1 00:00:00,030 --> 00:00:03,500 Thanks, everyone. Nobody can choose. 2 00:00:03,510 --> 00:00:11,280 I'm embarrassed. It's because I wanted to get on with energy. 3 00:00:12,050 --> 00:00:18,980 I have never wanted to be in Paris. And everyone will see also that everyone comes online. 4 00:00:20,370 --> 00:00:23,519 Average amount of seminars. 5 00:00:23,520 --> 00:00:28,469 There is every last one of them. 6 00:00:28,470 --> 00:00:33,600 I'm still doing that. So it's kind of like this. 7 00:00:33,930 --> 00:00:37,049 So thank you for that. Yes, I'm running the show. 8 00:00:37,050 --> 00:00:52,770 It was about 10:00, so I would do at your spot in the hallway was exactly what each offering that was 9 00:00:52,770 --> 00:01:04,350 possible at the time and interactions with someone I wouldn't tell you tremendously. 10 00:01:04,680 --> 00:01:08,970 Right. I'm not a troll. 11 00:01:12,630 --> 00:01:17,250 That's the guys that I met. 12 00:01:17,300 --> 00:01:21,750 Relentlessly says he's been challenging. 13 00:01:24,370 --> 00:01:32,490 Next slide. Yes, that's right. 14 00:01:32,670 --> 00:01:36,660 Actually, I'm not sure about this one. 15 00:01:37,080 --> 00:01:49,860 Yes, exactly. So kind of summarisation. So we have like we kind of sexual with a grain of salt part of my wedding. 16 00:01:52,380 --> 00:02:04,840 And she says she's going portraits and then there's some issue during the which is about the memorial grounds 17 00:02:05,020 --> 00:02:19,400 and I have a journal on the ground and also the constitution of this Roman Empire is not going to be found. 18 00:02:22,610 --> 00:02:34,049 I saying it's not clear whether I think those are the kinds of things you've got to spend the money on getting 19 00:02:34,050 --> 00:02:49,010 off the ground and asking for an indication that no more information on the criminal elements that might have. 20 00:02:50,190 --> 00:03:08,610 Not what you should or should not jump out of your mind when some of those items have not been captured and it was 21 00:03:08,610 --> 00:03:23,100 not and dominance over them to guarantee outcomes under international law and the consequence of international. 22 00:03:25,780 --> 00:03:32,710 I was already famous in my life, but this time I was under house arrest. 23 00:03:32,980 --> 00:03:37,420 We publish a series of pictures. And most of them. 24 00:03:38,710 --> 00:03:44,440 I was about to come back to the jail time, so I'm not. 25 00:03:46,360 --> 00:03:54,610 Now the good man has climbed to the top with missions in. 26 00:04:01,870 --> 00:04:05,040 So it was spiritual. 27 00:04:09,610 --> 00:04:19,560 So we're going to fix them. And you didn't do that with definitions, which were just optical illusions. 28 00:04:20,170 --> 00:04:22,870 What he did is he lands on himself. 29 00:04:24,400 --> 00:04:36,490 What about the question of this witness, who is someone who was involved in the submission of this woman's conception? 30 00:04:40,040 --> 00:04:48,880 One of the missions of this entity is Hong Kong business interests and it is religious. 31 00:04:49,400 --> 00:04:57,170 And so I just thought that what was important to. 32 00:05:02,030 --> 00:05:05,590 Somewhat overstating the case. 33 00:05:06,370 --> 00:05:17,800 The woman did not rise. She said it was because she was. 34 00:05:18,790 --> 00:05:25,040 And this is in many ways, again, this is an issue that is. 35 00:05:26,990 --> 00:05:44,000 So what I want to do in this job is to catch these results and use them to solve some of those issues within the day. 36 00:05:45,750 --> 00:05:50,160 So what was that all of a sudden? 37 00:05:52,440 --> 00:06:09,150 And what was. Those technologies housing, businesses and schools, as was discussed in chemistry together with pupils. 38 00:06:10,830 --> 00:06:13,920 There's something I want to be doing today. 39 00:06:18,710 --> 00:06:22,670 Let's stop with frisk. Anyone who knows anything about my race. 40 00:06:22,760 --> 00:06:31,100 There's no getting around race in my readings. So this is the first thing I want to convince you that's about because project was about life. 41 00:06:32,360 --> 00:06:39,860 Hidden sports car. And while not earning national inflation, it also dropped a common ground for racing. 42 00:06:42,180 --> 00:06:48,720 This is remarkable given the Indians visit into the city and moreover, this operation. 43 00:06:50,160 --> 00:06:53,280 So what's going on? What kind of a deal can we get on this? 44 00:06:54,510 --> 00:07:03,830 Now, the first thing that we must do to answer this question is to liberate ourselves from Nazi ideals and the form 45 00:07:03,840 --> 00:07:11,060 of hypertensive and thinking about race in the very seductive capital that might be in the literature on. 46 00:07:12,280 --> 00:07:16,600 So race ideologies oftentimes fixated on purity and pedigree. 47 00:07:16,720 --> 00:07:20,290 And obviously Aron has done this in the past. 48 00:07:20,380 --> 00:07:25,440 Racism was about the biological abortion, the Nazi regime. 49 00:07:25,440 --> 00:07:31,330 Racism actually imposed on that time, but is a lot more complicated, a lot more interesting than that. 50 00:07:32,350 --> 00:07:40,900 The kind of truncated stereotype that appears in isolation for someone to argue against that is not offensive because racism was. 51 00:07:42,510 --> 00:07:48,030 Such a supercar in this low rise, not because of a phenotype or anything like that, 52 00:07:48,270 --> 00:07:55,820 but because the relations are connected in other ways, so to speak. 53 00:07:55,840 --> 00:08:01,020 Was all about misinformation as the basis of intermarriage is the. 54 00:08:03,110 --> 00:08:12,340 And of course, is bringing it home. So how could all Indians or biologically related given individuals the to costs. 55 00:08:14,040 --> 00:08:19,890 The answer that elected officials of the caste system wasn't wasn't what they got to be. 56 00:08:21,150 --> 00:08:29,820 So while our colonial apologists and our ranting this degree of racial divide do stem from the Aryan conquest, 57 00:08:29,820 --> 00:08:36,540 evidently from almost tribal, we want to arrange Dr. Gideon's images for Gideon's. 58 00:08:39,260 --> 00:08:44,570 Outcast, the next racial division of families, the pensions assumptions in South Asia. 59 00:08:45,500 --> 00:08:54,630 And in fact, this is part of the origin story of the term cost an all in one year and there is so much of a shift change. 60 00:08:55,500 --> 00:09:01,490 If you want to hit that, if you want to go to that slide, that mindset. 