1 00:00:03,090 --> 00:00:09,990 So I think where we finished on Friday was not quite at the end of the logic of ending angular momentum. 2 00:00:10,950 --> 00:00:19,080 Remember, we had these two gyros in a box, the total, the rate at which one span was J1, the rate at which the other was spinning was J2. 3 00:00:19,740 --> 00:00:24,059 And we were trying to understand what the States of the Box were, 4 00:00:24,060 --> 00:00:30,120 which had well-defined angular momentum and what predictions we would get for if we opened the box and measured the individual gyros. 5 00:00:31,610 --> 00:00:43,040 And we had shown that what you would expect on physical grounds was the case that the if you orient the first gyro with the z-axis in the second row, 6 00:00:43,040 --> 00:00:48,439 both with the Z-axis also then the two angular momentum would add because that was if 7 00:00:48,440 --> 00:00:52,429 they were parallel to each other and we would get a state with total angular momentum, 8 00:00:52,430 --> 00:00:55,880 j one plus J two and apparently all of it down the Z axis. 9 00:00:57,090 --> 00:01:03,479 And then we used the J minus operator, the reorientation operator, 10 00:01:03,480 --> 00:01:13,110 j minus to create this state in which we still had the same large amount of angular momentum because the two gyros are parallel to each other. 11 00:01:15,450 --> 00:01:18,929 And but we didn't have it all parallel to the Z axis. 12 00:01:18,930 --> 00:01:28,469 And the algebra led us to this expression here that this state is a linear combination of the state in which the first gyro is offset from the Z axis. 13 00:01:28,470 --> 00:01:35,220 For the second gyro is on the axis and the state in which the first zero is on axis and the second is offset from axis. 14 00:01:36,270 --> 00:01:40,740 And I was just saying, is the lecture closed? 15 00:01:41,010 --> 00:01:50,129 How to get this object here? This object here has to be a linear combination of the same two states. 16 00:01:50,130 --> 00:01:53,310 So this is the state of the box. This is a state of the box. 17 00:01:53,550 --> 00:01:58,020 Neither of these states of the box is a state of well-defined, angular momentum of the box. 18 00:01:58,380 --> 00:02:05,760 This linear combination is and there's another linear combination of these two, which is a state of well-defined, angular momentum. 19 00:02:06,780 --> 00:02:12,210 It's that's this state which has less total angle momentum of the box. 20 00:02:12,510 --> 00:02:16,500 And it has this this state that we're looking for has to be orthogonal to that. 21 00:02:16,770 --> 00:02:20,339 And one one good way of raising it is to say that. 22 00:02:20,340 --> 00:02:23,500 J Minus one. J Minus one. 23 00:02:23,520 --> 00:02:27,840 So this is the state in which the gyros are not parallel to each other. 24 00:02:28,230 --> 00:02:32,910 Quite, but all of the angular momentum available, given that they're not parallel, 25 00:02:33,150 --> 00:02:37,139 is along the Z axis, that this is the linear combination orthogonal, 26 00:02:37,140 --> 00:02:58,500 which you could write is j two over j of j1j1 minus one j2j2 minus root j one over j of j1j1j to j two minus one. 27 00:03:01,040 --> 00:03:05,060 So. So. 28 00:03:05,630 --> 00:03:11,450 So here we have this slightly strange thing we have that the state in which so so 29 00:03:11,450 --> 00:03:15,169 so this is a state in which the two genres are not quite parallel to each other, 30 00:03:15,170 --> 00:03:18,950 which is why the total Anglicanism of the box is less than maximum. 31 00:03:19,430 --> 00:03:21,500 Here they are, parallel to each other. 32 00:03:21,680 --> 00:03:28,280 And yet when you look in here, it turns out it looks as if they're not, because one of them's aligned with the z-axis and the other isn't. 33 00:03:28,580 --> 00:03:35,300 And here we have a linear combination of the same two states of the contents of the box, 34 00:03:35,630 --> 00:03:42,140 but with a different coefficients out front and a and a crucially a minus sign here. 35 00:03:42,410 --> 00:03:46,460 And that has the physical interpretation of the two gyros not being parallel to each other. 36 00:03:48,500 --> 00:03:52,880 So let's let's try and clarify this strange situation. 37 00:03:54,050 --> 00:03:59,210 Well, get used to it, I suppose, is the state of affairs by doing a concrete example. 38 00:04:00,440 --> 00:04:10,670 What does it look like in the very important case that we say j one is one and J two is a half. 39 00:04:11,360 --> 00:04:21,710 That means obviously that J The maximum angular momentum we can get is three halves, and we're going to have a diagram now that looks like this. 40 00:04:21,740 --> 00:04:26,240 So that was in general. Now we're going to be looking more we can say more concretely what we're going to have. 41 00:04:26,510 --> 00:04:34,220 We're going to have three halves, three halves at the top here, which is going to be the same as one. 42 00:04:34,850 --> 00:04:38,270 Well, we can just say one and plus. 43 00:04:39,470 --> 00:04:42,950 So so you're missing a shorthand notion here. 44 00:04:43,100 --> 00:04:56,060 Shorthand notation here. Right. So I've got that j1m is now going to be objects like one nothing and minus one. 45 00:04:56,270 --> 00:05:01,999 Right? Because there's no need to write this down. I'm writing down the values, the possible values for M and this one name is nothing. 46 00:05:02,000 --> 00:05:08,210 M is minus one and J to M can be because j two is a half. 47 00:05:08,480 --> 00:05:15,799 I can write this is plus and minus where I'm writing down the values of M in the sense of plus a half and minus a half. 48 00:05:15,800 --> 00:05:20,690 Right? That's a shorthand notation that makes life easier. So this is just that. 49 00:05:20,690 --> 00:05:25,520 This is just a different notation for that state, a more compact notation for that state. 50 00:05:25,760 --> 00:05:31,820 If we would come down here, what would we have? We would have three halves, one half. 51 00:05:33,740 --> 00:05:38,450 Right. That's because J is three halves. And what would it be? 52 00:05:38,900 --> 00:05:45,830 It would be the square root of one over two. 53 00:05:46,430 --> 00:05:52,490 Sorry, not at all true. It would be j one which is one over J which is three halves. 