got I busy j ally. 34 00:04:22,390 --> 00:04:28,240 And now each one of these is just a simple product. So we use the rule for taking a commutation of a product. 35 00:04:28,600 --> 00:04:33,700 So this is equal to the sum of a j still of a sorry. 36 00:04:33,700 --> 00:04:39,370 That's the j what we're summing over all I need to do. 37 00:04:39,730 --> 00:04:47,740 I leave one of these standing idly by whilst the L operator commutes with the other one, 38 00:04:48,820 --> 00:04:58,960 and then I have the L operator commuting with the other one, the first one, while the other one stands idly by in his position. 39 00:05:01,570 --> 00:05:04,299 Now we know what the result of this is, 40 00:05:04,300 --> 00:05:14,860 because this is a vector and we know we established a last term what the commentator of J with a component of a vector is. 41 00:05:14,860 --> 00:05:22,179 It's going to be the third member so this I can replace by an epsilon j I say k so this 42 00:05:22,180 --> 00:05:31,659 is going to be a sum over J And then there is going to be a sum over K coming up of J. 43 00:05:31,660 --> 00:05:35,380 J There will be an I from the commentator. 44 00:05:36,070 --> 00:05:39,220 So JJ that's this one here. Make sure that's clear. 45 00:05:39,910 --> 00:05:49,840 This is going to be epsilon j i k l k So, so that's the, that's the fundamental rule. 46 00:05:49,840 --> 00:06:00,489 We establish that the commentator of this with any vector gave you the third component, and then here we will have the same thing. 47 00:06:00,490 --> 00:06:18,010 Epsilon j i k times l k times j j in the back so we can clean this up into the high times the sum of both J and K going from over X, 48 00:06:18,010 --> 00:06:34,660 Y, and z of epsilon j i k times j j l.k. plus l k jj and. 49 00:06:40,070 --> 00:06:45,980 So this is the sort of thing which often vanishes because this is anti symmetric. 50 00:06:46,010 --> 00:06:49,190 If you swap those two over Jane K, you get a change of sign. 51 00:06:49,760 --> 00:06:52,770 And if this were symmetric, we would get a change. 52 00:06:52,790 --> 00:06:57,770 Oh, sorry. And if this was symmetric in J. In Canada, as if you swap them over, you've got no change of sign. 53 00:06:58,820 --> 00:07:02,690 Then you just got the same thing back then we would have. 54 00:07:05,600 --> 00:07:10,990 Then we would have. Zero. 55 00:07:12,100 --> 00:07:15,370 But this is not symmetric. 56 00:07:15,940 --> 00:07:20,380 If you interchange if you interchange the order of these, if you swap the indices. 57 00:07:20,950 --> 00:07:32,800 So under a swap, what does this go to? It goes to J k, l j plus l j j k, which is not the same as this. 58 00:07:33,700 --> 00:07:43,630 So this thing is not equal to zero. But we know that J squared does compute compute with all of its components. 59 00:07:45,340 --> 00:07:48,760 So that sort of suggests that these are not the same and not the same thing. 60 00:07:51,190 --> 00:07:55,179 So so let's try and understand what these operators, 61 00:07:55,180 --> 00:08:02,200 these these orbital incremental angular momentum operators and really understand their relationship to the things that generate rotations. 62 00:08:03,910 --> 00:08:11,320 So now we need to talk a little bit in abstract about rotation around a sorry motion around a path. 63 00:08:14,830 --> 00:08:24,850 So if we just have a translation, we've already started translations last term through, through one displacement. 64 00:08:25,510 --> 00:08:42,520 Hey that's, that's generated by. The unitary operator, which we called U of A, which is e to the minus i a dot P on each bar. 65 00:08:44,620 --> 00:08:50,680 Right. That is the operator which generates out of a state the state that we would have 66 00:08:51,010 --> 00:08:57,070 if our system was shoved along the bench by always was at the different location, 67 00:08:57,310 --> 00:09:00,430 a distance or a vector displacement away. 68 00:09:01,090 --> 00:09:10,020 So let's let's consider the following. Let's make a series of displacements. 69 00:09:10,020 --> 00:09:15,659 Here's a one, here's a two, here's a three and so on. 70 00:09:15,660 --> 00:09:19,380 Right? We're going to make a path by doing a series of displacements. 71 00:09:19,710 --> 00:09:31,590 Then we have the you total is going to be the product of the this of this displacement and this displacement, this displacement, this displacement. 