61 00:09:01,830 --> 00:09:13,820 So I can. All right. So essentially what we have here is the customs painting as they as a long period on this. 62 00:09:14,160 --> 00:09:15,700 I don't know if you can read it necessarily, 63 00:09:15,750 --> 00:09:25,220 but we have basically had different kinds of people sitting with us because you have when your economy in the US is founded, 64 00:09:25,640 --> 00:09:31,310 is an Asian-American woman and that job is you, and it kind of goes on from that. 65 00:09:31,320 --> 00:09:41,090 It's kind of, you know, it's kind of what gives you an idea of it's kind of like a system of classifying racial mixture in the America section. 66 00:09:41,090 --> 00:09:43,610 This idea was shipped, shipped in now. 67 00:09:44,870 --> 00:09:59,569 So the idea that caste and race are kind of a kind of usually implicated in the origin is that some caste is index, 68 00:09:59,570 --> 00:10:05,080 social division and racial divide, which was about caste was patented. 69 00:10:05,090 --> 00:10:08,630 So this is kind of different, different story. 70 00:10:09,380 --> 00:10:15,890 So if we look at the systematic master's painting, again with its great admixture, 71 00:10:16,120 --> 00:10:26,720 the few times study on India, etc., and the rest are kind of different combinations of these types. 72 00:10:27,350 --> 00:10:31,580 And then that combinations of combinations and combinations of combinations of combinations. 73 00:10:31,970 --> 00:10:35,420 So every union creates a new subclass as a bloc. 74 00:10:36,500 --> 00:10:42,890 So the idea here. Now one way of seeing this is that there is nothing but separation. 75 00:10:43,400 --> 00:10:50,600 Nice differences that proliferate. But another is that as the mixture actually deepens. 76 00:10:51,500 --> 00:10:57,010 And this is the idea of Casablanca ahead. And intertwined elsewhere. 77 00:10:57,010 --> 00:11:07,090 He restates the Britanico theory of the origin of Jardines through illicit and illicit unions across the four divisions of. 78 00:11:09,670 --> 00:11:19,980 But rather than division or regeneration as a eugenicist at the time much thought about car proliferation of cars and houses. 79 00:11:20,050 --> 00:11:25,470 What about judges? Testimony to common ground to. 80 00:11:29,100 --> 00:11:39,980 So there is a different cast from different races, but the totality of the caste system constituted a single, heterogeneous, diverse race. 81 00:11:42,130 --> 00:11:50,180 That classism as a whole gained cohesion, what I call the reproductive network as a medium. 82 00:11:51,020 --> 00:11:59,510 Despite the medical injunctions, produced a common bond of blood some nation had actually established genetically one to. 83 00:12:00,780 --> 00:12:06,969 Mind you, this is not altogether thorough, a modern understanding of genetics. 84 00:12:06,970 --> 00:12:13,120 Right. That's kind of where the essentialism of national races has given way too to kind of. 85 00:12:15,220 --> 00:12:21,070 Yeah, I guess by their ability to kind of acknowledge a difference within populations. 86 00:12:21,310 --> 00:12:26,010 That's kind of how we see populations now. One could even make a case. 87 00:12:26,020 --> 00:12:38,360 I'm kind of reading through. Yeah, who researches biological receptors and in the 1920s and thirties that the modern synthesis as it is called, 88 00:12:38,360 --> 00:12:45,819 the synthesis of the Darwinian evolution with Mendel's theory of inheritance in the twenties and 89 00:12:45,820 --> 00:12:55,299 thirties just proved that biological fusion negative summation might not be that as it might, 90 00:12:55,300 --> 00:13:00,310 so that has certain connections with contemporary surface and heredity and race, 91 00:13:00,670 --> 00:13:08,409 and yet assimilated not only, of course Darwin, but Spencer, but also Thomas. 92 00:13:08,410 --> 00:13:14,350 Henry Huxley jumped in there and. Yes. 93 00:13:14,370 --> 00:13:24,010 It has a kind of more nuanced understanding of race than some of his race and some of the race do most of the time. 94 00:13:25,810 --> 00:13:29,260 But in taking this approach, she didn't throw the baby with the bathwater. 95 00:13:29,340 --> 00:13:33,190 They acknowledged there was a mixture across all humankind. 96 00:13:33,420 --> 00:13:35,380 But the idea wasn't to deconstruct the kingdom. 97 00:13:35,560 --> 00:13:42,140 On the contrary, they had grown, he said, by mixing in more deeply and absorbing what may just sometimes. 98 00:13:43,620 --> 00:13:52,770 So the Indonesian AI grown as it conquered the cells and biologically fused all the people penistone into one to race. 99 00:13:53,580 --> 00:13:59,220 So there was a kind of frontal admixture, and the Hindu kind of grew along the frontier. 100 00:14:00,140 --> 00:14:03,260 Its modus operandi was intent on a colonisation. 101 00:14:04,930 --> 00:14:10,150 So Satoko fought in this international race from sexual and reproductive unions across caste. 102 00:14:11,210 --> 00:14:16,430 Of course he knew the reality of cost was anything but that was far off. 103 00:14:16,710 --> 00:14:26,210 The ideal cost and junctions and pollution curtailed the productive network from which he built the Hindu. 104 00:14:28,600 --> 00:14:36,310 She wanted to re-establish it and to re-establish it. He helped get into that with damage, and he was always telling all of us to marry the girls. 105 00:14:38,480 --> 00:14:41,209 I need to tell you how socially transgressive this was. 106 00:14:41,210 --> 00:14:47,480 And now at the time what you know, and it was considered misinformation by the racists all the time. 107 00:14:48,700 --> 00:14:51,640 So whatever else he was on was not conservative. 108 00:14:52,840 --> 00:14:59,590 But this doesn't mean that we should build on our dreams of kind of a post cast, post based world on him. 109 00:15:00,520 --> 00:15:09,640 But he just it complicates it pushes us to to take casts thinking an outcast, an outcast as an enemy. 110 00:15:10,510 --> 00:15:15,440 And he complicates the story of what race members of the movement. 111 00:15:16,840 --> 00:15:22,090 But even if an offence against purity which I think in terms of across race 112 00:15:22,090 --> 00:15:26,920 thinking was the implications of some of his thinking could be just as deadly. 113 00:15:27,220 --> 00:15:33,200 It doesn't need purity for that. You don't have that kind of violence in was impressed. 