54 00:05:54,770 --> 00:05:59,360 Oops. I'm in danger of running out of space. Let's just shaves that shave it off. 55 00:05:59,780 --> 00:06:06,650 It'll be one over three halves. Times a times nothing. 56 00:06:08,180 --> 00:06:21,050 Plus plus. And now I want this state, which is going to be a half over three halves, the square root of a half over three halves of one and minus. 57 00:06:21,920 --> 00:06:29,840 So what does that let's just clean that up a little bit. That's equal to two thirds of nothing. 58 00:06:30,380 --> 00:06:34,250 Plus plus, this is going to be one third. 59 00:06:34,300 --> 00:06:45,129 One third. Of one minus note is a nice thing about this is that the state, the linear combination of these states, 60 00:06:45,130 --> 00:06:52,990 of what's in the box that we generate comes out beautifully normalised to this thing squared plus this thing squared two 61 00:06:52,990 --> 00:06:59,860 thirds plus a third comes to one comes out normalised automatically and that provides a nice check on your algebra. 62 00:06:59,950 --> 00:07:04,450 So it's good to check that it does. It is probably normalised because if it isn't, the algebra is going wrong somewhere. 63 00:07:04,930 --> 00:07:16,690 We now have a physical a physical prediction if you look at this state here and what we might be talking about now that that j one equals one, 64 00:07:16,690 --> 00:07:23,320 that might be the orbital an element of an electron in that jake was that J two equals a half might be the spin angle mentioned the electron. 65 00:07:23,590 --> 00:07:28,540 So we might be talking about the total and dimension of the electron due to both its spin and its orbital motion. 66 00:07:29,380 --> 00:07:39,760 And if you would look inside the box, if you would examine the, the, the atom, the electron in detail when it was in this state, 67 00:07:40,060 --> 00:07:44,020 you would find that there was a probability of this thing squared a two thirds, 68 00:07:44,420 --> 00:07:50,050 that the orbital angular momentum in the Z direction would be nothing and the spin would be along the Z direction, 69 00:07:50,380 --> 00:07:58,060 and there would be probability of one third that the orbital an element and would be all parallel to the z axis parallels this x as it can be, 70 00:07:58,330 --> 00:08:01,480 and the spin and the electron spin be pointing downwards. All right. 71 00:08:02,110 --> 00:08:04,540 So that's the physical interpretation of this. 72 00:08:04,960 --> 00:08:19,660 So we have the P spin up equals two thirds and p spin down in this particular state is equal to one third. 73 00:08:20,650 --> 00:08:24,879 That's the physical meaning of these numbers here, if we would. 74 00:08:24,880 --> 00:08:28,750 Okay. So now let's ask, what's this state here? 75 00:08:28,750 --> 00:08:31,330 We would like to there are some more states to find. 76 00:08:31,660 --> 00:08:41,620 This is the state in which the we have a half less or we have one unit less of angular momentum than we have on the outer circle. 77 00:08:41,950 --> 00:08:46,360 So this is the state, a half a half of the box. 78 00:08:47,620 --> 00:08:54,879 It's going to be a linear combination of these two things, and it's going to be the linear combination, 79 00:08:54,880 --> 00:09:03,940 which is orthogonal to these two things because it's an I can catch of the total angular momentum squared operator for the box which it's an I can 80 00:09:03,940 --> 00:09:11,470 catch of that which has eigenvalue different from this that must be orthogonal to this by the orthogonal C of the I in case of commission operators. 81 00:09:12,550 --> 00:09:28,150 And what is it going to be? It's going to be root one third of this nothing plus minus one third root what root? 82 00:09:28,150 --> 00:09:33,380 Two thirds. Of one minus. 83 00:09:34,520 --> 00:09:44,120 So now. So in this state, the odds when you look in the box of what you find a changed this in this state which 84 00:09:44,120 --> 00:09:48,110 has less angular momentum in total the probabilities of probability of spin up. 85 00:09:49,940 --> 00:09:55,520 Is this is this thing squared a third and the probability of spin down. 86 00:09:58,540 --> 00:10:04,240 It's two thirds. That's the physical implication of this. 87 00:10:04,990 --> 00:10:12,640 It's an interesting exercise to apply the J minus operator here to generate this. 88 00:10:12,790 --> 00:10:18,339 So if we if we take this state and apply the J minus operator to it, on the left side, 89 00:10:18,340 --> 00:10:21,760 we're going to get three halves, minus half, which is the state here. 90 00:10:23,650 --> 00:10:27,910 I mean, that's let's just have a new diagram because we're running out of space. 91 00:10:27,910 --> 00:10:35,430 The. So here we have three halves, three halves minus a half, 92 00:10:37,410 --> 00:10:46,110 and it's going to be obtained by using the J minus operators on the left and the right of that equation. 93 00:10:47,250 --> 00:10:53,610 And it's I recommend that you do this. I just write down what the answer is for the moment. 94 00:11:00,830 --> 00:11:04,459 It's going to be one of the obvious one. Over. Over one. 95 00:11:04,460 --> 00:11:07,460 Over three of minus. One of minus. 96 00:11:09,010 --> 00:11:25,340 Minus one. Sorry. Plus +23 square root of nothing minus that should be this because there should be symmetry between between the plus. 97 00:11:26,120 --> 00:11:29,750 This state down here physically. That's right in this right in here. 98 00:11:29,930 --> 00:11:35,629 This state here physically it's evident that this has to be this is obviously minus three. 99 00:11:35,630 --> 00:11:40,610 This is three halves and all of it. And parallel to the axis, three halves, minus three halves. 100 00:11:40,940 --> 00:11:46,069 And physically, it has to be that both of them are pointing down. 101 00:11:46,070 --> 00:11:56,150 Right. So it has to be minus one, minus orbital and lumentum down spin down, which is obviously the sort of negative of what we put at the top there. 102 00:11:57,830 --> 00:12:02,149 This thing similarly has to be physically. 103 00:12:02,150 --> 00:12:13,880 It should be that you can get this thing by changing one, two minus one above minus two plus nought and stays alone and plus two minus. 