1 00:00:01,980 --> 00:00:07,560 So everyone, I'm very pleased to be here. 2 00:00:09,030 --> 00:00:16,260 Many thanks to Lisa Carmichael and her team for organising this brilliant conference and inviting me. 3 00:00:17,520 --> 00:00:29,280 Sometimes my topic is about historical distortions and about new academic dignity and proper academic conditions 4 00:00:30,540 --> 00:00:40,290 in which proper academic works must appear about interfere ference of State government into academic writing. 5 00:00:41,760 --> 00:00:47,700 But the creation of the popular imaginations by government. 6 00:00:54,250 --> 00:01:06,700 So my focus is a medieval history because exactly this history was taken by Putin and not only by him as an origin story of modern Russia. 7 00:01:08,940 --> 00:01:22,980 This story, not only origin story, also inspiring aggression and imperialistic ambitions because Putin is represented as a governor of Russian lands. 8 00:01:25,410 --> 00:01:28,590 Well, how did it appear? 9 00:01:30,600 --> 00:01:36,930 I'd like to start from the one professor to illustrate the case. 10 00:01:40,100 --> 00:01:43,220 In 1942, 1943, 11 00:01:43,790 --> 00:01:49,520 Professor Jim Healthy Shanker completed his historical dictionary of Ukrainian language 12 00:01:51,500 --> 00:01:58,040 in which he gave Ukrainian goods found in various sources from the 11th century. 13 00:01:58,910 --> 00:02:06,320 And for what's interesting, Lee Stalin's government I'm sorry, for my English language, 14 00:02:08,180 --> 00:02:16,430 for my native Stalin's government prohibited him from publishing the goods then the ones from the 14th century. 15 00:02:17,540 --> 00:02:25,490 Professor Timoshenko was allowed to publish only the first volume starting from the 14th century, 16 00:02:26,600 --> 00:02:32,630 and soon after he was arrested and sent to Gulag concentration camp for five years. 17 00:02:34,070 --> 00:02:46,710 She died a few years later. It is an excellent example of how Russian Russia corrected academic writing for her benefit in the 1950s. 18 00:02:47,360 --> 00:02:55,970 The similar fate fell on many all the historians and philologists whose works consumed the medieval history of Ukraine. 19 00:02:57,080 --> 00:03:04,970 So frame them for history of Ukrainian writing a catalogue of Krinsky essays on the history of the Ukrainian language. 20 00:03:05,440 --> 00:03:12,620 So Mikhail Gorbachev, still, though he was not repressed, he died too, in suspect circumstances. 21 00:03:13,160 --> 00:03:16,560 The history of Ukraine, the roots, etc. 22 00:03:17,810 --> 00:03:24,770 So the Ukrainian writing was effectively silenced and unfortunately is still silent for many world, 23 00:03:24,770 --> 00:03:29,240 one world because of the Russian late information folk. 24 00:03:30,980 --> 00:03:41,059 So those silenced those Russian historians who considered north eastern Russia like sieges of Rostov, 25 00:03:41,060 --> 00:03:47,210 whose style was deemed as the home territory of Russian statehood and culture. 26 00:03:49,940 --> 00:04:05,690 Alexandroupolis Nicole Matvey Lebowski was repressed and many other historians, his colleagues in 1929 1941 to show trials in Ukraine, in Russia, 27 00:04:06,920 --> 00:04:13,909 the so-called case of the Ukrainian Liberation Fellowship and the academic case, respectively, 28 00:04:13,910 --> 00:04:23,090 in Russia caused the most imprisonments and the executions of dissent, academicians, including many historians. 29 00:04:25,460 --> 00:04:30,840 So it was not good for any historian and not only, yes. 30 00:04:30,950 --> 00:04:35,870 To write in the Soviet line, which was Russian by fact. 31 00:04:37,790 --> 00:04:44,420 History was a special priority for the government, since it was used to justify the official ideology. 32 00:04:45,110 --> 00:04:47,660 To what extent this government took control? 