1 00:00:04,210 --> 00:00:12,880 Okay. So now we've investigated the states are a well-defined momentum, which as you recall with these plane waves with a wave number. 2 00:00:13,360 --> 00:00:15,760 Pierpont Momentum upon HPR, 3 00:00:16,270 --> 00:00:24,790 we can go back to this problem of two split interference and ask ourselves why it is that quantum interference isn't observed 4 00:00:24,790 --> 00:00:32,440 in macroscopic objects and also assess what experimental setup will be required to see quantum interference with electrons. 5 00:00:34,080 --> 00:00:35,729 So we put some numbers into this experiment. 6 00:00:35,730 --> 00:00:43,740 So as you recall, we had some gun here that was symmetrically placed with respect to a couple of slits here in an obscuring screen screen, 7 00:00:43,740 --> 00:00:46,290 it fired out particles. 8 00:00:47,490 --> 00:00:55,350 Some of the particles got through the holes and they came to here and we said that the amplitude up here would be the sum of the quantum. 9 00:00:55,350 --> 00:01:02,130 The quantum amplitude to arrive at this point would be the sum of the amplitude to go via this route or to go for this route. 10 00:01:03,270 --> 00:01:10,560 These routes. Well, the the the distance from the gun to the two slits by set up is symmetrical is equal. 11 00:01:10,980 --> 00:01:21,719 So any difference in the amplitude that they come there is to do with the change in the amplitude when it goes along this route as 12 00:01:21,720 --> 00:01:30,210 against along this route so that D D plus b the distance from the upper slit to this place and D minus the distance to the lower slit. 13 00:01:31,170 --> 00:01:43,470 Then we can write a formula that D plus by Pythagoras theorem is going to be L squared plus x minus x squared square root, 14 00:01:43,680 --> 00:01:52,530 and correspondingly D minus is going to be the square root of l squared plus x plus s squared. 15 00:01:54,450 --> 00:01:57,509 And we make the reasonable conjecture. 16 00:01:57,510 --> 00:01:59,880 I mean, the right way to think about this is these particles. 17 00:02:00,150 --> 00:02:05,850 Let's imagine that we've got our gun here, has been tuned to emit particles with some well-defined energy. 18 00:02:06,210 --> 00:02:08,280 That means that as they go along here, 19 00:02:08,520 --> 00:02:16,320 the particles will have some reasonably well-defined momentum because they the energy will consist of that kinetic energy. 20 00:02:16,710 --> 00:02:31,890 So along here, we will have that, that the amplitude is going to be on the order of e to the i t upon h bar times x. 21 00:02:34,460 --> 00:02:38,840 So that's a reasonable model for what the how the amplitude varies with position. 22 00:02:38,840 --> 00:02:43,520 That's the new information that we bring to bear on this. So what will be the difference? 23 00:02:46,280 --> 00:02:54,980 So the probability to arrive at X, as you recalled, was equal to the amplitude to arrive by the top slot, 24 00:02:55,970 --> 00:03:00,710 plus the amplitude to arrive at the bottom slot mod squared. 25 00:03:01,370 --> 00:03:13,880 And the argument that this was a plus mod squared plus a minus mod squared plus twice the real part of a plus a minus. 26 00:03:18,130 --> 00:03:23,020 And these were about equal and well, these were the classical probabilities. 27 00:03:23,080 --> 00:03:27,040 So these were P plus plus, P minus. 28 00:03:27,040 --> 00:03:34,050 And then we have this quantum interference term, which we want to assess which. 29 00:03:34,650 --> 00:03:38,320 So so what is this quantum interference term? 30 00:03:39,070 --> 00:03:46,540 So the interference term. Is going to be. 31 00:03:50,880 --> 00:03:54,450 Mod plus mod minus neither. 32 00:03:55,050 --> 00:03:55,980 Not very interesting. 33 00:03:56,220 --> 00:04:14,090 And the crucial thing is that this one is going to be e to the eye p upon bar d plus and the other one's going to be e to the minus i pierpont bar. 34 00:04:14,130 --> 00:04:20,350 Sorry. Plus. Sorry. 35 00:04:21,970 --> 00:04:25,420 One of these needs to have a star in it, which means that one of these requires a minus sign. 36 00:04:25,990 --> 00:04:34,360 So if we're interested. Excuse me in the real in the real part of this and the real part so this thing 37 00:04:34,360 --> 00:04:41,740 can be written as cos Pierpont bar de plus de minus minus D plus etc. etc. etc. 38 00:04:42,010 --> 00:04:50,500 So this is looking like to the probability to go either way times through 39 00:04:50,620 --> 00:04:59,439 through each hole separately times the cosine of p over each bar d plus minus, 40 00:04:59,440 --> 00:05:03,440 d minus. Actually it's easier to do it the other way around it. 41 00:05:03,460 --> 00:05:12,140 Minus plus. So what is this difference of distances? 42 00:05:12,440 --> 00:05:14,750 This difference of distances from up there? 43 00:05:18,380 --> 00:05:28,550 Well, let's binomial expand this and because we can argue that el is going to be big experimentally compared to x, x will be mm. 44 00:05:28,550 --> 00:05:29,990 L will be a metre or so. 45 00:05:30,230 --> 00:05:44,750 So we can binomial expand this and say that this is l it's about half of l brackets one plus x minus x squared of a l squared plus a dot, dot, dot. 46 00:05:45,110 --> 00:05:49,640 And the other one's going to be about half L one plus x plus s. 47 00:05:51,370 --> 00:05:57,430 Squared over l squared plus dot, dot, dot. So when we tell you the difference of those two. 48 00:05:59,380 --> 00:06:11,380 So this is going to be two p plus minus this probability times the cosine of p upon bar of the 49 00:06:11,380 --> 00:06:21,280 difference is going to be x plus x squared over l minus x minus x squared over two l in fact. 50 00:06:21,610 --> 00:06:27,550 So when you take the difference of those two, you will be looking at two. 51 00:06:29,190 --> 00:06:42,110 X. S of l. Yes to excessive l is what that difference will be. 52 00:06:44,130 --> 00:06:48,410 So. So now let's put it now. We need to put in some numbers. 53 00:06:48,920 --> 00:06:53,930 All right. Suppose we take the energy, which is P squared over two. 54 00:06:54,560 --> 00:06:59,010 What do we want to do? We want to know. So what does this do? 55 00:06:59,030 --> 00:07:05,930 This gives us a probability of arrival as a function of X, 56 00:07:06,230 --> 00:07:14,629 which is going to consist of a of twice the sum of these two, which are going to be about equal. 