104 00:12:14,240 --> 00:12:21,380 And indeed it does. Right. So it's it's an exercise that I recommend that you check that when you use J minus to go from here, 105 00:12:21,590 --> 00:12:27,500 you do indeed arrive here, which is where you expect to arrive by the the symmetry between plus and minus. 106 00:12:29,660 --> 00:12:34,850 And. And you do? So. 107 00:12:36,380 --> 00:12:39,980 So what are we? So what's happening here physically? 108 00:12:40,700 --> 00:12:43,400 Let's see if we can. We can form some kind of physical picture. 109 00:12:45,980 --> 00:12:55,640 We can only do this to a limited extent because of the big role that quantum uncertainty plays with small with small spins. 110 00:12:55,880 --> 00:12:58,940 But the physical idea here is that. 111 00:13:01,070 --> 00:13:04,970 So let's take this three halves, a half state. 112 00:13:06,380 --> 00:13:16,430 What do we have? We have some angular momentum vector, which is in some sense three halves long and it's only got a half of it in the Z direction. 113 00:13:17,480 --> 00:13:27,860 And that is some superposition of the angular momentum being the orbital angle momentum being more or less in the. 114 00:13:30,340 --> 00:13:36,880 X Y plane and the spin carrying you up. 115 00:13:37,240 --> 00:13:40,660 So you add this vector to this vector. You get this vector. 116 00:13:40,840 --> 00:13:45,250 That's sort of what the first that sort of what the first term up the root. 117 00:13:45,610 --> 00:13:50,259 Two thirds of nought plus symbolically indicates. 118 00:13:50,260 --> 00:14:00,630 Spiritually indicates. We then also have another linear combination, which is which is a one over root, three of one minus. 119 00:14:00,670 --> 00:14:04,480 And how do we understand that? Well, we have to draw a diagram, something. 120 00:14:06,190 --> 00:14:19,959 Something like this. So we're now combining the orbital angular momentum, which is sort of vaguely along the Z axis. 121 00:14:19,960 --> 00:14:27,100 Remember, I stress that when you're dealing with small spin systems, you can never get the angular momentum exactly parallel. 122 00:14:27,100 --> 00:14:33,820 And Z-axis is always a significant amount in the x y plane. Right? So this is this is the direction of Z, this is the x y plane. 123 00:14:35,530 --> 00:14:40,479 So this vector shouldn't be going straight up and I shouldn't have drawn this vector going straight up really either. 124 00:14:40,480 --> 00:14:47,170 That should have been at some funny angle. In fact, let's improve the quality of the diagram a bit by making it not go straight up. 125 00:14:47,170 --> 00:14:56,739 Let's make it go like that. And then I've got minus pointing down. 126 00:14:56,740 --> 00:15:02,139 But again, it's not pointing straight down because there's always I stressed with spin a half. 127 00:15:02,140 --> 00:15:08,320 There is there are you know, there's this much angular momentum parallel to each axis at all times. 128 00:15:10,730 --> 00:15:16,970 So so these this is the sort of diagrammatic representation of that expression up there. 129 00:15:17,210 --> 00:15:23,270 And how do you think about this? How a possible way of thinking about this physically is to say to yourself, well. 130 00:15:26,190 --> 00:15:36,040 I'm. The the angular momentum of the the orbital and the spin and the momenta are interacting with each other. 131 00:15:37,330 --> 00:15:44,590 And as a result of it processing around this in this fixed vector, this is the total incrementing of the box, 132 00:15:44,590 --> 00:15:47,740 which by cons of conservation of activities must be a fixed thing. 133 00:15:48,160 --> 00:15:59,410 So you can imagine that these two vectors of processing around this vector here and here we see two snapshots of possible configurations, right? 134 00:15:59,410 --> 00:16:06,010 So if you imagine this thing moving around like that, now we see this, sometime later we see this and then it'll process back to that. 135 00:16:06,490 --> 00:16:13,360 Now that is not really, strictly speaking, a legitimate proceeding because in doing all this stuff, 136 00:16:13,360 --> 00:16:18,610 we never said anything what the Hamiltonian was, we never said anything about that. 137 00:16:19,690 --> 00:16:24,519 We just had these two gyros in a box and they weren't physically interacting in any way. 138 00:16:24,520 --> 00:16:28,810 Consequently, they have no means mechanically for exchanging angular momentum. 139 00:16:28,990 --> 00:16:32,230 And yet, when the box is in a state of well-defined angular momentum, 140 00:16:32,470 --> 00:16:39,970 we have these results up here and we have this state of the box is a superposition of these states, of the contents of the box. 141 00:16:40,330 --> 00:16:46,870 So beware of this picture. But there is a certain amount of there's a certain amount of intuitive satisfaction in this picture. 142 00:16:47,110 --> 00:16:51,909 And it does at least give you a physical understanding of why it is the state of well-defined, 143 00:16:51,910 --> 00:16:58,450 angular momentum for the box is not a state of well-defined, angular momentum of the contents of the box. 144 00:17:00,010 --> 00:17:02,080 Because already classically that would be the case. 145 00:17:03,820 --> 00:17:13,080 And what's happened is by insisting that the box has a well-defined, angular momentum we have, we have forced the particles to be correlated, 146 00:17:13,090 --> 00:17:23,050 because if the angular momentum of the orbital angular momentum or the first gyro is doing this in order that the total angular momentum is this, 147 00:17:23,260 --> 00:17:27,610 the other thing has to do that. So we have forced a correlation between the two. 148 00:17:27,790 --> 00:17:31,240 The two gyros are between the spin and the orbital angular momentum. 149 00:17:32,170 --> 00:17:36,340 And that correlation is reflected in the entanglement of these of these particles 150 00:17:36,340 --> 00:17:40,660 in the sense that we we discussed when we talked about composite systems. 151 00:17:43,570 --> 00:17:51,639 Okay. And in real physical circumstances, like an electron, if we do have an orbital angular momentum and spin angular momentum, 152 00:17:51,640 --> 00:17:55,480 then there is a physical coupling between the two provided by the electromagnetic field, 153 00:17:55,750 --> 00:17:58,690 and it is then legitimate to think about these things as processing around. 