33 00:04:47,780 --> 00:04:57,230 Well, it seemed from the rules for senior member of the Soviet academic, Dr. Boris Becker, which is that in 1953, 34 00:04:58,790 --> 00:05:07,729 the ideas expressed by Joseph Stalin invoke Marxism in questions of language theology, especially about bias. 35 00:05:07,730 --> 00:05:15,410 And so the substructure compelled historians to think a lot clarified in the revised Iliad in their books. 36 00:05:16,310 --> 00:05:23,180 Historians of the USSR all must revise the question of feudalism genetics. 37 00:05:26,680 --> 00:05:31,960 Some in the USSR, all historical institutions were extremely politicised. 38 00:05:33,010 --> 00:05:40,330 Many Soviet officials and propagandists came to their positions after graduating from historical faculties. 39 00:05:41,050 --> 00:05:52,090 In this Soviet climate, modern Russian historical vision was secured as the only one possibly possible. 40 00:05:53,470 --> 00:06:02,440 However, I would not call the Soviet historical school the cradle or the only cradle of the more than the Russian vision 41 00:06:02,440 --> 00:06:10,450 of history since the Soviet one was just a further development of what had begun in the Russian Empire. 42 00:06:13,560 --> 00:06:19,860 So the basics of the historical image of Russia is the most direct descendant of Kievan Rus was 43 00:06:19,860 --> 00:06:28,440 shaped in the 18th and early 19th centuries by historians hired and controlled by Russian Chrome. 44 00:06:29,850 --> 00:06:33,780 So who were the main figures who began to write this kind of narrative? 45 00:06:39,020 --> 00:06:48,800 Gerhart Friedrich Millet, historiography of the Russian history historian of the Russian historiography of the Russian state. 46 00:06:50,030 --> 00:06:59,509 And like the Royal Court, historiography throughout the 19th century was developed further in the Moscow University and academia, 47 00:06:59,510 --> 00:07:01,340 which were on the control of the government. 48 00:07:02,550 --> 00:07:13,190 I mean, of course, if you are in the court, Sara or Cesar, you want to please him because he hired you and. 49 00:07:13,490 --> 00:07:17,030 Well, you write what he wants, actually. 50 00:07:19,330 --> 00:07:29,830 So Russian propaganda for a long time claimed that Ukraine culture was just the subsequent branch of Russian culture which allegedly appeared. 51 00:07:30,160 --> 00:07:39,160 Do you read directly from Hill in the 14th century when the Polish, Lithuanian and mainly Russian elements mixed in the Ukraine. 52 00:07:41,260 --> 00:07:50,710 But it's not what historically happened. Russia denied the Ukrainian language being direct descendant of the early Slavonic language, 53 00:07:51,280 --> 00:08:00,400 deprived Ukrainians of their medieval history of statehood and represented Ukraine as a comparatively young and secondary culture. 54 00:08:01,900 --> 00:08:12,430 More than Putinism claims that Ukrainian nation appeared only 100 years ago as project of Austrians for Germans or whatever. 55 00:08:13,600 --> 00:08:18,310 However, the ancestors of the Ukrainians never left Ukraine. 56 00:08:19,810 --> 00:08:34,120 And so the modern historical image of Russia as the main descendant of the early Eastern Slav and Slavic state rules was born in highly politicised, 57 00:08:34,510 --> 00:08:43,030 non-academic conditions. So it must be critically revised for the sake of academic dignity and just. 58 00:08:46,100 --> 00:08:56,210 One could see that Russia benefited from this artificially created historical image of the appropriate and the medieval history of the Eastern Slavs. 59 00:08:56,690 --> 00:09:02,270 Russian culture became more attractive to the outer world of the country. 60 00:09:02,420 --> 00:09:11,930 The longer history always has advantages in cultural diplomacy, making this culture more visible to the world. 61 00:09:13,010 --> 00:09:23,630 Unfortunately, before this war, Russia succeeded in any form in this for a long time and did it at the expense of others. 