1 00:00:01,090 --> 00:00:06,550 Well, okay, let's start the last session of the day with a quick introduction by the author of the paper. 2 00:00:07,900 --> 00:00:14,590 Okay, I should start by thanking the organisers for giving me this opportunity to present this paper, 3 00:00:14,590 --> 00:00:20,710 but actually to write it and certainly this message that I have. 4 00:00:21,040 --> 00:00:28,990 So we had 5 minutes for apologies and for the brief presentation, so I should start for apologising for all I've done wrong. 5 00:00:29,790 --> 00:00:38,580 And, and then we're going to apologise now. 6 00:00:38,590 --> 00:00:46,030 So. So just a short presentation and I'll just give you two pieces of information. 7 00:00:47,260 --> 00:00:51,610 The first piece of information is for those of you who don't like my conclusion. 8 00:00:51,610 --> 00:00:57,720 And the second piece of information is for those of you who think you don't like my conclusion, but actually do. 9 00:00:58,700 --> 00:01:02,380 So the first piece of information, that's just the structure of my argument. 10 00:01:02,390 --> 00:01:07,270 So if I'm right that the conclusion follows from the fourth, for instance, 11 00:01:07,780 --> 00:01:13,720 you know that if you don't like the conclusion, you should reject one of the premises of the argument. 12 00:01:14,920 --> 00:01:29,740 So for instance, you might deny that we you might deny that it would actually be permissible for poor people to wage war on us if we were, 13 00:01:29,860 --> 00:01:37,050 that is, rich people killing 18 million of them a year by military neutral. 14 00:01:37,060 --> 00:01:48,100 You might deny that we would be liable to a military attack. Second, you might deny that the foreign policy analysis of global poverty is right. 15 00:01:49,000 --> 00:01:54,040 Then we kill 18 million people per year by imposing an unjust global structure on them. 16 00:01:54,790 --> 00:02:02,440 And that put this slightly humorous remark and based to this premise I can read even what is not explicitly written. 17 00:02:02,920 --> 00:02:07,360 It doesn't explicitly write anywhere that we kill poor people in the Third World. 18 00:02:07,360 --> 00:02:11,229 But I think I find it's hard to see how we could deny it, 19 00:02:11,230 --> 00:02:17,740 given what he writes about our imposing an unjust structure on them and thereby making them die. 20 00:02:19,120 --> 00:02:22,180 Third premise policy analysis is correct. 21 00:02:23,890 --> 00:02:28,030 I'm going to assume this so I won't defend his analysis. 22 00:02:28,690 --> 00:02:33,009 And fourth premise there's no relevant, morally relevant difference between our killing. 23 00:02:33,010 --> 00:02:39,580 Pakistan's 18 million poor people each year through military means alone do so by imposing an unjust global structure. 24 00:02:40,180 --> 00:02:44,770 And that's actually a claim that I defend in the paper. 25 00:02:46,000 --> 00:02:48,940 So this is what I argued and this was. 26 00:02:49,150 --> 00:02:56,440 So here's a piece of information for those of you who might think you don't like my conclusion, but actually do so. 27 00:02:56,890 --> 00:03:02,480 Three things. I do not argue. I do not argue that the first and the third premise is correct. 28 00:03:03,730 --> 00:03:07,990 I shouldn't hide too much behind that because I actually think that the first premise of the argument is correct. 29 00:03:07,990 --> 00:03:10,990 But I don't offer you if any one of you is a pacifist. 30 00:03:10,990 --> 00:03:20,530 I do not offer you any evidence in this paper. I am simply assuming that there is there could be a military confrontation between rich 31 00:03:20,530 --> 00:03:25,450 and poor countries in which countries who were killing 18 million poor people a year. 32 00:03:25,450 --> 00:03:30,130 And then it would be permissible for poor people of poor countries to fight back. 33 00:03:30,490 --> 00:03:34,240 We would we would be liable to attack by them. 34 00:03:36,190 --> 00:03:43,150 With regard to Pakistan's analysis of global poverty, I'm less certain that it is actually a correct analysis. 35 00:03:43,540 --> 00:03:53,230 So is a very simple minded thought. A lot of poor people in the world live, or at least used to live in China and India. 36 00:03:53,500 --> 00:04:01,060 And it's true of neither China or India that any of those mechanisms set pocket points to dictators 37 00:04:01,420 --> 00:04:08,260 taking over from democratically run governments in order to set up the natural resources of the country. 38 00:04:08,980 --> 00:04:12,990 That this can have been said to course the poverty, those two countries. 39 00:04:13,000 --> 00:04:18,069 And given this allowed, given that a large proportion of the world's poor live in those two countries, 40 00:04:18,070 --> 00:04:21,040 I think that's at least an issue that he has to address. 41 00:04:22,150 --> 00:04:28,170 The reason I don't think it might be such a big problem for my argument is that even if we don't kill 18 million poor people a year, 42 00:04:28,180 --> 00:04:33,100 if we kill 9 million people a year, that's pretty many people as well. 43 00:04:34,360 --> 00:04:36,130 So that's the first thing I don't argue. 44 00:04:38,500 --> 00:04:46,299 So the second thing I don't argue is that it is permissible for poor people to kill people under circumstances under which it 45 00:04:46,300 --> 00:04:53,650 would not be permissible to kill them in the compound for each million deaths a year as a result of military aggression scenario. 46 00:04:55,410 --> 00:05:03,660 So the outcome that make here is compatible with having implausibly strong views on civilian immunity. 47 00:05:04,320 --> 00:05:16,620 So if you think that that even in war are very strong civilians have very strong immunity to the military, then you can put that into the argument. 48 00:05:16,890 --> 00:05:25,440 And rather than be making the same claim with regard to the situation of killing poor people in the poverty scenario. 49 00:05:26,770 --> 00:05:32,020 And finally, I do not claim that the premise is strictly true. 50 00:05:32,020 --> 00:05:42,729 I do mention some ways in which the way in which we harm poor people by violating the negative rights are different from 51 00:05:42,730 --> 00:05:50,140 the standard type of cases of violating people's negative rights in the pocket scenario that might have more significance. 52 00:05:50,800 --> 00:05:59,140 The reason I'm not overly worried about this is that I think that even if we allow that, there are various ways of violating people's negative rights, 53 00:06:01,570 --> 00:06:08,110 the difference is that the way in which we violate poor people's negative rights, 54 00:06:08,890 --> 00:06:15,710 even though they are less morally problematic than paradigmatic cases of violating people's negative rights. 55 00:06:16,600 --> 00:06:21,820 The difference is so huge that it will rule out the possibility of just redistributing wealth. 56 00:06:22,420 --> 00:06:25,710 So that a. Thank you. 57 00:06:27,360 --> 00:06:32,820 I'm just going to start very briefly by summarising what I think Casper's two main claims. 58 00:06:33,240 --> 00:06:35,160 So the first claim is a conditional claim, 59 00:06:35,160 --> 00:06:43,470 and it says that if it is true that we contribute to bringing about the deaths of millions of poor people because we impose an unjust system, 60 00:06:43,620 --> 00:06:49,290 global institutional system on them, then we are liable to be attacked by them. 61 00:06:49,590 --> 00:06:55,150 And this means that it wouldn't be wrong for them to attack us. This particular claim about liability. 62 00:06:55,170 --> 00:06:55,469 Again, 63 00:06:55,470 --> 00:07:04,260 if I'm right and understand the argument is to be distinguished from a claim about an overall permissibility of a war of the poor against the rich. 64 00:07:04,590 --> 00:07:09,060 Because it might be that, given the particular circumstances in which this war would occur, 65 00:07:09,360 --> 00:07:15,870 the war would be impermissible because the criteria of proportionality and of utility might not be met. 66 00:07:16,170 --> 00:07:19,709 In this particular case, it's highly unlikely that if the poor were to attack the rich, 67 00:07:19,710 --> 00:07:26,130 the poor would actually succeed in in winning this war and obtaining that just cause they're fighting for. 68 00:07:26,610 --> 00:07:34,140 So on the one hand, Casper says, yes, if we are contributing to these terrible harms and deaths, we are liable to attack. 69 00:07:34,170 --> 00:07:39,690 It wouldn't be wrong for the fall to attack us. But on the other hand, it would be impermissible, 70 00:07:39,690 --> 00:07:46,049 all things considered for the poor to attack us because the criterion, especially of nonce utility, would not be met. 71 00:07:46,050 --> 00:07:48,390 And in all likelihood, in this particular case, 72 00:07:49,200 --> 00:07:57,959 and Casper's argument overall relies on a moral distinction that many find plausible, others find implausible. 73 00:07:57,960 --> 00:08:04,650 That is the distinction between actions and omissions. And in his view, or at least on the view that he is canvassing in this particular favour, 74 00:08:04,980 --> 00:08:10,470 liability only makes sense if one actively contributes to bringing about a particular harm. 75 00:08:10,830 --> 00:08:14,580 And even though one might want to challenge this premise of the paper, 76 00:08:14,580 --> 00:08:20,819 I am not going to discuss it in my comments and focus on the two main claims that 77 00:08:20,820 --> 00:08:25,300 Casper makes taking for granted the particular moral framework that his adopts. 78 00:08:25,770 --> 00:08:28,630 And I'm going to try and raise two challenges to the two main claims. 79 00:08:29,070 --> 00:08:38,100 On the one hand, I am going to suggest that even if it is true that we contribute in some way to bringing about these deaths, 80 00:08:38,100 --> 00:08:42,570 in fact, only very few amongst the rich people would be liable to attack. 81 00:08:43,410 --> 00:08:45,209 And the second thing that I want to say, 82 00:08:45,210 --> 00:08:54,300 and this is probably more provocative and I am not very happy with defending this claim that I am just going to outline in a second, 83 00:08:54,630 --> 00:09:00,750 but it seems to me at least prima facie plausible the second claim is even if the rich are not involved, 84 00:09:00,750 --> 00:09:05,729 they are not causing the poor to die and so they are not liable. 85 00:09:05,730 --> 00:09:12,840 And even if in all likelihood the poor will not succeed in waging war, it would still be permissible for them to do so. 86 00:09:12,870 --> 00:09:17,130 I realise this is a very extreme claim, but I want to try an argument for this. 87 00:09:17,370 --> 00:09:25,820 So the first one, the question of liability for the rich. Now Castro thinks that the conclusions he gets to in this paper are very polemical indeed. 88 00:09:25,860 --> 00:09:31,460 He thinks that one might even see them as a reductio of his argument. 89 00:09:31,470 --> 00:09:35,040 You consider this possibility, you don't think it is, but you see them as very polemical. 90 00:09:35,040 --> 00:09:39,749 And I have to say that when I first read the paper, I thought, yeah, of course we can. 91 00:09:39,750 --> 00:09:44,520 We kill these people by appropriate and entitlements that are that are not ours. 92 00:09:44,850 --> 00:09:50,370 Surely they have a right to enforce them and even kill us if that's what we are doing to them. 93 00:09:50,640 --> 00:09:52,950 And I think that the in a way, 94 00:09:52,950 --> 00:10:01,800 the simplicity of this moral picture is a bit artificial because of some of the simplifying assumptions that Kasper makes in the paper. 95 00:10:02,100 --> 00:10:03,899 And I realise that these are assumptions, 96 00:10:03,900 --> 00:10:11,700 but I think that the paper and the conclusion becomes a lot less obvious and the paper more interesting if we relax some of these assumptions. 97 00:10:11,700 --> 00:10:16,770 And I have in mind two assumptions either explicitly or implicitly made. 98 00:10:17,220 --> 00:10:27,360 The first one is the suggestion that in a way there are the rich people and all of them are contributing to contributing 99 00:10:27,360 --> 00:10:35,249 somehow to the same extent or in the same way to causing the deaths of the poor and presumably in the rich world. 