154 00:17:58,930 --> 00:18:03,520 The other thing that I should probably say is that this diagram doesn't really work. 155 00:18:03,520 --> 00:18:07,480 You won't if you if you try and make this diagram work with proper lengths, you know, 156 00:18:07,810 --> 00:18:11,410 you get you give a proper length to this and that and this thing should equal this thing. 157 00:18:11,410 --> 00:18:14,620 And this thing should equals this thing. You won't be able to make it happen. Right. 158 00:18:14,920 --> 00:18:21,309 And the reason you won't be able to make it happen is because this is showing something in only two dimensions. 159 00:18:21,310 --> 00:18:25,270 And what's really happening is in three dimensions. So you've got to imagine. 160 00:18:26,590 --> 00:18:31,870 So we don't know anything about what's happening in the X Y plane. Those those were the those were the terms. 161 00:18:31,870 --> 00:18:39,639 That was the deal we did. We said we were going to have eigen functions of L squared or J squared and Jay 162 00:18:39,640 --> 00:18:44,680 Z and having chosen to know something about what Jay Z is up to is is doing, 163 00:18:45,010 --> 00:18:51,730 we've given up on we've surrendered knowledge of what j, x and j we're doing. 164 00:18:52,240 --> 00:18:57,010 So what's happening in the plane? Perpendicular. This is the x y plane, right? 165 00:18:57,010 --> 00:19:03,219 It's not just it's not X and it's not Y. It's just things happening in that plane means that you can't really draw. 166 00:19:03,220 --> 00:19:08,470 This is a two dimensional diagram. So that's why you can't make it work victoriously. 167 00:19:12,110 --> 00:19:23,870 Well I think we on that we should leave the edition of England Centre and turn to our final topic, very important one which is hydrogen. 168 00:19:25,490 --> 00:19:31,550 So obviously atoms are terribly important. We're made of them. That's most of what we see here and elsewhere. 169 00:19:32,420 --> 00:19:36,139 And they're also played a crucial role in the development of quantum mechanics. 170 00:19:36,140 --> 00:19:39,920 Quantum mechanics was developed in order to build models of atoms. 171 00:19:41,480 --> 00:19:48,530 It is amazing that this enterprise was successful because even simple atoms, like an oxygen atom, 172 00:19:48,800 --> 00:19:54,020 is substantially more is a substantially less friendly dynamical system than, 173 00:19:54,020 --> 00:20:02,990 say, the solar system, because it contains an oxygen atom, contains eight electrons and the nucleus. 174 00:20:03,620 --> 00:20:07,370 So it's sort of the same order of the number of particles as the solar system, 175 00:20:07,700 --> 00:20:11,600 but it is much more horrible dynamical problem than the solar system because the 176 00:20:11,810 --> 00:20:15,610 electrons attract each other much more strongly than the planets attract each other. 177 00:20:15,620 --> 00:20:18,920 So the approximation, which is fundamental to understanding the solar system, 178 00:20:19,340 --> 00:20:26,749 that's the way that the planets move around in the in the gravitational potential of the sun. 179 00:20:26,750 --> 00:20:33,860 And we can neglect the gravitational potential of the other planets while we do that and make ourselves a model and then add in as a perturbation, 180 00:20:34,220 --> 00:20:39,140 the the action of Jupiter, the forces between the planets are not negligible. 181 00:20:39,140 --> 00:20:45,440 They play a crucial role in structure in the solar system, but you add them in later and they are a very small approximation relative, 182 00:20:46,280 --> 00:20:51,560 very small matter relative to the electric attractions of the electrons which are really, truly large. 183 00:20:51,860 --> 00:20:58,970 Another problem about the oxygen atom is that the particles are moving with speeds, 184 00:20:59,060 --> 00:21:05,710 speed V, which is on the order of where it's on the order of eight over 137. 185 00:21:06,620 --> 00:21:11,660 So several percent of the speed of light, you're talking about a system which is mildly relativistic. 186 00:21:11,870 --> 00:21:16,159 The the contribution of relativity to motion in the solar system is very much smaller. 187 00:21:16,160 --> 00:21:23,480 We're moving at 30 kilometres a second, which is less than a thousandth of the speed of light. 188 00:21:24,470 --> 00:21:26,600 So relativistic corrections are much more important. 189 00:21:26,960 --> 00:21:36,570 Another very serious problem is that these particles which are moving around in an oxygen atom are all magnetised gyroscopes, right? 190 00:21:36,590 --> 00:21:42,770 They all have spin. Significant amount of spin because the earth has spin, but it spins very small. 191 00:21:42,770 --> 00:21:46,010 Is enormously small compared to the orbital angle momentum. 192 00:21:46,490 --> 00:21:48,260 And the earth isn't. And the earth is magnetised. 193 00:21:48,260 --> 00:21:57,470 But the magnetic couplings between between the sun and planets and between planets and planets are completely derisory and negligible. 194 00:21:57,860 --> 00:22:06,530 And yet it took it took physicists well to get together to get a pretty good 195 00:22:06,530 --> 00:22:10,939 understanding of the solar system was the work of the whole 18th and 19th centuries. 196 00:22:10,940 --> 00:22:16,190 It was the work of Bessel. The classical structure of the solar system was pretty much under control. 197 00:22:16,520 --> 00:22:20,270 But when Carey, who, who lived at the beginning of the 20th century, 198 00:22:20,870 --> 00:22:27,529 pointed out there was still there was still an enormous gap and problem about the long the long term life 199 00:22:27,530 --> 00:22:32,510 of the solar system and the long term life of the solar system is still an active topic of discussion, 200 00:22:32,720 --> 00:22:39,110 and it turns out to be a very interesting and finely balanced problem. 201 00:22:39,320 --> 00:22:45,059 So. So even though an oxygen atom is very much more complicated and unfriendly at the nominal system, 202 00:22:45,060 --> 00:22:48,650 in the solar system, actually, it's very much better under control. 203 00:22:48,830 --> 00:22:56,330 Quantum mechanics enables you to bring it under very much better control than even today we have brought the solar system. 