62 00:09:26,830 --> 00:09:35,290 So the Russian historical outlook, this well-known article of Putin on the historical unity of Russians and Ukrainians, 63 00:09:35,860 --> 00:09:43,719 is set up in line with Russia's imperial and colonialist history justifying the renewal 64 00:09:43,720 --> 00:09:50,709 of the historical cycle just by gathering the all Russian lands or conquering Ukraine, 65 00:09:50,710 --> 00:09:55,450 including cleaning it, cleaning it from Western influence. 66 00:09:56,770 --> 00:10:00,040 It represents Putin as a gatherer of Russian lands. 67 00:10:00,400 --> 00:10:11,320 Unfortunately, Putin's historical speech reflects what has been presented in the Russian literature in academic writing, 68 00:10:11,800 --> 00:10:20,740 of course, corrected by state at the appropriate moments, school textbooks and visual culture for decades. 69 00:10:22,330 --> 00:10:31,420 This commonly accepted history is responsible for the climate of opinions in modern Russia, which favours Putin and his aggressive policy. 70 00:10:37,430 --> 00:10:43,879 So at least one of the Slavic culture originated in Ukraine in the Times, 71 00:10:43,880 --> 00:10:50,720 predating any way we can tradition in this region from the proto into Europeans who would come here 72 00:10:50,960 --> 00:10:57,620 from rivers or dawn and Volga or penthouses and mixed with local cultures existing in Ukraine. 73 00:10:57,800 --> 00:10:59,510 In Poland since the Stone Age. 74 00:11:03,740 --> 00:11:16,640 So there are two main theories of academic in academic writing, each of which includes Ukraine as a homeland of Slavs and any of them includes Russia. 75 00:11:18,140 --> 00:11:22,820 So the homeland was either in Ukraine or more probably in western Ukraine. 76 00:11:22,830 --> 00:11:31,010 In Poland. Between order Vistula and neither there are many things. 77 00:11:31,520 --> 00:11:44,240 Prudent. This of course from opening me to even the answer to a linguistic go deeper and follows the unbroken evolution of archaeological cultures. 78 00:11:49,030 --> 00:11:59,440 All of this. So this. So there is no evidence that Ukrainians once came to their land and as, for example, Hungarians did once. 79 00:12:02,140 --> 00:12:07,660 From the fifth to seventh century of common euro, the slaves moved from their homeland in several directions, 80 00:12:08,440 --> 00:12:14,620 and in the second half of the first millennium of the Common Era, expanded. 81 00:12:14,620 --> 00:12:18,550 Slavic communities began to develop their own early state formations, 82 00:12:19,360 --> 00:12:27,430 one of which eventually became known as given the rules which the Russian official history appropriated in the 18th century. 83 00:12:29,790 --> 00:12:33,750 Russia. History denies Ukraine its medieval statehood and culture. 84 00:12:34,350 --> 00:12:41,880 The Soviet side claims that Ukrainians appeared in the 14th century on the ground of the Kievan Rus remnants. 85 00:12:42,420 --> 00:12:49,020 The state which was Russian by its nature. So the Russian culture was the only direct successor. 86 00:12:49,680 --> 00:12:58,920 Well, as Dr. Robert McGoldrick says in the Russian version of the report about the Russian version of the history, quote, 87 00:13:00,330 --> 00:13:10,590 the political and cultural traditions of living dual entity were subsequently carried almost forcibly, forcefully by the eldest brother. 88 00:13:10,650 --> 00:13:19,320 The Russians forced through the Muscovite state, later through the Russian Empire, and most recently by its Soviet successor state, 89 00:13:20,280 --> 00:13:26,909 that Putin's propaganda claims that Ukrainian nation built only 100 years ago and developed due to the 90 00:13:26,910 --> 00:13:33,650 Bolsheviks decriminalisation policy when the Russian nation was ahead of its launch once solvent. 