1 00:00:00,720 --> 00:00:08,850 May I share the screen now? Sure, sure, thanks. 2 00:00:08,850 --> 00:00:18,540 The key. I am going to have to rush through a lot because I have a lot on my plate. 3 00:00:18,540 --> 00:00:30,960 I'm starting off with a sculptural panel, a loose sculptural panel that was found that somewhere because it is, it does fit in with the, 4 00:00:30,960 --> 00:00:44,280 you know, the circulation of thought processes that I'm thinking about is sure Baraka is an older, established board. 5 00:00:44,280 --> 00:00:51,000 But the problem is, after the initial early period in the mediaeval period, 6 00:00:51,000 --> 00:01:00,210 we do not have physical proof that it continued as a prosperous port and that was there was enough commercial activity in it. 7 00:01:00,210 --> 00:01:10,970 So in that sense, I'm looking at this particular vendor. The slide show. 8 00:01:10,970 --> 00:01:18,920 OK, so this is the panel I'm talking about, it is interesting because it is unusual as far as I mean, 9 00:01:18,920 --> 00:01:25,880 there is the central figure of a major issue that Lakshmi. 10 00:01:25,880 --> 00:01:35,180 But we know the first lap instead of what you see in the larger luxury at lot that 11 00:01:35,180 --> 00:01:40,910 are for elephants and do a one of the ones that are illustrating that on a slab. 12 00:01:40,910 --> 00:01:47,630 But the lower elephants have been replaced by a triad in which the nature is one. 13 00:01:47,630 --> 00:01:56,510 And I'm sure you in the next better. The state of the nation is the first one. 14 00:01:56,510 --> 00:02:04,410 And then Kabera is the second one, and that is a goddess is an animal mind. 15 00:02:04,410 --> 00:02:13,530 So, OK, so this is the this is a detailed view you have going issue here very clearly, but Kabera, 16 00:02:13,530 --> 00:02:21,240 as he did on the Mideast and the this is unidentifiable really because she is an animal mount for ended, 17 00:02:21,240 --> 00:02:26,130 but we cannot identify what is in that abundance. 18 00:02:26,130 --> 00:02:36,090 Now this this paper was like a gift for me for this, but my own because this is a paper by Michael Meister. 19 00:02:36,090 --> 00:02:45,650 And it talks about the transmission of architectural knowledge, and he's stressing this trade from ocean. 20 00:02:45,650 --> 00:02:54,400 In the this is the image that is in the sanctum of the people region, that three individual families. 21 00:02:54,400 --> 00:02:59,620 The individual's guide to Australia is, again, Kabera, Malaysia, Madeira, Indonesia. 22 00:02:59,620 --> 00:03:14,950 And there's also another temple at B, but not the people Mother Temple, but another nearby ancillary temple, which also has Asia, Durga and Quetta. 23 00:03:14,950 --> 00:03:19,690 And there is a third thing which again, I'm sure here it goes out of this map. 24 00:03:19,690 --> 00:03:25,900 It is an inscription from South Korea, which is between Jimbaran and it has. 25 00:03:25,900 --> 00:03:30,820 The inscription says it refers to all the tree made the face of mahogany, 26 00:03:30,820 --> 00:03:35,800 but the shower blessings on you made those hands of Chandrika shower prosperity 27 00:03:35,800 --> 00:03:43,060 on you and made the principal actually done by name confer affluence on you. 28 00:03:43,060 --> 00:03:51,850 Now that's another thing about the inscription is that it does that it refers to the mandible that was commissioned. 29 00:03:51,850 --> 00:03:55,480 This inscription obviously belonged to a temple structure, 30 00:03:55,480 --> 00:04:02,950 and this this tells you that it was part of the mandible that was commissioned by a committee of 11 bankers, 31 00:04:02,950 --> 00:04:06,620 Christians and Christians, according to John Nagl. 32 00:04:06,620 --> 00:04:16,120 It is a little note in her book on Guarneri inscriptions since those who come by large scale commerce in banking. 33 00:04:16,120 --> 00:04:21,670 So therefore, it tells me that the triad was worshipped by bankers. 34 00:04:21,670 --> 00:04:25,900 So regardless of the original location or anything else, 35 00:04:25,900 --> 00:04:33,310 we can conclude we can assume that this testifies to the continued economic importance of 36 00:04:33,310 --> 00:04:41,770 Savara as a trading done because they were Christians who had gifted a banner like this. 37 00:04:41,770 --> 00:04:45,670 What is and this is in meisters words, 38 00:04:45,670 --> 00:04:55,510 that visual evidence for the transmission of cultural knowledge from a part of Western Union at the 7th century, not just done to another. 