204 00:22:56,780 --> 00:23:01,459 So it's it's an interesting point that these systems are in quantum mechanics, 205 00:23:01,460 --> 00:23:06,980 actually rather easier to do than the corresponding classical system, but are nonetheless very complicated. 206 00:23:06,980 --> 00:23:12,110 And we have to proceed by stages. And what we're going to do is study well. 207 00:23:12,110 --> 00:23:18,080 Hydrogen, of course, is very important. It's nice that it's a it's a tremendously important atom. 208 00:23:18,380 --> 00:23:22,040 But we're also going to use it as a building block for understanding atoms in general. 209 00:23:22,520 --> 00:23:27,020 So we're going to talk about so what are we going to do? We're going to talk about the growth structure. 210 00:23:27,230 --> 00:23:35,060 What's the growth structure? What's. Of hydrogen. 211 00:23:36,590 --> 00:23:41,390 Oops. Hydrogen like iron. 212 00:23:42,350 --> 00:23:46,850 So what do I mean by this growth structure? 213 00:23:46,970 --> 00:23:52,250 This means that we are going to. We're going to have no relativity. 214 00:23:56,510 --> 00:24:00,919 No spin intimately related to relativity. 215 00:24:00,920 --> 00:24:07,360 In fact, we're going to have oh yeah. 216 00:24:07,370 --> 00:24:11,710 So we're going to be left with points, spineless particles which interact electrostatic. 217 00:24:12,440 --> 00:24:19,430 Right. In non-res specific mechanics. 218 00:24:20,210 --> 00:24:24,110 And over here, what are we going to do? We're going to say that. 219 00:24:26,600 --> 00:24:35,750 That the the nucleus, the charge on the nucleus is going to be Z times the electron charge. 220 00:24:37,220 --> 00:24:45,560 So we're putting in here a number which is which in hydrogen will be one by which we can make larger in 221 00:24:45,560 --> 00:24:52,610 order that we can discuss the motion of electrons around oxygen nuclei or other nuclei as a building block. 222 00:24:56,410 --> 00:24:59,530 No spin. Oh yeah. Electrostatic is always no magnetism. 223 00:25:04,240 --> 00:25:09,370 And these the key thing really is we're leaving out relativity because magnetism is relativistic correction 224 00:25:09,370 --> 00:25:15,580 to electric statics and spin arises naturally when you think about electrons in the context of relativity, 225 00:25:16,150 --> 00:25:23,050 as I hope you'll appreciate next year. So we're leaving out the facts, which are actually quite important. 226 00:25:23,890 --> 00:25:28,210 But, you know, one has to proceed in steps. So now what we're going to do, 227 00:25:28,240 --> 00:25:32,770 what we're obviously trying to do is we're trying to solve we're trying to find 228 00:25:32,770 --> 00:25:39,999 the stationary states of of an atom of a system which consists of one electron, 229 00:25:40,000 --> 00:25:51,400 one nucleus with that charge. So we want the stationary states because they provide the key to the dynamics usual, usual situation. 230 00:25:52,270 --> 00:25:58,180 So what's the Hamiltonian under these approximations? Well, it's going to be the nuclear. 231 00:26:01,760 --> 00:26:10,190 Kinetic energy, the kinetic energy of the nucleus. Nucleus squared over the mass of a nucleus, twice the mass nucleus plus the electrons, 232 00:26:12,170 --> 00:26:20,370 kinetic energy plus the interaction energy between these two, which is going to be z e squared over four pi. 233 00:26:21,080 --> 00:26:24,979 Epsilon nought x, e minus x. 234 00:26:24,980 --> 00:26:35,390 And we'll do this right. So this is the sum of the energies, I mean, of three distinct contributions to the energy, kinetic, kinetic potential. 235 00:26:43,310 --> 00:26:48,380 Right. So we want to know, what does this look like in the position representation? 236 00:26:54,010 --> 00:27:01,180 Right. We're going to. We want to we want to examine that equation concretely. 237 00:27:01,180 --> 00:27:12,220 And the way to go is to put this into the position representation. So that's to say we bra through by x, e, x and H. 238 00:27:17,310 --> 00:27:25,120 Yeah. And then what we want is the position representation of this, 239 00:27:25,360 --> 00:27:33,340 which is going to be minus h bar squared, del squared with respect to X and over to Nucleus. 240 00:27:33,430 --> 00:27:40,000 Right? Because this is the kinetic energy operator which we and we know that P is minus H by a gradient. 241 00:27:40,360 --> 00:27:45,580 So P squared is minus H bar is right is minus edge bar squared never squared. 242 00:27:45,970 --> 00:27:50,560 So what does this mean? This this sub x end means this involves derivatives with respect. 243 00:27:51,190 --> 00:28:01,419 This involves derivatives with respect to the components of the position of the nucleus minus h bar squared 244 00:28:01,420 --> 00:28:12,680 over two mass of the electron del squared x electron minus z e squared over four pi epsilon nought. 245 00:28:12,730 --> 00:28:16,450 This is already in the position representation if you like xy minus x and. 246 00:28:18,780 --> 00:28:23,250 So all this stuff. Time's up, Cy. 247 00:28:23,340 --> 00:28:29,040 We'll do it from outer space. To put it in terms of Cy is going to equal E. 248 00:28:29,730 --> 00:28:37,740 Time's up, Cy. Right. So this is the usual stuff that have cy, which is a function of x, e and x, and so it's a function of six variables. 249 00:28:37,740 --> 00:28:43,720 Is, is x and whoops, x, e, e. 250 00:28:44,790 --> 00:28:50,670 It's the wave function of a stationary stage of energy. So we've got here now. 251 00:28:50,700 --> 00:28:57,110 So we've reduced our abstract equation to a very frightening partial differential equation in six independent variables. 252 00:28:57,120 --> 00:29:03,180 Right? Because because we've got the positions, the three components of X and and the three components of X E. 253 00:29:03,600 --> 00:29:10,620 So it's that we've got a PD in six independent variables. 254 00:29:13,350 --> 00:29:16,530 An astonishing thing is that we can solve this exactly. 255 00:29:16,710 --> 00:29:27,420 And without a huge amount of sweat. And as in the solution of any number of problems in physics, the key is to choose your coordinates correctly. 256 00:29:28,720 --> 00:29:35,270 That's quite generally the case that a problem which is very frightening in general with a clever choice of coordinates. 257 00:29:35,490 --> 00:29:45,969 You're all done. So we need new coordinates. We need to transform this equation to new coordinates and the ones we take. 258 00:29:45,970 --> 00:29:51,250 A big x, which is the centre is classically the centre of mass coordinate. 