57 00:07:14,630 --> 00:07:19,370 And so about twice this plus twice. This thing times this cosine. 58 00:07:20,330 --> 00:07:27,140 So it's going to be an oscillating commodity which will be doing this. 59 00:07:27,470 --> 00:07:38,220 And there's some characteristic distance between these, between these minima which so this will call this delta X say no, let's call it big x. 60 00:07:38,360 --> 00:07:42,709 That's what the so we call this big X the distance between the places where it's a 61 00:07:42,710 --> 00:07:47,810 minimum because the quantum interference term is cancelling the classical term. 62 00:07:49,430 --> 00:07:52,760 And this difference is what causes that. 63 00:07:53,180 --> 00:08:05,450 The argument is that cosine to become two pi so we can write the two pi is equal to p over four times two s of l times x. 64 00:08:05,660 --> 00:08:15,410 In other words, we have a formula for the distance between the minima, which is two pi to pi h bar, but h bar is h planck's constant over two pi. 65 00:08:15,410 --> 00:08:21,170 So that's going to be h over p h l sorry. 66 00:08:21,380 --> 00:08:24,620 Yes. Of S. 67 00:08:27,200 --> 00:08:31,259 Yeah. And we could also write this. 68 00:08:31,260 --> 00:08:34,620 I guess we we could also say that. 69 00:08:35,700 --> 00:08:40,830 Oh, no, it's not, Paula. So let's put some numbers in. 70 00:08:41,160 --> 00:08:44,520 Let's say that e the energy is. 71 00:08:44,670 --> 00:08:48,420 So in order to get a big value of X, we want to take a big value of L. 72 00:08:48,420 --> 00:08:57,090 Needless to say, we want to take a small value of P and of course a small value of S two on the bottom of. 73 00:08:57,090 --> 00:09:05,340 I've lost a two. Yeah, you're quite right. So, so let's take L to be a metre. 74 00:09:05,820 --> 00:09:12,510 Let's take S to be what got I think. 75 00:09:16,720 --> 00:09:20,100 What did I do. I think I think it's Yeah. 76 00:09:20,140 --> 00:09:24,100 A micron because you want to make it as small as you can. 77 00:09:24,640 --> 00:09:30,670 But if you make it much smaller than a micron, you'll find it difficult to make the hole using ordinary materials. 78 00:09:31,420 --> 00:09:37,270 And let's and we also in order to get a small value of P, we want to take a small value of the energy, 79 00:09:37,270 --> 00:09:45,280 but you can't take too small a value of the energy or your particles will be deflected by stray electromagnetic fields and stuff, 80 00:09:45,280 --> 00:09:48,280 and it'll be difficult to keep any kind of coherence. 81 00:09:48,670 --> 00:09:55,630 So let's take 100 ev say as a, as a sort of convenient low speed if you plug all this stuff into there. 82 00:09:56,200 --> 00:10:01,060 So that gives you what does it give you a 20th of a millimetre or something. 83 00:10:01,150 --> 00:10:09,580 I think it's is it 0.06 millimetres which is obviously perfectly, perfectly observable. 84 00:10:09,580 --> 00:10:20,530 Yeah. So this this such an interference experiment is, is, is possible but hard using electrons if you do the same thing with bullets. 85 00:10:24,320 --> 00:10:26,930 When we're not expecting anything to happen, what could we do? 86 00:10:27,170 --> 00:10:33,920 We would we would take the velocity for a gun is say 300 metres a second might be a bit faster these days. 87 00:10:33,920 --> 00:10:37,129 I'm not sure. But that's a classical that's, you know, faster than sound. 88 00:10:37,130 --> 00:10:39,470 So that's sort of a reasonable ballpark figure. 89 00:10:39,710 --> 00:10:47,120 Suppose we took L to be one kilometre a thousand yards, pretty reasonable shooting distance for a rifle. 90 00:10:48,560 --> 00:11:04,790 And if we took the mass to be ten grams, put it into the same formula and we discover that X is some ridiculous figure ten to the -29 metres. 91 00:11:04,910 --> 00:11:11,330 So it's obvious that you cannot observe this interference using anything like a bullet, any kind of macroscopic, any, 92 00:11:11,630 --> 00:11:18,320 any kind of macroscopic object, because it's going to be vastly bigger itself than the than the size of the interference pattern. 93 00:11:18,320 --> 00:11:22,850 Obviously, an absolutely basic requirement for this experiment to work is the physical size of 94 00:11:22,850 --> 00:11:25,959 your particle has to be smaller than the value of X that you derive out of this. 95 00:11:25,960 --> 00:11:37,700 So you haven't a hope of measuring this interference. So that's why classically we don't we are unaware of this interference term. 96 00:11:37,700 --> 00:11:42,950 But I would remind you that in the last lecture we recovered classical results, 97 00:11:42,950 --> 00:11:52,850 which which explain why cricket balls move as they do, why satellites and so on move as they do by interpreting. 98 00:11:53,090 --> 00:11:55,040 We calculated this. 99 00:11:55,730 --> 00:12:06,559 We obtained results which recovered classical physics by decomposing the amplitude to arrive into a sum of contributions from states of different, 100 00:12:06,560 --> 00:12:10,250 well-defined momentum. And these were all interfering with each other. 101 00:12:10,250 --> 00:12:13,670 And the classical physics came back as a result of quantum interference. 102 00:12:13,670 --> 00:12:18,379 So this quantum interference, on the one hand, is something which is very hard to observe with classical objects. 103 00:12:18,380 --> 00:12:24,410 On the other hand, our entire picture of the classical world, a classical world, is only recovered through quantum interference. 104 00:12:25,700 --> 00:12:32,120 It's not is it's not some esoteric corner of the subject, but it is hard to. 105 00:12:38,130 --> 00:12:41,510 It's hard to have it happened in a controlled way. Okay. 106 00:12:41,930 --> 00:12:50,100 So we. Yeah. 107 00:12:50,700 --> 00:12:57,479 We should just. So we've done, we've done the position representation in just one dimension. 