72 00:09:31,590 --> 00:09:45,210 So it's going to be you a four operating on the result of using you a three operating on the result of using you a to you a one. 73 00:09:46,410 --> 00:09:49,440 These each each of these things is an exponential. 74 00:09:51,120 --> 00:10:03,750 So this is e to the minus i a for dot p over h bar is the minus ia3 dot p over h bar, 75 00:10:04,140 --> 00:10:11,430 etc. and the operate is occurring in these exponentials all compute with each 76 00:10:11,430 --> 00:10:14,940 other because all momentum approaches compute with all other momentum operators. 77 00:10:15,120 --> 00:10:18,350 They compete with themselves obviously in any and they can mix with P, y, 78 00:10:18,360 --> 00:10:24,209 etc. So when we multiply these exponentials together, we have the usual magic of exponential functions. 79 00:10:24,210 --> 00:10:31,260 We don't have to worry that those are operators. So these are operators, but we don't have to worry about that because everything commutes. 80 00:10:31,590 --> 00:10:43,860 So this can be written as e to the minus I for some of these vectors summed over I dotted into p over each ball. 81 00:10:45,840 --> 00:10:57,090 So the operator that that generates you is the state that you get as a result of all of these displacements is given by this just a single exponential 82 00:10:57,390 --> 00:11:07,110 it's just it's just one of these it's a it's an operator of exactly the original form where the displacement is simply the the sum of them. 83 00:11:07,890 --> 00:11:13,580 So the result taking it this way and this way and this way and this way we've just shown is the same as this, 84 00:11:13,650 --> 00:11:18,620 as the result of just taking it in a straight line over the sum of the I. 85 00:11:22,800 --> 00:11:26,260 So that's that's that's the general argument. 86 00:11:26,260 --> 00:11:35,820 And now we see a special case. So in particular particular for a closed path. 87 00:11:37,770 --> 00:11:42,540 So if the path comes, if the path carries you all the way around, what does that mean? 88 00:11:42,870 --> 00:11:47,340 It means the sum of the ai0. 89 00:11:47,850 --> 00:12:00,600 All the vectors add up to nothing. And that implies immediately that you total because it's e to the nothing is the identity transformation. 90 00:12:02,430 --> 00:12:07,950 Now, that might sound obvious, but you'll see in a minute that that's anything but an obvious result. 91 00:12:11,270 --> 00:12:23,610 So. So now let's, let's specialise in our paths. 92 00:12:25,590 --> 00:12:36,720 Let our path be made up of a series of of so let this be x let this angle in here be delta alpha, 93 00:12:38,790 --> 00:12:44,340 left and right and be the unit vector point out of board. 94 00:12:51,360 --> 00:13:07,290 Then this vector here, oops, this displacement vector, this is going to be a equals delta alpha and cross x, right? 95 00:13:07,290 --> 00:13:15,810 That's just ordinary classical geometry that if I go like this and is out of the board, then that's the displacement that we generate. 96 00:13:16,320 --> 00:13:20,280 So what does that do? That that means that the op, 97 00:13:20,280 --> 00:13:29,759 the unitary operator that that moves my system from here to here you Delta Alpha is 98 00:13:29,760 --> 00:13:44,760 going to be a to the minus I a which is that delta alpha and cross x dot p on bar. 99 00:13:48,100 --> 00:13:54,850 So that's just applying the standard stuff with the displacement vector of this form. 100 00:13:54,850 --> 00:14:08,110 This is Delta A or whatever. But what it what is that this scalar triple product can be reordered sort of standard 101 00:14:09,430 --> 00:14:16,960 vector algebra tells us that we can reorder this thing into n dot x cross p. 102 00:14:17,260 --> 00:14:27,100 So this is equal by vector algebra to I delta alpha and dot x cross p punch bar. 103 00:14:28,930 --> 00:14:32,500 So that's the operator. Okay. And there's the bar that's here. 104 00:14:32,740 --> 00:14:36,100 But this is what we define to be. 105 00:14:36,580 --> 00:14:46,340 L So this is equal to E To the minus I Delta Alpha and dot. 106 00:14:46,390 --> 00:14:58,330 L So that's what we've now discovered. Essentially what L does, l is the generator of of rotations, of movements around circles. 107 00:14:58,330 --> 00:15:11,500 So we conclude. That L is the generator of translations around circles. 