39 00:04:55,510 --> 00:05:00,070 And he notes that the complexity of it was the guild interactions and movement 40 00:05:00,070 --> 00:05:06,940 of master craftsmen that built the temple building and not necessarily patrons. 41 00:05:06,940 --> 00:05:13,450 And so guests and bankers and I this is my take on that. 42 00:05:13,450 --> 00:05:19,900 The sculpture and so far takes the transmission one step further because it is now in my Rashtra, 43 00:05:19,900 --> 00:05:25,360 so it modifies and assimilated the regional symbol of prosperity. 44 00:05:25,360 --> 00:05:27,640 They'll the better for us, but it is the hijab issue. 45 00:05:27,640 --> 00:05:37,930 The Lakshmi symbol of prosperity displayed as a magnificent sculpture, greeting the entity alone is a good letter. 46 00:05:37,930 --> 00:05:40,720 So this is the again I'm going to be doing here. 47 00:05:40,720 --> 00:05:49,210 The two elephant illustrating elephants and Lakshmi remain, but it is that it is replaced by this triad, which is at the bottom. 48 00:05:49,210 --> 00:05:58,900 And Mr. Haskell referred to Palimpsest, but I'm making it the same blessing because my maiden name is Commodus. 49 00:05:58,900 --> 00:06:05,980 You worry if I become common daily after marriage, you know, one that this is what it is, 50 00:06:05,980 --> 00:06:10,510 is that they are symbolising that they're now taking up this identity. 51 00:06:10,510 --> 00:06:16,210 Yet the road to their original origins remains. 52 00:06:16,210 --> 00:06:23,560 So then I go to the this was just one stray sculpture I want to talk about. 53 00:06:23,560 --> 00:06:32,080 How we can see that changing socio religious environment, which is automatically reflected and I have I'm ambitious, 54 00:06:32,080 --> 00:06:37,810 I've taken three and probably able to do one or two of those shows, and I'm going to I'll send that out. 55 00:06:37,810 --> 00:06:43,210 By its nature, is a concrete manifestation of thought thought through the abstract. 56 00:06:43,210 --> 00:06:48,700 But objects of art are like documentaries of I've thought it has departed and 57 00:06:48,700 --> 00:06:52,580 then why is God just because knowledge in mediaeval times I'm talking about no, 58 00:06:52,580 --> 00:06:56,810 not interested in 60 finished and then 60. 59 00:06:56,810 --> 00:07:05,270 In written form was accessible only to literate people and who knew Sanskrit and therefore non-verbal mass communication was essential, 60 00:07:05,270 --> 00:07:09,110 and in a way, this temple was done. 61 00:07:09,110 --> 00:07:17,000 The temple doors into related books, but the script was of images instead of Brummie or do not agree. 62 00:07:17,000 --> 00:07:26,360 So no, not what I can see reflected is the very strict hierarchy amongst gods as well as amongst the genders. 63 00:07:26,360 --> 00:07:33,930 And I can see the distinct indication of it in the valleys of debris, which is this issue. 64 00:07:33,930 --> 00:07:39,660 As well as the placement, and you will see what I mean when you come to, we come to that. 65 00:07:39,660 --> 00:07:46,440 It also automatically seems to select regional blues and local history. 66 00:07:46,440 --> 00:07:55,590 So this is not this is the West Foot and this is the same term and this is the depot and this is the south view of the same. 67 00:07:55,590 --> 00:08:02,070 Now I'm showing only one example. On the one hand, I have there is a disparity. 68 00:08:02,070 --> 00:08:10,010 On the other hand, I wish you remember the opposition party is on the mend the era. 69 00:08:10,010 --> 00:08:21,320 Main projection on the east side and regional gunmen beyond the grew up, he is only that I get did drop place on the Monday. 70 00:08:21,320 --> 00:08:31,520 Not only that, see this dialogue on had to be executed into on sculpture and the stone is not something you can erase if you make a mistake. 71 00:08:31,520 --> 00:08:38,720 Initially, I believed that they would construct this and you notice in all of the sculptures you have these at the top. 72 00:08:38,720 --> 00:08:45,050 There are more layers. It's like a ruler almost, and you have these diamonds and these are the tailors. 73 00:08:45,050 --> 00:08:49,390 I do not have time to do that, but this would be the highest style. 74 00:08:49,390 --> 00:08:57,640 You and then that highest alert category. If it showed that there wasn't the shuttle which was about an adult and I should 75 00:08:57,640 --> 00:09:01,840 tell you it wasn't built similarly with no at the level we let them know about. 76 00:09:01,840 --> 00:09:07,510 Don't know what they'll end at the and you can see here gation. 