91 00:13:33,690 --> 00:13:43,260 Yes, history going back to the medieval Kievan Rus, where all people from Baltic to Black Sea spoke the same old Russian language, 92 00:13:43,500 --> 00:13:48,510 which is mythical to the concepts of the common Russian language in the Middle 93 00:13:48,510 --> 00:13:54,800 Ages and the imperial rules as the Russian state are both historically incorrect, 94 00:13:55,440 --> 00:13:58,890 but neither by historical evidence, not logic. 95 00:14:00,480 --> 00:14:08,130 Roughly the same Russian mythology actually filled the early medieval key when the rules with the early, 96 00:14:08,820 --> 00:14:16,260 modern or late medieval Muscovite culture that various habits Imagination's language would have its own. 97 00:14:20,000 --> 00:14:33,020 And it was all in the Soviet hands and the Russian mass culture of the 20th century cinema, pictures, literature and in historical reconstructions, 98 00:14:33,020 --> 00:14:39,260 for example, I guess with the reconstruction of the young for the wise was reconstructed with Russian baths. 99 00:14:39,950 --> 00:14:43,429 Well, there is no evidence at all about such. 100 00:14:43,430 --> 00:14:51,590 But, she said, unfortunately, modern Western cinema just adopted this Russian product. 101 00:14:51,950 --> 00:15:00,740 For example, the Vikings TV show used Russian places to reconstruct medieval Kiev. 102 00:15:02,180 --> 00:15:12,129 Well. What rules have been key in the late 19th century that Russian statehood was a think of a distant 103 00:15:12,130 --> 00:15:19,500 future being initially established in the 12th century by the medieval state centred in Kiev. 104 00:15:19,510 --> 00:15:29,020 Roose penetrated that region and was originally based on non Slavic cultures, subjugated and christianised by elites. 105 00:15:30,280 --> 00:15:38,140 The King Vladimir Multnomah, who ruled in the 12th century from 1114 to 1125, 106 00:15:38,890 --> 00:15:46,690 called the Directorate Vallis, which means terra incognita, literally somewhere beyond the forest. 107 00:15:49,090 --> 00:15:59,860 According to a Russian imperial historian, the first Russian prince was controlled by the state who ruled in 12th century. 108 00:16:01,090 --> 00:16:10,450 In the 1930s, Soviet scholars reconstructed the face of Volkanovski using his skull and discovered that 109 00:16:10,450 --> 00:16:17,740 he had had Mongolian braids because it did not correspond with the official historian. 110 00:16:18,430 --> 00:16:28,390 They began to claim that Boogaloo as a descendent of Vladimir the baptised had a Slavonic cranial shape. 111 00:16:30,790 --> 00:16:42,220 Several years ago, Russian historian Igor Lipski noticed the illogical, dubious conclusion, according to the Primary Chronicle. 112 00:16:43,190 --> 00:16:49,630 Well, not Russian, but Primary chronicles Vladimir and his descendants, though not Slavs, 113 00:16:49,900 --> 00:17:01,660 but had mixed genes from different nations Scandinavians, Germans, Greeks or which Slavic ones were a minority at all. 114 00:17:03,160 --> 00:17:07,740 Of course, Soviet historians knew this very well from the Primary Chronicle. 115 00:17:07,780 --> 00:17:15,850 Its very well known historical source, but there were topics which were not allowed to write in the use of stuff. 116 00:17:16,540 --> 00:17:22,810 The case with Maigret shows again how Soviet scholars will read it to falsify history. 117 00:17:23,170 --> 00:17:23,850 It's union. 118 00:17:23,860 --> 00:17:32,769 It is the ideological and political line of the state which claimed and insisted on that boogaloo whisky was a slope Slavic prince from Slavic, 119 00:17:32,770 --> 00:17:40,450 whose dynasty I mean, all the all the standpoint would provoke persecution. 120 00:17:43,630 --> 00:17:48,459 In reality, Bogoljubov did not consider Kiev his home city or capital. 