108 00:15:22,150 --> 00:15:31,720 We can also get something interesting, very important by combining these two these two things. 109 00:15:31,730 --> 00:15:39,459 So for a complete circle so far, we can multiply these things together. 110 00:15:39,460 --> 00:15:53,020 So you for a circle is going to be the sum of all of this, for all sorts of of delta alphas. 111 00:15:53,020 --> 00:16:06,489 Okay. Uh, these are the minus I Delta Alpha and L, which is going to be e to the minus I, alpha and dot l where this is where this is the sum. 112 00:16:06,490 --> 00:16:09,910 Sorry, it's going to be the product of this, right? 113 00:16:09,910 --> 00:16:13,180 If we make a series of transformations, each one by Delta Alpha, 114 00:16:15,640 --> 00:16:25,170 then that product of these exponentials can be written as the exponential of the sum of the arguments, the sum of the arguments. 115 00:16:25,170 --> 00:16:32,020 So it always has to end. Dot l is the operator and the sum of the alphas of the Delta Alphas we're going to call alpha. 116 00:16:33,880 --> 00:16:39,370 So for a circle for circle, this is going to be two pi. 117 00:16:39,910 --> 00:16:49,420 So we're going to come to the conclusion that e to the minus two pi i n dot l is equal to the identity 118 00:16:49,420 --> 00:16:55,780 transformation because we've shown that you going all the way around and any close path has to be the identity. 119 00:16:57,160 --> 00:17:02,170 So this thing has to be has to be an identity for any vector, any unit vector. 120 00:17:02,170 --> 00:17:06,220 N and I will need that result shortly. 121 00:17:09,300 --> 00:17:13,140 And what? Yeah. What? So what do we. Come on. 122 00:17:16,140 --> 00:17:26,970 So what is the general. The general picture here that we can now understand what the distinction is between orbital angle mentum and angular momentum. 123 00:17:27,600 --> 00:17:34,320 So here we have a sort of look at this L And then there's this arrow here if we. 124 00:17:36,720 --> 00:17:41,700 So we're moving the we're moving the point at the base of the arrow around the circle. 125 00:17:41,730 --> 00:17:44,460 We're just translate translating it. Let's just go back. 126 00:17:45,210 --> 00:17:53,160 So we're we're just moving it round a circle, but we're not doing anything to its internal structure. 127 00:17:53,160 --> 00:18:01,770 We're just translating it. So if it has a little arrow, it has an orientation as, for example, the direction of its spin. 128 00:18:01,980 --> 00:18:05,280 That's that's not going to change its direction. It'll just be carried around. 129 00:18:05,640 --> 00:18:07,350 Now, ask what Jay does. 130 00:18:07,350 --> 00:18:17,610 What Jay does is it makes you the same system you would have had if you took what you've got and you rotated it on a turntable around the origin. 131 00:18:18,120 --> 00:18:21,180 If you rotated it on a turntable around the origin, this is what happens. 132 00:18:21,660 --> 00:18:26,850 The orientation of the particle changes as well as its location. 133 00:18:27,270 --> 00:18:33,390 So J is changing locations. L so l is only changing locations. 134 00:18:34,260 --> 00:18:41,430 Jay is doing a complete job by putting the particle on a turntable and rotating it at the same time is translating it. 135 00:18:42,390 --> 00:18:53,970 That's the difference. Right. 136 00:18:53,980 --> 00:18:58,660 So we've got these operators and we want to know obviously when you have operators, 137 00:18:58,960 --> 00:19:03,730 you need to know what their spectra are, what the allowed values of their eigenvalues are. 138 00:19:04,000 --> 00:19:06,250 And we can now immediately say what these are going to be. 139 00:19:11,470 --> 00:19:19,910 So we know that we can sit, we can find simultaneous a complete set of simultaneous eigen states of l squared and any one of its components z. 140 00:19:20,240 --> 00:19:27,459 That's the same as when we were dealing with the angular momentum operators and we obtained the eigenvalues of the Anglo momentum 141 00:19:27,460 --> 00:19:36,980 operators at J Squared and Jay Z by using by exploiting the commutation relationships between the different components of J. 142 00:19:37,000 --> 00:19:58,540 That was the only thing we used. Right. So we, we got that the e values of j squared Jay Z were they were j j plus one. 143 00:19:59,260 --> 00:20:11,440 This is for J Square. J squared had eigenvalues of j j plus one where J was nought a half, one three half cases, three halves, etc. 144 00:20:11,470 --> 00:20:22,960 Right. And we had that Jay Z had eigenvalues M which lay between minus J and plus J. 145 00:20:24,070 --> 00:20:32,230 And we got these results only using that j comma. 