1 00:00:04,670 --> 00:00:08,540 Okay. So these this is we were at work on the harmonic oscillator, which, as I said, 2 00:00:08,540 --> 00:00:16,010 is the single most important dynamical system in physics, a model for a huge number of physical applications. 3 00:00:16,460 --> 00:00:20,490 We had this Hamiltonian, which is which is basically P squared plus X squared. 4 00:00:20,510 --> 00:00:26,450 The crucial thing is that it's quadratic. It's obviously quadratic in P, but especially it's also quadratic in X. 5 00:00:26,450 --> 00:00:31,190 That's his peculiar, peculiar characteristic of its of its potential energy. 6 00:00:32,420 --> 00:00:37,249 We went the plan for what we're trying to do is find the stationary status. 7 00:00:37,250 --> 00:00:42,469 In other words, we're trying to find the states here which are eigen functions of the Hamiltonian, 8 00:00:42,470 --> 00:00:47,390 because they will enable us to to follow the dynamics of the system. 9 00:00:48,530 --> 00:00:49,880 Oh, they're crucial tools. 10 00:00:50,240 --> 00:01:00,830 We went after them by defining this thing a the annihilation operator, which is a dimensionless operator made up of X and P. 11 00:01:01,790 --> 00:01:05,330 And we found that it the we evaluated what we found to it. 12 00:01:05,450 --> 00:01:06,709 This thing had two properties. 13 00:01:06,710 --> 00:01:15,980 First, it a dagger a is very nearly the Hamiltonian a dagger ray plus a half h bar omega is the Hamiltonian first important property. 14 00:01:16,280 --> 00:01:22,850 Second important property that it's commutative with its emission joint is. 15 00:01:24,110 --> 00:01:34,220 Is minus one when done this way round. So using those properties we said, suppose we have a state, a stationary stage of energy. 16 00:01:34,790 --> 00:01:39,469 If we multiply this equation through this defining equation of that state through by 17 00:01:39,470 --> 00:01:44,660 a dagger and do some swapping of the order of operators using the results above, 18 00:01:44,900 --> 00:01:49,370 we were able to show this is where we finished that h on the state that you 19 00:01:49,370 --> 00:01:55,310 get by using a dagger on E is equal to E plus a bar omega plus h bar omega, 20 00:01:55,700 --> 00:02:02,719 times that self-same state. In other words, this state here, this state here is essentially a state. 21 00:02:02,720 --> 00:02:06,920 Well, it is a state, a stationary state of energy, increased by age by omega. 22 00:02:07,640 --> 00:02:09,140 And because we could repeat this, 23 00:02:09,350 --> 00:02:22,310 it follows that the energy is if there is an energy E then there must be energies e plus a h bar omega e plus two bar omega. 24 00:02:22,820 --> 00:02:29,750 And as we can see, e plus any amount, any number of bar omegas, any number of omegas are. 25 00:02:29,760 --> 00:02:33,710 What remains at this point is to find out what the number e is that we first thought of. 26 00:02:35,360 --> 00:02:40,550 And we do that by applying not a dagger to that equation, but a to that equation. 27 00:02:40,790 --> 00:02:52,610 So then we have if we take if we we start with now e is equal to h e and we multiply both sides of the equation by a, not a dagger this time. 28 00:02:54,260 --> 00:03:03,950 Then we swap the order here, just as we did before into h, h, a, and then we have to add in the commentator a comma h. 29 00:03:07,370 --> 00:03:14,120 All operating on e still, we yesterday this is absolutely a repeat of what we did yesterday. 30 00:03:15,710 --> 00:03:25,400 This is H.A. Now we replace that H as advertised up there by a dagger, etc. We observe. 31 00:03:25,410 --> 00:03:31,150 So this should become the this is going to be replaced by a dagger, a plus a half h bar omega. 32 00:03:31,160 --> 00:03:35,750 We can forget about the half because we're inside a commentator and a half commits with everything. 33 00:03:36,770 --> 00:03:49,670 We can take the bar omega outside the commentator and then what we're looking at is plus a comma, a dagger, a h bar, omega, close brackets, 34 00:03:50,480 --> 00:03:54,950 e we use our usual rules for taking the commentator of products, 35 00:03:54,950 --> 00:03:59,359 which which is to say it should be the commentator of this with this without that standing idly by. 36 00:03:59,360 --> 00:04:03,800 And then in principle the commentator of this with this with this standing idly by with the second commentator vanishes. 37 00:04:04,250 --> 00:04:07,820 And this commentator, by the result up there is equal to plus one. 38 00:04:08,150 --> 00:04:11,450 Okay, because the turned around there a dagger is minus one. 39 00:04:11,450 --> 00:04:15,980 So this commentator a comma, a dagger must be plus one. 40 00:04:16,220 --> 00:04:22,730 So this is saying this becomes H plus a H bar omega. 41 00:04:25,520 --> 00:04:36,469 E So we have an a e with no operator in front on this side of the equation, but we have the same thing on that side of the equation. 42 00:04:36,470 --> 00:04:44,990 So we take these together and onto this side of the equation and we then have the E minus. 43 00:04:45,200 --> 00:04:54,710 This H bar omega goes to the other side and becomes a minus H bar omega e is equal to h e, 44 00:04:55,520 --> 00:05:00,499 which establishes on the face of it what we might have hoped, 45 00:05:00,500 --> 00:05:06,290 which is that the stage you get that you have after you use a on this stationary 46 00:05:06,290 --> 00:05:12,570 state e is another stationary state with an energy lower than E by each power omega. 47 00:05:12,590 --> 00:05:20,840 So a dagger raises your energy. It increases the excitation of the harmonic oscillator and evidently lowers the energy of the harmonic oscillator. 48 00:05:22,460 --> 00:05:28,970 Now, you have to at this point start to worry, because by the previous rhetoric it would follow that if there is E, 49 00:05:29,210 --> 00:05:36,140 then there is also E minus, h, bar, omega and so on down through E, minus n, h bar omega. 50 00:05:36,710 --> 00:05:41,120 And it looks as if you can find states of lower and lower energy without limit. 51 00:05:42,350 --> 00:05:47,240 And you should be worried about that because thinking about the Hamiltonian up there, 52 00:05:47,390 --> 00:05:53,690 because classically it looks manifestly positive, because p squared should be positive, an x squared should be positive. 53 00:05:53,900 --> 00:05:59,719 You can't trust such things in quantum mechanics, but what we can do is we can work out and we can we can say, 54 00:05:59,720 --> 00:06:05,600 look, e is the expectation value of the Hamiltonian in the state. 