121 00:17:48,460 --> 00:17:58,750 So in 1169 he sucked in plunder with devastating charges and taken away huge booty and golden goose relics. 122 00:17:58,960 --> 00:18:11,620 Wow. Nevertheless, it did not prevent the Russian Orthodox Church from canonising him in 18th century while they lived in other problems about the 123 00:18:13,000 --> 00:18:24,820 colonisation of saints or in some in some situations they are some people could not be canonised because of the some government. 124 00:18:28,090 --> 00:18:34,330 So that Russian history must have had a radically different historical narrative within the state and put the starting point. 125 00:18:39,740 --> 00:18:43,430 So another question. What was the original language of this loss? 126 00:18:44,090 --> 00:18:52,669 So did the Russian propagandists say the proto Russian and the old Russian spoken only by ancestors of Russians, 127 00:18:52,670 --> 00:19:02,870 Ukrainians and Russians, which is so existing that the stricken role, it was impossible to have such language in conditions. 128 00:19:03,290 --> 00:19:06,530 I mean, one language, you know, in conditions. 129 00:19:11,160 --> 00:19:22,790 Where the territory goes. But first one, 1500 kilometres between even longer and the population also scores scarce with weak communications, 130 00:19:22,830 --> 00:19:26,340 natural barriers and long distances between communities. 131 00:19:28,260 --> 00:19:35,540 And so the Dr. Daniel Linsky also notices this. Also, one should consider the diversity of cultures, including female ones. 132 00:19:37,620 --> 00:19:43,740 Numerous regional delicacies used to be within the homeland, which we can loosely call one language. 133 00:19:44,250 --> 00:19:48,750 And the homeland, as I showed before, did not include more than Russian territory. 134 00:19:49,500 --> 00:19:55,890 The fifth century of common era, the proper Slavic language was integrated into several zones of domains, 135 00:19:56,220 --> 00:19:59,910 at least to the proto German fragmented list. 136 00:20:00,210 --> 00:20:05,600 Sorry. So one can agree with the sometime canonical properties of this area. 137 00:20:06,060 --> 00:20:16,950 We have evidence that that in the sixth century of common era actors in Slovenia who lived in Homeland this early Slavs spoke the same language. 138 00:20:21,360 --> 00:20:29,370 But that language was fragmented, fragmented in dialects, and was not spoken on the territory of modern Russia. 139 00:20:30,750 --> 00:20:37,469 During migrations from the first of seven centuries of Europe, the original Slavic language changed, 140 00:20:37,470 --> 00:20:42,720 absorbing new realities and local languages, thus giving birth to useless the Slavic languages. 141 00:20:43,650 --> 00:20:46,890 The division of Slavic languages is a matter of systematised. 142 00:20:47,130 --> 00:20:53,610 Of course, if you have many things, you need to synthesise them to have some audit knowledge. 143 00:20:54,300 --> 00:21:00,450 The division into Eastern, Southern and Western Slavs is just one of the classifications. 144 00:21:01,860 --> 00:21:10,290 One of the theories which by the way, is based on modern political thought for a logical approach. 145 00:21:11,550 --> 00:21:14,190 Due to the circumstances in which it was formed, 146 00:21:17,820 --> 00:21:25,680 the three or three unit classification was shaped from the early 19th century to the early 20th century. 147 00:21:26,730 --> 00:21:32,640 As Dr. Film chose and was based more on geographical locations than linguistic features. 148 00:21:33,300 --> 00:21:36,990 Since that time, it has provoked much criticism. 149 00:21:38,790 --> 00:21:49,899 Um, I would like to put Dr. Alexander to this approach to not ignores differences with sliding subgroups, for example, 150 00:21:49,900 --> 00:21:57,820 something Slavic peculiarities from the central Slavic dialects or original transitive status of Slovenian language, etc. 151 00:21:58,120 --> 00:22:08,740 This led one studies, especially in mis misled by the identification of the Eastern Slavic language group. 