146 00:20:32,260 --> 00:20:36,700 J j equals i epsilon. 147 00:20:37,210 --> 00:20:46,720 I. J k. J k. If you look back at what we did, you'll find that that's the case, that nothing else went into this. 148 00:20:46,990 --> 00:20:53,710 But these computation relationships here for the L operators, we have the same commutation relations. 149 00:20:54,190 --> 00:21:07,540 Right. So the L satisfy identical computation relations. 150 00:21:09,490 --> 00:21:14,550 So this so the argument we had for J could be repeated line by line. 151 00:21:14,560 --> 00:21:17,830 There's no point in repeating it literally, but virtually. 152 00:21:17,830 --> 00:21:23,530 We now repeat that argument line by line with every J replaced by an L, 153 00:21:23,980 --> 00:21:38,080 and we conclude that the e values can be l squared has numbers like l l plus one where l 154 00:21:38,080 --> 00:21:47,620 could equal nought of half one level blah and ls that has m line between L and minus l. 155 00:21:49,360 --> 00:21:56,200 But then we think. But so these are the kind of no other numbers are possible than those numbers. 156 00:21:56,590 --> 00:22:01,690 Right. That's what that argument shows. Are all those numbers possible? 157 00:22:01,930 --> 00:22:16,110 No, for the following reason. But E to the to Pi, L.Z. has to be the identity operator. 158 00:22:16,120 --> 00:22:25,230 We've just shown that. That's a that's that's this statement with an put equal to the unit vector in the in the Z direction. 159 00:22:25,240 --> 00:22:28,810 Okay. So I should I need a minus sign. 160 00:22:30,880 --> 00:22:34,030 So we have that this thing has to be the identity operator. 161 00:22:36,130 --> 00:22:47,080 Consequently, if we use this operator on one of our states, which are going to be called l m right. 162 00:22:47,080 --> 00:22:59,140 This is the mutual eigen state of l squared and l.z. with eigenvalue l l plus one for l squared and m l said precisely by analogy with the. 163 00:23:02,930 --> 00:23:14,720 With what we did with Jay. Then this has to be simply Elm, because this is the identity operator. 164 00:23:16,040 --> 00:23:21,440 But what actually is this? If we have. So we're doing an exponential of this operator. 165 00:23:21,800 --> 00:23:27,860 This operator looks at this and says, that's my eigen function and therefore it replaces itself with the eigenvalue. 166 00:23:28,160 --> 00:23:40,790 So this is e to the minus two m pi i times l m comparing this side with this 167 00:23:40,790 --> 00:23:49,910 side we have the e to the two pi and is equal to or is equal to the number one. 168 00:23:51,410 --> 00:24:03,920 And that implies that m is an integer because if it were a half integer, this will be e to a certain number of I PI's, which should be minus one. 169 00:24:04,580 --> 00:24:07,430 But we've shown it cannot be minus one, so it's an integer. 170 00:24:07,460 --> 00:24:17,780 So this is the, this is where there is a difference between what happens, between what L does and what J does and why we have to keep track. 171 00:24:18,080 --> 00:24:22,730 So L is looking very like J, but it is not J because it is. 172 00:24:23,000 --> 00:24:29,450 Well, we've seen physically that it's not because what it what it merely translates you around a circle. 173 00:24:29,450 --> 00:24:40,340 It doesn't rotate you round a circle. And that has the consequence that m has to be an integer and therefore L has to be integer. 174 00:24:41,960 --> 00:24:48,890 So the eigenvalues of l squared are l l plus one where l equals nought one, 175 00:24:48,890 --> 00:24:54,440 two, three, four, etc. and therefore M is also going to be stuck on integers. 176 00:24:57,380 --> 00:25:04,550 So what's happening here? Is that what we what we what we learn from this in some sense is that. 177 00:25:09,410 --> 00:25:20,410 Let's just do this again. So. It's when we have translated our system all the way around the circle. 178 00:25:20,590 --> 00:25:25,120 It's come back to where it was, same orientation, everything the same right. 179 00:25:26,410 --> 00:25:34,570 And and the result is that an identity operator is applied as described by applying an identity operator to our state. 