77 00:09:07,510 --> 00:09:12,220 This is measured from the location at the top of the head to the toes. 78 00:09:12,220 --> 00:09:24,490 So hers is pretty is in M. The shuttle launch is located on the prime, but that is the main projection on the east side. 79 00:09:24,490 --> 00:09:29,060 As we should know, this is below his glowing against indications. The. 80 00:09:29,060 --> 00:09:33,930 Comes only half of that name and half in level of the half of the diamond. 81 00:09:33,930 --> 00:09:43,220 Therefore, he is let them know that the Mahdi militia movement on the Shia Temple is a state just below parity. 82 00:09:43,220 --> 00:09:49,460 Now this is another example of the little widow is a human. 83 00:09:49,460 --> 00:09:53,990 This particular guru is a human that they have addressed, but notice his skin. 84 00:09:53,990 --> 00:10:01,700 Shantha goes below the diamond because his human is assured that while attributing the highest, 85 00:10:01,700 --> 00:10:08,840 I mean giving him the best or highest placement outside of the central role. 86 00:10:08,840 --> 00:10:20,220 But he's kind of kept in his place by being portrayed in the hushed Italian and an Arab is or only at this time, which is the lowest. 87 00:10:20,220 --> 00:10:26,580 I mean, if it was a magazine or a paper, then this would be the front page, this would be the last page. 88 00:10:26,580 --> 00:10:33,150 And this is the example how the local concepts are reflected. 89 00:10:33,150 --> 00:10:39,600 This is a sheet of paper which is facing the NRA registration, facing the sanctum, 90 00:10:39,600 --> 00:10:46,260 and you'll find that the thing that should be offered has the nation and Sydney. 91 00:10:46,260 --> 00:10:54,330 It has a Shiva and Parvati, but God think it is the norm because in Maharashtra, 92 00:10:54,330 --> 00:11:00,330 Kartika is considered a gun, which is considered a bachelor, whereas in the Southeast two was. 93 00:11:00,330 --> 00:11:08,880 So this is an example of a reflection or accepting what is considered the right thing. 94 00:11:08,880 --> 00:11:12,190 Another thing is contrary to the popular misconception, 95 00:11:12,190 --> 00:11:21,630 the was very much reward still in this region during the 11th and 12th centuries, and his mother ship was also very violent. 96 00:11:21,630 --> 00:11:30,120 This is the bottom line from Savara, but you can see that it is carved on the slab flat slab, that means it is would have been placed. 97 00:11:30,120 --> 00:11:40,680 It was planned to have been placed in a large shiva temple, perhaps because Cousins has referred to they had discovered a very large plinth. 98 00:11:40,680 --> 00:11:44,370 But the temple was never completed and there were many sculptures lying around. 99 00:11:44,370 --> 00:11:53,370 So this is a rama which was meant to be installed and the large scale that ensued, that was important and even better. 100 00:11:53,370 --> 00:12:01,330 Is this sculpture of Rama that was taken from I mean, it was found in this initially good dharma and then it was taken out. 101 00:12:01,330 --> 00:12:07,020 And what is remarkable is that not only that, it is in the round, it is in the round. 102 00:12:07,020 --> 00:12:10,650 That means you can see the Francis, the three faces here, 103 00:12:10,650 --> 00:12:19,110 but here you can very clearly see the face and the back and the lower portion of that mid the backside of them. 104 00:12:19,110 --> 00:12:25,150 So this was meant to be so gang-related, which means that this was probably. 105 00:12:25,150 --> 00:12:32,830 Men, no, not the John Belushi mind, my is portrayed, so I'm in in addition to that, 106 00:12:32,830 --> 00:12:39,970 but nothing justifies this, I believe, because brand lies for data on all the levels. 107 00:12:39,970 --> 00:12:43,780 This is a nation you have reminds it through. 108 00:12:43,780 --> 00:12:52,690 Then you have the Janga, you have a grandmother and the entourage that you have about a mom inside them and the boy you have grandma. 109 00:12:52,690 --> 00:13:02,710 And there are some more images of grandma. Muscle grandma was very much a river and worshipped, and therefore it is reflected in the temple. 110 00:13:02,710 --> 00:13:07,210 And also, this is the point I was making that how things are progressing. 111 00:13:07,210 --> 00:13:12,300 In this end, this is a concept of said that Nashua. 112 00:13:12,300 --> 00:13:15,570 Even the partial foot soldier they have, this is the concept, 113 00:13:15,570 --> 00:13:20,700 so this is supposed to have been the penalty that would have been that's harmless the lingo. 114 00:13:20,700 --> 00:13:29,760 But now it has the in-between stage where you have the locus of the five winners through five Mukhlas and the Three Stooges. 