114 00:15:34,510 --> 00:15:42,780 So what where were the Muslims in all of this? It is often thought that someone could consider them the foreign race that polluted the world. 115 00:15:44,090 --> 00:15:51,350 And the vast bulk of the literature on internationalism focussed on the exclusion of the Muslim other. 116 00:15:51,830 --> 00:15:55,100 But this is a Hindu protest. It excludes them. 117 00:15:55,100 --> 00:15:58,549 Muslim another. But I'm trying to communicate otherwise. 118 00:15:58,550 --> 00:16:06,470 I'm trying to convince you that Muslims are not a nice role and that exclusion was actually about stopping them. 119 00:16:08,090 --> 00:16:12,890 So make no mistake, you did want to destroy them. But exclusion was not something that was. 120 00:16:14,780 --> 00:16:22,430 Silica never strayed from this yellow stripe promise that any museums were indigenous communities and the world. 121 00:16:23,270 --> 00:16:34,100 And actually the most to understand will use that as an argument to refute in museums claims two separate nations visiting in India is not Hindustan. 122 00:16:35,060 --> 00:16:38,480 It is not a multiracial state. And it's not like we are. 123 00:16:38,810 --> 00:16:49,760 It's not like the USA. There's only nice. And this is the kind of not so nice meaning of the slogan Hindus and Muslims are from this side. 124 00:16:50,460 --> 00:16:57,810 So India's Muslims were a community over logic, but it didn't like the nation state as the heart of the Himalayas because of that. 125 00:16:59,440 --> 00:17:05,190 The issue was that the Muslims, the arc of blood, did not have the will to do what was else. 126 00:17:06,070 --> 00:17:10,180 So it hasn't escaped scholars that Seleka and Joseph will walk. 127 00:17:10,240 --> 00:17:13,660 Among them is the end of independence on 87. 128 00:17:13,990 --> 00:17:23,590 If you keep to the next slide, I will picture that thought that it's kind of a story of Hindu-Muslim cooperation against the common British enemy. 129 00:17:25,240 --> 00:17:32,950 It would then appear that Hindutva, which was published 14 years after this book marks about it, could shed light. 130 00:17:33,820 --> 00:17:42,670 But this is, I believe, misleading. And so far, some are contemplated in the Muslim community in a Gandhian Republicanism. 131 00:17:44,170 --> 00:17:49,780 So what I think this is all about, this kind of shift that people have observed, is that possible? 132 00:17:49,960 --> 00:17:57,040 At the time of writing in the Hands of 57, which was published anonymously in 1989. 133 00:17:58,180 --> 00:18:04,120 And restated throughout his career is that the prerequisite of kingdoms and unity in that 134 00:18:04,120 --> 00:18:09,880 land was the rebirth of sovereignty and the destruction of Muslim sovereignty in India. 135 00:18:10,780 --> 00:18:20,930 And the Raja episode was here. If you look at the student of that, an Indian nationalist, and then the one that he would use in Hindustani, 136 00:18:21,250 --> 00:18:26,740 which is in Morocco, you know that that's a shift taking place also at the same time as India. 137 00:18:27,190 --> 00:18:32,980 You published a book, A History in World Renowned Empire called In Shining. 138 00:18:34,280 --> 00:18:39,469 So what happened in the decade and a half between these two publications is that 139 00:18:39,470 --> 00:18:43,850 someone can realise that the Indian Muslim potentiality for sovereignty was not dead. 140 00:18:44,130 --> 00:18:47,330 And the key that was was the key experience here. 141 00:18:48,350 --> 00:18:52,610 Only once moving sovereignty or dependence. Reality, sovereignty was dead. 142 00:18:52,970 --> 00:18:59,750 And Muslims had sacrificed a separate ambition. Could Hindus join hands with them as the brothers of blood? 143 00:19:00,110 --> 00:19:01,700 That's how we'll always them to be. 144 00:19:04,100 --> 00:19:12,890 So the first thing here is that CYBERCOM must crush Muslim political republic because that is the single most right. 145 00:19:13,280 --> 00:19:17,359 And it is in this context. It's about come home and edit his own of two nations. 146 00:19:17,360 --> 00:19:30,360 Very. Muslims, he explained on the Wall and School of Design regarded him as enemies, and he was dumb as an enemy. 147 00:19:31,650 --> 00:19:41,740 Division was a major reason. But in the US Muslims practised it so much they were quick to renounce that or lose. 148 00:19:41,740 --> 00:19:48,110 So that individual so much that led to the absolute evil that Muslim Brothers then lost. 149 00:19:48,960 --> 00:19:55,970 So you always kind of the issue that's kind of a daunting idea that kind of gives us the Palestinians. 150 00:19:58,260 --> 00:20:03,910 And some couples corroborate this arguing by telling the House, I want you to be moving. 151 00:20:04,590 --> 00:20:13,020 In a 1943 press statement, he said, If Muslims insisted on tying themselves into foreigners and stop, well, 152 00:20:13,380 --> 00:20:19,050 factually untrue because they want to warn us in Hindustan, then they deserve to be treated as such. 153 00:20:21,410 --> 00:20:27,379 Then when Jihad issued a statement to quell a controversy over Salman Khan's repeated 154 00:20:27,380 --> 00:20:32,900 public assertions that Hindus and Muslims will realise that there one race. 155 00:20:34,480 --> 00:20:37,630 So by political world, Muslims have made themselves a nation. 156 00:20:38,260 --> 00:20:44,889 They are not a race of thought. Of course, such parasitic nationhood would be, 157 00:20:44,890 --> 00:20:51,310 but they're not entitled as Muslims to sell to the nation as a long term kind of this 158 00:20:54,400 --> 00:21:00,580 refutation of the right to self-determination going on and in and of itself was at the time, 159 00:21:01,330 --> 00:21:05,990 no context. And this time, which belong to only one nation, rise to the. 160 00:21:07,250 --> 00:21:10,720 And so this was the context in which someone actually did. 161 00:21:11,180 --> 00:21:19,730 And yes, Muslims Muslim countries considered the foreign race in Germany and Nazi Germany at the time belonging India, 162 00:21:19,870 --> 00:21:26,320 supporting the Jews and disseminated the harmless in matters of a different one. 163 00:21:27,940 --> 00:21:40,510 And infamously and some you remember this RSS globacom also gave Indian minorities a choice between either complete dissemination or annihilation, 164 00:21:40,870 --> 00:21:45,790 putting on the all absorbing power of religion and probably. 