100 00:10:35,250 --> 00:10:42,650 I'm assuming that rich people are sort of relatively well-off inhabitants of Western states. 101 00:10:42,660 --> 00:10:48,930 I mean, it's hard to exactly pinpoint, but it seems to be a reasonable approximation of who counted people, 102 00:10:49,380 --> 00:10:56,930 but presumably different rich people differently involved in bringing about these particular negative outcomes for the poor. 103 00:10:56,940 --> 00:11:04,200 So the president of a very wealthy country must be a lot more responsible than a shop assistant in Trenton, New Jersey. 104 00:11:05,100 --> 00:11:12,780 And this is the first claim and the second this is the first simplification that I think makes things a bit too easy for you. 105 00:11:12,780 --> 00:11:16,689 And the second one has to do with the distinction between actions and omissions. 106 00:11:16,690 --> 00:11:24,690 So I take it that the reason why actions have a particular moral weight is because of the involvement. 107 00:11:24,900 --> 00:11:29,370 The agency of the particular person was acting in bringing about a certain outcome. 108 00:11:29,760 --> 00:11:35,620 But here again, I think we could have a more nuanced view of what kind of involvement of the agency we're talking about. 109 00:11:35,640 --> 00:11:40,379 There are very many different ways of acting and of having one agency involved. 110 00:11:40,380 --> 00:11:46,800 And we could put together, on the one hand, the sort of empirical claim that the ways in which different rich people contribute 111 00:11:46,800 --> 00:11:53,010 to world poverty varies with the sort of normative claim about the the fact 112 00:11:53,010 --> 00:11:58,229 that the moral weight of certain actions tracks the degree of immoral involvement 113 00:11:58,230 --> 00:12:02,340 of the agency of the particular actor in bringing about a certain outcome. 114 00:12:02,640 --> 00:12:11,940 It seems to me that very few people in the rich world would sort of meet a threshold of involvement of the agency that might justify killing them, 115 00:12:12,210 --> 00:12:15,750 the shop assistant intervention and a lot of other people. This is a challenge to the view. 116 00:12:15,750 --> 00:12:17,520 If we take this more nuanced approach, 117 00:12:17,520 --> 00:12:26,850 I wonder whether to what extent we could say that the rich people as a whole would be liable to attack maybe a lot fewer than you suggest. 118 00:12:27,390 --> 00:12:31,410 So this is the first part of the comment about the question of liability for the rich. 119 00:12:32,160 --> 00:12:35,460 The second part of the comment. S Yeah. Just to clarify. 120 00:12:35,490 --> 00:12:40,830 Yeah. So it's an omission. How could it. In terms of the picture in relation to. 121 00:12:41,190 --> 00:12:50,219 So I took it that the reason why an action the reason why bringing about a particular harm is morally worse makes you liable 122 00:12:50,220 --> 00:12:58,930 to worse consequences that just failing to prevent it is because your agency somehow is more involved in this particular. 123 00:12:59,400 --> 00:13:04,100 So the serving of that intervention is probably the level of it more. 124 00:13:04,140 --> 00:13:12,990 If the idea is that you are all the more liable, the more you contribute to a particular harm in the sense that your agency is more involved in it, 125 00:13:12,990 --> 00:13:15,719 and considerations about intentionality, 126 00:13:15,720 --> 00:13:20,820 but also other kinds of considerations about what the impact of what you're doing is on the overall outcome then. 127 00:13:20,850 --> 00:13:31,770 Yeah. Thanks, Claire. So the second point about permissibility and so Caspar says, and I think supposedly that, you know, 128 00:13:31,770 --> 00:13:39,030 looking at criteria, you use a bellum if we consider proportionality and especially law utility, 129 00:13:39,330 --> 00:13:44,309 all things considered, it should be permissible for the court to attack the rich because they're just going to cause 130 00:13:44,310 --> 00:13:49,080 a great deal of harm and obtain very little themselves because they're probably going to fail. 131 00:13:49,830 --> 00:13:55,830 And the thought that I had in connection with this argument is whether it actually makes 132 00:13:55,830 --> 00:14:03,840 sense to apply such heavy moral burdens of the on people who live in such extreme conditions. 133 00:14:03,840 --> 00:14:10,980 So we are the poor in a situation that we might want to say is outside the so-called circumstances of justice. 134 00:14:11,370 --> 00:14:14,760 So the fact that he is not moderate is absolute. 135 00:14:15,210 --> 00:14:22,580 And the only way they have to survive seems to be if, you know, they've tried out persuasion, 136 00:14:23,430 --> 00:14:26,070 you know, trying to convince the rich people and so on and so forth. 137 00:14:26,430 --> 00:14:33,419 The only thing they can do, the one thing that is left to them would be just to go and have a war, wage war against them. 138 00:14:33,420 --> 00:14:39,360 And even though I realise that the utility criterion on utility criterion wouldn't be met, 139 00:14:39,360 --> 00:14:43,500 I just wonder whether it makes sense to place such a heavy burden on them. 140 00:14:43,920 --> 00:14:50,610 So even though even in an in a situation in which they have two societies, one is a rich society, the other one is a poor society. 141 00:14:50,610 --> 00:14:55,650 And the poor society is not because the rich have done anything to it, but because of some kind of natural disaster. 142 00:14:55,920 --> 00:15:01,650 So in this particular case, I would imagine on the particular moral framework that you assume in this favour, 143 00:15:01,920 --> 00:15:06,120 the rich would have a duty to assist those in need. 144 00:15:06,420 --> 00:15:10,590 That is the poor. But the poor wouldn't have a strict right to assistance, so to speak. 145 00:15:10,590 --> 00:15:15,990 So if the rich didn't assist, they would be acting wrongly, but they wouldn't be wrong in the poor in particular. 146 00:15:16,260 --> 00:15:23,489 And the poor therefore would not have a strict right to wage war against the rich because the rich wouldn't be liable. 147 00:15:23,490 --> 00:15:31,830 They haven't contributed. That would be the view. Even so, and even if the poor would be unlikely to win, it just seems very strange to me. 148 00:15:31,830 --> 00:15:39,180 Very in a in a way, a bit inhuman, so to speak, to to expect them not to wage war, 149 00:15:39,180 --> 00:15:46,740 to say that it is even impermissible to do that given the particular circumstances in which they live, if they are just dying. 150 00:15:46,770 --> 00:15:48,840 Maybe they're thinking of it. It's highly unlikely. 151 00:15:49,140 --> 00:15:59,310 But maybe if we take such extreme measures, the rich might realise or anyway that just I just want to go tell them, look at what they've done to me. 152 00:15:59,820 --> 00:16:06,360 I'm just wondering the thought underlying this and I realise it's sort of provocative and maybe a little crazy, 153 00:16:06,570 --> 00:16:11,190 but I'm genuinely wondering whether under conditions of absolute scarcity, 154 00:16:11,520 --> 00:16:19,080 it makes sense to hold people responsible to the same degree or to the same moral standards than we would under different conditions. 155 00:16:19,290 --> 00:16:24,630 So these are my thoughts. Well, we have plenty of time for discussion, but maybe we should stick to the. 156 00:16:24,700 --> 00:16:30,400 A newly established customer of a restrained finger. Henry was first. 157 00:16:31,210 --> 00:16:37,390 Okay. I thought this first is just meant to be sort of a public interest announcement of this paper. 158 00:16:37,470 --> 00:16:44,860 At least one other paper cites David Lumens 1980 just for Human Rights article. 159 00:16:45,070 --> 00:16:49,180 He wrote a later article in which he really significantly qualified those views. 160 00:16:49,180 --> 00:16:56,379 And no one ever seems to remember that this doesn't settle any local suffering, cause then he was right the first time. 161 00:16:56,380 --> 00:16:58,660 But I just think it's an interesting article. 162 00:16:58,960 --> 00:17:10,870 Also, since I'm retired, I don't get to assign anyone any readings in a book called Global Justice and Transnational Politics. 163 00:17:10,870 --> 00:17:14,499 And then by Pablo The Grief and Somebody. 164 00:17:14,500 --> 00:17:19,720 Cronin And it's called Intervention and Civilisation Some Unhappy Lessons of the Kosovo War. 165 00:17:20,320 --> 00:17:36,250 So but now there's something clearly more substantive at 1.1 place when might try to go with Laura's second crazy for it would be you know we 166 00:17:36,250 --> 00:17:46,510 often get these examples in which we are told of somebody is an absolutely catastrophic situation and so it counts as a supreme emergency. 167 00:17:46,510 --> 00:17:49,690 And so they can, you know, slaughter lots of civilians or whatever. 168 00:17:49,690 --> 00:18:01,479 And my response to those cases is to think before we sort of authorise those people to the slaughter of civilians wherever it is it might be. 169 00:18:01,480 --> 00:18:04,060 Some of the rest of us are to do something, you know, 170 00:18:04,450 --> 00:18:11,409 like there often this kind of intervention cases where the only way the desperate people could win would be a news to other 171 00:18:11,410 --> 00:18:19,299 people that of course we could just send in the 101st Airborne or whatever and in and do something slightly more restrained. 172 00:18:19,300 --> 00:18:26,580 And it seems to me you can do one way you could go with the flow is last point is say yeah it really does. 173 00:18:26,920 --> 00:18:39,130 Like given how callous and totally unconcerned we have shown ourselves to be, maybe they really wouldn't be unjustified in attacking us, 174 00:18:40,090 --> 00:18:46,090 from which we conclude not the visual targets, but that we should we should do something. 175 00:18:46,090 --> 00:18:51,040 I mean I mean, you know, in the sense that I think this is sort of silly because, 176 00:18:51,040 --> 00:18:53,860 I mean, there's plenty of good reasons why we should be doing something anyway. 177 00:18:54,010 --> 00:19:00,970 But at least it seems kind of one more reason why maybe we should finally get serious. 178 00:19:01,870 --> 00:19:06,790 The reason being that we've left people in this situation in which they either, 179 00:19:07,450 --> 00:19:14,620 you know, die with no dignity or watch a totally futile importance attack. 180 00:19:14,620 --> 00:19:19,510 And those are the only options we've left them. So maybe we ought to think about giving them another option. 181 00:19:22,310 --> 00:19:30,280 Okay. Could I just say and also in response to last point, I think that this line of thought is somewhat sympathetic. 182 00:19:31,600 --> 00:19:35,979 Sorry, I thought what we were saying was actually quite sympathetic to what you say, 183 00:19:35,980 --> 00:19:41,620 that it's and it wouldn't be wrong to attack them in a in a previous case where they contribute, 184 00:19:41,860 --> 00:19:46,390 but it would be all things considered and permissible. And I thought that would be the thing. Never mind. 185 00:19:47,110 --> 00:19:54,310 Yeah. But as I would like to think of my arguments, it would be consistent with taking the view that you take it. 186 00:19:54,520 --> 00:20:05,470 It's simply not a view that it is a view that says that given that we make poor people as badly off as they are, 187 00:20:05,590 --> 00:20:16,270 then it is permissible for them to kill us if they that was a way of preventing this unjust structure and we're liable to attack. 188 00:20:16,840 --> 00:20:25,000 But that is consistent with saying that even if we do not make them as the officer as they are, 189 00:20:26,050 --> 00:20:31,390 even if they're just in this condition of absolute disgust, scarcity, 190 00:20:32,170 --> 00:20:39,520 and we have nothing to do that it's permissible for them to attack us, that that would be, 191 00:20:39,520 --> 00:20:44,319 I take it, a more extreme view in a way than the one I have defended here. 192 00:20:44,320 --> 00:20:49,360 But I don't think that I say anything that is inconsistent with that. 193 00:20:49,570 --> 00:20:55,930 Actually, I mentioned in passing this case of the Holocaust, where one might say, 194 00:20:57,430 --> 00:21:03,280 suppose that people in the Warsaw Ghetto had the they knew that they would not avoid being killed, 195 00:21:03,280 --> 00:21:08,950 but they at least fought with dignity and it would seem that that might be permissible for them to do then. 196 00:21:09,220 --> 00:21:14,799 I think this same kind of. So maybe it's just my misunderstanding. 