180 00:25:35,860 --> 00:25:39,700 If, on the other hand, we do we translate Jill way around the system. 181 00:25:39,970 --> 00:25:45,130 You would think it came back to where? Well, it comes back to the same place, undoubtedly. 182 00:25:45,430 --> 00:25:49,450 And the little arrow comes back to the same orientation. 183 00:25:49,450 --> 00:25:54,310 And you think you were back in the same place. But quantum mechanics is telling us something. 184 00:25:54,580 --> 00:25:58,360 Well, it's really experimental. Physics tells us that it's not. How do we know? 185 00:25:58,420 --> 00:26:04,030 So that arrow I'm I'm having to describe the orientation of the spin of a particle using an arrow. 186 00:26:04,030 --> 00:26:14,169 And I've already said this is a hazardous enterprise, because because quantum mechanics in quantum mechanics particles are gyros, 187 00:26:14,170 --> 00:26:18,069 and they in some sense have a spin that point in a direction. But you do get into trouble. 188 00:26:18,070 --> 00:26:23,770 Is the Einstein Podolsky Rosen experiment shows if you take this idea of pointing in a direction too seriously. 189 00:26:23,770 --> 00:26:28,060 And here we have another example of the risks of taking too seriously the idea 190 00:26:28,330 --> 00:26:31,240 that you can describe the spin of a particle by pointing in a direction, 191 00:26:31,540 --> 00:26:38,589 because when it is gone all the way around the the state vector has changed sine in the event that 192 00:26:38,590 --> 00:26:46,390 this is a half integer and four and and the and the Stern Gerlach experiment and other experiments, 193 00:26:47,650 --> 00:26:53,530 zillions of experiments show that electrons and protons and so on do have half integer values. 194 00:26:53,770 --> 00:27:03,310 Their angular momentum comes in half integer amounts. So when you take when you when you take a real electron on one of these terms around the origin, 195 00:27:03,940 --> 00:27:07,180 its state is somehow different from the state it started from. 196 00:27:09,780 --> 00:27:16,860 It's difficult for us to understand that. But but that's what that's what the mathematics combined with the experimental physics tells us. 197 00:27:20,300 --> 00:27:39,730 Okay. So the next item on the agenda is, is the eigen functions of El Squared and El CID. 198 00:27:40,810 --> 00:27:42,760 So we already know what the eigenvalues are. 199 00:27:42,760 --> 00:27:51,340 What we now would like to know is what do the what do these states look like, these elm states look like in the position representation. 200 00:27:51,350 --> 00:27:52,840 So what we're trying to find. 201 00:27:53,170 --> 00:28:13,360 So what we want is our thetr phi l m we'd like to find expressions for we'd like wave functions which describe these things here and our strategy. 202 00:28:16,860 --> 00:28:19,020 Is basically that we're going to. 203 00:28:19,060 --> 00:28:31,260 So so the strategy is this the detail is rather is rather tedious, but the strategy is this we are going to apply l plus to l l and get nothing. 204 00:28:32,190 --> 00:28:36,120 We're going to express this abstract. So these l x plus. 205 00:28:36,120 --> 00:28:41,310 This is all right. I think we talked about this yesterday, but I want to see sun l x plus i l y. 206 00:28:41,910 --> 00:28:48,150 So this is the operator which will try and raise the m entry here to one larger. 207 00:28:48,600 --> 00:28:52,170 But that's not possible because it already is largest, largest value. So it'll kill it. 208 00:28:53,580 --> 00:28:56,850 So this is this is an operator equation. 209 00:28:57,090 --> 00:29:03,419 We will look at this operator equation in the position representation and then it will become a first order differential equation. 210 00:29:03,420 --> 00:29:06,570 We will solve it. It'll turn out to be dead simple to solve. 211 00:29:07,800 --> 00:29:13,590 So that will that will lead us to let me leave off the R because I'm not really interested enough at the moment. 212 00:29:13,590 --> 00:29:32,630 It will lead us to this l l and then we will be able to say that Theta Phi l l minus one is equal to a seat of Phi. 213 00:29:33,630 --> 00:29:46,290 So there's a horrible square root now l l plus one minus m m minus one times l minus two. 214 00:29:46,540 --> 00:29:51,060 Sorry, this needs to the minus one times l minus. 