165 00:21:46,820 --> 00:21:50,460 And the languages. Oh, wow. 166 00:21:50,960 --> 00:21:56,660 I'm like, Oh, I believe that's a purpose. Less mechanism of incorporation in a specific way was for you. 167 00:21:57,720 --> 00:22:02,700 So what was at stake for him was the erasure of the museum as a potential sign of something to. 168 00:22:04,980 --> 00:22:10,770 Now 77. I was always done with male Muslim men capable of 70. 169 00:22:11,870 --> 00:22:18,050 And this kept building getting crushed out of them in order for them to be resolved in some civil. 170 00:22:19,040 --> 00:22:23,860 Now we see that the Civil War logic came out during partition. 171 00:22:24,110 --> 00:22:36,290 I showed a couple that explains in the book. But missing women were much more difficult than integration was biological and gendered and reproductive. 172 00:22:38,060 --> 00:22:46,310 Now let me illustrate this by way of an example in the archives, from smokehouse papers to New York to, you know, Memorial Museum and library. 173 00:22:47,690 --> 00:22:49,790 Well, in July 1940, 174 00:22:50,060 --> 00:23:02,960 a branch postmaster in from Staten Island wrote to Suffolk Spring and he sold his council over the kind of how much money addresses people that spend. 175 00:23:03,410 --> 00:23:09,559 But he had this friend belong to a quite respectable from the company that he was from. 176 00:23:09,560 --> 00:23:18,950 I must go regardless of age and had no objection and was willing to become in the way I think the U.S. Navy issued. 177 00:23:19,430 --> 00:23:24,490 What kindly would some account say if I did not allow such marriages in collection? 178 00:23:26,440 --> 00:23:30,920 No serious offers since I dropped this out in front of an e-mail straight away of 179 00:23:31,300 --> 00:23:37,240 the bandages and advice that she might immediately marrying the missing girl. 180 00:23:38,770 --> 00:23:43,870 He thinks that marrying other girls from other villages and getting them 181 00:23:43,870 --> 00:23:48,190 converted into him religion is not a sin that abound in different every Hindu. 182 00:23:50,090 --> 00:23:55,490 Other religions, Islam disagree, but they increase their numbers. 183 00:23:56,000 --> 00:24:00,650 The Hindus have lost using the population strength day by day. 184 00:24:02,570 --> 00:24:06,170 Should Sharma find it quite impossible to celebrate his marriage at home? 185 00:24:06,410 --> 00:24:13,580 You should go to America, south Bombay, where the audience amongst all the local Hindus would willingly assist them. 186 00:24:14,720 --> 00:24:21,590 Quote. Anyhow, I want to use this opportunity in marrying the Muslim girl and getting involved in death and religion. 187 00:24:22,480 --> 00:24:22,690 And. 188 00:24:27,670 --> 00:24:37,000 Now remarkably, southern cottons are to have emerged into this type of metal, and it was full of kind of unbridled anger and fast passing emotion. 189 00:24:37,300 --> 00:24:44,920 You wrote that, quote, The hidden news happens to me not to news that goes to the Muslim world, but to our girl, to whom the gem was sent estimation. 190 00:24:46,120 --> 00:24:50,050 He wrote, quote, We must give out this obscenity. Some other explanation. 191 00:24:51,660 --> 00:24:59,850 So what we see here is the anxiety of Muslims, our population in this that usually this explores in his article I'm dying in this. 192 00:25:01,370 --> 00:25:07,860 The idea being that the spirit of the Muslims in India was tied to the population strength and the that. 193 00:25:10,260 --> 00:25:13,640 So cyber crime only permits intercommunal marriage and conversion. 194 00:25:13,650 --> 00:25:20,550 The two of them are always kind of one or the other initiative of Muslims into the Hindu thought. 195 00:25:20,670 --> 00:25:25,940 What do you frames as a duty like bound and duty? So what he does with cast, 196 00:25:26,450 --> 00:25:35,360 he actually wasn't looking into marriage was he means to consolidate the single subject that these barriers have to go ahead and 197 00:25:35,570 --> 00:25:47,090 only kind of nudge breaking down these barriers and reduce them could only disappear and and he dealt with foreign corporations by. 198 00:25:48,430 --> 00:25:56,799 So as a consequence of acknowledging that there was a code of conduct in us and there's kind of a wall that goes both ways. 199 00:25:56,800 --> 00:26:09,220 And this is incoming correspondence myself, I actually did testify to that as a lot of incoming Islamic Orthodox and Orthodox community organisations. 200 00:26:09,610 --> 00:26:19,740 What are you doing? In many ways, so can actually model the who on his enemies with whom he intends identified the Muslim. 201 00:26:20,920 --> 00:26:26,800 So it's Muslims who do not put into the pants and according to Publica, they are not hemmed in by caste. 202 00:26:27,460 --> 00:26:31,330 They proselytise. They tend to marry and they take back the women. 203 00:26:31,660 --> 00:26:43,410 Hindus must do this to. Now contrast this with Gandhi Gandhi's opposition to marrying his son's wish to marry the female, 204 00:26:44,640 --> 00:26:50,460 Gandhi's anxiety about racial and religious affiliation, the lust of some of them as well. 205 00:26:51,840 --> 00:26:57,030 Perhaps we can, I don't know, letting him off the hook, but maybe, 206 00:26:57,030 --> 00:27:02,850 perhaps a little let him off the hook more easily to contrast in subtle crowds doing things. 207 00:27:03,780 --> 00:27:10,259 What does he do with tobacco weaponise into marriage in which he distils down to the kind of 208 00:27:10,260 --> 00:27:16,970 basic element of sex in the production and the ideas to dissolve the Muslim and reassemble them. 209 00:27:19,550 --> 00:27:22,550 So women are at the crux of his project. 210 00:27:25,810 --> 00:27:30,550 But Muslim women are not a true subject. 211 00:27:30,720 --> 00:27:34,060 They don't really exist in an ideal way. 212 00:27:34,720 --> 00:27:38,440 Muslim men in the comments have been allowed to say ultra subjects. 213 00:27:38,710 --> 00:27:43,930 Muslim women aren't. The Muslim woman could not be an original identity. 214 00:27:44,490 --> 00:27:48,460 And as can be seen, for example, by the way, in which she tried to influence a muslim past. 215 00:27:49,720 --> 00:27:56,050 So in the days preceding the dissolution of the Muslim Marriage Act of 1939, 216 00:27:56,800 --> 00:28:03,760 we advocated that a muslim woman's conversion to Hinduism should suffice to dissolve her Muslim husband. 217 00:28:05,850 --> 00:28:13,320 But I'm actually translating some old cars logic into a different system because he doesn't actually speak of Muslim women, which is really striking. 