1 00:00:03,800 --> 00:00:11,959 Gentlemen, thank you very much indeed. It is a great honour, a privilege for me to be here addressing you today, especially on this subject, 2 00:00:11,960 --> 00:00:22,430 and also as part of the change in character of war study, which I have to say I read a great deal about. 3 00:00:22,430 --> 00:00:26,330 But this is the first time I've actually encountered any of you personally and physically. 4 00:00:27,530 --> 00:00:35,900 Can everybody hear me? Good. Right. How this is going to work is I'm going to give you a very general overview of targeted killings. 5 00:00:36,710 --> 00:00:41,780 This is about killing people. I am very aware that that's an emotional subject. 6 00:00:42,920 --> 00:00:50,040 To my mind, it is inherent to war and warfare. And I am not here to tell you that killing is right or wrong. 7 00:00:50,930 --> 00:00:54,200 I am an ardent follower, if that's the right word. 8 00:00:54,200 --> 00:00:57,620 And I'm probably isn't even the right word of of Clausewitz. 9 00:00:57,620 --> 00:01:03,970 And as we all know, Clausewitz never wrote about ethics. I am purely concerned with the instrumentality of this. 10 00:01:03,980 --> 00:01:07,690 In other words, its service towards policy. Okay. 11 00:01:08,450 --> 00:01:12,110 I just assume the policy is ethical because who would not be? 12 00:01:12,290 --> 00:01:18,139 I am always ethical. I assume that any political view I hold has to be ethical because that is why I hold it. 13 00:01:18,140 --> 00:01:22,310 My political views are an outgrowth of my personal ethics. 14 00:01:23,090 --> 00:01:28,550 I am sure there are many in this room who would disagree with me and where I live in Israel, as many who violently disagree with me. 15 00:01:29,150 --> 00:01:42,070 Unfortunate. But one of those things. The targeted killings really means it was best expressed by an American policeman who doesn't matter who he is, 16 00:01:42,070 --> 00:01:48,640 but he's in a very succinct and annoyingly South American Southern states, the American Way said. 17 00:01:49,150 --> 00:01:52,960 He said strategies about deciding who you're going to kill. 18 00:01:54,010 --> 00:01:58,810 And he's on the Internet saying that if you want to go and find it, it's called the flat out theory of War, 19 00:01:59,680 --> 00:02:04,150 and as such doesn't really have any intellectual credibility or standing. 20 00:02:04,690 --> 00:02:10,090 But targeted killings is about killing people who are relevant to your policy. 21 00:02:12,610 --> 00:02:23,860 The structure that Adam and I, who founded the Infinity Journal used for strategy is discussion as to ends, ways and means. 22 00:02:24,010 --> 00:02:28,389 And we give those the following functional definitions. 23 00:02:28,390 --> 00:02:35,530 I don't mean precise semantic definitions, I mean functional definitions in terms of a way to enable people to discuss and write about it. 24 00:02:35,860 --> 00:02:40,900 Of being policy, policy, strategy and tactics. 25 00:02:41,380 --> 00:02:48,430 So strategy is the linking of policy with tactics on the understanding of the interaction between the two of them. 26 00:02:49,130 --> 00:02:53,470 That's not they were all there is to it. But that's that's how I'm talking to you today. 27 00:02:54,520 --> 00:03:02,230 So how do you become relevant to policy in terms of Israeli targeted killings? 28 00:03:02,260 --> 00:03:02,469 Now, 29 00:03:02,470 --> 00:03:11,470 another other caveat I'd like to point out today is I am talking generally about the targeted killings process as practised by the state of Israel. 30 00:03:11,730 --> 00:03:18,640 Adam will deal with the fine detail. But I'm dealing with a broad overview and it is relevant to what we have studied. 31 00:03:18,970 --> 00:03:24,580 If you want to talk about other people who have pursued a strategy of targeted killings, including the British, 32 00:03:24,670 --> 00:03:32,470 so we including the British Empire, various times in its development, including the Americans and the so-called the drone attacks in Afghanistan. 33 00:03:32,740 --> 00:03:37,190 I can't really talk to you about that in the detail that would be necessary to understand it. 34 00:03:37,210 --> 00:03:40,300 If I went away and studied it in detail, then I'd have a better understanding. 35 00:03:40,300 --> 00:03:46,390 But if you want to ask me about the assassination of Heidrich or why drones keep killing so many civilians, I haven't the faintest idea. 36 00:03:47,200 --> 00:03:55,450 Okay. You become relevant to policy if you are instrumental in the killing of Israelis. 