108 00:12:57,480 --> 00:13:00,780 Everything has been a one dimensional motion motion long x. 109 00:13:01,110 --> 00:13:10,320 We obviously need to generalise the position representation to three dimensions because we live in a three dimensional world for whatever reason, 110 00:13:11,400 --> 00:13:14,940 and the generalisation is nice and trivial. We don't need to worry about it. 111 00:13:14,940 --> 00:13:24,820 We have we now have three position operators X, Y and Z, also known as X, Y. 112 00:13:24,840 --> 00:13:39,240 All right. And we have, of course, three momentum operators, three more operators, X, Y and Z, also known as P. 113 00:13:42,330 --> 00:13:46,890 And we have that every one of these operators commutes with the other one. 114 00:13:47,250 --> 00:13:50,760 So we have that exi comma sj. 115 00:13:53,320 --> 00:13:59,530 It's nothing. And every one of the momentum operators commutes P-I, comma, PGA. 116 00:14:02,070 --> 00:14:06,240 Equals nothing. So it is possible to simultaneously know your x, coordinate, 117 00:14:06,240 --> 00:14:10,620 your y coordinate and your z coordinate as a complete set of eigen function of can states. 118 00:14:12,270 --> 00:14:16,169 Of well-defined states. States. Where you know all those strings simultaneously. 119 00:14:16,170 --> 00:14:23,400 Or you can know all three components of momentum, but you can't know there's not a complete set of states for knowing and so on. 120 00:14:24,840 --> 00:14:30,240 And the only other interesting thing we have to have is XY commuted with PJ. 121 00:14:33,460 --> 00:14:41,950 He's h baa delta. So it is possible to know the exposition and the Y momentum, but it's not possible to know the exposition and the momentum. 122 00:14:42,820 --> 00:14:50,100 So most of these operators commute with well, each operator commutes with five of the of the sorry, 123 00:14:50,110 --> 00:14:56,370 four of the remaining five operators, but it does not commute with its own momentum. 124 00:14:56,380 --> 00:14:59,920 That's what each of these position operators. So that's the generalisation there. 125 00:15:00,160 --> 00:15:05,350 What else do we have to say? Well, we used to have a wave function of PSI being a function of scalar x. 126 00:15:07,900 --> 00:15:11,170 We now it's trivial the argument of the wave. 127 00:15:11,170 --> 00:15:16,360 We we can now label a complete set of states by X, 128 00:15:16,360 --> 00:15:21,520 Y and Z so we can write that there's a we have states of well-defined position 129 00:15:22,570 --> 00:15:27,820 which are labelled by a vector now vector position x because there are three. 130 00:15:27,970 --> 00:15:32,049 This is an eigen state of the x operator. It's an elegant state of the Y operator. 131 00:15:32,050 --> 00:15:41,290 And then I can say to the Z operator, so we need three eigenvalues written inside here to describe what this is. 132 00:15:41,680 --> 00:15:49,749 It is that's the mathematical level of the physical level. This is the state of being at the location position vector x correspondingly, 133 00:15:49,750 --> 00:15:54,820 our wave functions become functions of X, Y and Z because they become these complex numbers. 134 00:15:55,330 --> 00:16:01,890 Right? That's still a complex number, this complex number, but it's a function of X and Y and Z, the locations of the particles. 135 00:16:02,320 --> 00:16:06,370 Similarly, we have states of well-defined momentum up. 136 00:16:09,920 --> 00:16:13,720 We have states. Yeah. Yeah. You. You p. 137 00:16:14,420 --> 00:16:18,710 Of X, which is x. P. 138 00:16:20,960 --> 00:16:25,550 So now we have. Here we have p, p, p, z. 139 00:16:25,550 --> 00:16:33,110 Because we have a state of well-defined momentum which is labelled with all three components of momentum. 140 00:16:34,820 --> 00:16:39,220 So we have this function of a complex of three components, right? 141 00:16:39,320 --> 00:16:43,730 This complex function of three variables X, Y and Z labelled by the momentum. 142 00:16:44,030 --> 00:16:53,240 This is just an identical notation. Whereas in single, when we were doing this in one dimension, we found that this was e to the. 143 00:16:54,410 --> 00:16:58,160 P over h bar times. X not vectors. 144 00:16:58,190 --> 00:17:01,610 Now that's a vector. That's a vector. 145 00:17:01,880 --> 00:17:06,860 And whereas on the bottom we used to have h bar to the one half, now we have h bar two, 146 00:17:06,860 --> 00:17:14,480 the three halves reflecting the fact that there are there's an X component to this, y component to this and Z component to this. 147 00:17:14,960 --> 00:17:21,890 So. So this the way this wave function of a state of well-defined momentum has now become a plain wave. 148 00:17:22,220 --> 00:17:26,450 Whose wave whose wave surfaces are normal to the vector p. 149 00:17:28,210 --> 00:17:32,150 And that's and that's what it is. It's easy to check that that stuff works. 150 00:17:32,180 --> 00:17:40,100 It's a it's a very straightforward generalisation of what we did before. And I think that's all we have to say. 151 00:17:40,610 --> 00:17:45,310 Oh, no, not quite. We also want to say what the momentum operator P looks like. 152 00:17:45,320 --> 00:17:49,639 So previously we had that x. P xp. 153 00:17:49,640 --> 00:18:00,560 Sorry. Not right. Talking about. Yeah. X p ci was minus h, but it was introduced by this formula here. 154 00:18:00,830 --> 00:18:05,530 DPD x of x ci. All right. 155 00:18:05,710 --> 00:18:15,930 That was what we did in one dimension. That generalises in three dimensions, very straightforwardly to x p psi. 156 00:18:16,390 --> 00:18:20,050 So. So that's become a vector. 157 00:18:20,440 --> 00:18:25,389 That's become a vector because we have to write down what it is for P and p z. 158 00:18:25,390 --> 00:18:28,870 This is really going to be a shorthand for three formulae and it's going to be 159 00:18:28,870 --> 00:18:37,060 minus H bar gradient operator on the function of three variables functional space. 160 00:18:37,330 --> 00:18:43,670 This one here. All right. The wave function. So this is a vector reflecting the fact that that's a vector. 161 00:18:43,690 --> 00:18:49,490 This is just a label which appears on both sides of the equation. That's what this this formula generates. 162 00:18:49,630 --> 00:19:01,450 Generalise this to that formula. I don't think we need to be detained about that any longer before we leave the position representation. 163 00:19:01,690 --> 00:19:07,470 It's good to do. And a useful result. 164 00:19:09,520 --> 00:19:16,299 Which falls into our laps now because of what we've already done call the variable theorem, which is a a theorem. 165 00:19:16,300 --> 00:19:21,160 It's a result in classical physics, which you may not have met, I don't know, but you in a way, should have met. 166 00:19:21,730 --> 00:19:25,120 Did you cover the variable theorem in classical mechanics anyway? 