218 00:28:14,600 --> 00:28:21,259 So by striking slippage for Sako, the Muslim women at issue in this bill became, quote, 219 00:28:21,260 --> 00:28:28,220 Hindu widows or virgins or married women having their husbands and wives, but enticed by Muslims and non-Muslims. 220 00:28:29,570 --> 00:28:40,190 So the Muslim woman's conversion becomes a rescue as a form of misappropriation and the convert actually comes alive at right behind her locked. 221 00:28:40,370 --> 00:28:44,110 The Hindu woman actually happens. Or could have been or should have been. 222 00:28:46,900 --> 00:28:52,479 Well. So the dissolution of Muslim marriages that underlie treated plasticity as 223 00:28:52,480 --> 00:28:59,260 grounds for divorce but enforced by the ominous restitution of countries allies. 224 00:29:02,350 --> 00:29:06,910 So as I said, the reproductive network of the caste system, as I saw it, 225 00:29:07,330 --> 00:29:15,040 getting cohesion from of sexual activities that have been incorporated into this reproductive network was the way 226 00:29:15,040 --> 00:29:22,360 in which foreigners and Congress and those on the margins have for millennia been assimilated into the Hindu race. 227 00:29:23,920 --> 00:29:30,400 The first and only group to name. I'm assuming the move into the Dr. network were the Muslims. 228 00:29:31,450 --> 00:29:38,490 They carried on this caste or Jati in a logical definition and seceded from the. 229 00:29:40,500 --> 00:29:52,430 Know how that would be possible as America. This is how Hinduism and caste can read them aloud to English facing internal colonisation. 230 00:29:52,890 --> 00:29:58,040 By contrast, Islam was facing an imperial. 231 00:29:59,600 --> 00:30:05,990 Basilica and vision is known as an agent that does something to Tunisians, 232 00:30:06,530 --> 00:30:13,970 an agent of imperialism that raced other nations and races in its power and folded them into them as a nation. 233 00:30:14,960 --> 00:30:23,060 So from the moment that Islam was born, Arabia ceased to be what the writing was flowed, conquering and Islamization. 234 00:30:23,060 --> 00:30:34,120 Everything from Canada to Afghanistan. So Islam's power to grow in this Bible equation from two understands traditional power is equal to the nation. 235 00:30:34,510 --> 00:30:37,540 Like once or twice now, this kind of thing. 236 00:30:37,780 --> 00:30:44,900 And that was the problem. The CYBERCOM is not alone in thinking that as not that race and nature of the peace 237 00:30:44,940 --> 00:30:52,410 at the time the powers using magical machine and that there are also other powers in. 238 00:30:53,710 --> 00:30:59,430 That is continuous to an extent. So for example, there was an economist disciple. 239 00:31:00,180 --> 00:31:08,340 This individual who is bold and with Harris has a beautiful new book out on Canada and the just spoke on 240 00:31:08,520 --> 00:31:16,110 East on the Eastern Concept of Nationhood was recorded at the first anniversary of Congress in 1919. 241 00:31:17,250 --> 00:31:24,570 Now, she argued that unlike the kind of Western civic concept of nationhood, the Eastern concept was based on the common ideal. 242 00:31:25,050 --> 00:31:28,230 So on content, unity of the day. 243 00:31:29,580 --> 00:31:39,639 And this must encapsulate a kind of watertight. Nobody to explain that because as a mom and college into marriage between all co-religionists, 244 00:31:39,640 --> 00:31:44,910 regardless of ethnicity, it was a, quote, constantly growing accretion. 245 00:31:46,470 --> 00:31:52,020 So Islam was an exceptionally strong force of nation making. 246 00:31:53,490 --> 00:31:59,370 Not only that, Indian nationality was one of the details actually derivative of Islam to a great extent 247 00:32:00,750 --> 00:32:06,480 Hinduism and have been without kind of sort an internal organising principle either. 248 00:32:06,870 --> 00:32:12,750 But it was only the arrival of Islam that had kind of brought about Indian nationalism. 249 00:32:13,230 --> 00:32:16,710 And this was what fused Muslims. 250 00:32:17,460 --> 00:32:25,260 And that's what Peter, what she told the melding of warring brothers and to my family and of tribes in the way down. 251 00:32:27,370 --> 00:32:33,350 Oklahoma took one last. None of the detail caught in this listens to revival style. 252 00:32:34,960 --> 00:32:39,430 Not to link up with the radio and teams that wanted to gather. 253 00:32:40,850 --> 00:32:48,180 You never stop a car. There is something in Islam that a part of the sort of nationality by the title convention. 254 00:32:49,440 --> 00:32:55,670 Something that made Hindu converts to Islam considered Indian Muslims to be countries, 255 00:32:56,370 --> 00:33:01,170 make them set themselves apart and turn against their own, not enemies. 256 00:33:01,390 --> 00:33:06,170 To do that. Very. And he has different, different ways of describing this. 257 00:33:06,170 --> 00:33:13,030 But like, I think this is like a description of it. Is that as kind of an instant fanaticism, that is an impasse. 258 00:33:13,370 --> 00:33:17,480 Get combating fanatics right away and you forget the patterns and. 259 00:33:19,450 --> 00:33:23,790 So as a consequence of this property of is the reproductive network. 260 00:33:23,790 --> 00:33:33,720 But what you see out of difference. In India could not reverse the Muslim conquest as it had all the progress that he was throughout his career. 261 00:33:34,240 --> 00:33:40,480 He returned again and again to the trauma of how the Greeks that night when they came. 262 00:33:40,690 --> 00:33:44,680 They happened to magazine as a result. This was always about India. 263 00:33:44,900 --> 00:33:49,870 What he was doing was the cold. It had dealt with with this with conquest. 264 00:33:50,260 --> 00:33:56,920 It was Muslims. It was different. Islam was it was a similar level in this way. 265 00:33:58,970 --> 00:34:08,280 So speaking in 1938, some of the leaders of that rebellion in 1921, to have shown that their true base of nationality was not territory. 266 00:34:08,500 --> 00:34:13,640 It wasn't, but it was religious, cultural and racial dimension. 267 00:34:14,700 --> 00:34:18,560 And they should, as he argued, when that should be forcibly converting against. 268 00:34:20,060 --> 00:34:28,730 Now appropriating this kind of the museum's capability to make a national race to the end, 269 00:34:28,730 --> 00:34:35,090 to reverse direction making nation making kind of from making Muslims to reproducing in this. 270 00:34:38,380 --> 00:34:49,360 So as Muslims, I count yourselves out of the Hindu body politic and made himself into an enemy that needed to be part of the equation to convert. 