197 00:21:14,800 --> 00:21:17,980 And if it was my misunderstanding, I apologise for that. 198 00:21:18,340 --> 00:21:27,760 But what I thought the thesis and this came later in the paper, I think, was that under those particular assumptions we would be liable. 199 00:21:27,770 --> 00:21:37,209 But because these two criteria of proportionality, and especially the non-security criterion, as you said, balance would probably not be fulfilled. 200 00:21:37,210 --> 00:21:39,490 All things considered, it would not be permissible. 201 00:21:39,490 --> 00:21:45,760 And in fact, at some point you also have sort of imagined, imagined counterfactual that they could succeed. 202 00:21:46,090 --> 00:21:49,150 Would, in that case, be wrong of them to attack us? 203 00:21:49,250 --> 00:21:53,290 No. So it's even if all things considered is not permissible, it is still worth making the point. 204 00:21:53,290 --> 00:22:05,649 And so that's where I think that the disagreement or suggestion of provocation, whatever lies justified, because this is just a follow up, 205 00:22:05,650 --> 00:22:08,379 I think and one of the unusual argument made a minute ago, 206 00:22:08,380 --> 00:22:17,080 I don't quite buy into this feasibility and proportionality assumption, but I really are about the same problem. 207 00:22:17,080 --> 00:22:20,319 You didn't seem very convincing and then you try to put a face. 208 00:22:20,320 --> 00:22:26,440 So let's think about India. You knew that 800 million people who earn less than $2 a day, India's a nuclear power. 209 00:22:27,170 --> 00:22:30,860 Now, your scenario seems that how would this work out? 210 00:22:30,880 --> 00:22:37,060 First of all, you could certainly mount a feasible threat. It could be proportional if it was only a credible threat. 211 00:22:37,630 --> 00:22:47,560 In other words, they were using it as a credible threat to extort additional funds from the Western world from from from from the United States. 212 00:22:49,060 --> 00:22:53,290 One that would fit into your scenario. On the other hand, it seems to me that they would do that. 213 00:22:53,290 --> 00:22:57,760 It would certainly break down because it would be much worse off anyway, the United States and say, well, we're not going to invest you anymore. 214 00:22:58,240 --> 00:23:03,610 But it seems like you could have both ways. I mean, feasibility, you do have proportionality. 215 00:23:04,390 --> 00:23:07,600 But what will work out in the real world and I'm not sure if they would to do it or not, 216 00:23:07,600 --> 00:23:11,140 but why would you necessarily assume that you're never going to be able to do this? 217 00:23:16,930 --> 00:23:31,800 Okay. I think it is not essential to my arguments whether it is actually possible or impossible for poor countries to reform the unjust, 218 00:23:32,790 --> 00:23:34,230 unjust global structure. 219 00:23:35,880 --> 00:23:46,660 I'm severe, but but and I have to take into consideration different kinds of forces that come to me that I would also have to take into account. 220 00:23:46,680 --> 00:23:58,740 Asymmetric wars. And also, if it is really that inexpensive for rich countries to eliminate global poverty, 221 00:23:59,790 --> 00:24:10,910 it might be much cheaper for us to just pay the money that are needed rather than to fight wars against poor countries. 222 00:24:10,920 --> 00:24:14,280 But I would say if it is possible for India to. 223 00:24:15,540 --> 00:24:22,020 Pose a credible threat and in that way eliminate the unjust group structure. 224 00:24:23,100 --> 00:24:28,220 And if the unjust global structure has the kind of nature that it has, according to hockey. 225 00:24:30,420 --> 00:24:40,650 Well, then I think it would be permissible for India to pose a threat to us and we would be liable to having. 226 00:24:42,460 --> 00:24:44,540 Put us. Jeff. 227 00:24:45,660 --> 00:24:58,100 And I want to say something easy and supportive as far as first point and second in support of the first point, an asymptomatic confessor. 228 00:24:58,670 --> 00:25:04,550 So forgive me if this is just the standard, but it seems to me the one thing to say about the idea that. 229 00:25:05,980 --> 00:25:07,920 Responsibility for what you're. 230 00:25:08,210 --> 00:25:19,700 Two years is global structures underlies the idea that the rich are actually not just allowing people to die or actually killing them. 231 00:25:20,480 --> 00:25:27,800 I want to suggest that whatever global structures there are are not things that. 232 00:25:29,610 --> 00:25:40,000 People who exist now can be very much responsible for being there as global structures, whatever they are, 233 00:25:40,010 --> 00:25:49,770 are structures that have evolved over many generations of people is nobody who decided at any given time, 234 00:25:49,920 --> 00:25:55,110 let us set up the world in this way the politics, the economics and so on. 235 00:25:55,110 --> 00:26:05,159 It is evolved to be what it is. And there's never been a time when we can where any of us could together say, Well, wait a minute, this is unjust. 236 00:26:05,160 --> 00:26:09,870 Let's stop doing it this way right now and and change it today. 237 00:26:09,870 --> 00:26:13,890 Let's completely reorganise the world economy and world politics. 238 00:26:14,100 --> 00:26:21,600 And let's just get this over with once and for all. It's just not a possibility, even for the very rich to do anything like this. 239 00:26:22,890 --> 00:26:28,260 You know, any kind of change in what's being called global structures here has to be. 240 00:26:28,830 --> 00:26:31,930 Some people, just necessarily a lot of people are trying to do this. 241 00:26:31,950 --> 00:26:38,309 And you might want to rewrite the argument claiming that those people who are resisting 242 00:26:38,310 --> 00:26:44,760 the international institutions or something like that or whatever are going to be liable. 243 00:26:45,120 --> 00:26:54,660 But it's it's hard to see how anybody now can be held to be responsible for the nature of global institutions. 244 00:26:55,710 --> 00:27:05,720 Secondly, I worried about the kind of coherence of our second part, because Europe mixing, I think, two things together. 245 00:27:05,730 --> 00:27:11,220 You're saying, first of all, that their action would be futile. 246 00:27:11,890 --> 00:27:19,290 But you were saying that we would be somehow burdening them to prevent them from engaging in this action. 247 00:27:19,290 --> 00:27:23,040 But I don't think we'd be really burdening them if the action were actually unilateral, 248 00:27:23,050 --> 00:27:28,350 if they weren't going to get better as a result of things that no good for them was going to call it, 249 00:27:28,350 --> 00:27:31,980 and it wouldn't be adding to their burden just to say, no, you can't, you can't do this. 250 00:27:32,550 --> 00:27:37,470 So and lastly, it just seemed to me that even if we thought there. 251 00:27:39,540 --> 00:27:45,060 Somehow it's understandable why they would want to do this, as you said, 252 00:27:45,450 --> 00:27:51,690 and look at what they've done to me or something like that, that that phrase itself suggests that what they have done, 253 00:27:52,140 --> 00:27:57,580 this is just an excuse rather than a commission or a justification, would suggest that, 254 00:27:57,600 --> 00:28:03,840 you know, they've made war on these rich people without any real hope of success or whatever. 255 00:28:06,680 --> 00:28:10,470 And we can see that they were excused to do that. It's not clear that. 256 00:28:11,880 --> 00:28:22,800 I can testify that Danny has with an excellent painting regime that it could be justified by giving too good to other than that success in the. 257 00:28:25,280 --> 00:28:34,130 So in response to the first point about the global structure not being something that anyone is responsible for, 258 00:28:34,790 --> 00:28:42,890 I guess that would be taking issue with Pakistan's analysis rather than taking issue with my argument. 259 00:28:42,980 --> 00:28:49,430 I'm assuming that Pakistan argument is is analysis of global poverty is correct. 260 00:28:49,430 --> 00:29:02,749 And he's saying things like rich states impose unjust global structure on poor countries and people living in rich countries who vote for the parties 261 00:29:02,750 --> 00:29:14,730 and the governments that imposes unjust structure on poor people are complicit in this crime against humanity that is being committed itself. 262 00:29:15,360 --> 00:29:22,400 So as I would suspect that that your point is more directed against focussed analysis than against my argument. 263 00:29:23,450 --> 00:29:33,860 But setting that aside, to consider a case in which we have this club of rich nations and the people in different rich countries, 264 00:29:35,180 --> 00:29:42,050 both for governments and these governments, meet at various points and make decisions. 265 00:29:42,560 --> 00:29:46,760 They make decisions about whether or not to attack poor countries, 266 00:29:48,620 --> 00:29:57,050 and so happens that they decide to wage war against poor countries, killing 8 million poor people a year. 267 00:29:58,880 --> 00:30:03,530 I suppose that many would say that in this kind of case, 268 00:30:04,700 --> 00:30:17,360 people who live in rich countries and had voted for governments that took part in making the decision to do it will bear sufficient responsibility 269 00:30:17,900 --> 00:30:29,870 for what's happening to poor countries such that they cannot complain when they are being killed in defence of wars by poor countries. 270 00:30:30,570 --> 00:30:37,790 And I am and I simply want to say that if we imagine a analogous scenario with regard to global poverty, 271 00:30:37,790 --> 00:30:47,480 where the individual responsibility of a citizen in rich countries is tiny because it's not real, 272 00:30:48,160 --> 00:30:52,840 it wouldn't have made any real difference in the average person that voted for different parties. 273 00:30:53,250 --> 00:30:55,730 But if we think that in the military scenario, 274 00:30:56,450 --> 00:31:06,050 people are liable to being harmed in a defensive war by poor countries to see why we shouldn't say the same about the poverty scenario, 275 00:31:06,590 --> 00:31:13,370 provided that focus analysis is the nature of global poverty is correct and very brief. 276 00:31:13,370 --> 00:31:17,120 We have a huge list. Okay. I'm sorry. It's just this. 277 00:31:19,300 --> 00:31:22,380 I think you're you're you're gesturing towards the. 278 00:31:24,080 --> 00:31:25,190 Killing and letting die here. 279 00:31:25,190 --> 00:31:36,050 I mean, the very fact that nobody, including the Fuhrer themselves, sees what's happening as exactly like our going over there and killing them. 280 00:31:38,510 --> 00:31:46,220 Points to the weakness in the argument that what you and Thomas are describing really is much more like letting people die. 281 00:31:46,550 --> 00:31:51,890 And anybody can tell the difference between the functioning of global institutions as we have it today, 282 00:31:52,100 --> 00:31:55,280 and how picking up our machine guns and going over there and mowing them down. 283 00:31:57,110 --> 00:32:02,540 I do think it's telling that the victims themselves don't think of themselves as being killed by us. 284 00:32:04,010 --> 00:32:13,669 I think that's telling to. But I also think that some of the examples he mentions say, like, well, are these medicines. 285 00:32:13,670 --> 00:32:22,190 They could be produced very in very cheap ways. We sue companies that produce these very cheap medicines and as a result, 286 00:32:22,460 --> 00:32:28,160 the case of preventing people from saving I don't want to interrupt, but the list is really long. 287 00:32:28,160 --> 00:32:35,660 And also the finger rule is suspended for not telling the other. 288 00:32:41,520 --> 00:32:48,460 I thought it was quite critical, said the council chair, leading the negotiations that critics of Donald Trump's decision. 289 00:32:51,260 --> 00:32:59,770 That's the poor stuff, and the lack of a full weather causal chain makes no difference. 