215 00:29:52,030 --> 00:30:01,979 Uh, so we will. 216 00:30:01,980 --> 00:30:06,360 Having obtained this by this wave function, 217 00:30:06,570 --> 00:30:12,590 we will apply l minus to it in the position representation that will give us essentially the next one down. 218 00:30:12,700 --> 00:30:13,620 Lower this by one. 219 00:30:13,620 --> 00:30:21,329 And by repeatedly doing this, we'll be able to generate all of the wave functions associated with a particular total incremental quantum number. 220 00:30:21,330 --> 00:30:25,049 L That's the strategy to carry this out. 221 00:30:25,050 --> 00:30:31,410 What we need is expressions. We need expressions in the position representation for these operators. 222 00:30:33,330 --> 00:30:39,910 So this. Let's start by writing down what else that is. 223 00:30:40,060 --> 00:30:50,920 What is L.Z.? It's one over a bar of s p y minus y x in the position representation. 224 00:30:51,190 --> 00:30:59,050 What is that? P y and the position representation is minus h, bar d by d y. 225 00:30:59,260 --> 00:31:07,630 So this becomes minus i x d by d y, minus y d by the x. 226 00:31:09,310 --> 00:31:16,260 Now, to find out what that is, we could just we would we would like to express everything in terms of three, 227 00:31:16,300 --> 00:31:19,959 four and five, because we know we know an element is to do with rotations. 228 00:31:19,960 --> 00:31:22,900 That's why we want to use these revised spherical polar coordinates. 229 00:31:25,840 --> 00:31:29,499 And we could just use the chain rule to turn this into derivatives in theatre or five, 230 00:31:29,500 --> 00:31:35,739 but it's much easier to go to use the chain rule not going from this to to D by DC to 231 00:31:35,740 --> 00:31:41,830 DVD five but to go to write to find out what is DVD PHI According to the chain rule, 232 00:31:42,250 --> 00:31:55,360 it's the X by defy D by the x plus d, y by Defy D by d, y plus d z by defy divide you z. 233 00:31:55,360 --> 00:32:03,040 Right. So that's just a chain rule from calculus. Now we put in what these X, Y, and Z are. 234 00:32:03,040 --> 00:32:19,240 We know that x in polar coordinates is r sine theta cos phi we know that y is our sine theta sine phi and we know that Z is of course theta. 235 00:32:19,960 --> 00:32:24,520 So this implies that. So take a derivative of this. 236 00:32:25,660 --> 00:32:34,180 With respect to Phi we have the de x by de phi is going to be minus r sine theta 237 00:32:34,180 --> 00:32:42,550 sine phi which is the same as minus y minus is going to be simply minus y. 238 00:32:43,660 --> 00:32:57,370 We have that similarly d y by 85 that becomes a cosine and therefore this becomes x and we have the desired by defy is nothing at all. 239 00:32:58,810 --> 00:33:11,709 So we take these results and stuff them back in here and that tells me that divided phi is equal to that's a y sorry. 240 00:33:11,710 --> 00:33:19,030 That's a minus y. So let's write down minus y d by the x plus x divided y. 241 00:33:19,060 --> 00:33:25,150 What is the relationship to what we have up there? That is okay. 242 00:33:25,420 --> 00:33:34,870 So this is precisely what's in that bracket for L.Z. So this implies that L.Z. is minus I d by define. 243 00:33:37,150 --> 00:33:45,940 Of course, this is no surprise because L.Z. is the thing that rotates you around the Z axis and everybody 244 00:33:45,940 --> 00:33:52,030 knows that the spherical polar coordinate is defined as the angle around the z-axis. 245 00:33:52,450 --> 00:33:57,730 So it's kind of obvious that this has got to be the case, but it's nice to see that the chain rule delivers the goods. 246 00:33:58,870 --> 00:34:02,529 Now, the next bit is distinctly more tiresome. 247 00:34:02,530 --> 00:34:13,330 What we now have to do is what we want to do is, as I said, is express L plus an L minus X plus l, you know, plus I l y. 248 00:34:13,720 --> 00:34:19,000 In terms of DVD features and DVD phys, you could go with this just by brute force, 249 00:34:20,320 --> 00:34:24,639 but the algebra would be heavy, so the result would be that wonderful. 250 00:34:24,640 --> 00:34:30,010 Now here is I think this is the way to do it, right? 251 00:34:30,010 --> 00:34:33,550 So let's just calculate what DVD theatre is using the chain rule. 252 00:34:41,170 --> 00:34:53,649 It's obviously the x body theatre DBA X plus d y by d theatre d d y plus d z by d c to debate. 253 00:34:53,650 --> 00:34:56,890 Is that okay? We have expressions up there. 