271 00:34:50,230 --> 00:34:56,590 Said all that was come together for him. And also possible it may be. 272 00:35:02,460 --> 00:35:10,770 Now at this point not to dwell on the partition on the islands, because it really is in this context that's somewhat unusual for violence. 273 00:35:12,480 --> 00:35:14,760 So blatant for the ones. 274 00:35:17,500 --> 00:35:28,950 So what can justify partition rapes after the fact and then reform in his latest and his last book, which he wrote when he was a second brother, 1963. 275 00:35:29,170 --> 00:35:32,320 Six Glorious Epochs in History. The Gradually Sliding. 276 00:35:37,290 --> 00:35:43,979 But he didn't just do that. And he also actually recommended devout Muslim women to congressional leadership. 277 00:35:43,980 --> 00:35:49,260 And we saw this military wing in May 1947. 278 00:35:50,100 --> 00:35:59,940 Now just moments away from attention. Now, as I said, I regarded Muslims as not. 279 00:36:00,180 --> 00:36:03,059 But implicit in this was the second finding. Actually, 280 00:36:03,060 --> 00:36:10,530 it is a different framing and kind of gives an intriguing spin to this idealised idea of Muslim hierarchy 281 00:36:10,530 --> 00:36:19,850 in the subcontinent which so electric descendants of India as far as Congress and indigenous communities. 282 00:36:21,980 --> 00:36:32,330 It's not a 1938 racism or the systematic Muslim personalisation in Selma, which saw Muslim men formally marry. 283 00:36:32,790 --> 00:36:41,120 That means we're just going to be Hindu women, just Muslim progeny. 284 00:36:42,420 --> 00:36:47,549 And if I'm stopped. He writes, I'm Muslim proselytising would could break up the racial, 285 00:36:47,550 --> 00:36:55,980 religious and cultural ingenuity in the nation and divide us as happened in India and Maine using the same process and. 286 00:36:57,730 --> 00:37:03,400 Elsewhere. You wrote of Indian Muslims as the Tigers not quite forgotten the Hindu martyrs and took 287 00:37:03,400 --> 00:37:09,310 instead after the Muslim quarters the slur and enmity on the Hindu you of those other. 288 00:37:12,570 --> 00:37:17,130 On six glorious epochs. Suffolk has only been written off. 289 00:37:17,520 --> 00:37:25,490 Usually it's a book of tiny scale, partitioned time abductions into the new story of the origin of Muslims in. 290 00:37:26,870 --> 00:37:33,049 You know, I would add a small band of mail on the Amazon Invaders has grown into a community many, 291 00:37:33,050 --> 00:37:40,160 many million strong and enabled by capturing, converting, raping, marrying in Muslim. 292 00:37:43,050 --> 00:37:46,710 So Sarkar had earlier insisted that Hindus and Muslims were brothers by blood. 293 00:37:47,160 --> 00:37:55,680 His year as Asian actually introduced gender difference into the sentence, which made Indian Muslim men foreign. 294 00:37:55,680 --> 00:38:03,180 But factoring in the old dissent in a major Indian Muslim women, Hindu women captured feminism and made us. 295 00:38:06,860 --> 00:38:10,130 The idea that I'm taking you lives. The wisdom had with the assumption. 296 00:38:11,600 --> 00:38:16,820 He said that the Koran permitted sex for those uses in 1925. 297 00:38:17,300 --> 00:38:27,770 He said the article about some of the literature on communism in India collapsed in 298 00:38:28,820 --> 00:38:33,170 the twenties was the place that saw community islands escalate to a whole new level. 299 00:38:34,550 --> 00:38:38,780 So I kind of dropped this article as a bomb that it was like, no one's. 300 00:38:40,810 --> 00:38:47,630 The Koran insisted a law called capturing a woman as an article of of and question. 301 00:38:49,280 --> 00:38:58,450 This practice is a very natural law, as he called it, the custom of a state of nature that was also still followed by primitive African tribes. 302 00:38:58,550 --> 00:39:04,490 He explains that in this book in as long as he was. 303 00:39:05,690 --> 00:39:12,829 This was the nod from the Russians to sit down as victors on my side, maybe by rapturous marriage, 304 00:39:12,830 --> 00:39:22,300 by bright captions like I wrote in this one to carry away the women of others and to ravish them is itself the supreme feature of the Russian. 305 00:39:23,960 --> 00:39:31,730 I have an article on my present marriage out so I won't go to too much detail here, but let me just make a few points. 306 00:39:33,260 --> 00:39:39,610 Seductress marriage by capital wasn't a concept and an obsession from 19th century anthropologists. 307 00:39:39,610 --> 00:39:44,840 So if you look at the classics about them, also like sociological theorising. 308 00:39:45,980 --> 00:39:52,400 McClennan Spencer Henry may even really stress that all discussed this type of marriage. 309 00:39:53,210 --> 00:40:03,210 This archetype was taken straight from one. So Russia's marriage according to monarchs court marriage but messy divorce for my house. 310 00:40:03,540 --> 00:40:09,780 While she meets and calls for assistance after her kinsmen and friends often slain in battle, wounded and the house broken. 311 00:40:11,670 --> 00:40:15,930 It is a model and among the disapproved collapse of marriage. 312 00:40:15,930 --> 00:40:17,760 But it is kind of permissible to practice. 313 00:40:20,350 --> 00:40:31,960 Now, some would have read about Russia's march to show the apology of black culture in Spencer's principles of theology to some people. 314 00:40:32,560 --> 00:40:43,300 We know that someone was accused of censorship, and it's also Spencer who made the cause of wide culture and exalted to be unnamed. 315 00:40:47,670 --> 00:40:58,410 He made the causes that captured Islam. The practice of the Torrijos tribes stealing enemy remains like a woman who broke off their enemies. 316 00:40:58,620 --> 00:41:10,660 To diminish this. Nelson's retirement all come about, and I'm going to just review women as the victims and battle them. 317 00:41:11,950 --> 00:41:16,019 But not until we actually have a specialist to make us about mage, 318 00:41:16,020 --> 00:41:26,610 about how women's sex and bodies became the stakes and objects and hunting during the partition. 319 00:41:28,670 --> 00:41:33,409 He made women the base of sovereign ones to establish a new general social contract 320 00:41:33,410 --> 00:41:38,720 with Muslims will be run as their sovereignty over sovereignty as patriarchal. 