259 00:29:51,490 --> 00:30:02,170 So that's going to be any XY plus mass of the nucleus times the position of the nucleus over me plus an. 260 00:30:03,640 --> 00:30:15,820 All right, so that's the centre of mass coordinate. You may say, what authority have I got to use that in the context of quantum mechanics? 261 00:30:15,830 --> 00:30:21,790 And the answer is I make this. Strictly speaking, I made absolutely no claims as to the physical interpretation of this. 262 00:30:22,030 --> 00:30:25,930 It's just a it's just a suggestion of something we might use to simplify the algebra. 263 00:30:27,430 --> 00:30:32,920 But as rational beings, we know physically what that means, and then we'll have another. 264 00:30:32,950 --> 00:30:39,290 So that's three new variables, okay? Because it has three components which are linear combinations of our old variables. 265 00:30:39,310 --> 00:30:45,070 And we going to have another linear combination and surprise, surprise, it's going to be Z minus X and the separation. 266 00:30:57,100 --> 00:31:10,300 So what we do now is plodding mathematics in order to rip out of that differential equation X and An and insert the corresponding things with this. 267 00:31:10,720 --> 00:31:16,000 So let's see how this goes. Let's do D by the XY, right? 268 00:31:16,000 --> 00:31:20,980 Because that nebulous squared E is sort of this operator dotted into itself. 269 00:31:21,190 --> 00:31:30,940 So let's see, what is what is this? Well, the chain rule says that it's D by the it's D by the x, d by the x plus d, by d r. 270 00:31:38,140 --> 00:31:44,380 So this is the chain rule. Mathematics. Nothing to do with physics, but because it's mathematics is definitely true. 271 00:31:46,750 --> 00:31:50,860 And this dot implies a summation, right? Because this thing has got three components. 272 00:31:50,860 --> 00:32:00,790 So this is the x one by the x, i.e. D by the x one plus the x two by the xy debris x two, etc., etc., etc. 273 00:32:01,150 --> 00:32:07,810 Now, fortunately, these partial derivatives are nice, friendly things because we just have linear combinations here. 274 00:32:08,500 --> 00:32:13,030 So I think we can easily see the what this amounts to. 275 00:32:13,150 --> 00:32:19,750 This is going to be m e of e plus m and that's what this partial derivative comes to from up there. 276 00:32:20,290 --> 00:32:25,420 Of of. Of D by the x plus. 277 00:32:26,850 --> 00:32:30,270 Sorry. And what's this? This partial derivative is nice and simple. 278 00:32:31,410 --> 00:32:35,640 It's just one. So we're just going to get a plus DVD or. 279 00:32:38,530 --> 00:32:46,120 So I've still got these a shorthand for three equations because this is DVD XY one is equal to this thing times DVD X one plus two, 280 00:32:46,120 --> 00:32:52,110 liberty all one, etc. We want this. 281 00:32:52,120 --> 00:32:59,020 We want this thing dotted into itself. So what we have to do is, is multiply this on itself with a dot between the two. 282 00:32:59,350 --> 00:33:06,610 And what do we get? We get that bell squared x sub e is equal to we get this thing squared, of course. 283 00:33:06,610 --> 00:33:14,710 So we have m e of m e plus M and squared d two by the x squared. 284 00:33:15,310 --> 00:33:22,480 Well, now we can write that more handily. Estelle squared with a big x I think more clearly. 285 00:33:23,260 --> 00:33:30,770 And then we get this thing squared plus del squared with respect to del squared where we're talking about the components. 286 00:33:30,790 --> 00:33:35,780 Here's, here's the usual expression for del squared. But using components the big x, here's the usual component, 287 00:33:35,800 --> 00:33:40,540 the usual expression for del squared, but using the components of the separation vector all. 288 00:33:40,900 --> 00:33:47,890 And then irritatingly we get a mixed term because we get this because we're taking this operator and we're multiplying it on itself. 289 00:33:48,160 --> 00:33:59,110 So we get a mixed term of this operator of multiplying the body are in the next bracket and then we have this thing doing this. 290 00:33:59,380 --> 00:34:10,000 So we end up with plus two of m e of m e plus m and of D to the x. 291 00:34:12,020 --> 00:34:15,440 They are. So this is not very nice. 292 00:34:15,950 --> 00:34:19,790 Nobody wants this. This is excellent. 293 00:34:20,840 --> 00:34:21,739 We've got a relationship. 294 00:34:21,740 --> 00:34:28,640 We've found a relationship for this, which we want in terms of this and this, which is fine, but this is definitely not required. 295 00:34:29,480 --> 00:34:36,260 She would kindly go away and we could make it go away easily by just working out what D by the end is. 296 00:34:37,790 --> 00:34:45,379 That's going to be the big x by the x and which is going to be mass and mass of the nucleus of a 297 00:34:45,380 --> 00:34:54,550 mass of electron mass of the nucleus divided big x and then it's going to be the R by the x n, 298 00:34:54,560 --> 00:35:00,560 which is going to give us a minus one instead of a plus one. So this will be minus D by oh now. 299 00:35:02,980 --> 00:35:18,460 And when we square this up to work out what Del squared a vaccine is, we get this thing squared, of course, and of m e plus m n squared del squared. 300 00:35:18,520 --> 00:35:21,670 Whoops, big x. So that's this one squared. 301 00:35:22,030 --> 00:35:25,800 And then of course we get this one squared and never mind the minus sign because we're squaring up. 302 00:35:25,810 --> 00:35:31,630 So this becomes a plus del squared with respect to the separation variable components. 303 00:35:32,290 --> 00:35:47,890 And then we get this on this where now the minus sign is manifest, we get minus twice this, which is an end of me plus and of D to by the x. 304 00:35:49,360 --> 00:35:59,880 To O. So. So we have expressions which are very similar, but include one has a plus sign, one has a minus sign. 305 00:36:00,480 --> 00:36:19,980 So what we want to do now is work out one over an e del squared with x e plus one of n of del squared with respect to x. 306 00:36:19,980 --> 00:36:30,540 And so one over m times that type of equation plus one over many times this, which is actually exactly what occurs in a Hamiltonian. 