254 00:34:57,280 --> 00:35:05,770 So the X Body Theatre is going to produce this in our costs, theatre, cost fi, etc. this is going to produce this an r cost theatre. 255 00:35:07,030 --> 00:35:15,610 Sine fi. So I got a common factor of our cost to open a bracket and then we will be able to write down sine. 256 00:35:17,680 --> 00:35:22,690 Sorry. Cos fi d by the x. 257 00:35:26,380 --> 00:35:35,050 Cost plus cost fi. Sorry, plus sign five dvt y. 258 00:35:37,090 --> 00:35:48,700 And then finally we have d z by d thingy, which is going to be minus R because we are differentiating cosine theta d by d z. 259 00:35:55,570 --> 00:35:59,110 Now let's take our expression. Full court. 260 00:35:59,170 --> 00:36:03,660 Sorry. Four D by defy and multiply it by court theatre. 261 00:36:04,090 --> 00:36:09,340 So we're going to write down Court Theatre Deep 85 just for the fun of it. 262 00:36:11,440 --> 00:36:14,860 So. Right. So. 263 00:36:18,070 --> 00:36:23,049 This has to be we're going to be doing it. We're going to replace well, let's take this one first. 264 00:36:23,050 --> 00:36:35,410 It's going to be oh that is all sine theta cos phi when we multiply it by cost which is cause it was sine the, the sine is going to go into a cause, 265 00:36:35,950 --> 00:36:50,260 so this is going to be o cause theta brackets sine phi excuse me cos phi dy by d y so this, 266 00:36:50,980 --> 00:36:59,140 this is this here is our sine theta cos phi which is x times calls over sine which is not. 267 00:37:03,440 --> 00:37:11,299 And then that why is going to be our sine theta sine phi and the Scott multiplication 268 00:37:11,300 --> 00:37:17,090 will turn the sine teacher into a cost that I take out and we will have a sign phi here. 269 00:37:17,690 --> 00:37:23,780 TBD, TBD. How much X? That's it. 270 00:37:24,080 --> 00:37:32,870 Right. So what we now do is just again, for the fun of it, we take DVD theatre and add on it times this. 271 00:37:33,320 --> 00:37:40,790 So we look at DVD theatre plus eight times court theatre, DVD Phi. 272 00:37:43,640 --> 00:37:48,860 What happens then? We have our cost theatre as common as common factors. 273 00:37:54,200 --> 00:38:04,880 Oops. Quick. I should have. 274 00:38:05,360 --> 00:38:09,260 Yeah. Excuse me. Yes, that's right. That's fine. I'm looking at the wrong coefficients. 275 00:38:09,470 --> 00:38:12,770 So what am I going to be doing? I'm going to be adding this and this. 276 00:38:13,670 --> 00:38:16,880 So we're going to add eight times this to that. 277 00:38:16,890 --> 00:38:21,200 So with a common factor of X, we're going to have cost Phi minus. 278 00:38:21,200 --> 00:38:30,079 I signed Phi, which is well known to be written as E to the minus I fi that's how much of db x we're going 279 00:38:30,080 --> 00:38:45,050 to have and then we're going to have sine fi plus ICOs Phi and that is going to be plus, 280 00:38:45,470 --> 00:38:50,910 uh, high times each of the minus sci fi debate. 281 00:38:51,050 --> 00:38:54,410 You y we haven't quite finished have we. 282 00:39:02,580 --> 00:39:07,590 All right. So if you expand this out, it's going to give you an AI cost fi, which we want. 283 00:39:08,580 --> 00:39:15,810 That's this one here times I and it will contain a minus I sign five times an I which makes it a plus, 284 00:39:16,050 --> 00:39:23,730 just plain sign five, which is what we want there. Then finally we've got this in the back, so we will from here. 285 00:39:23,970 --> 00:39:30,170 So we have minus sign three to debate. 286 00:39:30,180 --> 00:39:34,280 You said. Yeah. 287 00:39:38,000 --> 00:39:43,720 So supposing we. Oh, and this thing could be written. 288 00:39:43,730 --> 00:39:48,710 Our sine theta is this. 289 00:39:54,410 --> 00:40:05,600 No, no, no, no. Leave it alone. So what we do now is we multiply this by each of the five, so we have each of the if I brackets divided feature. 290 00:40:06,200 --> 00:40:13,970 Plus I cut thetr d by 85, which will turn out to be our bottom line is equal to the. 291 00:40:14,180 --> 00:40:19,640 This this is going to be cancelled because I'm multiplying through by each of the I fi this will be cancelled. 292 00:40:20,090 --> 00:40:32,060 So we will have our costs theta brackets d by the x plus i d by d y, 293 00:40:32,600 --> 00:40:46,820 and then we will have minus o oh sine theta times e to the i phi which I choose now to write is cost phi plus I 294 00:40:48,350 --> 00:41:02,060 signed Phi and now our sine theta cos phi is x and this in the back is going to be y our sine theta sine phi. 295 00:41:02,360 --> 00:41:14,450 So we'll be able to write the right hand side as our cost theta d by the x plus i d b d y minus. 