55 00:06:05,630 --> 00:06:11,630 E Obviously because H on E is equal to E comes outside and and this on this is one. 56 00:06:11,900 --> 00:06:16,520 So that's a self-evident equation. Replace what's inside here. 57 00:06:16,820 --> 00:06:30,680 This becomes over to m of e p p e plus m squared omega squared e. 58 00:06:31,280 --> 00:06:41,120 X x. E. And because these are observables and therefore emission, I can put a dagger there if I want to. 59 00:06:41,270 --> 00:06:50,390 It doesn't make any difference because P dagger is p and I can observe that this is now manifestly p e mod squared. 60 00:06:50,960 --> 00:07:04,490 This thing is the mod square of that of the catch you get by using P on e and this is m squared omega squared of x e mod squared it's delivered to m, 61 00:07:04,490 --> 00:07:08,090 which is boring and this is manifestly greater than or equal to zero. 62 00:07:08,270 --> 00:07:12,470 Even in quantum mechanics, there can't be any argy bargy. This has to be greater than equals zero. 63 00:07:12,740 --> 00:07:18,350 So all the energies, all the allowed energies, the entire spectrum of the Hamiltonian has to be positive. 64 00:07:19,310 --> 00:07:27,800 But we've apparently established that by using a we can get states which by successively using a and a and a and a, 65 00:07:28,100 --> 00:07:32,209 we can get states of lower and lower energy because we take H Bar Omega off. 66 00:07:32,210 --> 00:07:38,120 Every time we use E three, we use a. So there's a problem. 67 00:07:38,990 --> 00:07:45,760 And the problem is the assumption. So what let's just look carefully at what we've established here. 68 00:07:45,770 --> 00:07:49,520 What we've established is, is this equation here? 69 00:07:49,530 --> 00:07:52,600 This equation is copper is absolutely copper bottom. 70 00:07:52,790 --> 00:07:57,860 It's beyond it's beyond criticism. It's true. It was obtained by totally legitimate operations. 71 00:08:00,240 --> 00:08:08,780 And. It. It establishes that this thing is an eigen function with this lower energy. 72 00:08:09,040 --> 00:08:18,190 Provided this thing is non-zero. But if at any stage in this chain of applying A's, this thing here would vanish. 73 00:08:19,840 --> 00:08:28,010 So if when you get to a certain energy, the lowest energy you will and you apply a simply kills it. 74 00:08:28,030 --> 00:08:34,720 It produces a cap of no length at all. Then we haven't got we won't have a state of even lower energy. 75 00:08:35,530 --> 00:08:41,859 And since it's clear that this chain of operations it is not it's it's logically 76 00:08:41,860 --> 00:08:45,669 impossible to go on creating states in lower and lower and lower energy. 77 00:08:45,670 --> 00:08:52,750 This chain of results of applying extra factors of a has to stop somewhere. 78 00:08:53,110 --> 00:08:59,110 And the only way it can stop since this equation is true, is by this thing becoming zero. 79 00:09:00,580 --> 00:09:06,510 Then because h on zero is equal to any number you like on zero then. 80 00:09:07,210 --> 00:09:12,550 So. So if this is zero, this equation does not establish that this is an eigenvalue of h, right? 81 00:09:13,240 --> 00:09:19,300 But that's the only circumstance in which this equation would not establish that this was an eigenvalue of h. 82 00:09:19,990 --> 00:09:26,560 So for the lowest energy, the ground state energy, it has to be that A kills it. 83 00:09:30,340 --> 00:09:40,700 So, so. That's the ground state. 84 00:09:47,250 --> 00:09:56,879 We must have. But a on a zero equals nought. 85 00:09:56,880 --> 00:10:01,110 Right? So I'm using this symbol now to indicate the lowest. Energy. 86 00:10:07,300 --> 00:10:10,540 So let's. So what does this equation mean to give, to give, to give? 87 00:10:10,540 --> 00:10:16,600 More precise meaning to it? What we so what we say we say is that this case, as you get here, has no length squared. 88 00:10:17,050 --> 00:10:20,860 So let's just evaluate the model length squared. 89 00:10:20,980 --> 00:10:30,730 So so we're saying that A is zero month squared, which is equal to E, a dagger. 90 00:10:30,970 --> 00:10:36,040 A E is nothing but this thing. 91 00:10:36,040 --> 00:10:39,340 We have it somewhere up there. It's g ust. 92 00:10:39,670 --> 00:10:43,750 Yeah, it's just in range. H is equal to a dagger plus a half h bar. 93 00:10:44,080 --> 00:10:55,720 So this thing is this is the expectation value of H over H by omega minus a half. 94 00:10:59,530 --> 00:11:05,290 So and this one, these ones have zeros on it. Sorry. These one have zeros because we're talking about the ground state energy, not any old energy. 95 00:11:05,290 --> 00:11:10,630 Now we're just talking about that one special lowest energy, the ground state energy this equation is valid for. 96 00:11:11,560 --> 00:11:18,660 And so what we're discovering is that E0 over H Bar Omega is equal to a half. 97 00:11:18,670 --> 00:11:27,729 In other words, the ground state energy is zero is a half h bar omega and now we know what the general energy is 98 00:11:27,730 --> 00:11:33,970 because we know that we can make states of higher energy by applying a dagger to the ground state. 99 00:11:35,020 --> 00:11:41,230 Moving up by H Bar Omega. Each time the energy must be N plus a half. 100 00:11:42,480 --> 00:11:46,740 H Bar Omega. So we have found the allowed energies. 101 00:11:49,090 --> 00:11:57,460 And the next item on the agenda is to find the corresponding find a way functions of the corresponding Afghan state stationery states. 102 00:12:00,090 --> 00:12:03,600 But let's move over here. So let's look at let's ask about wave functions. 103 00:12:09,050 --> 00:12:13,530 Of the stationary states. Oops. Now we've found the allowed images. 104 00:12:29,840 --> 00:12:38,750 Actually. But for I do that, it's probably good to generalise this calculation here. 105 00:12:40,190 --> 00:12:45,020 So what we've established is. So let's just talk about normalisation as a sort of preliminary. 106 00:12:45,030 --> 00:12:48,290 I think it's better to do it just now. Normalisation. 107 00:12:49,100 --> 00:12:59,569 What we've established is that is that a dagger on and I'm going to use a new notation. 108 00:12:59,570 --> 00:13:05,810 Right. We're going to say what previously I'd call E is going to go to N. 109 00:13:06,860 --> 00:13:14,720 So this is the state. With E equal n plus a half. 110 00:13:15,970 --> 00:13:19,480 H Bar Omega. Right. 