290 00:33:01,000 --> 00:33:04,800 But I don't think people are going to see the idea of correctness. 291 00:33:05,290 --> 00:33:10,570 But the call to change the way you talk about giving the rating agency. 292 00:33:11,570 --> 00:33:20,330 In itself. So the case that you give is two different forms, but in both cases to be. 293 00:33:21,650 --> 00:33:27,020 Before the homeschoolers got a blank check for the negotiations. 294 00:33:29,300 --> 00:33:33,990 We have lots and lots. A lot of people are going to make. 295 00:33:35,190 --> 00:33:47,639 Yeah. And that's a that's a criticism I accept in the sense that I don't think I've addressed this in the way I should in the paper. 296 00:33:47,640 --> 00:33:53,100 So that's something I need to work on. But I'm thinking about it. 297 00:33:53,640 --> 00:34:00,390 So, so, so there a difference between the poverty scenario and the military aggression scenario. 298 00:34:01,620 --> 00:34:11,189 If the poverty scenario works in the way that by recognising dictators in third world countries as having ownership of natural 299 00:34:11,190 --> 00:34:20,309 resources in the country and thereby giving incentives to generals to take over power from a democratically elected government, 300 00:34:20,310 --> 00:34:28,200 says the intervening agency of governments to establish an equivalent to the military scenario case. 301 00:34:29,310 --> 00:34:39,500 We should imagine a case where rich countries give incentives for dictators to wage war against their own people by military means or something, 302 00:34:39,570 --> 00:34:44,940 and that that would establish some kind of symmetry between the two cases I want to compare, 303 00:34:45,480 --> 00:34:58,230 because they would then both involve intervening, and the claim I would then have to argue for would be that it would also be permissible for poor 304 00:34:58,230 --> 00:35:06,600 people suffering from dictators waging war against their own people to attack rich countries. 305 00:35:06,600 --> 00:35:12,030 As if that was a way of removing disincentives for if you want to take over power. 306 00:35:13,740 --> 00:35:17,910 I assume that if the numbers are right, the numbers are big. 307 00:35:18,660 --> 00:35:32,010 That could be permissible. I think the discussions about causal chains and individual agency, 308 00:35:32,010 --> 00:35:36,690 I think at the moment are very unrealistic and really highlight some of the points made 309 00:35:36,710 --> 00:35:40,710 in the newspaper about the inadequacy of an individual's approach to these questions. 310 00:35:40,790 --> 00:35:45,899 Things like Scott Leach's responsibility shows being fairly plausible, 311 00:35:45,900 --> 00:35:49,950 easy to understand, and maybe even analysis that one significant function of a legal, 312 00:35:49,950 --> 00:35:58,430 rational system of legal, rational authority is to displace responsibility in terms of create structures of responsibility between individuals. 313 00:35:58,860 --> 00:36:05,790 So just seems very bizarre. That participant in that sort of structure can escape of moral burdens, 314 00:36:05,790 --> 00:36:10,919 harms those structures utterly foreseeable and deliberately induced by hiding behind 315 00:36:10,920 --> 00:36:14,580 the shelter of the very structures that they've created to achieve that result. 316 00:36:15,490 --> 00:36:17,790 I mean, as I was wanting to say in a domestic court, 317 00:36:17,790 --> 00:36:21,060 perhaps shareholders are responsible for the crimes of the company in which they have been shares. 318 00:36:21,360 --> 00:36:24,480 That's a positive legal question, but I think that settles the moral issue. 319 00:36:24,840 --> 00:36:26,780 Just when you asked to be Marxist, right, 320 00:36:26,790 --> 00:36:31,260 to think that that stuff that we put up is completely standard American analysis will get you the same treatment. 321 00:36:32,080 --> 00:36:37,490 This the same consequence. So I'm much more sympathetic to policy for that sort of reason, and that's fine. 322 00:36:37,740 --> 00:36:43,770 Some of those objections really extremely unrealistic and absurd. Only on the challenge. 323 00:36:43,770 --> 00:36:46,920 I think I'm very sympathetic to it. I actually write it off the thesis defending it. 324 00:36:47,100 --> 00:36:50,399 I think you have to do it in a Hobbesian framework is how you do it. 325 00:36:50,400 --> 00:36:55,890 Not a whole lot in framework might get you there, but the moral against law will get you to something like that. 326 00:36:56,230 --> 00:37:00,540 But I think that they have the resources perhaps to deal with the potential India objection, 327 00:37:01,020 --> 00:37:04,440 because if it really is a war of all against all and all sovereigns are dissolved, 328 00:37:04,680 --> 00:37:10,410 then the Indian government special standing to kind of act as an agent and use uses nuclear weapons, pulls away. 329 00:37:10,710 --> 00:37:16,740 So you might build on that idea to try to sort of dissolve the that possibly that's met with rejection. 330 00:37:16,740 --> 00:37:22,650 You might try to dissolve it in the obscene analysis. Also still preserving the admissibility of the en maps or something of that sort. 331 00:37:23,160 --> 00:37:30,080 No, I haven't worked out the details. I think it's I mean, it's not that Hobbes's the framework not you can't walk. 332 00:37:32,390 --> 00:37:40,070 Reasonable thoughts and questions. Okay. So I'm not sure I got the second thought. 333 00:37:40,400 --> 00:37:45,979 But with regard to the first one, I, I totally agree. 334 00:37:45,980 --> 00:37:52,100 And I would be crazy not to admit that some of the scenarios, I imagine are very unrealistic. 335 00:37:52,100 --> 00:37:58,310 And I suppose that there is a general issue about a general methodological issue here that where 336 00:37:58,440 --> 00:38:05,930 we might take different views about how one identifies basic principles of morality for all, 337 00:38:06,770 --> 00:38:15,709 but thinking about it and not trying to set aside these methodological issues, do this with scenarios. 338 00:38:15,710 --> 00:38:18,820 Do they tell us anything about the morality of hope? 339 00:38:20,060 --> 00:38:29,600 I'm wondering if in this kind of cases, the complexity, of course, of change is such a big deal. 340 00:38:30,440 --> 00:38:33,530 I mean, it might be a big deal if you think that it's very important, 341 00:38:33,920 --> 00:38:40,640 whether we are talking about the death of identify people or not identify people. 342 00:38:40,980 --> 00:38:49,160 So I think if we're talking about if we know for sure that if we continue with this unjust global structure, 343 00:38:49,580 --> 00:38:55,190 18 million people a year will die with the complex. 344 00:38:55,490 --> 00:39:01,040 The causal chains leading to the death of these 18 million people are extremely complex. 345 00:39:01,040 --> 00:39:10,639 And we can't say much about we can't predict who will die in poverty and that the force of change leading from the 346 00:39:10,640 --> 00:39:20,750 unjust global structure to the death of any individual poor person are something that we do not really able to chart. 347 00:39:21,350 --> 00:39:28,100 I think that does matter so much, given that if we know that something like 18 million people a year, 348 00:39:29,660 --> 00:39:37,390 I know we're in complete agreement to [INAUDIBLE] is right in the last row as I would like to support. 349 00:39:38,030 --> 00:39:47,590 I do not think that I imposed an unjust global order upon the poor, and I find it always very silly of poverty, 350 00:39:47,610 --> 00:39:56,510 as does this step in a subclause saying our governments and then and hence we impose an unjust global order. 351 00:39:56,690 --> 00:40:03,139 I think that would need significant argument if Thomas argues that by going to a supermarket 352 00:40:03,140 --> 00:40:08,930 and buying something or paying taxes and telling people that it seems rather strange, 353 00:40:09,080 --> 00:40:10,729 rather strange thing to say, 354 00:40:10,730 --> 00:40:19,200 but if there is to a participating in the global economical order is, you know, participating in the slightest provocation then actually committed, 355 00:40:19,200 --> 00:40:24,570 then you can also kill people working in the sweatshop because they are participating in the same way. 356 00:40:24,920 --> 00:40:27,050 So the poor would be liable to attack, too. 357 00:40:27,510 --> 00:40:38,180 And the second point is, it seems to me that the whole world of liability suits behind your argument that all this argument is is mistaken. 358 00:40:38,540 --> 00:40:44,390 It is not true that we become liable to attack only because we causally contribute an unjust harm. 359 00:40:44,750 --> 00:40:57,590 For example, if some guy crashes the skull of another person unjustly with a copy of my Habermas, Habermas or causally contributed to an unjust harm. 360 00:40:57,590 --> 00:41:01,640 But I have not become liable to attack me that if I become liable to compensation. 361 00:41:02,660 --> 00:41:08,300 And the third point is one sorry. Just before we go to the third, could you just give me the case once more? 362 00:41:08,360 --> 00:41:13,790 I'm sorry. I was well, you know, I published the Copenhagen Muslims linking up to the Holocaust. 363 00:41:13,790 --> 00:41:24,010 And by, in your opinion, a person's head and I causally contributed, therefore, to a person's death in case somebody decides to kill somebody. 364 00:41:24,020 --> 00:41:27,510 But not knowing that that would be an upcoming. 365 00:41:27,790 --> 00:41:35,959 Well, I do I know that it is an outcome of first of all, 366 00:41:35,960 --> 00:41:42,410 I don't know of doesn't know that an outcome of my by the zealot will kill somebody in the third world, 367 00:41:42,980 --> 00:41:47,810 especially not if, on the other hand, he says that terrorism trades actually block, 368 00:41:48,170 --> 00:41:52,639 you know, food coming into our country and therefore people die somewhere else. 369 00:41:52,640 --> 00:41:56,890 So you have to make up your mind, is it bad for me to buy food or is it not happening? 370 00:41:57,620 --> 00:42:01,190 But anyway, there is a cult of liability that is impossible. 371 00:42:01,820 --> 00:42:11,990 And the third point connected to this is if if in reality imposing upon someone an unjust global order makes you liable to attack, 372 00:42:12,470 --> 00:42:16,129 then you have to see the following, for example, of stuff that comes along. 373 00:42:16,130 --> 00:42:20,600 And they beat me up and then they put me into an unjust prison where I am treated like scum. 374 00:42:20,810 --> 00:42:26,030 Then, of course, those people who beat me up and down have imposed upon me an unjust global order. 375 00:42:26,360 --> 00:42:29,630 And the other way you can impose an unjust, just global order. 376 00:42:30,330 --> 00:42:36,780 Person is to to be our child if that is proper English or to give birth to a child in the Third World. 377 00:42:37,170 --> 00:42:41,790 So on all mothers in the Third World who are getting children would end up having 378 00:42:42,420 --> 00:42:46,440 a liable to attack because they impose an unjust global order on these children. 379 00:42:46,710 --> 00:42:57,390 In this instance, the of the whole argument. Actually I have a footnote in the paper. 380 00:43:00,100 --> 00:43:02,670 Yeah. About child bearing. 381 00:43:04,830 --> 00:43:20,549 And so suppose that if we didn't impose an unjust world order, then, uh, the people who are poor in the world today would be better off, 382 00:43:20,550 --> 00:43:29,280 but instead they would live lots of other people who would be, uh, well, pretty poorly off as well, but still lived life worth living. 383 00:43:30,240 --> 00:43:32,520 I think that in that kind of case, 384 00:43:34,470 --> 00:43:44,030 it becomes less clear that we that the poor who was actually living now have complained about the unjust global strike. 385 00:43:44,100 --> 00:43:53,230 But I guess that's a different issue. With regards to your first point, I'm not so certain about this. 386 00:43:55,230 --> 00:44:06,030 Is this issue about our governments that the governments of the most powerful countries in the world and. 387 00:44:07,550 --> 00:44:12,650 It's probably not just the United States and England, France and Germany any longer. 