115 00:13:29,760 --> 00:13:33,120 This is the in-between them. So good. 116 00:13:33,120 --> 00:13:37,170 And then they regard it as a life and death as well as it. 117 00:13:37,170 --> 00:13:43,270 Ramesh would have given the SETUPCON that Laura, what have this said, that she would image their posture. 118 00:13:43,270 --> 00:13:53,160 But but here, although it is the same similar concepts that in showbiz and dumb dogs, though, she earned those inside the sanctum. 119 00:13:53,160 --> 00:14:00,360 And the actor is coming through the emanating through there was on the three hundreds. 120 00:14:00,360 --> 00:14:07,710 So this is again one step further taking architecture, using architecture to display the concept. 121 00:14:07,710 --> 00:14:11,640 So I go to the next, which is a bullish word, 122 00:14:11,640 --> 00:14:21,570 and this is again the same go on diesel looked on that would see they're the ones who build this and then I'm on a go. 123 00:14:21,570 --> 00:14:32,640 Perhaps we'll have enough time only to show you the garage door panel and if permits remain one of the episodes and this. 124 00:14:32,640 --> 00:14:39,180 Just to say that this is a this is late 11th 12th century temple, because this looks like, I mean, 125 00:14:39,180 --> 00:14:45,900 these are really built by from India, some impish wedding, but these the insight is definitely August. 126 00:14:45,900 --> 00:14:57,420 And what is remarkable is that we will not do who is supposed to hold it in the hope that that his stories, which are original, 127 00:14:57,420 --> 00:15:05,230 was written by Shashi and that was in Mandarin, and they were then mentions in the seventh century writing of them. 128 00:15:05,230 --> 00:15:10,050 Then that means he was there and you are living for why he should be here. 129 00:15:10,050 --> 00:15:16,590 I do not know. Most of us know the story of Laurel, given what happened on the set. 130 00:15:16,590 --> 00:15:23,220 The one that King Wood thought is then is probably to say it discreetly. 131 00:15:23,220 --> 00:15:28,200 One of his screens was Indians sentiments, said the Dalai Lama. 132 00:15:28,200 --> 00:15:32,250 During Gelateria, that means do not splashed water on me. 133 00:15:32,250 --> 00:15:35,820 Unfortunately, the king thought it was maybe more the cousin, the whole thing. 134 00:15:35,820 --> 00:15:44,550 Then it became a big joke and everybody laughed, and the king was very humiliated and then you died and you wouldn't do anything so. 135 00:15:44,550 --> 00:15:52,110 So he went, not India, and said, Well, mom offered to teach in Sanskrit. 136 00:15:52,110 --> 00:15:58,010 And so I decided for years and. 137 00:15:58,010 --> 00:16:03,680 Cheryl Roman said I can do it in six months and we're not there, as his name indicates, Gordon. 138 00:16:03,680 --> 00:16:09,050 Was the win. And he says if you can do that, I will give up all the three languages. 139 00:16:09,050 --> 00:16:13,910 Sounds good. And this question and the other one. 140 00:16:13,910 --> 00:16:22,250 So when I gave up all the languages, he went to win there and then he learnt by shouting language, and that was not one of his rallies. 141 00:16:22,250 --> 00:16:29,540 So he could. And then, yes, I think I'd be able to do this. 142 00:16:29,540 --> 00:16:37,640 Some of the the story, I'm recounting the story because everybody may not know so, and that is irrelevant. 143 00:16:37,640 --> 00:16:43,700 So this said the one thing and were not present to me, wrote all these stories down, 144 00:16:43,700 --> 00:16:48,890 and he sent with great expectations in the book To the King and the King. 145 00:16:48,890 --> 00:16:53,510 Got out of hand, rejected it. And he was going to do is crestfallen. 146 00:16:53,510 --> 00:16:55,800 What to do. He did not know. 147 00:16:55,800 --> 00:17:05,220 And the king was supposed to have fallen ill and his wife just told him that he was ill because he was eating fresh with surplus meat, 148 00:17:05,220 --> 00:17:09,600 so the cooks were called and they led to the of these the hunters and they 149 00:17:09,600 --> 00:17:15,780 said we cannot help it because the animals are not at all eating and drinking. 150 00:17:15,780 --> 00:17:26,970 They have forgotten all that. And this is a whole meme of the final, which shows a not in the centre flanked by animals on both sides. 151 00:17:26,970 --> 00:17:32,070 And these are the animals on the two sides. 152 00:17:32,070 --> 00:17:38,970 I mean, they're just listening to him in rapt attention, monkeys and birds and animals. 