111 00:13:19,870 --> 00:13:23,830 We could. We could write an end in here. But everybody writes just end. 112 00:13:23,860 --> 00:13:27,099 It's just saves energy. It works well. 113 00:13:27,100 --> 00:13:31,870 Right now. We've discovered what the energies are and that they're labelled by an integer n nought. 114 00:13:31,870 --> 00:13:37,720 One, two, three, four. So this is and equals nought, one, two, and so on. 115 00:13:38,140 --> 00:13:43,870 It makes sense to have a nice compact notation into and to call our states, the stationary states, the state nought. 116 00:13:43,960 --> 00:13:48,490 The ground state, the state one. The first excited state. The state to the second excited state. 117 00:13:50,420 --> 00:13:57,950 And what we've established is that a on N is some constant I'll call it K times N plus one. 118 00:14:00,340 --> 00:14:06,460 Right, because we've discovered that when we used A on the state e we got the state. 119 00:14:07,090 --> 00:14:13,629 E We got, we got we got a state which was an Oregon catch of H with eigenvalue e plus h bar omega, 120 00:14:13,630 --> 00:14:22,150 which would be in the new notation the state n plus one. If if this e was n plus a half h for omega, this will be n plus three halves h bar omega. 121 00:14:22,960 --> 00:14:26,800 And the issue arises. So what value does this thing have? 122 00:14:28,970 --> 00:14:38,480 So just just to be clear, we so when we have we've had relationships like this, we had a corresponding one up there. 123 00:14:38,900 --> 00:14:42,020 Yep. There we go. We arrived yesterday. 124 00:14:42,020 --> 00:14:46,700 We derive this equation and that equation establishes that this thing is an organ of age. 125 00:14:46,700 --> 00:14:50,630 It doesn't establish that as a properly normalised dog and kids of age, I want it to be properly normalised. 126 00:14:51,350 --> 00:14:56,210 And so I'm asking about what's the normalisation constant I have to use after I have applied a dagger? 127 00:14:59,230 --> 00:15:05,320 It's easily found. Found because we just take the mod square of this side of the equation, of the monster of that side of the equation. 128 00:15:05,620 --> 00:15:13,280 So taking the mod square. So taking. Mud square on both sides. 129 00:15:15,650 --> 00:15:29,180 We get an a a dagger and is equal to k mod squared times one because that's by definition going to be correctly normalised. 130 00:15:30,710 --> 00:15:35,720 We we can take K to be a real number. We can take K to be a complex number if we determine to. 131 00:15:35,720 --> 00:15:39,770 But why don't we just agree to take it to be a real number? And this just this just becomes k squared. 132 00:15:40,100 --> 00:15:45,590 We just trying to get the thing normalised. We don't care about the face. And let's ask ourselves what this is. 133 00:15:46,460 --> 00:15:53,160 If I swap this over, I want to swap this over because then I can relate it to the Hamiltonian. 134 00:15:54,140 --> 00:15:57,590 Then I have to add on a comma, a dagger. 135 00:15:58,640 --> 00:16:01,880 Whoops. Commentator. So that's. 136 00:16:03,380 --> 00:16:10,430 That's that rewritten. This is the Hamiltonian minus is the Hamiltonian overage bar omega. 137 00:16:10,760 --> 00:16:16,379 Where is it? Where is it? Where is it? Yeah, it's up there. 138 00:16:16,380 --> 00:16:21,180 It's the Hamiltonian minus. It's the Hamiltonian overage bar, omega minus a half. 139 00:16:21,180 --> 00:16:26,729 So this is H overreach bar omega minus a half. 140 00:16:26,730 --> 00:16:33,690 That's that, that's this thing. And what's this? This is plus one, I think because other the commutation, the other way round was minus one. 141 00:16:33,690 --> 00:16:46,800 So this is plus one. So that's that that h on n is equal to n plus a half h bar omega by definition. 142 00:16:47,250 --> 00:16:53,729 Right? So this on this produces n plus a half by omega divide by the omega. 143 00:16:53,730 --> 00:16:58,020 And we have n plus a half take away a half. We have an add one, we have n plus one. 144 00:16:58,380 --> 00:17:04,950 So this is in fact equal to one plus one. So what? 145 00:17:07,430 --> 00:17:10,560 Yeah. So. So. So what follows this? 146 00:17:10,580 --> 00:17:14,840 So comparing. Comparing this with this. 147 00:17:14,840 --> 00:17:27,410 We find that k squared is equal to n plus one. Going back to up there, we have that n plus one is equal to one over the square root. 148 00:17:28,220 --> 00:17:34,400 Sorry, sorry. Yeah, that's right. Square root of N plus one. Of of a degree. 149 00:17:38,030 --> 00:17:47,780 This is a very important equation. If we would repeat this, if we would go through this rigmarole. 150 00:17:49,620 --> 00:17:55,979 The same logic using a on end being some other constant times n minus one we would we would 151 00:17:55,980 --> 00:18:04,049 find that n minus one is equal to one over the square root of n of a operating one n. 152 00:18:04,050 --> 00:18:10,650 We know that operating on n is going to produce n minus one. It depletes the energy by omega and therefore reduces n by one. 153 00:18:11,070 --> 00:18:17,070 The normalisation constant turns out to be one over the square root of n. I would recommend you check that after that, after the lecture. 154 00:18:17,280 --> 00:18:19,440 It's a precise repeat of this logic here, 155 00:18:20,610 --> 00:18:28,499 and it's worth remembering these rules because this is such an important relationship and they're very easy rules to remember. 156 00:18:28,500 --> 00:18:33,570 The normalisation constant is one over the square root of the biggest number that appears in the equation, right? 157 00:18:34,080 --> 00:18:39,030 So in this equation, the biggest number appearing is N plus one. That's what you use in this equation. 158 00:18:39,030 --> 00:18:42,210 The biggest number that appears is N, that's what you use. 159 00:18:45,610 --> 00:18:49,120 So these are these are two very important equations which physicists remember. 160 00:18:53,130 --> 00:18:58,770 Okay. So so what we have to do now we're trying to find a way functions fundamentally. 161 00:18:58,770 --> 00:19:07,260 This is just the tedious details of the normalisation. Although those equations are of bigger use than just with wave functions. 162 00:19:07,860 --> 00:19:18,360 Let's find the ground state wave function. What is it? 163 00:19:18,720 --> 00:19:21,830 It's we will call it use zero of X. 164 00:19:22,560 --> 00:19:25,710 And it is, of course, x nought. 