167 00:19:26,480 --> 00:19:32,120 No. Anyway, so it's there's nothing quantum mechanical about the variable theorem, but it has a classical counterpart, 168 00:19:33,260 --> 00:19:37,730 but it's going to fall into our laps because we've got this powerful machinery. 169 00:19:38,120 --> 00:19:45,740 So do you recall if we are in a stationary state, that is to say, a state in which the result of measuring energy is certain then. 170 00:19:47,670 --> 00:19:52,170 All expectation values for such a state are constants. 171 00:19:52,260 --> 00:19:55,110 That's why we call it a stationary state. It's going nowhere. 172 00:19:55,800 --> 00:20:02,700 So every expectation value for a stationary state for a state of well-defined energy is independent of time. 173 00:20:06,500 --> 00:20:09,770 So we want to exploit that result. So for a stationary state. 174 00:20:11,410 --> 00:20:16,840 Is this just recalling what we already had? It was it was a consequence of our first theorem for a stationary state. 175 00:20:18,280 --> 00:20:35,730 We have that DVD time or even deep DVD time of E Q E equals nought for all for all operators. 176 00:20:35,740 --> 00:20:42,340 Q It doesn't matter what observable you stuff in there, as long as the observable doesn't is defined in a way that is independent of time. 177 00:20:42,340 --> 00:20:47,979 So it's something like position, momentum, angular momentum, whatever it has, 178 00:20:47,980 --> 00:20:53,200 it has a vanishing rate of change or with respect to time, it's a constant. 179 00:20:54,520 --> 00:21:03,910 So we now apply this result to CU is equal to x dot p. 180 00:21:09,930 --> 00:21:14,070 So then we have that nought is equal to. 181 00:21:18,300 --> 00:21:25,680 T. Sorry. 182 00:21:26,820 --> 00:21:38,300 Subtle. Some moment of doubt. Yeah. 183 00:21:39,380 --> 00:21:46,580 Yeah. So I want to apply this to export p e and let's divide. 184 00:21:49,440 --> 00:21:58,830 No stinking H-bomb. That by Ehrenfest theorem is x dot p comma h. 185 00:21:59,970 --> 00:22:10,940 Whoops. So Aaron, First Theorem tells us that this rate of change which vanishes is equal to this here and now. 186 00:22:10,940 --> 00:22:15,380 Let's take suppose we're dealing with a particle which has. 187 00:22:20,050 --> 00:22:25,480 Which has kinetic energy and potential energy. So we'll take the Hamiltonian to be of that form, which is. 188 00:22:28,280 --> 00:22:37,290 Pretty useful form. And stuff it in there and we're going to have that nought is equal to E! 189 00:22:40,980 --> 00:22:48,720 X dot p comma p squared over two m plus v close square brackets. 190 00:22:52,490 --> 00:22:55,220 So now we need to work out what this comitato is. 191 00:22:55,490 --> 00:23:00,920 And this is where a little bit of so this is where we get a bit of practice in using the three dimensional generalisation. 192 00:23:02,810 --> 00:23:09,300 We obviously have two things to work out. We've got a combination of X come up with P squared, so let's work that out. 193 00:23:09,320 --> 00:23:12,560 X come up with P squared. 194 00:23:14,510 --> 00:23:21,920 Now we write that in components. We write x x dot piece, x dot peters I say comma exactly comma squared. 195 00:23:23,360 --> 00:23:37,790 This x dot can be written as a sum over j equals 1 to 3 of x i p i sorry sj pj so that's just a way of writing that. 196 00:23:38,090 --> 00:23:43,480 And now I have a some peak. Well. 197 00:23:44,650 --> 00:23:47,860 P-square. Okay, so I'm something of a K as well. 198 00:23:50,590 --> 00:23:55,640 All right, p squared is p squared plus p y squared plus p said squared. 199 00:23:56,330 --> 00:23:59,510 Now we can work out this using our rules for a commentator. 200 00:23:59,510 --> 00:24:08,930 We had that rule that a comma B sorry, ap comma C was equal to a comma c. 201 00:24:11,600 --> 00:24:17,990 B plus a, B, C, P. 202 00:24:18,560 --> 00:24:22,520 We know that peak commutes with PGA that's been written down up there. 203 00:24:22,880 --> 00:24:27,020 So that commentator vanishes. That's this one here in some sense. 204 00:24:28,940 --> 00:24:41,990 Sorry, this this one here in some sense. And so what we're left with is so we have this double sum, we're going to have X Jay Peak, PJ. 205 00:24:43,490 --> 00:24:48,020 Sorry. That squared. Squared. Comma. 206 00:24:48,970 --> 00:24:52,090 No, no, no comma. So that's what we get. So. 207 00:24:52,300 --> 00:24:55,750 So this has to be commuted with that? That's what I've written down, I hope. 208 00:24:55,990 --> 00:24:59,410 And then there should in principle, be another term, this commuting with this. 209 00:24:59,410 --> 00:25:03,550 But that vanishes because commutes would peak for all for all jank. 210 00:25:04,030 --> 00:25:09,579 So we have to work out what this one is now and we can use the same rule. 211 00:25:09,580 --> 00:25:14,590 If we're being pedantic, we would say this is X on peak peak. 212 00:25:14,860 --> 00:25:23,830 So we would say that this is x j peak, peak plus peak. 213 00:25:24,850 --> 00:25:32,080 The commentator of x and peak. I'm using the same rule and that all has to be multiplied by p j. 214 00:25:33,910 --> 00:25:37,270 The same because. Because I'm not writing p squared is peak. Peak. 215 00:25:37,780 --> 00:25:41,650 But this is h bar. This is bar. 216 00:25:41,770 --> 00:25:53,860 So these two terms actually contribute the same thing. This becomes to h bar p p times, delta j k times, peak times. 217 00:25:53,870 --> 00:25:57,010 PJ And I'm sorry, I've lost track of the sum sign. 218 00:25:57,790 --> 00:26:02,840 Here we have a sum sine. With something over J and with something over K. 219 00:26:04,550 --> 00:26:11,750 Some have a J and you get nothing because of this delta j k unless j is equal to K, so this becomes PCP. 220 00:26:11,750 --> 00:26:16,430 K Some do have a k, but PCP k some of AK is the same thing as p squared. 221 00:26:16,700 --> 00:26:20,060 So this is 2ih bar p squared. 222 00:26:20,690 --> 00:26:24,590 That's what the commentator is of x dot p with p squared. 223 00:26:26,460 --> 00:26:35,220 Now let's let's right now, let's do the exact P commentator with V, which is itself a function of X, of course. 224 00:26:36,450 --> 00:26:41,190 These things ought to have hats, really. But one gets difficult to write down enough things. 