296 00:41:15,920 --> 00:41:25,579 So this is going to be x plus i y. Excuse me, this was times dpd z two which was where did that get lost. 297 00:41:25,580 --> 00:41:28,940 It was minus R sine theta D by de z. Yes. 298 00:41:28,940 --> 00:41:33,680 It just got lost in this line. In this line. Okay. 299 00:41:33,770 --> 00:41:38,780 Phew. So I want to now establish that that is actually l plus. 300 00:41:38,930 --> 00:41:52,850 So in order to do this, I write down so what is l plus l plus is l x plus i l y don't need those brackets, which is one upon h bar. 301 00:41:55,100 --> 00:42:13,400 Okay, once x it's y, p, z minus z, p y plus i times l y is z, p x minus x, p z. 302 00:42:16,640 --> 00:42:22,260 So now I want to turn this into x's. So this will be, uh. 303 00:42:23,160 --> 00:42:28,130 So this is minus i h bar bag, he said. 304 00:42:28,370 --> 00:42:31,519 So we're going to have know. It's just the sorry. 305 00:42:31,520 --> 00:42:35,480 Before we do that, let's gather things together because we've got a p z and a p z. 306 00:42:35,840 --> 00:42:41,330 So let's just for the moment, right. This is one over h bar we're going to have. 307 00:42:46,330 --> 00:42:59,110 We're going to have a common factor of Z. We're going to have a i z, p x plus i, p y. 308 00:42:59,110 --> 00:43:03,820 I think, right, this I and that's how I make the minus sign that we have there. 309 00:43:04,090 --> 00:43:08,410 Z is the common factor. All right. 310 00:43:08,680 --> 00:43:12,069 And then what about the Z factors? The P Z factors? 311 00:43:12,070 --> 00:43:19,960 Well, we have we have a plus Y minus I, x, p, z. 312 00:43:22,300 --> 00:43:27,550 Now we replace the P's by minus H, by D, by D, x, etcetera. 313 00:43:28,750 --> 00:43:37,150 So you will get a minus H because we're going to go through out from here, we'll have a minus I times and I which will give us a plus. 314 00:43:37,450 --> 00:43:42,519 So we'll have a z d by the X here. 315 00:43:42,520 --> 00:43:46,630 We will have, we have two A's making a minus sign. 316 00:43:47,170 --> 00:43:50,290 We have another minus sign coming in from the minus II. 317 00:43:51,130 --> 00:44:00,860 So we end up with a minus i d by d y and the of by the sign there choice mean minus nine. 318 00:44:01,840 --> 00:44:06,160 Now the two, the two made a minus and I soaked up. Sorry, these two i's made a minus. 319 00:44:06,520 --> 00:44:12,670 I brought in another minus from minus h body by D the minus is cancelled, leaving me only with the I. 320 00:44:14,620 --> 00:44:20,890 And this is going to bring in a minus I. 321 00:44:21,370 --> 00:44:32,439 A minus I. Well, so we have a few propagate this minus sign side here. 322 00:44:32,440 --> 00:44:43,450 We get a minus sign there. So we get a minus x and this is going to be plus i y because there's a minus I here and 323 00:44:43,450 --> 00:44:52,210 there's the minus sign and here's the I by Z and that I hope agrees with what we have written. 324 00:44:52,330 --> 00:44:55,990 It does because all costs theta is also known as Z. 325 00:44:56,170 --> 00:45:02,110 So we have said X plus I did y and here we have a minus x, plus y, y, z. 326 00:45:02,290 --> 00:45:12,550 So we have established a very important result, but l plus in the position representation is the differential operator in each of the EFI 327 00:45:13,840 --> 00:45:25,450 brackets deep ADC to its pluses and it plus i cotangent vector d by fi close brackets. 328 00:45:28,900 --> 00:45:32,680 There is an analogous calculation which I'm not going to do, 329 00:45:32,830 --> 00:45:49,120 which tells us that L minus is equal to minus E to the minus sci fi d by dc to is it minus yeah it is minus i v to deep 85. 330 00:45:50,920 --> 00:45:56,530 And if you try and do the two calculations together with plus and minus signs, good luck to you. 331 00:45:57,970 --> 00:46:02,530 It's fantastically confusing, right? So. So at least I got one of them. 332 00:46:02,530 --> 00:46:06,969 Right. So those will be us. Well, we let, let us know. 333 00:46:06,970 --> 00:46:14,379 Well, now let's leave it at that that those are going to be our starting points for tomorrow, 334 00:46:14,380 --> 00:46:17,980 deriving the eigen functions of these very important operations.