165 00:19:25,890 --> 00:19:30,820 It's the it's the function was defined by this, the amplitude to be it x. 166 00:19:30,840 --> 00:19:35,820 If you were in the ground state also called this right, these are just two notations for the same thing. 167 00:19:37,860 --> 00:19:45,660 And this satisfies a nasty equation because what we know is that a operating on nought is equal to nought. 168 00:19:45,700 --> 00:19:49,980 Right. The ground state is defined to be it comes into the world as the state, 169 00:19:50,480 --> 00:19:55,200 the one and only state that the operator, the destruction operator, a kills stone dead. 170 00:19:56,670 --> 00:20:03,060 So if we multiply this equation on the left by X, we still have a valid equation. 171 00:20:05,070 --> 00:20:13,500 And this. And let's write in what a is. 172 00:20:16,670 --> 00:20:20,330 So a is an omega x. 173 00:20:23,660 --> 00:20:30,110 Plus I.P. In principle, it's over the square root of two M by Omega. 174 00:20:30,110 --> 00:20:38,450 But because I'm about to put this stuff equal to nought, I can I can I can neglect the factor on the bottom. 175 00:20:38,450 --> 00:20:42,170 I can multiply through both sides of the equation the factor on the bottom and get rid of the garbage. 176 00:20:42,190 --> 00:20:46,970 Right. Clean things up. Why don't we write this? 177 00:20:47,240 --> 00:20:50,809 I mean, we're more or less committed to writing this in the in the position represent. 178 00:20:50,810 --> 00:21:03,260 Well, no, I mean, we have it there. Right. This tells me that m omega x and omega x x nought because this is the position 179 00:21:03,710 --> 00:21:08,120 operator we this is an observable I can imagine that it operates backwards on this. 180 00:21:08,870 --> 00:21:12,890 This is the eigen function of that operator. So those are both operators. 181 00:21:13,310 --> 00:21:16,969 That's not an operator. This this operates on this. 182 00:21:16,970 --> 00:21:20,240 If I want backwards, this is its eigen function. 183 00:21:20,450 --> 00:21:27,230 So I get an X the number times this this then meets that and produces this, which is our wave function. 184 00:21:27,680 --> 00:21:46,700 And then we also have plus i x p nought and the momentum operator was defined by saying that this thing is minus i d by the x of x. 185 00:21:47,530 --> 00:21:56,000 All right. This was the this was the definition for any wave function of how of how P operated with an H. 186 00:21:56,240 --> 00:22:00,139 Thank you. Thank you. Absolutely. So I need to write this stuff down. 187 00:22:00,140 --> 00:22:03,410 I need to write. And most of this is equal to zero. This is equal to zero. 188 00:22:03,410 --> 00:22:07,610 Provided I put in the m omega x x. 189 00:22:09,410 --> 00:22:16,430 If I rewrite that in in wave function notation becomes m omega x, 190 00:22:17,030 --> 00:22:31,370 you note of x is equal to and it's clean this stuff up I get a sorry it's not equal to plus h bar d by the x of u nought of x equals nought. 191 00:22:31,380 --> 00:22:32,270 So what is this? 192 00:22:32,270 --> 00:22:40,370 This is a first order linear differential equation, and it's in fact an ordinary differential equation because there are no other variables. 193 00:22:40,370 --> 00:22:48,290 The next present I've written, this is a partial derivative consistency with what we do in more than three dimensional cases, 194 00:22:48,290 --> 00:22:51,649 I suppose, but it is a first order linear differential equation. 195 00:22:51,650 --> 00:22:56,660 There is no sort of differential equation that's more friendly, user friendly that we encounter. 196 00:22:58,580 --> 00:23:03,139 We solve such equations by using an integrating factor just to get this into standard form. 197 00:23:03,140 --> 00:23:14,540 I would write this as I would actually write this, as do you note by the x plus and omega over h bar x u nought. 198 00:23:16,100 --> 00:23:22,459 This is the sort of standard form for a first order linear equation, which you should remember from Professor Ross's course or whatever. 199 00:23:22,460 --> 00:23:32,660 In the first year it has an integrating factor which is e to the integral of the coefficient of the linear of the constant well, 200 00:23:33,020 --> 00:23:45,890 the not derived term this term each of the integral am omega over h bar x d x, which is clearly e to the omega x squared over to h bar. 201 00:23:46,490 --> 00:23:51,410 That's its integrating factor. And the equation is then if you multiply it by the integrating factor, 202 00:23:51,410 --> 00:24:02,900 the equation says that the x of the integrating factor times you nought is equal to the right side, which happens to be zero. 203 00:24:02,930 --> 00:24:05,930 Ergo, this quantity here is a constant. 204 00:24:06,210 --> 00:24:21,050 Ergo you note is equal to e to the minus and omega x squared over two, which I want to write is e to the minus x squared over four l squared. 205 00:24:21,050 --> 00:24:27,860 Why do I want to do that? I want to do that because the probability associated with X, 206 00:24:27,860 --> 00:24:42,499 the probability of finding your particle at x which is equal to you nought mod squared will then be e to the minus x squared over to l squared. 207 00:24:42,500 --> 00:24:48,570 So this is this is a normal distribution. With dispersion. 208 00:24:52,350 --> 00:25:03,030 L So the reason I want to I want to get this into this form is in order because because I can identify that is the Gaussian width of the distribution, 209 00:25:03,030 --> 00:25:05,250 the width of the Gaussian distribution. 210 00:25:07,200 --> 00:25:14,309 Also, once I say that this is the probability distribution for my knowledge of statistics and stuff, I know what the normalising constant has to be. 211 00:25:14,310 --> 00:25:18,330 I know that it's two pi l square root to pile squared. 212 00:25:18,330 --> 00:25:21,450 Right, because that's the factor you need to normalise a Gaussian distribution. 213 00:25:21,450 --> 00:25:24,450 Oops, I'm missing a minus sign. Crucial, right. Crucial. 214 00:25:25,590 --> 00:25:30,030 So what does l have to be in order that this form is the same as that form? 215 00:25:31,860 --> 00:25:40,740 It. It's, I think, simple algebra to show that l has to be, uh, h bar over to omega. 216 00:25:41,340 --> 00:25:48,169 What l squared has to be that. Let's check that this has the right dimensions. 217 00:25:48,170 --> 00:25:53,209 One should always be checking one's dimensions in physics. This has the dimensions and momentum times distance. 