152 00:22:09,400 --> 00:22:17,410 You can one if you are the groups. No Slavic language possesses the status of absolute hagemann in this group. 153 00:22:17,710 --> 00:22:28,450 All this peculiarities from the very origin of the three or the three classification condition until now are represented by only one language Russian. 154 00:22:28,930 --> 00:22:35,320 The main factor is political and what has led to the ruling interpretation. 155 00:22:36,190 --> 00:22:40,780 Superficial understanding of the grammatical system of the Russian language 156 00:22:41,050 --> 00:22:46,510 is enough for understanding the communities of all Eastern Slavic languages. 157 00:22:50,140 --> 00:23:00,150 Well. But the Ukrainian and Russian languages are very different. 158 00:23:03,570 --> 00:23:11,160 Well, according to some according to one standpoint, they have only 50% of common. 159 00:23:11,310 --> 00:23:16,889 Come on, girls. Come on. Vocabulary. It is debateable question. 160 00:23:16,890 --> 00:23:25,200 To what extent Russian is close to Ukrainian? The sector of the Slavonic language reveals a certain distance between them. 161 00:23:25,800 --> 00:23:27,840 In the ninth century of common era. 162 00:23:28,470 --> 00:23:36,270 Cyril and Methodius invented the written language based on one of the conservative dialects of old Bulgarian language. 163 00:23:39,950 --> 00:23:45,979 So it's called the Slavonic Short Slavonic because it was used only in George in 164 00:23:45,980 --> 00:23:53,930 Bruges literature was the Christian version of Rose in the 10th century in 1988. 165 00:23:54,470 --> 00:24:01,880 Well, this language became widespread in reading tradition in Ukraine. 166 00:24:01,940 --> 00:24:05,640 The situation turned out to be a disaster for the spoken language. 167 00:24:05,660 --> 00:24:12,740 The old Ukrainian, which could not develop its literary forms because of the domination of the dead George Slavonic. 168 00:24:15,230 --> 00:24:22,430 Since the spoken language the world dramatically since the fourth century of common era, on the basis of which the choice of when it was created. 169 00:24:25,050 --> 00:24:36,380 So Ukrainian or what that medieval version of Ukrainian language became hardly compatible with the church or old Slavonic in Russia. 170 00:24:36,890 --> 00:24:43,430 The situation went radically opposite Church Slavonic originally and easily mixed 171 00:24:43,430 --> 00:24:49,250 with the local dialects close to it due to the long dissolution of those tribes. 172 00:24:50,150 --> 00:24:55,760 That is why Russian contains more Church Slavonic elements than any other Slavic language in Eastern Europe. 173 00:24:56,540 --> 00:25:05,899 There is even opinion that Russia is no more than involved Church Slavonic and then before Church Slavonic. 174 00:25:05,900 --> 00:25:11,990 Russian tribes did not speak any Slavic language at all, being exclusively keynote speakers. 175 00:25:12,620 --> 00:25:15,980 Well, that is the most extreme opinion I heard. 176 00:25:17,450 --> 00:25:24,349 He made the case to the full medical and lexical impact of church. 177 00:25:24,350 --> 00:25:28,340 Slavonic is one of the factors and may be the strongest one. 178 00:25:28,850 --> 00:25:37,130 Russian and Ukrainian spoken languages became so different in the late 17th century that in the late 17th century, 179 00:25:37,310 --> 00:25:41,240 both nations used interpreters to understand each other. 180 00:25:41,540 --> 00:25:54,410 And even now, after centuries of justification, the Russians hardly understand or don't understand the total Ukrainian language. 181 00:25:54,560 --> 00:26:00,020 Unless those Russians have Ukrainian relatives or lived in Ukraine for some period. 182 00:26:03,380 --> 00:26:04,280 Thank you for your attention.