388 00:44:13,230 --> 00:44:23,060 There are other states that should be mentioned here. There is a sense in which they are in a position to have a greater influence on 389 00:44:23,330 --> 00:44:31,970 whatever global structure we live under than countries like Zimbabwe or whatever. 390 00:44:33,470 --> 00:44:40,850 And also imagine that. Imagine that a country is engaged in an. 391 00:44:41,960 --> 00:44:51,560 Genocide and people will not be prosecuted in any way if they refuse to pay taxes. 392 00:44:52,490 --> 00:44:57,469 And I think in that situation, 393 00:44:57,470 --> 00:45:08,510 if I say I don't want to pay taxes because I don't want to be contributing to the genocide that my government is conducting. 394 00:45:09,020 --> 00:45:18,410 And if I did that, if I paid my taxes despite the fact that I would not suffer any sanctions if I didn't, 395 00:45:19,370 --> 00:45:27,890 then it doesn't seem right to say, well, I bear some responsibility for the genocide that my government is conducting. 396 00:45:28,720 --> 00:45:33,470 Now, the fact is, of course, that people will actually suffer penalties if they do not pay their taxes. 397 00:45:34,910 --> 00:45:42,050 But that might just show that the excuse for it is if the punishment is severe enough, 398 00:45:42,440 --> 00:45:48,580 that they are excused for being partly responsible for what the government does. 399 00:45:48,680 --> 00:45:55,490 I don't think it shows that they are not responsible at all. And also, I think we should we should compare this to a case of military aggression. 400 00:45:56,840 --> 00:46:03,680 And I'm assuming that there could be cases in which a government starts military aggression 401 00:46:03,680 --> 00:46:09,200 against another country and then civilians in that country are liable to be harmed. 402 00:46:09,500 --> 00:46:15,620 See, as a by product of attack, incompetence of that unjust, aggressive country. 403 00:46:16,160 --> 00:46:19,220 And if we say in that case that the civilians, 404 00:46:19,730 --> 00:46:29,750 they are liable to be killed as a by-product of military aggression, then I don't see how we can deny that. 405 00:46:29,750 --> 00:46:36,830 This is also the case in which a state imposes an unjust economic structure leading to the death of lots of other people. 406 00:46:37,190 --> 00:46:43,100 The state. Sorry, there is no right to reply because we have like a really long list of views to get to where it goes next. 407 00:46:44,180 --> 00:46:47,300 Things are different when you go to war. 408 00:46:48,320 --> 00:46:54,410 There are several groups of people who may be liable to be killed. Some of them to a greater extent, and some of them to a lesser extent. 409 00:46:54,650 --> 00:46:57,920 Some of them to no extent at all. And they're not liable to be killed. 410 00:46:58,580 --> 00:47:04,760 The other states, government leaders, politicians and so on, I think they are very, very much liable. 411 00:47:04,770 --> 00:47:11,840 Right. The unjust side. And they are the first group which this ought to be eliminated if we have to do it group by group. 412 00:47:11,960 --> 00:47:19,520 Okay. At the bottom of the list, you'll have the babies there completely the in the seals, the ones who are unable to make up choices and so on. 413 00:47:20,210 --> 00:47:28,220 Somewhere in between you have civilians who are less involved and will go up and up and taxpayers somewhere close to the top of the list, 414 00:47:28,250 --> 00:47:33,350 not at the top of the list, but close to the top of the list will be the soldiers who are actually the ones 415 00:47:33,350 --> 00:47:39,350 who carry out the killing and do things and take arms and shoot people unjustly. 416 00:47:40,880 --> 00:47:48,770 They are the ones who will be killed in this war. Now, in your example, there's also a list of more or less culpable people. 417 00:47:49,070 --> 00:47:53,190 The more culpable people are, the, again, the politicians, the governments and so on. 418 00:47:53,200 --> 00:47:56,930 Next, international lawyer is a lobbying group and so on. 419 00:47:57,140 --> 00:48:03,330 Swiss bankers and so on and so on and so on. At the bottom of the list, there will be again, the infants, the imbeciles. 420 00:48:03,410 --> 00:48:11,510 So near the bottom of the list, you'll have the lower classes which most armies are constituted of. 421 00:48:12,080 --> 00:48:15,500 And they're the group which will be killed in this war. It's not the bankers. 422 00:48:17,780 --> 00:48:26,339 Pretty good reason in to in normal warfare soldiers where it's an economic killing, not to kill the soldiers. 423 00:48:26,340 --> 00:48:32,300 They aren't the ones doing the killing. So bite the bullet. 424 00:48:32,330 --> 00:48:37,970 Bite the bullet. Yeah, I know. 425 00:48:39,290 --> 00:48:43,010 But now not just trivialises your argument, because if you are going to say, 426 00:48:43,100 --> 00:48:48,140 well, we should really kill the bankers, then I do not see what the argument is. 427 00:48:48,350 --> 00:48:53,750 The assumption is that the bankers kill a lot of people. These people make it through economic means. 428 00:48:53,990 --> 00:48:57,860 These people may kill the bankers who kill them in self-defence. Yes, I agree. 429 00:49:00,360 --> 00:49:03,660 No. So, look, here's what I'm saying. 430 00:49:04,370 --> 00:49:14,030 So suppose we have two countries, Denmark and Norway. And in the first scenario, Denmark wages war against Norway, killing a lot of Norwegians. 431 00:49:15,780 --> 00:49:21,630 And a lot of times people vote for the government that pursues these aggressive policies. 432 00:49:22,530 --> 00:49:30,540 And I am assuming that given the kind of responsibility they have for the action of the country, 433 00:49:31,800 --> 00:49:40,890 they are liable to be killed in a defensive war by Norwegian troops so that soldiers or well, soldiers and civilians. 434 00:49:40,990 --> 00:49:44,730 My feeling is it might be the case that some kind of civilian immunity at stake 435 00:49:45,150 --> 00:49:51,270 such that Danish civilians cannot be targeted directly by Norwegian troops, 436 00:49:51,270 --> 00:49:55,650 but they can be killed as a side effect of targeting these competence. 437 00:49:56,400 --> 00:50:04,530 So I think that that's a point of departure. Here's a case where Danish civilians are likely to be killed, met with such example. 438 00:50:04,630 --> 00:50:15,300 So now Denmark imposes an unjust economic structure on Norway, and lots of Norwegians die as a result of poverty, and they do it by sea, 439 00:50:15,390 --> 00:50:27,330 giving incentives for Norwegian journalists to seek power and by making medicine that is needed, very expensive, 440 00:50:27,330 --> 00:50:33,620 such that we just won't be able to buy it, etc. Then I am saying that if you think that in the military scenario, 441 00:50:33,930 --> 00:50:42,600 assuming that we are talking about the same number of civilian deaths, etc., you think that Danish civilians are liable to kill? 442 00:50:42,750 --> 00:50:49,950 The same would be the case in in the unjust economic structure scenario. 443 00:50:51,390 --> 00:50:55,290 So I'm not just making a trivial thing about killing bankers. 444 00:50:55,300 --> 00:50:59,520 I am saying that if if you think that in the military scenario, 445 00:51:00,030 --> 00:51:09,720 there's some kind of liability to be killed on part of civilians or responsible for the actions of the government, then the same is the case here. 446 00:51:11,800 --> 00:51:21,130 That's true. Left to Helen. Okay, let's try and come face to face to face a face in 2005, 447 00:51:21,920 --> 00:51:30,700 since the one way in which people can contribute to the hope behind just doing it is through failing to take steps. 448 00:51:30,700 --> 00:51:38,840 That would mean weak national economies were protected against what he calls exogenous shocks from outside the national economy. 449 00:51:38,860 --> 00:51:46,660 But global financial crises, most of the things are failing to design a system that prevents economies suffering no chance. 450 00:51:47,930 --> 00:51:51,510 I think this is one way in which you can't be bothered. Now. 451 00:51:53,110 --> 00:51:56,350 Okay. Just how many times on the numbers here we have 18 million people. 452 00:51:57,310 --> 00:52:01,370 And I tell you, whether it does matter where we come from as a means of of action. 453 00:52:01,450 --> 00:52:10,300 But if I have one person, I kill them. I take it that yields I'm a basket will not yield a just cause on their part to kill me. 454 00:52:10,930 --> 00:52:18,270 Yeah. Here's your claim as saying with regard to this measure that POGO says produces world poverty. 455 00:52:18,840 --> 00:52:23,489 So if I'm about if I'm a banker and I'm hoping to institute a global financial 456 00:52:23,490 --> 00:52:28,320 system that fails to protect your economy adequately against this sort of a shock. 457 00:52:28,860 --> 00:52:35,780 Is your position that if one person will be killed by that, then there's a just cause to kill the banker for your position? 458 00:52:37,020 --> 00:52:39,380 Instead, the numbers don't matter again. 459 00:52:39,810 --> 00:52:47,190 So once we start killing, I think you wanna put an effort on a million people that result from that failure too, to allow people to shock. 460 00:52:47,400 --> 00:52:50,640 And that would be the kind of thing that would just cause war. 461 00:52:50,700 --> 00:52:56,969 So we should just because we're number sensitive on this account and is the way that you can trade 462 00:52:56,970 --> 00:53:02,370 off the seriousness of the shortfall in your duty against the number of people killed as a result. 463 00:53:02,910 --> 00:53:08,580 So if I fulfil 95% of what you do as a banker to make sure that we're not exactly shocks, 464 00:53:08,910 --> 00:53:12,030 but it check things quite heavily enough, my folks are at 5%. 465 00:53:12,660 --> 00:53:20,610 If a result of that is I don't know. Think so. And I don't know that you want this issue just cause we're not. 466 00:53:20,610 --> 00:53:28,290 Not just. Just them around. Just cause it is sensitive to both numbers and small variations in the degree of harm. 467 00:53:30,160 --> 00:53:34,270 Okay. So. So we have no time, basically. 468 00:53:34,270 --> 00:53:41,230 But, you know, you can you know, the questions have to be really in basically no time. 469 00:53:42,910 --> 00:53:57,100 I think you're making two points. The one is about the one is about failing to implement a system that cushions economists against external shocks. 470 00:53:57,110 --> 00:54:03,400 As that, I think here there is an issue about doing and allowing. 471 00:54:03,520 --> 00:54:11,260 So it seems we are more here, we are more taught, we are more likely to be talking about allowing harm rather than doing harm. 472 00:54:12,370 --> 00:54:18,430 And they have a short discussion of that particular mechanism in the paper. 473 00:54:18,760 --> 00:54:26,500 With regard to sensitivity to numbers, I think that the argument to make is neutral on this issue. 474 00:54:26,920 --> 00:54:30,900 So I think for all I am saying in this paper, I could go either way. 475 00:54:30,910 --> 00:54:39,610 But as a matter of fact, I would want an account of liability to being held in self defence that this. 476 00:54:42,450 --> 00:54:51,150 Well, yeah. Sensitive to numbers, but I think it's it's not something that I commit myself to have ended up in the paper. 477 00:54:52,870 --> 00:55:02,630 Mr. Who has just lost two of people who are dying of starvation to defend themselves. 478 00:55:03,090 --> 00:55:08,510 I don't know why you want to make herself so one way, but she made them all. 479 00:55:08,600 --> 00:55:14,960 Is you imply that the active missions distinction is really important in justifying that permission to hold. 480 00:55:15,950 --> 00:55:17,880 But that doesn't seem to be so obviously true. 481 00:55:17,900 --> 00:55:26,240 So if Andrew failed to rescue me from a pond, what he could do just at the cost of his suit, he refuses to do it. 482 00:55:26,270 --> 00:55:30,740 Now. I could kill him. And he would fall into the pond like you track myself out. 483 00:55:31,100 --> 00:55:36,260 But he's violated his duty. He could have easily rescued me just at the cost of his suit. 484 00:55:36,310 --> 00:55:40,430 And I can shoot him and put myself out so he could be liable to be killed. 485 00:55:40,730 --> 00:55:46,220 Even if it's just an admission of the failure of the way in which he made it is to demand the report. 