218 00:25:53,210 --> 00:25:56,780 So this has dimensions of. M. X. P. 219 00:25:57,910 --> 00:26:02,020 A. So. 220 00:26:02,030 --> 00:26:07,519 So this is sorry. This is m x v says what I should have said. 221 00:26:07,520 --> 00:26:12,770 Momentum times and the x right. 222 00:26:12,770 --> 00:26:16,159 Talking about yes and the x right. 223 00:26:16,160 --> 00:26:20,450 And the x is the dimensional structure here of. 224 00:26:28,930 --> 00:26:33,069 Dimensions here. So indeed this thing has dimensions of length squared. 225 00:26:33,070 --> 00:26:37,840 So L is indeed the length. So it's it's. It's okay. So what did we learn? 226 00:26:37,870 --> 00:26:49,210 We've learned that the ground state of a harmonic oscillator has a wave function, which is a Gaussian with a characteristic width given by this. 227 00:26:54,460 --> 00:26:59,110 And crucially, what we've already studied, right? 228 00:26:59,110 --> 00:27:06,640 We've already studied distributions of particles which are Gaussian, have way functions which square up to Gaussians. 229 00:27:07,570 --> 00:27:13,930 And we now know what the amplitude distribution would be or the probability distribution is for momentum from what we did before. 230 00:27:14,410 --> 00:27:19,220 We will have the probability of the momentum will also be a Gaussian. 231 00:27:19,240 --> 00:27:30,639 It'll be each of the minus P squared over two, should we call it sigma p squared over some square root to pi sigma P squared. 232 00:27:30,640 --> 00:27:36,310 And remember, we have the uncertainty principle which said that the dispersion in x times, 233 00:27:36,310 --> 00:27:43,060 the dispersion in momentum is equal to h for over two for the Gaussians. 234 00:27:43,240 --> 00:27:46,630 This was a result we established when talking about the free particle. 235 00:27:48,220 --> 00:27:57,730 So that tells me that sigma P is equal to h bar over two L so, so, so there's some, 236 00:27:58,690 --> 00:28:06,220 there's some characteristic width, uh, there's some characteristic momentum that the particle has. 237 00:28:10,730 --> 00:28:15,960 Now this. This set in the ground state. 238 00:28:17,270 --> 00:28:23,170 A particle is not stationary, it is moving with it with a characteristic amount of energy. 239 00:28:23,180 --> 00:28:27,860 It it's also not at the bottom of the potential. Well, it has a characteristic amount of average potential energy. 240 00:28:29,270 --> 00:28:33,889 So we've come to the conclusion we have an example here of one of the most important, 241 00:28:33,890 --> 00:28:38,390 perhaps the most important prediction of quantum mechanics, which is the existence of zero point energy. 242 00:28:42,940 --> 00:28:48,219 The basic issue is that if we're trying to minimise the energy of the particle, 243 00:28:48,220 --> 00:28:53,530 which clearly the ground state by definition does minimise the energy of the particle is the state with the lowest energy by definition. 244 00:28:54,040 --> 00:28:59,020 If we're trying to minimise this energy, we want to get the potential energy, energy to be as small as possible. 245 00:28:59,170 --> 00:29:02,920 That clearly means moving towards the origin and getting as close to the origin as you can. 246 00:29:04,450 --> 00:29:08,559 But there is isn't because of the uncertainty relationship, 247 00:29:08,560 --> 00:29:14,620 because the more narrowly confined you are in real space, the more uncertain your momentum has to be. 248 00:29:15,250 --> 00:29:21,909 If you if you restrict yourself in too much in position to be too much at the bottom of the potential, 249 00:29:21,910 --> 00:29:26,470 well, you will have a large uncertainty in your momentum and you'll have kinetic energy. 250 00:29:28,690 --> 00:29:32,110 So. So in practice in the ground state, 251 00:29:32,110 --> 00:29:38,080 there's a compromise between being being reasonably close to the origin and having a reasonably small kinetic energy. 252 00:29:39,220 --> 00:29:48,130 So because of the uncertainty relation, quantum mechanical systems in their lowest states have a finite extent spatially. 253 00:29:48,550 --> 00:29:50,860 Even though they even though really it's a point particle, 254 00:29:50,860 --> 00:29:57,310 but because of the there's a there's a finite extent in which you'll find the particle and a finite kinetic energy. 255 00:29:58,650 --> 00:30:04,049 And this is a totally. I hope you see that this is a specific example of a totally general phenomenon. 256 00:30:04,050 --> 00:30:09,330 We have to expect to occur always when we are considering particles trapped in some kind of potential wells. 257 00:30:10,740 --> 00:30:14,580 And this is this is enormously important because it's exactly this physics 258 00:30:14,580 --> 00:30:17,970 we will see that is exactly this physics which determines the size of atoms. 259 00:30:18,720 --> 00:30:24,600 Electrons. So atoms here are typically pretty close to their near enough in their ground states. 260 00:30:24,840 --> 00:30:31,600 And the size of these atoms is determined by the electron if if the atom gets any smaller and indeed you, you know, 261 00:30:31,610 --> 00:30:36,509 you take you take a piece of steel or something and you stuff it into a press and squeeze the thing down. 262 00:30:36,510 --> 00:30:40,169 It will get smaller, but it will resist violently. You'll have to do work. 263 00:30:40,170 --> 00:30:42,180 You have to increase its energy to make it smaller. 264 00:30:42,180 --> 00:30:48,060 And what happens is that in order to make it smaller in real space, you have to give it more kinetic energy by the uncertainty principle. 265 00:30:48,270 --> 00:30:57,750 And that's the work that you do, squashing it down. And you can see that idea worked out quantitatively in one of the later chapters of the book. 266 00:30:58,890 --> 00:31:05,880 It so the size of atoms is determined by this by this zero point energy business and the uncertainty principle. 267 00:31:06,150 --> 00:31:12,330 And interestingly, the mass of protons and neutrons is not entirely but is overwhelmingly accounted for by the 268 00:31:12,540 --> 00:31:17,790 kinetic energy of the quarks and gluons inside there which are moving around relativistic li. 269 00:31:17,970 --> 00:31:26,850 They're in a very deep potential. Well and because and very narrowly confined right into ten to the -15 metres in order to be confined, 270 00:31:26,850 --> 00:31:29,970 even though the fairly massive particles into this very small space, 271 00:31:30,210 --> 00:31:36,420 they have to have a lot of kinetic energy and that and the the mass associated with that kinetic energy accounts for most of the mass, 272 00:31:36,900 --> 00:31:45,059 you know, of us. That's what it mostly is. So this zero point energy phenomenon is extremely general and enormously important. 