37 00:03:56,570 --> 00:04:05,500 So in other words, if you are a person who advocates it overtly in terms of getting other people to do it or you materially assist in it, 38 00:04:06,370 --> 00:04:09,370 you come up on the radar of the General Security Service. 39 00:04:10,270 --> 00:04:18,540 That doesn't mean anybody who stands on a street corner in Nablus, shame waving a sign saying Kill the Jews is relevant to policy. 40 00:04:18,550 --> 00:04:26,410 You actually because of the amount of time and effort it takes to do this and because of its sensitivity to the policy, 41 00:04:26,890 --> 00:04:32,920 you actually have to be a problem. You have to be someone with a proven track record in making this happen. 42 00:04:33,730 --> 00:04:38,620 And what it will always come down to is an attack in which Israelis died. 43 00:04:39,100 --> 00:04:40,990 That will be the chain of evidence. 44 00:04:41,320 --> 00:04:53,110 And I'm using evidence more in terms of intelligence to say we are going after this guy, because now the wider policy, as in political end state. 45 00:04:53,620 --> 00:04:58,450 Okay. Know, I know we can have a huge argument about what Clausewitz meant when he said policy, 46 00:04:58,810 --> 00:05:01,780 but really and it's not it's not a brilliant choice of words. 47 00:05:02,080 --> 00:05:08,380 But what we are talking about is the political behaviour or the behaviour which you want to force upon other people. 48 00:05:09,340 --> 00:05:15,160 And in the context which I'm discussing, we are talking about a ceasefire, a cessation of violence, 49 00:05:15,730 --> 00:05:21,250 which is about as good as the use of armed force against armed force can get. 50 00:05:21,400 --> 00:05:24,610 It's not about winning the war. It's not about solving the problem. 51 00:05:24,790 --> 00:05:29,320 It is about ceasing the violence in a way that supports the policy aim. 52 00:05:29,830 --> 00:05:35,020 So in other words, if you want to have peace talks, if you want the situation to develop, in other words, 53 00:05:35,020 --> 00:05:40,210 the first person the first thing you've got to do is stop the killing and you've got to stop it by force. 54 00:05:40,960 --> 00:05:45,400 So you've got to get the enemy and I mean enemy to ask for a ceasefire. 55 00:05:45,550 --> 00:05:48,910 Get them to beg for a ceasefire. Okay. 56 00:05:48,940 --> 00:05:53,410 So you use you are using the use of targeted killings for that purpose. 57 00:05:57,380 --> 00:06:02,990 You don't. This is not an attritional strategy in the widest sense of the terms attrition. 58 00:06:03,020 --> 00:06:10,700 It is not about going out and killing anybody and everybody who is useful or instrumental to the enemy's use of force. 59 00:06:10,970 --> 00:06:15,230 It is about precisely deciding who you are going to kill and why. 60 00:06:16,130 --> 00:06:20,660 An adam staat will talk, will give you better examples about why you are killing people. 61 00:06:21,200 --> 00:06:24,230 But the term terrorist, 62 00:06:24,620 --> 00:06:32,210 as in someone who is committing a terrorist offence within the structure of law that your policy is supporting becomes a very operative term. 63 00:06:33,560 --> 00:06:40,460 The killing has to be or has to balance precision, proportionality and discrimination. 64 00:06:40,850 --> 00:06:43,339 Now, in the ideal technical terms, 65 00:06:43,340 --> 00:06:50,659 and because my interest in studying this is to give precise and clear guidance to soldiers, I am not a true academic. 66 00:06:50,660 --> 00:06:51,470 I don't pretend to be. 67 00:06:52,220 --> 00:07:00,170 I am very much about trying to inform armies and discuss with armies how you solve these problems in terms of the conduct of warfare. 68 00:07:00,530 --> 00:07:04,309 So I'm not really about studying war in that sense. I am not interdisciplinary. 69 00:07:04,310 --> 00:07:11,090 I'm very much into one discipline. The precise, proportionate and discriminating use of force has to be balanced against effectiveness, 70 00:07:11,570 --> 00:07:20,410 because if you are doing things which are not effective, you are not progressing your policy, you're not progressing the ends via the means. 71 00:07:20,420 --> 00:07:23,720 In other words, you are failing. You are failing in the practice of strategy. 72 00:07:24,140 --> 00:07:28,490 You can be carrying out an activity which is burning time, fuel resources. 73 00:07:28,880 --> 00:07:31,730 And any of you've ever worked in an intelligence agency never, 74 00:07:31,730 --> 00:07:40,010 ever underestimate that the physical wearing down that long term intelligence works takes on its operators. 75 00:07:40,220 --> 00:07:48,590 And if all that results in something that's not successful, the the the the negative effect is, 76 00:07:48,590 --> 00:07:53,090 is is substantial if not if not actually precisely measurable. 