486 00:55:46,550 --> 00:55:53,730 And then the other way with you implied that it's only permissible to kill people when they're liable to be killed. 487 00:55:53,770 --> 00:55:56,860 I think you mean intentionally, but that's not quite right. 488 00:55:56,960 --> 00:56:01,150 So there can be people who are not liable who still intentionally killed them. 489 00:56:01,160 --> 00:56:09,760 I brought your example earlier. Those are my cases where a person is not liable to be killed because it freezes on the road and then you do it. 490 00:56:09,770 --> 00:56:17,030 You pull them off so that everyone else to escape. So if people prevent me from setting up justice institutions, which will save all these lives. 491 00:56:17,540 --> 00:56:21,619 They're just preventing me from from doing what I have good reason to do. 492 00:56:21,620 --> 00:56:26,420 Save all the lives of of you just institutions. And all these powerful people get in my way. 493 00:56:26,930 --> 00:56:33,410 They do like to stop learning of this just so that I can go and save all these all these lives. 494 00:56:33,890 --> 00:56:40,850 But they may not be liable to be killed, but it was a massive liability, much very when it comes to how many people as a means to an end, 495 00:56:40,850 --> 00:56:44,170 it doesn't matter necessarily when it comes to all intentional killing. 496 00:56:48,140 --> 00:56:52,640 Okay. Sue points it. It happens all the time. 497 00:56:53,090 --> 00:57:02,270 You say something that you think is fairly radical, and then somebody comes along and they say something that is extreme. 498 00:57:04,460 --> 00:57:19,070 But I think I'm not I'm not denying in this paper that it would be permissible for poor countries to kill us in a redistributive war. 499 00:57:19,610 --> 00:57:24,950 Even if it were just a case that we simply failed our duty to assist them. 500 00:57:25,520 --> 00:57:31,450 I am simply not taking any standard that I am simply going along for the sake of argument with 501 00:57:31,910 --> 00:57:39,170 ascribing more significance to doing and allowing and morally significant does not in that way. 502 00:57:42,050 --> 00:57:45,860 Well, but I do not really taking a stand in what way? 503 00:57:45,860 --> 00:57:46,700 It is significant. 504 00:57:46,700 --> 00:57:57,860 I am just saying, assuming that PwC is right, we do harm people in the Third World by making them poor in a way that kills a lot of them. 505 00:57:58,310 --> 00:58:02,090 And what can they then permissible to do to us? What? What are we liable to? 506 00:58:02,450 --> 00:58:10,250 What kind of defensive actions? I'll be liable on that part. So I don't think I really need to disagree with anything. 507 00:58:11,380 --> 00:58:15,260 The premises imply this just means restrictions on consumption. 508 00:58:15,740 --> 00:58:22,280 And I didn't want to say the other thing as well, that it is only if you are liable to be killed that you can more easily be killed. 509 00:58:22,400 --> 00:58:27,050 And I'm not quite sure why you think that. I see something else in the paper. 510 00:58:27,240 --> 00:58:30,770 I thought that you thought that it was liability to ground with the promises killed in wars. 511 00:58:30,800 --> 00:58:35,210 Well, it is one of the things that gun permits ability to to kill you. 512 00:58:35,580 --> 00:58:38,840 Okay, gentlemen, back. All right. Behind you. 513 00:58:38,840 --> 00:58:44,959 Sorry. Okay. Is this from Frankfurt? I have a question on this futility point of the proportionality. 514 00:58:44,960 --> 00:58:48,980 I mean, Laura posited in a way which surprised me a bit. 515 00:58:49,500 --> 00:58:51,590 You said that if we do no wrong, 516 00:58:51,590 --> 00:58:59,320 the poor that the poor kind of are and this are from understandable reasons they attack us that somehow I could not have anything to say. 517 00:58:59,360 --> 00:59:07,430 I thought through. Other point is, if we run them and they have no chance of success, are they allowed to attack us? 518 00:59:07,670 --> 00:59:11,330 But then still on page 20, I have certain problems. In a way. 519 00:59:11,780 --> 00:59:16,500 You say that even if they do live and they are liable to attack. 520 00:59:16,520 --> 00:59:24,770 It might still not be permissible for the for the poor to, you know, to to attack the rich people who were wronging them in the first place. 521 00:59:25,010 --> 00:59:28,850 And you explain that by that you say and with reference to next judgement. 522 00:59:28,890 --> 00:59:32,990 McMahon They will only be just even if it is not morally justified. 523 00:59:33,020 --> 00:59:38,389 I thought it was in law that the problem is always the side effects collateral damage. 524 00:59:38,390 --> 00:59:42,020 You always kill innocent by doing a war. 525 00:59:42,290 --> 00:59:46,100 But when you I mean, the example of the Holocaust kind of clarified it. 526 00:59:46,310 --> 00:59:53,090 If I am attacked by ten persons, they want to kill me just because I for the fun of it. 527 00:59:53,510 --> 00:59:57,770 And I have the choice of defending myself. And I know I won't be successful either. 528 00:59:58,280 --> 01:00:04,470 Yeah, I am going to be successful if they are still able and I wouldn't want them if I would kill them. 529 01:00:04,490 --> 01:00:08,780 I mean, just have to defend my dignity, whatever. How can it not be permissible? 530 01:00:08,780 --> 01:00:14,120 It seems to me that, you know, if you do it because the consequences would be bad. 531 01:00:14,120 --> 01:00:19,069 So let's say 20 days would be would be missing afterwards. 532 01:00:19,070 --> 01:00:26,030 Whether they would be killed, if you kind of combined is a logical reason for consequentialist reasons, but not really combine them. 533 01:00:26,030 --> 01:00:33,830 But it is two paradigms in a way. I say I can't kill them because I do no wrong them, so I do not act impulsively. 534 01:00:34,040 --> 01:00:41,540 It might just be the case. It would be super arrogant. Or if I would say, okay, I save myself, I know I sacrifice myself. 535 01:00:41,780 --> 01:00:46,130 Perhaps they have their childhood so and they are really mean and they had a bad experience. 536 01:00:46,490 --> 01:00:49,730 So I not kill them. They have families and so on and so on. 537 01:00:50,090 --> 01:00:53,540 But if I would kill them, I wouldn't do anything wrong. So it is permissible. 538 01:00:53,540 --> 01:00:56,840 I would think there might be other reasons, but not professional permissibility. 539 01:00:57,140 --> 01:01:05,570 You should have a consequentialist paradigm you say is not permissible because it's ten lives against one, even if I discount for the culpability. 540 01:01:05,990 --> 01:01:09,650 So. But you seem to combine them. I don't know how exactly works. 541 01:01:10,670 --> 01:01:14,380 Okay. Here's something quite general. 542 01:01:14,900 --> 01:01:18,020 It might not specifically address the point you're making, 543 01:01:18,020 --> 01:01:30,260 but what I really want to say to make my argument is simply that the fact that if poor countries attack rich countries, 544 01:01:30,650 --> 01:01:35,660 a lot of bad things are going to happen in Muslim, in poor countries. 545 01:01:37,220 --> 01:01:44,360 I'm suggesting that this works differently in relation to more permissibility than it does from what it does in relation to more. 546 01:01:44,930 --> 01:01:49,100 Ability to arm. So I'm suggesting that it would be kind of artful. 547 01:01:50,000 --> 01:01:54,980 So if we assume an interpersonal setting would be kind of odd for rich people to say. 548 01:01:55,850 --> 01:02:06,740 We are not liable to be harmed by you. Because if you try to undo the unjust structure that we've imposed on you, we will ban you to help that. 549 01:02:06,770 --> 01:02:14,030 That doesn't seem to be a good argument for why rich people are not liable to be attacked by poor people. 550 01:02:14,330 --> 01:02:22,790 But it seems to be, well, from my perspective, a good argument for why it might be morally impermissible for poor people to attack rich people. 551 01:02:22,940 --> 01:02:25,520 So that is the kind of distinction I want to make. 552 01:02:27,170 --> 01:02:36,170 And precisely where the threshold in terms of bad consequences lies for when it would be impermissible for you to defend yourself. 553 01:02:36,860 --> 01:02:40,280 It is an issue that I don't think I really need to address here. 554 01:02:41,840 --> 01:02:49,879 For sure. Yeah, a couple of kind of points to some of the criteria that we have dismissed glosses over quickly. 555 01:02:49,880 --> 01:02:55,040 And I think we have completed both the difference between doing a plausible case that can be made, 556 01:02:55,040 --> 01:03:01,820 the importance of the losses of principle in terms of doing John Langer's got people where you can disagree along those lines. 557 01:03:02,660 --> 01:03:06,110 Secondly, a legitimate authority would have thought that. 558 01:03:08,590 --> 01:03:18,320 For any fruit to be just ready to be had to go to water for the redistributive reasons to state that you can't go to war but need to be legitimate. 559 01:03:18,340 --> 01:03:27,219 So a totalitarian state that's going to go to wage war for redistributive reasons and then meets the rest of the criteria, 560 01:03:27,220 --> 01:03:35,170 but then just the size of the kind of pocket money itself with the of the criteria so that the company can smother a smaller place. 561 01:03:35,980 --> 01:03:44,740 Third point kind of follows on from what everybody said was that I mean, I also worry that this is going to be going to be massively expensive. 562 01:03:44,740 --> 01:03:48,310 So it's not just the rich that impose that. 563 01:03:48,610 --> 01:03:54,830 I'm just like all of them poor. It's all for the poor. So I am thinking here about the security down by the River Nile. 564 01:03:54,940 --> 01:03:57,670 So the idea is that the security dilemma. 565 01:03:58,150 --> 01:04:03,940 So for those of you that don't know if the idea is the states are in this kind of anarchical system where they're 566 01:04:03,940 --> 01:04:08,980 against each other and they're constantly there's a constant threat that you're going to be attacked by another state. 567 01:04:11,250 --> 01:04:16,800 This means there's an arms race, so states have to continually arm themselves of more and more money involved. 568 01:04:17,220 --> 01:04:24,180 Now, if this is the case and they spend more money on arms, then they don't get to spend so much on how for such attacking the global problem. 569 01:04:24,270 --> 01:04:30,569 So you might think, for instance, that India and Pakistan and on your account would have some sort of just cause for 570 01:04:30,570 --> 01:04:34,950 attacking each other because they they're having they have to maintain nuclear weapons, 571 01:04:34,950 --> 01:04:40,970 be able to deter attack from each other rather than spending on tackling global poverty. 572 01:04:40,980 --> 01:04:50,639 So I do I do worry that. If you kind of it's just a far too permissive international system. 573 01:04:50,640 --> 01:04:54,870 So an international system where virtually any state, poor or rich, 574 01:04:54,870 --> 01:04:59,160 has got a just cause to wage war against another because they're kind of maintaining each other, 575 01:04:59,550 --> 01:05:03,390 maintaining every state in security in the security dilemma. 576 01:05:07,460 --> 01:05:09,830 The current situation. This is your last point. 577 01:05:09,830 --> 01:05:18,650 So the kind of situation I am addressing is one in which one party asymmetrically imposes an unjust structure on another party. 578 01:05:19,160 --> 01:05:29,060 The India Pakistan scenario you're describing is one in which two parties kind of cooperate, imposing and harmful structure on each other. 579 01:05:29,420 --> 01:05:35,260 So I'm not really certain that the view I have about this asymmetrical situation commitment to any 580 01:05:35,270 --> 01:05:43,100 view about the symmetrical situation in which this is what is going on between two countries. 581 01:05:43,310 --> 01:05:56,150 Okay. I guess I would suppose that I would say that it would be just for people living in Pakistan and India to violently remove their governments. 