273 00:31:45,060 --> 00:31:47,880 And here we have the simplest, the classical example. 274 00:31:48,690 --> 00:32:03,720 In fact, you see the if we say H is equal to one over two M of P squared plus m m squared, omega squared, x squared. 275 00:32:04,710 --> 00:32:14,040 And we put in the uncertainty relation, we say that that x squared if we if we say that x squared is sorry, 276 00:32:14,040 --> 00:32:25,350 if we say that p squared is equal to h while squared over two x gets right sorry over four because I've squared it over for x squared. 277 00:32:25,860 --> 00:32:30,570 Right. So this is so for the ground, say x squared is essentially the uncertainty in x. 278 00:32:30,990 --> 00:32:36,780 So it's associated with the uncertainty momentum. In the same way if you stuff that into this, you put this relationship in, 279 00:32:37,410 --> 00:32:49,800 you find that H is one over two M is going to be whatever it is h by squared of a for x squared plus m squared, omega squared, x squared. 280 00:32:50,100 --> 00:32:55,739 This now is a function. Maybe I shouldn't call it x squared. Maybe we should call it maybe we should call it l. 281 00:32:55,740 --> 00:33:05,570 Actually, perhaps that would be more helpful. So I'm saying that x squared is on the order of L squared and p squared is on the order of this. 282 00:33:05,900 --> 00:33:09,020 So here we have a function of L and the minimum. 283 00:33:09,020 --> 00:33:14,130 If you if you ask yourself what, what's the, what value of L, does this function have a minimum? 284 00:33:14,150 --> 00:33:17,720 The answer is it's that value that we gave up there from quantum mechanics. 285 00:33:18,050 --> 00:33:25,610 So it's really true that the that L is being chosen to minimise the energy given the constraints imposed by the uncertainty principle. 286 00:33:34,640 --> 00:33:40,520 Okay but we so that we found the ground state way function. It would now be useful I guess to show how we should calculate. 287 00:33:41,550 --> 00:33:47,340 The. Sort of a natural order here. 288 00:33:49,090 --> 00:33:53,770 Yeah. So what we want to do, let's get the, let's get the first excited state as an example. 289 00:33:54,220 --> 00:34:01,370 So first excited state. Excited state wave function. 290 00:34:02,420 --> 00:34:07,830 So you won of X, which is by definition x one. 291 00:34:08,890 --> 00:34:14,450 What do we know? We know that one is equal to one over the square root of one. 292 00:34:14,510 --> 00:34:22,890 Time's a dagger working on the ground state. So if I bra through by X, that's that. 293 00:34:23,000 --> 00:34:31,740 That tells me that you won of x, which is equal to x one is equal to one over the sorry the one of the square. 294 00:34:31,830 --> 00:34:35,930 One doesn't need to be written any more, but this is one over the square root of N plus one. 295 00:34:35,930 --> 00:34:39,740 And here is note of a dagger. 296 00:34:41,180 --> 00:34:51,060 Which is. And Omega X minus II minus IP. 297 00:34:51,090 --> 00:34:57,780 Yes. Over the over the square root of two and H bar omega. 298 00:35:10,000 --> 00:35:20,200 Now what we want to do is it's helpful actually to find out what is to rewrite this in terms of l this characteristic length there. 299 00:35:24,170 --> 00:35:31,240 So let's just say what a dagger is in terms of l to m h bar omega. 300 00:35:31,250 --> 00:35:37,160 Well was. So if you if you if you take that equation up there that defines l. 301 00:35:39,040 --> 00:35:48,340 And you multiply both sides by the square root of two m omega and then you multiply through by a square root of h. 302 00:35:50,660 --> 00:35:53,690 You find. So I need to write this down. 303 00:35:53,900 --> 00:36:00,950 So l is equal to the square root of H bar over to omega multiplying through. 304 00:36:00,950 --> 00:36:12,860 By this I find that the square root of two and omega is equal to the square root of h of l if I multiply through by h bar. 305 00:36:13,430 --> 00:36:22,580 That's bar by the way. Sorry I multiply through by h bar. I find the square root of 2 a.m. h bar omega is in fact equal to H over l. 306 00:36:23,060 --> 00:36:29,660 So this factor here is equal to h over L. So I can say that a dagger is equal to. 307 00:36:31,680 --> 00:36:44,360 This is equal to an omega x on the bottom is h over l so an L here and an h bar there minus i. 308 00:36:45,930 --> 00:36:52,860 I need to. I have an H bar on the bottom and an L on the top. 309 00:36:53,570 --> 00:36:57,100 Times p. Let's keep working. 310 00:36:57,700 --> 00:37:02,409 This stuff is looking remarkably like El all over again. 311 00:37:02,410 --> 00:37:10,600 Right? If I would multiply this by two on the top and two on the bottom, then this would become one of l squared. 312 00:37:10,870 --> 00:37:17,030 So this is is is is equal to the L squared would would cancel this and I would have that. 313 00:37:17,050 --> 00:37:20,140 This was X over to L minus. 314 00:37:21,160 --> 00:37:25,450 Now let's put this into the position representation. In the position representation. 315 00:37:25,600 --> 00:37:29,170 This is minus h bar D by the x. 316 00:37:30,960 --> 00:37:36,870 So the. Yes. 317 00:37:37,110 --> 00:37:42,870 So the eyes get together and make a minus sign and the minuses cancel each other. 318 00:37:42,870 --> 00:37:48,810 So we have an overall minus sign. The H bars cancel and this becomes l d by the x. 319 00:37:49,980 --> 00:37:53,219 A dagger was billed as being dimensionless. 320 00:37:53,220 --> 00:37:56,820 Is it dimensionless? Yes. Because they have an X over L and an L over x. 321 00:37:57,900 --> 00:38:01,590 So this is a handy formula for future reference. 322 00:38:05,390 --> 00:38:09,379 So let's find out what? Sorry, I shouldn't have written that complicated expression up there. 323 00:38:09,380 --> 00:38:18,590 It wasn't helpful that you one of x is equal to this baby, this animal working on. 324 00:38:22,590 --> 00:38:27,149 What does it work on? It works on you. Zero of x. But what is you? 325 00:38:27,150 --> 00:38:39,870 Zero of x? Its its business end is easier than minus x squared over four l squared. 326 00:38:40,200 --> 00:38:44,880 And under here I have to have a two pie l squared to the quarters power. 