153 00:17:38,970 --> 00:17:43,830 So that is the story of United. That is something unusual. 154 00:17:43,830 --> 00:17:49,050 I do not know how it got there or what was the reason why it is there. 155 00:17:49,050 --> 00:17:53,880 But I'm going to show you only one more panel as much as I can. 156 00:17:53,880 --> 00:18:01,830 Is it on my own again? The my independence are very common everywhere, but this is something that tells you. 157 00:18:01,830 --> 00:18:07,020 I mean, one of the episodes in the Ramayana that puzzles me also all the time was it? 158 00:18:07,020 --> 00:18:13,680 Why did Rama was able to shut them? Kill Charlie surreptitiously. 159 00:18:13,680 --> 00:18:16,860 Why did you not, you know, challenge him and kill him? 160 00:18:16,860 --> 00:18:23,760 So this required, I think, according to the precept, this required an explanation which is given in this episode, 161 00:18:23,760 --> 00:18:29,430 a given in this particular depiction and that is preceded by the commander. 162 00:18:29,430 --> 00:18:37,170 And then it was just found because this is a destroyed look up and abandoned when the commanders of is not his, 163 00:18:37,170 --> 00:18:44,310 it is one that you can very clearly see him showing the way because he is supposed to have told the world through 164 00:18:44,310 --> 00:18:52,950 rational command and and look for so beautiful because he would be able to find them hidden in plain Caesar. 165 00:18:52,950 --> 00:18:59,460 And so when they go in there and he also owns them, warns them that he was very suspicious. 166 00:18:59,460 --> 00:19:05,440 He will not hide unless he believes in you. So you, you should swear on the weapon. 167 00:19:05,440 --> 00:19:09,750 So Rama is holding a spoon. Now this is RAM Lakshman. 168 00:19:09,750 --> 00:19:14,160 This is still true. All three are part of the ritual. Therefore, they are all folded. 169 00:19:14,160 --> 00:19:19,050 And these are the four amongst different associates that were there with story 170 00:19:19,050 --> 00:19:23,710 that I find is very interesting that to be able to explain why you did it, 171 00:19:23,710 --> 00:19:32,580 because he had an alternative. And this is another enigmatic feature of the temple, which is a gigantic banners, but does skip those. 172 00:19:32,580 --> 00:19:38,940 And I'll go to Nagaland because I definitely want you to see the one feature apart from the others. 173 00:19:38,940 --> 00:19:49,560 I want to show you the hearty saying now on the because I know this if you see it has porches and the porches have under the 174 00:19:49,560 --> 00:19:58,200 steps that lead to the porches have on either side a wall with a complete wall with depictions that I'm going to show you. 175 00:19:58,200 --> 00:20:03,540 So three four just means six such banners and they are all like this. 176 00:20:03,540 --> 00:20:10,830 That means there is a phalanx of elements led by a woman on horseback. 177 00:20:10,830 --> 00:20:17,540 This also same. These are all different banners, a woman on horseback leading a phalanx of elephants. 178 00:20:17,540 --> 00:20:22,110 These are what elephants. These are not comparison. Dimple elephants, we can see them killing. 179 00:20:22,110 --> 00:20:24,450 And she's the lady who is leading. 180 00:20:24,450 --> 00:20:33,600 And this, to me, reflects the change in the hierarchy of butnot, which is 60 to the other where this is synchronised. 181 00:20:33,600 --> 00:20:44,090 I mean, the lady is something going on outside the temple may not be this period, but the walls have probably been added by her heirs. 182 00:20:44,090 --> 00:20:53,640 And that's my assumption, because there are inscriptions from a group that read Doctor Who she has read, 183 00:20:53,640 --> 00:21:03,060 and that one is by cited by Golladay and had to say and it would be the officer in charge of the elephant. 184 00:21:03,060 --> 00:21:07,970 And 20 years later, this is the regulatory. Here it is again, Gloria Borger. 185 00:21:07,970 --> 00:21:13,500 She said it's probably the same lady. But now, she said, added that she has risen under the singular. 186 00:21:13,500 --> 00:21:17,340 So this is a change in the climate where they are. 187 00:21:17,340 --> 00:21:26,040 There was because they were warriors of a very aggressive, unlike the shield that you have to, you have to compete. 188 00:21:26,040 --> 00:21:33,840 Yeah, OK. And I just wanted to show you one thing that that hierarchy garden in this book in this article, no gender. 189 00:21:33,840 --> 00:21:39,540 No. One. And this also same size. So and all words together. 190 00:21:39,540 --> 00:21:41,120 So thank you.