225 00:26:44,260 --> 00:26:50,839 Well. What we want to do is is write this thoroughly in the position. 226 00:26:50,840 --> 00:27:00,050 Representation in the position representation x dot p is minus i h bar x dot gradient. 227 00:27:01,310 --> 00:27:09,800 Right? That's what this becomes in the position representation on v, which becomes a function of x just so this is in the position representation. 228 00:27:15,510 --> 00:27:24,060 So what does that mean. That means I ball minus age brackets x dot gradient. 229 00:27:24,930 --> 00:27:31,980 Uh, working on v minus the x dot gradient. 230 00:27:34,480 --> 00:27:40,450 And this is an operator statement. So it's waiting for you to put in the function of your choice of PSI on the right. 231 00:27:40,480 --> 00:27:43,600 Right. There's a virtual function there for it to work on. 232 00:27:43,630 --> 00:27:45,880 That's what that's the meaning of this vehicle gradient. 233 00:27:46,420 --> 00:27:53,020 And this exact gradient V doesn't mean extra gradient only V means of everything that is the right of it, including Europe PSI. 234 00:27:53,770 --> 00:28:03,820 So when you use this exact v on v times alone, you'll get a term and then you will still have to use the V on the up side. 235 00:28:04,060 --> 00:28:09,040 But the result of using the V on the up side will be killed by here and next v on up say. 236 00:28:09,400 --> 00:28:16,690 So what this is equal to is minus h bar x dot gradient of v. 237 00:28:17,980 --> 00:28:23,410 That's all it survives. This is the action of of the nebula, the gradient operator on the potential itself, 238 00:28:23,740 --> 00:28:31,960 the operation of the action of the gradient operator on the wave function that's virtually sitting here is cancelled by this contribution here. 239 00:28:34,810 --> 00:28:39,040 So we now have we we can put these results back into what we had up there. 240 00:28:39,370 --> 00:28:46,150 So what we had was nought is equal to yeah. 241 00:28:46,330 --> 00:28:57,550 Is equal to the sum of these of these commentators is equal to e x dot p comma p squared. 242 00:29:00,740 --> 00:29:07,760 E plus e x dot p v. 243 00:29:08,690 --> 00:29:13,290 That's just summarising where we stand. This we've discovered to be. 244 00:29:13,700 --> 00:29:18,439 This is to i h bar. This commentator turned out to be p squared. 245 00:29:18,440 --> 00:29:23,959 So it becomes the expectation. Oops, there should have been over two m on this, shouldn't it? 246 00:29:23,960 --> 00:29:29,690 Because it was the Hamiltonian p squared over to him. Yeah. 247 00:29:29,960 --> 00:29:35,060 This P came from the Hamiltonian where it was P squared over two m this v came from the Hamiltonian where it was just V. 248 00:29:35,840 --> 00:29:51,020 So we have over two M Uh, no, let's leave it alone of p squared over to m e plus we figured out that this one was a minus h bar. 249 00:30:12,320 --> 00:30:15,380 So we want to cancel what we. 250 00:30:15,830 --> 00:30:19,370 This is the expectation value of the kinetic energy. Clearly. 251 00:30:19,370 --> 00:30:22,969 Right. P squared over two m is the kinetic energy. 252 00:30:22,970 --> 00:30:24,590 That is the expectation value of it. 253 00:30:25,700 --> 00:30:34,730 So cancelling the ball, we can say that two times the expectation value of the kinetic energy is equal to this stuff. 254 00:30:44,520 --> 00:30:57,360 That's as far as we can go in general. But consider now very important cases have that V of X is proportional to model X to the alpha. 255 00:30:58,650 --> 00:31:05,160 So, for example, for a simple harmonic oscillator we're about to discuss, the potential energy goes like x squared alphas two. 256 00:31:05,460 --> 00:31:12,810 If we were dealing with a dealing with a Coulomb interaction, the potential and potential energy goes like one over radius. 257 00:31:13,200 --> 00:31:17,070 So it would be V of all is proportional to one overall. 258 00:31:18,660 --> 00:31:21,980 Well, this model X is R, so alpha would be minus one. 259 00:31:21,990 --> 00:31:25,680 So we can say that alpha equals two in simple harmonic motion. 260 00:31:26,250 --> 00:31:29,790 Alpha equals minus one is coulomb. 261 00:31:31,620 --> 00:31:37,260 There are, you know, you can think of other power laws which are relevant in this case. 262 00:31:37,770 --> 00:31:41,640 So then we ask ourselves, what is X dot? 263 00:31:43,800 --> 00:31:47,790 Gradient of. Evie. 264 00:31:49,560 --> 00:31:55,690 Well, that's going to be so sad. We'll say that this is equal to some constant A times, X to the alpha. 265 00:31:55,710 --> 00:32:13,020 What is this going to be? It's going to be alpha model X to the alpha minus one times X dot the gradient of model X and the gradient of Model X is. 266 00:32:15,920 --> 00:32:24,020 The gradient of Model X is. X the unit vector x, so it's the vector x over model x. 267 00:32:24,530 --> 00:32:37,460 So this is equal to. Sorry, this is a we have a X to the alpha minus one times x dot x over monarch's. 268 00:32:38,480 --> 00:32:41,870 So here this mod x is going to make this an alpha to the minus two. 269 00:32:42,050 --> 00:32:45,110 But from this x dot x we're going to get mod x squared. 270 00:32:45,440 --> 00:32:48,560 So this is going to be and I've lost sorry this was an alpha. 271 00:32:49,400 --> 00:32:53,060 That was also an A unfortunately. Yeah. Sorry. We need an A and an alpha. 272 00:32:54,590 --> 00:33:02,030 This is going to be alpha times a x to the alpha, which is alpha times V. 273 00:33:02,480 --> 00:33:12,200 So if V has a power lower dependence on distance from the origin, then x dot grad v is simply alpha times v. 274 00:33:14,270 --> 00:33:18,829 So when we put this result back into that formula, back into this statement, 275 00:33:18,830 --> 00:33:28,100 here we have that twice the k e expectation value is equal to alpha times the expectation value of the potential energy. 276 00:33:30,490 --> 00:33:36,970 So that's our Kepler formula. In the case of simple harmonic motion, alpha is two, and kinetic energy is equal potential energy. 277 00:33:37,300 --> 00:33:45,160 In the case of Coulomb interaction, where alpha is minus one, you have that the potential energy is minus twice the kinetic energy, 278 00:33:45,160 --> 00:33:55,629 which is to say that the particle has lost two units of energy, radiate in falling in from infinity into a bound orbit. 