582 01:05:56,330 --> 01:06:03,890 If that was a way of making sure that economic means were used to fight poverty rather than. 583 01:06:05,460 --> 01:06:12,000 Bioweapons or something like that. With regard to legitimate authority, 584 01:06:13,440 --> 01:06:27,920 I mentioned there might be situations in which legitimate authority is a condition of being able to fight a just war. 585 01:06:27,930 --> 01:06:31,889 But I think that it's also pretty clear that there are situations in which legitimate 586 01:06:31,890 --> 01:06:37,680 authority is not necessary in order to fight the force of the Soviet Union. 587 01:06:38,490 --> 01:06:47,910 Second World War. The government wasn't legitimate, but it was fighting this war when it fought the Nazis. 588 01:06:48,390 --> 01:06:58,290 So I think it cannot be the case that it's always is that it's a necessary condition, whatever the circumstances, for fighting force. 589 01:07:01,240 --> 01:07:14,220 It's her question for Laura Papas to listen to to help without having any right under the sun. 590 01:07:14,230 --> 01:07:25,390 So we have a duty to help them, but they do not have the right to be helped or do they need a stronger rescue? 591 01:07:27,220 --> 01:07:30,450 This obviously coconut cream seems to be very interesting. 592 01:07:30,460 --> 01:07:43,270 And it it could change some of those fears of this really quickly here about this story of some people that we take as permissible, 593 01:07:43,930 --> 01:07:52,480 but according to this scale wouldn't be the second part of the question is they do not have the right to be helped, 594 01:07:52,660 --> 01:07:56,500 but they still expect to have to be held. 595 01:07:57,510 --> 01:08:00,690 So what's the status? 596 01:08:00,930 --> 01:08:07,110 Moreover, we are aware of that expectation that they may have. 597 01:08:07,980 --> 01:08:13,140 Okay. So on the first point, 598 01:08:13,650 --> 01:08:23,700 I took it that the particular moral analysis of the two society scenario one is for because of an actual catastrophe or something. 599 01:08:23,700 --> 01:08:26,730 And so the other which society has nothing to do with it because it is speaking. 600 01:08:27,360 --> 01:08:33,570 And I took it to be one that would follow from the premises of Kasper's argument. 601 01:08:33,580 --> 01:08:43,500 So I don't think that it would in some way change in passing, enumerating various features. 602 01:08:44,430 --> 01:08:56,440 And obviously there is a possibility that you have some kind of duty to help without any clear reason for the other party to have a right to be. 603 01:08:57,930 --> 01:09:02,250 If there is a right to be held, I would be forced to do that. 604 01:09:02,760 --> 01:09:08,999 So I talk about that on The View and maybe that Castro was proposing something like a right 605 01:09:09,000 --> 01:09:16,320 would only arise in cases of contribution where you sort of positively bring about the harm. 606 01:09:16,530 --> 01:09:18,210 That's the case I discussed. Exactly. 607 01:09:18,330 --> 01:09:30,860 So that's the I mean, if you think that what I suggested in some way involved a different overall moral framework than the one that Caspar proposed, 608 01:09:30,870 --> 01:09:36,689 I don't think that that's the case. I mean, the reason why I chose that particular example is precisely because I thought it was in line with 609 01:09:36,690 --> 01:09:42,810 his emphasis on the distinction between actions and omissions about the expectations of the poor. 610 01:09:43,410 --> 01:09:47,520 I'm not sure what the moral status of those expectations is. 611 01:09:47,820 --> 01:09:54,629 I cannot say that they had the same types of expectations that the expectations are assuming this moral framework as the expectations 612 01:09:54,630 --> 01:10:02,700 of those whose rights are being violated in the case in which some people are holding on to resources that actually belong to them. 613 01:10:03,030 --> 01:10:06,210 So I, you know, right of reply, we have to go. 614 01:10:06,680 --> 01:10:16,280 I am sorry. It's a couple of things in no right of reply to you is wrong. 615 01:10:16,800 --> 01:10:22,140 So I really like your first point. 616 01:10:22,140 --> 01:10:30,719 It seems to me the simplifying simplifying assumption that there are we is is suspicious. 617 01:10:30,720 --> 01:10:35,220 And I want think about Oxford College System. 618 01:10:36,360 --> 01:10:41,340 I ask people, I ask people, how is it organised? 619 01:10:42,620 --> 01:10:45,840 We don't know. I don't understand it. 620 01:10:46,290 --> 01:10:51,300 Is it efficient? It's it's the total opposite of efficiency. 621 01:10:51,630 --> 01:10:54,840 So why why is it isn't it changed? 622 01:10:56,310 --> 01:11:03,300 No one can. It's impossible to change. And the reason very seriously say it's impossible to change. 623 01:11:03,940 --> 01:11:10,740 Now, it's obvious that there are many people that contribute to this structure positively. 624 01:11:11,130 --> 01:11:18,000 They are agents of this structure. And still, I didn't help hold them responsible because they can change. 625 01:11:18,030 --> 01:11:22,470 They can change it. No, it's it's it happens also with the global structure. 626 01:11:22,980 --> 01:11:26,400 There is a race to the bottom in in terms of taxes. 627 01:11:26,820 --> 01:11:31,559 No, a leader lower the tax tax rate. 628 01:11:31,560 --> 01:11:41,580 And he said, look, I don't have I do not have choice because if I won't do that, then either my competitors, the opposition will do it. 629 01:11:41,760 --> 01:11:46,980 We will throw me out of power. We will do the same or another state will do so. 630 01:11:47,130 --> 01:11:57,210 We have a problem. We couldn't contribute to the unjust global structure and still we cannot we cannot prevent it because problems of coordination. 631 01:11:57,690 --> 01:12:03,900 So even if they buy it, it seems to me that this might be something that probably did not. 632 01:12:04,380 --> 01:12:14,790 It's not police fault, but your analysis fault, namely, he might be totally right in saying we impose we impose this, 633 01:12:15,630 --> 01:12:23,490 but no one of us can can change the situation because of problems of coordination. 634 01:12:23,790 --> 01:12:31,440 And that's why even if there is active causal contribution which involves agency, 635 01:12:32,220 --> 01:12:44,370 this does not imply just calls for the ideas that we which countries impose an unjust structure on poor countries. 636 01:12:44,370 --> 01:12:51,689 But they are not that they cannot they cannot avoid doing it because they don't know how to to they cannot collaborate because of system. 637 01:12:51,690 --> 01:12:56,520 Because they because they cannot collaborate. There is so many so many cases of it here. 638 01:12:56,580 --> 01:12:59,310 I think it makes a difference whether you say even in Oxford, 639 01:12:59,850 --> 01:13:07,980 they cannot collaborate in order to change the the system, which everyone agrees that it is, that it is inefficient. 640 01:13:08,790 --> 01:13:13,500 But I think it makes a difference whether they are saying we know what we should do, 641 01:13:14,040 --> 01:13:20,950 but we can't cooperating in doing it because they all refrain from doing what would be needed for them to cooperate. 642 01:13:21,750 --> 01:13:25,660 And the case where they say, well, we all have the best of wills, 643 01:13:26,160 --> 01:13:31,500 but the fact is we do not know what we should do in order to avoid what we should do. 644 01:13:31,500 --> 01:13:43,620 And in and I guess the Oxford scenario, that might be the latter case, the former case, I think it is not enough to get rich countries off the hook. 645 01:13:44,280 --> 01:13:49,110 So it would be like 20 high of killers each cooperating about killing someone. 646 01:13:49,440 --> 01:13:52,530 And then you say, look, why are you killing this guy? 647 01:13:52,530 --> 01:13:56,960 And well, we could refrain from killing this guy, but that would require quite. 648 01:13:57,730 --> 01:14:04,860 But we don't do it. So no one is to blame. But I think poverty actually makes some. 649 01:14:06,780 --> 01:14:09,809 Well, I can remember I'm saying assuming that pockets. 650 01:14:09,810 --> 01:14:13,920 Right. I'm not saying that in some instances, but I'm assuming for the sake of argument that it is right. 651 01:14:14,490 --> 01:14:24,210 But I think at this point he would point to some proposals we have like this $3 tax on each barrel of oil being traded, 652 01:14:24,600 --> 01:14:33,960 or this incentive fund for developing medicines to address diseases that are primarily that promotes primarily in and on poor people. 653 01:14:34,350 --> 01:14:42,180 I think he have some proposals as to how we undo some of these bad effects of the global structural countries analysis. 654 01:14:42,620 --> 01:14:45,960 We can't just plausibly say we don't know what to do. 655 01:14:48,060 --> 01:14:52,780 Gentleman in the back. Yes, you should listen. 656 01:14:55,410 --> 01:14:58,470 It was about me. They have to remind me. 657 01:14:58,860 --> 01:15:03,360 What exactly is the point? 658 01:15:03,360 --> 01:15:12,570 I guess is that by virtue of the very fact of extreme duress or absolute scarcity. 659 01:15:16,220 --> 01:15:19,480 Stretchers for people who are under those conditions. 660 01:15:20,690 --> 01:15:27,120 Yeah, that was one of the inspirations behind it. Yeah. I just wanted to maybe critique that briefly. 661 01:15:28,430 --> 01:15:33,919 I think that one of the reasons that we have World Series is just a symbol for 662 01:15:33,920 --> 01:15:40,070 it is not just to say like what conditions are people liable to be attacked, 663 01:15:40,400 --> 01:15:46,940 for example, it's not just because they do X, they can be attacked, but it's because they x. 664 01:15:48,200 --> 01:15:58,880 It seems as though like if you release people from this kind of moral structure, it leaves open the question who they can who they could attack. 665 01:15:59,030 --> 01:16:03,020 Right. So I guess maybe more specifically. 666 01:16:05,470 --> 01:16:11,830 If we release them from this consideration in the West or in rich countries. 667 01:16:13,000 --> 01:16:19,810 Created this and justice. Then it is like. 668 01:16:20,740 --> 01:16:26,020 We can't specify who they can look better just by virtue. 669 01:16:31,200 --> 01:16:34,920 Super quick. So good point. 670 01:16:34,930 --> 01:16:41,530 And I mean, I won't have time in the comments, but I want to say also something later on to Jeff in response to what he was saying, 671 01:16:41,530 --> 01:16:44,710 because I think you hit on some important issues. 672 01:16:46,330 --> 01:16:50,110 I do see that as being a problematic implication of the thought. 673 01:16:50,500 --> 01:16:55,100 But on the other hand, so I haven't reached reflective equilibrium on this is just an intuition. 674 01:16:55,120 --> 01:16:57,850 Another couple of thoughts I still have to balance and properly bad. 675 01:16:59,600 --> 01:17:07,030 But the thing is, on the other hand, so what you're suggesting is we would be in some sort of Hobbesian kind of state of nature. 676 01:17:07,270 --> 01:17:08,080 And that was this idea. 677 01:17:08,320 --> 01:17:16,570 And I'm wondering whether, well, maybe under those conditions, if they are in such a situation of extreme scarcity, maybe that's the way we should. 678 01:17:17,290 --> 01:17:22,570 I mean, part of me thinks that that's not so implausible and part of me thinks I wouldn't want to go down that line. 679 01:17:22,990 --> 01:17:27,490 So I think I'm I'm still in a dilemma here. But, yeah, that's all I can say. 680 01:17:28,480 --> 01:17:36,490 There are four questions left, and I think we should take them in two groups of two and particularly separate just on the compound. 681 01:17:38,230 --> 01:17:49,240 So I wanted to make two brief comments. The first one was in relation to this is this point before where you say that it seems strange that somebody 682 01:17:49,240 --> 01:17:55,240 should make himself not liable to be killed because he threatens to make the cost of attacking him so high. 683 01:17:55,870 --> 01:18:01,750 Right, that the rich can make themselves not liable by making the costs of attacking very high. 684 01:18:02,650 --> 01:18:06,970 And I know it seems like it's also strange that they should be able to make it morally impermissible. 685 01:18:07,810 --> 01:18:13,420 I mean, they can clearly make it irrational for us to for this to happen. 686 01:18:13,960 --> 01:18:20,560 But the argument by which they the reason that you have to say that, why should they be able to make themselves not liable to attack? 