327 00:38:45,960 --> 00:38:51,450 This factor comes in. I said what the normalisation constant was. 328 00:38:52,350 --> 00:38:59,130 So just to see where that comes from, I needed P of x to have this. 329 00:38:59,970 --> 00:39:06,690 So we obtained u as I should have set a constant k times this. 330 00:39:06,690 --> 00:39:13,979 Right? There was an arbitrary constant in this in this arbitrary constant of integration, which is in fact going to be the normalising constant. 331 00:39:13,980 --> 00:39:17,700 So I know now that the wave function is behaves like this, 332 00:39:18,090 --> 00:39:24,600 which gives me a probability that looks like this, the correct normalisation of the probability is this. 333 00:39:25,080 --> 00:39:34,920 So what I need to do now is to say that in order to get things to work out well, I should replace that K with the quarter power of what's inside here. 334 00:39:34,920 --> 00:39:42,080 So when you square it up. So when you square it up, you find the right normalising constants of the probability. 335 00:39:42,860 --> 00:39:47,330 So. So we've got the ground state now at last properly normalised. 336 00:39:47,960 --> 00:39:56,840 It has that quarter power and this now this is going to come out because we've we've paid proper attention to normalisation. 337 00:39:56,850 --> 00:40:01,400 This will come out correctly normalise. And it's what happens is very simple. 338 00:40:01,700 --> 00:40:12,799 We when we do this differentiation, we're going to bring down a minus X over over to L squared. 339 00:40:12,800 --> 00:40:21,590 And this L will cancel that and we'll be in and cancel this and we'll have an X over to L coming from here we've got an X over to L coming from there. 340 00:40:21,980 --> 00:40:28,100 So the whole thing at the end of the day is one over this two pi l squared. 341 00:40:28,820 --> 00:40:36,290 One quarter of power x of l e to the minus x squared over four l squared. 342 00:40:36,320 --> 00:40:48,830 That's the first excited state wave function. To find the second excited state wave function would use this selfsame operator. 343 00:40:49,420 --> 00:41:00,319 Not going to do this, but let's just see what it would look like. You two would be x over two l minus l d by the x one over two factorial. 344 00:41:00,320 --> 00:41:10,129 Sorry, one over the square root of two. That's the one over square root of n plus one operating on you one which is x of l e of 345 00:41:10,130 --> 00:41:18,740 the minus x squared over four l squared over two pi l squared two one fourth is power. 346 00:41:22,200 --> 00:41:26,040 And you can see that what's going to happen is we're going to get an X squared term times. 347 00:41:26,040 --> 00:41:29,280 These are the garbage we're going to get from this differentiation. 348 00:41:30,000 --> 00:41:35,000 We're going to get an X term from this from the diff. 349 00:41:35,580 --> 00:41:43,320 We'll get various things. We're basically going to get an x squared term and when differentiating away this will get a term in X to the nothing. 350 00:41:44,460 --> 00:41:48,090 And when we bring this down, we'll get another x squared term as well. 351 00:41:48,090 --> 00:41:54,780 And we multiply this and it's going to be squared. So we're going to get terms in x squared, an x to the nothing times e to the minus thingy. 352 00:41:55,650 --> 00:42:10,030 So this is going to be. A poly polynomial of degree to. 353 00:42:13,650 --> 00:42:16,590 It goes by the name of a hermit polynomial. It doesn't matter. 354 00:42:18,180 --> 00:42:22,830 And every time we use this operator, we're going to think we're going to get a more and more elaborate polynomial. 355 00:42:23,430 --> 00:42:25,800 Can you see that? That's that's what's going to be the consequence? 356 00:42:26,160 --> 00:42:31,080 Well, wave functions are all going to be this Gaussian that came came with the ground state. 357 00:42:31,560 --> 00:42:34,830 And then they're going to be times polynomials, which are going to be of order. 358 00:42:34,830 --> 00:42:46,860 N So the general state UN of X is going to be my polynomial h and of x e to the minus x squared over four l squared. 359 00:42:46,860 --> 00:42:51,419 I'm not paying proper attention to the normalisation at the moment, and it's straightforward to find out what these are. 360 00:42:51,420 --> 00:42:56,850 You only have to differentiate. Don't do any clever, any things, just differentiate and they will all drop into your lap. 361 00:42:58,050 --> 00:43:06,750 Something important to notice is that the ground state wave function is an even function of x right e to the minus x squared. 362 00:43:06,960 --> 00:43:14,280 The first excited state wave function is an odd function of x because this operator is odd, right? 363 00:43:14,280 --> 00:43:17,669 It has one power of x in both places is numbers. It changes sine. 364 00:43:17,670 --> 00:43:24,299 If you turn x to minus x, this one is going to be an even function of x because you because we're going to apply 365 00:43:24,300 --> 00:43:28,410 another odd operator to a thing that's odd and we'll end up with an even result. 366 00:43:29,160 --> 00:43:34,620 So. So the ground state. Well, ground state. 367 00:43:36,930 --> 00:43:42,600 And isn't even a function of X. 368 00:43:45,360 --> 00:43:51,510 First excited. It's an odd function. 369 00:43:54,780 --> 00:44:03,090 And the second excited. So in fact you kn of x is even. 370 00:44:04,680 --> 00:44:09,620 If N is even. An odd. Otherwise. 371 00:44:13,330 --> 00:44:19,980 We'll meet this phenomenon in other in other cases that it's it's very often the case. 372 00:44:20,020 --> 00:44:26,170 The ground state is even in the first exciting resort and the next one is even in the next one is odd and so on like that for similar reasons. 373 00:44:27,640 --> 00:44:34,540 And quantum mechanics has its own jargon for this. It says that this is an odd parity state sorry, an even parity state. 374 00:44:34,540 --> 00:44:43,270 This isn't even parity state parity. Parity just means is it even or is it all the wave function and this isn't even parity state. 375 00:44:45,700 --> 00:44:52,360 We'll have more to say about parity in a general context later on when we're covering the material in Chapter four. 376 00:44:52,750 --> 00:44:56,970 So I think both. Sorry. 377 00:44:57,420 --> 00:45:01,680 First, though, this one is odd. Excuse me. I was not sure which line I was on. 378 00:45:01,890 --> 00:45:12,600 This one is even the ground state is even. The first excited state is odd and this is is has a parity. 