77 00:07:53,990 --> 00:07:59,540 So it's about being able to gauge effectiveness versus efficiency. 78 00:07:59,690 --> 00:08:07,220 Now, the efficiency would be only killing that person you want to kill and nobody else. 79 00:08:08,000 --> 00:08:11,330 So in instrumental terms, everybody thinks of a sniper. 80 00:08:12,320 --> 00:08:15,950 There are huge problems with employing snipers that most snipers aren't very good shots. 81 00:08:15,950 --> 00:08:22,309 I don't care what all the television documentaries tell you. They and they they're very, very fragile. 82 00:08:22,310 --> 00:08:25,650 You have to be able to get them into the right place at the right time and be able to pull them out again, 83 00:08:25,970 --> 00:08:30,980 give them a weapon and take the weapon away from them. Huge technical problems, very, very difficult to do. 84 00:08:31,640 --> 00:08:33,560 So when anyone ever tells you, well, you know, 85 00:08:33,560 --> 00:08:38,270 that they shouldn't have used that car bomb or they shouldn't have used that missile, they should have used a sniper. 86 00:08:38,780 --> 00:08:44,300 You are talking to someone who has a child like and I'm sorry to say it's a childlike understanding of the technicalities of the problem. 87 00:08:44,870 --> 00:08:52,639 And if you really want to study this field, you actually have to go into quite deep detail as to how things like laser guided missiles work, 88 00:08:52,640 --> 00:08:55,040 under what atmospheric conditions they can be used, 89 00:08:55,340 --> 00:09:00,650 what are the characteristics of laser reflection of glass because that comes into play and all these things. 90 00:09:00,680 --> 00:09:10,070 So there's a deep technical knowledge required to make judgements about the decisions used to inform how to progress a certain kind of attack. 91 00:09:11,780 --> 00:09:20,540 Now what? The one thing that is not acceptable in terms of the people who are conducting the operation is a complete failure. 92 00:09:21,110 --> 00:09:28,760 Now, a complete failure means the person you want to kill gets away and you kill people you didn't want to kill. 93 00:09:29,780 --> 00:09:36,169 Targeted killing is very. The reason the word targeted is used is it doesn't mean just flat, as we used to say in the army, 94 00:09:36,170 --> 00:09:40,340 flattening the Green Square to get the one rabbit or pigeon that you wanted. 95 00:09:40,970 --> 00:09:49,790 It means applying force so precisely that people who were not involved in the prosecution of violence are generally safe. 96 00:09:50,450 --> 00:09:58,280 Sadly, all military action conducted in and around a civilian population runs a substantial risk of killing civilians. 97 00:09:58,880 --> 00:10:06,620 And amongst the more pragmatic and I'm not putting any judgement on that amongst the more pragmatic students of warfare, 98 00:10:06,890 --> 00:10:11,390 most of us seem to accept that it's very it's very unpleasant. 99 00:10:11,960 --> 00:10:16,400 It's not something I would say that civilian casualties don't matter. 100 00:10:16,490 --> 00:10:19,880 Civilian casualties do matter because they are relevant to policy. 101 00:10:22,190 --> 00:10:25,700 A lot of parts of the world where large amounts of civilians die in conflict, 102 00:10:25,700 --> 00:10:31,430 where they're not relevant to policy, don't seem to affect any particular governments attitude to their deaths. 103 00:10:33,020 --> 00:10:40,790 A large amount of civilians may or may not have died in a British hostage rescue operation in Sierra Leone, but they'd never. 104 00:10:40,990 --> 00:10:50,870 The possibility of those civilian deaths never seems to have raised its head as concerns British policy with regards to Israel, Palestine, Gaza. 105 00:10:50,990 --> 00:10:55,490 West Bank, Judea. Samaria. Every single civilian death has. 106 00:10:55,710 --> 00:10:59,280 A huge. More so than anywhere else in the world. 107 00:10:59,700 --> 00:11:09,990 Affect on people's opinions and policies. So the ideal aspiration is to be able to conduct an operation where only the person you're after dies. 108 00:11:11,280 --> 00:11:20,280 There are very good examples of this. I've seen a photograph where only the driver's side of the car has basically been obliterated. 109 00:11:20,490 --> 00:11:24,900 Everybody else in the car didn't walk away, but they are still alive today. 110 00:11:26,490 --> 00:11:35,520 The there is a piece of gun camera footage shot in my watch here where it was shot in the West Bank. 111 00:11:36,000 --> 00:11:40,080 All the tank fire being used where it only kills one person. 112 00:11:40,740 --> 00:11:45,300 So anybody ever tells you, you know, tanks have no place in irregular warfare. 