279 00:33:55,630 --> 00:34:05,800 It's lost two units of energy, one units being sent off to infinity and radiation or something, and one unit is used as kinetic energy of its orbit. 280 00:34:07,540 --> 00:34:27,440 So that's the this is a very theorem. So now we open a new chapter, as it were, by talking about harmonic motion. 281 00:34:39,860 --> 00:34:43,550 The harmonic oscillator is the single most important dynamical system in physics. 282 00:34:44,510 --> 00:34:48,070 Most of field theory, most of contents of quantum field theory, 283 00:34:48,080 --> 00:34:59,320 most of condensed matter physics is fiddling with more or less with harmonic oscillators, which which are which are decorated in some way. 284 00:34:59,330 --> 00:35:01,880 So the basic physics is that of the harmonic oscillator. 285 00:35:02,420 --> 00:35:09,980 And it's worth just taking a moment to understand why harmonic oscillators are all over the place, the universe, the physicists. 286 00:35:11,450 --> 00:35:16,910 A fundamental position of physicists. Well, physicists like to represent the universe is a collection of harmonic oscillators. 287 00:35:17,330 --> 00:35:21,800 And this is partly because physicists may be brighter than some other people, but they're still pretty stupid. 288 00:35:21,950 --> 00:35:28,129 We have a quite a small bag of tricks and harmonic oscillators is a trick that we we have. 289 00:35:28,130 --> 00:35:38,480 And it's an incredibly useful trick for this reason that if you plot force in some direction versus displacement from a point of equilibrium, 290 00:35:38,810 --> 00:35:44,690 you will get a curve which does something like this, the force. 291 00:35:46,170 --> 00:35:52,200 Vanishes at an equilibrium at the point of equilibrium of a system. 292 00:35:53,830 --> 00:35:59,260 The force on it obviously vanishes. So if you do a plot of force versus distance, you'll get a curve. 293 00:35:59,260 --> 00:36:04,720 Something like this passing through zero at the point of equilibrium, which I happen to put at the origin of X. 294 00:36:05,260 --> 00:36:08,380 But, you know, that's by construction, clearly. 295 00:36:08,590 --> 00:36:13,479 And the general idea is that most of the time you can destroy. 296 00:36:13,480 --> 00:36:21,210 That's meant to go through the through the origin. Most of the time, you can represent this to some, to a good approximation, 297 00:36:21,220 --> 00:36:29,010 you can say that F of X is about equal to x plus order of x squared or whatever, 298 00:36:29,020 --> 00:36:35,830 so to lowest order approximation, because f has to vanish to the point of equilibrium in the neighbourhood of the point of equilibrium. 299 00:36:35,980 --> 00:36:42,670 F is going to be proportional to x and if is if we neglect this, if this is small, 300 00:36:43,690 --> 00:36:47,420 then we have harmonic motion for displacements, these small displacements around here. 301 00:36:47,440 --> 00:36:54,040 So this is why harmonic oscillators are ubiquitous, a very credibly, an incredibly valuable model. 302 00:36:54,040 --> 00:36:59,470 We can apply. We can use to understand many, many systems because many systems for small displacements, 303 00:37:00,280 --> 00:37:03,820 almost all systems for small displacements look like a harmonic oscillator. 304 00:37:05,770 --> 00:37:08,800 Okay, so let's agree what the Hamiltonian of this thing should be. 305 00:37:09,040 --> 00:37:16,720 The Hamiltonian of our harmonic oscillator should be P squared over two M plus a half K X squared. 306 00:37:17,140 --> 00:37:21,190 Right. Because if the force is going like that, you integrated up, this becomes the potential energy. 307 00:37:21,490 --> 00:37:27,760 And this is of course the kinetic energy. We're familiar with that already. It's better, though, to write this in a different way, 308 00:37:27,940 --> 00:37:38,600 to anticipate results that are to come and to write this is p squared plus omega x squared over to M. 309 00:37:41,180 --> 00:37:51,050 So, uh, and of course omega squared is k over m so it's easy defining omega squared to be okay over him. 310 00:37:51,080 --> 00:37:54,290 It's easy to write this formula like that, and that's how I want to write it. 311 00:37:55,760 --> 00:37:59,060 So you want to reproduce this formula? Just think about dimensional analysis. 312 00:37:59,330 --> 00:38:03,350 We want to have piece going over to him because it's the kinetic energy. We're always saying that. 313 00:38:03,620 --> 00:38:10,880 And here I want something that's proportional to x squared and has the dimensions of momentum and obviously omega x has dimensions of speed. 314 00:38:11,060 --> 00:38:17,750 So M omega X's dimensions momentum. So that's why, you know, that enables you to recover that quickly from this. 315 00:38:18,170 --> 00:38:24,500 And that's the way to go for practical purposes. So that's our Hamiltonian and we're trying, of course, to solve. 316 00:38:25,490 --> 00:38:30,170 So these stationary states are the key to understanding dynamics because they have this 317 00:38:30,170 --> 00:38:35,810 trivial time evolution and by by decomposing any initial condition into with some of, 318 00:38:36,140 --> 00:38:39,290 of stationary states, into a linear superposition of stationary states, 319 00:38:39,530 --> 00:38:46,579 then evolving the stationary states, we find out how any arbitrary initial condition evolves in time. 320 00:38:46,580 --> 00:38:49,850 So that's why we want these stationary states. I've said that before and I'll say that again. 321 00:38:51,410 --> 00:38:55,610 So we want to find states of well-defined energy. 322 00:38:56,480 --> 00:39:00,710 This is the problem we want to solve. And this is a completely generic situation in physics. 323 00:39:01,160 --> 00:39:05,900 First of all, you think about your physical system on the grounds of physics, you write down the Hamiltonian. 324 00:39:06,110 --> 00:39:11,450 Then the next thing you do is you find the down stationary states, because once you've got those, you can do anything you want, pretty much. 325 00:39:14,390 --> 00:39:22,130 So that's what we're trying to solve. The the the way to do this is the proper way to, to find these states. 326 00:39:23,060 --> 00:39:29,450 So we need to find the energies that that are possible and we need to find the corresponding states. 327 00:39:29,450 --> 00:39:32,390 And the way to do this is to introduce some new operators. 