321 00:41:40,300 --> 00:41:49,780 And to achieve this, to achieve the overcoming of Muslims and Muslim capacity for power. 322 00:41:50,500 --> 00:41:59,350 He recommended a kind of diluting the devil so to meet the Muslim noxious representatives, as he often called them. 323 00:41:59,980 --> 00:42:04,340 He knows how to a like. May explain. 324 00:42:05,030 --> 00:42:14,110 You distinguished, you distinguish what you call religious warfare from a normal life that requires religious warfare requires kind of. 325 00:42:15,170 --> 00:42:19,930 Court hype about the charity of Supernatural walking down. 326 00:42:21,370 --> 00:42:31,540 After the religious was the demonic references that followed, he said untimely political wars which did not require this war tactic. 327 00:42:31,540 --> 00:42:37,220 And how. Now when religious war commenced and with the Muslim conquest, 328 00:42:37,520 --> 00:42:47,569 the Hindus were unequipped to face sense because chivalric values have rendered the heroes of the country as incapable of vanquishing Amazon, 329 00:42:47,570 --> 00:42:57,220 both by raping. So it's like I wanted him to do this kind of drawing to become serious in the war against Muslims. 330 00:42:57,600 --> 00:43:00,930 And to do this, he just had to rely on. 331 00:43:02,960 --> 00:43:07,400 Now how to become the abductor. Now, the Muslim right, 332 00:43:07,400 --> 00:43:15,320 as he's often kind of identified by the Hindu right in this fight against the hero of a story he wrote in a traditional husband. 333 00:43:16,400 --> 00:43:28,280 It's interesting. Now ruptures marriage and anthropological tradition by the same indexed. 334 00:43:29,990 --> 00:43:33,260 While caste was synonymous with end. 335 00:43:34,960 --> 00:43:38,620 Now this live action is neck and neck. 336 00:43:38,980 --> 00:43:45,400 So much of marriage 65 as partners, 40 super interesting, 337 00:43:45,890 --> 00:43:54,010 says a company that says as to what Angelina Jolie on you, an apology must be made punchline. 338 00:43:55,510 --> 00:44:00,940 Instead of. And Joe Manchin might offer some explanations. 339 00:44:01,240 --> 00:44:07,640 I've used the word cost. The customer had several ideas besides that attention. 340 00:44:11,780 --> 00:44:14,810 So Castle and Dogma actually identify this monument. 341 00:44:15,650 --> 00:44:17,930 And kind of when we get home, we find. 342 00:44:20,290 --> 00:44:29,710 And as I explained in my article, that is not the cost principle of marriage that was based on consent and paternal consent. 343 00:44:31,660 --> 00:44:38,260 Parents giving you away not just based on the contract. And this was possible only among some of the families. 344 00:44:38,710 --> 00:44:42,880 It's opposite sex marriage outside of homes. 345 00:44:43,390 --> 00:44:48,850 I'm referencing the capture of wives from Indian tribes with whom that was. 346 00:44:48,850 --> 00:44:53,170 And there could be no consensual patriarchal marriage in exchange. 347 00:44:55,180 --> 00:45:06,880 Not in this kind of thought. On on election night and cost jilted these anthropological definitions because Pacifica as I talked about earlier 348 00:45:07,180 --> 00:45:15,670 caste system caste system as an industry practice actually meant exile for me as people married outside the job, 349 00:45:16,270 --> 00:45:25,170 creating more and more some caste. Is that a kind of consolidating effect on the human race, kind of centripetal, 350 00:45:25,260 --> 00:45:32,520 kind of moving towards towards a common centre rather than centrifugal some flow. 351 00:45:34,390 --> 00:45:40,420 Several have criticised not as strong results as any the cars have become and still sometimes. 352 00:45:42,040 --> 00:45:52,870 So in his last book, six Glorious Epochs of Bitter Brutality book, he presented an alternative origin of the system. 353 00:45:53,740 --> 00:46:01,420 So in the book, in the longer cast, longer period as the great force had assimilated in this Amazon Congress, 354 00:46:01,720 --> 00:46:04,950 but as a conservative reaction to this Congress. 355 00:46:06,760 --> 00:46:16,239 Marriage and and field pollution have developed to protect the society from the impact of conquests, but only the Muslim invasions. 356 00:46:16,240 --> 00:46:21,970 After the kind of action measures, only the later Muslim invasions have caused cars to become entirely rigid. 357 00:46:22,150 --> 00:46:29,200 This is maybe an argument that I can install and serve as a cost of a muslim invasions. 358 00:46:31,040 --> 00:46:36,590 It was a fist of a car. It was gas was meant as a protective device. 359 00:46:37,430 --> 00:46:44,520 After the Muslim invasion was kind of launched into the society as a permanent barrier against Islam's race making, 360 00:46:45,390 --> 00:46:52,430 so prevented those who had already gone with us from going back and taking more with them, taking more interest with them. 361 00:46:53,650 --> 00:46:59,380 But by the same token, because of the coming budget class, actually the communism was controlled. 362 00:47:02,970 --> 00:47:11,080 You're asking where you railed against? How easy is customisation hot in a man making music that didn't even need assault? 363 00:47:11,100 --> 00:47:21,750 Actually, it happened as simple as dropping or talking to loaves of bread or the meat of cows into village wells, causing the drinkers to lose cost. 364 00:47:21,920 --> 00:47:26,550 You also tried something new, desired and forever is to advise that to go. 365 00:47:28,710 --> 00:47:39,590 So it was cast ostracism which ensured that conversion to Islam actually start putting Congress permanently beyond the bounds of English society. 366 00:47:41,320 --> 00:47:45,040 Some of them where he gets really bitter about those being miserable in India 367 00:47:45,060 --> 00:47:50,950 didn't didn't need of arms to uphold it because native society locked in stable. 368 00:47:52,490 --> 00:47:59,030 So if a subway car was the defining property of Islam fanaticism to make them Hinduism, supreme property, 369 00:47:59,030 --> 00:48:09,230 caste properties that this kind of mixture between these two and hence also have a lifelong battle with Hinduism. 370 00:48:11,520 --> 00:48:19,130 Now for some, especially after the position that needed to be a mechanism to reclaim those who have fallen be on the parallel cost. 371 00:48:20,500 --> 00:48:28,580 This one should do purification. America again in six glorious epochs. 