307 00:36:31,710 --> 00:36:38,730 If you go, yeah, if you go right up there, mercifully, what we want is in fact the Del Square, 308 00:36:38,730 --> 00:36:42,180 the individual Del Squares weighted by one over the mass. 309 00:36:43,050 --> 00:36:58,050 And what's is equal to this is equal to we get we get del squared x twice, once from here and once from there we are dividing. 310 00:36:58,050 --> 00:37:01,350 We used to have an m e squared over me plus m n squared, 311 00:37:01,350 --> 00:37:12,120 but we divide it through by me so we have an m e and then similarly from here we have an m and over m e plus and. 312 00:37:13,650 --> 00:37:19,080 Squared that's a result of adding this with with this weight to that. 313 00:37:19,530 --> 00:37:21,500 Similarly, what do we get here? 314 00:37:21,750 --> 00:37:38,370 We get we get a common factor of del squared o and we have a one over m e plus a one over m and and these terms go away. 315 00:37:39,840 --> 00:37:41,780 Right. Because they yeah. 316 00:37:41,910 --> 00:37:49,500 They by the time we divide through by Amy at the top, we have just two over me plus many times that makes a derivative by the time we divide it by. 317 00:37:49,500 --> 00:37:52,980 And then we just have minus two over that so they go away. 318 00:37:53,850 --> 00:37:56,549 So this that we want in the Hamiltonian is equal to this, 319 00:37:56,550 --> 00:38:08,790 which can be simplified and written as one over and e plus m in del squared x plus one over mu del 320 00:38:08,790 --> 00:38:20,160 squared o where mu is exactly equal to me and of e plus and then goes by the name of the reduced mass. 321 00:38:25,890 --> 00:38:31,230 And you may already have met it in classical mechanics. I hope you have, but if you haven't, never mind. 322 00:38:33,540 --> 00:38:37,620 So we can now, right? Our Hamiltonian and I'll do it over here. 323 00:38:37,950 --> 00:38:42,209 I think so. As not to so we can keep in view the Hamiltonian at the top. 324 00:38:42,210 --> 00:38:54,510 There we have what we have. We have the Hamiltonian. Involves that what we have is a minus squared over two, you know. 325 00:38:56,390 --> 00:39:10,490 Right. So that's going to give us a minus H bar squared over two and plus me or me plus I may not be writing del squared with respect to big x. 326 00:39:13,370 --> 00:39:22,219 We will have minus h bar squared over two mu of dl squared with respect to the separation 327 00:39:22,220 --> 00:39:30,980 vector because this is the magic combination minus h plus minus h bar squared over two times. 328 00:39:30,980 --> 00:39:37,400 This is what appears in the Hamiltonian. So we get minus HP squared over two times this, which should I hope I've written down. 329 00:39:37,970 --> 00:39:42,260 And then we have to add in the we have to add in the potential energy term, 330 00:39:42,500 --> 00:39:50,299 which is a minus Z E squared over four pi epsilon nought times the separation 331 00:39:50,300 --> 00:39:54,230 variable where this is if you understand the modulus of the separation variable. 332 00:39:55,590 --> 00:40:00,450 So that's what in the position representation are with these new coordinates. 333 00:40:00,600 --> 00:40:17,730 Hamiltonian is looking like this. And this is really useful because we can define this to be h k and we define the rest of it to be h sub are. 334 00:40:18,060 --> 00:40:24,930 And what do we have? We have that h sub K commutes with h sub off. 335 00:40:27,440 --> 00:40:38,340 Why? It commutes because this is a function only of the X variables, the big X variables, right? 336 00:40:38,390 --> 00:40:40,850 It just involves derivatives with respect to big x. 337 00:40:41,450 --> 00:40:48,350 This and those derivatives, these partial derivatives by two big X components with all the other coordinates held constant. 338 00:40:48,950 --> 00:40:56,870 And the other coordinates means the other components of big x and all these and all the components of little are. 339 00:40:57,840 --> 00:41:07,070 Because we we made a legitimate change of coordinates. So this part of this obviously competes with this because partial derivatives always do. 340 00:41:07,200 --> 00:41:11,640 And this competes with this because this is being held constant while we're doing these partial derivatives. 341 00:41:12,360 --> 00:41:30,989 So edge sub K commutes with H sub are correspondingly h h sub K commutes with the Hamiltonian and also H sub R commutes with the Hamiltonian. 342 00:41:30,990 --> 00:41:36,600 That follows immediately from the first thing because obviously because this thing is HK plus h, 343 00:41:36,600 --> 00:41:40,500 r, h, k obviously commutes with itself, every operator commutes with itself. 344 00:41:41,430 --> 00:41:49,410 And we've established that commutes with with R so so this vanishes and similarly this vanishes in the same argumentation. 345 00:41:49,950 --> 00:41:53,549 So we have three mutually commuting operators. 346 00:41:53,550 --> 00:42:00,600 That means there's a complete set of mutual agent states. 347 00:42:08,310 --> 00:42:12,750 Of H, h, k and H. 348 00:42:12,750 --> 00:42:18,470 R. So these we want I can states of this this what we set out to find. 349 00:42:19,040 --> 00:42:23,960 And what we've discovered is that if we find the iGen states of this and this, 350 00:42:24,230 --> 00:42:29,570 we will just we all we need to do is multiply them together and we will have iGen status of this. 351 00:42:31,190 --> 00:42:39,110 So what does this imply? This implies that E is equal to some state of k times. 352 00:42:39,110 --> 00:42:42,880 Some state e r or e soc. 353 00:42:49,570 --> 00:42:52,660 You have to be a little bit careful. I think I've said something that's not, strictly speaking, true. 354 00:42:54,040 --> 00:43:01,359 What we know is that there is a complete set of I can cats of this, which is simultaneously I can catch of this and this it does not follow. 355 00:43:01,360 --> 00:43:07,120 And in and it is not true that every eigen state of this is simultaneously and I state of 356 00:43:07,120 --> 00:43:10,840 this and this there are eigen states of this which are not eigen states of this in this. 357 00:43:11,140 --> 00:43:18,070 But we will get a complete set of eigen states of this that's good enough for us, which are simultaneously eigen states of this and this. 358 00:43:18,250 --> 00:43:25,540 So we've reduced the problem of finding the eigen states of this to the sub problems, of finding the eigen states of this and the ego states of this. 359 00:43:32,400 --> 00:43:36,720 So HK is just the kinetic energy. 