328 00:39:32,660 --> 00:39:44,270 Let's introduce a which is m omega x plus i p over the square root of two m omega or h bar omega. 329 00:39:48,260 --> 00:39:51,340 Why do I write that down? Well, basically because I know where I'm going. 330 00:39:51,350 --> 00:40:00,110 But just to give you some sense of direction, the general idea here is that we want to factories, that that's the general idea. 331 00:40:00,110 --> 00:40:03,320 We want the factories, the Hamiltonian into. 332 00:40:03,650 --> 00:40:07,270 So it's a quadratic expression. It seems kind of reasonable to factories. 333 00:40:07,280 --> 00:40:13,690 It if these were if these weren't operators because these are operators, sorry. 334 00:40:13,880 --> 00:40:17,060 In future I'm not going to even attempt to put hats on operators. 335 00:40:17,060 --> 00:40:18,770 Right. These are operators. 336 00:40:18,770 --> 00:40:24,740 Despite the absence of hats, it's just too difficult to remember to put the hats on and takes too much time and grown ups never do. 337 00:40:25,400 --> 00:40:32,090 But these are operators now, if they but if they weren't operators this in its complex conjugate would factories that. 338 00:40:32,810 --> 00:40:33,680 So that's the drift. 339 00:40:33,680 --> 00:40:43,460 Okay let's write down it's it's a bit complex this is this of course is an operator and it's not an observable it's not a mission operator. 340 00:40:43,820 --> 00:40:52,219 It's what is its dagger? A dagger is not joint is this thing dagger, which is itself because X is a mission operation. 341 00:40:52,220 --> 00:41:00,020 It's own dagger. So it's M omega x plus this thing dagger p is its own dagger. 342 00:41:00,200 --> 00:41:05,359 But I has the the dagger of I the joint of eyes minus II. 343 00:41:05,360 --> 00:41:08,569 So this is minus I p over. 344 00:41:08,570 --> 00:41:12,710 Of course, this on the bottom is a real number. So it's own it's its own complex conjugate. 345 00:41:14,390 --> 00:41:18,440 So here we have two operators and the general idea is they're going to factories h or 346 00:41:18,440 --> 00:41:24,650 they almost do whatever because the plan and this is called in annihilation operator. 347 00:41:28,720 --> 00:41:33,310 And this is a correctional operator and. Well, the reason they have these names will emerge. 348 00:41:33,310 --> 00:41:36,310 But it is that if you use this on a state, 349 00:41:37,030 --> 00:41:43,780 this operator increases the excitation of our harmonic oscillator and this oscillator reduces the expectation of our harmonic oscillator. 350 00:41:44,410 --> 00:41:48,910 And since in quantum field theory, particles are excitations of the vacuum. 351 00:41:49,180 --> 00:41:53,440 This thing creates a particle because it creates an excitation, which is a particle, 352 00:41:53,620 --> 00:41:56,350 and this thing destroys a particle because it destroys the excitation. 353 00:42:01,810 --> 00:42:09,280 So what we next do is work out what a a dagger A is, because the idea was that this product would be more or less the Hamiltonian. 354 00:42:10,180 --> 00:42:23,560 So what exactly is it? Let's get this right. M omega x minus IP and omega x plus i p over to m bar omega. 355 00:42:24,670 --> 00:42:27,700 Now, when we write this out, we have the obvious terms. 356 00:42:27,700 --> 00:42:32,919 We have p squared and we have m omega x squared. 357 00:42:32,920 --> 00:42:46,510 So let's write those down. That's P squared plus m omega x squared all over two bar into m omega bar, whatever. 358 00:42:49,420 --> 00:43:01,820 And. And then we have some additional terms which would class that would cancel in classical algebra but don't now because we have an X, 359 00:43:02,150 --> 00:43:11,180 we have an M Omega X times IP and here we have an m omega x on the so we have an I minus IP times name and we are x. 360 00:43:11,570 --> 00:43:16,250 So the additional term is an m omega x. 361 00:43:17,500 --> 00:43:28,090 Am Omega I x comma p and it's a gain of a two and h bar omega. 362 00:43:31,010 --> 00:43:43,660 Right. So this is the Hamiltonian overreach for Omega and this is an H bar which and the I's make a minus one with this. 363 00:43:43,670 --> 00:43:48,910 So this is going to be minus a half and everything else will cancel. 364 00:43:51,120 --> 00:43:54,560 Right. Because we'll we've got an Omega here. 365 00:43:54,570 --> 00:44:01,649 We're going to get an H bar from there. So the rest cancels. So I should have I should have explained. 366 00:44:01,650 --> 00:44:07,170 Sorry, what is the factories, this and this on the bottom, this normalising factor on the bottom is put in. 367 00:44:07,170 --> 00:44:12,150 It's not really essential, but it's very convenient and it's put in in order to make this dimensionless. 368 00:44:14,100 --> 00:44:19,770 So just to check that that's true. H Bar has dimensions of position, times momentum. 369 00:44:20,730 --> 00:44:23,910 Right. So it has the dimensions of position, times momentum. 370 00:44:24,210 --> 00:44:33,570 So what we have here is m x sorry, m omega x which we've agreed has dimensions of momentum, times p which has dimensions of momentum. 371 00:44:33,570 --> 00:44:34,590 Then we take the square root. 372 00:44:34,590 --> 00:44:41,250 So this on the bottom has dimensions of the whole square root of momentum and therefore cancel the dimensions of what's on the top. 373 00:44:41,760 --> 00:44:48,600 So it's dimensionless. That's the purpose of the that's the purpose of the horrible square root. 374 00:44:51,030 --> 00:44:56,759 So we find that this product, which is dimensionless, is equal to the Hamiltonian divided by H Bar Omega, 375 00:44:56,760 --> 00:45:01,440 which has the dimensions of energy because H Bar also has the dimensions of energy, 376 00:45:01,440 --> 00:45:06,300 times, time, omega, of course, has dimensions of one over time it's a free is the frequency of the oscillator. 377 00:45:06,630 --> 00:45:11,670 So this is has dimensions of energy minus a half, which is obviously dimensionless. 378 00:45:12,000 --> 00:45:15,270 So we have indeed almost fact arised. 379 00:45:15,270 --> 00:45:24,720 We have the statement now that H can be written as H Bar Omega, which carries the dimensions time z dagger a plus a half. 380 00:45:25,800 --> 00:45:36,720 We've almost factorisation just this that there. The next thing we want to do is calculate the commentator a dagger, a comma, a yes. 381 00:45:36,720 --> 00:45:40,950 We just got time to do this, a dagger of these two operations. 