687 01:18:21,070 --> 01:18:23,040 I think it applies exactly the same reason. 688 01:18:23,410 --> 01:18:29,620 Reason applies to why should they be able to make it moral and potentially lethal to attack them just by going, we're going to take action. 689 01:18:29,620 --> 01:18:32,770 If you attack us, then you're not allowed to do that. 690 01:18:33,070 --> 01:18:35,680 So I think the reasoning I'm not sure why the reasoning would be different. 691 01:18:37,210 --> 01:18:44,050 The other point was I thought that really we should be talking about terrorism and crime here, 692 01:18:44,830 --> 01:18:48,760 not for any sort of big, big sort of methodological reasons, 693 01:18:48,760 --> 01:18:53,650 but just because the argument you can kind of get out of the the very strong 694 01:18:54,250 --> 01:18:57,879 revisionist implications of your argument in the context of war by saying, 695 01:18:57,880 --> 01:19:00,940 well, it won't be effective. And of course, too, 696 01:19:01,130 --> 01:19:11,650 damage terrorism is if they can use terrorist attacks in order to achieve these things as far as those both necessary and in the interpersonal case. 697 01:19:12,460 --> 01:19:18,170 So I'm I'm going on holiday to India and I've got my camera around my neck and I start my day. 698 01:19:18,190 --> 01:19:24,340 And this attack went down in the whole of Africa last year with about £4,000 worth of equipment on my back. 699 01:19:24,640 --> 01:19:32,710 And maybe I would go past some people in the street who who might be their families might be dying as a result of the global economic order. 700 01:19:33,110 --> 01:19:41,799 And so what I want to know is if your argument has the same implications in those interpersonal cases where either they they robbed me, 701 01:19:41,800 --> 01:19:47,380 kill me properly, or even just Rodney turned my camera and said it all, and one of the kids is going to die. 702 01:19:48,970 --> 01:19:55,480 We are going to have this strong implication. Are you prepared to accept strong revisionist implications in those cases where you 703 01:19:55,480 --> 01:19:59,440 can't really get out of it by saying it won't be effective or it'll be disproportionate? 704 01:20:03,070 --> 01:20:15,100 To support his comments or for moderating that comes from you, starting with a case of military aggression. 705 01:20:15,730 --> 01:20:27,400 I think that those are cases where it's relatively clear what the demand of people who are going to go to war in response to aggression. 706 01:20:28,260 --> 01:20:35,700 It's basically just withdraw his troops or stop whatever this military exercise is. 707 01:20:36,090 --> 01:20:40,330 And I think your position would be. I'm fine. 708 01:20:40,340 --> 01:20:49,380 Just emphasising that the. A parallel kind of demand in the economic case can arise. 709 01:20:49,410 --> 01:20:54,420 You just mentioned a couple what you said about the global resources dividend, that drugs payments. 710 01:20:54,750 --> 01:21:01,260 I think it would be helpful if you anticipated poor people warning the rich if you 711 01:21:01,260 --> 01:21:09,660 do not estimate how much better off your made by this existing unjust world order. 712 01:21:10,710 --> 01:21:14,140 You'd have to contribute under some just reforms. 713 01:21:15,520 --> 01:21:20,590 And then can try to contribute some to effective poverty relief. 714 01:21:21,550 --> 01:21:29,140 Then you ask it wrongly, and we think that renders you liable to certain forms of aggression. 715 01:21:31,220 --> 01:21:35,750 But I find that a way of defending guilty. 716 01:21:35,810 --> 01:21:41,860 But the other thought is. You see, why not start at a different point? 717 01:21:42,460 --> 01:21:49,870 Why not start with a thought? Redistributive civil war is clearly permissible. 718 01:21:51,450 --> 01:22:01,610 So when Castro and his comrades went to Cuba and undermined the Batista regime, I don't think that was wrong. 719 01:22:03,140 --> 01:22:10,050 But that has all these kind of problems. It's not clear exactly how the regime was killing people. 720 01:22:10,070 --> 01:22:21,710 What they were doing was imposing a set of economic institutions which had a relatively high level of absolute deprivation associated with it, 721 01:22:22,130 --> 01:22:27,980 compared with the set of institutions which was ban imposed by the Castro. 722 01:22:29,500 --> 01:22:33,910 But it seems to be clearly permissible in that case. 723 01:22:34,330 --> 01:22:39,790 The Civil War was permissible. So you. So why not say the same thing? 724 01:22:39,940 --> 01:22:46,300 That is not so. When we move to the international case, there is not enough difference. 725 01:22:46,900 --> 01:22:50,240 So the economic redistribution is on the ground for. 726 01:22:55,050 --> 01:22:58,050 Okay. I think you can do. 727 01:22:58,350 --> 01:23:08,040 Andrews, Cummins very quickly. So I just thank you for some helpful suggestions of a group of us with regard to this coming. 728 01:23:10,210 --> 01:23:18,570 Well, your last point about what can be done for you when you travel in Africa, I think it is a great challenge and I have to think more about it. 729 01:23:20,460 --> 01:23:21,960 But no two things. 730 01:23:22,950 --> 01:23:33,300 I could say that if you consider the military aggression scenario, if I could have the view that there is some kind of civilian immunity. 731 01:23:34,080 --> 01:23:40,950 So you voted for your government. Your government participates in this military aggression against poor countries. 732 01:23:41,280 --> 01:23:51,780 Does that mean when you travel in some of these poor countries, any poor person in that country whose plight has somehow been worsened by military 733 01:23:51,780 --> 01:23:55,230 aggression by your country could do whatever he or she wants to do with you. 734 01:23:56,010 --> 01:24:02,280 I could hold the view that that is not the case. You cannot be liable to that sort of harm. 735 01:24:03,810 --> 01:24:08,150 And I could say the same about the poverty scenario as well. 736 01:24:08,160 --> 01:24:15,510 So I think nothing, nothing in my view, commitment to saying that it would be permissible to do this. 737 01:24:15,810 --> 01:24:19,620 And also, I think this your example is this further issue. 738 01:24:20,160 --> 01:24:33,300 So suppose I address against someone and so I try to shoot someone and this person can. 739 01:24:37,020 --> 01:24:45,750 This person can appropriate a kidney of mine to save his own life, but that has nothing to do with the threat and person to this person. 740 01:24:46,140 --> 01:24:53,190 You might hold the view that even though it would be permissible to kill me in defence against my time to shoot this person, 741 01:24:53,610 --> 01:25:00,509 it would not, at the same time be permissible to take away my kidney to address a different threat to life. 742 01:25:00,510 --> 01:25:07,229 And I suppose one could say the same in the scenario you imagine in Africa that you could 743 01:25:07,230 --> 01:25:15,299 perhaps be attacked to address the threat to pose through the country's governance structure. 744 01:25:15,300 --> 01:25:22,440 But that doesn't mean that anything that you can be deprived of that will help poor people can be done together. 745 01:25:22,950 --> 01:25:25,320 That would be at least a possible position. 746 01:25:26,790 --> 01:25:33,880 And with regard to the asymmetry between liability and permissibility, that's an issue I have to think more about. 747 01:25:33,900 --> 01:25:42,150 But the thought was that permissibility depends on harm in a way that flight ability doesn't serve you not being wrong. 748 01:25:42,630 --> 01:25:48,480 If you bring about a situation in which you set up a course, 749 01:25:48,480 --> 01:25:55,360 a scenario where a lot of bad things will happen if anybody does something to you that cannot affect your rights. 750 01:25:56,160 --> 01:25:59,370 Whereas permissibility relates differently to harm. 751 01:25:59,370 --> 01:26:03,470 But I. I need to think about this by now. 752 01:26:04,410 --> 01:26:09,030 A lot of questions. This is starting to get five points long. 753 01:26:11,320 --> 01:26:13,270 Yes, you have the latter over. 754 01:26:13,600 --> 01:26:29,440 Margaret goes along with an idealistic proposal for my formative years that were clearly contribution is much broader and contribution. 755 01:26:31,410 --> 01:26:38,820 Captured, locked away in home. I may be attached to your action, but killing seems to be more specific. 756 01:26:39,580 --> 01:26:44,310 So. And the problem with this is that it starts out. 757 01:26:45,640 --> 01:26:52,570 Finding some examples refocuses our intuitions that that certain things that I have very 758 01:26:52,570 --> 01:26:58,629 stringent duties attached to it and be like driving ordinary person or whatever to 759 01:26:58,630 --> 01:27:08,050 reduce character cases of doing harm in order to solve for stringent demand in containing 760 01:27:08,050 --> 01:27:13,570 these types of killing off or contributing to harm and then control this period, 761 01:27:13,990 --> 01:27:17,230 which includes a lot of other types of contributions to the. 762 01:27:18,930 --> 01:27:24,809 Art is so human. And the problem with that is that we do not share the intuition that all this 763 01:27:24,810 --> 01:27:28,550 other type of contribution to harm has the same normative characteristics, 764 01:27:28,560 --> 01:27:33,120 that WikiLeaks is some kind of cheating going on. 765 01:27:33,150 --> 01:27:45,790 I have the feeling for the a woman who will bring this dispute, compartmentalise it and kill it. 766 01:27:47,010 --> 01:27:50,400 So you kill. I did. Yes, of course I did. 767 01:27:50,880 --> 01:27:54,750 Did you know how to contribute? 768 01:27:54,990 --> 01:27:58,110 Yes. Maybe you can say who contributed what. 769 01:27:58,710 --> 01:28:07,140 So it's a much broader concept. So as you were doing this, he was able to get a lot of people agreeing that we contribute to global poverty. 770 01:28:10,060 --> 01:28:25,780 But we do not kill them. And if only the killing, the narrow influences or contributions we have to hope is not only to countries established, 771 01:28:25,880 --> 01:28:29,560 obviously innovative and useful for the food security in. 772 01:28:32,040 --> 01:28:38,100 This broader notion contribution that you have had with the central government of the capital. 773 01:28:41,770 --> 01:28:45,040 Okay. So late in day, so I won't have time to answer. Well. 774 01:28:48,460 --> 01:28:52,990 Well, I think I. One issue is, why does not target use the word killing? 775 01:28:53,200 --> 01:28:57,310 And I mean, that's not really much interest of much interest. 776 01:28:58,300 --> 01:29:00,340 But this, of course, is the interesting issue, 777 01:29:00,340 --> 01:29:11,440 the interesting substantive issue of whether the kind of whether we are talking about contributing to the death of poor people in a way that is, 778 01:29:11,920 --> 01:29:15,730 morally speaking, very different from if we killed them directly. 779 01:29:17,560 --> 01:29:28,990 And I have this domestic example in the paper, which is supposed to be a domestic analogy to the incentive problem in relation to dictators. 780 01:29:29,650 --> 01:29:34,360 So suppose that you say to this government and if you take over this family farm, 781 01:29:34,360 --> 01:29:40,240 this is democratically one family farm, we will buy the products that you produce. 782 01:29:40,960 --> 01:29:45,220 And now the government has an incentive to take over the farm and does so. 783 01:29:45,670 --> 01:29:49,329 And the question then is, could the people living on this family farm, 784 01:29:49,330 --> 01:29:56,980 could they defend themselves by killing the person who gives the incentive to the government to take over the farm? 785 01:29:57,700 --> 01:30:05,019 And even if you think that it is somehow this morally wrong to give an incentive to a government to take over this family 786 01:30:05,020 --> 01:30:11,740 farm than to directly kill some of the members of the family farm rather than give the government the incentive to do it, 787 01:30:12,610 --> 01:30:15,970 you must still think that it would be permissible to kill the person. 788 01:30:16,780 --> 01:30:22,390 Sorry. We have been notoriously, you know, over over time. 789 01:30:24,210 --> 01:30:25,020 Okay. Thanks a lot.