113 00:11:45,570 --> 00:11:50,520 I'm sorry if you're trying to kill someone at three kilometres. Tank fire might be the way to do it. 114 00:11:50,640 --> 00:11:56,850 If you want to do it in a way that doesn't kill the seven people standing three metres away from him also works. 115 00:11:57,000 --> 00:12:06,780 I mean, again, a functional technical knowledge of how these things can and can't be achieved needs to be fact factored in at the end of the day. 116 00:12:07,980 --> 00:12:16,620 If you have a policy which can be successfully advocate, that can be successfully set forth through killing, 117 00:12:16,620 --> 00:12:22,379 and that is to get an enemy organisation to ask for a ceasefire and killing the 118 00:12:22,380 --> 00:12:26,640 right people at the right time in the right place will get you there then. 119 00:12:26,640 --> 00:12:33,930 Targeted killing obviously has merit. In instrumental terms, what do you have to be very careful of? 120 00:12:33,930 --> 00:12:39,640 Standing back is looking at this and saying, oh, but targeted killing doesn't make a difference. 121 00:12:39,660 --> 00:12:42,750 Attacks went up. Nothing really changed. 122 00:12:43,080 --> 00:12:46,690 And this is because there's a very peculiar view in the post-modern. 123 00:12:46,710 --> 00:12:49,800 That's the only nice work and say in the post-modern understanding of war and 124 00:12:49,800 --> 00:12:54,540 warfare that somehow every action has to have commensurate an immediate benefit. 125 00:12:55,080 --> 00:13:01,620 And it doesn't in this game. What you're talking about is a slow grinding down over time. 126 00:13:01,980 --> 00:13:05,820 You're talking about times when you will be unsuccessful and the policy will suffer. 127 00:13:06,090 --> 00:13:09,450 But you're talking about other times where you will be more successful than you progressed the policy. 128 00:13:09,900 --> 00:13:14,850 So again, time and effort, because as we all know in the practice of strategy, 129 00:13:14,850 --> 00:13:19,590 if your policy doesn't support the time and effort, then the policy was probably wrong. 130 00:13:20,760 --> 00:13:29,640 But if your policy's right and you're prepared to stick with it, killing the enemy generally, generally based on 5000 odd years of evidence, 131 00:13:30,000 --> 00:13:37,260 tends to work because it is that act that quickly and that most quickly and precisely stretched the will to fight. 132 00:13:37,620 --> 00:13:43,470 And what you're looking to do is destroy their ambition or intention to carry on fighting. 133 00:13:43,860 --> 00:13:51,680 Now, it might be that in real terms you have an organisation that says within its own gathering says We will continue to fight, 134 00:13:51,690 --> 00:13:53,000 we will continue to struggle, 135 00:13:53,010 --> 00:13:58,170 but right now we've got to ask for a cease fire because the last seven people that have stood here and talk to you have ended up dead. 136 00:13:59,280 --> 00:14:09,689 And we know and Adam knows because he has actually talked to the people concerned that the continual killing of high level operators 137 00:14:09,690 --> 00:14:18,030 within terrorist organisations has a substantially degrading effect on the people within their immediate vicinity and community. 138 00:14:18,420 --> 00:14:25,650 The wider population may still believe in continuing the struggle and may believe that the actual attrition in course is worth it. 139 00:14:26,070 --> 00:14:32,190 But the people who are getting killed actually suffer disproportionately. 140 00:14:32,400 --> 00:14:35,280 Now that's very easy to understand because you can think of the amount of 141 00:14:35,760 --> 00:14:40,680 engagements that Britain as a nation has fought over the last hundreds or so years, 142 00:14:41,100 --> 00:14:46,319 where Will was broken at the tactical level within the military organisation. 143 00:14:46,320 --> 00:14:49,440 But the nation believed you should go on fighting. 144 00:14:49,470 --> 00:15:02,490 However, if the if the armed wing of your Trinity, people, people, government and army, if the armed wing ceases to advocate the use of violence, 145 00:15:02,850 --> 00:15:09,480 then you've substantially degraded the enemy organisation's chance to advocate their policy via violence. 146 00:15:10,410 --> 00:15:18,270 So just in closing, what I'd like to say is just remember that it isn't about solving the problem, it's not about winning the war. 147 00:15:19,320 --> 00:15:29,370 It is about destroying the enemy. Armed wings, ability and desire to keep using violence to progress their military aim. 148 00:15:31,470 --> 00:15:34,200 It's not any more complicated than that.