382 00:45:41,910 --> 00:45:52,110 So of course we will have a one over two H Bar Omega as a factor on the bottom because each of these A's brings in its own square root. 383 00:45:52,830 --> 00:46:10,500 And then we will have the commentator of m omega x minus i p on m omega x plus i p now. 384 00:46:11,400 --> 00:46:16,170 We and we have this breaks down into four commentators in principal. 385 00:46:16,440 --> 00:46:23,639 There's the commentator of this with this and the commentator of this with this the commentator of this 386 00:46:23,640 --> 00:46:30,000 with this obviously vanishes because excuse with itself and the commentator of this with this is. 387 00:46:36,030 --> 00:46:44,579 So we're going to have an m omega AI times X comma p, that's the computation of this with this. 388 00:46:44,580 --> 00:46:50,520 And now we have to deal with these with these terms. This produces a non-negotiable commentator. 389 00:46:50,520 --> 00:46:57,270 With that, we're going to have minus M omega ai times p, comma x. 390 00:47:00,050 --> 00:47:02,960 And then we'll have the commentator repeat with self, which will vanish. 391 00:47:05,780 --> 00:47:13,070 If I swap those two over, then clearly I change the sign in front and then this becomes a plus x comma p. 392 00:47:13,250 --> 00:47:14,690 It becomes this thing all over. 393 00:47:14,960 --> 00:47:27,980 So that cancels this and this whole caboodle is going to equal i x comma p over h bar that because we're going to get a two. 394 00:47:27,980 --> 00:47:30,920 These two terms are going to add together to make us a two, which cancels with this. 395 00:47:31,220 --> 00:47:36,020 And the moment is clearly go x, come a p is itself equal to h bar. 396 00:47:36,200 --> 00:47:41,270 So the i's make a minus one, the bars cancel and this is equal to minus one. 397 00:47:41,930 --> 00:47:48,710 So these two operators have non vanishing comitato actually equal to minus one. 398 00:47:51,780 --> 00:47:56,190 Yeah. Well, we seem to still have time to to nail this this problem, I think. 399 00:47:56,580 --> 00:48:01,770 So let us suppose we have got a state of a stationary state. 400 00:48:07,590 --> 00:48:12,900 Let us now apply the operator a dagger to both sides of this equation. 401 00:48:13,080 --> 00:48:16,440 Right then, this is just an eigenvalue. It's only a number. 402 00:48:16,440 --> 00:48:19,470 So I can then write E a dagger. 403 00:48:20,310 --> 00:48:23,940 E is equal to a dagger. 404 00:48:24,660 --> 00:48:28,260 H e that's obvious. 405 00:48:29,820 --> 00:48:37,410 I would like to swap these over so I jolly well do. I say this is equal to AJ Dagger plus a dagger. 406 00:48:37,980 --> 00:48:50,660 Commentator H. So this commentator puts in what I'm supposed to have and takes away what I'm not supposed to have but have previously written down. 407 00:48:53,390 --> 00:49:00,620 But we know what age is in terms we have that age is equal to there it is age bar, omega eight Dagger. 408 00:49:00,740 --> 00:49:08,450 So let's use that. So this is H, a dagger plus commentator of dagger. 409 00:49:09,170 --> 00:49:14,810 And H turns out to be a dagger. A plus a half. 410 00:49:15,800 --> 00:49:19,520 Close brackets. H bar omega to carry the dimensions. 411 00:49:20,420 --> 00:49:24,590 Close that, close that and stick in our E that we first thought of. 412 00:49:27,130 --> 00:49:30,460 So all I have done is replace H by an expression we already derived. 413 00:49:32,080 --> 00:49:38,110 Yeah. Now I have to take the commentator of a dagger with this. 414 00:49:38,230 --> 00:49:44,740 And with this. The commentator of Dagen with a half clearly vanishes because a half is just a number, not an operator. 415 00:49:45,790 --> 00:49:49,089 The commentator of a dagger with itself then vanishes. 416 00:49:49,090 --> 00:49:54,610 So. So when we do the commentator with this product, there should in principle be two terms, but only one of them survives. 417 00:49:55,060 --> 00:50:00,540 And that term is. That term is this sticks. 418 00:50:01,390 --> 00:50:04,870 This stands idly by while the dagger works on that. 419 00:50:08,980 --> 00:50:12,310 And then I have an omega. Omega. 420 00:50:12,910 --> 00:50:16,240 Close brackets. Close brackets. He. 421 00:50:18,530 --> 00:50:22,640 But we just worked this thing out and found that it's minus one, right? 422 00:50:22,820 --> 00:50:26,840 A dagger turned out to be minus one. So this is equal to. 423 00:50:29,340 --> 00:50:40,110 H a dagger e minus H bar omega a dagger e. 424 00:50:41,070 --> 00:50:46,440 Just to remind you, remind us what we had on the left. What we had on the left was e a dagger. 425 00:50:46,450 --> 00:50:49,590 E is just a restatement of what's been at the top. 426 00:50:50,460 --> 00:51:02,880 So we take this a dagger E and we obviously join it on to that degree and we discover that h on a dagger e is equal to well, h working on this. 427 00:51:03,240 --> 00:51:15,210 The cap that you get by using a dagger on E is equal to E plus h bar omega of dagger working on E, what does this tell us? 428 00:51:15,630 --> 00:51:26,070 It tells us that we have out of a state which had energy e we have constructed a state by multiplying by a dagger which has energy e plus h by omega. 429 00:51:26,730 --> 00:51:42,180 So this means that a dagger E is equal to a constant normalising constant not discussed times e plus h bar omega, a new stationary state. 430 00:51:50,350 --> 00:51:55,360 This is an incredibly powerful result because it immediately follows that we have states, 431 00:51:55,480 --> 00:52:03,340 if we can find a state e we can immediately generate E plus h bar omega by using this a dagger based. 432 00:52:03,670 --> 00:52:11,890 And also if we use a dagger on this, it follows we're going to get E plus two H Bar Omega and we're going to get another. 433 00:52:12,040 --> 00:52:17,710 If we use a dagger on this, we're going to get E plus three H Bar Omega. 434 00:52:18,100 --> 00:52:27,040 So we're going to get a whole infinite series of states of ever increasing energy simply by applying a dagger again and again and again. 435 00:52:27,640 --> 00:52:34,540 So what remains is to find what e what number E is, and that we will do first thing tomorrow.