360 00:43:45,050 --> 00:43:48,170 Is the kinetic energy operator of a free particle. 361 00:43:52,090 --> 00:43:55,190 Physically just describes the kinetic energy of the whole atom. 362 00:43:55,210 --> 00:43:58,660 The whole atom can cruise across to the laboratory. It has kinetic energy. 363 00:43:58,900 --> 00:44:06,200 All we interested in this? No. It's bloody obvious that that the energy of an atom depends on how fast it's moving. 364 00:44:06,200 --> 00:44:07,040 We can deal with that. 365 00:44:08,240 --> 00:44:19,460 We've already studied the we already last term studied the the stationary states and the spectrum and everything else of free particles. 366 00:44:19,490 --> 00:44:25,690 We know all about it. Boring. Finish. So all we have to do is hammer away at this thing. 367 00:44:25,700 --> 00:44:30,800 What we want to know is. So this is so these basically trivial. 368 00:44:34,660 --> 00:44:40,900 And of no interest. So we focus in on H.R. 369 00:44:49,280 --> 00:44:54,050 Now we went to some considerable trouble to show. 370 00:44:54,470 --> 00:45:03,660 So so this has to be studied. What we want to deal with is h r e r is equal to e r e. 371 00:45:05,390 --> 00:45:10,370 And this is going to describe the internal. Energy. 372 00:45:14,170 --> 00:45:19,720 Of the atom as distinct from the translational kinetic energy that it has because it's it's moving. 373 00:45:21,460 --> 00:45:37,000 And we've been to some trouble. We've. To show. Del squared was equal to PR squared minus h overage password. 374 00:45:48,100 --> 00:45:53,740 We showed a relationship between the, uh, between Del Squared. 375 00:45:54,640 --> 00:45:58,510 And what we identified to be the radial momentum. 376 00:46:00,100 --> 00:46:05,020 He is squared and the orbital angular momentum operator. 377 00:46:05,110 --> 00:46:10,360 All right. So this is the basically we showed that L Squared was. 378 00:46:13,650 --> 00:46:20,940 All squared times the angular parts that we were familiar with inside the inside del squared that are placed in. 379 00:46:21,510 --> 00:46:26,220 So this is the orbital total. Orbital and momentum total. 380 00:46:28,030 --> 00:46:36,510 Orbital angular momentum operator and PR may write it down for you. 381 00:46:36,520 --> 00:46:40,000 PR We figured out what it had to be. 382 00:46:40,180 --> 00:46:44,980 It turned out to be minus H bar of D by the R plus one overall. 383 00:46:45,010 --> 00:46:49,030 That's what it looked like in the position representation. And it's the radial momentum operator. 384 00:46:57,370 --> 00:47:03,590 So. So the only. 385 00:47:04,670 --> 00:47:08,870 So let's just say what we've got. Let's write down on our using this information. 386 00:47:09,260 --> 00:47:15,350 H R is minus h squared over two mu times. 387 00:47:15,440 --> 00:47:22,730 Natalie squared. Okay. So what's that. That's equal to p r squared over two mu. 388 00:47:25,220 --> 00:47:39,200 Plus L squared H squared L squared over to you all squared and then minus z e squared over four pi epsilon nought r. 389 00:47:40,710 --> 00:47:45,540 That's what this what this. So we've focussed homed in on this operator. 390 00:47:45,720 --> 00:47:48,990 A problem is solved once we find the iGen status of this operation. 391 00:47:48,990 --> 00:47:52,950 The I can energies of this operator and this is what it looks like. 392 00:47:53,340 --> 00:48:04,950 It involves radial momentum, radial position radius and for the rest it involves the total orbital angle momentum operates. 393 00:48:04,950 --> 00:48:12,570 Operator So the brilliant thing is that h r l squared. 394 00:48:14,730 --> 00:48:21,960 Equals nought. It's also true that your comma, L.Z., equals nought. 395 00:48:21,990 --> 00:48:35,910 Why is that? Because L Squared, remember, is could be represented as a partial differential operator in terms of DVD theatres and DVD files. 396 00:48:36,270 --> 00:48:42,090 So it clearly commutes with this and it commutes with this and enjoyable commutes with itself. 397 00:48:42,930 --> 00:48:50,820 Similarly, L.Z. turned out to be minus D by D Phi the azimuthal angle so it commute. 398 00:48:50,850 --> 00:48:55,800 And L.Z. we know commutes with L squared and it clearly commutes with R and PR. 399 00:48:58,690 --> 00:49:08,710 So what do we learn from this? There's a complete set ups, set of mutual aid and states. 400 00:49:16,450 --> 00:49:20,830 Of H. And they'll squirt. 401 00:49:24,880 --> 00:49:28,030 But we know all about the Asian states of elsewhere. 402 00:49:28,090 --> 00:49:32,430 We've studied them ad nauseum. Right. Which means that we. 403 00:49:32,440 --> 00:49:33,740 Well, so we. 404 00:49:33,850 --> 00:49:42,759 What we can do is we can we can say it's legitimate to say now, it is not true that every Oregon state of age is an Oregon State of L squared. 405 00:49:42,760 --> 00:49:46,299 Curiously that well, anyway, it is not true that that that that is the case. 406 00:49:46,300 --> 00:49:54,430 But it is true that there's a complete set of states of the form e an L squared. 407 00:49:54,610 --> 00:49:59,560 Sorry. Yeah, there's a complete set of states. 408 00:50:01,920 --> 00:50:08,530 E and l, which is such that l squared on e l this is an igen state. 409 00:50:08,550 --> 00:50:16,980 That's what that's doing there, denoting that it's an Oregon state of this operator and of course has eigenvalue l l plus 1el. 410 00:50:19,860 --> 00:50:29,650 So I've learned that it is possible, it is legitimate to look for it to restrict the search for eigen states of this crucial internal energy. 411 00:50:29,670 --> 00:50:34,080 Hamiltonian two states, which are eigen states of the total angular momentum operator. 412 00:50:34,680 --> 00:50:43,379 And as we'll see tomorrow, that then reduces the eigenvalue problem associated to h r to just a one dimensional problem very closely, 413 00:50:43,380 --> 00:50:46,260 analogous to the simple harmonic oscillator, which we've already sorted. 414 00:50:46,440 --> 00:50:55,080 And it will it will it will yield to the same line of attack that we used on the simple harmonic oscillator, namely ladder operators.