372 00:48:29,930 --> 00:48:42,580 The woman in this book again railed against the failure of conservative orthodoxy in the society to restore abducted 373 00:48:44,200 --> 00:48:52,120 pregnant Hindu women into Hindu families and society after after the tremendous violence of the partition. 374 00:48:53,140 --> 00:49:05,700 Is it possible that despite this campaign operation, complex and conservative family structure was quite suicidal as it gave up on productive assets? 375 00:49:07,590 --> 00:49:12,430 My turn to the Davos region, on which the RSA actually based the truth. 376 00:49:13,480 --> 00:49:23,970 And you found it's quite liberal attitude towards women, especially wall to wall and brought it that the diversity you enjoy and that the women 377 00:49:23,990 --> 00:49:28,479 possibly converted to Islam or those who served in the Muslim household as sovereigns, 378 00:49:28,480 --> 00:49:34,780 as slaves because of the pure after the next medicines and should be completely absorbed in the Hindu community. 379 00:49:35,260 --> 00:49:39,760 Even a pregnant woman freed from the Muslim bondage was to be considered as pure 380 00:49:39,760 --> 00:49:43,989 as a barrel of gold after being featured in the Goldsmiths trading dish once. 381 00:49:43,990 --> 00:49:54,140 And you just cannot offer not. Not in the same way as you refuse to give up these, quote unquote, foreign women. 382 00:49:54,320 --> 00:50:01,640 So that can also actually increase to deliver a muslim woman abducted by the Hindus, among them, six to Pakistan. 383 00:50:03,600 --> 00:50:06,800 Specific was to send down the line, down to the town, 384 00:50:06,900 --> 00:50:16,890 to mention that he regretted that the emissions generators should have failed to consider as pure the children born of the Hindu man. 385 00:50:20,010 --> 00:50:27,260 But summer camp was not going to hand such a precious asset as as women over to the Pakistan. 386 00:50:28,700 --> 00:50:38,360 And it is also on this point as well, clashed with the statement on recovery and inclusion that was taken by the Indian government. 387 00:50:40,020 --> 00:50:49,200 Now we know from an analysis block that in the constituent assembly members generally, we captured women at the top of assets. 388 00:50:49,200 --> 00:50:57,390 And now those who kind of demand parity in number between women exchange and Microsoft gives us whatever old women are willing to give them. 389 00:50:57,570 --> 00:51:04,170 Young women should be like so clearly as he's not completely alone in thinking of women out of the gap in assets. 390 00:51:04,170 --> 00:51:11,130 And there's nothing going on between India and Pakistan in the sense of women, a common pool of both control. 391 00:51:13,140 --> 00:51:20,250 But the overwhelming tenor of these debates is that India must meet itself using them because that 392 00:51:20,250 --> 00:51:26,159 kind of presence and shame around six families compromises India's morality of sexual morality, 393 00:51:26,160 --> 00:51:33,730 its morality, its almost purity, all of these things. Now Sapakara. 394 00:51:34,210 --> 00:51:42,220 Actually endorsed this policy, the practice of kind of quiet absorption of these abducted women into that abductors, 395 00:51:42,220 --> 00:51:52,780 families and communities by hosting events, which is something that was practical, can show that there is kind of status. 396 00:51:53,020 --> 00:51:58,120 And that's what and then there's a whole different thing that's happening around absorption. 397 00:52:00,200 --> 00:52:04,460 An injustice that shouldn't be there should not be expelled. 398 00:52:04,640 --> 00:52:12,200 There should be a precedent. And, of course, it was a matter of this this absorption that this got, 399 00:52:12,230 --> 00:52:17,100 this kind of practical pension also contributed to women's experience of this issue. 400 00:52:20,350 --> 00:52:29,630 Not to conclude. I don't know whether this is actually stopping because it's been saying bye bye. 401 00:52:30,520 --> 00:52:34,360 Okay. I think that's true. Okay. 402 00:52:35,620 --> 00:52:46,890 So so I can cast Hindu-Muslim unions as marriages in which the woman takes on her husband's social, religious and also racial national identity. 403 00:52:48,110 --> 00:52:52,350 He viewed the relations with Muslim men and the conditions of war forced. 404 00:52:52,730 --> 00:52:57,110 So that large scale killing was actually shown because that was one of them, like a adults. 405 00:52:58,410 --> 00:53:08,580 Now with Muslim men killed in war and enemy women a apportioned to Hindu warriors, Muslim adoption will be destroyed. 406 00:53:09,290 --> 00:53:12,780 And this is kind of the complete annihilation of the business. 407 00:53:13,050 --> 00:53:18,690 And yet I think someone wanted to deal with it. 408 00:53:20,670 --> 00:53:27,840 I know of only two instances where enemy men are included as as objects of absorption on a large scale. 409 00:53:28,770 --> 00:53:30,960 The past is in glorious epochs. 410 00:53:32,060 --> 00:53:42,420 And indeed, the epoch of John Locke up to now, when sport the nation has been violent enough to absorb not only the progeny of first enemy women, 411 00:53:42,630 --> 00:53:49,260 but the whole enemy communities into its own and leave no trace of the origin behind an exclamation. 412 00:53:52,040 --> 00:53:55,940 Now, the other instance is truly remarkable, and it's not military. 413 00:53:56,950 --> 00:54:03,940 So on 25th May 1947, the date girl sent a note congratulating a fellow. 414 00:54:04,000 --> 00:54:08,100 Marcel died for converting 800 Muslim families to as. 415 00:54:09,340 --> 00:54:12,460 MasterCard declared that up on top of chronology. 416 00:54:12,730 --> 00:54:18,850 They have somewhat assimilated into Hinduism beyond recognition and deserve credit, loving and equal treatment. 417 00:54:20,800 --> 00:54:29,230 As likely as not to work on the second generation or to marry outside the group to fuse into not to handle this. 418 00:54:29,330 --> 00:54:32,680 I mean, this is this is May 1987. I. 419 00:54:35,640 --> 00:54:40,320 So in India, combining matrix and like genetics, 420 00:54:40,440 --> 00:54:49,500 that's kind of slow tempo and all the mutation and gene expression and reduction that was able to convert and that was an instantaneous somatic event. 421 00:54:50,610 --> 00:54:53,910 It re-established the broken bones of the Hindu race. 422 00:54:54,970 --> 00:55:03,590 Thank. Thank you. 423 00:55:03,800 --> 00:55:05,330 That was fascinating and incredibly.