379 00:45:13,170 --> 00:45:22,530 We say this has a parity minus one to the end so that you know that jargon is used. 380 00:45:22,530 --> 00:45:29,979 Sometimes I wouldn't worry about it. It turns out to be useful to know we'll find it's useful to know whether your wave 381 00:45:29,980 --> 00:45:36,910 function is even or old and then enables you to short circuit various computations. 382 00:45:40,700 --> 00:45:45,780 Okay. We can. 383 00:45:46,200 --> 00:45:50,870 Yeah. All right. Round a border and. 384 00:45:57,160 --> 00:46:02,050 Let's. Yeah. 385 00:46:02,060 --> 00:46:09,160 Let's have a go at this. Let's work out the expectation value in the excited state of x squared. 386 00:46:10,180 --> 00:46:15,570 So we want and it will be nice now to build some connection to classical physics. 387 00:46:15,580 --> 00:46:19,059 Can we connect these results to two classical physics? 388 00:46:19,060 --> 00:46:22,540 Classical physics? As I've said several times, it's all about expectation values. 389 00:46:22,550 --> 00:46:27,760 The connection from quantum mechanics to classical physics occurs through expectation values. 390 00:46:28,240 --> 00:46:32,770 So let's work out this expectation value, which is going to enable us, for example, 391 00:46:32,770 --> 00:46:39,460 to work out what the mean potential energy is because the potential energy is proportional to x squared in the excited state. 392 00:46:41,260 --> 00:46:46,090 Now. How do we work this out? What we do is we observe that a. 393 00:46:49,470 --> 00:46:53,460 Now. We had a dagger. We went to some trouble. 394 00:46:53,880 --> 00:46:57,180 Yeah, we got. We got. We got. Here is. 395 00:46:57,180 --> 00:47:16,059 Here is a dagger. A is going to be L3 is going to be x over to l plus i l upon h bar p and a dagger. 396 00:47:16,060 --> 00:47:23,740 We've got there. We've got there is x over to L minus i, l p over h bar. 397 00:47:24,430 --> 00:47:32,950 So if you add these two equations, you discover that a times l sorry, a plus a l a plus. 398 00:47:32,950 --> 00:47:37,270 A dagger is equal to x. 399 00:47:38,380 --> 00:47:47,440 So a handy this is a very handy relationship. Expresses the x operator as a sum of annihilation and creation operators. 400 00:47:47,650 --> 00:47:52,630 Times L. Right, I've just added these two equations the momentums, the momenta of cancelled on each other. 401 00:47:53,020 --> 00:47:55,710 These have added up to give us an x over l here we've had a plus, 402 00:47:55,730 --> 00:48:02,800 a dagger I've multiplied through by L so when I want to work out this expectation value. 403 00:48:07,390 --> 00:48:10,510 I can replace each of those Xs with this thing here. 404 00:48:10,540 --> 00:48:20,050 L squared comes out because it's only a number and I have an into a plus eight dagger squared and. 405 00:48:22,380 --> 00:48:38,160 Let's multiply this out. It's l squared into an x squared plus a dagger squared plus AA dagger plus dagger a. 406 00:48:48,110 --> 00:48:53,270 Now what's this a squared applied to that is proportional to when plus two. 407 00:48:53,840 --> 00:48:59,690 Right. Because sorry n minus two because each of these A's takes away a unit of excitation. 408 00:49:00,050 --> 00:49:05,750 So a squared times that is proportional to n minus two with n minus two is orthogonal to that. 409 00:49:06,050 --> 00:49:08,840 So that makes no contribution to this expectation value. 410 00:49:08,840 --> 00:49:16,159 Similarly, a dagger squared on this produces some multiple of N plus two, which is orthogonal to that. 411 00:49:16,160 --> 00:49:20,930 So that doesn't contribute. So these two terms don't contribute to the expectation value. 412 00:49:21,800 --> 00:49:24,830 These terms jolly well do contribute to the expectation value. 413 00:49:25,070 --> 00:49:32,750 We know that a on this produces root and minus root n times, root n times. 414 00:49:33,740 --> 00:49:38,030 What we've at times end minus one and this produces routine. 415 00:49:38,840 --> 00:49:43,700 Let me write that out. So this is going to be l squared of rn. 416 00:49:47,510 --> 00:49:54,860 Hey now wants a dagger on this is going to produce root and plus one of end plus one. 417 00:49:59,200 --> 00:50:04,510 Right this this a dagger working on that will produce route end plus one times and plus one. 418 00:50:05,320 --> 00:50:08,590 And then uh. And now I've left the other way to be done. 419 00:50:08,740 --> 00:50:18,490 And here we going to you we're going to say that this is equal to n a dagger times the result of a working on that which is root n times n minus one. 420 00:50:18,730 --> 00:50:22,540 Remember that's the square root of the largest integer occurring in the equation. 421 00:50:24,130 --> 00:50:31,390 And then this a is going to produce a root and plus one times N which will couple with this and produce produce one. 422 00:50:31,390 --> 00:50:35,350 So this is going to be L squared, right? 423 00:50:35,350 --> 00:50:39,340 This is going to lower N plus one down to n, which will produce a one when it meets this. 424 00:50:39,550 --> 00:50:42,520 And we'll have another of these square roots. So we're going to have N plus one. 425 00:50:43,360 --> 00:50:51,430 And when we use this on this, this N minus one is going to be raised back to N, which will produce one when it meets this. 426 00:50:51,700 --> 00:50:55,780 But we'll get another square root of N in the process. So we'll have plus n. 427 00:50:56,380 --> 00:51:01,690 So in other words, it's equal to two N plus one L squared. 428 00:51:03,770 --> 00:51:06,330 So my time is up. What I want to do. 429 00:51:06,350 --> 00:51:15,260 So we've discovered we've discovered something interesting, which is the expectation value of x squared is two and plus one l squared. 430 00:51:16,160 --> 00:51:19,570 We already knew. I think about what? Did we already know about it. No, we didn't. 431 00:51:19,580 --> 00:51:23,390 In a certain sense, yes, we did. We use for the ground state and equals nought. 432 00:51:23,690 --> 00:51:30,349 We knew that it was a we knew the probability distribution was a Gaussian and we knew that the dispersion of that Gaussian, 433 00:51:30,350 --> 00:51:34,130 i.e. the expectation value of X squared was L squared. 434 00:51:35,360 --> 00:51:46,400 We've now discovered how the how the dispersion increases when we when we add excitations and the probability distribution gets broader. 435 00:51:46,700 --> 00:51:49,970 But tomorrow, I want to connect this to classical physics.